Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 23, 1864, Image 2

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    i Vifj'lllu.ill.
.'' . -. .. , ,, V ' - Iff' 1 .(I. Il ii'P i..'iiii tn cf ilri'ii!' in, ni!..M.-i li-n.-r ti-.t.n tint !i,ii.mi J.r.ti,' " ' ml-itn ti. ti nih lli.U tlm Ad-
.. ' ' -rf ; ' .' y " tvtel- in the l'i di lot 'f V''. lomlo.i, to .,-r. tl..- '''v. In -. " In. It puii.-J, I'dn'Vi .Hon thI C.i '. h.I.Ii oi hi .i the
V ' ... ('.t', ,. . to ..,,(,., ,,,,,1 r:, i ' ,,,.'. I ? l-ot il.-d ' t." i i v .-n , j,,,i '' It "'.Mill tp.i'.l C 1 1 -in ti at
.-v v.'v .AvN'-'wV.V ' ' ,n ,,',M,W' ,.. I I u t a a i 1 1 I thm won I hnr. 4 WH.tu.,ltv limit. I. 'I I,.. ,.,.
' ' J.vv ei'v, M u" ,!"'v "-V"-'" .I-.. j-l v'. mi. , il... .i-i.,,y i: i; ,, .'..!. ptotuis-l u ,..t.,r. i,.-(...j.t... their
,...".' .a''a', f I h.s i ipioc cpiul to tti.iiiv of the f..r- ,,.,, II, I,.-., tnnoiii-' 'i.l f'Hl'.u,-'n md vuti.l a lliov woto l'in I-
' "' .' .. -. '' .. ...... , .. .. . , 1 ........ i . . ' ..I V.I I
To I' i i r 1 ' Ui ' n t
i .-I; th'' Soli '" .. l!o' I'oi'r I
I a I'OV I H II I'' i'l 1 t
I 'on cm I lol'i if in I l.o t'. i ii i I- i
.il I'M' t i"m'm. 1 "ft. ii'i'l ; I pinem (
1 - i I Y5-.-'V r. 1 t'l t'kb.l I.. l feaft. ....... . .
i -nr .ny iu-i M.ilfU ii.Uii ui.U i..'Mi.",v iiuii.jMiin i .(.T in - 1 i 0 77 11 I n r. Vi t lU-lrt m.
WRfltCt'O. IJ -i(Mi i
-'ill I (1.1.
17 ii n y
til' 1)1
i ii "i' Mr. ?i I. ; i. t li.i
T'orlrrtlnt In Nr. l!ntnt i 1'f
i -W l..:i miij-'v r. "it"! In rmrioil -tio ti. I ;,' ,i.ri. 1 1, ,:)l.y
i' 'nr. ? l. " t, in, i l " ' ri'.Tiru i o o, "i Iv li .ii,v it, 1,1.
l!f I I i i I r.,.,1 ,:.i. I"'V mill" itii .1. I I li i' in I,,,
l I.U-.I H Dm nl., i , I ii,
ri. i U 1 1 tim n nit el yiint'rr i. l"i.i (. f ir r '
1 1 I.l t'M 'y, tlii'ii I' 'li,.,i ,,r l.irrnun m i,4 I
Mi-H H I'.ii, A. I , l 'i I, n"i' l ii fi (, A' t '
tf A-'"til" i T N in Ii It -in, 1 ..i. 1 1. i.i,. t An 1
A, I !! r-:- i I.i t
Lin,, n I " I,
.'. I'll
I . .1.1 In II,
!(.;:MM . ! i:-ii '.'
11. v v, ,
' ' ::i '.' V, .
r! r ivnl'V
. i
i t.i Invo mi'.:!,' r
'i iMk''' ii. A I'oti
V. I, l', II lO'l 4 iiul'i
; .1 in ok .it !'. ' i
'.oioemcnN iti,liivi'i
I.i.-i "s w liC'lo iirmv.
o ir
n ..f
,, .' i'j.
:,n a!-n-h.
f.itlH'.l " Illliif " of I'i'Iiiiiv Tout, mi l I'M'iiIri J.". ! I.o "')
l,.i-t., i .. l.-"''ii,l,iri ,t ,.i,li' lif,v.. l.'l'l' oy llll. I llll I t'll'H
nir' to M'tlO tlnit 'w mil iwr, i.l .K-'.n-i. u -tflt.
iv,m its i'Ii i t' Mill lioi'.
nl t lln'iii ly wliito tno'i itnin aro j!i oi:
to i '.'. in o ii : !V r, iu i'.i: Li.p' l 1 1 1 ;- t i -
' l iti'i'i tor tl.fv re; 1 1
II.. .; ., .,,.i
! woi 1 I, ut li.i ..... 1
1,0 i.'i I, i ul tii Il ulh ii lli: ... Jl.i iii,iiir lit
li i t li iii.ioii v i' -' 1 1 i ; i in. i' :li to .,.H ,i
ii:'o ' I' : l.o " 1 1 hi. i' i ti hr i t.'i i,s,'' ',,'j 1 1 (!
Ai ool'J:iiv' to lii.s l.i, m; , 1 1 .' ;.-ii or." I -it .1:1 u..t f-illiov i i.o i c-oi o.t o m
!. ijl.t r puvi!i k'o-- loo!' mufct I o mvot il- , f Voi.n.' Nctor, I y t lc;ti,T tin-".tt-cnio"
all. I l' 111 111, Coll',llfli I j d;,J ,,t ( ,;(.
ii j ) i in k ii.t i I'm lai U' ;'' tint in ni ,..-
llllO I, 111, , llo il.'A ,,,V V I, I I ),' f tlt.'lv I'.'l-
ii-l,i'il ui- tutu alnict U ailiittj:uii, col In in hoc nf .n., mi.! rooi-iv 1 tin; t'tt.tiriion :('
o.i'sau- n-t nv Mt for Kulio-. i Lic'i no 1 '"'"'i lal i.. l.-s ; i....i n fov L!
:-"iUioiii:in ib iiornul loil tvi ciiior iinu -i i:e
Ion. a laily in oliOi.o. l'.ut ni
y ttiis i'.i o, uny ihrty, j.'naMy, nink
r.oi'io oaii i nlev "ui.v t .r '' l:o chien. ''" W,,"''V :o-tun.v.- I . tho rliiniorii
ton a.'i'o-H Iim iiii'inon' liK3 tiii tlioim lit.-
Will not ci-iaiiiile 1 t'O.ij lo oon ln'gin lo o! ii.l n.oy in l!i li.ii itdo.'.l af (,f li!o.
'All . " - m i.l ho. in Iniif .LvaKotiuilJcli',!
liis an i I . t'.li'uo'l to I i.f H "I'l'-lnui aliii'ios
i;i I;-,
li.'i,. I lin - 'n,
ti in. A. Aiii "ii,
lli'ivinmii 1. 1., J
.'"In. Hull,,".,
Jioi.i'i r. N- ii'in
K.o I urn S It i i lid
I .l -ill I Ai'ii'it,
,l. Il f.v (.,
j-.i uii i
.l.'l.n .-'-li.-.-.r,
lllinin lit I I.
t!;tti jci tiitiiin nf troop uml puri'toix ol t-vhni.ii!, . . ,. ' .ii ( ; v., in in, ii r,
v,..y w..ii, tiioii; v,iv n ,11(..,v., .' !;;J lll.'''i""'
nil , . , , I'av i, JiiliiHi'ii,
oi.l.l, I; i-i ii on mi,.!,o j. uu ji,,,,,,
ii't'.nv li" ii an.l nuuiev "li) rany old'- ,n,(
li.'l.i " ill Ilia Way ? l lioy know tliat Ci.nt-.. Ala.'rl,
initio j"'"r in l.iiioiil:)' liaii'U iiiojih AiLnnini li'lm -cr,
' ' i Ol'H'OI' 'U t 10 I l'i iolllf.l to
r.'nit li.iln, I Lis w at. I a 11 Intf n-
'i."l t.i tl.. fit eti..t, ii-. if i: I, o .iiift mi i.t'i
I, 1 n't.'lnlt i i v ,. y .!!, I ! ; 4 rulili l!y
ni t I 'o.l, tli .t t!,.. A'l'.iiiiiii:.i inn poit
n l I it HI La' I :i ttiillimi of in, . lit v i"
' . ' i ',i("oalioi;s 'iroiiiul U';:.-liii
im m--.. i..'1'i- n.a'.rf 1 uii-1 i il in 1 1 a
r l"r in nM.iolv. mid '.lie cvu.luctor, nui i.r.y oil.t r pcion, :
li:oi' h r.'.i otlii'i' uruiy t.ewi ol i.-rprit- t.ln tny .IV
I r i f'nn , r i irommt i.o.'i :. tn.pnntr b.-iifi o,, i e luivs U-on telling them
;"'v Vo'k l',il!u." cvvt.injf i.,l luf ;,( t.:.t Htocc Ali..lui..uui are
fnn-. .!!y p. ro.n .t.'.l Unit t nllonmn fo;- lj:inri. W(.t0 ,.,s .... , rltl.
iitioa t
, ofnioil .lilv a.i.l linio. V. r. ho inu.k.. !" Vl)l1 " !''i 'poltiat i"H r.f his . w . Vi.rn.l.
''"J-"t5 lj '....nli'ii i' j,tio.-,l np.iitio.i in !'' l-It'-v? Why, for tin- loi.son j,' ,irv p'01"'
km I u.-; thet'r iimlan li.'Miv-i'"iil'l..l i'lilaivt.,!..' f" ' ,Vl1 over lioa-ti, lint II. U irr..l,
'I ov of l.i-i ,l,iii) nti'l visionarv
i vjiov vsiih the :vii'in,(., i kIiIhu. fi'l-
to vo.i' oil ino war, inoy mv, (tonus u ou;i- i- t iii,, ....
son' t" ilifiinitin ! a faililov ! J L 14 Cltiu.liui' imrnuiy,
W'ni' in ill-.iiliion, .Suppose V'O M't'li! lo Kitbaiil Mi.eiui.,
haio j e.ioo tu inorrinv, vvouM we li'U have
niro i fa f'nion wo h.-ivo to-tnv ? : Murcli !. ISfii.
W nniM h'lvo in'.fi'oouihp Lf teon llm
111 't ' 'f 1 11 I " K I ,0 111 , y , ,n
Wti.i.lAHtii In i , 'JiVi tn.
1 1 - ti i ii i-. ,,
J. Iii t, .ill .!', l,.,
M, .1 j. nil.', a...
L'i. i i'Iiivi i!it, .1 ,
t 'in m i li -i nk', U...
l. Ifii II 1 1', .1 1.
l-.yl"i I. iw ti, tl ,,
'li.ii, tli.
I'"':'. tlu.
k li.i.
I'. IHO ill.', (1,1.
I'ni"n. ilo.
I.uinl tr Coy, do.
l-uilier.-bai,;, d.-.
'1 r 'itii ,.li', do.
Km ill nil i, do.
t 'k'liilUM k .r i. il.
llm liAide, 'I )
(lllflidl, tl".
llrA,li,.rJ, '.In,
llraij, ,...
t u: u .111.1 i'.'.i', it,..
Uirar'J, il .
l)"C.iur, .1...
Ch-.ii, .1 .
l'lko, di.
Cuvin'o'i, MiTi'tiitild.
t'ltai !i'.il. .iliTfumiltf.
1;. KrZWKH.KK,
'F,CittLiSLn 6 ft
:!::; ! '; tj::.s.v rmnr
'!(, A it
houii-! '
I : I ' , . ; i . , . . . U!.
llac rot'oivoj nnj ..., .
uii-Anisr, AM) MO.ST season
t"""".'"""""-''on ',,,,,.
m,. i'rcv.ilfiicy, nitl.out rou'aiil tn the uc
:i. n of the !ioi"it lioan Convontinn til Hal
tViiori' n .luno pul forth ti pki!-r-
.i. i f pv'!n,'ij.lei, notno of llm -.'in '.4 of
nii'jii kit Mr. Lincoln nunro :n lhi fkict',
shild otiicin ct tiiom g ) in for negro rrjua!
: y tviili. at uiy re-li iotini. Horace
G. i .'Ay mi Jn it-ioti iho iiiKting in wired
ho is iponc 1 m nyiti tliat h "i ru'err
t I inroln lo any oilier Ht puhlican,"
1 ho ilci'.ioii in Harti'iirg on Kri'lay
las', rt'fjltt j in a spli'i: .l.d Iieiuot'i dtic vio
tory ,
u!so, in Yen It.
I'iiin in Nn i-to-vn.
"1 :it?t j i a gooJ lime cmitip, ho; ."
the paj.eit
bund do ? "
Tooh: I'ooh :
nant rejoinder," " I mil not so fani!r fot.l
vd us I wus once, oiihtr by men or l!;eo
coi'perhead noivhjiniiers. I wurrnr.t r.ono
oliii j'lij ori jrive fti.y ui:h report-,"
" There you me oj;:akn, Mrs. A," re-
'CTJFwTIN AND NO DRAFT- " plied Mi .. li, " for I i end no other papers,
We ell remeniivr Inn faniilUr this cry f-u it was in ii.r impcrs, m ou cull the
wr.3 wilh the Ak..!itionit last full. "F.Wct and th 7V. ..r.t; that I read ihe
vood ami the war will ke j-rolonred n'lT thi eiy ei niiig."
I- tior O'.it of this nlrwaily hnll'-ori! itton : I oau : 111 iie it to Voting
Nofior, II, . as ll" saying i and tlm
Ik tliols l".iil.'--(lfVll, Hjlloli- I'll UlaivW
k llll SMIlal t that I Wok" S I sfoilo.iiji ,
la-lei. Ami if,, m'ii tho (l.iities nn.i
.boi. Mis. D, nnnouoc'd lo llil?. ini-nn i-hors io tnako: Tain
vo or o:.r no ami h-lvii ; llo syn, 1 u..i:i'.'
Nostoraiol Fxlino has ,! r.m'n tl( Inr'-) v
on i:iv unartor. v h-i! .t tVoblf ''voiin. il. it
" Alas ! I four," fnid Mrs. B, " it is too i for a in an who writes soI.i.oij akiross
tiuc. Thuuivn u' ilisiriie, and so do e !in fxi'iisi; whioh fails to neiiiove t ho
point you so nidoiuly kujicl for. Von
i ...
literature. I enn 1'uikl ft eramllv cvnivval "tinnn. Hint would l one utep in nd-
... r i : . : . r . it- :
iuin; ui inn i t. in 1 1 tain. iiii. tti (ti mi nil,
could tikti iho views of all imrties - -
That would he mint tier step toward Un
t-"AH a niikiiike! A false report!
Not a word of truth in it ! ' sa d Mi-. A,
w hen her no:
hrr that a dmlt for half a million men
had been oidered.
Annual 7'uJ.ii 'It 1;;C1.
c . . . . . ... . - t -'
ion, ior mere enn n no l nmn except it l.w rrlatlvu tu the m.-f ssmonl af Miinu:il t:iic,
prenipposej un intt'reliaii"0 ot H'nti-; Ily tlm iixth mjciien (,f llm m't uf July 1 , 1 102
rTHI! nlli rition r.f In x
1 t( (ln i-mviMuiiB or thrt'l'nir.Ml Siuti- Km eo lLUkL'" AUu AND QL'KK;...!
n i 1 1 1 .-. I'oiu'n it -el would bo tho veiy " ls ti i .! Un' duly nl' a!l iifii...ti, artnrr.-liii'i', i F ai (3 3 in' P l
lirst hlop fiw..rtli IV.on, lis war was lirU!"' r corpora tinn?, nnolii ! i i V 3 t' tl 1 g f t
tko very l.,t a"L in the rorii'iHoe of did- !' "-v ,l"'nu,,11 '!".; ;censo, or uu, or I '
and IIoi.ip Skir.'s' !
i ,. . .i i . ,l t "r" Jt'iiiiiiiy "i jiBV n citi'ii viii- id niaK'i a r . . .. . I
I iio peopte imi-t bo nimio to nr.- n.. .i... ; - .,. . Ilr.i.- Vn P Vo. ...I
. i.T. . uuiiii im i.i" ihi.-iiiui, ni.K'ri.'r iii iiii iiuuu.iiitui' ii?,u, re l' i b
. . "-i-'i ij.i ," .
Oil I rhnt will my poor hu-
. 1 1. . I .. . .1 .. . I , r
liliiupill llll' pi t piii WDlliil llllor III;-I V'HI
were not a nti'iiili itod recipient !'.
was Mm. An wlic- l.iina'i uifis. l'.ut tin-bust h,iv la Unni ,"Uu'l"':,;llt
a i'titl is tosay lotthin.' n him. An.l ' I , - f U 11 i-'1 "'I'oli as IMukir. ;
lieve 1 will lot tins snaili-i'! lViinv.a-!ii,..r ff its ulter :,l,..i.rd:ty. II,"
fo forwhat ke w ill fetch-" his n.-.toiii i- . !t ti the U, sn-J hn been Ipini the
ior lio ti oi ins riainp lit A-ic-n. a i-nrrti I-
n 1 1. 1. i s t -in. i tl,, a tlio I nion can b. nl.tain., l.i,i,.t ahvio ItM-Mfd of ih nnmut i.f annual j
o l llir.iio'h l'.':i(-c, and only thii iipll l't ai'O. ' i:. rum.', tho i.iii.:lea or olijueu churgi.l with a
'A hv, lii'-n, il l w.' I' .i I iho nrrant nor,-' f Jioci-ij tax, nr.d th.: lusiLibj cr occuemiuu kiMe :
.(list; i'i ti.o War l tn"d:itic papern thai : !'"' ""' ll:tnt. j
10 i to;, the w;u' is to C'lisrnl to disiini'in ? l-tn-ry ppi,,i, who il.ull fail Li milfc mob ro- ,r,T-s f. r ts- i 1vw,ts .
urn or u.e any p"'cii..:i will !. imi.;. la li, iuuijjjv
T i 1 t I . kl,,i. I I... I 1 ... 1 . a '
-"..'"....' ""'... l l'!--iMll.u 3H,,,.J hv Al,i' fi,.,.,,r.l .,:, I lh I....
"ellO.'l-ltl ri'l'Wli, WHl.euJ ii,f,.r.i.t.ti..'.. !.,..!. 1. ,.l ,.l i ... .1
a nuuiO'iil i-a.o tl." A.nw .r ii rt"uircil 1 1 u'lH iPty for ren
in. I lo tro'li tLH ;o t"i ainaunt of !ln m ins uf ?ii"li li.-
ed bv-.lio!:ti
Eio. "i-t him wi;:lt; a' L- rili.'
I l.y-A i m.)1 1 1 i,'i: istii j en in enue ivori:' to
;:i) lidii.'-ti r men into 'ini-espec:.
I.V" ui' i ! the B( h and on!v i-.b.itao. to
t. union, ami everv tkiv, eyeiy h ur ( f iis
."onliniiineo, it si ilio.;in;! the cult Lelern
tlifl i,rc:i,.na wider and wider. Whv.
it.ei. no i.i'-nirrritd f;ij poit V.
tn.imi nt? Z).:v 1? ;.!;.
jT a tin s
" A hoax ! a hcax ! 1 lay my life it it, a
Lout 1 " was .'.Irs. A's tiiumt haul ejioula
ti ni. " i!ov rid.oul.ius I Why I uni .is! n
ishod to foe hew littlo :t t.-.kes to deceiie
li. . . t :. i.. . -ii. .... .- i- i i . -. i - . i . ,
C2St ttjfrr Vl-tv lor'.keALo- r '" I 1 'J'.o. n ca.u . ee pusll'e ..- iu , i i,i t'l.ti Unit Uifoi
li.'.t anothtr drhft pIilo! i 1 ' (r It-red
t ve.M, wis t!i..:r on-. "Hut elect L ur-
t:n, ai d r.o moie diaft" will t o net.i-.i."
U:. .'oriiir-ati:', t-.o m.iry vct'-is wore
i'Kr, !e e:.o.:jii to I o.d !l.e-o i-rotni s.
As I L-ok fiotu a windo.v ut n.y illmv I
see the white flake of clitterir," fiio.v
we.,daV their wa r.-.pMiy K.-rnnph the! Ad Jrtss of the Gove n:cr of Kentucky.
chili v, al:iiosj,l:cro to the 'lo-m I knt -.1 t- i .. i . i .i. c
, ,, ' .. . " i , t ut .i.i Or v. t ianilolte has in: t issued the fol
tutu ruin ti c- nniien iv.-.iin loo liei int
Km" jinuou h fhnii d. -liver lo un Asi-."ir
ttE.v fulx! t.r frn'id u Ion l hrt or fluuoi.t! I, wilii
ii.liTt to cvait' ti e v'tluati'.".. r,r un'oie'riti ia re
nmn d ly l:nv, ij Ful j.Ht to e tuioid live huail.-f.i
Ji.:!a-ti ; :ml in : u, h u.-o !hs lift will . u,.i i.i
out hy tbo AFfi.-..r cr AsUt;it .Afss'ir, tin I
fr.'in the i n'.uiiit'Hi end eDum-;ri;uL i aiaie
t!.- rtt ran l.o im Hi-pra!.
1'iiyii'wiit '.f tl i. ttiiniutl iftsi-s, K?j t I h .- r f ir
iirenfi'S, will net bo demanded unl.l t'u thirtifl'u
d;.y of June.
I ilo arr.ritr.ftt blaak on aieti to ronim ru- viiu.-oii. i WiHll) t Mil
j a, VI van.j.j.v
SCJI()(.)L-1!0(JKS STATIC;' (
DnigCil-.PaintsJ'jUyi; 1
li'tCC-VltVT 'i !; ml 0,rh.$
vales of ti e M ,.I,,,,m, , ' t, ' ! 'I'S aT llTJS to the people of Kentucky lur?, m-l nil rercit.iry inf..rin t;..n " ill ho fur
so.l cnnt.nt-s'uf.icHT.l calorie to'ine't i' ;.,'-wlnth we reM-crt fully dedicate to our , "" ? w J- Ht' n i . '. A,-.-,, ,r
I - . .i ,i , i'"'ii. i.' , ... , , . , , I fur the tirt Lnvi:o:i, to wl.ein th' r.-iurr. i-b-aiht
1: y.ii'i hs sooi, 01 the tiny Hikes ivarh the ' ' : i r.eihkor, a tho last epistle fintn , u ,i,.:iv.ii on ,.r b-firo tho Ui .Mo., J.,y of M,v,
-:on:..k l the air is i . -ol, an 1 prr'inj s ; the ninn wit h 'rl -m Lo was to tEUili in! at Us vffija In Cu'fnillti.
.1 .
:d '. I.fc '. sll L
n oi l,io their j lyous lav.
T'-e' the it :
Il iLsii
...jj V..I not the 7V' ;n.d the 7".
'j-. i.u '.r oiht r i aj-i is -r
r rti ; :.e rtt
T y -c i i:s see h'jwr'fia'.O'Jfly rriikei '.vas
.': ; at cic-ot li'-r, tr.d'viili '.i:t
t:;h. Jsii'wij; cl.v.iiaiy ll.ey p'ejjed tl eo:-fe..-e
to t.i rt.ij.Je that il they tvcui.'.i-i'.t-c:
Cu.-t iii. lur-.- 13 net la tst ull.'.l
i..i.Uf-r dtitii
J'laC", Of tL.
.i h HI
piute :
Tih Cctiler i -it, the
ccc t is- a coi.K j
',, and
men tha;
il tl.s'y Id re-e'ect Cjili.i : '.: ;. t...7 .';
v. d i I'.-i t;i y t.ot te -, '. hint J
IJ li'.v-i.jt.; ! i o :ay row, tha; uno'.lier
-.haft ' livo, would le lo t.i ik
lO.tPt;.- j-'jei-just 1 ul iLe C..J-J t i.t ads
s .v of tkf in orjt. Iw.'.l rw r iit'ivrf tj
th.:t ; : l.d 1 :i'..-e "U to vo. ro.i ie iaitli
. . . ..- - i . . i .
in wi..:'. rr j i till n?, ard n ?. I-t
.- j'.v -il ' .i-v . i.-ri"'.. ti vr.ii I'.t
i o-ii',ike tc'jr.'df u'v. Yojr 1
.11'. i is .Tife."
Tut Mr.--. ?
C..-u'..r:t ?te the p.. nt.
Mr. Lincoln i:.".s
sfvorul l'e-i i tint nts
Ivecitive, Tei:oT'!i''
Ticm tLa P.afttT?-,, :,
V.-jV; TO C-VsTINUL Till! WAR.
E'cct Wvi.-, 1 0 ire. nor r, l'er.r.l
vat. i.i, !.!. . 1 Vailan kr'nr.i Governor "! v.i
Ij, .:ia 1:jo Tur !ii, in i.l'. p. o!j lb.!.! v ot.
pi i !ciij-,ed ;'c: jei.r;. nrd evf ty kL-It-U.u' 1
nia i in I'.yy ( ..:).: have t ! dri".
f '. But i-e-'kct '.'v.r::n in lnt,:y lv ai.i i.
im-leltit Jcl n T;'0:.h ,n (ihi.v and liic
Tcte'.j mil he r: hi; ; t .i La tote Otiris'.tnn, f aid cu this tuljcct, lu hij kiieAiiia..
Jcaus? krw that tuey cannot
Tt'y any 1 .'i--er uf.on the tol of ti.eyni
rilh;:t".s in iheXcrth. neiti.iT woviid th'-te
be r.r.v fe ir nf t .re ri interveiit ). N' l
f i'R iliLIi bRM I S AT I Lli THE r K
"A Kr.i'. i'r.r!-n
"oAnsoiid ited" th n
of ".ioverni.ieiit
aroi vtud oiui as ci'Uij'Irtt ly a ll.ey t-.n
he f.'.ind toe.i-t in any IVspo'.io ti .'.ern-
rrent in Europe. Iltrwhat,
tl e i.Jta i"-v. Mi,
may have to retie ,t to a im.-rc j-tuji cl.tinv
l'.ut J to t thir.K theic oimhi-.j 11.,. is
:!l L.l.'W !' o'tr our fair l'ci,n ! . mi , .
'Ihe r;lii.s:.-d bluf-iord-, too, h.,i
made tlie'.r unrua! visit for a.-i-oior tx
n.t I. lis' f.ioi.ii; a-'.vii(; in. I! e.v th.or
i. vi-cl :-te.i w.t rn ur i . .li tj, iiiici.iit
i ur ::-.ii. Is. I; ,-.o i.. 1 i,.- a I rui il and
I lov'.ly war to i-i.-l.t an 1 1.-: ict,- 1
miJs to-jr.try. :'.t.d in..." rmr piost ,-cts ( I
Lap; mt--. .v(tt l.'.tio, '. hou .hlls.i ,,,.-..
tot , e i-.. -ill cl j i,- ,,j- t harm -tl Mr.litls
r. i'.u 1 1 . a l tapiuii.'js t'iuotinn wo'. h leu-
ii. li sal- calculate 1 to nojurl. As it is.
we cm lot welfitieyiu with fiii n! ad
:n '.O1.01 ; .1 I Los e- i-:i;cei-ly Lrj-e
that e'ro you t;.ke y oi.r lone i ! our un i
! ivl Vaies, j n ay f-n tl.e our'o .,' n .,r
wr!i ;..ii i'i l.o: i .,,.. viepftrt fnterer. .mi
L'. S. A-'K'ssor 13:h I'.ririct.
M.H.!i 2. l-'i.
our rt e-.
U'uULT- I'.i: iir.QUlIlhli.
ANT I.VEX TIli.'SE H? Will
Ji dues cot take ratio1! io r.nJer
ttand :his j os'lion. and u v-.'.i -.r-
Siii tl irr;r.7 . - C' I T'.-'.f.-f I ni.'rr rr
-r.t jr.d i
e ft.ii '.t r.f c n r.rvi l.nier.t .fore Tr
j ai liot-iit u)a.n fciiolhi-r ttnds t-. c . iis,,ii
il.ite I ho p' rs of all the Tej ariiuenis
in one, Avn mot or.i.Tis. "iuthiR tin;
toni or Govern v em, A UTAI. IM'.Si
-f.u'C aa'.n - roo'i . i: n us i , on a welcome
rtl liitiy j.'iir siitiiin. r rr-oj i . i -i, m ( t ,
. ; v ar i : . e I o f e our ad ;n ir i : ion.
("I., "(."o-'. ' .r:ir? 1 war. 't'-ra-t ! Hi.r.r? '.
Y .ii .ii i -.-t i u...: n . i.'u tl. .- ( a ;- at ;
Put mailt . uoi -i : ' i -y t ca
11." t:uj'.t a:'j:n : i tts't-r r-.'urr.
Tat th and Ht m-v.
T-Ir l'iie lienirnl r...unty I. II hgo p p.-f.-l
cur I o- l o.u:e, and i iK-ah '! -. a la'.v ly
this t tine. 10s ni;,:n t
caiize ail Lount'Ca j'a.d
shirs, w-. rds. h'.r.-.i!-to: , .- i.,.L..v.
love !".-"t fiimticit :
"Ft "'t..' Ci'i.-i'i.t : In vie.v of tlii litiu-; Canveajt
Lance of t he j o mind, pr..(!i'.of d I v . ";y"
tko f nii.llinr-i.t of hlaies for iho army in , 0M L 1 In. Ir .S T IJSl AM IAJ. I
K.Tilocky. it i. uee.iK'd t ni l. i t t" mnkei
tho foiln.v.i',2 s ioct-ti .tis for iho h.'i'ff.t
mi l cji lance tl.e j eople rf Kentucky :
' Your ind ii'iiat !(,n t-hon'd nrt move
von to i.ts f f v loh rce nor lo nt.l.i.vfii! re-si-t.-.i
ce. I'M Etitlin ; s- w e h:i ve ' I iod and
: i : 1 f.-.r tpo ConstiV.ll'iOO. lhl
Uiii.ii art-l i'.:r" f-o o- o-. t if -!,s liws,
lie ii.ii-t r.- . i the t :'i r'.s "f ribi-Lion lo
ov crthti i our 'uit.iaiai.l Jy cur j:a'
lanl sc.ldit is lo th? f.t"'!. rrd r iet and
circet nniui t or lino', i.-1 '! vit ior i.l legisla
tion ! v !r-l at (ftiK lo till I'.'-mstiiuti'in-
al tr.l.iira's rf the rr.oienf. and A Vi t-rv
thronjih ike I fi'.'io-l o in Ike Cv r.-ti'o'ed it-fin.
icoucs lo rot rtLrow llo -e w iio j , i v ei t 'r
abuse li e trust r. mini' ( d lo them."
l ,
! Trunks tj- Ccrjul-Ev
i t
riPlvs, Toll i 'C-j AN'DSE'j.;'',
I . (l
i rih, Suit, mid Xz '
john ii. mm, :
n.S rercnt'r r pi'ntd a Pbo;, in I.-jmhrr City, :
l:tre ke is now f n tsiiiI t.i iiiur. ifa'iari
all yT;r;;. or tlx, siiket
iituy, , cori'K:- km ui:.
Fi.otf;, Vi.i i)
1 CHii'iUlllJ
'.;s. -s-t
' l iiis is tl.e
1 1 1
I run mt
.1.. r f main-
t.iin .r ' t!.- ' o t.s: i i nl k.i; , the I'm, n, and
iii.'i.'t ir.ent ol tl.e law. The
of f tii'i 1 i .r. ji the names of flave.
etl'iot an I liht of the cili7.en.
more sot
does not
No draft
has 1 1 en .irderet noi .Ji we V now thai a ' iti.
I.".To,'r.Tin rvn be irj-!:o 1 ni'h UMTIV
sii r.n ! hi.-6 If iii.T'i. ketpm" a mrj 'v..
iioliTf f r tputir.)f, roun. A.'., ir.'i.-clliioy.
i lii'iie.l. lu'i'.iirlr. pr--niul.r atti'inl.'-l I). As. r arrr.
he intiTils kfi-pinp dm tait llie In ft uf trort- J-fo;
in on. Il.r f.. may rely oa p-u op ' :t r, t i n 1 work. ' "
rcKi'i'pe.6 a:ii u.-aieri sujiri.10 1 at a.
AaJ a'l 'ir i
c .T.E'rv l'.rr
.1'.-' I- ;-t in iirt. i
.: i.;:i,n.:i I
tr .r ii!.',
.1 'f.
diatt w iii 1 e oidered. Il m: y or it may
!,c'. We ihonld at i le by nr.d 1:1 nrt in
the and riui'.vun the tno le n'ovidi-d
Cull nl tha $u,ifantuil Tin Shrp nnd eo fu.
M.iri-lv:, lil-tf.
v .stoit aid to lt-
1 y tC'ui'itcs, io.i n-
f r the reme.iv it atl'orl.
'"If any violence oi wronj to the j enoi
or l rot ertv of the citizens bo ennimiltcJ
by nv ofl.if ror'oldier, acfiinst the known 3 rol lo'tbei t.f Wh.ut for t.ilo &'. Curwo;s
iivscl lio'lin-. nitike vcair i.c.-iisii on O1 1
; r. ll n n.r.'!., . ..." '. . A 1 .. I . J ...!.-
.. . . . -- . i, v .. v , , iv . . : .- - ,i . . . . i v . ti v ;. r. l I I i ' f ...... ... . . . .
ru "f' " ' viHi::fc-v aiura..-i- I rrv otoli j f -.r . VV .1, L- r, o, Ci lf-1 i.t i,., ennvtnae.lii.JI ..n5.., ,f...- - 1..,.. .. "''-"""" '-"'I' - "' pvr e".. l.eea.iso they
, , c - - e s f - . ,.,,i,u,.,7... i, urjin-.i I., .KK
oi unnu iiior;ze.i j ont
Grain and Ftcd for Sale.
I Umbel t f VVIii-ut for .i!t) &'. Curwo;';
I 7(1 ptr t.-jrhfl.
2.IMHI h't-hel i f t'orn nl 11 AD p.r buibiT.
" u tl
c'o.M'j cr
.' "'.' XUti end '
be tJui.c-, are our mse:.! oi '
to ?.v ti.e same. 1. is the tno.M Kturrn- n-n j our utmost ende.ivorj to correct I he
"L:,: .'ior It c- :' j;t ft aramv ; t;c.U5 ?c, fmeof taxii,-.n ard i ubllc plon- ""V,r V t"l;iR,:s "tvi.r Li ounniai d o
for luouch tl.i, in one instance, mav be , , . .. , 1 ., , m eoed. and Land him or them on r to a
the instrument o! ?,H,d. I't.'rviu-T.MiFV - mewiir: nun. llie riv:, n58tI:r.r )!o for (r;a,.'.
r.e vi t-cN '-i t-U-.'.Vc" 'Jerr.n.t'sanui:rr:- i hn . :.r,;i:iiier.t cf i' aJvoja!es thcuh ' When r tlicwllv advised rf the faet.
ii." ' l ot j 'j'clicly tx; res.t-d -is lLat fii ancml tbo Executiveof the Statpwill prefi r char-
!; Wmiili.irn n ro. livin? what a l uiu is ec: lain and iirnvoai.:.i fln,l K.-r. tea ami demand a Co tilt Martial. In the
vencmous "cr j i-crhend'' Lewouid Ir.
Helmut ei Km (hop nt the fame lirlce.
,'.)t) I'is. mixed clifji at 2.i pr cm.
; Fib. ii, i:fi.
r.ery ....!v fi-ei'.,. ti. -r 1'I.oTlo!
lieear.s,. t;.f" r- v.-i . I'. o T rlJ
lb-.- .use th : v k- en th I e-t r i -
Il.-c msft tlie'r l'i L " i i r I .o il n. i l.' .1 fir.j
I'.f cause tliev Vet-. tliv li.tirtrt i.s-i.i:'.'-.';
Ilecauao they Rot N'w " -l- n'c';'.f;
e evev i.'u , . i'.li it:.;' 3 , ,
Uecaoii they take tbe ad ii'i.'r .f tn'i .; j
Uecaasc they n.-t "I'. o sil ; o
1'eeaaf t-vcri a . !y 1.I-. I ' ! '-1-
l't'-.m-e i'.-;. -!! . leapt r th :-.' rt'!: '
: II..,- o:s i t'l.-.r Ol. il.iiio a--, so! eitiii I
"rulritdid i.ot take "much brc.m" in '
uom oi j-ei:,!y. In:? sa:iic jr rcnine w r.
ma le in eery Aid. lien sheet in theSi.tte,
and "ith the fr.u:c foul pnro-e of doceiv-
:.v v i'.c-s. ' etc fi r Curtin, ' -a d
.: t '.:. cm sail v,-;l. .y:
Pv.'io.i-c t'.ieir Siaro i -o. n.-veni. ;.!';
ptinbiifo no reim-Jr t ) I'r. Xi.l.ias' . liicatise nubo lv loaves t i-ir flire hi
Vvnltint. 1 .in i it.., n f f.r .1. ........... ...1, .r...,n .. .....
. ' '""'.. v "i jjoeaute 1 w a-, u ro.i t.i?in in I
a;ni.i, an 1 s. u 1 i.air m,;'.t s. '
T7AHMr.n?. familie.-. and ornEr.s. .
clircnie rbeiimiiti-m, t'.rc tliroiits, t""!li:n b.', f. a.l
fivknerf, cuts, burns, iwcllirgs trui.-e", old ficf,
T' .. i.. . i. .. -s i 1, ,i, i' i, ii i , o itis'ii tu. no. mi? v oils' ii u lion n' arrm-
, i ha (-uiasti tutu come t w i 1 oe tutt as c-a-v i -. i .
J ding mtn laer, resort nnd nre vour nthts.
"" " jior a cou:".ty, tcan cr lownsiup to rcj udi- It is out duty lo r.bev tho law until it is
'MlSCFG tVATlON. ' lh;a is a r.CW word, te a litre dthl ai & iHli m.i. -drrhireil I v in.ilcial d.-eis-nn I.i !.. tit-. ..sti.
rsrretrat ao fraud 'juta great toired lv AbolmonisK. It means .4 .u'- !, ihU latft' K..r ah.t stitutionaL The citizen w! ose ivronortv
--s,. -., -iii.dvwiv.;
. fit 1 . . mar 1 (Akfii iimlitr tl fir iiiili i. it a nmu
iMu.uaun.nt'oiUa3 we CiUiCil Oi-on fceiui-annuhiiy. L-y our a- i.- i .t.. : r ' mnnrv will bo rfunJe.l. All that 11 U n !
an! nh.tes-for.the purpose of icii.rovirr.. tion .1 and a-Jlhcritics with Lutn- dte ot ihe i:.,ns'it.nin-, m . 1,i -,.,. : 0,8 u ".'"S ' A " T .
,, , . ,, . . i'k.kbias lienrir: I nave umol our I one- ii.!-"reni
,e a no ccnlriie Leans to jiciitioti tie fation loi h.a private property to taken tian Liniaiert in my iamilv f..r a "numbrr if '. cbtap.
tcr initiiic Uk0 'vmrii, ami believe it to lia tlie ti'.t arlioto for nn.rAll im
i trl , 1
t'J'. the : f;
tbiy, ' and no lurtiier drafts' will annoy
j.t tr.? f.
DC, reader. It is a f ;!. The look is
minted and rnblishe I and hl --m.
you. "Vote fvr Curtm, and even tbof o nieDJeJ( hiLiy uVM bv e Allo.
t!. -lifted in the Tlheiii i-ressnt draft will i-.- . t ... ... . ,
i- ' iiiiunisi, io:a u.aic an.l t iie. aim 1. ") r
couid it Li othcrwiso when the New
Yoik 7.ii.r.v' tho Li-ad ;.t,d front cf tl.e
Abolitionized Ilej ul i:ca:i j atly givsa it
ltoeauae tbey Imve ; u
redue.. .! r
bare nothing to do, abouM ibe.r eervict-a
Te rcqiiir? i at iii."
Bat what are tbefel? that t?
c'raa one for hj'f a milHo i f men. and the
ether for ttco hun.drtd lltcutznJ, Levc ln-en
urce ordered, with a fair project of still
aaoiiier tefoie the aeason for cornpluut-
icri.i- olOrace ior i.hv;n-j Meicy ? Is it
that ; ai ay he. Laruencd iti our coa'.itu
fd di.'ujtrd cf Uo i's Lo'vlawj? it, in
cic. kcrv.
i.f c.
-l t!.e:r;i j
,1 i!..'yfi;, f
i i.u. , h .
trv Trclft'
.. t 1. 1 . .1. I T. i r . i ... ; ; 3 r . t ' hi rL.t ... .. ..r . ,-;
n iiui'Uii i n i K.irn l en i;r um-h , an w viuiuniuru mlh ui ukwi. e . . v- ( i .-.
I ot Iw jniic. yet it U rafo lo if y ujon t,r B'Jon ,lt,;H,t -jf croup it is invn'iinMe. ! U K! ' .-;. I !'IN - '
the Justus of ' the Amorican pooi.Ic, atul hv0 no. beMtniion in ro.muo.lin it for U j Cicarfi.M. 1 ! . 1 i.J. I
i . ,i n .ii ii the us-ei it iirufts-cs to care, i tav suld U fu ,
an appeal to them will not Le niil.eedeil . vw ,,, u ive, Mt,N ,;.f:(clin. . vr.rrXTTnv v . rtf
or unatisweren. CHA?i. H TRIMMER. All i iVJ? i n
A 'ireely never tagestj an idea that lorn of pioduco for tho tamo month to the base Uses ofj'aitisun ends and fa-' "
r .jv-oi.-.neieLbor does not greedily i-nj- 5 l-.H'i.'.'lS alio in an rxc-si. of iui- r.atical pnrpofes." C
..o ,i i . I'orts over c.vt'OivS of ak.ut fi,li.ii,Uiju: "Uphold and maintain votir Govern- V
lis high rauction.
Fast I.iv.'n
Ct this pott
was vT-i.O-tJ.'J.Sr, about ?"',' -i ".i.O'.'tl
in f-
cess o! tho hamo la-t j ear. Uui of nnr conflict, pervei ted their saer ! trusts ' Alarch J, lsiii-tm.
ul their Hon- in I'i. .on. ! I. !'
jvn in:: r rTi:M
il,... i. . .- l.a
iiii iil. i.l-. i. iiino to toe rr?tnifc i.t nn not sre.i:ili.e u. I
the in Laurence town-hip, on .r ' tliev will sell c'ieap I ,r t
t . . i'u r.iit'iiaui jiiiul mii i i - iifiif i nni numrniti i
orace, wo are anxious to sea wu!i wha: a- .V.t-; ; i ; , ....., ...i i .j...r.. ft-ut the lut of Aucut Im!. a ftilEKP. The
... - , . v.ti ..(v "",oko iii r. ttWll I.' Mil Mill id M i l M I ti1 t tiit it il 'ij '"'ry H IM 1 f II lUR'e a. , . . , .., ,
viJitv hfit ra ,iw t hi Our ir.-rI f.r i , r-..i . ... . . . . , .. i owner i hereby re.iucffed to come aul prove . TI10 H. lv-n'.Ll
J - - - - - ii. iiin i i. liviiiifiiu.'i i k 'inn ino ii..ji..v. mi i.t iui nQttr j nc i a rii i' iiii.a nt nar. . i
v. 1 1 ... a , ... i re J s ... ..v.u.u, .i, hip i-i'iiciry ni rtt lu.'iiv. ii
i (i. tccuair.vJa upon tliousands oi hon- i , . , . ,, ,
. ,. lie uare not repudiate or aenounce the aj."i,nt im .s s'.ili ni uilv
?t iv-eoubtioana who were ai nniiom m .
., . tiorriiite uoctnue.
etop tho war s any ' peace Deaiocrat in . . .
the land wore ikui wickedly UoceiveJ CcfTbe trial of Josej h Mocrc.forf boot
, I li us we go. 1 ne n:ilatio:i o our cut ren
cv stiiirila'.es inij.oi tatioti, hi0-h hvin;'
the co: s'anipt ion nl loteicn hiIo. taliu
fo.OW.l'lO I tetuatin? free instilntions.
iSinedl Tu imis K. Ita iwrttTt.
T rank fort. Ky.. Match ljih, ImU.
property, piy rbnres and titko it wav, otlier-
wi0 it will be fold aeennlirg In Im.
1 Feb. :i, l?61
and induced to cast their voic for Cur- Jordan Ma,Lourg-the acdiiecr of hi, ' utS! reT ,ie'"-: C VI
' I "I l.KCilANTs, and ' i. " ".'' 1 .
' llj ber. as .- .'l AlilMl.
,,. UI.KS. l'.'VMIIis. A-., ami !-"5
polu in tij coui.tiy will to aUoihed. So
iiiu. li Ior la: l ving in tho tii cf rien
luck cui i niy. h-vj i
tin and lo ivus re-elected. H-jt instead wile cloacd lai-t Monday week at Lbens
of the war Lting thcrely atoppeJ. or ".'ur- urJ? suiting in conviction of murder in
tbrr draft" prevented, ne behold tho tiie econJ ileorec- The ties all belonp
potrert of rtbeluon immensely ttrenotb- cd to Johnstoivn. ilooro was a foldier
enei; acJ in the brief space of fire moniha 'u tuc n'uo aior.ts, service. M.irbourg
ACnajription of ervci huwt.i 0, ? .s men "i" a rich merchant and tho father cf
ctacrcd. ih: eTecase" .iiid-ci.' .vi..-j'. nine thil'ireti. I uohc opinion seemed to t ;e vuis ever a mile in length.- (J-oiiera!
per rror-tcat which rat: it dies net re- "-VQ a;itic:p,.teJ m ce
oi;ir "T".:cl: i-sirs" to eal-jlato Lr.T tar.a
th.".i.t.mi"ir:iIb.rAi:J for. i Can't see iue Point. Our 7x . Tuireliun t.r in n-nw iii,I,I1a will. "'' K'H'l
1 certain preinitory riote, pivtn by mo to S. M. e I'J'tl
'.r nil "i i'
fJThe citv of rhihl'Iclphia lir.a paid Ui,'i'ni1.'in of hVeesria tor.hip. tialej nb'.ut tbo
s?2.41D.T50 in bounties to volunteers. "" 01 ",fn1,' 1 u' V'r ,1",'u,
i,e f.:.1''" i
y -r. I
tiien. T-eanr ogird'i ifo died cn tLe
i-i instant. Iler turntud, or. the-JiL, aa
lue iaro.-i i-tei tie.i in .en Ui leans. U- ( .mm
r. t Tf i i-iVf d value fi r nnd em di-tsi mined not to '
piy tho fume, unlo.-f ci-repelled to do no liy due ,
I 1.1 ll.r XIIU l,.--The IlofTii ef Belief course oftiw. WILLIAM HAMMU.M)
1 V ft.r llie e
i e. un'y of ClearStd I, will meet ut tho
irner- ..(nre. on VI e ln.'dnv an i Tuurs-
vcr'j, Ij'j'J persons allondej it. and tha cor- dr, the 23.1 and :ttli din nf Mair'h, lsr'i.
ibi hart dire.-icd that !l new uppli-
Marcb P, H'U pd.
ANTJ-:i-A i:irr;!
1- I.AXS E KI in
, Si t,'
' Joll.V I'. T.I"
'. 1". l-;'
j UOOI'.s in tlio t i,
(if illi TWil-IIOI:
iinJini-iiol. i
I I'.M'
the mutier of tho rstots cf Elli A.-krT,: 1 "
will hereby I
an Ami. t.r j ,.; d
nn Mn.. tar nl a.S Ct i.v-i i, . .i'i. U I I I1U I n OI I O H DH Hni'l ....... )..,.
llltJ lia-lv m tollowed to .lie tonbvr. iubiei thrv te-i.led t tio time of o1 ""t" n tbo hand of the Administrator, w.ll ("l,.,,, 1. !, V: ! ' ;
.Itfil l;ank8 kir.d'y extended Ij llie iaimlv tb9 c,nti ID"ft "IT'"" kef.-ro the and produco I ,he m'','" tho rotate of
' ',.,,,. Nf'iri.kvM r.nvovil, r . .. .. tbeir iworn f Uteaiv i.t dotailms rare of toldier. i dscea.ed, all per,.,,,, c.norrned
t. anici .Ncraskato cme, the reman. :d fon)I),T. wfa tndttM . tha take n.ttie. tli.t ibe Urde;n,d.
Our Jaa-Jne:oh- , c"'" op '"e riv cr, to Jier lather Tnmhrof cMliren,' i'th Ke rn.t lex of eneh : app.vnlel I.i leporl distribution r.f
I lantation.
' K- 1- ! - ... .
. ... . uui. illk l. n r- k TnciniitiB.i u - a . i i
lt2 a:3'0ftrl:Cie, horrever, ISCn.yehar- e ap- ,tf ,t,c bj. lll)U,anas of whowiull- enli.tmeni. and U.eir present residence ; and that to tho dt.tie, of hie appointment at lh .... ...... .T.,f '''"'".
aceristic of the LUtory of the prMenl par- 1 . , , , "',- el to uke a hist Urewell on one who aa fhe i i'hont the mean r.f mppr-n for Imriw.f "f B. Swuope. Fa-,., ia the. .or...iEi .,f rll """',, 'i'vrJ '''
t ," .n cirer From Lincoln down tbev 1 ,'rdld f"r h,w- rrP r more .lu;i loved abd esteemed hy ulh children. io are d.-rendeiit r,Q Ur. C'earfi eld en Monday, tt,e 2!et d .y i.f .M .roh, J " " ; , ,k by '
l. ,n c,"r-er. A.u coin aotrn. me , c il.).t. - Twa wnneiti'i of credibility, from the tonfbip at 2 tio k, V. M . l,en nnd wbere tlmsa inter- ru,1ir" 1 '' T
litre been f-i t tiieir rrotaiM and Cl-W 'fc, ,dn "l,n tt4 Uw ; T , in bich nho residi-t. mut alao b rtr.Kti.if.1. n-ay attend and ha be.,r.l. ; by llie piece. Ap, fi0niUJ;
, I. nl frtTl s ;n rmir snM.l.v. :. i.. i. f. IliE tlllLD hlLL. Ire andtr Ia I .a . ..i...r .1.-1. liMt-Tr-i.T.n-iv . I' , .l.-kit
sl. '-- 1 sr, A V,-'-irt,i m tear .vh,,,..,, i-iufriior s ,, , nose eeniueair, morn iu i-rn.rtj 1110 u-ittru, uinsi
rlivipr-s .0 ..e pe. pie. iTustng to war ' GMd HiJI. ot which the i assae nis to i forth ih.i th. .n.,!iem i. th. ner... .h
u this time. Will he explain
Iji'lc Union -wLicii profeesiona ttauv
l.v e wpra liair l? f tciipli to believe Tn2 P.icdt or Soi.ntrr t,. Y.err Ti, 0llr l',ney article
...... .s . ....... .- -1 l..i . "... r- . cn-is advancii'2 sa
:aBy uv rir-i hot iKSi.tie ij uei-iare iui a.vicimaieni" 10 out rins i-oiistuution, t L .n 1. ,r , ' ..
the CT'.orciint'.ion of eievery wai their girini; to the acldicrs in the eeivi:e if the balloons. .4 -.
j-tia l.ii.. ot WlilCll the l assace fins to ft for'.h thai the annlieiint is the ners .n slio r.n
drive gold dot n to par, my be found in rejenta herself to be; that the fUtecment of the
March 2, I Sol.
A u Jitor.
.Tun. ::, I
I he pretlltum on tpe- oumt.erand age of her family is true ; that th. TI C 1 Notiee in hereby Riven, that ip
bciore and stocks of is 10 it,,itat eireumaianrei ind her family in 1 ' plieaio.n has been nuole to the Court of
.' 'l,!,, acti-al want ; and lhat .11 tbe faeta let forth iu her Coinmon l'li-as of CbarliiU cotintr, f..r Hie in-
CuT-TLero .n o cr
rii ob oc'. Hence none ou-htto le eurpri- United States, the right to vote, Las pass
ed itiiKb '.fi-;9f frw5t m tbo frr.g;H tbe IWatare. iit b iooo tab- rv . Moot ers now llricr-ihe ren-t i."
t :o't!J t--.vfUier.t-rrle. theciJes: 105. 6 l0ycar6fl "
L. J. I RA-.S.
I'!' V ASP
itioiuris at
ept lica-.ion are jad atd true. eorp.oration cf tbe I'rebj tcrian t'ongr.''.ti m of May 3, Y.3.
1-oraii eoti-aming tbeae reinwitioni caa be ob. Fruit Utli. nhieh arniicat'ion taill bo rrunk-d at ..... ,rf T
l.;...l ! lit, aIUm a! .v. Il .l , r ... M I. . . . . . ... . . . ,. .
' ' revo.a.iCra- trj-l'.cauoa ii and tie ritne-rf-i a; p.-sr. foatrury. Bt tha Coarl.
M. F, EFvArHlV, Ck. D. I". ETZ EILlP, rulLV.
.siarca i. ie- , iiatca 3.
. i .
K ClenrfaM, I'-.-''' ,C " ,
.t. 1. ..rr.ij 1,11. '.. . tiSi'
1"- " dir. it ''