Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 23, 1864, Image 1

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    If M I
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' 1 . . i ' l , I1 i
1 v;s - '- ' V.J. n-
? 7
S: COoSnDEK, I to rroprictor..
TERMS : - $1 50 Per Auv.;.v., Ifprl.l i.i r.c'
vol.. xxxiv. wnoi.i: xo. moo.
xr.w srir.s-voi,. iv.-xo. r;.
k v , m M a vi r i n I
AiKiress of tbe Democratic Senators, j members of a body of which he had nev-'Senators of HOI to ignore tho Constim- East Baltimore Annual Conference.
case oi .Kev. tsamucl Kepler-
lor been elected Speaker. It is here to bo ioii, to doty precedent, ana lo attempt to (
I i. i ii ..i it.:. ...... a laJcni. ttut vfvv fnimihitions ofkiwandi
ouserveei mill mis course b us neecst-m j uu - " --v -
y.-.'w I'fitoura!'. I'tnnh'jui'i '
, r .1.:. :..M..ini.i. t
f Ll.l .OWV ITI.t H kills limiting 111 - - " - ., C... i r, . ,, r- i
.. r, . ', i !th,.;r t,,l f11P il.AF.n.nntW it wiii the order. 1 he Seventh Annual Sesbion of the Fast
vania the undor.izned doem it their ' cvidont intention or tho Republicans, This dispoosof their first ground of do- Baltimore Conference was held at Altoo
1 a'ulv lo ad Ire's vm liuould tho Democrats refuse to tukc the fence. We will now ,rol,e tho second rca- m last week, commencing tho 2d instant.
r.,rn1nr.t1n!.'-;n,.'n(.I.nvPUni.,oath1 toleavo their names off the roll, 'n osut-d lor their revolutionary con- i A fiiend has placed in our hand n cop?
. v. . y - - -
ledly and determinedly withstood an ef
fort on the part of the Kepublican moni
tors of that body to subvert tho organic
law. to ignore Iho pruccder.ta of seventy
veara of our history, and to trample under i
w)inrnlv nnr otmonents would have bccu- duet.
rod a el'ear rnnjority of thofo voting. Who i nccountallo for tho nWnco of
After this act of usurpatiou the new aj'r White, or rathor, who h to blame
Senate, by a unanimous vole, adopted a res- j that his scat was not filled on the first day
ol ut ion to proceed to an election forSpea- we niot ?
. ..... ii... ii.. -. . ii .. i a r.i .iiMMHiitii .Rirni
fool the rights of thoir cq-ial and peers. " " 18 "ol lruo "lal l" o::ico I " -e j- -
. i ..i ..i i... i.i i. , ii. J. vacant, (as the undersigned contend, ) whv his seat in this Senate, that resignation
in so uo.ngwe i.v w -J , . , .... -. ,. . . .. ' I. ... , ;,., .1.1.1.....
nn , f.t iilft rpnro- ,ue nccessny 10 eieci a rpcunui . uuiuu- uuiws .nuw.v. , , -c-
der this resolution several ballots were: White about tho mid llo of ovlii-.(oi-,
held on that, tho fist day of our meeting, 1SW. It is to l.e aumo.l Vu.e l.reoi.-ely wii.u ciiaiges were
each resuliin" in a tie" between the Ito ' cd reserving their ind vidunl opinions ,,ia!c against him, and whether they were
tiigh resolve, that by no act of the rrpro
rescntative3 of the only law-abiding polit
ical organization in this Commonwealth
ahould the rights nnd constitutional priv
ileges of the people bo subverted. Wo
lave relied vith unshaken faith upon that
j eop'.e for any support and vindication,
and to the en 1 that their verdict may be
rendered with a full knowledge of the
fart.i, we beg leave to present a brief Lis
lory of our position during the protract
ed and exciting contest which has jut
closed. '
Tho members of the Senato assembled
In the Sonale number ut llariisburg on
Tuesday, Jar.uiry 5th, A. 1. ISOl, at " T.
l Of the twenty-two Senators holding
Over, all wir- pio-ent savo M-ijor White,
irho wu3 ft pti.ijner in tho hands of the ; ol tnoso jires.-nt, lwcive weic I't-ui-ccrals,
r.rd nino Kepublicans. The Senate
was cxll.-J to order by th" lion. .1. 1'. Pen
ney, the Speaker elected at the closo of
the session of 1 'J he Secretary of the
Commonwealth was inti n.luced and pre
tented the returns from the thblriets which
tad elected Senators in U ley bur, lS'.'C
Tho returra wer eper.e I and read, by
rhich it appeared that four Democrats
amJfoven lipublicans had hifn elected
idl of .vhom were rcci.t, tli'-uby tuning
' a lie in the vote between the to gro'tt
t.nlitienl or?an:i' of ill" country as
reprc ented on that floor.
Upon tho rea ling of too certificates of
' election, it would h ive been the duty ol
Die Seiiatci elect;'! Speaker at the close
of. the session of lv?J, to have Vacate 1 the
chair, had he ben j' aenic 1 in bis nct
ticn lj the express lemv of the Const itu
tion, which, by sccthm X, Article I, pr e
iscribes that thetieniial Assouibly khall
meet on the hi Tudiyof .lanu.iry in
every year and by seciioi: XI of tho .sauoo
hi t.elc, that "tacli House' ' (i. c. when they
meet on tho day) shiilUIcct its tpeaker
nn J ether oflieers1 It appear to the und.-i-'Vned ihe wolds 'V.itA ll.usc Judl e!-C:-.'
i's A; aie i'ulli.:i"ntly certain to
kti rmine the ipiestion that no ono clout
ed Speaker by the Senate of lsGo could
t-xcrciso the duties of OiTk.0 over the
Svi ate of lt) 1-the hitter being a n-w and
s uistinct body, made tip by -other members
: who had never participated in an election
tur Speak-r, and as by the csprcsi terms
; cfihe Constitution, "each llouso shall
f (rtheu they meet on the fust Tuusday in
January in each yen) elul r.s StLr and
thrrfnfi," it i" mauifesl and char that
the Senator front Aleghany hadnoshad
o v of richt to e.erei.e Ihe Uulic of .pea
k r rer this new h'.rnato which hud nev
er recognized hl-n n nirh Hut admitting
for the take of r.ui'Ki.t. the words
i'f iheC'onstitution a-e ambiguous and cer
tain, then jreccdent an 1 usage, iflhey
oist, must dctfriiiine their meaning, and
by this test tho undersigned dc.-.ii e that
their position nm) be tried.
Dur.:;,i a period of seventy yenr, from
IT'Jl until thi- lay. there is but one oth
er instauco where a Speaker eleetod by a Senate attempted to exercise the
f 1n n(1i. p over a mceocdinc and
of tho Daily Conference L'eeorJ, containin
a full report ol tho proceedings, with a
reijuest that wo publish the letter of Itev
Mr. withdrawing from Iho Minis
try of, t'& M. K. Church, after 30 years'
connection therewith. To make the ease
as intelligible as pos-ible wo silect from
tho Heronl eveiy thing we can find i ela
ting to Mr. K's., iu the hope cf as-
eoiniioseil of n body of men whom I, Tun Nnv "I.miop. Sviim."--'!''' - ie
liavc hug an.l devotedly loved. .graph .I.-.-paVh... of ye--iei.Jay ii.ib.-ei us
I was btronly ililliiehfed at your , that a eol irn 1 som-l ,.,iy, tiom M. s. :..!.!
hist session to carry out this PPtt5i lius . tfr, nr.pojm'P,j in aF,;jll(llt .,ro.
Yet, as my appointment for the ltvost marshal of, -to.upcr.rt..,. I
year, was, to say the eaM, ono f'' j ,)10 IuI,,r (Vslcn. i,,,litu,f, Lv ,
sonic peculiiu-ity, i detennined, i'1" pin...
il,nii,rli .kIvi'jou Iiv f'rienfU to l.ho . n;i- ' v"
-' 1 .' ... I. m.,l:J lo..r I'll!
hi.i"! fj-.ea '. l. io
publican candidate, Mr. Penney, and the ' thereon) that the resignation was genuine,
Democratic candidate Mr. Clymer. Tho ' since in furtherance and in support of the
Senate adjourned until the next day.whcn. UHiirpat ion inaugurated in January, an e
aftcr several incfleotual ballots, the Sena- lection was ordered theieenby the Speak-;
tor from licrks, Mr. Clymer, on behalf of ei .tc:o of tho Senate, and u new mem
the undersigned, made the following pro- her elected and aworn. Assumiu ' it to
position of compromise, viz That the j be genuine, w hoto fault is it that au tlet t
Kepublicans should select the Speaker of ion was not ordeted immediutely on its
the Senate, tho Democrats the Clerk, 1 reception, which would have given ample
and so alternately until ull were filled. time to have put his suecesfo: in his place
This basis or settlement the undersigned on the first Tuesday of January ? Surely,
considered to be jost. It was made, not neither that of tho undersigned, nor ot'a
for the purpox? of securing place or posi-' ny Democrat in the Stale ; the blame must
lion, but to vindicato a principle- Jt was tot where it rightfully belongs upon the
precisely the ba-is of compromise adopted , K.-publicans or the Senate and ujton their
iu lJjj.wheu the Dcmocials having an act- abbot tors.
ual iii."jority (although not proscnt) were The excuse offered is that the ic-igna
.'ivon tho Sneaker, tho Know Nothings of ' lion was not filed, iu order that ellorts
O 4 ' w I
that day (at present Republicans) the might be made (the incentive being the
clerk, and so alternately to the end of the lCces,ily of Maj White's preference to Kc-
lUt. Hut this proposition tht) Republican publican ascendency in this State) for his
Seimlois of 104 it fused to accept. They ! exchange. Without slopping to inquire
had entered upon usurpation, and they ! whether this ascendency is likely lobe
.tcruiinod to adhere to it with ull its .beneficial to the people of 1 inns) lvana,
true or false. The following is Ihe result:
iriifv cmir-uv lo o lo mv work lo Hie i
spirit of christian meekness, porfonu,,l,col',,M)f Wisconsin, poKii.-aliy, what -on
the duties a-sinod me, and then, wiji ,of "labor system" prevails in l.oi.ioi, n,
an.l in the fear of the Jjord, provi.hd that system u not .jpp-n i, ,,t
from an)' l'ui'lhcr counectioii jour expense, 'I he old system of sim .
wtUiliie Jiieiiioiiisi j'ipiscoiiai v. luucii. uor may nave ocn woutior t.ctiei ;i. .
Allow mc tlif.'n, dear Jii-t hren, in all ; the ys!cui instituted by IU::. V
vour conseience, and in the fpirit 't : incliiK-O to llili.k it iovi. rabie ; bm
kindness and love, to fcend you tins
paper, as conlaiiiiiiLT mv resiirnation
to retire
liuring tho protracted struggle which
followed, this oiler of was re
newed from lime to time; it was always
rejected, and not one proposition lending
to a solution of tho difficulty ever come
from the Republican t-ide, save the absurd
suggestion of the Senator from I'rie, Mr.
I.owry, thai he would vote for tho Demo
cratic candidaio for Speaker, prm-iiled iitt
cr l.c or s-j-nc in? the vmtcrs'ynfJ u-o:i.'t a-
'j. o: nr.v:r to i:!e on wiyuriy ,t test qatimi.
It is thus a matter of history that the
Republican senators rcluscd a lair aim . n,., mi-
pjsi proposnioii vi iiieii, ini'i h iwvu c.w. ..
In tho first day'j proceedings we find,
Itev. (ieorge fitiyer was appointed by
tho President as Chairman ot the Coin
mitten in the case of ltev. Sumwalt, and
Itev. furlong Chairman of the Committee
in the ease of Kev. Kepler.
In tho proceedings of tho afternoon of
same day we find,
Rev. Kepler objected to the wording of
the journal in regard to bis ease. J'lie
l'renyeut inntiirej il the brother wished ;
lo amend the join Dal. Mr. K. pier said
he had only to claim his right, as a min
ister of Z 't years standing, it being the first
time nn occurrence ot this kind had taken
Committee on trial in the ease of Rev.
Keplei, announce! by tho Presi lent, to
meet this evening in tho lecture room i f
the Presbyterian Church.
In Thursday morning's proceedings we
Rev. Black was excused from acting on
the Committee or. trial of ltev. Kephr
and Kev. Censor appointed to his place.
mm moved I : i ut the claim
is a member cf the Jiast llalLiiucre
Annual Conference. Viidcrotlicrcir
eumstaiices, it, would 'have been niv
highest happiness lo have lived, and
labored and died with you as a "work
er together,'' in the iorimis ministry
of the (lospcl of our J .ord Jesus ( lu ist .
And 1 will not now disguise tho facts,
(but 1 have realized much ofeliri-tiun
enjoyment, and als'.i numerous testi
monials of brotherly atl'ei.tions, in the
society and sympathies of the mem
bers both of the Jhiltimoro an.l East
llaltimoiv Conferences, during the
jterm of thirty-seven years connection
with tin so two ecclesiastical bodies.
sooi not, how comes it incumbent i
l- I take in v h
;ive of vim
Wisconsin lo fiht wars, rnd p-.v Jla.
chusott o generals and picvost uno .!,. '-
! institute ne.v labor systems or. tin.- all'
ofMe.ieo. Is it just or lawful tc ,nx V'is
eonsin fatmera for any such purpo'c?
Under tho old O 'vernm. nt of the Pe
publie hemic States became pioiiuco
Slates rights but tl.ey wi re i;'fo
burthened v, ith duties. One of thc-sc du
ties was lo sui port and rsaie.tain lluir
own negroes. J he !.:n aid not woi k bad
ly for the L'nion. For conlirmatian ol
this, wo have only to icf.r to the Ci.ieago
platform of ISCO, upon which Mr. Lincoln
was nominated, wherein wc- arc informed
that, notwithstanding tho duty of each
State to control its own domestic io-lilu-tutions,
Ihe country up to that tix.ecou'.d
boa-t of nn "urprecede.i'i d i:.-ren. of
:i nipid augicn'.i'ition of
pi. ..oiiio
' for the
. ... i.. -.1. ...... .r .l m-v. inn iin
we wi.i mereiy ...... . .... - of K-r,cr t,0 not allowed, inasmuch
M'-jor White hi d been different or more w ft furni.o,c,l parsonngo had been
f.t 1 f I 1 1 I' . 1 t I . . i .
leplotab.O than that 01 U.otl-ail is oi owi- ; provide I lor nim in which ne ieiuea vj ,m, j lM.i ;iisO, ttiat ' It IS hot 0
i . . 1 ii . . -, i . i . . i .i . i .... i
, , , that wiiiein, nor ( i nun runnein.
I"4 had . . ... , ,r
I ll.rtiO.ll. .'1 .I'.'. llltLll.-lll . I . v . .
I rl.TlII'll II I t I Sf 11.1 111 IIIMU U 4 1 , I.I iv, I 1. v
dor that the m vj If r.n'i. I t i.'tc lei'rf e' ; ,.i.-.;m mude did not meet tho amount to
or bravo and gallant men r, ho endur-, ' -' t'-
.,, ,. , , Rev. Ketiler said in reply that
ing the untold horrors of captnnty m or- ( a . iin(J )m lf iti
now, without deep heartfelt emotion,
without profound gratitude to "the
(iod of all oraoo," that he pormils me,
in bis wonder-working l'roVKleneo, in j population,
looking; back upon tho years that are ! wealth," together with ' i.:ippi:;f ;
passnd, to jjive lory and j.r.iiso to (and honor ttroad." By fig'.,:;;:
His holy name, that, in tho various ,;Ei,t ()f iustiiutirg a "new Ibor ;
... i .. i - I i ... n . . c "
tie.ds oi moor, in v. men my ur.j.eriect iUethat of (Jen. :i..k.s Low u
ministry has been exercised. 1 have
witnessed the onv. rtieii to (iod, of
more than two thou-ainl precious ai.d i
itni.ioi'liil souls. 1 feel that 1 ain un
worthy to have been thus privileged,
it is licit of him
I we improved our condition .'
the u-llte then, indeed, might some
such excuse bo tolerated. But Major
White's condition, much as we deplore it,
is no worse than that of those who are a
garnered harvest of brave men rotting in
prison, victims to the malignant heresies
of tho?o who advocate therein', ;fV,.v',
'.!.dw ."'(''''; ! t t
i In hi
Th itM j. White became a pri.-on. r is
his hiiifoi-tune ; that he is not teleacd is
hidi ho would be entitled. No collec
tion had been taken for this purpose; the
amount had been hainleo to lom by hi-
r.fiir.t;. .clear brethren, that, you
will throw over the many imperf.c
lioiis you have found tae to betray in
my holv eailmtf as a liiir.i-'.cr ot
led, would havo organized tho Senate en
the bccoud day of its meeting. They at
tempt to justify their conduct on two j tlil j n 1 0n t ioiml and designf d faul t of h is j j,, sbhath after Sabbath, for (h
grounds. b', that the Senato is ever or- ,l0iiieal friends. In either view, lie and
ganizod, lbs Speaker of a former Senate J tlicy arc ulono lcsponsible for tho "dead
being the Speaker of the subsequent one ; ork" caused by his absence,
and, that MajV.r While, if pie,cut, A(.irr ie 1rIMjblic(in9 iu,j soured a
irionus mo biiu.-iiieii. in .... ..-.,t inlSt, the iieatilihit l. .anile ol in aveii-
having other sources ot income was i-t i ll(,ril eharitv. I l.aro, in eont-luMoii.
true. i
Rev. I'tickingham ?a:d the paisnnage
was comfortable, and there was plenty
i!u io for a man who would be loyal to his
church and to his rountry.
Rev, Kepler said he was as true to his
country and his flag a any other m m, and
any oilier testimony was a slander on his
har ieter. lie was in the habit ot pray-
wou'd have given them a majority
We have heretofore exposed the fallacy I
of tho fust position by reference to the
words of tho Constitution, and to the un
broken precedents of seventy years. In
addition we will present a test which will
so clearly expose the unwanantable and
uncomtilutionid nature of the claim that
no ono, however prejudiced, may mistake
or misunderstand it..
By the XXIII section, Article lt, of j
tho Constitution of Ibis State, it is provi
ded that all bills passerby the Legisla
ture and presented to the Governor for
his signature, within ten days of the
final adjournment, shall become las with
eid his signature, unless dent back (with Ida
oljections) vx'.htn three do-j c fur the next
nice tin ff.
In lioo Ihe Legislature met on the second
day of January. Tho conlcsl for Speaker
was prolonged until tho fifth, when llio
Hon. Wm. . M. Ilioster, of Berks eounty,
was elected. Upon the sixth. fourth
day after their meeeting, the Governor or
clear majority, they Hill pen-Mod in their
couiso or ii'urj.ation. In the earlier days
of the session, by a unanimous vote, and
by participating in twelve ballots, they ad
mitted that it was Iheir sworn duly lo
pioeecd lo the election of Speaker. When
they had secured the power to do so, then,
in violation of the Constitution, of preee
or law, and of their own ad missions, they
for ten days persisted in thoir revolution
ary conduct. But from the COth of Feb
ruary, the day when Dr. St. Uair was
sworn as Senator from the. Twenty-first
Dhit-net, until this ?th day of March, the
undersigned have resisted as before, by all
means in their power, every attempt on
lent of tho United Slates, and his (
net, for the citien soldiery of the land
and lor Hod's blessiti.' to rest on the sol
to say in ail chri-t'an frankness, ai.d '
in till ;). d conscience te'bro ld. j
that, as after an examination of a j
lon series of years, viilli un hoiie.t'
desire lo know and obey Cod's niu.- t
Jny word, my views ai.d con viclions :
respettii the iv!;,li"!i (f Master an.l
Serv ant, a eohtaiiicd in the 3 1 i Llo, are j
utterly and I must sav, irreconcilably i
' .i.i .. 1 it 1 Ii, wi ivl.
, "IT
Ni- and Vk:,:! aril '.: . :'r:.-v.
John Chuk, a tnerhritiic in the- Pli'l.:'te'
pl.ta avy Yard, i.:a.i-.i e.n t-vui'i .
which would bo cf groat ulii.iy kn.i i
tho military nnd r.avi! yrri of tb- .;
tod ct.Ve at the prorn.t ti re. It Is r-.;.-ri'.-cr.'.c
d as or. ir.siiumesit -..'. d t'- ' !
taseej e," by the Ue of it i.'.c!; n person
stiipbrgon tho ground car. oe over tho
topi of the b::!e. t l.euses or i.'.'.er r r:ovu
ding f.lj..-1 ; in frit, can lake i 1 'r'b-wn
view cf-i lies atid country lor ii.ii . f.vo.ird.
For reo'il poipo;es this in-lrii-jci .! iv,.,! 1
I e i:i iihiablo ; tho - lotaio, p.i ; . - ct! or
; iihiablo ; the i lotal.i, p.i a
r ran, from a secure ru-Li .:: V-.-low ater mark t r ui,.m the - j..-J.'f
hue n I' d! vi?T of evrylhicg cot". ' :.:
es:el for er.y di tai'. .1, r.-. ui':i n-, i o i
t.'ie up(- r .ef. ; so li. d in ui: floi'ajii. i-,
o'J i those which now rovern
.real ImmIv of the M. i. ('bur. hjl-eraa have cmiideto control
diers in the army, that if they fal. in the ;imi which doctrines cannot preach, ' of hi.-ship. In rrconnoitcii
batth-lield they might go lo me i.euer w;,10Ul being; a dissembler before the
''Rev. Kepler was called lo order by a'i while, in say ing this intuh, I
member. . Pretend lo judge no ma:., but on-
Rev. Kepler said charges could ho pre-My ppeak honestly and fearlessly
ferre l against him, hut when he arose to for myself, and thus commit tin'
explain i:e w as called to order. He was a justification of my own ootirso to the.
Constitutional Union man, and any other n'(,din pleasure of a future l'rovi
eharge was false. ' I -j po j 0el now, I have no other
ltev, Mine imo.i jiev. Kepier n no im i
, Mine u,kod J ev Kep er ,. no na ; ,.crforin in Uli, vvhhvr, than S
nd lo bi.u that President Lincoln . J ,, 7 . r
iot as poo.1 a man us Jell Davis? ! dimply to respoet fully request that you bfu1,
v. Kapler replied that he could not may be pleased to direct my name lo p.eased
In neees'd y of fending a ui.i. ' j I:. -heal
to look over tho h'gh em : - a id
who would le u cons pieuov.3 marl, for th t
enemy's bullets, would be avoided. For
I army purposes, Tor locking over Li. Is, ern
j batikiacoits, or into (oits its uti'.I'y wcu'.i
I be great. Tho inventor declines ublish
I in( n rlps.-.rrr,t ion ft f 1 l.iii insir it :nr ri' fi t nr..
piudciitijl motiii-s, but wc:! ' be
to show it to naval or m'liia.v
and the claim disallowed.
Court of Trial in the case of Mr. Kepler.
to meet in tho Preachci's Study thisaf-,
ternoon at 2 o'clock.
On Friday morning the following pro-,
the part of tho Republicans to legislate. J t.prjjpgS took pl.veo:
Baffled and defeated, they have-011 this j C'ornmittoc in tho case of ,'lb-r. Kepler
day yielded iho whole question in isue. reported. Report accepted and ordered
The Sex aie or I SCI has euctid its Sn.-
. ' . . . . 1.1. -.1 ... 1 1. 1. ,1.
new ?eato, sir I (hat was during the 'Hock ino ..omnionnouuu reiiiun-.., ... u
Shot War,' when the Lite Charles B. Ten- jeelions, several of the most important
.v ih S.ker holdinc over, entertain-' bills passed by tho Legislature of lSDl, -
Cd two motions lolative to contested seats ; ;irtha position of the Republican Senators
' . . . 1.1 I.',' I '.. ---l .. I-. . I. ... it... Uam. I A A
ki r : : .
Thus felloiv-eitixus, have IhoConstilu-
tion, precedent and law been sustained,
and the courso of the undersigned vindi
We have thus natrated tho fa ts of this
cnfO, and have endeavored, mid we trust
Vut, wL-n tho-o w ci'Q determined, even Ac of 1SUI is correct, via ; tLat the Snatc is
vacated tho ch .tr, and did not dare to as-1 always organi.ud and that the Speaker of
utuo U, until by a vole of the lieu- Saint-' . the former Senate is the Speaker ol the
. to was obeted Speaker. If Iho Republi- new Senale, then those bills ol vo
can metii'.eis ol the Senate of ISO I c:in ; toed by Governor Bigler on ihcourth day
athcr cmifoit from lh'13 0110 solitary ox- 'ol tho session or 18o", are laws notwilh
ception in the unbroken line of precedents ' htatiding his vetoes. That this is nol so,
thev nro welcome to it. The boldncts and ' or at least that nono of tho eminent law-
mngnitu.lo of their act of usurpation has ' vers and statesmen who composed thai
destroyed i's ;ir.ilic.uiec as a deed of rev-' Senate (among whrtu wero Trice, Pucka-1
not saic
was not
KliU K ii nr !-(.
bp. ullowp.l nn oni.ortunitv to explain. nd be noted as "Withdrawn" upon your men. Patriot an i I
.he question being called for, the rraolu- junial. Ten Tii'irs..N! Ps.r-ons I t r-.t A
'"" " ' ' " - , t 1111 inv iir-o-iJitin 1; ui iiuwi I'l.ii n ' 1 . . , . . .
forvour spiritual VriSnt and r0. ;u -AV-.n gus; a,,, m . .p,n. o; a
qucMin.' a continued i.Uerest in vot.r S & 'o thound u.-mCs .1.
Mi.dications to (iod, on mv own be-'but a whole city of lTO.OUt" cools wm so .
half. 1 am, dear Ilrof hren", denly bornt to ashes iu a few he or?- a
Yours, very Truly and llespoc ffuliy, ! city or pajr and bamboo, covering i; : v
fsA.MUKL Kl'.l'l.IlK. 'prinare miles, filled with its no.n?i. i-i
McCoiinclhdiurg, Fulton Co. Pa. children, the tick' t,r.J", !,...
November lSlli, lS'J-. j l,af, and the maimed. It buried '.
The Vuot.,I; Ftxi. - For ike we,k m ll" al rncA- rodew
., ..1.-.-. the cecan for leocner. with its l! a noes. I:
r.11. .ni. i ..iirinr- n nnin n o n s . .1
SO. Several counties in tho State have
each contributed already over ono thous
and dollars. Some of them will run over
to be printed with tho minutes in t lie
Daily Record, as follows :
The (wit Ti'nl in the. e,ie . He:: Sih!
Kepler, ie. ut the ful'.-riJ us tfuir deeir:', n
in the (,-;
The Rev. Samuel Kep'er having presen
ted a letter of withdrawal from the .Metli
n.l'cl Climrh t O four I il Ot hl't'll .
all moiiibers of the Court of Trial, agreed j two thousand dollars. U may well bo said
said letter should go before the Cooler-1 t,at no man over before had surh warm
nice lor Us acceptance, provided wwiier i , tjovot cil friends, or malignant ene
mies, ni the Hon. C. L. Vallandighnm.
nuccess fully, to ex pr so the f .diary ortheos- Virby would withdraw tho charges he had
tensiblo reasons assigned by the Republi-' prefeued ; to which brother Kirby arec I,
can Senators in support or their conduct, provided said letter of w ithdrawal should
... V , . ' bo presented and read without any re-
Wosay ostensib.o, for we do not hesitate , rhco cnn,litinns ,llivin, llM.n
todeclaro that the entire proceeding is .,,, ,i;c, v,-h mutually and honorably,
but a part and puccl of a programme : iho 'om I concluded thoy had no furtlicr
which proposes lo break down and )es- jurisdiction in tho case
1 , . , . , Signed by order and in behalf of the
irey every bar. ier standing between loom (f s.(
and their lusl for power and place. jp pi; RLONtj, O'm'h.
In Iho J'ast, we have presented a deter- J. A. DkMovlr, See';.
mined and unbroken front. Wo have' Mr. Kepie. s letier ot w,.nuraa , ..,
.i.' bv the Secretary. Mr. lore moved that
. . . . . . 1 . .i, . .limn 1 nn Pi'iinf lurtngn i c . .
olulion. Ilew, Heister and Darsie) so thought, is c-, ciono su u......,, ,,0 rrrjU,.t contained in tho letter he
Tho Senator from Allegheny, nolwith- vii.-.mI by the fact that thev all voted up- present, and sustained by your confidence nmlc,, Af,roc, ,0.
... I . ' ...... .... .. - i:.. i .1., ... Ii, i ..... I a Kitrl rntiv
.I..V...ll,.,vi,ri. unr. 4 nf 1 l. ( lll.sti. Oil I lllk.. trlAO. .. ...,;.-r.. .t I IP CollSll- an.l SO Oil, HC 111 IDlllMIUU IU .It. ... I . 1 e 1 1; I IHM-'I a . .
n.u......9 - -- 1 1 .
.. .. M1...1...1. 1 i..' 1...: ... 1 . 1 . 1 ,. .....-til,i(tt.kfn i-nnip.
lutioii, Willi their meaning iiius.r,uen uy , .uunn, men iney sureiy wouni noi n..i e ... 1 vas eranted
,. ... ..r..M r.n,.,r s.n.ikpri. ko's omp. ' done had thev li. f.n ,f o. n,,.v I Wo have presented you the record ly . '
iUL 111 il.'ll VI II. v. .-v . j- , - , j , v j , - .
fora period of seventy years after the ; Iieen sent in loo late. The Senators of iNw , il wp willing lo bejudged.
reading of the certificates of election which 'did not even claim to have even mot un- ' Hiestc r Clymer, AVm. A. Wallace
crcatad tho Senate, failed to vacate the J til they had elected a Speaker, much 1 ,'0O j . ')U, lK-r, John l.ntta,
chair, which ho occupied by courtesy and tU '; ueie o,jni:,,(. Our view or Ibis' c i)01l0vallj CeO. W. Sline,
?or the sake of convenience. Ha reques- question is TuKher strr rgthoned by the1 v' ilic.s1un (i!;,tzJ. Ik Stark,
ted tho now Senators lo come forward to a t of ISu4, which obviously conleniplales j ' ' ' . ' ' v ... .
...-r..,l,l,vn SntrtU ihaplnrlion ofa SriPttker of rnch iro...4nL i ' ,n- llol'k-,ll3 J'- J,t'"0
or ii. i ills iuu i.i ju.-v.... . , - ( . ahn iho Democratic Senators; the beginning of each session, and requires J'- " Montgonu'ry,.! . i tnitn,
the latter
of tho anion in regard to his case, which
The following is the letter referred to :
To the members ot East Baltimore
Con fort nee. ,
iVir .';( thrrn : For several years
nast. I have thought, and have onnli-
dcntly ftated my impressions to a
! few friends, that a case might arise
.in tho history ol the Methodist hpis
Wo acknowledge the receipt of ? -'
from the ladies of School Di-tiid No. 10,
Palis township. Star!; c-ahty (0 ) '.."!.
l-T Dr. John Clriptnan, a celebrated
l'.nglish Physician, is now engaged in ma
king important experiments, connected
with epilepsy, nr,d other dicaes of the
nervous system, ly the external applica
tion of ice and hot water, in rubber bags
lo various parts of the ? inal cord ; noting
thus on tho sympathetic nervo, and, thro'
it, upon tho mobl important at d vitrd por
tions of tho body.
was fired without warning by bomb-shells,
and red hot shot rained incessant !y dur
ing two days into ils midst. In th-.t vast
conflagration it U morally cot lain that t.ot
2,000 only, but ut least five times- per
haps ton or twenty tirm a '2.1 .00 Lolple.-'s
creatures must have perished. No bril
liant pen has painted fur us the hideous
inci leots of their l'-l ngonie, nr.d Iho
horrors of an infernal tiro, before whirh
that ofChiii burns bat feebly. Death ts
dealt out to lhoe innocent beings iu J(.
pan by Lnglish Failors jmrposoly, unfj s
ringly and boastfully not in war, nol in
necessity, nol in fell' preservation. jt
in order t o strike terror into a ham!i.s
j people, whom we pro bent upon foreii g
into Ac.'.'i.r i i Loi Ln Dad; ,'eu-i-
f-.CT At a recent meeting of or.o of tho
cem'tory companies tho chairma.t vc:y
gravely state 1 that ho had groat ploTsarc.
in announcing to the m. cling the gratif;,
ing fact that the burials in the cemetery
for tho le t year were dooblo the number
of ihosf of the year r receding.
utter, however, under protest, in ' hiiu first lo be sworn l-emie he ean admin-' U B. RoarMslec, C A. Lamborton, , copal Church, w hich would make it lh
h, in'biiertoad'inii.iacr the rath of i t-r (ho oilha to Iho newly elected maoi- ! Wr,t. XcShc rry, "Wm. Kinfcy. 1 my duty o termni.tto my ministerial TyriWi
lo thrrn, they h.iwt' beultcted Vtrs. M h been lefMor the Kfpubl.e.n 1 Hisi;Mtr., March r, relation" to the CrSw eltlw,:, , r,li.i ,
JC7j"A married man of our acquaintance
says the first thing that ever turned his
attention to matrimony was the neat and
skilful manner in which a pretty girl han-
. I u l.icnn 11 n. ' v Lf.n ll.olirilp nhpn
v.iv'1 c. it, vuui, . w iuim ni v. i ..... . . , I ''
, . ...... , i I - Er-J .1 II no '. I iJl i'i l i' i'.-ei , v. ii 1.1 : Tu.J-
tho manner in which that broom w.ll he . ,, ... ,. . ,.
0 SO much nii.iia'j st. t net- nmau in n. ; .1"
I den, tunil 'ctl iM.ciiwar 1 ir,!o a e' "
I Ttlo Ir'J.. I In ill, HwitiLlln Pr'l tIT,
0 it . "Chmovo poople shoul J 'cmeniber , ' ' '
. ! Ihe tail of the rattle snake tuskes the J '
but 1h ."I t'toti .---.,., i. ..I i. i e .,.., .'i-. -
handled will not aC'ord him quite
: t