Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 16, 1864, Image 2

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o;it;ufulb JUfuHitan.
hie AbnUnuon of the Unccn i" Mr. V En. m oiy lurei-inm as
.. .. . . . . . it - i.i .1
i III' II' llltlL't'lll l-llll"f(tl rill r,f Ibe I'Ti '"''
The ftf.t PctiM He ictitp if the ll f 1'' ''f .Utir we nll ti-t be rnilty i f Imrttfvnt Unmet! from England- iMitr. ."Ihenvnvlnnf Mr. Uhp
ti .......I- i. ..ii- v.. .,11 .t-.i mh li t. rt "ii tin.. 1 lii v 1 .i ihi ml" '1 1 0'ible tn th llnynl 1'nnnlv - Trobft of Min.nt, in fitly I.i Mr. Ui.i . ehib
' ' ll.i'ir ! l,ii'M- Hii'V 'I.i not Mi ill min iiirir
The Mo,. 'it, iMi'l In Inii'ff to ilo- nun viiiiii, while i.ciiVifm tlm
..!... . i.. i.. ii... ... i ...... i' .i u m ii. ii L lii. iii ) nil I. iii .u i lii 111. ir... , .. . ii I. .1 i.. .1.. i "H,. I'lii run 1 1 011 i'n ill l I rMi' ?i l I, m
l'l Y r l ill' 'i I'f' 1 1 ni I" i ii 1 1 ii i w i n i i 1 1 ' - i . ' 1 ,' " ' ' ' " ' i in ' ii i 'i ' 'inn i ii 1:11 -
dil'lrullv In lh pnm niTiitint, or the Stale '" ' l"'" n"" "r "'"'V" l" ij im, .. turn in i.l.niit,. H- r .In. who hud i aid to him 'h.. I,,., I pi,.l A
mt.irully in in Pr,.,i niTuimi. ol me. in . (.,i!.K, ,,, . ,, , i,.,,,,,,, n tl.i, n I.nub.n.l I Ilo ...hues h.iiIM.wc in 1 1 . l.'adi-d Lnio,, t,,i of iV
iVlKllo. I hey take aaprrtnl pli nunrr In bom,-, fi iwiik nnd nil the eonilnrla nl liln ,v llm ( ilv ..I Now Y,,i I. . nilii in 1 1... i .'. M hs.iui i and I he Presnloiil Inul bull., r
Mi I tin unon certain for the Minione of ri-scn inir our nntionnl urn whii li hare liilbpi In lnin iiinonl. pai-l to him 'if tin. llironli ol i ill.t-r li.e
,.r.i. tif this i-liii'o, utrnlins from llio IIi'K- on 0Vny street lorncr. Every new re- ir.f.iniiiy ; und the rctcnl notion of tnciii- vy talk ofeutlinulhe throats id n per-
inn iivr.i'A nt II m ril.ui;, iln tlio rnut Hint i rives ih lirsiopi'U iiy inrni. l,pr of the pnliinot, pnrliotilurly that of f1"" oi ins on rcook., ..ctviip it i.m t.ti-
.1 .. I. i .1',.,,. (',,... I lit I'Xtoririiei. IS llllU'tl nilVIIIHnVPOi.nini, I.oiil I'.i unri.tmi li;w invi'ii I in Kii'- iui'.i iiiunu im inn rnrunn. .'U inivnrni
1 i -
' '""-' t ..' t.. . .1.. I - - r . . - . .'. . " . . i . . i . ..e .i. . .i .. i :. i .... - ... .
id 'i ' W'. W I mn'linp uip j rni hiii n;i) b iiM ii i-i mini ue jiuri'ime oi ri-iipi vinjt our iiiummu port wltli'h Imrp littlipi In t'ci'il I'liri out. Ml'l in niniii nm innmn in i iiiiit inr js
V KV 'X,'v.7 ,iuiUi'ti, fur t!.? I'UI'iopo of u iuilii-inn rtMi mo ; it l linnfvc'l words tim Ihoir tlmtihr (j.iron Ii nipntullv i mnpnc-it nu-il Conprvt tvo. Clii) l.uik, or thirtoflh
Vv'S'AVWyV W jtl.n l',.n.nrMio .S'ntor with Ih-irron- lipMhry rol. ihn.u of l.onnlici on.y- ,y from ,ny longer l.oMing'llie o,ii,,.f K.,.li-..K h.d to be cut, he vtojl.l i'..r H.o
, ;.Vi -'' --V nA T 't.h.iM.K I-or instntu'o. the ,xtMn t ur (.0untrv', lUrs. Yon find them up- , w,b,'i n-itliout belNvii.)? her mcntnl'. Hre i. n blooiltliir ogre f.,ryo'., l,o A
v',r'' Vj""-' ' - nr7.n1 of thin i-hu'o, uteiilins from tho IIi k- on rtfU. mreet Kirncr, livery new re- i,,f,,n,iv . n, tlie tctent notion of mem- '"Uy t nlks ol cutting the t brunts nl u jut- m
now r,i:in , ,,..
uiwain A MlA',(lr,,,',
vote on
before lie in nwnre
Wl tiNVSHAY .MnltMMl, M Mti'll l'llll
I .1 t .,t
gressto wiereii".' ...o ... lot.uli,y
ni. Mi.'rs a I non enmnitHMoniHl ollu'em, m .. routilo of I
hhowinp, Uml iviiu..,; the I.) Pemoerul tepr-llroker petn the olln-r. lliesetnen i The course of tho 1'rinoe of Wales lute- I'Hiinutes uie jiossu.iiny 01 nueii nn evem,
IVniiles fome fkirniifhing in den
Iit's 1'epnrtnient, nt nml near SutTolk, Va..
mi'l rebel iliMiiotistnitinngiunl Newbern
nml other iioints in Ncrth t'urolinn, I lie
titmy news is inlirely void of interest
Gen. (itunt bin boon wmlo Lieut, den
mil, visited Gen. .Mead at his hendiui
tern, was iiiuiicdi:i!. !y munmnned buck
ftbhirplon, be wont int, an
tbu rumor now i.-tlmt Shennan is to
li.ko his jdaco, that Mel'lu rson is to take
She rninn'a j.lnee, and Smith er somebody
tlso, to tiiko Me;id's jdiiee, and that tho
army of the I'otcniae is to be increased to
'.,'0,000, and march strnilit to Kichmond,
in vieif of which fact "nnother" draft of
from 2(10,000 to oOO.lHH) men is dally anti
i ijinied.
8hormnn,it is noivnfccituit td has return
ed to Viekbburg. lie did not advance be
yond Meridian, Ala. Sonic folly miles of
tho Mobile nnd Ohio Krailroad was destoy-
s iiuu'ii ii.imnuii- in, nn'., lora J alinerbton, lias given tlio r.u- ii''i iuwuui n nirmm, v nv n-i ..
re of it, ho is enlisted for lili jmblio nn intimntion thuln olinnge in "W impute to any otnniiution in tho
1 pays him, inP1'1; h the monarchy mny tpeeddy bo Bnliciim- North the frightful uggettion of -blood,
bundled, and Mr. Volun- lcj letting," when the lumb-like Lincoln fust
n:nM THE r.i1
voted iiu'iinht that resolution, tlmt tUre-, Iroiiiu nlly make from fifty to one bun- y has indicated a preparation to nssume ""J ' w hut .; intends to do v, ben the
, ,, i,,(.,,'nvr.or'(ll'e(l dollar on n single recruit-some- tl0 rt.ill8 0f power. It is undoubtedly the Hensnnt perfoi manee eonimenees Iho
ivtbrj mo r;r.'..i to t-ucl. ",(',ftte 01 ilinles t.vni mol0. These men should meet fact that, shn.ld bodo so, nn entirely ne l'blent of ll.e bntted Stales, in In-nm-
p:iy. To complete this system of decrp- j,,),,,,!,,,,,., (l1(.ir ,Hslnrdly conduct foreign poley would be innngaruted upon iuWe moments, has evidently been son-
linn on. iie'.L'hbiir refers to u vote taken deserves. Thev hi p as keenlv scented as . i, n ,,,,.1, .,, inn immpiliiiiolv nn.l iif- ously contumiilaling the contingency up
on wu.l:1l 111' no Minuiiiiii iiv rin iiKn in m
conversation with Mr. Uoiii, nnd like Mr.,
ash in England, be is prepnred for the I the fullowina einergency. j-ook out, men genuemon
tho copperhead minority then opposed' ab'.o ni a rebel in open rebellion: lul fiom a correspondent in l'uris : cotnervauvesoi me i.eague ; sny jour prnj -
these resolutions, for the reason, as thoy ! prolessing lalty they nro coining gohl , V4RIS ivi rurary U. -An Knjilisli cor- ' frequently, nnd U p.epareJ to meet
'.ml dl the liiniieeol nml 11 nex Ml ' ei.eeil I. ul.,i,. l ...l I ,.n . mi. il ilu. ou. enn . Ji'i nuniw n.ic in., .in. t, mi
soldier." eor.linti.o lovul family. The Prince of .your rolls and coileo. tho Ago of the Jam-
Wales iiHts u'poii tending aid to his lath- "s w .1 Uppcar nt your 1, out .door, mid
-nii Nl, srKl.J il,o liln.. of Denmark while the' HI out of las pocket the latal bow slung.
KMkns , th,: VUwtlMll.-pMiM-. (.ueon is violent in her demonstrations in l 'I 1 will begin to regret tlmt you j CA WITH FST .
Gcnllemi'ii : I notice in your issuo of r.,vor f Ge.m.inv. Iiuteven li re In r lavc J.ut your tr nst m 1'rinci-s, ami mourn ' 4 v.j,
,n. lion our neighbor rclers to u vote laKen deserves. I l.ey nre ns keenly scentea n 'tlio D.misli inimodiatoly, ami aT- oul
'in the Senate on ibis snme imeslion l inn- 1'ralrie wolf, un.l as unrelenting as torwitr.l p-n Ami riean utbiirs, to your ad- 011
U'l.n election of Hr St Hair in tho rocm ! horse-leeeli. Men who follow ibis for a vantage. II n will reign under Iho title of n'
,0 t.ieikLtion oi I i.. A. .lair n u.enc. ' tu)!ini, atMV(, ,li(J ronlelJit of every Kin1.;,Wlir,j the Seventh. ,Aim
u.ilof Hurry bite, remnrking that some oi (1(),10!)l n,,lM- They nre not half ns bono.-. ' also publishes the following
alleged, (Lit the Sfi.utc wun not fully ory.ini-
Here wo have the candid admiion tbiit
the reasun why l.he Democrats refused to
vote for that resolution then was because
they did nol believo that tho Senntc was
"fully organized." So far so good. For
once our neighbor tried to be l.onost.
P,ut he goes on in bis Inst issue :
"The Senate being now full, nnd the
rchwunrj Mr. Penny as Speaker by thoniii
ioritv of that body, the fornttr pier, for vot-
CALL AND I'Y ii,i..
Till-Hi stuck or
D11Y GO Olj
it can nut in: ur.i:v,
cd, -1,000 negroes, nnd 5.UO0 prisoners, nc- jng against tho resolutions referred to no
cording to the federal accounts, mid 800 A.'i.f.rr exisU."
negroes and no prisoners, according tore-1' Will our neighbor bo kind enough to
bel accounts- i'e" us "plea" has been nlteied?
Chase withdraws bis nnmo ns n enndi-' It is not enough that the Senate is "now
flnte. for tho TreMdency. riemont's'fuP." Although full, undV t'.y curt a .W
friends nre therebv much encournited. mid ' a"- it id no more an organized body than
n nrticlu reflecting upon the majesty must be at' fault, as Germany is that you nre nol "Copperheads."
lie County Commissioners in ' now split into t ao very decided parties, would no be a conservative? i
J.i. bounty to volunteers. u j, also Uatod that tho Prince of Wales! H,V bounties do not alvrav" rn
lele.izfl 1 us ftel. nan i i.i.i.ii : .1 . i JW 1 1 "" oouniios uo HOI HI wnj s I a
- - - - ikis u"ri..ui.i ifiiuiiiL; iimuiiu uiu
last week nn
nciiotis of the
ottering the $'Ji
You cbaraelerize this act
l-UUI 111 i v 11 oo i ,u t.IVS I
I'linser- ' . . . . mm I, . . , i
,;i.i;.,.. ii. in,,. ;i. : : : , , , . sirenirii.en i:io arniv. i no uoe.ncsier .1-
. our ciiens-' l , k vc o the Com ' val'v',T'', I'""? " w "'T. .K ; o1' (1-V. mentions the esca,,e ol
oi our citizens i uiiiik yen 10 tne l om- U t ji0.,i r),.roy. Mis roval . , .:, :, t, a-uv t.
n-...s,.ono.s injustice, the ottering ol lhe;wi ,.,obably soon find this party as much i, ajd- tl at on ll enme day theie were A I! b'S' SHAWLS'. GF.XT3' Sfjii
bounty was not brought about by any out- 'ollt , fiW,lion as il8 8i8,or, UlC t,-.,itwmt, inl "
side luesMiro whatever. Auf tru. the wilt v.. ... .t. r. i . i, I Iwo "u,lUr u nu n I iy a i mil i s i ro ni in u
am,id,rcJ coMon of their own mind, ' V . " p " . !,22d cavalry, who had pocketed ?7.i,"W m
1'JUII.I N.U t.IUJVI V,..,. V,. l.,,.H IllllintV
our lemark u ca.culate.l to impress ilHt of tho Vronch Hourboiu, celebrated ; H """',
your rea.iers wnu me uiea but "lew :nl lhe Madaleine a few d.i)s Ago,
ui our uiuimis are in i:ivor oi win mean- '
ure, w hile tho
are determined to run him ns nn indeprn-;
dent candidate. j
Kumon nre ngnin current that France1
is about to recognize the Southern Con-1
Tbo election in New Hampshire on the
8th inst., resulted in favor of tho Aloli
tioniets some 8,000 soldiers having been
tent home to vote, ns a "military neces
sity." The late Maj. Lanimer.
An esteemed friend calls our attention
lo the remark in our notice of the death
of tho above named gentleman, in our pa
per of the 24th February lni-t, reflecting
upon the tardiness of Mej. L's. promotion,
nnd mtikes the following explanation :
"Tho law passed May L"), 1SCI, organiz
ing the Keservo Coips, required that nil
otbeors in this Ccrps should beeiu-tcJ; the
law of the United States, that they should
be ar pointed by tho Governors ol States ;
nnd orders ficm the v nr Department, da
ted June 21st, 1SG2, forbid any more elec
tions to bo held. Gov. Curtin could not
commission nny officer in this Corj-s unless
he was elected. As soon ns that pnrt of
the net of May !.,, was rcpenlcd,
Maj. Larrimer received his commission."
it was the first day they met. This i' the
position of the Democrats. '1 bo Consti
tution says distinctly tint "each House'
shall choose its own Speaker. This b:ii
been the inrnrhble practice for seventy There is no other legal wny ol'
procuring a Speaker. Yet our neighbor
speaks of "retaining" Mr. Penny as Spea
ker, uho never uu fleeted by the present
Senate. And this is what the Domocruts
contended for at the commencement of
the se?9ion, nnd as honornt'ie men they
cannot j ield their ground
.,ii il.n t-.nti i ir.ii nf itm A l.iklitinn Snm.tors SerVall.S.
when they first met, for they held n cau-
V. S. INTKKNAL kkvkxuk.
1 iwiuu ' 7j-.!.'r 1 St-.
i II r. sttciitiun nl tni-uiyprs is horil.y cullml f If PI.T IL Oil CIOTFK!
lo on proviM.uip oi ino l iii:'mi uiins i.iriM' : , , . i, i, i-ts! f. fill r.ivriii
l.,i r,llit- I.. nr.i,m..tit tulM. .'ii.J 'v '.-...-. 1.V . I
Ily tli e fijtU npti(in of the ad of July I, sf,2,
it la mucin thi duty of a.11 iivrenim, prtner.ili i(, CIIKAI'KH THAN THE CHI.fl
llin ili iidliprnnls of ll.e old reeimo Hie
truth is, their name is lo-'fll8l jyin out. Only about l,.t)0' persons
'u'oca iirnitrtt '.ml nnt mnrn Iri.'tli l "lit fir
The word -few' vould much more tru'.h- ten canines' from the Fniibourg St. dor
tully represent the nuuiberot those who ,aino cro aeen befo, ,i,0 duor of ll.e
arc urraynd against 11. The proof of th'n ' ,.iurch.
is in mo incj iiiiii me I'cinocrais ot : ti, M.r;.,; ri;J.,i;,., !. t .! m r.r,. .-wri.n.,n. r r.n,r.ii.,m m,in m .m,.
this borough, generally have united in rais-'a rorpni Cubinet Council,' on tlm Danish t" nny nnminl duty, lieeDre, or u.t, ou or befuri
ing a fund for the purposo of pavini; a bor-1..,,., i;,,r, rv,f,r. ViMn. in mm l'.e firft Munduy of May in ca.:b year, to mukc h
ough bounty in addition to that otlered by j Me dt.claring tUat she could come to no ; '''.'-f ", lhf .amj.-i Assessor ..f i)
tl.o county. ou do the Commissiuners in- decision without consuliinc with Prince "lr"'1 "tn ",ratcd VU L " " , I
U i , ,..,ir,,i; , , : lO.i.lston willioui consuuiiii, nun i run e lPcomP th 0 Rrt ,cie g r ot.joru chargnd wuh a
jutu.. , .. so, n p.etendi .g tog.vetl e ren-,vlbci.ti r?tircd int0 her clohct, and, on ,vtrMux, and tt.o bueines, ir occuj.iuiw, liable
son which led them to their net, nnd then Qraorginr, announced ihat the Prince was ' to r.y anv license.
making your arguments to demolish these hiotilo to nnv net of wur bv F.ncland. i Efrrv ferstn ho ilmll fail to ir.uks ucl. ro
pretended reasons. I This unmiLtak ible proof of ment:.l nb- turn by th day speoifiod will bo hsblo lo be
Il was not because they thought this ' t,p,ralion ,s 6ai,i u, have determined Lo.d ?""cd. '' Ascs..r wcr. Hog to the best
ivoi. d lit "ibrt lat pull" Iml C.r iilor ,..,-) ,, , ,lllu" " "al 1 ' . .- ,. , ., iif..riutioo uliuh bo cun obtain ; nnd m tucb
nuiM l et !r r .n- n,. r . Palmcr,ton to urge tho hMiwtion of t he ho A . . j ,,, fif
i n rewoiw. some ol which wc (jucen . anr the fact that, ...s'.csd of join-1 Um t0 the Olnoui)l tf !Ut. uf iu,.g fi,t.
sliiul endeaver h re to present, that he i i.w ,r,ili..r nt (..borne, the Trince ofl ft irv Tn.rtfin who kliii'I rli livflr til nil AnH&PMT
ie men they , j,e0plo mny better understand the ricj, W-Icb has cone with Ins Princess to St I any fu!s c.r frauiulcut list or ftnt.-mont, witli
And this was , belore they pass m judgment unon their l nn,,i i intpi nrpted as an indication . intent to evade tba vuluation or oniimeriition ro
- i . ... . . ... , .
By n reference to The Aje
ret.ruary uu , 1 una a
that Fdwar.l VII is preparing to mount iujrci J .. 'ic " f fivebundr.l , Scarf?
mat ii"fl' "' I I o 1 i.,,11urc nil, inrn.-li ri.Ki it.n livl m- ill liA' i . , r
cus, nominnted their cnndi.iate, nnd nfter- j provisiions of tho Conscription
wards bul'.ottcd for him mnny times. They , passed both house? of Congress i
of the 20th (he throne, and lo inaugurate a new for-
synopsis of the ' 0icn riolicy in the nllaiis of Great Britain.
Acl wbirti I
mnny times. 1 hey , passeU both house? ol Congress on tho l'Jth Tho Ixcaaucrc CI I ri'oners Aesnrana.
then, in the hope of brow-beating the ; Pobruary nl:. From thai synopsis I quote j It will bn good nows to the country to
Democrat into nn ignoble furrendcr of!11' I,fol:oni.n8r: , I learn that the exchange of Union fur con-
, . ... ... , T, ., ' II any (Iralio I person bhall hereafter fe,eia!e prisoners- has been resumed at C
il.e.r position, turned mat, as Mr Ienr.y ,. mol fol. the ,,rocllralion 0fa sub-1 t i'inion the James river. Euht bun-
hr.d been elected Speukrr by tho hit Sen-.stitue such payment shall operate only to ;,i,,i n.-infi-dnratn nnscnors hate already
alo at its adjurnment, ho should be "re-, relieve that person from draft on that call, been exchanged for as many of tl.o poor
tained" as Speaker of the Present Senate. ttnJ . Li "Hn,r 8ba11 be rel"i"e'1 0,1 lhe .fellows who were languishing in the rebel
1 ! Pf, I III h 1 1 n F I II I II r .iinl oc " 1
Their only reason for nssuming this tin
! roll in filling future quotas. "
nt monors
It is cent-rally conceded, that tho Pres- : 'I'll A AV
(enable and revolutionary portion, was ; iJont's last calf can ho tatitifietj f.y jc on- possible l-y the fedt'i il govo.-naionl yield-
I ly and not by money.
I 1 rom the Provost
because tho Senate was cquully divided.
and therefore unable to elect a Speaker
'6 have no doubt of the entire correct-: except upon some such plan of corrprom-
ness of our friend's statement, who was i iso ns was proposed ly the Democrats, and
also nn ardent and sinccio friend of the' rejected by the Abolitionists,
deceased. Our remark was made from The condition of affairs in the Senate
r-.i. ..:.l.t- - 1. 1 . .1... . 1 .... .i:nr l Tl. ..!--.:. .r f
mi-is our n.m,rutr, ,m n.iiu. now uiutreni. i.ietmiiOD 111 oi. t.uir p ,..., . )lo p.-.t, ,fnl
the above, gives the Abolitionists a majority of 1, nnd General's order, we aro forced to these con-
they can electa Speaker whenever they .elusions lhat tho quota of Clearfield
nro perfectly consi tent with
drafts until tho entire quota ' obtained."
. , : . r , i. I . i .
1 .. 1 l, . i-rr l Tl i .- t p. fl : .l"". n v i. -im-l .1 1 lull ui nil; lliw, ll.o
H,,'...w...i,ii I,,,, i. ii-,,,, itii: v.iii.uu i'i v, viuii i
inn ft tiom it s lcula never liave snowed
Marshall General's in' that is. BnLtR ba.i been e
ordor of tho 2nd March lay II quote this cuJed fro.u negotiation, as the rebels
clause: would not treat with thorn. The confed-
"lf tho quota shall not be filled by tho crate Congress had outlawed Bcti i R, and
lira draft the board shall make further it U not in ficcoi-dinco with established
'dollars; and in fuch can the lbt will bo mmb'
nut by tbe Atsvsior or Assistant Arrester, an.)
frun. tbe valuatinn nnd enumeration o made i
tbtro can be no I
)'ayinnt of the annanl tnxi'f. sxrei t tlio-i ..r 1
licpnsi'i. will nol be d.'uinQdcd until th- tbirtit'tl. j
dr.y of Juno. j
Iho nppropriato bl.ii'i on ihict. to inuko ro
turn, nad nil nrcesfary '.n formation nil! fur-j
nisbed Ly W. J. IIevmiii l, A(e iatant A'.-.'fsT
for the Firt Diviiion, to wLom tho returns should
bo dlivird od or before the 1ft Monday of May, I
at Lii otCco in CurwoDsrille.
V. S. Asrenor 19lh L'utrict. '
furwcnjvllle, March 2, tsCJ. j
-.irTT-TTVVr- (..Ml?.. 1 lTI 1 T TV 1
Scarfi !
.Satchels !
wish. For fail
ling to do so, thev are alone .county must be furnished with men. Thatl0f the
.., ,. , i.i ! lhe payment of f.'lUU by u dratted man, 'o, ln
lnt.1 n Speaker elected, in ftV-rales not ns a credit, but mere- hope I
The Pennsylvania Fveserves and their
Tho xilJacoLitk orm of this place, fol- there can be no organization, and the , ly as n cause of exemption.
lowincin tbe wake of tbe 1 1 est ian T!e-1 Democrats are therefore left no choice but i If we should pay the Joi'O each for tho
usages for one bolligrcnt power to forcei
an obnoxious ngenf upon another beligor- j
ent power. The negotiation which led to
tho exchange, 60 we are informed, was .
conducted hy Major Mci.rohDon the part j
Union covernment, am) liottti . r t
tor Uie conteiteraies. t.em.iy now
to see our brave L"vs home again,
after their long and needless captivity. I
nAS recently rj-cnf d a Pimp in Lumber City,
hro be is low prepared to uianufactuio
itrxDX or tix, s ;; r-
I'ort Mummies! Iri
Port .Moiinaics: Era v
Pllnlie;Mjil,ic .Vita! -
1 1 pi;.-), toijacoj d .setaiv.
Or anvtliiiiL' tlsoiatlio Xwili. :
' - - t
r a rncu la u attestioss
especially invited toe !
unlqu all ed stock 01 ,.
Saws ! Halchcfs ! Ct!
i . i . i f. y
.ViNS : iiaiciicis : ui
ik (rhan.''A m i pr i n rtir inim in-
r;rar.a at Ilarrisburg, asserts that (Jen. Mc- to oppose every attempt at legislation. 1 1 1 "en cfl ' " J'V l ?,Jn M"nce of ll,e "WlT perversity of the
Clellan, in his report of the operation. U not because they or art, U,i.or'w
of the army of tbe Totcmae, "cast some1 that measure, lhat they vote forornga.nst ; ..Another and another and still another ; j for f . . whole yew he was allowed to
aspersions upon the noble Pennsylvania i ; nui because iney arc noi an or:Ja,uea cw.y. uisu win do oruereu until Having ex- j.0 on otijer (iuty. and General
. i . . i . . i i . i i ...
r tl . 1 i: .ra .n it ... ' .ie m in rounn u- iv ha AniArrnf in 1 UlPU'tl LMta JiiAlUtJUUr WB WntlHltMllI. . t ..I i .. U:..-l- T ik
JiCBerves ; auuing, auer nil mat iney; uiB .V..-.V-. i..v v - as n'j i'iinun ui ma iuip. i.vcrjtini
hod undergone, hotr must it chill the -Senators voted ngninst the resolution ask-, c snarl at once, because nature
Lcnrt3 of the veteran survivois of lhous-i ing for ndditional pay to the soldiers, and ;
nnds who have so nobly fallen, tannd their the only rcaton ; nnd this fact is well. The draft being ao evil from which wo 1
former cowman Jer imputi"? to them a want of known to these JacMn editors ; nnd if cannot escape, our duty is to raako the e-
the !, ,it!,- " An nrtt.-lfl ..I- thev bad t he mora honeslv of nrofession- :r.""'' i'"B!,,liu
courage cn i
so given from the Pittsburgh Guetie, an
other shoddy organ referring to a pam
phlet, recently issued, containing the re
ports of Gen. MoCa'.l , (who commanded
the Reserves) of tbe battle of Mechanics
rilie, Gain's Mill, and New Market Ci oss
Roads, which these libellers assert, "vin
dicate tho Pennsylvania Reserves from
tho aspcrsionscast upon their foldierly
qualities in Gen.'s report. ''
Ilefe tho charge is distinctly made that
Gen. MeClellan, in his Report,
"cast assertions vpon the suldkrty if tulilles" of
that heroic band of soldier?, tho Pennvyl
Piescrve. Now, if true, why don't they
give us the fact tho extract, and words
of tho report. They have tho
This duly we contend, the Commission
ol our quo- lluj lCon unkind to the now federal a.:ent
in lhe matter of tact and brains. Ho ap
peared to such disadvantage in tho corres
pondence whiih was subsequently pub
, hshed, that he was removed and
put In his place- But this made matters
wotse than ever. Bcit-rn can write a kt-
... . i . . i :. .1. .... ... it.:. i. J
ler-jmiee. ... n ui. uu.y .oiuji ut8j 3i000 B'tsbels ef Wheat for sale at CortrsaM II
; wen ; nut t ne rcijois positively reiuteu to Rt f i ;o por bunhel
r ii' If
I iilliicks . DooY A" UWtU-
Tbenn , be sapr-KM with Ri FTLNa I'lufks ! 1 but 'M I
j FTOVES of Tiliieh be intends kei ping a rupply. . , .
I .ir)fr fir rpontin;:, rwfing, .le renpectfniiy Xllild ! SbTCWS ! llinC3 1) 1
I "r.nrue... i.epa-.nns prcinpny aui.nacj 10. as
be intends krepitig cone but tho b.-st of irnrk
! men, the prnple may rely on w.nk.
I blertkeepe.s and deolerf suiplie) at roavjuiili'.e
: rati'".
I f sll nt the Svbttan'i'i I TV Sb'p ar.i ire f.u
! JOHN M. PPKXCt:?.,
i Martb ?, l.Ci-tf.
Nails ! Screws! Hinges
Ci ra i ti and Feed fur Snk',
read his etlufcions. Andsoourunfortunate a,(KMi Jiuahcls of Corn at Si PO per b.ul.el.
on the Eeir-ev:dent principle pro- boldiers have been kept in unwholesome -Mums weight f Vbcat chop at $1 40 per cwt. Almost anything el-o in
cinimeu ny i resnieni i.tnco.n "it is eM- iii isnns because the Vnr Pepartnient had 1.O0O weight nf Ky chop at the same .ne
JAltEIi F. IliVl.V.
1 . 1 1 i. if 11.1 At.
... ervei.", u.ey ..uu... um Biieu.pi io crs are t,niieavoring to perform. The fill
conceal the fact. .ing of our quota by offering bounties, costs
!us less money andfecer men.
Tiir Senate Orcamzei.. Since the fore-, h is chenper to nnv 21 0 rer man than
going was written,- wo nro advised that
Tr PnTir.v fin Wailttncilnir lnif
., . t . , p . p . . . t er to pay a larcce sum than a Jarcer one. eni..i,t, i,i Tiiint n mun nf &aii&a ; 7,(HM lbs. mixed chop at S3 25 p r ewt.
u.Wuh.. .u, .... . Uig cheaper because when we onro pay ' and aiscrrtion to IranLact this delicate Sns-1 ,
lion as : cauer, ta position wincu expireu t our ouota is tilled which m not Um l ,t 1 .1 T T ..... . ' .. . 1 1 . '
. i i . .loess, uunti tr, ii o iiji e ui.i nn -n. . i n :
ny us own iiraiiauor. wuen me present wnen w e pay wio rommuta-ion. exchang-s, and ive bopo they will horear-
Sennte met, when the Senate immediate- , u is cheaper becauso a la'e portion of ler bo ke 't 0n.,V. 1'. Wall.
ly went into an election of Speaker, whkh ' T'7k 'f1 bounties "l1 "nK
resulted in Ihe-eho'cof Mr Penny Thus r ' , 7 ' l!!".r l lL'e A Thousand Millions More,
rcsnuea in me oi air. iinny. commutatiot; money Is drained out of the
the Senate is legally organized ; and thus county. I The "daughter of the horse leech," and
.... r .i.T, ...i i.i. ' It poets nsfe.vir in if b- rK ' Ptor little OLIVER. TwiST at tho work-
ll'Uirv UI lilt I'liiiuiiu a iiuui iud lie- - .
triumphantly vindicated
Tarpon tors' V,
("'ai-poiiUTs iV I
Files & IJusps !
l-'iiusj i lLispa !
!:icl;si)il!i5 T'."
;l;i(.lvMuitli3 T'.--r
Shoe Fiii'3
Shoe riudiig-
not comiiPta iv!il. other cn mLimin u,; house dinner, nave always been inoKCil is triumphantly V.nct.calea- - - ... ,,ft upon as lyres of voracity and greedincsa.
while the Abolitionists thereby tcknowl- accredited to otherplacos. Many did this I;ilt. the 'give-give'' of the former, ami
rd.'e tbnt tber have been nttemntirie n lirlnrii our bonntv won ofV.,T..i-l ,,i inr, m. the demand for "moro" of the latter, are
report be- ,, .,.,.,;. , nv of the veterans from ClorfiVld roon- child's piny compared with Secretary
fore Ihoro, then why not give to the world, . . ,. . '. . . , listed and accrt lited themselves to oth. r Chase's bnancial performances. Hiscapa-
that part of tho report that is derogatory ! 1u,ed,ulc.,y "Ucr, tlie organization, the u W) nKn onh,, cunty enlist city for following up a naiion-muscle,
to the "soldierly qualities" of tbe Penn- U L,em0,cra,ic 'S,ena,0rS ho rh" Vled fwhere. we m-r.t furnr.h M men ma- blood, and bonea-is uu.tva M;bob.
.... . . ugainsv inc resolution utKing lor tnerens- King in reuuiy irom isiearneia HI one "' uv. ... v,. ..uu, v., ......
ll tuey are not total-; . . ., , ,. ... ... lumilreil mnrAtHan nnc.r. ,r. aecordins to thj follo-vinccorrerpondenco
ly lost to all sense of khatne-if they Lave T' 1 ny lQ In8 asKci 10 nave me.r whm hl hvo of the Hiliimrr .Vrn. from Washington, he
.mine, iuiue.. ii. ....or m v.iaL reso.u- pot the benefit of all these men-and then wnts 51,UOn,000,000 beside :-A3t.
lulion. Eut Ibis request tho Abolition tlcaifield county would have lost only the In lookina over the appropriations on
major. tv refused to grant. , number of hei quota now she loses that the War Department account to supply
" - and many moro ar.d would have lout deficiencies for the present fiscal year I
J,Axr SiiAnks. In speaking of Ibis class pnny mere yet had thero been no bounty n0 rrovlfc'on fr bounties to the army,
of Vandals, tho Ilarrisburg correspondent offered. j ef tbe amount to which the gr.verDmer.t
c.-jc on the field of Uub f ; AS Mc as tho of the Philadelphia iYrw, under date of The bounty taxes only those who ca-r eomm ..uen on inai neaa im sala ry
ro unu i n in t.ives nosu io n noni il wo uia -! n" -
be a great hardship to be drafted
sylvania Reserves.
a spark of honor above that of cut
throats and garoters, they u-i'l give us the
document. We venture the assertion that
the chargo that Gen. MeClelku imputed to
the Pennsylvania Reserves "a u wtt f rjur-
cri.vrn hoart that makes
the tratier of tho Ep'.nte
decens'd, all poi-Bons conei'rtie.I will Li're'.y
Uke not.eo that ibe nndrrniirneil. un Auditor
appointed to report distribution of the balance
ol artcti iu tho bands of tbe Administrator, will
attend to the duties of bis arpointirnnl at tii
office of H. I), fwoope, liej., in iho borough of
Cliarfe Id, on Monday, tbi 2ljtduy of M.ireh,
nt 3 o'clo -1;, V. M , when an t where lUtue inter
OJU'd may attocJ and bo heird.
Mtrch 2, 18rl. Auditor.
pnrchase no remedy qual to Ur. Tobias'
Venltian Liiiiinent, for dyventury, colic, croup,
cbronio rheumnlif m, sore throat, toothache, tea
eiekuefs, cute, burna, awollings, bnii.a'.-, old sores,
beadacbe, mosquito bites, pains in the limbs,
chest, baok, ie. If -It does not gire relief the 1
money will be rufun led. All that ii akei is a
trial, and nre it according to the d.rcctiotijj.
L'r.Tobus lear Sir: 1 have used your Vene
tian Liniment in my family for a number of
ypais, and believe it to bo tbe bett arlicU for
hit tl la recommended thai I nave ever une J.
Which they flatter thera-elvoi ciuf
lu tblS JOCtiuO,
1 EAS :
fiTIie following, from tho Buffalo
(.X'xrier, shows how tho Olustee d.i.ter is
regarded by tho army in Florida :
An officer in a New York rrf imcrt, en
gaged ic tbe recent Florida tight, w rites
as follows to a relative in this city :
"I have hid my feet t hot off and may
loose part of my Kg. cU for brim a deltjate.
io the first poktva! eamenho Alt Lincoln held
in rhriJa?'
The NicualiTT Oct. In his account
of the failure of Kilpatrick'i raid, our Jac
obin neighbor totally failed to slate the
fact that a negro betrayed and misled the
force under Dablgreen, for which he was
hung. Come, neighbor, give '.he d 1
hit due.
;ue i a ,., nas mc tenowing : r harilbhn, ta Le drafl(,(1. , 000. Senator Wilson truly observed that
1 here is a c. ass of men connected w ith ti,..aI,ii. .i.l c.r it would not fall unon thiavear. bjt it cer-! rn, .niinn nitirk- ,r i-rr.. ii i tn.:ni.u r
U. . , j uu ov-'ii. ii . .i.i,,&i , . . mi. mo ivitru vi -- . . . ...... .u
as lecruita.g business that nro not wor- tho commutation tainly rill fall before the end of the next have no lMintion in recommending it for all
thy of wearing tho human form. They ti,. ;i n,ir,,mi r.i,. .if fiscal vear Juni 39th 1865. This vast the nsei it professes to cure. 1 have sold it for)
houia have lived in those dark ages when lfco administration I der.y. The stron- llfo ' h prorided for in the appropri
.L?lT!i i rI,r0r" t0, Tl '.n tIie L'ct democratic counties in the state had ion bills that are to be passed before
Sr KS Uw3 ,,D 1,10 cratsofihis county, who are a bitterly .The estimate, for bounties a thebegin.
ii 1 n 1 m lTrT u WJ h"v V Posed to Lincoln's abolition policy and ning of the session for the nest fiscal year
class of men all over tho country who arlli,rarv ftcli M .nv man ran ba aro were $3.003 000 only. So that around
would sell their country for a sll mess founS , o r$ 00,000.000 U to be yet appropri-
nfim'Ufa in ni , not M,nt,l. u ..... 'D ' iTWHn8 ln, aMW. iL. j.a.i will t . I. -'..A. .
: ri . :?, k " f: : ,Cr. ; ' IZ ;r .-T that the action of the Com- u!V,,r" 'U.M Dr. R. V. WILSO.V
; mV Vbr Z,.nA trlM V. i " n,, w"" fullv considered, will be. cscai year is over iw,uuv.uyw. ane i a- dcarfiald, Pa., Feb. 2, 1884.
ver-men who pretend to be very loyal, BU,lRined by the rec,,le, I leave the mat- mount yet to be appropriated for the 200, !
y patriotic, very nucli irobi.tered to ter in their hands with coxifidenca 000 called out by tbe late p rods ma- QTRAY SIIECP. Cams to ths premlsea of
wards the rebels, and very anxious to fill. KIMOV tion of the President (not estimated for O to snbseriber ia Lawrenca township, on or
up tho skeleton regiments now in the . oiaiu. . heretoforej wiu reach $200,000,000. Add b0Qt ,h 1,1 of An8nit ltt,t' BHEEP. lbs
field. I refer to the horde of tolcntek- rosiroNED.-The vendue of Wtn. U. for regular estimates at commencement I Jlllai" MVn.rn?" f0,i.I?i S11!?
nnnarrsi.. lm sr. coinlnir mens bv a Wilann of Rniroa I... f .li- RjVI rwVi rl . A k.. . W.""',.?1; ebsrjes and Uks It away, other-
" -4 CC .v-wiuii, uioisiuou '"".vi vpivi i. w v,vy w.v v i auva thj unw TltTtt It Will hl afTI tCAFflinff ta law
many years, and It gives entire e&ttsfnrtiou.
QciKtRTOw-y, N. J ., May 8, )8iS.
Frlc 25 and JO cents. Sold by all druggists.
OCce, ii Corllondt street N. Y.
jMaroh 2, ieei-lm.
TTTASiTtD-A girl to do general house-
i T wurk. ArP'J' t0
practice which would cause a pirate upon week, baa teeo postponed on accsact cf an aggregate on account of appropriation
ii gar Cured 1 rains!
Sugar-Cured Hams!
TJnf'tiiiLr Utensil
-JLl" ID
r.M wA (a nur
ket itre-t, nearly eit"'" W
Tib . XT, nt tf-
ibe high teas lo blush. A wil l Arab from the flood.
(tbi inter cf l,200,OCO,WO.
I Tab. :i, 1).