Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 16, 1864, Image 1

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    ?H 151 I
1, ' V-
0. B. GOODLANDER, Edlt and Proprietors.
TEEUS:-Cl 63 Per Ann;....
t a r
From the liellefunto Watchman.
tJl.tpr rtfnlty Dedicated tt Ilin "Denrent Friend.''
Br jnp. w. runny.
The rmlclcft tenri Hie Lourtnioy ulioil,
Ate tlione which full obore thu dead.
Where virtue, mmiliood, glory, blond
In ono 11 bum no huve culled "our friend,"
And jet, oft time, wo feel a prhlo
In ono who li nth thus nobly died ;
A pride to think thiit nn hl niiiuu
Occurs no blot to mar his fume.
i 'Till thus we're called upon to-day
To mourn a hrave ioul piiKucd away ;
; Another victim of thut hand
; Vhono blood has stuiued our weening land.
Nrnvo Larrinier ! rr.y muso in vain
Would touch Iho clionls of hope again,
To comfort thoBo who, living, know
And feel the dreadful crush of woo.
In vain were word? of comfort now
The lieurtas deep grief must have it How ;
For lii.pea that once hade fair to bloom,
Now slumber with thee in the tomb.
A fair girl, in her midnight sleep,
With ilrontiii of theo, awaken to weep ;
And bitterer team than hern no'er gave
A loved ono to bis early grave.
I'oor stricken heart ! Iho years may How,
Ami biin' their changes as thoy go,
Hut 1 on they yield a soothing balm,
The wilducss of thin grief to calm ?
Ala? ! where now the manly brea. t
V hereon her head .'he loved to le. t ?
Where now the nrui. whooe tender hoi t,
l.'H du ped Iict in their lovin;' fold .'
" Dr.AD ! in the fl.ij: he loved so well,
For which lie fought and nobly fell,
They've wnipp'd his poor cold manes to re.-t,
t And laid his dayuiore on libi breast.
' l'.esido ol 1 Sii.-tiii'liannn's stream,
Where wandeif l ho in boyhood's ih'iitii,
lie sleeps the warrior's last "i sleep,
While angels watch nround him keep.
Iiut other tear than hot's .-hall flow,
For other hearts hare felt the woe ;
liolovod by all, a country's Ri-iet
In loving tears shall find relief.
Then rest, 0, brave heart, in thy tomb !
Thy glory tukos nwny its gloom ;
K.nshronded in the stripe" and stars,
ttcst thou fromull thy toilsome n.its.
find's mercy to tho ttriikcn lienit,
Muy yet f oiue ray of joy iiupnrt ;
E'en yet the dove of hope may mi:',
And brin' nveot peace upon her wing.
Thu: mjy it be, for it Wore wrong
To mourn forever ibus aloii.i;:
I.lfeh.rrh its pleasures and ilj".v,
Tho' olt, hi uow, with miieh alloy.
lint ri-ter, whilo obi shall la t.
Wilt lliou bo from their moin'r ies ca-t ;
Shi'U pray aerown to thee be given,
And meet" theo joyou.-ly in Heaven.
Farewell, bravo Larrinier. farewell !
An abler pen than mine can tell
How, oft in bailie's front arrayed,
The focuiuu shrank before thy biado.
Within thy gravo ihou sleopest now,
Tho laurel crown i on thy Wow,
No inoro thou '1th. ir the bugle', call,
Nor rush whero aimed liot.s light and
And tho' they've laid thee, in their piil'
Hy ?u.iit)hiimm s silver title,
'i..-rn,.l,l nnd Centro U.itti hull i
Tho glory of thy henored n iiue.
ni'rmtry 27, lSI'.-l.
Wimt uAnn.n or Us-Tur. Si.vieoi
Oi .t Finances. 1 ho nsliiugion cones-
pondent of tho Cincinnati hazdie write
us follows to that rabid Abolition Journal,
in reference to the enormous cxpeiicca ol
the war nnd the increase incur public
debt: . , .
"Not Icfs dangerous than the hdly ol
snriiosinn tho war ..radically ended, is
tho r.,llv of Kumosiiii! tlint wo can
goon with impunity, conducting it as long
as we please, on tho most extravagant and
reckless Bistom ol expenditure ever known
in tho wholo liii.lory of war. e ilo not
lii.tory tu war. e no 1101
i : oldicT who does not cost
cr another, double what a-
ient or modern, ever paid
odd to-day one.
us, in one wsy cr
tiw nnlinn. nnriei
for its soldiers before. It is a very cheap
trie of popularity- seeking to answer
that wo aro worth all wo pay for Ihcm ;
but when thev thcuist lves, and their chil-
dren, conio to ny on l ''cot we tuo in-
curring, the answer '"-'y 11151 cism fjuiieso
- "
"Wolmvocon Hicletl thotvar inrceyears
For tho first iu Jcxprnsen ".vrre, in round
number, about fi'.'.O;, 1,(1(1". For thu sec-
. ond it swelled to about 583.07,0011. For '
' the year nearly closing it will foot up (in-!
' eluding deficiencies), according to
rriations already past and estimates in, a '
bout S.iir.O.OtMl! On this expanding'
Fca'.e, very simplo arithmetical rules will
fhow ho'V long it will lake to bankrupt
the We c.vwnt slrnin and strain
.our finances without '.i:n:t: thcr- -o-t
coma a time when with soro labor and ma
ny lax-galbcrcr? wo begin to pry the ib-bts
we aro si lnvi-hlv inctirring, or ilepreeiato
' ourboiuh. Already Mr. Chase hi rnt
' in his earnest jTotest to the ConirmtMccs
nnd has notified thcuilhal ho will net un
dertake lo meet tho new nnd ever mend
ing demands upon tho Treasury, unless
they promptly inaugurate a py-slm of
thorough nnd unsparing taxation. hen
that begins to press, we shall see whether
domaonriir. will still insist that from
nontii to month mo expense.- to mo i
haU J,o swelled to more nnd more exci-,
tin? proportions. So much for what lies j
ahead of us in tho oy oftifihtiiigfind of
Eight hundred find fifty thoustin.l j
ciollai i is paid peryearby theGovernajcnt
tor the Overland jxai) to Califorcla.
C o r r t s p o it b c it 1 1 .
For th Republican.
C'i.EKi iri.D, March 10, ISM.
Messrs. l'.Jiturs;l see a brilliant dila
tion from tlio jicn of a " Veteran," in tho
luift.vnan's Journal of yesterday, concerning
tho " excitement " that a few "snaiks"
were thrown into by Iho sudden appear
ance of two or three go-called 'veterans'
stilelites of this administration rind doom
ing: it my duty, as well as my privilege, 1
will give tho renders of tho fi.-imbticitii n
true statement of the "excitement."
yuo statement oi urn " excitement.--
lh eo rersom wearing ;tl,o uniform of, and
ai,uB in, i-u, veteran BO micih, bent
llfirA Itl i I DIM1 f l tirniiAL t nMir:d,nl niminil
frlZ1Tty"I,r0V0;rsl'rCIUit"l,hey hai1 1Iiul "nested and arraigned for
ng-ofhcer-selhnp-mrn-at thtrty dollars per : treason . they ,ltt(l 0 evll0tl0efc of j,,.
rUyo. n, lu, u,roul, rol -
ing a deserter ; but not hndmg hmi here
they opened their " battery" on Copper -
heads in general-cal ing them traitors,
and that they just wished the 1 random
would let tUJm have a regiment ol men
to clean Clearfield county out.
iviesKrs. j.uitors, mat man inev can "uui.
and who served a year in tho army and
got nn honorable discharge, could not
wallow lUefnrcHdc arguaiont, produced by
he veterans, and very politely so ic.ted
hem oc-o.nmence or. hun firs , telling
tlieui ho was a Copperhead and gloried in
. . ..... ....v.v. ......
onlhcm and told them ho cons.dcred u
man hat woro ho uniform ho was so
proud or and fightmg for what ho was
lighting for was a traitor to himself, to Ins
'""""J ""' i.u " .
cowani. ow, wiiero was this lioa.--teil
bravery of" Veteran." Three great big
....... i.. ..r n..... .:u i. ... ...ii i i. ...i
...i, i...-,i. r,A ,a. 'H'.eu
.u i.yau .y . i .eteei. years , , age ; a
v . ... i -t . . 7 ' i ' . .. t-
. r .. i . ', . ' I t r """"
uiutvitiuuiib tuuiv U' 111 u llllt: Ul e. 1 1
fur home. Noiv, sirs, if til's is what 'Vet
eran' calls Lra cry his version dilb rs from
mine. This is tho truo statement of tlio
fctoi y and can be proven by loyal (?) men.
t 'no who was ut the school house, and a
LETTER FAOM PUILIPSBUIIG.'f til tic, March 7th, ISti I.
J, ,.,,6. FMvi: Tho loyal " l.erui " and
his I'haristiical "eavooilroppor," seem as
much exorcised about us poor dcpied,
di.- loyal " copperheads " ns wero their
cl. i.-s ot men about tho odious Publicans
and illiterate ri-dieniicn the chotten cotu
p.iiiioiis ol .liisus the Sun of M.try. Like
one w ho belongetl to this model sect, they
thank (!od daily that they aro not lus dis
loyal ah other men uven as the benighted
" ('leal lield Copperheads." hi fact, J.croi's
principal themes have been anathemas bis lVmocralic neighbors, aiul
deidaralioiH of the loyalty (?) of himself
while my fiiciid, " cavesdrtippcr " makes
it a rii -at point to piuehum his own loyal
ty (?) to the world.
rei is now iiiueh alarmed on account
ol b i-cctet don of "copperheads" nnd
why ? Piccause bo and bis loyal (.') e.u .so
cial. s t ntei etl cellars and garrels. What
I'm ? to uphold tho in.-.tilutions of their
filheis ? no ; - but to lay the axe to their
vital ai t-t, by doing away v. il'i fieo relig
ion. This lojal beiibe is now the .v
poundei 'f lbi3 1 n al leagues- an associa
tion that ttaiveits its members into ser
viluhlaves, by binding them, with an oath,
to unconditional suhmi.i.-ion In Abraham
Li in-ill ii, the t lovei niui.'tit a Lelilling oat h
for degenerate sons of noble, biros. No
v under that this sell i ightooiij, l'h arisen
U lc. his virtuous indignation loose on a so
eieiy whore liietnbers aio pb il.'ed to pro
tect liini, uu ir pel. eeutor, in Ins religion
1U1, U,in.ica! prm
cs, as well s t lit ni-
schts. An oi gaii i.'.it ion, tho ol.ert if
Vt bich is, at every ha,. aid, to upholil the
only pill us oil which J ico and Liberty
can real secure). The name of the hont t
KopuMieans who aio uniting in this Pro -
tbeihood is legion. Will you Kiiufl' that,
11 r. J.eroir ioh tiers, too, are lat enrol-
lini; their iiiiiihvs and whv t-hoiihl thev
Ilot ? Would they ojipoM- an order that is
making every botu -t ell'oi t to compensate
them lor iho bar.l.hijis they entluie? And
bhonld (ho war be prolongcl until we elect
bliun LJ (ho war be prolonged until we elect
0ur ri esideul, we w ill in.sist that vacant
positione in the army (-hull be tilled, as a
inward of merit, from the ranks.
-pho loyul (?) Ilaniburg 'J!e:i,yh, and
the I'i don (?) iviftmnn's . oMiWurecutniug
to Lcroi's aid ; and thu Pharisee postmas -
ter calls en the loyal clciTvmeii to count -
eiact tlio workings ol this organization
j',ut does lie ask. them lo counteract tho
lit' !. 1 i I . 'i
II. ... !..'!. I I I 1
i minims 01 rj-ii HUMiau, i-ut 11 m llilie
.lackson Pavis, Kobcrt Palo Owen, and
Mi.'g Anna l'ickinson t Iiv who are the
head and front of the so called L'epubiiean
party T they who are doing their utmoit
to make tho sacred bond of matrimony
nothing but n mere busint-g contract.
They bo Feoff nt tho Fib!o ; they who
jint the Savior of mankind on a level with
Confucius, Mahomttted and Sivc.Ieiibourg,
and hold th-t Andtcw ,)ack-oii l'avis and his hi criou ? ( h, no!
they aio loyal 1 and 111 co wot ker, ol the
sotalled loyal t lergy nu n. lie -lis on
these self styled holv nun to t out.teiact
tne workings of a set of mm wbreo mis
sion is love, pcaeo and good w ill toiunds
ALL men ; men who are banded Lvcther
tl, vn rf "bholdinr: iboU.'N
SII1L IjUN, which haniel Webster dc
elarej to bo the only tri, I or.d or this
I nion. Mr. lVtm.iMcr, do you confound
tho loyal ch leynien, who have fof aken
their facrcd calling for the Mirier c
delving in the h.iry pool ol roiilm v, 'h
,i i . . -it . ... ., 1
tiii'st? nuo nut ptis.rt in iiicr unhcience
to him who rre,! o.iu s nil gelr.ess ? er is
the volume tint declares that "no nmn
can serve two Masters," it
Wh.a men will do, who "fler.l the livc-
ry cf heaven to rcrve tho devil in" we
know nol, but it is fair to pretun-.e rrhat
the Useft of Iho laso have Uoue in piutt
cenerations. their followers will do in this.
Let us briefly review the Litlorv of these
loyul (?) clert'vinei). Centuries n;-o, on
tin) plains of Juile.t, nil humble Nazal ino
went tibout lienling the l.ime, the Wind,'
tho deaf and tho dumb: tli3 stele he i
mado whole, cvon tho di;:td citno ftfth
from their grave nt his Lidding, and tho
wtiVM nbeyed his commands as tho voice
of God. It was nnturul for the wordo to
lovo hini ; they strowed his vvith
branches and sang hosanuasi to liis tiume.
Loyal (?) clergymen were the bitter ece-
ruios ol tins romarkablo man : thev de-
cla.Dll that Hp stirrr0(, u lhe ' ,
i;fle(t nIon0i l0 .. 1on'llin9 wou'u 'ol
nn(1 tdko l)oUi lhcir ftnJ
I . ...
:f,niti Tn0 ni!in on the judsmeiit eeut
i d(1(;, thrit 1Ie ,ml viotC(fno ,nw for
' .i,;i. n ti,,.i.i t... . .1 ...
. , (?) clrif.vluon ,iamorci llulil Pi!atl,
assented to have Mini crucified. Loyal (?)
!,irwm. u, jr,,..
' 1 mi Mill vn : 11 iv li r i r rrv mnn i ,i u nfn , m I
I . I. ... 1. - . 1 1 .0 v . , . .
in,,, honu-iimoni .1 1 1, v.1.1 e
J ' p........ ....... ..v VI
i-i(.,imon, mi th(S Hu-iuenots from Imthh,,
when Hecket w as klain. wliilo perform -
in rljia tluty lt tho hoy ui,.u. ;il (m
d(, men cadoncil the crim vj,
. llie inlhnioin ,U.nYw ,,inl0(1 ,.,vore
tvhim li.i mil. iM.inu.l i.i.n.....t .... . .
ueain, contrary to law, loyal ('. c er-v-
,cn laudc(, ,Trien tho sameunhl-
jui t, iou3 j,
,,.ft hJ K, I 1 - ,0 j (?) t.,cryrn,n :ho,nfll.
, ,ov:i ? r el-vnien nvnnlo.l il, it..,. . I-
sere.v and twisting boot to forltiro pei -r.i..
for opinion's sake. Loyal (?) clertviuen
l1VOi ,.c , , U..U1
:etnen to butt
; .It.f.Mioolo s Won, en and
children s the
nu'n 'h'h'nde.l tho ton, John I'.ut!
i Wyoming maaere i.otorictv. L
lOtorictv. Local (.)
ichrgyajesi are no v preaching a g-irpt.1 ul
, hate and revenge. Loyal (?) eh-igymcn
are in a great ucarure rcj oi,.-ible lor this
cruel, bloody war : they i-hooio to obrv
man rather than ( iod, and now loyal (?")
clergy men aro repeatedly called upon to
Limiuci iiri me i esimigii 01 l.liristiail prt-triut.-.
J'.y ail humble IeiiiiH-i-at,
JoiJN P.noT.S.
(jH.Mi.iMroN, March 7th, lttCL
Ihur l,ii,hie,in : It was niv good for
Inue to be prcM-nt at a wedding on last
Wednesday evening "nd inst., at tho
residence of Mr. Martin V. I'i . nch, and a
more genteel and light hearted company
seldom meet together. The ceremony was
perfoimed by l. Cm lev Mr. Andrew
Ihvsick to Miss lacliul SnyiL'i' all of
(iraliam township.
I hopo they may all live forever, nnd if
they ever get married again 1 want to be
there. 1 would have been glad to seo the
Piinteis there to help a little.
Wo of firaljain township are getting
nearer to somo place, or somo place is get
ting nearer to us. We can hear the iiM'.i
horse Ftiorling every day, either starting
or stopping. Perhaps it is luo "Swamp
angel " ciiniiiig in this direction t. exter
niinale hetnoctats. I'.ut he lias quit the
l'cinocrals and attacked the women.
Hear him let oil : "No lady has a .'light
to ; to n parly that ha- a pig to hf L- -Slut
inn - L t a v : 1 I , it.:. t in..,. ;, iv
.( i i
'pieeling. 1 1 a cow to n;i!k
iliould imt go--and clil iff!..- L-s le-i y,
what .u-in..-8 I:'" ttf to to a p.ilya;
.'ill ? She has no hu- mtv-'. on t of d "oi
Si'sl.t watitrf a little fre.ih air I.-l L. r iai. e
b i uiii.'.i;i 'saiitK:,ek hi r bc.-,d out a h: I. ,
and Ihcn go back ai:d loir-e baby." "i
ol i It thatiiion wont ctn.ii l.iin of Lint I
mean swampy any
icilie.-wh. If the I
tuon; culling us Cop
elie ol riiilii sbufi'
would tar and feather bin ri-'ht well it
would beierving him liht. P it we don't
, to encouraeo mob law. Youmr Nes-
; tor hits him on a sore place, vt ben ho tells
hint U tr.l.c a big i!o?o of nigger. Swampy
ccn l fee it. 1 1 the t annibnl lets our roh-
i lien nloiio. nntl don't call ns
he may just wiite what ho pleads, nndwe
wo"t notice him if he makes capital out of
a social party. Come out to (iralianitoti
' wbcae there are no parti, and we will
1 w bcae there are no parliM, and we will
show you tho den and shove you in. Como
on wo w ill give you tho be.t we bine in
j lit) shop. Now, Swampy let me givo j ou
a little bit of advice ; let the women aloi.o
you rusty ohl tiling ymi ; don't com
. nience u war with the ; jou had
: better nuarrel a little with tho ni.-tr: ra
fv r3
than have tho women to batll
1 . s ...ti
, may get some of the mldini
mad at vou
1 I ..... 1 I. X. f . 1
vy i .111111. .i.v, .-wainy, sup, or tne
Marslml may kuitprc's ou ami upset your
lU.""'i 1 1 r i, . .
Cood bye, old fellow, t,U wo meet aKa;n.
"" 10
V'u r 11 iiouoics, anu incn liutil
up aucrwanis. v, e Lata
t a fling down Into m thi,
I 'cmoer.icy.
..... r , t .
i-di.-.r of
A I.' il.'S.
1. 1 n i Hint s I ii isi, a r it'ieif'toNi). Thu
la; l Ictur III 111 the Lotideli '((., cniics
loi.iient at Liehnioiiil d, set ibcs in glow
ing terms ho wo are iufurmcl b.- (lie
London coi rcsjiondcni e cf ;i 'cw Vt rl:
pi'per the j leniy v.Lich uigns in i.'int.
city ihc ijuiitilit i.m -of venison, ci'.:iva.s
back ducks, i.yttrj, and the vi-nron
pre pai aliens making for the Spring cam
paign. Tho ihrce (..'t-iicrids, L'-e, I.oru'
slreet and Johnston, aie dc.-cii' 1 u i.o-
setn li ica.ds, acting in j crfc I
al mi. ny.
wn ..irrnu
ovatit'u, :id eve
i ecu ri-c;
V igi:.:e:it
cl with an
of his tiC.v
omuaiitl hn? ajij-.i
ICu a ic
cental h. i-
ler to crcp the hair of cverv Federal pi
oner as close as their Ucntital's h.tir was
barbcrod in the t'iiio penitentiary. Gen.
).,'!'' recovered, ami will tnko the
nuld w ith a wooden leg ami some tort of
a inechanicsl arm. Tho correspondent
thinks tlmt KPoden-lcgprd (iencrnls are
hard lo leal. They trc, not likely lo run.
From tie Philadelphia Suuday Mercury.
Jhii;nrl Fxprm'n for the. .S'Wi.'y Lwm ,
which must be iep,;-t,;l !,v f, T. ,V, .'-''e
L'j'urc hcis alhiietd to enter A braha m's,
it rtii;it iTPfEncoiiN.
Question What is your name ?
Answa. Shoddy.
(,. Who gave you that name ?
A. Abraham, William and Salmon,
whorein I was inado a member of the
lialrll, Innmin n.. .......... i l.',.. T:..;.i.
anu an inheritor 01 u Intndic 7 nrnl,aeki.
Q.Whut did Abraham, William and
Salmon do lor you ?
A. They did promise ntnl vow three
things in my name. First, that 1 hhoul 1
renounce Leo eeeeh, fieo precs and free
elections. Seconu, that 1 should bclieto
'ill I li,. .,,.1 I,.!,,, in II. a , I .. ; .
lifrs nm nr. u i . . I .1
I . . . . J . . . 1
u , ...J, .Ml,. IJ, lltlb A Clii. "1111.1
and Bilently obey Abraham's
and Salmon'B solo will and cot.imnnd-
1 ments, and walk in tho tamo all t'.ie days
0f ,ny lile.
(().j)0st thr.i
tl) Vel.evo and
not tl lh!; thou iivl I--"
do a3 tl...'y ;)itmi.eJ for 1 1
tilCC t
A. Yes; and verily, by the lit !p cf tl.;
Provost (iuaid, so 1 uill ; and 1 l.t.i:!i!y
thank i brai.ani, V, ;!!..!!! and S.iIumh f
having niaJo nie eipi.-.l to the ui.-.,i r, a: i
1 Lope 1 thall continue bo to the ciii ol
v "'v .
0. Hi the
soflhy bn:,:,.
.1. 1 behove in
akei ol' -;t ..I tk'i.l.
, hi:'h
;n.l Lie i li
t-. es and 1 l o- j
c:inations. And ui W uhani, the .1 - ji-.
iU; who pci'pc.l uuiicr tho liritisli lion's j of l'iiilndclj.hin
ei.utia! itppeiidago aiul tl.. covered nn ori- ov;ii;on a
lice, tLrotigli winch ho cretit out oi' the I , " ' ',
Mason and' Slidell allalr. And :n Salmon, ,lofctni'':'ln. '''
tho paper uianufacturer of tnod-il''ey wili.juin h
em times, upon whoso ai tides there is
alway a very liberal discount. I aho be
lievcin the Alrnighty Dollar, tho only
god of tho Shod'.lyitus, and in carrying on
(bo war as long as 1 mnko money out of
it, and go in lor 'the last tn-in and last
dollar,' providing that I am the last man
to go, and pet the last dollar myself. I
further btiicvo that Abraham tlio First
has tplit more rails, expended more mon-
rv. vrnli more riror-laitifit.'inis. Inhl innvo
; i , 1 i ' ... ,
titii n inkrs. f-ntmoil ninr.t mttiitrtj Reprifi.-tco
- j - - j , . ..... ....
moie lives, and ran the country more in
to taxation and debt thiui ail the Presi
dents which . avo jirecnded him, and
ought to bo re-elected again cither by
bribery or fraud, eo that 1 may contin
ually feed at tho public crib, olllco with
out end. Amen 1
Q. What dost thou chiefly learn in
these articles of thy belief?
A. First, I Lain there is nothing like
Shoddy. Second, that black is white, and
white is black, and that thoro is no dis
tinction in colors, and that it would be an
lifinssiLiiti t, dlstivij.iiili any diil'erencn be
twixt myself and a i-.iggor. Thirdly, to
brand evoty man as a traitor that dares to
think, t-pcak or act dif.'eient to nivself.
',' You said that Abraham, William
mid Salmon did promise for vou that ou
iliotihl keep their comtiiatidmci ts.
me ho.v uim.-y there be?
j. bich i ro liny ?
.-1. Tho .-a:;. e which Abraham, Wil
nt,d Salmon compel all their h i s
lo taito
it. I arc
they became members ol
.1 l. 11 1 .
I the Si.tjvl ly J.caune sav mi; wo are vout
. . . 1 1 T . .- '1 ' 1 1
!ii:is.t!-3, ami nave r.v.sf .1 vou to an c.iuui-:
uii'i initu i.t.s"'.j m to uu et uai-
, ',. 11. 1 rn 1 1
'i I il l l:ov iiltd t; 1 1 1 v oil r t n-11 .r -
;y vv ii h the daikey, and filled your jiock-
:t with
First '.'eininandiiiciit, thou shall have
no other .nasieis than us.
Second, ihou shitlt not Rapport any
liiiii-.ure, fn.ina nry bill, Fpeak to any
Cope:bcad (unless to r.buse biin), put
up any one except one of us for President,
for we arc jealous men, and wo'll set our
tlog Forney on any cne that dares to
break this commandment.
Third, Thou shall not tnko tho name of
Abraham, William and Salmon in vain,
as they are all expecting to receive high
lilies of honor, and one of them lo be
King of America.
Fourth, Keniembcr that on all Thanks
giving days thou knet lcst down on a pad
of Shoddy, asking the giver of ail good
to aid the black legions in cutting throats,
Hogging women, burning houses, and rob
bing ben roo.- ts.
I'llili, Honor the r.ij-'cr, r.m! if he
wi.i.ts lo lnarrv vour d.iuel.ter don't re-
.. , ,- -. r.
luoo uini, under tne nena iv 0 tlismis
-..,,.. 1 1, t ,. ..'.. .1
: l1,'o, ,llu J.e-iieilf, HIIU ociuu ueiiouiit.
i as a (jiipprrl-c d
i s.: v . i. t.,', ,i' i, ...ti ,1,,, ,i, .
! cciiiiciir tive law, or sav lh.t poor while
: ,.RI1 ,Je 6oI,, fnr .,.;,) a ,,CJl(i; wllll,t
tho Shothiyit.-s remain at h
Seventh, Th-ja shult not grumble
' irc.
. ii'.h, Thou siirilt not ili.-.i i.' ve
..:iy I
thev i
r'. i.Oi t
y.vt :t vn iiu i.
l hull .. II
iit-vrr ..a; pern .i.
N.tu.i. "'! r-j bill lfiir ."als? wimr ail nppo it-rs c . : c'i'.ir. a r
1 1 i.iii, j hou shait
rbme r f ail stolen it
tovel Mi'i rt ceivi :. I
i o,,i i ly, w i. V '!
i t be, nflr r " .ham.
iliiuiii n'.i i Si'.lin.-n
h.t o hjd their !biie,
l:i. t lji have a r
for V3'i kreiv the
igiit to tho large
(,' W.'i.l 'let ti,r, chieily Lam by
tllO.-O Ci'ML'Ul.dtlit ri'.3?
A. I Itarn t ;o thing-? o.y duty t5 1.'y
int..-itt . let : ay i.uty in-.vardi myself.
't'l'i.ut is jour July; jfit
urtstet s ?
A - -My duty toward my masters is to
obey them, fci.r thein, hud honor tbcm
with ell rav words, wiili ail mv crinrcs.
1 a:rd Tith all niy bows. To flatter them,
give them thanks, idoli.'.o their names,
and servo them blindly all the political
1 h of my life.
- (,. Whht U Iby duty lowar 1 thyself?
1 A.- My duty tuivarh mwlf 1 to lev?
::o tven ti)V
tin r lor iny
i t fro :.. '. l;e
fii cruel as
1) ir i v r r.y
hands to 'ii'iiini: i.nd (.tea
tl:.', lyitl:',
slaiHtenng, nmt (J.i:n;r r.ny tlnty action
whatsoever. To nil t lie ut'ortv aid creed 1
do most solemnly swear, and, if it is rc
tjuired, will willingly swallow the booh,
ho that I may continue a faithful l.ei'gurr,
ofiico without end, Amen!
Uiifl. illiSAUii AND TliiS All Liu Oi
. .
(ieneral Meade was heforo th.T C.nn
mitteo on tho Conduct of tho War on Sat
urday, to Himver to tho charg;'S-prel'eried
aiiainfil him ly (ions. .Sickles and JJoubbj-
day, re-jpocLin an order which they rdle;;o
he issued for the retreat ol the ::rmy fiom
(.iottjsbtirg. tie denied etnpbal iealiy that
any soca ortcr bmruig tlio c.-iilrui-li
pub upen it iiv t;:r-.e olliecrs Ha l ever
been issued. VI. o e t .h r
but ivhii-li v:;v, !)ol c:nie I rut, rd.'li d i l-tori-tliev
I aiiot'c! rubj-'ct. pjvx which !.
fully exphiitied t.- llie i 'oni.iiii.(. U i-
', that th-
.vie n'
1 ! -:-i:( I a
I'd li ! il:-
:!'r: f.!.,i.
'.'I tel.'. 1
In adtuti.'
e tl
v. L.-
! .
'vr :,'
li to the o
-T0, tne
- lhe V
i;ov, i:,g ,
i . r i - ."'! -
, l,-Ufmetit, i : tr.rce I
ci'n-cporIe!a oi the
is eviuent that i.en. in.n .; ;n iv uii.kc v
t.; ,, , . ... ,,is ...
ha- J ne blrirrl -.lomiiN aio on hi ttac
t i.ioit tunc sine? tin
l pti' .
'ne to .Ma-i.
rat hr oi their
t!:e rebel
nri-.iy. .-.t.w
crucify bii.i!
I cruciy him I "
Special ta the New V.;ri. Tiil ur.e.
Tho points made belorc the W
tigating Commilteu tifiinsl
who is Mibt.'.n-ially on tr..-.l
Congressional 'emmi .- iun, b
mnny of liens'. Sickles an J
are, that he gate nr-i pro;,
order to his army to rc'teat h
bur" tit the close of the C I -1
bel t thai
v the t( li
i 'Jllbli dn ,
.ul. -at. a an
vni i m tlyf.-
y'i li:-1 I,
! v. hi -ii his s ii pel.'
- i
j v. h ii his suj el ..'!' sti "ti;-lb. his ndvant
I of t'osilion, and tno ho:u;r M.d intt"a
of the country, ie. tired him to give but
that, n, the luia.. ui cl tin. jnuii I
i fight Ti Ul. lav h-' iMI'e '.,,,.!hl I
I order to retreat, hut which was not j .1 ai
I rnulgated in wrilinr; tliat bo had niude
1110 disjiositions lor batlh- M...I. day, h id
' 110 plan for lij-hlin;.', and t t.,'.u;:'y
; j-ttrjinut to fight, but that thj bull;..
j'lcci)ilatotl by '!ci- Sk!,i aiidior- :
' on Meade in j.arl by iho enemy but . .1;
cipally by (ieu. Sickles ; timt .,t:i u d,.l
I not know on Fiitlay night ilia: tan- n.t 11
I had whipped Lee, or distiu-Kd Hie I .i t
'that li'ght, aiul wi.s .su uncertain i l i' oi:
Sattirdny that ho ikrod nol j.uislie tho
jbvaien enemy, nnd and
t threw away tho ceit iiiity t I cplm iog and
di-stiojing tho entire rebel i.iiuy; thai
for a few moments be y it Med to jieisua
, sions to let tin' .'..I I'tirjis jmr.-ui', but
I counlernntnieil the order to tL so 111 leu
I iniuuti a a fit'.- it was given, bit ing, ailllibl'ig
I to the rel t !, "!), let ihclil go;" tin!
I Meade's mb-ei.tici; t r";i: e--r r. t a I ion that
1 1. . :.. '. 11.: ... .
, . . ,, , . . . 1 , ; ,
1 1 . ' i. uu'.' uiai itini'iiiiv ia.s
: 1, 1 , , ,
able on d 111 good coimiuoii lo link mi
- i- , .. . ... , , .
metliate pursuit, and, il iiece-siiv, t-j ti,J-t
. f t , . , ,
n 11 '1 cnth ..; oiKir b-rctl ci-ri'im- ; that
the lith Corps wr. frc-h rnd '.ibiiaiiti .l'y
intact ; it. had loi-t I'11) iven, the l'J'ii
(. orps had lost only 1 ou, ai.d had about
12.U00 left ; the ud Corps bad li.Cl J men
left, and prayed to bo permitted to j ur: in :
tho wholo ol the cavaliy, LbUiM, was in
tact and fiesh. Con. French had at Fred,
prick 10,0' V) veterans in perfect condition,
and Concho's great forco was also al
Meade's call. That, in a word, ho had fl
yer 40,0i)0 ciTectivc and ardent troop.-, with
which to pursue and destroy Lee's lh ing
and demoializcd nuny, but refused to use
them, and suflcred thfl cneiny to escape.
It is upon tho question of the hsiiaiice ol
the second ordor to reltoat that den. Put
tcrfit M has bren mniMOiicd.
hi the committee, rontn it ia nmb rstcod
that the origin of thr- effort made by !en.
Mead to break uj tho Third Corps to the
wasto of its esprit an 1 tho discontent of
every tna'i an I i lia- r in it, and d.o.--l-rat.tion
with the service Mm rer:i-"il of
. t lift corp to
J testimonial.
o ti 11
It is M'iM-1
cct to t -.'in v it
that reitiiiiony cm 1"?
. ( it n . It ( i i ', i .-: . ,
,d 1 .1- '
the (-j Ini'.n th..!, "... i ,.i,i.t.
rebels, liens. Lirney and
ami'ied befoto tho War Cor;
'...! 1 lii': r.'iiiai i .i'n'.t .i.irv ri
cll.s Ci.'..iat .i i. r ' ind i fit r
ma; i'i' rr
e to-
. li- C-lUIl-
bii:b- -,f
i. lire.-.' y
i o.-t' t -biirg :u. 1 i
and i llicit ni'V oi'
a'M r the hit day'
'if but h t lit .1 C ,'( t)' t
I in; .
;:l'j;;d .
i i.i.
O,....,; a --lii" 1
I- I
, ... l-i .....11 , 5 .1
t ii ...... . .
dated J uke Cuv, Ma., !-.-. 5
Ibltt l!. CI.elilV blue ai,'1. j:,. ! u. 1 ;
i-.on at the Fit. IU ;:...;, aril are
le'.rcilitu t.' the:- pui.b'.aH.
''.ii l'i.-s in liiu lni-2 !ic:.i i.- pi.'. J avn
at l' l.iil'd an 1 fravi 7 : to "
Kouii-k-l. The enemy's Lisa is c limated
to Lave been between 2,'. and 11, '
The cnomv's forco is sai 1 to have numbcr-
cl lil.l'Oit men of toll arms, wbalst
our number would not exceed l,"" '. T vo
of their iiagro regiments wci;-- i in
front, f.Td urged on at tho point oi lii"
bayonet. At a .ii-lauce tb-y rtitiis.rv,
our, but as cir 11'" an.-ct tb"y
broke in confusion. More th in ono bail',
of the two negro rrgiiinriti are itpoiti"l
lo li..vo is.c:i 1' II. 1 'oi 1 !'. 'l. iu j ' . U.i.
fit-! I." '
nobody but ny.-elf, to .-.-.eil
rather, mother, i: lev or br
o, u interest ; to licit tbv il
feet of my f,nperi.:r, nnu bo
possible to my inlerioiii :
;u tl .
of tho 0'
In ;!
i" d;i'. ; of lhi
V.I lite.
U.'t ' O
.;i'Ol ,: us v
:u::;blrtr.ft th
Ad.i. in) tr.iti ir. t..
Ono c..-.r. i ) ! illu. u-
: . vi" j tfiiie
iiitii'-"l..'.i i!
ch.n.i:lt r
i' iv...r.y olocr-i viii.;ti onuit :
r-'ii:. j' terror u:i l.: i .U
(during tli(
The .1,i'ti, a
ibli. Ir.l :.t ;:
That p y
lyder an ..-.,te
(ierui.'.ii Pi- i.crali Y?"'
li:U, I'd., 1 v Ihi'.ry Sr
v:fi itippc - ed and
oi ue.' of i t i'm; '"tit .
; r Tin, tor Home ei ;iic!
( 1 1 .it ion . 'II: o.-i. f tl'
i'.. i or. tu'j Aiiu .:.
lyratmy atwiisi I
! nm e tne
IM Ot tl'Hll
J try, and a Mnall band, headi-d by .
j.-fjo, nn,j .I:,i, Miii,.'r. 'li.dd ft ux '.
and passed uv
.t !0h
!, iii'ni' iViii,1! tu
' l'VJoinl A;!uiitiMi.tii'isi and U.? nib.
t c.f :
l th')
HI' -pi
, I l.T
I the
i t;
" tl.e;r
i nn of f
.1 ,
'i.'eiit .lt.ij.-r
I'idl.idi 1. i
crai v.' re iiiti
, :.ti thern h
ii.l, (.rep iu v,.-'.
..'iir... and tlit
i l e.l..f-.l ...h'.t
.10 ul
1. l .1!
d to !-.
1 M lb
'it up
: r and raud, f.n'ty
;, vi -it;!- a buo:1
: --, t .ker. i5 l'h:
a 1) hi . an '. -. j 'isoi.ed. I'Vi'i; Ibi-v n
ivc i a I r -il-tho .) u 1-e of th
, ;.i I.-. a :;ij' 'itic,!! IdoI oi the
n un- tr:i( .ai,
Fed i rid Mai-
. i , t. ... , .,
tin' iniy .
l-'i-'i 'ii n .-
:.; .e . c-y
: i on j
nt. vne
, U.ii bi
w..s .j :
; ,i
. I "3 . .' i
!', ' : 1 1 1 V
i . ! . ! 1 I'.V j i .l.i.JI I it j
al J .
I I'
Whan I-,,
wero relt a.
t.u i l, lhe
M I :
a i.'i.illnriii
! 'if !,.
In t . . . . .Ig M-ls.t
1 I ; ' . :: .!! !
, I.i"h ic. y .-i. , j
1',. ' l-'ii, 1 ...nigh
1. lj lil.t. amid lhe buz.
I .".ion a! ;e fi a.!ilcu
r-.l a'. I 1 ij'l i' .
! W ell .u the r ib''.
.... 1 1
ii;'li 1
els of
i I licut hmi1 -.
Thu- eiid-d I'i 1
of the :!
terror Lbey --j 1 1
The 1 .re' en I P
beans v. lb
of Hie
' ;
.ii.l '
(1 reri 1
1. I
t .:
ii.a - -
I lb
'. ' I"
(hen ii
1 '.i.,.i!n
.t I,
ill- 1 11
II.. ,1 I
ed r
, a
;ois a";
I 01 ii:
a .1" liiiiu-
ll tl'
.1 ,11 '
I I .: I,'
. : 1 ' 1 . 11, 1 . i ti. 1.
at Lie l' loll r I then inlliie.l t ie,
I. 1 all Iht'. waul ii.-u. n . r t . 1 1 1 1 1 y to ' r-(
ile a r.u.i'iiu l y and fii.shiv.' the peoj.le.
f. ib.ivii
.01 vi
ir e 1 Ian
I "I.h'l l'll.Il UK. - '1 !.
was relaten I v Co'
1- th rale j'l 1 .
ni.tiiv ae:-. cl
.b'l.e.'i "Iv
the tlea.l .e-i
u :-, l
tl I::
..u i.tleiid whe I ,
li id Wuii li". f - ;.ii
: hing lor fi o'i-t I'lr.e. ,:
l. pen a .'.""rti"l 1 a1
c-.iVf I cd II. small go'.l
i i HI of i tlyiri" uo.i .
It a ll J ';;-, oi i x'.a A .
I . I'ml l i "in iji
. I ve? tiad iaiiiloi
th, ..
lie .'it hi. -e.h.
,jn i
locket ui '.in l.'.e
a; 'I'.il'. i. .ly itbaat
I en 1. i i- .ili ;
he oi . ne. I hi- !
til", l y uli ! '.. il '.. a ; g od
uii'tnory ul my oa i, m, ..!
hill) ( f 'ii.- s ' - l'-i '.- t e ! u: ' ;
'ii was In i i i ; ,;:'.. 1 ; i
Vhe 1, i.- si. I iiu- ( I,,- I. p.
by lb.-
: :i.i I r
, i. '" ,
t'.'tl 1
would id.v.iv-. 'tisii il riy
Jm. .
i.. lib: tT tleatli, I iicn, as ll
tlira. A
illj bis whi .'ou! oil liif il"-i, 1 1.' 'X' laiai
ed : '' ' 1 Toih'Ii not ii. y -t 'i '-' rie'.'ii'
As the la T wer.l, laU..(. 1 upon hi- l-tici voice bushed in ."tth. j!y Iiu !.
light of the i tars, 1 hastily navipcd a sli.n
low giave, and buried Iri.t with hl S..;
tcr's i'icturo lyinj upon hi bro..t."
The I'iitto b'ur. At th" la.,t i.iei ii' '
ol the Farmers' ' ''oh, Mr. Carj-ejiter fa;
"i haec r. r. 1 and obt iif, c 1 a ;;' la 1
the Hiibjeet cftlio pe.1: to rc-t, in, -I tlio mj- i
of tho w l'i. li. serins to bo lh .! pola'i- ,
I'lanli: 1 in nioiit tenaeaiu-t ' i.l., .are miii
ino-e :'i ''ieet to rot lieu il ;l.',iji.ed in u
g'ri-in 1."
ri"-.!'. (-- rrnnil.t 1: - "I bad n He'
"ll V"S
v. bole
-l t
i.iel.-d lie
'-!- i
If a
,1 our r
'. in !..
. . ; I.-.."
le-j u'.lli
'I. .. 1 111.'
. I -I V i
:n the e
i a
alt", i
i r
,r..l. ru
ii ti.i
.( i.t t. V
'I-...1 :
' t il i.
"gio .."lit lo ':
ij.ji r l!al i ili'm
a l ull a U.i'.::
e 1 there !
ii. i a K -:
J. Oil 'i
al too
oi i:n,,.
tlmy weri; wild ,
ho h. a rii'-it t ) kill t!,e:u. I! ' .
i 13 the cn':r! Ir...-l t ilaitiuiJiu
appp,ing lie had captuaed 'piite
r.rA negro soldier, by th" 1
'a i:r Hall, al Cu'ij Or.iJ v'n. .'
tn, lately rto liis luU
srhi ,, 1 ; i, -i IVjwe.
next m ,ni. ihr j. a 1 . ; . .,
t'3 rank ul efirj't.i :!.
J 1
- rv I I j I
a ' iy. .
t J the 1
J. -IC illt
.1 gi
A I 1...
;u C,