Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 09, 1864, Image 2

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    v ini
Ic.u f: i Ii Viq'itblinu. ' i.
t,,.l1: .,
1 '
; '-' 't
V ? ! Uy.-i-tn of
I It no ii Hi i 1 11 in
Hi mini Ii' I I hi ii nm, i H ii our i i unity i nm
III II-' i HH" Inn I' J II I'll 1 1 to tlio I ill i, 1 ,1111
in i ol n Ii w oI our nji m i b, nnd t Ili-ied n
bounty of i'"1' oiii li mm) wlin mil
leii.nie a mildicr, niul to cm Ii soldier who
will i oculist.
A 'imM' tM'ir llii- pirn nt
tit Inn of (uii)i'lno(i iiitiiii" 1 1 tt 1 -r ill''
lii'itW I'liiilitii'S oil- H 'l, I (Ini H oim ol llii'
i-oin IrU 't Mi iiii nl sw iiollnii; nrr in-
Vi till 1 'nl il i c i Mill) , lli
piid J'-"' (or
r m ll III mil
Hi, now reduced lo (13 l.,r the former, W..v jlm.-k. One or tl, wh,i.,
Kill) I ll I kf l-tli 1 t Kit IliWf P. I. tt. I uni.l ,.11..
I not tlmt these who u'gn this nnd H for llm Jut tor. It U needlcM lo Blon',jstun,.ni Tlfl ,,,. ,,,.,, .
I iovofti lili'li I
' Minn ' nidi Inn" lii tVlrnit
1 1 i"in i In. 1 1. io n !,(. I'i. ,t. ?-i
'i kii .nv ndi i ii"-. n mi iiiiiimi iI i
in. .I imi ni i n il. , in tii i.nM ni. i t,
iiKloiinl l.y n li) l,i.ii n i, ,
w liito boIiIk'I n nml t.liri of ( 'nlnnul
i.lo of
lint n
Vi:iin:'iiv Mi'itM
Makui Hill
Why net Embrace tho Opportunity?
l'.y the but luiviow from Kurrpo wo arc
inl'mtned that Maxniuillian if jut now
i.l'Cijt i ; t : ti t; t!.o principal Courts of Eu
rope taking liis leave of them, i reparato
ry to liis i mi ni kut ion for Mexico, where
ho in to set up tho new monarchy. This
will lo an open and palpable violation of
American (called the Monroe) doctrine,
that no Monarchical Government shall be
established upon this continent. Llad it
not been for our present civil war, neither
France, nor any other Tower of Europe
would have presumed to violate this prin
ciple so well nettled in tho American sys
tem. But the present Emperor of Fi ance
taw his opportunity, and did not fail to
embrace it, and our Government, eo far as
is know n, has not even had tho courage to
make n formal protest it.
Had we other mon, with u different
policy, at tho head of our National affairs,
our situation would not be so humiliating.
Even now, nt the eleventh hour, if our
rulers could be induced to abandon their
fanutieal dogmas of negro equality and de
vote & tingle thought to the honor of their
(?r;iiii ntnl lVnl lor Sale.
1 IMIM '.i..rl..,( lU.ftt t, ,hU m CiiikiimIIIi',
,.! I TO it l"i V I.
2 (Mill iti.,i-l i I Ci-in nl H HO i r r Wliel,
l,IMM Wli;ltl rt V. Iiml ,,, (, fa 40 ,r c(
I.IHMl m-lhl l llm rlii,i nt I hi. ttnt f ,rn ,
1,000 It. inivd i ll")! nt 1 1 ! . ii"r mi. l lltVtN.
K. V. II, IHfil.
1 1' I m - Nulire II liri'l.y Kivrni, tlinl n )
ilrnlim ll It K llFi'll 111R1I11 In llm I'mirl 'f
I'miiiiiiili I'lfim "f rlrnilitlil ouiinty, lur llm ln
ri.riiiTiilinii '.f tde l'ri.lijtoriii 1 ' 1 1 n r v i t i n i,f
I'ruil Mill, kIiii-Ii ii,,lii'Htiuii will I,.. koiiiIi .1 nt
Alliri'li l.irni. Imvl (.i.iihi. I, a iIi,,,.!. ,.. il
ll.n fill. I ul. on iw...- .1..,,.., .. ..
.. 1 :.l 1 (!,, ,.,.. I , l " " i"ii 1 vuilimrj. ny 1110 1 nun
1""" ' an. I Mrtic.k linn a m-vt r) blow on the fin e. I i. K
Pinion i, 1 m r t .
A t l:ntMii(t;:;:
Chili Mtilali, lhl 7I 1 Tor mlli'l". I ho pntiin mil on l.nriinl
... 1 1 . 1
n fii i-imin n fn'my Ihtm. r-in-fv, winun nij-u oiun nutn upolu n,
'-- Ml M11, ..
I '
l,.T-.ST A,;y
bii I Ivinj; hjIiIhtm, ai t under go further ir. expluinvlion of llm manner niul pili hed into tho roiuiiiniii one, who
1 1 lii f thai thin ill be llm ).! full.-- in which thai pern have lliU' lillcd their l appoim linil the least to miy in tlio innt-
11 ..... U il.;. .1 " .iiv 1 ... ri-iTiiit ni. olli.-wi-ii u'r- i no oilier tlr" rclurni'it lo llllli.ll
i I ,1 U H .1 r J 1 ' J .ill.-" - l.-t. t, , '- J J-V. . . .a ... p. - - --f,
limy, " the war will bi t'lulcd."
e ( an ti II ll i" 111 that tlim ticpen.H at t ntillct to IIicho Icch, ami caiiiwuoccn o knooking Imn liown. Ho Du n took to
together ii on a t halite of policy in tho d,,,,,, in their own naino. hii hi-ols and ran out to (iriswold Bticct,
Wuhhinplon nullioritier. II thee gentle- To give an idea how these . can bo ,0".'1"''' Jo'J"",on voi.ue. followe I
... ,. ..1 ti 1 ,( til" .'..Hii iiii'i mil;,; VIUH'1, i III II
ill "ll I illl i "II 1 1 - in v cuv..i ...... UVUUlfll, llllll I1U Ml'" 1 ,H "U it j'l.ij 111 IP j;,iui'-
about to take place, we will then grant we cut ihe following from tho ( Y.iit',ii 7Vii.
thnttheie id bomn reason to hope that Wonder if wo have any nuch jxil.-iols in
this is tho last call, li'.it, vmii m7i chaihc Clearlicld? or have wo not more .im'.j
of pidl-u h iiuuir, wo feel perfectly suro that thun patriots, who tako our citizens to
another, and anothc
Iraft will bo or
til V , . f
Iho negro ai rived at tho corner, he ran bn-
hind sonio of the bynluDilers ami claimed
their protection, at tho name time Hour-
liTZU EILUIt, Protli'y.
JN tin. timllor uf tlio KkIiiI of Ullis Aski'.v,
iluci'nm'il, nil "rson nuiiierneil will hrrpliy
lake untii'u tlmt tlio uniliTniKiiril, 11 n Amlitur
iiipiiiiili!il tn report dinlriluitioii of tho lmliir
ul imai'ln in tlio IiiiihIii uf tho A limiii in trutur , will
iKiiing nm revolver, KHtmring lie woulil ttUn,l to tin. luii,n nf hi BiMHiiiiiiuent m tt
nhoot ar.y man who molestod him. In a oflice r II. ll. Pwoopp, Efi ., in ilu. liiirmiKii of
few moments a larL'O crowd had nsicnibled. ClearfiuM, on M lay. tlio 21st tiny of Mureli.
neither, and yet still another other counties fur the sake of big bounties, and matters bogan to wear tho npeet of a al 3 'l"lt. 1'. . ''n nml wliortlnno intor
rdered. until " the last man ..o. ket the fees ? introel light, when oflicor Wm. II. Sullivan aUo"J ,u"'1'; ,
and last dollar "-about which 60 much is The ouota of Chit ion borough WIW workeil hw way in, putllio racoleU1; on I Mttr(,h isr.i
raid-are forthcoming Therefore, if theso hiled y men taken by tioorge W. Ar
gentlcmen desire to save the " last man " nohl. ES(1. last week. Ho succeeded in
f ,., . i .1 ix .. lunuing tho gauntlet of Bharks uml hang-
( which may not be theoiselvok) or the ors.OI1 ftbout Alondwilla got tlio men aus
" lust dollar" (which may not be their own) erml in nod properly credited, and also
we advise litem to go to work without a received tho b fee for them, which he
moment's delay, and do what they can to hirnalonrto the Committee to -y, ray the
" ... . .bvuntii. W e understand he was the Iirst
induce a change of policy at itHliinton. ,.ivato citizen who succeedod in Rotting
If the object of tho war is foi the exter
mination cf Slates, and for the emanci
pation of four millions of slaves, as many
of its advocates proclaim it to be ; or
if it is for the purpose of securing tho
re-election of the present Administration,
as many believe, and not for tho rcstora-
country and the welfare of the millions of arc either lawful or honest, is all wrong
people whoso liberties they aro destin-, It js wrong not only Lccauso it misrepre
ed to destroy, this very attempt on jsents the feelings of tho people, but it
the part of tho French Emperor to es- Lf,w.f4 the Administration for every
tablish a monarchy in Mexico would bo , county that thus offers a bounty for sol
this fee at tho 1'i'ovont Marshal's ollico, ull
having been previously gobbled up by
clerks, rocrutiing agents, and hangors-on."
The Nei;ro " ir to the m vkk "
According to a correspondent of tho 7W6
iwe, a negro caused tho failure of Kilnat
rick's expedition to capluro Richmond.
tion of the Union, then this system of Kilpatrick, at the head of 0,000 picked
Toting away the money of a large class of cavalrymen loft the army of the Potomac
people who do not believe that such objects on the 28th ult., for tho purnoso of making
a sudden dash into Richmond, and cap
tut ing the city, if possible, but at least to
liberate the Union prisoners confined
there. When approaching tho city, ho
divided his force, Col. Da'green taking rii
men to make a circuit to the west of the
seized upon as the means of lestoring Jiors furnishes prima facia evidence that
peace, amity, and ultimately concord and the. people of Ftich county endorses the city and attack it from tho south, situul
Union between the now "dissevered and ! present war policy. taueously with the attack to bo made by
belligerent States." j 'Without a change of policy, we repeat, the main forco on the north side. Iul- a little common eenso enter into ' therefore, this procrastination is the vory green secured a negro to ilot him, who j be done, and by their violence compelled
the negroes, and marchod theut oil to jail,
at tho samo time securing the rovolver.
About tho same time another and more,
serious row was coine on. at a iihiee call- (
ed liuekner's. on Cro-dian street- It an- T TERMERS, FAMILIES AND OTHERS, on
, n -- --4- m-
Tin: aiiEAmsT discovery
Ir.LA1XRS! w
n.. IV.... niin.t; i.. .. Jl. .urcsnco ho rome.iT onuoi 10 ur. iuuins
,,..,. j ..11 v.iiii.i., mc oi,,uiiiii,iiii; ,v Ml- , . . . e , ,.
. . ... .. ii, i- V on itiiin I.iniiiiciit, for dynunU'ry, colic, croui
roMi 11 11111c woman in a coiorou notise 01 (,,: ,i,, :.,, .,,i, ,,1,i,,.i, ..
ill-fame, when a general resctio was com- nieknom, cuts, bums, .wollin, bruine, old sores,
menced by colored soldiers and others. hoadacbo, miMiuitn bites, i'in in the limbs,
Itvolvors and bayonets were drawn, and ebont, bunk, Ao. If It doos not civo rcllof tlio
ollicer Woods who hud niado the arrest, m'msj will be rvfunJoil, All that is i.kod in a
was forcibly compolled to release hi pris- tritt1' nni u" il an!or'liBS t dirortions. CLOTHS !
oner at the poinlof tho bayonet. Pistols,. Birj I have used your Veno- CLOTHS !
.... -...."i 1 .11 11 p -.- '"n Liiiunciil 111 my fuinily fur u number of
were preHcnlod at tho heads of citizens vnnr .., k.iS J ... 1 ',i,i,. ,.u r,..
who endeavored to assist tho ollicers, and wimt it is roomiunondoil that I bavo tvcr hhc1. L A I I F.S' SUA W LS ! 0 F.N'T.S' Sllir
for a while tho free American citizens of For swUmi attack of croup it is invaluable. I L A HI ES' Sil A W LS '. UEM'S' vn,!,'
African descent had it all their own way, have no hesitation in recommending it fur nil
indoliancoof all law aud order. They the uses it professes to euro. 1 Uve sold it for MEN AND HOYS
poured out their vials ol wrath in un.ueas- 'UH"y 'va"' uui1 " 8lvc"1e"'lro,f"'1 'I "'IV!'.".-.
urcd terms upon the heads of ul! tho white! ,,...., v. T rZ ,,1 H TS A CATS !
1 t '1 ui inriiiiun .1, 11, ii ,1 mill n, i..ii tti iL ,..-i..
trash in cxibtenco. accoDiimnied with! ivi o. 1 r. ,.i,i i, n .1,, H A 1 h it CAlfti
Ill' 1 K unriiit' v V T M,.v S ISr,..
throats of violenco if they weie interfered Oflire, ill t'ortlnndt stroot V.
with. Nubseiiuontlv some of Ihu rinelend-
ers went oil to tho barracks, whither they
March 2, lsii-lm.
were followed by an ollicer having author- ,'SOM KTJIINfr SUBSTANTIAL IX
ity to arrot them. Upon arriving at tho
barritcki tho ollicer called upon those
iu nuthoiity theie for tho transfer of cer
tain parlies to tho civil authorities. Colo
nel Hams, promptly gavo hiscousent, and
told the deputy sherill's to tako with them
such us thev were in nuest of but tho1
I negroes determined that Ibis should not' TT AS. roc,,Pl,y "P'ned Pimp in Lumber City,
11 . . ... ..IB
where lie is now prepared to itmnuf.icturo
our National Councils; let tho announce- worst we can practice. Every ma t will bo betrayed him aud led L:m many miles 111
meut be mado to the armies of the South, ' called upon in duo time, and we may just the wrong direction. TLe result was that,
if not to the authorities, that tho Admin- Us well make up our minds to this first as after hanging the negrc to tho " limb of a
iElration at 'Washington had resolved to (last. How this change of policy is to bo friendly ouk '' as Geii. Oantt's friends
adhere to the Monroo doctrine: that no jefleetcd it is neodloss to poiut out; but did tho Yankee inlArkinsas Col. I), and
branch of European monarchy shall pol-j tho surest means will be to -W- the men : two other Colonels, and 150 of his men 1,!kl.,r V', "'P,,, n?,L W U1' ' . Cy
, 1 . , , tar do shanty down." Ihis re'Pinst was
luo the Mexican sod ; that we were vH-i turn out the fanatics, and put in men of , wc-ro cither killed or ctptured. Iutnot'uot, r0milied with, but ollicer Sullivan,
ling our " present quarrel " should bo sus- 80nse, patriots, statesmen. your trust in Sambo. j armed with a revolver, stepped out, nnd
nended until Mexico was nzaiu disenthral-1 Our nnot.i is said to ha .1-14. Al '.r.'. . . .. " ... . asked who it was wanted him. This
them In rotrivit In lltn ( 'nli-mla rxmrlAM I
whore they held a council of war with the I-'1 KfXDS OF 77.Y. SllEET
oflicors of the rngiraent present. Shoitlyj 1 i'OJ' ', if- COITE li-WAIt H.
11 demand was ma lo by some of-tho color- j
ed solJiers for the delivery to them of the A fM "iy?y " mnuufartuml mn rwituiuOy on
two deputies, remarking to Coloned Hams I haml.
.j-VT Inul l.'.l.l.. r -,r llw, Pl.n.l. . . ......
led, and immediately the lemons of Lee, each, this will involve our county in a i , ti V ; ,1 ',0',.of! 1,a MOt urtV0 me uesirea ei.ect as
1,1.. .uu vU ...... eUl o. fMo,c. h-u ... '6' slftughter in Florida-whotc letter will be,"y"'ing. (.me ol them started Tor fSuIU- rates.
T.umtiermen ran bo supplied with R.VFTIXfS
PTOVKS of nhieh ho intends hooping a supply.
Orders for spouting, roofui, ie., re.peett'ully
solicited. liepair'ui; iroinptly atleiuled to. Ai
ho intends keeping none but tho bet of work
men, the people muy rely on substantial work.
storekeepers aud dealers supplied at reasonable;
S'.irfs !
Satchels !
Satchels !
Head -Nets!
the inspiration and fly to the roscuo of the .stand ; but what shall wo do when tho
halls of the Montezu mas with an ardor no ' next draft is ordered, which is very likely
less conspicuous than that with which ma-1 to be done ? A bounty of 200 may not
ny of them assisted in their conquest of 18- be a sufficient inducement, then, and in
48. And it is not at all improbable that the order to get men to enlist, the bounty
liichmond authorities would most gladly may have to bo doubled.
embrace such an opportunity. Whatever j tK)ur l(,0ineTghbordevorod neatly
feeling of friendship at first fx'eJ l- a coumrj ofhi8 last issue in a vain attempt
wards Trance, has now almost totally van- itoboUler up tLe blighted reputation of
ished. Tho long delayed recognition of the ( u t ..rcrcutont 'Southern Brother,'"
(.onieueracy uy 1 tanco una completely l(Jen GikiiiU It waa truly lalsorcd cfTort :
Call nt tho Snftnilinl Tin Simp and eeo for
March 2, ISol-tf.
Annual Tajcs for ISO I.
FIIIK attention of ti payers is hereby called
X to the provisions of the United States Excise
Law relative to tho assessment of annual tnxes.
Itv ttiUkiTtli f,f llm orl nT.lnlv 1. l.-tfiiV
formed that on that occasion "one-half tho any serious results, and came to tho cily it is made the duty of all persons, partner-lips,
white infantry had fallen behind," while j 'or wro help. j firms, associations, or corporations, niudo li.ible
j'uring me eniiro a'.ternoon ine lnuica- i'"u. uu.jr, ih-i-, m t, i
frt.,j r, ... i;( .. .i.;. r van, but was collared by Colonel Urus,
lounu on our first rage in Ppeakmg ol . ' ,, . , . J . .. ,
, , . . , who promptly sent lum to tho guard-
me causo 01 meir uisaster, says : house. Tho fate of their comrade only
"It was our miifvrtane to have for support a exasperated tho rest, and thero is no
Krrtro regiment, t'hich hi, running caused us foidnubt but that blood would havo been
lose uvr pieees." Ished had not tho officer changed base,
This was not the case at Bottom's nrjdcomo to the city for roinroxcomcnti.
7 . i .i. While leavinc camp thev were followed
ui iota', in. eori.1 in " 10 uui- ua van iiHiuiior s 1 . , ., i , ., , . .
, , . out to the road by the soldiers, but suc-
account of that expedition. Wo aro in-: Ceodel in ed'eetin" their escano without!
Port Monnniis! M
Port -Moiimiits! Bia
P'iOtogvniiliic Allitm!
nrivs, tobacco i segajs:
Or anything else in tlio teiii
eery negro soldier was ri in the mark and
lissipated that friendship which 'gbt y , b h j , t j answered lo his name." Our
otherwise havo existed ; and therefore, j stolon tho most of it from the llarrlsburg ouit to Lave Lieut. Eddy court-martial-! tho jail
hbor n-Anr.,1 ii.A u..nt;tii ,,,,,1 1 1 t,;,.;i:. . r. lict ir return to tlio Anjostimi Aspoiwur of tlif
tions of a general row wore
' 1 ii;,,;,i nr t. f ....... .ni
i i 1 viruai niiviu it ntcu ui niv uuioiiui, ui atiitiuii
ome ol tuo coloreil soldiers n.. arttola nr uliinta iK n rmiil with a
cd at once. : threatened that they would liring lowu ( Fpfciul tux, and tho business cr occupation liable
'. ... the whole roeimont hnd rele.iso nnv nf-in i.nv nnv lieetmo.
that this notorious : tirvThn
flit war must entail upon their country,!. , , , ;n ilnoil. ,oast of llis'iui .l l,..!:,.,, ..i.. i there. C 'turn by tho day specified will bo liable tn bo
there is but little doubt that Jeff. lav is ..t ..:. ,.r ..v..t,,.' ,n .., lilr , ......... .. . . It weuld hav renuired but .1 snnrk to scssed by the Assosfor according
. I . r r . 1. . :l I.
iuo i.ope 01 escaping 110m 1110 l,-Tll'JloJ'elegra2h
lioirors wianue coniinuuncv 01 uie pres- But how comes it
and his followers would gladly embraco
tucii an opportunity. cupied a position above tho rauk cf Colo-
And how noble tho purposo of such a ; nel in the rcbyl servic0i ;a g0 lionized in the
war! Ah 1 there would be both honor , Nortli ? DiJ uot Lincoln's proclamation
and glory in such a struggle. No heart-1 prom;se para0n only to those below tho
lees conEcriplion laws; no blood-money irank of Colonel threatening with tho
in the shape of big bountios woul 1 bo re- hulter all others? Then why is Gantt
quirod to fill the ranks. The strife would j rermitlC(i to escape? Or why should he
not be who could stay at home-but who kQ 6 0 honored ? Is it nn evidence, nnd
"elevation" of a "Yaukeo" to "the limb of be restored by a " vigorous prosecution of
information which ho can obtain ;
to tho best
and in such
; 1
.. ji ii. : . r .t ...
a friendly oak" in Arkansas, and who oc- the war " and who endorses tho present .,.,.1 .1 ' . " .1 11 ' . 1 : ca-0 Assessor is required to add fifty per ceii
. , . , . . . - . I uiuu, hum UJl'ie I'UUI'l IIU ll'i tl'UIIli: IHTC
war poiK-y of tho Adnumblratiou and it would ond. Un to the time of wriLinu
S,:w5 !
Hatchets! ft
Ihtchels! (J
could have the high honor of .joining the
mighty host?
I5ut would all this put an end lo our
present war ? Would not " the same old
light" havo to bo renewed afterwards ?
We say NO. Let the contending heroes of
the hundrods of battles from Big Bethel to
that of Olusteo, once meet shoulder to
shoulder against a common Too in a holy
cause, ana no acts or intrigues or design
notico to nil rebeldora of tho fact, that if
they, from Jeff Davis down, will only
"repent," and join the abolition party, ,
and fall lo abusing Democrats, that they
shall bo in like mauner honored ? Sup
pose our neighbor elucidates this problom.
Acknov. -LEiiuixu the Lie A ?hort time
since the Ifarrisburg Telegraph asserted
who does not voluntarily -fer his serviets
to the Government li citlj. r a knave, n
fool, or a coward.
If, in the abovo portrait. we have correct
ly described the position of our Jacobin
neighbor respecting the w .r, he will have
no difficulty in guessing t ere u-c think he
ci".: to I .
linil to tho 11 ui mi n t of tho items of such list.
livery person who shall deliver to nn Assessur
no lurlhor demonstrations havo been (any false or fraudulent list or statemont, with
made, the negroes remain inn masters of i intent to evade the valuation or enumeration re-
1 1 . .-. w ' . .1 1... 1 :.. ..1.:..... 1. ..
the situation.
quired by law, is subject to a fine ol five hundred
I'adlocks ! Door ty Trunk i
Padlocks! I).)or.J Trunktf
Strange Visitation.
A respi'Ctablo citizen of Tlumcreek
township related to us tho following
ttrange circumstance, and vouches for its
accuracy. Ilosaid: "IL S. took bis gun
to shoot a beef, and when in the act of do
ing so, saul, 'I would jukt as willingly
shoot a copperhead ns that beef.'
1 1, 1 : I. . 1. - 1 : . :. ... 1
j ...... 1 uuitiirs ; uuu ui tueu ea.-e uiu iim win uo lu.ine
JrlVOen. Orant has written a lettor to : "ut l'' U'0 Assessor or Assislunt Assessor, ami
his father In which he says ho will not ae-l f!',"u "' ,valuK,,un u,nJ euuincrati-m so made
cept the nominination for the IVesidetiey , uX .axes, except ,hose Ir
8I1 Oil M i t be "''red him. licenses, will not be demanded uutil tlu thiitietU
n r ir i- . 'day of June.
Oi'RUlti tl.ATlVi; MEOll-M.-Lncls Sam's! iho ,,rrnpri,.te blanks on which to make re- .
greenbacks and pOFtal currency COW in 'turn, nml all necessary information Will be fur-'
circulation UlUOUnt to flVO hundred mill-1 nished by Wm. J. 11km i-hh.i.. Assistant As.issi.r
for the rirst Division, to whom the returns should
be delivered on or before the 1st Monday of .May,
at his office in Curwensville.
V. S. Assossor l'.ith llisirict.
Curwensville, March 2, ISO I.
is' To
wai:, oj: no war:
a fee sh arrival of
WiNTEit Goods
11 e Diiut i
! that Gen. Gantt, in his speech in that the beef, and took it by the tail to move'
i I . I i i . .i .i. . t U I...1..II.I,.,.. I I
ing men will over again induce them to VmcL rcmarKou mat me i-emocrauc ""- " " VUVm.
" leauers in Uie .Norm Jiaa encomagcu tlio " . " "i .. . i am just receiving anil opening a carenilly
"Sneth la r,l,Pl 1,0,1 ...omi.,.,! tlin, J'10 Cir(:umsllnc,S "0 Very Singular , ; foloclcd stock of fiishionablo Fall t Winter goodl
.South to rebel-had ptom sed them and have created a pood deal of talk ini ofallllOSt CVCrV descrintion
aMwtanco-nnd more recently told m the neighborhood of its occurence. Was; ,BTt m T Ti
lliil if llin wnnlil linhl nut ,i Hula hu Rtruclc for !vJ,,')i,i in miinlnrV I SJ S 2iJr JLtSi c9 iTA AJ SiS JL
..i u i.i i. r..i Whvnot? Annninswiu struck dead for A beautifuUssortment of Prints amfry
luufi iu-y nuuiu uu nuuiMmi m . . - - . ' goons, ol ttic newest and latest
"thai he could mee the names of seme r.:-t,v in. ;d , . u (treat variety of useful notions
- - - tii'tuiviui iii'j- uiu nut nm in ins nay,
'Tennsgleaniansifuhat he said was deputed." M)i that the wi mo Burumary jiunishmont
This MTis at onco and peremptorily is not inflicted now; for if so, where
denied by the Patriot !' Union, and tho wouUl M Lh? Armstrong Mentor.
lying scoundrel of tho Telegraph called Some DuiEurx. i.. The Salem Advocate
upon for the proof, aud darod to produce gives tho following incidi nt showing tho
shed each others' blood. It is a highway
to peace and ultimate Union Will our
rulers spurn the opportunity 1 It is not !
too late. If thero is a will, there is a way,
What is a " Volunteer? " Tho draft
is not to tako place until the first of April,
at least, and perhaps not then. This post
ponement is -induced, as Secretacy Stan
ton informs us, in the hopo and belief that
tho requisite number of troops can bo
moro expeditiously raised by the ofleriog
of libcrul bountios to " volunteers," tho
"people preferring that method of raising
What constitutes a volunteer? Accor
ding to Webster, a volunteer is "A person
who enters into military or other service
of his own free will. In military ajj'airs,
volunteers enter into the service voluntari
ly." Tho adverb " voluntarily," tho same
author defines "spontaneously; of one's
own will : without being moved, influenc
ed, or impelled, by others."
styles. Alsos
tho names. Like a convicted felon, ho has difference liotwoen white men and ne
groes, nn Abolition estimation:
nothing to say. "Last week wo had occasion to rucn-
The samo falsehood appeared in tho tion that at a meeting in the Methodist
Jaedin organ of tlm placo last week church in that place, a collection was ta-
stolen, of course, from tho Telegraph. kcn UP, f!r 'l10 rniiwy negroes by an
, , ... .... ., ,. agent of tho 'I- rocdmnns society, ' amount-'
Lut perhaps the editor thinks the stcahng in t0 Uvcnly.()lu, dollars and a half,
will cover the crime. a few evonings oftenvurds. a collection
. - t-T r i-'c " , far the benefit of soldiers' families and
C-Jf The Jacobin organ, of tins place, in duslilut0 wuil0 j,0l,i,l, was taken up at
its last issue, in speaking of Democrats, one of the churches in town nnd wo nro
says "they havo been traducing and ma- told the. magnificent sum of ti; dollars was
liiMiinir nrwl torminir n nVu il i I inn llt nur Taisoil,
ii .i i r ,i . Thus it goes twenty odd lollars for tho
xoultfrM fcnrl 1.11 nl hnra t&'l, Toitrir ll.i vnelr. . c J . .
Bonnets, Shawls,
ilats and Caps,
15oots and Shoes, a lnrjo quantity,
Hardware, Queenswnre,
Dru;;s and Medicines,
Oil nnd Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
GROC K 11 1 K S ,
Fish, Bacon nn.I Flour,
Maekerel in 1 I and t barrels,
f tho best quality, nil of which will bo sold at
Iho lowest cush or ready pay prices.
My obi friends and tho puhlio generally, lire
re.--ii"-iiiiiiy lovileil lo cilll.
Jffl-N. 1
CUCSTHY PlitJVUVK takon in exchango for
Clearfield, Dec. SO, ISflH.
7"AXTlD. A girl to do general houso-
work. Apply to
Dr. K. . W 1L,U..
Clenrflold, Ta., Feb. 21, 18(14.
S Tit AY SHKKP. Caino to the premises of
tho subscriber in Lawrence township, on nr
about the 1st of August last, a SHEKl". Tho
owner is hereby requested to come and prove
property, pay charges and tako it awsy, other
wise it will bo fold according tn law.
Feb. 21, 1S6I.
CI. Ii A It V 1 i: 1. 1) AfAIH'.MY. Tha
Stockholders of tho ClearCeld Academy aro
requested to meet at the office of J. Ii. McKnully,
iu Clearfield, on Saturday tho 12th day of Marc i,
A. 1., 1804, at 2 o'clock, 1'. M., to chooso Trus- '
tees, ic , for tho ensuing year.
Scc'y of Bouril of Trustees.
Feb. 21. 18l.
( 'aru'iiM i's' oV
C.irio!iti-rs' X lii:
Tiles A !i:ips !
Files A K'ai.s
Sline FintlitJ
Shoo Firnl
Almost anything e!-e in tbuU'
Que ens wai
Which they flatter themselves m"1
in this section.
Therefore, we rcepccfully submit that ; ration of the National authority."
the term " volunteer," as applied to thost
who are only "moved, icfluencod, or im
pelled " to go to war for the sake of a
" bounty " of five or six hundred dollars,
is not correct. Cannot Mr. Stanton, or
tomcbody else, coin a neiv name for this
new class of soldiers, that will bo more in
harmony with the eternal fitness of things?
JC.i?Wc this week publish on ourout
sidu a poctu on the death of Major
I .urn mm. We tidruiie tho Author's
! .:'' !.'. , i u:.ief of UQ tUOih
nogro and tho enormous sum of six dol- IJirOVED WEATHER INDICATOR.
"VTO man should bo Without well regulated
nnd reliable r.arometor. Tho above named
lars for the u7iir: man ."'
article is superior to any other now in use. Th
selling prico is from KIUUT to TWENTY dol
lars ircorilng to stylo. IInvnt It. Wiuiiiit, of
HOW it WOUld astonish li in rendosa if
nnr nnrnthn ,.,m u i n i General Mead s Conduct at Oettvs-
our neighbor should happen to blunder ti r -.. n i . t
. . bcuu. Iho Coinmittoo on tho Conduct of
upon a single truthrul sentence in speak- the War has been for sovt,:il d ays past in-
mg of the lomocraiic party ! Democrats vestii-atini! the cnndticl ol General Moado 'Hen Hope, is tho aent for OlearfieliJ eountr.
never macio anv such rlmrcna npninut at tho battle of (iettysburv General Sick- ''o will furnish Ihcm n short notico, and jir
r' nnr .:., . " "1.,...1m and Doubledy havo U.lilied that after uu nectary inlormat.on
. .. 7 7 . 7 "" """'"T'.""" the first day's lighting. General Meade
'who favor a restoration of tho National, wrol6 an order to lall back seventeen
authority" in a lawful way j but th'oy do , miles, nnd bul for chance a retreat would
charge as "abolitionists," and as traitors 'have been ordered. The fact was made
of the blackest and deepest die traitors ! the occasion last Sunday for a demand up
to their country, to thoir God, and to on tho President, by an eminent Senator,
ihoir own manhood every editor who at- for the removal of General Mende. It is
tempts to degrade tho whito man by try-' said tlmt tho War Committee called upon
ing to prove that negroes make the lest, tho President, on Sunday and renewed
soldiers. 1 this dotmud.
rwVUS great lino traverses the Northern and
X Northwestern counties of I'cnnsylvahis to
All kinds of OR A IS aw approved i tho city of Erie, on I.ako Erie.
It lias been leased by tuo vitjisyvrniim
mml t'owpnny, nnd under thoir auspices is be
ing rnpidly opened throughout its entire length.
It is now in uso for Passenger and Freight bu
siness from Ilarrishiirg to Emporium (2il Fork,
I'.i.S miles) on tho Eastern Division, and from
Sheffield to Erie, (7S miles) tho Western
j Time of rninnnjrr Traint nt Emporium.
Express Train leaves cas'.ward 3 0 P. M.
j Express Train arrives westward 2 15 P.M.
Cars run through wiTnot'T chaior both ways
on those trains between Philadelphia and hock
Haven, nnd bvtwoon Eultiinoro and Lock Ilavon.
Elegant Bleeping Cart accompany tho Express
Train both ways between Williamsport and llalti
moro, und Williamsport and Philadelphia.
For information respecting Passenger business
apply at tho 8, E. Cor. 11th and Market ats.
And for Freight business of tha Company I
Jan. 20, I8f,j.-tf.
fllO WATDHMKli.-Tbo
II. li. W MIGHT,
subscriber res-
pectrully informs Watermen on Clcarfiolil 'Agents, 8. II. Kingston, jr.. Cor. 13th and Market
Creek, and all others, that he will henceforth its., Philadelphia;
decllno to givo entertninaiont, It will b Im
possible for him to do o in justice to himself,
nnd this timoly notice ia given iu order that no
hard feelings need be entertnineil.
Fob. 17, JSdt-lt pi.
J. W. Meynolds' Erie i
J. M. Drill, Agont N. C. R. R. rialllmnre;
II. II. Uoi'stom, flon'l Freight Ag't, 1'hila.)
Lewis L. IIovi t, tlen'l Ticket Agt, Phila.;
Joi. V. Pwtis, Gea'l Manager, Williamsport.
Jan. 2L l1-
Miprar-C'urctl Niii"";
Sti7ir-('urod Hams!
irnuv trV1.'n ASSUl'l J
Kuftiiisr Utc
stock, -b'r
ir-BEMBSiit. ; .
ket .ireet, nearly orr-'tc
Ftb., 17, ISf-i
Call and sco our
er not,