Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 09, 1864, Image 1

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p., i"t i
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mxciriEs, net ties.
VOL. XXXIV. Vv'II()I:X(). 1703.
CLF.AKI I.KLI1, lV., WF.DX! SDAV, aIAKCH ;, K,.;;i,
nmw s!-:tiii:s
, ... .
JJiH'u tn tint dentil of the late .'I.ij. J.
can tiis nsruflLicAU part,i,.i;)nai!; n-.r -riv.-i
RESTORE THE UNION? K1V,M t",M" xviai.t i fv' Hi -t it ;:..;iii..r
Pn ll.o N.'T York Vi-:.t, nv,ir !)c uo :r. MMd orst.i:id, thy pre. -nt nor see .ii. 1 to!i
..".'re l.o-r HMO r..... ItUuP , 1 S II. c .pa-
h!" el' re-tot m- 1 1 j . I :i,i,jn.
-a' c in t !i" i; n.i) u - ,i! part -nan 't a a
Kit.' A hit-;-.' Ilia j r ty of I he i ' 1 :'l V
VIk-j'vo slowly l-jrim (!ih f.,!i;Br Lw
Jin wnrolly CiriM uri a',i ;
Ilia s;.h'.t,'.. l!it h a ; i - ml
V.'i. .. wain bra known ri li..-!?.
He .',. ) 1 ll:t p that o:miu.t T.'iiVe
Itu's cumins le.uu" to ' ;
T-," di'iu'y il.o'i bust jaiii l'u ;.rl59
It Ijchoovei ovHiy cnlijjlitfcur: i fneuJ i.f
tliw country lo fO tli it tliij, wliicli in ilioi
iiihI iuii'(irt:i!it pMiitic:;! 0 mu in vol- ,
I vet in the jMMi.lci!th! !.: i-m, U i,t 1
.ipsp.l t-y suIku I i'i.:io or 11 rrlcv.vil i-..
1: wa:. in r:.o.r.;:.i
r r 1, f
li-mvor 11.
I !U IS. II ViO ftllo V OUiX'i VVs to
ti : ll; 1 1 1 i ff (mi l,) r.-el
ill, Mid Ivt'CJI HI tl. ''Mm 1 :! ')( I':
r.-1111 "! vLvvl !'; '.n 1 1' t.
x i-t iiiniri ct i tun iiii. : miis l i.v, or M".
Mr. i-xiM'iiiP'M'V. wlni:li li'ii'c : ni'ii in 1 iin 'i :
ol lli:s )''' 1! will', lli'iii' t-, :i t 1 i r- l.'.i 1
"i :. ii
I I.. !., ! !
l!l ff
Of litrr'y ti
2hy iif'ire . i'i li -e in j-lffnl ieirU
I i b'.Lfir 'l.r. i'li ni! liiuo ;
X! ' ''!'i!i i.'f o;r'.i r.r r.ft'uri. u'uf
A 11 oU-r fiirm lluii thins,
A. -r. . t tf un;ry'ii f.rn;i-
ii :' ri lor r,f in Ls.vj
A v. . I r n. : 1 !i i:h i.:vtr iivj I,
or -vl in s: y r.iiuo.
Ti; 5 .li r ;i-i Iy (f.'ii'.i ),n:.i
i'. r'i ! ., n.iin'y l.rc:. 'I ;
'i !:. . v.-ft !:iru.''i"-.t t'tt Uu-1
'i' . : . 1. i.-.i '.' t .1.! '3 Ut
V. '. J ! 1.' 1 .11 ' . '.TO
V.'I I! 'i .''' fl' a 1 "r-iii'J
A' J ;;m!i i. i i ti:no vii; f.uix
'!:! ir K.j ( sir.B'.
In'r' fr i t, 'i!i f'j! l r b'r.ra,
I ! y n '":!i f-iu' 1 :r ;
Xliy iJ.'irir:T iot- 1 l. f.i- 1:1 .n,
kr '.!iy inviu'iy fair .
T 1 1 ( ;cr 1 !
In (!!.cr - J- 1 1. .4. 1 ri "i ;
Wnil't I vv" hcur.s t!.n: cirnr..,;
UUcir 'ri'.'f, it lour l.ikivj.
:.i:iM!:, .l'y i'.i L'.u.-r t;.-,
Thi. -If, 'a tai .1 lo !. I'.'Hr ;
111 11.1.1 lli'.'.lt ii-..l v'.i--v U:l i. j y,
'1 'it i.:.i"i iu. !i u'iui t!u.-L'.
ii- ''..I a '.iior ti-.i' u mill,
:o va -.a- ..1. !:. ;
! IT.' '.' I' .ll uJ II""
ii. u,;.t .. i-M.u . i, iiu.
II. . !, .:: li.-e at. I ui:.reil !.
Ai.J r m.j: rj tim c."i
i::.,v-- l..u.Hli i' I ' "tvn.
' r ' . M'. -'a., i,;.:!
w Ii it .!!, ri' 1 'IIS I II -. 1 : I ;
I iv, nml :t- ill" if.i ! ; f r r. (' i'iimcI
to what Ihcv will Uowith Slavs. ..iu-r tl.. ""M "'?' '''Vl' ' '"-'''i' -'"' '.:-:'' -'.1 P''"'i''''iy ul..,lt tl.n.i' tvlm-.. i, 1, . .".j.s we irtuallv titut they cm 7,V , tl;lil"."1,s "o1 .;t-i'l.' f-tvor tl'M-i of u I. in t .annci- hi-... . r.
!,.i.iZ thP war to H.icli h c,.ii'l.mi,.n ivnl ?J r- '''rif' ''" iljiin'l fir cuy.t 1 no. ,n.t of our ,.ul,liR ulftii-s. o rn ,y K.lrly W., ,. ,.v!,.', .,
1: ivo tliem coll 1 10! of t lie sii'i'i'ct. I : is ron- I '" Toiiuc t. put tho tl;iv-j iric-lnl.f. ill the nit.,r:iKi ol o'.ijr.-i mm lo i n- 11,
traty to r.iii- li.'liwf that tli. vv.r, in cm- t r,, ,,' ,u ; i"i'" ian h ui- j ttio pr.r-. nt niluiiiiiirai ion. lrn .llo in,.' : w i,. 11 u i- i, ,:i, i ,1 1 1, ..!.;..
(luc.ol l,y ll.em. will ,,vv.r 5o;ul t'l sunii a n'il iy 1,1 lL .,' ,iP1',lel I"'"" oUnuwirity Kurt, tint iv.ipan Vcon i..rvt'rUMi .in .mini:. I'.hU, w. m ..$ ' uiv
rr.ult If tin- i.hiWjj.lior hj prou-inl.'J cl ,;"',Mr' Uux' " ' " IVom its oriinullv dy.1,1 v V:,vv- (n:i:.i.- ni-i.-.-!, 1 - 1? m -,. ......., 1
to extract sun1 (Mini from r"'". '"" , , "V" wh';''.1' ,f. 11 "l'"' : i'. tin-miu;i'. -..i,p. ps,,.n, ..(' 11 l . m :m :,f- M"t... -r 1 1.. ,. ; il .. ...
i'ouII hiivo eniMiri"! Iih advormiri.-s in a 'Vl1';1 !,,v !''.""' I,lal ln '''' l' 1,jrl nl -vi .ixa' 111 1110 S.mi-i. with u vi.-v I 1 v. ( U, .- n 1. 1 i., i.,r n.
o.introvcr-vntothchi'stmvleol'l.ouli,,. ,ri;h ''""" ''"l8. nU''r ,,K' w-,r n't 1 ' witoriti'it. of iViemi
I V il.l't I. M I I ' t ! I -
il... ..,.,.1,;.,. i, w,,i,i i.,. .;.,.,.i I l":ii-.ti,n-i. hi capaci'y to mm
(i.! ,.. ., , :,'ir,ta ; ,,, . 1, . 1 ,1 ', ; , The K..'inili'ii':i'iS Iru'o Icon m-ikit
HI' " Ull .1 I I I V ' IK. 1.11,'U. 'I U II111-.7I1III VU
loan to a '.'i;.Mii( ic "i'u. ;n
'.' ' " ':' ' ' ' r i: ...t ,1 .;n c m
i-np.'i .'i-v !-:.,,.,, 1 ; i-i-u t,T
' " "' ' "l0li hl- l.-ii. - 1 nr li! urn.
!( : ,v '''' i.i'M, . ul.i 1
' ' 1' ' 1 v- . a in i-t t,."
,'i.i !ii.r.i:,'-i'..i.i ! 1 1 1 ;. . ..
I.'.i'-ir. I'.-'... winch , II .-. in ti... i r... j-., .... M (;,
I vi iitr (.,, vc- 1 ;.(. i',,,; i 1 r :- n i , ' ' n' 1. rn t
IHO. iiii;-, Hi.' L-'lh. w..' in r.-;vi I .. t i,; ., .1. I.
Ki'.t 1. '.vi- J..H. ! ;
un t' .). - .. 11 f..;v f,-,-t
J.!in( 11 ivh.-ii l,o (cl!, nn I
!'', 111 ,uil v:.tT, in. I f!,,v h I10U' ol ihaJ
i ... 1 .ti t .f t!... L..11 !.-. II.' iwii no I'laitu-
' 1 "" ' ' ' '""' h. hat in : ii vi) liM
" ! f' I ;,i I l.'ivir;. i - r: a .) 1Pnrrr
1 t , . , 1
' ' " M ' 1 ' .' M ' . I I'i '' I , '. I . I I . !,- ; - n .
'" S '.'. i'i'1'- II' MV) liiU :.j lam.l.-n
I ' I ' !' I'-' I v::i-, a (., m,,. (j, k- J , V,;J
I' U'!,V 1 lh- -'.rwi'i .ion nl'tho Hnlu-.t rial sij-am 1 I
ll.o roxsihihly or I,', primary cxplo.l rjl1"'''' '"V1"' lt',.!,'X !:! ""! h ' 'U ,h," '" l''r" S,:,!"1-
lOnlhrttholilion question w.. will b., u- H';.'t the .'.h.'llioa i.s a . ,ut to brc.t.c ; Si-.m.kI, That .1,.-w .r ha
iilii'ral wilh tiu li.uck Ii -piili! ii'ann 11s
hnvn fi'o'ij ox li a 11 t i n. Fur it to on.
1 !.. .. t .-. i.!'v i- n...'... m. I,,- ,,1: ., !.. ... : , i... , :,,
nv 1. - il'. '. ,1. , w In. h i!'tv. I. ail u."v.' I. .! i li.i v , 1 v : v '- ,. ',' . . !
in rirv P. in;:, u-o sl.-mhl Irn-n st.v,.p.'. .un-.l . hnvn. ;.. . t, .... , j
i Lr-rn 111 1 iO a Hji.j iii'-, iV.mi 'u"in si III to tin W.-t-.l II ' liiin. .loli.i-ii.r.s I,.t f fi ll ii".l I'"
pii-U-M linn ipoi'iy lor Hi 0 nsnrpv.ii'ii. a: ion s v.: il.r :. 1 11 v. i n. 11 i'ii. I 1 i.: 1- liiii.v : i. .1
.V ivoi'n
i can wili, We will ciir.h all llny , ' . . '," uj tin' i iy .la.-nt, tt poivcr.s unwairan'.' i ; !. i-n iihi.-k. v.. 11 '.v.. uv! tli.: on. 1:1.-. in. t .1. l.-t
the u an-i slmpo of i.ho hot tics "'"""'" ....""""... .v y luo l'o.i-r.u i.oi.Mmiti.iii ani torn J :y sl.:r,n;:.i I v..i,. :1,0m )..r t:,o 1.. rt lintr .:u;.,', .1,: ( ,v.ii r.,;.,,,
uiioij irrcoiiicilalil..' (villi llio letlcr an-l njnnt ol in : I-. tt hen w I. un-1 Hint I hey -oro 111 ; h !-. on tlio sroun. I.
; loi ro, una 1.. 1 1 loi in. ni 1 1 1 . -1 r Inn.. ..I h il in'. : hrorl Lis 1.1I i at. in 111, ur
IH lO 1
!.ii).l tlio way lh y si-all bn k.mI.hI; nt
ikH--t. until t'n.'V h.ivo fin.,c" in tli
lo h.i'.o roivivorp 1 (ho ivvollc I
hv ni.litarv vi'- ir. win!,' i; hrvl vol w
to allovinto the liiii-.i"'i of oar tax,'
oar nisLitut ion-.
I pr, lii -,tni'.r 0.1 j o; i iii n t aiol have net .1 ; 1 ly ti.ievia'o 1110 '''"'i o, onr lav,'-. .,i lu.rl. I hat tho war h,n I..M.-n nn.lue!- 'i'.io onh.n n.s u . ic 1.!. 011.0 .!. p!o-r.l, ,,.,i i-i. hi throw .ioa-ii lis ni 'iiol
finoiMHBi the b-anis Tho tvhoio-al- O..N- vc tear that tl:-.' oxo. -cH'i-iri o. mi 0 a-y o to l.u,M up 1 party at tin- oxp.-n-r ol' a.. I our ...I. .oi.-v n .., .:.rr: V- '1 i,ir I f.-avv 1 iii... a t: j.'. '
iiii-cii..! of otithon, t)r,oi-ty v.ithwhi.'h ; "i-vu-st tl... j.n.i 1- a .-lu-;co .:-o,'ii. 1,1 , , 1 1 Uv .-a-e i-.'..l 1 ii,.., aiol at the ,. II i 11 i ": t . . 11 '.- l,',.'rv w-i-, i.r;l.'"-e ! I- pv,v. ,!,.;,, ,., , .V. ; V.;,
fthey uiou-f til.-ir dUooiis-.l ini .-;na!, .ns U' 0 h',v' ,!0 1 ""' "''" ,v:ii r.!,.u ",t0 '"'l 0!' a pfrnnn-Mit .ira,'ii of the ;,!, Jon r j.i.-cf- of tiio I,;" t.-ry ir.olu:!- ro:i iv f,,r 11- . If,, ni;,,,,! :it the c'.i .f
j will he pas-ihle only alter (ho w ir lie lh" .n'.'Xt f-1 . '' 11 -".-.ions, ma ..xua us oniinent iiii!'t.,i y of- i;;; mv so.-: ion. Were. I.10. i .a ovor'th'! Iie.ol of tj.. h-.i-.., n,j s!'nt i.Var
I ; .ii the fa.!
I i .1 - . oro
-1 , ii'i !.;
Ti'-'l'li- ! 1. : I
wiic ii j.s sa-v
! boon laoii -hi to a mi.
e.'..s!ul tonn. nation.
ailniiin-tiiition is I'.'p:i!.':i.' ni, tliai, titi- j
well a Ion (a-cvcll to tl.o I nun.
To o. oupy liubi'.o a'.;on Don with t.j'.h a
Hohn'iio now i- nn ni-.pi'riii-once whirl. 1
wouhl bent npl (I,,: it not forve ! UlSh'j) Of GeOiriJ 0.1 t13 vV Sr.
to '.leluJtf tho country into f.t'.fxi fr-'ia li.o K.e'a.u uJ 1. i-tt.'li. IV). s
tioiw. j p... K.1,1.!, tho j.f.not.o li .-.h p i f ;.-.-
'I'li mitin qupKtion fc tlie p.-aple to g',n, in a U:m sni-m m jiic. -.n. I ia .''.i. .i-
l.'ci.b in tin- olvi.iion is, wh -'h-r the i.,.ii oxlno ts the .li ! 11 .1. ve. h. l.jr.i o.t. 10
I Kepilllic.'.n party has l':voii ovi'ionoe, 1 l - u i,..v ti.iiam.'.ii ; p:. ,;,i.'.i,l m.h n'.i t. .. :iiv.
j 1 ing th preni ienti ,1 t.-i ui so.ui to 0x01.0. ' i.f a pioplo.-t un.l ) onol. liii;.s are, 111--,of
abil:ty tn 1 capacity to rctoi- tin' dwi. tvi.ii ilia, i.ur.i :
t-naiii. inoy iihvo not, ti .-a .-1 1 11 . . in r ,i ,t .-.r.i my noar.-i '.vnu o-.ic sii;'u
tiien nor kcniU'i in nifiii-; 11.1 -.iuti,. lo.-o.l n,l v.ii ti m iu i. u oni,-,
1 . r 111. 1 r
nu'iiv rv.-r i.ioro w ,,'muhi sum I'liinrn-e mot eiiii'.i I liov. f 1. ;.i. . ( . . 1 1
. n.u e i.,-o.i i 01 (V'liiina.ia tor itifii 1 a ln.ijor.-.i uiei li!:y yar.l ! t:.o Ui.i ii'inr.1 ol Iim foic o-i'l. V.'i.on tii
I' o'a-on--. an 1, f..r ll 0 Mtsiie ri UA linos, un.i-f a fovor.' Ur... of inii-Uot- I, ail 'iu.'k, it foe-no I to him tha Inill'm
, vi .lout :t-l in.'iiiont iii:n pat 111 1 i v. Wo . nt in 'tiih f,,or pioc... fifiy j'fiij.-.J whli I.U boa i fall iif'.vn 1 , 1 iut
nai; ivoops nave ieo:i .vnn, ..'in rior--.'-, onony-- o ni."i a ! I -lit' 0:1. '"r;, (!. a-r. A so ej i.- b,. ytsii.-k lh- '-.., ,1
at 01 am.'! 1 ini:' u'i'.s. at.'l the
!u!lv il.'- ''
( '
1 1
h .'on, ... ut. ..lvru-U, 1..0111. a I.' t If J-ivn,. ini .1 i-:i his I vi 1 ;..
vi-o.l phi. is of iih)... ".-noialt bo.-ii 1 .!,:.. an.l l'.lvto!'. Ia tw try numi!.'- h;ai, anl jiiim.; h.m f.,-t Ij the 'touiia.
' 'iii.t i"-'!--( 1, t !io o'.i of o..j.-i.t ol ail '.v.- l',-t t.,i;y-l:e. invn. f..i'tj h.-.r-cs, tw c
of uhi,:: I ill v- mi 1 ,-, i.oi; I,;, j h -,.ii hiil..... a ti - h . i I lo: - , . I!i . ( -1, v. 1 1 n w ( nan t-'?- A W.ttt v i. v ; :: a 1 .: . Ti i a f.-nI-,n
tr.iv M.'S.i'i to il or !.in-i ! poj.n!;;: iiy of to :o ' i ij' wt'l. t. hai li't io I hore " -I -i loft, oonvsj'o.ol.'iii of ihu . ov Voik i".'.".'i
.I'ia.i; ooiino,i,i,i,'r.s wilu llio masses of ' ir:;,"i' r,.v' t. ii r . '- warns ibn-o wlinni It tnay toine'ci,, to bu
l.i.'ir count: vinoii (. ,',; ,,',,,,.,.,,,..,...'..', ,. j-i ,''.'. I I'.c il War of t eno '.ma; tai t.'lO
T-'.ir;!.. i'oat l'ie fini lir! of t'.i ' war T-ie il.n 1 v,..l t:,i o pa ol !.. it. i. No loan, I-.,- uiiio-,
1' cl oh a: !'.' o. 1 l.y o a r'p1 i".- u !' n ' : . ' - ai i' I imiv so erioli oat on tlio trotter . r t ';;t.i , ii! In ,-s-(.
,. up, I. .a-,. 1 in ' 1 ot v ol ,.T, ...-'ni.. the (; -ni t .a i ti"! a if i', 'it. t li il is n( t w.'II ooh.'ii ii il. The S inthnt-
resourccs. If they have not s-j.'L'ec.l' I i,.i;kw.tul.
thr-y cannot pl;:i 1 tiiat they lave not h i l IV a .l a o ir a
a tnir trial. Mony. wni. 'he coniman i t ., a , tiian i.-r .n - ..t tl: 1 ,
of tho ten, t).v Bin! Mirprtvine inventions iiij.'ton. no I weie ko'pia.r.n
in Hie naat arcliiteolure mil in eimtir.v, H...,: iui ,,' tho v o-t, nil v
tho ndvs.nbvn ofoperatiag ngainst a poo- VintonL i-. I, ir iiru.o.-iia ho- o
pl.i whno tn.-iiti in-1 u.-try was oin te, in ! an,j d.'.'o 1 1: i :i 1 .r our o!u. ii en.
iircluoinjf a jrroat urticlo of iorei.-n o.-: ! " is n. 1 i.ij;-,- K-ti a
(,ort, na i whoie lirst riwusity u a lorejen , n,,,v v ; . t n y or u; .sahaiN-ioo :
t. , . il; j, p.e, lo.- a u i :'i l'ae l, hen .s. :,l in mv ! V,
:n' -, (.'. l In., i i-i' nl (. ct.uoi'oii. i no-, ill. i,'
, a hen our a.'mv w i- v
ol ii .t-l.-
' 1. 1 o .y
y-j h'on
).: . i v os
in i
I ' ll' II. i i i ,,e,l i i v 1 1 .
ih-'.ltll. al ,1 toe i, ,1 ! he
li ' Vt 'eht or.-, I'rein nvi! ,vc-o pola y, have tip to
l.i .t i.; ttns t.aie, i-eli-.iiiiv.l fi om ia t!i .tioii.
ii '
,l-el, . ...,!,!
i . : . I, i'a-l. ti." I i '11
to; I '.el i;.s.. 'if i ) ,1 p;,
toe an . it :i I V iv i jve tio'
tli p :i ,!y of '.h - hi I 't
'fa, v h i
III l"ll.;"r this
I i
lh .
i-.'l- .1
1 " I .11 HI ..
t ! -I'i'1, i- near I in.iiiv ol' I heir o vn towns lev.. :. inn.' -
I'M woioli f'.n..i, ! m hi-a. Th"" . rv hoi IV"1) in n . t'"i " I, un i su.-h in.ula la ham
civil ni.V"f, :.,r : ' opp Ki'ii ti) Us. imiiI. of coui'-rt. whip!- -.1 as '.'a ti I, -ton, tint, they wi.l c-iieiii -r tbe.n-i')-:,
a I a Lno.'er ; ha-liy. . Hamilton i- woiiiioeil m t h ! M-i en j.u'.iih 'i in li.o oy.- of t:,e w.nil,
et V -(' t nc ei i i vo. .''': a-ai '-.v, t-.-l v. aii'l i'l t ho h:p. I.ienl. in en i y in .: on I. tli"... i-Moieau.
fixtli. an-i iia ,'ly, That he p..'ev now
. h
I in th If' fi t, Jlo-eby ami a ij i...n .elirr ii-oo.i.-i
of ir- to . ami ;:u,-rl r..;- on lan.l, ami ll -rL Mo,.u,.'ii,
:'i loft a.-til. at N' i, will o ' wh ,1 t,,. , cm to olii'i.le'-
inntkot. end this poo, -la h tii'ii-.J in by i j s1i j.ihss. an not u tho con,, a-. an m a.i 1 ''' ' "le.eiv to ...1 eo-a.-, ol ( i.n-l w.ll r . ..!y I i .-n
blockade, wit boat a navy cr nnv roso ires ' . ;., ,..,.. i,,,,-,,,- ,,t ih,. .,,;!. hoi i. ... I .: '' roiint-m of t he r:tatis, hut ;. r -h: i- I. -eat. 1 lodee is' I ia
lo create ono wnn mis 'Sti"or.iiniirv jM, ty ofinti-Kl iVaalio, wiili ;r. ;t :uv of "-, ' l;" 1 ; ' " ,!'KI ;li'! ;v' "" ' -L 1 ' - " ' 1 ",' " 1 ' "' 1 :" 1 ' 1 -n ' 1 - " 1 .,-.'U., it:;..:
com!, ination of advantages tiio al mini-- ( ..e jv e(-o i.y a ii,i.o;-3 al ihoir 1, i.;;.,. ' ie-c-la 1 ;:-'i men', of ali:-o s' m i.e.! :n-1 li . a'o a.t ti,!... ini-l.,.- :;bvi the -inkle "oi-'i-l 1 a. nn-t a- i ir may ..
tmiion hut fuilod ouly by reanou of its I Wijo'oiiall b:. ah'o to ros..r.iin tiiv.u in tlio i.iy, and in a timo .y no nn Vi '.on-oto. t. i 'nt, he, t.,-t i.aoly. ',1 of in c'V, -i ts U is to b.: hoped that tiio war tn iv b;
! iinbeciiity.
J 10,. UJ. Liia.LLiUlli'.. ..pmrnrai. ouii fay mat in is r.-0ve ims r'.iik. every adventurer will tus.i lo mvo.1 Vl "-"o ...... , " in, .on umi i inri". -i - ' i "'"- " !. ' a .
i boon at all proportionate to its m, ' ! t;it., . .out, and lh. y wiil swe-op to style th.on as the iu-r ilor.toiiM of a 'i'.'io I .'te'-v rom.mie 1 nt Jacksonville, returned in ihc i.i r-o, of th "V a u
ta b,; a ' r.i-cruJUas K,st of the Alk-gh.-t.itn. the war has b 'en, i ,,;, i,;". :',.,u.ii a, ih , h-.. of lio .Utila 1"-lln "'; i;' .''undiced, we he- leave f.j wl.ioli 1 thin', on;- fores wi:: I'.nd it 'Mii- may bo v. i.lna jo.ioii of r.,.v;a to
t;i,'.'. on tho whole, it sad failure. V hive u,on il,. leri.'o pi.auof Italy. And remind Jhe.n o! what li is b.-n u.ine ; tvojoalt to l,el .!, n-i the ciieiry u "i e f, llo-.v in - g.-.tic
lo'ih. vin lct'-r ftoci (o.r. Hrntn- nn ie a fev indentations into tlm rind ofmi'd yoa find in that iu..oy tvhica a . l'UM11 tl "r''i-,: ll." i.i.'...ii.'f of i'i.-iis closely. Takiti.i cv. rythin:: t ". IV r, V.'nr U n jintm that two cm p'ny r-.t, t
. . t,,' M.'r aks 'or re'iollion rn t ho A'dint'O slope ; but j y0n d'u not in Victory .'" ohiin :e'i rt. I by M:'!n to 1,'lV'vv b-ive : no pi"tly sharp work. In U not altv iyi ono-si I'd. as join; lis a;
, .k. ntt-csv i. i.i.n muhp. .' jj0ltI)()lv r,nd Charleston still !) d us de-1 -Y..11 m.iv si-i;.'i. - ).?, b-H you wiil '' -'e in i i! oa-os of i-, b.v.f il it.ii-ty hours e i i..,i'cli d one iiun- it to I.e. It is my if. liberate oenva'.i,
It i- out a shirt time fcmee our j-.,,,,. ,j ,i10 v.t ,olt ,-,!' territory l.o.vako to a '(,- ir'.'ul r-.iiity. Van in iy lie and pi-ojat.- to ho d nie a- i ' ii-! drod inid tu, f .i;M a lal! le of from ev.-ryihinj; I see a,:,! -.; th t
ii i J. !,! . i!; "! io i ' ''..-pin-.ilcly ?tieichin;' from the Totaiine to Cape ,,, , , , ) . - ,. I ,!,-. na 'iii.l e'-.-ity."' V call aiteivionto what to,r.. ho'ivs diirn-ion. ptl thi. j-t- 1. raid lie.-' . a " :m m . , of i!. v. i.;- .i.irii t
I, ...... v, V!,-o ih .t l.,e: 'in- ini.Hiirv c.-enirniuation snoii us I j c iv i ; : v i : : i: s "ail i:t-.;i e v.. w e n'-e loiijni inn nn civ inv.eii laiauoles. as r
I It mny 1 e li 1, imleoj, that our sreiios J p,,,.,,!i,..-, wu. n tiio danger t'.i.t. co,.l t ' France. 1 o ov on la in d of I.i- . tejaor, I a m 1 for siiotii I he if Mioii viae the ile-iio : .
j Into ina le v'reat progress. 11 it who. with-1 !. ,',V(.-', a.i t',i. .spaii ; iv.i Iy lo bo dui thcrj he prT'ons of .-'j.-h buny an,', It a r. t. ,.,o ,r 1 t !: witi.ilod will ! V.'a-.i:n;f!"r., bni .1 the;.' i. -(!...-;.
out tot.ounoMig till claims to F-.'iKiv of ! ev'erv' will 'ra-li to li.l tlio "maim: temp, lament a.-, i Lu-ii at lie , km I eve-,,,', (,- four efneors. f'r tho uo-.-.s ft.'. !::., ,t ma-! I .
will lush to hived oa. IIII..IO.- wiiicn woaaio ;n i.e.u. a. ana, i; return to Hilton llci.n to tilorrmv. o . .-o: s-aii u an I ol ,-. wi: . .
I.. :l
I ...
' a'
J .' , ii : . 1. ie a1 . ie '' I i o I ' i . , -pi :'.i I c. y 1 1 el ch i ii from the Tot. nine to (.ape ,, ., , i, , )
in love i' h ' ,' v. '.,-,;,:!:!;. He was a Sable remains, null the exception of a w.Mi it l a'.i t-'.-r t
r1 .. ,i r tew hi nlro. I miiimi e mile-, in pn-soion ,
pi i f. i". p.ra - 0 of leva y l i tne cjrs ol . . , 1 . , . ' ... . 11
' of the reliels. Is tli.s sue, -ess ! W-ili
Ola- i.oiuhl. .r, tot lev ,t, .l column nn-r (0, jf j1 prnport orie l to (lie rnor
Colusiiti in Hprva-oti" partiou'.nr extracts mous s tule of our extaMebture, bat U it
iii ;
I a b s lei to t t'...s, A , Why hits 1.0 not ,. poslcroin to con-id.-r it a- stJ.-.-e-s
In ol ( "V. lV-a,,.l tie Ijtterlv? U l uli ? , ''i"M" has boon alolo-'.
. "... constantly menaced ; th tor 1. is
o! l .a-, .a . u a
vur ! i.ijioini
IJiOlhie ii a.'. Ofef
leal .- a-. e- an i I i
iv id v.- i;- t-o- Vi . I J
l ..' , ii O M't .C 'II.C I
...-.! 'a in 1 i narjiiili'-s
toll no v tel l i'.i'o w ii) bo
.,.' t ! Yo-.i wil; i.m-n aa
l l l V I, or I ... ol !i.i
e' o.. ..,)!. hers. Y iJ
.;' t o ' i i lore 1 I'a.-e.
re u leit o! oui l.ttlenrntv i ; ha.'!; i r-'en' y. ar wni cxocid
to we i-t: rt
a i".
ti done ia Vn .'tai l in ib-li of thr v. h i' tie
o jaii ion of Mr.t'.iiiili !"..: es, Alt' reey I i -.a - v ,i li to vt in .'if. 'oin's t 'aliii,. :. Wc n i a.t i
lh.,11 to l.'o. 1,1... ... -,. I,;'!,,. In' . ' ' r.S. Jf --ON- (IM '',:'. I'S" AM. C;v!. '.. v ol m, !-.: eirr: 1 I -:.-i:i ' ' o i J-ie'.-:-. ns Far.- !! J I-
arolMvorl V.'o call to t !via tie- : to: ''"':.'' " I'-'-ia l' tiio i'mnhmcy, M.r. Ith,
e ,v 1 , , oe, ai s I irj !ol I.e.; ;n j, l -a ; 1 h. y
O-, t il t lo
I II I ae
til.. I l.a.s
illilV 1 : 1 1 1 i i
piaoai ta f i-1- - Noiaii UL-i.-r in.ii'i'
1 l... v. f ha
-s . j J .
e tae Wov.-t t or ;yfs .J "-"" .,. t.vion nnon onr soil in ,voai f..
t'. i'i u.,a' ".o'. f lia that as ntl, n:) loneer ao th in la t s-uuim.-'r t h
r- vn h'ii )'i v. i'.i r I .'.o v-ci c r a ''-, ,.ia i -
v.'. t:e r d. .1. o-ir doll, iij wives n.i
..eii'ie c'li.droii tni-ii -t f i'i".nai
serv. to, itisal'.el a. id ,.'i loijis d.saa. na
il nnv we k our nt ifilnui 'a Fpeciul eufety of our jireat Atlantic citi-s depo.i I
ruauiontoti.o rollomg lelter. .Surely ed en i,sue of a sitiulo b.-.fle Thr.
, -iii--t r.-f.J, ty recall 1 nonius
oe win not l'iiu.tu, ....... .....i. -v dt.okJti , ur fuvor; but miioo ti,o,i,oi,l; pK!.pr.,'. ,-j.,.1!r ,y i ,. r.o -P.-afes.a- upon iie.- who ai o, ni his csltru.i- ,,f l0 A'.loliauies;. no bate gained aii-o-, p . j, Vtih-.-i, whit-li hassnote 1 5 itl.a n ' '
It.... f,H c.e.r'or to wl.itrt ol IlpM lllloiv nOlllillL'. To M'ltlO llO'VIl 111 C- ..I' l.i .. .. . I 1 1 . . I . . ,. , . i' I 1 . c I'l
. . nu ., r. ........... .. . ,. - . - .'iii-iiiiii...,: ..
, ., v., .-..tit ii tOytitiit 1 .lisu-uon huh inipoienee niter rop. inn
1 if, a nvs l)L.-Ai.r.ii-r. I : form vial .2
! la (
einvasion.eives but te..hl,-i.r or-' ... ,,,,l,,,,..l m I he rural i lots aioo-
, ,. .-! li mto noo ii.-ioi -j in" soaei.e
'' i' 'mi '.ir.r.j S.;-."- a 'e ird'Of; to .1
Ion - oi . i. in; a,f i ; ..i.
H'e i.k : I"' a -o eo...- ,!. r 1 1, vi n
.o in lie t no e ai a poi . ; ii-a 1 on . : - .a in u-
t'-r -a,,, a .. aii t ii ;v,ii i.i.r. ,.f l,,,t i, v ;
a.. i .-. . 1 1 ..i -i 1 'a. a a1 ' a ! i ' -.. i -
o, , i-e o! n v i .i't". a s I . r v. ;i t - ,) .;, .
w.-1- o, toe '.. I ::iii;'ott r. a , ', ' ..
ate '" I ' ;lin I'leler tin- eat . a ..:'
to ti. 1 . i at
, "f a.l IU ill ll.; e,.llltiv. J'.. :.;!; '"
,v..r 1 I. :' tae I n ion cannot i. t rcrrv ''
, ,i .. I "'id li" 'aie itioiua l.i.i'.al.i' a d I -, ti..- :;
III -I ' e .ere, V J , V r JJlo, at 10 lliO l..n-
i i .. ' i ... ia a ae ; . t.
"ii- a i r.i:"r " I- p.-" i' 1 i ,'jn, th ,-
i :':.'. lis a l.l'l of I'm c mil! -v a-e ,-
a :' la ' i i o avis .von-; I i i -e ol ;ne : ; e-r '
:.a ii ' ih;'..: ' ,- ;' .-t ! I r.o ,-,,'i,.. to-aii ''
'. ii
1 1
I- -
til. a,
J t r , I ,11. l'.. -.' ' "'. t - ' I- ' l ift'i iiiiiiiMiiai mi in- en.,, . . I . I ' r .- ' - ' r
1'i.tsRi-aui), J.iia. ry 1.'., l'-fii.) ,i-o of that coaipiete con j'le-t of the one- u.,j p,,,, a s-.,i o m, I.,e .tieol, a b-w 11 ' n '' r, nso-,, n-n-de eec..l, to ;; . .', ,,'' - ,
J i- T ,;,-,-ra' . T h 7-V. (".i'ai.;:;.-' t.i'- couutiy whijh i the (av-o: of tho ,j ,. . .... , ,,,! ,;,.';i:.jr a,-:;,, pat-- "'" ,!"- l-'-'l'!" m 'l.-ani-r.. n.-.v , ' ' ,
, i ! I,'.,."'-. .,.-'.-.'.'.'., .''.: I wr. I ...a,.-. c-t in? eve do ni ..loir; lh- In,- fvn.s th-ii we I. to .f-,.;' ' " i.' '
i.i't-S.a: I'I.e letter roie. i-d by yon In th ;Vet. !ierr our jrenr-rals l.tvP j ;ltls. of ,.1. lvt.a; an.l co'ir.ters, iv.n-t. kii.g v.rtt.e ,,ad id-. i;: 'h"- 'I'l ' ', . , ',;
to nn fro,,, "II. I'......-. i:,.lo.,"l of the boon bit tn.-r removed "Voni the I lund,-: i. - t:1 tiltt k- V '" ;'!'' in l',,ri'"''-L ' "' ,; ' ' .. ' ',,.,''
1.. M, -to -,M f.-h,.'.' 1 T v;,nent.',.eaa::st-,i-a-..a.,aa-'oI the n istr .! ioa. our M.e- " M - .'.v ion .-tora this is, froiu one ' '"-'e ' "e.-les mo lei ppv r ;-. .- - - "i " ' s . n.i . n
in ' t aa- ; , I to " Capt. W. A MoCielh.n." : cei"- has la-n more propoi tamate to t iio ' t' ,,,, 1',,.'' I.M the in.-n r.t U .-!....:rt..:i. wn . i.-.te- ...
', "..'"' .: : ... ... T.-....i.t..l- f.11. . vast s-oaie of our expenditures. I! it caai I ia,,. ..1... :. 1 .nt m.1 tbn ....(. undo cirnif tl on 1 fi ol l!i .!:! .. ; ''' ' '
1 ' ,. 1 ; a e-i 'it , .e ...u,", - - i - , i ... i i iv . . ... . i .
.1 . . . . .-..,'., ite . " w ir. t ha est our cams are s.i iireeu re I h at i .r . i. A ...... ...... ,. r..; 1 ,, l.i- ..i. .. . ...
ill e , ., . . I -el. ' 1 I a , .1 1 ,J I .,:-., ... - . . i r - ' I lie- v. ' n i ' i ' . it ' i -
.e;oi ' to
1 aii i: ax ;::;;
F,:i:!.:.i i;n : i -
01 l-I no! SO. life ti
I.i e.tV. li .'
a iii I 1 a
v..-,-; I. 1;
V- ' I ' 1 1 a
..ate. 1.:. i '
'ail e- 'M'o ; a i
i.i'.e; - of ta . , in
' e n : y ii.'o toe .
l..'.'".- i '.' I.i -.i c
ii i-e. pit, 0 i.) ti,
ivoai I
0 , aim ,11 1 .11.
0 : l O ., a
i. I.'.-
i " I I' ' !e b;,i,.: -
. 1
. . a ; f 1 . o a 1 ta.
.-'it 1 r I !.; lo ai
..'- ia :,t,-y ia; '
op itii 1 I.i. eo i 1 ,
o ."s oi ail (..,;
a ; 1. .-. V:-.,'-.
t a a ; 1 i-.iiii i
o-i i 1 re-i ; ,
a.', !. 7h.
i I ee
.-a tri-
vac r.o teen- . .: Mot I
r. . a r I . ,.)..! .0 a
I J " t ll L 1 1 ' J 1 a. 1 .;i- j ; e i a a : i - - le1 .
who will net f ii---! (I, n 1 i v ;o-
brother out there in that ' '. v-n w'.io wi-.t 11. i loair v t.
Wll.i-.l (,,,
1 1
!. ;:i
d oxo
-la- , v.a
, t n i .1
it a'
ii I-.' 1:
i I.,.
t :
Ciot tin tiivardCa-! inerei.y recovere-i i.y i:ie rcneis. our tnot Vro alley, cute s you bve, tun I 1, i-' u o ..-. n a-.. ...... e 1 ... a ; .
ree year. II jv can 1 uiu an-i oauis in.ic.i ic-y .
..... . 1 4n ., .. 1, . II .
one irroil rctn i victory liii 'ut en m-n t he ' a.,,., . . a 1 ,. . -,, .ai.-ror at 1
... . ... .......-i.e.. ,.r it a .... , ....... 111..
s 1- .!!. -h th-. i vdenel nn.t ins rfcriiuin ; uid . a ... ,.n,i umi tuuum ,.nl nt lite ntnro.
Ca ia a Mth a co: v of my roj'lv to a fitn- Lenten by Johnson, and lonnes-ee bo I Ih. re's my
ll ir r '.piesi. inio
. o ... . 1 ,1.11 nihil 11 jii .... ...''i . ill .,1. " 01 i..i -I ...tan , ..rd mi ,r,i r,. .
toirf h.iT'i Jie.iveti towhr.o-i that I
N . . e '! i.-ci -jit'ni; wiil , tolerated ! rcaiain in such a statu that a t-in'.o battl'i" Tl: c! rk told hail he would h.ivo ti wo ,1 t faithful W kec;) ; i.;-ai vho ei.lli
t... . ....... i ..1,.... nil ti . iiitlle'od ' mi-tilt distiOSSO-S US of a irrent Jiatt f.f! .,, T ,t. o -,-! around 1 he corner '1r to fc'1'1 ,,s ti". ''It. wl::it is oven let-
u -I 1, nt' woo "a'.io.ui't b-.tcU uuia.vful ! whut we have caini'd, cxultaiian if t'leinii-i j jn,,, ,;l0 .l;l.v, it v!euid bo teaiai k- tor tlii.n I'liion ojp oM and tri- I )
till. 1 io- ! ttire, and jiteparatioiiH lo adinini?lor iij on i ,. j ,;,nl pick .li 1 not fro to? joke.
N "o tralcrs" have over held th estate of thedfad n tollmn is absord. ,.,a;v s j,,,.,,,-,, . the catniiry m-m bad vM1'.11 v''.''-'
in I -". ate in t he elave .S'ates nml only If we p.-t tliro;.i:l the fj-.tin citnj.aiii ! j,. ,.'), UU1W4- thme-ii the nar win-'.otv. 1'"in i IJ. vi v.
L,'. ... :. 1 .. r .... 1 .,. I'titl.iin Irit.p. 1 VTitLout liiut'V el isSii-tors we Hiall owe Itt-.' ,,-,. t ...r nn bour n.-arc . ' .'."no niaio una .
we "it .0- 11 i i . ; i
I tli' I ... ui , cv.-i .
j i.d.'e o! h" 1)1' -i '-n .
: ft 1 V of il s oil ,.. ii
ia ia-.'--.. Ail .-a i
en -.v-a.-iii p. uoviie.t in- ta,. na'i-
i,,i 17 ST; in-ti ivha ii! k-.-;, tia-a i,.,
m ti oi
I- .:
i w , . I r
, .a .
! , -. I'.-e t,,h r ,te t tie vii'tnio tribe.1 tTitUout lieav.V Oisa-ters we Hiall owe Itt-; ',,, a reit. am at'er an hour s s-atci). ' .':": niaio inoi .."a -a, a,, A.a. i
the,- lid us of the iciouj and'tlj lha-.iks to tl e aJaiinisir.r.ion. Th.y ; , , , jVtu, ., . anno 110:0.! t a it hi- have been o sad'y tarni,i,c 1 I the
-s tl.t.. ii.'.-i.l.ti n. i have trill.' I n v.iy the (all and w inter i i j j p ,1,., I, ,7. in (invn ibn tixi cowatUiy i.j.;cy ol thu laU llm-o
1 .. . ... .. ia... ;...... i, .to ;.,,;:;,. J 1 : . . . " , . . ., v. .-!
, :..r '.ia.'. -r pi .-loo. ni ;.v 1 1 v, n cues 01 1 uiu.i.iiait; ti .it,.-nv .t... .-. .. . "i , t.,o -tiae a 'ain, in lee tnneiiau 01 mo j-
't tiHiVrUni, in iimnoi il -.-i'i" h'lvebtarledil'resident-inikini:; rail tiie soiimr c .tn-1 ll)lrr,,ri bt."oAcla me ;. " I'il be d .rno.i if ''ousa It is tho ; ri;er r !
Bp f.r iini,. e .nioaiptiil.. !or tin ir I y o- J'ains me oooninj: wiiii in 1 b 01 t'.-. i-rep- (ir,. j,., .jwjin rt it,nro n.-atn," mid ' ."' i-cojac. pvcii if ;t. i rat Hear Inpe.
crit i 1! i-t 't' i-.-i ui-t l.n ..'.ty, nud mortf ' armon. H'e am to h .ve an iannense : ,j,o-n he pad tied lowtn-l the iid'ror. A ie. i!.t-e a;e s'ns ia the !am..:a. nt
de-j' cni'o ot liie 'iiie.Mic.e?j of draft in Mirch rr April. If. a wo are, no:,. ;t. ,... sniib-d ; lii rnh-oti 'tt -or- w lie h e; a'h. -.s 'lie ;. ,0' , r f t:-,..n. Tia r.i
1111 a . "'. f in.iiio 1. mill 1010, uir k .11. ..oni i.--i .. '- .1 .. 1 1 ' .1: ii.v re'tii't'e:! it, a, 1 a iv,'i 1 10 rtn-i". r " ' ' . .a I :.i ,e i art ' I - i no ' tie ti . ;n '
to lh an-eKcs. onrr.i?(. in ontieiiii ubivos bellion is ti take t hi- ,:.', ho-.v , .,n ' oxteri-b-1 hi- h in I, ii'-.d the wit. astbohi't pot laay cl t..e 1..1- v, . , v, ',.,..;, ,,. , , , r, t j , t .M i,.i; i , i ;ife to;v v.'.'.-vjJi f ;
n'J free tie;.r u's 10 onh-t, that they may can theo ra--v lovie- t.roHt s? T.;y ate , ,.:.-o-i.i extended it - ban I. Ju-t ..' ii- r. u r'J '" th.n t!.ey m 'J Lot l..,i . ov,., c ,,a,.y )M...-, n.:,.rfli nne-ii. ii' of nirm t ;.( Ii, nn 1 v.o;-o iari,-i-K- l.t av y i.i
Moin.iii. - .-, .... o 1 11 ui 1: . .id j iii'i i.iie n. ... i - , .... nisair.l hoi ai n ii '.:"l cane in c nil.. 1 1 , . vrv mi-iiin. to-r,i Joi'i e to t, Hi. 1 ,,. 1'.
Jai,:-' h'luntios oitt-ro'i in ircs not wnlinj; ( are not even o;r ay rn eih to ar;--.l ami , ... bn 1- ,-t ' !:.,.- 1 id , I ;- ' ni 10 p. y 1 ; .lv ,. ; ,J ,., a . .-, J j,
'..1 .:. :'. em. , a",t , .
1 .lit' - ' .- 'a . '.': i: a 1, ;nt . 1-.,.! a; 1. . a ta
i' i ' ' a... I ) a ' -11 p.-- "life : ,, ., 1 :,: a;,i,; .
1 a e v. a : . 1 ' , . 1 i .- ; ' .
.'hiil "a t'!o f J' tVin.1 ...p.- not - 0 t'. a ;!. a,,1 -,r
i i-rote ate ii." " :..-i'h is j a--:i-..: over r- -f la i ! ',' Th a
a ai in a;.-1 ' their, !'i. Hi h:- - j . i li- I, tlia' love Im p, ri-!iAil.
1 0.1 ilia p ,rt of the t...-t ia.i.1,1 li.-.-, r-ai-hi I, that ..'il'.
po.iple of other S' ,.f I a 0 0 1 o li i -n no ai ' ta 1 le .is I. r.j.v ai hot.v-, aie.' f-or; t a' a - 1 ,
tii. at iiist 1: ui .ion-, ti ml till i-ie.o a r o . h 11- lii p-a-.!ied ! Wieit loo ewe I. -It ?
1.1. d to ihsl'ii j tie r t i. i.s oi. j 1 01 1 1 !. , hive. Mr !. tr-oln, tin nero, tii'5 b.--ti;..
'.to; :! ia j.-.e-.,; 'tie.,: a: ;,.(.: ia- ti.e ' r:.... i,.r ,:i.e,i, a .!u,,-,..
' i a :i I ,- oepi.';' y. ia " in ' i .-co I oppo-.t ion 1 1'oa-ai .- i.n an, i a, - a - ai , t 1:1.1!...
. ! i" ;:r:t 111 whi. li ibo 1'i-iton was firm- '.t. 1 .1 b! -j ly war. I'l, 11 's 1. II.
o 1, an 1 un .f o:oi aa- r in s ilot -. '
i t j !.i.' ICaai.n m.l p"p-r h.,'i.-nr.--joi.t
r n-at; r,y ;:. Hi..;, ih.a re ,'. X"lV'-i k thai so:r.e Ii" ,a r.f a J.',.-.- ; -!.ii,i , ;., - L .
!!. a; aay 1 in-, in i -: s 1 i,.. I , ( t hi. I .V 0- i'nt tit at a raj e :,i aa tho lea-i. of a Y. .
Ii;;a -y ,-o.vai-.i travoie i i .,tn V.'.tdti'i r'.on i:tn:l r'i-1 nttd wci- ,rit'ie her befnr
t . .N o.v 01 i; , .-.roi lei- tl o 1 i.ta o de a .ta-.- il, an to N'.'l..;..., a N'e-.v Y"ork retr-
1. : i I :ir LOiroel:,!, 10 llilll-i 11 .Hid i 1 i . , ill. III "O-t the p.'.i V, V. hipt.O.l 1 1:0 lleprO. ,
a!,: -!. i.o nt.e i l .e ..- pei-mi-.t,..! in enter, tv- "d the --irl, a' While, (:n; -hi
It iiii .-ht Invo I n :. i.h al ih ,t f..rt c.n- of M ;). White.
l-o.-.-e-. tn 4 i.o r pi ' :
lo t oe Vtie - ai 'ij. n v,
1 he f , r- -I I.,..-!:, mi .. I - ' -- Nfl-v.-Ui- nt rr .. -ativ.
tn toinUh r.f tl.eir own DOtillbil ion the ! roll I .nek- tin .hie ni' ,le',. .r if l.- f..r:nne ia ...:, ,!'..: i o ' ! Cain 1 1: t ten to I e I hi i.i Tl tl.o!.-!-
Cdll m i. ie upon their loyalty lor vidutiteti ' of wur should bt n-ain-. ti. The admin- j j.j,..,! f,oi,i ih' i-loiv, t".e. .ii--: il...t 1 ' n 1 "'. - - '.ro!i. '::.:
by our tiovurninoiit. I i-trution has no I'ore-iuht ; till .its chief i", ,,,, MS b-' le-r .! lai wer iv-ni-" un-l 11 l'a '"-I-'-V " "'" ":'.at. nv
f i tstjoii tralheken in hutiiin fiesh will ; tiravetnentt are foree.J upon it by the c,a: 't t.-'t n,. mi -1 i . L- j- ,- aa. ini I the ' 1 . r,;r ":'"-;"-'
; endanger t!i'-ii-ortii it they are , preparations or the uce-s of the r. b- joukiii' ' i-s iia-K.icked him in. r.
Caught within this Mate. c;. n tour, i out. all ol a sad Irn, in t In ' U'-i.',:-i' K.'t.' io i..e ...... ..n.",- j
f - Your art ion is ill nceoi danco n-il.i the
" laws of the l e li-r ii auuiorilies, aud luy
11 roviiijj id-metit.
, , llosiaot'iillv,
Tuos. K. D't.tau:rr..
. ' tj:,t ball fiebt days, nbhrk-milh who
; iriifin a I cl! i n;1, in.'.-JCi"! h s old
wtli-r to r'.s (,tl : loan.- to imilste a ptin.
f Tbp c.MiiPi, I'l-.j il ..tine 1 the ol .1 nun by
' a.i- ieiir : i ' ta;
!;: t ai lin o .tf'-j i.o
: r in . -'..' ,,i i t. 'i.'.i 'lai
n b..v..
t i: v
1 1 ,"'
f!" 1 i!f !!l .-'..- t.ill. to ii'.i-.l ll.i" an )
i i i .r i:i on or in j r..p, .at. a lo lar-oh aim
a - n.llit ii ti ( a' , i ,t, i.i.ic M.r lot I ,
o--. s me i,i i. ','',! I. ol e ol . s-iii'a
In t-av-m.
Hii-1 i
I a-
ant ii. L al t -.', I v i.'.'u (-oat - u,.
n j, lia-
s itii i!
ilr-l lie
' liiiliii, t he. a
i. ilia i'.tf i
I '.;' A !.' 'I.ill.'ll.'.'ltl paper b li.;-,
s.avs: ti c have nttt oi.'J i .1 ;l.:o;i:
furomer of 1-(.J. thnt it needed six him- iZlzx Una Co."--I fy.l a t. ;u. 1 tae 1 ..Ho:- j ,;.., .i.,i. '..a. ,.,,,,. r, ,:ilr;i',.. ,f ,. IUri "x, h-m H- . bo 1-t Unit. .Ma,
ore. thousand more men that, it had men .id reu.Wm, "at tetnl :;z n.tiae . o.;d v.r). 1 . riot- iv,,,. r . nt. II. , . sl , I Mrs. Lincoln in c-rmiue te- .i"i i,i l,i, I'lunfut that this i'.i
nt.ciratC'l the rre-edin, Pprin, wllPn H-rtko at No.f .:k. .oveia! yus.s .:,-, .i. to, -o .. t..-s Uemy ll l,,,.-r b,,,..,,,.,,. . i ,. were forcod to si.t. d L n, iray i.cvor'ix till s,.i with UK'.U.
It pu a Itop to enlistments. Tin draft in-a . .von ol excitement. V. i,i,e tho . a. lor ll. Imvr.e, J i L.le.vo,, n. 1 . :.( n li. r- ' ,i ,!i ' 0
last year was ordeicd clo-e en the .,-rU,.f ithdat-ni: cUtyvtiMn iv.-is ia lh mid-t of fhiyloid (i.ui.i. t.-o v?:c..- d. Tie- f :,!.., ,,-, ,,,'i'.',' tc'"'
.. i. ti.. a. i. . , . L 'a . , , ... t. . .r r a. .. i.n.i . ' ' "" i .no oi .., i o.i n .- '...ei -lis. , .... ....
a ini.-i nilAKPiil. i on Ulnll ortletOH 1 r a llio-l I ll I "fsl 1 1 ' .1 .-CU ' ! II, Ha o , I I.I iy lo'prr-. .... .i.t o""-"'' ' Ij-0,, ... v , .1 .,Jto ,1.. ..
this Spring reults frora an titie.xpor t..,i ntiiot-i-the Contte.-.r ion r.rn.-e atnl cli - i;.-C i i'a-ior an 1 Wiii.ani A. C.lbiaith. ,,, -7 t. ,, ir j 'l ''
discovery of ti'e rrat extent of the iebl p. d hVr h mds ttmi exi iaim "!t 'Mr roi I .Im'.'s r.i.-.ui, of Wart, n, ii M-r k"n of as- ' " ". ':' '.' '" ' . . .
preparntiotis (lurinc the An h !- l-'mhrr. if I had one more feather i-i my the mm. .ma) b-r liUclor. i'.,.- Wj.,,r. t-2 tohaol boy I . ii - i.-k . I I f
ministtition which is never wis- till we of h-n h I wouhl tit- In i.nv.' Tb ' - i .ol.ia la-u he -h.. id ha. i. : , o
the nr.... The son. di' regard. np tlie pa-l tlm event, whicii is prpttiMy m-iki'i,; woi'thv imtt, thus i- l-rriij'-'J. nn- tt7"T'ie p.iy Qailn believe- !j,lii aie, ' li toj p'ca , fi.-, I sl.i.i.iJ hi.- lo b . . t ; I:..', a liii'.' r 'a: in . exe'.ainicd. "Ifoll hiiuj repre-erit it ions that the war is ntr its me-1: r e-y r; be i, '.; -,d Lo-d nick it in nf-rr all, like t.i.niaf'.icicrcrs ih y trako it iij rn thit Itah.-.u tpiojo ' ; ' - i-.-i.'f ! . -. -
(i row. cr ley', hold hint! Ikr it father, I close, nod fo5lwiof tLeui up ly ucli ami let ber t , bhe's but a trau'u!: here-', ihoir car.'a;ninet:ts to tl.vso vm taLo -the heavy : t ah.a ;.t " .'. i 1 ti c ! -1-1 f.i ! '-t
bear it ; tt'n be thi unkin? of the 'ip'" I (.n-ermeti' es'!.- fi: ceT ttrr-ts at prove hat qui-tr 1 the oil Is !v. j tb? uo-.t I.La-.-i! ar. aa.-es. c;-. !'.: f' j v.. .r
I J ho i'a:d -t l. 'la fal J.CO lid )
lVtitisylvitiiia '-'"' iii'.: iStuta i"'.-r,"e ..
T ho t 'iiliitniUi 0 'd' liVS l! li ii .'.iaa' 1
: i ( ' ... '" -.s Ins rct-r rt-1 1 :i bid t j l
r .- ta-,' l! .11
tl.t' tS
i ;
"i -.