rit;uEfl! cToiinfu (Ditf(lotn. 1 1 i i . or tmi.HNU o.i ! r. n;,.l.. lr. Vnr.-L. I M"t"bi In S. t. ',1 r ii '"' I""' ."iilinoi Hume, ks il nee, - -my C(1 NTY AM) MVHiU'T 01 Tl '"'"J .... . i... linn. Siniiiirl I. inn. I ' ' 1 , l" A.'le r-hrrlf!, prothormtnrv, lOg. Ititi li-t An y, 1 reuMiri'., Co. tiirvrj it, Cuuiiu if iiur Audittra, Coroner, County Sup'l. II IK. I. D. Tl'Oln) "ll. llxii. J tm. biooo,, I ' : ' 1 .iwi.i.l I'. rU-. ( '' if. 1. 1'. i:i7 i1"!'. I -an'i il, I' H ; r. C. KriiiT. II. H. V. right, ..lilcoil kllllt, ') !-.(. Dougherty Auios J ! -m t . Chnili V ,,ri"l', Wood Haul, I . V. Cmilcrct, .1. W. Potter, ('. !!. f-' :m J 1 ' ril. 'Il, I, 'Hi !.if I.tilheridiurg, IK. Hills. ( .!.. N.Wn -h'gloii I'cimtiihl. Lcconti j Mill Cleurfitild. new rmra. CARLISLE & CO. peai.eus .v fouekis ash lo H STIf HI! V lint ws, a in x'E i I es, i.rv ni-.iu shim; i. i:s,a c..,i HIM. AT I Mi 1 1 MI NT n CM I N 1101 ! NUW STORK ti: M . n nnu.s DENTAL REMEDIES Till; HIM' ,1.7 A HI. in mi: v.iKi.n, r,M. n. ,i I'm. I'HII II'MII HI., ( (litre iniinty, IVim'a. Jhivo rcci'ivctl uinl ai'o just, ojioiiin (' Itvytit iior''i'n' (J lie ii'tl, CHEAT EST, ANI MOST SKA '-'ON A BLE III! iiml.r igm 1. hming ri'iii'ivcil In II.,. n.Mf I m'.I hug opposite tho 1', I'll 1'lliC r t r rt. lilfll ll,"U' it, now ollct ing to t It u public fl'TO lion Clearfield Co., THE PA ltd EST ASP selected stock OF Hoocariii, Pell, rt'i-xui. Hoggs, Brudlord, Iirmlv, Iiurniido, Chest, u Clmirhclil, Covington, .IT (if posTUFKICF.S. tiicn il'."". v "' S Wrih, : I' l:ill i II - Theodore Wold. X R otiil. -.Siiiii 1. Ilognm, W. M.t'nuKoti. GOODS 1 1 t--:ir1 v Lower, ( Ik -1, 'llr.ll, O-tolld. Forrest, Clearfield rtridge, V, illinnia' l.ruvo, Lutliorliur)!, 'J roulville. Jefferson I. tin', New Washington. Ititrnsid.1, Piitchinville, East Ridge, Hllld, Metlurvcy, AVcslOV.T, Clenrtiol'l, Frenchville. Karthnti!.. Curworisvillo Curwerisville, GOODS on eeep I'UllLV' AT MA. Decatur, FtTRiunn, Fox, . Uiriinl, , (loslirii, (friihiiiu, CtuoUi.1i, lluitoU. Jonluti, Kar.laui1! Knox, Mo ri it", l'lii ii, l'ikc. Vnitn, Wcoiln anl, l'hi lipi.burt:, Weft JK-ratiir, (IsopkIh Mill.-', Mnrron, Little 'Jul,'. l,.w,.ntc' Mill., Jlnlil Hill.', HinwvilU', 1 niha m'on, t-mitli' Mill.i, MiHicirn, Tyler, l'uiiifu'M. Ai.-'i-nvilln, Salt Lick, .New Mi: li-k.it. Kylertowii, MurrijJule, Lumlier City.j Orniniia;i 11 I!', (ur i'usi il!e, l:!";iuingvi!lo, H.-klu, .l.:ITri', Tliif Vu.-t f.Mlii-e will i . IVi ill an: wir iir rer;:u.- Tli.A. M'lili.'o. J. W. (ji!ti.bull, ll.L.llei .1. rn.ni, .1 ii in oi- I'.U'oin, Jaiui'i l-'iTrest, la, K. V iusi.li. It. 11. Moor..-, Clia. Mi'l'l'y, J,liii J'tl.T.in, .I..,, (lallalier, W. (!. Irviii, .'a, k lrt t li j ji , Jui'ull ltuii'O, (i. TniT, .ir. Win. Mcliarvey, S. A. J'urlier, M. A. rrnk, 1'. A. (i.iiiliu, J.l'.W Scliiiarrs T. W. Fit' mi ii):, Criitre cuuiity, liiitLbaeli , J'. F. liuiilieli, ll. William., .la.. Mct.'lclluli, t'. Mijn.it, Wi.liaiu t'nrr, A. II. Slmw, T. ll.Kureee, A. tl. l Clin. J. 1'ii.tV, J)ai l Tler, II. Wiiu.lwanl, Dltz.i C'ni-f , ti . llfftiiuluru, M. O.Stiik. Juf. T!lO!ll'ill!l, J. C. liroiinor, Jl. W. Sjifncir, A. C. Mkitc J'. W. l lemiii):. LtTi.i. I". L'ale, Ji. J:. Utnl'iikt-r, Jaiiu-.- I.i tkett, n'.-t t'UMi.-liili. A'ht Irniitjhl I" thii i-M''i'i iiriiiiiifi-y. ciiKifd'";! duy ;(mds c;Hotr.iir, lii.- .-t.nit ri-Kiu-'l to tL lui? I t't'ii . nut. of NOTION.' J I A lil'. KK a n ii ('KHNSWAlIi:, B j n il i c; F 5J a ! OliY (iOOl'S. NOTIONS, Huoils, Nubias, St)utn?, Ijahnoral and lloon Skirts HATS & CARS ! HOOTS j SIlOKS ! Heady Macio Clothiagf. of Latest Styles ! S'CIIOOL-liOUK.s STATION KliY '. Drills, Oil.s Paints, Putty & Glass! II A I! I) WAKE, glTNSWAKE, HATS AND OATS, l'.oo'l'S AN! Slli-KS, S IX IN E-WA II h, willow-wake, ui;aiy-maii: cloth incj, tiPvOCEKlES, EARTH KN WAKE, vim: ti lth ami a svri"i hhkaiii, AMI ( I ItlMl 'HiiiIII M ill, AMD M.CIIALf.lA. , lin yml ni 'i to I'O I h'V,"l wllti n;nl ii.lmlri'J fin- I'r Mil t Wiiitk inn I Himiii'I TKl'TII 1 - ll'. It. Mil n''. I lilhllllril i.liilll 1'iiHilrr. nnriimti il Ii rrniu m i l, n I kitil.'ir liny lliillt''iii t ul'-t:ilin'. rri''i, ..i ("'Mil p'T linx. i f lli'wure o tlio iT'linnry f 11 :i Ii Tonlli 1'nw tier, whicli v, lilt mi lint ili'tr-y. ' liliST : Do yon wili to lu retain Unit your UH KA I II i juirii, pwpi-t, mill ncrfealilt" In liiiilninil or wiln, I lnveror irtoiiil.7 Ce !" nimrm rinlirutcu 1 ninlilli 1 nr-ll. 1'rli f l!7 renin por liotlli'. I I This ii-trin'cnt w.i-li If alo tlnlii-t ri'innil.v In 1 the wurlil 1'T Canker, Tlii'l Dn ath, liliMnlinu tiliins, orp Mniilli, rlc. It Ins enreil linn lri,. I Do vni, or onr eliililri'ii Mifl'rr from T'luTU- At'lIK? tict Dr. IIoi-iIN Mtiylr Toollirrlir IMops, l'rieo 15 cents jut l.otlle. Are you iifllictH with N I". I' H A I . ! A ? (let ltr. Vui. It Hiirrt'N Nrtiiallii Plustorv. 'H'eni(i:a efTeetivo nnj ilelilitl'til reni"ily kiinwn, t'.ir niin in tlie faeo, clit'.'t, (ImtilJor, liatk, or 1 ar.y i irt of tlio limly. i They ilo not mllieie nor MmUt, lint aontlie nml ' c I m r i ti pain nway. Try tlicm. l'rieo, 1 i nmOi" ci'iil. .Mnile'l on receipt of jirii'o. ffleete'l itli parlieiiliir Tor Milo at nil the ttt slured throughout the the people, uinl I'lnliriieeB rnuntiy. Caition. As tln.ro are dealers who tali') ail I vnntai;o of our inlvertisoiiii'tit to iinp'.se upon I their cu.stoiners inferior preparation., it is notes -1 Miry to insist upon hnviui- what you rail for, untl you will .i:t THE bkst, llioioU;iily tei-le,l, ai,,l prepuroj by un e,erieneeJ ami t-'eiuiititie lien- list, 'J reasuier ol Iho fteiv ) oik t-tnto Deoti tF Assoeialion nnil Yieo I'rt .-ilent'of tlio Now Yolk Cilv l)e:ital .-'oetety, Atl.irt-f W.M. 1!. 1IUR1) A CO., Tribuno Hull l.i'.i New York. Jan. 21, lHrtS. Mi unr.i.L At r.K;i.i;u HoVfJilot opi ftnil M Inrpn ntnl npltl'liil fi-'ittn)onl fil New (Joods At tln'ir old slrtiid in ClcmCn Id. flHI Y Imva tlio lie-1 in iTlmi tit uf IliinUnrc I that linn ft I ion Ijroil.lit In tl in loulil , whieli llioy will ti ll at thd ni""t leaniliiilile pii i'i'H, li'iint ); whit.li mil bo loiiml it .-1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 lot of C U T T 1. 1: It V, C:iinii Fi 1) Jil'Hlihrt? 'I.MIHa .-, V 4 tSJ, II 'U .J Jf VSIItl.S lo lnl in I ,. .. . 7 I' MOT. tl,t. , i,,, , ' '"' Ml ... . . 'h '" riM i' 1 1 1 1 ' t I- ii t 1 1 liia I ... ' nn ho" pii.pnte.l to i,,nU., '-on, 7 Fini.it,,,,..,., 1 ," ,,"'""'t-.ft...' I tile:,. I , .. . A i-iut iiii uil( ( f.IV. , 'r'lrb ml ,..fc rt0. r,., ,1r,'S llr.ukl..t, w.nl,., k, , 'VB To wliiili tliry Invite the spr-lnl nllenllon ' f the COmillOll, French Tott r II , publie, I'liilTiii li,); h. avy Silver plutnl F,k,, jLilld and nt h,,r D , Jm, .pooiiii ami liutter knives ol the be: t timniifac- viii.'tyj . n ,.,T. "cllieadi ' tu... r ' " .'l". Wtl'.'lf 1 1 . i -u . ks, w,ri.,r:';.-'4.K' EVER TO THE T1IJS PLACE; WIII01I WILL BE SOLD AT ruwi-s to srir the times. t"r- i bd lli:.-EU'ur liri:t t ' Coi'd-Stttrrh , OILS AND PAINTS. IT.Ol'K AND liAC'ON, GLASS AND NAILS. f.-r CI m town-hiii. (OAI.-OII. LAMPS WOttI) AM) UII.- I.OW M'.VRU Trunks tj Carpet-Bags ! Tm "REPUBLICAN." TCI III' lit (llMTIl'tlOll. I If i.ai.1 in ailvaiiec , orw it'.iin liireo month.-, $1 TOT.ACCO AND SECiAIIS It p.iJ liny tune within trip year, - -If pnul after the exyiralioti t.f thj year, f.O 2 on Fish, Salt, and JXails I K1S1I, SA LT. ETC. OF EYF.llY SIZE AXD PA TTEUX ; "'eth"r with till other artii-U !i,'."e--ary to i'to the an.-st.rtiiH'ii! of a Itrst class snuii'.rr i' . c7i e. w e- A lot of I'lsloN of the lict pattern, ntnl other liri'-iiruis. Also n ceiteral nrsnriiiii'iit ol pistol' cartriili,'i's all of which will bo poM at ren.-ontf ! bio prices. J They t'oiittiiuc tfi mainifiictnro nil kiiols of Tin-ware, llrass Kettles, Stove-! I'ipo, etc., which cannot ) nurpaiseii in Ilia reo- I tion of the r-t.ite. They also have on han.l I'lttslill rll l,lovv, ' nmoni; nliich nro Steel Ciiitr Lover 1'Iowm. Also, Flow Cntins, uinl many other A;j;rieullurul lm plcmint", j Cook Stoves, Parlor and Coal: Stoves n Roiiernl nssortinint, ntol of the bos', pat-1 terns, fur mi lo lit reasonable price. 1 Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, I'ni nts, Oils, anil Viiriii.-kt'.s, ft genera 1 nnsoi tiiicnt. (iliii., putty, Nuils, Iron iiii'U'astincs ol grout Miriely; in liiet ulinost every thine; wantoil by tlio publio can ho foiinil in their establishment, ninl itt prices that tunnot bo bent. Now is the time to purchase, If you tlesire nny tiling in their line of business, (iivo thei.i li cull ninl vxainiuo thoir stock, uinl thev feel assurcil that you can be iiccoiiinio, luted. Jlcaieinber, thoir e.-tabliiliiiioiit is on Second Str-ct, Cl'iiiliclJ, Fa, whero you tail buygooils I to tlio very best nilvuntat,'0. A.Odhi silver, copper, brass, pewter mi J. old . canines will bo taken in exchano for comls. May ill. l.vl;i. MKUKELL & lSltJLKR. iGmnmAcw I Not Defeated! Uocl pruiK vintr iiiki cut, ( niii'.l!n, and ( oiiinmi, Arn' Chair, m uinl ii.., t '1 'tlit-rrh. Of prery y dcicnpM,,,, n (., 'I for old frame., wind, ,i ,', "'"iV, ry rt'iiMiiinbio ill' Li IIIJ r. .1 llfl nlMiImm, ... 1 t V,i,rM.'4ic. Cotton l,. ...... "M . i- "iiit'jl Mmlo to COFFIXS, of every kind o order, and lnio'i-ii ." in". H i l'r:l ui.. . . llarHO,-vlK.,,,vor d,. The sul'scriber .I t? tatgi oontantly (.-u lmntl, Clement's Patent Washing.,. I'hobest now in use. Tin, ., i, , Ul Tho b never neo d bo without Valuable Timber 'j paw lUiJUj I'KfJPERiy t,u'-.Lj !!. 1 i -: jo'. 1 j r t i nIIK fubscriber huvinj; rolurntd from tba city JL and mo.-t carefully fleeted Assortments of FML&. WINTER GOODS over offered to the i:nod people ff Curwensville imd its vicinity, nnd which be will sell lit lower rates than any house in tlio county. CLOTHING AT KEDUCED ITUC'ES. Sujar from 12 to IS cent per lit. Hfst Syrup nt SS7 cent. per f-ul. And all other groceries nt tlio aiiino rates. mlHS fine property is (iiw, - ' JL s lp, C leailield county, K ."S about I.70O nrri-N of l.aiia, 1 S Hlid parts of tract N-.,,. iMi tSwi binds are yet heavily Tl HIcllH, , tity of IM.N'K, OAK mil liK.ML0li'tt' A STEAM SAW.Mli,, In roinplet runnin); order, npik.j llirce Milllnii l'tet ol HonU with all the nvrospnrv roa,l. iu.V puttinj; stock to tho luill ; inn krttl,' ; llou.-e, i-ix Icnuiil hoii.-e.-, sture hm, House, thrrc burns, n lilii,.l....n:iv,i neee'snry nut liinli.injs me i:j,,.n ,( isju.-t now opeiiinu up ono of the Lnrge.-t i i li'ro lire Klnmt ,1) uhyh el"arll,iT , goou lenee, and u I'lank Jt iadtuiirtw j tor Ki'tliiiK i it ii i .i i- l laalkiL ; 'Jliis vniua; !e property it tituiit(Ui ! Creek, about 41 miles iVoni tho river, ;! uiarly kuowi, as the ' " rrenchvillo Steain-TTill Propertj lit now oner"d nt 1'IMV.UK SAL! i'a till I county, I'i 1 j.- 1 tL i'.J vmCB OS J1AI-.KKT STI.r.lCT, A t.r I K I.ll, IISXA. g. n. gohdlaMjf.k, a Co Publishers, Ttrius ol' Ailtt'illsin Advertt. enients urc inserted in the Repubiican t the folk'Mring rutts : 1 Insertion. Ono r'linre, (10 linos,) $ S'J Two 8.Uiirt, t2U line?,) 1 ' Three ii'iiaron, (SOlinei.) 1 ',0 3 IllflllliS : : : ti .10 One i-ijunre, Two(iinrC", : Three fonsre!: Four Fnunrc. 'ialf a column, Ono colu'ini, S do. $1 00 2 1)0 2 SO 12 mo $7 00 1ft 00 li oD 1 1 On H 00 Sj l0 2 do. $ 75 1 cO 2 00 C mo s. f4 00 4 00 6 01) : 5 Oil 8 0(J 6 00 M 00 : S 00 12 00 It 00 2'J 00 Of-threo weeks nnd lo than three mnMhs.5 cents pi-r jqunre for en -h in'ertior. Unsinsn r.oticiis not ex;.;ouing Siinef nro in mrte 1 for f 2 ft year. ! Ad' ertis -'mints r.' tiirlred nithtlie number of nertiun desire '. "1 U crntinusi urtilforhid anlcliTgodac ; ; to thre te-rnis. Co nar. ru ii.o New Coods at J. K. W ATSON'S, jfiarysville, Clcarf-dd county. Pcnna. CIU'.AP fir CASH ,r . c:cl.iinu"!'l fr Timber, Jlonrds, Suw-Li'ijs, or Shingles. Den. 18, ',:). tf. JAS. K. WAT50N". iv. smiTh .t CO. MI'KC'HANTS, and dtiileis 111 Diy Goods, lirocerie", Ilnrdware, Qiieenswure, and evervthin usiiiilly ktyt by the trade. S lore on SECOND Street, below Judge Lenar l's, oppo lite tho Presbyterian Church, Clearfield l'a. Dee. 4, IsOl. "lOSKPH K. M'.MllvKAY A aa j j: .1 l e ji j a i. i;m ii e i: New Washington, ''Itnt liol.l County, Yd July 1st 1803.-tr L u ti r : if o Ic u ir 0i n ft z $ EKSB I R(i, Cl.F.AItl'lH.D COUNTY, I'A. Vyi.-A j.... i iVli)t.. svv- W-o- 1 Flolr, Fef.d and Provisions ! And all articles usually kept in country store all uf which will be fold fitid Country IVii "1. ut the high- coiiij .-'.ore. TV) 'All kind- ' rT.t'M!U:n tlueo taken in exchung'! lor eft market price. As he is ree"ivini new supplies of gnod wc.klv from llaltiinore, New York, l'h ilinl. li hia and 1'itt. biirg, tho puldie can see nt once that he first -cla;s will always be prepared to supply any nrli 'lo in tho market. JOHN U01ISON. tilen Hope, Dec. 2.1, I8rt3. 2r JSilc or IJeiif. irnin u. ''Miit iiiuu :.it-."l. Ulldeu Jhed lesnlii,.- ii' i,.,.,;i. . thcr p.'rsiu.allv r .y 'r!lK ' T. L!:Nj M. A. Villi John i crmurl Attorney nt Law tm l Ileal bi.i,. CLlCAl'iUKI.D, l';vvt ')': .,. .1 tf!.. ' .-I. I, Sept. 0, 1SC3, jlioots, Shoes and Shoe Findings, 1 ol" all kinds, CJIKA PCl IEA L I Ladies who wish to inako n good investment t should call and exuiiiino the iinrurtineiit of , I lluiJu a sUi o , where they will find the very latest, best and , 1) L.-ri:( n I LLY "II"!,'!,;, , 1 rt -n't fas'iioniible p'ttterna of .1 inir nnd l.uyiiiir l,,,, jn Cl-arfu'l J IFKENCII MKKINOS, HELAINS, MLKS, jinii),' e..:,:i.'s : m.dvi'h .i,,!ai(l,4 r AI.TACAS. TLA IDS. Ac. wemy m . Soivvur. fl,rji rpHE f nbscriber. refiditi in Ferjupon town- ! ij-Rye, Oats, Corn, Fish, IWon, ap , ,fP., rei"i. r.-iiiljtiiun. Ai . X thip, t learlloUl county, now oilers h. ex-' la ,lt ,ltf ,wt.ft prices for cafh, or exchanged O 1 I C f S I O 1' $jl 1. A l I fcr Cu .. ul r.t 1'l.r. ruii.ill'l. ..... l I " - , i"-' .ni' , lor t-uuniiy produce. ble teni ". 'J he Fmui is ritucled on too publie road leading fi'oni l.uiu' er city to New u.-liing- ' ton. about f iiir miles fr. :n the former place, and ! Curweusvill I. U T II WILLIAM SCHIYE.U, Fn.j.riiEr May ID, Mi::.ly. CYliE.MI s now i:. JcsTi-:' of Tin-: I'kack. For Dkcatcr Township, nil! proun.ilv ut tend to nil hu-iness entrusted to his cure, i . o. Addre-s, I'liiliushur Aug. 21.-t I Sol l'a. TR. J. Ih sici. ui nnd lucatt I nt l i , in hvi era bis pmi - -ionnl t oniiuuiiity. W. F0TTER. Siirron. has pcrirnncritlv le, Covington township, olf services lo the mi-rounding Mays, I Sl. .1. V. K K A TZ E K. MI'ltC M VXT, Hint dealer in Hoards and Shingles; Craiu nn l 1'roihice. FLO-NT Street a'Oi the Ai-U'l.'iiiv Clearfie.d l'a., Dc. -I, ISril. f . W. TlflM 1 "ON. J AS. K. W ATSON'. Dealers in Timh'T, mllOMrSoN X. WATSON JL Snw-l.ogs, Hoards and Shingles, Marvsvillc, (Clcnrtlcld Jiridge 1', 0.,) Cleartield eoimtv. l'a, Aug. 10, w,:;. Matt, li t in, Jan. Mc Murray. DEALKKS IN Dry Goods, (Jroccrics Luuiln.r, Kc, Jiui lisulo, ra Dec. 21. ljgJ. W. U. SHAM, l'HYSK'lAN t eiTUiKON, nAS pcrmaiieiitly located at Sliawsvllle, Fu. whoro he respectfully (olieita a share of public patronage. May 27, 1S03.-y Cheap for Cash or approved produce. Lumber or shingles. - Philipsburg, Nov. 1!!, Istl.Vtf. The E:easiaa why , F.verybody purchaso their CL0T1IINO of ri:izi:nsti;in hros. &co. Ueeaie they ..!; so very cheap for Cu.-h ; r.eenuse tlicy keep the bet goods : Deeau-e their Clothing L well niide it fa.sh!mi:il,lL' Keenuo they keep the ' tre.-t as.,rtment ; Feeauso they pet New Ouods every week : lioenuso they give every one the worth of his mou'y I!ecaue they take tho advniitn.;e of nobody ; liecauso they tr.'tit their eusl'.incr.i well : , Devalue everybo ly likes to deal with lliein ; : Fec;iu.-:e they Pell che.n; f r than the rest ; llecause their Clothing are well sewed & fit -we'd j r.ecause they can suit every body ; Jteeniisn their Store is so conveniently situated; IJecaii.'O nobody leaves their Ftore dissatisfied; Because all who deal with them aro suro w cull again, and send their neighbors ; Uecau.se they have purchased ll.oir Stock nt -uch reduced prices that Ihcy cud afford lo adyekiise: T heso nre a few of the rensons why they Sell bo cheap. A 11 kinds of Country J'roduce taken at the highet market price. L'LIZI'.N'SI'KIN lUlOS. .t CO. Clearfield, Nov II, ISilct, :i;u. ' THE MAGAZINE 10K THE TIMES PETERSON'S- MAGAZINE 7 liC not HH't ( .'Jct lit iit- Ho- j'vr 7.(i'..!.' This popular monthly magazine will be 7i'"'.y ii,i ..ml lSi',1. It will contain one thousand pages ol reading '. foErteen s.lenJid -teil pintes ! twelve colored fashion flate.! twelve colored ln'rlin work patterns ! nine hundred wood cuts! and twenty-lour pages of music! All this will be given for only Two Doi.i.aki: a year, or u dol lar itn than Ma:ii7int.a of the cl:itn of ' I'eterouB.' ThrilliiiT Talfs :uul ,ovcllit d-a Are the lest pithlished anywhere. All lhr itn.sl )..."i'"r if vitrr urr rmyinin In v'rllr oYiitwilht t'f.i "I', l, ron." In Jsfil, in addition to ita usual ((tinntitT of short stories, Kuril Oiiiciial Coi v nioiiT NnvKi.KTiKS will he given, hy Ann S. Stephens, I'.lhi Itodninn, l'nuik Lee Heiiediet, nndlbe Author of " The Second Life." It al.-ii ' publishea ' Fashions Am. ad of Am. Otiikhs. 1 K.ach number, in nddition to the rolured juate, J givi a Donnets, Cloaka uud Jircssea, engraved on od. A'isou pattern, from which a Dreaa.Miin lilla, or Child'a Drca can l e cut out, without tho l ai l of a miiataaiiiikiT. Alao, icvertil pagea of llouaehold nnj other lleeeipta. It U Uic bent I.iidj'n laCalhlt (i,c U'orlil. Try it tor ono jcar. ! ff'Ah WATCH & JEWELRY T c.ntaii:- i :( acres, , ot wnu-n is cieareu and in good condition, ui'.d ii well calculated lor ether gi.aiii or gias.. 'Jhi iinproremenls 'n re j T W O DWrLLlNii-HOl'SKS, mi exctllent ' HAilN, two 0KC1IAI1DS, and the usual outbuil ' dings thereon. l'o.-7es-ion given on the first of April next. Title indUnutuMe. I JOHN CAMIMELL. ! Sept. r.O, lPf,3. tf. I. J). TIlOMTSON September, 2.1, ISflii. 1 mii.v nvi: fount. .V, .1. '":il and ii1L!,f.r Uiiidut iip. t'le.irf.f-,! c'i,-, -1 near Mkith II K undersigned respectfully informs hi customers mid the public generally, (but be baa ju.-i , received from the Fn: t, and n en, ednthis establishment in (1 1! A II A M'S .'Oil, Clearfield, Fa., a line n-sortmciit of Clocks, Wati iiks, nnd J kw n.r.v of ditlcrent iiialitics, froia ti singl" piece ti ti full fett, i. Vich ho will sell nt the inc. c ren-'ona'de t l ice.- f . r en'-li, or ii. cxeh.iiiL'e lor eld gold an I silver, CLOCKS ot'every j.ricty un hand, nt tho nn I rea'onai'le prices. ALL kt'i'l;- nfflN'-U. Wai.'he? and Jewtliy caref-iliy repaired and II umtui-J. A (ontiniian.'o of pntronage ,-olieited, Sept. Id, 18U0. II. K. NAl'i'LK. f - r ... Shoes.! Shies fa f'H Tr- A noun, Ornitjr, Fink, tSti(,riont Solfcriiio, Violrt, i itmvf D' M M V.. PFAIOIIKST'S AllllliOU OF FASHIONS, i i nt i.-iikiiqi - vi!Ti;ni.v, it I i3 Jlrtia.liv.iv.N. V. Til? sieeial obiee! and tiini in the publication of thi- magnii:e is lo present dudi -ioii, Koliable, and 1'raeiieal Iiif'Ttnation in all matters pertain ing ti 'tni'ics' aud children's dress. Information of the gruatc.-t po-.-iblc itupor tmce la Milliners, Dress makers, nnd every ladv who wi.-h t know the prerailinj modes in Ntw York nnd Paris. j To nil enterprising- ladies, nnd industrious mothers, we shall endeavor to furnish many use ful and practical Fiiggettimia in relation to tho proper eomiiiiiiiiion ol colors, choosing materia!.-, including- cutting and making ilresc.t. nnd chil liicn's clothes, w hich of necessity must occupy n much larger portion of a woman 'a time, w hen no reliable authority is nt hand to he consulted suggestion." whicli cannot fail to prove c amiree of much gratification, economy, personal refine ment, and home consumption. Do not fail to hear in mind thnt wo furnisn. in value, during ihe year, more than in lu'l-si-.'e pniici ns nlmie ; while in plates, cngrai inga, reliable information on fnhion., morn llian can l.e secured in nny or nil the other la.-hioTi niaga rines 1 lit together, and yet the yearly Mil.crip tion leing only $1, with the extra liiiy cents wor'.h "I lull .-,7.0 path ins rent n. a jTemiuin, makes ihe yearly .-nbscription tu eo.-t n aPy only fifty cents, indeprinlont uf the Carte do Vi-ite. l)o not lail to suliM ribe for the Mirror, if you w Uh to tecuro it iiroiiijuly ta it is tout in a .1 vuncc to tubseribe'.p. Deo. oO, lbo'l. AN'IFL CONNELLY begs leave to inform bis friends, nnd the ciiizvna of Cleartield nnd vicinity generally, tout lie has lakeu the shop Pit. ly occupied by Oeoigo rscwsuu, in Minw s i Low. v, here he intends to he ready at ail times to ! wait upon those who n.ny lavorhiui with their I custom. ' He will guarantee his work to ho a? well exe- ctited ns can bo mnde elsowhorc, and at quite na j rerionabli price?, lie is bound to win the good I opinion of all who walk in siioo leathcr whether i male cr female and n I! be asks ia n fair trial. Cleiiiticld. July S, lstl3 y 1303. 1803. Till LADELTH1A i ERIE KAILKOAD. riIUS great line Iravers. p the Northern nnd J. Northwestern counties of Feiin.-yh ahiu to the city of Frio, on Lake llrie. It has been Kased by tho ' unnyliaiu'i A'i''f r"." I'.'.iipiuiy, end ut.-ter their nuspices is he ing ra;iiilly opened throughout i!a rniiro 'ength. It is now in use for Pnsscnger and Freiglit hn : inc.-t from Harrisburg to Tmyyrtnm 'li l'ork, I '.i.i ini'.ts ) on tho Kaitern Divi.-ion, nnd from J.Utlkt Ihtrk film, i.;.jhi ;,, y nuch iiiucf (Vo ri I ,'roira, Ii.... 1. I'. Liijht llt't.irn, KiiMjf Jlrmcii, I ( Vlll'IOtl, I Ilnrli to'., I .!-.''( 'too, Lhtik fil "I, II Li'jltt ii fnii. F"T dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scurfs, Dresses, liibbons, (iloves, lloiiiicts, Huts, Feathers, Kid (.loves, Children' Clolliinj;. and all kind. ol Wearing Apparel, d o., .1 c, 4rA S.WlNCi OF !'J TEK CENT.-t; Kor - j cents you can color as ms.ny goods us would otlierwio cost ti'-e times that ainount. Various nudes can be produced from tbo mine De. The proce.s is simple, mid any ono can us'' tlie Dye w ith peri'ei ( success. Directions in Fnglish, Fnt.cli and'tJenna:, inside of each jiackiiL'O. For further information in Dei"g, mid giving a perfect knowledge of what colors nro bc-t a i npied to dye over other?, (with many valuable recipeai, purohuse llowo & Stevens' Treatise on Dyeing and Col.ring. Sent by mail on reeci t t,f price 10 cents. Mamifiitur.'d by HOWL .1 STl.VFNS, H',0, P.roadway, Fusion. For sale Ly Druggists and Dealer generally. September 2:5.1, ISti.l. IOOO a re of 1 D.cntur t-n-n. I suit ri,rf 'ni-i'r-. l-i il.':.rr-.-Id Itaill.Md. j "!t.tiO aeiesoliirM ra'ii farm nni va jin liell t .u.,,:1ip,(. !..t::;.-:deii,;i.!v.ii'(a I wilier" i.f Curry's her,. j nrnt in t w, i..tj, o.ituf Knin erol oil in r-, si,i',,l,e i t Farninjpr mile in lliglilar.d J..wi,.!.ip, IM o,,iii,'r. ' -y.i;..fieuer.il i. .irr.it.t' e iIcviIk for illtiii aims. New lcr?c C;1'. lor il tnwd.. I" "i ''I r. f.ii 1 a.Te i;o, . I. I f.v. Feb. IS, U, Juiitls for ?4 .11 -'1, ; --' . i TT fetisVc. Pill' ii's. 1 l:if!, i.trrif'.l I' nere. f.;t, It, ttyl i.t.i: : r.4 i fr fl, '.i NEW HARTSWICK FIRM. & HUSTON DRUG8ISTS. KEEP vftnatanHii on Sheffield!," Uric, ("a miles) e tho Wt.-'.'rn; ! Division. 1 77,ni i.f rw'jrr Tmini ni EinpuriniH. Fxpress Train leaves easiward ! 00 P. M. ) F.vpreis Truiii nrrivts westward 1 P.M. ! Car? n:n through wiTiiorT 'tianck both wavs I on these trains between Philadelphia, nnd Lock MA l'K I-T Street CLEA I1FI I'LD J'A. Haven, and between l'.alti.uoro and Lock Haven. Megitr.t Sle, p.ng C ,ir nceompany the Kxpreaa ' Train both a;, - be'.w con Wil'ininsport nnd Falti-' iioTC, ni.'l Williainsport nn '1 Philadclphiii. 1 ! For iiilui'iuat: n re-pcciing I'aseiiger biisinesa j 'apply nt the S. I'I. Cor. 1 lin ami Market sts. j And for Freight bin-ine- of the Company'. Agents. S. li. L ing.-toii, jr., Cor. lath and Market ! , sis.. Philadelphia ; ; J. W. ltevnold.-' Erie ; l i J. M. Drill. Agent N. C. T,. P.. Paltimore ; 11. 11. Hoi it.ix, don'l Freight Ag't, Phihi.; i Li.wis L. Hot rt. Ujiii Tiohul Ag't, l'hila. j j J.S. D. Ponia, (ion'l Mami.Tr, Williainsport. i . ""Jan. 21, mi. T'lT.X T.T.i; berri. - il-e.. ot I, :' ', ;, in ir nt ;. .., .,r 111 II S to. I in A',", goo.i Ci ;t,l.. ni lurid-, iiiei liltn : CUE IV, ( i' Hi. :., by le, '. ,.i j,h,.i. I 1 bb. by ,!.,t a wet-V. The '-liii funis are .-in. led nt ( hctwui, WmH i:.-' ip, lii.ihng:. ii i inr.i, Ji ,'' liirtinT 1 1 1 J - -1 1 1 : -1 i"!i. ii'.'i1'', Uh a P. 0.1 j for a eiK'iiliir, lo t ! p. it,.m;i.in c l No. f0 Cedar sireit. Stw Yiril I Jan. 21, I. -oil. I v. , i 1. '. . : New Watch ar d Jowtlry Sa f i Sll. l.ArCIII.JN. havinrftr itileri'.-l ol liiaiute partner, ibl : a bia own hoi.il in lh? shop LraHii' I I Ly them on Second airi el, hn Wt J 1 to keep up l.i. r, putiiii'ju ns t cs-f.1 by doing a a wo-l enlrii".i J tu 1I , lice, in the best i:ni,r,ir, :u.d or, 1 enable term. Ii,!, f,!;.i in a l.'ir trial, an 1 a ri.mit.iMtkiiif' iioi; heret ,1'on) . xtiii.!. 1. I. j.jk uut ; tii i nn; wat'.i N. 1! '.'he Cn-li will be poitiitt when the woik is delivered. j Clearlield. March 4, iMi.l. y THK UNITI'D STATE KAREIGEUE3, J CO EKLY .v IIITCUISC.V hiiiul a Lrfir uui and Will Srlerful sin, I; t,f nn vas and cue mica ls : I'ALXTS Of.S IVI I'd A' Ys,'rr.' I MI1S Hotel, so ! JL PERFLMLnY A TOILET ARTICLES. ULANKS, POOKS AND STATION Alt Y. ! TOBACCO & SEGAUS. 'And a general assortment of VAIU I AT IKS nnd Fancy AlUTCLES, ATT r T in V V A T? T P I ? CI rpflE suhseriher in order to rccinmodntc the) " x x -M lsulljh. X citir.ena of Curwensville, nnd the I'uhlic i n 'ia'o. 1MERRELL &. BIGLER, f ,r wood or coal, which he will dispose of Very . ai their utore in Clcnrfiebl. bntrn fr .t . f., cheap for cash or .reduce ftv I FOP HE E CETTEES- ! MOUNT I' Vll.l J', lIH'.Ill .:Ul'l I - . 11 r ... Nov. 4, lXfi.l.-tf. For Sale. n iadispensnble artielo for tho farmer which ! they will fell cheap for cash. Doc. 1ft, 18Cd. AV respectfully invite n oall, feeling eot;fi. dent thnt wo can aupply the wnnls of ml, on terma to their tntiafaction. HAliTSWICK A IIKPTON. Clearfield April 27th ISO::, tf VERNON I IOUS. i Second Street, above Arcli, j FIIILADELrillA. tl 00 6 00, 7 40 10 00 TEIIMS ALWAYS IN A1WANUIS Olio Copy, Ono Year, ... Threo Copioj, for Ono Year. DANIEL GOODLANDEK, l ive Copiea, for One Year, - JUxTICi-of the peaoe Kight Copiea, for One Year, Luthershurir, ClearfielJ Co. Ta., ', Ir uiluuii for (iettln- up C'Hihs. will attend promptly to all buaincas entrusted Three, Five or Eight copiea inako a Cluh. To ta hli care. March 23, lftfiO. ly. pd. every person getting up a club, at the nbove rntea, --- a ruf.y of the Mugnjine for 1 S04 will ho jiren rK. il. WOODS, 'gratia. AMrm., i.,,.ipnW, PBACTICINU rhyaiciiin.and Examining Sur-, C1UKLFS J. PETEUSON, g eon for Penaioiia. Office Pouthweat eorner ; 30H Chcatnut Blrcet, Philadelphia, i. Hsud od Cherry etrr Ma, Clearfield, Pa, fei7Ppeoien f nt gratia, when written for. Jimoaf7 21, 1S6. ly. i Sov. 13, 1S63, j Flyer's Patent Churn, C'oaclimakin.or and Ulacksmithsshoj., i A ropori(,r A f,llllilT wing ,bU thorn together with the necesury water power ft r aaw. I ncTer need be without hotter ! ing. all in good condition, for aalc at a hnrgain. t AH the above and many other articlea aro fur Tho above property ia a itunted in tho borough ; i.-hed tn eustomera cheap for Cash or exchanged oi v. urweiisvine, uuu "'??t'SM's tin uio bhiiiihi.i-s neeessnry for conductli.j each of tho above branches of bnsinoai with tiiiierior facilitiea. For further information apply to HENRY KERNS. CurwenavilU, Aug. 19, 'C.l-tf. tnos. ii. roHCEY. J. ULAKE WAI.TEK8. A. I". ni.AIlt, Pruprit tor. ("Late of the "Surf House," Atntij City SepU 23, 1 663-1 y. J ' TH()MATTIXllI.L'Wi(i! Alli.ri...,- .1 l .... f.. ...J . ... ....i... nt. t.li. i J .. l"l ll..I",ll. ll.UIUIJ I'LUUH'T. ' IICII, .,1UII0,I . . . , Poplar, l.lnwood nnd other Lumber auitnblo for' V SrJ?.ln,r,S the Ennk, fuimorly occupied hy I Cabinet work, taken in exchnngo for furniture. ; .! nM LllD Market atroet, Clearfield, J T-nemeinbet tho shop ia nn Market street, f T i -ua prouijitljr to Colitelo ' CleardoldPn,. and Dearly uifOite the "Old Jow 01 Land, 0, l ee. 1 ."Store." JOHN Ul'LICH. i" "wi Vt"; ! Not. 2fi( 1862.-y , , . I V O O J V O O 1 . ell knnft4'" liuldio of Clearfiild couBtt. litioii to afford tho most cjtorllea'18 eitl er for the transi'.T,: gues'. P boarder. 1 I The ''t 'niU'd C-Uitc" lis v it'uees of ! A F1MT tEASHm .Oi.l the Proprietor.-are diterumfJ1, J 'or crpfiie, lime nor labnr to en'" c ,i... i, ti. ,.inu,i4 aft'': v. .no fr,'iie,o. 1 in j1" f- mil, he i.; resnectl'u vtolintn. Vnnl -mil I-"l;iv Sninuinl T A K It A N TU), .Miinuhfinr ! h.'irds by (lieonileripiod.' people of Cienr acid founty to ""'"'j, tun it v low ofleri-d to secure ' iMaJiinca. Ti.ey will he nH '"'"l T. -(.. Call attliO Oi'l M'' i ' WM. r. , May (i, iSoii. v j r ANTED A lor? Y I. A .Y S i: E f in Curweiunllo, $tiU 1, Wl itOl.DS nt the Cheflli M'' ' JtUi.TI I'Uli SALE. i QOODTWO-HOKsEWAnOV ! J uy the underrigped, Pf" all io term". FOR C F. Y W A T TPH S : t. . "n. MERCHANTS, and General Dealer in Lum her, auchm SQUARL'-TIMFEH. SIUN-' tiLES, HOARDS, Ac, and also In GRAIN of. all kinds for all uf which tho highest pricea will be raid at Grahamton, Clearfield eonntv. 'or. 2. 1863.7 ! T. i. KtL'I.M)C01I. ' 0(H) r y of W.00L '"'n'",- Clearfield, Dee. lo, 1SC3. tur wmcu uij nigueBi maxket ':!, I. - . . i i i - price will be paid by. ' -i 1 l i W .' ,, J. Clearfield, May 13, 18fi3. 1 r. -Is l!t!" RATZEP.. SK P. Ii 1. '? ivl I --at r' AiT ; ' IWIHIIII UUICe, . . 1 'wnupwPou-A ' " Ci.eakriKLI. Ta. I . . tLt'li"'L" "tiaa of th: Peace, Lu- . : ZZcrnXt Itay-Ix ORAnAH'a Kiw TJt .Lii.v,: 11 'hfurg. Clearfield c.untyP,., will attend,' ,4 FIRST-RATE C00k BJ't ri. t ,-o ' rrompiiT 10 an ouaineaa entruatoJ m him l .,i tub e for woes. rt', ' promptly to all buaineaa entruated m bit caro. t Lutheraburg, April 4, 1 km. 1 J auiuble for woed. Dee. 2, rbi'4-ta.