Vm'simv, It I 2 ,.,r 1 i"' . Tn. Nrw. - I ho Army news is Locoin In mm important, and tlio idea that the I.cllion i abcut crushed out," that ila kl(on i broken," l c. if nny such J 'n .xited la fast brinjj dispelled. All piiei wiinm w.ej iri:u ui mo iwuiyiu the I'Otomtc, nve an Occasional Visit from pnintment Hi hi "flic in Iho borough of Clear ... del. I, on 1'ri.lnjr the 1 lib day of March, A. D., iiori' ii 1.1:1. U.it nft'nitv oi'A nillln .1 i (V. .ron I utlVi ll : r., 1. f ri,,. I Ii ; ,.lnn ' nrruy uti'lcrOcn. Oratit. It is now clear-( ly useerlKtncd Hint I.ongslrect hus ln-nn ; Jieavily m,, forced, that he was rn.rcS.ing - n KnoxviJlo, tlmt several Hkirmishox liml tnken 1'Iaoo in wliioh the Union forces were AOisted und driven back, and nl la-1 nocounta from luioxville, (2Jd ull.) l.ong- ireet WH llireaining to bei-iepo tliat dace. 'i'lie Knoxvillo coiiespolldent of tliO Cin- .... , , . r i . i Citinuli (.airtte, umli-T data of January d, lias tilO following : llw. nL.tnn nL C. I.-,..-., Pl..!. o,,,l lll J.,.lf tr a ni.tv j.oif.ion. urloMof stores ftt f-'trawberrv l'lains' urAaiHiiiA utitnrn. Suveral caissons were blown Ui). un. 'ICK About two hundred slragi-Iers in i re (ticked uti by tlie rebels. After crossing the Iloleton our troops liiirncd tlie bridge and everything else Mvdy H fall into tho hands of the enoniy, i;iitlu"ling a couaiJerultlo amount of new lothing. On the -2d tlio rebels ami our sharp- niiooiers were tKirniihiiing across ino riv- er, six miles aitovo iwioxvnio. '1'lie tuovcoients of the enemy are riot clearly understood. It is supposed that bongstreet will besiege Knoxville. Men have been put to work on the fortifications and new batteries put into position. boiigtreet has a strong and well forti fied position tit Hull's (jap, whence he can throw forces into the valley on either side riih great facility. 1 Mutter will not remain long in their juesent condition. ' This news is coiroboraled by rebel ac counts from Kussellville, January CO, tit Kirhiuond, representing their captures at eight hundred head of cattle, five hundred whl'oiis, two Hat boats londod w ith tobacco au'l erarkrrs, ami several hundred bar rels of Hour. ' As a f'jrihr confirmation of this threat ning stale of affairs in tho Southwrtt, a J)i)ton poppr uuikes the announcement timt the Sixth army corps, umler (leneral riielgwifk, has b(en detached from the mi my of the Potomac and sent to reinforce l it'll. Urant. Cay Kr-ml the report of Senator Wal i t k'. ..ep':li. It is by no moans an aecu ' rate icport of what ho said, yet hi argu- rnent is there. - " KutsT K its. We are rightful that thn ' Horough FatUer " havo determined in repair the criHsing at Second and Fine 'aireeli thus mtrinj intercourse between J'.igleubnrg ami ' ye ancieiito borough." The au.amui;ii i Ftxi). Persons who have nut ) el contributed to this fund, but in'.i titling to do to, are denied to band tl e mmo previous to the 20th inst., in order thai remittance may be made so as lo reai h .Mrs. V. by tlie 212.1 of February the anniversary of the birthday of the Father of his Country. f k'zt'A. riot occurred in Seymour, Ind.' " lately, betw een some drunken soltlieisand l lie Kiiaru, which iwun ... ue.nu u. . . 1 two of the rioters. invwi i.v. .1 -l '!. l.,.l I.. .l..l I. fl , J-It is sai I tlut sinco "tbe govern intent " lu'l tbe small-pox, it looks paler, if not cleaner, about the face. tT" The Life of Archhishop lights," just published by T. II. Peterson i Hros., ' r.ili't. Chestnut street. Philndehdiia. Price ' f.-n nnlm onr.v. nr five Mmie for one dot - 1 1 - 1 lar. To canvassers, $10 per hundred. rviY'Tlio oTOUtid-hoff could vcfcterdav c 0 ,seehis6l.adow without much trouble.- If lli i-s giu be true our lumbermen may , "berin lor to commence " to cot ready to ' , . . haul timber for six weeks yet. A "War" Paper Speaks Out Tlie Message of President Lincoln us oiicned tho eves of sonio of those known as "Var loinocrats," and Inn- urn rifiiiinir tn limlirn nnv fiirlhcr : ' " . .. . ' .... in llic Lincoln destruction train. J ho , New York Laidcr lias always Slipjior- s tod tlio Mar Stroll-'lv, thdUjrh ndlierint; . J ' P . . D 1 to the Democratic Darty. Jt is ttsh.rtu-; , nlial jtaiier, and since tho rrcsidentsj Mosat' IMtpcanl. it Poaks ns follows Js suriouHly termed tlio "amnesty" proclamation put ou at the tail of the . Alcswic. "It is a crime. lieciuine it openly mn Jtstfs (hat thin ttvtr nri abolition trrr, lAiul that it iaeondticted, not to vetore the Union, but to destroy (slavery. "Wo have all nlontr suspoctod and flmrped that this was tho true Btate of the tt ai li , l ii i aso. i no Aouinionisttj nuve mi tiiomr leiiieJ it. The Provident has himsteif denied it in official documents nnd ilieechoH. To n'imit It now, after these denials, and in this most author , itativo form, is to 6triko the Union 1 cauie a (fuel blow. For, if abolition . be tho object of the war, then the war is inijuttijiitl'le, aiul Jeff Davit has the ' I'i at ptisxiblejuKtijication for his rebt Won. s We hold these facts to be self-evident .nnd incontrovertible, and wo repeat tlmtthreo-flAhs of tho Northern poo pie leaving the Southern poople ou' . of tho iuebtion would refute toaoupt iny svek oaf a zj cAcif rttfK ttt bv Mr. MUtnil lon th Idh nil , ly l,v.r Ho I pal. , Mr. Nlchida Kara 1 Miss Carotin Hillf, all of Prsdr township, lilt .1 At iff retidpne in Curwi r,vlll, nn th 2ti nil , Mrs. Ann Krr, agsl 47 fur. fytMirW IN filt'P. Amrn, 3Utu 2V.bbtrtis tntcuts. KlUnheth N. fT, liT hir next friend Ephmlm Fulmer, . A. P. Neff. In the Cmirt of Common Pies', ol (Tesruold county, "Setting In K'itity." No. 42 March term. A. 1). 1HC4. p i ii i'kn a urn divorce. The undersigned, who was July appointed by lliu i'nnrl f'i.,..,l..i.. .,... lii InLn I .1 I ,n.n w In I Im above cnso, will ittuinl tu the dutico of his np I SI) I, ut 10 o'clck, A. M., of mid day, when and ilinr,, nil t...rj..r.. 1 n I ,.r...lu ,1 i,,,. ..IIaiiiI b n ,1 ( ' " U t la oc proper, ' j. JI(.Ci; l,l'o(-(i II, I j.'ei, 3J C4-tc! Coinmissioii'fr . - ' - - Cheap, jur &uc A HOOD DKARttOKN FOIl 8ALK. Apply to J AS. 11. tiUAIIAM. .lammry 27th , luill tf. ILjITUTIG ?J!T'Sn'jkl riMIE uniloraieneil Miei to give. Iii iho borough 1 I of L'li'urlul'l a low lornoue In the French ,nj;uil)f0i Joll,i110II ,,, wi,0 i.-h to ileum Frcneh uro requcleH to apply, without do- i..r.n. J'l-27n4 2U nt Clenrtiold llrld-'. flO SHOi;iIAKI';i. Tho fubitcriber do- JL '"' to employ l-'IVS Jouroeymun Shuo. 1i1;ors 1 inineiiiuteiy, to worK oy tiiu inoniii or v 1 ppiy i'i DANIEL flOOM, N DFK. Jan. 27, lSBI-pd. Lulhenburj;. l'u. STHAVt Ctime to tho promisei" of tho sub pcriher in llrady townrbip, on or ubout tho nuddlii of Augu.-t bi.-t, a II Klrt Mi, fuppnxivl to bo ubout IS month old, with noma whito rputa. Tho oirner in reiiuectud to eoino lorwnrj, prove ronertv. i.nv ehurires aid take her away, other wise sue win no uisposcu o: neoonung in mw. Jan. 27-St. pd. FREDERICK p'HAFFER. "VfOTIC'R TO SCHOOL DlltKCTOKS. 1 Tho School Directors of tho different town ships in Clearfield county, are hereby notified to return to the Couiinistiunors ol Cleurlield county, th number nf Hills assessed fur School purposei for tho years A. D., IBM-firf, duly signed by the President, and attostod by th Secretary, lly order of tho Commissioner. W.M. S. HRADT.EY, Jun 27, Mi. Clerk. Farm for Sale. mi!R luWriber re.-.ding in I ovington town- j slim, now oilers Ins vn liable f irm or salo on t renionuble tonus. It is located m the Clcarlield rond, and contains Woi acres of land; 70 of which is cleared, wi'h a two story house, suitable for a hotel, wagoninuker shop, and other out- building-, a y.un.? bearing orchard, and a well ; of excellent water nt tbe door. A Coal Hank ' is opened on tho farm wilh a vein of coal C feet thick. 1 TiJ-For terms iiti l particular, nddrcjJ tho 1 undersigned at Freuchvillo P. 0. Clearfield Co. ; Oct. 2S, 181)3. L. Dltl'N WELL. 1)11. TOIUAS' E X FT I A X L I X 1 -V E X T . II A l;IVI)N UMVr.KSAL X.VTIS- TION during the fonrteen yearn it has boen introduced in the United States. After being tried by millions, it bas been proclaimed the great pain destroyer of the world. Pain cannot be where this liuiment is applied. If used as di rected it cannot and never has failed in a single instance. For colds, cough, and influents, it can't be be beat One 25 cent bottle will euro all tho ubove, besides being useful in every family for sudden accidents, such as burns, scald.-, ruts, insect stings, it. It is petfectly iuno-cnt to tuke internally, and can bo K'ven to the oldest person or youngest chibl. Price 25 and 50 cents a bot tle. Office, 66 Cortluudt street N. Y. Sold by all Diugf;ists. February, 3d, IdMt. Ii' r.l.lKF NOTICH. The Horn! of Relief lor the county of Clearfield, will meet at the Commissioners' office, on Vednesduy and Thurs day, the 27th and 2Stb day of Febru'ry, 1SC4. The Donrd huve directed that ull new appli cants must appear beford the Hoard and produce their sworn sUitcmcnt detailing name of soldier, regiment and couipuny; when cn.isted ; tbe nuiuberof children, with age and tex of eat b ; the township in which they tosided at tho time of vnlistuient. and tlieir present residence : anil taut she is without Ibe menus of support for h.r erse.t 1 unil Clllltiri'll n..u uro ti 1 I'cil'it 11 1 upon iter. "11 .' , i i ,-. r .1 . i- Tun u-.tmiBBii. iiT nrit.lili, ,lv rrmn tttn t iiwn l ll I Ii . in winch she resides, must also bo Jtrtll UCCt , I 1. -. , i...f 1 1 , 1 ' ' . :..r., ...n. .i c , 1 .Ku 1 resents herself ti be ; that the stntetr.rncnt of the 1 . ...... .1.1 I 1111111 ,er iinJ ncpof Iter fiimi v t. run : t int she il. Il. .k. ..r. ' is 111 destitute circumstances ami tier family iu l 1... 1. l.-l,.i.r... . . r . I. :.. u I aciuai Willi l , unit iinti nil uto lavia ecu 101 1 u 111 ui-t application nro lust ana true, j Forms containing these reipiisitions can bs ob , tained at tho office of the Hoard of Relief, when 'application is mado and the witnesses appear. I WM. S. DKADLEY, I'll.: rebruary .1, 1804. NOTICE TO I'. S. TAX PAYERS. ' A I-l Persons residing in Clearfield County . who nre halt o In tax ttv assessment under tho " Failed Sutes Internal Revmiue," or " Ex cise Lnw," upiiroved July "1st, 18C2, are hereby notified that such taxes or duties have become 1. 11. 1 .1. . T ill 1 . - - ZX rvs in said county, to wit : For all tux payers to whom it will bo most con - vrnient, in tho borough of Luthcrsbiirg, nt the ; i,oU.l 0f Win. Scbwem oa tlie 15lb day of Feb - ruary, IbuI. tor a Itaxpsyeri tonliomit will l.e most con- vonient in the borontth of t urw cnsvillc, at tue hotel of Win. A. Mason on the lOihdnyof February, ISO I. For all tax payers to whom it will be most convc- nient in tho uomugb. ol ( learlielil, nt the Hotel nf It.. i.i 1,.l,nli.n it.il 1 Tib unit lSlli ilnri nf feirry iftrul , For all tux pnyirs to whom it will be most conve- uift in the borough of New Wnshiiiftnn, at ll.- l.,.ll ,.f 1I....U C 11 r ,.n ll.rt llllr. ,1... .i: And all persons HIT lll'IVi I'I .'Mil,, k.-. A 111IUC1 1 IHO I 111! U r.4. i .a nl.n bl.atl nniilanl kn r.o W ( h A 'l nilll UU livirvna ' U W Clinil uvlivh nr in mv uuties and taxei 10 n nYoreiiaid nn-oiiM'd upon ', shall ! linMeto nnv TKt vr.n tkntum adJitional upon tbe amount thereof, collodions te bo mude by ileslrnmt This notice applies to all persons liable to take out Licenses, to tax on Incomes at well as to other tuxes under said Excise Law. flll 1isiuiers, urcwers ami inmiuiunun-it. .... hereby roared to pay any tax that may be du to me. nt the foregoing tunes and places. All Distillers and Ilrewcrs nt the time of receiv- ing their Licenses, will be required to enter into a bond in double the amount of their probable' montblv tax. wilh iwn .iiflii iint irelii condi-1 tionetl for a faithful compliance with said Act of Congress of July 1st, ISnTJ. All payments must be mado in V. S. funds coin on sotss. The penalties of the law will be enforced in ev ery instance, where aogleot to pay as above spec ified, exists. Tbe undersigned hones tberelora. Lhfct till flf tual response will be made to tbe above appuint- menu, as it will be much moro pleasant to both I'Bitica tv fMu vuiuit-rjuii-ni ni COUCCTIUD. DAVID EASOS, Dep. Col. of Int. Rev. 19th I)it., Ta, January 27th, '64-St. D, 0. Bl'SII. t. i. stVru-ocoa. ! BUSH k M'CULLOUGII, Collrctioi Uflrcf, Ci.iaintLD, Pa. , 191 GsuHtii'a Niw biiuiiio. Feb, 'C2. tt r i ih. (ii.ii in u. I HU,-!; tiiini of mi i.f..r i f lb Orphans ( "iirl of rlrdtfli-M conn, I'd., ilntil th 2ddny nf October, A. D. I-1"! ihn nil' be mm' I Ii ssl by pihlic ti mlus or nutcti t I'K.VK VILLI-', In Perm loiin.l.lp.CI, nrtii.ld r..nn t. IV, on tit I DAT the Vi.th dav ol I I. LIU A H V, A. ! I l 1 o''lo' k, 1'. M . Ill t cnain mo Miiay, farm or mill estate , rinmii' in l:ioom ' Inwnship. County aforesaid, I the estate of Thomas Cl'svcr deo'd, nnd whi ieon he Hied t Hi ti li of his dcalh, comprising nhotit I "I in res, South by I "nil of l.wi Wood, on the ca-t by Inn 1 nf llil)t', n'l'l "' tb wt I jr lHii.lorCt.fi 11111I AmlrrFon, barinKibout 6U n. rcn rli arcl, mi.l nniltr cultivation, tl baluni'o oeiilniol an J a portion of it ooTrfd with jooil pin iin.l oilier I unt'or, a good Iraino burn, to ai ly low, 11 I'm 111 n dwelling bonus wilh an excellent npnng ol wmrr ' cIoip to lli door, and a yonnR bcnrinK oriliurd I of rhnlr appU". The Glen Hope and Little Dald I Karl tnrnuikK nini-fi lliiouitli I It 0 imiiii rs, l!i- ing the nimo Uaitof lunJ innviyeU loaiiid lh. 1 ' IpilVU r I TO III J on ill ll V . Sill I til Ulld Wife, liV ill doled Muri'li lSlli, 1811, rcoordid in Icud book T.page 27, lor I2ii a.Tc., lis porcho.-, excopt 5 aitn-n nineo wild out f bi suutbwoat oonmr to Au- t!r?X&ta.ta of the ' fule, one-third in nix inonthii, und Iho biiliiiicv iu ; one year Iheroa'ter with inlen-nt, to bo nccuri'd by bond ami morlfiigo. Ll.liA t l.hANLIt. Fob. 3d, lSBil.ilt, Adiiiiuixtratrix. A. I. 110YNTON. IJUSril'II S UtiW Kit IMPORTANTNEYS ! THE ItEliKI.LION JJIiOKKN OUT IN NEW SECTION ! ! A War of Extermination is to be waged against ! S' HIGH PRICES !T A NEW FIRM ! BOYNTON &L SHOWERS The nuliscribors having purchutwd all tho in tercFt of the late firm ol (Indium, lloynton A Co., and having lnttde large ndditioiis to their stock, now nnnniinco to the pulilie generally thai they lire ready to supply them with uuyand every ar ticle usually found in a city store. Consisting of t c : C.l. P n... r I.. , V OUUCnur OIULK UI UI) LJUUUfi. T J e l XJlclLO illlll VtllJS ! and Caps.; IJoots & Slioes. MUSLINS, 1'KINTS, CASSIMKIiS. Their stock of Ilardivaro is very large, which they will sell cheaper than Hie choiipes'.. 111 Til 1 J ' 1 1 1 1C! J Jll)L K 7 Suitsble for rafting and building purposes, They desire especially to cull tho attention of thu publio lo their stock nf , ,i U U U II 5 tl I 7 Inch tliey flutter tliemselvos cannot bo lieatcn 'n (a'8 section. Call and see our stock, whether you pnr,.hase or not, II h M h 51 II L 11 Tllh l'LAth, Mar ket street, nearly opposite tue Mansion House, September 2i!d, 18ti3-tf. J. P. Has just opened a largo assortment o Fall and Whiter FOR LADIES, Such as cashmeres, merinos, rep-delains, plaids, parmettn, brilliants, poplins, alpaca, dcheres, prints, silks, dustcrcloth, ginghams, ntmkecn, linen lace, cJii-g, velvet triinniitic, collerctte, braid, belts, dress buttons, hosiery, reils, nets, corsets, collars, hoods, nubius, 6carl's, bu(i skirts, balinorals, mantles, coals, shawls, furs, notions, bonnets, huts, ribbons, flowers, plumes, Ac. MENS1 WEAR- Such ns cloths, -a.siincre, satinett, flannel, jeans, tweed, cttoitiide, muslin, italian cloth, velvet, , lush, check, ticking, tic ni ins, drilling, linen, crash, serge, canvas, padding, linscy vestings, enn te n ILinnel, coats, pants, vests, overcoats, shawl.-, boy'i jackets, overalls, drawers, over shirts, undershirts, boots and sho., tiats and i.nfio X i & i. Such ss carpet, oilcloth, blinds, curtains, tassels , 111 I -I.. .., I...I.:... ton. I ..I 1 I. ton 10, nu. mn?uf, in ill i, cnui iir, lu'it, nil, iv . , . t...i., . 1.1 1 IIP, oioiiiub, iiiu.uDP, unfKClP, n aril until nr. mio.i 1 i - a . n -n i i 1 en bowls, sieves, nut nous, coflee mil s, bed cords, ' ' I hntrs. wall njiter. carnet chain, cotton vurn. can- ,: ,. u. 1 , ,-ic Limb ,!.' bintot-ns. inn lirel In bof Inln ...hi.i Irmilic H'lMtnl t.nrrj utui n,,,..kr. 1 Mosical instruinonts, violins, flutes, fifes, striu . , , 1 . Ac. llurdwaro, oueenswure, glassware, sit . 1 . ' r ' stone ware. Groceries, drugs, conlectionery, luinli cines, flour, bacon, fish, salt, grain, diied fruit. Nails and spikes, glass nnd putty, oils, vinegar, tobacco, segars, candles, spices, powrder, shot, lend, yrindstones, rafting rope, earrings trim mings, shoe findings, school books, Ac; nil of which will he sold on the most reasonable I terms, and tho highest market price paid for tail kinds of country produce. I Oct. IS, 1SCII. J. P. KRATZER. Front St., above the Academy, Cleurlield, Pa. WAJv, OJ -NO WAR! A FEE SH ARRIVAL OF -w -m -r- ' JXTEU UOODS: 1 , , , . AT TIIKCIIKAP fi.SII STOKE. 1 I , receiving and opening a carefully selected stock of Spring and cummer goods r lnnst f!Vprv ( nsrrintlOH. J I 1 IL llj li2? J: ill -If X A bouutilul assortment of Prints and Dry goods, of the newest and latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notions. DKY-LOODS AM) OTiONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Quecnswnre, Drugs and Medicine, Oil and Paints, Carpet 4 Oil Cloths. GROCERIES, Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel in 1 and barrels, ortde tet quality, all ct which will be sold the lowest cash or ready pay prices. mr mn menus ami me annua senerauv. are respertlully invited to Call. Tr-N. 1!. All kinds of r?fi4.Vand approved COVSTItY I'llUULX'E taken in exchange for Goods. ffM F IRWIN. Clearfield. Dec. .",0, If 0.1. ' . i()l ICC. Y a resolution of the Hoard of Managers tho Philipsburg and Susquehanna turnpike Load Company, it was Resolved to enforce the law on .very person or persims that would ob- struct said Uoa.1 by laying or leavm- Timber, or i any other obstrnction. so as to interfere with the ifunarul Ipacul Attest, ' B. IIARTFItOFN, Trst E. J. Luovn, Saretarv. Jan. , '64. JSTw Goods ! REED, WEAVER & Co., Are just open lag a splendid 1H of th most carefallv electel; I GaCDCD2D3 i ever brougntto th plaea which tby offer to I their customers, atd th pubhe (feaerally, at tb i vry lw.n ((ura th marketa will affnrd , ! Ju.n 1ft, 1S4S- toiiiiir p.: loT n In' n llir tii h ..,'. .f lai'lin nrd t.ti'ii. .1 In llin bo .iMl,,.. i t . f . ri " I'oti l o i i'i ui n tit" t , ,,,,(; i f in . ui an I 11 ri l, iili a 1 1 w lo niniif mi ni. tm'M'il mill ri tin in J int"M"iil, ni, I to dn rniiy Ibr du'l i"on it onv of bo.piiiil 1 1 1 V, ill 11,, P, t . rnl young In. in! my Hill jitnlifv lr. n t-!i i nil iln h 1 i '.11 to lb" n'T'l' Lnili'H of Inci'iM' i an- rr i Holly iinilod. It In iU.-iiil.il' llmt t It i riioto-riiph ofrioli urilor arcoiitp.iny tl.v letter, for ".Mi ll or.' will In' r..iinii'il All,....', T. 11. 1:., ,'illi Wind Cbempi nu licio'inl 1 1 .h pilnl. I'M l'uiiit t'i 11. lull, V. .riii'oi:'s notici IN 'bo innHiTof Ili, VMut,! of J.ic, 'l;it,.t of J.iciiii I-'i.-hr-r, bin' of Woodivnrd d t'iv.r..liip, iK'coa?d, 111" iiiidvr.-ii.o.l, w bu wiii duly uppoii.tnl ti midil and di.'iril'iiit tbe monoy ri'iiminin .- in ib. Immli . ,l.ii Ii 1 im'II.', Ailh.ini.i:il,ir, will oil. nil 10 ,ulu of liis uppoiiiim. nl ni Im oliiio, in tliu bnroiicll or Lloiirlii' PI, 011 liic-il iy I11.3 lull iliiy of l'c Itii.i iv, 1111, nt 'J oVlo, l, p. in., nlii 11 iin.l liero nil pcixoiu inlcrv.'-tvd innv iiiu-inl. 11. J. 'WALL AC", Jim. 20, ISC, I -pd. Auditor. WOODRUFF'S IMPOVED WEATHER, INDICATOR. TO limn holllll lie without n ip!I ro.'iiiuii'.l n n.l ri'liiihb' ltiiroiuct'T. Tlieiilioif imiio'.l 1 it 1 n'lt is toipi rior to nnv otlir now tn nsn. i Im 'soiling priff is from lilt! Ill' to TW i:TV . bd j llir.' ii'iirili:i to style. Hknhv II. W Kit: it r, of , HK'ii Hop;, is Iho nielli fur ('lion Held rounty. who win iiirniMi i ii fin n .-non not'oo, utni ;ivo ull necessary iiiloluiatiuo. II. D. WltKillT, Jan. ?0. ISCl.-tf. Ae'tit. """"ti,: UNI'i k lVY:i,K( Tl N. Ili; nfklioldom of Iho I'liilipslitir and Hifhiiiiii.i Jiirnvike r,,,.il toinpimy w ill lako noli 'o tiiat un lilt-i-tion v;ili 1,l' hold nl lite ollico of mid coHtpiny nt I'liilip.-liiir;;, on I MiMiday, the 7l!i d.iy of Marob n 'M, Im- ilm 'purpose ol electing live Muuugor lortini uiisuin ir your. It. UAKTSlIuKN. j January 20, 1S0I ptl. l'tos't. AL'DITOK'S NOTICE. "N tho mutter of tbe Estate of Ebcncer I.' t lato of Lawrence town.-hip, deceuscd, unuer anj Jislributo tho lu.mcy reiuainins in thu bands A. U. Tote, Administrator, will uttentl to tlie ,lu,ip8 hi" appointment at bis cilice, in the uorougn ol Mcanioia, ou iiouuay mo ..1:1 -nty of February, lsiit, nt L' o'clock, p, :t.., when mid where ull persons interested innv attend. K. J. "WALLACE, Jan. :i, l.-'fil-pj. Auli'.or. Si IIOOL IDACIII.U WANU'.l) ptod self ol teH"ber wan'ed inline. li.itcly ko char.'j of tito I.ulliersb'ir Scliool. ti wages vi!l at ouec to be (.aid. Applit' i'i.'ii imit Ijc iii.i DAvrn ii n m?;, "ccratiiry L'raily School Di.-tiict, Jun. I'I, l-'t'.l. WHITi; MLN MUST KU I.K AM F.lilCA The Cheapest Paper PuliIL-Jicd j ! Foity-Liolit Columns of I'catlin- Mattorperwe-e-kntSl 20 per vcttr! I -- ! TnK OMLV N KIT V0IIK l'.MKR HAtiK II' EM .l.t SIVK ) LY l oll col X1IIY ll:i 1 LAlloM. LVftcs I'fthc II'iv,-, (',',', rni,lnrr,(i,l j otfur JLirkt t, Cony'ully .V j")rtnl. SJt $cfo iJorh Q;ut V,co;, i White Men's Liberties State's ! Ilio-lits Federal Union. I Tin: Nkw Yons l iv-DooK is an indej cit'l . lit Dc inucra I if jonriial, hol.iin v, iih tho l.t :c Scii.i ' tor D-n.glas, that " this tiov, rami nt is inad-j oil the w hit r hit-is. bv white men, for the beiiflit (f I wliile nu n und their posterity forever." It is a large doubio sheet, w itli , 10 f-t ;.',( o.oV,hm of , rending mutter, nail iu all rcspiels whether Iu,- I Markets, News, Literary or Agricultural i:,f, rota tion is not inferior to any at a political orf.i'iiiiy 1 newrpaper. In its political department, it grap- ,,liv f iv T,.hici, Cil r,,f i..t ,1.0 sweeninc" march of Abolitionism. D is Democratic in the true scn-e of the term the defender of the People'- lit. but is tho upholder of no parte !ii.-an'.iy or trickery. It is rot only for PEACE, but it shows How, and how only, piiniaiii itt pe;o-c can bo t l- ' tained. iiuii ihi.t glorious White Man's tit vent ineiil of Washington be rcst-.rcn, vi?. : by tlie iu ter rout, o ertbrow and extermination of Al,,,li-t:oiii-ui t rim A an 1 iean soil. i T'HB l.Y-l'ii'"K is now the only wml.ly judit- ( icsl paper in New York in 1 lo up i xelu-i iciy for 1 country circulat it it. AH lit" olhcrsare ri-hushed , fioni the columns of some daily paper, which n-n- ders it nhnc.-t iiitjei. mMo In give so compUto and , general a suc.mary of tho i.ews as in tlie other 1 case. 1 er.-uns about sunscniiii.g saottni taiie in I into consideration, Democrats must to if. al- so that round papers arc circulated among t ,.;r.. 1,1. .t.. 1 .r it,,, People, or A li.tiition'.. tn w ill never he put clow 11. .Til All who tletiie to refute I lie nrguineiil? of Abolitionists, slruil 1 reed the DiV-DooK. ti;i;m.s. Ono Copy, one year .... J2.0H i Thro Copies, one year - j,!)" I Five Copies, one year - - - - 7, id Ten Copies, coo year, und one to tlio getter- up 0: the (Tub M.00- Twenty Copies, one year, and ono to the get- , ter up of the Club - :i,0il . Additional Copies, each - l,-u The na.rcof the Post-Olhec. county, und State. should in all cases, be plainly g.ven iu every let- ' ' J " tr,', , . , , ,, ..I ayioonl a ways m advance, and .1 pa te will be stopped when the tun-) of subscription paid for expires. Ad.lro-s, Address, VAN EVR1 E, HOIITON A CO. Ko. 162, Nassau slreel, N. Yolk. I SPLCIAL OI'TEKS. j t We desire this year to jdnee before a million of I j northern readers the great doctrines the lM v BooK finishes on the question of tho Usees. We . confidently believe if this journal w ere placed in j ! th hands of one-half the voters of the northern Nlulea hntwnpn lliia tim. ntiit ViirfliiiVir. lSlli. the ' rinmosrati rnl.l nut fail 1.. .flrrt tbn nn'l Prcsi at . dewtinl cletion. We therefore make the loliowing ' offers, not in Ihe light of prizes, und not even he t n i l i. ..r. i.,.,i.i r.,r , .,, ...nr.',.iv i,t- furi it l.ut solely to secure a ide iiie:iiiniIion 0f the doctrines w"bich we firntlv believe will snvo ur country : ('IV Pt OF TWI'NTY ! i For a club ef Ucr.ly. beside Ihe extra paper now oflered , w a wt 11 send a ct py c I Dr. an l.v- rie s great work on " .Neg-oo ami .Negro Ma very, of ("" "'" f'1""'" f' '"'' " J"pt r"a- rr"'' Cue JJollar. i. J.L, LSi Ur rirli. j.(;r . c,ub of Fif at $n, we ill ffni ()D( t,xtra ,,, a fvete set of our ..inti.AboIition Publications. ''the t rices of whi. h. taken together, amount to $2,76 CLUBS OF ONE HUNDRr.D. Id relation to clubs of one hunrcd, we will say Ibis: Whoevarr will send as one hundred subscri bers at osi timk, the olnb to he sent to ova sn orts, ami begin and and at the same time, will - receive the papers .t f 100. Novfmaer, 1 IstiS. V. E., II. A CO. - ' T OBF.RT J. WALLACE, Atroavrr at Law XV Clearfield, Pi., OEce io Stsw'i P.ow, op ostts U Journal oSca. dec 1, l6J.tf A tll'illl V I'M'I.YI I; A I !.l a n ui: HAT Mill, ;. I II. 1: TOMC l in: At 1 1 11 ti i. Aol Mil;c Drunl.ditls. (jorniau !iUers, rKM'Ai.-i-.i. nv !)!(. C. .M. JA( KSr,, PCM. vdi:i mi t. p.. Will Fffcctwally-nnd Most Cei '.;iir.!v cu u i: a 1. 1. Di ska AltlSlMi rilOM A DISORDERED LIVER. SIOSIACH .,t KID2JET3 HOOF LAND'S (.- K II MAN I'.ITTF.liS Will cure every cae of t'!ir.,;iie or Nerv ti' Debtlily. Dis-.i.-e o the Kid neys, und It'isetises mi.-ing from tl 1 i s -l t'lereil Sloinileli. OC-;i:!i'F. 'I 1 1 1". I'olJ.nWIMi SYM1'- t .lus resulting from liisotders cf thu liijic.-livo (irgutis : C 'li-ii-pation.iri-ward Pile.--. V ii 1 1 n e ss ( r Wood to tho llcml, A'-iiiity of (lie Stomach, Nau.-ea Ilea i tl, ni ii, Di.-giist lor Food, Fulness or AV vi li t in tho Stomach, S.mr Erin: ta tiom, Sinking :.r I'liit'oring lit the Pit of the Stomach, swim . miii of tho Ileinl, Hurried and Difficult lireiiihin;: F!ult:rin;; r.t Heart, CboKin or ;ti!)'oc;iting Sensn t Httiions when iu a lying posture, Dimness i of Vi. i. ti, Dots or Wibs before Iho Sight, Fever and dull pain in tho ; llouil, Deficiency of Perspiration, lellowness of Skin und l.yes, 1'iiin in tlie side, Duck, Clictt, Limbs, f i'., Sudtlon Flush es of Heat, Durning in the i'lo-h, (.'onslnnt Imaginings of Evil a n tl great l'c p r e.-sien of i. i r i t 3 . i l'AUTlrri.Art NOTICE.-For those wln - '. sire a ml w ill have a Li inr liiiters, we pi.l'lli lite f, 1!. -.t in receipt: iet one bottle lloolland's lien::, -i Hitter.- niel mix witli T' r r Vi'" ''" ' : ';'., ' ;,.i.,'. it ;..'..v. It:,, I t!r rceilll 'till Iv in jr. pitr.ttioti tit i,t will Jur t . c in int .In it'ii v::--I lues and trtjo cTrccllencn any ei' the numerous ! I.i (nor Ilittirs in the inmket, -,. will .-nf ,' -. Von will bno all lite v i t t u.-: of JJ.iln:'l ; llitt-.t i n coitiK i tinn w ith a .;.,. arlicln ol l.io't'.r, itit a niii.'h lc.-. price than tltc.-o iTil'citoi prcp.ii.i- I tiot.S W'i;l Co.'!, Veil. 1 liOOl''LANI)'SCr.!;MAN iitti:i:' 1 WILL (IIVI- Yt'U A GOO 1) A P P FT IT E, i Will j;ive vou ; srr.oxG ni-Ai.Tiiv nfkves, I Will stivu vou ilUMSK AN1 KM'KOKTIC FEELINGS. Will enable y"ii t s 1. 1; i; r w 1-; l i. , ! And v. ill (ic-itivi ly jtreveiit YELLOW FLYEl:, DlLLIul'S FEVER, Ae. Jltnse snllering 1mm l.rolccn Uow n ana Oeli Deli- cr.to Constitutions, from what-ver cause, ciilier in I ,.u.lT, ,,f :;j ,,r.olli lii ertv. il w:'.l u Mulc cr Female, will liml in lloollaml's (U'Hnan Mnt'.y oppoio the IcIPT at..i 1:10 spirit ofo.tr f.i Li'lers. a Heine, ly that will restore Ihem lo th.ir ,.,, l aiu) ,t,0 nJvoc:i"f of sound iK-trine, ti-int! ii.otph. .such has U. ntiie ease ill H1...1- , rMil ,i.,,.r;,.;ii. frremci el.U I..- Mti-tJ t; Ibe i m!- of in.-iaiiccs. and a lair trial is but repute 1 1 r(vvi.,v ,7 ihcir light,-, ihcirlibcriie.-, ll- - i'. to prove the a-.-erti .ii. ,nnil , ,i,.ir limit' d alnl v. eii let! t:-:d V'Verntiient, '"' r '" ;hi iJ'I'crs arc NOT Aleho- ,.!C miMi(.., .i.j.;,,,, f the IHIol. hohe, and NOT it:'., tt lcl us a llevirtwe. j '..." andiv ;:!tpte--'.i .v-li . 'l'.v U, ca The l.rt t ricr,.rs have tlit utatid- ""Letters from tbe most cniii'.eiu Cleru vnicii, Lawyer-, Phy.-i- ' citins and Ciii.ens. 'J'ciil.i in-; if their own per- ' final kliowliolif''. to- t'.e lit-ticfi'-lal iti'ccts und' metlieal virtues ,t' the.-o 1 itters. 1 (-....i .'. r. .. .v-! .'.-..-.i, . '., rni'T iii- i'.n C'f' l jiil'" "j J.'t iijU'itH h tl'nrl"lrr. Although not di'p'ifed lo favor or recommend Patent Medicines iu general, through di.-Iriist '" '.''?"' lients and effect.--, I yet know of no sufficient reason w hy a man may not testify to the benefit, Le bclicvi.; lii:n,elf to have r- ceived t cm any simple ('reparalinii, in the hope that he la.-y thus contributi' to the benefit of o'hers. I do this the n.ore readily in rcgird to 1 1""f Ian l's tr'-nnan Litter.-, prepared by Dr. t.'. M. ,l::el,viii. ol Ibis ctt,', 1 cain-t them lor ititinv ati-e t was firejnilieott art-, under the impress- ion tiiat they were chiel'.v an ulcol die mixture. 1 it ti: Es-p lie i in. 1. 'bled to my fr'iciid Robert Slineniaker, , ,,r ibe removal of this prejudice by j, roper , and for encouragement to try them, when ring from great and long Continued debility. The use of three bottles of theso Kiilers, at tlie beginning cf the present year, was followed by evident rt-li f . nt?d restoration to a degree of ! nl- ! "J"1"" , ,uu" V "" " 1 .t". ..1. .... : 1 .1 . 1 -. : I. : ..u I I. 1 -. .1-1,1- - : .. 1 UI oil 1 1) st ocittri', 11 11 11 .tan 11 1 nit is 1 tit', airei. to re- gaining. I tlierelore tltanK Imd line! toy Inent. I r liiructins me t.i the 11-e of th,::). j .!: MiWI'iiN 1IIOWN. I Pliilnd.lphia, Juno 2.:. Ifil. Diseases of Kidney-, nnd P.i.i l.i Aged, Mulo or Female, are tyrt an l speedily rc-'ored to health. Youn? cr removed . l.ly Icli"t.ie Children those ; if.eiingfrom Maras-intt-. watting awav, with scarcelv nnv flesh on their bones, are cured in a very short time; one noiue in sut-ii c-i.-ys, w in nave a moil surpriMng enect. 1 Parents bav !ng suirering cbiblr-.-n a-ubove, ant. '1"S lh""'tiSr rcSrct ,!!0 ,U' I they coin lot need with these Hitlers. Lit-'niry men, Students, and thoso working , tl,pir ,,rin fhouM u n , , (.,uml., .,:.,', no,ir 0K , ' ,. wi!i I ,.., .,, ,., ,,, : lp , il(.,h ,, ., body, ii.vigor.il ing and not deprc-'in. It is not a Li'iuorfliiuuliiut, nnd leaves no f ros tratioii. ATTEN TION, SOLDI KR And the friends of Soldiers. We call the attention f all having relations "r friends in the army to the fact that "lloolland's durinan liiiters" w ill euro nine-tenths of th dis. rases induced by exposures and privations inei dent to camp life. In the lists, pubii-hed alnwst - j daily in th nowspuprrs. on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large proportion arc suffering from debility. Every ca.-e of that kind can be readily cured by llnolland'r dertiiun Hitters. We have no hesitation in Fluting that, if these liiiters were freely used anion; orr sol diers, hundreds cf lives might lie saved that oth- erw ise would be lost. The pro, ri, -torj ore daily receiving thankful lctlrs ft ,:n stifT. rer Infh: art.iy u.td hturntals, who have been restored to health by tho use of tbce Hitters, sent to them by their friends. UK WAKE OF COUNTFUFF.IT.S! See that the sipnntnrotT "C. M. JACK'ON" is on the w asri'KR of each Hottl. Prlre per Itotlle rents. r hair ditr.t ii lor t. Should your nart drnggist not have '.be arti cle. do not le nut oil bv nv of the In toxical in a preparation that msy be offered in itplur, s enei lo us, ana wo will lorwirti, securely j.' "-.. by express. Principal OtTiee an'J Manufactory. No. Ill Art b street, Puilidclpbia. I .TONLS Jb LVAN, ( Suecetinrs to ('. .M. Jsc sso.i i Co..) I t" riftors. ftrFor sal at Ilartswb At Iltiiion's tore, Oajfieltt, Pa. wf 1 'Bf ri; isi'i.ri i mm, i-i;i lii tl.,,..! ... . , II ,, : ',.... (I' '1 111: v. 1 1. 1 T"; i ;,.i b. n 'ii 1. , In, t ion ol' v r i .im r 1 nti v nc P"I , , it ; .t lr t ' T" Ihnti In o.oi 0 ml,.,., r itf'i'tv'M, lilnl rB-b'' III I I. I t'. Will, Hi,. fi.,i lv iniTi . i. i . it t... , i j ; , : 1 it ntt't' It' ! 1. .tl.in ' li' limn 1 lii ,. , . v Vi ),);.. iii.it t. m'.v h i nf , ',:..! oil 'H MMHl '.'! lint 't .., o. . , t .-.n ; ' motion II,..'. Hllii-. tlx. I i .i :iii I t Ii o :iu:lmriiv i f t1" t o ,t ,1 -trio I I ntt, I tlivi U' ! , titi,; po r 1. "in the i,. t." f 'n l'" I,. I ''.I 1 1 p. iv.'h . : the win-: 'ni l tli:it t i u' o no I t'.lut: no inuiins i - m. c!leeii ,- us the d: I7.it. ,'il,l,' ae, I et.t -rt ri-in" newspapers of n i,;il kiiowleilj") ntnoti the winkitt.' tliinkiii men, und the voting uku ol 1 Enter;, rite, in lu-iry, and nimiev v',l it Uv ixptniK'd til inaKc THE WORLD r i.,rl . ii Nl.U'.-i'Al'Ell l.N A.VLIUCA. lis cv rv pit it cf the w ,;rld wilt 1.0 earlv f.ews f, ntvl let I. . lie. Wherever tV telcrijoi ct., ' rat run, or steam! !. pi,. , il will . Itilc-l inu liL't'iic, It 1:4:. a lar.'jc ti. " plisltcl coiiifp'.i dei. is .'itb nil the !' liltrs, w-b't nill telo;rt:tp't c.'id Wf. hlle-t 11, V. s fl-olll thn ari,,lis reals i has cori-espontaiits and rt pollers in -i .tl mid coiiiini icial centre in Ai:"',i. rope, whoso letlcn, and dispaiche notliin worlhy ol nolo unknown In i'.: Tho Market U"p"ris of the Wei:,l tl o ill! ..in liutu readoi ' are mora couiplcle ihnn those ol nny ulhor new.-7 n.Oi . :Tho ieii'ors invite cv nipnrisoi; in ii.peet and point in the reports ol tiic I'af'e Matnei-, the penrral nnd cniuitry Produce Mm kei-, ai'd tlie Ai .me v Markets in its ccluinns, a- r .ml of its cxcclle. ie i.i tills respect. Tho V, t.i hs also " speei.il dsparlment d.-vofed to A "i.' tllare. jlilled with I'ditot:.:! articles, eomii:i:iiicnliwii. jlrom practical f.irri'cis und seleetoU ut,... j kins a vnlunble nnd useful paper for ll 0 i'aittiurj uinl iMechunie.- of the c I The wur in which tho nation L a-nl I itfTiiinst ti mcd and infatimteil Rebels, und ill,' 1 railicni policy of too administration w-'iic' pro ' k'Prs it, have conspired to biine; togebv.;- 1 poa : one pint form all conservative-, lin,iH .... I t',-no ' tution -loving men, of whatever I'uruicr nnme end ' creed. Many of those who, within th-j ,i,nus of t'.t ) I C'ln.-iiiutioa, fouuht the battU ol th 1 balUt b... ltnilcr the lentlcr.-hip of thofe patriotic s':ite;;.i.-:t ' of other und better days, Henry Cla;, ..i l D.r.".iel V.'cbstcr, together with tho musses who: ) p.i:..-i-plea w ere tho-c of Mich pall iots as A" irew I je!, son and William L. Marcy, Silas ii,!:t .ind ; Slcpbcn A. Douglas, now stand shoulder t , : ii ' Alcritpon I'.c Kinte platt'-irm iin.l tfi iec . in e I t imcr. Tlio platl ,rtn is a plain nn. i: u o f, ,',.i. tttr 1 '!,'.. I, l.nlthluni tin (n;it.h' .rifl. (I,. ' ,..,ive lir if" ,. V Ii.' tcvi-r iiiakis . - t' -ud, tiic exc ci-j of f. ret in' tbe p Jicy of 0 .-1111: it .1 1 1: World w i'i 11, 1 recti I e ; whatever nr!. '.. a . u.'si il, !),c Wor'tl wiil oppus.?. it Ti!l ipjieie cc ry cnfTty to tj whclh'-r united in rebellion -t lh ' in.-idiiili-Iy phititiiig tiiO .'Is cf , lit 11 essentia! '!i: l-.y 1 iiy t'.e N,.!,',:. tf will (iT.pi.-e - c-y i.l.'tion of the tion, which is Ibe only hope, anl hui I :t':d t ttr or.!y a 1 1 1 1". '. 1 i t y I'tr cx'i'j.-tiog .' i; the .-.'.ie'-i-tnre -f tho Poutb. It will "pt t.-e every infritilion of t!t ' I Ii or . in I tiitn- It il'tl . til'", ij i--.i t.le J : .-' b.:j l.lh (date- oi partisan , cr I i.-l low. I 11 t.-o a. 1 y tho a.itiiiiiltt' atn ', bt.'ii llteir c.i'i'.:,'.,i. It w ill fc, : 1 :.--ly c.'.erei- the Vi 'ti , i'S ,- it will c.iritaiit'v npiii'ld nrol tlo.Vad ml iif' f h ,"t:'l 1 , ;':c iiwlers acts f the i o the ltw let-act r the Adimri.-'i-.itiu: ; arbiiiar" and utijiitt arresls and crpai . i.rtoii 1 iiii ni.tl of the lights P. tbo 'trit of o.k ' it - i, Iclt'iI .r.'c:. 1 inations, 'u n'-r '."iti .'1 ' s .and lodcral laws, lis Ue.-pota-ikc-::'..'. ' n , t of - : ,,r,1tfi r,u-,,r. e.n.l 11- subvert',,,,..- 1 i'i.' :,( 1 tubute nil t.tat it t.t.-y t the pieai wo:, ol t.ns gcntriio.n. namely, ou- nuti,,til unity, and tn hi"" tho L'uited States njain f : ' tiici among the nation- of lite earth, and li ,1 in the .. I, pn sperity, i.nd Imppiui rs ( I '. I"" plc Tlih W OliLi; 'C' irotu u.-.so who desi: J suih thing! their t;ui a thy and sappcrt, r. i, a'oo. c itti, f;'v.'r "f iimi wiet crisis every good work. TLLMS: Daily uv'.ii. Ycuily Subscribers bv in. il, : : 5 itt S uii-tVeeLlv World. Singlo fubseriber--, ; r annum, Two copies to tutu ad lro:j, : I Inrce l'iv-i I Ten " " " : 1 j We.-I.iy V eii.I. Jf-i.V subscriber'-. ;, , r anii'iiu, : ' Three copies (address on e"!r rpcr) ) Five " " " Ten Twenty cities (all '0 one address) : i! (Tubs' nf twenty. or over cm havo 'heir address put on cie-ii p iptr for uu additior ei charge '.f ten cents each. Ft r i rsty club of tiunly aa eMra etpy will ntlti.'ii f ir tiic g'.'ller un of il,,) ciu'.i. For every club of f ly, ibe Semi -We-!, ly, unl for every club of on" bun lr !, ihe Diily will be sent, tri' J, fr.i Ml'.l, I'I II' 11 f , Lin rr-i c jnt II'..... Additions to (Tubs may b.' :na l i.t i::.y tiius at sail., rate.;. Paper.-enyuot be i.,1"tii'-ed from ono Club to cnt ile r, but on re,et o the person orderin- (Tub, and on receipt of fifty cent extra, single papers will be ttikou f- the Club . ntt i sent to one a nire All orders must be a-companis I bv th Address TIIK vt1.j. Cu?n. ;. Park I'.oiv, Nnv York. J.eriuary 6, I .'HI. F!VM I T Ct:M)l TIOX.I tlie 'Jlcar lield County Ayrlctiltura! ir-.-iv lor tlie year eiiiUn' I llli Jauii.ry, i0 1. " Amonn! In hsnds of Treasurir slU-t tett'.'MC -nt, - 1 ruin inembership, and at gates dur ing Fair, - County order for 1SCJ, t i y 617 loO 1,1-Cd ti Ta nn't paid Marshal do dj da do do di do do dtt (lalo-kcepers, si no n oo 21 vo i i do Ticket Agents, Police, Musi'-, Secret arv. ?.i en Work on t? rounds, tl 7.i In nt in i Irnund Rent, 2 yj, 11.0 ou 1 reuitunii paid, i'..J Os $ ViJ 71 Balance in bands of Treosnr r, $ '.H bj Atir-.t, D. 1. ETZH EILLU, January fi, listl. DR. A. H. KILLS D"2 rsII:Kl to ill- ".'IU Lis r" i io't prtii-.ttse n- , -v't, r ji'.ft al business twljn rt - -- S ' . Liiu tc 'u'j ofV afl but ( -.it Iho I i" thirH'., :.d be w1'' loirei io w.- p- i.i i-i ii.- . i r t .-.i ". u V ' J''.V.V'" ! ' '-7 of I I "v,'"sw " . . afja l,u. ! place tins u in eat r ; t ut may be f und t Lis oiiie n tno ihwt c -. i nrr of Front and Min sireets al aU t tc. escni'L Dnisji whsn notio s;(cri la tba town r irr to tb - y 1 Aontrary. July '. V - '. 00 nt r,.i u no no .id no Oil jal-