m ik If M 'CASK it A Vt '' V . 0.' B'OOODLANDERJ Eaito an1 Proprietors. PRINCIPLES, not MEN. TERM2 01 50 Ptr arm. n p-v; hi ..'auc- VOL. XXXIV WIIOLUNO. 17.3. clkakfikld, pa., Wednesday, fkmujaiiy a ir.ok new semi. s vol. i- A ' k, . tar Mil MM AUKS Ok' ' HON. WILLIAM A. WALLACE In the iSfnale vf '.rot llcanlu, Jan. ', 18111. j Wo have heard, sir, with no littles pict ure, tho 'earned urunicntaml the admira tie piece of mosaic, which our friend, tho i Senator from Philadelphia, (Mr. CON-'. . . . . , ... ', ... ' v ,'thebodv. ''bach bouse shall liidee of the NELL,) has elaborated at ourexpenso' lf,i ,,r ",. ,, ., . . ,, , " , 1 , , (iiiallJications ol its members, lias fanaii. ir. ho menus to say thai we are tlia rovo-; . .. . . . , . . . , . . ,. , , , . ihati jutliienf CuY uuali luattvui of lis memwrt. lutionists of this chamber, wo deny and, . , ' .." ,,. . rpudiate it. If, sir, he means to assort that in standing behind the ramparts of 4i . 13 . . theConstitution, in plaeing ourselves upon the "nmsty " precedents of seventy years and upon the landmarks of the past mark ed out by by tho men who framed the Con stitution of IT'.'O, and who administered it for thirty years ; if, sir, he means to say that in this we are puilty of using red tape, sirs, we glory in the red tape; nnd I, as one of the sixteen cmoerntic Senators upon this floor, (ami I speak not nlono for myself, but for each nnd all of us,) will tver stand behind these ramparts nnd up on these "musty" precedents, sustaining AhiK doetrir.c of red tape. Sirs, you nro in t evolution, and you know it not. Sirs, the 'muty records" of tho pasture those that yrcerve to thispoople their liberty, their property, their ancient birth-right; find are these t'no ''musty precedents" ol the prut and this Constitution, formed by tho fathers of the Revolution, to be swept out of existence, to be ubrogated, and new pre cedent and new doctrines to be initiated here, because, forsooth, to-day we have learned that they are red tape? Sirs, al though younger in years than the Sena tor from I'hiladelpha I am one of those il,l fashioned men who believe in stand- inpbvthe t,chin,.sor (he past; who be- lieve there, and there alone, are we to find .letv now and in the future. And, sirs, as i i-.,r'l t!.i Constitution, wo are right nnd vo.i are wron?. If you desire an ' organ i- ", ..;,, r.f II, is .vn,,ln l,v in Heaven's name do yo'i not oi L'-mize il ? II the can- ' ron as pointed u the Capitol, nnd wo Ji.i 1 organization by which to vote men nnd ir an? to save th Commonwealth, is it a' '' r,l.iors the responsibility is to ret? J-' rs rest upon the history of the past, "upon :!.e letter cf the Constitution. Y..a .ifst upon tlif iv-'ents of to-d'iv. We say loyoii. Kcp .b!ie-tii Senators, if such were Hhe ease, i! upon yevr heds rests the res nt'-iibility, it is in .y.;t.r hands to organ- ii lii s bodv, and v" f-il to do it. J will state the legal propositions that I 11,0 'h elect." ielieve conchi ive upon this question-! Wo have here the law for the precedent bear with i:.e uhiKt I state them. The that was cited with disapprobation by he Constitution of the Commonwealth of Senator from Sus,Uel,nnr.a. (Mr. Tunvll.) lVtmsvlva.ia-aid I cite it, however I fai'1 lh,u 11 was nlstom llial oud,t "musty and at fuuated" the proceedings to y oliliol, that tho custom ofadmin nr.y be-the Constitution of Pennsylvania istcring the oath of office after the elcc- pnvides. in Feotion l'i, that "the General lion Wi4S a CUilo'n Assembly shall meet on the flr-.t Tu.s.lav ' Ml-' Tl R,,,;' 1 fni(l lhnl thfi fadi-'e in Janmirv or eveivyear unless sooner of allowing men to act officially without ivonveneil by the Ooverner." What is (he nriloa of an oath was a practice that General Aivmhly ? What is defined, in ought to bo abandoned, the first Bioticn.0f the same aiticlo ? Tho' Mr. Wallace. Then, Mr. Speaker, I 1. relative power of this CVmonwealth it It til bo vested in a Senile end a House ef l;.M.vesentattves. Thus we have what tho "wor.is "Ceneral Assembly" mean: a Sen- :e and a house of UenreseiUntive. . Now we i.r.s to section 11. "Kach house hal! ehco.- its Speaker and ollicers. Tho J-i'i.a'e ,'liall nlso eheose a Speaker i;v ten i) tv whin the Speaker shall exercise the,1'011 sworn, he is to ndmniister the oath office of iiovei'itei'." Now, the lirl query j i:-, what do l,heo wcrds '-each house" us lis,-d in the eleventh section mean? Tho i'lteoretation given to them by tho fir.t - section of article I, shows that they mean Senato aud a House or Representatives. ' "Kach houso," then means a Senate or a , House of Kcpiesentatives. There is ia addition to this obivious ' meaning, another monning. Thev havo reference to Ac duration cf the existence of those two bodie?. These word .'c.:, .liouso" measure the time during which tho-otwo bodies are to exist. If tho .."Worth "General Aisembly" mean a Iliuse , A a Senate the words "each house" mean each Senate nnd each House of Kepresen- lalivos and thus we havo each Sennit ehall ehco?e its Sy,lcr and other oJhcera. Thero is no evad ng this construction. It is dear - ly and distinctly laid down by the words ' ..C ,l,i ,ln.,nmAnl itA1f Vr.iv la 4 X IV . "1 IIIV Ul'l. U.UV.l . 1 WW... V" , la t,.j Vt,,lUlC .. tho Senate that existed last year or the ,i . nn t i benate that exisla this year ? 1 bus I say , . r1 , tllrtt, ItlO pliUIl Ultu nullum uicniiiuk, ; these two sections of the Constitution ' . . . . . 1 bearing upon the duration of the existence, 1 of this body, is, that each Senate, shall It j Q,aoIap an A ei fifTiPors TliA words hero are. plain and they limit audi 1 VUIUIUI lUo COnbirUCllUli. .IO naiu kiira7 f words "each house" Usod no les than six j of 1803, for example, a Speaker is elected ; any act d b Uje .)resent Legislature, tune in artido first. Let us see how they that Speaker remained in the chair as the auJ aMefcleJ by j0ijD P, Ponney, the . arousnd. VVe take the section imniedi- Speaker of the Senate uutil the meeting sraler of tbe S(nftle( nnd an,r0Tcj ty Mely following section seiond : ' of the General Aswmbly in the uccoed- j tho GoVernor, would not be held to be a . . "Lach house shall judge of th qualifl-. ing January. That Is the consistent rracTllli(1 Uw in my c0(jrt in tbis common cations of ite members." tice of this government,, Sow, if thm be , wealth. Now, how absurd it would lo to say that tho honso thut sat last year shall judgo ol tho qunlifioatioiiM of tho Senators who mot hero this year. It, i-t contrary to common senso; it is contrary to every going, .Senator term expires tu ll:o (clo tule of construction ; so thai 1 y the plain her eleetiou is n new Speaker elected, word of section 12, the words 'each bouso' There is another point to which 1 ask fulfill I., tlirt iltit"ilinn n f I Im a v i at mt, -.I nf I i l-o nH.mltnn of f lift Stminm TT.i itiil ,MiD III DliVIUII IU 11119. tmi- punpo "Knch house may deteruine tho . ,, ... , rules of its proceed proceedings." Now, shall it bo uaid that the Senate of last year is to de termine, tho nilei of the proceedings of this body. If that be tho truo construe tion, then we havo the rules of last ses sion in full foreoand governing us. Suedi a construction has never been attempted : to he set up, nnd it is contrary to good j sense, tho section continues : "punish its members for disorderly behav ior, nnd with the concurrence of twotLirds, expel a member, but not a second time for tho same cause. Can it ho said that these words "each house" monn that the Senate that sat here las year has the right to expel a member of this body ? Certainly .not. No man will contend lor such a construction. Then if these wold in sectionss 1" and lu limit the construction they do the suoie in sec tion 11, and tliewoids "each house" have special refeieneo to tho duration of the ex istence of each body ; thpl is, the sessions of each house commence on tho first Tuesday of January and last until the first Tuesday of January of each succeeding ycai . We hove, then the words and the eon- loxt to ""fining our position. What cxt wo have to susta.n our position? I po back again to the " musty records" that ftr ci,,l ,vith disapprobation by tho Sen- 'xlor fin,n 1'hiladelphia. Here on the ftiltllte book, I find ft law of 1 SOI, that r'eser i'es i ne uioite oi uiiiuinisieriiig inu oath to the Speaker of this Senate. What nrj its words? "Hint when either branch of the Legislature thull have made choice of a Speaker the oaths and nllirmn tinns prescribed in the Constitution oT this Coimmin wealth nnd in tho Constitution of the United Stales, shall be administered to the Speaker elect by n member appoin ted for the purposo by a majority of mem bers present; and. tlio Speaker so sworn or affirmed shall administer tho oath to W "' nn"fr ,0 the argument of llie Senator from Sus.juehanna is found in of "1C,S0 ""'""'y I'recedents" that has been upon the statute books of ll.o Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for sixty 'irs- 11 is to tlay tljU liUV of tLe lan(!- that the Speaker ot the Senate is to bo sworn before entering upon his office, and to the incoming Seuators. We have thus the law nearly cotemporaneous with the provision in the Constitution. We have, then, the continued praetie, without asin- P' precedent to hre. the continuous ', cl",in fnn" 1T0 1 to this day. ,' Thui we have the obvious meaning of wori,ti' 1,10 '&text, the law, aud the practice, all according with our position. r'1" lheic is nnother thin? upon which it , nppcnra to me Senators err-and I refer as well to Senators on our side of the liou.se as lo natnrs on the other tide of the house. It is this, that ro Spep.ker was over elected at the close of a session unless the Speaker who vacated the chair was an out-going Senator. That has been the practice, I asert, from the tomiiicnce- ' dent of Iho government. Now, if that. , he true, there is no law and no precedent j for the oleetiou of a Speaker at the close ; r.f 1 , .. iU m t 1 I. a .,1, I. , I'I DCTSIUU 11111 II lilt" IIIIU'I III Hit 111,111 . . . , . . w not an out-going Senator. And I refer . ,i f . to the very last cases upon record the . ui.iusi. ui flJaillliaS, 111 INtl, ani JMT aParsie,iu 1ST.'. They held over there I ' . . . was no election at the close of the session. , Every Speaker in the chair since lfl has I liPin An nut. trn n ir Sunnfr fi 1 ..,.1 then, to these "musty records," and you . 41111A w ..iv wuimiiivm.1 .11, vi biiu j true, tlio election of u Speaker at a prior ( session amount to nothing. Fault Senate fleets its Speaker at tlio commencement of tho session, and only because tho out- i . . .. . ,. . ' .. w here do wo lind tho expiration of the I. . . . ., ,,. ., , term of each house' Sirs, tho Constitu- I . . . , i lion provides that tho people at tho polla I , ,. , . , ,. .liail Cllil j I'UI CAI31VJILC X UU 1 VU"UI W 1- nato branch, the Nouso, meet the people annually at tho October election and therti thoy surrender their powers to them. And, sirs, wo here too havo our powers defined and our time limited. Two-thirds of the members of tho Senate hold over, w hile the terms of ofiieo of the remaining third of the Senatois expire on the second Tuesday of October, and the Speaker that is elected by the preceding Senate, being u Senator who hold;, over, comes to tho chair at tho incoming session. Then comes with the records of his office, the Secretary of tlio Commonwealth, and be brings to the bar of the Senate and to tho man in tho chair, the official notification that the people have said his duties are at j nn end. Sir, when the Secretary of the j Commonwealth comes to the bar of the Senate with the certificates of the election ! of eleven new Senators, iiiere i.i anew ele-j ment in this' body, and the man in the chair has official notifea'ion under the Constitution of the Commonwealth, that his duties me ended ; and practice, prece dent and law rcijuiro that he should leave the eh; ir. In the pa-t. he has always j left it, hilt now e find a Spci.ker attempt-j ing to retain it, sustained by the Scnn'ort from Philadelphia, and the name of Usui- ; per given to him with congratulation. Siis, the doctrine of a perpetual organ i-j zation is contrary to the gonious ef our in- j slituiions. Sirs, that int.. l.:. me i it'z iiei ct dies" is not the doctrine of n, rcpublica government; and, sirs, that the creature ,.1'lt.f. ,.n.,l,l. ..., 1.. nn, Inn tl,.. r,, ,.,u ('. law lasts forever is not the doctrine of a republican government. I a-k gentlemen if they know whither tliey too teiidin ask them whether they are not becoming ari"tocratic in their tettdeneiej ; whether this doctrine that tho Speaker never dies is not very nearly parallel with the doc trine that the King never dies. Sirs, we have always a Senate composed of at hast two-thirus of the entire number: and whethcr the chair be vacitt by reason of the death of the Governor nml of the Speaker of the Senate, or because of r , ? t. , . ll failureon the part of the Senate to , , . , ... .. . , r elect, amount, to nothing. 1 he right of sovereignty in this government rests not it: tut) i:ir,iiuill3 Ul lliu --lnlsilluilotl, nut rests in the people. They have here a I ody chosen for the purpose and vested with full power to fill the place. The precedent of K;S that was cited tho t.-eii years nf iige, i.nd is the. uaiij.'.!- pi-'-po-e, r.o com promise lo off-r. inthing other day by the Senator from Lycoming, ol' n man li:ii;ied Iliil. '1 he pair wt nt torelraet. l-'rewn, si-, ftet, foatn, pie if of any vaiue to Senators, they are wil-,os l;" il'",n Medina tw Wi'lliiiu'lori. a j.are your weapons, threat, strike, shoot, come to it. Sirs, when you set up the at- . . r i i t i . . temnt of one branch o, this Lc"is a ure to ... vi :- :.: : . .1 - . .1 ...:n tin, 11 tits piiMituu tiganisi in- e.prc -t n in i-if tlio nnotiln nt ilii litillrtt. l,rv ns n nroef " ' ' ,l.,i,t nn clnin Ilia o.niltnii it, 'it loll i.lii.,,i..ii..iU .... ..ov.v. - are for revolution ; you assume that the "Huckshot war" cives lo you a precedent. Sirs, if vou'take anything by the preee- lUtoNW wo concede it. We deny tho value of the precedent. It was at a time when designing men had worked revolution in the State ; il wa at a ti.Tio t , it against the will of the people ; and only after continued, determined and energet ic action on tho purt of the regularly tlec ted representatives of tho people were they compelled to yield to that will. ompuneu m yieiu in una win. le Speaker of the Senate, does not rever. He lives under the Con - ti - Sirs, the live forev lotion from January, ISO,", to January, 1 (j I. Then official notice comes to huu that his duties have ceased, thut there are in this body eleven nu n who wore not in it before and who under the Constitution of Pennsylvania are entitled to vote for the Sneaker of their choice. This is our position, and by it we will slant!. If, in sustaining these doctrine we bhall incur odium, us is said, in God's name lot it come. If in standing firmly I , , r , , , , , - . , erect in support of tho light and in lo- ' c 7 , j I fence of the principles of law and order, t ,. , ' ... , ,, . ;, , odium do come, we will glaillv receive it- . ,. , , .1 , , . I , f V.e nro standing upon the battlements of ! , , , . , ) the Constitution, entrenehetl by principle and precedent, and feel that we do but perform our duty and preserve our official i r Con sell." 1 desire to ask the Scn- , atnr frntn Ciem Held u. ouestion whether Mr. Wai.lv h. What may be lliu i ighu ..( parties who cm t-b'.nin legislation ut the hands of this I.'vMature, cones , I i n ;t , it to be orjphi.od, is c r wo have un oifani thing. You may In; one thin-. Whi'th "I body il aiiotlii'r the ,l;peaker !c i.-'o, and net the Speaker luv, W . that you are not ; peaker in accoid ance with the l.iw and the Constitution. Whilst your ucto may be Kiistained as;. Ihoso of the Speaker ,; f.iclo, that does nrtf- iirnca imvtliin.r in tlm iMMiiiiini. t I he question hero is w hether w e are to have a Speaker thai is to livo forever or whether we are to stand by the "musty 1 records of the past." and have a right to .t elect a Speak Li' tit the cnmruciieeniciit oi' a session. If you are lVr usurpation if you choose to eail it so these nro your words not mine- if you are for UHiipation, , and congratulate yotti stives upon the name of Usurper you are welcome to it. ! tu" In the coin ,u of a Sic.i h .l.divei-ed in Congress, so sii.i. of 1m;-u, !lt,n. Thiul deus Stevens hinted ihi.t 1. liiO.OxO men1 had been mustered into the I'. S. s--rvi "o, of which number only -lOiyslstj thin re mained fit tor the service. Tho ntt oi this host, namely "iIIV-h'O, had either been -killed in battle, died of disease or woui.tls. or been db: then, and 1 loodiest b bled. A year has r.asscd -inc- 'tutir.g tnat year muny t i i'i titles cf ti e war have, btv: f.i 'ht. How ninny have i'tiliuin l!i . battles, and from like can-'v which sw p awav tho Ti.M'fti il ? Who i..,n ti il ? Tl.i terrible waste ot liuaiait hie has Uoa i on-', I slantlv rett'.i ni-hed by voluntarv et.hst- mr nts and by eon.-eription, else we lnMi'd t ie imj.elurtusiy eyiirtst the encroach-' now be literally without an .irmy. 1 it'rvr'its 'I' tvrnitiy upon t be s: en ,1 prt : atiy mitigation ef the hoirots ot sinh it eimls (.four sire gii'ti ,'t l.betty. Lit u ' iiieluie to rt-liet t, thut the i erv :un.s an 1 ' ciminei litem (our ruicisj 10 return to the ' - i bullets whie.'j cau ed the slaughter of so 1,1. dmAi ks ot our futiit-rs, and to n legtli- lite iianoh oi itie I cot-is it mr , i I 1 . . . i . . 1 . I 1 .. M .. Li I office holders, ut New i oi k and where? j'hosc arc the men who h-i brawlers lor e.nliouing the w a;-. MUUKTS '01' .1 '.- whose flippant i-.iiii'uTice i-. cvi-r rcaMy 1 1 il who , i ' WU ""' rf iiet of " ti'itiioi " tor , I ' do not. hold t.-. lh ir on'mions. A A .N' littn Ki.t.n s With a Wiiit;- (!ii:i.. The .Minliliniiit' of Medina coiinty'atv bee'iiiiiii.j' t', al;..e :i- tlivy lmvc Mtt.t'ii Ihey.-l.ttli n-a;.. Tito ,;. .(" trine of in-efo e iui;iiy, m in, vocttted by t hem, is licaniij. i mat e t'f'i it in ,r;ii't jee, ate i t Ii j tin; ; i Vj ii in i .. ,y ;o . c leg,'ll I pi'ca' h- ,vr " 1:!1.t '"t.etniie c.'in Veiled with gH'inilieatioli tli.'lt llicil' l: rs i,:: i' in-! 'i : . . t . I 1 ...... 1 . I 111 !,!L. 1 . l!" 111 " " i.egt'ii amis imp tented in the mi; I' "'., , 1 ., . , . tier ol the ( oy lainny, nnd i-eci in i v the y. hl.lniud(., ' .,;;', tl,-lla. ,, f , I(.(.m!) ,.,vo Veen Mhoel.ed by the ,it (A n iK'iH'o avi i Ii :t ytuii u' he ne.ro i- :i btirbci', fttrs (ihl nnd li.is ;i wile i'lM is t liiri -ii o ; and t.lii'i eh i I .iron. Th". oii'l is ix- f '"''' ' t ' overtaken at tie Kit fl'titit'o rtri I'i'o i . . . .. . ! . . i I 'il-' K 3Ii lintt, whore the "a.,.,', 1,'e Lil'I l.l 1' Hit vf i:i yul. ite ;t;; cits i n.u liel'SUtlded liilil to t Ivpe wit - , 1 r , 1 1 . ,u,n;IUlj,.,j 1, ,1,1 to t t,,pe -Willi . .. )( ,,,,,,(,,,!,. Uj un,0 11. :,,c!iU. 1 ' I KxiAXtiMt 'Jei: J.'M.s.-Mep out into the purest air you can find; stand perfect- ' ly erect with head nnd shoulders bat k, d then fixing tl& lijig as though you 1 were going to whistle, draw the air, not through the nostrils, but through the lips 1 1 into the luius. When the chest is about full, raise llie arms, keeping them cxtoti - ded, with the palms of the bunds down, as you suck in the air, so as to bring them 1 over the head just as the lungs are iniite full. Then drop tho tLumbs inward, nnd ......... ., ..... ..u....., I ll''' gently forcing the arms backwards, ' nr-'-' "l0 ehest open, revei .-o the roeva-s by which you thaw your brent !i, till ttie lungs tire entirely empty. Tho process Fhould bo repeated thiee oi lour t i 1 1 n - a day. It is impossible lo eies -1 i I ,q to one who has never tried j the. glorious tfitse . cf k'w ' 1V'1"uv'i exercise. It is the best expeetoi unt in the world. We know a gentleman,' the menuie f f who e chest has been increased some three inch cs dining as many- nioiith. fsif In the lasl six months one huh of the w hole pvipul.it ion of Panama Las per ished from small-pox. All the churches and catliedr.'d.i are now without pastors, . . ... xhc dead ate. buried without religions eer emonies ; inun iages are perfnrmctl by l! e civil authorities or ooqsuIs, or by tliej chaplains of the war hhips. rumh says :" Mis. I'nrtii.-ton wants to know why tho Ainerit ams cannot imitalo tlio French in this last move ns in everything elne. "Why not I f-uhmit tlio iti!iiTel to arbitration She is sure jlr. Liinoom is arbitrary enough or anything" ' t For tho Hoimliiicim. . ' LETTER FROM " YO JNO 1IKSTOR." IU, to serib' mii T . ,vs'"Tip, Jan. "I , !. I, M:n'P'i:s : 1 n r-i t i!;i ry j cn 1 a iill'e tor tho 11-,,.. i;o iil.e J r,.i, ( soli um kn' l till 'I', t'J SOUIIH III.' of the dead " V..5," ftnil p( r. forui a (urge to liicmorv, for f thir.l; ,., i, in i j nut in!, , in it . 'I'l .,.1 I r. ... . ' . " '' c III LliU ,C'I KM II l.llil f VI HULL CUll Cl.l l U , - 'o.'! needs not the assistance of Leroi and lis ..'ih-riii'trnt', ink-corroded pen to make , his memory perpetual. The pages e!' his tory will teem with events which have transpired within his bounds cf time." CVidd we but .m asiire, and appreciate the vnbie of the comities gr.llrtns ttf hu man blood that has been i.lad at t li j shiii'C of Moloih; the luiihoiis of the people's money that have been s,uand-'r-ed away ; the tkrui.-'inds of piocious li'."1 that l.-nc bi en l,-:t; the ini.nmtr.ihlo lumber of bonus uia.ie tle-olate by tiie.or miff' ii.ii. ng hand of war, we woul t not .,: tv; iiii..! sin ii u n.em.dr el thetJe- j,. iteii Nay, vo wnuid v.; 'in-r sit in litooity siiencc, ti iiiKiiu v uti.in,.,. tl o. '..In, , iO' l.ij ..i.hin. .' Ira ki n enua':l ir! . Th I hick cloud thut d'Jikcned the lior i.i.jii o! M.ty-tLleo J.u.i dia'.vn is c; iin.-ta.- bued mantle tner the jnei pietil hii'M of ' 0 .t-i.vty-lour, more d. mid end appalling 1 ' tii.in before. e I l-oi'tni.e still ii o-Mis uiio n i:;i, ;i- i i u c t i in re esneciidiy tie. lined es a htibject of1 s'l.er ridicule ft ml reproaches ; yet. itheth-1 I ... . . . 1 i r ii ownii ll'i. :!, i(t U , liril r.ntV liiope, l;ut -i the 1 eft. Let Uj .-trog- c into i mate course t I action under the (. omtitu oiii s (ir.p. Ttt us sirr, tl is ( 1'tH'l unratuir.l else- siiiiV, ivhiell U ul'iviug u !'u! ioUity into such i ho gul,' t'f i um. ( le wo ife irit-trievtiblj i i'.ttt I am not gaini' to dictate to the i of Ihe TIi.im i. is. 'I hey nod no uical'T. Thy huo'.v their right.-, ami cm .-upport them like men, worll-y cf ;l.e Itat'lA. i'. t I h it'H r I Jl.'i'l SUI!' t'''n' ,1 '"- to. le-.-ond the out l'lltlb-'l 111", t itere is lilt'. I b.lkcd ol but ! the war. itmi of t h is niiml-engro " I wo hi 'ir nolhiiig bu! a.igry biek'-rin:; am ',.,. , r '.,''.. o,.. i. ,.t ,,,. I. '"' .' 1 ' .' ' ' iue uiti.vai.ing. hew-yer convincug they may lie. The lJopuMicans ol !h eatia are as tenacious m their o'.icii.ns, as it Inev ... . (the p. till ) we.-e not 1 1 : pc nsi' ,'e fer till this blood and tb.-olaiioit. Pevhaps they are not. Let their own argil ae nls ci n- nice them ofth'- fuet ; we'll try Helper; " T cr:or-i ngi inlei ei s of the South, we have fully nnd frnnkiy defined our po'itmn ; lie nave no nio cations to bring on ilvil w?.r, dis-o've the Un- "" "i liltilt :,de the lolar system .1 you w ilt tic, all those, inoro, loss, Li iter, wor.?;. . bih tiiin2 -do what .0t1wili. dis iu tan re: lier Tl ir intimidate us our pmpi-c 1, ;.s t.i'in.y I.xed ns the co,,- nal pillars of Heaven , v e havo I'LTiiK- M I N M I ' TO Al'.i'I.ISlI SI.A l.KY, A N if Sd I1LI.P US G! K WILL! '1'ale this to bed vuh you t-vnigut, urs una , think about it, dream over it, ana let us j know how you feel to morrow morning." ' Uefiier s &."!;, ''", rmje. j Fricr.ds, Kepublieans, what 00 you think o! ' thib ". Jl is nothing compared to the re.-t of the book. "1 u fail an extract ; from thousands olMnul.ir ones. 1 011 may 'read page atler page of just such madden- ,....-. ing, halt ful, devilish live-brand thrown at , the Soudi, e'dciilated t 1 excite dcord, t;id Ul tvo the s-ou'-l.t a n people to th spern Ibinrtiili a tiro: in the o' ean of iuvee tivs sboweted upon the hearts n slave-hidd-i's, f.oiu pulpit 'and fi?m ro-t:um, ' and fi om the prcas, ovt-ryv here over the North. ( m you ask m.'.iiii, " Why did. the S ,u;h set die .' " U by. yt-u can find written en the pages of the sain" book., " Against slavery and ! ivtiio'd ra wo wage an exterminating w.ir." Ah! they i u.e la-publicans) vowed cst'-rmiifti.-n. massacre, death tu the si ivehc'. let , m.d destruation to bin projierty. V iio would not fight rather "than tiiea coward sdeatii i .c , , . , , n., , i l I'll i.l'UI'l IIUL L 11' -11 " " I llll, Ml - .. , - Fiends tho" you am, you will i.ttt i .vn What is among honest people knorn , I'hat you, and you alone, arc the c.u-e 1 . .r . 1 . . , . 1 . 1. .... ....-u lf ouripjjred nation our broken itiws, l Our desolation wide-iproad, o-ir woe, iJon't hhirk the tiuth, nor answur "no.1 You nlone havo ruined our ImiiJ, i llOl. !! VOU Clisl 11 Oil .st'iTiii 11 uiu, i j f twus not f,w you, and yon al;n I secevda would hare ne'or bwen kmwr. rci'nio-! i'u... ei'i'"::.i::. M eal.:; vip in; Lt'.'OiiO 1 w;u..i n' i'i eiitit'i ,. il v i '! ..i.''l pro'" ;ito wouiiti ; it iit.M) ii'it.M.iif iit.'.;.:. ed on cur he.u is. ii ii em o h t tci'm Us, tii know th-.t i 1 ". ' ii.- to a tlisg: aceful mii', ,it! oui ci s .tin.i ,n our ears tl") v;'".' di.'tr'i.e tn..l lia-, it go to the roe'v.s ! tnoiHi.jiu Liller to them your obnoxtoi. s si i.titu: ' of disunion aud hate ; l-ul iliiii'1 t omo to us with your mouths f'.i of muihU l,u falsehood, every wort a pi.litic.d meaning) Unit hills fiuLi yoiti ui, '.::.!!; 1 tongue.-, is a bitter pan:; io our bear's. A word to the readers of inu I, ;.i i r,:.i r.s and 1 wiil wind im. 'llie wioJiii up of this 1, Iter will be t1"' iivtiio: o vt ' .N'c'loi'j " eorre .poii'.ien".:. Il ; se that 1 c.tn get. I inu t,i v. ni: aud uuuii I do writ" I air, in such a hurry li' il My thoughts beomc blende:' and cunmse i. Have I written anyllong uh.'.u n-i 'iii, "as iri!"if"1 "o leeimgj oi .my em it 1 liave it was politic.vly ,i' .. not siOci.-ty -not the nvb'. I ut tho poliiic l lot .nisi v. !,.,!. were injur" 1, and 1 hop.., pe.' ht'is vainly, that political id-!" l.iv; -.nay Hot le.ip over its beundafi".? and u-her itselt into the social ciiele. If w - .,' 'otiis r.v i pol'tii'S, let us tlo so hat nu n ot:-.lv "'el fa'I'ly. seeking atOT t'Ut'' It' tltli'.e.i ;il f r argument., not grt'pui" .hood and una'.i-iiictory t p; :tel cariv even th-we lv---... lll.'cr hose .,ii: ns, a r i lh - dci tip." ,('"" coiiversiiliou. linnds, toes, demucrati., re' : 'beans, t.i ;.. 1 i , ...i . ,.i '''"' "I"! pi'io ,,-uien, mi-ej. i in, licit...;: " deb ronee to yon, and May li.e war yaitii jVnd bi,oo'v. That now ethioiids the bin I. Ceiee, ao the orb of day's '.'-Morrow, To desolate Columbia's strand. oied, Iiiay th. herds of Cnion, b.t'-'v d!s.sri -Crow more lirra and fixedly H'.oi.f, i.-.i And may the foes of 1 he l,nl'"n vrni'. Aud tin n tits light will cjtt'juer tlio wrung, Altd now 1 will bid yju far, ..'. i.I t j tiunutely. 'i'ltus 1 wi',1 erni my jIimc communication.. Youis ..v. ul'-NU iln.;. ! ,,. " " Win imv it -rnr. i.siiic! i ,i ' i'. CoUl t woou, ot : tie ef I'..'iel pni.t, a le.v uas ag'.i, inline ttie !...:( decision, i t inirini: tho purchaser I "1 bni ,,,.i . , . ,. f,,pi ,, In 1 ,. erly to pay for the rtatup: to be iil'.tt. a d-ed. , StiAUiWooii, P. The rjites-ti m j :-. i.ti- u.,, ,low ;s , v i , , . L j , . i li,e m ii.ioi or vin-'-c ; uiuter n contract " to exec.'.tlo a good ai,J . H . ... ... . . I T .. I" ' . I sumeic'.it tteeo iU tl,e (..,, .. H i,,M't 1, 10 ) ay for the-st .imp.-. Ti e ct-e sl.i'.cs li.it " it has for many years been the ciis in this city that pu. chaser? ot ie,i' .1 tale I t oi: it tin- iLi tl." Tho c:n tract, itere i nol th';'. ihe w-ndor shall pi e ;!!.', t"it ex eciite the deed. II it had I eeti lliefurme: it would have everriddaii the c.i .iffm. -lint a- it noes not, we see 110 reason lo ie . tu.-i- lull Weight to silt h ctlst":il. It ;tii iispul e 11s In tho st !o, niui.tier an.' y. r' of i.'if deed, win titer it rbnll b wrbten oi printed on paielnucm 01 paj ei helber the soaichcs Mi. .12 1 e i.-iorc or Jes niinule. L,i..,i .,iv in: kie '.v i:,nt al. taxes' !;t;J v.np..ii-i4 tittendiiig th tnillsfo oi' properly, fall f-n li.e aelier." 'J he pin cl.'isMi.i: b ei.l inates clusi.lv, inolu h the ex) elist s ol i.bl :til..lig llie I ' ' ii., 1:1 ),: e-tii.e.ie of tiio pi ice whu h he aiilv lo; the ; roperly. ' Judgmud icr P'-i". ni:.l Sls"i. At'fi.l ..t-jv 1i:v:mi. 'oiuiS. lliehanb. Ii-''.. OU biha.l of Major-' 'cnci.il i . Mgoi (loinmanuing the 1 -high District oU!: lep,irimcut of the Su. pi !i;u.;iar present e l lust week to the Pet ks f .unity c -oii" 1 the i.pj tion of the military iiutl.oriii. ,:-ho deliyery of the hot'y of Serg':t ,l,jie.s L. White, ehargt d v, ilh the ki!,;a of .),,,,;!, Weaver, ior trial under a... tm-y jm i.d Tt'on. 'Jlie ' ourt i-nifd t! uppli, atjon that ainiom b. theie might 1 j , ,.. ... , j,j;,,t ju; ivn.itu.ii o! the;., e, y ( I the jm diethiu of the civil ttiithoi it.i s i,:.oc uii.iei i d it could not a:tei v ot- i-.w r. J. ir," raid a J udj J't is.ivn at h. in I ii'l ' teliCC, lit ' . ei u,i lo a eti'.pi ii In f : u a-: ivg se I'i't vi'b fee h:." fix en vf.ti a g i of lit I'.th r.lid i'i't!::!!; l a ; 1 , V i I ; , ,HII1I , t v ,) .,,.t, ju go UlioM t! ! ennn'ry stealincr. Ir. J .iiiooin iiiight a illil. Hi' ,111". ..-T.JUIIV 1'7 11 I nflicui fluent", will, -ut U.):t.2 i i.. , ....... . ,'V I rl to tne.i lut-r.iij. " l ite le'itu.'. ,' i - ( .' .'.ill. ne.tk of the Union. Tiny ,11 I..'. Ill i II ' j.u a ., .'(,," I .a 1. h tlinr ni'tin a veil 1 , i i i., .i,l , l'Oll' - 'T tUlll. IIC HI lliu i li.'e, I i, , mi ... . ,. .. c 1.7ih kc in iCiiRsia, Autaria, fcitJ J ' I .,- - 1 - J in an nfr:.ay. Luckily, t!e bull curie gaintd a l-tiiid'o f'f uiiia'iJ account in . pocket, (junpowdcr could noipt 1 Ihre' that no how I-i,r-" ltui v nn- in the sunshin," wi the last words of Aichbishvp liughns. i