" y yi'ii-V triihin 0-e ynr M it "t pfi"t triihin the yenrt Vtri.l)M.sf).V,:::::::rr:::::::JA. 271 li, IG 1. 0,1 that tlie h.-o OfC'liarlcf Ion ii nl-fiit io ho abandoned. It is cerium llmt all lilt three of the Tinvnl vends had withdrawn to Hilton Head, licit. Hanks has issued i r( Jiinui- Car Time at Tyrone. tion for un election ami Contitulii.ii. On end eft'rtlio 2'"h of A i.r il. 1SG.1, Passonircr nl Uii. r . . T . . n.n as foiiuw. , ' ' g r ua ( "vcntnm in I.. ,tiiM;ni;t , un der tie authority of Hi,. TroiJ. i,t s proclamation re-jii i j i in one-tenth of tlic cit imis of any of the scccdo-l States to decide tho dostinv of the oilier nine- nwugn Accuimii'r; 12 1j a.m. 1J a . f,..,t1,0 V., 1 ,. i i , Trsin. on th.Tvna.. and Ci.. I,.,,, fu.1-";. tnU L,K,Ul 5iU,li l'l'o( !an.atlull lesvoTyroiio for tandy Kidgo at V 33 ' a. ii. and "Crocs fll O permitted to vote. Hid bo ciecieu to oihco the samo us wlulo ateaw.rrirvsi RICHARD IIOSSOP. eh fiKhl aiaiahlc jming l.i. , I ii, i ,, .4 ' - v , . Inn iii-h, With a i. w iu mini'. 'in mm. ..-,. ,1 .. " ' ,; h ;. i JL.C l"1 ' I'l'ttf 11 A .Wiilll.Y ( n, l. l lf A I I' ll I Mill J I train wsstwaiw. TT!ioi. Baltimore Express 7 ill) a. at. Mail Train 4 6S p. u. astw Aim, Expres. Trnin, 10 ?l r, H Kit .Mail Truln 8 .'II a. u. iiuuu ACT'IIHIII r. I. 1J A.M. TII'To. 7 10 A. M. 7 OS P. M. Train, on tin JlAtn K.w:t.r Vam.it road leave Tyruo fur P.dilcfonto at J i A. u. The trains un ihero hitter rood, run to coauect with Lxpros. train and M:i train wv.t. isyrllie attention of the S-hool Mirec tor in the Fpvptul townsips ii call,il to a noli in our advertising columr.t! this week. In. i in. ill, iihil i, Jrivn A:iy .,l n, i,. i- i'jr i.l ho-piipl I, in. Will not several j,m,i, holies ll Kill K.l.fy III i..l Mi l ,.'. tl .1 ' '' . H inl U.i. i, I' i rriiwllu'lv in. ih'. I. It i il.'iiral.0 Hint tho l'lii,tiriiili .,f r,u i s.iU'r rvuiii'iiii ti, iotti'r, for hio!i mm i:l I u ri'lm i f i J . rt l lr ii, l'. y, I' , jlU WurJ ClniH,t'iilc UciUMl Hoi .H a', Ul'l J'uiiii li,ii,rl, V. AUDITOK'iS -N'UTil.'i;. X Mir m.ill. r of (ho Kmi,l (f ,T;,,,!, ; l,,.r. laie of WoixtwnrJ .-uliip, d i-' a r-? , I . t,.. UiiihrniKnril, nhn Mnn ilnly u,i,iinlii t, nu.lil mul distrilmto Ihc nioni'V ri'imuiiini; in ih" li -i it of Jrivft h Kifi'iia, Ail'i.itii..lrnl"r, will k' i, I tlio Untie of his iipniiliitini'iit nl ti i . ottii', in tlui unriiiiin nt i ii'nriii'1,1, on iui'.-'lay tin) ttili .1 I )iii::Ci. hi ),m i; i h i : in. UM ( i 1 i r men. It of fehriiarv. lMil. nl L n'rlii, l- n i Id UOIlltful if the historv of 'lero ail .monf intcre-t'"! may nlti u.l. . . ..... " 11 I W 1 I I A , in iv. i-i.l I, :-i . ii i ..win. un uiniiLa u j'ai ;ii.ui iilhiatieo of revolution. The "dead lock" Mill continues in ! our .Slato .Senate. Our Senator, (Mr- Wai. i.Acr,) made a splendid jieech in. deienee ot tho position occupied hy Jn. 20, tsr.i i i. W'li'll II 111 WALI.AP1'', i "AS In, I 'll i m . ; iilN i s I'l.'AVA IS S!IAM'ii l.u.'N'Ni.rS I I ii.i i!. i : i i MU,I.1.NS( All nl lit il leech ."' i, nt i-.'-i n.-al i S' nr. li i.i;:.v ci; s!t 1 IM A I N'.'i I Alll.i; ('LOTUS nt S MAItllir.n-On tbo l:ith Dec, !u-t. I.y Dnni.-l OnoJIanilor, Mr. KJnrm.l llubo'rlinp, to Mi(s SuJiinniih Sinnu.u. nil nf l!r.i.l ,.. KlfTlm Tax-Colleclor oT tlii (19th) 'HintKct, will be in our town on 1hn 17th n18ih dyt of tho coming month. So, gt j-oiir (rp..id)iicVs rendy. j Oos Tim gnow, from the p(Tc(s of the lnt Trarm r inds pntting an end, for tin- time being, to loihlinc, tiniher-hnul- ing. Ac. r.nil llireetenin? U ceuernl brnlr 1,1 In Lawrence township, on tlio 22J inat 'n Oti tlif rivn- 1 W;lrf"r,)t' ''lUi'Iiler of (ioo. P., i EIK-b '".,to .pon llie nv(. n.d 7 year ami mouths. ' .T. "t ill i . At tli rosiJonco of hoi- pod iq f-in ir.,,. lWP.eid tl,0 letter of Ex-Governor tin- evouinK of ti,0 irtU ',', " lurryi''.? Taor!:. Km tho organization of the' mZTlvMhi,:kh': senate. Jt j unanswerable, and tho "'i'- in Uurwon.viiu, on TuUy, revolutionists d;irrt i-n ,iO,'r,.,. 1 th'1 iul- Thmi llwi, Eiq., ukoJ . ' ...,v -...,1. i4 u , 5,cnr. swer it. i- - IMP0VED WEATHER ISLICAT02. '"ilV0 man shnulil ho wilhont Well r.-yiiliitcil ,y i J ri'liiililo IJuromoter. I'lioaliovo iimnt-d l,:.oir. i i ; ' oio i lororior io nri.v oilier now in Uho. tj9 nim.seu and JJeniocratic tollenL'tics. on sulliuir nrioo i from eu; irr i,. tvi; rv .i... Thursday last, which we hope to lay iaVVaTg!f "',u- 1""""v u- Wn"'r. "f' ,, l , ! i ? , , J ' I v fJIcn llopo, w tlia Kiint fur ClcarfiMU timntv lieloro our readers next week. who win furnish them n bhort u..ti.-rt ,, i in uriyiitmn'tv III ul M III lit to 1 ul III Hi 1 1 ,i i, M i i. v "-rlis.lliiti .v'-ii.,i i i . n ii'IIMI' MM '" 'M-Ilt :.'l .Si'll;ll:il i,i ".ins. ."vMii-.-'.ti.iii S('lllllil, ( )( !S .', ',(. I Hi . s I'""'- JH l'( s I i i. i'). ;i.ir. I l II i-S I 'II-' s . i . .-i I I iri'i j'l ee.'s A I't UI I' ll KMC liiATii.i.iir.t.n:M: Tin, Atn tni:i, a Arot Malic. Drunlumla. HHl.SlTCHlH FOK Mil Vrmi' II i' "y in mOprnHrnt vfi.i.'rii'.' nil M' ' ' i r'.i, .;""' Fir. IIOOi.amv.s 1 K!:l'Al!l'.l nv DK. C. M. JA( KSCXW IMIII pill . 'a. , I.MDN Of TliK Ml A.ND A Hiil.'S. 'pilK W,iU,l, I. rl.1,1, tl , N,.r 1 .1 'in. I,:l l.fn lllllll'l. In.; t i ,i rh II' .X y 0 till J of d'ly I t i T" t;,! ur It vl I"- . j wc. l.ly ' TiLcri nn l i".!i-.nnl lit ll'll.l A"'''.l M'lh-lH .Sciifit ion piicei :t JJOSSIJl'S'. price" III! N,'i.-:it inn Sl'IKlit ion hi'li?at ,rm 'IVfit'kin I.AC3 llOSIKUY IIIIUinNS I h 1 M il I .M i S Hi Ml at At nt NtTsil ion tii Mossn Si'ii.-iiitioii Sensation Seiibiitiun all ucceinary infurmati'ju. Jim. 10, lSri,tf. EIY) , I"Keadir, do you wish lo iD'ok a Gr.l ' j C,8M ? 1 f ynu 'n. W would ndvise : you to po to Ilnrlswigk I Uuston'a I:rug! nd Variety .Storf whore thry will supply! 'ynu with rignrs that to smoke them will timksyou imn.frine that jeu don't owonj "cent to tiny one. j Gt. McCi.fu.av.-Wp j.nrti,ul.iri Attention to tha two Ictlcii pulilishod .4 lowlier in this isue froru Gen. MeClol ln tiie ono to 8errctaiy Sltnton. audi For Sale Cheap. A C00D DEAKtiORX -rOR SALE. Apply to J A3, li. Oil A II AM. January JTlli , ISfll-tf. 'pHKunJoriined wibbfli tn j1ve. in tlie linrnugh A f Ci'-mlitlJ a fi'W I".'in. in tlio Kron'-!i mn(;iiiin, Uoull-inian mul LielUj wlio wi.-li to Icnru l'n-ncli urn rnui'i!rl tn ufi'lv. wiijuutiJu y. to. Mil. Il.MSlI'it, jan.'.'7,'(U Jt. nt Ck'iirlioM Ilri.lc... il. fl. wuiuiiT, A(;cnt- T'L'UXPIIvK kLiX'TION". THIi fit'wkhuMors of tho I'liilipslmrK an. I Su3iiio!iuniia Turnpike Kou,l l.'om,any will Uko notiL'o that un Hli-ctiun will bo hel l ul tlio i tliro of mnl cniiiiiy nt l'liilii!-burj,-, on .MnniUy, tlio 7th J.iy of Man-h ti.'i, for the purpose of electing livo .Mhiihi.ts forlti.. piisuiiij; y-ir. II. lUlU'ollOltX, January 20, ISC I H- i':L.-'t. AUIiITOINU'J'It'':.'" I?.' the niuttor of ihe Kstato ,,f Klcn'-zor Kinj, late of l.iiwriinoj township, ,1" "iisol, ih" unJi'r.-'ini'J, who wn tin I.v nj-poinloi to mi'lit aifl Ji.-tril'i'to tlie nioiicy remaining in the liau.l.i or A C. Tali', Ailniiuiy'ralor, will atl"ii,l to Iho ilutios (if Ins api'oinlinent at his uli'ii-e, ill the bnrnu'h of (.':, illliol'l, ou Monil.iy tho Mil 'l.iv . of tViriiary, lsill. a; 2 o'clock, p. in., when uii',1 ' wlu'io ull pcrsmn inltirosteil inn-- u 1 1 1-r. 1 . U. J.'VALL('i', ! Jin. L'li, ibC-l-pJ. An. I I CAS--lMi;i:s s.vn INKTS TWKKDS ilFANS v i;stint,s smnTixus SeiiKation prices tho p i; r.-iTH I riii'i liatii u i "I'-i'M :Oi i' in-r'nprr, nl" no ni'iiii lliiui i i , Hi n . pnri hasot' nn.l rroi lirn ria..'r. in l!if niM'ly in, reiuo in rirrulati .ii w'ii, h il now ciijiiy, tliiv puiiilm will toon lie il.nil'lr.l. N,i:liin.; Ii'mi t hmi this nhoii'.il caii-iy tlnifi. who In' lu'vi' that tin- only lump i.f ri'tnrin the fiiion nn.l tin. nulhonty "f ll.o t'onitilulion iiv. m ..u. .1 .. i . J..I..I .....I .1:..: i . i ... ...... yir t n j nv 4 .i..n u n i. -I nun ui i in- u ci-iirir rv, iipa vm.1 inecttialJy and Host Certainly 1,1 r,tiiij? power from tin. h-m.is f i:,,e A,,.,, C U Ii I) ALL 1) I S I' A 1' S U,ii!ivi"" ' l'"'l"J ' trovoke, invite, . I u u " a I ' 1 O Li it o L i) i rrff i , ,v,ir..n,l ,i., , li.u.i.:' ...i ' ., .i II Ul 3 fun, in mount is to tflYvtive u Iho ilitlusinti, thrnun!i hI'Iii nn.l PiitrrpriMiiij n wspupcrj, of sounj p.ihv i'lil kimwliil-' niiioiijt the workiuj; men, tho thinking iiii'ti, in). I the vulinjr men ul Iho Nortii. I Kiitirpriso, in itttntrv. anil inonpy will b lilnr ally exiieniluil tn innke 'i UK WOULD the Ill'r iM'U'Si'Al'KU IX AMkldt'A. In ti prices 'IIOOFLAN D'S f-KUMAX IIITTKIIS eVl'ry l'!in "rtUe ""rM vi" onrly un J i.Ljtli.n- l's'- i Will euro cvorv raso of "c' , W1",rjter "10 t.-ior-ph tu, T prices. . . ' ' tlJIL , .... V "lSL OI vuii. or kti-auuoi ply. It ill ,,M, u,,, IH-iees tlir'"m' or Nrv"" I't'oility, PiSMue of the Ki. Intent in tvliif neo. It ha- a laro i tall ofacoiii in iensl "C-V3' an li"'it. nriiiintr from Iii. iplished correi-poiidi-nts with all tin foderal ar 1 I (nliTid Stoinuoh. imiea, who will telegraph and writo to us the I UU.M-.lt VI'. Illh rtJLI.mVINfl SYMP- luten n.-wn from the various .t. nr ,.. i. prices pi ices pil( ARlStNO FROM A DISORDERED LIVER. STOMACH ok KIDNEYS. A.muaon hand nt MOSSOIV-'.', at at hi At at ul !" ete-ation SviHatioQ Si'tisittion Setisiilion Scnsiition fSoiiMil ion at AlOSSOl'6". price pi iees price prices price price at eeijiutinn price CI.0THIN; such us v.'onts, I'linls, esls, Under SliirtH, ri.umel Shirt,, IjihiN, .Sliot-s, Hats nn.l Ciii'-;, Xoiv for ale at JfOoSOrS' 1! A Ii I) V A li K 1 t-IU'll IIS S;l S.llllils, , Forks, Knives, MntwliM pr.c.Ni Spikes, iling'.s, J t MOS-SOI'S'. I-Kjt'OliS. Ptieli ) lis H in... l.nili.lv. I 11, O gimd si-Ik ol teacher ivaiue l notici: TO II. S. i porsoiis residing TAX-l'AVCH. in Cieariieli C. 'liity ih uth r to the rresioVnt. In tho letter to tho resident C, , J.,,,.. . c, . i , ' " I ii.who aio Imble t.) ux by siiamiitit under I UP.teo of t)latC8niatlhip of tho hlghect 1 lUo ' United .State Internal Kcremio," or " ilx- ider. jcik La'f," npp.-ovi'd July I -1. I SCT, nro hereby' notified that soon taxes ur duties hive Vfic.uia i . SiJOootr for Fohniarv ,..n.. ,iuo J ryt'. I "I" n-t-od t, re- I , ,. , , , """ ' -tii'i , i'nvin(,' the f imo at tiie lollowii. "ui,i,oi, tun guppru in tl its depart- ens iu -aid county, to wit IllflllS illlUI'',li.lt i-darjro of tho Lulho, -b.i: ciioul. ii.m.1 "S" bo paid. Appiii'u;i"u iniit be luajc at unco to DAVID RKAM, Pocratiiry Druiiv t-eliool Dibtnet, Jin. i.l, lSjl. V h l.koy, ; i r-L'tuc, etc., etc., I FUri l'S, sueh ,ls I at acnution pricee J l tows resullin from Disorders of the Digestive Orgaus : in ward I'ile., F u 1 1 n e ft vr Blood t e th Head, Aeidity tif tho Ktomui'h, Nausea llearllmrii, Dispust for Food, Fulness or W?ijfln In ire Stionneh, Snnr Kruo tntion, Sinking or Fluttering at the Hit of rltp iStoinnch. swim mill).' of the Head, Hurried and Difficult l'.r,'al!iii:,'s Fluttering at Heart, Choking or suCocating l,'nsa mions when in u lyin' posture, Dimnes of VUinn, Dots or We'.i.i beioro tho Slitht, Fever aud duU jmiu in tho Jk'i,l, Di'Iiciinry of I'cr-pinitiiin, Vi Iiiivviioks uf Skin nr.d Kyes, I'ain iu the pidc, Uiick. t'hest, l.imbs, if e.. Sudden Flush ts of II, at. tluruing in tiie Fic.-h, tunstant 1 ru n i n i n s of i v i I u n d jtroat l ! ; r ii"!! of spirits. ijfj tiiuos and p!.i- w urn-me:; must i;'ulk ameuica Tlic Cliciipritt Paper Published I. r. . . i i nines. K.ii-:ny ; Eljjs, I'lIi i tSi i;' ! luIIX'EItiES, s.,y j I" ! o il l, Jin m s, I j Shoulders, S i 'T-tr. Mohi-x-s. (.'nl!',e, I l ea, 'J rack ! rs, Spu-i, '.'iltllllev, ! ( ii!, etc., etc. lit lensalion I rARTIC Pf ic;ci , pire and will li e I'.il'onii'L' t MOSS0P.S'. i 'i'riiciii IlitrV (- nt suia'.jo prions I.AR MtTI(.K.-Fr tbopo who do have ,i hiipior hiliorii, wo publish reie'pt: lie! one Initio lloi.tland'a rs and mix wit Time (,'""' r i) hi- ii,,...., nml the res-ilt will bj ! 1 I reparation tL..t will ,- r.nil iu niciii-iuiil vir j lues mid true CJiiellei.ee any of the in, in, rote ! Liquor Fitors in the market, "a. d will ..! ,ti,l, Voa will I'n c a'.l ih.- vhtuiv nf vii.t.ui. Trice f 'l for nine! corv eot.ica ' For tt! '"-I'V" "h'"u 't will be rest eon ,. , .,- Tr , 1 "cnient, in the borough of Luthersbur--, et :li, 1 Ji " ar)y Of our friends; hotel of Win. Schwem oa tiio 15th day of Feb 'ill furnish thorn a copy j ; d copi Wlio wish lo on it I.m.nu.;. r-.. I ruarv. 1 f 4 T v.. jrw i, lltlllfV Si ' I-ady' Book from their nPich.or. w ill '. r".r ' till .t?."huTr IVT1"1. ..rrt.e,.n- hotel of Win. A. -M isod on the ltiih day of February, Fur all tux payors to whom It will be most ernvc nient in the borough, of Clearfield, at tlio hole! of David Jol.nslou oa tho 17th and 18th days .f February I--B1. Por all tax pay, r to whom it will b most eiihrc nlent in the hornugb nf Now WashiinLi.ii, at the hotel of David ti. I'lutnor ui iho liitu tl.; i, Fori y-Kiirht t'oiuiuns Matlerpcr week at SI : of IleaJiiii ') per year! end us $2, we f"f one year. Whito Men's Diatii or Major (7aiiebo.v. Major Brua Cameron, eon of I5on. fiinion Carneror. difd laihrr niddeidy at I.ochi-l. (Ligi Ifathfr'a res'dftir ,) on Wedncday niorn- Jnirof Inst w,ik. IVe...J ?s r " rel.ruary 1 1. tr i -a I An,I all persons who slinll ceglect to rnv the go. lleh4t rntiumtaion as pnyuia-.ter i dmies and taxes ..rr,.niii .... .... V. in Ihe mr.y, witli thp rank of Major at ,b'n'-' Colleotor, wiihio tho tm , eeiiied, I te 1'rns rj (.j. deiilli i'1"" bu llul'l't0 tki n:n tonn additional; I upon the amouut thereof, collection, to b imulo 1 . by destraint. ine rv(,i uUiirn. JI atlV Ol our, lln imuce uni.iie. to all rcrson. liiloo to! l,ii .,.,, ,.. o no 11 i', ,1 'dk rul '''census, to tax on incomes a. well as , lai e il iuble s l ei t -"j ; o oiuer luxes unuer aiu nxeise un. IliK ONLY NKW VOI.K I-AI Ktl MAIIR IP K X ClXfl VI!- j Lr roll tni.sriiv ciucitA'tius. Xcus nf t.'ir invA-, ((, IVo.tute, an I other .ilurl.fU, (trrfulhj A', jorei(. F.f.Af'KINCi i;i nils I'OWPEli AIiAave at MOSSOPS. IIOT at at at at ut at k-.-ti-a! inn fcf n -ut ion eerivition at ti-iii ion sensation Kerisntion H CC8 . l.itier in '.''iiiucction nub nyi-i'nrtielo ft l.ijuor, at a iiitieh le-ii price th in tlie-a inferior preparu t'n.ns will cost viiu. IIOOn.. N D'S (IK I I.MAX P. RTF. l!S !'na ""r ""ly authority for c-xlio.-tiKS or tijoll W 1 I I. (il Y VIII 1,11 niicii'il'tfVl UK' juuiu. ! ha. correppondciits nnd reporters In every poiiti jcul and t-omuiertial ventre in Ameriia and Ku. j rope, whoso letters and dispntehes will leave : LothinR worthy nl note nnknown to renders. I The Market lleports of the World are more 'complete thuii those of any other newspaper.-- The Fditors iioite eompariion iu this respect j and point to tho reports of tho Ca:tl .Markets, : the pein nil and v uutry l'rodtii o ."ir.r'iew, und , tho Money Markets i:i its iv luinris, as pioot of ils exi-elieiu-n in thin rnpneot. The W-irld hfM I also a special (lepartmeut il"v,ite, to Alt:, ulture, filled with iiiuoriul nrtii-lt-s, rominunicntiun. i from priietieiil farmers, .-.ml t:. ',i c,..,l matter, ni j kinp n valuable nnd uselul pupi.-r f.,r the Farinor land Meehioiirs ol Hi e country. , Iho war in wl n-'a t.i. iiali..- is crcicjil I airiiinst i.rmed nul iiifuluated He'iels. nnd tho I radical pelii-y oi the Miiiiiriis rntion which pro ' loiifts it, lime t-oii.-pi.-ed lo l.rinjr toeilier ujiOti one plntfo-tn .ill e .ns oivatii e. l uii'.i mul Coi'sti tution bu in iin-u , of whatever toi n:..r t: itn nnd erred. Many nl'tli i.'e "ho, -..i.'iin the limits of the t .ii.i.tiIi-.i!oii, fi-.;:ht the bau.es of t'ui till it-bo j under Iho lend.-rship nf i'.io.e ntriotic Matcrmeu rnf nlher and b"'.t"t .in v Henry Clay n:: ' D.mU'l 'V'cl'oler, I'iclhct witli the inus-et n-hojn rrinci. .pics were of such patriots a. Andrew' Jack- It, hi and William h. Maivy, S;Us V.'iiglit nnd Me. ben A. Dmi-las. new rland slmulder to fhoul :oi r iipuu tiie miiiic i.l.iif'i.tm nnd un il i r tl:r a:n i banner. Tli ),;..!, orm is a plai-; ,ne. It i t- rttturc the I niou, M't! ntnin tl," t 'nitt:,tu :iu:i, and 'iinive ill' ,,. Whatever makes for Ihis end, tl.., .-.e: ciP; fere) or thp policy of ooueiKatioa, (ha World will ailreciite; whatever in.,kes ngniusv it, tiie Wor'd v.iii op, u.j. It will o p,,e every enemy to the t'niou, ! wlicilier unned in rebellion tit the South or j ii:s'di(.iilv j-.l.mtin tho feels of disuuiin aud e.KUHiii! diiloyal-y at the .North. I It will oppose every violation of the Cnstitu- ti(;n, which is the only hope aud bund of L'niou. : T' P f 1 1 t l Ii I.' T I tr i- . i! W1" "I'l"-"-8 cv,-'ry mlraction of ihc Law, la ! v' v' ' l Jj . I I r. , Ii i K ti pi.v-es or in low, by rockl iy. Z FUR l.sij-l. ltilits Federal Lilicrticp Stated Union. ,'l II..-S vt ill .;iV0 VO'l prices i El'KOXG 1 1 K A I I'll V NERVES, i ires j Will (rtVP von pn'eos BRISK ANJ li.N" i-.'lW ET1C FEELINGS. ( W ill enable vou to , SLEEP VEI.L, il i . . , ,. Artl will positively nrevent Always hoeps on hand a toll , YELLOW Ft Villi, lilLLiul'S IFVFR 1. assoitrnent of all kindn of .ooils requited 1 ' i"i me aecoiuuiod.itton ot the ptildie cale C"iirtitu! nn Ll.'A ) t'A IS At Hip pfore oriilClIAKI) MOSSOp, i.ud inistruidei parti-n n , ,.r by tho ndimnistiuiion wliith bu j been tneir eximplo. j It will fearlessly exercise ;l9 f'rrrtlm nf th I'rrif ; ,t w ill ro n tn n tl v uphold and defend t'n'tlum '" ' aud I rrcjum n)' the ;.i,',.. j To tho lawless acts of tho Administration, t I arbilr:iry and unjust nrresls and expntriations, iu ! denial of the rights to the writ of Aooe-u rarput, i its illegal i.rouiainatioi'.s, its abrogation of ,Siut ! ana I 'ieril iavs. Xov. 12, lst!2. pr-j Trie ii uf Tvit.il to Heciiro a really "livo" .l)omc( ratio in.tgnzino now published Tm Xkw Tors; DtrdhtuK is an imb endetit Dimiieratic journal, holdiii;, wiih the laie Pona tor Doue.bis, lliat ' this Uovernnient is made on the white basis, b. nhito men. for the benefit oP r posterity forever." It is a li j ui-ti r.ilil , ,i;;,,in ot GREATEST KATTLE OX KECORD! 15,000 KiHd anTWounded, and taken Prisoners! VITII CAMP EQUIi'Ait:-AXI) 70,000 Contrabands freed from the OF SLAVERY ! ! ........ !...., : . .1 .: . ..i . l?eJ?t"i. f'"" I,0Wn "ml I1'0'-1" ' '"""' P"t. und it. s!.bver,ion. of the Safo i Luiir itu. ion., I ruin w ha itn''r .i.nsi.. fit!, jr In ..i i .... i , ... F e e vZ ""'V ' '""''!"1'J U"'rn ' "H. Iho lett. r and the sphi, of our Z ll.-ual lloullll. .Vucd It teeulho rase in I inn.. :i 1 .: .1 ,, . . . .. ' 1 ,.,,,) 4 ,,, :.,.,.. , , , - i - . . . ..iiiii .-.iuc,i. ,'u ii,-eiie.ii niii.i no rousea Co tin - ", ir,i is out requirau , leeoveiy of thci I" 1 .... U Ull" ll.-.l'l I ,.. Ki-i:icuiii ri-iliis, theirliberlitM, their law.. I ri'llilllll' loullnr finil in n.l ...,,.,,.1. ..l...i;.... I'...1 1 All Distillers, Brewers and Manufacturers are Maiket.-, Ncs. hiternry or Acrieuiiural i: fonna-1 deadline tho doctri.,..a ,.f tl.n I.'..ll.erl ' . . , . 3 . j m" UQ m, tion-is not inferior to any as a political or family Xtacliinc, till. U'XtrilieS Ot thO J' atlien, to mo, at the loreKo,.,g mues and places. newspaper. In its political department, it "rap. ' T .. ,1 fj- J til 1 I All bifitllirTS unti Ii TL' With lit llin lirnn nf r.ir.iitr ' . t 1. 1 11 .... 1 ., 1 . n ' vii mi nnu C i II1CV HIIOUKI JOOIlQi. . V- Mii ; i"1" u W,LU ino llKAI qte-flion be I urn the UUnni, Ctlltea DV t-'. L'UAUNCKY 15CRR. '.: i...,,;,i.,i. ,; . ... .. , ., v . ""-"hoiumii. his 111 mocr.itio 111 t!m trui. Pen-e me eoncliisi.,11 that the (' .... . ,,,,. ' I" r 11. s , A ' l"1 ",0 (bfen.ierof the l'eople'slti-hts, sir,, I T,n !il 1 l, ... I mnntk h iv iv Pi-si ' Conirress of Julv 1st. IS 2. 1..:. .1 111,. . n ' i"""' " """""ij "'""'i, . ' .1 1 . . i ul" ' upiioiuir 01 no party eiucaneiv or t, UOI. on BOii.s. U'lW. Plld how Oil Iv. Deriimnell lirnrs .un ... ., ,. j fhc penalties of tho law will be enforced in v. , ,,.i,10,. , ,Uu pri,iu, U'l.iio Ma,,'., Cnveni tT$ iiiHiince, whero leglect to pay asabjvo spvc- , ,.., Wiishin-lon be ri.tor.-u. vi : .v Hie ut. Srmrirs Pinr iv Krurrnx'Tr ( In i !ri "X' f' j . . . 1 O r rout, .m ribinw nnd c.vt. ruination 'of Abnli. OMIIOI n 1 IKK I. t)tl,l,UOMt. Jl The undersigned hopes ihereloro, that a p-ji.e-' iii, ,,, A.ri,.n K,i. Vedneslay rnornintr last, about one . ,u,il ri,-i"".'s .' " n: tbo above appoint-, i HK itxr.- ,K u nw ti,',. euly we. kl.v piit- , .-,..-...-. ,.......i w umu . leu tm per in .Vow 1 ,,ru nerio im i x;-n.unv l,.r ! Country eireul.it irn. A! tl.n (.thers.,re n liiislied Hint these Hirer, nr.. VOT A!eh . 7 ., - - " " , u K""ruu.eUl, b,,,. .....i i.-i' - . i i, ii.,- i'3'..iicss uacisi'.n ot tue oa'lot. ' "U'J -NOi """"' "Bevtiagtf. IVofoun.Iiy i,upre;,id with ti.o desire to eon- ,n . , ; . ; tribute all lliat it may to the gr-iit woik of this I la-proprcrors have tlu nsandso. Letters from , Kcneratioii.i.aaicly, to re-tore our iidiional cuiineiii . , i tp y 1 1 1 e n , Lawyers, 1'Ii.vm-. unity, i.i'd tn place the lu.i v i.iun itii'i i,uiei,S 1CSI1IV1 soiikI liuowleditc IIORTON, & Co.. a'ojiy ono year, or 5 copies for $G. , , - . uieiiis,a9 n ifiii ue iimeii uioru picas. ml lo .0 clock, ft liro broke Out in Ono of tho parties til avoid enforcement of collection. .upper rooms of Brot'korhofl"s How, which destroyed tho entire block, em !bracinir the Pennsylvania Hotel, kept 'by our friend Copcnhaver, who saved ;in u manner nothing, Broekerhoff's :6torc, a Drug nnd Clothing Ptorc, &c. DAVID i:syx. Icp. Col. of Int. Jtov. lath DU., January 27tb, '04 3t. It' fur the county of Clearfield, will meet nt t Commissioners' ofiicc, on Wednesday and Tln.r.i d.iy. tLc 27th and It-ta days of January, ltil'4. the lioanl have directed that all new npiili- li'iin the coliimi s ct some uaiiy paper, which ren ders it almost i,.. ivsil.l.i to jrlvesn coinpUte nt.d (reiier.il a sii'.iiniry of th; I ews as in Hie oll.ar cu-e. Persons nliMiit r ubseribit.e; should t-ilie this into Coti-iilc.-atior,. D.'iiiocrnts mutt see to it, al so, thai .sound papers are circulated nmoi! t!,e 1 "iple, or Abolitionism will never be put down. nfr-b'rate l!i,f-. meiii wool, t i,e iiro'ten down. It was nul v a ipics. ti n) of time. Hut now wc Lave the above (llori oiif POiil-stlrriti" nes to cheer u up ; ai d the only draw-back to our joy and frlorificiith.il is iho imminent danger of the ntr.ilvi r d s comiu-r Xortb to "eat out mir piibstanee," and to ri:r oia "ur shoes 1 Hut of oue thin;,' the people of C.-ar-I'd 1 t'Miiity may be ns-iircl, and that is, that FRANK .Ml OKI' fur short culled SUrt-rri pellini Hunts o shnr-s ns cheap as nnv "thcr inan in die county; nnd if you dou't believe it, just pivc hitn n cull on court-w eek, orut any other tiiiie, iiH-1 s.-e for yoursr Ives. In- would ju-t n mind lhemlilic that his shop is now on Market street, in Shaw's Row win rc yon will Cud him jllst HP Sknrt a? IIMUtl ifn t a little ,!m, t, r f Cash tl.aii he Willi!.! like lo be. Ail kinds of work on hands and iiin,!.i I.. ,.r Inr uniiy, i.i'd lo j. lace the L'ii.:...I .-.Inii.s i. .li. r... ? rf their own in r- i ni '-t uiuun ' the nations of i).h ,.r,h. m,.i iir.r t C, to 1.10 ln.Hehci.il iITitU ai-rl . li.e ...nco l.r, . -n.i t ...11 ..r :.. medical virtues ol U.f-j, Bitters. , ploTIIE WOULD seeks lioiu tb-.o who d'.ir troM 11. J. S, tt,m I ro,r, !., AV.W !.; uol. tl,inK, llluir tymmthy and si-ppoil, and. ''"I" 7""'"' 'y .cr,7, . mm , ye. i above ali, favor of lilui who ctowu nuiioiiL'ii not (ii.-iose,l to l ivnr or rp.iipinmi ' t-onfl r,rl I'aleiit Medicines in peneral, tbroiiph distrust' n, ., ., 1( . ol their iii'i-ediciils and t'E'eet: , I j et know of uo 1 " lk " : pulficiviit reasons why a man may not testify til j Daily Worli the benefits he believes himsjlf to havo riccived ' v .i r..i ... . from anv sieinle re,,r, i o.. , ...... " . """"'".'"."r n,li ho ctowus ry lua v thus c oil i ri 1 1 u ti li (In. I.f ..f ...!.. ... "lt") "Uliu. T i .i- .i ... . .is. I Sincle suliscnbeis. rcr pnimin .In, kson, ot tins cit, becau-e I wi.s prejudiced fh, " - . ' nMin.-t thein lor many years, und, r tho imprcfs-i 'ren . ' ' ion ihiit they wore chiefly an alcoholic? mixture. v., ii.- ti- Ju '' 1 !,oi ii; l.ti 1 to invfiicnd Robert .-hocuiiil or c- l I ., klJ " or,a' for .lie r,.,nval of this rr..n ? v ?.r rcr' ? 7'. "'i'""',''' l'r """"P'' ' . te-is, in, 1 fr tncourn,'c,n,nt to trv them. en I ,V " " . " on a PPr sufieriny from great und li.n.cj cnniinued debiiily. Viie u.-e of three bottles of thise liiltcrs, at the l-ej.'im.i!i '.f the present year, was followed by evident relief, ar d restoraiinn to a dcfrroo of bod", ily and mental vipor which 1 hud not felt for iii I) Ct I 00 6 00 r 69 12 OU 22 43 2 00 i 00 8 00 15 01 2; oo cants uiust niuiear before Ihe ft, nnl n,l imli. I fT. I . A . . ... ,1. . j . ... - 1 . .. ine names then crossed tllO Street to u,llr nan'inem aciaiiinjr name or poldier, , ,' ... ... rcj;iinent and ccmpany; when etuisted : the tiie Arcade, Which was entirely con- number of children, with ape and lex uf each ; limed, embracing DeiTS Store, Ono ,ll.t,,n,ll'l' 'n which they resided at tho time of 0 ' .enlistment, and their present residence; and that resilience, and Several Shops, Offices, she is without Ihe means of support for ber.e:f 1 Ac, including the Banking Uouso of ,""5 "'i"l"t",7r",Il';,t T? h"r- , ' tn ci i iwo witnesses of "re, libility, froiu tho township AV. F. Reynolds tho owner. TIlO which she resides, must also he produced. -t i i f t-n AAA . "I"1'' certificate, pworn to beforo the boaid, must estimated loss ranges from $;0,000 to t fot;h , t)l0 .ppiicHnt is ,,, r,p. 7,0(i0 l'rokcrliofT and Reynolds be- eselll, heiwir to be ; that the 8t:ue'i.nniit of 0,0 (, , J number and ape of her (iiniiiv is tr.ie : tint plie lUg thO principal Sufferers. is in destitute circumstances' aud her fauiilv in ! actual want ; and lhat all the futa set forth hi her A Char.ee for the "loyal." application are just and true. n.. , , . . ,T 1 onus coutaininif tbise rennisitlnns ciia bp ob-: Out of personal reaped to t.en. Hak- taincd at the oUiee of the h':,td ol itvli. f, wbeu coci, we comply wilh his request, and in- applicatiod is made and the wltnessc. up,.. nr. j ert his call upon the people of renn?yl- Jantl,r 8, mt. WM ' mm''- a!c- ; rania to avoid the dmft by volunteering joTICE TO SCHOOL niKIX'ros. in the Second Corps. In doing to, vc de- ' 1 The School Ditoet r of the diJereut towu- iro not to bo understood as endorsing tha ,h'r' in c,,"rfitU c'"""y. are hereby notilied to . ,. . , " return to the Commissioners of ( leiiitin'd county, pre-M-ni war policy of tho Jacobins at th number of Mill, assessed f.r School pu.p.)e. Washington. In cny opinion tl.ey Bre f'T Uo years A. D., 1HH2-0.1, duly iued by lbs not proaoetltinff the wnr for th.s ro.i I'rf""lei't. and attested by tne Secretary. ,. 1 ,,. r . r Ior 11,0 'tora- Hy order of the Commi.sioner.. tion of the Union, but to render its resto-1 ' AVAt. ii. UltADLEV. Mtion impoaaible, Rnd to secure tha per-'"11 J7, 1?C1, Clerk, petua' ion of their own power. Hut the enll Try iTtoiTlT AS I) ( I.l: A K 1 lT:LO it VI I.l may be apoeially intended for those who' t h0A1) eOMPAXY. In con'"q,iuice of a endorse the nresent war nolle. If ... w .'"l? !,0.b?,.!.tl: Anm,l 01 kl"'! . , - . ' ' ' l - """" . It will take pinco at the hits our unqualified approval ; anil we 0e- "D"'eof "' PenniyWania Kmlrond Cinp.iny.on cordingly call upon every mother', son of j tZlrZr & ?Jl them to enroll their nrnne nt ones, and ;a Uirectors will b biid. ' i tbtt prove their sincerity, as also theirj jan im U' u' ULUSgforo. i " loyally," hy repairing at once to the1 73,., field of battle. If they think Mr. Lincoln 1 S iTV V'.! t . rinht in his course it Ii mean in them nnddi of Aurusi last, a Iii:ifflh, si;pr.,s,.a t0 "itholdinjr their rrceiotis carcames : nnd ' n..r. .a,antbl ",!re "P' ! r'All who dcsiie to refute the arpuuicnts of n short noliec. and ns well ninde. and us cninl I'm Abolitioriiat.--, should read tho Dav-Dook. as can be "skecred" up here or il: t here. lEKM'!. 1 'Va. Don t forget the shi n on M.nket street. maws now, uiruetiy opposite i;ev. II. u. "no t opy, one year .... f2.0il Tlirc Copies, ona year ft. 0,1 Five Conies, ono year .... 7, jo Ten Copies, ono ycur, and one to tho getter- np o. the Club 1-1,00 Twenty Copies, one year, and one to the get ter up uf the Clu'i .... 21,00 Add. lional Cojiie,, each .... in fcwoopc'. otlice. Clearfield. June 11, lsr,:. iiiiiuii.- OLiore, nml had almost de-puircd of re pu tiin.. I liicn t .re th::iik (iod and tuy friend lor directing me to the toe 1 r thtn. , , ,. J. NEWTON BHQWS. l'uiladeli'lia, Juno 2X, 1861. The narreof the Post-Office, county, and State, Uiould iu all cases, bo plainly givon in every lot-; tcr , Payment always in advance, and all papers will be slopped when Ihe limn of subscription paid ior expires. Address, VAX CVR1F., IIOliTO.N A CO. No. 1 02, Nassau street, N. York. & HAYS $35 00 ill entiro coit (tr I. 1 I 1 . T ' ! diseases of Kidneys and Bladder, in Tonn cr ,'Ai'ed, Male or Female, nro rpcodily l-etuoved, ni. r, i.v..i,j rrsioivu in nealtli. ! Dciici.t." Children '.hose suCniug from Marn ,iriu. wasti-ip away, with scarcely any flesh on their bones, nro cured in a very short timet one bottle m such cuses, will have a most surprising chect. r 3 j l'aronts ba ing sufferinp children as above, and j wishing to raise them, will never regret the duy ithej cm minced wilh those Litter.-. I Lit-rary men, Students, and those workirnr! imiiu m the ""rl1 "icir i.rains, snould always keen a bo F'i Tell " Twenty copies (all to one addn-ss) ciuui 01 twenly or over can have their address pit r:i each paper for an udditionul chnrce tf I ten cents each. For every club of twenty an extra copy will be added for the potter up of the club. For every ciub of fifty, the lemi Weekly, and for every club ol'W, hunhed, the Daily will be sent, i.-ra r, jutilctl, 1.1 Ihu f the t.Xra cm' of 11 1 1 hi it. Additions to flubs may be mado st any time nt same rate.. Tapers caanot bo changed from ono Club to another, but on request ol too person ordering the Club, end oa receipt of fifty cents extra, sinple papers will be takon from the Club and sent to ono address. J'-ffAW orders uiu.-t be nccompimie 1 by lie Cush. Address Till: OH I.l), Mi I'ark l!ow, .ew Vork.. January t, 1 8i4. tr I A X ( I A I. CO X I ) IT I O of ' t h ""rTpTr. i? iicld County Arl ultral ifletv far in the "" "un H'cir i.ratiu. snou Id i wnvi keen a le,l .1 most popularand Piiecessrul COMMI'TIAL ,lt ''flloflhnd's Hitters near them, as they will 1 the vear cndlif 1 Itii Jatmarv l-l SCHOOL in the country. Upwards i.f TwKi.vii 't'"1 I"'" '' I"'"' ''t ftoin its uc, to both miud and I " 111 .mii: mi joun' men, lrom TwhMv-KirnT rlifier Srrt 'Tl riri- l-pij ent States, nave been educated for biismes. here W. 1 V.A ,U1 V .. . r itl'i" ''" past three ycur., t-mne , w!.m have Weilcsne this year to place In loie a million of been employed as LOOul-KEhl'KIt-J ut saliu ios northom readers thepreat Jct;in. the Day- of - u Look t.-Iics on the qui stii.n of the llai-'s. We, nriqA c intiden.ly believe if this journal weie rlared in UOUJ uu the bnnds of one-half the voters of the tiorlhern ,9"wl" ' Pnn pradunlinp. who knew notJiin- Siot. s between thif timo and Nov body, iiivijoi.itin2 and not det.re'siiu-. It i. D'-t 11 Liqiiurstinmlaiit, aud leave? no pros-tratioii. in Fair, County c.-J jr fr IiC), otnber. ISO I. iho ,f """""t" when they entered tho Collepe I'eiii icratp nnl I nut fail to cirrv the reti 1'm.t. "1 '.'I mister's pons halfiirice. der.linl eletion. H'c therefore luako the followinp ! Stu,,n! enter at any time, and review when oilers, nnl in the Inriu of prir.c, and not even be. j U"''V I,h;'"c Hbout extra eharpo. Cause it will be prolduliie for weeun scarcely nf- vaimopucp. .-.pecimrus oi 1'ciimiinship. m( fori it but soleiy to secure a wide disseiiiTiatiun ' 'ew 1,10 COLLKtiK. pnelosp five letter sinnips ot the doctrines which we firmly believe will save our country : 1'I.Ur.S OF TWENTY. For a club of twenty, beside the extra pspcr now offered, we will scud s c py if Dr. Van I rie's (treat work ou " Ncproi' ud Nopro Slavery," Iho thud edition of which is just ready. Price One Duliur. CLUl'.SOF FIFTi. Tor a club of Fifty subscribers, at tul, ws will P 'lid one cx.ru paper, and a cou plete pet of our '-Anti Abolition Publications, "tha prices of which, taken together, amount tn t'!,1i. th some white spot..- 1 W I!S OF ON E II L NI'RF.D. U is klill .t it- j ino owner is requested to pom. forsard, uroie In relation to club-of one hutired. ws will say Wt,U menner ID them Calling upon property, pay charge, aad tak. her away. .'lher. this; Whoever will, inJ . oni hundred Tubs'ri VCinnriPalsi . I 1 ii I.. at in Ilia Vl h il i A rf aMnnl.i.H t. I Iv .... . . .-.. wno noncstiy .ove metreoun-, 'vZ,rv :V:T. "l " T""t- "'Vuh D: ', u,i uein aud end at tha same time, rill "Ti and conscientiously believe (hat our wlort are tin, .1..:. .,7-. rV " i it nig iiicii uvoi u urr tli uiia ll,. . . sh . ., Mi UIOl;MAkl:iW.-Th. subscriber de- 1 Xov.mbo .7 Vir. . .... in .n.1.- XSll'tS T. ...... . I ' ' ' ' V It II. 1 frs trov lt, ... 0 . IX " to amptey 1VS Journey man 8hoa-I ' " " you ahosildnoifallto-mhrao. . 1 v.. .s..1, Vr.??? ' the JourcsJ office. j i, "s--i. iuiuerinur, ira. ec. 1, !J.rf May 15, CI. ly. J j.MvI.VS ,t i.'.i.iii, Pittsburgh, Pa. m'k". T. I. u'rri.io Bl'SII k .M'CL'I.I.UlCii:, tojjecuon ulicc, c-. In G ra n a a 'a Niw Blildinu, Feb. 5, X2. ail. C'J do i-j du do di do da Wlt.I.IAM A. WAII ACS. Attorneys at Law. CLhAUFItl.O L. 1. CAN1. I ATTENTION, SOLDIKRs, And the iriends of Soldiers. We call the attention wf all having relations or r. ,.: I v.i friends in the army tn the fact that ''Jioolland s '. 1 ,1 , , ' iierman J. liters will cure nine. tenths of the dis cases induced by exposures und privations inci dent to camp life. In the lias, published almost dMly i:i the newspapers, on tho arrival of the sick, it will be L'.-i"L I that a very lare proportion are fullering lrom debility. Fvciy cii ( !' tVat hind (un be re:,, l.ly , un J by 11 i.,il ... i'., ii, r.i.ii'i l''!-ii. Wc hnvo lo hesitation in statin that, i ir the titters were freely used sm.u oir aol.l dier, bumlre is of lives miht be saved that oi!i-' erwise would be losu I Tl,. . . i .... - . . .. . . . i Cl txriitt n , I", r'', . are uaiiy receiving thaukFui: ,', " Iciters from suUcrcra iu the armv fttltl llttHTti I fl I who hove been restored to heallb by ihe ue of tbee titters, sont to thim by their friend.. I I'.EWAliE OF C'OUXTLI'FEiT.i! se tLat tho kicnatiire tf "C. M. JACKSON" Is , on the w r.Ai'Pi.u of esch Bottle. I'rh c per lluttle 15 cents. Or half tluzcii Inr H. Should your nearest drregist not hsve the artl clc. do not be put od by ui.y of Ihe iutoxicating Amount iu hands of Treasunr at lai lottleincnt, - . . $ tl 10 From membership, kid at gates dar- 817 2 ltlO 0) (lute-kccprs, Ticket Ag-ots, Police, Musi", 8ecret,iry, Work ou (Jreunii, Pr;,,-;.. jruni.d le u, I IVemi JUlJ paid, lt;i2 i"l t i 00 . 00 1) 00 II vo l.'l I) 41 Ts S, Oil) Oil 1 1,003 ii $ 143 ?S ta'aiie s Iu baa Js of Treasurer. $ :tU 8'.' Attest, D. F. tTZtVEILEK, January 6, IjCt. joux a. niu PA. DR. A. H. HILLS DKSIKK.S lo ns. form Lis pat CHAN'S and n. I.I.LT, Aitorneji al J.aw, May 3, 'CI. CLtsnnaLn, r. WAI.TIlt BARRKT. preparation Unit may be oif-ied in its place, but W ,M ! 1 11 1 lrfi. ATToa,r.T AT M i haw, i. learn I. Pa. Cram, Esq., on r-scen treet. March 2, 18c2,-f. Office with t. J. SPiid to us, and wo will forward, securely packed. by express. Principal Office and Manufactory, Nj. C31 Area , strcst, Pniladoliihia. JON IiS Jt EVANS, (Sneeewsors U C. II. JacxsosA Ci.,) I rornetorv MfTni mis at tare, Blitstieia, - . . L 1 1 . - a.v.WV f. on, in,t P'olfsion 'A -.r''. . 'ij1-i al business s,.nfiL jV;iiv.-lJL him to bis oSice a'., 'r -'i'.'". yji- ' i,tha tiuie, aad be wilt fy. 'Tv , jj l" nako frtti'ssioni' 'i w. "custom sd p I a c t u this . n m m K.. Bisy b found at b!. (Sci on the southweot er- t naruwi.k A n J. ll'. iL. "iT0t """IMn'tMots at all times, exoe, M nartswiek Basts., s Ir.f .h.o notie. sppe.r. In the town paper, to th'.