Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 20, 1864, Image 2

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nf rtir ,rt In 1 i I d t n . ' , the itneit
pf tllCI II hole .". lIP IH 'HMllv I til 011
op. n ,ai. I I'i(.)m nny itn.ii i' tiii tnent i
l.nd ."n liiinl" t ken I wa ! t I
Me in ft
i . a .1 t. t . a.
II It A I lti li J . iu.K Kiua lrl ID I VI 41.1 an. .1 .k..l.h a... ft . a. . a . . . . .
....... . .. . i H f. " . I'fcniUtHAlIv ' "" 3 '' M I n I'lill'H, a Slink i w as rl.".- I'"iIUm,K, ' "lUl
Jbn Inin S i.Wcr tl.e nn. .,,,.... ro.l-,, f, a "'I at
lien tli Morn
' found Ml 10 ll
ii r
Mi pl.'X r I rn l. l.'tll ..I 'r . ,cm. in rl- V ' vv T . (n c, nil"! Hill no thought il pf ill v mill ... nil ennui. one. lit ,(,,, ,,, ,,lv ,,, (ll,vr I i"fl
r,,,,, . ,, . p.. tl.r .l-.; -i Mm-mi,!!, Hi .- Vj', It teach. . I 0 and 2 ,t ' , , r"""rti" tat-i.. m M promtcd ""'";; V"y t'.e .v.-,,,,, . . J .'.V 1 1- -M..
, .ted lor Hi. .. hef of our ut en.ip In, ih- 'Hj' N rt'i 'i V 1 ii i . ... . . g li" meinL..t. r, h.) n.ked I, .; i i I r," ,lrr ' " M"" "li-d liim-clf h,,trver nf hi! ,i. . '"'H N
"1 1 1 r ol' our rii irti lo have fill- ril 'YX:"LvK'tvr roi.t-.I himK ,,. tilt ,prMoffo .,,-,. nB ,, t . might lo In cvt-iv ! t ioft fit M'tHk.T ,ki Cl'l h iWI i' " hiil'.V ' n?
l,.i.un..iiiMilih nml it - uiiiiin 1 1 f- 'r"l?'r. - W ifi-5 . WO in il im. -M.ta, H' i.lrit nmy lo procecdm,.,, 'II. is piivilego, n SciiMoi w ..iinrj to Hit ui ciiPul'tli Piiinrt'. Mm,,
loiui.r hi.- 0o.9 tl.ouM l.hi.h Iion( ""!:-:iiA-v;.' JiV. ti- ' formal of ll, int.nso uf!V-ri.w m .,,, "y "c,,ril,l ' r'irliii,Pi,,y Lo.lion, ''"'". U"'lji''f. f"'" tl'o JouiiihU, ' I,,-R,"r "P-. H.'W-m
Ihiv IopI: on tlii. I Icur.c. .--r I r11, w in ipIuhp.I l,v il.. t : .!., '") I'iivp cotHluuli-a ll ilfttioiM n i.t-" ;. i. Hr, ut,i,htHn,l H...llion i.Mf t... Cl.l'A KFI KI.D. l'A. "'"""" '"'"Hi. mTiiml-in ' ' . T'' ..fli..-er. ' , 'V. 1 U h l-AUTfnvl
H'I'omiiv i n i-iuiiiiv i-rnmim. i.o in'
oil liiiili r l!n; ril'liuttiion of i!k oi.i hih
mount vluiy tl'.ut of vinroufiy mi
tii:: Our liovorniiMMil in il liniliMin' , to cml. To I lie full pxtont oI'idv oili
ciul tiiiil it'iliv i-iu..l nl'iliiy il flinll mi -poru-.l.
aii'l 1 'fly lu-siiiily on jour iu op
or:it:fii. I Am reuily for nil j' nifni
ur. t to ptrt'iii: jlit-n iih arm tn t nnun
it u IioMovm to sliimilulo l.y j . 1 1 k lilj
erality, to tin itft'lvis i.nJ tuoir ('.iniiiivf
tin men wlio j;ivr to il tlioir crjoi)itl li
vice -in every mo If to inviioiuto it i.o-
tion. Vi niv i1j:Iiiii'.! ilu tifit bpitk' uf f.n't,
t)ol of tii.tli - of ritiiit - tl liUity. 'l i e
Almiirlity Ims uu MlnUito ilifit oiin favor
our6nvii(.-p Kml (.IrgiMK l t" rr.frnit. No
lifoplo C'H'l "11011111 to U't'iitoruil ui iiicin-
cue Inm-ruv n wliolo fmnilv ofm.ven 1 ". wo Iiru'"''. il fl'r- l.-OI. U. nrul U0 S
Wcdn-ldny Morning. Jan. 20th. 1804. ioik j nn.l in i,utlir trn Hiouiuk1 liot'i '"lttb,"4l,e!' 'a's't' f tl poniii,.,, tovd their ollice. n.ur tin. vU,
me vuiJ lo huvo pcrihhr.l.
llipy liuvt. a.sunipi. We cointnciul it t i 'f'"'', in tlio-e
0 of the I'diim
i"S t
7 t A i. i; ios
our leaden una clear Hil l unniiMVei.h!o . " ' ,"' l'ukT lemiii.lj the ."rimle. thi.t I """''1 inlnrm lh thl
ll ,rm, o. ,., l.ut l..t.-r- " rW.M.-l ll.rir "Hi.. u ... "''"'" I" "'V"" of r , J, 7'"V".',';'a,' 'w''
i. - c ! !M; w. o,, ,t :iM7,rttr.-V.
w.m mill in .iOj:i-eK ; in.d atej.oi t ,0iii 'Slft, c''"""1 oimnittoe fucd uj.on Iho olutiunury noceidii.fe' winch tel. ut iltli- ,0 ,Jlpr(,""J H'e ollice of ( lovcinor until V. u'. ' t,y pcrlou ' ir C1'"'!
i'oilre.H Monro.. mv the lower portion of,-411' of March next m the lim.nh(l mice hoin h.w mid puxedent : ar.nihor (lovornor hi.ll ho duly ipmlilied ; liccn,.. I, .i,j,.,t n "jW
the.Uy h.vl hoen much d.wn.iu'ed imd .,1- 'lflpl.i thtf l-lues, for hol.lin the ih-.v I ll mide.nca . ti.uto.H beg leave to1'1'"' ),1,P lor ""' i.n4"W
; n. .. .....en iu jintiu, iiiki in i h buhiuil t li e loliovviiiK (-latemein n. vind. "'r"tr' " ill expire nnmodiMc y preee- 1,11 P"-'"""" vu.lutii.jt d . J '"" V
iuoM cnmely do. cried ; l-ut luU, llict.-' ' o.t Uc S'ule Convention ll. rur- ,lllum ol Ull!lr llullu uV,;;; din? the ,l.,y Pf the pener.,1 elcc.ion; ,nd 0 Tlvv " c' , ' '
1 1 - - - ii v - 1 .v.,.., iwi I'lauri n. iiiii .-in:ini . - - I ----- . 1 .ii-iii; u , K I lu H
I j niiijT 111 ui i'i-ir.'iitVPl li) rt'Plfsrui lilt' ii niauv ivPVUlS Ulli i'UUU'Hl liUi no
pl ecedi'UUIl Ujo hibtui v ol ii.H '
- " j ' ' 1 'i VTu.ii 1 nut -j 1 v w i I v a r"u'" i ""V Vl J ihiimiii. hiivii - - ifiriiii .f 4.
, .
.. 4'... I. I . ""f I
cordinfjly at the smile timn; that doiii u "li lnio r...t, .Mfr'i.".".",""1" litii
1 ill (.', to b held at L'hiciiso on
berincnt wiihout becoiaici.' rontcinptihln move of the rcL 1 Rtmy : lui tho o-
' . . . . i . i . . i ti
in lis own eyes una in oi im norui. jiljrl ;a )0t t.rt.J;(0lj
But it is not only naiiit, terrilorini die-, ., ., , ,.
membcrmct thut Hrotruglin?. but . 1 roul S.ut..Hct wel.nveno.h.npof
aninHt the destruction of the very groin..! , imjiorlntico. A story in alio:it, 8:iid to have
woik of our whole ; o!ilic!il "vatem. The conie through the lines, that IheConlcd-
Vllimftto quesiioii truly fit iue :s uic j.o. (.ri(Us M, Ul.V a viurius cil.ui for ....
early c;ifnji.ii(.'n for Iho recovery of Tun-
jibil'.lv ot li.e perinnncut e.istini;e of i
nrnvArfiil I.'Aiii.liiiiv Tf:?it U tlui (iticslion
to U. now solvfd. find by the bleHin' of nec. nnd Kentucky. It u pretty cer
(Jod, WfttnCiin that il shall not be cur fault tain that they have, irccntly gained eouie
if it ! not solved favorably
.1,...:.... tl.. .
f . U (lit . V. II I II.m i" U ..... , ... .'.' , ,
m.Vhtv t.ideS towa. ! Kolution. '"""ee(, iuMeu.1 o; rr-tn-ai in
nd to n.ll human uppriaiH-e ne ajvi) ;r"-h I.'l' hinoud, ia npain udvuncin; to :ii l.
lis comtomplclion. l!ul whatever rever.-ei Kuoxville, bein, at hint uccoun I. but lif'-
mav hnppen-ivlialcv.r blo.ul and trea- ,00 ,ilV, caM uf that plaeo, ami h.ivh.yi
lire tnnv M'lll be rrquiiod huU:V-r sac- ,. bl
rifiees nny b- ncces-ary-theiM will re-, L ""'U.-r.aiHi Gap at hn- command.
main the inexoiublcdeterniination of our Tlio prisoner at Johnson'.i Inland, near'
"r"- ,m ""K u" " l" V'1 ,n ! , " - u.ix.ou. tui lection, im well ua I, ;W
.car oi uen. ;aeiule, and in.iicutiug a cen-i lll( ' next, ami ll.o Hcleeiiou ol u nini-d m thu .ini'vlf, secma to juatilv
Democratic l.leetorid Ticket. il u iloe. not deinui.'!, a lair s-Uifiiicut
jt , " c, V"r, 1" . . "I ihc c.i.-o lor thu cjiioidcrutlou ol tl.o
Meeting of the Clearfield County Affn- public.
cultural Society. i i i,0 Heni U composed of thirty -ihico
In I'uriuiinco (d prcviujr notice tin. inembei. 1 liu ly-lit o wem prucni at ti.o
'.'leiii field county A'iieuhural Society ni. t lixvd ili u,e Co.itituiio.i hr their
,1 ll... C.,ri ll...w i (' ..R..1.I u"u u" " 1'inoiiur oi war lu Iho
led ills following ollifcu:
iv.i.i.-.ii v in. inkier. I'.Miiuciui., ami hixlccii uie liepuOlicii.h.
fj'.m(.'rt Ont:iit!ettt. V. ioodfelor. i'l'ioio we Mtmuic met on tlic uili m-t .
Fit . - . .
i-o.i.iin ruion oi ine.e ('ircuuiHiiinccs, t ho ...ruiu-iia ti, hIuh.. f i ""'w
tu.L' a fpo-iker who may t' yois olil. Tin, 0Brl ""Mi
continue in that nllien vnttl the in,cU,u, of l"rw',r"- I'foi' i'ly, ,ny rtJ.
the ,.,:rt Ventral ASiu,J.,h in 1 ).ee..',l,,r .wi.!.' '"'I'"! f J?..
. . ..... -"Aurms
il 1 1 I iH
next, ii evident.'
Kiom this iansun:.'!., and from Iho pn.o-i A
lice of those men who framed the (Viinti-1
tutionnl p ovimoiis referred to, it is vcrv'
evident that no Speaker, whether he held 1
nwi, or v.iih re-eiecied lor the vacation.
h-ix Leen or rji t,
ui le the Sir.js,-r nf the Venule af- Til E IIELELLI'JN UliOKfV
!) of he Gener.U AssemLI,. ' J.:V SFlTIi n'..
. lebt-l hialcs. Ul i .oo ti -u,oi, i ,.l h,m ,t-r tue merlin
' . . ' Wx,.., , ! ....I.I ' .
lor o peuKer. MAleen ara . ,."......ij n.i. iwn consuiere.i
i.iu.-pH,ii.eni. oi mo mecedint; on... mid
h ih ini annbly elected "its Speaker and ,
iidvantaaeg in WcMcrn ViiL'inia. and that in. A. Heed, i:i Lloo.'i), Moe Fulton, I"1'1)' caucus and iiuiuiuaioU a .r "a'U!'''-s" ilirected by the ConMi-
- ' ' ........ i . i . i ' i i . I ! I I 1 1 1 1 II Ikij ln.f.n Id'. I'.. il . I) . l r
uanuKiaic mrc j.ouker iiml L.L-ik. a
iiuiubci' ol'bailut.s were had ui lu the ad
journment uu I'lidav Jasl. lor .vi,..!ik.,.
Curre.tjiunMr .Si-.r.';:ry LeiM Sj.jck niKU. v hil l. I csullod lu a 110 Vulecacl. lime.
J , .' tsurrr A . M. T I ! " - . i l" "'publiiiuus aulicil.ui.uir, l.uluie
towards i Uicnurd dr.
It .or Jin -j .SvrWifHf Levi F. In.'in
lull. ii. Jt l.:n hecn led for iIia lfti..,l.i;
can Scnntors of this ceshion to nmko i'io
discovery, that a "political necessity," un
der the clo;.k of "perpetual orcaniz it ion "
will justify in unprecedented and dimmer
ar of KMcrniinniionijj
i D' fc . r
7.ii.-aM.i-.U .1. Wrtlnco. .''" fccuuu. met, thu u-ouli, conceived ous "V" I,aU(,n T tl sake of H few .ot
.... m . ! lue idua ol,,. il,..i,. I. ii:.... 'i' "illces.
i ice j rctiiums ,'fi:a ::i)ovcr. liuiivtn.'. .u.iuvu -
I 11-2 f I DlVlr
by uU..euny to ihe ort'.iijiz..iion
i'..i . xt:,..... ii .m c.i i i. i. . t ... J o
" ' ewiauii,' btwoii, under U,e pica thai
rcople to lightout this li. in? to the end 1 Cleveland, bavin." made soine threat... ;
-to preserve and prepvtuato thin Union, demonstrations, t or three ro.illH,hk 'l'!''');'''. Curivi nswlle I'.oif.uph : J.jM ph ' ihe enale has u -pei j.eund cr-auiz uion;
IIHV nave h.o. ll .oil, nou ui.u hum ruun , , . .. - , l..,,ra I ,. ,,,l.r I ' 1 1 S. ....... al.UlU CdllV OIJL 11. ., h..,Ui,. ..... I
I... m. t,,,,n w ." mi i i.e. v iu si. enei i.en 1 1 ai . ' ' - 1 v l
n s I u s-1 r ... .. ... .... i . . i .voealor tooK Ine iimii. . .i ... . i... v...
.sew ii o i .'i'l l ooi'iul'ii : Jir rn . , "
1 Vii.ii ......
! 'I he (iihyerihcr. huvi:ir .,in..,,.i ,M
j lerpst f I hi hito firm odluL.n u,
be reft from the coiistcHnlion, nor
terrd brihtne-js l.ti uimtned;bv treason l'ofl.
and Ravagsry, a. id tliey will . l:?.?p thci
A. 0. CUKT1N.
Why I'd tend thc.c pi inintrs to :
ExrccTire CniMr.F.B. 1
Uirrisb'.trn, January 7, l'VI. )
A corrospon -Jea( of Iho Cincinnati Gii-
1 1 . 1 1 ii. i..t- ii... ..i ..... . .( . i. . . i .
" I . I . 1:1 . ill V,MV,I w il..U4U Wl 1 litt ClfCL lull (li
r.u hmond and c change thorn for as .na-1 , ' 1 ' -ci.atuib were-read, thocle.kd wc-iadirec-
UV of our pouriVlloivslulJ there' There : L1",llft 1'f"lon. P Ecu F. IWcr. j led toculi the loll, and Speaker an-
iould Lo eoomv U,i. The Hold ie.s ! ''1,r' n'l"n ''vf ,"?,&'""'s ,m'ul,i
, .lo in Uir. JJi l tl) : Jo in .Mclia .-v. Jurn-i uu ijuunueu. me iuur
rnuuu u '".i'iim i
eil and returned t'l their buuies, if they
', I p ; LeAis Hurd, Chest tp; V.';!id
HdUf I I . w .
cumuli uut oe. liiioib piesciucil a
written piuleul imauiht tho n.-iiL of
are not needed in (hit war for the liber- MuCr", k''n' lVri;lu,,n M-: J,'u :''' I"tt-r-, ..cakcr ol We pasttesbion io.lUwiy them
'ation of the down-trodden decern
! Africa," us Fred. Douglass callnit.
From l is C..1lliiii:ili,-in nfll.A .In.
,. . i, ..I ii. m l, it.. Tln.i n.
biiCi." l.carlv ti. tho iid.ln'iou nf .1... Pn. ! i,.l I, .!..., .....I., i i . .' ' IJ,l
stitunoii, ii is akcertaitieU thai the bcnio-i n,MV ' Hi. imi.tii pwri,", I
cratic Senators I ave all the precedents 1 ".ru r,'";lv I'l'ly i..i itb M,,'
nearly one !o null ed in number .-lo i,ist;iv! lH''' u"ult,i' "" in fiiy nm. i..!
their course in this contest, while the he-. olljfnor btucli of IJrv (I
f.l i .s..t. r .it c r . ..: :.. ... . Tnr . -
case since 17.1 1, to j -Mify their-. illUlS illHl ('
And in vieiv of the ('..& '.int ;..nul
quirement id'en-d to, and the precedents i SMinf
for so long a period in ihe history of the! V
S'taie.tliere, is but oiio proper and ineon-; M USI.INS, I'llIXTS, CA.!
tlst,b!e e;..irf. to be puiiiied by Senator!,lok i.f ;iur..rB i.
upon tins 11. .or, and that is. lo be euided "5 "U H :'.ieuipr lu;... tn d,,'
tttle writtin from the CumberL.-id F.ivei
fivej the lUllonrin ; :huiuoroj coiloijuy! ftJ-The, nppy-!ie.ideJ ninny,
with n philoiopuic darkey : jthat miiniifca the JjeMn in this
I noticed upon the hurricane deck to-; place, attempts to convict us either of ij;
dtiy an elderly darkey w ith a very piiihs-1 nurance or falshood, l.y teckin every op
ephical ai:d retrospective cast of cour.te- portupily to lay before his readers the
nance, equalled upon his b'.ndle, toasting . ilespatches thowiiij! that a few rebels here
hii shins against the chimney, aud appa- and there along the coast, and at other
reutiy piunjea into a Male oi our lines, Have nccej ic-ii the Knox tj. ; J. H. Walters, Graham tp.
meditation. Finding, upon inquiry, thc.t terms of'.V red by the President prockuiia- On motion, tho former Board of Mnna
be belonged lo the Ulh lkinoiu, one of the' lion of nmnesiy, and taken the OHth eois ale herebv i.tianininuilv re-electee1.
. sun .T.-i'I..n I r, ii W ('nl.lwell l,......tfiu : tuloi e hu is l-e-rlnctHM jut.1 .I..... I,.;....
luUti"r,.. Tl, .. II.,.W.. U-,.,l...,l ,...Uiiiin.lf. Still, by Ukinutlie ualii olollnu ' 'l"1 '" an,l the experience of I he , hm. ;
I " " ....... - 'I'l... ., . " . fllii fi vi.i iitimid nf m.A ..! . I
" " ii."i a-
i : .i.i .... i . i i , , I
. ..,.. ... un ou.tfr. nrn..y lf;rie,ly for rsftiK 1 uii li
itn: 1 nomas 1 1 ennersnti. Uoo.livivd I.
i ,f- i, .... r .,, i , 'ii thul manner, iheir names were Placed
iJos.-oh Irv.Ouekch tp; . Tame I' oo;n Sr. ,, , ,, ' . ,, , i '-.
. 1 ' iLl.M.l. LllP ..ill Ml.ll ).'.. I'l. .1.1 ...... .a
Iilooui t;i; D.vil Ad nils, Jr . lion's tp umpiesliuiied, w hich would not hav been
lkiskcll 1). Siiom alier, Dectur tp; l'aniol j Uic case had I hey declined lo quality al
eonclutinr.. t!is undetsirced bes lti l u'.lio t ilieir iiui k ..f
C. I Tl I .... 1 ... I 1 I." . I I lilt UI11U. A 1 I'SOllit III.. HHS I Ml ....... I i ' ... .n . ii ii .1. III-
.--.cum, U..IUIUI i i).; i.e......... jyier, , V . , , ' caniz-s t l.e S.na1 ll
tins n.iuui'ucugiy uwtvu, w "lvt'i;' IV IHi
XT-r;- .... t ..rt- .:.... rr..
luvnn i p. j," r f. iir ti ;i iitt u un li , 1 . v- i .
' ' I ' ' I'li 1 tin It ir .Si Ufv niu n i.tim ....
John kidrr, Coiiiiytnij tp; John Spek-l,,uct;t.$!.ui baimt wero tuken, under the
t inn n , GirJi 'I tj ; T hoinpcoii Kecd, fi.whtn j ic.-oiulion.
,tp; U.S. Ilimes, Fox tp ; Conrad liaker, ' tuc Kepublicfiu Senators, finding it i.n.
puso.o.i: iu le-e.eei ineir i.ue ppeahcr, plO.
cceded to toice an a.knowledj.nieiii
ihcir "pel petuid oigaiuzaiion," hy intro
ducing many mailers ot legi.lution dis
cost gallantly behaved an ! heavy losing : therein j iefcriUd. The public have be. n ; ChMrnun-ii. L. Kecd. Ck ailield Lor ;' u"a iu that pel mining to iho reouir. ,1
a.iuu.u oigai.uaiion ot ll.e ,s..i,ii.. nn,i
ihe SLttei) iicinocralic Senators voted a
regimente at Foi t Hontdscn battie, .'11111 ; ao often deceived by simihir u ports, th.-.t ! Joseph Jrw in, Lawrence l'eter Hoover
part of Tvliicli was aboard. 1 began to in- they are very loth to bf lieve ar.v of these ; l'.kc ; Martin Luther Ii odv Edward
"V"8"" -"J"'- i..s...u.-;r.v.,.,. . ...,.,c u; j,..,.., .... r. IV A.
r.1... n-um r n ..1. :.. .1 r. ...., rt: . f. I .. . .1 ....... '
...... iv uun in i. r miBiuuiun en noior OU5 v irne . the.o el.nt.n.u '.... t - i t ...... .. . i
.... . , ' , . "v '". i.aience ; u. r. noyi, jcrgupon; uu. ...g nie session ol last week ; and how
that I his view in his own ; is to surround .1 with a certain degree ol i Win. T. Gilbert. Lcll ; J. A. S. Flegal. j longer il w,k continue no one seems
.vius ii uuai bj n)f uie.nory ferves
I gainst turh imiiiniier iirocredinc l,.
a.,.ci. j lU;i lh C(,,,..,K, ,.,,.;,,,)
too", .oi. proposition niA le
in open Seniise on tl;ei. behalf by lln Sen
ator i'.om !k'ik, yr. Clymer, on ll.p ere
ond ! iv of the,r , jI: Thai thf
Ilefubyeiin .Scnvori shad elect Ihe llrs!
ofliee in the j;ili of ihe Senate, the Denr.
cra'ic '.:ena;'rs th" secind, and r akor
natelv through t i p list.
Oon. II. P.itiflr,
Jno. ('. Smith,
A. Ilie.'snd Oli'j
M H. r..'ard.lep,
.1 tin. ki.'s,
Wm. A. W!!,c.
Win. M "Sherry.
'. iif. J)ono?r.
m. Il.plm,,
Win. Kiriso,
l!eise:. C'lvmer,
f'has I.. I.ainbf rten,
Opr. W Slein,
l'errl. Rnjlly,
.1. R. S.rk
1 B Montcomerv
Pulley Bloti'
''' r rartitiK LulUi... ......
Tt..y cibsira rsj,eci:ty to cilltj,,..,
j.u'.lic to il. cir iiuck bf
due ens Avar
n ....iiun.
ii f.ur rt.f-V
ir r.'.t.
me :
'Were you in the fight ?"
"Had a litlk tnsto of it, na."
"Stood your ground, did you ?
"No fa, I ru'i."
'Run a f .-st fire, did vouf
doubt. Yet, notwithstanding all this. ,ve Goshen ; Sauil. ,1. Miles. Jordan ; J K l " O .uonry.J.
have no doubt that many citizens resi ling1 Hewitt. Ilou.-ton ; Thou. A McGre Hell '".s c",,n,11''51 ' P"-'on bet-vecn Srnv1 Death of Archbishop Hur;hes.
Sr!X,-n7.h'?'?'7'tw " ,,ir ,,., ,
bo. Local of NoifulK, in irjrin.n. .wLern. j IWg.M. mde of the Senate soil' t. nm M. tinL'i.k I Caihulie Arcklesl..,,. r.r
;in .North Cmolina, Memphis, Nashville, Whereupon G'-n. A. M Hills was called 1 lni'rt lll0' mibmit to the laws and Vork. died in that city at half pat never
in itxncssf c, mcy taiic llie oull
h.r ....
7i.K.v.EMr.r.u t'ii: vilr
ftrn-i . r.o,.i 'iv i .,..,,.'.., .1 a v...; . ,.'
.V '
v.'aii, (; no il$T
a v nz c n ASfiiTiiD
T. T
. T i'innt. T ..
AT TfJK CliKAp (;a.( aTii
I m ju. rrrlTi.,s ..peniriF t .
Ulttll'l fl', It)
k.nag ml
ol almo.-t ovt-ry ilcscrija.
a ui'.i;iai .."rt.nei.t if frii.ts i:i
ni'O.i. and rcsnonded in Iim usual ..lnnuenl I
as the only mesrs by which they are per-;,,,,,! iuten.-sting marner
run focner bad I ruitted to remain. They do so.iaiher than
"Yes ;.:," v.-,;.! lfd
kuowed it. ksi cciin'."' ;loc their .roperty and bo driven from,
"Why, that wasr't very creditabU to'lheir homes. We never doubted thnij
your cour-igc." ,'uc. w ould be tho case, lie would be a fo,.!!
(hi t! l r. ( lCr I 111) lilinitina ftdlMir-ia.!
t . ... ,:. r . . if?"'-1
i'. r. i.iittHLSii, .".vieiary. iAr. , i. ,...,....: I .i ,i ..u. . : ...
J v. .V, ... mm i tiv jr. ... ie. Ci IS
i nf tho Slate.
I,, r....-.,.....e.. r .i e ..... n.-;. '" ,M ""-"' " mi o, .e
"Pat isn't in mv line. tas.,-. .o il.inl, n : i, ,. 1 ' . . . " '. . .Constitution says "each house shall
' " - "" ""J,"- ""- " '-s ". a" loieetnut, ol u.o count)
j' woiKtu prove whicti, the author of the
'ci., but have you no regard for your proclamation has only
reputation?" buyomti..
"Keputaticn' nufiin to m de sidt cb'
misH I Ley must submit to the laws and Vork. died in dial city at half pat Rever, ! l"'. i.'no' v .?f t" ' 1 .U'"' ,,kl
precedents which have directed all past "'chick on 'i-i.J.iy evenifig, 3d init. in lie I . v'V'tW iVi'-i" 'xun-m
organization, of this body, or be regarded M.h vear of his a,,. 1' A-NI) NOiI0-
as usurpu-s and po.ver- disi e- The derease.I had keen failine in body! k., t',1 "c-. 1
garding the. act of their pichcc- f'r n.oie than a vear past. Duri.-c ihej 'u00i, Jii st,n.,, , ,r.,
..minillcr, ihe l'c-jH Speaker mid' other ollieers." 'iiiis
past siimi. cr he was co:i i-msl'v under Ibe
Cjirc of hi, phv.eians, ,. Ciark. and
Woo.). On the of n.-cember he w u
fr.'l ..onlii.ed to his bed of Hiekr)ss from
whicii Le wa never to the. His .ierpw
lie author of the , niocracy of Cleailield coun'j , iiMcmble.l iinperaiive'i.nd lias never been disregard- -'' hongl! iipprehen led, wa not consider
to withdraw his !.it ihe Court ii.,..,e in CI..,.. ii',.l.l ..nTm...:"' until i.ov by this attempt of the lie- ed imminent no I d Thursday of !at week
i " v ' " ' Ul' . . i i: .. , it! . ... . . i ii ... . . ..I . .... l. - i - i - ...
:tib!;t un olhceia lo hold ovri. 'l'it- ivm;
Wi.i. p. Cnauibjrs, of Cui wenvllle, n-js.imi,,:, peveial times, and m.-.n I
, branch ef the Leu'islalure. This houf.'
A. Faust, of Curivciiet illc,
HniKin' rst.;,iv.
He received i,p ki't sacrament ( the
Church, and fhortly aficr becamp pi.eeh
!ss, but sli!l rlaifid his conici'Minn...
is conq.oscd ofold ami new nienilers, u'n! "e reina:ned in that date until Sunday
it was not intended l.v (he frauiers of tl.e afternoon, when a for the worp
Cnnmiiutio.i, nor claimed by any previous occurred and growing w-rak'-r and weak-'
Senate, that old ollieers should r.reside cr, bieathed his last at precisely CI inin
over a liev Senate and ne.v member "e past 7 o'clock .
'(lav evcnini.' iho 14lh inst
tut laTore our r.cichbor trends n.nv
moieoi ins breatn, lie had Letter refer tc 'i,Un P, l.... . k.v.- . :. ........ .t n ,
Uoyca ccn&ider your life worth more , our knguage. To nave him the trouble cai ia and W W Wo-rcll of Che,t Vice
than other people'. ?" .'of for it ; and for fear that he 1 Presidents ; and It. . Wallace, ,.f Clcar-
iisiomeKa. -woulJ not give it to his readers rn that (kid, und J
"Then you muat value your kfa very might see it ; and for fear, idsc, that' .s-cretaries.
c ) ' i'1' ought pervert it. as is his custom, we! n., r. . t r Ihe C.uistii ut ion does i.ot sav .l...t '..neli
es aa, I does-more dan all d.t rruld, her give it xaba'in. lIie c..joc, of ,c ln,f.lin ''V Us sl.'w'k" ! p WTlO.-n, ,.(lUie nr, ,,,r.,,,y ,,.
more dan a million ob dolhhs, for "Will thee be accepted by the! J0S jj McMuirav n doom and W i" ' . ,"",nl"r anti '""',l h" ,","H J ld -. raolo-.f, er in ,r,.y , d!c
what would dat be wnth to a man wid d- r"'"'1" i "rmsT Not bv a man of ' ',. . V r nnd. " " j rr,1,.,"l,cf 'n'lpr ,l f,.'r '-ven y odd years rr,.,y,.v ..? Kive0 l.y m. to .1,.,...,
, , ..... ' " the... i',7.! ..,. 7 ... ... ,.r, . JWtls, Were elected conferees lo select, 1 o divest this novel idea ot "peri. (tu.M '""" ,,f ''""'v .hilc.l fim,.. time in the
11111 fill! ri i .in. T W,.l I . .. ll .nw iii.i i...u. 1 l . M I,"! .V . . .. . f " '
. . v'u v it tin . .irii-i I'kpriiuvn un i - . - . . . . a . ........ i i .
Whenever ...... I n. . r ii.. " COIlJ'.i net ion IV 1 III Kill) I la." Con If! CCS from r " " " " "' n"J p. e. .use oi riglil
I 'henevcr ou llCHrof nM ,..; ' ., ,-. e .... , or custom on the part of its authors. The
ar.ij, aecrpting Air. Lincoln a amnesty, . , Senate Journals have been carefully ex-
I please let us know. de.egato to tl.e next dem.icalin Slate j ..nuned back to Ihe year 1704, and ihe re-
j Convention. Ilkani Woodwind, H. Jultn the cxaniination is htalCil bri.llv
. t'3r'Arc our !"'"oera of war at Jiich- Wallace and James McClelh.n (of Fox) s '"lions:
mond 10 be abandoned to their fate? ,VPre cl.c,cil P(1.rt.r(.M to n,ppt h;.iar: From 1704 to m no Lte Sr,l;cr haever
'Some three weeks neo it nn..n.,.,ee,l ' ...r , . .... ... . oltemiM to owtoji t,ew ,'wtor. and m new
.atisfactio. o. knowins that you died for . committed to Gen. Itu.ler. Hut nothing g,,e, to ,he Stat Convention-Col. W.d- very annual meeting of the Senate, all
your country . i ,ns been heard of the matter since; and ler Rarrett was called upon to address tho ' lh oWcr ,v," 'fctcd or re-elected and
"What fc.uifact.on would dat be lo me; were it not for the fact that Ilauy White meetinc and responded in a b. icf but ,.,-! f,7hiiel,,'-,, t''," new Speaker.
wnenxic power oh feclin' was gsme ?" ; is still held ns a prisoner of war, in coiuc- tinenl manner
OUt ob him? Self-I.reterbashn.n .
am ue fust law wid me."
"But why should you act upon a differ
ent rule from other men ?"
"Because dilfcrent men set different val
ues t.por. dar live ; mine is not in do market.".
I. mi, ih , Xnvcui'uer, for lb, mm of four.
fen. ,,,.,,!, n. I Inro net received value for, and
ai.i iKlMrniinid not to my Ihe pnr.p, ..u'.o eoni
p'lk'd to do m l.y duo e.ii.rsa nf Lit.
.ioiiv ii. i.Ar.nntr..'..
I.nrcns, towrfhlf, Jan. f, 1 sR 1.
VE.xr.riA .v u.xmr.sT.
X liinirr
mrr.H,, cati, toll., colic, Ac. ltoad the f
lowing :
Iti.STOv. July Till, lsnfl.
Pr T"l.ifis : V l ave ii(d for t!u. imstypsr tweed, o..tti.n.le,
Harlwi.rc, supi.iwr.,
Ilrn. .ml
. il a.l l'ii.iU,
C.rpt A Oil (Init,,
d li OCER ! ;,
Fie h. "n-nr. n4 T
i'.fkfrel in j .rrf.l.
srtr. , hM qiakty, U uf whu't. illiiv
ico lowc.t cj.!i r.r r.nJy iy (itiepi.
My o!il frienJi and the sui.lic jitm'j
rs.-j ..fully icviicil in Oil 1 1.
rS!S. fi .til l:in i. ..f'.'ft.t;.V.di;
COlWri r t'UOUUCK ukeu in lid.
W JI. P. IE'
Clearlcld, Dee. Zt, ltf3.
J. P. M3U
Has jiit a larcassorlr
Fall and Wii
Fi'.S st rtt.hmi ie., lnsriii..-, rrp J''..1"-'
r.irmntn, brilli.-.nts .i,;nr,
prinls, Mi!!... d.i-i. ;i l...l.. p:n, li.nnl.
lint n It. cp. edgitjf, velvet Irimi.iinr. i
l.raiil, hill.., dr-., fuller... bosi.-ry.
cor.'et. collars, hmni', iiul,;...-, .scurf-.k1
I'slcoratf, in:i!,i!(... eoal., r'uml', lunl , Lut s, ill. lion-.. fluw-T', I'ltdW
fiunh . -si,..!, .:a,i it.-5
i - 1 "il f - if i" i , j I ' , ...v., ti i in.. i..rfciJii .mi i..noti,;..., inur an, i.. 1 1 in ii ,
rroin JiiH 10 !Mi4, tie was (iIumua yntir Htm-!,iiiim(.i t f r Intuvm-j... k i.-k . l.rni... . Insi. lidim. J,.,,;,nt
'Then patriotism and honor are. no.b.'ouence of which ,l,e s ,.r v ' ... ..' V . .. . ' ,.7.' ?T''J-' . r'r ettkfr U! ,':."'r7 'M" i( '" Vn. 1
, - , - ... .iiiiim i,. in iriiui' i i mi . n in a i a i m rA irsi nil,. . iiiii im himiiv i i i l i no c.i.M.e'.i i s-... , i . ihpih - r i rvrr innn in inn nr.
, i i Mt n us III'AL I'lll I'll " -- - "i'l I ' rr.ui I a HI '
Ing to you?'
tmrtnff .... ivi.t.'.l T.j
:us p..iii. ny. c.nten flannel, e.,n!s, :int., "!'
; Ilia !s llliaola lo nr.Tnni.a II,.. ..or,.,'... ... I 11 . . . dale "ti,ol tit rhuir." or "rn,,li.-,l i., ." leaf" fell 1 six (Inen, ns it is the li r sl.nw).. I,.v' in.-Uu. iivxrull. dr.'
I . , uu.., in h nuu i muur... .n v i n- . . ' . ' ........ c. I ...... ... .- . . . .. Wi
:i.l whatever. ia-I reepil .lun. onll .L,n.i ...... r. ...... . ... ,v other Ser.nlois. m Ins uck now ' " Vl "'' c ' e mrs f, very vn. sniris, unil.-r-liiris. boot ltd im "
... - c "s. ' u.oncu in... iiiiiiiu, ii i up Le nori.'i ip .s,.i. - . . ... .... . , ,i ,. y uao.u, nna t;t) col want in i nve I, mi. u n .
uicnis ouo invneu some oni ftenaior to mvat V vnn 'f
... ... I ... p.uiu ny und CUU c. I K 1 I I 1' hi' IIiP Ana I J II ni - -
'if our soldiers wero lute you, traitor ' hands of Iho rebels. A Lout ll. l,Pat r. r. ; - . ...... ' ; 1 i ...... .-o.i . cri c , . n V .Mei,i,cu..e
might have broken up the fovarnment 'guu.ent our rulers could possibly use in 'wealth
without resistance " 'favor of enlistmenls would be the display n mnii u. ... iotTici'.il dcHignaiiou. in lfS, when
"N ,.Q PI n - 11 1 . I ' ... , . 1
.. td,4i ouuju nave ureo no iifn o n innr c nr u t t. 1
i O " " ns- irnrirr i'l n
: 1 rom 1 . .'4 lo 1M, 1, nil the Senators voted Fold I y all krnj-jisls., 58 Crtlandt ftreef,
. for Speaker in utphuLctieal ortler, w ithout tl.O New Vork. Jan. 0 Im.
......,.., u unanimously Thomas Burr.sido voted as "Intu Sneak-; nLHW M)TICr..-.Th P.or.rd of Tteli.-f l"'"l. ievos. II , i iron... .
for it wouldn't rail .in, rr ; , , i""'"t". ' ". we view Willi pl luO llie er, Lutl'e Was llOt a candidate forre-clec- riecot.n.y ol tlearnel'l, Hill meet at ll.e
ril wouk.ntputmy n.e id de scale prisoners. Ihe.r continued in carccra- eourse of .hp !... l "lion. Vt...!,;,M,n..r' ,.ffi,e. n We-Ine y ,..,1 Tb,.r,.
g.niiaiiy guuernmect Uat eber exiated. , lion, iust becansp il,os !...: ,i . ..... . " '"""""; Fpmn i-o. ,rt ,c.s, :,,, '.-'' :mh days .f Janie-y. Iho4
lor no guuermeut could replace da loss to trol of their fate at
; accept their rxchan
Do you think any of your company "gtces and the while officer, command:
Lose having tho con- lori, nl ,,.rrisl.urg in residing theellort, ! , F,! 10 . The it Zd
Washington refuse to 0f a C(,n.u.,t ,! fanatical In nw een '",ng ."'V""1'"' 0,1:,,m"l,on J,,H, Sen,; "nU m"'- "I"!""'"" """ """ nJ prodaee Haid
n-e unL, .. f t C '! 11 8,11 uno-lul1 l''J lOceep al0 )0 designated as "late Speaker;" H.eir aw.-m detailing i,aaf. ( rhu,-r
t s aiew no- from exislence the vested rights of mem- and from that time to the .resenl. lie is reuimeut nnd Rmntmny; when imisted ; tl.u ci."." n"L
cni.s. Ac.. A.;
Sll.'l. n rarnn. nl' rnrni"'
clock., lfiokin? '! i.e-. l-.i.ii,, rhiiriu.'1"
Til., .tr.wim.. l.r.t.l.i.J li:,LI. WHPbl."1"'
h;.s. U r f .. ....... ,.!ii,in. pi.llvH J1'1
die. ick. work h:i.-kit.-, Isatem'. a,l"li'
fa! 9 robes. Imn:. ci'iTt s"
iii.lri.ii.uiil... il uti". a-''
Inure, fine. n. ware, gi.i" "
: - . ,.i-n..n"j.
roviT.r.-, .itui;. .v..---
.ur, uueon, I 'M, ma. v""" ...
i . .. . , . i . . .. ... ..c. .. . ... .. ...i. ...... ..r ..o...... ...j v I. u . .. .... ... .i ..I.... ..n.i on'.'"
would Lave missed vou if vou b.,I . 6 wn 01 u,(l1 'S 0 them cMgn:e aa cspeaaer uniu ...o mo. . UZtrJ'r V
, ... ,, ' hiw,, n, ui.-n rpicafe.i, win i. "well dnnp e-nn.1 .,,fi fiii,fi ....... llon o proceea io cicci a ft peak cr pre- 7. ' ., : J " "" ' 1 10 "ln" ' , j -. -
killed f l...i . . , . . ' c" "ono gnoa ana Iiiltlitiil HTvanls,' ' 1 cnlintmcnl, Bnd thrir present res din"e n. .1 .Im. b'nd, rruu styurs. nifniat ""' c I.
.., ibot ' encouragement for these brave wn Kllklllin v. . ' : " 1 f ,& rclerra t0 having vaea- fh u ilh()(lt , of . minu," shoe finding X b-.ok. '
"Maybo not, sa-a dead white man ain't veterans at leas, to re-rnlis i n"i! y' 00 Ca1' con, woe" ! ir"
inucu to aoso sogers, let alone a .lead ing- opinion, cither the negro lias greatly im-'
ga-but I'd missed myself, an' dat w. de . p.oved, or else our musters at Washington '
pint wid me. , have greatly deteriorated-
It is eafo lo say that the dusky corpse of
On motion adjourr.ed.
W. 1'. Cu.iMPEns, President.
J. A. Faist, 1
U.J. Wallace,
In several instances there were a nurn-
,., " ' ....ri .or nono.l p- """ .-..ftis
sad children, who are dependant neon her pf which wilt l e rulJ on the in""
T ..1... r ..... . ...... ... I,f ft P'
xwo ..liiicniios (ii ereaiuilitv. rrnm I'.. I, ..!,;- Terms. hd.I the l.lnesi .....i.. i
...1.;..!. .u. '. .. . .1 ... r .... ...
i ber of ballots for Speaker, some of which In which the resides, m..t al.o be produced. kind, rf country iroJuci). ..RatJ1
were a lie, the etmr alweiu vacant and .he waofe ceriiiie.i.le, ,w,.rn to before tl.e hoard, Oct. 2S, IsCJ. J- 1 ,',..,,.
VOL. (...!. " , ...I,
Front St., nbovs ths Ac.!emv. U,
that African will never darken the field
cf carnage.
43?Th.o Lou'fTil!o, Danoerat pnyp;
"A gentlemen just from tho front
iaj's that in Home places where
; Isle Speaker voting with other Senators in al- "'t '"""'j ,lmt ,ht 'i'l'!ic..nt is the person ,he rep. i Front St., above ths Ac
'phabelicai ordor. In 1842, there were , U"T" 10 "l' ll,e statemment of the : . tM
,.t ihinv.r.e linllni. tnr uai, .,,,1 mi. pninler ami Bge nf her fn.nily i& truo : that she l' . a t i i ID !i ! HOlt'
WAI.NK lSTr.1..'.!, " ,
arrnr a s.irAC.n'I PraDllSW
!......... i. til. ... ... . I. ill J' lliilsiw.. .
Now.ituthe languageof refin- 1,1,8 coun,y. t Ridgway, to select two, bul' ,hpV vVera unsuccessful. ' taincd .. the otto. of the Von rd of Relief wb a
Two years ago it was veiv blaeb if-IIow would Monday the 14ih
treason lo call this an "Abolition War " MarcU '"'tour friends of Elk, Jefforton lme wnaumcd by the contest. During ,., Wfln, . aT1(1 l!lnt , , fM?. t forTiTlnV-r
liwa:, "giving aid and comforL" .1.- and McKean to meet the Conferees from ...., y "u. .,. ere ju-t nu.i truo.
. " " a nneaker nro temvore. even lor a luw hour.
ed society. The League knows it bv no delegates 10 represent this district in the: In 1838 is tho only instance on reecord "rri'kon is made nd the witnesses appesr.
. U - . f it t i i tnMn . ' . s. . . . i 1 a IhIa S! nan Ir ait i ay m j." . . WM. fi. It It A ll! Kr tuu
troona aro cmnlovcd it is no unii-Cn.l . " " ' "enueu ininps swears it "ucira -taie uon van lion to be hem, - -i-s. ., y W lun ol j4DU 8 - -
' t"1?10, it 13 no unusual : , Phil.ilIr.l.i ti .u.i.i. -r ' ttrvtly pertaxmng to the organization, and that. 7 ' 18C'
s ns uuiuiuc cite neu auuii r.o uii.y cjpeci mu.ouav mo uu. vi s r.l. ( . ,n v....ij . . . . .
" ur, . ' ' "",, . ' was in relation io contested seat,, hut' vro oitd.
a i iiii!'ie in oio .....i
- --""' , UUb.
n .us I'.uoteuea io elect a!
the prnp.irtnr rcportfully snnnnu. .
n.,rous friend, and to the trsr .i
be is now prepared fa sccomiuu-"-
furor him with a call. . ..;. I n find In n t. A.rin.. . V.n.
fonr LCcro aoldiera U-inre nmnnd b-;il. another proclamation declarinc it treason ! Wftrcl1 7 Please speak out
.1 - r'."h .v " " ' f.i.r,' ..... .? ... . nr. p.-.V .777..:. .. . . A flOOD TWO.TIORSltwina. .a.i. ,
w ") i-uw waiue toiaiorg onrin tea u. u.e uiKim ,yp to can it anytnin ftSTThe sellinrr r.rlc nfeM "Phil v.( ' , . w . OTIfa ln em,- f ., Q.. Btl,ui. JJJ, .l . .... '"--- ly
segia,,,, w I U fi " .... ' I SJTIjijj t. TO. 1 wlil alwuyi be o oaaa. 1 Villi"'
iror Mm witli a ceil. .
Ample, fife and comfortable
Caiarlet., He. 11,11m.