THE PATH TO n:ACE ANH UNION. ORGANIZATION OF THE SENATE - rlinil) I II I'll U II IT I .,, , PTEECH OF SENATOR WALLACE. 1 The ILntfo'iI i' recent nni nn ,,! ftfl It f'lC II''', i'1 llf'l'lilV. .!'! tony Ci' I .-ill Hu ll.. f,,lli.M inn iinlii ii'iii milium fn which We illicit ns,lli'W '"I "l:,t thereat National liiu' r!ii y mo every-whole- nniinuted I')' tli """' hopes Idem ; " I ho Prr-sidei'l's proclamation Is sotno lliinj; morn linn) mi "rt el" amncsly. It pr poses to .i.'HlKiy it Mute inslitulioii to take away ilu property of nn cntiie class of pc'plo; iitiil to impose te-t oaths mL know ii to the Constitution or laws, but witch require the elector to Mvpar C.hl'dioiH'e 10 tlltl IlltS of llll ilMlivi'l.llll. II' this is n war nf vengeance, ilistitiir.n and destruction, Mr. Lincoln is pursuing t lie right course. 1 f it Is to preserve the Con stitution and make, a Union, not only in name, but one, that is worth something to tho people -u I'nion in which friendly feelings nro manifested in every section llifii ho is pursuing tho wrong course. Wallace nii i I 1 n common with nfll!!1' lu lt,f.,rm his old friend, .,, run. t nisi, t tint , h'miir MilitK,., I, Fbopiinil im tensed his Incilitita Inr niaiitifactiiriii. Imw prepared to iitnk o order Itirniliirn nimnv l.rothor Scn.itoi s upon thin Ibmr, 1 mil '"' - r I . in nlc and at di-p r.t,. ..r bun tlmt III- : Semite limy l o ul mied. ' " ".'"'"X bund i't Jus "Fmi.l- f Mr. (in l -..'-I i, . , ' ; i tare llnom," a Vntied assortment of lUadv-made , Hut, mm, wiirriHtiiiRUMMi principlu Kurili.,lr. ,,n nrl llu," .1 I. .. I I.. . I I . . I a. . 1 1 . . I , rill Hit! I MM I III I llll p I I'l II llll) 1 1 III HUH HI) II' . I I .1 I I.. mo n 'ii l c . m nencvo mat pieceiieni, custom niul law tho omtinii' law ilsi H' Ii.ivii li.xcil thin point so ih'tirly tlmt .Sm- 'iitnrs cannot iMUisoionliuiisly dillcr. In reply ti tho Senator from Lancaster, let in. iisk luin why, in all tho journals of SOFAS c.f ull KINDS, WOHK-NTANDS past Senates, e find Unit the t-poaker has mealed tho chair iiniiRuiintely idler the returns IVoiii tho sevprnl (iistrioln Inii Ml IU11.I.L A: HKil.l.R lUvejunt t-ppiii-il ft lnipn iul plctvli'l ftCIOt t tlll'lll ol Nciv txoods At their oM sfnntl in Cloarficld. llurciius mid fSiilo-Hoards, Wnnlrnlic" in J lumk ('n i ri'iitrc, Hoi', I'nrUr liirnklTint niul i)iniii) KitriiKinn 1'nhlro. Common, French Pest, cottage, Jenny- iiitm ana omer iieasu-uiu. JIAT-ltACKS, WASII.STANDS, .to. Arm Chairs, ii i. : .i IIWMII" illlU J rpruitt-hi'iit, t'mip-Itiittora ml Parlor Chain and Omnniiin ami othur I'hnirn. 1 0 o k i y a - a l a ss es WV.y Imvothe tr niimrlnipnt .f ItiitiUitm Hint hmi rri'r hrnn lutintlil tu tliU n iiniv, lili'ti they il K' nt tlio numt reuiidimlilii pr I -rrp, ninniig ttliii'b will lo I'ou n 1 t Ii tullil lut of C U T T L K 11 ) , Tii wliii'h Iticy lnTlti tlic jpri'liil nttotitlnn nf tli public, f mliri'iti(r henry Kilvfrpliilr't Purlin, liooiii inj 11 utter knivi'i nt tliu bint, uinnulu turf. A lot of rintoln uf (tin timt pnttprn, ntul ntlier fire urins. Ainu a goiH'rul SKuurniii'iit of piitol ciirtriilKCH all if which will bo IJ at reusynu ble prii'ei, Tboy cuiiliiiuo oinniifiiiMiirn nil kind of' Fin-ware, Brass Kettles, tovc- A :i Hi II t.V I t Nt I.N It A I Ml Vi,ucftiiiio r,nmi. a itim: tomc THAT M lt.l, IIPt.1f.VR Till: Al'TF.t), I Aot Muhc Drunkards. ctlcufitli) cTountjt o;tt( hecn I'l'iul, unil hot'iiro tho otith vu nl iniiiistero'l '! Let mu nk him w hy tho UeiHiHiouli l'lll'tV ol thin Semite met ill Senatorial cuiiein niul lioniimiti'il their W wry ili'icriiitiun on liaml; ami new jxliiw ripe, Ptc, which cannot bo lurpa.i.od in ttis hoc 1'iinili'hiten Inr Kpenkor, clerk, mul every other otliccr !' the Senate? Let tuo iisk : him viv it is thut Seniitors eli.'cteil fciut'o i your election to tho Speakmhip me to i i ho ili.ifi'.inchiseil, inol to h v no voice in A j roelainutiull of amnesty wouM lio tlio oi;.';oii cif thui Si' unto V Why H ' . ti, r..n.,. ;., ii,,ni . i,., ' it tlmt KoiiuUicin SiMiutnrs voted niuini- III 'I'l l . 1 11 l 1 1 I Wl 11 M J il l .W U I t'l 4aV , 11 , . Ill pHtriotH ixho lornieil the Lnion, the StiitiM , hou!il bo rniuireil to ''ratify," or itc knowleil'n unil sustain the (J.nutitutiuii of the Uniteil Htate uml the hiws imule in i iiursuanne of its irovisionn. This is our lor u I'esuiiKioii thai ilcciaicu llnu io C'linstiuiiion reipiiroi! in to elect our ullieers and that this was tho pi opcr mi'l 'tho lceal ciiui-p'.' Tlit answer is ami must be that they intei iiieled tlio lav hs we iliil. Tiio history of the past, and the letter of the Constitution, tuulit them, iu fur ulU liiiiiuif, whiob will be put in on va ry rruMitiuhle terms on short notion. IJc alsoki'i'i't on ham', orfiiriiishm to o Jcr, ll.iir, Ciirii-llunk, lliiirauJ Cuttnn top .Miillrefsos. I'OFFISS, of every kind, M lif te 'i-'lcr, niul fuiieriils ittteinloj with a I' .-imp, "vl.pnpver ih'sirocl. AUn, e Painting iliino toorJpr. Tlio nil .-i't iln r n l-o iiiiiiiiifactuioii, ami bu eonsiiintlv on liiimt, Clemt'iit'3 Patent Washing Machine, Tho bt'it n. nv in um, l'liu(y using thit mnchina novtr iipo.l ho wiihout eleun clothm ! ile aluobus tion of tho Hlnto. Thpy iiImo hnvp nn liand Plttftmrs;!! Plows, among which nro t-lnol Ontro Lover l'lown. Also, I l'iow I'nslingv, mul uiaiiy othor Agricultural lui- ptemenls, I Cooli Stoves, I'nrlor and Coal : Stoves n general ussnrtihant, mul of the bout it- irrn-t, i'r aiuid in reusnniioiu jinn BJr. IIOOri.WDS Cennan Hitlers, riu:i'.iti:i) itv DR.C. M. JACKSON, l'lltl I IMII t, Pu. Will Effectually and Most Certainly Auditor, CU11E ALL DISK ASKS. AHISINO FKOM A DISORDERED LIVER, STOMACH on KIDNEYS. TtMK DP tint tit v .: ' ?. V.miUy tn .Innimry, I U V-.n,t.. ,' , 2.1 M.m.lny In Munh, t,,v.,', ' " of cni li juar, aiidpi.tillfiua . Si - """"I ' i 1 1 1 is l i AM. IUSTRtCT OKncn. Prc't J,i.l7, Hn. Knmi jin ft ;5'. A. ta Jll.lep llu. J li.Thn,,,,.' A. ""Xi Mii'tlll, riuihnrutnrv Hi'K A Ken. Iinh (1, llnrgor, i.i"nn i aii y, ipriini i,fi, Tri'iimirei, .Iir.i-.i Slmw, Vu. rWvejriir, II. 11. Wrintit, CuuiiiiimiuiiurF.lttub Kunu, J hoi, lliiiicherty, Anion Itcnil, t'hnrlen Wnrrnll, 11. Wnnilwunl, F. F. Cnuleroi. Coronc, J. W. Potior, Couoty Sup't. 0. IS. tanrttunl, J,r S l.ilwanl porks, ry, H. K. I't,w ,;rr. "HI Uli, 1 1 OOF LAND'S (:i:i!.MAX lilTTKUS Will cure every case of t'hronio or Nervous Iipliility, Dijeniip of tlm Kid neys, and llispaes nrinini; from a Din- I Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, 'ojiskuve Tni';riRiij7)viN(i symp-' louia resulting liom DimipI.t. of Ue 1 DiUstivo Ordain : ' plan. It would lumj: Kontucky, lennes-euehes us, lliat the choice, of u Speaker eee, Maryland ami Missouri n'urfi'y into the was our first duty. Why is it, then, that T'nion. Thev nro nam held rather by Senator-, now insiit that the .Speaker lives force than good will or constitutional ob" lislions. It would tel North Carolina nblnzo for the Union, and toon brin her under tho Stars and Sti ipi?s more speed ily, indeed, than she eaino iato tho sup port of tho Constitution originally Vir ginia would feel the elket, liko an elec tric? shock, over her desolated plains, and her sons ou every hmid would declare that this is the only guiirantee we -k. Louis iann, Texas, Arkansas and fieorgia would Lu routed in the commotion of the public mind, and every day would add many to tho Union tanks, which would noon bear down nil opposition. Then, how lonj; would Alab.imsi, Missis sippi, Florida, and South Carolina, starid tho Union pressuro? As in tho days of Andrew Jackson, who mado Union np pea's to them, declaring that 'ill theiri i(jhts ihould be maintained, and gricvuneos, if any there were, should b redressed, they would rally under tho Union banners. We should have a Union, then, " of hearts nd of bunds." It wculd bo glorious and Tflluublo. But a Union like that betw een lorover ? U is urepd tint if the construction con tended for by us he cjven, that we would have no (invernor in the event of his, death bcl'oie tho election of a Spi alter, This may be so, This may be a eumxoiititi-' lux ; but such tilings havo oeeiii'i't'd bo- fore, and w ill occur nisiin. Let me ask 1 in what position r e would be if both the iloverii'ir and Speaker of the Senato were i to die during the viieaney, would this not ; also leave us without nn Kxecutive? I iMimot see the for;:o of the arguiueut of the Senator from LtuicaMer. Wo bland upon a position that tlie business of tho Senate cannot be proceed ed with until it is orni.ed, that the on ly biisin"ss before the Senate is tho choice of its ctVicers. Upon this we havo ulleriid what wo believe lu be a lair and equitable ai'j'.istniei.t. 1 was sorry to hear nn insinuation thrown out that Democrat ie Senators nro in com munication with the rebel government tit Richmond, l'or mv part, sir, I Rjmrn all such insinuations and :dl such inferences attempted to be drawn from our present T Valuable Timber Land and SAW-MILL PROPERTY 1II55 fine property is filmic in (lirnrd tntfn Pnints, Oils and Vnrniskes, a utsortinent. (ilnss, pnlty, ftails. Iron andOnstings of prent ! variety i in ft almost ovory tiling wantod hy the public ciin be found iii their establishment, i and at pries (but cannot ho beat. j Now is the time to, ; If you desiiouny thing in thoir lino of business. t liivo the::i h cull nnd vxniiiinii their stock, and j they feci im.Hircil tlmt you cun bo aeeuinniod ilcd. lle.uemlitT, their establishment it on boeoiet Str-iot, (.'leartiold. P.i , where yuu euu buy goods' to the very best lelvanhi'c. .onl.l n:i - 1 i . 1 ..1.1 I A'li vei silver, cuppor, nr;iss, pcwiur iiiiu i nl' ! ririlnx will !.. l:,l. ,,n in ,..n,. f..r i.i,l t May 20, ISM. MKUUKLL A IUU I.Ult. 1 about I.KMI acres nt I. and, trnct and pnrti of Ine'ts No.. ;'i::H."i nml b:'X,7. These lands lire yt benvilv T I M K V. ', w ith a 'juiin lily of PINK, OAK'nnd It ll.M L,ni'K. " A STKAM SAW-MILL Incomplete running order, capable nf cutting Three Million I'Yct nt' IJoanls per annum, with all the'iry roads, railrnads, ife for ill tin); stock to tho -mill ; one largo Mansion llon.o, nix tenant houses, store house, Sehuol lloii"P, three bnrtis, a blucksiuiihshop, and all neee.-snry oiithiiiliiings aroupr.n the property. There nro about TO arrCN cleared land, undrr i;-ioil fence, nn.l a Plank ltoad towuid the river and niott carefully soUelrd Assortment! lor treiuii Ulinoer 10 TliarKcl. This vnluui.le properly is fitmite upon Sandy Crock, nlioitt I J miles from Iho river, and is pop ularly known ns tho GREAT ATTRACTION!; ! Not Defeated ! nilin siiliscribcr hnvinir returned from the city , 1 is just now openiiifc' lip nno of the ', efully seU'Cteil Assortments ol i IFALL& WINTER GOODS' eisr olfered to tho good people tf Curwensville unit iu vicinitv. nnd whirh tie will S"ll at lower i reilChVUle Steam-SIlll Troperty, rntes than nny house in tho couniy. nnd in inm ofTmd nt Pit tV ATI.' ! I V. 1 r.,..u...,i.l.U All I. ..I' I I luir-mtuiu iv-iiur, ru i.,ini- hi ennc'l IU,II'iirj cau Ko safely and peonoinienlly t'ken to market I from the point indicated. " iT'OIAiiliealion can be m ido to either of thf : miders'jrneii residini; at Clenrfield, ('lenrfild Cuiisli- pulion, in wurd Piles, F u 1 1 d o sh i r lilood to the Ileud, Aciilily of tho Homacli, Nimnia lleurlliiini, lli.-gust tor Food, Fulness or W'Mght lu tt'O toiniieh, S ,ur Krue tntious, Sinking or Fluttering nt Iho Pit of Iho Sloiniich, swim inlng of the Head, J I tirri oil nnd lufiicult Ureulliings Flultoring at Ib'art, Clinking or Mill'iieiilin-j Sonsa irioiis when in a lying posture, liimiicsi of Vision, llots or Webs before ihu Fight, Fever and dull puiu in Uis Head, Deficiency of Pi r. piration, Yellowness of Skin mid Kyes, I'll. ii in tho side, Hack, t.ticst, LimliH, if-e., Sudddi Flu.-lies of Ilea', llurning in tho Flesh, ConstsiH Imaginings of t.vil nnd gnal 1 p r es.-i'-u of Spirits. Tnvn'hip; l!i Cfiinn, Hell, Jlloom, liogirs, Pmdl'ord, lirndy, Clll;! LIST OF POST OFFICES, (ten IIopK, l.'ittliTilb, Tl,.i w HcK'irty's X Itiads.R.'i ,, 1! ier, thest, Ciiali, Osleiid, Forrest, W. IS. A. ',? .Its m A. hi Cl-:.rf,e!d Hrid,,, Um,& v. illianis' Orote, JK, f. fr Iaithershurg, Irouiville, Jefl'ersoti Line, It. 11. M t linn. John YJ, ! C, Jliinisidii, Piiti'hinv i'.lo, Fust ltidga, Ilurd, Melinrvcy, Wcstuver, t'learfivhl. FrruPhville, n i tli mis. Ciirwcnivi He ( 'urw eusv ills, Decatur, CUurf.eld, Covington, I position. Sits, we uro your peers, en- ators ol rennsylvania, and feel that we havo done, and will do us much, to sus tain the government as will oilier Sen ators upon this Hour. For myself and my (,-illiv Stnnot.irs wo n il i iMi :l n 1 1 V tlll'.w Austrit nnd Hungary, would bo a curse, , fr111 us a., JUcl imj,ui al iutlS. for it would drain the life-blood of the The fact asserted bv the Senator from free States, and a century would not see Su? pn-bunna may find its explanation in county, Pa., either personally or by letter. JAs. T. dKOXAHD, Sept. 9, 1S63, WM. A. WAI.LACH CLOTHING AT IM-DUCKD riUCE--. Fugnr from 12 to 15 cents per lb. liesl Syrup nt S7 cenls per k'. And all othir groceries nt tho same rales. Hoots', Shoes nnd Shoe Findings r A ItTICT I, A Tl NOTICE.-For those whe it sire nod will bi.vea I.iiiior Lifters, wn publish the ful'.iwing receipt: Oil ono boftla llnolhiiol's Oiruoin liuii rs mid mix with ''W (,uoW f (J mi J Urn ml a or II h i-kry, unit tlio reanlt will be a reparation that will "' e.i ti in uieiticiiial vir tin s and Hue eTiillei.ce any of the numerous I.i'por l'.iitrrs in the inaiket, a..d will rant murk . You will have nit th. viriues of ltf,lnnd't lliiirrit i n connection with n 'o' nrticlo of l.iiiimr, Iiurnjide, Now AVashington, Jus. Jack tA Jiienb J,jJ W. Toit,l 'in. ilt, --A. F,rV M.A.1V P. A. (2 t-vtilti S.K,i,lli,1 T.T.k,.,, T l VLl Jas. K 4 C. Mia, A. 1). T. H.h, A.U.I, I'aiiW II. Eihifj ti. Il-n M.O.S Jut. U J.T.k, Il.W.Sa A. C. SI, T. ll'.Fs Hen. I.I U.L l; J iir.Ti U tha end of tlio ciliirta to raiso armies to keep down the South, nor tho desolation that would como to tho lioaies and hearts of our people. It is tho policy nnd the destructive measures of the party in power, that drive the fact that the Tribune nnd other It publican papers proclaimed that Senator JOHN L. CTTTLH, mid Ileal l jlato Agent, I CLKAKFIKM. l'LN.N'A. j OfliWon Marhrlst. OyioaiVe tht Jn.', ' RKsrECTFl'LLY oflori bin rvices in soil ing nnd buying lands in Clmrfield nnd ad i joining en unties : suit Willi nn experience ,r over twenty years at a .surveyor, nailers Duuiell tnt he cun render satisfaction. And ' , I,, i w r n i f i j f "i t 1 1 ,u 11 i"'':Ii "-ss pri'-o i ii no lucso i ii ic nor prepara of all kinds, (, Ilr.Al ( 1 1 LAI'. tin ui mst VoU. I.ndip" who wi.-h to neiko a good inve stineut should call and eJtnmino the assortment of ( ) i I i r inr S n 1 ll-l -. I .. .... l.l . XX . . W v . I V nuo s cai'i vuy mailt) mo .ennio . tie. , . , . . , . , r c 1 i ,1 i i -v 'ee' acres of coal and timber hand, s.ttintl In i I am informed that the papers in Senator 1ci..ltlir tllWnsi,i,,, t:ienriieia county, in lets so lute's own district tniulo (statements ol ' suit pure ha. ors, located near tht Tyrone and inav Kiim. .rnaior;c piai:n i m-iiist-i re , v.i,':iriisia liauroaa. in tho position, and wiita thenwlvcs up- 'iooo ucrosuffio nhfro they will find the very latest, best nnd nost fashionable patterns of Kit ENCII MKKINDS, DHL A INS, SILKS, ALPACAS, PLAIDS, Ac. jt Ryp, Outs, Corn, Fish, lincon, Ac, fc, sold nt tlio lonct prices for ea.'h, or exchanged for Countiy pro lace. T. T). THOMPSON. Curwensvillp, September, 21, lcl! :. IlUOl'LANDS fiKKMAX IlITTHRS ; WILL (IIVK YOU A GOOD A V PETITE, : Will give y.iti j STItONt; II KALTIIV NLUVES, s Will give Villi ; prise: and kneih.kno feelings. W ill iTiutile y.tii to ! S I-K E I' W' K L L . i Ard will posiiivclv prevent YELLOW FLY Lit, UlLLlOl S I'hiVER, Ao. t rato fnrrn nnd timber land I I - t'WMii.Y in n coi.o ts. phi lii'ibiirjt, W est Decatur, Osceola ililli, Miiiron, Liitlo T.d.y, I.onollle's Mills, Dalit Hills, f leiw.tville, tirahuiu'.on, F mi Ill's Mills, Madeira, Tyler, I'eunlit'ld, Atisonville, Knit l.ii k, New Miilpcrt, Kylertown, Morrisdale, Lumber Citv, tirumpinn 11. lit, Cuiwensviile, lilomninvills, itoektwa, Jclfries, 1 Ins Post I'tiice will iitj rnr Clust tmj Will answer 1 r Ferguson tomiiliip. Ferguson, Fox, Hirurd, ii linvhen, linihnm, Ouelieh, i, Huston, Jonlnn, Ksribaua, Knox, Morris, o Pt nn, rike, ti Fnion, Woodward Tilt' "RKPl'DLlC.a' Tei'ins nt "uliMc riitioii. If paid in advance, or within tliresaonlhl tf paid any time within the yesr, - . ., I tf paid after the expiration of the yv, . ornci os haiikrt stiikst, eLitnrnti, n t U. B. GO001.AND1.U, 1 C0 PiiLJi.; , the people of the South to desperation. majority of the people of Pennsylvania And these measures will result in scpara-i Last winter the Senate stood thirteen to linn nf U,n RllAa nr ,.n lon.voi l.flinit nniv tWtlltV : We DOlV Stalld pixtOCIl tO Jiving will ever witness n cessation of hos tilities. preserve the Union, net in hatred, but ; ator that gives you n majority to-day rej iresetus a i.einocraiic uisirici ana was elected two veurs ac:o, on it, that they are now representing a " Iell township, tleartuld county, situate on the i mu' ia in iiiiij null, j Hi'H acres in two lots, of 112) and theeth cr of 5tl ncres, suitable for Farming purposes, aii- ...i.. ;., u,..i i, 1.11, .. , ... 4.i..iUM i""uuip on iwibi; we now slamt sixteen to seven teen. Three Republican Senators h ive riven ulacc to Democrats and not one We would avoid such results und . )e!nocrat lisa been displaced. Tiie Sen- in friendly accord. Those who assume thftt war and test. Sir, the majority of the people of lb oaths, nd abolition proclamations, with , Commonwealth upon tho election cf'Goy conhscalion and vengeance, can suhilue 1 ernor is one thing, ami tlie majority nt me . , 0., of 1 the Southern people, and unite tho States P00!'1 i'lr-etion ol .Senator is ati- - .ii.- j . . other. Members cl Ibis Senate are eleo- in a few mouths' time, are as much mu ta-it(H, jn ft,r.ul,0( h, awordnnc- ken as they were when they claimed that ( .;,), t10 Constitution nnd it is essential to 7.r),000 men could march over them and , a perfect whole to make up the govern sottle the business in "ninety days."- j niit in that way. The truo question is v., . . ,. , V , I do Senators upon this tloor, each and all Ninety yeaisof continued warfare, under, ofu? (uitllfllly r(,,(,ct the poli,i(,al colll. such a policy, will leave matters in a ,,i0itioii of our districts? If, in ihis view, worse shapo than I hey are now, j y on have a majority, you can boast it; ... : , r ! if not, I e silent. Would it not te well for us. to Y&we . lairing that the biuiness of the Sen am! Eeflcctl ,n0 uiay proceed, I am for the proposition Tlio Now york .lononalof Commerce, in of tho Senotor from Berks, and nnximn the courso of some reflections upon Gov ernor Seymour's message, remarks: "We ere unquestionably approaching the crisis of our national histoiv. From the Presidential election, which is to oc to elect our oflicers, yielding all that he oilers; but I believe that tho position contended lor by the other snip is nt va riance with law and custom; that this is a nueslion of principle, involving the wairaiiteo ikeds for nil the abort nnds. Feb. Is. 6.1. t. New Jersey Lands for Sale, ALSO, GT.zeT.sin sir WsXl Pj.riS, Sir I T A r, 1. H for tirapen, Poaches, Pours, Hasp berries, Strawberries, lilackberries, Currants, i', 6, 10 or HU lures eneh, at the follow. prices fur the present, viz : 20 acres for $"!Hrt, 10 acres for $110, 5 acres for $10. 2i acres for $10, 1 aero for $-0. Payable by one dollar per week n'irrk. Ihuk f!lur, .;, lllur. i. i. . i irwit yuu", - ., i i nuns ui instances, arm a luir trial is mil f Inrrt icotrii, , I. Jf ; , 'urj,lt, j to prove the assertion. H;rk llrftrn, I f ' Uuijull'urplt, Rpraeiiilh-r that lliese Hil'.ers aro NO I.iijl,! Hrnxcn, k J -Zv I .Vomoi,, holic, and N OT inti nde 1 aa a IIovi rags J.l;' llil, .loi'OOII, I mil, Those suffering fr ua Fioken Down nnd DU cito Constitutions, from w ha:ever cause, oilber in Mule or he m ale. will find in lloiitl.iod's lleriiom Filters, a Keinedy that will restore them to tle.irt Tbros 'iurs, ( iW banes.) 1 it usual health. Such bus leenlho rase in thons- i amis of inslar.ees, and a fuir trial is but reiiiiirsd Tt-rm nf Advertllii, Advertisements are iuserted isikiifiiii l the following ratus : i t Insertion. tU. ; One square, (10 tines,) $ it) t Tl 1 y Two souares, (SO lines,) 1 UU Hi J. I Til ' i lurj;h I tm'.i f $2 ii U it I f NOT A',oa- ( C Ill Dork tlroh, l.ijhl Vmh, lt,rk lirrm, iiijhl Ureen, lne Fquare, Two S'iires, : : Three snuures Four 8'jiiares, : Half a column, t At) (D 00 8 00 Kit 8K UK 13 M It) K Fr dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed floods,: t-hnwls, Scarfs, Dresses, Kibbnus, (lloves, j Uoimets, Hats, Feathers, Kid I'loves, Children's Clolhin ;, and all kiuds of Wearing Apparel, if e if-c. j . , i . , . , . . ... . . - .- r, . v - . , , .1.' ,il IIL'I) I1 .'VP niso, goon i rnnuerry isnus, and vit:ne lots in jt-,y-A rvv I.m.i vsr rJ 1 r.iv '-1 . y.a the benefits b" I clicves biui hi i.i " ""i, y ioo nn, iu iu cacn, faya- i 1 or -J cents you can color as many goons us ; ft.,,... .,.. ,:.., , iitnwite to the benefit of others the inoiu readily in reir.ird to Hoof- t'le by one dollar a week, iho above bind and ' W1,uld otherwise cost fi"c fauns nro Fituu ed at Chttwood, W ashington Various nndes cnu be tn 's7"". ' The I roi.rirr irj hiive tin usaiuls o.'I.etlors from I One column, : : : : U 00 ,s.,('cmo, I the 11:0.-1 eminent Clcrirvineu. I.nwvers. Phvsi- 1 Over three weoKs ana less 1.11m uirMswj 1 ''' f, I ciims nnd Cii.'iis Tesiilvin-' if their own I ceo Is 1 er nature, for ea?h Insertion. y:it, ' knowiedgp. to t:ie" bem-ficial stTects anil 1 ISiisiBUS csr.' not sx:si!iBj lliws. ; medical virtues of theo liiiters. ,srted f ir $2 s year. from l.'rr.. I. .Wirr.oi coci, . P., iViw niA A iverf.s ?in 'Uts net mnJ witstuii .'.icif iiif1'0 nf ,'iV.(ii.i A'noi.7l..e. i;rt-rtior.? do: ired, r h csntii.ufts- AllliouKh nut di.-posed to l.ivur or reeoiunieud ; and charged nerordiig to thjse trrat Patciit Medii'iiies in get.erul, through distrust of their ingredients and ctfeets. I yet know of no siiRicient nasiiiis why a man innv not testify to If to have receive t preparation, in the hope that he w cur this lull, wo shall, if conservative men right of each body to elect its own ollicers. succeed, bcin to restore tho glory and And in times liko these I nm against in tho peace of the American Union ; while, novations upon established rules form if radical measures continue to remain in now becomes substance, lam for-stand-power, our downward course will be rapid ing by the landmarks of tho past, ami to anarchy mid ruin. Wo doubt whether shall maintain, as a Senator in my place, free institutions can possibly survive four the position wo have taken, years more of trial such as they have en-; ., ", T7" - ," T- (lured under radical management. The1 i ho high prices ruling in the I ni- great truth brought out by Governor Sey- led State3 contrast slrongly with those mour, tnat mere is a t'Otioui to 1110 i.a- tlmt content tho London dealers, t.iooi township, P.urliugtnn county, New Jersey. For further inforuiution, apply, with a P. O. Sia.ip, for a circular, to B. FRANKLIN CLARK. No. !W Cedur street, New York, N. Y. Jan. 21, l'i.!. ly. New Watch and Jewelry Stare. SH. I.Al'CHI.IN, having purchased the interest of his late partner, is now going It m bin own book in tho shop formerly occupied by them on Second street, whero ha is prepared to keep up his reputation as a complete workmin by doing nil work entrusted to him on short no tice, in the best lnnnner, nnd on tho most reas onable tcrnu. Defying tho couniy, all ho ask i n fair tiial, and a continuation of the pnlious ago heretofore extended. 1 k out for tho sign of T II E IG W A T'J II. N, V ThoCnsh wiil lo positively eMpoted wheu Iho work is delivered. 8. II. L. Clearfield. March i, IMii!. v nines niai iiinounu ;,.,i-ii,,. ulticed from tho tame j 1 ,1 , ,i.;. land's lierman Dje. Tho process is sin pie, and any ono can us' tho Dye with perfct nieecsf. I'ireelions in English, French nncrtiuruias, inside of each package. For further inforiiiation in Dyeing, nml giving a perfect knowledge of what colors uro best ml -npted to dye over others, (with many valuable recipes , purchase Howe A Stevens' Treatise on Dveing niul Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt .' of pries 10 cents. Mnmifiitured by HOWE .f- STEVENS, ( It'iO, ltrondwny, Boston. ! Tor sale by Druggists and Dealer! generally. ' Siptmltr 2;!d, 1M13. NEW FIRM. iiAinswiciv aj iiuston Hitter.', prepared I17 Dr. C. M. eit., because I was tireiudietd Hie luiprefj- ' Jiieksou, of this ng.iinst them formally years, und I'.n mat tney were etnelly an alcoholic mixture. I inn iinl. Iilod to my friend ltobert Shoemaker, ; Ks'i) , lor the removal of this prejudice by proper I tests, nnd fir 1 ncouragement to try them, when I siiflering from great and long continued debility. , The use of three bottles of these Ilillcrs, at liie I beginning of the present year, was followed by j evident reli 3f , n t: il restoration to a degree of bod lily Hii'l ineutal igor whiih I bad not felt lor six ' ui'Uitlis belore, 1111 1 ha I iilinosi de.-pnired of re ' gaining. I theretoro thank Hod nnd my friend for directing mo tu tbe use of them. J. NEWTON 11E JH N. PhiUdelphia, Juno 2.1, lStil. a lt h 11 jiAJ:i:i:i Attorney at Law. HAVINtl ris-jtn'J !'. enmaii.-sii.n i my, and resumed 1I10 prnt lice uf h be eonsiiltcd on t.rnfi'ssi'iPi t.u.vfi" on Second str"''t, (.'t-aiteVt, ITuuiiitly atteNded to. II. W. SMITH .1 O. MI'.HC'II VMS. a ml lltler h Hoods. Groceries. Hardware. CiMl"' everwhing usually keyt by tin trsJs. Sr.'.'OM) Stri'il, belw Jude sue the Presbyterian Chui ch, Cleirtt" Va. M'l fts. , Dec. 4, 1 SO 1 . DRUG3IST JOSKPII M. M'Ml'RKlJ r- .1 - 1 r i it-hi 1 tro,,i! A A J)EA h 11 11 IS Hi New Washington, Clf arfieM Co; July 1st lCG3.-tf TlUsnso. Kidn.iv. nn.l III,, ,1 ,l,.r in Ynnnn. nr , It a TU ft T" K T f V Tfl T? J ii''1 LI TU UttSBIIi- OLK.vitra:i.D conn Aged, Male or Female, arc sik-edily retuorsd , und siecdily restored to health. j Delicate Children those suffering from Maras nuis, wasting away, with scarcely any tlesh on j .. , ..,., ., . i their bones, uro cured in a very short time ; one M A l IA I'. I iSf't :f L L I. A hi I LLP 1 A. ; bottle in nab cases, will have a most surpriiiijf effect. KEEP ennrtanthi on hmul a larnc hVin ur;K children M above, and, , , ,. J washing tn raise them, will never regret the day anil (Uhl icrll pVtO'if.i ft. ,!; oj lt. commenced Willi those Dilters. j A "Prince of Wales" couch 1 tJA 1,111 ,l!6 shorl"t nolico. The krrungeinent I l'h L tltt'l I 111: .1 ( .1 , ' i.u-pary men, Mu.lents, nnj tlioso working: is uesi'.r.p.i ro no rermanent. ana & lull tunriri ' t IX til I W l It I ( .' VC'I '"uu nun meir niinos, ruuuin niways Keen n 001- , I : 1 1 l I i -'' ' -I'-' I t ' M l ,. ,,, .., ,, . ...... ., - ,,. Coal! Coal! WILLIAM SCUWlMh 11.1 tional purse, and a limit lo tho national! ul.c c.,t,i ;., r I ''IHR subscriber resppptfullv announces to the .. . ,. ., r.. I, ., DIIIUl lllll.1?i;i3 IHIII119 OIDDI 11 III J JJ I I Mill I I ... i t, .... ,., credit, IS Of profound import. Shall tho, , , . I citizens of CUnrfield nnd vicinity that he is ... hi I.- it, ....i. I'nri nn.l vi. i Al si pnn a ni ..... .1 t ...l . .!. ..r,L ill u-nc. per varu. unil vtivei car puis at 1 iww nrcoareil to sum v t ho vcrv best mu tv of lHUtl Ul Will HUM eilll'l'irsil. Ill lliu c,l"inu i , , ' . . ' - of other thousands of millions, continue i;e. per yard. till WO roach that limit? till we PUSS it ? ' cntta sIllT -.O . Vi inep'n nsn -linir 7 Sfl I Will produce, caution, reason, never re- m fun.siz0(i ilon bedsteads, W-i- sumo at Washington ? No ono can doubt i that this nation ia ablo to Dear us great a jsjy-TIio recent report of a committee dobt as any other nation in tho world; Rp ,0 ,he ,Jlio norticulturjl Hnci but that does not imply that we can bear . r . . ... , any amount of debt, lo the extent of thou- ety lhus fcii forth tlic qua'ities of some sands of millions. Let us Dot blind our new seedlings that hnd been injudiciously eyes and close our ears to the deceitful named: "It appeared to tho committee promises that tho war is alnost over. It' ml Ly,,.ft WM rathpr Umt Mary WM ..lltvillj 11 " tJ UVIUIU U9 JlHU III" w .. . . . ,, . , , . . ., , darkness, fearful years to a freo country, etty good, with a thick skin, and that Tho expenses of treasure and of blood are Ellen was rather sub acid, with a Catawba to bo enormous. We can carry our pros- flavor." M. .!- 4 ill 1 . Tf I. I cnu ueok nuuiiui i.ouot iiow mucu 1 rjition to afford the most oxcollent accommodation 1 "MOUNT morn enn we enrrv T I hia in tlm nnc- Bif-Ttm Mixd in.l . ...i ; i.-l,l ..,. . .uHUUltl - . . . i w h-uvok mu" .i.u.n iii iininuii A, njp or iuo ininsieni euosi or tne ticrmaneui will alwnrs bo kept nn hand. PRICF.S rt nts ot tho Tank. 7 rents delivered. JfifP For the p iblio convenience, Orders for 1 Coal will be given at Knuzor's store. ! JOHN FEENEY. Clcarfiold, April S, lS;f.Cm. Till: UNITED STATES HOTEL, AT1ES nAERISBUEG, Pa. 1'ERHi MKRY A TOlI.KT AltTICM S. BLANKS, BOOKS AND STATIONAItT. TOBACCO & SEGARS. And a general assortment of VAP.I t lo of llooll hind's liittors near them, as they will find much benefit fioui its use, to both mind and ' body, invigorating nnd not depressing. j lt is not a Litiuor stimulant, and leaves no pros ' tralion. j ATTENTION, SOLDI KRS, and Fancy AUTICLES. C0 ERLY A IIUTCUISON.'row. rpilIS Hotel, so well known to the traveling JL public of ( Icarucld county, is now in a poc We respectfully Invite a sail, feeling confi dent that we can supply the wants of all, on terms to their satiifnetion. HAKTSWICK A HUSTON. Clearfield April 27th 1803. tf has now all the conven tion forcibly presented to the present : iu rr;. t" w.i.i ,i lmnrdor. . - - ,. . gin t , . . . i U.UIIIUIO Ul ! CDl lUIUISiri , YTHUBt), " . .. aspect of our national affairs. It does not' , .. . . ,. . . , . ' 1 The "United States" present itself, as radical men will pretend. I da,1y ,ucorae estimated at $5,000. '1 he ; iencel of as a question of abandoning the war for Rothchilds, four of them, are tbe richest A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, tho Union. It is ft nuestion of abandon- houae in Eurnnn .ml Mif Inm. :'snd the Proprietors are determined to spare nelth n ii-or fnr ennnnnit nnrl abolition nnd ' . i er expenss, time nor labor to ensure the oorufort ILITX thous- f thgnosts. The patronage of ,h. travel ing 1 i I i . . l it "uu uuiiura au nour, ' runno is respecuuuy soncueu. jiy i, oj, y U UUUIV il Ullllici l'OUVi'iv. w " . ' --I m. plunge into chaos ?" Usetvl Hints. Never enter a sick Tni Suh Ost of tbk Smallest of tnE,'"" .np.mvion, M memo- riHLADELPHIA. A. F. ItfiAIR, Proprietor, (tats of the "tsurf House," Alluntio City.) 6epU 2S, 1863-1 y. Wool and Flax Spinning Wheel:?, "T7"AR RANTED, Manufactured and kept on r. o,.M if , nA riuines, imnuted lo ment you become c0l yo" poreg absorb, j JJL A"" .bt 5V!;?!l??d: wl,. nJT everal of our fixed stars from parallex bo Vo not aPProttca contagious diseases with tnnity now offered to secure one of these superior 1 1 UU, itrvaiii jiuvwiuvwiivw. show our glorious luminary to bo a very small star indeed ; and (it has been revcr tntly remarked upon this,) to the human BLdsrslanding thus enlightened, mors for it is with words as with sunbeams -the ; , THOM AS J. M CUIiLOUGII, Attorney at Law. OfBee adjoining the Bank, formerly occupied by J B. McSnally, Esq., Market street, Clearfield, Pa Will attond promptly to Collections. Sale of Lands, Ac. Deo. 17, '62. sick and the fire.bscauso the heatattracks the thin yapor. refund. Call at the Old Shop in Curwensville, WM. P. CUAMBEKS. May 0,1 863. y WoolWool. CY HEN ICS HOWE. JfSTUT (IF THE I'EACK. For Dscii will promjely nftend to all bu'ioee 4 his care. P O. Address, Philip'' Aug. 2l.-t lsSl DH.'j. W. POTlf hvvl,.ln niul iimPiill. locntt'd nt Fr. nehville, l'ovingt tn his professional fsrvicos . iAinl the friends of Soldiers. -rr I e. .ii .1.. ... .... s ,i i i i ii vp sTZta. i. i. iii iuo iiiiviiiion m ii ii iirtving relations or .i . i, i n -(- , . ; ir.euos in ion army ro me inci tnut "llooinnri t .iIl.l.U II I, f ,. ' lli.nn 111 Hlllorj" n-tll noro ni,,.. I. . ,,P ', ,11. L' I ' .... 1'llCS. ' "" eases induced by exposures and prii ations i noi- above the Acndeiuy Pk' dent to camp life. In the lists, published almost i Dec. 4, 18(11. - I daily in the newspapers, on tho nrrival of tho sick, , It will no r.oiieeU tlmt a veiy large in oimi tion , a' " 1 " " V ... , n.sH are sullcring from debility. Every case of that' r1U OM l'0- A vt 10UV.t i.. ) kind enn b readily cured by lloolland's (lerman ! - Paw-i.ogs, uim ttli llillors. We have no hesitation in stutins that.' (Clenrfiold Bridge 1, u.) ii ii tneso jituprs were irooiy useit among oar sot-1 - diets, hundreds of lives miuht be saved that oth-1 MM..rr.,- ' iiii 1 i'Hi m ' J .. crwi.-o wuii .1 l,i lo.l. . i t rr?3 T i 1'bo nroliricln uni dailw rnnntvin. . . . r" '....Tilftlbf ,- e - j .v.....ft uimitiuii Tl - '.Ij I. I'rtenr ICS I letters lnun suOerors in tho army and hospitals, J '-'i "' . p. ; who have been restored to health bv tha use nt j I)UI RHIuO, i these Bitters, sent lo them by their friends. BEWAltE OF' COUNTERFEITS! S( that the signature of "C. M. JACKSON" is on the wrappkii of each Bottlo. I'l lre per lloltlc TSrrnta, Or half tor I. Should your nearef t drucirist not have theartl. clo, do not be put off by any of tho intoxicating trpn a.'xx iinnr-n ares V IjlViWiil lllJUol!.. kind enn bo readily cured by lloolland's (lerman Second Street, above Arch, Dee. 24, 1HR2. rnvsiciAN t ilT.l.r."- a "sbf. KA3 peniianemly U. tU,j where ho respectful y 1 puiilie patnmnge. ... , PAN I EL CMOPLA- f? rVt"k POUXDS of WOOL wanted r "i "'"'" may ouorea in lis place, cut ; -f UTltl ot me l"" clean1 fll 1.1 )( )( I . JJf.u .u. v!.r...Wanto?T send to us, and wo will forward, securely naaked. . .1 Lnthenbs C f A " ii" uijuest maraei v., rn,,.. . ,i. u. Ii""" . ';ii v.. .:,i k- . D7 sxpress. . , n .i..,i cromplly '. pries will be paid by. IsSTlf you would be pungent, be brief, '"VtrANTED- A large lot ofi Clearfield, May 13, 1863. J. P. KRATZEE. than Tr must the hearens dsolare the) more they are oondensed, tbe doeper tssy , O00Df ?1,-ChMpl0"ti0n' FLAXSEED in exohonfO f''X EVER FLEQAL, Jnstics of the Peaoe, La - w . - w m v . w a VWVf M I J thersborft, Clearfield county pa,, will attaa4 i oy express. , will attond Principal Office and Manufactory. No. 631 Arch i hi. .r. street, mnaaeipnia. . ' JONES k EVANS, (Successors to C. M. JackbosA Co.,) Proprietors, glory of flosl. born. DJl. March 2S- Mr.V00lS I' Ca4rn.HUfc IkHay' '"O"0-;-,,! ,??SalyJK1S? A!SnTi.,n,Bto4 h" CM- "U H"wi.k h Bustio's Dmg fl nRACIICLNtl Py"'" Jk. geon for Pensions. SecWdandChstry ',JT