Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 13, 1864, Image 2

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    Of tf Intfifto Republican.
nrnJ-mm w-jrr -..-. :-.--
. 1
' 'cika'ufiku'C r. "
Wednesday Morning, Jan 13th, 1864.
Half, Shikt. A further rush of job
Work compels in lo issue Lul lml f a sheet
t L i-i week.
IcA'a learn the County Commission
er! have ma lolho following appointments
and contract! for the present year :
Counsel Wm. A. Wallah:.
Clerk Wm. S. IIruh.vy.
Mercantile Appraiser. J no. U. Hunt.
Coal Contract -,Iuus Fttw.
Wood Contract .Joun McGotr.
Janitor- Andrew Siu uiitT.
rr v " i. .i ,.Z i i
TueNewj. It seems that the rebels arc
... ... . .......
quite active 'n Western irginm, having,
,, . , ,i .
, l"u. ". "I"-" i
. JoiK-svilio. consisting of about aOO federal!
toltiicrs, two cannon, and foiiin stores
,, .iniu.B. I
iul another report says they hnl surroun
lcd our forces ut retrrsburg, and were
tlireutening Cumberland, JId. This re-
.ort, however is not cre.lited. There I
eeenu to be no doubt about their having
idccended the Shenandoah Valley to the
ticinity of Wimhehter.
There is to advices from Minid's army,
and nothing important fiom Charleston,
Chattanooga, or Texas.
ItirThc dead Lock in the .Slte Senate
still continues. Tho reader is refcited to
the brief tkctch ot Senator Wallace's re-
niaikson that subject, ns presenting the
position occupied by Ihe Democrats. It
L , , ,. , 1 Buaoowa 01 me .icp.iriing year "over a- " . , " -" ' and Hiliiam L. Murcy. Silas Wrght and
Is very true the public interest may de- ,.oumi U8 lw wp sit jn our warm and Co.V pAl 1 ,10,N'Th,0 1 U ur 'rt J' cuiitiun- Stephen A. Duuglns, now stand shoulder lushoul
mund that the Senate come to an organi- room, ere we have lighted Ihe luminary of i V, l,u-rch;c' or ln al,' way meddle ; der upon the Mlt ,i,,uonii and under the same
-lion. Such organisation could Le t our nocturnal abotle A bright lire hurn-: v0,,!,' rI)JlVTrr S U ',
once secured if some Democrat would vote I "'8 "iron dad; fire place, the data-1 month of November, iLfi:, for th? sun, of ,w! '."fZVuS. "ykJ&'ZW, Z
for tho Kepublican candidate for speaker;
and tho tamo end would as readily bo se
cured it dome Kepublican would vote for
the Democratic candidate. Who is to give
way? Why, clearly,, that party that is
mofct responsible for the manner in which
the publio business is discharged- We r e
joice in tl.e manly firmness of the 10 Demo
cratic Senators. Their constituents look
for no flinching, The Abolitionists have
the Executive, tho House of li'epresenta
tives, and will soot) have the State Treas
urer ; ami 11 mey are willing to stop the
wheels of government because the Demo
crats wont surrender the Senate also, let
them bai the responsibility.
Gov. Ci'rtis'b JIe'saiis. We sre cotn
palli d to deft r the publication of (Jov.
Curt iu's Message, read to tho Legislature
o lliuisday lust, until our next. It is a
document that will attract no, special at
tention, except wherein the Governor re-j
eommeud the payment of Ihe interest!
due on onr Stale debt in "greenbacks," in
Uead of gold, or its equivalent ihut nm
kiog two dollars go as far as three. This,
some may say, w ill bo a good speculation.
But if we can cheat our creditors out of
33J per cent, of the interest due them,
why 'can't we just as woll cheat them
out vf the whole of it by repudiating the,
whole debt, interest and all ? We ran
see r.o difference. And if tho one woiAJ
be convenient, the other would V,o vastly
more so.
Wuat a k cannot I M'kits an ;. -For the
life of us wo cannot understand suth men,
for instance, as Qov. Seymour, who can
give us page after page, of argument that
would confound a World's Congress, to
prove that I'ue war, as now prosecuted, is
wrong ii every sense in which it car. be
Tieed, and lending inevitably to our de
struction as a people blessed with a repub
lican form or government, and yet in the
same breath call upon their fellow coun
try men to fall into the ranks and help
the prosecution of Uiis monstrous wrong.
This we say, is what we cannot under
stand. Do they expect men to do that
which rthey so clearly prove to be wrong ?
For tho Republican.
JjRAiiAkioN, Jan. 4, 1SG-I.
.Kilters 0 the Heyvbhfan :
Oists : II is a cu
rious fact that the most inconsiderate of
people assume the most pretentious airs
ikingi who never laid up one pebble in the
structure of events. This man Leroi is
one of them, figuring iu tho Blaektuan's
Journal on other mens' reputations, lie
has, lo his last letter, called your corres
pondent Crrhead ; but 'twus slauder
filled his mouth with lying wonU-ehin-derthe
foulest wholp of kin. 1 am uo
Copperheud, sir ; but 1 am copporod and
copper-fastened and warranted without
waste timber. Tho leatherhoad gives di
rections printed directions in his lust
letter, for Copperheads. Every
little boy ln the villngo or I hiliptburg
knows how to kill them ; but if LU-er
gives ui an antidote for. the bite of tho
Copperhead the Iwyal Lr.yue of this coun
ty Will reward him with e diploma and
two oopiei of Fernando Wood's resolution
1 in Congress. But the leathei bead's bus-
"Z 10 8rray ono ror'lon 0 nia fellow -
7 dUeti ia deadly and lastint hostility to
.11 the f .
"dj seems impatient to fuldll
bBtrmnd of exteruiiuotlag wrath."
, $ --The) leetherhead ia mistaken when Le
11 iMav. ..... .
! a7 . 7" 0 ltla Of Jeu iw'u "
Constitution and the Union In and around
Urahamton, who know thrir rights and
dare maintain them t and I believe ITiil-
ii.slmru l,n.r,.i,nn. .i .
( P burg In. olwnawho lovo the Const.-
.tu.ion as it u and lhe t nion as it was.
Such men tlimvirmuii is nibbling nt.
i ,, ... . .
ne wm reap hi own d.-crvinp when
, -settlement dny with abolitiouist arrives
ho will have to meet the storm of Indigna-
tion. beloio which h will wii'.rp
Klink away confounded ur.d Kelf-condemn- luo wave survivors, 01 wu-
ed before the ga of hi, outraged coum! M W V.
trymen. jarnvwI-Lod they not came to the rescue,
My leUer has run out to a greater length,' VPry P0l',8 " "irig. ueneral
' iiniiiiu u.ufcni ,, ,T . ... .
than the creature deserve, and I don't
wish to occunv onv nicrn of vnr u. i.
'etructive columns witu any more notice of
Hell's uiad-huuso ara full of such :
Tou lierve, too furioualy iimano, too despurato
'In tn unbound nmone Ainorif an titizens.
" v
I i r.H. .
l'OU THE WlluLli UN ION.
j tor the ltupublinui,
Uuaiiajiton, Jiinuury 'Jth, 1j0 I.
Mertrt. Editor t :
I I seo by the llifumuh't
Iukhiu that Leroi of rhilincburiJatiU lives.
i . fc 1 v
1 wouarr if he yet tecs "snuikb?" Hnvv
I. '
.intensely literary some men Houiotimeblie-
come and how Ireelv they can then afauo
r , . , ,
"""us iieignoors. i romacor -
.respondent, Leroi has conio down to a
, lucre driveller, whose only talent (if in -
1 ' J v
deed it bo n talet.t) is to string Ull -
words together without tense.
h.'ct witi (irtat suuntl. fill linw niphn.livui-
" l
c:il he is becoming, and how grandly he
bursts out in his last letter on the depar-j
ting year. Shades of Addison, Johnston, )
and I'ope, (to say nothing of Shakespeare)
stniid from under : and n liilp lSlir! evnirni '
in the armB and amid tho agonies ol thejj)
Htarlling "Leroi," besilent.
"fiut when tho hour arrives for the
'departure of the old year, wo nro more
U'demnly impressed with meditation and
'P , nu iu ure. i.,e.
per as paruy open, sucnuy nil aiom , ivo
watch the glimmering rellection of the ;
lireon the wall nnd old arm chuii-.-listen
to the wail of old Boreas 'round the cottier
of Ollf domicil, the r-lakh or shutter?, Hwing-
inn of 'shinnies" hurried footstens. and
w.-.ndor where w will l.n a vnnr l,r.i-n
Look back over the past.sce where we ma le :
some mistakes, resolve to tnnko nono!,,.,, ,. , assets,
,i : ,i.. ...-ii ..... , ,, ! IJHIs discounted
u.i jcm-i nil we wiu iruiy, iionorauiv ;
and earnestly do our whole duty to tho
.rent Arbiter of Destiny, to our counlrv.
and to all man and women kind. There Bank Notes of other Ranks -comes
a lap at my door, take a I0112 sigh, j I'Gal tender A demand Loto,
reach fur a small nieo of nine wood, draw i clRvks, Drafts, Ac. -
it across the ''iron clad," it emits a sul-1
pliurious smell suggestive UUhe lute treat
the copperheads enjoyed, give tho -ito:, '
clad'' soii!i fuel and away we go down the I
tide, visitor remarks, whewj my dear
friend, I congratulate you fur havinjrsueh
a comfortable base of operations, for I do
assure you this is a cold New Year, busi
ness loilows, the thoughts of a few mo
ments have fled, "mans' inhumanity
to man" commences. Such Is man."
What a stupendeous description of the
uejiaiiing ycarr 0 wonder that "its
shadows at this moment hovered around,"
the bold Leroi, and "ihat he lighted the
luminary of his nocturnal nbode.". One
would almost think that about this lime
"Rnaiks" cradled before him on their ex
ternal "nocturnal" knees nnd begging for
giveness assisted in lighting the "noctur
nal luminary." It is truly wonderful,
t'.iat the "ircn-clad," when the stick was
rashly drawn across her, did not go down
amid "nocturnal gloom," and lcavo "Le
roi" in external darkness. Stick, are dan-!
.... . . . I
cerous things, to come in contact with
"iron-clads," and when drawn acro-s
ihcm, in.Mrad of simply
remitting a(
sulpherous smell buggested of Qoppcr
heads," it is surprizing thnt tho "Iron
clad's" bowels do not burst out in a finely
rariGcd, ratified, compound of coneentra
tod, liluminatoil, of Oxygen. Come stran-
ger ! thus to usher thyself into the "com-!
forlable base of onerations." of genius !'
,oi'i in . .'
' henr : 13 notan Elective expressive of
sucU an intrusion, Boo ! Whoo ! ! would
scarcely have been sufficiently apologistic. j
"The dying year'' the "Iron-clad" the;
"spirits hovering around" "the sulphurous
smell" "tho wail of old Boreas, around!
the domicil and above all tho emissions of!
the nocturnal lumiuary" should have'
. i 1 r 1 . , m. ,
Dl"-uu ".vri.i. i-iui ouiy now:
call to mind, one instance, of "LeroiV
fi)i., u.y,.,B;
l,nrn Piimillled l.lnl ro hnli.,n ,1 ..ria.o 1
j -, . . . , j ..j nui-
ten by a ' forcig
ireign gentlemen" who like
, , 1
110 copperhead procllVllies (
"Leroi" had no
but who when a full moon came around
got considerably excited !
'"Twas at tho time of a full moon. She
was riding through the heavens without
saddle or bridle. But what has that todo
with mo ? As I was saying the wind blow-! ,j .;uki,- xoTICi:.lfh. 'lliiard of Relief'
ed;lll be blowed ll It didn t blow ; it 1, for the county of Clearfield, will meet at tho
blowcd so hard that it Unwed down rail Commissioners' ofiice, on Wednesday and Tburs
fence, on which was reclining a coon. Tho day. the 27th and 2sth days of January, lset.
coon gave one h 'artreuding fchriek that rl" Board havt directed that all new tppti.
made me 'git up and gif down over a log mu'1 B,'1"ir l"'f"ro ,ho BoftrJ a,", V""
that was also reclining on a log richt for-l ,h!r eWD Bf ,c,ncnt d"to,1,BJ namo nt ":llli,;r
t,i. . 1 Vr J . , regiment and oompanyj when etmsted ; 1 10
ninst me and on atlOtlltr log that was ly- j nuII1berof children, with age and ex of each :
nib nov iur irom the Bear Kiver Cotnpa-!
ny s water dilch, whoso maieslic stream
was rolling past with an uncontrolable ve-i
locny, almost to overflowing a conher hole i
that was rooted down into an abvss
of unknown dopth. A person that I nv
er saw before, or had any Z as in '
, 11 , t 1 1 ln ex
lst.mce, or mat no would come along so
soon passed along where 1 was recliuing
against my will. ith a compassion so
lieunalntil rr s rw t I. nn.u. 1 1
1 to pick up a chunk that shone with the
splendor of tho Arabian Nichts Enteri.iin
I raent. .lust tlirn mipl.l h .
1 i,f , 1 - ...
bullfroe seated on a stump trying to out-
sing an owl that was titling on an adia
cent treo, whose top came within an ace
of piercing tli
; the stars that twinkled in the 1 A IRST-RAIE C00K6T0VH foraaleoheaf lmy be found at his office on the southwest eor
, like a toad's eyes when tfl- V"ltil foc 90- loin at this ffloeJoer of rront and Main sweets at all times, excopl
'wnnrins Vwto TliAn nrl not tilt ib-n
did my Mful liliution flaili to my mind
forked lightning that ! wa hm-av from
'''''Vrowd of loafers that inhabit the
,,'10nH'' surround the peaceful har-
roon. seeking whom to devour fre uf
rhnriro, land swallowing nt onaaulih a
whole bit's worth of red-eye, so Ircely ad-
...;;. I I i '
""",n"''J "j '"-p news.
' r'ol'tunt-'ly for "Leroi" und his readers,
J J,t Bt l,m wl,on
"Mnnn ttihumsnlly
' '"7"'
! ment Rn1 congealed the llush and water
iv ji iuimmi u've niauan. ninK move-
JalLo'iA unlimited .way a few dkya afio
mid msued an order for things to remain
,"So." Had things remained Vo," whet
awful thing it would have been for the
.1... . i :fi i i i i
wumij, wiui wuuia uave oeen oiu
. niiiiivfu mm -iir t. uenerai rrozo l o
II.. 1. .l 1 nil. I ft-. I I T
would have been taken prisoner.
i AfMow that m'rer sees "&naih-"
I MA It It I F.I) At Mnrron, on tlie7th inst., by J.
I D. Miller, Mr. William J. Seott ti Miss Mary
1 E. Campbell, bvth of Ferguson toKnhi, this
On tho Slut inst., by IUiu-AV'Lian, ,Mr. Henry
I Yeajrcr to Miss tufuli A. Spineer,!joth of the
vieiniiy ni J.uiuuer Uiiy.
0,1 "une ,lil'' by ". J- Hinkle
t.i Mi.-s Anua M. Van Dyke, both of (Jkn
; Hope.
' "ain."MinJi una i iiiniiuua at
! "IJH'mi.1 J11'-'1'1''1- M;''"!' "niy Iw.on
, th8 .-t nth Ntvember last, of lung fever, Henry
i S. Bamford loruierly of this plneo., in the fili'd
ynr ot in., sro. leaving o wito and four chil-
, Vtl tllO .
'Jth Dee. I'd". Alexander I'etsrt, son of
John nud Surah Peters, of t!r;ull.irJ township,
uged ,1 years 10 nioulhsnnd I S Uus.
Xtcb bbtrlistmcnts.
cnooi. ti;aciii;k wanti.h-a
auod schi el teschor wanted iinniedintelv to
take ehiir'e of tho I.uthersburg Sehool. Oood
wages will be paid. Application must bo uiado
at once to
Kecratary Drady School District,
Jan. 1, 13(11.
jn. isih.
eo, i,ir,as 1 naro not receive,! value Mr, and
am determined not to pay tho same, unless com-
,0 1,080 h duo ,,mr "f ,
L.vrcnc4 ,..,: u Vl'siu'111111211"
LKri'nc' tHWn' "'P.n. H, 1Mi4.
ClT.Ti:M-.NT of Iho CLEARFIELD C(li;v.
k TY BANK, for the mouth eudiiiL' Dec .:;iltl,
nt,nilsvivin Kllltn Slnnll
. &S,U'JS'41,
,S77 SI '
b'.SjJ -10 1
fi,oj;j uo
lj,2:!K 00 !
1,70:1 1'ti
20 72
315 n !
400 00
7G1 75
155 19
liu from other lt,mk
J"llimi!i - - "
Furniture, - '
Due Commonwealth, (special)'
Cost of 1'luies, .!.,
Loss and Espouses,
tw.tea M
Capital Stock paid in
Note1! in circulation -Due
Due on certif of Deposit,
S-I.lf.l (11 i
Dl.Oll 1)5 I
2,i:i5 3n '
ai. OH
4,77'J 2
Wtaa "!hBr 1!,inks' -
.muvvuiiuu union,-,
Interest and Lxchauge,
Clearfield, jan 13, 'ti t.
HITHTTP VAT I.' cni'ir ik"1mtp
1 LDLIL oALh of LLAL l.blAl Ij.
rpilE subscriber will offer for sale on the prcin-
J jscs, on FRIDAY, the lath day of January,
1-01, ull that vuluable Real Estate, situatj in
Woodward township, Clearfield county, Ta.,
known n the Read Alexander property.
l'onlalitin lt)7 acres and allowance, f0 of
which aro cleared nnd in a good state ol culliva -
tion, with a largo bearing Orchard of choice fruit,
.,. 1.-1 . ., i .1 1. , . . 1 ...
I inu uuiiiiicD no, eieaicu ocuig wen tiioooreu witn
!''! and oak, and lying within half a mile of
l'usey'e Mill on Clearfield Creek, tnakinc it alto-
, gether a most denirable property.
I The property will bo offered at I o'clock, p. m. I
1 of fluid iluv. nben tbnaA dmlrinir In mivv.bactt
00j prri,erty are respectfully iuvited te attend,
ui the property must do Fold.
Agent for the heirs at law of
Bead Al xander, deceased. ,
January fl, lSdt.
1)Y a rpP0lulion of the Board of Managers
! J) the l'hilipsburg and Susquehanna turnpiko
ltoad Company, it wns Hesolved to enforce tho
luw cn 8Very ;crson or )er,nng that would ob-
struct ftiid ltoad by laying or leaving Timber, or
"V".01 r"C ti0n" M iM"ter "Uh "'
An'est, ' ' B. 1IARTSII0PX. l'rst.
E. J. Li.orn, Secretary., 'fil
i'i 1 i a HKf i. x ijthc a i nr 11 ujm-?, cures
-w v. tiivt win"tt f.-, t t ihi."pv -1 1' n' -1
lutueDose. cuL., gulU, culic, A o.
lowing :
Bead the fol-
BosToy, July 7th, ISSfl
D,.TuWBt.W, have used for tho past year
II ..... t :..:...i r.. i 1
j .Mi, iiuipu uiiuuii 111 to, 01 111 v lie sn, ni, ns, I'luisrs
, ic hDi c",t8' nJ in evfry illstnce found it the
best article I over tried in this circus Couipanv,
IMonso send six do.en, as it is tho only liaiment
we use now.
vt e nave 1 MS iiors;s, some very val-
0, and do not waut to leavo town without iL
Manager Van Aniburrrh A Ce's Menngerio.
Sold by all Druggists. OtSoe, 58 Curtlandt street,
New York. Jnn. (t Im.
tho township in which they resided at tho time of
enlistment, and their present residence 1 and that
8,,e ' without the means of support for bcrseif
,nJ cl""tr;n wt0 ,ro acpendeni upon her. 1
Two witnesses of credibility, from tho town'hip
in which .',he 8'Jt mu", b? produced.,
.V'X' ,WT th lutt UUSl!
set forth that tho applicant is the person the rep. ,
resents herself t be ; that the ttntomiaent of the
number and age of her family is truo : that she j
is 10 destitute circumstances and her family in 1
as .1 n 1 .. 1 it. 1 1 t. r - - . S ..!. ! 1. I
l'I,li('8ti"B sre just and true.
' . ,Fo ''talning thes reqiiWtiona oaa b olv
1 ",n.ea .1 lb' offiro r B""d hef, whe
fttinli(.al,n 1. 1 j ... I.
-, i .-.wM uiwqiuii iue wiiTifsiee npien,r.
January 6, 18U.
, w. . .. ,
A .) J, n( Vor-ni DmVy, ,Vrm H wily
unci llfrArfy A Mrs, f i,r r.
of tiikTvohld and AHors.
rpilh WORLD, lo whli'h (ho Now York HV.i',
X Arui Ims been unliod, lias tn-itiv five times
llio icifrfital oirciiliution of a'iy Di-moi riKic or
consorvallro nnw.i, Il i.Mretm'ii ..(klv
alons more than loo.ono tubscrihors nd ooiKtnnt
purchasers, and reaches at least A,. mitV,,,,
doubled. Nothing less than this should satisfy
Ve i;r restoring
the Umon and Ua author Ivor tha Const hit on
t. ... . . .
over 'a nuw dlstnu-ted and divi.l.a oouotry, lies
In wresllnu power from the hnnJs of thnso hofo
!anut(iiiii has helped ti provoke, invite, sad
I rt'lof g tho war and that to accomplish thiiioiid,
no intiins is to elViictive as tho (lillution, thruugh
ablii and enterprising newspapers, of sound polit
ical anowieage among the working men, iho
thiukliig men, and the voting men nf tho North, j
KnOcrprise, industry, and nwney will lis liber-1
nlly eapended to mako TliR WOULD the II US 1"
NKWSl'Al'KIl IN AMKHIOA. It neivs from
every part of tho world will be early and amin o-1
tie. Whorevor the telegraph e x ti ri 1 4 or rail-'
mails run. or steamboats ply, it will gather the
latest intelligence. It has a largo t tall of aecoin- :
plished correspondents with all tho foderal ur-j
lilies, who will telegraph and write to ue tli" !
latest nows from the various seats of war. Itj
has correspondents and reporters in every politi- !
eiil and commercial centra in Amerini nud Ku-1
ropo, wiioso letters unit iiispatencs will leave1
U0,'''"K worthy M
The Market Imports
nnkniiwn to its renders,
of the World ere niui" 1
compile tliini tln..e ot
eoniplete tliini tlmse of any other nuwrpapor.
Iho r.ililurs invite coiuparisoii in this r.'-pect
and point to tho reports of the Cattle Market',
the general slid country Produce Markets, and
Iho Money Markets in its c;liiinti(, as proid of
its exeellenec in tlii rospeet. 'J'bo World has
also a speeial department devoted to Agriculture,
tilled with editorial articles, coiiiuiunicatioiis
from ructicnl farmers, im, selected matter, ma
king a valuable mill useiul pnpor lor the runners
andteehan ies of the country. 1
The war in which the nation is engaged
ngninst r.rmed and infatuated Rebels, nnd llio
radical policy of tho ndmiiiis:raliou which pr.c
longs it, have conspired to bring together upon
one platform all conservative, Union nnd Consti
tution loving men, of whatever former name nud
creed. Jinny of Ihoso who, within the limits of tho
Constitution, fought the battles of tli 0 ballot box
under the leadership of those Patriotic etnlesinen ,
nf other and better day, Henry Clay and Daniel
Vehster, together with the masses, whoso princi-
pies were those of such patriots as Andrew : Jack
the cxe.cisj of force or the policy of i-.i.ieiliation
the World i!I advocate ; whatever inaket aguiu'l'
it, the W01M will opposj.
! I' , 'H '!To every enemy to the Union,
, whether in rebellion at tho South or
I ''f"l'"Hv. r'anting tho seed., of duunion and
', e,-' '"y Ky at the North.
it will oppose every flotation of the Constitu
tion, which is the only hnpe nnd bond of Union,
and our only authority for exhorting or compell
ing the allcgianro of the .South.
It will oppose every infraction of tho Law, in
high places or in low, by reckless and misguide, d
partisans, or by tho adininif ti ation which has
been their exainplo.
It will fearlessly exercise the JVconm uf thr
' ; it will constantly uphold and defend
l'rrntm uf Sm rli and Yrtiom of tie llnllvt.
To the lawless acts of the Administration, its
arbitrary and unjust nrrests and expatriations, its
denial of the rights to the writ of hilifn eorjmi,
its Illegal proclamations, its abrogation of Stato
nnd federal laws, its despotic accumulations of
ungrateful power, and its subversions of the safe
guards of civil and personal liberty, il will con-
staatiy oppose tno letter and tho spirit ot our su
preme Inw nnd tho ndvocacy of sound doctrine,
until American freemen shall bo roused to the
recovery of their rights, their liberties, their lass,
and their limited nnd well-balanced government,
by the resistless decision of the ballot.
l'rofoundly impressed with tho desire to con
tribute all that it may to tho great work of this
generation, namely, to restore our nulional
1 unity, and to place Iho United States again furo
j most among the nations of tho earth, and first in
, the peace, prosperity, and hnppiness uf its pen-
Vle Hit- OKLD seeks Irom those who dentre
j BUch things their sympathy and support, and,
aluV " tho i'avur of Him who crowns every
Kd work,
Daily World.
Y'early Subscribers by mail, :
1 feinl-Wcekly Vorld
Single subscribers, per annum,
n 1 ...
t? 00
.1 (in
5 Oi)
. iwu eones 10 nno aauress, : :
, Throe
7 50
12 00
22 5J
W eekly World.
Single subscribers, per annum, :
Threo copies (address on each paper)
Five " " "
Ten " " " .
2 00
ft 00
I.i 00
or, go
Twenty copies (all to one nddr-ss)
Clubs of twenty or over can have their nd.lross
put on each paper for an additional chnrge uf
'ten cents each
j For every club of twenty an extra copy will to
of added for the getter up of ihe club.
rur every cum 01 iniy, me rcnii-11 eoKiy, anu
for every club of one hundred, the Daily will bo
sent, rAci, r, .yiiti'iii, in lint nf the e.rtrti c),iY of
II V , .,.
Additions to Clubs may bo made nt any time
at sumo rntes. l'apers casnot bo ctianged from
0110 Club to another, but on request of the person
ordering the Club, and on receipt of fifty cents
extra, single papers will bo takon from tho Club
and sent to 0110 address.
i-All orders must bo nceompante I bv the
Cash. Address Till;
;. I'ark ltow, Xew York.
Jiinimry 0, ISC I.
Jf lield t'oiinty Ajj-ilciiltural Sorlttv lor
the jcar cmUniri ith Jain ary HA I.
" ""J' 1
Amount ii
FroIIl mo
in hands of Treasurer at last
$ 51 30
ment, -
membership, and at gates dur.
;,, y..;r
County'orJer for I'd1!
' '
- 917 2i
100 Oil
$1,003 55
Te am t paid Marshal, $ 5 00
do (iale. keepers, 3S 00
do Ticket Agmtl, 10 00
do l'oliee, 21 jio
do Muic, I.i 00
da Secretary, 25 00
do Work 011 Ureuudi, 4 1 75
do Printing. 02 00
do (1 round Bent, 2 y., 100 00
do I'remiums paid. 332 OS
V53 73
Balance in hands
January fi, 1SCJ
of Treasurer, $ 314 62
f-v v :
ESIRK3 te Id
irui his pat-
U '-. rom that profession-
Wjv al business confines
f nim to his office all
' . v. . 1 : 1 , ,
l,D ,11117, SIHI HO Wilt
' V-17V" therefore be unable
ry, . 1 roieisionai
T vi j nu vi any ot Pis
accustomed plac.s
tins t a nime r : but
, when notice apPMrt la th. tnwn psnenteUie
DIULEliS is l'OH I'ii; X .7
I'lHLU'SllirKCi, Centre comity, IWi'a.
Have received nnd aro just oponiiu
the largest assortment of tin,
i'l-ar li vuijht tothit fcliun oyViuiiiry, mtnti,lii,g nf
g i i ill c s' F ut'ii!
Hoods, Nubias, Sontags, Balmoral
ami Hoop Skirts !
Ready Made Clothing1, of Latest Styles !
OfMir. ir t, uU t- T 'V I n X V l V - '
bJ1UU,J"bUUKr5 b 1 A 1 102s l Ai !
Drugs, Oil, Paints, Putty & Glass!
like-Hour Vwt'tj and Cvrn-SlircU!
Trunks ij Carpet-Bags
Fish, Salt, and Nails !
Flour, Feed and Provisions !
And alt articles usually kept in a flrst-claii
country store all of which will be sold
Cheap for Cash !
or approved produc.
I'Lilipshurg, Nov
, Lumber or shingles.
1H, ISM-tf.
The Btt'sison
Every body purchase
their C L O T 11 I N U of
IJIT7l.'VTriV Pl-iC A- l-Yi
1vL,IA1j1o1 Ljlil l)lvtJO. Cv KKJ.
Because the, fell so very cheap-for Cash !
J 1
Because tbey keep the best goods:
Because their Clothing is well made A fashionable;
j Becauso they keep tho lnrgsst a.-sorttnent j
I!.. H,,V.,n...,l. ,1.
w .j ...s, ...
Because they give every one the worth of hi men'y
Because they take the advantage of nohudy ;
Because they treat thoir customers woll ;
Because everybody likes to Jcal illi them j
Because thry sell cheaper than llio rest:
Because their Clothing aro well sewed A fit well
I Because thev can suit even body :
liecausc their Store is o conveniently situated :
Because nobody leaves their store di '"tit isflcd ; '
Because all who di al wi'h them are sure to call
again, snd scud their neighbors ;
Bscauso they lave purchased their Stock t such j
reduced prices that they can afford to
These are a few of tho reasons why they sell so
jI.J-AU kit, ,1s of Country Produce taken at
the highest market prices.
Clearfield, Nov II, Si!;s, Jm.
The Jlcsi und (.heap it in the 'orl,lf,r IavUcs!
This popular minlhly magsrine will be ,,,r,ili
inroi't jur lst',4. It will contain one Ihcusaud
pages ot reading ! f. srteen s,lciidid 1 1 1 1 plates !
twelve colored fashion plates! twelve colored
bcrlin work patterns : nn.o liumlted wood cuts I
nnd twenty-four pa ties of music! All this will
be given for only Two Dm.i ai a year, "r s dol
lar less than .Mjuziues of the class of I'eierson.'
Tlirilliti'; Talcs and Novtllcttcs
Are the best published anywhere. All t, in(
jfjtultir trritrr ure c,uyioy( tn irrtt oriifin't'.'if fur
-I Vf, ,-o,i." Iu Isl'il, in ml.iiti ,u t, itB u.-u,il
quantity of sport slorie. Font OiucisAi. Cer.'
itnnir Novki kttks will be given, by Ann S.
Stephens, Ella ItoJman, Frank Lee llcnodiet,
and tho Author of " The Second Life." It also
Famiions Ahead of Air. Onrrni
Each numbtr, in sdditinr to Ihe colored plate,
;ieii i.ouiieis, i. nous nuii riresses, enL-rnved on
weod. Also a pattern, from which a Dress, Man-
tilln, nr Child's Dress can be cut out, w itkout tin
aid of a inantsa maker. Also, several pags of
Household and other Receipts. '
It Istliebcst Lady's Ma-adne in Ibe W orld.'
ry it lor one 3 ear.
TERMS At.wATS tt snvixca.
One Copy, One Year,
Three Copies, for Oue Year,
f2 00
6 00
7 50
10 All
rive topics, lor Ono 1 ear, .
Eight Copies, for One Ye nr,
Premiums fur (iettlns up Clubs.
Three, Five or Eight copies make a Club
every person coition uu a club, at the above rates, 1
a copy of the .Mtigmlne for lHfit will bo givou
gra til. Atidrf. pnHpniit,
' X0B Cfceslaut Suott, I'hiladelphia.
ytytslmM W yrwtta, when written for.
lll.W II I C'id T'U
It in :y
fri-m lh, ill.
II r.i , I'ii , Uiiipi K en 1 1 i' M
AM i'i I i it '-v rim ;uiinl i. ; nn l I
Uj!, tni-iiii.-, nr Iti ,n v m, iniii'ii. i . r !
: r
nr litin,t tli.' ni.l Mrl, rt.i'ii
III)' IH'Villilit. US I Mill It V ll'i liil'- cr uny'lll i
hull it id 1,;. . 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 . - '.'In' iiIm.i.- . u.uJ
Mill be 1'iiid fur lii ri'larn i-i w.
J. 1'. STKIM.i.
Ht.MM.-iV Mill.-.
Ii. t .. li .... 1.1, ,Lr. ::;
NO'l H i: t' l
HAV1NU in.'id,. nj.j !:.....
A-M'-.'i.r nf 111.' i'.nli c
lvimlii, nnd ii Lie. m-o u
in lui'H jrnnr.ed 1 1 iin by ihi'
I'i I'ii. As-i
" In '.i iii-:r
Aui'li "ill"';'
I'l'ifi r i 1 1 1 .
. t of
I t 1 me by the mmI'i r uoiln.i .1 1
1 would mioi m Hi,, f 1 1 1 rn 'i ( i-oiiiiiy
that I will illicit. I to "lapit;; ,'ile.1' i. ti.v.T
(loured in any pa.'t of tli' "oiintv, (
mo.leiat... AM, .It), IX L. UV. M..
Dee. 1H, W..!.tf. CI, tuilrl.l. I'.i.
,S. Any nelson " enliio - " ,.!., ..
licei'.s is subject to a penally" of $ v.i,:, Ii vi;l
, oe ei.torcet 111 neeord"iu" with thj h-
! H per.ns violating u,e st,u.,to.
jO Tit.1
AV.-Came to ,.; subscriber i.i (. .
lonnship on tho liili insiaiu, A 11!.; S PC Kit
Willi wlntn spots over 11, and 11 whilu A in its
forehead the shape of 11 heart, said si, , it al: u.1,
two years oi,!. Tlie i.nner i.. reiiieo I to e.r.n.i
I'orniird, prove prop.-rty, pay eliari; , , . !.,;,.- 11.
away, or it will be disposed of as il,. ... ,- ilirneij.
Dec. :,(', l--U-:it. pd. MART1U iJAll.ll.T.
Winter. Good
AT THE CH K.I cash STU1;E.
I am jitsl rocpivin.i: and
selected slock of Spring
of almost everv
fuelling it entoJ''lilly
and riuiiii..' r ,,oj t
doscrijitio 1,
I Jfu, ry
I ...... ,Ij ,.f it... ... : 1 . . , . .
lill 'hi, oi . . . . . . . .
S ""' an 1 ia;.'-t styles. AL.o t
1 great, variety of useful t 'linns.
J. outlets, Shawls,
Hats nnd Caps,
Boots and .hoos. a Inrfo quantity,
Jlar.hv;,re, Cuor, .iaare.
Dine- nnd 'li'iliclnos,
Oil ; n l'uints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
(i 11 () C i: 11 IKS,
!f n.e best qai;iy,'!i of wi.ieh wiu"be 'id t
j iho lowest cash or ready pay prices.
.My old In, 'ml.- and the aubllu
rcsprctfully invited to call.
r ;'-';; '' A" Uin' "f''''.1.V.-,:I npnroved
Col M l:r 1'IIUUL VE take., in I,. ,! ... r....
WM. F. IKWiy.
Clearfield, Dee. 30, ISC;!.
VI A I Jilii A A sY:.ULi
tias ju
t opened n l:u'e assortment o
(nul Winter
j )a?C2S333 CSlr coca
I Such ns cashmeres, merino.", rcp-detains, plnlds,
I Jin rm ut to, brilliants, poplins, ulpoca, d'-bcrgm,
ipiiuts, silks, dusterelo'h. ginghams, naiikeoii,
linen lnce, edging, velvet trimming, eollcrei'e,
, braid, belts, dress buttons, hosiery, vciis, nets,
corsets, collars, hoods, nubins, scarfs, hoop skirts,
1 baliaorals, muntles, coats, shawls, furs, notions,
! bonnets, Ints, lihhori,, (lowers, tdaoies, Ao
Such n cloths, cassiuierc, satinett, flannel, Jeans,
tweed, coitomido, lutislin, italiiin cloth, velvet,
1 lush, check, ticking, denims, drilling, linen,
ornli, serge, canvas, padding, linsey vesting,
eaiitun ll.muol, costs, vests, overcoats,
shawls, bey's jackets, overa'ls, drawers, over
shirts, un.lershiiis, boots and shoes, hats and
caps, Ac, Ac.
uouQ'mmn) mom.
Such as carpet, oilcloth, blinds, curtiiiiir, tassels,
clocks, looking glasso.-, lamps, churns, I. lbs, buck
ets, brooms, brushes. til,eii, washboards, wood
en bowls, tieves, Hat irons . collee millF, bed cords,
bas, ivall paper, caiot l chain, colton vuro
I 'Uo ick. work basket. , lanterns, umbrellas, buf-
,,.r",. ' tn"lk"' r".l"t '"" BTC'-
Musical instruments, violins, llutes, liles, ttrings,
J U-"'U-m: '1'-, nsware, glass ..r ,t..,..
ware. (.rocenes, dnn:s, conlectienerv, rt.'.li.
j cities, tl,.ur. bacon, li.-li, salt, grain, dried fruit,
i Neils und rplkcs, glass and putty, oiis, iiici-'iir,
tobacco, regars, c.mdl, s, spices, powder, si,,,;,
I....1 .. ...1 - . . .. ..
I " S '""--""-- 'K '"l". carriUK'i ;;.in
tiiunifs. I, ll'lli r-. s.-100I
books, Ac 1.II
1 of which will be sold
011 the mo. I n asona' !'
! ter
r.os, snd llio hiLhe-t market i'i . i j p:ud lor
.all kinds of country produc".
I Od. lstl !, J. J',
) Front St., above tha Acad, uiv, Clenrlicld, I'a.
'A. I. lMYNTii.N.
the i;i:rri,r.i(N promts out in a
A War of K.vtcniiiiuition id to bo
wnircd no-runcf;
I 'J he mb.-cribers having puic.iase-l ail the in
; tere-t ol the l.i:o firm of tire. ham, Loyntoii .t Co.,
and having mad.' laro additions to th .': s.oel.,
now nnnoiinee to the piblie generally that they
are ready to iiipoly them wi;!i any and e-ery ar
ticle usually found in a city store. Consisting of
A Superior Stock' of Dry (Jodfl,
Hals and Cans.
I 1
Tin ir slock i f Hardware i.-
1 ry la
they w ill sell cheaper than tho cli, . :"
Pulley lilocks,
Suitibl" for rafting nnd building pui poses.
They desire eip.eially to call the atlc nt-ion 'it
the p ildic to their f'oeli -f
Queens wa r e,
Which they flalter themsilvnj cannot be bia'.i'i
ln section.
Call and see our slock, whether you ptirchi s
""n't. tr RF.MF.M HER Til I! J'LACK, V'.
kft street, nearly oppo-ite the .Mansion Homo,
KT,.'"r 23d, l-M tf.
D.MIMMItA'roiSS' NOIICI-:. Nolica
is hereby given, laat Letters of Administra
tion nn the Ltato of j'rtkr Sarr Isle of
Decatur town-hip, Clearfield county, deceased.
having been grntitcd to tho undersigned, u 1
reruns Indel ted to said estate are re, incited f 1:... ... ... ' m I'njiocnr, ana tnose liayle;
1 cuiius Bgaiusi me same will present tbsm dull
..ii..., r. ..1. ... -
u'uiuuittiau lor p ci iieincn c.
Dec. 3, mi-tt.
' ;
jtovi: impi:.1o, ..1. ,k.
i.i Iu n ti . "',
Vim i'. ( r.v i
TM 'fK cenwary,
Jnly '..
..u iii.jinj.ion, tarw.nsviHo, M lli
1 IPVUIt. Vn, 1
Vox. 11, UiA.