Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 06, 1864, Image 2

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Of C'lMtfitlii llrpublirnit.
Hobbny in tli TtrRsmy l)fmilmciit
, tt ,t. ) ,-
'if-'- -a v- .. ?--;-iV -o
- ""I V, " U .U "- t'. -.'"
1 I 'If',
...' it iin
f.r -i. " t '." I.'
J ,V,,r,. ,,,,,,.
f ' C 1 ' till lf ' N '
t H. i v .
- A 6 -
ci.::ai;i n:t.i r..
Wednesday Horning. Jan Cth, 1301.
I,li,n ) m e'y W I-. ;' l.'i'i.. .((, r
Kuj'r(ln:: Uif (ir-mmret" slier (lie
I d btll.'U Hi lilt! I I 111 .
Tho Riviunit el (.LiiiMiU'ii robbery in
the redemption hm-cnu ii the 'l im-'niy
l'r'lll llllflll lit 'llsllH'tllll U I'll H ( III to
he ut Icnsl JltlD.Omi. much timto lie
ill ttiirlril im urn.' knows, nor is then, nny
i,lliri;il method of n.cci laming. Taken to
his house l.v two olllcels, Mill thcH' ki I I
Constuiitlv in 'heir pii'sf'iice, ln at last
. (T' li' in 'l! j ut. 1 1, ''t,r liii'lii'
nr: l ii ii i I h 1 1 llit liitiiin," pi I i ..t
ti.-e tin' I Uli'aill n ct i I V j.-l'. lint i
w I, ill i llniiiiiii r uiili iIip Admine Im
1 - 1 1 ti in it , t. n ii 1 1. 1 1 1 1 n' i iiii.I
cviiv imli i'l 1I1 utli i mm Led null
blood mnl ci inn',
t.T I here in no am Ii Ihing a,. rviur'M.
c it MIV IIU'I" Ullh It IiY liblii nil You
rn'i cnly luivc n'lfir ni' i wnli liini, ft ir ili
tnnlilflit Veil Infill l.i rlinrl-n lint ilrt ,s
( I 111" Ail', ln liriin to hMciir
or Id cull iiihii'x. Sti on niijti fiiliir
l'MVi 1 iii) nl hih'i', nr ulluw liini lo lull im
I or r t r nor i niriM
It'll! M l-, ,, nV ,, ,V( ,
t I
1 . 1 I ' n,
'In I, v
III' im.
I . f
i -it i'i ' 1 ' i i I il I , ,,
I' II II I I''. .Ill l , I
III ' I I I It I I I 1 ,. Il,.',l I '
""I '' " I M J I M I h I' I I II I M ....I II
I ll".Mr.-nV .tfi,,!...!,,,,.,,,
I .... i ... i . i
1 ' ' "" r" 1 ' I ' i" uif 'Mi. ' 1 1 . i , i.,r tu
' -"I'l "II I'l.M,, l,..,..,.,
' 1 " ' --i' t.-. I',. , IU,.r
" ""'"'I. I. 'HI I. lilt III Itl'IH , I I'.
HI llm ri,i,i i II,,,,.,, M ( I,. itl!,'i,l, in im I
ci'iililv nl (1,'iirli, 1.1. i. ii llm
.V .-...,.. M. ,.,.,,,. ,, ,,. v,
M'llri: is, ti,,.t,.r i',,.t,'.,v , ,
'i.ri. it, ,lii,lr, . di ll,,. I'.-ii .. , i,n, I -..i.-ml,:,
n mnl Ii r mi. I 1'iiuiii). i.f (-li iirli. l.l, t , , ., .:ir in
tliur h.i',t ...turn., ititli Hitir llll-, i;..,i,i.,
I mill I si I ti.ii u I , , ,.
I ,.l t . . . I , I II- . ' ' ' ""..'""i"ll". I'll. I HUT I.
)"" "'.IV,-'I I" KI1II1K llllll I'Mllll tK, III till (III. l t,-iL., u I.,, I, .,
' IV,
IH j.l-t (tl,,.. I;,,,,,, ..,.,,,(
Fall (tiid Winter
LJ IX j: !.D z j tTJ ;o 21 1 u
IGv LA 1)1 L 3,
Fiuli nt rnfliiNi-n t. im riii..., ri' il. '.ttrnt, -'i:.l',
l.lU.ll.l, I.M,!llllj, ,i.i,n, I, ' . . . n , l, ,
piiiii,, m.kt, ilu.ti.t.i, h, tr i.Kl .nut, i, i k',
I''"1' I' ('tluli ?. vi.t, iim.i ,,.!:,.,.
pin "ni,:. r
1 '-" i .. i,
. t
i j
1 1 ,
i .
1 1 Ii,
t i.i " Is, r, ,lhii
l".!iii.,i.i., t..
Li.iii.i tit , t.u i
tll.'Mt l.lltl'
. ) I,. i
I,. i
, I.-
"1 t. I'l I
I il''
(j ilown fur lii groMi iiiMiliR.
i nit-
i'ir i. Hi
mnl In llu ir In linll', . riuin h, l. ,,
WNciu-ly nil the nenimni on Christ- .lay -,f n. yMr f (lllr ,.,' , .,
. i , n , ir -
'I Im II II l l,.,... ,. r. t nr,.v,-n f..(.r,.l.ini ra-n
a.,L,,..l.liril,. Ill It,l3
, , , .... . was ki'iil in u rgnui in
ttiri'i II 1 1 , 1 1711 I, it. Ihw llltsl.. UV II1U llt'lIIUfll l.v,-i i ,1
llli'll, Wi'll Im.;i.i,.,, will ,.tl llit'itt It'KJ."
I'.u'- (Mil puiinimli'r iliviiii'i hcciii Id
.lulio C 't Ii fit 110,
J II. .li.lillMiih
p-l or. iry v II without uny i-ulijjion J'-"71 lnnl
' J Job IJl.-llllul
fvjii1;ir r rn ct U l.-iM to Im Ii-fi.-iont hV.-'. U
. n . ' 1 1; ii i
V,'" ; liillllillll .1 Until!
tin' Juiniary Ti iui, iHiil.
".lifni'tT, cl
ty-'lli! ui my nein iv iij:iiiii wit In ut
I It ti...... I I t t I III U II 1 I , t . .
........... -...-.....j .....ii .. .. DinKK tuni ii, liini itiiiitM'tl ins ci ii.ii', im
(liHiiutch j uLilihctl in New Voik. ilnlcil iinlifnii ,1 ulnnt tho i ii'ioitv cnsild I
i-unit.oil, AJ.J., tlmt onr pii-ltoU lnul "V V " , 1 "", , uv.'- H (y ,.,. w,(.. , K- Ul ,lullUr., ;.. ., ,ivv.. .,
boon driven in Iron) U inchei-lor. u.,W ,re u,",u" ? ' ,UJ .'" . 1 ';' '"U'j. ami j,.,,, ,lll,.,itni ,H ;rim(',l ,U cell.-' KI'WAItl. i'KKKS, S ken' if.
... Iiii'e niiiiiilHV of ihe cut Im yen o inuli hi- i : r .1... 1 ....1. . , A . . -
blUng Liu toward., Marlinslt.rg. whu-l, 'h., had not ,. lo ,J" V : ' 1 "." ""' '.'T'" ' fl,"-- '
Tl, l,i,,!,r,l,.. nf M....l ..,1) 1 1. :.; ,M " ""' vt.y inuill.'i chl ic L
(KHilinuis. unili hiiig iiceetMiry to a-, vmiehi'i t,
Alter l!iO il-.-fovery ol Ins rohherv. hi?
II. e litii-ury nr MlI'Vl'i MIL .1 111, III,, I'l
01 .Not . ui:, a , lour r.e,:ro reyitiK'titi ta- su uion. lie would ciiiIi'm nol Inn;;, nml
king, the lead Gen. and thieo or tuivii 111 ln iKumI uf emit. Hi-, 1 1. ',1 s 'i ', 'i i 1 , I .ii--li-!-t. Uur eioi ol
... . .11.: . . ; . ; . I. .U- . . if .-
lour otlior Jil igndieifi, honoring tho occa- ' .-r , .-. . ...--..o k ,,,, ,.-..-..,..,. 01 m. 11. i - i-;,;l;r.t .-,.,,.,,. ki r
nioii w ill, their nreaenre Ml" 1"'" " i i 'a 1 im n I " a .i-ownini: l n-v niciiee nu t Aim , Mc.-klrv a lwi
. . 'l I'iC slo. en money, and l.e vas taken to hinenlo, our country is in ti fit enndilion ! IVttr .,u 1
J ivo huiHlrtd 1'crolt'd i-Uoricra were hi-i hm,sn in lio.;i-,i:iMow n s iiieiUioned.- I'"" ra-lin, liuiniiiatiou mid iia er, in-1 0
exel anged lust week. I'.ut no further His eml.elenieiit luu In-eii coin;; on 'i,r trJ lli tliNiik-uiviii)( we liavo jut ! '",i,,',t liooncj
ifli i,i..n will lnini.l'l,tiini;iiUr..,,U. liMllilis. 1 lui IllulliUte'l IloU'rl lo he can- neeii rolieknii' in hv order of Hie l'r.-i-. n. ""1 " l "
erato nuthoiiiiea nettle the question of k , ! ''"'?;! "'"''V"", Uiv"l ' "'7
1 ttii jfiliw iro lli 111111! 'i tliu inidt.'le, one-lml!
outlawry whieh they had declared ng.iiimt -ent i Seeretaiy" liase, aiul the other
Gen. l!utier, and until thfl two authoritifs Id ihe Ke-iMt r. Tla-v h v: e eoun tml ami
noulcl come to ft definite uiiderdaudini: '-'- ii aceoi din lo lli.-ir di-ntnii,n;i-
; uoiii, anil :i uiey e,uiliil I'll Willi I lM n
IwuU'n aeeount.-i, were reiurtied to his own
Thon end TJnv lolliee to he desiroved hy lire.
'. f in l
'Hf ". sl;,fv:.,, li.nt r-. l.llMM
!.-lli iii-.-ii.,, i , tt-tn.t ;, Il :, ji.niH,
ll.'lut If, il.ll.-llll. i !.. I, . v,., ,.(.
lit-Kiii'.', til-ii i in -.. ,!r:iliiiL. l.i. ,. i,
rui, n, n-rj-f, ciinviu, .;i,l,lni, 1 iilsty Vfniiiitoi,
on ii I mi ll.niiiil, -..; I -.. ,tn,4, vt' It, tiv.-r t.
tlimt If, ln-v m jitci.i l, iiicrullit ilniwir;
Ki-I. u
Hi I,
i In-!,
K I' Ml II
I . Ill I . I I 1 .1 ,
A I J 'i i . i . p ,u
in.;, idi. im ,
it iin..: i:,,.
Mil' III tiMMl :
Inn.. mt i I I
W nl a:, .
, I i
i ' I ,
A. II. linv
I'ii. tie K nni'r'ii a lmr's. v
.I'.iuli l.auibui'u -n
I F.
i t.u ii-;
.N. Si!
K. Milfll Sll
J."!;.!. II. lit-
V. ui. ,slii y
In. K Inr A I linuijiiiQ
V.t. S:oiil. Way
V.'. Ill, I ITt
S. JtjllM 'I Inn!),. -till
v. I,. W. -u
i. Jiiiiii'n Smii Ii
vh. I. i n S 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 , ft ul.
v.l "ii i, ii. l 1 A Jin, . r
vn. I.ciniivr l A Htiillay
a Juhji-.h C'uiiti w ay
v. C. Sniil. i', ct al.
Vtt. Laiiii. Kt'iilniri
V4. 'l'litniiiiH li taliiiiu
I'.i't'.-f A,1
J-.H-'iti At.-K ft
.If., A.'.
uvr r.
irn'i'n M;;;.i
.ii (. , u
boulH uim! iho.ii, hat hlJ
, i-1 1 r t i i 1 1 .-. ta.-
lainis, tiil , In
l:.!,:,ll !- v,
ill, r,ni-i.i-i.
vs. .1. Ii. !' int. it al.
M f ire A l'liinly
oa the r.eei'o question.
" The Union is one and ihsei'i-"'1 n not '
find fol ever." JuCv!in Vipin, 1 ... -.ier'M,
" Tho r'jht to loeo'le nmy ' " rov lu
tionnry one, but it the ri;hi j izh'. v.-v-cr'lieless
" '-ll snv
considerahle section nhall deli'n'ri'.leiy -, j
eolve io Cj jout. jot tho Unir.n we for one
ha!! not e iuriel the udnpti hi of eoeieive
oie.isiirw to prevent U."JucMn (,
Xufan'jcr 1 1, ltii). !
Al the In L Lui ihiij.
hny, who lie'ed to
. 'i I lllh) ineskenj'f-r
watch the .riice-..s.
i i -into
i i . . . , .
- -t-iniii-iitii io sf,. i uiii'iali nee
1 1 v sliia lackia-t of tho half t n t .--.
tint Hidtt I'tirkel of his coat us he
throwni,; lliein into the furnace.
innocently inquired ol a cleik, named
l'kut, if .Mr. Corn-vall ha.r a li.dutodo
Mich a thiup. The jmiii.) wat tip. A
trap was laid and the h-inn walked riuhl
into it. II is avowed reason lor plunm of Hon .losiah (Juincy
into this loi'l.ei v was iiis i on- ifuished men of Ma-
CjThe .TjT.-r.nm !,in, fin nhle paper puh
lislietl al i n.cliesler, H ri'snonsilile lor
tho f 'lhnvini: lirsl-ialt) nolii-o ol (iov. Cur
Im: -"A et teir.poraiv wauls lo knnu
what Andy cuitii. will do ,f ihey put an Tyron Cc Clear field n. "cow.v
exlM InxoMSlf eents per ,,.,1,, rjMli: Sv.l. .11 1". lit IM; ol' i'ni ;
whi.siiin . I),)'.'- iiH-ullow 4t" 1 -w t., nil! . .. ,,t j ll..irli y at
I t" ' "I Hi" rorii--h..ii.ia 1!. I!. f'ut..-iny i i
i I1IIIHI...1J...11, ainuarv nil, ,,r t
liiWiop IIoj l.iin., of W'riiiont, in his let
ter t.i the Kev. Tr. De iVolfe. of i'lulad
pin, i. says :
T knew lht Ihe opinion whi,-h 1 had
expressed as to l..e ii;:ht of ?i-i-f-.--i(ju wa1
in acroidance wish tiie opii.inn of toe
Southern lenders, and of many Noillo'iu
mid Weslern ulalesuien of hitrli character
K-ipeeially 1 knew that it was ih doctrine
and other d;.-.t;n-achiiM'H-;,
at the
cl . f i r, .
lllll.ilto uf
IV'-?-.! l.. n..t.-l.l I . . . .... .
. , . J 1 , vetioii that diner tiea-iii v clerks in res- time ol Hie lauioils llnrtlord Ciuveiition
OU nny expl, nation of thin remarkable ; ponsihhi mil conlidenlial ol'.ices, were and of Hon. Ahiaham Lincoln, en the
change of front, ulthoufh we have given ' leatheriiii: tin ir nests hy ste.i!i!i, mid his Hoor of Contress, in lsS, urnj of i!
Lim repeated oppottunitioi to do no The ,J,1,''1-ll''"t''" have a hand in it. A Hon. Horace lively, in the t nfi-i f.v.i. i ti.i , i ' . ( --ri I my ofonly 51m'0 a year and h hirue the .Soulhern cause had been decided."
"""i ' .Hliliv. Ill Ii ha 'ii.mi.iwu
SO ,M.t 111 1 1 V I II L
lion is ta(en w as rot criminal with o-ir ! here, he'petl tho fool to tako th is view of ; i "lt Situation in 1 r. NKsi-i.r. A orre.
ceiphbor, as it apjieared in the New York : ""ieial lirhu mid pitrsonal in tercsls. pondent of the Cincinnati Gaetto, writ in-
Srtbunr.wo think, . 1 ,',cK"", ip l'0i:k-l" t hero ' it r, from (.'hatlanno
Mid our nehbor can only claim the cred-;tl:eso ui , ,. demand nou, of live-', tent
It of n phigianVt ; and not a very sniarl ! twentiec, fiftie.. nud one liutidrod.s I'n-
cutnote., fiibsequenlly lceeied and held
! buck, to uii amount to thei-e vouch
i ers, male his hauls sometimes very gr.'at
j --ten or twenly ll:mi-,and dollars. Im-
ne either. Hut if the Union now
"one and inseperable," why was it less so
InlSOO? Is ii because tjutiilo is to be
freed from labor, nnd he and his children
to bo fed and clothed out of tho toil and
iweat of Ilia laboring white men ? Is this
ivhy the " L iikiii i.-; one ami im-pj erahle "
now, tut nut in Im")!
lo do his ow n idiure of tl.
Lonestly earned gioj clothing ut;d good
feed ng, and when he received thcin to hi.s
liearts content and wlicn every thing !
Yvos moviiig uhit.; harmouioutly, iiist i,s 1 ,,
a.. .... , - . . . i Ha:i:
ne iounuci's ot our fovernuietit inlendc'd
tbey thould ?
preparations for Chii.-,tmas lestivi
t us had been made in his homo
dauh'.i '.' was mioii to bo man ied.
i it'iii.w, (.oiliwe . is mat lo
i on the 12 1 1 Ii ult.. uavs:
"'irai.t's hemlqiiai lers aro at N,i--hwi:e,
and will be there ihi.s winter. T'his imh-
ales thill olVeusive operal imw are at pie--f'lit
.Mispended. The work to I.f d.uicj.M
luiu- i !".' lin', rejiairin ami i e.-ruit in .j,
ami until thu is completed hllle tlsc c.iii
ho acem; dished."
CM'i. lll, It'll I'll ,i. III. I.,,, 1 1, .. ....
In si-rvti tlic ciimin:r vcar. nn-l ill t
Uai. ta. linn cl wneli mle-r iin'Mitaiil l,n..iii"a us
n. ay en 1 1.... In.'1'uro t'i,. m,- i.:i:ij.
ii. ii. ."ii!i,i.N(i!'oi:n.
I'""- 1 r-" ..vrctnry.
rj'I'K 1 '.--t'niiiu In llitj itnlcvrilnr in (inlich
ti.iiiji mi tho fttli in-laat, A liKIt STLb.'t
i'o .Mints ia cr it. ii'nl :i n liiic .?..,t in iu
li'i-flu :.. thf i.'iir nl' a Iicmii'I, sai'l stocr n iilmut
(UK jriir.t nlJ. Tim .inner H rnii...-io. in r.iam
f..rnitni, .iv v pnqi. rly, pay .liurrs. au.l tul.f it
i,y, t.r it will Ic ni... ,,., I i.f a-- il,,. i, ,jr,.ls
lice. :..', lsti; ;it. MAIITIIA HOAIl'Jl.r.
va ii, oi; ')VA."
Winter Goods
, fillcll lit t'.OI'ct, tiilelnlll, I.: 111.)
cl. m. i.iiuc "l.ti-cs. I:.lni.-,
I'tt.'i'lll.-. l-l'llrl.i-s, l,.-lie!". :i-1.!,.,
i n l,.,v.!. in v.-.-. II it mint ,..,(. ,,,;,'
l' i::, ',.!l , i, r, c. iijn t cl.ain, c ili'.n
He "idi. WOlli, h.lil.'l n -, HM.I
la! i rnlie.t, tiuiikf, ear, I l.a..-., n x . -. aien.i.t,
JVI ill j rum e l. is. violins, !! c r. I.le.-l, itinls,
i Jlanltiiiie, j 1 1-1 i .--. .11 e, K.: v-a;.-, ,1 i. ;
niui', lirtii-ei ,. .-, ilru-, emili -liniiory, mvili
cinen, (1 -nr. Ikm-. h. I..-!i. -all, erain, liried 1'iiii,.
Nails Hi! .1 -I'iltes, j;la; ainl paiiy, oils, vinctar,
tuliiit't-n, tc.irs, cionlles, jiiei , pt)nr,ter, shot,
leii.l, .;riii'lMiiin, ralnni; rn.e, coiitiij,! trim,
linn,.', t-l"") I'm. lilies, seliut.t I). .ok., A.': nil
t)l niiich will te ..,11 i, ti nri., rciomiiiili'o
t.'i' iin-, .oi ) tin. hiliett itmrkct 1'i u'o j.uij lur
a. I kin. Is nf cuiai y jirntiuee.
',' i'". '-: " J. V. K 'l ATZKIt.
l'r.oit S'., lim o tho Acatleiny,'i..!, t'i.
i'ii n..:i:i rniA
f BMI Is !'( t line tr-tveis a il.r
3 J. et ioi'n- t f l'ciiuay lmhU ;
ti.e cil v nl' llrie, uu halin l.rie.
11 l.a ' li.'eii has... I Lv lint
"'" ' ' nwt'iui, iiiiil iinil" r ll.eir I in.iK'e;
111' rujiitiiy ni-enoii in i nii-imiit n.i eriir" ln:lj.
It f imw in in- l- r I'lisn-nuer ,., rreirfiit l.u- ,
Ki'icst IVdio II iiiri'l.iir In 1'n'iim (2il li.ik, .
I!i i mi',,. ! ,m 1 a.. era iJ.visi.ia, mil fnni '
Mi..".-i I !o l-.rif, (7s juiioij toi tin W
GliKA T i:X-.TTtilLNT
Ti '
rMIJ. nn.brt!?noJ, !.
X ti. Ill Lew lui!
lh. use, uu pin lereet, i
I' a., it tiott ft,ru i vj i
-' '"'l-t, Ct,.'
. pubuo ;v
TUP. LEC,;:;.T
i:i:ik i.n.i;i)Aii. i
T,' " t,
i.'nai'd P.
it Lo-
TO nr,
ALL UF V.'IIICU V,'i;,I, BSlu,
rnicis to isrir mz tv
I MM j'.!'
fleet. nl si
v. 1
am. imejeia.iie ( been an net ivo and jealous kniudit of the by the " War
, when Sambo had cape and luntcin, "wide awnke" to tho draft Irom ll
he wci k when he' iniquities of all who were not'
k . , t i , ,
.:i:itiiis.s, auti especially severe on nil
" eoppt i h emis." H.s Cut" pi esetils ll line
opportunity fur the exercise of .tho in,;e-
jnuity if some .Senator (say from New
ps.iiie) in his professional capacity.
Cornwtll could aflord to pay niore than
.... i
IVrroNriisvroniiE Diukt. The U'as'n-
iut'toil coi ropomlent of the Ne-.v Yolk.
'I-O.j ........ tl... I.... I I : I I
. . int. j rt . - iinti t,in:,& lll.te oei'll IS-llt'ilt
Heiiartliien t I'Ostiionin (he!
the jih to the ljtli ol danuary.l
I'ncertaintv or r...ri;Ts-M.utTni. I?o-J
mamic Cam,. --The Washing. on ;;, w m
in coiiimntiting on tm uriicle in a Nr'
York paper, says : j
The author of the firtiele ought to knnw
by I n is titno liiat courts-iimn ial do not
'ivin nail ..f i: i a enrcfully
(f S-:i:,, tiiei S'liniteir f"""ll
t every ticHcri; itioti,
W. ki4 V
A lu'.H'.iiil'ul ft-.Mirirur ut .f 1'rintH huI Iut
'l.ui (,(' .,,, ).A,V-t UIl.l Uti'fit n'.vlcfl. Aio
),;ic it vnrictv I u-n-Jul notion?.
i)i;Y-(iuoiS A.Mj notions.
Loiii.t'ts, SI'.anN,
lints mnl ( apt,
ha .Is n n. I Sa.-ii, lit'"? qtidutlty,
Jlnr' Quceii.tviire,
I r u ,l-a mill .Me. ill inn,
I.I SI..1 I'uilltH,
furr-t A mi rintii,!,
(i n o c i: K i r: s ,
risk, Tlsenri nti.l Flnnr.
Twit-uf r,ittxpe TiO'Htnl E.npnritm.
l.f.'"s ) r.un Ifiivis oa.Vwiird 4 00 P. M. j
ill I' re .s.i 'I ri. in Mirieoa nesiward 1 i2 P.M.
('nr.. run II, rouh wirnnrT idxki.f Inlh nTij
'nihei. trains lietween Pl;ilHilpi-lii unii J,i',k i
lu..:. mnl bolnc.'U Luliinmr mi l Lnek Hnvni.
1.1. jaiit Slffpin Cara iieeniiii uny two Ux;ircH)
Trn:.i l.niii vnvr l.rtndtn Wiillaii.spnrt and liulli- 1
nice, anil ii I i n in-mrt and I'lii'ieif Iplos,. j
I'm ii-1'..nuie.i..ii rc-,erl,rix I'u't -Ltior liuluii
njT'v at tile S. K. I ".r. ll'.li in.,' Murkel at.
Ant t'T l'r, :.'!,( I.cviicf, f lL Cnmpuny'j ;
A)("i''s, is. I!. K-.i.u-stnii, jr., (ji,r. llita ncd ilaj-kst 1
t'.b., l';.ilii,,i ,- I
J w. t:,..!,..i..' r,; ; i
I- I', A ;en N. C. I'.. Ii. tl.htwt j
P.. II. sr. s. (leti'i r'- ip!.l Ajc'l, Pl:ii. j
l.Kn L. Htu-i'T. Ci,- I ifi.ot A- i. I'hiia ; ,
Jt'i. It. Pun, 'tiii'l Mnir. V t
Jar.. II, l.-tSJ.
toci bsi Ltun iUt,d via
j rojritrd lu it, ttuu uf l-.e ,ptl u
114 iM ; fi
f'l at l.i i t
j l-!"...i-!i.-l.l,
I WnTeiiUK.
fr.iin a in:
fl'llIU tin.l..ri(;rif -.1 rf.(ctfuli j
infiru's h: cnt.,ti.!( krei tuo ;
pui lie yf.ieislly, tl.t l.e ha jniii
r.' ".'icu irnm l!.e l'.nst. kiiu o n. !
'!'i,t in IS I: All AM'. J..jW
Pa., a lint.. an.-turliai'Ct ef Ct.nrKi,
HIK1 J !! KLC.T l,f UifcTt'Ct (.ualiLfl
" Ceitninly, no men re wot of, nro more
given to ' pervert ' tho ' posit ion ' or ' lan
guage' of other lhati they the editors ol
the ,Vi'.,.,W... are that of Hi IVenidcot
on all occusions." J.i-1'., Ow,.
CiiyWe defy our v
.r.g, M.ppy-head-
i'lt'ct' tn r fall ai;. n liiri. i,..;ni
VetiOrl in X 1 .l 1 l..-l. ma 1 1 ,, I t ..'.,,.. . ..1.1. .
aiwitvs arrive at con eet c-.uclus.oua. F.,r'.,.r,l,. I ...m .11 .r -. ,':?, .V 1 ' . ' c ' ', """u p lr" I,""!ll'""t
-,oW) to have Int ewe properly presented instance, imt niarydays amen mforma-! :!.- ln,-t rash nr r-adv ay price. OUn'KS of ,.,y vridy fln fcinri tth. ,,
to the government olllcialu and twicetiiat ti'iirenched Hie rresident thl syouni 'y '!.! frienl. .oil Hie ulilic (..nrrsily, ro f ?r ral.if j riri-.t. ' 1
no doubt secure him v "mn ' l0"ln 10 "n"y 01 i otu-, "?vi'""'Ul ' "ni',,,'V1.1" 1U".'-. 1 Ai-'' kin f Clocks, t Jtwhi
77 . ' ' mac had been sentent'ed hv cotirt-ntariial , 'Cr Kir.l-t nl ''t tVan.l ajiprnvd oarsfiLv repair-?.! and II'iti- Mof.
llitA't. I to be shot for d.'serlion. 'The lev was 1 , 1 ' il: n i" eifliange fur . A cuitintiniep ef 1 ationa? ic il!iif 4,
doomed tr. die i a kw hours when tin- ! 0" l- H.r.N.UoLS. !
di-Mtteli Was reeciv: J. Nn lime tv.n I..I.,.1 ci r.n .... ...... '-, ... . I L I ti
nun would
" aruuesty."
Female Hate.
We t'li nl. it is nlmm.l in.nn. j l.lrt in . ' '
d iifi..l;.nr In tv...l-,. ..,..) l.i. -.: ... 1... .. .' . . ... ." . . !
.... - 1, Hisi-i i em ey con i.e i e no.' in 1 ense ano outer Hate into
prodticing n ting!,, inslanco w herein we ' ,v'"rl' Abolition deiinn-.s have goa-'ed
'nerfulnl ' it.ivii ., , . the S.)Uliit-i 11 p-opie bv their wieketl i-ol-
rencrled t.,e 1 pendent 6 Inngurge.- :i.y Fllvt, c..erc;.,n was b i,l ,.,,,.,
.Lring on your proof, or wear the arb of ji the as-umpt ion ol force at a ruling 'p0
falso wi'.nt'ts. ier, niter the principle of self government
m)irT.i..,vrrV,";;r7 ;as ftiicken dnvn, iml inn unpar-
AB0LI1 10 mi riUUMPIJAXT;'.e imidi, bat net sati.l,,l with tins,
- . . I Lincoln roiiL'I't to e'xeile 11 setviie in.-ur-
ticgiu jjjiutim IL'Ui.i'MII.L'U. -aHC-1 loi'li.m tint with it the Imteherv of wo-
11, en chlhlrtMi, 11 ti I the giving over 01'
lhesi :it felicei.-s beings u the hi-t and ra
i pine ot in ui iiiled negroes. Tho South is
iiillen nccusfd of ciutlly nnd wrong to
watds the Noilh, but 'there ii nothing
within their jiower to do which comes
I w i 1 hi 11 mi. I in n of miles of the atrocit v of
. 'thisnct. It :s a (Time that includes all
Front Scats reserved for Xi'-'-Srs! olll';,.crinu', nnl posterity will so regard
1710 j it. No portion of iho people ol the S iuth
Pornev' HV,l.i,.iim r i. ; f:d so 'u ulely as the wotiie,,, lor
t.K , ' . : . "'"V vnnWi-l;, knew il. As
.!.. -to me uu nibiur.i, niaicea the lollow- tion of 'he I
tiuncJ aiu) practised by tho
Chief M;ioi;iralo of
the Nation !
8tat;d dack, vijite MO I
in in.Jic.i.
1 1 u 1; 11 1 111 hi 1 no women , l lie ,. 1
11.' . ' , ... t, utrii
noniug 1 ii i-ii uu i, is ju-i I'eiaien 111 the
jpapeu: It seems tuo other dav our 1
Mm In colored r.itin Vre,.t--r"'li 'in"d KM"',t W; siUm, a
t the White llou,o at (J )"1"!-'". "ho w.sacctin'd of giung in-
filtlicr's lifllt1. iL 11 t'i' lil; piiii(i:ir ll .
jr-ct of takine the oath of alleei,,',,. L. i .,'il,o! ro,l!" ' in
ing announct-mrtit with su uirof
tiitunph :
" Years n
ed hiniPcll
ii-esKiontt ice, seeking an introduction'
to the chief liuigUlrato ,.f the iiatiop.,he
woul.i have been in nil probability roti;-!;-ly
hundled fur his iuiiudence. YeMci
dny four co! ..rod men !' genteel exterior ;
nr.d with ti;v minnr-rs of gentlemen, join
ed in the t!. .itg that crow,!, d the L'xeou
tivc Mansioi:, nnd were presented to the
rresident ol ihe United .State." .
Here wo hive, as il were, the ofDci'.!
nnoiiiieemi ut of thf consummation f
the iiighe t Topes ol those inlainous
tics who li.ii,. brought our country ...
present position of hopolc-ss degra i-rt, o. l
-or ti I ii id till ; J he convention ol 11
A o.i-pati'h was sent to lien. Meade1
suspend. ng the rxecutim. An ex.unitia-'
tion ol the case was ord 'red by tliftTresi
denl, when it was 11.seert1.ined that the
young m ill ou.'ht to have h-eii promoted
Inngrgo ..r g illatit tuid rr.erilorioils ser
vices, instead ol being shot. H appeared
that tipon t iie mat eli (if Ihearmv of the'
rotomae to'vai.N Miry hind, on thnoce.i
sitiii of Lee's fu st la, 1 no! t h wai tl, ihe
yoiin.r tiian alluded to became exhausted
and lei! out of tiie ranks, and as soon as
he recovered he proceeded on altr .his
regiment, but not lindin;.' it, and there be
ing 1:0 time to lo),o, ho fell into the ranks
of another regimen', mnl fought gallantly
at South Mountain and Ariti nam, nnd was
wounded in the hist named battle. IIo
was sent to a hospital, which fact, by tho
iib.-et.ce of a proper fcystem in such cases,
.1: I not 1 each thonliieers in his reg:i:H'ti'..
At last ho ivj- d as a deserter, tried,
condemned, and was about to bo shot.
v the intei feifiice of the Lxeen-
tive, his life was saved, and a young man,
hastily ci iiiiemnetl to an ignominious
deutii was .suddenly re.-tored to honor.
eTONE-V, A!.
vr n.Lnw.WArt
0'L3 AND "A'.STl,
6LAU ADlfilJ,
rt. .10, lsfl.
- i enAP stoves. :
OF 1" VMIIOXS Ynr' '"'"''"-r in t.riicr In -e .nnmdat. .hf !
Tlif sj r , inl el.jeet and b:iii in tho,in
of (l,is iiia-rii.'lm. is tn present Jtidieir-us, Heliiilile,
an 1 1 met, en! 1 n I, run. 1 mn in nil matters pel tnin-
and children's tlreaj.
1' the greatest pmsihle itnpnr-
nialvf-rs, nnd oi cry I
111 t" la lit"
tanee ta M illin, r., r
wlio nisli tn l.nnw pretuiling m..., ., ;v0n-
1 1.1 a ami rar.s.
Tn nil itn.-rprisiiii ladies, nad iiiiluslrinin
nintiiers, no i!:nil fmieavnr tn I nnisli many 11... -fill
and praeiie.'tl m. ..tinnt in relation tn (lie (' .iniutiii lien nl enl.irs, cluinvin
i'ic.ii.l..n ri'.iuin; inal niiikhig dresst'i.. tnl t liil
tirei; s' t mines, nn h nl 11 .itv iniist (if
1... : .. . r ... , "
........ . ,n;, -. .i,i inn in u ...nnan s nine. lien no
I.' until ,1-i'y is nt kniel tn to roi.M.'ifil
siiiV('s''tii. nli ieli o;u, nnt f :il t'i prove n t-irei? I
ol unit li raii'ii'.ition, e.-neeny, pertniial r . fi n ? - 1
iiienl, unii linni-. .!-'i 1.1 j,' i ..11 , I
I'd net fail P. l)i a r in mind tlmt ne Tiirni.n, in '
value, , latin- the year, inure than in lull to !
latts, fi.jrravhigi'.j
'lis, more than ran I
her f.islii.m 111 i;;:i- '
.' yearly siili.erii- j
ctra tlftv cents
f.r mm I it et.i l.e w i! ! disj,n(. cf vrrT
cLesp 1 ,r en?!i .,? pi jdnc..
N v. t, ::r,"
r.VITi.v tliAllilts' M)l!( i:.N .tee
0 I .-'. 1 y ri-eii, that l t.,,t (; Ailialnise-M
'J' !! "" ,h" 1 ''"- "f TEH 'r.u Ut. f
I'." Onr n.ut.-liip, l'i.'.r.f!.t enunty. ,i,..'r:,.e !.; l,.en 'Mifeil t .) thn limit r.-i.-ienl, all
per',.,s imleliied to .aid enai. r .,..1 ,.,
maieri'il;., make moil .-d iale pnynien!, nnd tlin... l.avinj:
1 Iiiims a.L'innst tiie .ain, n iil i,re,,,i ts., ,tt.
py a ! autl.eiitieuu.d hr aolilem.'iit.
M-M'.Y SMArr.. I . .
Cl Itl.M'ri 1J0UE. i A1ur'
b's. ? f;.a.
pain 1 1.3 niniie ; u i, ue ni
rclial.le iniirinat;oii en laslii.
he neeiirr-d in any nr nil the n!
rne-.s pit topetl-."', nr.. I , t l
lieii I eii'i? t.iiiv f I . w ith
M. L I. MM
' T".il.r with a'l t l.r r''-i.
"itrplte thj ksii.'.-;,ii ct 0.' a ..ri
' ,T . ,r,i
! iAll kin,;, ntimW. - i 'V,-'t
tie... Ukej ia iiflnujn t.r i;.il, u liitf i
e?i i:m' t .t fti
Ai I f l r., i-.'in ( 'i"w !j.,''l pt j
teckly fr.eii V'ni;n'r, N Y-t. r.l.l-a j
and I'ittM.urrf, the pul iio ro "" si .iftCi 4
iilwnt t l.e pre; It ;.') J iW .-.
in tlif Uiai k fl.
; joiis im "'
i Oleo rTor.. lice. !, lJ.1, )f
; . ... 1
roi; """
4 GO 0t TWC-i:0i.r.E V'tCCj?.;ki :
2. 'J l. e vr,0mi,;6(.r!( 10 ..a t-. t , I
t'rina. i'i. I,. F'IM'lt i
ei. r,,hi, r(P. t, irttj "
Go nnd
A GttFAT WAtr.Rt'.M.I,..
I inle I States (itivernment was broaehcl,
and his 0s..r letnarked, "If , (,!.,st,.
f .'.. .-..,: (,-,- .-,'.' r'rih hl'n !, nl the )
"'"'"' '; tt-.'.i rfih'fl- vus rd:crat,l
'j .i id,'ii r.
Now, can any len-oiiuble person .sup
pose that these women could I ave been
' ingl t to hale the rcil governnienl of tho
"mteil States ? No, 1, ever ! His Aboli
oiiImd t;,,,t Iir.s driven ihe iron of bate
i I 1 I heir souls. Il is this which causes
' 0 the mother to prefer to see her child
he R' her feel rath"f than to Jiave him
Lew is
- A detachment of
in the Snake op
wnria 1,1 iml .s-.e 1 if" teat 11.. a premium,
make. Hie ytioly si-riptinn In enst reai'y nnly
lil'ty relit., independent et' tiie Carte de Vi"i!c
lil t.. ... l.s..ri I .., f... ,1 .. 11: :,'
Hall w hich is doubtless i'lstly entitled wl.-h tn .fenr.. !. t-r.iini.ilv ... it i. 1' i
to the di-tinetiouo!'beingciilled Ihegrcal- v,ince tn .i:l ., lil.ert. Ji,-c ;:n, 103.
est in the tvor 1 . I ho e.ilo-n vn nun. ,.r
"on .. 1 1!
u k of tho Columbia, discovered a 1 ,,,, -,t
ttato men lately held in Louisiana, under h.c has but lately learned to hi. to with all
the auspices of Lincoln's " vnc tenth " rep- ':Pr Mr'"r!' h. Why, oh ! why has Lincoln
resentution is annoimr,.,) bv 1V, ,). I r1!''1'
,,.1 1. ..... ..... Unf
it-.t -i moi, niai
. .....I,. ,,i . .
Snake river pours over a sheer preetnice I . . '
,. hiiM.l,.. I ,,...1 1,, f .... 1... 1. J.J (d persona
...... v-imv le i il.j;il
thirty -eight feet higher than Niagra.
Sn ike river is lull as large as the Ningtft,
find the cascade is in one Folid sheet or
body. The locality of this immens. wa
terfall is near the point heretufoi e desig
nated as 1 he great Shoshone or Salmon
Falls of that 1 iver, but they have always
been enveloped in mystery. Almost a
ilien years ago tho wnter paned iiinng Tie mat l;l,innm,
the Snake river road. F'or two dam we J-lm I.i?l.tner,
swi',,;- Hliei'iance to a (iovei nmei.t ivl.ieli
laimher City.
Hcet aria ton nfliin.
d i'verv slen hr. . 11,0 'oaring of these falls, but lenm- t;- 'V '-'"''-'"irn. CleiirlielJ liorouKh.
as taken has Imrol iU, .,J,i...'l no mnie rfpcclini' Hie m thai, if thev v'"t ne.lwaM tswimhip.
negroes were admitted l'ini, n,n. 1 . '., ... , had been in t he moon. It ,i n,.,i i:H i''"'""' urwensvilla.
in , 1 a J.' . . t lieu, w lien will ., , , , 1'cler Jilnimi, Alifonvillc
10 fi lls, tudyat.t, in a,d convention."; lie, il ever, see tho wrong Lo has done ? i 1,f re wf re a '"T f N n"'1 rft'",ls' r,,,, ''"" 1:1 Ph'om .,,,,.), in
What think you of it, ye WiLlieiin 1 Jl J-eL , k,,,r( " ''nl 'd ven hundred feet in as lieori-e Knarr, Itr.dr t...,.l,ip.'
who afiect to repudiate Abnhtinnu,,' r. ; many Hides, and tho sound gave color lo P. F. ETZV.'KILKH, Cl'k Q. R.
. . ( , u '"Hiionism 7 DRons-n, wnit.u SKAtis(i.0,i tl,o2ti , I the reiiort. lor hundicds ol miles acrosa IVe. 21, lsr..l.
'v "rone, anil still Inst., l.ilwili . diiea. Im.
i.i l.ns'.ii.ti'
t I ; hiiii to 1,Ih i'tree all
-. the tiff, and ,: lvlll
lei', re he in,i,l.l
istis in an
aetMet. lined place vsm..
- ., - , . I s
Hits f ll in in e I ; nut
1 may he tnima at In. r.l.iep on Hie mail. nest enr
follen in er nn'n- MT nf I'i out nt.d Main rlr.'Cts at nil limes, r je.-it
l ave tiled in llm olliee i.f pip when tintiee aj. plan in the l-'ovn Mo iiftntht
e rh ei tnc 1 nurt n! l.'tiarler Se.s s of Clear- Ciuitiary. Jn'y V, 6:1. If.
field eotit'iy, lit. ir Pctilion. nnd Ponds for l.i- ' -
ren.-e i,t the .Innniiry ste'sine. int. a-reealilv tn Tlios II. ror.crr. 3, Ill iiC irUfiJ.
the Act t,f Asseinldy'tif ' ih .March, ts.'.'l, cnti'tleil
-An net t reE( llio mle of Intoxicalias l.i- I YlliCf' Y iV VY I TIM?
MKUf HANTS, and Cm. r.,l i,...,lers in l,nm
her. .n. h aa S.'C A K Fl Tl.V P.KK, SII1N'.
iliLI S. lldAHHS, Ae., Hint also in lif.AlX of
: all U-fnrall of hieh th lii.-hect pri"ta niil
bepaid-at Uraharitoii, tlcaiiiri i ronnlv.
Nov. 26, tsf.J.T
Is, ClcarScM cct-.';'.". ?3
j.ce the .i:v (j.vjji:
i-.ii;i to in-
!'..rin Ion rat-
r .us that pr.if.'Mom- Iilarj'SViilf
CilKAP f .r l AMI (,r o,rS-, : ,:!.
P.. .arda. Saw.J.t.js., ,r SI. I j .. .
I've. If.. 'f..i. if. .1 S WAT.M
- V -j ' ,: t 11 like P.-,.!. )-... n
MTiTION, r.KV.i:!S
wmm & m
t tloir ' in CU-arfi'l i, I ura f .rt
an itii'.it;.cn':il.!n ttrtio!,. for the 'in-''1
they n ii; sell chet for cafli. Iftca'. .
MVO 1 H AV tTKI'.l;S ft it Ui'"'' '
Iiniacl P.ihle
1". P. Pnnlieh,
II. II. Kiplllllf,
TA VEKX Lin:xsn.
isea (if tb unilerizneil ir Un"T !'-'
t icarfieht ei.iiiiiv, Pa., ulmut tlia niiJ'i-
UccoIh, Decatur ttrp.
For Sale.
Cnrichi, inking- ami 1 .l:if!sni!tliF !:0i,
tofjetliur rnh li e lu-ee.sH' V water power for fjr
iriir. H ia pood Ciin!iii..n. f r tu'f at a harpain.
Tho nlmvo prn...rty ii situuted in tho litiroiigh
of I.' 11 rift n.villc, and posaessea nil the advantages
hi", red M"cr with totn. nliil on tl"
and linrns about two inc'-.ra h.a", psppo'
three yours old ; t tie oilier nd uJ l '
nhil." 'tr'pea over Ihe f Imulder.", i ''
i'.rr.l, ai.t.po.'i'.t to lio two reari oM J
cttiicr or on-ners are rfnuested M '
proTK thtir tirolierlv. t ,tv ellHr.-fJ. iO,
will he sold as tlio law directs. ..
Dec 10, ISC. PRICK A. 01T
IMate of Lcii .Mnnay. d'ectufi
IN tl
lay that the Prenident can do no wrong ? """on, eight years ; and A. . St iP, ov. : canon, w ith vertical walls hundreds
- . 1 , , 1 . . ., . "i " 1 tir1 11 1C1 nii'i i"is(h(-n u 11 me utn an in i'a mpn.iiii t h
to mutter of tho rntntrt of I-"!
tTt'actHl, llio n'prif'f'iTiinnt of til a
. m ivn ir noifiii v 11 rn Hint n in imr 1 r. re ,i iha
I If As I I I 'A I 1 Ir A rtl nrt, . .iih ..... 1 . Ill I I'llll Ulirn if I'llll'riiii in I .a 11 ' I. i.tti II tu-ktilt.. I !,...-.. 1 . I . im ' r s i . . . . 4, 1 v 1 1 7
, j, .,, uuiiuuiiro ine iiifcua " "' J'-iiiiaris-," "'h" '""""'J S ""('"am tint Ktoekhnlilcrs in the Western Central Pail ,
fienmen thn.ihl a n,i ...:n ... . 1 11 ""'ver, Miimo. I hey were skalini? salient liomu are found bv which tho iiv- mud Ciimi,ni,v. win i.n 1...11 .,, .1 ....:,;
T.-.i'. .... .1.1 t, .' ,na vp"tiired too near the channel. T.vo rr can be reached. The road crosses from (., In the of cienrfnld n ii. . ,'1 ! Curwenevill,
vacewi.iiuiguuor bay 1 jMire 114 CXprew a "oys w ore rnwt.o.l i.. W 1. , : . ,.r , 1... i.. .1 M 1.,. i i ,,:..'.'."
, - 1 - , .. . 1. . i t . . .t'.iiii.-sing 11 enii ,. t "" t" (...tin t .no i.t-uws, tuny ni proncil- "v .it-;, (i-stnj inr 1110 purpose tri'IO.
worn 01 uisiipprotialion 7 lo 1 Jlul like . county, l a cine of them r.rt.L;.,' ine eloso 10 il :it l'it'pp uhoti. tl,n i n el fleet inr a President and twelvt) llireeltira to I
ft loulleaa sveoohiint lm will 'through the ice on which thru -b o. ' chaneo tn ileeen,l fop ivnlue l.V. .l. fcrva for 01,9 J''1""- i. r, r...
branches, of business with inferior fueiliticj.
I)... f..-.l : e : . , . .
of mnl tlereased.
nt f'
rniatit.n apply to
Aug. 13, 'C3-tf.
witlow. on her claim of t U V. w. " '
Pepteiuher, read and confirmed, Ai. (.
tourt ordered thel pubht alnn n m'--
newspaper publirlicl in mid c.ut'y,
Ol 1.. ........ ..1 .1.. ..r.-vr'H'll
The public aro liert-l.T cauiionod filed on t,r h. r,.r ih'nrst dat of anil'
A. , an acniirTiiniiut of iaUio will be conartn(t al.sohilelT.
t,3. llnlfil tin t.r I.....I il..n-.i . ... T)l,1
(Illv ol . 1, ven, I...I . 1. ... ... 1. .1 .
Secretary. Uhftlr r v C ' ' " .WMk' 100. 9. l.v3-3U pi.
. . - : , ' n "v i- Muiut'j csCICicr. oi
MH ICK & (,'AUTIOX. : .ri,"'-V '""'"i'W'' in 0o..rnld county. ! a I r ruil r..l,0rrl rim ".2?
A Tt tsrt.tT 1. 1 ut . T.-.vTI. 1..-:. ...J '.". Tl.n lain .1 i u 1. i... .,- TTAVIXil nn.,ll, J Ula nnt rcceivo vuluo ttierefor artl will ,.i .... " lalD u uulr
- " . .Ti . . Y. : .. ' V . "'i glturo of lVn.ivlvnia'; V "'. I I A.K :: , , "p. J'" ";::n dI. compelled l.v dun eoiir.. " CLEARFIELD COUNTY. S.S:
P'n "juiisii u'ivicf irom i.gvni, nnno in- ..,.... ... ' e.tiuracw, i;iany iHiiera o ess neurit, , ......... v..,. r.,. ..,,.-,,,. ,,, .,-,.,, - v .l .. .1 . . .. ,t I'hiil-
i : . t 1- ... b" C V. 1 nut yesterday. We CXliPCt tn .1.. u.., i..,. i ' . i... e. . . u .' Pf.insylvanm. and ft L cense ns Aumioneer l,.. . liil til tMI EN FELTER. I N tho uiatter of tho estalii f I H'l'i
Liui; 11 n ti 1 11 v 1 1 h r. uu nir 1 1 n imii a 1 -- r," v inr .i 1 1 1 1 w iiijiii inn iv iniiiiviimt aiium .- -
Ot Al'Vssiina over I in 1101,0 hit ion nf fi.u u ''ei nur a messnee in our next. "ear
. ' " .
That thrift may follow fawning.'
; ing. 0.1 I hursdav
was 11
-nnd both found a watery grave
T I . . . . ... . , '"ft ' inos-iav. I III it ,a, u., 1 ! . niiOl fni-t, .,. T nl', ...i... .r.,..
iiena ine lunges or the knee re.cue lat ... ;,,,ti . i V , . ' S ' J' . ci.nou-i ciearnohl, Dec. 2.1.
iCP . sands of ndventiirer nho have crossed the,
plains ever looked upon tho (ireet Falls.
I.. J. CltANS,
.ear v R . V .1 W. 'nK 'Hfn prantcd to mo by the proper nuthor itv rU- 1"'
ear by fsomo day they will bo V.Jlled I wnnid inlorm tho citir.ens of Cle'irfield county IS-pd. )
j ine iourist and pleasuro FCekcr, nnd that I will attend to "calling sale." Tthenevor rTiivist.i....
ooked 0,,on as frequently and familiarly l""i.ed It. nny part of the eountv. Clianros S V i i Jl V,1"" Ft
ia Nlnrtea i. I ,!.. . i .... , . ' ..a..i u.l.. tr,nvT . ..' us kjof John 1). 1 hn,iiii
I ,... ti.- r t .... ..i 1.1. . fir,..,. ...n....n,i I-aTtongroHB, after a rceoM since tl.e'look
fcmieo and child en. ff ia ihn a.Htetl -J ultinio, re-oonvened vwtcrday. t Mapra is lo day ; and it will bn ndmit- moderate. Ad.lre-i
Conau. arreated, tk.tin JZrTl P. 8. A ny psrir
" vuw irtnctl l.nin at UO- n nnnrl In ai.anL.. . .1.. .11.1 0-1 n utr oeyonu
. t-t . . ""i itingra as jsisgra now rcr.. h r.. of
' nil is HP ha anil b... rfptia.i u . u ia rBl OI
11a pll nsnillf ni rMla
doe. 18, 'ti.
I deceased, the appraisentrnl nf the "
ol suid deceased, ael uu; U tea ,
claim of $:S00, was. r.n th 2-lti diiyufr'P1 .
r'nr ..In nt tl,, Isfi l ., .,,!;.. n,.d AV. ti.. U1' .
JHIIV 1. HI-1..J 0 , Koi Juun il. inoinnson. tn CiirweiikTiU. .t U ordered that .ha saina ha rtubhflied al ,
.', , eeuUi per Bonnd. v.. 1, mi, i ...;.i t,vinj all tiersM'"
t-iearurid, la. ; .w.. it 1 -e". . . . tr
dsiijc inni nuiesi exoepuuni wiw --
fnrm IS. I Jmw nt tt.trt fentlB. tllf
.mj v. '
OWi ....
1. a. Vi
, P. 8. Any ssnon "follinf salei withowt V 'irTnT iiiaeAA - -- that nnlcn fi
lJf llceni. I. ...bject to a penal. ef $0, wh oh wl5 A T C0?K F0!8 for"'ehP fort the art. day of
Of, .nforeed Id aeeordanc. with ,h, UaLi. LT iai2f Uotr ",U , b. eonfirm.d abntlM.
H p-fsl tlala.u Hi iwmrwv ' i ( p, 4, Oouri.
twi it i tw-n