Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 30, 1863, Image 3

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    Eltjntarfitto rpubltcort.
,P i i .i..iu . 1 f0
Car Time at Tyrol . i
On and afferthc inthnf Apnl, ls63, Passenger
trains run as follows :
wrrrwitnn. rrno"r. tiptox.
Baltimore Eiprei-s 7 HO A. u. 7 ID A. . '
Train 6 l P. u. " "8 r. u. -
tASTWAItll, ,
r.p" Trnin, 10 21 P. H
I fast Mail 'train H US A. M.
iTbruush Ari'niniii'n 12 15 A. u,
A. M.
Trmnl on th TvunNH! i.iwl lli.iDt,., ,, 11., ,..!, '
", Ireve Tjrune lor Handy Kidge et Hi a. ii. end Imparted (bis lifp at hie reaidnneo in Karlhnnn
p. ii. tuwnrhip, on Wednpioliiy 2'id inrt., J. F. VV.
Trnin on the I'.alii T.o.r. Vai.lf.t roaJIcnro fiphniirn, in tho TWlh ypar of hi.1
fTjroue for IMIofonto IIS j A. m. I V-Tim dpofnscd im oho of tho oldect ot
i Tho train on tho::o Intli r roadu run to connect ,.r ..... i.... i.:.. n . . . u .. . ,1..
EipitisK train mi l Mu!l train not.
fci'-Cotifircss ailjouniecl on liio'J'Jil, not
f.) meet nynin until llip -itli of .Jnnuary.
fcjjft ur (J.iimp rt iliiro m to ay Hint
lie expect.. jipp.innlly to pay liis ailJuste.i
io 'ttcli of our town initron ut an rally
Jiour on Npiv Yenr'e morn.
i f,:.T!i' now from the dillVronl militiv
j-v licpnrtnwnU ii li-xtitulo of spi-rinl in-,
i'r"t. Tp rt'i (irtoil a'.lvntinp of I.oc, nnl
relrpat of Mend, ia roptradiolp.l.
Jail 1 ei.i ekv. Two Inserter, who
Morn confinocl in our county jail, maile
llicir eospp (m laat Saiuriiuy niorninp.
, liolo in lli. "all tolil very plainly
tiu'j laa lf their escape.
, -
; laiTllO fltlontion of tlio StockllOi'lrre
t -t r i i ii i l i"i I
in t!io lyrono & ClcmtiC'la Jtail road torn- j
jury i r.allnd to llio noticpof tho mcotiti
'rr I Iim election of nlneer nt rlnla l'1! ph in
pn Miii.Ny, I lie lhh tly fif January next.'
; C'l IAR 71IK TruK. WlJl. F. Irwin is I
, .' . ,
orv lr.l-lly r-ii).' !.., m opcn;ni; n now lot
l..noii'il,:. :'.io(1j. wliioh Kern all select-
1 v ilii hii usual uttentum
: I. 1 t i, I I .... I m llm wnnij
llll 1111 IIMJ.H II.O lllll'll W lllL
of the p-enp'.e ol ClearfieM. Sec liis niUei"-
ti'cnient, anil give hini an parly c.ill.
leirinp; to maVe applicaiion for K.T.nnp
tion from tlie nppmnchinp Draft have l.nt
little time !o fpare.
J'nprrs piopareil by
U. J. Vi'A I. LACK,
Attorney at Law,
C'leai field, T'n.
fJ'-Tlio cars now ootno to riiilipflmrg.
thriving there iiLotit 1 1 rt. m., ami leaving
nt p. ni. Tho Mage HtrivpH iiero at
iiSniif 4 ). m. So far IliU nlaen is con
cernoil ve are only ahniit two hours tnr
1i.r than wp wpr when ftp laijeil it ell
1 hp way from Tyrore. It i hoped thr.t
t!.i hi rariijenipnt will not Ust long, hut
.hit a rhangA of schedule will Ijp mude
Ihiit will he more accornmodaliii
rt c !
Cti" I he increase in our eireiihitien
T( nturc to rtnte. ihirini; the past ll
yesrs H unpanille'ed hy nr.y oilier eotin
I r y paper in I he Slate, .Ti 1 h prihaj. one
or two exceptions. We have MiickiMi o!t
out' lit (hiriiit; ihat time, ahout two
litiii lipd dead-heads ; nnd la't wek we
found il iHce.sarv- to " w.t down " fifty
quires of hlank puper, which makes an
Jiicrenfo of over fill 1 1 since, tlie fail of l.0,
N'lio can beat it ? Advertisers should
f!:Ae a note of this, nnd net accordingly.
Tbk Farm Sctioni, on A':n:ci.LH'RAL Coi.
I r.oF,. Tiole'sor K. l ien, the l'renidpnt
nf this It:stitnlion has politely furnished
Us with a copy of thn catalogue of the)
Fifth annual ses'ion, which cloned en the
l-th insd. Thp I'tiildinizs are now eotnrle-
led and the fession which has just K-rmi-!
Ba'PiI, H khown lohaveheen quite success-
ful in every particular. Tho next session
Cpen-i on tho :Mih of Fehi uary, lSti4.
rVrsnns wishing f.irther information in
relation to this Institution, ran send for
i'"pv nf tlipi ("nlnloguo referred to above.
Address Frof. E. Vi, Farm .School, Cen
tre cotinly, enclosing a 2 cent, postage
T11 a V'ai.i.aniihiia Fi'.sk Altho' hut
fii t of our l.ihl r eek'a edition contained
t.':e notico that we would receive conti i"
lintinnsi to the YBllnndij:ham fund, quite
fair beginning Inn already been made.
A coned recotd of (he names ami amount
furnished by enoh contributor will bo kept.
. CjST1io Legislature f l'ennsylvanirt
fill timet nt Harrisburg on Tuemlay next,
i 1 li a llouso having a decided Abolition
majority, win iibvo no irouma 111 cneciing
an organuavion. liiit in tho nbsenco of
White.-priaoner nt Ilichmoud
tha Senate will be ciiually divided, so that
the way to an early organiiution ia not just
mn '
ttjrMotal tips fo. ehildrens ahoe.
Worthy the patronage of nil who bnvc an
ej to economy. Times.
It' a n t . ,
i abtb in Tn e ajt io learn now it.
Wenseisthe army of tlie United Slates, it
it tieceSBnry to examine the rol at tho
Pay master's Office. A correspondent of
the Cilici'iatti Gazette, in'lignunt nt the dis-
overieii tbern nuido aiva I
aZVZM7Xltn .,relt b J
- a -a j
ffl'n. nil A liAtAm ntv c I r. rv I. a
A percaitory Stop should be
rmto the further saddling of the coun-
try ilh a rlethora of ofliceis. We have
on tha rolls, tav nn army of 700,000 Dl6t). I
Uf l.fAn kolf ni;ilirtn nrA ; a.nia. I
llorftthfiK iniU fiat.! Hiflwrivitii'TTAUXl, nnde
nfP . e . . .',
A. . .: , 110 " m."n lf "J::n """
...i . A COIonel IS popularly BUppOS-
ov lo command a thousand men. Our i
oa.lltl.'l. will u .. r... n.i
- ' uaraiy nverago .iw I I lie
inny d aaiol of all tuboruinale olll-
A 'orauperior ones, who needs to
kMc'...rtheho.taof b.igaJionandma-
. l.::', rait without work and Undinif
1" th- .. . nfib 1 V i m"n5
to..a f J h ProulOtlon f lUtor
v . .s lor innftt a. . v. .... .
M U'K,l:lnB Tri-ir-rliy tke 4th da- of Dee.
l"r, ,T ,l)in lv. Hiuger!, fq , Mr, KnR.ii.
I Brier, nl Miss lleorgianna Haley, Lot li .if
Lawrence town-hip, Clld. ro. Pa.
On the I HI, inft., t the r,f the hrlds'a
mother, ly the Rev. I,. M. Unrdnor, 1 r. W. ',
Hmw, nf Hhairorillt, .Mix Carrie J. Smllh,
of Clcarfluld, Pa.
On Hi o 1 ilh inst., el the reidonce uf the hrido'e
father, by lUv. J. S. I.., Mr. Lewis A. Htoiir.
rad. i,f Lewisiown, Pa. In Miss Fannin il.
Shod, i.f Ueccaria twp. Clfd. en.
Il I I fn lloej. town.hip, Clonrfiell poiinly,
1 e, on the J7ih inM., after linperine illniM ,
of, Karnh, wife of .lu.. . t-hew, E.n. '
BPi dinyparn
.r-I!....f,,.,i ,.., 1 . !
11 1 -"l 1
In Burnsido townshii, on tit t 21ft ins'... after a
lingering Mines, John Patch-In, ut (ho ndvnn-
...... . 1 O C
rJ )
l'rou city of llaiuhiirKi on llio lt of Mnn h, 1 7.-5
roniieqiienO.v, had ho lin-d to thp 1st of Mun h
next, lie oiuld havo cumplolpd his 7;)ih yoar.
As nfi-rit for Ihc K'ulin lund.', ho ui knonn tu
pvory cilion of the l. wi r I'nd of our comily ; nnd
ninonir llio iddir citipiu, no nuin wan boiler
known, aiid e-rlainly no 0110 was more nnivpr ill
esleompd He wan ft of more thun ordina.y
inteliigenco poi.esing oeJ businesj capacity ,
and kitujiu Unifily lionot in every e-o of tho
3Uto Sbbtrtiscincnts.
Tyrone & Clearfield R. R. Company.
llll'. AXMMl, MKI.'.TIVC (IK 'I'll I?
Sloekholder. will be held lit 12 n "chirk M.,nt
I J'biliidelphin, January Ulh, for llio purpose of
eleetin a 1'res.ident, Vieo President, nnd twelve !
J)ir"etor. to .erve tho ensuing your, nnJ tho
iraiifat tion of auoh oilier imporuint liiuincaa ai
may coiue ueforo. the mee'ini;.
' II. il. f-'IIILLIX'tlFOItD
Iee. 30, ISC", 2t. Secretary.
wti.hip on tho (ill iuptant, A H E STL'KR
forehad the shnpt if a he.irt, ? lid etoer is about
two ycai. old. Th o owner i requested to nimo
f ,r,,,.,i, ,,rvo properly, pay charge, nnd take it
away, or it will ho dupo .! of as the law dir-.eti.
U:;-."t. pd. .VAIIUIA SKAIIOl.'i".
w'ak, oii xo WAU
"inter Goods
I am jnt receiving nnd opening a rnrefully
neleeted clock of Spring and Fuinnier gooda
I of almost cvrrv (iescrijition,
I A l-e.viiiful aixutmciit of 1'rinls nnd I'ry
good., of tho newp.t and late.-t fi'.yle.. AL-ou
! jrre:it vnriele of useful notions.
! J)i;V-(.:H)I)S ,M .NOTIONS.
Uonricti, Slinn-le,
Jlat nnd Cap.,
UootK ami Shop., lnrpp qnantltr,
Hardware, Queen. ware,
lruif nnd Medieinea,
Oil and 1'nintj,
Carpot. A Oil Cloths,
(i It O C E 11 1 E S ,
Fish, laoon and Flonr.
Vackerel in H and harreU,
of the bent qualitv, ail of which will bo oid et
tho lowe. t cah or rady pay prices.
My old friend? and the public generally, are
fe - pectf'illv invited to call.
i-'-.N. If. All kinds of (ill A .Vend approved
Cll . r:r ruODI CK taken in ejichnngo for
el l. me. P.O. 1ST.3.
i' i:n qi: uiikriv, at 173 lIrindvvay,X,V, 1
. I
Th e spec
1 . . . 1 . , , ,. 1
1 object and ami in the publication
of thi
i3,ifi.iv.;:ap,r? .n ";;:i'u.:':0 ?v r brj;r vu
mir io a. iics ana ci.iiiiren s ilress.
Inf. r". '.1:011 of the greatest possihlo impor
tance I- M .lliner. Dn ss-mak-rs. nnd rvery lady
who to know the prevailing modes in New
York and 1'i.ris.
To ail out. i-prising holies, nnd industrious
mothers, we flail en ic.ivor to furnish tinny use
ful and practical suggestions in relation to tho
. I , . ....
proper rouimuatinn ol colors, choosing mail rial..
'," . '"1s cul"f ."n1 makm-dress.--, and
trcn a clotlies, which of necessity must occupy n
much linger portion ofa n-omm's lime, wh.'n'no
rclinble nulb.irity is nt hand (0 bo consulted
iori;esiiiiiis which cannot lail t prove I source
of iimeh grntiticatio'i, economy, personal refine
inent, and home consumption.
Do not fa. I lo binr in mind that no furnish-, in
vplue, dining tho year, more than in full aire I
pnll.-rns nlonc : while in plates, engravings, :
reliable iiiformiiti-in on fashion., more than can
be secured in any or all tho other fashion unig i-
jines r"t together, and y. t. tlio yearly subaerip-1
lion being only $1, with tho extra "fifty cents .
worth of full si.-o p.ittcma sent as a premium, :
niakes tlio tarly subscription to cost rcal'y only .
fifty cents, independent of tlio Carle do Visitc i
Do not tail to subscribe for the Mirror, if you
wish to securo it promptly m it is sent in ad- !
vanee to subscribers. Dec. ".0, 1 sfiH. j
J Pd per
XSl: NOTICI'.. The fullowinn nam-
rsoiis have tiled in tho i.Pice of llio
t lerk of llio Court of tj minor Sessions of Clear
field county, their Petitions nn l Honda for Li
cense at the January Sessions nuvt, agreeably to
the Act of Assembly of 2Mb March, 1 VVS, entitled
"An net to regulate tho sale of Intoxicating Li
quors," Ac.
7.1 17.7? .V .( ;.Y,S7..
Tuf ni 7i,iM1II
Lumber City.
Ccciila, Decatur twp.
Rece.iria township.
Oooola, Decatur twp,
Clearfield borough.
Woodward toWDship
Curwens ilic,
Riooin lown"nip.
Rr i'lv township.
H. II. Kephart,
" N' r",lburn'
James MrDcvitt,
Dane Rloom,
Ooorjjo Knarr,
. F
Dee. 23, 1S6.1.
ETZ ', Cl k Q
'., ... ,..,,-:; . .
' l'n 1 I'-MLAIj li. K.CO. (
jVJ'IOE " hereby given that a nieetiug of tho
''ockhuldcrs in the Western Central Itail-,
c,,ml'iiy. will be held at tho office of e.iid ,
' l"Tuu v( Clearfield, on the second
I ? f'"" l-rpos. '
''"'" 'esiueni anu twelve Directora to
lurra Inr
aerve for one year,
Clrarfiold, Dec. 23, U3. Secretary,
r-t . . . .
V iT I d 1 1' I- PHTi'iw
w jl j. v. 1J i.V v 1 U X .
application to the Assistant
AMPunr of thn Ttih r.llr.ii,. ni-.-i.a m
he l'Jth Collection Disirict f
r.ra,lTnl.. and a License .. Aue. '
in!? bf,n .rnn.,l , , k. ln. ,u...:.
I woUni inform Ihe citizens of Clearfield oountV i
. ..... ... . -"V I
tliac I will attend to "palling niles" whencveri
desired iu any part of the county. Charges
i n,oJor,it- Addre.a JOHN L
Jw. 1, ims-it (
', ' 9 rAn r'"on " calling " s
1 license ia aubject to a penoJty of
be enforced in accordance with tl
mojorare. Aaiiresa jtih. i,. k k a a s
v iearnria, I a.
sales wittiont a
f 50, which will
th. law. inaicat
1 an persona violating the stafjte.
r o r r t Piocuimni.
Itr III II I, , II.,n. KAMI Ft, Lt.NN, Pres.
1 1 blent Judge uf I li n Court uf Common I'lm
uf llio twmly rifih J ii. In ml District, cmpm-d of
the rountirs of OnrfMd .Centre and I liiit,,n
ml in lion, JAMLH lll.HO.M mil n. J Nil. .' . . .... ...
i ii" i si riaie jun'lgrs i, t learncM rn. j
limo issued their i -f-t. In me directed, f..r Hie
holding of A Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's
t'mirt, Court or ywirtor Is' "iirl of "vcr
el the Court limine at Clcailleld, in mi J for the
county of Clcnrllold, on the
.SV.-i, .V..i(r., the lh i,V of Jn irV, 1SC.
vnTtlT ,j ,, r ' -, , '
r , I' "T.', ' n V?"' '"i he
Coroiipr, Juntiein of the Teaee, and Coiinlahli i',
n " f ''" Pounty of Cloartiolil, to 111 .p. ar in
their tiroopr nrrinni. iih il,.ir n,,ilj :i..,.r,l
Iniiiiettiiine, Kxnininalioin, ami other Iteineiu
lireueoe, to do (hone lhin; which to Iheir oHicue,
nnd in their behalf, pertain o he done.
OIVKN under my hand nt Clearlleld, thin fill
day of Iee., in tho year of our Lord, (ino thou
land !lit hundred an I nivty-thioo.
' KDWAIU) i'KKKS, Sheriff.
rimiAi. i.inr f,.r January Term.
ilano Coi hrane,
Milei Speneer, ot ul.
.Iniiih i. liend
Win. Slo py
Kylur A l iiompson
Humiiel Way
Itnhert. Whiteside
John Thonipsuu
1,. W. Weld
Janie. Sniiih
Lewis Smith, ot ftl.
Cualleld A Kader
Leonnnl A ltudkey
I II, .lohimlon
Kliza Irvin
Wei. Leonard
Joh Kokand
llenrv White. ide
A. li'. Wright
LiiiKham t Hood
Kdward Phnauinkrr
.Meeklev t l'untle
1'eter Jlnyt
I'ivjin. lloiee
hohert lluj;eney
A. Campbell
Alex. l'erpuson
A. II. t-huw
th. Jame.i l!onowuy
v.. (1. Snyder, ct al.
t.h. U.'iniel Kephart
Tliouiu. (inihaui
lieene A liaird
I-uac MoUee
J. II. I'etlit, et ftl.
Moore A I'uully
I 1'hilip Knnor'aadinr's,
;.'oSiah Lamiioru
' ' "" dnet
K" N" ''"
11 ST OF
J A. I)., I
.lliltons fur Jiiniiaiy Term,
f.itANn jruoiiM,
llell William Jlartlerode, Amoj II. Tate.
Hoi;;. Aaron 1 1 art man.
liraily Amos llon.-all, Jeme Lines, Lewis
lira d ford Ibivirt WiUnn.
Lurnside .laines Kiddle, John HolTinan.
Client John V. Nell', John Huhison, Andrew
Clearfield llorniich John Frepse, Kara Alp.
I urw etuville liorouh.laeob A. Faust,
lii eatur .Jacob F. Sleiner.
Huston William II. Hi yt.
Knox Samuel Snyder.
Karthau. Lnreni llertli no.
Lawrence Willium L. Iti.hel.
Morris .1 ohn W. rw in, Hubert A rdery.
I "li ion Henry Lininer.
Woodward William Henderson.
TRAVIS Jl'ltoliS.
Rcpenrin -William Hammond, Wm. S. Dick"V
John n. Dillon, Thomas Fleck, Win. R. Dickon,
son, Joseph M. Smith, P. T. Johnson.
llell-Williain T. Thorp.
I'.Iootn Adam Weaver.
l!ogs Matlbew Stott, (leorijo W. Shlrpy, (of
Henry) 'leorpi Wilson, jr.
liradford John l'urtor, Wm. K. AVriiicy,
Walter Sliirey.
l'ralv Henry Kiiner, John lleihtol, Fred.; iidit,-...' . V.,f!
Oswalt, James Irvin. I AlKlltOl NotlCC.
llurnside Frederio R. Phepberd, SamT New- I N ln'' MATTFR of tho sale nf tho Ileal Es-, Herry l'entieotf, '.I t"'0 ofTliomus Mcfrackeu, lato of Lumber
Covington John Maurcr, Joseph P. Mulson. L it-V' Clonrlielil county, deceased, the undersifrn-
Deeatur Peter Smcal. w'"' wasdu'y appointed Auditor to distribute
Ferguson lohn V. .Miller. 1 thv llin"'y arising from said sale, will nttend to
(laslien Robert K. Flegnl. ' ,lu 'u,'-"s o nppoinlment, at his offieo in th
lirahain Levi Hublor. i borough of Clearfield, on Saturday tho 2filh day
Huston John Tvlcr. ; of Derember, lfi:!, nt 10 o'clock, n. in. of said
Jordan Isii.ic lliooin, Hiram Strew. I'1'1 lfhPn nn "hro all persons interested inay
Knoi-Juhn Mo.Murrav. nttend if they see proper.
Lawrence-John Dale,' John LiviiiKiton, Hugh! or , THUS. J. McCU LLOL'il If,
Orr, Samuel Lrown. , v. lsn.1. Amlilr.
Lumlier City Robert Younir.
Mi rris Joseph Rothrock, David Dale, (Jeorije
New Washington Thomas M. li.i!l'y.
l'enn Duvid Whitinur, Isaac (Center, John I!.
l'ike Samuel Fullertoii.
I'ti inn William Wolty.
Woodward John Wolf, John Coulter.
KC.ISTr.K'H NOTK'i: Notice is herebv
given Ihal the following accounts have 1 pen
exsir.ined find pased by me, and remvin filed on
record in this ollice for tho inspection ot heird,
legatees, creditors, and nil others in -any way
intcrestcii, niol will lie presented to the next
,ir,,i,ar,. ,- r n.,rr' 1,1 ... i, i,i. 1
Mil. II, I II i: 1,11 fc1 . ..I Mil llll T ,1 il U I . I J II 1. 1
for confirmation and allowance.
1. The Account of Samuel Rank nndS. P.White,
executors of the last will and testament of
1'etcr Smith, of licll township, Clearfield Co.,
Tho Final Account i f Andrew Pentz, nlniin
istrator of all nnd singular t'-.e goods and chat
tels, rights and credits, which were ot Adam
Finerick, late of Urn ly town.hip, ClcarSell ro.,
3. Tho Final Account of William Risbsll, admin
istrator of all a'vl singular tho goods and ehnt
lels, rights and credits, which were of Oeore
Sehuckor, lato of Rrady twp., Clearfield cu.,
( -I
The Final Adcemt of James Wrigley, admin
istrator of all and singular tho goods nnd chat
tels, rights and credits, which v.'r- of Moses
Norris, lute of l'il;o twp., Clearfield pn., dee'd.
The partial Account of J. L. A (I. W.
lihcpiu, executors of tho la-t will and te-taincnt
of A Hra Iin 111 Ream, late of Lawronro to'tus-hip,
Clearl'u Id cu. , d"c'd.
The Account of Joseph Fi.-cus, administrator
i l all and singular tlio goods ind ohnttcls,
rights ami credits, which were of Jacob Fisher,
lato of W oodward tw p.. (. 1' reTicl'l Co., deo'd.
Rkoisti.ii's Oitu k, I Register.
Dec. il, Hii.l. I
!: 4-
ikiiJic & v ,i.
DANIEL CONNELLY beg. leave to inform
his friends, and the citizen? of Clearfield
I and vicinity generally, that lie has laken the shop
: lately occupied by (Jeorgo Ncwson, in Shaw's
I Row, whero he intends to be ready at nil times to
I wait upon those wbn irny favor him wilh their
i He will guarantee liis work to bo ns well exo- '
enled ns can be made elsewhere, and at quite as
( reasonable prices. He is bound to win the good
I opinion of all w ho walk in sbco-1 -alher whether
I male or female an J ali he asks is a fair trial.
I Olenrtiold, July S, 180H y
amb to ibn ,.r ...u.n.., tn
Lawrence township, about tlie 1st of July
'"'t. KKD IIEIFEEK, with a white face, op-
poet'd to be rising two years old. Tho owner will
C"m forward nud prove property, pay chargos,
". otherwise, sho will be disposed of as the law
Greets. JOHN liUTLKK. ,
Dec. 10, IStiS-pd.
m 1.-........ - HIS lllllll .ID UL'K'I. ..UllVllt'U
AL'TIOX. The public are hereby cautioned ,
VV against buying or taking an assignment of
certain D'Ho for $ . 5, tlntel on or fcboiit tho 2M
a certain note for $75, dated on or about tho 2sih
day of November last, pavablo in two weeks!
,jlt're:'ft''r' Pivtu by mo to James Zoigler, of(
-n,lJ township, in Clearfield county, Pa., as I :
I'riiiiv lowniihtn. in ( Ipurrir rl cnunt r. l'a.. at
"ot reeei;, value therefor and will not pay
It unlesa compelled l.v dun course of law.
T.J .
i, i """'nip. I
I Dra. It. lsai.i f
iet.U, "W.
IMtH SAI.l'.Xhi eubseriber ofTera for sale '
Vsr r r h , . n . ii it p v m i u e i. i '
tor ariving-auitable for timbering, and perfectly may be too late. Remember, th. Venetian Lini
kind in harneaa. nt ncT,r p, es ,n1 bn fen , ko,.
. r i.i.uj 1'innc vice oia
luthribnr, r.e. IJ, im.
:::::.Jur mi miom Kin
A W'lir of Fvlprininn 'nti la in l,
' "rul -MI IDinatlOtl 13 tO LC
wngrtl against
The mil .i'ritier. havinir Mirehaiied all tho in
tero-t r,h Into firm ,,f 0 rnu.n.-n !i Co. .
ami liavniK muds lare uddilions to their toel,,
now annoiinco lo lh puhlin gnnerally Hint lliey
. . . u , , t J f , . "ny "V"y nT,
- j iuyuir. V.OUMMIIIS oi
A Superior Stock of Dry (JooiIh.
Hals and Caps.
Hoots & Shoes.i
Their Htoek of Hardware is very litrtfo, wbiob !
they will sell cheaper than the ehoiipost. j
Pulley IJloeks,
Suitsblo for raftinKand luildine purjioses. i
They desiro espeeinlly to call tho attention of
the public to their stock of 1
Q u e e n s av a r e , i
Which they flatter thenntlvoj cannol bo beaten 1
in this section.
Call and see our flock, whether you tnirulmse
or not, -ijrifi;F..ME.MIJF.R THE I'LACK, Mur
ket street, nearly oppoile tho Mansion House,
September 2:!d, lSCII tf.
Auditors' Notice.
IN Till". MaTTKR of tho Fstnto of Henjamin
Uonsnll, late of lira ly townrbifi, Cloarliubl
county, ileepnsed, tho undersigned, who was duly
nppointeil Auditor to il:stribnt.q tho iivmer ro- I
mZi'w-dV'T 2fK; A.U
pointmeiit nt bis ollico in the boroi.h of CI ?nr-1
field, on Tuesday tho 24th day of December, 1 Si;.",
at It) o'clock, a. in. of said day, when nnd where
; all persons interested may nilcud if they see pro
per. mu.-. J. .leC L LLU I'll II,
..-.II:. 2."?' iC,X uifitar.
Auditor's Notico.
IN' THE MATT Mil of the- sale of tho Real K.i
Into ot tho SherifTof fb'ar
liehl county, the inidcrsij;ned who wan nppointeil
I Auditor to distribute the money arising from said
sale, lo those entitled lo tho same, will ntten l-lo
llio ilii lies ,f Ins appointment, at his ollice in the
borough of CU-arlb-ld, on Fiiday tho 25tli day of
December, IsiiH, nt 111 oVIock, a. in, of sai 1 dav,
wnen anil wiiero all persons interested 11117 at
tend if Ibev see pr' per.
TIKLS. J. JleCtlM.Oriill,
Nov. 23, l.o3. ,tii((i.r.
tho Estate of Reuben
1 l!o
lonsall, lat of Rrady township, Clearfield
coiii.ty, ilecnse 1. tho undersigned, who duly
appointed in open court to audit nnd distribute
! llio nioniy remaining in the hands nf Aoioj l!,m
full, tho Administrator, will attend to the duties
ol his appointment, at his ollice in the borough
of Clearfield, on Monday the 2Sth day nf Decem
ber, iMi.'l, nt 111 o'clock, 11. 111. of said day, when
and where nil persons interested may attend if
they see profer.
T1I0S. J. McCULLOt till,
Nov. 25, I.T.a. Awiitar.
Commissioners' Sale
,of Unseated Lands ia Clearfield county
IN pursuance of nn Act f Assembly, pasd the
loth day of March, A. I)., 1S1 j, entitled "An
Act to ntnriol act direct 'n.. lb. ,,r
inj unseated limds for taxes, and for oilier pur-
poses, ftiui nio supp em
ills therein, tho dunlins-
Mi'ncrs 01 viinii'ei'i poiiniy w ill PMoso n I't It-
110 SALE, nl Ilic court hniiso in ihe Imrcugli of
Cieiii held, i n Tuesday the I'Jlhday ofjanuaiy,
...... - '
A. D
lMil, the lollowiiig several tracts of land,
d nnd described as follows
I. lldVMTo.N.
A'-rt . i'cr, ICorr.inr,-, Toxrnthlp,
1 HUH James Wilson l'x.
of Id Kraler. Fulton A Lanicli I'.ra lford.
Fill Fdivurd Shosinnker I'.iinHrie.
1 110 John McClollniid Decatur.
1(11 Dunes Hums Karlhaus.
Ill) Win. Pigler Penp.
Vi Drown .I- lloynton llppcnria
.Hi Henry Musser llurnside
l''S Philip Thoinus do
1 21 C.corgo do
223 Jscolj Mussersmith do
HIS .lohn Cunningham do
(t John (Irnff do
ITfl Paul Zanlziiigpr do
Mil Matthias Slough do
219 Jacob liralf do
4-'!.1 133 David Fvana Chest.
400 Joseph Ruper Decatur.
100 Rcnjoiniii jlulct Fox
2"0 John Dougliton Ferguson.
."0 Pliilctiis !,nk Eox
3"" William Wilson Jordan.
220 John Morgan Morris.
3S3 Christopher Raker do
M Andrew D iiig'.usa de
200 Andrew Rcisa Ptnn.
St'O J. Morgan Woodward.
'OO R. Wbiiebead do
l'y ordjr uf the Coiiunissienrre,
4 1 7 '.
Commissioners, Clear-
field, I'll., Nov. 2.1, 18 fiU. J
? r-, r 'Hi f
.U .sI -1. 11
1.1 J O
rilIE Subscriber, residing in Fergiisom towa-
ship, Clearlleld eountv. now otlerf hia ex
cellent 1 AKM for salo or rent on very reasona
ble terms. Tho Farm is situated on tho public
r.,,i .. 1 1 ... v.- m-..i.i
ton, about four miles from the former phici.anj
contain? 'i'iO nrrrs, lit) ,,f which is cleareJ
nnd in good condition, and ia well calculated for
other grain or grass. Tho Improvements are
TWO DWELLINO-II 0 V S E S, an excellent
BARN, two ORCHARDS, and the usual on.buil-
d.ngs tnercoo. rossessiuti riven ou the Erst of
... m., , ,. P.
, Anru next, ime niuisputnnie
.ion v riMP.iti.i.
j . . . ...... v u .,
Fept. 30, if.
t. and warranto.! auperiorto any oilier. Croun
' it positively curca ; relief ia absolutely suro iui-
.,...:! ..... .
meuiaiciy n n usea. aiotners remember this
and arm yoursclvea with a bottle without delay.
rpicntly attacking the child ia the dead hour of
- l . v. . r - i . .
i. roup is a unease wnien civea no notice, fre
1 li..lV. -Lai ..... . .
inrni: uciwrw m unri rmn nan r . ,.m m. .n u.i ii
' Hi.1,1 L .11 lh..:.
0H, M Cortlandt streel,
' Kfv Trk
in. a li. its is roTn:i;x am, j
SmXGLES,tlC,dC. j
I'llII IPSiiriK;, Centre rountj, Peim'. ,
ti i i . '
' 1 laV0 rOCCMVCcl U.ul nrO JUHt
ihi largril assortment tkt but,
cIIEAlEST. A-Nr must seasonable
f.ver brnvjht tathit itcliun 0 country eHa'iiiic. 0f
Ei a dins' u v hi
Hoods, Nubias, Sontngs, IjaluioraJ
and Hoop Skirts !
'y of Latest Styles !
Drugs, Oil?, Faints, Putty & Glass!
A' ..(-Flour Farina an, I Curn-Sturch!
T runks if Carpet-Bags !
Fish, Salt, and IS' ails !
Flour, Feed and Provisions !
Ani all artlcloa usually kept la a (Irat-olosa
country atorf all of whlcb. will be aivid
Cheap for Cash
or approved produce. Lumber or shinglca.
Fl.ilipsbiir;;, Nov. 1 A, lSfiS-tf.
Tlie EI;inocj why
Everybody purrbrte Iheir CLOTHING o
llecnnse they sell ao very cheap for Cash :
Fee.niso thev keep the host good? :
i i. . .1 ro ,1 . .. ,,
' ,C1,' ""'lr Clothing is well made A fashionable
! D1'1"0 they keep Ihc largest assortment;
licruuso tucy get rcw lioods every week ;
n 11. ..;.. .1. ,n.: ...
i.v.ii-iru .III I Lit. t,.- , Hll .Mi- niM 1 .1. I. II nn u
Reruns, they take the ndvnntago uf nobody j
I llecnnse they treat their customers well ,
1 because everybody likes to Jeal with them ;
Ilceaiiso lliey sell cheaper than tho rest;
. because Ihoir Clothing are well sewed A (it wull ;
' Reeaiise they can suit everybody;
' Ilceaiiso their Stote is so conveniently siluatod;
! Ilceaiiso nobody leaves their storo dissatisfied;
; lleco'ito all w ho deal wi'h tlio ru ore snretoeall months before, and bad almost despairod ofr.
I again, and send their neighbors ; i gaining. I therefore thank Ood and my frleni
; Focause they have purchased their Stock at snch
reduced prices that they can afford to
Theso are afow of tho reasons why tiny sell so
i .4.1-All kinds of
Conrtrv Prodnco ttc .1
tlio highest market prices
Clearfield, Nov 11, ISM. 3i.
. The Jlrsi and C,tuprst in the W'orU for Ladiei!
This popular monthly magnrine will heirrtaffy
imjmix fi j.r lSfit. It wiil contain one thonnnrl
pages ot reading 1 for.rtcen splendid steel plates !
twelve colorod fa-hion plnies! twelve colored
. bcrliii work patterns ! nine hundred wood cuts!
ond twenty-lour p;es of music! All this will
; bo given for only Two Dollars a year, or a dot -
' lar less than Magazines of tha class of ' Petprson.'
I Ita
Thrilling T.llr? ami Xovcllcllcn ' 'l tha nttcution .fall having relatione r
Are Ihc best published anywhere. All th, mo.t f!""'1" "' !'' rmy.,t10 li" "H'K'fland'.
f..7,u..rrr,r.,rcr.,i;iin.rU;or,r,o,-,v.ii.ivor i'"T"",.n '""ora will euro nino tenths of tho dia
vvr.." In WH, in addition to its usual rJ exposures and privation, inol-
quaiititv of short stories, OnimxAi. Corv- ,7 '." "'"P ' In the lists, publishe i aliuoit
Linnr NmKir.TTaa will be given, bv Ann S. nwrpaperi., on tho arrival of theaiek.
Stephens, Klia Hu.linaii, Frank Lee ' llenedict, n",'('c'1 lht very large proportioa
and the Author of " The Second Life." It also V' '"n''r'"S ""J dohility. Every caeofthat
pulii islies ; '"'"'"i ho readily cured by Hooll ind'a Oarinaa
, . ' Hillors. We have no hesitation in stating that.
I' ASIIION AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. if theso Uil ters were freely used among our aol.
Each number, in addition lo tho colored plate, dip!,, B,ln,,'"''1" "f l've ""fe1' b lLt- "J-
irives Ki.nnrla. Clonks anil Dr..... ......... ..I .. rwie Would be losU
wood. ,vison niotern. rnin winch a Dross. Mn. .
tilla. or Child's lire., en h. ...t -i.i.... .1.. lettera from auflerers in the army
aid of a mnnlaa maker. Also. ......1 n.. rJ- ",10 1'v 1,oen 'eat.irr.l f. hi
Household and other Receints. these Hitters, sent lo them by tt
It Is tilt best I.ndv'a Magazine In (lit World. ' I'EWAItli OF COIJ
Try It lor one
TERMS At.wATu i atac.
One Copy, Ono Y'enr, ...
inree lopies, ior une tear,
Five Copies, for One Y'ear. -Eight
Copies, for One Year,
Premium fur C.etlinc up Club.
IV vv
Three. Fiv. or Eight cepies make a Club. To
evory parson getting np a club, at th. above rates, J
a copy of tbe Magazine for 1361 will be given
306 Chestnut Ftroet. Fhilod.lphla.
Apa.iM ami grastaa, when written for.
Not. n Ue.
jC' Jt Jt.'JjA. J.-'Ji'. A -ke
a ri;ui:vi-oMc
that M ii.1, m:i.u.vB tiu; Arrt icti .,
Aot Make Dmnhardi
German IJittero,
riiKiwrtr.D jiy
111 ! l.A ?)l ,1 Pi. I t , T"e.
Wm rfrectnaKv rr
Will cure every case of
f'hronln np Kurvniu Tli.l.itilv Tt, i.f .Via It ii
noys, and Diseases arising from a Dis
(rdored Sloinaeb.
or.sKitvK 'i n k following stiip-
toiua lesulting from Disorders of Ct.
Dignstivo Organs:
ward Files,
Fu I In ess cr
Rlood to the
Head, Acidity of
tho Stomach, Nausea
Heartburn, L'isust fur
Food, Fulness or AViht
In tho Stomach, Sour Lrao
tatious, Sinking or Fluttering;
nt the Pit of i lio Stomach, sw iin
iniiiK of the Head, 'lurried sn-1
Difficult Rrciithings Fluttering at
Ueart, Clinking or euflocnting i"nwi
aations wheu iu a I, ing postnro, DimnpM
of Vit.ii 11, Dots or Webs before tha
Silil, Fever ami dull pain in the
Head, Deficiency of Perspiration,
Yellu-vuess of Skin and Eyes,
l'nininliio side, jShcU, Clival,
Limbs, if-c, Sudd' a Flush
es of Heal, li'.-.' ning la
tho Fle.h, Constant
1 in n g i n : n ga of
Evil and great
V c p r ession of
S P i r 1 t a .
rARl'ICFI.AR NOTICE.-For those wb.. It
sire and will huvo a Liquor Fitters, we publish
t!in following n ccipt : (iot one bj.llo lI"ofland'a
ieriiian Hitters and mix wid Tkrca Qun-ti 0
i.i'tud JjAnttty or Whitti-;, and tho rosult will .it
a 1 rcpariition Unit will Jar ixvtt lit mod., in il vir
lues and true cxi elionce any of tho numeroaa
Li iior Litters in the market, a id will muo
. You will havo all tho virtues of IJevftatJ't
Hiitcrt ill connection with aioo-iarticlo of Lienor,
it a muck less pricq than these inferior prepara
tions will cost you.
Will givo vou
Will give you
Will enable you t
And will positively prevent
Those suffering from Lroken Dewn and DeU
eato Con.'tilutions, from whatever cause, either la
Male or Feinnle, will find in Hooflund'a Gorrnaa
Hitlers, a Remedy that will restore theui to their
usual health. Suh ban teen the case in tboai
ands of instances, and a fair trial ia but rrsiulred
to prove the assertion.
neieembi r that theso Eit'.era are NOT Aleie
liolic, and NOT intended as a I'evtraga.
The proprierors havo thousands of Letters frooa
llio most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers, Physi
cians iind Citizens. Testifying if their owo per
sonal knowledge, to the beneficial eflecta and
medical virtues of theso Hitters,
'rum Iin-. J. AVrt .Vnicn, l. I)., Editor
A'cicoy-(in nf Jlfliyinu KnotrlrJi:
Although not di.-posod to I'avnr or recommend
Patent Medicines in general, through "distrual
of tlioir ingredients nnd effects, I yet know of do
suiticicnt reas-nne why a man may not testify is
llio benefits ho believes himself to havo received
from any simple preparation, in the hope that he
may thus contribute to tho benefit of othera.
1 do Ibis the moro readily in regard to iroof
laiid's Herman Hitlers, prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson, of this ch, because I was prejudic.4
against them for many years, under Ihe iuipreri
ion that they wero chiefly-an aleoholio mixture.
I run indebted to my friunl Robert Hhoomaker,
L's-ip, for the removal of this projuuice by proper
tests, and for encouragement to try them, when
sulleriiig from great and lung continued liability.
Tho use of three buttles of theso Ritleri, at the
beginning of tho present year, was followed by
evident roliuf, and restoration to a degree of bnil
ily and mental vigor which I had not felt for aix
a"mS ' to the
Philadelphia, Juno 23, 1861.
Diseases of Kidneys and Rladdor. In Tonnror
Aged, Mnlo or Female, are Fpeodily removed ,
a'"' N"H.'dily restored to health
j Delicate Children those Buffering from Mara.
inus, waslinsT awnv. with ecareetv tnv flsih m
i their bones, aro cured in a very short time; on.
, bottle in eucb cases, will have a tuoat aurprlalni
- effect.
Parents ba ing suffering children a above, and
wishing to raise them, will novcr regret th day
they cumnioneod wilh these Hitters.
Lit-rary men, Students, and those working
bard wilh their brains, should always keop a boi
tlo of Ilonllland's Hitters near theiu, as Ihoy will
find much bonclit from ita use, to both uilud aust
body, invigorating nnd not depressing.
It ia nut a I.iquorstiuiulunt, and leave! no proa
Ira ti 011 .
And tho friends of Soldicra.
and uoapiLala,
Kith hy the no. of
eir frienda.
8e that tlio signature of "C. M. JACKSON u
on the waii'i na of each llottle.
1 Pi lre per Ifcitilo 75renU,
$1 0 lr half dozen liirf I.
.4 00 Should your nearest druggist uut hawe Oiearoi
T 40 ele, do not be put off by any of the intoxioattof
preparations mat may be oUcreJ iu ita plane, but
enu io us, ami we am turward, aecore.y patkesl,
by express
Principal Offic. and Manafaotory, No. 611 A Mi
street, Philadelphia,
1 (Saecesaura to C-. M. Jaeaaoa A Co..J
' Proprieiera.
f-9Tv Ml at ITartawkk A Uatoa". lrii
', 0rfsu4eil, Pa. diy i '(Mly
JH. J Is.