1 1 tflfarfitlb JlfjioMifaii. WfUXKHiAV,:, l"r -"' '" (hit unr l ml'' I J 1 fHlt't iiitht yir, Car Time at Tyronr On andaflMlh 'Jl'fh ol April, Ht);l, Pasrrnger trains run ns follows : mroN. 7 10 A. M. I US I-. u. ultlmor Kipre, 7 00 a. a VI ail Train 8 is p. a. CAS1 Altl, Kxprcs Train, II) 21 r. . lint Mull 1 iniu H a. u. Through Accnmm'ii I:! U a.m. i: :i Hams on the 1 tnwi and d iuhkip.i.i, litanrli I"" Tyruno for r'umly Ridco it 8 Hi a. ..and If. k, Twin on tlit Pali, I.Vii ij V au r.v road leave Arum lur lieilololilo SI r 43 A. M. UktrZ 'I'l,. I...! .1 . To the DtmocraU of ClearHold Boro'. Vnu nr rcqulJ to mi-ot nt iln Club Itootn on Ir.dny Vfnii,K, i'i.h in.r. ,u 7 uV1o.Il, f0, 111 I uiipc of tett,ug llite I'd. Rules Irom .aid boroujdi to tl.e Count, (', nvctition to arii:bl la tie court houin' id Iho follonini; Tuoiolnv. ISAAC Hl.l.li.NSTlj.V. A. M. IUM.S, .i;0HK TIIOIIN, Ir. f, VS. (or;, of VijiUmct. I'Hire KaIiKu. I'.y loli-ier.ca to our itiiin ftK tinted ut tU liea.l of this colutjin. tl,e I-uldie tvill notice a hliyhl nddiiioti to tlio n'llHrii.tion rrioot,f th,. , pUun, over' vlm( it l,t lierftoforf. i,rc.. Tliendancol lvcfrnr, ii not yet fuflicii n. to niiniu.oiVe. ii-, hut p iotiok tryin,7 it nt t!ii.'.. If Mnnni Mml il, wo trill rii,er it-ike for higher vngw, a, 0..0 working cla?i-f re-verj-l,ere ttii:j;, or quit the huiness. Catti km. Our young nnJ g ii:nt; fiiiMid Mnj. W. Kcm HART.(oitv, of Cur-; wonuville, Hfter prising throuyh nenrly 1 every huitl, in t-hkli the army of tlm To-: t.iinac his iiarlicipRtod-tvilli but a fcingla' casualty lias si IaL lieon taken, ciplure l tn.lily not l,y the cntiiy, oli, no . t ut, hy a r.kcniing luide. Purcefs to liini. IWrl'lio tnembprs of the Cloai fiM Ex- niption Club aro rpqnosied t nmrt ut Iho I'ldtlionolnry'i ollir-o on Saturday t-n, tijtr ttio -iiiii 01 lire. isii3. M tliHI lI On Iho 15th in.t.,by Rev. W. M. ' IWrhllttd, Mr. (ienr? Mays of Knod Miss j J.ii. l'lilUrron of .TurJ,tn towo.-hip, all of litis . County. On Tues.lny the 15tli int., nl Aeadeinia, JuniaU county, I'., by Kev. (i. W. Thompson, Major I Kos Hirlshorn of Curwensvi He, Cloitrllel 1 co., i to Jtisi Alio Krprroo nf the former place. ) nn 1 iiMiiwiM si iiiiiims mi 11 is mm mum 1I I .! In Hojrfrii tonrnsbip, on Ilia 16th ult., JIcoriett,diiiiKbtoron-'riiiicis V. and Honn finihll, ncd a yoar 10 months of Ii dy. 'Tu hard to part with those o lov,, Though 'tis the Saviour's will ; Hut if we alvrny j heavenward prova V'u'll intft again in heaven. I'eep in th r.rth, sw,-t Nvttie lies ; Tho mould is on her spread : X llim th.t f iruud lo iliia that made ; llcr spiiit nun bis God. I Ami now, der parents, weep no mort, ,' l)r yt(i'i safe nt ho.;.e; 1 Yi ur sweet hi Jin, t,,o, is there, j Tiny have met to prt no uior. , 3Ulu xliibfttisniients. 1M l,t;. Tim, -ill.-. -il.r o.T.ts f.,r salo very cheap-a (i'th'V M K K exeellout 1"r driving suit. i',lo lor tin :ennc, and perfectly V'ni in hjiiic. T. JEFF IIOYfin. Luthershurp, P,?j. 22, l ii j. : Tl ' I', i : )T' 1 1 :.-TIe foio7am -1 J t persona have fil-jil in ll. olllce of tho , l'lorlt of Ihe Court of Quarter Seions of Clear-' tfeld coiioly, llnir P. tilions anil Honda for Li-( ftnse r.l llio Jnminry Sessions nvt, ureeably t" the Act of Assembly of !8th Mareh, laiS, entitled 'An net 10 r.frulate the sale of Intoxicating Li- tlllM," ic. r.i VER Thcmns Robinson, 1'iiiicl Ilihle, f. F. Ilonlieh, 'John Liirhtnt-, II. II. Kepii irt, tl. N. Coleburn, IJCKXSE, Lumber City. Oreo!, IV'C.itur twp. Recaria township. 0,'eol.i, Dicaur twp. Cb-nrlii-l'l llorough. ETZ'VLlLlll!, Cl k Q. S. d. y Pec. ?'!, I't; I. WKS'J KWN CKNTUAL U. J(. ( O. ' OTIt'K is hereby pv. n that a n-uoting of llio Sim kiiolders iu tun Wesl.in Central Hail- "' r"i,' -'iny, will bo held at the oUi.'e ef said to., in tl,e boiomji of C'vMii. Id, on the aeoond ale n lay ia January uex!, il-.il for the purple ilu-tl.g a Pre i km jl.I twelve 1). rectors to b.,r oi." ye nr. I.. J. CRAN5, Secretary. oh cdSIs i'llloC k'lliiv IV Ii'l't l; smi.lrr wii. .,r r .. . . i - jij i. ,) hi iss.iivi out (.1 tlio Court of L lu.uion . '1-ss of Clearfield cuntv. and to ine diiecte.1 '. wn-te will be exposed to Pl'RLIC SAi.K, nt the r r t U,na in the borough of CUnrnehl, on lotntay llio lull day ot January neit, t J clonk, I' M., the following descrihti 1 Ileal L-1 xo vy- 1 , a i-vnaui unci i,-ni saunit in uurnttine iowship,Cle;.rfiol.I county. P.v, eontaiuinir aiM luuiuu in uurnttni-st . ere more or less, bounded hy u'oon-e Atchison, i John Paihciu. MeCuy and others with one .aw- ttill, three dwelling lii.u.es, r.nd one burn, and ; twenty Lee acres cleared ll,ereo. ( 07rK''Kla''"lfi Warr,an!-,J I name cf I al.-b v v l.-onit, in- Luhm-ur John Patrhin, Ebene;cr MeMnster and etlien. .. . . . ... .. .. ' At ho KMI arrcv more or less, bounded by David MeCulloiigh, John Patchin, Win. Kolin nd ithers, with log bouse, and flight acre! Cleared tlureoii. Seized, taken in execution, and to U fold at tb property of David Y. Smith. A certain tract of land siim.u in Clun'u'd : V,,:;t,b5n, I lr..n. .... ... , .. , ''i ; u.li..,,, ir..n. .... .. , , .' ". " ui" uoriu uy ueDecca liatdorf, on th east by Shaw, and on th juih by William I IrolT .... ,. , I rf .j .. ...... ..ourici B'iorf. Two certnin Lots of ground situate in ib . onroujn ci w n asnineion. Vlearlirld county. . Penn a., said contingiious lota of ground, each ' being aixty Jeet front and running back two bondred feet, and known a lob No. 1 and 2 - . - . . .,i ia th ground plan of said town, and containing together HO perches strict measure, bounded I na ajsenuea as lullows, nr.: tegioning at a 1 foatat a coruer of Main A Front afreets, thonc1 ky Main street outh 8S degrees east 200 feet to a l-usi, tnenee norlli I degree cast U1 tect to a post, I thmee bv lt 'n ! .rth S Hr. n..l ?ft,l I - . .m v, w..... ...... .w j "M to a post at Kront street, thence by said street ol rin i degree 120 feet to a poat nnd ploe of it tnA' ri'": 1,.' ea, Uk,u ln BIeouUo. .,, , b, ,,,, 1 Jror.rty ( hn.,i M. Murray. g n tErsaa, ert. Vt.U'.r.r. - n M . laiatrr a Orrr. b ) OiJJAiniL, I.,ii, $, AUDITOR-S NOTK i:- T.N TIIK M ATTF.K nf tin ll.tnte of Klii.s tUnjj, g lat of Itrmtr township, f IcarMd r . ilcc'.l. - III llii.,.r,.i,.l Mil was dill r ii m.lnlii.l In "n ( mirt, t. aic.rliiin th Liens, ,t c Kill ittN ii.i t'i Hi ,!!,, of hit pintiu,iit lit Inl ill.ee In ll,o li',r,,t.;ll nf 1 li-arilcM, i,n Saturday llio liili it til January, li4, hi IU o'clock, a. in., uf mill day, w,,,n ,) ,ito nil prisons interest, ml may nttirid If ih,.y nod iron-r. TllO'S. J. M. ft M,or.it, l)oo. 2.1, l.tfi.1. Auditor. ji'Hrni'l'l t'li., I , Vumiau KuwAiui WAnim All persons ur hereby cautioned against hat bur Ing, triiftioir, or in hut wi.v, tMiiimr or form f r.liiinK llio mill Wiilium" K'lwiinl Wnnor, on my nodiont, na J will piv no I I.; , r unvlhiii) wlKilMor of hii roiitnicliii;;. 1h, nbuv rowiinl win bo ni( for his ri'tuni c mo. J. I. STKINEK. Stc.ncrV Mil's, IUf;itur t-... ii. UC.;. ivl. Uc. 2.1. GnCATKXClIHMLNira.i-N HOPE! NEW rp!ll und'Tirned, lnvirg removed his slur X to th new building "pinit th t'uion Jlouso, nn Pin stroot, (iln Hop, Cloiirfiuld eo., I'ii., is now cll'uring to tho public THE LARGEST A XI) SELECTED STOCK' OF HOODS OFFERED ri'BLIC AT EVER to Tin: THIS PLACE; WILL BE SOLD AT ALL. OF WHICH PRICES TO .SUIT TEF. TIMES. 1 t:: B,,-...t, 1... 1.- 1..-.-1 :.i. .-..! , on,, mrii ri-u'tiL-,, null 0ri,LUinr Regard to tho wants of tho poopl? , nod ouibrr- DI1Y GOODS, NOTIONS, IIAHDWAKi:, Qr!:;:sVAitE, llAi'S AND CMS, HOOTS AND SHOES. STONE-WAliii, WILL-OW-WARE. 'READY-MADE CLOTH I NO, GROCERIES, EARTH EN WARS. 1 OILS AND PAINTS, i ' FLOUR AND BACON, i ! GLASS AND NAILS, FISH. I SALT, e rc. w2 (2? X) frrt 3 OF El 'EH Y SIZE A XI) J'A TTEIIX ; Together with all other article! necessary to ,:i.u,pi,.io me asssortment ot a Urst class aotiutry , .. . . - - Ti-f-KW kinds of M'MBER an4 Country Pm- ; Jure taken in axehanpo fur goods, at the l.igh , est market prb-o. j As ho is receiving new supplier of jjoods Iweeklv f.om 11 iltiinore. Ne'v Vurk, l'h iladelph i.l I an I Piiljliurg, the public can see at o.ic.i that ho will always b,) prepared to supply any artiel'! iu tho market. JOHN HOUSO.V. Men ffopo, Doe. 2 lofi.l. FOlfsAIAT VflOOD TWu-lIORSE WAlSOX will be sold oy tho undirsignt-d, upon the. most reason ed terms. U. L. IlLKD A CO. Clea.beld, Dec. Id, ISfiS. Go and sec the New Goods at J. i:. WATSON'S, Mai'vsville, Clearfield countv. Penna. !1T!F.AP for CASH or ,-icbanged for Timber, i V Ronrds, Saw-Logs, or Shingles. Doc. Id. 'fit. tf. JAS. E. WAT'ON. a '-'' i ' 'Iilinv T1 I lMtl-nc I 1 P'- i JU.N, 1' A K Al l-il tJ ! ;;ISRRELL & BIGLEF , at their stor In Clenrfield have for sale a few FODDER CI ITERS t ... " I,r""-9 ,,"r l-nn-rwhieU tIllal' ,or casn' vo- ,0' lsw- riltVO STRAY STI-U'.K came to the prcm- ife, of the undersigned in Knox town-bit,, Clearfield county. Pa . about the middle of Nov. lt, ne red steer with some white on tho back, , , . ...... . aUu uorn auoui iwo incjes louir. iiiiinoacJ to In ,.iiii.-Bjini, wn,, uiu oilier rru anu Willie, Wltu !..... ........ ,.!.! . tu. ..1 , f ... whilo stripes over the shoulders, with' large horns, iupposed to b two year old pnst. Tb owner or owner aro requested to come and provo their property, pay charges, le., or they will bo told as tbe law directs. Dec. 1, 1863. PRICE A. HOWLES. Etate" of Levi Man ay, deceased. ...nril'I l. ..novrv ..... oieiorii'i IW.OOVTI. io.siniii,i' ui. i I l , r.: T N tho matter of tbe estate of Levi Murray Jl'rc,n"'d. ,he ippruisoment of tho Real and - ii.li,, , .1,, nn ul, 0in m September, read and eonlirmed. AV. ..'.. and thel tourt ordered that r,,,l,li,..ii ,,i i. ! pa per lUniisheJ n i,l r,,imi. nntir.-i... i l"ron interested that unless exceptions are filc'' '" "r bfor tb first day of next term the I ,nm, " l, confirmed absolutely , . - . . , "-...j Hy the Court. I. O. RARQER, Clerk of 0. C. Dec. , 18f,3-3t. pd. I ! r . t r ev,. t--V"" .8iaie 01 1-nUip Erhard, deceased CLEARFIELD COUNTY SS : . the matter or th estate of Thilin TrhrA ,l.r I ,. p r:.n" i-inrv., itiv .p. ni7riuoia 01 I CO li said deceased, set out to the wid,. i?..'l'??i?nflU. P 'ul E"' claim of fSilO, was, on the 2111 day of September on iifi "ir' i."u..r. "I"" I .. ;.;.,,'r "19 ,-ou, ..,, h, .,, et,tioU. ar. f UJ m, n, ' rf.M for th first day of next term, th same rill confirmed absolutely. Br th Conrt. I. 0. BARGES, Chtrk f 0. C. . J Is. , lM-t. ! rorRT proclu Anns. lIMir.Hr.to, J..n. PAMl I 1, LINN, pre... M Id-nt Jinlgo ., t l,o Court of Common Picas ortlie twenty mill Judicial District, Composed nf tin- rountUn of Clearfield, Centra n r ! (lint., n on in iimi, M M ll l.i ill M and Hon. J No. THOMPSON. A..,,c!,.i.. I.,.,, i.,....,ri i.....,i..,i have issued (,,.ir precept, (0 mo (linn inl, f, r ll, holding of a Court i f Common plin, Orl,m' Coorl, Court of thinner hcs.iim, Courl of Oy,r noil Terminer, and Court of tiei.eml Jail p. livorv, nl id Court Hon. Ht Clearfield, In and f r the oountv of Clearfield, on H,, .ii iin'iritirn imri'iiv p von. n i in 1.1 orolior, Juti.vs ol llio r. ncc. no. I C.mmnl.l.'s. n nii.l I. r mid county of ClnirlLM, to 11 1 1, nr in th.'ir jir).er ,pr.uiui, with tlirir Kolli, Ko.oirds I nijiiifitiorm, Kxnniiiuiiioni", nml otlicr Kenii'in bnincon, to do Ihono tiling whi. h to thuir ollinn, Mi'ljii their behalf, p'rlHin In be dniio. (ilVU.V iimlcr my baud at Clrarliil.l, I'.ili. V:h duy of Doc, in lb j car of our Lord, ono thou rund oisht hnidno) an I lixtv-lhroo. KIWAKL i'KRKS, Shrrif, rru:i II. 1.11' o,- January Term, isih .lano Cocbrn:, vs. vs. Mtli'ii Piiiwur. ct nl . J Ii. Johnston lllir.a Irviu Wm. I.ooimr.l .lob l.nhin.l lltiny tVi itofido A. K. Wrlubt liiii-bnui .1 Unix) ' Kdward t-lioomiilctM j -Mci'Lliy A 1'antlu llviin.s lloioo tiobert llnycnpy A. Cumpboil Alox. 1'oruson A. II. l?bav lohi.ih it. r.i'1,,1 V.1, Win. hb pv K v iar it 'I linuiii m .'ainm l Way Ilobort Whiti'sidii vs. vs. TJ. John Thompson I,. W. Wld vs. .Mtms Suiitli vs. Lewis Smith, ut nl. vs. ('nnlloM .1 Knrtur s. Leonard A llodkey v Jam.'S Cnoway vs. (I. Siiylor, ot nl. v.. Uaniol Ki phari vs. I'houias tlraliam 1111(171' Philip Kriner'u adinr's. vs. lieose A llaird "Mi ,.1 ,h l..,u ... 1 V1..1... 1 1'. Couilriot I N. N. r'abini vs. .1. H, I'rttit, ot nl. vs. Moor A l'aitlly IlsiT Ol-' JI HOltS for January Term. I ;iii.ii ji nons. Hell William llnrtlerode, Auioa II. Tut. llnu' Aaron llnrtuian. Hrnily Amos Honsall, Jus? Lines, Lewis Srhindley. 1 liradlord I'nvid V, iion. I lJurnsi.le .Innies Itidillu, John Hodman. j Chest John W, Not!', John Ilob,.ou, Andrew 1 l'raiiey. 1 C'lvurfiehl r.oi-ouli John I'reer.n, l'.tra Ale, I Cur i nsville liop ub Jacob A. tauit. I iH'ratur Jaoob 1''. .Meinor. Huston William H. Ilcyt. i Knox SaimiLd i-nyder. j ICartlmus Lor. n. Ilertiino. Liiwrenoe William L. KUIul. I Morris John W. Irwin, Hubert Arjery. I'nion Henry LiliinL'er. Woudivard Wiilium llen.lerson. ! TUAY1S j r nous. ! Hccearii -William Hammond, Win. 'John II. liillou, Thomas Fleck, Win. Ii I. Di. hey, Uickun- son, Joseph M. .-'mith, P. T. Johuon. 1 ::e!l-Vii!ia:u T. Thorp. , Lluoni Aduiii Weaver. 1!"K.TS .Matthew fc'lott, Oforgo W. Shirey i II"nr ) 'ienrpo Wilson, jr. (of , Ilrailford John IVrter, Vm. K. Wiixley, Wiilicr Shirey. Lrady Ileury Kriner, John Ucihtol, Fred. Osiall, James In in. I Iiuiiiside Frederic U. Shepherd, Saiii'l Xew con.er, Ile-ry Penticotr, I Covinfrlon John Maurcr, Joseph T. Mulscn. iJecalur Peter Suioal. l ergii-oni Jhn L. Miller. I Oosheti It.ib.-rt K. Flegal. i lrati.Mn Levi lliihler. , llo.lo.T Johii Tyler. ! j Jordan fsaae Dlooin, Hlmm Straw. I Knox John Me.Mutray. i ! Lawrerci John Dale, Juhn Livingston, Ilnh . Orr, Saiuuol llroirn. i L'.iinln-r City Itohert Young. j Mi.rri.i Joseph Uoihrot h, David Dale, (leorgo ; : Hoover. I New Washington Xhiiiiins Meliuffy. l'enn David Nhitmor, Isaac Kest.r, John 13. '. Ilaffeitr. i Pilte Samuel I'uilerion. ' I'nii.n Williim W-:!iy. Woodward John Wolf, John Coulter. r,;!Tf;iCs NO I I CI', Xotic is herubv K" - " io.,i it, iiiu-iwii," a.-i-i,iiuis nave oeen I I., r u...: i . ' oiiiiriiied and pascd by me, and remain tiled on record in this office lor tho Inspection ot heiis. , legatees, creditors, and all olbcr.s in any way interested, and will be prcsontcd to tlio next Orphan' Court of Clearfield county, to be held nt the Court JI ms 1.1 tlio borough of Clearfield, commencing nn the Ud Monday ot January, Ilil, r,.- i -ii. ' " "'u' "'i ""'i nim'. i I. The Account of Samuel Rank mid S. P.White. executors of the Jat will nnd testsment ol Peter Smith, of Roll township, Clcurlield co., deeea'-ed. ?. The Final Account of Ami row r.-r.l, r. Iin n -iMrator of all and f ingular tlio goods and chat tels, rights nnd credits, which wore ol Adam Iliuerick, la'o of Hrady township, Clearfield co., deceased. 3. The linal Account of William Ri.-hcl!, nJmiii i.trator of all and singular tho good-, nnd chat tel, riglits and credits, whieu ve--p of Hcorge Schucki r, lato of Jiiudy tp., Cloarli. Id c i., deceased. 4. The Final Adcoiint of James Wr'gley, admin istrator oT nil and singular the goods and chat tels, r, gbts nnd credit-, which werj of Moses Norris, lul of Pike twp.. Clenrfield co., dee'd. 5. The partial Account of J. L. Ream A (I. W. Riieein. executors of the la'twill and te.-(anient of Abraham Ream, late of Lawrence to'rnsbi-, Clearfield co., dee'd. . The Account of Joseph F'iscjs, administrator of all nnd singniar tlio goods nnd chattels, rights nnd credits, which were of Jaob Fisher, lute of Woodward twp., Clearfield Co., dee d. ; 1MIAU (1. RARliER, I ltK.iisrcR'a Oprion, ! Register. Dec. V, 1RGJ. RF.1.IKI' NCITICI.- The Roari of Relief tor the county of Clearfield, will meet at th ' Couimiaainnera' ofiieo, on Wednesilny and Ttiors. ; day, tl. 2;id and 2ttk days of Ueeeuiber, 1ft!.!. Tho Hoard have directed that all new upU-! cant must appear before tho JJourd and produce 1 their aworn statement detailing name of toldier, regiment uu.l company; when ends ted ; the numbcrof i hililron, with ago and tex of en. h ; the township in which they rofided at tho time of enlistment, and their present reeiJenco ; and that she is without lb luenni of sunnort for herself BnJ c,1',lJ.ron, who are dependent upon her, Two witnesses of credibility, from tho townshin in which she reside, must also bo produced, whot certificate, sworn to beforo tho board, must set fnr'.li that the applicant is th person she r.-p-resents herself to be; that tho etutimmont of the number and age nf her family is truo : that she is in ilctitute circumstances and her family in actual want ; nnd Ihat nil tho faets set forth in her application are just and true. ""o. i nun iiini an ine lasts set lortli in tier tained at tho office of tho Roard of Relief when form containing Huso requisitions on he b- M JlkAllIFY I'lk Nor Jlth 1SC1 DKADub i , C rf, ' . 111 ESTKAY. xvv , ,v , Lawrcuce U premises of th subscriber townslup. about th. 1st of July , last, a RED HEIFFEK. with a whito face, sun poied to be rising two years old. The ewner will come forward and provo property, pay charges, Ac, otherwise, th will b disposed uf as Ihe law directs. JOHN HI TLER. Deo. 16, 1963-pd. n AU TI()Tb. public are hereby c.utioned v aennst liuvinsr or tnkinir an assignment of . it a certain not (or $?4, dated nn or about th 28th 1 r. Nov.mber last, payable in two wceksUn.lrmyoursolve.wi.h. hottl, without del.r . " '-uem coun y, a., as 1 not receive ta1 iK.f.rn. .-1 win ... n : I, .,1 . . , ---.... -u- " i"j it nsivea compelled by due course of lw. r a . v, TER ESHENFELTER. Erady township, 1 tirady township, ". It, tStS rd. J a-., lit, , 1 rJ'iSfflf NIIOM'MUt IMPORTANT NEWS ! I), tiip RrimiM IM'i il r v . it-i- im a M,L ' LION 1 . K K l.N Oil IN A NKW SECTION I ! A War of l!.tcrnii tint ion b 1 to I HIGH IMMCES! A NKWFIRM ! BOYNTON & SHOWERS Tho il.MTihiT hnvln? pun-lintel nit thn in, lr.'t of llio Inl fir:-i nl Urnhnin, I! ivnlon .1 Co , , nod Imviu;; 1,1:1 l .... e nd.iili uh to thoir iook , i:..-v nnnonn-c to ), i,ibli (.-..nr.illy that th ry 1 iii-f rnolv tu mi), ply tlmn willi nnynrd ovory ur-lieu- u.-mlly kun.l in u .-ity c;.,r,' O ,-istiu- of ! A Superior Stock o Hals and :' Dry f iood Caps.; Boots Hhoos. Mr UN'S, 1'JMXTH, UASSUIKJiS. , Their slnclt of Ilardwiiro is very lar,'o, wl.ieh ; they will soil cheaper than the cheapest. Pulley IJloeks, Suitable for rafting nnd building purposes. I They ili firo especially to call th tttu(ii-u uf , tho public to thoir stock uf Queens w a re, ; Which thoy flatter themselves cannot bo beaten in this section. C.ill'a ml see our Ho.-h, whutlmr vou tuiroliHso or not. T-ltF.MKMIIFH TIIU PLACF., Mar i ket streot, nearly oppofilo tho Mansion llouso, Hipt-mbir Z'.'d, Mi2-tf. Aii.'litors' Notice1. IN THE M tTTKB of tho Kstat.i of 11, iijaniin lionsall, lnt,i of lliaily townhii, Clearfield county, deceased, (lie iindorrigni'U, who was du'y nppoinio I Audit, r to . 1 " .- t -i t 1 1 . the m m-y r inaining iu tin- hands of Lever Flegal, F.o., Ad ' luiuiftrator, will atl"nd II the duties of lis u),. i pointi.icnt nt bis ullioo in tho I oioogh of Cl.nr : I'cld, on T'ucMlay the 21th day of D 'eember, 1st',.!, i nl ID o'clock, a. in. of said day, when and where all persons iiileri-strd in:iv attend if Ibev see pro- i i Vr. TIIOS. J. McC'l'I.Lor.jll, j j ."r:''' 1S0,i' Awt!tr. I Auditor's Notice. SN TIIK MATT Kit of th" s.iloof th Ite.il Ks i tntn ol David MiehaeN, by the Hhcriffof Clear field comity, the iMidri.ign'd who was n.yoimed Auditor !.. ilistiibut tho uioiicy nii.-ing from -ai,l sale, (,, tliots enliil. d to ihe. tame, vill ntt.-n l to I tho duties if bis appointment, nt his oilice in the j liorough of Clenrheld, on Fri.l.-y (be davol i December, IHii.l, at lu o'clock, a. in. of wui il.it, wl:en mid whc.e nil reru ns intere-tcil mav at- tend if tl,. s. e pri per. 'illUo. J. McCL'I.L)UtlII. I Au.litjr. Xe.v. Auditor's Notice. IN Till! MATT fit of the sale of the Ileal Ms. tnti if Thomas Mufrai-k.-n, Lite of Lumber City, Clearfield county, decoaed. tho orders ign ed, who wat du y n j i'j in t t'.l Auditor t . distribute the inor-ey nri.-ing from si.id sale, will attend to th" duties r.f bis appointment, at his oi'.ice in th borough of Clcnrlield, on Saturday tlm '.'Slli d:iy i u, ueei-:iioer, 1.--0.,, ut hi o'clock, a. i:i. or raid day, when mid where all persoas interclid nny attend if they seo prop.'i, TIIOS. J. McCl'LLOLtill, V. Jj, tt,. Auilitnr. Andilor's Notice. f THK MAITKH of the K.tate of R.-ubsn X l'oiiaall, lute r,f Hrady towniliin, Cli-arfield ounty, ilecci'e.l. the iiiider.i''ued. w!i., w.s ,!,,:, .upp iintod :u open court tu audit nnd diiitriluite the money remaining in the hands of Amos Lon sall. Iho Admini-trator, will attend to the duties , Of his Bl-ltoinllorttK nl hie r,llo... In I. ' of Cleiirticid. on .Monday th,--.Mil, ,1... , . -" tier, M,.s, at 10 ,,'i-i,,eli. n. m. ol'sai.l ,b,v. u nod wliere nl I persons inlerosied mv attend if tlie-y see ) ro er. Til OS. J. MoCL'LLOL'tlH. Uov. 25, IS j;",. .ln,ir. Commissioners' Sale TTn.fiai Tn...ln c r'i r.u v. uuaeaicu i.Aiuia iu Licauieiu mi inrv. , IN piirrnanc of an Act of Assembly, pn-ed the ' loth day of March, A. D., 11 i. entitled "An J.iln ,,.,,.l.,, ,il... I.. . . i ,, "-i ii , , . . hi. i.io uiooei'i Sell - itig tituontcl lamU for tax.'s, and for other pur- poses," and the snpp'cmotits thereto. t!io Commit- sioners of (-1. nrficM c.ttnli, .ill ... ... t-i n I.li. SAI.h, nt Hie cnurt-houso in the bore ugh of Clearli.-ld. on Tuesday the 12th day of January, A. D.. l.-til, the following severul tracts of land, tiiuatej and de.-c.'ilcd iu follows : i ,,. o,,.. V- . "I"" 1 e '- Ao. .lore. ', r, ICeroir'.. 4179 1 Ot) I Jam, Wiison 7'tncmhip. Fox. i ot In LralT-i, Fuid.n A Lanich Rr.idforl. loll 101 IMwurl Shoemaker J.d.n McCLdlaud Pernsidtf. 10 Decatur, K irilu.iii. Penn. lieceitria, Rurnsido do do do lft, :;0 7 J 81.', IjS 121 2 L'H I i',:i us 179 . lt'8 2ll 4:;.1 13J 4(J0 100 SOU 3D S00 220 200 300 100 1ft i nines Hums V.' in. L'igler Liown .1- lioyntnn Henry Musser Philip Thoiua ti coi go Rosa Jacob Mnssersinith John Cunningham John OrafT Paul Zantzinger Matthias Slough Jacob (iraff do do do do do Chest. Decatur. Kox Ferguson. F'ox Jordan, Morris. do d Pen u. Woodward. David L'vnns J.eph Ruper Renjainin Jlulet John Duughton . l'bilctus Clark W illiam Wilson John .Morgan Christopher Raker Andrew Douglass. Androw Reins J. Morgan It. Whitehead do Hy order of the Commissioners, . . WM. S. UP, A l LEV, Clk. Commissioners Oiy.re, Clear- I Held, Pa, Not. 25, 18B.i. j r r, "ft Vlij or IkCtil. rnilK Subscriber, residing in Ferguson town- 1 slim. C 1,-arftel.l ,t,i, ...r l.:.. ., : J' "' m"- r''R'' ,r',in ,'umVtr ci,y ,0 '"'''- contains '':! ar ITS. I7( r i,i,,h rnrj , nnd in good condition, and is well calculated for ether grain or grass. Tho improvements are iTWO DWELLINiJ-HOl'SI-.S, an excellent I RARN, two ORCHARDS, and the usual oulbuil- I'nrrc (hnrAnn s. B, xi.U iuduta" " ' JOHN CAMPilELL. Pept. 30, 1863. tf. DR. TOUIAS' VEXETIA X LIXMEXT. V CERTAIN CURE for PAINS nnd ACHES, and warranted superior to any other. Croun positively cures . relief fs nhlin.l im mediately it if used. Mother remember this .,ueuuy ..,. a...B en cn.ia ,n in dead hour ol niki . tiaf., ,i,.iMinn , . . , . - 1 nn ui summoned 11 my be too lat. Remembr, tho Venetian Llni ment never fails. Prlc 25 and 50 cents a bottle Sold bv all Drnaihrf. OfS M nn-.i.,j. .....!' Nw Tork. rw,. a, A. I. iiovntox.: nkw nnr.i. CARLISLE & CO., vka u:ns is roni:ia.x . .yj, DOMICSTIC JMiY dOOJKS, I'llll lllll K(;, Centre roimty, Pcnu'u. Ilttvo reccivoil and aro juit oiicnitnr i fA laryct assortment ctf thi best, CIIKAPEST, AND MOST SEASON A I' I, E , ir t,-uk'AI (o I hit trcli-m oc,iM,itr, o,oi.,,i,ilo , niiv ;)ois t. f5H)( i;hii:,, NOTJOX., JIAHDWAKi: and UI'KN.SWAHK, 1 1 ii d i c? s' V ur k ! 1 Hoods, Nul)i;i9,Soiit;igs, Iblmoral: nnd llooj) Skirts ! ; HATS A. OA r.s ! UOf)T.S .V .SI 10 US ! ; Heady JIado Clothing, of latest Styles ! SCHOor.-llOOKS ,1- STATION KKY !1 Drugs, Oil, I'.iints, Putty &(il;is?! ! liter-Flour Farina nnd Otrn-Starch! COAI.-Oll. l,li:i'.SH()()llAM) tVII.- i.mv tv.titi- Trunks tj" (larjict-Jiags ! ril'KS, TOl?ACCO AND SEARS ! Fish, Ft.OL'R, Suit, and Nails ! Feed and PttovisioVfi I And a'i articlua usually kept lu it llrst-olajj 1 country store all of which will bo lul l i I Cheap for Cash ! or approved produco, Lumber or shinjlos. ' n.il ipl urg, Nov. IS, ISfl3-tf. 'I lie 2 S ton why I'vuy bo.ly jiKlfse their CI. 0 THING o ' ' 1'lsLsi.N O 1 hl. lU()o. tlV CO i lieennsp iI.p , r ..- .!,... for Cash : liecauso they keep tho best gnmls ; r..o.Moc,, ii,,.;r i'l .ii i .it , , . ""S "-.n "I"" IMlllunims , i, , , , UwnuM ,h"-v ku'l' 1,10 hrgtil asurtinut ; I because they gel New (loo.ls every week ; . Tl.. ,i : . ., ' . I'.-n'i't uii-y gnecvery one t'se norm oi hii niou y Peeu'i.'B thoy take the ndvantagn of nobody j llecnuso they Ircnt their cust uners well ; Pecoiise everybody likes Io deal with tlieui ; Recauso they n il cheaper thsfti the rest ; ' Iioouusn their Clothing are well sewed ,t lit well ; Recau.-e they can hull cv.n yhouy , Recalls their Slot i.,,. conveniently I'luuled Recauso nobody haves their store dissatisfied i Recanse all who ilol ni-li them ure sine 1 1 cull ogaiii, and loud ti.eir neighbors ; I!rauK they hav purchased their Stock at such reduced prices th-t they can allord to ADVER'IISE! I These aro a few of the rensom why thoy (ell so cheap. i Tit-All kinds of Country Produce taken at tho highest market prices. i HEIZENSTEIN BROS. 1 CO. Clearfield, Nov 11, lSii;:, ;j,n. THE MAGAZINE FOR THE TIMES j PETEESOnT" MAGAZINE ' tit Km ami Chraptst in the Worllfor Rad'.ts! . ' This popular monthly mngaiine will be yrcot. itnprortd fur 1F64. It will contain Olio Ibon-nnd pngssoi reading ! for.rteen splendid steel plates '. Iwelte colored fashion plates 1 twelve colored berlin work patterns ! nir.o hundred wood cut"! and twenty-four pngci of mosir! All th:s Till ' bo given for only Two D.'I.i.aiis a year, or a dol lar less than Slagatmea of the class of ' Peler.n,n ' 111 I Thrilling Talcs Jtiiil NovelMW-s j Aro the best publinhcd anywhere, Ail ikt mnt jvi),uhirvrittrinrt rvpyr,i ,0 u ri'c nr,i,iiUi for I Vei-.oii." In 1-ifij, ,n additim to ii lisiml ! iinntiiy of short sloriet, Foui Ol k.inai. Copt jmuiiT NoVK.ir.nKs will bo given, by Aim S. Stephens, EIJa Rodman, Frank Leu loiiediet, 1 and the Author of ' he Second Life." Jl also publii-hcs Fashions Aijf.ad r,r All Oihkiis. i Each number, in ad'Ittior In the colored plati, ' 'icr., kiiinlreda of lives might bo saved tl.nt oth gives Runnels, Cloaks and Dressi-s, niravd on 'rni',, would he lost. wood. Alna pattern, from hcb a lJr;, Man ' '-'l0 proprioto-s oro ilaily receiviLg thankful tilla, or Chtld'a Drcs can be cut out, without tin lltcr from sullerei s in tho army and hospitals, ait of a lunula maker. Alao, several pages of "n0 ',i,vo ll(,'n re.-tore J to health by Hi us ol Household nd otlior Receipts. ' thof Hitters, cnt to them by their friend. It I the best I.adjN Magazine In the World.1 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! rj 11 lur one year. I J2 fv 5 00 I T 50 TERMS At.WATS It AtiVAXCI. On Copy, On Venr, Three Copies, for One Tear. 1 ive e opies, lor Une Year, . Eight Copies, for Ono Year, Preiiiiuiim lur t.cttlne up C'luhst. iu wo Ibree, Five or Eight conies mak a Club. To very person getting up a club, at the above rates, 1 Copy of the- Mngaiiii fur 198 will bo given gratis. Addmi, pinttitnid, LJlAKLhS J. t'MhKSD.N, 206 CLestuut StreeU rLiladelphin. tSsT-Spcalnscn r4 gratia, when written for. Vev. It, IWl. I A llluill V ( tiMCI N'Tlf -t I E: A I t Ui: ICMf; that wn.i, nn n;VK in: ,m , i,i :.::, ,; Not Make J)r.n;i,n u's. German (Jitl, rs; 1 J'AI'I'I) '.V DU. C. A!. JAl KSfN, .Tr. , ''"''"''"''''IM''- Will rflcctiudiy tr.l Host Coi. w.l C U Ii l MA. 1) I S 12 A O E S DISOJlDEiilin IIVFn. o ZILBEYS. : HOOK LAND'S ( Ki.'MA.V 11 1 THUS Will euro every case c.f , Clironiu or Nervous Debiiih" DijjR.... ol tiie lild- unys, and Disrasi s atiiing from a Di ir.U red t,t. lo.cIi. il)IlSERVK THE luLloWINO SYMP toma resulting from Disonlsri of th Dig.."live Urgttin t ward 1'ilee, I' n I 1 n e ss . r liloed t i. ll c Ilond, Acidity of the Sluniecii, M.it: a Hear'bnrn, to ' is! fur 1 ood, F'uln -"s or -V eight In ll-u Stio.; . h, ,ur iir.t -ta'.ions, Sinking or Muite.:ng i.l I lie !'i' of lli-St,).p" -L, x. ,ui niii.g of the IK--!, il Difiicult Hreulliiuiv I ' Heart, Cimk!i!g or nil', , aati. iis when in a King c of Vi.-ion, Dots 'er We' SI;;!it. Fever and dm nn ! J f . - .J ,0 be." Jle.iij, Kfll-n-rc of yet. ,-.r:i' l i'llowuess ,,f St.-in nn,! Fain in the uilc. P.wk. (. I--I.iinba, ,f-.: t,i.en j';,, .:. cs of limit, llurning hi the Fleh, Constant 1 m n g i n 1 1. n s c( I.vil and gieat U 0 p r ossicu of p i r 1 t . I PAiiTrcri.Aii vo rir ri .r. . ,k .... who i!i ' i biish tl.'iiid'a ,'i,-f vil! bo ".al v ir ;r.oron - -( i.-iueA 0 ''u fill's ui'U r, repaia. siro nnd will h ive a Li uor Iiitkrs, w- the foPuwiii. recoipt: tint one butlle P. lioriiiun liiiiers and mix willi 7Vi,ce !, '' Hruuil, vr U'a,'., v, an-l tho res"! a reparation that w ill Jur txe'l in dipiIk lues and Hue eve. ile pen aoy of tho; Li'inor llitt-r' in the market, a d will ,.. Vou will have all lbs irtiiuj . i' Hittm in c-ounceti n v. itli a gm-A hi ticlo . ut a imirh I km price than these inlurioi Hons will co-i vou. II001' IA. J) S(.;ERMAN VA i i WILE GIVE Voir A GOO 1) A V V E 1 Vt III giVO V04 STRONG H EAl.TllY N'F.RY ;', Will give vou BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEEL: MS. Will enable vou to S L E K V W' E I, L , And w ill positively pr,,v YELLOW l'LVt::, lill.LlOL'S FKVEU, io. Thou.) suffering from lirokcn Down nnd Deli cate Constitution.), from w ha'.ever cn.iso, it:i..rlu Male or l einale, will find in Hoorlar, 1's (lenna Hitters, a HeijiP.Iy ih.-.t will restoro thorn to thel: uiuut hrnll.il. Sue'i has leen tho caso in (hoos ands of instance, and a fair trial is bill required to provo the u-scrti'n. Remember that thes PiCers aro NCT Aluho uolic, and '(i' intended as a Huvtiage. The proprier irs bava th' usan U o'l el llieiuo.'t emiiirtit CteriM m-ti. Unv; .rs from I'iiysi- v; n per i. ttnd " tfth 1. j cians nnd Cit'ena To.-ti'lyhig . f tl.e'. I,,nal knowledge, t) t'10' IcHftficiiit f j meilicnl virtues cf tin t Pitter-i. , t'rvm A',-.-. ,. .W.nf oi .'ova, . .' , ;.'.'. Aactfc -.i.i.f nf J,'tiijim . ,,. .-.' ' AUhoiigli not .lif ;ioi '.l to favor or n -j Paten i Medicines iu g'-neral, tin oil; ; , of tin ir inuredieiiis iu.d e!l'uet... 1 vet 1. , ; sullleb nt reason why n loan may not 1 ,'ift tu I the bcimhts l.e believe.- him.vnf to' ham 1 .'ceiynd I from any simple preparati m, in the bo,,, that ho j tuny thus contribute to the benefit of .!;,. rs. j I do this the luoie rea..,!y in rvur Ho'if 1 land's tienuaii Hittei-r. ptcp..:e n ' r. 'J. .'J. ! Jackson, of this cit.r, bocaiiso 1 was j.,-,ii lieej ...-,. i,m iuciii 101 11111:1 y yeuis, unrte'X llle ml i' 11 ihat tl.ey wcr i ch'ietl ' an slcolioli 0,. I I am indebted to myliieoid Robert f'.'u..., -esi- 1. in a. ... ier, .per Ks'p, f-.r tin- removal of tl.ls pi-cjudiije i '-. ai. 1 10.- en "Mir:i ro tnii: t to try tin .., 1 ., j Miileiiog (,,,. 11 great nut h.oj; continued 'obilily. VI, lU.-e t.f Ibr.-e I, ott.es if th,.l0 liiller-. at tb !." .' I 11: in- of the present y0nr, wa fill. ,ved by evi l 11I iill.'if, alu! rci-Urntioti a degre, uf bod ily 11 rid mental vior whirl, t h;.d not fe i ;'ur i inviitlis before, and had aluo- l e-i.'prire I of ru gaiuii.g. I tlieiclore thank 0-id mid in, friend lur directing me to tho use -r tl cnj. J. N'.IWToN CRLiWN, I'li iladelpliia, Juno 2o, 1-61. Dis,-nes of Kidneys ami Rladder, la Toung or Ag.'d, Male or l em.ile, aro speedily remurJ, niid speedily restored to health. Delicate Children these suffering from Maru. mus. wasting away, wiih seii:ccly any flerh on their bones, aro cured in a very short Cnii - oni lioltle in such casu.,, will l ai 'a most (urprlsin effect. 1 Parents hav 'og iitlVrini.' "hildrnn as nbr-yo, ou.-f wishing tu i-uiko tlin.n, wi.l never r grot tho day they commrnced with thefs lliti 1. Lit-rary man, t-tudents, wl :hose we-k'.nj hard with thoir tirnirs, h..u!d e.wavs i;je., a hot t!" of ilootllaii l's lilt, .r.i i, ear the 11, ls tli-y will find tnui ii binelt liom iij u-e, to both laui'd and ho.ly, inv'tjorntiiig a:, 1 rut ,! i : -si,:,-. 1 is 001 a Liquor stimulant, . j, 1 .' tr.Kion. cj U'j ATTIiNTION, SOi.DiKIIS. And tlic Criciifl.s ,' Soitiicr.i. e c,-!l the ntt. ntion uf all 1. r "i friends in tho army to tho fact .b.y Herman Hitters" will cure iiIiih-i .,.1 iass induced by cxpnsnre.i an ; -t (loot to cai.,p life. I,, tho lisli. , . ', 1 '.-.atoms or ilo .Runi'i 'f the dia. 1 ions iiul .1 .. : 1 .. : 1 1 . .'. I ii.UlOSt ....i,y , innowf aj crs.on tbe ainv.il ol'll.u siok. it v, ill he noticed that a verv'lar.. (.ro.r-mB are sufeiin.'? from debility. Kvry .-w.i thak kind can be readily cured by Hond.11. I s (i jrmai. Riilers. V.'o huvo no hesitation in i aiing that, if tlie.-ft RillcrN Wero freelv ...cil nm ..J r, T sol. F that th signature of" "C. M. JACKSON" ia, nn lb whaiti r of eas-h lioul. I'l l e per llottlo " 5 cent, Or hulf dozen for i. Shoal, 1 your nearest druggist not hav eh arti ci, do not In put olT ty any of the intoTicatiag preparations that may be otteied in its n.aon, bat send to us, and we will forward, soctir y packed, , by express. Principal Office and Manufactory, No. Oil Arab, - street, Philadelphia. ! JONES k EVANS, 1 (3noessors to C. M. Jacksc h Co.,) Proprietor. jra-Pnr nl at Hartfwti A Huston's Dr,.. aloe, ClerDold( Pa. uly 1 '05 j " r .