Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 23, 1863, Image 2

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Tn ' : I t iri All uf Clout Ik M county.
Al a inrci if ijr if lh litii"criitic Siaml
lig ( '.immilte, 1 1 1-1 I fit III" I'll'llP of (lift
( litiitnan, Spl ., r,ni, 1 1 fi.llniii;
liMliti"ii ni u 1 1 n n i 'n i 1 1 o I y pa. I :
A. "' TliM at tl.Micitt Spring Flection
(i.. hi. In 1,1 i n tlie ltli nf m c, nlii r. I i , j
nirli tufftttliip and LiroiiKh hll elett two
titr.u itn, mi 'I ( mhlpf or IhtoiihIh lint iiig
more lino Hut I't-iiioirstio voters, tlntll Heel
Kit ailditiotiil li'li Kil f"r rvrj M) v. 'ten, or
Coii.iilion of th Cnnttf tmixU
a n.mrrr. mnoim
Tin' N. Y. ' ' ''i'.7 l't !. oim df III" li'inl- n It m r h r t I f p I the f..1n in,t pli fund
t ii mi, I I v fin- the iiii'tl l ie Al. !ition t mil all t mli li i liiniiv in miiiv -
, , ,. . " I lnlfiTirt ; thi -r-. ..ii I ii ,,n
i..,ul,Mli!,tfiti.'l': (.li.lili.i.i, and ,c wl..,,., ,,.,
Vi' ni d. Mi-a ., Oct. ", lfGJ. t ncM tier, is li Kniou-i'liii phitl.mi
1 in1 i. a iti (i N i Ymk aper of the The platform is like the. Union -as a w h,,!
i.Mi" ul September 'Jv'idi, Liter on the U is Ipmocriin : Imt tliviil...!, ntio hull ii
I-ieninen oi in iiiifHiHMppi,- m miiicii sccmsioii tind the other ahnbtii n :
TAI ULATI rTATtMPNT of IhanriTiiLr-r of Ta1h tnUVltnt7i7r?
i'iVi i' r"'"' M"' ' rnmlp. nn,l the ponder of Deaf Jr
Iillit'1 l'rrsot,.. a.. rMutiiprl l-y Iho Assessor, cf the tftn fiLS
l"wm:him. -tlun the R,uii c.iuMy, fur the yrar 1883. ""ghi
Dnaf & Dnml) Blind f'P""
Dibtricti. Age. ' T 5,2 5 K ?s
tlio w i iirr r-i'idkH in Iniili lorin of lli
frm-1 in n ul nrl llmrvul', nf mi ri'tn. lb!vl- I H n roioMl ly Mr. r li'M Hlnl tlrit'l
fHiil.n ru olfoh'il rlinll mri-t mi Ibt tJiy uf llm ,y (ho I'l cniiii li I, ('I lriuili lilt' dlinndonPil
tii.'ciiiiK ofiho liitum jiiiiKd iBroimiili i tliu iohh hIdiik 1 1 riviT to loyul pnr-
, i,,. ,lu noy nuil ,lot..n.,ii, tl.. iiihihkt i f ,II1(t(.r 00lin ))l of oi.mmiHiol.OM np-
rliKHKiiiK '"'r iironi'iil pvtcm uf iintiiinntiiig . . . . , ... '
l.KAKI. TK.T, ! I Willi lo iiihkc mim' kIhU'IiipiiIs in rc
Nv. SO, ISM. Cliiiiriniiii. ;l i) to llm wmUiu'h df Unit Inn ilurin?
.N . H. An tlio l oiviihliii'K oiilv iiro VP- I lie imsl fpii'-on. Iiiiym'K liui in n p. mil ion
il tin ir fin imiis nn tno il iv to dliM-ive tin niiiiiii'ciiii lit uml lit reMillA.
,.o,..,ftf wiil niv i hi lii-iiliip Attention lo irv.ive nunn'U, u i" nniiipuii inn iiux'i ai. iiuvma vimich no;u iv mi uic u'ummi,
LD'ini t "j 1 , . ,. , i ... i' i .. : - :.. , i . .. i- v ... i
C,,lni ; III lllu I II M I I'.l II II n I III It nil' mil null I till UlUI'llS ill II. U UIMI tti III fll lllt'tlMri II
bt.UHl.llg I
, vl IK'M IIJUUMI nil'l ."(Hit I'l ii h.m n t'li H'lUirinil.i, " III IU III' llill lln I'llll llii'i,
Couuuitteo. lov I la- si'Wcuvu ol Dtl..UP llul, tliV H) (H (( hl.l.oinm(.ltl. ,n Town- 1 know li wot 1 hlliim, uml 1 tet down '
ut tlio town-liip cl'clioim nexl Fvidity, to ,UlJ t lit-y nro tlHiyiuio icrjiiPHlcd lo iIip iiiiniiiL'i'rreiit ol llieo pliititiilior.i nnd :
ftlttnd iho t'cunly Convpiitinn i'l t hi cr do no. I. T. 1 tlio lived nn n on llicni in an uimiitii'ii-;
...ii ....... il,.. f,.llo.i.;i,.r ThwmIhv ' ' U',1 iiiei ti ol i illainv, in vvhioli tho ciipilid-'
Court liolHO oil the lollOWIIi? ePr(in.l Mri.lil l ini.i -n. I i; v K,im : . .' n . . .. .,. . . ' i-,
- - im 1 1 ;i ;i ii i no M i .ii m in iiiu i'. ir 1 1 hi- ui ;
, time ngo, U'Kiied instriu'lii'iiR to liin sulmr- tin1 in'r.i i-horn lip liiri' ; hi.7 ,.; - i' ik- if.'-1
dinate. ivquii ing 1 1,-tn lo lun e printed ..-(y th,- ne:no t-i !! is hs!n-t
y , f .. . i. i- .1 , A.ja cf.( wf.rr ! tuitwus, anj Im litcn .if i
dr il'l, to l o htucli in. in not lehH limn five
c.i.Ai;nr.i.i, v.
Wedmsday Ilunang. Pre 23J. 1863 ,
TheCountj Couventica- (
H is hoped tl.nt 'it- I'eiiHn iala of the qnireil to In
lh full of the Clmu iiian oftliK
Thin Ccnvti.iion ..s vderod hy tlie hist
County C'oiiveiitien, or Convention of lie-
turn Judges, last emiiilit'r iukI i fw the
puipoo of uiuaiiii", or aiiii'mling, the
niellind oi' iionii' iilint; ehiididiUis lo;
couoly i.nd district oHiees. Euch dibtriit
isesliliedto hvo dulegfttes ; and those
that polled ove r l'.'O lkmocntlk voles ut the
lutt (.i iibei tiloi ud election, me entitled
to diiu ai(((ioiiro'elPf ate for each mhlition
til 60 voles, or fiHetionul parlof tifly voles.
Thus, n district polling 60 Ut inocrnl ie
lliirrnli fur
Sere inn
V df hi fi.r
Tlic CunlT'lcmry
Wi lov
Thfi rcl'i'lliiin
W glurj in
Si iirntinn
Wo fi((lii nut f,,r
Wi IUUt PUI'fi'otl
Tlii t'nimi
t lul l! Hot
Wo m-vrr mill
Wo mint
Kuieigu iiilcivciitiuii
Wc rlnniih
'i'lie Hnrii uml Im i
Vp vciH'ruli'
Hutilliei ii fl.iviilrv
llrnlli t'n
Al'i' Lincoln
lli'ivi; ui!!i
I.niv n:nl nriliT
22 ifinRs'
MrIm Femal'i Mlc Femal'i If.1 k
ciiu: in a .t.i,Yi7 ttrvilKilt; i' Uuit uvrr jwssitjit ,
''. tlit l .i." wi'.' v.vtU tl,j u7.,-ii tm..T Mil AN AtTKMI'TK!) OtrHAdK.
ditl'eront plwoes in each cub-dinlrict, by tl.O rid'- i;'ii.: .V u'J,rrn ma.'h'r.
'JOth iH'ceinher. The 1 1 -1 a lor llcecar'ui, The writer tidds ;
liell, r.i'j.'r-, r.rudloid, l'.vudy, Iiurn.side, ; The care which Iheiie jienplo hve 're
Cheal inn! New Yubhiii(:ton dis'.rieU, only, ceivod is amply nhoivn hy one look nt
wei (. received hy I he 1'en. l'ro. M.rl.iil ihf bui iid fc-rou n,U of the plunUtions. in
,. ,, , ' . , .... . , each one t can tie found rum twenty to
lor tin eoni.ty, on Mond.iy hist. I ho bid- ,u.y ,iumi;,j ruia u,;lt, ,u-iian
unco of the county i expected in ihiy or i,,,,,
two. l'eisoim tun olilv ihlilll CXeaitili'ins T,,r,i. kIukK llm T nnikrllln .jirim
rotes, or ls is entitled to two delegate . ; A!u Xon-r. -ldenee. Un.cuitHl.lo-1 ( I'renlico'n jmper) rc-marku :
und a dihtiict pelhng over 100, and le- p.p., f nnd Mmifi st permanent di-! (jf cours-o the Abolitionists will say this
than 160 votes, is entitled to tineo dele-( bilil y. Kxiiininnlionn will be Wdd at Wa- jH a tc, j remedied. Hut it never ought
gales, ie. j lerlord until the ."lOth iiibt. J to lave occurred; they told us il would
We trust on-D- mocrntic'-: .. Te llV3 or Shoiw " bv l!r.Ni:v r"V "tLlirT l''ul Iho ntpo was ready and
... , ; ,. ., JI,B lA'J or '"ono, ot i.tni.i fjt lor Ireedoni now. o say , hi wo have
out the county will take this mailer car-, MoBroRI)) BU,cr of .. shoulder Sirors," U often .id, thai ii will occur wherever nc
ueslly in hand, and select their very best! li ;s k WOrk creditable alike j-toph are emanciimled in largo number.
TIlO l'llinll
Ii n I'lirin'
1 lif. Cnintiliiti .n
1 h li iiK'i.' ith lif 11
l-'rfo Spot rli
li ttl'Hfnll
A I-'n'c I'i t'd
Will n.i I lie Moral.. 1
Tlio porur'ii fr Itiai
Mii'l Im nlilninc I
At i-verv limnnl
Wo Invti
Tlio ut'gro
"I.i'l tin- I'ni. n fliiln"
1 !i I'nion ai it was
1 (llllVt'll mil
'lllC III it fi;l
"I", a lliiinitiiif- lit'1
Tlio liiilioiif rurptu
Im lint, fill n.ivi,
1 n't ilu Ouvnmu-nt
Klin II 'J'
-Aii ntt tick
.r.en to repietetit them in this important!
(fill bo tlie prey of the while man,
Cot. cent ion.
' . ii .... .. ,iit .-i. r ii.n o.n),.ir . i ney
1 IU UiD II.OUD niU'illllll I'l ..; .- , fc
. . f niuioui iiiLt-ie&t in nicii nt-iific, ui in
and shows uii tho lu.,rdu patnotisni ol .,,, ... trl ,)V1.,., ,i. ,.si ....ssilile utrckp
fitaylf the patrons of our Abolition BtiniC 0f nie pa or heroes of the preiteiit. of work from their miserable bodies, mid
neighbor ucross tho way, and those of his duy in very good L j 1 It is a work o! then turn thein rut lo die. t'ould this war
readers who me us completely blinded by 'mlirv r.OO p-2e I ubliUi-d by T. 1!. IV result in the emancipation of the. nero il
r .. . , ,. ,,. . .- r. l .. . . . a, . would result hUo in Iim exie.runnation by
lUIJIIllClMU US ll IS UlUlM'll, UIU PUVlSHtrit tdioil, 1 U I lit. I u I p 11 1 A, II I I .
with tho boit ol information and arnu-' '
Crahakpton, lith 1 ec. I j'-.i l hut, ure weekly doled out to them
through his columns, eeilainly no iVmo
crut ought tocomplain. Ho who attempts
I'.diiort r-f Republican :
You will do mo
a sn iiM of inisci ies terrifying to the world,
and inlitir.oui to ilnne rcvpnii-ibh' for tlw
net. 1'ha Abnlitioriist. would then imt
only have mined the country, but have
leslroyed, abo, ibe poor object of lh. il
ickt'iicil the
w;is niiiilo on a ri!SiL'ct;il'lo wliitt ludv
in tho vi'-inily oi' I'arkslnir, liy it
yeilow Lciy about 1 ! yo;irs of :io on j
Wcilucfiilay Tlio boy was in tho
employ of .M r. Ii"ed of Octaniro, nnd.
had heed sent to I'arksbur for the
mail. In crossing a vneoo ol woods
on liis way lio met tho lady a!ovo
ricnlioiicd, ami oonnnenced to assault
her in iv violent manner, but bt-in
small she BiKTosfcf'ully delendod her-j
self until Koino children came alon!
'.vlion he desisted Mid went on his
way. This in one of tlio results of;
Abolition teaching. This youn lad
is naid to be from South Carolina and;
lias been in this Slate about three 1
yearn; lonr enough to imbibe the;
doctrines of the abolition etiility-.
free-lovo-ites. Went Chester Jeff.
IUmiu rin township, Jii
" fi 1
liloom "
liradl'iird "
lhirnsido " ( 1
Chest " . lif
Cleartield horougli,
Curwensvilln borough, ',
Covington towiu.liiji, ' :
I'trfison "
Fox' (
fiirard "
(loidiprt "
Jlaslon "
Jordan " 57 1
Knox "
Lawrence '
Lumber city borough,
Morris towiihhip, Wl
. " " ; 1:: 1
New Washington boro', :
IV nn township, -1: i
' h l
l'iko 37
Union " t:
Woodward " 17
T; lac'
1 130
6" 18'
2: f)H
! 2dl
13 ;t;i9
7. 207:
si 172'
1: im
e 107:
4: 12'
i 43
4; 90
C;. 04
4: l.'O
(' 134
1'. 1U2-
T 113
2: 110
7- 327 ;
"! ,')
' i
e: 183
24 IS
Grand Tolul,
... . . 1 1 . .1:. . - .1
. r . . - 1 .n:-r..; - vi.i..l. ' noiennen fym amies, aim
loreluto tliopontion. tr atgumeiii, 01 an ,. "i "'"S - " ' American i.Aine with undying disgmc,
adveiiiarv, by tiu representing, or ptrver-, "Pi r "e "e" ""-j
. .i "1 1. j ' -nrt ? 1 f I lie neoi ile of l'liilintburc lire ; T.o Iacait.u Uniom rKlfONUA AT
VilJ, IUB ill II u.iu Ol rULU UUVUI3UIJ, UUl I .'" - i i .. (
b Two I ' n-
i.ti i.n.nnni'j I'f.l.l 1. I A li ( 1 .il-crin iilril
to .Hck h! cirpet pack and lovo illmwH. and' l.u-u't. J. I. Skelton, loth
rMIIK uinlor-inii'l rpf jicrtfutlj.
inl'oriii" his on
puuiic iTonor'illy
r.'.'. n i-i. lr.iiu uio l ii.-t, uml o. on
el lit hi-. "tHblir-lnn.M.r in tMIA.WS HOW
I'lor.rlii-M, l'n., ii f, 11 o nuaiir'.iiit-nt of (.'locks,
Watiuk-i, Mi.l J rv. r.i.itr of ililfiiotit .niHlilira.
tiuork. -11 dmiwrc, lh
befools hinibfcir, and writes himself down .as had m he fays they aio, I would advise
an iis, and nn too, of verv low degree! hun
because not one in ten of his readers for t-oiuo other place, n hero he wont Iowa, w ho escaped Ironi I. toby pn.-or. a
will fail to detect the fraud ""3 ninny "unaihs." He must drink a week aiso, reached here this inoiiung, by
Therefore, if or neighbor ha. a proper great deal, for when I ace or hear -an i
legard for the intelligence of bin patrons or big boy, talk so much about and abuse ,lio p0Iljnslll.(i (i:rectlj. ,K,ir curM, by
he will, in nil cases hereafter, whenheihis neighbors, I take him to he about as mean of n pocket complin. Thev visited
undertakes to quote from the JieiiuUican, M ''"7 re, as an
(it:.. I'.LTLKit ash -Mu. (h i.ii. A cor
resnondtMice lias just (akon place be-i
(ween (Jen. Hutler and Mr. Culd, the'
Conledev.ilo coinniissioner for ox-!
ciiancjo ot jirisonccs. Jt appears that
-mall pox has biMken out. anion;; the
Cnion Twiners at Belle hie, and
that (icnera! Batlcr h
quaiiiiiv ol vaccine) m
lo vaccinate SIX thousand!is, CLOCKS of ovor) vi.rirty oi, Liiml, at i!i mi .1 ;
I'll I I , l ....Ul. I
which lias neen lvr-eivo i ami acKnowi- ".--""n..i.. ,.ri.-oi.
edfjod by Mr. Onld. who savs: "Per
SSCDEQ., The Clicnnost Taper Public
led rof nrflfnllv
!.-.tniinrs unci tho ' l-'orly-Kii;ht Column of KoaJia
1 1; i-.i be imsjust! Matterperwc.;kat?l 20pervti7
atterper wc.;k at?I OporyMt;
iy ryii ciicsrur tiRctUTioj.
as for-.vurih il ri rr""i i i-ililo pi'-oo (o a full m-'.t, ivhiol, h(i will I V,.i...f,nH. l-u. -,ut, D i
as 10! Va,;".', 1 up) at tho inoit roin-oniilil .ri.'0 fur rafli, or iu i . (, eek ,"ttL- "Olfufl.n
latler siu.icieiit rxei.Hni:e f..r old v.)J fT.d .itvr. ! other Miirhets, Caruullu Rmrfj
t Uli IV A.
1 ; White .Men's LihcTliea Siatf of Cliii ':, Vuti hes nnit
(mrfiiltv roii'iir...! uml lt'.irr, ..r..
Hilt ni0, 111 response 10 tlie lricnaiy A oijiitinininoo .,f i-ntronnf iii si.Ii-itoil
tone of vour letter, to assure xcu that 'lt. H'. if-tit). n. F. NAt oi.K
it is my most anxious desire, und will: n ' V rifinttrri'
in iii f . i j HIV.I..I.U iiiv nit. 7. i i i. n
... ... rft-'l.. :. . ...
. i '..r. nos nn r in or..ur oi tt'-.'i.nim.-.'iiiii t:ii
i .L "itiit-ns of fnrwc'iM illo, nn.l tho public
Konorally, h'it just r. o-ivoi n I it ct
An.iMTiiiV 1 1 1 ,t cell im t-u p W'-ir.I
reliel sent to liicin lliroukiu tne msiriiiupn-' i, , . i . i. :.. 1 1 :i . i.t. i ,
rialuinere -Im.-mwi Iiehef1. ., ,' , , ,
ol I pi-ovidenees, with regard to (his war
old preacher onee ,the Aumiean oiliee. and in behalf of their . mU ((f lJ)U ll0n.iIllo Wft!,
do ao fairly, and not i.ervert our lan- told mo that that was the way to Und out,'-" c j.a...u. . ... i; i -
i .. ,, . .. ., . ,. , , i . , I'less tueir L'ruier.ti iiiiiUKS ior iu uiueiv
Piinno no m'iiPi:M..tiil. nnr ihmhIiik I O KI. L'TOI IS UlO chap t lint Writes letters ' , , . . ..
nioii,.! n,Av i.n.-ij nf on ., i .... I.-; 1 1. i from I'h i 1 1 iisbu i c. for tho " I'.iitck mans ,i,
.tate fairly nnd honestly what we have Journal" or your town. NnaUi." . the; l-'itn,!. - -
J L ... -r .. !.., ,i..:..i. ..,! I .i.:..l. .1... Thov rei.roipnt Hint whilst the mnr.lirii was I'CLtlllir to b-J 111 earnest i:i his
D ... ,e P 1 ,i . . .i . . i . . . i furnished by the reoel authorities weiu
cruck awny. The infidel undertook to wan that .prints that ontln. u..t to , rci )uur , ' nlu ,, ....-lyrer I
ttovo ihai tl.o ahl - .li.-ie is no i etpoo mm, poor ining .
Cod," by omitting from that sigrlficar-l ! ' "ee that
sentenco the very important word, "1 Im 1 v,,,,! .vollr I"1
fool hath said in his heart." Our iiehl.' ni--ro than vre
bordisi-lays the samesort ol honesty abi it: Chnifie'd will pay cheerfully for the sup- j-, j)VU.vcri sln ir own expi t ie nco goes, 1 J'rofnnity like this is shocking to even
ns often as ho attempts lo enlighten his; port of your paper in favor of while men. I they feel it duo to say that there has been tho most irreligious mind, and vol it
reader-. i Yours, J much exaggeraiion. I l.n mpp.ios ol lood was apolanned by chnrch-goin peo-
tj . i ii .,i , u .. vv.t, .c- tiv , r .Helit i'roru bine and the Noith, wern mosl-! i,l. (il, limes' oh ni'iniiii '- .
But perhaps our ncghbor is excusable. A wtuww watn Suu. , y Uou,!(leM Wllld ,,nvc l"rt- ul- limo' " '!"" . "
Terhaps he, as well as most or his Ass-is- ir-mmunieattd. i boen more intense .ufVering but fur such 1 " J ltn w -J'
tants, forgel not thai they ore among the tiI yesterday saw a man arrested relief. (ir.S. S.'OTT cn Till; Yv'..rt. Tlie
in our al reels on the charge ol beintt a! I hi coiulition ol our prisoners on lciio ,pv ork Herat I states that (.en.
I ueserier, men i.e aneges is untrue, ami . reott in u reeem conversation on i-,i
for fioml or oa', he will ilipoi.i cf vry
cliOiiti f-jr omh or pri'dwo.
uv. 1, 1S6J- If.
,. , poor ijunlny. nn.l '' ...eirrer r. in i 0 llilr ironi tlnn (hut JWchor 4 1)sii Vi vrii 1 1 i'i w un i- " v ,J.
'of,r,h,ng- . . I 'twas .ho best they had to give Apnrl murint losaylhat Col has hitherto A. i. h'i.h, th it L.-u .!; a'u
you are going to raise Hie ; tror.l this, the conduct of the rebel olhcnrs . pen f0(,;n , l,js nut ion aid tint n" tho 1':atul" "f 1',iTE'1 '"1.. ol
paper. !. no 1 h is worlh i nd guards hud been generally kind, , . , , . . ' . ' tiotur township, Clou, C..-1 J ooimiv. .Ijooi.,. !.
n r, it Tl, r.po.,1- nfilli-Jtijrli there had been individual cases of f. 110 S w: vl "S "P f( US ,.lut !Uul fcaiK I.".n xim-., to tfa. imJrrno'l, !l
pay lor it. Ihe ptopie 01 ; htird and perhaps cruel treatment. So His work with bocoining Hcnonsness. por.,,n. in.Mno.i n, ,..i,i e-im, nr retlUe-i.l to
i.mi i.tii.i.rfnlli' Inr Iho unit. .. . . . ltl.Ci,sl..'lt1-.1.i.nrl... oinf. .. mi. tii.,li..l., ..I .1 L :
inn Uo inmniliiil.) riT'ii'nb hp 1 hiivinr
I'Uiins siiiilsl t'i.) s.iiao will presiat tlimu ilniy
"recent tettkm," and eonider thenisolves
s belonging to, and constituting, the
"tvca'lh and intelligence" of the community,
and that tho great mass of their readers,
being necessarily old residents of iho
county, and therefore are. ".uceped in pruund
ignorance" to such a degree thai they are
incapable of judging whether they are im
posed upon or not.
Work 10R Ladies. It may not be gen
erally known thai the exiled patriot, 0. L.
Vai.lanmuiiam, is now iu indigent circtim
atances ; yet fuch is the I'iict. About the
only injury the mbeinble.'.'itrups of usurp
ed power have inflicted upon him, was to
break up his business. Under these cir
cumstances, a ten cent contribution by
Democratic ladies is proposed. bx-Gov.
Wedakv of the Columbus (Ohio,) (Mni.i, has
been selected us receiver and disbuiser of
the fund. As many holies of Clearfield
county have signified their desire to nsist
in this lnud9ble project, and at ihe solici
tation of several persons, wo have consr n
ted to receive, keep a record of, and faith
fully remit to lix-Uov. Medary, all such
contribution as may be made.
Congress opposed to Peace.
Mr. F. Wrtid of New Yoik, on the loth
lost., oO'tred a rosolutkm in (he Iloute,
directing the l'resident lo appoint three
ComniitEioneis to communicate wiih the
rebel authoi ities, and to endeavor to es
tablish peaeo through the ngrncy of ami
cable negotiations. The resolution was
laid on Ihe table by a Uriel party vote.
On this subject, the Philadelphia Age
has the following : ' v
"The Republicans, by Iheir kolid vote
cn the resolution ol Mr. Vooi, have pla
ced themselves in acloaily defined posi
tion. The country will not fail to undar-
Kiofits Federal Union.
Tna Nsm ..rn I'h V.ihi 1, ltj,,,,
'.moonitio ji.iiriiBl, ImMi-.j;, Uh tllii,Si
..r i'ou,l!if, tlmt ' (-. i Unforumftt ii ,(,,
the wliilo Sh'h. t.; hitn innii, Cur tbt bnrfttf
lii!a im a ilivir pnitniir fiTifir,"
larRP .I'iltW'j l..-ct. Willi fvrty-tijht roJHN i
loieliiiS iii't.T, in,.! in all r".)eoii niirJrlW
Miitlii t.i, Nt-w., Lit.irry r Asrrieultaralubn
mm is n-it h.f riur tuniiy 4 poluii.j of
nowpnpor. In its po!i;iht ilopartuMt.iiptj
pl.f.i. I.llv h.iIi tlin 11IAL r,iiti,m Won
Anitri.-sii I'lu.i.lo, nn ! prtfeiuj thi 'jnli H
pliy of il wh'icli fun riii-t tin sweeping mvai
Al.ii:ti'.!iii:i!. hii UtinooMtie in tk injiint
of tin t"ti-.i- I'm ft...f..ri."n-r of tho People's Rijii
bat i llm uj.l.i.jr -if no party fhictuni
trii-kory. It H not only f..r 1'L'At'E, butinim
ll nv, 11111I how only, prrinsm lit .cac9 ciom, h,i. tl:'u xl'.n. iu Whito Man'. U.n
limit ot ' Wiinliiiieioii l'o to-t-irua, vii : ky ibis
n-r roiil, ..voriliruMT un l i"iioruii.miou iiliiii
lioiiiji.i fi.iirt Ani,.-ri'":iii h.i'I.
Tiir ltv-U"'iK is now th b ou!y terkljpd
icsl pap.-r iu Now York malt) up iilniiifl;r
ni'.inliy oiro,il.ui( 11. All iho nherjrf rrtu;
nuthcntii;a:i)J for s"tiiouo:.!.
i Yours, i mticn eiaiigeinuon. 1 nn supp.irs 01 100.1 was apoiannci oy cmircn-qoin pen- MAItV .-MAli: )
I . . . . .wenl fViirn Imi-e nnd tl.o Noith. were most- ! .!. Ml ..I. ..... r. .',.... 1 r vkivij iiaut I A'lnir.
A FKI.l.nTT WUAT NkVEII SF.KS ?MIf. ........... . . . l'". vi., mm;-. nil, in. i nil ti n. . , v. ...... .j uvir,,
vy..w.u,.u.. -- ,rtll- . . r . .1
UHli-.lo Collectors oi N:itc
and Co'iutv T.ite. The Collector
cf Tnxos for liM'i.L uml previous yf-irs, will tnks li'im the o.ilniiini. ff k..iho tluily papsr, ubiekni
11.1t1.-0 unit no cuii.ipi.rj ums v. ill l. jrranio.i .y ilvrt it ini;io-s!il.. t-i Ivosu rnic!ittii.
tlio l!.-ar( of Coiiiiiii.ionori ufior the L' lth J.-iv of . K"i.oral a n::.ninrv . f llic rw s in li. on.
! ...1.. I':'.'. ii, 1I...11I -l.....i ..k.lh., I
npiB lull wim iiiiit-c ipil loiinl which his 1 neru 111 e iiu-.iu 1 nuriit.r 01 uy i iiiii, unu 1 , , n . 1 ... . .... 0 1
pels, 011 1 was mm. lieu 10 jail, wincn lias r , . ' , ec , and that tie rea hard fr it H" Col!o-toi no.-lo.iinK not:.-, will be tm. into oi,:i-.lo;ii!i l)...,-r..i ,uuj .o.Uiiu,
lor the laal six months been made a bus- most or ten s a o so worn ai.-t I hioad- ' - n , (q fu , ,,,,;,,, ,,. ,. ,,, .:i,ruljifl smut,!
tile of by tlit Lincoln despot if iu. In the bare as K atlord but lute protect 1 'V . , ... P,,u ?' ''0 added. by onlor ..f.lio Iloar.l, , I Vo,,l-. or A holi.ilmifi., ill n-v,.r ..put L t
iisrue o! Washington, .Ictlerson and their 1 bus ihey are exposed to the end w indj that t he adiuinist rat 1011 had tooled a-' w.M s. iil'.AOI.F.Y, Ci'k. ! zer-.i .vV. Joiiro in n".i ih. u;uniiui
claims to ben discharged toldier. le wa, j woMethaii those in the Libby I'.i.son At dovel .pmrnt of the war, remarked
not auoweu t. me even .0 irrue ,t.r us pa- " "V '..L :. ... that the fichtim; had only COIlimen- Ucocinlitr, A. !., I r'C.'l.
The Change of base.
compatriot when shall this tyranny eea-e ? mil ';t saiuis, anil muit t-uiler intensely, way noarly every pildull Oliporttilli-
SANS SOCCI. japan irom tue .ireiiy 01 provisions. ; .uul inst(.a, ,,f PI1,jn ,)0
('HAr.i.ESTo.N Uxher 1 ike.--A 1 Her re- ' ei-c..ion, as they could have done
I'.'ii-.i.l in Wii-liiiilnn Horn an IliriT o f lo.. r ciiiee. have extended iL to tl.o
'Ihe Journal c Commerce discusses the po- tho blockading fleet oil Charleston, sava distant lilt HIV.
Itlical change of base so adroitly etlecled: ,,,t H,,. ,-,)m Gilmore's batteries on . , rp
by the Administration. In the beginning, -jjoiris Island are thrown into the western ' . ' ' " OtRR ami an Oi'TUAfiF.. '
the war was prosecuted lor.eslm ing the i m.lllt nf chai leiton, and. by the aid of JiidtfO Dfiiiumoiid, of iho United
Union, and such means emjiloyed us would a,,lllsHi th0 lucalitv nnd elli-ct of their cx-: Stales Circuit Court, tit Chicago, a
surely lead to Hint result. Then came n j.i,,,,,, llIe cns,iy diM-emed. leserlers ' Ikpiiblicati, ill the matter of an anpli
ehange ol measures the adoptmn of .1 Huy ib1 lhe is u;luo,t h,limi01ieJ, but : cation of u 'minor for a writ of . eax
radical policy, w 11 Lout an avowed change : ft.w ,.r,nn except sotdiers rennining in ,.,,,,, . .. r,. , ,i- ,
of purpose. The C.iion wa, Millto here-, tlf. )!lt(.e. The Mores are nil closed m,d , ',.'""U U fYx
stored, and that alone was ths object I ,e pood, removed. The Mills House, one 11 J.ii en ice characterized t he law
sought. Biit the new policy we.s found of lll0 i hotels I.aa alreudv l oiir.-s autl tlt J resident a Tree-
nri to tend that way. So came a change ' b(.cr. ktruck three times by the Minis. The 'filiation as a "trick and an outrage,
oi purpose- i ti ijuoic
"And tho reason lor
..u ,1.1.,... lu-imni .iiiiucgieui p.o-, pondei sonio weeks since. 1 he poorer r bdit of a leirent to (ha eustodv of the
fess.ons of conservatism lor a year or U-o..;.lttMll ,10 hflV0 been driven out of their .C ,i " 1
Nov. if.ijs.
1.MK tropn?"insr on tlio '1 n;ii"' of lh,
, v iini'.iTsiiiou, in i.nwroiioi. iriiiiflii;i, 1. if-., r-
flfl.l OO., Cn., Illirill lllO 0' Nov. h,I. l'.IMi
IIKU Fl-IK, riin to yo.irit .,!.! will, soiik wliilo
on the lolly 11ml a liitlo on tho rn ,, :ho tni!. ! ThoiiIv C. ono yosr
j 110 minor is lioro'.v ro I., pom. no,) ,,. ,i lor up 1. 1 iii- C.u, sli'jjl i 10 -1 1 bit lio.r "
ti ::;'.! ;.
Ono Copy. 1. no yt-m- .... fx
TIoho 1 i.pi.-f, ono jour - k
1 ivo i U ie.., o.,(. jcr - - - I,!
ton I'tipim, on., your, uuJ oim In lUjfll- ;
up o. 11.(1 ( .i.'i Ill .
11 fi Clio t.Mbl j.l
. . ki !
property, pay rhsrev vn.i Oiko li-r afj-, . r ilir A.I liticiiu!C.-.ii;,, n. -h
i'I lo sold ,-is Id.) Jir.'ot.'. j
lra. 9, 1-15:,. A.MO'i V. V -. U
CAMK lo :he pruni.ics of li,. "iilriorilii-, ri
dies in 3'f0Kti r It i nnV if., ( l. iii liold on., I'a ,
011 r sso'it tho Iiif tf Auguit last, a Kill'
1IF.IF1 KK, fiippnu.l to Id u l.ui.t a jia.- olJ.
'flit' . nro- i. liorohv ro'i'iiroi lo conic :iu'l prov
e 1 house, iu consequence, hits been closed. : which not only destroyed the liberty Prol''.. W !ai-r-. ai n.V l-r y. r fhs
this change is only) oivine fervico in the chm chys was sus- of tho Mibject, but prohibited Uh) '" ' l'A' '!:. '', . . -
ent made great pro- ,,, i,iinm kopIc wince Tl, i.nmor ... .1 ' 1.. .e.i.. i 1 1M'-'- .1 . 10 i.-. .-.
stand what it means, when every Kepubli
can vote was cast against a lironosition to
endeavor to establish peace on the basis of
and was doubtless honest in them He 1, i. n,,o Hon b .i'.i o. ,. .1.1,1 i.inMnr..
was slowly led into adopting the Abolition ; habitation three or four miles hack of the
weapons w hich ho had rid ruled and re-, va y K',,.,, or, y. V. Times.
ioctyil. He issued the bull flL'ainsl tho "' ' '. . . .. ...
comet. He found, as he hnil once believ- Ki rvx Pssr.itTr.Rs to he siict. A letter H "wro ciiivnirous assault, and wnli such onr is roonosiert to eomo lorwiini, prnvo pr,.p-
S Tit AY (OtV ono t tlio piimi .0.1 of ll.o
. 1 nili-rii-i. cil, rcnidiiig r.t Mi.vrif.liil.., Clvi.r-
A SlVERK A-SAl'IT ami TllflR CoL(r.S fif'il oim'.V, on or klioiit tho lOlh ofOi-tol or, but,
.. .ll. 1 11 1 ...i..' . ..1 1 1.1. 1 .. .
I, . , r , . . . 11 uai r uiiiiuiuti 1.011, uituhta nun it-ie i 1 on
-Il is not often w hear of iri ,;,,, (llppo..od to bo nut of a drove. To
cd, hut forgotten, that tho comet, to wil, fiom a correspondent of (he I'hiladolt.hiu dyeing success, r.nd so few killed, us baa , 'y,,,l"y f'"rR" """ " " h. vini
... , i ll-. 1 Lull : . . ,1 - ... wOSOlUHBtllBliVWuirOt'tSf
inereun. ion wuii noi nttrmoa uy me pun. inquiror Buys tnut cievrn exPcunoriB jor boon nia'le on jIowo & Stevens' l am
l)yo colors, nnd tlmt too by
1 1 h udvisorn never bpliovod that it would (leHertion will lake place in tbeAruiy of :jv
1 1.1 TIia iinvr lion mm In lf a ! tda I nm 11 n tn U i.l .1 if i t r ,1 tr Tt,
1 tic im i niri'i inn viui r( nin iu uiunC 1 iiir a imiiikiii; j i i i iuu i V' " J J lilV
the bull elleclive against something , and,1 names or the condemned are us follows: ladios, wholly u.iaecuslonied to any
by a very easy process, instead of changing Winslow N. Allen, Tilth New Yoik; thing of the kind. Kvery lady in the
weapons i'tir lhe sako ot .injuring the re-: Wm. II. Deroe. C7lh New York ; William ' country should eonlinue to aault until
hellion theAdmiriis.ration charge the ob- Cibson, -lO.h Maine ; John Punkle, 14th ' jjjesc colors are found i.i every house.-
IP.'l nf ho wr tnr (Im Bilrn of niuL-innii.a I S InfnrilrV! .Inlin M0M111111 II Ih IT I llJ '
' "- -o - " J ' fin 1,1 I... -ltd .1 1..... ....
inlantry ; Wm. fc. Uondwin, 17th U. is.i '"" ...ioi.tuoui me
Nor. 2S, 1863-pd.
TI103. 11. roRCET.
of a pet weapon;
" I EUCH ANTS, and Gnf rsl Dsalorsin bum.
1TL bcr, fnob as 1SO.CAIUMIM II K It . SHIN.
. "All this explains the melancholy ex- Infantry: Wm. Hazlett, ll'Jth I'enmvlva- "V"
hihition made in the i'resident's Message ni; flpo. Blowers, 2d Vermont ; John Ta-1
and l'roclamation. The only vision of a 1 cue, 5th Virginia. Five belonced (0 the
Coun-ILL.S, HOARDS, 4e., nnd also la URAIN of
1 all kinds for all of which h highest pricoi wilt
i hn Ilul4 nt lirnKuminn C T.t.t -fi.i.l (iniinli-
No Dratt in Jam arv. It u slated, on! ' Nov. 13, rtw.y
resto-ed Union here given us is after the Fifth Corns, three to the Sixth, one to (he .. " it X. . ... ., auV,pny CjTltAV roivs.-Cainc t.-ospaosinif on tho
adoption by the i-eople or (ho South of First, one to lhe Second, and one (o Iho : . ':' .,1 , vnmr.iecis p premises of tho iub.orit.or in Uell i..nKhir,
ii.i;.i" ., .i ., . ... :...... , . l not laised by the fifth cd January, tho in Aucurt uft. TWO COWS, and ono 1I!IFFKK.
... .. .. - . ... .... HIIIIIU, IK'S ill HMi 111 L'lOll Will (IPIHV 1 11 A OBft ItPil I f.W . With Utiltfl IflCA. tin nthor m
an nuopuon thai they must lake it into lor the same ollense on Ohr.stmas day. draft a month or two longer The rimlU. Kith white face, and a two, ear old heir-
hoir In mnnii n rwl aril urn ti v utnnH m 1 1, A 1 . .... .r .. vI,v'..- . ... w
reconciliation under the old laws, and with re,Pce of Almold-tv Go. (hat Z .Z (Jr-N- ''L'TLKR AM. Or It rmsoxKHS vf,st n.arshal, il is true, is making prej.a-' " vv,n" " rT',eu ""V. "nJ P
'.II .l.-riobul,Plnnin mil.. . m' I . '!T "T. V .. ' '!" .V01' 1 1"1 .'"V8 . , v, ,. ,. nV.,f I.l rations for nnot her d ral t . and bv Ja.u.arv Wty, psy ehar?es. it.,,-
... . e---- o-;-ts 1 itnu cneris.i it, nnl win support It lienrti- ' J" " ' r . , ... . , - , --ea ot ns the inw d
uertne om cnion. it is 10 oe observed v. . , - i ma. e to p- vo to (.en. 5nl er tn mi. . . . .....n nm.
,.., .-.I irf. r
lliaiiutru is noi, jii iiiesu icsoiuuous me "Ha an onn mon a r.iik b a mn .Im hrinli
TTAVINU undo spplication to tho Asistaiit
I L Afsenor of the l'Jtb Collection bislriot nf
TKOfBLE Fear E0 A MONO Sailors. Alet-1: itnnsj -irania, and a License as Auolionoer hav-
Tl ii.hii e wf i'ie Po.i Oifi.., county, 'J to I
hoi. .il i.i uii cans, lo .ltit,y gives it ifitjia
I'-iy in.-i t r.Isys :n a iv.into. saJ !1 tW i i .. .. . . . .. ..... j
"in .iu i i, .pin uni'n toe tuns ot uu.tHfiwi1'
lor tipirof. i,; Tr.i,
Van i vi;'-., ii..:i.).vifii.
No. 1-'-', .i.. mii ...cfVt
MMiriAi. o ;'': us.
..ii,.i (b .foi..,;. f "Ction of Congress may l,ave some mllu- Dwember 9, lSU3-pd.
. ....... . . . . ..." ' 'v .luchinonn. it ih understood is no emmmn ,v 1
our country ; but (he proposition was for
negotiation, to the end that " the L'nion It
restored upon terms of etpiity, fraternity and
equzllty, under the Conttitution." This (he
ltepublicans have declared, by thcirvotes,
they are opposed to. They have voled
that they don't want the Union restored
thev don't want ennitv thev dun itvbntl'is nlaved oui' Ions aco.
J - J - , . V K ' . 0
rraternity they doti i want equality, nnc . bov in live inrid that, does riot,
they don't want fho ConalitiHion : ' there-, foliy,.arjd the Abolitionists' hav
r... it ... .i .i..:.. .1: Ia il.!;.. f. .. j-i.ii'ti.iki -..i..Ui(u X .i;'A
;.,inll. .... is i . V. ."ii " inuiiu. il in uiiia-isiuju linn ill.
TMnfr 7; will bo acceptable to tho Richmond
hear men say, 'Thi. iclllea the doom of UOnliea r,8 a negOUator, nn.l that , (rom B navu, onioer on ,ho 'athip "R boon granted to mo by th. proper authority,
slavery ,' but was ihut what we began Ihe they will he disposed to trct on tho pensarolu. at New Oilcans stales that .. W",J. ,nform 'h cituons of Clearfield county
warfor? 'But 'lays some one iesLting" bnn.8 ofconBidoring all onr captured Hmcuiberofa mutiny ae ",7""
lv'hutwhen slavery 1s ilestrotrl 'mh.',n;M,l ... tl...,o ' .i,..:- .? . . h . red. 10 ny rt of tho county. Cln.rfioi
i"... ... .. , , j'; i-,"'f,.u poiuii.o nun iiniiiivn nu omriii ui'iig iuo mouiii ui iuu uitu-oi-ivar in lliut rooueruta. A.l.lresi
n .. w..-,..D. r.r., mat notion oy their owners on tho fiamo foot ns harbor. A groat many of thrso men cn
hi ti iivaI aih nnir Ron... TIAa.t..... i,...- ... O,.... i r. .
mow ills
ing decciv
Doo. In, I8C3-tf. - Clearfirld, Pa.
P. S. Any nersoa " calling " n.lna -
exnired. but thn X llcons is lubjeot to a re nnliv of S10. which will
if-Jolin Moriran is said to bo in 'pressed for men was obliged lo order lhat ,"rcodj.n,ccoH!,.nce with 11,0 lttW 8ftl,1"t
lucre li net a q nun n-hils cblln-a
k , , TV--'I . 1 II 1 W UVIUIVI C
lictod for one year, and their limo has'
' fore they do desire Jisuplori liijiitifca-he ple lhtb surrting' llieir nieaWe Richinond i Tu V , u D o rS iTallod toeome 1 T
.. teroal hale, ineouaTJty And L ' Constiui- Uy4ling. themthi whicTi ho reached by way ; "J lo co"
tion. UUl
i.ou, vney can, a uereto ore, ae.ny o; per-.,reeniQi ana toe una.qi. ivery are-viro "f V. " the officer who wr let foar a mutinv mr
Turl these f - di.l iml n,l InLillv 'dlscnnnifelad nar odi." tnaild in the) rmv Of Goorc A v. .u-.... .n u ' " rauuny O'J
:betfaerMuH of U.
all poraom f iolnting tho statute.
4HU8T-UATE COOK 8T0YB forsalo ehesp
-tollable fo; wo. Inifnlr a ratt Mas.
M C I't'MiO li. I;i v.. ). ; ! i h f ire I TlTjl'
i-f.iliicrn roadi-rs tun.-eit do.-i.-iMii lb) if I
Uiiok tuiiklios on tho rjuoiili n r.l tin lUoil
c ml'doritly ln!ii.rc if lhi.i jnirmii mm flat"
the hnti.lf of om hiilt'lhe voter.! cf liif i
Siutcs boiwoou this time and NoreinSsr, lid f
lii:nj.:rr.itn ciul 1 not fail to o.-.rry tlmnell I
doiitinl clotion. W e Ihoroforn iniikf the W'l j
off its, not in the light of priiof, nn! n''"'
ouuso il will be prnl:i-ib!o f..r wo ,md it'' j
ford it but fwlol? to foe a re uii iHiii i
of tho dootrino which wo C.-;n.y bHev.
our country :
Pur a ciub of twenty, IiofHs thf itrfJ'
now offoreii. we wi!l rond a etnv rf Dr. Vis".
ric'a irronl work on " N'ugroe.' and Negf
ibo third ediii m of which ii j-.ut r'j-
lne iiollar.
K(.r dill, of P;r-v .l,.nr:l,rH. Ill W. ,n
end ono extra pnpur, and a con . f.Tetu ml '
"Anli-Aboliiinn I'i.l,!l,.iinTn."iiio Dri'sf
tnken together, amount to 2,7i.
Tn fflntinn ... 1,,!,. n l,nnH. Ill "'3
tliin. UI,,.a,-. in .,-,. l.iiTiHroi'i sa'
...... .. m , ..I.IBvUll u. vhu .
bora ut tims, the cli b to bo scut U " V
ure?.', and begin and end at lh en
rtcnive tli pnpen strlOO.
November, 13, 188.
V. B., fl W'
hia friendi. and tin eitueoi oi
n,l vinlnll. ornll. Illil h ll ..1
lately occupied by (ieorffe Newion, is '
Uow, where be in.onds to b ready atw
wait upon those who anay favor ana
euftom. ..Uii''
lit will guarantfa hia work to b ,
utod as can be made elfewhere, "A -(
reasonablt price. He it bound to wis
opinion or ail who ai in so-" -
mala or fenialt-and U bik ! '-