Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 23, 1863, Image 1

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    ! ' "'II ,
A t
1). W. MOORE. ) VAitnr,
TERMS-ll 25 per Annum, if paid in sdvano
fry y
ror ri II II
1 ! ,
vi k ma
An Old Lawks Advick to hkr
Bos. "Now, John, listen to me I'm
older tli an 3-011, or I could'nt lie 3-our
mother. ic-cr do 3-011 many a
' younx woman, before 3-011 liavo con
trived to happen to bo around four or
five limes before breakfast. You
should know how late she lies in bed
in tho mornii;. You should tako no-, the& hapless creatures perish as if swept
lice whether her complextion is tho off by pestilence. Wru. D. Itutler, a dele
samo in the morning 11s in the even-'gate of the U. S. Christian Commission,
lug, or whether the wash and towsl wri,e9 t0 1ev, )r- w. G. Eliot as follows,
have robbed her of her evening bloom, -ejecting tho negroes who came into bcr , Vi,,kal,urg after the surrender by Gen.
bo tbat you may sec her in bor morn-, , , . .
ing dreHs, and observe bow her hair.
looks when she is not expecting 3-011. 1
JI' possible, you should be w here vou "'"" oecamo a.armeu jest a pesti
can hear t'ho morninir conversation , Iunce shoul(1 fcreik out among them and
1 11 .1 . - If J .
uetween ner nnu ner inoincr. 11 sncl
ls ill-natured and snappish to her j
mother, so she will be to you, depend
on it. But if 3'ou find her up and
dressed neatly 111 tho morning, with
vno aame B.H..CS, urn nciim '-
hair, tho samo ready and pleasant
answers to her mother, which cl.arac-,
teri.od her deportment in tho even
ing, and particular- if sho is lending
a hand to got tho breakfast in good
Reason, M10 is a prize, John, and tho
sooner you
tho belter.
eecuro bur to yourself
BrThc Springfield Republican is
one of tbe few Administration papers'
1 . . 11.. 1 ...:it. r ...... ;c ,fi
common sense, as witness tbe follow
ing, which contains moro
than will be found in tho K.
Y. Trib-
une for a wholo 3car: Kx
"Thero is n irciicral iubilation in the
Kcpublican papers over tho assumou .
death of tho Democratic parti. They
bad better not tako that for granted,
A part3' that lias just thrown more '
votes than ever before in every State ,
.tcept Massachusetts. and
has been-beaten only by the most ex
traordinary efforts, can hardly be con
sidered quite dead. The
moral of tho political situation of tho
Ik-publican leaders is that they have
no puch excess of strength as to make
it safe for them to be reckless or de
fiant as to means and measures; that
they arc still on trial before tho Amer
ican people as to their abilit3 and in
tegrity in the conduct 01 mo govern
ment, and that they can only hopo to '
obtain a renewed Icaso ot power by ,
ucmousirau.ig uii 1 auj nun iu
lino It iur inu m'lunat iHiimu, muivi
than for private and ends.
SroNEWAi.i, Jackson's Admission
into Heaven. 1 was much amused
at tho rebel prisoner's account of worestillsufleringuntoldwantandwrctch
Stoncwall Jackson's admission into edness; tbat nearly 400 had died since
Heaven. They- were strong ndmirers
cf (Jon. Jackson, and especially of the
HUCCC9S of bis Hank movements. "Tho
day after his death," said they, "two
Rtigcls came down from Jlcaven to
carrv (ten. Jackson back .vith them.
They searched all through tho camp,
but could not find him. They went
to the prayer meeting, to tho hospital,
and to every other placo where tlicy
thought themselves likely to find him,
but in vain. Finally they were forc
ed to return without him. What was
their surprise to find that ho hud just
executed a splendid flank movement,
mil -'it into heaven before them."
How it Works. A widow in Wcst
rru New York, whoso husband was
killed in the war, had loll her by turn
a noto for about tivo thousand dollars
secured bv mortirasre. At tho mime
timo she owed in Canada n debt of
less than $4,000. Under tho logal ten
tier law she is obliged to tako green
Lacks for what is duo her m Now
York, whilo she is obliged to pay spc
cio or its equivalent for tho sum sho
owes in Canada. Tho fivo thousand
dollars is not of course, sufficient to pa3
this debt. Tho widow don't clearly
understand it, and has lost faith in
"Old Abo'b" proposition that it is eas
ier to pay a largo debt than a larger
"Misfortunes Xevkii Comb Sincs
tY." A soldier of tho lOt li roguhu-g,
A native or rhuaueiphia, at tho bat
tbj of Cbickamanga was struck with
4 oivo of shell in tho right eye, cut-
. ting out the entire eye, then passing
under tbe bridge of the noso and do
alroying the sight of tho left eye, and
bo it now perfectly Hind, tiough in
tho prime of life. In the came action
in which ho lost hia eyesight, he Iiatl
a father ami threo brothers killed,
leaving out of ft whole family only
himself and his agca inoinor.
tfirWhat is the difference between
R milkmaid and a swallow;
Ono skims tho milk and tke other
kirus th water.
' Subserib for this prr no'-
Shocking; Scenes on the Confiscated
There appears to have been no exagger
ation in the accounts ul toady given in re
gard to the condition of the negroes at
the various contraband camps in llie Mis
sissippi Valley. Congregated at these de
pos, without employment, deprived of the
tood to which they liave been accustomed,
and ofien without shelter or medical care,
,, . ,
"About the first of August tho military
'avlanjl In iIia a.h.u !n.n.nlA.i. n.L.r
" ,u ,uii"
were issued to at once remove across the
river all negroes, of every age and sex,
whether sick or well, who wore not in some
employment. One mornine I went out '
to inform a certain Lieut. W , who,
Li(h Bn ina(e(lunto force, was executing
Ua t,mt oue of fhem . the B .,t
Church was dead, and that another, a wo-
man, was lying behind a knee, dying.
lle toM mo that 110 liau detailed, for the
rurpose of removing the negroes, -ju army
wagons; thai he bad hauled them, well,
sick, and dead, with all their traps to the
river, where be had a steamer to convey
lhe , Hcr0M t0 a poitt opp08ite tbe lower
part of the city ; that ho had one wagon to '
haul the dead, and that some days he ; iollowmg correspondence, us throw
found as many as twenty; that in one ing Borne light, upon the subject. Tho
house bo found six dead bodies, with liv-1 correspondence was forwarded tofJcn.
ing ones sitting and lying around them,
rprenuy unconscious m men- situation,
Holes were dug on tho river's bank and 1
the dead buried. The searching out and
removal of these negroes consumed about
fifteen or twenty days. About three bun-
dred were thus removed to the low grounds
opposite Vicksburg, and there left in tho
weeds without any shelter, under the care
ofamanwhowas appointed to organizo
them into a camp, and separate small (ox
cases from the rest in general to do what
he could for their relief. He was soon ta-
ken sick, and a certain Captain was
appointed to take charge of all the contra-
bands in and around Vicksburg. The
retain was soon ..rostrate,! bv disease,
,, conveyed across the river in a
kj) whenc0 he mnJo i,is way l0 a house
ft ,. lhat of lhe Uni(e(l StRte9 c,)ri9
. . .
tian Commission. Here he was invited to
our bouso, whore he was still remaining
when I left the city. The chaplain told
me that there negroes had suffered and
he had'taken charge of them ; that from!
10 to 20 die daily. Sometimes they would
,inu-;nt tl, n-..e,l .ml fi:,. wl.e.o
their bodies would bo found only by tho
. , .... r ,,, ,
That there was no white men with them
but a nephew of his; that rations rcre fur-
nished them by the government, but some-
times ho had diflieulty in getting them
river- ,hnt thev were five
days without receiving any food, and the
negroes in their despair threatened to kill
him, thinking the fault was his. He also
stated that they had no shelter or tent,
except brush, to shield them from thesun,
or storm, or dews of night. Capt, A
stated that (hero were in this carr.p 2,000;'
at Young's Point, 8,551 ; on Papaw Island,
wheio bo purposed gathering most of
them, 2.800; and on Black plantation,!
on tho Yazoo, 2, 400 -in all over IG.fKlO.
Ono morning 1 went among tbe wretched
mafses where they were hauled to the
bank of the river, preparatory to being
sent across. I tried in vain to find eomo j
women who were able to work, as we wish-'
d their labor at our house. All were eith-'
er sick or taking care of tho sick. I saw
nothing but ono sad sceno of misery. I
hope you may be able to do moro for those
sufleriog, ignorant beings tuan is in my
power to devise, and that God may bless
your effort."
TION8. CorreponiUnr Cincinnati Couimerciul, Rop.
Goonmcn's Landinc, Sept. 24, 103.
"A ride over the adjoining plantations
baa satisfied me that cotton-planting by
Northern speculator! is a failure; not a
failure, probably, on the part of tho spec
ulators, considering tho high price ofcot
toti, but, so far as tho development of the
country under the operation of free labor
is concerned, an utter failure. Several
plantations will prove an exception to the
general rule. Mr. flrochon, on Dr. Car
son's plantation, immediately adjoining
Goodrich's, hat 1,000 in cotton and 200 in
corn. But for the Vavsgos of tho army
worms (which are pretty general on all
the plantations) he would have raised over
bale to tbe acre. I have heard of other
plantations but have seen nono equal to
his, and I think the ground planted will
not averago one-half a halo to tho acre.
Tho scheme itself, so far as it is intend
ed to he carried out by inexperincod parties
at the North, is a failure ; and it is not on
ly a failure; but according to tho theory
of its friends, it is eminently unjust to
(he poor negroes. It proves nothing.
If it was intended to show that the negro
is as profitable working for hire as work
ing by compulsion it fails ; because he
works by compulsion bore. If it was in
tended to show that the 'esourees of the
country can be developed by free labor it
fails ; because those who have tho matter
in hand have not lids object in view. If
the object was, as I supposed it to have
been, to show that the negro is a self-sup
porting institution, it fails ; becauiio he
. ...... ...
iias neen deprived 01 me important de
ment of 'free will,' and has been made a
tool for Northern speculators.
lf the African is incapable or doing
rmvihinir f,,r himirif l t,n,i.i ii,n nn.
lroi all(j direction of the Anglo Saxon-we
i,.,t better l..v bin, !,, we r.n,! i,;,.
mt j( hc .f e of e
ue should certainly nor be used as a
mere money-making machine by tho be
lievers in cotton."
So much has been said about tho
treatmont of our prisjricrs in Uich-
n J wo aro induced to givo the
Meredith, tho Federal Commissioner,
by Mr. Ould, the rebel Commissioner,
QriiiTKiwASTHR's Omen,
C. S. Military 1'iiisons,
Piciimond, Va Doc. 3d, 803
C0L0.NEt, : Having heard a complaint
fron, headquarters that the provisions
received from your government were not
-maed to tho Federal officers confined in
this prison, and that your fellow prisoners
Yi'aU you have ouflcn-o In consequence
thereof, you will please Btate the facts of
' this case and at what time the provisions
arrived, when they were received by you,
and whether issued in proper quantities
au0 request Colonel Boyd to state at what
time he saw tha t.rovisiont issued at Belle
Isle. 1 have the honor to be Colonel,
'. Your most obedient servant,
(Signed) J. Thomas, Capt.
and A. A, lj. M.
Lieutenant Colonel, . I. M. Sanderson,
prisoner of War, Richmond, Va., C. S.
Military Prison.
Liniiv, Dec. 3d, 1803.
CmiM:-In answer to your note of
' UBle ' wou,u s,ul l"nk uvnl 1
o recollect, j ou personally offered, on
Sund,iy Nov- "d 10 list, il'ute 10
officers in this prison 27 barrels, containme
pork, salt, beef, flour and corn meal sent
by the Baltimore American relief fund;
-ut having no convenience Tor issuing it,
1 declined receiving it. On the following
day, however, I inspected, in company
witn ollier ofliccrs- nnd ll,recled Mr' I!ur"-
bam, your assistant, to issue it in rations
of half a pound per man to the two oncers
noting commissioners for the purpose,
nd I can cheerfully state that tho in-
structions thus far have been faithfully
complied with, and these provisions have
been issued in addition to the regular ra-
turns allowed us :y tuo auinoriue. ueie.
Very respectfully yours,
J - M Sanderson, Lt. Col. U. S. A.
Lr IW, U.cmmond, )
Dec. 4th, 18f3. (
Capt. C. McTtae. Selph, A. A. Gen:
Sir : In answer to yonr communication
0f this dale refer! ing to atatements that
.. ..en m(a ;n Pn..nrd to the distribu-
tion 0, ci0thing and rations sent to Kich-
mond by the United States (Jovernment
ror federal prisoners of war, the commit-
tcc ; charg,3 0f the distribution of cloth
ing, desire to submit tho following state
ment :
When the committeo entered on their
duties, Nov. 10, only a small supply of
clothing had been received at Richmond
To secure an equitable distribution of this
to those who were most needy, and to
ascertain what future consignments would
be required for their comtort, it was deem
ed advisabe to make an inspection of all
the priionors. A careful inspection was
thereforo made of all the prisoners of war
on Belle Island and in Richmond, and a
record mBde of the condition of each arli
clo of their clothing. While this was in
progress, issues of blankets and such
clothing tbat had been received, were
made to the most needy. Since tbe am
val of the last lot, Nov. 22d, two members
of th committee have been constantly
engaged in tbe distribution, which is now
almost complete. Tho committee is una-
bio to prepare a statomcnt of tho amount I From the Buffalo Courier.
of clothing issued in time for this commu- THE END OF ANOTHER VIRGINIA
nication. Statements in detail will ho CAMPAIGN McCLELIAN.
prepared, however, as soon as possible, of j
tho amount of clothing received and is- Richmond is sale for another winter,
sued, and to whom issued, and the amount j Sixteen months ago the army of tho To
required to fully supply tho wants of the ' toln"' 00'0()0 strong, lay within twenty
prisoners of war now here, a copy of which I miles of the rebel citadel, while 200,000
we respectfully request may be forwarded men nearly the whole strength or the
by ling of truce to the proper United ( Confederacy wore gathered in front to re
Sutes military authorities. A shipment ha its advance. Tho Peninsula was aban-
of clothing is now being mado to liauville
sufficient to supply the wants of the pi is-
oners of war t that place. Tho commit-
tee take pleasure in stating that every
facility for tho inspection of the prisoners
and the distribution of tho clothing lias
been afforded them by tho rebel military
The duties of the committee wero lim
ited by the order putting them on duty
exclusively to tho distribution of clothing.
The fact thai rations forwarded by the
United States Government and societies
in the North were being issued to prison
ers of war on Belle Isle, and in the pris
ons in Richmond, has, however, frequent
ly come under the observation of members
of the committeo, while in tho discharge
of tho duty assigned them.
Very respectfully, your obedient serv'ls.,
A. Van Sciiroeder,
Lieut. Col., A. I. G., 14lh A.C.
11. B. Hi-NTtR, Lt. Col., 123d 0. I. V.
J. F. Bovu, Lt. Col. and Q. M.
Ja M. Sanderson',
Lt. Col. and C. S. V. A.C.
Bai.tisiork, I'cc. 13.
Tho following dispatch was received
at an early hour this morning:
Fortress Monrob, Dec 12.
C, C. Fulton, Baltimore American :
Tlease give notice that the rebel author
ities declir.e receiving any more packages
or provisions for tho Union prisoners, so
Jht parties interested may refrain for
warding any more j;uuas to 11ns point.
Gen. Commanding.
Rev. Mr. Torrance, who went to City
Point with Dr. Clement C. Barclay, re-
. 1T .... .
I '"" , "
vew with Capl. lUtch, who was sent from
Richmond to meet him. He informed
him of tho abovo decision of tho rebel
government, and gave as a reason there
for, what they alleged to bo an imputa
tion on their honor by the press and gov
ernment authorities that they were not
delivering tho goods forwarded in good
faith to prisoners, and asserted of his own
knowledge tho officers in Libby Prison,
fl0ra the immense supplies they had re-
1 ce,VRtl' comu 8" " uu,, ,ro"' u" " Bl"rH',
in l,Hnd equal to any hotel in tho United
-States. He admitted that there had been
some irregularities in the supplies at one, but that the ofl.ccrs who had bean
guilty of neglectmg prisoner, had been
promptly removed ana punished. As tc
the bad condition of tho prisoners return
ed to Annapolis, ho said they were ex
tremo cases of consumption, and that it
was a grave error on the part of the au
thorities to have allowed such prisoners to
return. For the present nothing would
be received but letter and inclokures of
money, and Southern money had better be
SiccKssrti. Blockade Runxiso. A
letter from Newborn, (N. C.,) dated on
the 5th inst., Bays
Tho Wilmington papers aro full of
advertisements o tiering tor sale goods by
the cargo that havo run the blockade.
Sugar is selling Ht three cents per pound,
and other goods in proportion. Owing
to the imtoense inland trallic, all the rail
roads from Wilniini'ton nte at work niidil
and day. to the exolusion of all other bus -
iness. conveying supplies to tho rebel
army, and goods into the interior. ,
Over 200 steamers and vessels belonging,
to a.iierent lines are engaged in running
tho blockade into this oue port. Gover
nor Vance says in hit recent mesago that
ne ctaio 01 norm Carolina,
largely engaged hi this business, has re-
ceigvedy clStLg enough through this
channel to clothe her troops to January,
TROor or MarriaoV. ft not unfre-
,1 . n v .1 ft .1' I-
quently happens that clergymen in mar-
rin . ,f,u n.ii in iv a cM-uncate
of the marriage, or to make any registra
ja - r-, " : .
'iane or to make any registra-
n.VU ;,i, i. rendered
tion CM II. nUull CTItlOHCU 19 1UUUI.ICU un-
pecially important just now, as in the
caseofthedcathofafoldier, the widow
must navo a ceriuicate 01 marriage neiore
she can receive a pension. A New Jersey
paper, in speak ing of this subject, as it res-
pects tbat State, says:
Upon searching tuo recorus wutiin ttie
past year lor marriage, nearly uau me un
..uT"..""V ;.Vu. "tr'": :i,i
lUIUiillg kilo bvivuiuiij it.a .iw
t : II, .o.mnn.r l.oa no
i:iutiea w
comply with the law"
-s:t,-v: it.: . 1
there have boon 1,771.000 men called into
service by the Federal Government.
doned, and with it the opportunity of the
army for usefulness and sucecrs. Its ca-
rcer since then has been a long struggle
with a great mistake- It lias marched,
countermarched, advanced, retreated,
fought, dug, labored, endured and bled,
bimply to demonstrate that themind which
directed its movements was possessed by
a hugo blunder. Ten times over that
demonstration has been made, but tho
blunder has added stubborness to stupidi
ty, and the army of the Potomac has paid
the penalty. In July, 1802, MuClellau
on tho James river gave occupation to
almost the entire force of the robollion.
Since tbat time, with tho army moved to
the front of Washington, a third of the re
bel force has sufficed to keep it at bay,
and twice has been strong enough to drive
it north of the Potomac. This result was
clearly foreseen by tho best military men
in tho country, and we ask attention now
to the impressive wolds in which Gen.
McCIellan implored Ilalleck to rescind
his fatal order, withdrawing tho army
from tho James.
The following is McClellan's letter ;
Berklv, Va., Aug. 4 12 M.
Maj. Gen. Ilalleck, Comuiuuder in Chief;
Your telegram of last evening is receiv
ed. I must confess that it has caused me
the greatest pain I ever experienced, for
lam convinced that the order to withdraw
this army to Ajitia Crctk trill prove disastrous I
in the extreme to our cause. I fear tC u ill be a ;
fatal How. Sevoral days aro necessary to
eomplcte the preparations for so impor
tant a movement as this, and whilo they
are in rrncress. I beg tbat careful consid
eration may be given to my statement.
This army is now in excellent discipline
and condition. V,'e hold a Uebouche on
both banks of the James Hiver, so that wo
aro free to act in any direction, and, with
tho assistance of the gunboats, 1 consider
our communication as secure.
We are twrnty-fivo miles from Rich
mond, and are not likely to meet tho en
emy in torco fullicieni to iigm a uatue
until wo have reached fifteen to eighteen
miles, which briny us practical; within ten
miles of Juchmon'l. Our largest lino of land
transportation would bo from this point
twenty-five miles, but with the aid of tho
gunboats wo can Bupply the army by wa
ter, during its advance, certainly to with
in twelve miles of Richmond. At Aquia
Crock wo would be seventy-five miles from
Richmond, with hind transportation all
tho way. From hero to Fortress Monroo
is a march of seventy miles, for 1 regard
it as impracticable to withdraw this army
and its material, except by lutid. The re
sult of the movement would thus bo to
march 145 miles to reach a point now 25
miles distant, and to deprive ourselves en
tirely of tho powerful aid of the gunboats
and water transportation. Add to the
certain demoralization of this army, which
would ensue, tho terrible depressing effect
upon tho people of the North, and tho
strong probability that it would liifluoucc
foreign powers to recognize our adversar
ies ; and these appear to me suflicont rea
sons to make it my imperative duly to
urge, on tho strongest terms afforded by
our language, that this order bo rescinded,
and that so far from recalling this army, it
may bo promptly reinforeod, to enable it
to resumo the offensive
It may be said tbat there are no rein-
1 r,,r .., n;inl In. I noinl to General
n i(KlJ f l0 lhose of 0en. popc,
npr08K.rv lo maintain a strict defense
not necessary to maintain a siria ueiuiso
in iroot 01 ivMoinKiun ..u i..r.. . r-
ry ; to those portions of tho Army of tno
We; t not required for a strict defense.
, ; direct!,, in front of this army, Ull God will givo us hearts to pity an J
tnero. iarr, niccny in ;rjm ; iu y, , r i ,
th, heart of 0 Rebellion. Itis hen thatal lour 'eL- the poor, t
resource ihould It collected to strike the blmo orrow for the heroic dead that lie will
wAteA will determine tie fate rf the nation. All preserve in safety our brave solders in
point of secondary importance elsewhere AWiZ, tho field ; lhat lie will soon removo the
jfo abandoned , and ever available man Irounht .
. . .- . ..,:... J
nere. ana. ine nnmary sircvain or me iieoruu-n
- crushed- It matter not what partial revets-
' tee may meet with elsewhere; her i thetrue
defense of Washington ; it i here on the banks
0flht jamelt thnt tit faU pftne i;ion
, . , .
uU be decuhd.
) Clear in my conviction of right, strong
in the consciousness that 1 havo ever been, 1
- aild elill am acluatca loiuy by lovo of my
country, knowine lhat no ambitions or
orl mo from
u ujv,...v -
!,i . r. 1 i ,1,, nn
the commencement of this war, I do now
1 what 1 never did in my bfa before. I
entreat that tins order may be rescinded.
' If my counsel does not prevail, I will with
a sad heart obey your order to tho utmost
of my power, devoting to tho movement,
one of tho utmost delicacy and difficulty,
w hatever skill I may possess, and may
God grant that I am mistaken in my fore
bodings. I shall at least have tho inter
nal catUfaction that I have written and
spoken frankly, and have sought to do
the best in my power to arrosi disaster
lrom my country.
Major General.
Tho army correspondent of tho Chicago
Journal (Abo.,) in one of his letters from
Tennesee, says:
I shall never be done admiring the pa
triotic and undying devotion of the wo
men of the land, but I must toll you that
the rebel women 0 tho South are worthy
in everything but a sacred cause of their
Northern sisters. There is nothing they
will not surrendor with a smile; the gom
niod ling, tho diamond bracelet, the rioh
wardrobe. They cut up their rich carpets
for soldier's blankets without a sigh; they
take the lino linens from their persons
for the bandages.
When 4000 of Longstrect's men came
up to Nashville, prisoners of war, about
the roughest, dirtiest and wildest sot of
fellows the sun ever shonoon, and a flight
of stairs in tho building they occupied foil,
killing and wounding a large number of
them, you should have seen tho fair young
traitorcsses como forth from the old aristo
cratic mansions, bearing restoratives and
delicacies in their hands, mingling in tho
dingy crowd, wiping away tho blood with
their whito hankerchiofs, and uttering
words of cheer; you should havo seen
them doing this, with hundreds of Union
B0luitrs a'.l around, and smiling back upon
the rough blackguards of rebels as they
i0fi. But in all this there was a defiant
air, a prido in thoir humanity strange to
see. Of a truth they carried it offgrandly.
And almost all thoio girls were in mourn
ing for dead rebels, brothers, lovers and
trlendn, rrliotu tUoe oanio glrla had sneer
ed into treason and driven into rebellion,
and billowed all tho South with their
graves, and tho least they could do was
to wear black for them and f.aunt black
from tho window blinds. Clothed bo
thoir souls in sackcloth! I said thoy
were worthy of their sisters in the North
in all but a righteous caue, but I said
wrong. There is a bitternoss, there are
glimpses of tho Pythoness, that makes
you shrink from them. But thoy are
fearfully in earnest; they are almost grand
in their seif-sacrifice. Oh, that ttey wera
true and loving daughters of tho dear old
So writes an Abolition correspondent.
lMd he ever reflect that Abolition proclv
mations, confiscation acls, and tho position
of the Abolition party that thero shall be
no Union except with the final oblitera
tion of slavery, havo made those Southern
women so bitter and defiant 1Lancatt
Intelligencer. a sensibleanT
The thanksgiving proclamation of Gov
ernor Tarker, of New Jersey, has been
much condemned as a model of its kind.
In calling tho people to thanksgiving on
the last Thursday of Nov., tho Governor
talks like a man of sense, as follows :
Let us thank God for abundant harvests;
Lot hs thank Him for preserving lis
from pestilence ;
Let us thank Him that order has boon
maintained, and the laws respected and
obeyed within onr borders ;
Let us thank llim Tor victories achieved
by the armies of the nation ;
Let us thank Him for tho manifold
mercies and blessings he has freely be-
stowed upon us ; for lifo and health ; for
Chnstmn institutions and privileges ; for
bis revealed Word ; and especially for
. 1 j
, . con(inunly muketh iuterees-
! 8j0I, for ug
While wo offer thanks, let us also pray
r?u m. ur cnasusemom , " "
oivo wisdom to those in authority; tnat
tf -.1 i. Knrt. nf m-r nim pi.
innnm .uuin ,.iu uv.. --
t0 order evenis that peace msy U
- . . - . . 1,
'speedily restored, and tho now discordant
j sections ofJ,henation t0 again united.
Want or Coal at Louisville. The ooal
question is agitating tho people of Louis
ville, Ky., moro, just now, than the war.
The wsr is not at their doors, but the coal
fjraine is, and the great question Is, how
J0 hyod it' Jt is r,roposed that the eily
counoil order tho Mayor to borrow, on tu
i credit of the city, an amount sufficient to
tiurchaso 700,0(M) busbeliof coal, to be de-
, J urcu
can to pyha, at Unnelton, la
hin. al pi t0 I I oenU per bushel.-,
It is now selling atCOcU. perhmhel.