j, x i aim awijjij .? ,7.W Win I vi 1'OIt LADIES, sn Hindi O iJL, ltirS,l WCIIAUD MOSSOP. fCiV' ( I i W W 14 M Mi.ti.lxy In January, I Sd V.n.lay In Jnn, lOHUKiN ANI 1" ).M KMT It ! (,' ))IH A 1 , V vi s r s r k.7 ll.l .unn'my ill in. fli.innjin rr'i. , ( 7r,n f. 7 '.I At 1 1 x'i r oMmmiuI iii CliarlicM. over- linl d ixl Sll.ll I li-ll"' ", tnrlil'". ri p detail J'laids, luiir.ll., I iiilinul, f 1, ti 1 1 b , .i ' r-c", I nut-. liit.'ri'l"lb. t'iliifli.iii"! tiiliki-fii, llm n i.e. '-dgilg. Hint liunming. f. Il.-t.'ll.'. I'raid. l.l'K, llrfM l.lltll'IlS, ll'sill.V, ll-l's, pet., i-..re Is, ci sts, Iim.it, nut. in '. ' "I K b""P kirl, l .iliii. iiilv li.niilie., emits, shawls, Ioi, notions, loiint-ls , t ill, ribbon.. II. . -rs, plume, Ac. MENS' WEAR. Pui'li n ilnlhs, rnsslmcre, fntincit, llmincl, Jeans, ti...l, fiitl.iiia.il'. muslin, ilnliim cloth, velvet, rlu-li, cluck, ticking, dunlins, drilling, linrn, rrn.h, i rgc, riinviii, .milling, I ii.i-iy vrclinp, run It.' i tUmu'l, coals, pants, voxln , overcoats, thawl. lov's iiii-kt'lH. oviriills drawers, shirt.-, uiuiershirte, boots und sho.a, cups, Ac, An. Hiu h as carpet, oilcloth, blinds, curtains, tassels, i-lock.., lurking glasses, Jnin Vi, churns, tubs, buck Us brooms, brushes, b.-kcls, washboard., wood o:i In. w 1 , iiiiv'i, Hut irons cnfl.-c mills bed ci.r.N, l.nga, Hull paper, carpet chain, cotton jam, can i!lo aiek, work baskets, hiiitiiiis, umbrellas, I. of f.ro i, trunks, carpet bvjs, ax as, augcis, Mun.nl instruments, violins, (1 1 nn . litis, .trim's, AO. IuiilwHri, queenwnre, glass wale, alnno wiiio. tlrocories, d i n coulee tinnerv, modi cincii, Hour, bacon, fish, full, i;rin. dried fruit, Nh'iIh unit ).iikci, (Iii." nnrt uiliy, oils, vini.jrur, tuUll.'fll, l Itlirf, Ctill.lll'K. Hpifl'H, JliiWll.T, nt."t, 1,'nJ, ;'rinJil(.ni'.i, j-iil'lin r.i'o, cHrriuKi) trim -n.iiy , i.ho fimlinst, nelinul bunks, Jtc : .ill of viliifh will l' ""Id n the nmi't iyhmt-hIi u lrnm, nn I tlio hiliui.t inurket J.rico piiiil l.r all kin. Is of country t.roJut.'. Ocl. It. ISM. J. r. KRATZEK. I'l'.ut tl., oliu tb o AcuJoiny, Grin lirlil. I'd, r ill i. Y livlli 1 1 ! BJM.rtini'bt i.f llriliiii I tlnit hm cut I.. ni i tmif l.t to tliln ri.uniy. M Moti.lny In .Inmmry, ti V'.n.U) In .lnn, 3,1 Mi.n.lny liiMnr. li, 4lh .Muti.Uy In l. (if fill It Jrur.mnl rntillmi two (.. if tinfovury. ' t'ut'NTY AMi WsilUCT OFKIlkl.. jMl'SMNS Pri'""! Jinlitf-It..", fniniir-l l,lnn, 1 1 1 1 . T. ri t . I'KI.MNW A-l Ju.Ik. 1-11.111. J l.'Hi..n.ii.in,'iiri nPiM, UHWJ Kti.S nhi.il llii'V will rrll nl tli e moil r.iii'oiml.li' .ri- pep, ii in "i uliiili will he fnuml niili inliil lot uf Hl.cillT, rri.iiinniiiii ry, ll.'g. A Upi". II. n. ,lniiif lluuin,K..rri'tt, C I! T T l j: it r, liUtri.'t Alt"y, Tro.iniri'i , Co. Surveyor, i He I'tnriu, lii'U. Tn I.'k Ii I'.' .V t ii i t r llif r f.'iiil lti iition of tlip iil.lif, ciol riifinK liovy Hilur .lntf.l K..ik, r-iooim mill 11 ill I or kiihin of tin) L'lel uikiiulni'- luru. I A lot of l'lsloln of llie Lfft piitlern, mill oIluT I lire iiriii". Alio n (.-i in'riil ii.-ortiiii iit of tol 1 Au.IitotB, (nrtri.lKi H nil uf which will ho nolil nt rcunuuii- ; lilt. .riff. Tiny i'oiitimn In iniimifiifliiro nil kiiolii of 'coroiicr, Tin-ware, J'rass Kettles, !StoYc-,i'!oy Hup't l'iio, ctf , whifh cnunol be mrpflfHca in t i mic- I 1 1 1.11 I.I till' MIUO. Thfy iiIhi Imvf mi himd PlttsliurKH Ploun, Hinoni; wliii h nro St I IViitro l.over l'liw. AImi, flow IVlinn", mi. I iminy olln-r Aj:riritltiirnl lm pti'mfiit". Cook Stovt.'.1, Parlor nnd Coal St.lVOH Rl'tllTlll IIHK.lftllll'nt, llll'l Of ill i llOS'. 1'H t" trrii", fr fiiltf "I rruioniiible ii'i'i'.'. Co a I Oil, Coal Oil L;tni)i, ruintf. Oil Hint Vunii.'-I'S, :i p.'iif r i 1 iitmu ttmnt. ti lm!). tmlty, Nnil. Inm iiinlt'iilinH of nr.'iil vnrifty ; iii fm't n 1 n r t fvory tl.in:: wmmUmI l.y tlui .uli'.if fun I'f I'oiiml in thi'ir I'stul.li.'-liiiH.i.t, uml nt .ri.'ifl tlnit i-unn.it Wo lie.it. Now is 1 1 io tiitio to purchase, Ifv .il ili"ir.' liny tliinj; in llieir lino "f Iiimii.'.-h. Uivo ilipui n mil mill KXinnim Ihoir nlofk, mi. I tin')' f.vl nsHnri'.l tlinl you fun hu nfoiiin..'! il.'.l. II. .miiil.fr, tlifil i'.-.t.il.li.-linif nt is" oil Sffoml Str.fi, L'lfiu li.'l.l. I'.i , litre yju cim hnyK1""!' .. tin. vi i v In .'t ii.lviuitnf . 70-Olii hilvvr. co.n'r, l.russ, ppwtur nnj old rn:in; will bo ukon in I'Xfliuni' fur irumlii. M.iy'JO, lsfi:;. .MKUUKLl, .1 lUiil.KK. Kilwiuil t'ork. Clnirllfllil, I). K. Ktrwi'ili'r, " IHinli H. Ilnr)..r, " Nriifl T.'l, " JiiMM.li Slmw, " II. II. Wright. Coin in in'iuiicri'.l no ob K un t., Thou, liniiglii'tty, Ann II i'n d, ('liiirlrs Worri'll, J. Woo.lwnril, V. K. t'oiiturol, J. W. t'ollor, " C. U. bundl'oril, CluarnM. AM'ACAS nt nt fit nt Si'ii"'il i.ytt Kchintimi Ncniitii.n Scni-nliiiii niNCHAMS CHINTZ I'IMXTS (ll.OVKS f-'KAVAT.H .T n t irccivo.l nt Mo,hko flli'n Hop. I, utlirnliur)(, Or. Hi!U. Clonrflpld. N.WHsh'K'on II. ..(!. .1.1 Luconto. Mill !H!;:.L) I SHAWLS I'.ONNKTS nt HI nt ni Ht lit at SctiM.itinn SoiiHiil ion SftiKiii ion St'iiKiilion .v,fti!iilinii ), town . il'CH jirii-i i i.i ircn i U'pp .rio(n 1. 1 ices j.riivH jirico DR. A. M. HILLS i "ln' .-4'.- I jr.-n.HM, B. APHE8H ARM., I ( 'i lV ? . 1 ' l""n hU lit- t ' l' i 'mi I, --'-'V' ' -""..I ,r..r...'.n. y)i.j7 iV Summer v J r ... : -.w Vuhi,i, to hi. ,. nil Al .A.S1 SfiiiO . '"mV'. -hr lim, uml hUI '"'ili'iVJVir . t""i 'thi'tef. r.- I... u. .,1.1. "S.. ll'h ' t., iKk.. 'r..f...M....,.l . ' ' " Viii tu n ofi.lii t m Jn.t r.olv!n j .,., t.i. k of hi.rin. ,j . 1 til jMOSSUL'S' Sonsiition j.rii'oii, .Si'timition prices I y, - ..'.'U't'illinl pitlf.. ' till. II III in r r t lint li ny ho f..iiiul .1 1.1. i . (To ) n tin' ..nlliwi t "nr. hit of Front .ml .lnin ptro tp lit nil tiino.. cvffpt when imlifo upper. Intl. town pupi r. to tlio rontmry, July t, "till. if. 1)1?. VM. 15. IHIPilfS ! DENTAL REMEDIES oli.ftf.l ol nlinost ri ftf .1-.- . "J "'-'crih!lfl I" hi i tn I ..nriiiK.iil of T'2 f Kfth. i.fw,, ,n,l u, ',',t grout viirio ly of iLfful ntn, '''". U m:y-;m)is anii vot,,,. - Ui"t. uml Khoci, ,,. Ilriir.. ..j .. ' i.nnot., Hlmwl., lint, ii ml t'np., Sut.r.itk.n r-'w', THE PKST IN A R F. vtH nd Mi li.i. . HI nnJP,.u j I.INI-N All to lio !iiid nt MOSHIOrS'. LIST OF l'OST OFFICES. J'ott OJic, 'offliol.frf, Ulin Ilnpi), Win. S. Wri.t, l lull vine, i iieoiinro f ii, i.-imvi ...r-T.ii, .. ,,. ... IKI.'V llinriy a no mil, Mini i. iifg.iri.t, tit CRASH nt C'UftTAINS nt I'A IS I. fa) CLOTHS nt F, l'WMH.Y .V.irJ, '.I. A- 111 it.; (V.i..( ,Voir.i I 1,1 ,',,. , ,tJ' '. oif it, (Vi'..,..l, ': y j.i -A- limit, l.iitl ';.., It.'fk lirrt n, .('.;( tii ci'.., IV t .( S 1 I iar .....y...., A nP V-i.o I , . Vo ' Or.iii.rt. I 'sy Ki'Vtll'iirvlc, ..'flllO.. 18C3. Ifi03. rHir.APKi.riiiA .1 f.iuk railroad. ri!IIS (rrcnt line Imvci .1' n the Nnrlliern i.d X .orllmcctiirii countifi of IVnnv) lvu'ii.i to tlio city of k'rif, on I.iiko l'rio. It Iihh been ItiiKid by IliO '.'iifnyrnni'i liml rodi ('oii.y)iuiy, nud under their LU."pifi) ii l9 injf rHpiiliy (ipciiuJ thrniilioi.t iU ontiro l.'lh. It 1 1 now in ii.-o lor rui.f niror m.'l rrculit l.u iiuo. from lliirrisliur to A.'.ii.iri'iim (2il r'urk, JII5 uii'.uj) iyi the Kimtfrn Iiivirioti, ond from Shotliuid lu Krie. (78 miles) ou the Wontorn Ini."ion. i nm oj I nyr jr'OMMtr! ;.if.ornii. ; Ihtrk limit, I I JtfrA ExprcM Train leaves eii.lward 4 110 1. M. '':il" ''' i&ZZ7b '''. K.relrio iiuivoi wontwr4 1 52 M. Uy-k n rr.tt, Y,ll, Cur. run through witiioi t citANnn both wnyi ' SffslJr mi tlicco triiiiL between riiilndelpliin and Lock F'T ilycinj; Silk, t ...ilen mi l Mixcl (Iood.1, II a von, and between llnltiiuore aui Lock Haven. : SIihivIh, Scarf., !rf?.'?( KiLLon". tilorf, Klcpiint Plcopinjr Cir nccnnipnny tlio Exprci". ; Uuinii'tn, a, Ff Hthors. Kid (llovef, Train both wayr between Williuiii.port mid llulti- Chil lron'ii Clmliini;. and nil kinds uioro, and Williuui.Jlort and l'hi!ndelplii:i. j of Woiirinp Appiiml, rff,, .f c. For infomintlnn respecting l'nus. nccr bunineB f.tyA SA ' 1 X('i OK SH I'Klt CKXT."S9 0't.y at the S. E. Cor. 1 1th anil Market M.. , For 25 cent i ti.u nan color as msn; x"" ' And for Freight l)ii-iius of the Cnipnny'i would other cst U-e time. :hnt anion nt. ArciiIi", S. Ii. King.toD, jr., Cor. lSlh and Markd Variom . nn.L s can be produced from the mine i Dye. The proceiis is simple, nn.l uny one can u' the live with pcrfe f miccen". I IHiections in KnKlhh , French andflctma:, ' Inside of each piif kaye. For further information in Iiyeing, Hnd giving a perfect knowledge of what colors nro best ad ' apted to ilvo over otheri, (with many valuable recipes), purchase Howe A Stevens' Treatise on I'veinc anil Colnrinit. Pent by mail on reciiit HAHRISBURCi, Pa. nrrn I'jwer, Chest, Ciish. Ortend, Forre kt, Cleai field iSriil lt.i, V. i 11 i ii m s ' lirove, I.iilhcrsl.ur, Tronlville, JefliTMin Line, New Wasl.iiiyliin,' llurnide, I'nt.-liinvillf, Fust Itide, Kurd, Miiinrvey, W'c.-ti.ver, Clearriel.t, I'renchvillo, K.irtliaus. I I'urwensvi lie Curwe n.v ill c , Illooin, llopi:., ltraillord, Uniily, liurn.'iile, W. McCracken,' Th. A. M'Choe. ! i .Lb J. W. Campbell, IIOSIKRY H.L.IIoiidersonR HISONS .Tames Illooui, TRIM M I XOS .Tallies Forre.-t. () ftj kiH,8 & .us. r.. ii uison, H. II. Monro, at nt nt nt St'tisiilioti Scnsnlion Sptisnlion SiMifiitiiiii Sep sin ion J.l'll'OS I (irii-o priccH j I'l'icioi i iries nt MOSSOIVS', Sonmition SnnHHtion Son .nt ion nt Senmtion bosl, rUarllf Id, Covington, 'is., rlnl.ilulpnia ; J. W. ltevnohU' Eri.) J. M. Uri'll, Agent X. C. R. R. Ealtinnrej JI. 11. Hoi stom, (ieu'l Kri'iht A;;'t, 1'hila. Lkwi. L. llni'rT, lion'l Ticket AL''t, Phils. : Joe. D. Fotts, (ien'l Mnuager, Williiun.port. Jan. 21, 1SC8. THfiUjS IT STATES HOTEL ; Lle"tur, Ferguson. I Km, it irurd, lloshen, lira hum, Cuelicli, i. Huston, .(ird.in, K .in 'iuus, Knox, Morris, .. Ff nn, I'iko, I'nion. W'o'.dwBr.l, Thi. l'o I'lii lip.il.urjr, West l.'efiitur, Osceola Mills, Marrnn, Little Toby, Lefonte'. Mill', liald Hills, Fhawsvillo, (irnliain'oii, Hmilb's Mills, Madeira, Tyler, IVimfifld, A lisnlll llif, Halt Lick, New Mi'lpcrt, Kylerinwn, M orrisiliilc, Lumbfr Cily.J (iniiiipiun litis, Cunvensvillo, Lloiuiiinvil!e, Rof kt.,n, Jeffries, ( lias. M..ppv, John I'el.er in, .l is. (iiillalier, W. C. Irvin. Jack 1'atfliin, Jai'i.b lloicf, J. T'.'.f r, jr. Win. Mi ii.n vey, H. A. Fiirher. M. A. Frank, F. A. (Iiinliu. .I.F.W.Sflinaris T. W. Fleiiiiiift, ('(lltl" couiitv, S. Ila.l.b.i.'h'. T. F. Iloalich, I'M. Williams, J.is. McClellun, C. Mih'not, AVilliuin Cnrr, A. 11. f'lmw, T. ll.Forcce, A. (i. Fox, Chus. J. 1'nsey, liavil Tyler. II. Woodwanl, L'ia Chase, ll . Ilecknilorn, M.O.Slirlt, Jus. Thoinp.on, J. C. Luinicr. II. W. Spencer, A. C. Monro, T. W, Fletniiif,. F.cnj. F. Ibile, U.K. Iliubiiker, James L'.ckett, . in nny riiinti ty Alwnvnon hnnrl nt MOSSOrs'. CASSIMKRKS SA I' lT X F.'l'S ,TV Y.EM .1 1 A X S ; VKSTIXT.S siiiurixd.s nt Si'iiMiliun inices B. K'.'llilltioil .lil"l!3 lit Si'tin.it ion j.i iros nt Si'iis.itinn j.riot.'a j nt Sen-iii ion I't icos , at SensMtion jirirt'S liiii..' .... 1 run world, lNKfRIVfl FISR TKKTII AND A SWKF.T BIIEATH, AMI crniNO toothache and nki:hai.ota. Io you wish to be blessed with and admired for 1'kiki.v Whits and Sound TLFTII ? I'se lr. IV in. II. Iliird'i rnrlvnllcd Tnoth l'uwdi'r. wnriaiited free from nc'nl, nlknli.or any ncr injurious stil.slnni'o. I'rico, J.i cents per mil. I.l'ii-os ' T. T llcwnre ol tlio ordinary cheap Tooth I'ow , der. which whiten but destroy. I I)o you wish to b certain Mint your BULATII is pure, sweet, mid nzrcnl.!" to husband or wife, ' lover or friends? I' so IT. llunl's Cl-lolirati'd , Mouth Wnsh. Prion B7 cents per boltle. This nstrincent wash i also tlicbo't remedy in tlio world for Canker, Had llreiith, l'leidini; (linns, Snro M.iuth, eto. It has cured hundreds Carpet A Oil CliZ i HOC HltlES jirii'M prtPf Fish. Bnfn . L Mack.nd in 1 i j oftho let quality, all i.f whi.h .iiuVS tha lowest cash or ready pay pricP "''l My old friends nnd the nihli0 '..'. respectfully invited tn call. ""'Mlj,, nil lli.oill. ClenrBelil, Juno 2d 186.1 II. All kinds offf4v,. hci.p I'm tbl. ?. iRVrt 'nit die; A cm; ? Drops. -pjKMIthS tu nifnim hi, i,d fri ' IF t iner. thnt. Iivn pnl,..4 i- " increased hi. fn.'ilil i. f for nianiir,,.'.L Do you, or your children suiUr from TOOTH- now propiirt-l tn luikc to oi.ler furnim,, ll.., lie. lln.'.l'u M.-lf I ....1 M 111 11 1. .Tit,-. ., in K'.J S.ViJflliJ ml .1 I'rico lo emits per 1. nit If. ..... ..mi. .i.i vi' till ill n.i "'"' ivoo at sciiHatinn CI.OTIIIXO suck ns i.Vnn, I'nnts, Vf'SlH, I'niU'i' Shirts, FIiiiiiipI Shirts, ISfiots, SlirioR, Hats pd'I Cni's, ! Sow for snle at Mi).SOrS. i II A R I) W A R ! ut MU.YiJS . ,lr. Win. 1! lliinl'w Neuralyla IMnslils 1 Tho most clVt'clive nud d.iliirhlfiil n medy known,! ! f ir pains in the face, chest, chouldors, back, or ar.y purl of the body. I pricoe 1 do not adhere nor blister, I'Ut so.. tlio ami ' jeharm pain nwny. Try them. Price, 14 and 'cents. Mailed on reruint of p-iee. ' 4'a.sll. JI,. mostlv has on L.,,,1 .. VJ T i:ns, a van-. I .. s.,rluu,,i ,. n.. , ' Furniliire. ninnnr? utiitliari t Ollice will do for Chest township. j! Will iinswcr f ir Ferguson town.hip. -10 cents. C0 ERLY i II U rCII I.SOX, Proprietort. rrilllS Hotel. o well known to th traveling i I public of Clearfieli county, is now in a eor- . itition to afford tho most cxeollont accommodation ! cither for the transient guest or the permanent : boarder. j The "United Slates" has now all the eonven-1 lonces of J A FIRST CLASS' HO TEL, ! and tho Proprietors aro determined to spare neith- I er expense, time nor labor to ensure tho comfort of the guests. Tho patronage oftho travoling publio is respectfully solicited. J'yl, '63, y. i Mnnufiitur.! by HHWK it- STF.VF.NS, 2i', llroadway. Hi slon. For .ale hy Iriif;il. and Dealer) genernlly. September 2:1J. ISt'i.1. NEW FIRIY1. HARTSWICIv & HUSTON DRUG3ISTS. MARKET Street CLKAIIFIELD I'A. CirjpIhaiQs (Doairt SjiIa IF VALUABLE RKAL LSTATli ""JY virtue of nil rrdor of tho Crphans' Court J.J of Clearfield county, tho undersigned: Ad- miniatrntor of tho estate of THOMAS WOOD, late of Chest township, county aforesaid, deceit"- , od, will sell at PliULIC .SALE, nt . New WaKliiiifftnn, on Thursday Ihe "illh day ul' llcccmbci', Im,;i, i at 1 o'clock, p.m., tho following desetibed v.iliui klo HEAL ESTATE, to wit : All thai certain tract of land .itualo in Chest township, Clearfield county, hounded and described a. follows : On tho touth by David llenton'a survey, on the west by lands now of A. II. Shaw, on tho north by lnnds of McGirk and Wilsons' estates, and on the east bye mnrked line, containing about J 300 Acres, ' woro or loss, hnvlnj; a two story Frame House and l.op Stable thereon erected, with about ocrcB cleared. i TI'.IOM ; Ono fcurth Cash at alo ; ono- j fourth at the confirmation of tho same, nnd the r uaindor in two equal annual payments, with in terest, to bo secured upon the premise, by bond nod mortgage, 1 J03. II. TJRET1I. Adm'r i Nov. 15, JSiSS. of Tbos. Woods, dee'd. ' ilionai Hotel, MAINE STREET, CVRWENSV1LLE, TA., ' WJT A. MASON, Proprietor- j riTHIS 1 .1. - estnhlishod and well known 110 I TEL, situated in the west end of tho town, has been ii'inoddlcd, enlarged and improved, nnd the pr.'p'iit .r respectfully announces, tn hi. nu merous In. u l-, and to tho travelling public, that he is now p.. pared to accommodate all who nmy favor him w iih a rail. Ample, sule and comfortable stahlinjr is nt- tached to f e premises will always bt on hand. ! KEEP cmiftantlij on hand a large, and and inll srlcrtcd ttnrl; of I) I! E(!S and CIEMICA LS PAl. rS OILS A XI) VARXISIl i IT.HFl MF.RY Trtil.F.T ARTICLKR. Tilt' "UKrUULlCAN." Term. t MutiHcriptioii. If paid In advance, or within three months, $1 2b If paid nny time within tho year, - - - 1 SO if paid after the expiration of the year, - 2 00 omcH ON H A R k KT STIIKKT, Ct.R A R KI Kl. 0, rr.KS'.V. u. n. (iooni.ANKKH, & co rulilisliors, I eticli tin Sftivs.nnilsi j Korku, Knives, ISj.ikos, HingRS, I as Wino, ISrnn.ly, Hi n, V h iskey, ( Cy n.M etc., etc., J ; I- H I I , Huvti an I'l'iines, Raisins, Figs, Fill.i't't.s, Ac, ! IC.nOC.T.RlKS. fny ; F 1 o u r, 1 1 x SliotihU-n, Stifnr, Molns.s.'S, Cull.-u, ; '!Vn, Crackers, Spices, CkihIIos, : i oal t ii!, etc., He nt fonsation I For sale at all the best stores throughout tho SOFAS i country. i Cirrt'it. As there are dealers who take ad J vantna of our advertisements to imp .se upon their customers inferior preparations, it is neces JM ices ary to insist upon lni inij w hat you cull for, and . VOti will ukt TIIK r.KsT, thoroiiL'l) !y tested, nnd prepared by an experienced and .eisntilie Den nt MO.SSOPS'. j tint, Treasurer of the New York State Dentist's Of every ilcsci ipti. n on hind nt sensation rr'crR nt nennticin prices nt MOor.S'. nt mi. a: iiin prices .Many, nt MOSSOFS', Term, of Ad vcrtUIn. Advertisements are inserted in the Republican at the following rales: 1 Insertion. Ono square, ( 10 linos,) $ 50 Two smiares, (20 lines,) 100 Three square., (30 lines.) 1 60 i mouth. "Ino Square, Two squares, : : Three squares, Four squares, : 'lalf acnlutnn,; Ono column, $2 50 4 lit) : 5 00 no : 8 00 14 00 2 do. $ 75 1 50 2 00 A ino's. $1 00 8 00 8 on 10 00 12 00 20 00 Hl.AtMXO nt jeiii-atinn price. UOl'KS nt sensation j. rices r)W' PF.lt nt pentad. mi prices 1 1 o 1 nt c tisni inn prices I. HAD ut sons.ition price CATS nt sensation prices At the. More of RICHARD MOSSOI'. ' MO.SSOP Alnnya heeps n linnI lull nssot Inient of nil kimls of unmU i coiiireil S do. . (or Hie ncconimoiJiition of Ihe piil.hc. Association nnd Vice President of tho Nw York City Dental Society, I Address ; WM. It. H CRD A CO., Tribuue EuiMinyij J.f Vork. j Jan. 21, lSSit. i liitli in Jltireaus iind Sitlc-Uoam'. Wardrobes nn I I;i,,'k "uses : Centre, llreakrast nnd .lining Extend Ccramon. French Post, cottanL. Lind and other Knrl(t..t VHMvtt, FAS t-r nil K IX LiS, V.'OKK-STix,. IIAT-UACKS, V ASH -STANDS if Uockmg ami Arm Chair?, Spring Sent, C.ne-Hot nu nnd Pirlo, (v nud Common a 1 1 other Chnin, LOO K I X U . G 1. A USES iinfc f 1 00 1 uu . 2 50 12 mo I V 00 : 10 001 12 00 14 00 18 00 115 00', Nov. 13, 1 S6J. CLANK?, BOOKS AND STATIONARY. TOBACCO & SUGARS. And a general assortment of TAEI A TIES ami Fancy ARTICLES. We respectfully invito a sail, f.elinaf coufl dent that wo enn supply the wants of all, on terms to their satisfaction. HARTSWICK .1 IirSTOX. Clearfldd April 27th 1803. tf GREAT ATTRACTION ! Not Defeated! Over throe weeks and less than three moath25 cents per square for cash Insertion. Iliisicesi netices not excluding Kline, are in sjrted for 12 n yetr. Advcrtisraiints net marred with tlie nmnher of nmrtions dosirod, rrill ha retinue! until forbid and charged accordicg to thso term.. W A LT K It J A Ii RETT, Attorney nt I.nw. HAVINit resigned his couunisHion in tho nr my, and resumed the practice of Law, tuny be consulted on professional business at his office on Fecond street, Clearfield, Pu. AH business promptly attended to. Feb. 11, 'Oil. II. W. SMITH it CO'. " MKHC'II A NTM, and dealers In Dry (londs, tiroceries. Hardware, Qnccnpwaro, nnd even thin usually keyt by tho trnde. Store on SECOND Street, below Judjfo Leonard'., oppo site tho Presbyterian Church, Clearfield Pa. Doc. 4, ISfil. GREATEST BATTLK ON RECORD! 15,000 Killed nnd Wounded, and 30,""" taken Prisoners! 70,000 Contraband, freed from the j SnnhilUl Itnb 0 1 1 1 C f 1 0 It tt MM OF SLAVERY ! ! D. A. J IMF. T. LKOSIRD WM, A. WAl.LACn. A. risn.T. c. rissir. 1 LEONARD, FINNEY & Co. C L i: A R F I K L D, CLEA RFIh'l.D COf'ATI', PA. Mt.t.s or exca isiik.sotss Asnr.nArT. ntsrounTrn is i ts m :r i :i - k n. r. t' r 1.1 I ,r ,, j '-u ,i " oo Ktveu ttt Krutii-ri siorn. Cfuiohon! iiifl.v an. I rrftds primpl! rfiatud t 6 .vu.in. VY'fVit ijiiiiiiiii on itiv v.i.i i. li.in in ii 11 y o i hand. T-jcT-Otlico on Second St., nenr'y opposite Ihe COl'KT IIOUSK. THE subscriber having returned from the city is just now opening up ono of tho Largest and inort carefully selected Assortments of FALL & WINTER GOODS ever cflVred to tho Rood people t f Curwensvill I ILj TSVltlh, IPOlhTmiTP? lEi It 1 o ittirl ita vininirr nn, uliinli Iia tvill null at Irnirf '. ' " ' V , v. ...v hv ... rv.. ....... . . . r.y -i mm K II II . Ii U I II Ii 11 IJ U II Ik u JOSEPH K. Al'iMUliRAY A A' 1) It E A L E R IS L I New Washington, Clcnrficlil County, Tn July 1st 18G3.-tf .1 li E H rule, thnn any house in the county CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES. fugnr from 13 to 15 cent, per lb. Pert Syrup nt S7 cents per gal. And all other groceries st the same rates. CLEARFIELD COUNTV. TA. IVF.r.Y mnn thnt ha. read any thing of (he J past history ol this W'AH must tinaliy come j to tho conclusion lliat the I'onfed.T.ito (iovem ) mcnt would bo broken down. It wa. only a qnej. j lion of timo. Put now wc hnvo 'he above tilori-' : mis foul-stirring new. to cheer us up ; and the 1 only drnw-bnckto our joy nmt glorification i. the, imminent danger of tho Contraband, coming' I North to "eat out our substance," and to wear on t! I ISIir hIIOP ! lt.lt f.T n,,n I i , r ll,.r.,.l f C - - -'. " pu.'i'.u ... v i-ii r- I let 1 county inny he nssured, nnd thnt is, that FKANK SHOUT for short culled .SViow-cc-is ' felling It.iots. i; shoes ns cheap ns nny other , man in the county; nn.l if yon don't believe it, i just givo him a call on court-week, or at any other timo, nnd see for yourselves, lie would just r-! mind the public that his shop is now on Market street, in Shnw's Row whero you will find him ' just as .SW ns usual if not a litllo ihm it r of 1 Cash than ho wml.l liko to I.e. t trr.ni'. r. fnislies l.ftti.r. easinr on tools, and All kinds ol work on bands and mndo tn order j ie.uires leu time in drying than any other pro on short notice, nnd as well mado, and ns good fits; cess known and drying 1 inch lumber perfectly a. can l.e"skeerod" up hero or elsewhere. ' in oft hours, and better lhan many months under fe-'fuDnn't forget tho tdinp on Market slre-t, i tho old system using tho smno amount of fuel in Shnw'f Kow, directly opposite liev. H, B. ! yer dsv that a coomm. n kiln eonsumes. Tho cer- swoopc s office. F. JIIOKT. I tiliea'.'s of a number of resident mechanics, well Down in this community, is nm ly sutlici nt to cm ires tlio nmsl skeptical of it. practical utility. Tcrsons diihirons of puichnsing rights will .ddress JOJ1.N L. CtriLK, on r and ,- ana r... ..i i r-.. i.:..i. . ;n i ..... .....i.-.-r, ...... ii r iii oc pu lQnft ry reasoii.-il.l.- iciuzs on short noiiti. lie also keeps on Inm,', r fiirnithnui, der, Hair. Corn-llntk, liainai Cotton top Mnttressei. COFFINS, of cvrry kind, Mado lo o-iler, and finiers's H'tendei 4 11 :nnie, -vhenevor dtirii. t Also, House I'nlutlndunivijuj,, Tho nil seriber also manafo. turn uj . constantly en bund, 1 ( Clement's Patent Washing; Ma: The bc.t now in use. Those 'ising this never need bo without clean eluthei! On joTix" j,' "rrlir"7 Attorney at l aw and Heal F.siiliiH CLEA UF1 l!LI, I'E.NN'A. P O'irron .l.r,,-.,. UppcH; fa U I ErECTFl LLV viU-n hi, , rriroij -TV innnd buying lands in CfjrltMnJ, joining eo unties ; and ivilh nn rii...riw. I twenty years at a Surveyor, tUtUri biuif h can reniLr iati.-f,icli..n. Aoi j O I fc r s l or Sale ' j IO(tO acre, ofeonl .nil limber I h r'aril lieeatur town. hip. Clear Held eiiin, tin j suit pun hasers, located near (hp Tm,, j Clearfield Kail road, i 2IHIO acres Y first rato farm imiliaVi in liell township, Clearfield county, ritutintj , water, uf Curry's Hun. i I ItiVJ ui res in two lots, on ul 1I2J u4'.iii ,erof ill acres, suitable for Farming prpwu, . unto in Highland township, Eik eouniy. &Sl..O'uerl wurranico deeds for all Iktdl : nds. n, 'im . 'IIir subscriber respectfully nn.iuicul 1 X, c'tiiens of Clenrlisld nnd ririnili til .n..w prepared tn su rlv the Very he.t qu K'OAI, at the shuiu.'l notice. Tin imapt !is disigned to be permanent, and ifillfl j will always I.e kept on liutnl. j ; PltlCE .' I'tlits it the Usui. 1 rents deliverej. I I .fliVFnr the n ,biic ceuronien.'e, P.-ifl -Oin. aoio siaoung ,s a.- rl C, I ft. l.V.,.i:....., .mil trusty attendaut. liuui.", cnurs mm oiiui; a iimmn . Charge, moderate. Foh. 12. 182..tf. .... - .. Ladle, who wish to innko a good investment should call and examine the assortment of WILLIAM SCDVEM, PrrutoT Mny 19, 1863. ly. CYRENirS HOWE. Justice of the Peach. For HrrATi.'n Township, will promptly nttend to nil busine,,. entruited to iii i stiffijik urn j n win OI illl KlIKl!5,', 11 1'iA I 1. 1 1 i A I . hi. care. P. O. Address, Philipsburg Pa. Flyer's Patent Churn, S this Chnrn Aug. 21st isr.i A mperior nn -le. A family never need be without butter ! where they will find the very latest, best and Tor approved country produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, I.inwond and other Lumber suitnblo for Cabinet work, taken in ifxchnnge for fu:niture, r-it'ltomeinber tho simp i on Market street, Clenrfleld, Pa., and nearly wpposito the "Old Jew Etors'" JOHN (JUL1CII. I Nov. 21,1 Sfii.-y J)Il. M. WOODS, PRACTICING Physician, and Examining Sur geon for Pensions. Office Southwest corner All tho above and many other article, nre far- n-n.i r,..i.;n.ui. ......m. r Second and Cherry streets, Clearfield. Pa. nt.hed to customers cheap for Cash or exrhnnged FRENCH MERINOS, DEL A I NS, SI LKS, ' . Jannnry 21, 1SS3, Ty. ALPACAS, PLAIDS, Jcc. DR. J. W. POTTER. yv-Kye, Outs, Corn. rish. Unoon, c , d c., .old nt the lowest price, for cash, or exchangod for Country produce. T. D. THOMPSON. Curwensrille, September, 2'l, ISO". NOTICH fc CAIJTlOXTho public are hereby cautioned nitainst buying or taking nn assignment of n note for $75, dnted .nmctinie in June last, pay alio in April 1SHI, given by me to David Aakoy, of Krndlord township, as 1 did not reooivo valuo Iherofor, and will not p.y it unless compelled by duo course of Inw. JACOB OEARHART. flrahntn twp., Nov. 11, 'ti. MOUNT VERNON IIOUSK, Second Street, above Arch, nilLADEM'II IA. Farm for Sale. 'PrHt fubscribor residing in Covington town- ship, now offers his valuable farm for tale on renionalle tormf. It is locntad cn tho Clearfield i . - . r tn..A . -n r ronu, nnu coiiiniu. coi nvivn vi iniiu , i v ui . - . , . which is clenrod, with n two story house, fuitubla 01 ac for n hotol, wngonmaker thop, and other out buildings', a young bearing orchard, and a well i of excellent water at the door. A Coal Rank la opened on tho farm with rein of coal 6 feet thick. ,wfl-For terms and particulate nddrfii the nndorslgned at Frcnchvillo P. 0. Clearfield co. Oot. 2s, 1863. L. BRUNWELL. A. I'. Hl.Ain. I'roprletor. (Lato of the "Surf House," Atlantic City.) Rept. 23, IS:i-l y. TIIUMtM jrMXl!M.or(;H, Attorney at Law. . Offieo adjoining the Bank, formerly oceuplod hy J D. McSnally, Esq., Market ftrect, Clearfield, n n in ntionu promptly to tollections, Sale Doo. 17, '62. I'liyslrlan and Surpeon, ha. permanenlly locntid at Frcnchville, Covington township, off trs hi. professional service, to the surrounding community. May 8, 1S61. i .1 . V. " K iVa t" zlf r7 MIMIC HAN'T, nd doaler in Board, and Shingles; (Jrain and Trorlnce. FRONT Street above the Academy ClenrOe.d Ta., j Dec. 4, 18f. 1 . W. TnnMrSOV. JAS. T,. WATSON. fpTIOMPSON A WATSON, Dealer, in Timber, I I 1. Saw-Logs, Hoard, and Shingles, Mnrysvillc, i (Clearfield Bridge P, 0.,) Clearfield county. P. Aug. 19, ISfi.i. Matt, in In. P.ulklcy's Piilent. I.unilur Dried by Superlirated Steam. flHC ur.l 'rsigne-l respectfully informs Ihe peo- pid of Ch'urii.il.l and the s. i joining counties that he has tho ne"cy of the iihovo Patent, and will fell Individual, County and Township rights for its use. The Lumber dried by this process is Clearfield, Juno 11, ISM, Hoots! i ANIEL CONNELLY bigs leave to inform :;is friends, nn.l tho ciiirons of CIMii fi"ld and vicinity genernlly, that ho has taken the shop lately occupied by i-Jeorge Ni-ivson, in Shaw'. Bow, whero he intends to I.e icady nt all times to wait upon thoso who nay favor i.i in ivilh their CllPt'llll. Me will gunrniitco his work to bo as well exo cutcd ns cnr. he ma. la elsewhere, nnd nt quite ns rensonablo prices, lie is bound to win the good opinion of nil who walk in shoe-K'iither whether mnlo or female and all he asks ii a fnir trial. Clenrfield, July F, 18C3 y July 1, 1SC3. For Clearfield, Pa. (.'otu'lwnakin and Rlneksmitlislinp, together with tho neoc.snry wiit'T power fir snw- g. all in good condition, for tale st a bargain. The above property is shunted in the borough of Curwrnsville, and possess., all the advantage, necessary f,r conducting each of the a';ove branches of business with mperior facilities. For further information apply to 11KNRY KF.LNS. Cnrwensville, Aug. 19, 'C3-tf. For Safc.i TIP FIT f it w itii'j flON, entirely new, well painted and finished, nnd suhslintial in overr particular. For sale at a btrgnin. C. L. UARKKTT. tiearfield, Pa. April 15, If. o. m;sn. t. .i. m'rrt.LouQU. HUSH A AL'CULLOUGII, Collection Ollice, Are just own ing n fp'cndid lot of the most enrefully selected ; ever lirnuj;ht to tho place which they offer to their customers, mid the public generally, at the I very lowest figure the market, will afford, June 10, lf63' Ckiufield, April S, Wl. V.i lu:i l)!c Timber Luidani SAW-MILI, TEOPEETT ; fjllll.'s fme property is situnta infiirirlj 1 . io, Cieaifii'lil county, P. wis about I .TOO aires of Land, trirtfrl and pans of tracts Nos. i.'11'..'i nnd 5MI. 1 land- nrn yet heavily TIM l'.KKE'.illM lily of PINK, AK snd HEMLOCK. 1 A fc'l'EAM SAW-MILL 1 In conipletn running order, capab'.i ' llui e .Million I rt-t of lioaidi pit v. ith nil iho M'cessnry minis, railroads A putting stock to tho mill; one l.rgs House, six tenant houses, stors b'inn.1 llnuso, three burns, a hlneksinitbiHf, necessary outl.uili.ings ore up.n There aro ubout 70 acres cleared iui good fence, and a Plank lioud towiri 4 tor getting lumber to market. This valuu; lo properly is titiiate f Creek, about i miles from the rirsr,' nlsrly known as tho Frenchville Steam-Hill Pre?1!' nnd i. now offered nt PRIVATE iA re.isonablo terms. All kinds of' ciui be iafely uml economically ttfiW1 from the point indicated. a O-Application can bo mnd t"!'5 undersigned residing at Ch-artell. I county, Pa., cither personally or kj JAS. T. LEO ; i Sept. 9. 1.-63. 1VM.A. New Jersey Lands for &t i ALSO, .'LiGJiuriaoia a- Frait Jj berries, Strawberries, Illnckberne ' fc, of i, : JkJP'In G raii ah's NiH' liiii.Di.so. Feb. 5, '02. Wool Wool. rfi Hon rUXF,!of WOOL wanted OU.UUVJ for which the higheit market price will le paid by. J. P. KRATZER. Cloarnold, May 13, 1863. VVll.l.lAM A. IVALLACF. T EVER FLEflAL, Jnstlc oftho Tesce, Lu. QTOVE PIPKFor tale at th cheap itoro I Jj thereburg, Clearlleld county I'a,, will attend 1701 jonn u, XBoncaoa, In CurwonaviHe, at IS cents par ptmad. promptly to all buiinesa cnlrusCed to Ml cr. Not. II, 13$. 1 liutheNbmj, April 4, IBfll. Jus. McMurray. UEALFrtS IN Dry Goods, (Jroccrics Lumber, 5x., Butnsido, I'a Deo. 24, 1862. WTW. 8 II AW, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. HAS permanently located at Shaw.vllle, Pa. whero bo respectfully aolicita a .bar of publio patronage. May 27, 1863,-y DANIEL GOODLANDERj JUSTICIi of the peace Luthorsburg, Clesrflold Co, Pa., will attend ptoniptly to all buslnoaa entrusted tore.wrjq fnrch 2, 1800. Vy, pd. WALLA03S & JHIALL, Attorneys at Law. CLEARFIELD. PA. i t . rt . . 0.1 nih. .1 1-' J, .-, 1 or ... ----- , ing j ricet fur the present, vii : 10 acre, for J 1 10, b acres fur . $40, 1 aero for $29. Payable X'! Also, goml Crntiberry linns, ""''", rn i-i vi iiin '. ,v I no fset. at " Ci.k-AnrmLii, TaJ Wool and Flax Spinning Wheels. Wob'y one dollar a week. Jf A ll ll. I I. II, .Manufactured and kept on ' ' t- , n en.nty NewJ"J ' lnnds by the undersigned, who invite, tho tcw.iship, I..irl..i Eliin cn'. p. ft : pooplo of Clenrfield coun ty to embrace Ihe oppor- m thtT "'""o110"! PP'Jr tnnity now offered tn secure ono of the.o superior , f"r " elrcul,ir' 10 PRANKIIS CU!? ! Machine.. They will be sold chenp C.h nt cn r V', Turk,' ' r,f.M r.ll.ni, niv u..i. e... mi. No. SO Cedar streei, n I WM P niAMiiK-p Jan. l , io.. iy. I May 6,1 863. y jrntN G. DA LI . J. CRAKS. WAI.TRR BARRET. I CUANS and BAKKET, Attorney, at l.iw, May 3, '63. . CLRAr.riBLn, ri, Shaving and Ilalr llrcssing. New Watch and Jewelry Stm Sii . in j EREMIAH NORIUS respecting announce. , " otaVIJ ww to ni. tru.n.ia .r i'i..nu .1 ... w" ha ha. returned to hi. old .land, nnd ia well pre-; 'hem on t tr ill l. having pn1 interest of his Into partner, V'(J hook in the anop "r f.;.i1 Second street, hf M H .9 a c"iur-- w. M. M tur I.OIIGH. ATTon-.tr Law, Cloarfij I, Pa. OfEce with L. Crans, Esq,, on Secnn i treoU March 28, 1862, If. j I) 0BERT J. WALLACE, Attorriy at Law XV Clonrlield, P., Offioo In Skaw'i Row, of i GOODS oaiio tat tiwroat ouroe. dee. 1, t8S8.-tf ) pared to render th. most perfect .aii.fncUon to all ' 0 "P,1" rrin ust'd to hi t , Who may dc.ire hi. professional service.. '7 tllZ Ji !t J. Clearfield. A,ril 9, '62. ,1;0' ,,ho fcMln"2mBJ " ' 1 ' ouahlo terms. Defying iu ? Ufl-' WANTED-A large lot ot1) DS at the Cheap Store of J7. B-The Cash will J,KI"'alH Curwenrville, ?ept IB, !(), JOHS D. XHOMraOW. . a. J.11..m1. I Wnn ut wor ia "U'T'- . CfiarfleM, March , f' J