car . .- Ik (fhrfidJ Virj;eHir;in. a.. I FA I! I I FEW, PA. WedarsJay Morning. Dec ICth. 1863 I THE MESSAGE. Mich of our sjnc( is ocruj.ii'J with jtlio third annual message of " I.rosiiKiit jj.if.eoln, fm.l tlio (xtraonliiuuT 1'ioe- J t l , - . .... , i lilinill idii iljiptliili'il llifl'i'lu, nH II l.y 'way of,,;sts.-ril,t,or A.i.totl.oin.'sxu-c. lit .1 . n i itivoniv jiortion r tlio tiii'iiic tliut is dl" siicci.'il inlej'i'ht (o Ihe uh. lie, !H (O in.' foilll'l ill 1 ll 0 rplllHrliS rrll- . , i , i . . , tuig Lj Hurt .roeliunatioii, xuU lo the JiVfH.laniMlioil itsnlf. ' ailV IHTSOIl, .... i afUT jicrtntin (liiri looum'nt,t'an Uu,o to S00 l in r. i( ion frimliiMl lU I'liinii reflorciJ, ujion the terms and jilans jii-djmjmjiI, tlicy have i:t'rtiiii,ly livi'il to lourn Imt little of human na turo. Vo helievi' that tho priwi-rs ami re huiirci'S of tho ri'lx lliu. arc just riiirroiiiidi'.i with morn diflii-tiltii'M and jit ijilexitii's, than they over More bo-1 ture. AVo boliove that tho ltojicsof the n'-ojiloofl'it! South ol'ainimj their iiiii'-oe iKieiii e, v ithin anv reasoiiali e ,t. jicriod, are lainter now than at any 1' ii'tni'l- time. I'elioviiin; this to he their onlitiin, we nlr.o believe that thons ini U of those who are now arrayed M;:iiiist us in deadly hostility, would 'jjladiy eiiihraeo the ojijioi'tunity to re 1 irn to their nlieiaiife, it' the condi tions offered were Mich as a high-spir- i'.ed iK-oiile such sx oeotilo as the i'othei t,C tlio soi of the sires of Se- M'lity-Six ought to bo, could accept. Aro the conditions olfercd in this . l'roelainalioii of such a character' iy no means. Will these terms be accooted by the rebels now in iirine ? Not by a man oftlirm. W ill it slrcncihin the hands of tlit 1'nioii men m tho South ? nion men in mo .ouin: .mi ne , ciui.-e it lontii iiis w hat tlio insti of the rebellion have always si gators ll'Oil, that tin) jiurjiutc of tho war, fnm ihi, l(juYtiry, wfis tho aniiibilatiun , hlavery. M'ill it nthUtrength ton liitiniate! ; Vnion sftitimoiit in the North ? No i il . : .1........ i,. 41... oi .... J ..-.l.nini: r., , iw on , i not - )v that the Union cannot bo thus res- S " , , , ., , . , . . lored, but that the freeing and ttin.irjr loose of three or four iniliions of de- t n'lldellt negroes would entail untold Tiu'series ujion tliein, ruin whito labor,1 :ind destroy s:cictv. . r... .' . . - . . ,,, , : fterms that cannot an,l which he must 1 nave Known wouiu not, no aecciou : , Js ho mocking at the terrible calamity ; whit h, if he did not cause, lie at -least :; bud the power to avert ' oos he, or iloes ho not, want tho Union as it was, ; restored '! lJoea be, or docs ho not, want tlio war stop'tod '! lias be not 'demonstrated that although be may Dec, o, iMi3-;it. pd. ciak ol o. c. I ,lovc tlia Union inuel,, be loves Aboli- Estate cf i hilip Erliard, deceased. " ! vU.iti'.iti more? . ICr.KAK FIELD COUNTY, SS: i : lliesi' aro the groat questions UJ'KIVCK tho matter of the cslato of Philip Erhar.1.1, ', Whii'ht'e pl.'OJilo U1V lO reflecl .'Hill JL deceased, the nppraisetnent of t!. Heal Lst'te' '..jet jot said deceased, set out lo the widow on her ... , . , j cluiiu of t-'iuo, was, on the 2 -th day of September, N O htlVO 110 space to pursue tne S'.lb- lM,;ti ri,nil tl,l confirnad AV. i." and tho Court , JCCl i'n?'( hoi", but lT-fel" Ol'.r rcailet'S to 1 ordered that tho same hi published In o,in nev-j '!! d'le.tnneiit itself, when they t-an ' l"'- ,M ""'J' ':'y'"a all per-.-ons inter-, answer all ttiei'.i bst. thesie oiieslions as suits T'1"11""" 1,1 "i'- i - 1 I- Mi. sky Lost. Wo regret to learn ; ' tiiat Mr. A. U. Flannegan, doing luisi-' .',.,', i ItCSS for II. Mossop, 111 this place, liad U-ti i i . l , ... ... 11 ,,e ,,,.. r,,. io id luck U losea roll of mone), on 'rillirsdilV morning last, aillOlinlillg to - . ' , ,. '. . ; lad Ol' S.'UU. It WUti in bis pceket, i,i',Mi'ii'nlni'i. in hutnif iL'iinsiiteil nml , !',. . ..... , j is suj'posed to have droj ped out and c. 1 1 . r . . 11 , I . 1 . -iunen lino iian is. ! AsiiTiini Aii film 1 no W'n ni'ii . , . . 'iii. JnloriiH'tl that our lnend II. LlVcrgood, of Goshen township also lost bo nit- ''" .... .. I ,10 .)0, in mis place, last Alonday Hlgbt, "jn some unaccountable manner. lj, Auolitiomsm Win Mm. Tyng, epoeeli tit the bite nco'io ineeiing 'Cooper Institute, Noiv Yoik, aaid : l.ii tho i " In nil Iho.sC itlulilK's tlmt aJorn tho man and iliivify tlio avonnm, the blaek "Iininund bluok womun sliino ns exulted .- an. L-lnriiii- ii ami white won or u-fote tro-l ci in the land. IA)l!lll-e.J llie IIIMO lias cotno .hen wo n,o to Dike hem onr' dully by tlio linn I nml soy of every ono of T tliein, "It U "'.V lirutler, it is my n.tltr,it t.? my J i v-ri'i-.n." The Very ri"ht tlmt I have ! lie ahull lmve ; the verv eluitna 1 limko for luypeii l win mane lur mm ; inu resjeri i l.di'iiiniel ho hIiiiII receive ; the counte will tnynolf extend to - nanoo 1 reipiire I ' him. Gifts! Gifts!! C. II A H. . Siinu Lave ale fino .Turkish mon.eca tiav.diiie bu.g for liidien:1 1 's0 l.a-kta. wl.iol. ll-.,., tc H, " . .. " " Diiti.'o ,.f ik.,. i.,.. ...t i.:..- autstant ... - . . . . girta fur the approaching hole v 6 Mtllltll I -m the imii .,. mtJ.-I i, in I h" l.iv l' lie. A It. II. i. M'. .1 in"' v' ' ' 1 1:' ri. f . r , . , r t.ititi-f. fl.'tiil.. !. " i. t,. In , mi Mi iy Jm,0 ulu'.w, l I'. II , t I'll l ii.i com t v. l'Oli SAI.K. A (.'mil uvu iiorti.: tyauox " ill ho J l .io nnd. rsigucd, u im i f j the tii.,. r'fcit- ''' ti rn.i-. 1 1 . I,. 1(1 I'll I Co. l.lcuili.'ld, Inc. lii, lu3. (io and lln: New fion.U at J. K. WATSOX'S, NarysviUe, Clearfield county. Penna. c Ill LAP b.r CAH1 or c bunged for T iinbsr, ll .iir,l-, ! sliin. ivii. Ii. WAT-OX lie. Ifi, 'fi.l. II. J AH. A'lTKN'J'IOX, FAllMKHS! MERRELL & EI6LEP, .1 ... , . , . . . ' lullr -1 i-ii -! i . imvn i ,r mio a lo . ''l)ll'i:ii m'f'JTI-:ilS SIII'IlKllli llioj will vll chenp fur Doc Id, ISflJ. V. "1A.MU to the iirtmiiKC. nf ll.o huWHW in J I.nrence t . w ) i f . uliout llio 1st nf July j,,,,, a ukd HEIFFKK. wiih a wi iu-ric, ,.,. I'"j lo riiiifr two venrn uM. Tho wnur will roiim f.irwurrl mid in v iiriif.ei'tv, tmy clincci"', Ae.,therwim., b will k ii-i ..f' ti. inw JUll.N lillLl.U. Dec. In, lStiJ-id. C AI'T'OVTlie" urn Ik rc'iy en n tinned ir;.'ninst buy in e or tnhini; nn nenintneiit of a certiiin note fnr f 75, il.iteil on nr I limit the 2Stli dny of Nnvi'iiilior lirst, pnvalilo in tn weeki tliiTfut'ier, piven bv mo In Jnine" Zeigler, of rini'ly tmvnsbip, in (.'lenrfioM county, I'a., in I iliil not rereh'o vhIiio theriifnr a;.il will nut pay ll unless couponed li v one eour.e nt litw. J'EEIl lirfll KNFELTEU. Uradv tnwnbip, I Dor. Ill, isn.l-p;l. dec In. NIX T O M'K.VV SI I'.l'ltS came to (ho prom- of tli under-Mimed in Knex tnwitfthip. Clearfield county, Pa., about tlio middle of Nov. luet, ono red btucr willi funis wliite on tho buck, and horns about two ince long, Mtppuned to b three yearn old; tlio other red mid whito, with white atriprs oyer the ahotiMeri", with large ho nm, auppo;ed to be two yean old prist. The owner or owner are requested to como and prove their property, pay chargca, Ao., or tlicy will bo mid a." the law direct.". Hoc. . isfi.1. PltirE A. 110WLE3, XOTICK k C'AUTIOX. II AVlNtl made application lo tho Afviktuut A'neor of the I'.tlh ( i lloction Dinlriet of l'niii.ylvuuia, and a License aa Auctioneer hay ing been ernn'.ed to ni by the pruper authority, I would inlorm the citizens of Clearfield county that I will uttenrl to "culling ealea" wbonever depirod in any part of the county. Cburges moderate. Addrcsa JOHX L. KEAMS. Dec. Ifi, lsfl;l-tf. Clearfirld, Pa. P. Any person " calling " aalm witboat a license it subject to a penalty of $riO, which will be enforced In aocordanco wilh the law, (gainst ull persona yiolating the statute. CtTATr.MKSTof the CLEARFIELD COCN O TY 11ASK, foV tho month ending Nov. 39, ISf.3: AXSKTI. liills diacminteil $9!,900 62 iS.'J'JS 4) 8,876 29 1,440 (1(1 yg. to I'l'mwylmnia St.ito Ptoek One IVoin other Hanks I'ii iik Nntcsof other Uauks -l.i..:il tinder i demand cotei, Cheeltn, I)raft", Ao. -Over dralM, Hevenuo Stamps, t2 bH) :. hi ( tfio mi 316 'Jl I 40t 110 j 7M 7j J:iO 0(1; Furniture, .... Uu u t'tmiaionwealtti, (spaeial 1 1 out or l'latnx, ire, - - aui R0,-, l.tAaii.iTira t3d:,n23 11 Cnv;ta fik VM In Note in circulation - Lite Iensoitors ,K, en ' ertii of Deposit, f nii.nns a:i,tiii2 i:t,oii 9 05 l a. 1 1 1 J'"0 n'r Banks. - Due Cniiiinnnwealtr, Interest niid Exchange, ,1 AMI'S Clcarncbl, Die. Kill,. S(i:t. 2,282 4.3 3l." 0" 4,::y7 i f2n.1,flal 1 1 OKA 1 1AM. Vis, it f iay. deceased IN the urn deeeiisi'd, utter of the estate of Levi Murray, j 1. the aiiTiraiseini nt of the Ileal ai'd, Personal l'-tatc of said detcised, el out lo the! widow, on her claim of j:inw, was, on tho "Dili of1 ?, Scpiembcr, load and cniitiriued, At'. .'., and the! Court oHeietl that pub! lea I ion be mad- in one IK.vspaier publishe.l in faid county, notifyi'igj till poisons interested that unless exceptions are ' filed on or before the first day of next term, the same will be continued ahsolutely. I!v Ihe Court. I. O. IUUU Kit. i .,..,1 Ih-.l ,,nl r,,,.,),..,,! ,uV ..r ... i,.r,' ,k. ., ni' fore Itin first day of next term, be confirmed absolutely. P.y tho Court. I. 0. RAKO Kit, icc. u. r-jit. cierk of o. c. tJTRAY i'WS.-Caine trespus.-ing on the premises of (he subscriber in Hell township. in Augiisi last. TWO ( IIWS, and one IllllFFEK, one tUd Cinv, with while lace, too other a jj,-,,,, Billi wllil. ,a,..', d , nu,..r.u heif- lbo owner id reuiied to como nud prove property, pay charges, Ac, or they will lu dispot- ed of aathelaw di.ects. A c" " t'1- Hi'ceinber 9, IS5:l-pd. U.S I J'A Y. pAMK trospn sing on the promises of the J undemig nel, iu Lawrence township, c" ' " B""ul 1110 s' 01 -"''V. I"e. a lil'.O HElFFKlt, riing twny.urs old.wilhsouiewhite' on "10 ''0"y "nd " un 1,10 f"J tn'1, The owner is lioreby reipiired t come and prove property, pay thiirges and take lur away, or eho w ill be sold as the law directs. Deo. P, sr,3. AMOS READ. ESTUAY. -.retnisei of tin ta.vik to the pretnisei or in niturriner, resi- ding in Decatur township, Clearfield co.. Pa , I On or .hjirt tl. 1 ) A.,. l.t lll.'l) HEU'FER, tuppeied to h. about year old. i1 1'c owner it hereby required to como and prove l,rnpty, pny ebaiges, and take her way, ur she " '0,a ' airects, -." ." ' :.. fe - - -t.m. . 6uJ eomt ' a dark brindled COW. mnrb.j .;.k i Vi. left hip, lupnosed tab out of rfr...-. n-k. owuer is requcsi4 to come forward, prove vr-j uer .way, or in. win be sold as the law direct!. EDMUND WISI. J, 11LAU WALTR. Nov. 2i, 18(l:i-pd. TI10S. 11. FORCET. FORCEV A: WALTERS TV f ERCH ANTS, and IJ.iieral Senior! ,... KLH sinT" t iiBAlv .'t i.t ,,Vie.. Jn 11 L her, such a. StAKK-TlMBLR "Ll. u LKS'. BOARDS', le.. and also aU kiudi-forall of wh eh the h nrici wfl ... a.uua mi, i. nun. ,u, uK."v 'i is - il Ormbaoiron. eturn.ld oonuty. ot. M, UM.f I omit mo mum on. II mm hi , n,,,, .-ami ll linn, ivs- I T i li i 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 . - i, il, l ,,iti ,,i i ,,, ii i I I lin im, hit i. nil .1 mil, 'mI liviilri , ,i i I e .'"Illin.'S 01 ! mines (. ( , n, n,,, l',, )rl, .,.,,1 i :. .,!,,. II." 1,1 II J...V S ll.ll'I.M i,n, I l, ,. .ISll. ll, 'I H"M I" V 'ii. .lun U. .,f I ..,,ni... ..... : iiiivc i'.ii. . i t , ,t, , . ,ii,,., . , ,,r ,,,, h"l . ri'j i, ii Cnrl of I '.iiiTirill I'l.'ii-, Oi li hi Court. ( ,.nrt lit (l im I, r .-c. imi, ( mill nl llir Mini liTiiMin i., m c,'r ,,( i,,., ,.n, Ji ), ui lin' t lloii-c nt Cle ,i ii.,.1,1, in a,, ,,r . c.ooty ( I ( ii.nrii.-i, I, iu iiiu X ,i,d )!. a, lite th il ri ,,( Janu iT'i, lSl',, Noll'i: H, therefore I,r l. giion, In the Justices of the Peace, iiml ( 'n tittili-K. L mid 1' r J counlv of ('l. iirlii lil. tn iMirar In tlit'ir proper i.rrxins, wi!h their Hull, ilccmil. J II M U HIM M. Klllllil,jllH,llri MM, I ,.ll,r.v II.. , ,ninri., In tin 1ii.m tli:n uliicli In llicir il!icci-, mi. i in uii'ir ncniill, .iTlulll In III' (Jinn'. UIVKN timlcr niy hnml lit Clcartii'ld, tlile 9th dny of lite., in tin' ) Mir i.r niir l.oril, diio thmi fiind I'iglil liundri'il an,l ixlv-lhreii. liDWAltl) i'KKKS, ,S7,... 1. l.SV fur Jauuary Tirm, 1 -H 1 . June Corlirium, VM. VS. vs. V.-l. V, VH. VS. VS. I a. VS VS. VI. Mi lt Spencer, et ill J li. Jooituu lili.u trvin V, l.tmniird Job Knlaiiil lleiirv V !j r f.' i lu A. K" Wright I ' i n c ' ' " ii .k llno'l J'!Jv;ird tSlint'iniikei' Mvekloy A I'autlu l'lti'i- ,layj Fvtina InlirO Kobort Hiii'nt'y A. rainpbi'll Alex. Fer;iis'on A. 11. Mia'v Philip kmn'r's a.lmr JoHinli ).: in l.urn 1'. Cntiilru't . N. iSuliins J.i.siiih K. Kent Win. M.. pv ,1 1 ii.iinp"iiii Sum ii i-l Way Hubert VVIiiiioiilo .Inhii Thninpiiii I.. W. Weld Jatuo." Siniih I.ewiH Smith, et al. ('unlit-Id & lliider I. uonaid & liii lhey Juines (luiinwny II. .Siiyder, ot al. bnTiid Ki-ili,-irt Thoiiia- tir.ilmni li'l'M' ,V llaird Isaac .Mi'lCet) J. 1,. I'llllt, ct 111. M-ioro A Paiilly JIM OK J J A. I., Iti hoi: list Juiiiiiirv 'li'i'in. i -toi. (.11 A Ml Jl llnllS, Dell Wiiliiiui liurlli rnile, Anion Ii. Tato. llo;i"s Auroii II hi i in :i ii. Drady Amos IIoiimiII, Jey.-e Lilies, Lewis Schindlev. Urailluid David Wilton, Durnsiilo James Iliddlu, John 1 1 .fVimiti . Clict Johu W. Nil), John lloliKon, Anduw Frailey. Clearfield llnrooph John Freer.e, I'zra Ale. ( ur eiifv ille Lorouirli Jacob A. iuust. Dt'ciilur Jacob F. sieiner. Huston W illiam II. Knox Samuel Snyder. Kan ha us Loreiu JJoi tli no. Lawrence William L. Kihel. Munis John W. Irwin, Hubert Ardeiy. Vnion Henry Liningvr. Woodward Williuui HendtTRon. TRAVIS Jl ItultS. Beccuria -William lLiminond. Wui. S. Dickey, John U. Dillon, Thnmai Fleck, Win. H, l'iekeu oii, Joseph M. Smiih, P. 'f. Johnson. Hell illiain T. Thorp. Llooiu Adam Weaver. Hoggs Matthew b'tott, Gcnryo V. Sbircy, (of Henry) Oeorge W ilson, jr. Bradford Johu 1'orter, M'm. K. Wrigloy, Walter Shirey. Brady Henry Kriner, John Hcightol, F'rod. Oswalt, James Irvin. Burnsido Frederic R. Shepherd, Siiru'l New eoiner, IleEry PenticotT, Covington John Maurcr, Joseph T. Mulson. Dcealur Peter Smeal. Forvuson John E . Miller. Geshen Robert K. Flegal. Oral) a in Levi Hublcr. Huston John Tylor. Jordun Isaac Bloom, Hiram Straw. Knot John McMurray. Lawrence-John Dale, John Livingston, Hugh t Orr, Ainiuel Brown. I y Lumlier City Hubert Young. i Morris Juseidi liottirock. David Dale, lieorire Hoover. Newr Washington Thonias Mehnfi'y. Penn David WhitHier, Isaac Kesler, John B. Uall'erty. Pike Samuel F'ullerton. I'nion Williain Welty. Woodward John Wolf, John Coulter, 1 1 V giv ISTLH'S NOTIt'llNotiee is hereby given that tho following accounts have been cMiiioiicu uiiu pusseu uy ma, ana roiu.uti Ulod ou rerroin io una ninco lor tlio inspection ot bars, legatee!, creditors', and all others in uny way interested, and will be presented to tho next Orphans' Court, of Clearfield county, to b" held nt tlio Court 11 mse i.i the borough of Clearfield, commencing nu the 2d Monday of January, Istit, for coiiliriniition nud allowance. 1. The Account of .Samuel Hunk nml S. P. White, executors of the last will and testament ot Peter Smith, of Hell township, Clearfield co., deceased. The Final Account of Andrew Pent?, atmin- istrator of all and singular the goods nnd chat tels, rights and credits, w hich were ot Adam l.uieriek, late of llrady town.hip, Clearfield Co., (lecea-i :l, 3. 'The Final Account of W illiain Hishcll, ndinin i itiator of all and singular the goods and ihut lels, rights and credits, whici, were of hchuckcr, late of llrady twp., tdearlield Co., .1. ceased. I. The F inal Ad -uuiit of .Tames Wrigley, a.liniu i -1 r;i I . ' r of nil and singular the goods and chat tels, rights and credits, which were of Moses Norn, late of Pike twp., Cleutliild Co., dee'd. 5. The partial Account of J. L. Ileum A (!. W. lUiceai, executors, of the la-t will end testament of All rah, nn Ueiim, lute of township, Cleiiiliild co., dec'.l. rl. Tbo Account of Tiscus, ndininistriitor of ail and singular tiie roeds and chnttols, right, and credits, which were of Jacob Fisher, ll 10 uf Woniinrl twp., Cteartiehl Co., deo'd. Is.UAIl U. BARUKll, liKoiiTnK's Ori'ii i:, I Dec. V, 1 ?6:i. J lUgistcr. !riu:i' xoTicr--Tho of Helicf , w ill meet nt t!ie sday and Thurs Dc. en.bui', ',. for tho county of i:leart.ld j Coininissioner.-' eho'e. en Wedne day, tL" ";;d and i lih davs nf Tho Board have ilirected that all new appli cants must appear before the Board an 1 proiliico their sworn (latenici.t detailing iiuu.l of soldier, rcgihtent and coiiipuny; when eii.istid ; the riunibi-rof chililren, with age mi d tcx of cm ii ; the township in which Ihey resided at f ;e time of enlistment, and tiieir prr.-ent I e ace ; and that she i without lbo means of sin. . ml foi lnr.-e"f eniuiren, w.-.u are ilepeiidei'.t upon her. Two v ilnessos id credibility, from the township 'i'1"8. ""'"t i" irodicii. whose eertilieate, swiirn to before Ihe board, liiu.-t pl "' tlmt the npplieunl is llie person she rep resents herself tt be; thnt tho staten.inent of tho number and ace nf Iter Family is truo ; that she o in M-.-uiiMQ eiri-umsiiiiices nn.i nor tainttv in actual want ; and Hint all the facts set forth in her Rpp'icauon nro.iust nrd true Forms rnntaining theso reouiitiona can be ob- lfinie,l nl lin ,lMn. f I tt 1 1......1 ,.r 1 . ..r. ...I application is inado and the witnesses appear, WM. S, BRADLFiY, t'i. Nov. 24th, 1SC3. TIO.-Tho nublic are hereby cautioned I ...,., J; ,:'. . f Lawrence township, dated the 17th inst., calling for twenty-four (S25.) payable on the 1st day of May, Jsti4, as 1 have received no prot,-"Tn,1,e for tlie ,no not I ''J il ""less com - v.r. . . W. J. LUMADl'E. I-wjnciMp., Not. 24, 1 S63. CTRAY llUI.LCam. to the premise! of KJ tb. undersigned, in Knox townahin. Clear- tnwnahin. Clear, t field I county, Pa., n or about the 1st of Juno last, , tho money remaining In the hands of Amos Bon . . ''.' .STEER, supposed to be about ene year sail, tho Administrator, will ntreml to the duties l'. ith a star in tha forehead, some white on i lj'' nn' MtMa foot. The owner l',"!t required to coma and prov. property, I ,j Rt,'L "J ,luk9 bira ""I b mid Hk,. ... i.. DAKIEL BOWMAN. Kot. JJM pel, U. !S. .VJO'S. fl'HK Secretary cf Ilia Treasury hnf not et I liven tmllee nt an intention In willnliew U s popular l.onn from Snl.i at Par, and until 10 iin iiolic Is given, the uiid. r.ii;iird, a " (len-i-r-il Sill. "i-ripl ion A;.ut," will emuiii le In mp- 'v the public. The wli" Ie it ti. .ii ti t of the t.min noilmricl 1 Five Hundred Million of DolUiz. Nenrlr Four Hundred Millions linn been already ml'Si-ribi"! I'-r and paid inln tho Ti ea-iiry, mostly within the la-t seven iiiunl V s. The large demand from ! I r. ad and the rapidly increasing homo ileinan 1 for n-e as t!ie lm.-i.''for eirenlatioii I y Nnlional llnnk itij" Assoeiiilimis now urjin; in all purls (,f Ihu rnunlrv. w , in a very short period, absorb ' have lately raniied from ten llm t.n In n.'t. Hnl to lilleen millions weekly, lre.iicnlly cwee lini three millions daily, an. I it is wi II know n that lbs Secretary ol the TreiiMity has ample and iihfail intr resource in the Dulieaon Imports and Inter nal llevi iiiii s. nud in llie issue of the Interest ln iuiii(. I.i'unl Tender TieaMiv is almost n certainty that he will not liud il necessary for a loi'i: tune to eniiie, to seel: a market for any other Inns "r permanent loans, the Intefst ami rinci al of which are paynl le in gold. Piudi'tiec mid sell interest iiui.'t lorec the minds of Ihose coi.teiiipliiiin the I'm million of National Itatiking Associations, us ivell ns the minds of nil who have i , II v money on their bain Is, to tho that they should li'-e no tilt!') in subscribing to this tii'-st V", u'"r It will soon be beyond Ibeir rearh, and advance to a handsome premium, as was the result with the , " Seven Thirty" Loan, whin it was ad soi l and could no h-iiger he siilisciibt-d for at par. Tt is a Six per Cent Loan, the lnlerost nu t Principal payable in Coin, tints yielding over Nine per Cent, per annum at tho present rite of premium on coin. The tiooiiuneiit requires all duties on import; to be paid in coin : these duties Imvc for n long time past niiieuiili d lo over a ('uarter of a Million of Dollars daily, a sum nearly three times great-r than that. ri',iiiied in the payment of the iyter et on all the j. lid's and other pi t nian, nt Loans. So that it is hoped that the s.irplus Coin in ih. T leasing', at no distant il'iy, will i r.ab'e the. I nitcd Mates to n'suuie specie pay incuts' upon all liabilities. Ths L .an is called .Vnft rroin the fact that whilst the may run for L'O years yet the Ooyi imaeiit has n ri,,lit to pay than oil' in Hold : at par, lit any time alter years. ! The J ii ion .-t is pa'.d hall yearly, vii : in tie first dajs of November and May. i Subscribers can hino Coupon ll. nls. wh'.'li j aro payiible lo bejn-r, and me $00, Sinn, Jjim, $ 1 OOU ; or llegi; t Tnl D"iids of s.-uiie denoiuiua - ' linns, mid in ii tli it ion. $.'i,00!, and $10,1)011. For I'ankirg purposes nud for investments of Trua t- ' monies the Ilcistercd Poiitls ure preieraldc. ' Thofo i 20's ctiMiot bo taxed by States, cities, i towns, or counties, and the lioyernineiit t;ix on j them is only ono and a hull per cent, on the amount of iiicouie, when the income of the liold. r exceeds. Six Hundred Dollars per annum; nil jollier investment', such f s income from Mort gages, ltailroad Stock and Ponds',' tc, must pay (Vom three lo five per cent tux on tie iueoiiie. l.iiaiks and HiMikers thruiighoot the country ' will eo'itiniie ti, dipose of the 11 lids; and nil ' orders by mail, or otherwisr, promptly attended to. The f a few days' delay in the dcliury cf the Don Is is unavoidable, the di'iiianJ Icing so great; hut ns interest commences from ' the'ilny ol si.h.-i'i iption, no loss is ocei'siom-d, :ind every cllort is being made to diminish tho delay. JAY OOKK, Subzoriptioi' Agent, 111 South Third St., Philadelphia. Dec. 2,188.1. A. I. 1!ovnto..:::;::::;::::JOm:I'U IMPORTANTNEWS ! THE KEUKLLION I5KOKKX OUT IN NEW SECTION ! I War of K.vtci'niiiiation is to Lo wnircd aoainst TITMTr I1 111U11 JL J. A NEW FIRM ! BOYNTON&, SHOWERS The subscribers liaviue Diircliused all the in terest of the Into firm ol liruhain. 11 .niton A. Co.. nna having mail') largo additions lo their stock, now announce to thw nublic generally that they nre ready lo supply them wilh any and every ar ticle usually found in a ci'y slop). Consisting of A .Superior Stock of Dry Cioods. and Caps. & Shoos. oo(s MUSLINS, PJMNTS, CASS1M KI.'S. Their stock nf Hardware is very large, which they will .-ell cheaper than the cheupes'.. Pulley Elocks, Suitable fir rafting nnd buil lirg purposes. They ilcsiro especially to call the ntti ntion of the public to their stock of 0 11S w a r o It M. a Which they flatter tlicm clvo canno( be beaten in this section. Call and see our stock, whether voti p nrohaso or not. -.'- REMEMBER Tlliv i:LACIl, Mar bit street, nearly opposite tho Mnnsiou House, .'"pte.iul'C.r 2:d, lX'i.'l tf. Atitlitfirs' N'oliee. IX THE MUTER of tho Estate ofliciijamin Bnnsall, lat of Brady Inwiishij-,, Clearfield tounl;,', d 'ased, the undersigned, who was duly appointed Auditor to d:strilni'o the money re maining in ihe hands of Lever F'legal, Esip, Ad ministrator, will attend ti. Ihe duties of his ap pointment nt ollico in lbo nf Cl -ur-field, ou Tuesday the 24 lb day of Dcceuihor, fo;.i, al 10 o'clock, a. m. ol said day, when and where n'.l persons interested may attend if Ihey see pro per. THO?. J. MeCLLLoi lill. Nov. 2.i. 1sT,:j, Amlitor. Auditor's Nidice. IX THE MATTER ir the sale of the Real Es talo ol David Michaels, l.y the SherilYof Clear ticld ci only, Ihe undersigned who was appointed Auditor lo distribute the money arising from snid sale, lo those entitled to the same, will attend lo the duties if his appointment, at his! otliee in llie borouoh of Clearfield, on Fiiday the iU-th day ol December. ISll::, at 10 o'clock, a. in, of suU day, when ami where all persons iutuicstij may ut tend if they ho pri per. THUS. J. McCL'LLOl'dH, Nov. 2o, lSlW. Amlilnr. a ...l:. . . V utiiuir s Notice. 1 N THR MATTER of the sule of tho Renl Ks- late of Thomas McCracken. Into of Lumber i.ny, ti' iirueiu county, ilecenseil, llie iiih.'oj ign ed, who via duly nppoinied Auditor to distribute tbo money arising from said rnlc, will aticnd to ,h( Uu"1'" '" oppointinent. at bis ofimi. in ttiv borough oM'learlleld. on lbo 2(,tll dov r Beeeai. Isthl, , ,o o'clock a. in. of said "h. ,,n'1 "!"re 1'" interested may ena n mey see prop-r. THOS. J. Mi C'l'LLOl'CII, Amlitiir. , Nov. 2S. ISf.3. Auditor's Notice. THF: MA1TLR of the Estate of Reuben Bonsall, late of Brady township, Clearfield county, deeeasoJ, the undorsigncj, who was duly nnnointed :n open court to nudit nml .l,..t. il.,,i of bis appointment, at his office in the borough of Clearfield, on .Mondaj the 2!Uh day of Decetn - ber, ISM, at 10 o'olock, a, m. of .aid day, when ud h"o all penont iuleroited may attend il 'they i. prof sr. THOS. 3. MeCl'LLOl'OH, At'iif. Kot. ti, ISM. hct a j:.i.jh r::.v.'K, i A lliniH.V ( 'i 'NCFN 11! Al 111 A Pt Hi: TONIC f HAT WILL MF.ULVK TDK AFFLICT I'D, A jXot Malic Drunkard, GcTJiian Hitlers, rHKl'AKKI) J1Y DU.C. M. JACKSON, 1MIII.AI1I I I'lll , I'a. Will Effectually and Most Certainly c u r i: a l l i) i s i: a s i: s A H I S I X G FKOM A DISORDERED LIVER. STOMACH on KIDNEYS 1 1 Ut) I' LA N I 'S (. K 1 1 M A X , I UJ' K I ;s Wiil cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility. Disease of the Kid neys, and Discnses nrisin from a Dis ird.'r.'d Stomach. ou.sicRvr. 'int; ruj.owinu symi'- totua resulting from Disorders, of tKo Digestive Organs : i. wirj Piles, I' u 1 1 n f tf. i r t'leo'l to the Head, Acidity of tho Stomach, Nausvn Hearth'. rn, Disgust for F'ood, Fulness or Weight la i'n Stomach, S. tir l.'nie tat!. his. Sicking or Fluttei in-; at the 1'il of the Stomach, im Tiling of tho Dead, Hurried ami Difficult lliealliings Fluttering at Heart. Choking or sutlocuting Sfiisa tations when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Do',, or Wcba bef.rc the Siirht, Fever and dull pain in the Head, Deficiency of Pirspiralion, Vellowni'ss of Skin aioLFys, Pnlniuthn side. Din k, Chest, Limbs, ,f c., Sudden FTush s of Hoat, lluming- iu the Flesh, Couslnnt Imaginings of i-vil and grcul D p r tssion of i p I r i t . PAUTICt'LAR NOTICE. Fnr those ho de tire and will have a Lienor Bitters, we publish tiie following receipt: (let one bottle lloolland's ! Herman Hitters and mix witli Three Qmint , 1 O'ooi( It ran di nr W h ', e., and the result will be a I reparation that will fur rrcl in medicinal vir I lues and true orcello. I ee any of the numerous ' Lioiior liillers in the market, a d will enf uut Im. ou w nl have all the virtue of Huuhtml'i !i!trm i n coiiiieeliou with a imrl article of Liipior, at a Much bss prieo than these inferior prepara tions wiil eo-t voti. 1H)UFLAN:D S G HUMAN HITTERS WILL (ilVK YDlI a fi o o l) a i i i) t i r f; , Will give von 1ST KONG HKAl.lTiV .NEliVKS, W ill give vim brisk and i:nk"i;ktk: feklinus, Wi! 1 eni; on voii t ) S L IO K I K !. L , And will p'jsiti', ely p r'- ent. YELLOW FEVER, lilLLlOt'fj FEVER, i Those suffering from Broken Poivn and Dell cato Constitutions, from whau-ver cause, either in Male or Female, w ill find in lloolland's Uurinoa liillers, a Homedy that will restore them to thoir usual health. Such has leen tho case in thous ands of instances, nnd a fair trial id but ie.iiirti to prove the a.-scrti..n. Remember that those Bil'ors aro NOT Alobo holic, and NOT intended as a Dovir.iy;e. The propricrors have tin usnnds- o.'Lettors from the most eminent t'lergynien, Lawyers, Physi cians and Cilv.etis Tosiilviug i f tli.'ii iiwn p. r isonal knowledge, to tae bcHilieial tflecta linJ j I medienl virtues of these Litters. j I ''o,a .Vc. .. Xi irtim limit-a, I). I)., Kdllnr nf lit t'ul-jvl in:llit if III .'ol'ols h'mitrh lti;. Although not disposed to favor or recommend : l'alei.t ledi.'iues in general, through distrust of their ingredients and eflecLs. I vet, know ol'no I siiflicient reasons why a man intiy" tu t testily to the benefits l o believes hiinself to have received nfn'i7,",,V '.'ni'r , ,!;"', "";i,'T' rlV'V L may Ihus eoiilriliule to (he benefit of others. I ilo this the more readily in regard to Hoof hind's tiermini Hitter', prepared by Dr. C. M. . Jackson, of (hi fit.', beeuiiso I was prejudiced ' against them for many yours, under the impress ion that they were chiefly an nleoholic mixture. , 1 am indebted to mv friend Robert Shoemaker. Es. , Ibr tho removal of this prejudice Ij proper tests, and for uico.iragemeiit to try the,.,, when siiltenng fiom great and long coiiiiniicd dibihtv. The ii-e of thr"" bott'es of these Piitcrs, nt the beginning of (lie present year, was follnwed by evident relipf, and restoration to a degree of bid - iiyaud mental vigor which I bad not felt for ail months before, and bad almost desimir,., of rn. paining. 1 tliereloro thank Hod and my frieu lor (limi ting mo to tho use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 23, IStil. Diseases of Kidneys and Bladder, in Young or Aged. Male or Female, are speedily removed, nnd speedily restored to health. Delici.te Children ilmse sufiVring ft om Maras mus, wasting it way, with scarcely any ticsli on their bones, are cured in a very short time; one bottle in such cases, will have a in i.i surprising eficct. Parents hai 'ng suffering children as above, and wishing to rinse tliein, will never regret tbo day they 1-ommt.nced with these Bitters. Lit-eary men. Students, and those working bar. I with their brains, should always keep a bet lie of lloollland's Liners near them, as they will find much benefit fron. its Use, to both mind and body, invigorating and not depr.-ssing. It is not a Liqaorstiiuulant, and k'jes no pros tration. ATTENTION, SOI ,DI Klls, t i .t. . r i r oil- AIH1 WIG irieiKIS Ol OOKIICr?. We call the attention of all having relations or friends in the army to tlte fact thai, "lloolland's Herman liillers'' will euro nine-leiiths of the dis eases induced by exposures and privations inci dent to camp life. In the lists, published almost daily in thy newspapers, on the arrival of tho sick. ii, win ue noiieeu thai a very largo proportion are suHering from debility. I'very case of that kind ciin be readily cured by lloolbind'a lierman : Bitters. We have no hesitation in stutfnir that, if these liillers trefo fioely use 1 among ojr sol. di. rs, hiiinlreils of lives might be saved that oth- J erw ise would be lost. The proprieto'S are daily roroivin- thankful letters from sufferers in the army nnd hospitals, who hate been restored to lieuith by the use of thco Biltcrs, sent to them by their friends. HEW ARK OF COUNTERFEITS ! Sec that tho signature cf "C. M. JACKSON" is ' on tho w RArrrn of rn Holtln. 1 Prirc per lluttle 7.1 rents ; Or half rtozon l.n l. RhnnlJ your nearest druggist not have 'hearti cle, do not be put off by any of tho intoxicating 1 l',r.aii.oin in.u lliny ie onereu in ins piaoe, oui send toua.and w will forward, secure y packed, tiy express . .., i riue.pat omoe ano aianuiaciory, no. oci Area street, Philadelphia. JONK i . (Succcisors to C. l. J . plrfoT sal at IlarU ' ltAre, Clearfield, Pi. LVANS, N A Co..) V oprlotOTS. v !'jiton' Ira,j uVt 1 'flj-y nhw rinM. CARLISLE & CO., ii-:au:i;s ix xn ioMi:sTir ju v ao(iy, (;i;)'i:iui:x,i.uir,i:i;, sifiX(;ij;s,,c.,,r. I'llII IIHI';, Centre nullity, I'cnn'i. Have received mid aro just opmini- tln liyctt alMirtm,-,t of thtt best, CHEAPEST, AND MOST SEASON ABLE Lri e hi-nitilit to thin arrtian nf eoiiittry, ooititiitliny e nitv .o()i) .Si tiuociatii.s, NOTIONS, iiai;i)yai;h and uinswai!!;, Ij'.i (I i o p ii r s ! I : Hoods, Nultias, Soilings, Balmoral ! and Hoop Skirts ! 1 HATS .t CAPS ! HOOTS & SHOES ! I ; Reafly Made Clothing, of latest Styles ! j ! S( : H OO L-P.OOKS & STATIONE K V ! i '; Drugs, Oil-, Paints, Putty & Glass! lirr-L'luur irina ami Corn-Starch! ( OA l.-OII. LAMPS WtlOl) AM) HII -!. "vaki:. Trunks tj- Catyct-Jings ! PIPES, TOP.ACCO AND S'EGAUS ! Fish, Salt, and Nails ! Flour, Feed a?d Provioks ! And ali urticlo.i usually kept Hi a, Crst-clasfl country store nll of wUich will bo pold Cheap for Cash ! or af j roved produce, Lumber or thinglea. l'hilipshurg, Nv. 18, lstill-tf. The fiU-nson why Everybody junl.cfo llcir C L 0 T IJ N ll o Ui:iZFNSTi;iNT UPvOS. &co. j Because tlicy sell so very cheap for Cmh ; I Because thev keen lbo best f.o,l. i I!('l'""J! "-cir Clothing '..well made A fashiont.ble . liccnuso tney Keep tlio largest assortment; Because they got New tloods every week ; Because they give every ono Ike worth of his mon'y , Because Ihey tako tho advantage of nobody; ! Because they treat their customers well ; Because evervboJv likes to Jcal with them: -,.,, tI ,f) ch ,,, h ( ,, . ; , . ' - ' "10"' Clothing uro well aewod A flt woll ' Beenuso tlicy can suit everybody ; ; Because their Store iso convoniontlv'situatiul : Because nobody leaves -their store dissatisfied ; '"cause un wuo ueai wen itietn are surotocall again, and send their neighbors ; Bccuuse they have purchased thoir Stock at such reduced prices that they oan afford to ADYEU'l ISE! These ure a few of the reasons why thoy ftp I am cheap. 7rr-AlI kinds of Country Produce takei at tho hijhest market nrbes I If El , ENTEI N RKOS. & CO. Clearfield Nov 1 1 lSil.'l .'tin j : . . 'JIIE MAfiAZJNK KOI! THE TIMfIS PETERSON'S MAGAZINE 11,- Ii;si and (:ltcup,tt, in the Worldor Ladies! This popular moii'hly magnsine will bo ijrenlli i'ie;i,oe.7.,r 1804. It will contain one thousand pages ol leading! fourteen splendid steel plates ! twtlve colored fashion plates '. twclvo colored bcrlin work patterns ! nine hnndred wood cuts' nnd twenty-lour pages of muic! All this -till l.e iriven f',,r ,mlv 'I'wa ll,.,, - J. i . r . " n j'.' i '" '"r "ri ""', Wgarinesorilioclns of 'Peterson,' its Thrilling Tales ami Novelettes Arc the best published anywhere. All f,V ,..,i jii'iiiUu- irritrre ai r rmilninl In trriii- ori'i'iifi '-fur I'.trmn." In lff,4, in additi .n to its usual liiaiiliiy of short stories, Foi b Oiiiuinai. Coi'V. iiunir Novian-rrs will be given, by Ann S. Slephcns, Llla Rouinnn, F'rank Leo Benedict "'id tlio Author of " Tho Second Life." It also publishes Fashions Ahead of All Others. F ii ch number, in addition to tho colored plate, Hivei Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresses, engraved on wood. Also a pattern, from wli'ch a I'rcss, Man tilla, or Child! Dress can be cut outwithout tha ai 1 of n manlaa maker. Also, Kvural pagei of Household and other Receipts. It Is the brct I ad 'a 5Iaazliie In the World, Try It lur one year. TERMS Al.WAV 1! ADVA.l. One Copy, Ono "'our, . f2 0(1 S 00 7 ;o ,' Three Copios, for One Yeur, . jre Copies, for Ono Year, Kigut Copies, for One Year, Trim in in a lor Cict'tlnir li t'lubx. 10 CO Three, Five or Eight cpio make a Club. 1 cverT ,,cr,on getting up a club, at the above rates 1 a copy of the Magazine for 1864 will be giyeu gratii. Ad'lrm, fun 1 1 m id, CHARLES J. PETERSON, COe Chestnut Streat. 1'hiladolphia. , JtV specimens sent gratis, wh.n written for. "oT. n, isa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers