Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 16, 1863, Image 2
c -t.t!'li-lii' I Lv tlm lit .! i i- I l.i If. (Ill id' l.i mvi i ii nni ion", u ti I M mi' pn-tul i "ii;t en ii lire, in it , I c ill ! l.liil. rill in ii i ill Ii dilenl In Ira il llll.ill I, III I.I ll.'lll'jO t'CIII'll- ii'ii, r 'i , .', i, 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 i.,ih cl ,,," "I'.' rt , ' . iii 1 1. i,:i I i Ii ill , iiii'l I . ;mI . -i ll'', In lli , ( iii- el llii' f-'-i.'ii I shall .ri'1i i.lli hive i hi l'i t '-' vuu 1 1) rii- 1 i lllllflllllllll'll i n Li I lllllllMlllll It llt'l ,., - f.f I ' t T. ..I i',11 hat e l.i'i'li I elide I ed mill' iii'i'i a . tided Ly Admiralty ( 'tun I , Pi-.'! Hi olhcr i wmx w hm o I his jmiv orr) i l ! Miny he i cknow lidjje.1 In be lia ble ,e I iriCllli Mini while 1 1. ) ii in ou ii I of that I. il-iiii) lnii bet li iii ' mal hi i.i 1 1 t.i H i., Tin' proper t'lheeis of lli" I rensui v have ili'CIl i'i' tilt llm'! . i's l'c.tiirod by lili! I'tW n I In' I'n.ioil Suites ii")ii the subject lo de riiuni .4 lux i.iii I In) incomes of foreign onsi.'li in lln con nl it. Wl'ila Midi ii de ii. iiihI iniiv ii"'. in uliictness, lie in tleio- nii I i i t i : (. r 1 1 ' i . f'l'iiil jiliiy nin I our i m i i it: i i ilny I" 1 )- .ii In1 i'i iv ri inn n I .1. I ii nn I .nil nn x inn mil 1 nn-1 an t III ll'lil ( ill I'I I li.'H' Imili I i ll W I'll homo, l.i I In. ir i i -jii 1 in tin' ml 1. 1 .'i t ilu.ii lull ii li. I itli-v 'i nil, In I lint l n i.l I 1 1 it 1 1 1 i 1 1 j1 n liirli, II I .1. r I ll I'll "ll "I I'ltl'iC J'tOl . il'lieU, It ill ("Hl'l'l' Up"H linill 1 1 1 I'll'llllC'l mill 'I'll a iii i't' ill such ii N:iiv Ymd. so i-iiin'til ini ii'llui'M.'.'-. t In-li".(' iiinl I'nii- fiii-ii Ishtd, lit mine uninlili' .l,n e ii.nn tin- solutions ul I In 'liii-li.i I tilth. Atlantic seiiboiiid, ha, nil it'i'i-iiii'il fu'i'ii 1 Hiiu,',l'l in my l.i-l inn'iiul inesn-e llm SIOlls, I'll II I'l'l'IIL'Ilt til till' llllt'lltlllll III I'll'l'' ll't v ul I I'lllll'lelllll our lll.llllll v- Con;.'H I y the S'nvy lr iii tiiii'iit, Mini is inn, f-ulu ,iicnl eitMs have mil i.'n'il Hi-jini t'l'i'M'iiti'i. ill llui ii'l'.'li of theNv nn' "I 'in lieee-i-ilv. The details set forth h.f , il.ii'.iM iilur a r 1 1 1 "'ii t;,ii! 1 1, inf in .Hie i'i en i i' i-1 it N it v V in ! , i, II, ii ' tlili'lnm iii i. M .t ii . - l"i ' I." C'l'li in i i"ii ii ii. I in in i mi' "I in"1 1 iiii rutin I vi'ii'l. Nn n '! n-i.i. i il l.1 i in 1. 1 i imini'iit , i.'liiy Hi'l I'lil.lir njnij Inn Lien l ' I nni ul limn till- .11 I of kiii li fi.u ft ninent 1 1 fuliilili' Ii nn-'its. .tii.iti.. mi.i i.i liiion i.r ti n rii,.,i '.iMi'. rn.i.iim n.. ni.iii,r,i t ht' rx,. , l ,, . ,i. !,, t. l. r ll,o (r cull lli.M'i.r, I'milmimnl ,.;, i,, v.. 1111 r. Ml N Ml SI I I IkTmJ ' 10 t'llCIMM'ht Pillllf . i uihik i r... i...! ;. ,i.t i'.. i H .Nil In mil' I tl'l l.llnl.a Hli.l ! tl .. I. i: .. 1 I'I V. in III I'.l I i. ill r Hvt .,... ,..,. I..,,, .1 aiutll'IMiOrWllknttl '(U,..7'1 ' - " "' .'-"in vai.i'.ii- - li-lvlli,1 llltllll.ill r.llili'iu. ri,l II I.I... n,.IL,n. ..,.1 " l,l,ili n fii.. kIi. il I .'. '. .' . . . tlUMlT Hmnm rnilm,... ' . ' , , , . "iiiiiii n in'im, um ri'ii(.'i'i'Mi)ni iliii'liirnlion irnm Mim .7. l' 'Hn, n .Nni.', iHvoial.U to mmmiM,, ,,,, ,-..m m- (r l,m,.,l Bil ,",i,,1,..,m.I ,,r,l men!. 'im. nu'iit, in tlm I tiiiin, tuny Lo in,. i i l,. lor with wfll i'.t,ii, i l l . ...I ,,uiii.. ,Y, ni, w..i ...,. xtcriml ul llm iiiiii oinii j i ni'i : iiimI , ,.,. 1- U. ..;,. ... .. . ''Hfi 1 1 i .... . . ... - - . , . lii'lil'lill dl 1 1 1 i 1 I'Kivi.inli niily ,, .IVCI IIIIH'hl M l II I ln H'rl ul llin ( niiHlitiili nlury, vtlin li iii'i''iiii'iiiiir.4 lnii roniniiiiii riituiii. I Iliii.U il my il"I V lo nit iii' j i ui i l.y bii n'i'iiil itltiiitiiin miln.i Mil;j.icl, nml to t li rt t ot ifliililKliiiin ii in ii nml ili'j ot for n ii v al 'U r ?. ujion oiio ol IIkmm's li'iii rivt'ii. I I.r Sri f rim y t'V innt t lio iiililirilinti' li'fiislittivo iii:- A nnviil I'oi.'O 1ms locn r.r.'iti'il on iIh-mi hiu! foolrriiifi e-rii ill till' M ('I'I t Ul ii'lll. Ill'I'll Ii liii'ii. I conniiriiu llio Ix'iii'viili nt in.-tilutioti, I'slnl.lislicil el' I'lili'uiii.iil l.y llii' j'ovi'iii ini'iit in llii 1'Miirt, lo jour i'Iibiiius iiili'i ioi' tv'itcn, mnl umlt i' inutiy tlif .i.lvini tiifics it itliin lilll.t more llinti ttt o yt'iu s, oxri'Oilin in iitimlicrii tlm wliola tin vn i I'.'.li. Mi t.i l ulilio In iv, or 'i'llui.s of ny ex- ni-r of llu ciuinliy ul I In' icii'iiirlictliHl. t til 1110 IHCfdll illllllllllllUlloll. .Nil l.stlll'IO- ry nml iuiioi t,int is Imra licoti tlio uiTui'-iiiMiii-es ol tln ln'mic men ol ti.u imvy t tliih iiileirslin itriod, I In-y are mmivi'Iv more tvomleiiui tdo Kiicress of our ini'i hiinic.'i an. iti iiiins in llm iioiha ti.ui of wur vesM'U, ivlm:h lius iTOiiti'il u new lorin ft' intviil powfr. Our country 1ms al vunlii''.'o iiiiei ior to anv ollmr ion in l.njz ln.iiy I t'ttvi-fii i tie V iiiti'il Miiicii !ind u !on'ij:ii cminlry, tlio txpeiliency of so l.ii ino'liiying the net us tooxHinpl. from t.i x li p inrimie of siicli consiiU mi tiro not ciii.t iih of 1 1 1 t Vnilfil Siatcii, w Miliniilinil to j.'Ur M'linus roi siiii-ralKui. I innkn Uiii. KU.'i'biiuu uinn the l'IouikI ii roaiity ttliit'li fiiylil lo ln iici'ii..i!'ili'.l i-xeiii I't." in; r consuls, in til! oilier I'.inni- 'I'lic iitti'iiiiun ol'Cuiiuit'ns, ihiriiii! tlio lust sesiuii, it us I'Iiij ii'mI t.t miiiih extent with ii ,oinit ion t'ir'hliiri:iii! the wilor eoin innniriit ion lu livi-en Iho M ii.siii river V tin- nortlirnsti-rn eul nir.l, .vlucli jiroio c it ion, liowfiir, fulled fur llicliine. .vnce then, upon u cull of great resiei!ltiljilily, u conventiiiii Ims heeii liehl ul riiic;i ) up on the y inie suiiji'i t, n Miiiimruy of ivlio.-u vietv i e.iiiliiiiieil in :i ineiiinriul u.lilie eil to tl.n I'rei-iilent ami Congress, uinl w h it'll 1 now hiive the honor to lay liefore you. Thitt I hii intori'.-l i one u l.ich, ere nil oppnjiilo uinl Iniolilii I'leim nt lo, or I'tt'li tvilhin Ihe S' ! ; nn-l mu ll mo I'lei i-ci) theciiM's ttilli tthi.'li tie lire now tlei.lini.'. An iilleinpt to (juiitanly iilel prolcet u rvivei Sinle fjoverniiienl, e.,nl i Urie l in whole, or in pti pon.lei'Ml pai l, I'i "in the very element iiainst wIioni ho.-lilny und violeneo it is in ho prolceied, int-imp-Iv iiliKtJili. There must he u test hy wliii li lel't'lii, mill I t'li'U'lii t' tn until li'lif. 1. I' ll, liio I'nu.h'lit of the I lilt.'. I Inn buned oveiul proiliiiiiitt ion in ii''"iii to Iho lil hIuvcii ; nin heie.iM, it i non tli Hinl hy tntnf per pons heietofoie Piiudii in mid rehellioii, lo reMiine their iillegimiee to the United .Suite:, and to remauL'iinito IovhI Stule ( drrtulL. l, "i ,'-'y ili'rj,. 'zrtti Sbt llcb U $n i! White Men's l.ibcrtii.' Ki-hts Fcclcral Unioi,, to sepuiiiU! Ihe oppom elements, so us ('overntnerits within und for the re-pective Tins Nkw Yiuik IUr llw, , ti'.ix in,, ,i i : x it i iin to the exiriit linn in- our resources of iron und timlier. with in- lonir. will force its own way, I do not eii- ,:.',.i...l. Tlii. I'nile l Siati s. I ihink. e.vhuusl ihle (iiiiintilien ol fuel in the ini-t lermin n douht, w hile il i (ulimitti d en- nii;'lit not to ho exoeptionuliy illiherul to mediate vicinity of holh, uinl ull uvuilahle n;u i national trade and commeiee. hind in c!oo proximity to iiiivi'uhle waters. i he operations of iho i rensurv dui in 1 Wil hout the adfii'iliijre of ptihlio works, the Jal veur have heen mceei-sfuily eon- the i es.-iureek o I' iho mil ion liavo heen de ducleii. 1 he eiiiieliiienl Ly Conre-s ol u veloped. and its power dii-playeil in the ."'at:o;iul l'ankiiif; Law, lias proved ii vu!- roiisl rut:l ion of a navy ol such iniinilude, iial le tuppoi t of the piihl.c cieilit, und l!ie which has at the very jiei iodot its ereu j;eiiei:d I gislaiirn iii n liitioii lo loans Ins lion, rendered sipintl sorvioe to the Union, fully answered the expectation of itslu-1 The it. crease of the nuniher of Feamen orers. Some amenJiiients may lm re- in I he put. lie irrvice, from 7,.tl0 men in (iniuvl In polled oxisling laws, l'.ut no spi iii); of 101 lo hIioiU ;!4,tHHI ut the ples-.-huiij-e in theii principles or general sooj e ent lime, ims heen acconipliched tvilhoul is heii.'Ved lo ho needed. iSiiecial legislation, or extraordinary houn-; these uusi-ures liuve been in ope- tie to promote that increase. It has heen mliuii, all dt iiuiiiJs on the Treasury, in- found, however, that tlio operation of ihe chiding t lie 1'iiy of the army and navy, draft, with the high Imutii les paid lor ar have l.'vn promptiy met and fully satis- my recruits, i begittning, lo alleol injuri lied. Mo ciiiisidei ithle hodj of troops it is Hiisly lli" naval fervice, ami will, if not I'tJietctl. were ever more umpiv provided t:ni rec;eil, he likvly to impair il elliciency l y tleliicliing seanieu trom their proper vocation and indue ti them to enter the army. 1 then-fore reppeclfully 8'iggeii that Congress might aid holh the army and naval nerviees hy a ih'linite provision on this subject, which would Hi the same lime bo equitable to tlm comcuutiiliek tn Iui I lit on Iv ti nni t ho sound ; and tli'il lest is a Mil'ih'iei.l ly liberal one, which accepts as sound whoever will r.iuko a sworn re cantation of Ins. former unsoundness. Hut il it be ptoper lo require, u a tent of admission to I lie puliticul body, an oath of allegiance to Iho t'onst ii o t ion ol tho Uni ted Stnles, and to the Union under it, why uN.i lo tht! laws and proclamations in regard to slavery? Tho-e laws and proclamations were enacted and ml f'jrih lor the purpose of aiding in the siiiiiues- -1 ales : uieiciore, ' m". mui: j'.nriiui, ndi-jnig, with t,i T I Ab.i.lHiMt I.innr.ln t' r. f 1 1, lr l"Uilns, Ilia) ' Ihii. li United Slates, do j.roMaim, declare, and 'h,e." . . "hilB t"x . ii .ii i. i' '"i to men nni i nir i.nfteriiT r.,. . H t.iuko knm-.n to a 1 persons -.vho hnve .1,- , ,,,,, th ihXZ, rectlycr by implication, piiriier.'ated in rt-ieliu,? matter, iin.l ! iho existing rebellion, except iih hfreinaf- Miirl.t'is, News, I.itt'rnry or Agrioulin" i tcr exc eplod, that a full pardon is herebv turn is nut iptTi..r lo any u a oluicl '", granted to them and rath of them, with H'wi'i'l"'r- In ita p jliiicnl deimrtmeaiT,'' restoration of ull ) ig'i U of prone, t v, ex- ijes U ldly with tl.e ukai. HL0,tion Q i i . Anicrii'iin I'l'iiiik', nn i iiri'wnlj 1k,",1" cep, as to Have, and , proper y eases , ()f i( ,:hui c'n ibi where n;:lits oi Itilld parties shall liuvo Ab.iliti.jnisiu. It is Ueiii.oraiio in L 1 inleivened, and upon the innililion that 1. . i lU ini.rr.ilic juurnul, liil'iinB, with X.V Sinn of the rebellion. To give them then- every such person shall take and sub-enl e ,itit. mere libtiaily uinl punctually pimi, in. I il u;iy be. uddetJ llial by i.o ppio weie the burdens incident to a great war jt,r Hi eheuiluily boine. The receipt Juiiug the year lioin nil somco, includ ing loans and the balance in the Treasury, at its enmmeiicenic lit, were j'.'l'l.l'Ja hTI Ml, and the aggiegale disbursements more especially interested. 1 commend to your consideration Ihe suggestions of the Secrotaiv of the .Navy in regard to the policy (' fostering and training seamen, mid alio ihe education of ollic.'is and engineers for the naval er vice. Tlio Naval Academy is rendering lirely lo your tvisiloin as lo niiul can ne done now Augmented interest is given to this subject hy (ho actual coninm oiiient of work upon the l'ucilic railroad, iitnier auspices so fiivoriibh) lo lapid progress und eomplc'.liou. The enlarged navigation becomes :t pMpuble need to tlm reat road. 1 transmit the second iinnuul report of tho Commissioner tt the Jlepartniciit of Agriculture, asking your attention f.i tho developments in that vital interest of the nation. When Congress assembled a year ngi, '.he war h-id already lasted neatly twenty months, and there had been many con flicts on bolh land ami sea, with varying sesuhfi. The rebellion had Icon pressed hack into reduced limits ; yet the tone of public feeling and opinion, at homo and abroad, was not satisfactory. With other signs, the popular elections, the.i just past, indicated unensiness among our selves, while timid much that wits cold and menacing Iho kindest words coming from Europe were uttered in accents of pity, that wo wore loo blind to surren der a hopeless c iuso. Our coniruercu wa siiU'erirg croatly by a f.jw armed vessels built upon and furnished from foreign! shores, and we were threatened with such additions from Ihe aiiie quarter as would sweep our Ir.vdti from the sen and raise1 iiuiesi eiiect, mere ini'l lo lie a pleilgn lor their iiiiiiiiienuiiee. In my judmient I hey h ive aided, and will further aid, the ( iiiH' f.n which they ever intended. 1 now abandon the:.i would be. not only lo lt'liiiiii-h a lever of power, bill won 'il.'tl-o be a cruel ami mi itMounuing Ini.jich of tailll. 1 may add at this point, that while remain iii my present position 1 shall not attempt to relnct or modily iho emancipation proclamation; nor slmll I return to slavery any person who i.t free by the terms cl' that' proclamation, or by any of the acts of Congress. For theso and other reasons it is thought best that support of thosu measures shall ho inclu ded in the oath ; snd it believed tho K'eculivn may lawfully c an o il li, Htt't shall and maintain fai-i tliMieel'oiwnrd keet oath iiivinbile ; nni which oith shall bo registered fnr perma nent t'al inn, and shall he of the ten oi mid i licet following, to wil ; "1, , do solemnly swear, in presence of Alinij'b'v (iod, that 1 will heiicl'.irt h fuilhful'y snp-.oit protect nm ih'iend the (.'on-1 it ut ion of the United Mates and tlio union i f tho Guiles ihere-ui-.der ; mid that 1 will, in like manner, nbidfl and failhlullv tiipport all acts of of tliu term tho itclouuur of tlio IW'i'1 hut is tlio 'lioUU'r uf no p.iriy I A Irickmy. It is nut uulv fur l'i: tcp t1!?! iimv, mid how only, (imminent peace liinglon ho rust'irou, tit h,! exteruiia.tijii J , ieul p:iiur in New York oivte up . taiiiiil, unit lli'u Kli.rious ftliiie M,', j in. ail i.f U as l.intrl on ho rost'iroa. vii . i. (it ruut, otcrlliriov met liuiiisiii Irnm Amerieim soil. Tin; l).tv It.KiK is now the country tirculntirn. A II ),. ...L " riiintli.i p.itii.niiHr.f'MfimAHfkilvh...- iJrrs 11 iinp-iisililB to t;lvS(, 7' gcnurul it piiiiniiry of tlio riwi aiie u, ruse, rer.-nns ali.uit sut.fcriliir.g rtjjj , 11 into t'linsi.ti'riiliiin, lli'tnocriui imini,, ." so, tlmt suunj lnii ers lire circulate ... "'' -in Congress passed during Ihe existing rebel lion with reference to thives, so long and l'f'i'lf. r Ataihtiunisiu nill never so far us not repealed, modified or he Id '-ah who uir to retulo tlie it void by Congress, or by decision of theSu-, Abuluiubwu, iUuul.1 ,ri lb. Vaj.I preme Court ; and that I will, in like man- r ' " - . nni) it m return nor. abide bv and f.iiihfnUv mi in tu t nil ... " ' l J "' ... " " I ' lor pin don and resloration of forfeited proclamations of the President made, dur- 1 pivo c,-' 0I14 yt4r . . . ,'' rights, which he has clear constitutional ingthe existing icl.ellion having reference . Ten Cu.los,'oue yur, and unt l lhei'J power ti withhold altogether, or grant to stares, no long und o far us not modi-J tip u the (tub - - upon llm tprms which In; shall deem wis- H.d or declared void bv decUion of the Twmiy Cities, one y esr, anil oie to Um . est for ihe public enterost. It should be ter uii nf the Ciult Ad'Iitiuuul C.pitr, cash beer, tillfcd by the The school is novv .t 'll'lll ' 'LI , . .15 I Ullliu i.-t u.niiii;'! J.-- od In the boginniag of the new year. A month later tht? final proolaniit ion came, iin;ludin!5 the announcemont tint colored men of suitable condition would be re ceive 1 into lii' service Tlio policy of emancipation, and of employing black sol- more lull mid complete than at any lorm-; dier, gavo lo too fatu -t a new aspect, a- cr period, mid in every respect intitled to' bout vl ic'i hope, and fear an 1 doubt con ' 1 .vi-. I .... i i : -,..,.; ... a . a nr.,.,l ; . , I reler you to the report of the Secreta- to our i ililieal sysieui, as a m lit rr of civil ; administration, tho general government ; had no lawful power to ctlect emancip : tir.n in any Slate, und for a longtime it ! had been hoped that tho rebellion could j ho suppressed without resorting lo it us ;a military measure. It was nil the while i'SlOJ'.'ti.CeU liu, leaving n balance on the 1st of July; l'Mtf, of So,. '.'.1,0 11 -Jl. Of the :eceipts there .vere liom customs $r.'.i,ti5'.i, t'4'2 It); from in'.erual revenue. S.'lT.l'-lii,-Vo7 '.'i ; from direct tax, Si, -I"', 1' ' I'd ; from hinds. Slt',7. si IT 17: fiom miscellan eous fouiees, S lii.lill ;',"; and from signal n-rviio in preparing Midshipmen our hlockinl.1. vie had lulled to Ciiclt loans, 77ii,tis'J..';i'l u , making the i.ggre- lor the highly responsible duties which, i from European governm-mts anything "ate '''itl, l.t'74- Ml. tjf ihe disburse- in idler lil' they will be required to per-1 hopeful upon this sjbject. The prelimi- ineiils there tvere: For the civil service, lorm. I n ordi r thai tuo country should I naiv emancipation proclamation, lssueu in .t3,-03,0'2 lii ; lor pensions and Indians, m.t bo deprived of the proper quoin ol ed S4.'21l),.r)20 7U : lnr interest on public debt, ucated nilicers, for which provision j-U4,720.b4G ol ; for the War li.'piii In.ent, ' lias been made ut the naval i-cliool, the O'J.S'JS.OOO V. ; for tho Navy liepart- vacancies caused by the neglect or omis nicnt. Sii.'l.'21 1. inj 27 : for titivment of sion to muke iioniinatioiis front the States landed and temporary debt, SlM.tiMi.l'.i i- in lii'uireeticti, have 1)7; making tho aggrega'o '.ei.i' ec; etary oi me .Mtvy C5, tind leaving the balance of So.W.MM I 1. Hut the payment of funded and tem ey borroived during the year tr.ust be re garded a merely nominal p.iyiTients, and ry of tho Interior, wliicli is herewith laid tho moneys borrowed to make them as belore you, I, r useful and varied informa oierely nominal receipts. Their amount tion, in relation to the public land, Indian $flrT,0;ti,t;;i.') 07, should therefore lie de- all lirs patents, pensions, and other mal ductfcd both from the receipts und ilis- ten of public concern perlaining to his buisemcnts. 'i'his being done, I here re- deii.irliuent. mains, as actual receipts, 7'JH,i,:,.!Vn.'lt 7'., i'he quantity of l.ind disposed of during ' deemed possible that the imeesaity foro it and tho actual disbursements, 71 l,70'.l,- the hist and the lirst quarters of the pros-: might come, nnd that if it should, thecri U90 58, leaving Ihe balance as already sta- cut licnl year was three million eight sis of liio c.nitest would then ho present, tod. ihundied and forty-one thousand live luin-l It came, i.i'il. m was anticipated, it was The actual receipts and d'bi)ietnf nts dred and forty-nine acres, of which one f illowed by dai k and doubt ful days. F.lev for tho lirst quarter, and I he estimated re- hundred sixty-one thousand nine bun-: en months having now passed, we are per ccipts and dubuisements for the remain- dred and eleven acres were sold lor cah, muted to take nuniher review. The rcblo ing three quarters of thft current fiscal ono million four hundred nnd lilly-six binlers aie pre-sed still further bark and year 1S64, will Lo shown in detail by Ihe thousand five hundred and fourteen ncres by the complete opening of the Mitissip report of the Secretary of ihe Treasury, lo were taken up under the homestead law, pi the country dominated by Ihe rebell whieh I invite your attention. and the residue disposed of under laws, 'ion is divided into distinct parts, with no It is sutlicient to say here I hat it is not grant ini! lands for niillil iiry bounties, for practical conimtinicilion between them, believed that actual lesults will exhibit a railroad nnd other purposes- ltalso up- IVrne'seo and Arkans is hivn been sub flute of Iho linnnces less favorable to Iho ' pears that tha!oof the public lands is stantiaully cleared of insurgent control, country than ihe estimates of that otheer largely on the insrea.e. and influential citizens in each, owner ol heretofore submitted, while it is conli- 1 1 has long been a cherished opinion of slaves and advocatns of slavery at tho bo dently expoctod that at the rloso of tho some of our wisest statesmen that the poo- ginning f the rebellion, now declaro -yesr Loth disbursements and debt will h pie of Iho United Slates had a higher and openly for emancipation in their tespec found pretly considerably less limn has snore enduring in'ciest in the early settle- live States. ( If those States not included been anticipated. I went and substantial cultivation of the in tho emancipation proclamation, Mury- The report of tho Secretary of War is a ' public lands I ban in the amount of reve- land and Missouri, neither of which, document of croat interest. It consists nf nue to be del ived from I he sale of them, three years ago, would tolerate any rc- First. The military operulions of the , The opinion has had a controlling itillu- struint upon the extension of slavery into year detailed in ihe leport of the General- ence iushiping legislation upon the mb- new territ'iies, only dispute now as to in Chief. 'j'ect of our national domain. 1 may cite, Iho hot modo of removing it within 6ocond. The organization of the colored as evidence of this, the liberal meaurcs , their own limits, persons in wur service. ;adoptedin reference lo actual settlers:; Of those who were slaves at the begin- Third. The exchange of pr'.soneix, fully the grant to Hie Slates of (ha overflowed ningofthe rebellion, full ono hundred eet forth in the letter of lien, llitchcork. I lands within there limits in order to their thousand am now in the United States Fourth. The operations under the. "Act eing reclaimed ;rnl rendered lit for cn lli-' military service, about one-half of which for Fnrolling and Culling out the Nation-1 vat ion ; the grants to r iiltvay companies of number actually bear arms in the ranks ; til Forces," detailed in the report of the alternate sections of land upon the con- thus giving the double advantage of tak Provosi Jlai-lntl Cicnend. i tomplaled lines of llieir roads which, when ing so much labor from the insurgent Fifth. The organization of the Invalid completed, will so luigely multiply the cause, und supplying the places which Corpt ; and facilities for reaching our distant posses- otherwise must be tilled with ko many bixth. Tho operation of I lie several De- ions, Thi policy has received its most white men. o far as tested it is di'.licult partnion'.s of iho Quartermaster General, signal and beneficent illustration in the to Fay they are not as good soldiers as any. i'ayniHJter General. Chief of Engineers, recent enactment grant ing liomenlcud to, No servile insurrection, or tendency to Chief of Ordnance and Surgeon (joneral. ;nciual felllers. Since the first day of ,hn- violence or cruelty, has marked (he meas II ban appeared irnpossiblo lo make a va!- nary lust the beforenientioncd quanity of , ures of emancipation and arming the liable siiuinj. n v of this report, exept euch ono nnliion four hundred and fifty-six blacks. Theso measures have been much s would be loo extended foi this place; thousand live hundred and fourteon acres discussed in foreiirn countries, and enn- Sunreiiie Court So heln me God observed, also, that t'.is part of tho oath The nersont excel. ted from tht: benefits- is subject to the modifying ami abrogaling ()f the foregoing provisions are nil w ho are, , Tll nntre oftb, r0.t-0fflo., .,,, power ol legi.-ta'ion and supremo judicial or thull have been, civil or diplomatic of-hou.a in u e,. bu ,lai!y greniii,r decision. '. fleers or afenls of iho so-called Confeder- tor. The proposed ncouiescenoe of tho na- nto fiovernmenl ; nil w ho have li ft iudi-! Payment always In auraiee. ,r,i ill . tional Kxecutive in any ieaonublo leni- cial tai ions under the United Stut'ea lo wl'l bo siiiiie)d when tht time of aubnerJjitiit I porarv rslato nrranuement for l ie fiend aid Hie n-be lion ; nil who are. or fhit i ,Br have been, inililnry or naviil ollicers ol snid Ad, Iron. VAX EVR1E, UOHIOSifl No. 1(12, NMatntrrt,K.J, people is mado with the view tf possibly modifying the confusion and destitution so-called Confedei ate (jovernineiit above tviiicii must, ai best, aktenu nil cinfses i y j the lank nl c onei in tlio army.orc'i neu- SPKCIAL 0FKER3 a revoiuuon oi laooi iiiiouguotii unit-, icnani it. i lie navy; an nun nn irau in j Wo tbie Tear to iilace bfi i '"' i' ii in.'.i un ..c .-..' ...j . inn . oucu ,-.m its v.ui:i.-r w iii'i i iic nnrtlivrn rcali-ie he grout doetrinet li deejily alllicted peojile in those Stnles ' hellion ; all who resigned conimiss'un in i Uouk washes nn tli qucitinn of iheJt,,,, may be fomew hut more ready to give up the irmv or navy ot tho United States, , ennudently IioIUitb if Uiij jjurnel were r I the cause of their allhclion, if, to this ex- and ulterwartU aided Ihe rel.iiion; and , t onohalf the v.'tcrs tfUnn,.! tent, this vital matter bo !eft to them-1 all who have engaged in ."-y oilier way ! ?;nU's ''"' ""'' Nenber, ! , . r ,i j - i i i i ' UtMutcruti c mil nut full lo carry Lhtim h i .selves; whilo no power of .ho rial.ona iln treating colored per.oi.s . : ivhue per- dl,:ltiuUlstiun. w,il,e,J,,MK I ..xeciilive to prevent an abuio is abridged, sons In charge of auch. or eiw l-e than tKvTt) BOt in th(1 lijht uf pric(1( ,0(lw J . l.y the proposition. I lawfully ua pr'uoners of war, nni) vrhicL j oaaso it will l pruniublo lurwttumin f 1 ho suggestion in the proclamation us ; persons may have ocen found in Ihe Lnl- ford it lul suleij to eeoare aidtjnn:a J i . i ...... j .... r.,.....n..L . . .1.1 ... r ihn a.trir 1 1 1 in it i ii ; a i n n: j ti.v piiii..ii ii n 1 1 1 . k i is ui my .iHipt mit ten us ' tho Slates on what is called reconstrtie- jn anv other capacity. i lion, is made in ihe hone that it may do! And I do fin iher t roelnini. derlare. and good without danger of harm, Il trill ' make known, thai whenever, in any of the For a club ut twenty, bide tU imp .. ..... i .t. .. , a : t ofiifu..itin. .Mates or A i Knnsas, I axas. Louisiana, Mis- D0W "Brod, wo will mind a eup ifbthl , l.ut why any proclamation now upon issippi, Teiniawsfe Alubama. (ieorcm, n "KrMl1 w!' r ' "Kroe.anaSijrchr' this subject ? Ibis question is beset with Floiida, South Cnrolirn, and North Caro ; the conlli. -ting views that tl.o step might lina, a number of person, not e Ihan .o delayed too lonz or taken too soon. rne-tenth in of the voles east in ; in some states the elements lor resump- guc, Stule at the Presidential election of .Idiers, seHmt-n, or ' of tbe doctrluee wtiiou we tSraily eilliniui i : our countrv : CLUI'-S UF TW'ENTT, the third eJilioa uf wkicu li just rei4j.1t I tin Iiullar. CI.UIJS OF FiFTT. i For a club of Fifty tulucriberj, it !l, . i ir. L lit t'lf.' il . lit . . i, ... ' ' . . . . . . .. fuil nn cxira taiier. and a coKDlele Mf i , ,u ifiu .orHctio.... .ii remain mac- the year ol our Lord ono thontand eight ..Antl.Abliii,.B f ul,li(.tio,,s,"ih. ,ri.,(a live, apparently for want of a in lying hundred and sixty , each hav ing taken i he taken tn-eiher, ainou it to $3,Ti. I j point-a plan oT action. Why shall A oath aforesaid and not having since viola- ri I ' U! IF I IVF !tV hRFfi S ladopt the plan of H. rather than 15 that ol ted it. nnd beinir a nualilied voter bv the . . . 'J "L.MUtU , A ' .v till if A 'in.l li jhonlil n.rr.iu linn' i . i rfi l . . ' V In rein lion to t uii? nf one hunrea, witi Ihe t lot .1 7"U'J'!U',' b0 election law of tho Stale existing inimedi- t,,u ; whoover will .hhuI u on. hu M. jCtn they kno.v but that tho general gov- alPy l)(.foro thafo-called act of secession , i.ts at onk tiuk, the dub to U.i ;ernni! i)t here wnl reject their plan ? hy and excluding all others, slmil re establuh 1 i.ross, and begin and end at the tame no il, .1 .....l .1.,,. . .... i I ., . , .., ... t , ,'i. i i .,,.1 in i i sv 1 1 ii ! which may be accepted by tliem as a ral lying point, anil which they are assured in advance w ill not bo rejected liro. 'This may In ing them to act sooner than , llii' otherw ise would, j The objections to a premature presenta tion of a plan by tho Executive consists in the danger of committals on points which could bo more safely left lo fin thcr developni nils. Caro has been , taken to so shape the document as to avoid embarrassment from this source' Saving that, on certain terms, certain classes' will bu pardoned, with rights restored, it is uoi sin i mat other classes, or ether terms, ,v l. mlnri.l l.v ..oi, i,.i n.'rri,n,oii will never be included. Paying that re- in relation to tl.o freed people of Mich KilllL I'llOl All It'll! I. A r.. ,,--,. . .l I. 1 .iLLUt,, r.i ii pifseiuiii stale, which shall recognize and declare their periniineTit freedom, provide lor Noveuiber, 15, I'M. V. S., 1. 1" ComIlli?ioncr3, Sale a Slate goreriiinent which slmll bo repah-: rn-cive the jhiiom t f v. Iican, nml in no wise contravening said oath, such shall be recognized as ihe true government of the Stale, and the State shall receive '.hereunder the benefits of i of Unseated Lauds in Clearfield CR thoconstitutioiml provision which declares I tint "The United States shall guarantee 1 P"'1'"'"'' ' n Aft orAHomti.t, m to every Slate in this Union a republican ,Slb "fM" K- )W'' "fj . - . . . Actio nun ii.l nn nil them' it'i'iii oi povernnipni, unci sua protect'. . , . , f , .,, Mli buet , , ,r ... ' iii'-inm'.ttr.l li.inl f,,r taxoi, anuwrMw.i each of them igaint invasion ; and on np- j,f,,Si" nl,,i!,0 (.upp'ftnentc thereio.tat C.i 1'lication of the Legislature, or ihe F.xecu- fi.uit'rs of CluofifUl cunty will eipeteii-i live, (win n the Legislature cannot be con- j I.I C SALE, nt the i'.iuri-lmne in lliebof? . vened ) against domestic violence." I neiirlH'l.l. on Tuejilny tlm 12th day of Jut And do futther iMOch. m. declare, nnd '' ,Ml1' "le "'"'"': make known that any inovision rvhich in a specilio wav, it is ml said it wi l ncv er be accepted in any oilier war. Tho movements, by State action, for e mancipation in several of the Slates, not i included in tin emancipation proclama tion, are matters of profound gralulation. And w hile 1 do not repeat in detail ahat , 1 have heretolore so eiutiestly urged upon this subject, iny general views and feelings ; remain unchanged; and I trust that Cun- gress tvili omit no fair opportunity of aid ing the.t imjio: taut steps to a great con su mmation. In the midst of other cue:-,, liowerer their I'duea! ion and which mnv vet be consistent, as a temporal)' arrangement, with their present condition as a laboring, landless, and homeless class, will not be objected lo by t be national F.xecutive. And it is suggested in. not improper, that, in constructing a loyrl Stale government in any St.ite, tho name of the Sta'.e, the boundary, the sub-divisions, tho constiiu tution, and iho get'cral codo of lart's, as before the rebellion, lo maintained, sub ject only lo the modifications made neces- anu nence j content mysell by asking ot lamt have ijuen taken up under Ha pro- temporary with such discussion the (one your careful attention to the report itself. ' visions. This fact ard tho amount of of public sentiment is much improved. Tho dulip devolving on iho naval sales furnish gratifying evidence of in- At home Ihe samo measures have been branch of the er'ico during the year, and creasing settlement upon the public land.s, fully di-ctissod, supported, criticised and throughout tho wi.lo of this .unhappy I notwithstanding the groat ftrugglo in denounced, nnd the annual election fo! contest, have with lidvliiy , which the energies of the nation have lowing are highly encouraging to tho.-o nml eminent success. The extensile been engaged, arid which haa required so whoso olliciaUluty it is to bear tho eoun blo.kadrt has been constantly increasing large a vithdrawal of our citizense from try through this great tr'al. Thus wo in etliriency as tho navy has expMiilo.l. their accustomed pu: suits. I cordially con- liave iho pew reckoning. The crisis Yet en so long a line, it haa o fur been nr in the recommendation of the Secret which llueat.ened to divide the friends of impotsible to entirely suppress illicit ' tary of the Interior, auggesting a modifi- the Union1 is past. From returns received at the Navv De-1 cation of the net in favor of those engnged ; Look ing now to the present and future, dart men t, it appears that over I.'xlO ves-1 in iL'e military and naval service of Iho and wilh reference to a lesumption of tho sets have been capturid since the bloekailo United States. I doubt not that Congress national authority within tho Slates was instituted, and that the value of pri-' will cheerfully adopt such measure as Will,! wherein that authority has been suspend 7.cs already septin for adjudication amount! without etseiitiully changing the general cd, 1 have thought fit to issue a proclama to over ?13,w,l.H0. J features of the svstem, aecure, to the great-1 tion, a copv of which is herewith lians- , Tho naval lorce of the United S'slea est practical extent, its benefits to those milled- tin examination of this proda-consi-ts, at, this time, o. jS8 vessels, com- who have left their homes in the defence ' mation it will appear, as ia believed, that pletcdand in Hie courso of completion, or tho country in this arduous cris:i. nothing is attempted beyond what is am ain! of these ( ; nreiron-olal or armorc I I invite your altention to the views of r'y justified by the Constitution. True, ateameis. The event ol tho war give an tho Secretary as lo the propriety of raising, the form of an oath is given, but no man increased interest mm importance to th" ly appropiiatelegislaiion.revenue from tho is coerced to take it. The man is only navy rhich wnl probably exlend beyond mineral lands of tho United Stales. j promised a pardon ia case he voluntarily the war itself- The measures provided nt your last aes- takes the oath. The Constitution author- Thearmoied vcsfols in our avy, com- mon for the removal of certain Indian uoi the F.xecutive to grant or withhold jileted and in crvito. or which aro under ! tribes havo been carried into effect. Sun-, the pardon at his own absolute diacretion; contract and approaching completion, aro dry treaties have been negotiated which this includes the power to grant on liflieied toexeood in cumber those of any f will, in duo time, be rubmitiod for the eon- terms, as is fullv established by judicial other power. Unl whilo these may be re- BlHutionnl action of tho Senate. They and other authorities, lied upon for hnibor defenco nnd coast contain etipulations for extinguishing the I It is also protlered that if, in any of the fei vice, others of greater strength nnd ca-1 posessory rights of tho Indians to large States named, a State government ahall pacily will bo necessary for cruising pur- ami valuable tracts ol land. Il is hoped bo, in tho mode prescribed, set up, such jio es and to maintain oui rightful position that the effect of these treaties will re- government shall be iccognized and on the ocean. suit in the establishment of permanent guarantied by the United States, and that The change that Ims taken place in na-' friendly relations with nich of these tribes under il the Stute shall, on tho constitu v&l vegsols and naval warfare since the in- as have been brought into freouent and tional conditions, be tirotected acainst in troduction of steam as a motive power for' Moody collision with outlying settlements vation and domestic violence. The con a irt liu f 1 1 a nrttt 1 i t inti 1 nrn i t 1 in ( c ' I 1 im,orlmit we must not loso nght of Ihe nllll HUri, c,iicri if ,,nv, pot contravening nnd conditions, and which may be deem ed expedient Ly thoso framing the new State government. To avoid iiiijur.dorstnt'.ding, it may be proper to say that this proclamation, so far as it relates lo State governments, has no reference to States w herein loyal Slate governments have all the whilo been maintained. And for the same reason, il may be proper to further say, that wheth er members sent to Congress from any constitu tionally, rests exclusively with the respec tive Mouses, and not to any extent with the Fixeciilite. And tlill further, that this j roclamation is intended lo lament the people of tho States wherein the national authority has been suspended, inci i Kin nn1 war power is still our main reliance. To that pow er alone ran we look, yet for a time, to give conli.Uino to the pcoplu in the contested regions, that tho insurgent power will nol again overrun them. Until that confidence shall he os-tabli-died, little can bo tlono anywhere lor what is called reconstruction. Hence our chiefest care must still be directed to Iho army and navy, who have thus far borno their harder part so nobly and well. t . . .i j. . . . ,i . "' '" ,t,.u ,,j nn esteem.-., oriunmo U1UI ;,,,,, bo i,,,,.! ,0 Pall, in giving me greatest eiuueney lo llieso indispensablo arms, we do also honorably recognize tho gallant men, from comman der to sentinel, who compose them, and to whom, more than to oihers, tl.o woild must stand indebted for the home of free-' (loin dis 'iithralled, regenerati d, enlarged, nnd perpetuated- ABRAHAM LINCOLN'. IacKmii;a 8, lsGJ. Minuted uinl defi-ribt'il ns f.iil mi A. At rut. 'c't W'ttrrnnl't. IIT'J ll'dl Jmnos Wilson hi t of -IG h'riil.i r, f uiii.n i Lanivh Bnc I'll Edward fhotaisktr k liiO 40 John JltCk'lltrii I"1 '. i Ihiiios r.ums Wni. jftr T'J llrown il- Iloynlen . i ii ....... i . 1.1 II. Ill y .nu.':i'l V l.iS l'luhp Tlioinal 121 (ioorgo Hess i'l'i Jacob Mu'scrimill ll: Joun Cunninghaa lli John linitT 170 Paul .unttinjr 10 Matthias Slough 219 Jitcuh liratT l.''1 lo3 Jiavld Evnns 4(10 Jo.n'i'li Kuper HID Itt'iijamin llulet .Tin) John hctijrh ton 30 I'll ill- ttt! t'lark 3ll0 Willinm Wiboa 228 John Morgan 3S5 .'liri.lo'lH'r Uaka 9.'t Ainlrew Hou(lJl IPl) Andrew Keiit Sl!0 J. Hill K. WhilolieaJ liy ordar of the fornaiission'. . . Coininissionsrs', Cloor- I i t W k Is J Jfirra ii a fl field, l'a Foi Not. 2i, 1S63. or ik" r-. f fll riMIK Subftribcr, residiug ia Fr" l,: i l n. i.' ,,ni. LOW "' cvllcnt b'e terms, FAIl.M for sle or rent o W J Tho Karni is tituM"" " - J eity v a , I and loyal Mate governments have heen T0Ki lroi LumW fily subverted, a irodtt in and by winch the UB,nbiut four inilft i'mtn the form national authority and loyal Slate rovern-' contain '2-ioarrcs, 11(1 of inenls may be rc-cstablibhed within said nd in Rood ton.liiion, und l'KOULAM ATiON. , nl, tr in any of them ; and, whilo the ',i'r 'V", ois es I nn, : i - -r'mode nresented is the best tho K.eeutive . ? w . !WM.UM.-H0tS, iiiciun.", in unii liy inu iiniituiiun Ul . . , , . . iliAKN lno OKI HAUL'S, ana - .U,M il. i w i .1... . i - fan 8UCC8t with ha liferent imrtraoainna rAni! ' ww. -;... oa H no u iincu .-.iittf s, ivis priiviiieo. iiihi inu . ', i " "" i aiiia tlierouo. i'osji'ssiou Tresident "0hall Lave power to crai t re- " "1U!t not be understood that no Other April neit. Title iudi trmW- v,jd possiblo mode would he acceptable. JpUJ 1 tho United States, except in cases of im-! ,,,0ivf " un,,cr, mV ,lunl I-'- the city oJ" peachmont ;" and j U aslrtncton, tho 8th day of Decembeiw Whereas, a rebellion now exists where- j A-J. one Ihousand. eiuht lmndred and by the loyal State governments of several ''"TN B''y-three. and of the inJepon- Statoi have for a long time been subvert- (JiJ Jp, ,; rl' " . United Siates of ied, and many persons havo committed) 0 w An., rlor, the . '.jhty-eichth. ami are now guilty of treason against the !J.tM LINCOLN. United .Slates ; and I By the rresidei.t ; ' Whereas, with reference lo said rebell-l W. II. .SEWAit , "t t-rotary of State. ion and treason, laws have been enacted ' ' by Congrojs doclariug forfeitures and con-i FOit SALE 8ci' i, lW!3.-tf. dk. Tonus; A rrvi-HH' . and warranted mperior to j it positively ourel i '"''. ,,a,t mediately it it umi. JIo)ll'n. .ill""' nd arm vourselvei with t W"1" iic v roup ia a uiit'nw - . 4jaa r I qncnlly sltivcliinic the child is wiighti before phjuciaa o V(t)tW 2"lKli:Sft:r A ST HATKCOOKTOVHfotcUpCentrfaU;. -' aiaves, an upon terms and conditions A ! . .l,..i..ii.i.ii...ii ii....i.h ti65(1." a- ( therein ttatcd, and also declaring that tho -raitabls for wood. Iet. I, MM-!. In.nir ai thia elBre.' Sold by all Drngilsii. i et torn. I' piij i5