Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 09, 1863, Image 3
Wm.M.-im!,: : .:;:;;:'..:.: I '' !th, 1 -;.. I'onHo In KWeJ '"from 111 nhiffation ' O I '.Ml. 1NMMI. HM1I iat .,. kj i ik-hi jTinaer of war accordm to the I'"" vi mvi ixt'ii wnrrnr " ni Uarfield entinty Prink, Nov. I fit. mm an J inatu.n of fxouto" for iorutiiciont 1,?M ' f"od, lint 'l if.. have, nnt l.r.ti (.,-.,. ?llv'r' dnllivvoiirliom.n,.,! :.i 1 '""nil r'"l'f n'M.jr .t,k, . 8K ... I! . . . . . " .rn. i.nIMi )l MIllK Car Iwie ot Tyrone. . ,i .. i.i.k ,.i a, .,1 m i ti . ' . .. . ' ' ' ""' ' ' ' ' ' ""HI T I 'I 11 -TI lS U III H I II I.I. I i. v i... . U I . . I ... r 1 . . . nritiiiT .,tt .... i ... !.. . . -. j-v. , nir. in i-iuirr com liipeney . If ill 'iifnimtp-i, llitriiionls, ni,)St infamously fuifp. have H i I i din ountod. mi r inl.'t, recently beet) tiifldii ond rin ul:iU-l nt I ho I r rt- l'"n. r'"" value. JM, oil .ortii, I'jr persons whofe rnlli trios. I'D A . M TlftOH. 7 Id i. . I fit (-. a. nir . 1 ..... I 1 "ana. "nil nan Hers, Liivn T .. , , ' of other bank- 12 2j A. X. ti rim iuri in i' KITf Al " lulliiii'TO Ka io , 7 .Mail ir.iu 1'. ll'TK A Ml, )' Klfirn-i I !,:). 10 . 1 I ' f uel .Vil 1 ruin h a ! IlirMi'h A'',i,h;ii,'i. 1 U a 1 iniiip mi the 1 1 im r hii I ( If iivti J ypaie I 1 r. . i i.ii ni.i law i ami: a 1 1 hx road lcars I 1 ' "u received, rtrnl will colli in- Ti ruui fur li:ic(oiii' i I j a. u, up to n reive. Do you k tunro ? If an , ne t,...,, on the: b,tt.., r,H,l, run to eonnaet ImI do you .lmniid f We recortli2,. j' Kirk-Skiuocj I,n,j.-Urfm,i tnl,.rr, "ur r"'s)Y,'". will. Immatiity. tin. I t- (uniio ) (m i,i. ) t3 . I.r ortn honor fe-m lo have Vb,rk,. ,,rKfls, rtc . . tAiiKirii, ii,B,,,.i, ,,.....;;; " """'"i' .... Hiiij.Ij hnljentB Ji a mlt, " "M ri ffnn tlin shiuo m- 1'uo trom t nrumnturenlih, (P,m.wi) t'oriM m toliliers in t ho fi.lil Simli vnur tiienm of Plata cneravme. m.. !!'.!, VI" I I'i 1 1 f (i,?mi !'0 !'. 'liW 71 71 7i 41 ..iviiw irni ii i .....l.i . Uat.ol.n .I,llf,r ),(.. Um-nM,.r,Wf. I j; nn-.l qnalily n- N Fivc. m our own koI- i um uh t y tire on lUt lAt iiift, dieiH. it the i! t,y is Kvuilv. vou have I Ho huci rco tit ly Imiii ut U moveil into u 0,1 J' 10 ,,lill"B ll" ytenwif warfiire you new hoiiso njjitoj.ii it my hh rli (itorini; of j'l iii, tin -at, J H in 1 .f i- 1 fl 1 ' i) '.''I I'.' i 1' j (((tiintisFinnrrs' Snlo of rrsmtrd I.nnda in CleatHt-U rounfy. 1" " A ! ..rA..",nM, paf-l lh I. ii, .liy ..f M it. h. t , M- Vr,,,. ., ,n A 'I l.. ,: , i-, I nn in t iiir. ,,,tv i,,,,,!,. ,,f ii k.- m,. l,', I hi J. f ,r tm. F, n i,, I rnrml.'T pur I . .. -." in, I llm . ',.,. i,..t..., , C'li'inU :'"""! ''l.'n! , I-! r,.,:ity will cxim..o f, l't I! 1,1 I.' :-MV, lit tlit' uri I,,,,..,, I,, ,rl , (' 'l""-:'' I'1' ' 11 T ';'.v i! - I Mi .In i,f Jm'iinrv, . p . in-1, i f,.,,,r.,i ,,n,l:Jii M'll.lli'll .'II , I lltHfriliP I II. f ; a.,.,, to. ti .. .,.,,.,. r,.,,fi,. .'uiih' V, ii i,n Inx. l.iaifr, liiii,,,, A, l.n!,i,li HmfiirJ. J. r. JIns jiit ntiftieil n la ro iioilmutit 0 Fall a ml Winter i'OIl LADIIS, new a r,iam A MIUIiLY CONCKN 1 H,TKD Vcvfiiblc Dxiracr. A Will) IONIC THAT III, HEI.IKVE THE Al I'LICTRD, IVut Make Drunkards $j0.flifi f'O V L'M.I C-J 13.8'JO CO t), J U 1 U" pS,1.1 ."') l'tJI 0 HI 4! 17 i'J .'i,f-j() jl Total amount of annU, LIAnlLITIKM. Capital Ktock paid it,, Noia in ciroulutinn, 10', " " " 6i, - IV - - (Thiii IfiiiL' t!io pfontunt atnuiint in riri-ulatinn inco Iftut etatimeiit. ( Due il.'pomur". .... . Hi, m, ill . ur lit,,., t... .,r .1 u nn.. . i. ho,iW,,.,o,.li-,iin,,. f... Oflg.nti.. n...,, hn,,L. . " T ' 1 - in t .a ,.r ... '.,r.i r, .... Thi Kill. . , i-'utimu oovirn- Hue romiuunwoallli, tm on divileuj, I Willi lllftl B hi,' FK'iunn,. Lrlrnn f... I ' ' , . r ' '....., it -i,miti' iiiini-ri nu'j ricumiirt!. II,, ii iito)iiiviH, w as v Uiilv conuinttil to the c na-co of f:illf'llt' fir ininmnn;,.. . litnl a lm h'i jij-l Ijutthcrrd the duy ht- .v",,r rr'8nr'-- In the iirst phu'O, Jiave Total amount of Lialilii.M, - Jjfl2,J?5 ii of cour.o, ot nil lii wintf-r'a i,"l'orlun',.li J-0" 1,1 "Pe o fair and hon- . . , .... , ""'""".M pollution rvliioh wAol,J tecuie the v ,a ,Lml"'""a Jl,uc ' Ui '' fJ.HT. H lueat. J he at thn twwn of theyoar .);, of all of them. When that u'lV sr,",-"1 ""i"':,J' laBl s' -":'' .roj,youhllveheenPerS;.,j,;oU:i: ,"a'M -r::; J! . -Ur Cook, J:.-,, , JliNKta.-TU vrninS ",ll";."t limitation. l kin.fcof - . of j.i0M k. ,.ri,.f. ,t.j Ufiircur..r wcuC to,, last week. 1, tb.t the pr- aoS "ri'; !o e icc"iv?(l n noto Irom lhi genlletnftn, Oior iiiw in our hnmls h retunied to V' S' 6nd SlMtl Ux " '". no o. . .Dentin-u remittance doubiu tho amount your line. Thin is not neivsmpnnied If Jho aUv statiaM:t i ruri,oi to tho In.: oj Af.ho o, previous r.ceivel-aml of nn-v rroP0,,i,ir,n our pnnern tty kn""UlJg8 u,1'Uj,s"r- Ul'AUAM, i H-liich He cowplu.m-.J,l cipluiuh)'. r"W,!" JUr ',mn,U- r,,,"."'H'e- 6orn before m thia 24 tl, A,y of Xi.vVtlJ,' tlnU the f'.rmer ,tio w P-nt ty mistake, supply food and clothinc a- l.c-.-tohW to : - Jhis ai:ikfd it ull -i;'!,t, und we recall cx:r '' en. Hitch.-oel; need n ,t lve nr- I . . 1 . V.RO"s lir ''"'' Term. complaint, nnd wii: endenrcr to rsnder pmi lo ",r'se " ti,llp 'n oointnuniM- , I ,, . , I..., 1 .1 ... V I ... . i.iif; ii in h i . i r. ,i.'j;ree oi imsio would have Hroured tlmmsfnt ol tho Confcderato oithori'iea ton propositiou so flagrantly i uno'pial. It f art r( f .i r'Uevt ytur (Inyrrnm'ni from thelwtei "f tuw'-jin.j "food ami elAhinn ax . I)., IKUI. 1 liim a f ,!! (".ui r!uiit. I'e.'.tii (,r i ! i. v . Mn. (lOTH-Ai.T. We lesrn t'.uitti ItlUr wis received in thin piace on M'HidAy cver.'.n !n-t, Biiiicunein Unit the n'.uve iiisfiie.1 tftji'.omr.n deptirled this life, I'ti 'i ll 111 I'd nv last. Ml his hite. renidenop .a Williurn-ro,,. Lvconting county, Vu.-Z m r . . . , , , v vii win. iimiit:in:rii in (i;-i?itc v:i i ncumoniii. no hne!--Jire M our ytr.y in y,,tir hinds, mi if Fruiley if.ry pre senr w W, vritrj s'rill be tent Li wu fll'.AMi JI Tir,:. liill "W i i tin in llarth-rink, Am. Anri'ii ll irtmui). I.riidv Ainuj lii.nsiiil, Jo Si'liiutlMT. Iirj.llun) IluTiJ Wiiion. Ini'iil'.' Tames HiM!, Julm JI..fTuian. I IiCiit John H . N..n;. John I!.,l.i,.,, AtJr,.u- C'linn, Will I K Tiie C! l . i'l I .l:Ihj vlll'tkl'l 41 J. .I.ii Mt't'Ui:u.l 'I'lurs I'tir,:.; Viii. l i( in Drown ,1 l'.,viilon ii, '. 'j :,!) ,'t I'M!:,' 'J im:n:m lit iiti h'.n 'i -i.ii .Mi; ,..ei-.nii:li ' ( .inr.w . li.i'ij J.'hn Craft' 1 ' 1'iiiil ZaiM linji-r I''-' Matthiiu f lou-'h H'J .1iioi.1i Cr.iil 4.!J Hi b ni i.v.iTu I'J'J J".:' I.-!l IlLip. r '"! l;.''jil..ill llul.-.-t Z.j J, ,l,u li,,uiiina .-)' l'l'il'-.tin ( l.lrk : V.piiH v.-!...,n V J, ho Morgan r!v :ii-:v...j !.i-'r ISjKnr ' Ai. litur lJ,iiai Ai.iiew I'.i ita ')C J. Ai jf;-,i;i 10( I:. V .,. ! nil: r ot tft.t ( '. WX:. ti. v.: .'i HUT,.''.vo, (.'l.'ur- I'll., .Nuv. i.t, lit,.!. liitrnf ido. pi'Cutiir. l'ar;liuiin. lVnt. )l'ei,n'a 11, if Pii-tu do do ilu do do (!j ill do t'lu-.u. l'L'i'atur. i.j.x y erudi'ii. Fox J.Tlo-. Morru d.. J.. IVnti. o"d ivh i J. d; "l'l, td.rv, r:k. Mi Ii ! r;i,:.tnrr-, lorn,,,,., rr(1 ,1. ,,;,, inni'tn. luiilmnl', i'"lin, u', drl,,.,' 7 : n't", pill.n, (liiMcr-'li'tli. (iiij-l'uini, Mm!;,.', ,,' i:,.. I I ... - . , I lri'i.1, I, II-, lr, I'litt'ili", limiwr, cilf, t,,.i..,, I ,Y1I 11 41 f 1 I iH'kl' eorvftn. r,.!!r.. r.i'id, nul.i..-. J Mirf,, h-top Pklrt. VJI 1-1 llUtll tJ.ll(l i ii I iii'Tai ', Tun ii i ',', eoiiti, tinw,. n,rSl t.oti, ,(,.., tounnti , hutr:, nl tmn l,,tver', plumi 1, Ao. ; MENS' WEAR. . Fueh a e!o'L, n: -iiiKre. mtinctt, f!-iii.ol, Jsuni, ' Tweed,'. n-iidiii, itiillitn '.,t h , velwt, pluali, i-biclf, luliiujr, denliiii, drillit.;;, I crush, i,'r, eoiivii, ,n,l'liiif, liiifiiv ventinz, einmn lunnil, cnti. rant. Venn, overcoats rhaulH, boy's jnckiMv, ovtrullii drawem, over, f iiitt.j, uii'irrrli!rt boon tu:d fliorw, luia iol vi .', .to , A rRi-.r.i:r:i) nv DR. C. M. JACKSOiN. ri!iL (i::i rni v. v. WiU Effectually and Llost CcrtRinly in,CU R i: ALL 1)1 si: ASKS Sue', ii- c-.-r-t. t-1 Cln,-!;q, It,. 1. .r (. l.-i " el;', bi ii jiir, I t . !'i" fa !.'! , tk "i, fl.. ! I'.'i, wa'.! j..,,.:r. r . . .!!' 1, v,.;'k ), ,-! l':.'.s r. t.ui.l ,', Mii'i al ininiii,fiif it T! ii JwHrn, t'.o AP,isr.a rr.oit a DISOr.DEBEP UYTV. STOMACH loth. Hind,., ciirtai:-.. t.i:i..l " AXHJSXS. ......,-,vuu .in,..i.,.,i.jrK. , rrcrvi.-r .-sr'. . . lib, ai li. wood-1 "Wl'tU.ltt ,Ti U t'.U.U.A, l,lll l'li3 c:,:r" ''"".' i!l euro uvorv case of nun, cult'in Tain, cau- v , .... mi' in . Uinl.roil.i- buf. ; l,rnl"0 0T &tT' -fofciluy. I)wnne of thn Kl,l. I,,.. ,,., ., ' -'),, nn ifiaraasn ntiam;; itnin it.i i niorp.l htomiicii. I :!.!;ot' r" t ' t. ! Is ai'd .' ii' '0 .1 ii l.i:': v.; 1.'., f.!", a-ju'.-, iif ;' -, f;!a i w i. l", iii!a'ii"i!": tri'u.i:. il OI'i'M, ( KLnii i'S , , ttitnn , m t.J i - 1 fiuit. liUKur, ; 1!. TaM. .HO I.hlOk. I,; Fori v-i:; r. Matt: woe 'i-llULi; AMliltlCA I'd J ii i- Pulnvhoi! ! '.'.! ': t' Umditi:-; i i-y If ' ' i''""!.-" m;-i, fiir:.: '. trlti' e f uilius ., t'.'!i;,l bsol'i, A.-; ail ! 'i I II i :i I',') Mint ri m i.jiiub'a tl; hi learkel j.ruo i.,;.l fr ' v oi'- v oo '. ' -''., , J. i'. kuatz. '..:. j , :.Li,i i' 'ri Aiijttoy, i;,h:L, I:-ii. l'.i win nn thn M. K. llm acceptance of this proposition "as duo tO tllO milQl Crilnmn nrin.l.ln.allnH. '. .. .!...( hire of tho civilized ivorl.l." We content (hat the "oivilimd world' nh'Hiid draw it own ooncluHiou when it cmtraM t Lie two oflieri. I will thank you to forward this communication loUeneral Ilitclicoi k, or inform him that ibn Con federate Dllthoritiei dei'inu In iii.m,a Ki. j.rei,...t:t wiatcr promisti to ho unusunlly i rropoition. Hipclfully, your obedient mi! 1. So fur " tin oldrst inhahilant" fail. nrvuut, K. E. OULD, to rctiicnil or eueh a plickont Novemhcr ! Agent nf Kxoliann nd iJuiiiiiibiT. As yet no lnvo hod hut uhmmih t..L. m.- - , . .'--.n me jii9inifin n nude in i.;isnr Mo r.iiil devout Minitler i.f CliUl'th ttid 0.1 fuch he crjoyfcd the res jfot uf ll.ii couraiunily tu n niviabln dc gioe. ; I'j.NJi WcAiiies. Nutniiiii.lutiuii.g the inuny rocnosti;-ationn to tLt ccntniry. the iijjiu ' r.iiKiing ci tr.or, it. . i , , .i Cite! Cifta!!" C. II. A II. W. hiinu have for tale fin 1 urk jfh nn rocno travlir,c bnira fot Indiei : uskcln. whinh thov Iritu to tL ludv i.o h. 1)01 ice of their and very ' 6eM, on tba lt iat.. by Itar. Ja. H. I'rntton. Mr. Albeit P. Dftinlnu uf Morria toirnhip, to I JUiH Josepiiina V. Hethorlir.a of Rah twp , ; the f r;nr A Cltartiald ami tho lattar of Ccotra 1 county, MAKItlHO-ly Rt. W. M. Dur.OifWJ, on ll.i , t'jth ult.. Mr. Ptter rattcmon to Mui Uie I Uur.ter, both of Kno towmhip. -hstcnilfl !.v,'. Cuitoinrri i-liincr . r the approaching hi'ii fi)' (!'f lly In.l wt'i k, Ui lUill'l), ton ' At liu ri In.?a In Lnwroniro tuwuih in. ou 'ha l't imtnnt, aftr anillnem of aWout two :i!n, WiLUAn tt iLLAca, in tba (l;h year of I in ni;s. S-flio doteased was, we believe, a natirn of , r t.- . I ! ' .. . ...ii. t ,.iVv.r, . vr.zZ'-i in cuumg i'erry eonrty. Pa., and rmo..t to thin eounty lrr, the ends (if the firnnnd lonotl 1 I'm- tome thirty yran ago, and wai onivemally et. Iters rseio ilic.'.vn under liio k ni.'o, cutiing ' tnameil for bij uprihtnei and integrity by all them oil heircm tb first joint and the wli0 l"10 him. lie wai eleotnd Aseor of Ii,!'. . j L.iwronoo Uiwneiiip lant Sprinir, and w& cnga- (cl in tho rerformance uf Lie official dutiue wbca ill. i Gii.Ni; Uast A . I. Liyn:oi), of l!.n prui ukfn of r.i'yntoti it Shower-,, (.Bj clartcd f...rj -the eiifletn cities to piorurc their ncoi.d took of winter p.")od h;i'1 uNo nn a "ort- n;mt orChrii' and tVrn- Yr Oiitii. I KS TKAY. - - - '"tAME trerpnssinjc on the prcrn'mt'e of the AflS X.XCli;,..ifT3 U . 5,;o:i lOiOj Uorrjl- J unoerii'iitd, in J.nwrenee township, Clunr Ilclo Sbbfrliscratnis. Cloarfiold Homui-h John Fn-eio, E;.ra Alo. rurwi'iuville lii.toiijih Jm-ub A. Fauat. Decatur Jacob F. finer. Huston William 11. ilt.ys. Knox Samiii'l Snvdor. Iviirihaus Li in n:. I Icrtli i.e. Lawrence M'illiam L. lii.hol. Jlorrif John W. (rwin, ltobert Ardory. Vr.ion Henry Liuini r. Woodril iiliiaui UfnJ.r'or.. TRavis J irnnitn. llecsarln -William ilammond, ll'm, h. Iiickey, John (t. Dillon, Tiiouii's Fleck, H'm. It. DicteiV uii,.Jiw-,b M. rimiih, P. T. Jobriiion. Hell William T. Tborp. Hlooic Adam Weaver. Hogg" Matthew Stott, Georgo V.'. Shirev, (ol Henry) tin,rgo Wi!,.n, jr. Ilradford John J'orter, Win. K. V,'rie!ev. Wallor Shirey. ' lB,ly Henry Krinor, Joiin Boighto', IVo l. O.iwnlt, Jamei Irvin. liurniido Fredrio It., Suui'l N'civ, Henry Penticoff, Coinfton J.iIid itaurer, .Joseph F. Jtu'lini,. I'ocutur Pttur str.enl. lorruaon John U. Miller. osiicn Roaort K. Flegal. Ororiain Levi llublor. lluntod Jba Tylur. Jordan tsaat; Ulooni, Hiranj Straw. Knox John Mc.Murray. Lawrence- John I'aie, John I.ivinrr.oti, Hui-li Orr, Jsuuiuol lirown. Lumber City Kobnrt Voung. Mcrrii Josetib Iloihroek. Iiuvt.l n.t. fl...,, ,. Iloovor. . : Now Waihington Thoiuni Meliaffy. Fonn Cavid Whituier, Inaao Ketor, John U. Itnt'orty. Fike Sainuol Fullort .n. Fiiion William Wcitv. Moodwanl Juhn Woft, J ,hn Poulter. C1 AIjTIOX. Tde pul,lic ure hereby cautioned ag.'iiiist diocouDtingor in any nay liecoaiing owner of a ceitnln noto (riven by mo to Lenin C. 1 ariion, ol l.HRrn tub osir new tonic pai'.-ii mini: re incivivi Lr r.,i. Ci : ri:v cntot'i.ATio.t. Xrwx of II, II', rA, Ca!U,:, Prod u, t, and oiur Jor.'-.'.'j ( 'arrfuUy lizportt.-.t. 1:. of :t. - ri... all l.lii.l, ,. l ". 1 If, I, t t- I'iill.'ilii .! j; ! A ,V l.IiM-i II A I l.UO l. rpiiK err;.- pi,,. , the .N..rt!i.iru and I Ni.itlin.'.ir.".. ,.!. ,.r r,'i,i, Irahia to t;iO,i!V or l.ri- .in I 1; bn- bet ii i .. I I, . f,. .. ( ' rj. r.: ". T.'l In 'V, ' White MciiV l.ihcrtio 1 Hight.? Fuileral Union. Siatc' i -ifo ':!!.'.- ! Tub 'w V-tm T'.w i'-os ia an indqii n.'cn' i Ptu.". r-i'.e .innrnal, li 'Kiii., wi'.h t'io '.:.,. ;;K t'H' iJoitirla.i, thai t'. , tiovfrnicetit k uiiv v. the nhit. t'..d.. l -.'h-'-s i:.fn, f..r i!.t. l.,.U;t ., j white ii 'in and tlielr ji'.'-t, ri'y f 'ifv.-r." I: U (-hiV dieib!,. a heel, v.ii'i t.!y,l:h eo.',,.,,., ,' jTeirlliif; uiii i;ui in i.,! resoeft'i . . !it -ther fo. .I t , .;. V:.-r.--y i.r A -rli o'' i -;ii .i. ir m ut; ii.i,.i ur n ai.y a a , 1 ... ,,, ,., J'::iw.,j.or.r. 1 i i., ,, d..r...rfnoat, it I'l-l-llly itl'i. t'.o ic.a;, ,::,-i ,. Aioeneiin l''"o,i' , ar t j I by i f i' wliieh t r,n r"Bi Abrlitioa,.-,!: 1' tiio t.'in.- , but IS til) irirUr. 1 ii'Mr. n 1 1j. -.v t.r.TH ', no ' T. l:u:t.t Ci' Vu.tV Ur 1,'Ut, ovtrll i- I'll II !.'. I', lil' f, '111 11 ji' I'liV.f ) or, faolj t , L';i,., ( I- .'.',,l. 7 ' -f f.' A..-- - ,1'i'- Trii:' !'.' , ? Lxpit.S'iTi' r.-iv ( nn rn '.'.ir'a ' II Uicm , (;.!, lit jij'-on, nn:! I ,tv.". r J .e":;rt !( in - 'i'rai.'i'l Tf.;-1 ..'t. ) f. "."'1 Wi.'.;.,- J''-:r iiii,,ri!:,.'i', . r. i Vi '.i t-e Is r. ( I'.r i M iCirpi, t r I nn ho tlifir no j, f. iii,'!i,'iit r. or ' Ve-' n ' . ' 1 to K' ni'im I'Tii Dn-isio'i. i 'o,(- 0 ii h- o ',' aili. ;"'.8ht b 1'. ! K'r!;, n -! -1 from u.,.e rai' ) t'.o V. i" o' Kr WiSt ,. n ii . ;r,t i U . i :j l.i Wl-Vl 1.1 I. 'rk '". mi . 1! Wi's:. I lo.U!- 1 M,:nl -h vr rriANor: '. ;-, fi.inoielnl.-j i roil'rpi -o jii.'j L ! A'Tfi'lJi'ittv Ill l', ii. a :l' s.'.rl a ; it tii d l liila.l, ,.:.!-,. I .lii.K Piwi"ir,t?..r In . i i an J ,!arKet K lui -oil : of t'.o t1, i-ij ,vv's .0, jr., for. I'll', and Mai'iai (H'.-sKKVK Tllli FCU.I.OWING SYMl' toiiii reiiultiorf from Diimderi of the) l'i)?viitivo OrAfie: hi'. ar.l I'iie.J, F j 1 1 n e hh r JUdud l ,. the ll.'P.d, Acidity t.f tho, Ncii'ts IJciirt'inrn, l;s;iHt f.,i Fot J, l ulacj- or Weight le. ! e Ktom -.cli, Sjiirlirno l.tliopt, riikint; or Vlatleriiijf rt tbu 1'it ui tlio ritoinach, awiui mill!- of Ibu Ileii'l, Harro'd anj Difficult'.ihijji I'lutlerinj ki Heart, (.'bolunir or iufl'ocstins Sena. atioin when in a lying r"turo. Din'naae cf Viaimi, Uuta .r Wobj before the i?ijljt, Fever aul dull pin in the Hand, Dtiioienoy f IVrpiration, Yolii-nnoita of iSUin aud Kyen, I'ainintiio aide, Uttca, Clioat, Limbs, if o., Sudden Flush es of, Paruinc In the r.c'h, Conitaut i 1 n ij I n i n c( and great t1 i p r evslou of bpi rite. i vrip the I'. I1 r. i- . 1: is He,,. ito ti'.teno ; "-i.i iJor i t' 1 '" U. 1 , I.- no only f 1 : , v. , 1., ,:1 c: M 1: . i' :.. vi V.. the ; ' n'' ' If t':.' :rx' ..-r.y :. I'le'a Kirhtf, 'Iiovt or UH i'l, lot it t ur.v i '. ; ".lne v:j 1,, ( j,. :- .V Vt C-rcrr.. i.. 1 i. : i : ,. r- u..: n.l.oi of ALoli- U.r-r. ii 'f'l T i Vt, 'hi'. I I' ll .r; ;- L'l. lsii ) J-AIUI'JCLAR :;0:'ItE.F,.r those wh de. f f aiidniil Lnrtia Lii.oor Hitter, we publifb, O fillowir.? rtc-ipt: o,.. ono ,., H ot.Ctin l'n , ti irm in hitt ,rs a-t mix wit Thin Ounrtm i" 1f I i'"". or Wliir't'ij, and the result will be I ft r.'i aration Hi at will 'or txed in medicinal vir. t :.ti :l true ercrlloree nnj of the i.umerout l.i ouor Lif.ijrs ia liio I.-inrket, aid will rt.f mu, A lio i.i lmve all tao virtues of HuoiUnd't s.ncotitiefti.m iti a wlnriiclo of Liunar. V' 0 :1 l'1' ''inn the iufernT propur- '. 'V9 'l ,1 :.IS-1 Vnl. 1100 1' LMi D'M (s liKM A N HI I TER3 v.'IhTj niVK Yor i THE li.'s ITATLTj !'." ' V. A GOOD A V PKTiTE, r r e ::u .'I -r, v. l.i,- tmrn on j-,:n I Tint D iv - Hi jV i I I 'al j ";"T in N,t Vo.-l; tf.!,..i j country eireul tii n. All :! ; 1 iVo'ii tba O'llniiM'. of ! ,i!i I dera ii aiiuo...: in.; vi-tbio i-i ,: (!'. lieral a tut ,l "y i ; !' .. r rv" i. iv.fc. l't; "T". al.aui -;i, ovii,,,, . j ialo oot .-lii-.-miu r,, U-'iiuern inu I f ', that f,,ili: i ; :;; prs trr eui-u'ale . iCtpic, cr AUJli.iol. i.-!U vrl 1 never I n, ,i ; i.'i-'-AIi ii i ,1 viira t... iei'u;o the f.r,-nm,o,tg CCA I -i! VT A T,TjTt ,?fT )M r - t.t i: i i-o v Ml UHN-J HK.VJ.TfiY .VEUVES. Vi f'.'r,; u.y i.,i- r-.i if .s t-' 1 1 cot: ' i l'.'."''l i I ,vi;.- - lots to '.!: traitftiii.s; y, i 1 in w i;i a riL '. 'it t it't.i.uii jviul;ij;i i .- ti. e j.triuauri.t :,.:t. .Zi) ENI'UCiEUu EKELINOS. V.'ii! er-.Vie s ou to tS L E E V E I, E . Altd vi'.i Jjos'live'y prevent Vf.I.I.OVi' FLVJiK, IJUjI.Iyb'S FLVEH, . Th .'c ri-Ci'f-n-; fj.ia Hrohcn J)ewn and Dell ('ct,t;t'.uioi..j, from ivhltcver caiiie. fiih.irlir 111 r . .1 It n . . to ati i i:a ti 3 t . I,., i-i'.e Vv.r "0 ' to it, nl- aoiot!.-1 if fiOo..t.otii:i: Ir-nt.. calling f,r twenty four ($26.) pnyal towr.thip. dated tho 17th rtH"Ot,ei one riar ri Tit :i" D iv Jlo . '. r i- I ui ill Jit; Male or Ftirnlo. will Cud in Tioofland'n Oi,n , I Eit-'.orJ, a Kuujily fu.-.t will restore them to their u :l i.i. j 'i"i:il feuiih. ftj a bin teen the. ca in thou- i-Jt ' -i '-;; t.'j'tL- !"' !" of irtittances. altd a fair trial in but repaired tho eo.-ifurt itj pi"ve thn asreriinn. tt-iivolaij; J nomeniber ti.i t!ies Pit'em .-o NOTAlcho. i ( f r . : j'y i hol, a'.d NOi' in',l an a It. Fr im Tl; . II Jll'l'.-o II, dd 'mil, nd 111 j ni l I eo., Pa.aoou'. the 1st ol Nov. last, a HEDi"' 1,1 day of .May, Ibo'i, ta I i,.,vi h, I.'or. ' nl'.If rhlt, iiv.r.' twoyoan ni l, wuh aouie whito ' "lu" '"r ino tirrte ond will i,o: p fcentlv reeoiviol a ,.,ir ts Wly una a liUis to tii (ml el the tail. .7 uue cnurso or Inw .id 1,0 nit'i O'JIU from litvadmr (ienei l" Meiedith, en, loi- Tho owno" " b'!relJ roflu1ircJ1 10 cou" B"J prove LUMADL'L". W. .1 I.awrenne tp., Nov. Jl, lstl.'i. TMAV lll'LI I'anio to the tiren im a the undemignod, in Kn.ix t m n L :" j., t'lr of In,' n coiiiinuiiicatioi. from Maior' f!or1 V"?"1'' W t"l h"r ur be Ht , , r . . . ., ,. , . .niii oe Bom an trie la- Uireou. O itciitvclt, ol whic.i hits lollumng ui dcj.(, uj, A1103 HEAD. S 1 .. . J I l t". . . . . . . . fi.ia .t.. . ..,..'. w-cniv.tT.iv firv. r- C ) karate cj Levi nauriay. Ucceceid. " ,VV-, "".iTt;;" ,,'n or "ie " June i; -f' i v i - i' I..-1 ririntirrtii'iifvi'v l" l,'u ir.r.U, rnppoiod to ,t. at;,,m ono v.,.r V ' , Nas otubor U, J00. f J'!" . ,, , , M . h: ' j old, with . ,tr in the furehe id, nhilo on ,1.;;. ltt S. A. eftRr.DJTH. toniiin'if.' I "J0 mtttcr of thn crime of Levi Murray, tho back, bellv. ami l ..ft l.i,. I t....i -i'i. : 1 erfon ul ,rr loner or fjrcii.mpo of I'riinner.s : v'm: 1 -' iOt jet iut'ormod tvhoi o.v, "r Low far, relief nnv Imvo rra'-'ied V'or. 25, '(13-p,l. daxii:l howiiav. f i-eii, iro ari,ra..scinent oi tile Ileal and u hereby required to come ar.d piove property "wtwiajn.utr..i-rsjMMi. art Si I' I U Lltl I'llVril!ircrii a ml laun him m, mr- n 1.. .. ,'11, idow. on her claim of 1.1O0, wan. on tho lleib of old n t- "' . ,,'rnO.,-, o.v.l Mno...l IV ..' I .1 - ' r.n f 1 1 . , r ..." e . i, . i".i,,i,iiu'j, .vi, uiiij me , !'"uni i.i i iii men-, court ordered Hint publication be mado in one N hi, on .tut .ia v.cini'. , tin irr ineorterj ot r.ewrpapcr tuolnhed in uid county, notifying m fi-u-iii. o ar m Brii'i rtiTir,:rs to ' ' perioiia uuereiieil mat tinlesi exceptions 10' rn ol tjri' i ; (.,, ! ,, ,,) tl-iljii).,. 1'led on or before the firt day of next term Mr. Oiiid i-1'.ou! 1 ha notified for the in- w'" ba '"'"""i iH'luto!y. forinatir.n n! Ids (iovommor t ' it,, .. i,.,.J ti,a Cour,v I BAROER, rr Me,,s ,,v have Leon. cr';av be J.lM-,t .p .... C!e 1' ktn l exten.t relief, (to the piisonnrs off l)I TOBIAS wi in Kutii-i) nnl) muMt.on no C'tiKider,.-! T-rvt'rri v r ivti'tevr he sold a the law dii ecu. lion, do appealed toby th rnomv to in-1 . rr' ':' '.' !':' , r" I riUfUXD WISE. I..vo him iron, ,ho ,i..,li,alio io treat! A Z'lm l?Jn "L ! pn mors nrcov.l n-,? to civ.liI wiirfi,,..- if p,.aiivoly curei , relief i, ab.i.lutely r'ure iu,. i, in oilier ,voi o, priminers in hu h-, ini.lin'ily it ii u.ed. Mothera rameuiber this, JUMid fail to roc. ivo y noli PUpjilirs ns thn' pd orn yourrlve with a bottle without delay. Unial l.1' of I.tiintinitv and war rcvi'io ( r""P ' n di eaao which eivca no uotico. fre- : Jure-- lonie,,, t,;.o yuiii .... ,'o live I'opif, o,i- ,'nr - . . -i ' o 7, . I , v O en Coitus, i,;.o ic::r, ui one lo the getter -up o liiu l.iao - - . - . 14 r.) Twuuiy (. jpies, t,e year, and ono to the rat ter up ot the tlul, . . . . rt.OO Adiiitioioii Copi.., ca.:!i ... 211 Tho liu rue of the P.ot i.lili eouaty, an 1 Si.te, no. mill i;, al ta?es, bi plainly jr.ven iu every J.u ttr. F.iyn.011! a'.wav.s in n lvanee. ar.i all pnp'r.s ill be popped tviien tho tiint ofmlxeili.tjon 1" M birixpiro.. Addro-s, va r vui k. ho hto v a rn J'i.', Nassau ftrcot. N. Yoil:. VAI.'O.AIiM.-: KKAL I'-STATi:. r r..i 1 1 dor 0 l"..e Onha,n' Court 1 'ail: t.V, ti-0 Uieh-i:i...l Ad. 1 10: trr.i ,r ol the r,:at. tf lUf-MAS WCCL', '""'U iii:.,:; :,;. COitl.' I V ,i ; i k y ci, v, ill ,..:! at pi 'i.n' SAI.K. at T.-fV . 1. slii..'.-t).. on Tbtimftv t ! tv ('( t)ee. ,I,. r, r . 1 o syf. . it: . th t fi'i,.w.,. ,-r,.:., t i t., -t : a.i t T''" r'!ys?rl"! ln'v-s tlK.u.Mn.Vt c Let'ora from 1 e rin.t rminoi.i (. 'or'ryni-.ii, Ltwyers, Phy 0 fir I CiU4t,j. To Silling if their per ::vj h i !,,!-', t t.'.o bfr.rf.cli.1 effects nd t.r 'i"tt , ir; .r ,.t then !l!''cr. Frost t.i r.-:i :i;;i hi I': 1. Irt.-t of I r ; I o.,r, V l.llf! lut'ite in t'i 1 .md t (I toe ! I 1... I rl; ca I l. J id '. ii I'.nii.c.i 1 l ei tM r ft . V,,K ,, ror'i J uG(J Ccarttid c v. 1 r -V.i ei:-1 vy, 0.1 the v . .. ., ,,p !C ) noith by . 1' tr?, r.r.d o;, thu 'itiiii.' t'ji.i.1 ; are W l tMl. .Lamo In the rireu.i'tsof the v. ,, ., . . . , , , .... ' c 1 -s. a ir smry I rn-.e IliKl'C ,the,kJ i-ndersigued, reidin at .Morritdaie. fivar- erthrn e i..; .' , , !' - 8 "' " '"C ."" r" ;l ""' Teiu county, on or about the ICi'i ol Oelobur, hut. iv., , , i uiuuir- .ores ro ei co. 'dark brindled fOW, marked witii letter t on e ,,,iv-, ii.. 1 i; .. 'r a . .' ,Q 01 liattr. V, e I i.'.ll .ti.-.e.f -rlL t ,ul f. ,,!o ; cn. C. lofthip, iuppoMid to be out of a drove, 'tin ,p,.T ' t'r';r , , ,, ', -1 1 '"'twJ "' "'-Ui at tte co;i5ri.:a::..i. of i!..- , uoe. lud tii l- lowoorin reipitsted to come furwaid, prove pr .p- c.',:, .v ') c'- ,'i !'".' 1,10 0'r:l 'loniicia inai' iti t . eon-.l mo. ml tTii-n-, ssith In- 'rty.nny chaw and take lur wav. or hi n 11 ul. V.? . 11 l',;,c.,a.,,J "".'-'m Hbl, liio fere l. to he we are t rs.t. to. or,, d-v, It h.,t.-l .'...,. ...ui.. r 'a,. 1 ii'.; i.ii: 10 tr.rry tint next. re - nt .1 o. t 1. N r. J.. l.,U. f the" !1 ';' ifJiril, fl. ft. EJ:t.,r r.thm ''i l ' ' A't 'lO'Mll A uuir.'ii . All .'',,!, 11 t u. 'i to favor or )t armnd I'l'.'T.t Ve,)i'),'s I-, p.-rfial, ttiro'i'.-h dlsit-un o their iti-r.'di.-.iti arid crT.-ett, 1 J(t Unoir of no' si.L.,rici.: r .!... n v 'ny a rtnn may not Ktif to tl,.- 1 .-aiSt ho b'.''.i an hiiiK.'.i to" haw iceoi'ved rioir s-.y aii,..! 1, pr. ration, ir. to !,',j o thatb. M iv thus ron'ttHtiM ti tiio bertfit f u'Vti '' ' ri'.i.'ii'y i.i rn,rar i to Ioof' (ij-or. 11 j,iit..j, 1 y Kr. CM. t.'O'tt'!- cliy, ,. f.'H. lv . j prfjud.oei t' fiu fur iitti tT yei.-f, iindi r i!:c itiiprert i t: , y i7f i': ch ). by nn nleoho'in riixtitre u.l .nl to im iiicn 1 1 , 1-1 s.'.,t ... 1 n;; no ion tl, 1 ; :.'. 1 l.-tii- fir the : nn '. f n I; 'at'r:1' '""'a rrIi,u, b"'tttely !ur9.i'"-1 Auditors' Xotico. TN lURMATlKKnf the Elnte of flenjamin 1 our country : t. nonsiiii, late ut tlradv townyhit-. f ei.rfiu d the autiio'iioH in II'k iini.iod niut I.a i'n. 1'!::illy atta' ting the child iu the dead hour of nty, deeoaiwd. tho unde rhi'ied, i ho was duly forinn.l tlmi it n ill nn T, :.T t .. "'al: ""lore a hyncian ran bo iiimmoned it "l'l "'"' to n sin'mto the ir. uiey n. d'mttal el -lit n. V'c titer, unibe tl.n r.,tl ..;.. I'.ll'eii, nuliu tio- it-ht i i-rlrvH, end not even be" camo it nil) be (.riiolniilt lorweeaa ,'oiiit'eiy nt ford u -bill p.i'i'ly to so -lire a i ide ii i.'-sl :niua.i,.n ;0l the ibn'triiici: nhitli i.e liniiijr believe will nv ' I . . Ml'IT 00 IO0 .HO. Kerniin.,. tl.A VT.,...t .n I .... t ...iimiii.e ill lilt llilll'li 01 i.CVlT I'leir.-li. l-.-il.. A, Tim rtl' .Mini'! n n"" ,,r llnm lft ... .., ...v , iu...... ii...,. . , . . ... . - - l an,,,,' , ,lf iy ,,t -i -. .i . nv" l""- FnceJiaud 50 cstilf abottio. pp...v to 0,c . r:ltt aboubl ,t cs. , that Sold by all Dnisgi.u. oiTico, Jfl ..root, UpjdiOi frimi in did not nnch th..-:u. New York. Don. W Iia. Tint action of out Government on this ! ' moiu r ti dk-iuie l purely by humanity, ! i-fltiltc 01 rliuip Eiliard, dcoeasod ml I.; o :i.) oll'oit to reiiuvoour prinon-. Cf.EA iFIEI.D CuL'NTY S,S ' . 1 ' I .1 -W X, .L. . .. ... 1 ' rt ol mherinpj inliicteil unotl then) eon- I f th matter of the enate of Pbllin Ftrl.nrJ trry ti the cU;ui r,f both liutiinpitv ntid """""I. the arpraiscnient of the Heal Estste thelawa of wr nr.,1 ,n,t not be under- ! ,'"a'l, " jut to tho widow on ber torn! as relievin g the nitthoi itiM or Kiel)- ti'? $i ' 7"' ,n ,2 vh day of ,...1 , , J.n.n lt,lU, read nnd cotilirmed A. !.. and the Tourt not front ivf!',',.:i'i-y t0 lb, Cbrialuia tlut th. ao b, puhliKhed i0 on. new, vrorlr in l.,c, numcri. ! rr in ,.,id enmity, noiiiyin all p.rrona Inter II ll.e, ,n i,, kU-llmorjJ iviUeenJ rated that nnloft uceptions are filed on or be us the i' pt iomcie, wo will not only fun! tor t'" fir,t d-T of 1:0x1 Uim, the taiue will nd clothe thuiii, hui is i continue 10 aun- b eonlirmed abiolately. ply fooJ und lieretofore i0t.u lb, Court- J' 0 BAUOEIt, priaoners as may be in our i,issessi,it,, fttl,p . I,l'f- 9' ldw-31; Clrk of-0. C. nunisirntor, will att.'iid u the dulled of bis ap- ,.v,.i,utt rt iii u:n oi:,ee jr me ioi.j;ti oi 1 1 ar Bcld, on Tuendny the 14 lb dnv of Deeenihr r, 1 V 3, at IU o'clock, a. m. of niid day, when and where all persona intcrenied nn.y attend 11 they sr pro-P"r- I'll OA J. MctJUl.Lui (ill, Nor. 24, 1SC3. Auiitir, Auditor's Notice. J 11 r. AJ ATT 1. 11 of th'falecf tin 1. 1 1; t ui' 1 r a t f f f.vUr, now i tier,',!, im.. t iii t,,i, i rieVpifiit n, .,n Me;;i tho thinl eoitiou of !::, Une Doilar. CI-'tTS ui' 1 ,,r a cia'. of Fii'ry rfi,o (:. ra f-'ip.-i, i,:,,, l II . I I " I , I , . O I! Ill !'.,M( it,!,, UiAl-li o ijii ..:.!, atni.tul, i . bi ji.-i ui- o k in.TN niM Jr. relntmn to ctuV of .t,e hunre.l. w ill r wh'l rend us ono har.Jied s:.i... tli' club to b s. nt to ,i e i time, V. TWENTY. be. i lo the eiliu paper a e ry if Dr. Van 1.-- i oe. and Ni,;r-i Klavon ," . h in jot rr::rly. Pi'ie? : i-JFrv. -fl iher.--, at j f.O, we wi,l u a con plcte fet of ,,nr in ' pries of which, n. i-::;-t::. a: o' Ol I lio.i. ',',,olt. ,i. MAI' !' fr-Tr.KMT, IMVE i'fviM.Li, I'K, WII. A. SIAJiOi;, Fi'opi J-'or. fPl. !.'i j.:::: e-l.i.',..i H,.d W.ll tlinr,,, HO. X il.:., .-..ii::.', d in th , v,- , ,lf t,e tu, :, I et, .a-. .' h. I ! ; .., I j,,,, r,,. i, M , l.e prr;..,,-t..r r,":-r;:',.!:v i.nn .im, i- . I.,. t,. oi r. ii. ii.fnti . and to tlio Ir-p. eliin' i, t! ::i lot aiteoitiiiio lute nil iium:i'. ',.' t'ne pioj'idiee hy proper 'T'trirt ti it r iheoi. l.n sjtlleri'i;; ti ora (rr?Ht nn.l i '.rg eoRlimicd ilohility. Y,:a i:so of thru h Via of these il.t'ora, at th. b. '.''i.iii:.rt , f tu.. preaei.; ,.nr, v,ns followed by "ii, !!!'. teh.f. RTtdre.-totr.;': n to a ii,.,-re, ' bid ity .iL.l inciital vi(,'ir nhieh I nt felt for iii I'Wiiiuti lufure, t lid i in! ahu- it dn paired of re fa!i;,ri'. I t :i,iu'.,.o thank (i. d and my friend i r d-.tdrtir u:n tjtlie u . ofihrni. J. MlW'l ON EH3WN I iil,iir'i(iiia, June I.1,i;-6t. mi l h, a ider, In Yoariz Ofi sp'fdi'y remort'I, M-.t-"i , f Ki'h.v A,-.., Me!", or 1 eit' n 1 ?; ceJ:!y ro.'tore-l to hei.ltl Di liio ;e (.' i.'i ihoM, nvneiin,-frt.m .Mama. va.'!:t,' ami,, iv i : ' . noiifi!-.- nnv n...l. s, nra earvl pi a very i.l'i..rt inii- ,.r. Iiollloi.i fi ll cidiir, will bavf'n moit seriiriahij I.. tin ir I et. - I. ; - r l.i.,1 t...!o, Tl t , Attn a e..!i lule n: .1 i'.,:uf.rlabhi t.ihiii, ij at ii. c ,, i mi" i .fid tn-tv Utl: i. 'Inula Ire; !:.J. Ci it e, c tl:oii' i-,;.. 12. : nts till" : imev uei.s nt osr Tmr I his 1 IXilSTliK'S XOi lCi: Nolioe ibrol,y rve, 1 XV Kiten llitil the followiug euounts hare beeu .. ... ...'II . . . s . . . I . ju'j win .n. . wo iur. ti n, i iiiat in n;:n i-, iiiioui any reserv 10 respect I lie parnto Ihey m,iV eive u,. ai..iued and I'aiAed bv me. and remtin fil,l on eorJinj; to tho luffs of trar, Irom which I"'"" ,D ,h' uf1"9 'or the intpaetion of lieira, tney atiail not tie. relieved in view of the """ 'ura, anu an otners in ny way . ... .....v., ,lu v, presentou to tne next flrt.lm.i. i1 . ..... ... . . held,l counuenciiiBt im 1), "A t....i.. ..c t ..... l.. I.t. tfn f I..1.1 ... t..m it. fur e.n.flr. i ... ' itanuarj, ioo, "r,0" "u 1 w. fun, in hj;iiu iia mu --- . "-""""I auu auowaDoe. txchnuee tindiT tins cartel. I Account cf ShiiiubI Kank andS White i . . . . . I jiv.nt,... ..r .t. . i . ... ...... I I on win i. leasts loo no time in commu- Tr" ."' uJ testament ol v.. late ol David Michael', hv tl, s!,,.r,iT,,r i t.,... .. . ....u. -'". u"io county, ir,. unrterMKf,ed who was appointed ..huiii'i ii'uur ,u'n ii ii.,,nv , . . , ....... . ..a v. ........ , ..... ul. . .1 -- J ,,,s iiranin "ui"". ni.'i j-'ii a'!', etll at tl.O ra'lie r-aie, lo tin,., entitled to the .same, will attend In iceiivo tho pai i -j at fiuii. nppm.'iiment, at tin i. In the Novcnibo.-, 1 , borouK , ,,f Clearfield, on Friday the 26th d tv of - December, lm,3, at lu o'eloek, n. ui, ol mi l d'iv, Mien and where nil .,.r,or. iiiteiesl-.d may at tend if they fee i r' per. "MS. J. McCULLOI .SOT. JJ, ISOJ. tnpy anatt not. tie. relieved in view of the : '"".. nu an oiiiers in ny pail dillerenoes or pendini; quentiena on f?rVT'l'!',.'V'J "!'' b' Pr,l,,"tod to the L.u.deet of ..ouV without ,ho yZ Tii iously ohltiined -onsnt of the authotuii a commencing ou the 2d MunJuv T.f u.r.,. Novcnila 1 J is he H'll. ATOM'S V. V... II. I CO. ill. Auditor. M)TI(..:..V,'ir0 , 'hat J . c 1 1 l r f- of .a.lmiiia-lra . !.!'.. L. .;!, ii, late of cum.;-, uoeitit-.i. hav.i'ft In . i .iltrne.i, a'.' tifi.ina m- Uicniinir copy of this noto. certified by yourae!!, io Mr. Ou hi, nnd will urpp upon uitfl its acceptance) a.s due to the most ol niB coDni Jerutiona in the faco of the civ iliaed world. Vrjr respectfully your obedient oeiVt., ' K. A. HITCHCOCK. r.h. . Mnj. Gen. Vols., CommiMloner for Exchan. of Priaoni-rs. Judfio Ould replied n fi.llona: Kgn:"-'- tguauixH, Agent of V.f J,:lecf,0,,,rOf6pn-Hitcbc "t'l ConW.r.f, aUloritlt i- m . . " . w " wiia ipsinuii'n deceased". to.a.hip, Clearti.ld . Tl,. L;... 1 A . .... .. .... . ..i.i nnraia in Andrew Fenti a'mln .trator of all and lingular th. goo.s n(J;,t: teli., right, asid credu., which were ot Adam .u.r..t., .... i urauj town imp, ciearSeld eo . deoeasod. . I. The Final Account of William TAi.hell, admin ittrator of all and aingular the good, and chat tel., rigbte aod rredita, whlcli were of (Jour tchucker, laio of llrady twp., Clearfield eo., ueceaeeu. 4. Th Fiual Adcount of Jams. Wrigl.y, admin ielrutor of nil and aingular tbi goodf and ehat tel., right, and credit., which were f Moe, Norn., lata of Pike two., Clearfield ro., deo'd ISAIAH H. BAKtfh'K, Raeirraa'a Orrtcst, , ftecttt.r. K. 9, MM. Auditor's Notice. IN THE MATTEH of the ,9 0f the Peal T. tate of Thomas M.-fraeken. hito of Lumbar v.iy,,iiuuiu county, Ueeeajod. tho nnd-miim el y en tinn on toe -la! of , t .-.tnrhip. f'lenrfie i, heiin gr.ii.le l t the ... .. . . v.-..i,T tie rt in I c'J io la-ike luime d iate pavilion;. ar,d thot-e Lavinj claims :.i,ir.r' the ranin w il! fr.-cnt them duly autlienticiit' I fur eit.'eL'tci4t. I' M. SMITH. '.. vd r'i rieari' I ;,'r.-.' l'ivcr's IV.ioiit C'iiuri!, f .t.i'ly tt.-i C'ij li.-Its "r r j- A i-;: p. i i r a-t'eK A no; r f.t .-'l i,.' wi'lient 1 n't.-' 1 Ali the nbi. e a'.'d n-'.'i'- , i; "r j I '-', '1 t i e,. luiivr. eliejp fir ( ,.,( l'-r t ; -ri j-t ei-smtry ; ',.,!i. ... i l: I 'ipiar. l.nn.-oi, ) an i oil r Li,t,il ' r Caiiiii, l w or'-., fio.en in i .,;. . (,,. Iirnin,l.f r t!i h .j. t. , ,, ,, ' 1 rl"l ! fr.y '.; ':. tl, o,)i,j j ..rei.ii oin i ,; fuiurii p ch;idren ah 'To, and I' tii r.'.if. then., v. ill nntr re-rt-ttho dar tiiey cum mi need wiih tlier llliieif. ' Lit'l'.-ry men, HioiJentu, those working hard i. l'h hrin, nhotild alnnya keon a b-a- l!., nf T'.i..(IO....I'. ... ..... J . - j .... .. um n liiiivr". near ie'r, aj toff nil fo.'l iitucii hmif fit froii- ii. u, to b'.th minil and . ht.iy, im iporati;: und not doprf !ni;. i . . ,i , a u-j-t, ami iu v..'i:itn trit;;,-. , anil luwi ui no pros-. ATn;Tio., , SOLDI i-:u And tlif frionda of Soldicra. i. . . ...... . .... i n r.,,i m nr.ciittin er !;; , iro fur. i.t:;, --,1 iry,, it .1.' . f. i in.i.j... , f-en'ls in tlm i rmy to th o f ,,-t t;,-i "llwtpr, 'Kot kin rt, i oonr.nn liiiLi r." nin ....r. : . .. .1.. . r ., . a, I ea: . j ir.ihvecd by oxpo-uvs and pi n ation i r,.' 1 dcr: ., cei.ta In',,. I-. : it.,.. ..,,'; ..i,,,,.,, .. '..'.":. I vlni'" in tit iij-.vrpiM.,-r., in the arrival -f :l:,i j.'c't, i t'.iniOV.lhe ubii, r ' '". 1,1 --'' 'at very irrjo prop-.m .a, A e....ioi.d ui'.tinst l..tvi., or I,.'.;. ..!" f'11, ''!:!rT """i J-'-il'V- l'-'"' e ,.f thai "'et-rin-iit of a i,.,.0 I ,r tii. d'..;."l t'lTn-t'iroi ,"' , ,t'''li;v '';'1'"1 1 'J U-ofl-md'a 't-innaa nehr:,jVav.e in April 11" I, Kiveu hv o,e 1 '.V- t ," l '"j",',"I1'-';'1 1,1 lU,''. an a in Jit to D cf liruillofd tow,,Mp,a,i diil- ""1' wii pei'eti ey title eour.-e of Inw. JACOa UEMUIAhT, Nov. 11. Y.i. iVral'Tu tir ed, who wa.du y nM.ointed Au.limr i . j,.',i...,.", 12 ul trwn-li.p, cr. 4. toe money arumg jroio m.d fulo, will ahuml to " ' " " the duties of his app. Intmmt, at bi. ofTice in the , fl7f ft h T) f? rnf.TT7(' borriUKh of Clearfield, on Saturday tbo 2utu day ; Uilijili l) 1 U V lib, of December, It 63, at 10 o'clock, ,. f ...jj MVf JJUl day, when and uhero all noroas iutercsiod m.iv riljll' sulnuiilur in order to nccunitnod.ito the attendiftboy oe reaper. J. ci'hT.f ef CurtvciiM-ilh-, and the publi-i Form Cm. W. I TH03. J. ilcCULLOrOH, i generally, hes jilt recoiled lot cf !,,"- , ' ' ''" Nor. J5. IS.t. .1.,,,,. 'iirii.- tvti nun m irnf,. i I ''-h-'i-rher in furlnMm, i.m-r. t it: , a ' r, " l ' .r.r""ofttrsh f.4rm ;-r ua;B that tb a:KnatUi-tf "C. M. JAC1,0.V" i. iillUllUr 3 nOIICC. i " r Wln'a w;'":n uo ' iifpo8 of very iron, ..niu.Io tonus. Ii ;, ,r.,,i ,. ,i, , r..:.i on the wn.iri'ttH of each Uottlo. r I, and coninin ntrc. of lind : T'J cf I i'rlec per Hiif tie 74 centa, wl.i.'h is cleared, ai.U a I -ton hausc, suitable lJ-half (liiwii forH. for a hotel, n.i(;oMBaltfr hip," olid other out- i Should your neurit! druist rot bare .. arft-tuiiiiin.-t. a vi.,,i, l.rt...;., .....i..r,l ml n ...Ii do. do not tie r.'ut off tr anv of tba i,it..viti, th. : ' v" r """" nu uieirn.uiii n it. rokt-tr. ... . .. ' ; "!'.. .. , ..f... ...... i .... ."'.nt, remaining tu the hand, of Ann is Hun-; .,. i.ui. , 01 eic.-nent ntr at thed.or. Al'o.ll.iusr 1 " i'sir..ion inn may 00 motea 111 it T.V TUB MiiTn ..r .1.. v e t. . , cben-. for cadi or proilnje. B . . .. wi uiiiiiig 1,1 Aieuonni ioiivts Tii.ufn.M, 1 Uon.a!l. late of ,..!. ,...hi... r! .. .1 .. .... .. JO!IJ D. THOMPSON. ,i,m. a..:...., .-. . r' -.' :,, uri,,a, iUa uutl.rjigncd, who w doly 1 Tpointud in open court to audit and diniributu 50 Ititiom were freelv m.d amooir orr .ol. ij of lii t. nucht be fared that oia- j crwiiio vmni.l bo loct. Tho proprietors are il.i'y rn.'eii ir, j't,! letters frmi saflor'TS in the a-oy an ! h"pilals, I 1 I 0 tevti been ref'lurfd lo health by tho ut.of lli'- bittern, sent to them by lin ;i tr.cnde. I EKWAUK OK CATUNTEUKEITSI Nov. 4, lff,; ..11 .v. . . me Anmini.trator. will attend to th. duties l.'rU'ln.ei,t, at hit office in theborourh' FORCl-lVvV WALTERS vM, vo mum nv t in mh . a nr i... n t rir iivtj i , , . . b!rV 13 . "00k, -. . of ,,id darVwhrn l I bo . soh as' KUL'AkV .tVV.o "t7 "Li?,? I "nr.ned at Frt nchviil. P. 0. Cleart.eid cc, , .t, fi.ilndelj.bia, nuawnerean person. inleri...n,l -air ,Ti lj m iier.n,, -1 . rr.T-, . . ..'iiii.iv, .-iiiiin. proter aitenn u uiifco, ju-sttLs, e., and iu urajsj of lfe. II, I.. ntr at the d , or. Al'iMi. Ft J ripvit.:n,n init may ta otlcied in itx tdjer. but 1 is opened on tlm firm wiih a vein of coal 6 feot ond to os, altd no n ill forward, I'fuio y pukci!, I thici. . by cxren. f'S'For terms aud particulair, address the rrmcipai un:ee and .Manufactory, Ifo. e;i Aral OeU 2S, iM'.d. ji .11,i. f... .11 ,.r 1.1. t. .1. . 1 . . : THOS J UVl 1 men j . . L "nefi prio.. will j nua. J. MnC I LOLGH, , be paid at Urakamton, C'l.rUeid county. I1. y , cars? f.r poa 1.. Mtl'NvYL'LI.- j QTOVK I'IPK.-For rain at trie cheap aura Oof John D. ThTBps.n, In fSirw.nss ilU, 14 U ; JONl'S 4 EVANS. (t'noeeeaor. to C. M. Jaccaoa A Co.,) Prnrr , . lyir JSrFni a at HiiV.;,!, t TJu.ton'. Dma am CU..A.IJ la. .... i! 11, ItM. ""V"'" TaV ,f 1 'aj7