at. -!": tZlr tl'lMifith ;il(fiil)!if;i!i. Wnri!tf ' i am!, ly tell ns hy II il that ar, -n Ilium wlm lliinh i' Mn d I li 'ti j.nliilcil l-ipira coni-tally, on. n present anr eh, y p-ttli.ailn ly .-ate d.v li'Miiin i .railo. a ' " r s tin n! loi THE WAR NEWS I (UN. li'UKU at ( I'.MI'I lil.AND O.U c if is i ivnii.. .' ..'.i. i"tllic( i Itmlm D . " ro'.e aim, nil,,, t . 'f - n.:M..,,l,.,l.vmr,,nh.,,i fi '.r ,UVa , WVniMn-v. Iho .- 1 ho .nil, In, v a..- ' Ji 'rjl'V V i 1 1 , ,, ,, I I'r 1 1 ir t i'i'ci vr il n li lc 'iKMt I li i inoi till' ' .-7:-r-:Y 0' Ti t ml ly iit'eed with ot ,,,, . , ,. fl,,nl ,. I .-.t,r 1 , m jni,1 hH'ou, Vl Jk-vl""t" ',V'Y .verted .pieu.ini l.MU'l.i, the, i . Int v loihind liup by fore. .rovi.mly sent !j yA-C'V-.'iuV f J "' l I'"'! of lhe Fr.lenl mul .,,,ii liovnr.)- ItiiHsi-r from 1 ' u n . -i 1 ' army to guard ' rC:? S ? J ;n.-t.t. f (W.ij.inio.u ,i,v(.uii.lorb-.iin.i '"i"""'" """ ( , v i ivl ) . a. - chvifo. n think no liretiie v m i. ii., , . i . . "-Vt -.. .,..'',''-' ... 1 " hMo l. inflict s me d won,' , on tho tear CI KAKFIFI.I', FA. WcJacsi!.iy ilorniii Drc Pth, 1863 Inn been no o!iiiiio i-iili"!' iii our' or National (' institut ioni mih-.. then -Winn win tila tlii-n ought u l'ii rilit now ; is hill win wr.inj: thin, ouM to be CTIm " stray b. J' ' Unit hits lately "long now. n.ken into Him editorial puMur. ('I' our We luivo in our mind's ryo n j.'''i'i!i'tnan neighbor arrets Ih -.vty and iriM who, wo hae o ; lioiiVf, -en U u in niliod li.Kt vsct'k si hiiviug pcroelrai'iil irJiiion, tnonttilly, tmi-'li ofioiior tliim lit' the tircl truili Tu L s ittfioo on I li Hiilijoct iuy l'ir liii fnnl', Kilvntinn, who of llu hu" yet d )uurnl in the "a nlwuj )'(. nunl lo tlm ! nmihicmiI ic tlitoriiil li'Mirtinoi,t of llml .npor hririfTi I"rly, mol cilh ln-m o ir ilfu orj y fort ti Gov. P.niin!'ilo, of Kentucky, im Ihh t!ia j lo:isiirc of fi.e j'li'iit xix-it.l (Miilii..vtT- wi:ncf lo convict uol'iil"n'lty, on. 1 for b"uh tj.ui itn tiilicil of lim ihiv. ihi j.utfosi' J roilurcs ono or two extract-. Ilo vi'ver w i 1 i y o nv.-.'. -IhY't ;t;"n from ft rcwni leitcr ottrihuliil to dint gen- fiil.jv'c! of ci-.trovouy lil..n tho lo t!tK;ul). 'I'ltllil. in Oil, n NJ !.; J tlio The cl'j.'f I cf cUinK lliin ittici is to iiuciioiis o' Sutc' l;i-hM; tlm t. l.ilivc ( I l.dli:.ilri i I, M il.' 1- I'ell'.'iilmp inio ft. ti.'lo'nil S!n no in c. I'Ccleil tomncli l!in iieij.'lil'Oi Ihm il i, I illo to-diiy. Vl ANi nh) A. i! A ( 'h'il:inoiiu dt- 1 KlM ( ClSCiSSMI, 1 'i I'alcii , (luii'.l ! i .1 iv, nn it Hint tun iir niv uiov 1'iiJi'nts nid at prcn nt contr.vlnnd. ) 'I'lio ho' :i,i, ,n f.iil o n'oiinddd froni , hnili in i.iii.-. ICi t ui,- s in I il.orlci-s reported HriiL'1.! h i! lie. n rcitil'.ir'-c.!, n. i.i I'.i'idii,. hy .l..e Jciinni i. 'I lii-re it ii.i h:n;r (i-.'tn , A 1 '.' l- i'c-'i (.-.-'in (leneral I-'o.-Urr'n chirf of ' I Canil'i' ii'i'. on lb., lit, ii : i.i .: ct tlm r"-,-i it .i cupturu ol t.t"1 ' t : i- . i'.t rtt il:u . -, j l y n ov I -r from peniMhl hoid pmrtor. .. Nolhloil further n ilinio tlnniitf ihn d iy CMfpt lo mnly tintef i mul Unit Uli'lv lenlted In lemcfiMrmiiiK lf,t the viet j. Inn t-i ndvnnrn would In to gn Lmktu thw lino of Hie llnppuhnniiock pnd tivk fi-etli utiirl. Acniiidinj.'W ji terdiiy enmr. i(t o ctniiintl.etd tnnvinn luck lonnid Iho tmrr, ml nt ip,t cro'sed in Mifcty, havinji (.intoeilfd in loonion Al'out a IhoiiMund men m killed, woundctj nnd mi.Kinp, nnd cneiHiinir very unkind fcol i np in tlm lucniii tf 1 tank nnd file tinvm-dn tlnie in po.Mliini ivlio hud pit'inied them n NUiih lilid yirldcil thuni hi litlln. 'l'hnt thtro win n tMeiit Munder tinule I v nomebody. t-onimvheiv, NliW rilllVI. I ToOifmemt.fifcUft..' , Vc .ii.ct.(t t.. n, .v - i ; Ilm I lit! r it ilmltiv iK... i. Itt fi. . Hit ( u .n Dm 1. 1!, , ' " l "All IHVlv?." I'M. t, f 1. (V CARLISLE & CO., DK ALKliH lx roni:wAM) DOMESTIC DIl Y HOODS, 0 HOC Kit I ICS, I. VMUJill, SlIIXGLL'S.JiC.dC. i.k.l I' . it....' IMIILirmiUKO. Centre county. IW.. ,'s "v - II r . , .... ( ninni'in p, Hi., ytv r n r t n h . . . . fir ii 1 1. 1 :a. n.,,Vt.Mi , i ,T, " 1 ' M I'lt'Ilt Jll 'I (-0 . vi i up iwrnty r.tih Jmi 1 1 i.t.. l IIM l- " . .. ! " " i) I t.f ... t HoiiHirnt : liui it i not f,.r in.-to tix it. Tho ruMiv must JLivt) rcct-ivod and tiro junt oi.onim unit until i of inquiry Hvttlei the p U"UUr' TIIF. LATFST " , 'uyr.t awtmrnt fh, l,tt, A despatch fnnn the lieadfurtir!i of tl.c Armv of tho lV.tomac. J.,toc4 lwril. CI1 EAI'EST. AND MOST SEASONABLE ll,tmn Hi h r.-nrt r (,, ,,,,VHfJ l!ie ill in 1. 1 rp ,ir-! our. t". r -Jiii, says : A hjdit ili isinn of rcVul lioopii crassd tiio Knpit'i'ii thi' tiftern'wn, i fomo point iilii'v.- ;.-,,.( i., in I'ord, jntihiihly on n recoil-iH.-iiMtnco. Mincit tliifl inroiiuatinn cmna l ' I'.ui ji c .tiirtidnruhio cnniionudiii); loot liecn henid in thnt ilircctinn, und it it. pup-pr.t.- 1 ((mi their iidvimcn h:n I t-en check cl ly our lik-ht Imtiei ien, ! hich have h..fii 'itt-.ciied lo ilio eiivalty arm ot ihoi-ervico, 1 in i '.u.iiMiiot' Ol' ij.'il. Mendo'.-I (rtlci. ! iiJ Trrminw. i.t,,l r..iinf i,,.,,, '. , .? '(, atll, Court Jlw.KoiUt.'lfturM.i I. u, , S County of t'lnirnl,, tl,o whf &mi .f,,n,illyithf notick i.t, ,),,,., lu.r(, ! n pud Kr naal r-tnnv t.f t'..r,rf,, ""n iiJLJJ ' liiquibitiui.K, Kinmiiinli,,!,. b-J 0 ' Iruneo., to tin t,.,H i!,ir, n,lir. tiu iv l-.-liuU. p.rt,., u, t , du ' '"'K 'ilAMt!iBaoHrleuntii3or- U1VKN unj, r i,.v I.pi . t Cl t ,.' ' thiy t,f II,,... in'll,,. yeri " b Jlni PI"!,! I . 1 w v, ?lS(V.lh., t'.., lie,:. ?. . The ni. ni .Mr nl t ol now j;.,in;; mi cannoi oc repurled. IK-Uahlir rel'ol i.'l ct a n-l-cl , voiuie our cliht gf tout tho vvwr. us nctc ; iv.'- pofr i u.o retior.u ) M!,? tiuveiti- ram nepv-t Hi.- t. :i;.'s;mimtia nrcrttt Jiett fcvltd, it " imt fi'f tlm re.-torH'.itio of tho lii"i;l" ; the ionl ion r.f Sl.ivuv. find tho ' tlml lito fmilie twdi i ...... . . ...... ... iffii.-.i in Ihn t.tivn. i Ln.o:i, Mil Mr Hie .leMnicHon ol nogro ( ryoi u,e r,.,i,.r;t.v,.n,n.,t u lore ,.,1I1)0r, ,.,,,;,. , lhU.yfn f U,M Lincoln blnco tho wnr comnio.icod : butvpry. (iov. iiiMtulelle pmj-h " Out )u.-t mei en j: n. e woi e t! I i.y tnti pet l, 1 1 c. diiii-s in the hrtiiT i ..antie of J'i nn'"i u not the olif-t-" Who i ihitl nillii Mn ? curd. Tlu-retv-jj .ml the h:de of ji .-Ihh'.hv fee. Hi-.-ort.i .:.V that Faulkner n.l U NOIJU.V. J-'jyTlio I'.dlDwiiiy nuinhcr of nnn havo heon ciillod tn i.rms bo Pn-niilont HARDWARE anu yUKOSWA HE ;::J ,;!'"sHz: IMPORTANT m A. I. jjoyStox.::: Isl. Call i'or ,TU E RKr.FI.I.ION men tue not on.y cm-, i i;(im; nil the men. h it tiikini; iJl 11,'.- liei !, hhiKm, ' cat'.li t). I linfji, niilin:;.. iri to thei ' oli'.icnl Rem iuiriils of llu-'.i-c a n r,'. ai.'MY ti:i: Ft ' i '.V. Whut nulhurily Uh he to miy what the ol (IDi iiiite helwern tn. .No l'in,;iui i:r itijecl ii, or in not? We mil answer ; ; would hiM'e hven fti nn; enough fm- him to Ho vraa elected Gov oroor (f Ken lucky on , dt.. ounce nmuy en eh hcU at the presetjtAil- : jlntform tliHl tin orpwi hy fvcry Abo-' min tut rut ion have pcrpi-trnted .hk which Jition member of tho Vr.r.ylvnnin Tpin- he now pndorM.s tvithout ,) ialilic:ai,:n. A l.tturo lust winter, an J tupprrtsJ by every I Topn-it ion Midi as that oj onianciputins PemoKiat ; and he in man tho Fhila- .he p.uvch of iho Diitii -t of t'o!uiiih- i. nnd 2. ,ptijn Airtf American ljk-4 " t4 grut a Jh inp their m.'f.tcrt iit i .o:,d ,. r't.U Cyp& h,jj at Gov. &'ymMr, (Xtie Vork :'! Tre-.r.wg ; or of cut tit the .'sa'.o i ... i ii ...ip ...... f t V .' . ,. : .. t .1 ann vnoo OIUUI4I 01 g tu 111 1 ratiK lura gavo ( ' 'i.t.un in i,,ii:,u iuu 1 iriii.tij ii ooiioo a few u,iy ago, that the ulttmipt on new State, :n no cl nod poM'.ivo violation the part of Mr. Lincoln to " enforce his pro- ot li;e t-oi:t,tn c.t.on ; or of ueciiu in fre. 1 ject of oonacrlyting noprooB in that Stule .by 1 ri-Kitleiitml proel imatitiii, the s! at-h t f of th- 1'oioiiki,', v. h would be retiatpJ by evory,''ineond itional ft'w or tinny .'.iite.i, would Inn 0 iiilcd liiin'prf", foil of hiji h Union m.m of Kcniuckf." Thii ii the indignation. Vet all the.,! ,,,,.,. .I'l-i'mito nibimces.. i.t charucter of thii witness. Jle ii pronouno- Hll''J5 usuipiiiiont of power he iirnv ;tnr-1 .'r ,..! r'r J''"' f j a C-ippcrhuid by tho niOBl inll'.e.itiHl 'ioim, pud denounces as ' r"l t l 8yn:pii:hix-! My ;i;-r .;!,-'i :n Abolition iooinul in the State. Ami wl v ? er " all wbo will not pai.ction them. inVJit 1 r;t. from t'ia li Simply because be won't consent to " iio-i Now, wo me jeiiecth nuo that our; 'J ; '.t1- I 'io;..J then that niv iu.xt, . i . i . i ... , ;,i . i i , ' , we'll 1 I ; written al I )i arii:o Court lloiii.. parlml IrenJom with i.oKrwt" by con-, '' '""I pnac.f.Ic havo undorgon,. no',,,. , Jt Hl ns r..r a.VAy jho 1V(.S, 0J. pcripliitg them into the Union petrice. johune ; that we view t!ii r.j!ativo poxeis1 river. I I viit-ved thn that Gen-' nut lt us aeo want otner witnemiei ' '"' oumci or lim j elernl u.i i Males i "'' -Mcaio i plain ur.-.i coiiiV.naii.ii od itii "-ill '",t'i il month o years ."i t'tirs taontliR tirul't, for 3 draft, f'jr S icr.n. Mi:Ain iu: cuossim t:is :. vpumn 1 AN KXVI.ANAlIC.t Tin: RKTCO'iRAI.K '. mov!:ml:.t, i.'jrre; -"tliico of t'. c y,.-y Yvik liura'. I ) ! i.:;;A aj. ii. ro:it A::vy i- t i i I'.-t 'iac, 2, U: , , Tlif jml.lir noeil tut I e!ie 1 a-'n.-n l!ii) MiiH'uneeUHinl ii luiiih' that tlm ar'nv h tot ("it us ihos, '(, and wil'i v.-ry , W h i', t .: v'i end l.ot ToMl Tt will iIO Iil.i.(t7l. li ':.;! ! r. !,; ihne ;h'7(.vi w i At. ind J'tuii f-1' : ti'-iustrv ;in-.l tisofulncs.-i 'it;. v Kil'-lv say th 7n,OU0, ,'.00,(100 ruii.noo' C00.000 Ilocxld, Nul)i;is,Sorif;io-3, nalinoral1 coo.odo; 1 nnd Hoop Skirts ! '. 1 ,"70,000 ' i rnontlia I'Horo JIATg A CAp3 j BO0Tg il0Ls , ! i 'Kf: ni'T,. NEW SFt.TIt.N-tt '' ! A years voara War of K.tcrminationis toj v.;'.o(;iJ niinst I PJtlCES. 1-0 hi.t r ...;ii ... .... . i i it u in n;t i; u. It'll , hv too wnr a ended li linvo been onlled P.eady Undo Clothisj. of Latest Strlea ! ot'nll tlioH.,', not a hundred tlunts-, will ever retain to tlio nti.ce.ftil 'SCHOOL. ROOKS A- ST,tTinPPVi A Ni.:V FIRM ! BOYNTON St SMOWEljl We ; ; n e er.t .n H ,nd i !, M.illll ol ti: :dv :n';'i i v i,T K' o 1 . a t filters! oi ;it'ui;ii,jiih ti.i-i. !;i;f our country at Ihifc iiiilliotiH of ... faerificod upon tho; I Oil?, I'uiiifs, VaUy & Glass Tlm piiai'ri'i.Ti b : i: liT-l nt t l.u I ;',. firm ot tn.l libt'i: u;iJ !,- - T!') aunuure'v t'i t1 . .;il.!:n t pr.t p-titly t1' siij't v ta'-i'i villi lieie usimt'y t ur, ! i.i toy , A Superior Steele f' a f-nrnt oiTerin t'j tlio nil-do- Will ho Rirr. 7.7nir P.irin.i i . ?.,,.., . 1 I'lr -'.KV .l 14 4 I .''::. l.-ywm I t'i u, ? f i.'-ii,!; (bj.,.; r. C'mii';;. i Dry Gtii il fl I: I VFIUi'f .UATK t'OOK STOVE U.ttUnhtf viiii'.i.. i'..r it. , .!. It nail i ibU effite. , tOAI-OIL I.AMPH WOOD AXU WIL LOW WARE. (It'.'l TVJ T)TTVVi? ilr.,.. ? 1 lim lo I' than Mietvmfnl; an ! tiio rov-m 1 i. u rcu i i In All . a t ie ft i ; 1 I, U . T ! en t.i.lii y .y.i itid ttcj wr.sii .lo.-y. "uturd.iy aikI Sji'dty tivti. is oorpi ciiiioiaiiil'-i-s were mrai'.s lo oulart the tho wtirn en dfinon-' v;s::i lliere aro on tlio point that the war in now Govi-rnmi'iils preeNeiy in the t-amo iiuht "for tho freedom of the nogro;" Mr, that we did bel',n e I he war ; that we cm Feard, Secretary ol State, ouht to bo(e nothing rj'i! new in what would have food authority. !'bat nays be? In hi l"'v0 w"1.? then. Then x tit ,HJr;nr,-t Klttfy-i ol (1nlft-.V.ii,i ll.n All..,, rl ... 1. .... ' 1 t ill tl l! t tlH I, .'0:010,. tliij ,.,.)' , lnr .,..,1 lhou!and of afflicted mourner assembled 'uch he. h.,ve wonderfully chantred ; ! V( Mme rlviTli Ud l'es 10 control ate tlio dnst of their cloparted j "r tl!-' treucncrouisiy proteterl principle", 'Mr.iti d that ho win too .l.onelv ptnteil lo reiatues Jl r, rowsrd ued tl. following ln .orrner iliyi, they cli-1 not lio:. The. t wi -rant us in tnukin a o:re( i i.-cmdi ti . Uoiai:o : ! dilemma bin no othor horn. i I'in " or'.; :. even thoucli we ahotihi out- .. .. . . ... i . ... "Jle anlicipatei forty vrji .771 thai th but- li, r,C ,..,!. ,..! . .V .. I. ..' . :. . I v (.i.w.,i wuuui ;iny,lt ii"yil fill ti.'ll'nl, ! ,i . ,. ... . tni that sloven, wouU'die." fLoud cheer.! t'lu'ty.-,vo ,l,,t:ry 'tI'tt' " There had boon a great iitue betneen ; '". .al,oul 50.00'! sick and wcumdoti llic ptopleof ihecouniry North aiitlSouth, I Holdicr. J.tiirimr Tour inontlis oi' ls'l'5 -t ii urns now leiry determined h thii coiiUsl. i tlierc were ttvaiml f'lriiris'iot vvottiid-, Ht'iimid 10 -e bMveiy oiony aiono, JO.'.b.O easoi. The j'nacniui (urau, ami oy n.oriil meauH, il Ci t'!t V . 1 . 7 'MUdLINS, PRINTS, CJ I TheTitocV. ,,f II,irj.rur, i-, V(ty U,.. ,,, . it, ... oi . a, .1 - ., 1 . ' 4ri i "-.j t.i.1 in t-yuai'vr 1,1.111 lilt c.n'u'.i.'- C(W.t. I'lllif tr. ,.! .tctt'S t.f (lie luWribttr i:t l! .a A-iirarl la.,'. TWO t OVV3, an I ..1. i. l'.il t'.., "ill! ulina Ur, t.-t ia t'-.. tt ' , r. 1, tac ', n.i 1 H Iv.-j '-r. Tat i.H-ij..;- i. r- ;'iiif I t" '-"J i iM-il-. , '--y r-1 .ir -p.i, i.., nr liiev . 1 of at th': Ian direct-. ail tn tho ll t"W 111 I KPT It, 1 'iOit a t r ol'.i Lcif " Kil l JiroT-) II I ciirp-M TrMW if- Carpet-Hags !. puH(;y niH VITUS, TOniCCO AND SF.GAILS ! SuilLlt far ruf'iim nnrf Li! l!:i rurppa They (J.tiri! cfiieoially t e:i Oie a't-ttU, tot? fait-iio u intar or iLir-nati. a. j 0:1 5 - I ii .'in t . r iiitn l iv. -1 to on;. fcU" Wo h.ivo tiiiH- two hundred a..T ' Eel flficrilo hi. i-r.itiun. Mine a I h. ct 1 11 1 '11 n . ' ' - r " ni";-:n ,1 ...1 ,,1 i,.t icn in I width, i-'it va ry hallow. Iv e ti'i; e jtl.c dfi'tli of ele.r water, but ve.y d-ej , when we ..ount in tho mud .t its l-otiom At its f . a . .-, t ;. o I'.c.i) Mivcrai 1 t'll-i !-a:-k liicv w '.l t curp-M , 1 s . 1 a m -iti Fish, Salt, and A'aits !M U 0 Q II S W a Te QasI aril ILlisvi CISbj Fl.OL'R, Ft El) AND PllOVISlO.NS ! 1S3. lab WATCH i JEWELBY riiU' nnJorsf(;ni'd rerpfrtfull I inf'inr.B Lie culuinirr a'ul th pn b i i -t ptiorll v, thu t he hue jiif t ! , . ,. rix-i-'nt a fron t!i Kb.t. and o pii. ; i Whii'h they fUtt'ir thjinitilvm ounml UUttl ' in this I, :'ti all. I Vi'i)irr jonjnla f h '.'iii: maw J tlio MpskEa f- l Call m l ftc ct.r iti . ! or cut. Ki' i : k ci ptrct-;. r w ,- r ! f-'.f t'Dilior ?."'!, W, l an, i ft row n. nannid,),! ; is a low in n ,h. mi in ton I!,..... , n...,. .1 : . . - . t r.- i. . l . . . . c . i. . i. . i i . . a .... I ....... I .. ... ,i . i . , ' "ii'.n.i noil 1 .1 li 1 J it 1 1 1 o i i i u ; ii in'.- t'l.-.t ti nit' inarm u,e I tii't ..on,. toe, a.ul now lie destined to ne . " 1 . , .', . . . . . uaie by tho fate of war." Applauie. war was only I JAoJU-not so y'? " rt F'J.P "1 r.. i-,- i , ,i ... f ., "v Fut'fl iniiivary li'norann se. ' ..i, .i t : Cl lue L 11 lull, bul lliut " n.nvri; mi aft' ,t,r ' . Jo '- ,a.jill.s ...... j Our next wilnej it Hannibal Hamlin. O'.e ' ia.'tie" bore referred to was Lill.x.l n.,,1 u,i...i .. 1 either fliorc these fdopci aro open, and in kept ur ty the Abolition!,!, alone, ' iho' One cnune of our jVii-iitVul'" in' i "!:,ny l')1;,"1 i,val'!1 l'a.tpll,s , ! reopio-ofneinieraoctim had part nor batl.o is tho want, nttilv of tnilita; ! l at in it lloi In. 1 1. a A I ;i. . m j I.,. ,.r ... : i .i I .. . . . iuj; ui j i; I., mi l in niiiiiai kiio.v liaise, on ; fi; tl.e iii;n. l no run ri?-? bjoo- aeh ricked me.i as Seward, Lincoln d! the vart of our L'cner.ii.s. Only tlnnk ! lit re aouth of the plank road, in nearly Co., " the p.ot-ple " ttt re f ittriippod into a' ol sending Mldiors into Lntlles under Hra;phl line. wnr, and they are n-.r.v in-uUiniily loM tl.e U-a-l oFkuoL fo!iovs us Jick ll.iH-j Tiio enemy had foair.ed the western u . .1 . , , ,, . . :ti.ol nnd Tobn iYi-hriii ' 'l'lm ,,-,. t-K'I'O '-y ' urotv eartliwoi k st its summit. tHllhoho have fallen, or who have a 11 J" 'i-h. ano . 1 ho in f..on; , , ft.i!t.i ,,., und ,,,tuU: yelt) fall, in thU war, fell not in defence1, T ""1' a. ",.;bery ai.-i biut, formed tin iu.pendr.,1.!.., ten oi em u inn. vary ignuramttseH. ;ui,:U,:s . t,c-y ha.l t.l.-o tlup a mec hsion of: i Day Book, j pits hi. If way up the blupe, vtitldn ey 1 .. ... ,, ., , . . i k - . . . i t.. . -ti uii.M ti rt n:e tu tlm trt-.K, in i anei tier ; the ,ce President, who occupies tie .eat. . 1'ORN At.Al.-Mr. .Secretary C h;W, m of lll0;,me o- ;,,., ,tl thpl on the thrononext to Abraham himielf.! "l! hj.cocIi fU Indianapolis, sattl lli,omiueiiceim;nto!' Uislmoof lie is of equnllv good authority j audi rei,t 'silli"" "lnst ,,e "birn aain." j .I, !-, nee e.Mctich'.l from Claike'- Monu-1 With lio such witno.ef snyiimnmivlitl0 ar, ,,,Vaj'1 ,l,ul il T,i!l l'r"vt' "uth -f tho IT....' road, to the' ...o.).. l,; . t ti- I Oi;ro babv. I month ol the Klreain, and v. a luiiy sup-. Kcl'voX , .i 7 ?S:Vr T i l ho mean, in 'act, but ""illery. ,.,d was. in lac?. hi' Niork.ju.tbefnt.tbeU.eoleetion.he ,hal t,o Nalio.. m.i.t dio. Theold Gov- -v '"1:,i,luiy ,rm'" Lu' ."."'ronr po,ili,;t, M,j! lor.iUH-r.t, the obi Constitution, ' ,,,lu,w ';'-!u'l-'-','.. "Kmii. m.....i ,Llf, ,, r- i , r , ,, lor own uiaiik-ry "as plaiiti't upon tnc .c "! P, "r - ,V l"lS lh r"' 1 l'ai'pV" founded by U aslnnghMi S;,U. !' the eastern pI,.p a few rods -low,, lna.Un. .is., fAi ranges . Jand Jvrtor.on, and sustained lor ' from the e,lfcv of ih0 timln-r, while cur Wemiht go still further, and qnoie 1 many years of prosperity and honor, ' inlantry were covered from mow by the remarks recently made by " Honeit Old o"'. I'KHlsii Jon ivr, to ;;i vo piaco "ooi!. In or.tor to mcccstluliy Abe" himself ul Iimi.i tlmv .h,;!.,,. !'' ted to him by his friends- !nrt I tin uT;An ... '"I; "IV iiiivii rt imm inoiio- . . iiiincinc io ic tOl li uil'.Kull Ittui tlalii; te. but that the great work in bund is the' ;uMiny ArjU!. :f,US- It n chu.e, however, by thu FirM extirpation of slavery, end that he is the! Trip. ()m. T. t,VTI,o .,!;. ;.',., !,,iviHioit "J Uie rir"1 ar"1 tc,,"'1 corJ. in.truweni m the band, of tb AlmifEty wffr of Thurstiay, anye : "There hns, p'.u kt.esi found im on SaUmJay r.icht 0e,0,t- been but htllo liisin..s done; since last! in the fnllowins petit inn : Tho Second If thetrule raj for the restoration of report, it no material change in prices, corps was on tlm ext.emo left, in the the Union cur fathers roadtj it wo ' ()'' !lt l'ia w'!'ls wc quote at 6.1, and o v ioi u i 1 y o! Clarke's Mountni.., reinforced would not sr ".Bj but would u,e 'that! 75 10 ?1 ,u lh i"'t-u)k ; ami SU, . 'J" 0"0 t:'vi'ion ' ,,l,. ''".'!'. The i i .. . lvtck'irfetj Mielnd .,1 'I'lincn I..' -. k h ft- cf nlro iv a 3 held Lv iho Thud coirs; intently loyal brethren -' COME, boys ' a .nfi.r tho past wci-k, bnt tho an 1 tho rilu by tho Filth, nnd tho re- to the rescue of our glorious inheritance " i , n ,,0t l'Cn "mch ,T,aini" ,w" dvNimn of tho Sixth corf. Bui hen evideL viJT ' 7'! ll'CrC 1 C . . n-J 'j" -a to bav, attacked ... , . 1 , u m I I here whs a pond freshet mi Oil and tuned tne enemy s ri-ht winr m Uin high that, such noi only noi me Crook, on TI.ttr.vJav last, on whieh no tl-'- o!o, k in the ,.ften,oct.. Tho Fifth purposo of our ruler", but that the aceom- loss than two ho.oli-.vl l.,.tc ti..n.i nnd Sixth, un.lcr Svkot imd Seduuick. rli-bment ..'iheir ends will ren-W ai.ehd'rom tlio A r.,.i,. ,'.,.,..,,....1 n. "T1.?- 1,1 "i.0 K1",', limp- 10 ttll:u'k tho left, ..... . . r... '. vill' l l - .. 1. . .. I I. 'I .... 1 ..... 1 1. ...... . . . . . i tilan, . !l . 1 .1 1 ,v 11 ' i o 1 1 i.i u 1 1 1 1 l iim i! I It! It) U II i C .1 mon Mo. b, ntmen, an.l many boats demonstration upon his e The wero orotui'lctl and Punk boiwron the r..nrrp nf .miUt. i,n,i :i ........ . .. d. . - - - Cl .. . j. j. ... -i. ici. Liu ii k;ii. I'l'lfil lt!(f I liat . ..- -i 'Sinl-mnp ir., ,1.1 .a.. n-i . ti r .1 1 . -. . . .. . 0 ..... , .i,!in ran iufce no . " v'ucitj. iiiu 7ny- 101 .Tin u anu posit lont u rea,l v lor action; Pemocrat tj the field ? " j ' '' r cstiinatcp iho total amount of oil l,ut. for some reason, Gen. Warren (ailed run at from Ki.OOO to 20,1 ifllt barrels. 10 '0,"1(-'4. nnd niht "dipped in upon us, Ei.pctiox of Mayor or Ntw York f itt Tlie by doit'ruction olboats, loss H drawn up in lineof battle. That night Tt ..Psce.. caM.,aT. I cti.,, i, from Slo.OnO JXn IMCTID. 1 ho election of Mayor took , " ' . 'J. ;qunlf (t the of turning the enemy's I'kcoon the Kt inst. Threo canuidates ZkiVA M nss Aiditi net t Vii'fin nVn o t n !lifih(.,0 "", M.'11 fui 'her leinforccd by were before t be Blunt. (Keoub.! who lias a hi-oo.,t.-Met. (V,r .:.,' .wo0r'.ISK.'ni' 01 .Jll,rtl 'r. undir nt liin ce tnbl i j li u: -i t iti barft..'. I. l'u.. a line R-'i-:t .i ,'a-i, nri, aial.TtusLnr t.f ili.'.,' 'iiniiilici'. i :a,n a t-i:;iD pier e lu a full rett, "hich heftiil; 'I r.; :iir ;a t rcanrrioii ;rirtj fur earn, cr in s hurt ? i-t o.J poM P'l-J silver, Cl 'I K'.-J of mcij vsiis'.y cu lainJ, slt'r.s ili a':,:Ji;M!i,-ti. A I.I, k'.a 'i! of Clii-re, Wat'-kes and Jewelry irofuliy repairu'l anil WarrtiHtnl. A '.intiniinr.ep of -.strortjt i i:i(4, S;.; '.. la, IJ.-;,1. It. Y. N AVOI.C. articles siuklly ke;l (a Crit cli-e Oh A HAWS HOW i-t rf C't-r,, uM, ruitii'V sire oil or w&leo mil D soil . T c "i 'C Li rr-! "j Cheap for Cash ot srpTercJ proJace, Lumber or slifrtf Ipi. FbiJipibtirif, Jfor. It, ISSS-lf, t! s. IL 1 SSI J hhip, Cit iliu'l l ,, f eeili'i.t i ARM f. r f.:,; b' lnr. ' !: IV.r-. . ri- ii-lir.? fri'ts I aa; i ton, about four od' fr. . t!(nitaias il'-O iiVI't s. I 7( i f tiliirh ii dim and in g-wti can i : : : - n , r.i.J it mil calouuitili . i tlifr rnin r ti-.i.. I ii? inriroTeniflaui' ,TWfi l.VtI,!.IXii.i: (. 1.-SBS n ti4 1 HAKN", to OUC1I.'-. I-'iis, iim i tl, niutl ou't; i-Iin,- in Per?-M tn iii-y. i.c,'f pjare us cr ritt i.i v.j mm i f. :.C 1 i.i) tin pi , 1 cr err u .V Iiumi nn llif firai"r rluMl i , O.nn t;..T.-,. iioxt. ,i. l-tirybocj jtnl.tie tleir C L 0 T Ii I X 0 rpnn Secretary .f lis W.ry U, r., yet ; KIZCXSTKIX BROS. CO. j M, liC3. 1. (-ncii cf.f.'O of anT intentioa to wnhaihirl -s. s s, in ! ;he in.. j'Jll.V CAMPJEli t'.is p'.pntir Ir- m ::s!.i nt 1'i.r, sol until 10 1'ivsusf tlie ttV. ri very ehpr.p for Csi'u "'.ivf n.aic.i i civeo, th undemlgued. ns " livn-i tr-3,.. ti. ,!., t..i ,.r..,'.. '"t-it'ena-nt iril s tl: Thi I ive Ilu'i.l It r :o iplion A.Hit," wiil cuitiuue lv it- tUitbidx Uwull uvl A fajhivosstj; .' iii.iiT.pucn 0 I il nli'.Is rm'-.tir.t cf tl I.onr. nniV.friiod i' ".'-'J''! thy lo'.'p tbo hrg'nt siiortaent; lloi. 1 rej Millica ef lioiUre. NenrU Four ; I;-e9i gst .Vsw srtry week j .- i.u.. i,! i.ave ucn ji.roaav euiifrrtbeii .'O .1 T. , 1.1 tnt. t h. Tr...,'. . vlil, 1.. .1 . 1 , h w ......... .. , tt ,i 1 1 ij c ,, , .1... l . , , !.:r.t n-vca n.imhs. Th larirn tlfuianU fIOni : "") "invage ci t,ouonj ; r.'.r- I ar.-.l t'.. rn i.jly j rrcsstng Imtns tl' tr.iiLi 1 IVeauis they in nt thoir et;t'o; e-rs wti'l : i.Tt-'f. i.nlif PiMi f.-r rirr-.iiiii..o V- Natinnui . f .ip t t ;i'i . i!i,l, in a tc rr p Itt' r ; porio 1 . b b i ot b ' 1WU" ,h' " tkl " than ti.. .t i the Li.liiiH-t'. .'-sles hnvc lutely rsngod frttu ten i I:'BUC tt air Ciotlnns ra wnll tewed A tit wed ti Iti'-en laiia.rf irceklT, froatiomlv eii-ceJiiii I L'ocauss U,pt can en it eicrvLody : SIP AT v fii" n, mt telton oi" A JiuiiaiO on the p..-:;.. bl JuiKii It Mi :ur tiniisi..;., C'.'-sifitU e.u'.aj- thnvini; het'ti t r.. nf t . tV.e , peri'.im ln-l-nii j to .v. I eitute sr Tetpiww. ortti of his nt-D'y ' l0' 'um...l.ato ani tr,u.e m.i t a 1. : .... ; .. . . "........a A V ! outh.-r.tii-i.ti I f,.r a-M',-., ,:. f H '.! Itll' 1 a-, lieoepn ,.li.v'v,irt.t I M U SMAKh. I Hecaues ercryboiy likes ti deal wilh themj .tk F.-e. 3, ct. ;i.r,-emii!iot1saaily,ana known that the I Hfaos. Ftai.lseo conveniently .ittntted; been Coy uf the i ronury hutt atiiple and iinfail. ,, . , , . ,. . , in,; I,-., arcs in Hie Duties ct. l,n,.n. and Iutr. I,(cttul"' no,'ol' dwi-.tisfls-t; t,.i! Iti-vrnttcp. suit in tho f.'ite of the Inter.iet ' B scsum all ho thevare attribu t0 lli0 hybrid monster begotten by openuo upon iim enemy win. inlantry, it s-iVainlv aiirnifv Abolition "out of War, and bavin.' tlntt i l ' t'a"ll,.m i'pf"u' lf l"ld.- la s p.ainij sij.niij- . .s i mora! in several I. uces-a wo.k you will it was" inottoi tH b"!ilh Td aRal!C,Sm ' ,ts. imagine to be both ddFiruh ami ,lan,;e.- t on' irj; l.rjc.'i 1 1 .m:.!i r 1 rcafu.-y Notts, it i.t alnjoft j agaii, and tend thoirueighbori ; a p. rlii'iity that ho will not find it niennmiry, far1 ti. ..., .i- ...... .....i,...j .t..:. c..t. .. ...... .... , ... -"ri ll,.' ."I... I'KIV.TC. ll.ll l. 1'll'H pi fl,l.u n lar. time to come, to feok n tr.ntket for nry I ... , , othiT iuiE r rtcraam-iit loans, Uiti intcrent and j reduced prete. that thsy tan sfford to 1 iiinpi.1 of urn iu gu&. ) A FVER1 1 SB I I rudinee slid fe If datercM . n.u.-t lures the inlnds Tt, mTt , an v( th, r4aso:li wn. th(, itU t r tla CTtcnip.ati.'g the f-atinntit'ii tif Xstionsl cho..p.,R Ass. einlioiie. n well as Hih minds of all j fi in,ls t Conr.try Proiacs taken at v bo hRv.' ell. money on ihctr hands, to the tn, higheH uiarkot prices, irempt c..r.r!...,rn thnt they ihould i,.e no timol UEIZKNTEIN BROS. L CO. ... F,,l,HCr.b,n to In, moil ,. UU, Loan. It; CltMi N t j?6J . will "O'.a lo I cyoiid the.r nach, aiid advanos to . .1 a hatidsriiio preinitnu, as wos tho result with the TIIH MAGAZINE FOR T1JE TIMES " (-' a en 'I liirij" Lonn, when it was all sold actlj 'IViS!1 Vrjrrest J PETERSON'S MAGAZINE I'tinfipi.1 payable in e'oin, .hue yielding over lh BtU tnd Cheapest in the If orldjvr 1. 1 lie! Nine per Cent, ptr annum al the prvsc-nt rate of 1 prruuum on coin. ) Thie pojulur monihly iiisjrnjini! will be jrtntly J ..t- (jovrnimcnl rrqtiirce all dunes on imports , tnworci fur l0-. It wul conUiin ens thousand t" l e rsi'l in co.ti 1 VKliXtl.s ll')'',!:,) I r J' -T'.l tlf I"' 'or the coiiiiiy of t,K'.ir,u'. !. wii', ui.'ili'.' Ciiiniiii..5ioners' nMce, eu Wedi.,.- itv nil day, tl.r 111 ntid Slth days . f If-ewl.(t,r! Tha F.oard have tlircrt.- l that r'l ,' f wi'h thorn srs sur t call' sants ap) ar hi fare th ; 1! ua J anJp' 5 I tiuir sworn t !..ti 1 jlailmi; i.ia.-ir "I. i - i j regltncat ami ecu;;. my; r.h.'a en.iiH:' 1 number of ehildrcn. with nee nnd tn of the towiibhir in l.ich they ren h"i at lef'' I snlisttiient, sad their pre, at t.'s. ht.-e; ssi f tha ii wiihout the mcaix ol .nia-ort k' ard children, wiio nte ,!.';.. i ii ua, I ti'"0 lt i Two wilni'fJ.s if t-rodi ',',i:iy, from I lis t in which she rc.-idif, eiu't al.'o he F: s.t .ru U I cf-ro the in i i'.iiiiil i.t the i crsi.tiwt 1 resents herai-if to : thai the ?U!c:r.!C.i. '. number nnd ago of htr finni'y h true i ' is in ilvtltutij circtt:ntaa?c.' and hfr fI' : actual want ; and that all the f.i.u n'tfirf" ' application arc jj?t and true. . 1'orr.s coa:;.iai;ih' ila.i r- .iiL.a.i.T.i jUincd at tho oiiicn c f the Jtoard iM .i.r1ii,.lir,n itj.Ia i.t,,1 ll... u it n. .4IH "PI-11 i:v..ui.iii" wbotte certitcate, set forth that la. V. .d. S. ti.tia duties hoto fur a ionr pHiri'iol readlne I fourteen rn'endid uteri olniea I I or, 2J:h, I'm. a oiessing utterly tnpwMe, wo aik in all candor if we aro not pcifectlr justifit d in no r n uii kiii.iiti i" ever uuarier tn a .Ullliou irnD cuiorea j.isaion tMioi: iwelvn r a nreil 1 ... d ol DjIIoi s daily, a stun nearly three times grcstorl berlin work putlerns I n!no hundred wood cutr! "jRkTO 1 iCL tO CollCC'tOTS 01 51 J 1 and County Taxes. The (".-.J iiu- iiii u Th. loan I. culled S.JO from ,h. f.,t ..... ! !' " Pobl"he'1 snyhore., Collector, nelceti.ifr thi. whilst tho I! on ils mnv run fur Id years yet . . . . . : j : - . i. -. r , i. .. a . . . . ... ' tb 1U.III -,imi tniur ,11 iuii mj mini u. u.n oner- "u 17-n'ur .;c tM miiflOl All .fl!. Kill J.1 and f'nillltv ThVCs TllC t Olif fFt rn all tho .S.-JO's and othor perm;,uont Loans, ho givon for only Iwo UuLi.aHi a year, or a dob . T , ' , , , ' , ., wiilt So that it ie hoped thrt the surplus Coin in th. ' lar loss Oiau Mngaiiues of tits olsss of-Potereun.' " , '". f u pruwi Trearurj-, tt no disiar.t day. wi'l enab'. th. Its ! r,01":,0 a,V ,:nc:"i:'" "? " , CJiU' rnijeiiate, t resura. M'ie ,..,t-,l.,,oo all; ThriilinR T.tloa and Novcllcttes VTaW''" ' ths 71,000 votes. 19,-JGO. i ..t-i u.i.i nun- , lor w! r mm. i. .- i t: .. i ..- Boole, (regular Im.) and Gunther. the , V, .out of , hid, he is tnakin Iiif "Jk ("Feace" Dera.) The following is tho -l '"H'lon a year, lately threatened to support the artillet v. remit: j blow n man's bruins out for advoca- Eij;hi o'clock on Monday morning was Blunt, Boole, Gnnlhr. tint-; peace. Of course, every scoun- llltn sot M hour for the great buttle lo 19,-JGO 2,581 9,035 , are! who 1ms tho interest of half n nnJ w r(',U1'",'l 10 our gfound beds It is thus eeen that out of a roll cf 'miIlion n .Vcar in Iho war. hate. to rcl an.l droam. The night of Sunday 'poaco ninn as Satan hates a rir-hleoim 7M , rol:k?1 wp 1,Rve ypl experienced. I man. Tho war and Satan are vfvuZl ,cf.,fo"ocd T lbo j'T"19 Bn i,lcI? in ij. !', Wl ori P-'ii'iors thickness, and several of our men froze oto.uir,. their hrabi, and one or two froio to death, tCa-Report from Cbatlanoogaslate that j .." j hilo doing duty as pickets. Gen.JobnaRreckiniklgediodofwoiinds'o. S , l'10 Anti-avery At 8 o'clock on Monday, the artillery received at Iiinst-.tbl ih ,Jn r n .7". "wo must never ivo 'pPnn to play upon the enomy. and for an B .J. reL f . w ' MP nntil U, hni robt1 "ho T ?U ur"nS n.taot and heavy ; .!-f f , -h,U8no,fia- A!iflrC,' Tho editor of tho Standard bj7h,Vnrnn,lry diJ .not mako any dem eount, from Jiicbmond mak. no n.ention M-ill never trust his onrcasa within en mT5:!Z?' ?' mMv6 ? fliis)fat, . rifli. .Knt. rvf a rK-l , ? uct,wating a larga amount , ; rifle bot Of a rerw-1 , 0f ammunition, the artillery wis sil9ncd at par, at any timu aftor i vears 'Jho li.tcre.-t if paid Lall-Tearly, l: oa nri-t uayn ol Tiovcinlu'r and .May. tubfcribors can ha.o Coupon llond., which srs payable to bcorir, sr.d are $j0, $1U0, $600, $10ut) j or lli'iii, tired Iionds of eame denomina tionf, and in addition, $j.00ti, and $IP,0l)fl. Per Patikinir. purpose, aud for invojtmsnts of Trost- the Hcgiitorcd Horn!, a.s prefersbls. bst jiopurinVera;-e'."oyiloieM((iriJ7,nnyor jelled to pav tho fu.l aramint thO ..y..rin" Tn 194. in -jaiii,.n !,. .,..,. ' 1 .1 , ...... has a right to pay them off in Hold 'quantity of short slories. Fora OaieissL Copt- i 7 v ' , aotiC willt"! their diiftm-I by Kot. Is, HBJ. lint on liiird, Lr.A'Jl.EY, cx :: J4 right Novkistti. will bs given, by Ann S. . Stephens, Ells Hodman, Frank I.e. Henedict, 1 and ths Author of " Tb. (second Lifs." It slo I puhli.-hei j Fashions Ahead or All OintRa. F.arh number, in addition to ths colored plate,! give. Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresses, sngraved on j wood. Aleoa r'Sttern.from which a rr. Mn Thces 6-2U'. rni iiut be lined by States, eittes, tilla, or Child's Dreia can bt out out. with, mi tha towns, or cc.nntiep, and the Unvcrtimaut lax on aid of a tnantaa-ioakor. Also, several pages of ! thtm in onlv olio amli.hatf rii.r ranrt. nn tha llnliRehnlrl anil K-. i . . .. amount of income, whjn tha inootne of the holder It I. tha best l.ady't Mapailne In tha World.' 1 bm! popular '." ?J?r"M,r. 0"B'I ""'r faSW. '""lnOOLiUh. country. llcwnBKD young men, from twss tt 1 nt Klatoa. hura been educated for M' I $) oa'Hbio th. past three ) ear .. so nie of . been employed as uu"&-a.""-" if, WDO "' - C35 00 ,tJ Ptln." invest.ncnU,, euch as income from Mort gages, I'ailroad Stock air Dnnds, le., mint pay troin three lo five per cent tax on the income of TERMS ALW1TS ! IntKra I . . . I n . . , 1. . V .i ii. v .1 .1.. ... i" " iy r will continua . .lUnni. of .... I...d.: Yil in Ona Taar, . . A00 nr,ler,hvm,ill.nro.l ..rl...r.,n,ntlvat.nnit.rl.n I T.1C,' "n. 1 ear, . . T 60 The inconvmiiene. of . fiw daW ,1.1a. in ,h. . .VJ?'".' fUf .ne V". "00 . . . ... .. . . .. r: s-remiuma lor cntinir nn r.nh.. i.j...i ..a,.ntinir aoiivery o. mo uonaa is unavoiaaDio.tu. demand Thr.a Fiv n, v;ui . " , . -, ' """"""'J ' i"'" ' . i m, Cullege. beinir so creat: but as inlereet eommoncea from .v.9r .l'hl cn' mak. a Club. To of accoant. when they entered the U i ths dy of subscription, no loss is occacioned, and I ., e 1 , ',CV. -,, V 8 ""' , f . " ' 1 .ad retl" " 'j., i. w.i.- ..i . ji:.:.i. ... P r the Mas-asm. for 1S01 will be a- ran fctudonfa enter at any tune, ana " " i: aU,Hy'. f Ar. Sx'vaii. the, nlaa.e. wilhont es.r. cbsre. J ci.:..-.. c' . I C11AKLKS J. PETKRSOJJ. Foe 1 n.l.l.,,.. Soeciaiensof I'enms"' r rui'vcriuuon Aireni. i ... ... . ,. r : '. i . . a i.rier . . . . K. .. : ' i floe uEeauiat isrrais. i'hiiair.if.1.1. T7i. r .u. i-iai i viiy annose u.v - JrrY.elniesaDlfTtlslwhsnwrlMenf,w! ! to JKNK1?S. f ' j, IU Boatb Tbird BL, Philadelphia: ritwhori", ' I r.l, ID, I Kay t, I. f.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers