( 4, T T.'tf i D. W. MOORE. )-... 0. B. GOODLANDER, Edltora- j VOL. XXXIV. WIIOLK NO. 1785. PRINCIPLES, not MEN. TERMS $1 25 per Artinm. if paid in advance. CLKAKFIELI), PA. WEDNESDAY, DKCKMMER 9, 1BG3. NEWSKRIKSVOL. IV.-NO. 21. cvtD . . If If V TIF A AA.AA. nAy S. Aj A t 1 ) 0 1 t r n . For th Republican. Ci.KAit i:i.i ihon-c r, viw. TIM I.i Srvkral Parts Paiit I Ilr Ckackv. Como Out Y Moody irnn-vlntl' '. We're going for to go, To fight the reliel enemy, Wlio're jilnguoy 'outo"you know. Now, ihoulder whoop 1 eyei right and drM ; Front Mar-tin, wipo your nose Tort whoop ! tkut's lick now carry whoop ! John , turn out your toea. Chargo bay net. ! that's your sort, my boys, Now, quick time march! you're tight; Just 10 we'd pokj the enemy If they were but in tight, Ji'ow sergeant Aliuk call the roll, Let each answer whore ho standa, All ye that have'nt got no arm. Will unswer with your hand. Leflennnt C. , put on my hat ; They ny you have some prime, A very little thnnk you 'hern, That'a quite enough this time. The camp's aurpriaed ! poor Jimmy's lost ! liy platoons wheel! halt dross! Here EJ. and Jack, and Will, and Sum! There's mourning in your mom. I any you J , keep your canteen down, We're going for to travel j Captain, I want to halt, then, eh I My fhoe Is full of gravel. Ho ctriko up roiuio for'ard march, Now point your too., you loiuax; For yonder is s (lock of sheep, Strike homo for empty stomachs. Confound that rum, he'i spoiled my ealf Hut lamh like I will hmr it; My breeches rent, my storn cloth pHt Here, Ned, bo quick ; ropair it. Nay boys, 'twae not a flag of truce, That linen fluttering to the breete, For "nary" flock of sheep that lives, Can bring your Cuptsin to hit kneea. THE HOUSEKEEPER. 'i Flour and meat of all kinds should be kept in a coo), dry place1 5 Keep coffee by itself, as its oder affects other articles. Keep tea in a clo.e chest i or canister. Oranges and lemons keep best wrapped closo in soft paper and laid in a drawer of linen. The cracked cocoa is tho best; but that which is nut up in pound paper is often ? very good. To select nutmegs, prick them with a ': pin. If they are good, tho oil will instant ; ly spread around the puncture. i The best rico is largo, and has a clear 'fresh look. Old rice sometimes lias litllo . black insects insida the kernels. When a cask of molasses is bought, diaw off a few quarts, eUo the fermentation ptoduccd by moving it will burst the cok. The small white sio-rt palled nparl sihki i is the best. The large brown kind hasan ' earthy taste. These articles, and tapioca, 5 ground rice, Oct., should be kept covered, P.utter that is mado in September nnd October is best for winter use. Lard should l I I 1 ...I : . - .. I . I - . - 1 : . i. : . I. lunmii aiiiiHiuie, itiiu una which is iiik- ....., .' .. . . . . tn iruin a iioii noi over a year old is uti.. i Uich cheese feels soft under the pres ure ot the finger, that which is very: ; strong is neither very good nor neaitny. i t To keep one that is cut, tio it up in a baa mat will not admit thus, and hang n in ft cool, dry place. If mould appears on it, wine it. nil' wit h ,lt v elolli Halt cod should bo kept in ft dry placo where the odor of it will not afleci 'the nir ( nrn,i,n,, t ii,i i.i.,i. is called Dun, from its peculiar odor. Fish been, calculated to represent, skins for clearing coffee should be washed, I Union j lv)nt a .0.,(i of ,nPnning ; dried, cut small, and kept in a box or pa-1 , ,. , , . . ,, , ,. per bog I embodied in that one word? Tho Abo- , , . . . , lition oligarchy at Washington are sapping As a goneal rule, it is most economical i i ,i n to buy the best articles. Tho best is, ofianl un'"'"i5 Conshtuhon, and course, always a little higher ; but good ar-, it nieans Union. The "Jacobin Club" tides njxnd best . It is a sacrifice of mon- usually called Congress, aro passing acts ry to buy poor flour, meal, sugur, molasses, 1 (not laAI) (hal nre obnoxious to tho mass of the injurious otlccl upon the healh. 8 I Of Went India sugar molasses, the Santa ! Cruz and Porto Kico aro considered tho 1 best. The Havana is seldom clean. White sugar from Prs7.il is sometimes very good. I i'Snne" luhn ''f n"'"''? KOh f the aacehanne aubstancn, therefore there is j.robably more economy in uing loaf, 1 crushed and granulated sugars than we should at first suppose. 8oft soap should lie kept in a dry place in the cellar, ana should not be used till threo months old liar soap should be cut into pieces of convenient mr.e, and laid where it will become dry. It is well ! to krep it several weeks before using it, as t it spends fast when it is new. (Sermantown i Telegraph. Saltinu Bsir. The following issairj to bo a superior receipt for curing beef for winter use. First, rub salt into it and lot it remain for 24 hours to draw oQ the blood ; then take it up, let it drain and pack as desired, bavinc ready a pickle pre pared as follows : For every lOOtbs.of necf wo 7 Ibs.salt, 1 oz.saltpetre, 1 oz. Cayenne roppor.l qt. molasses, and 8 gallons water; put these all together, boil and skim and let cool ; then pour it on your beef. It is supposod this amount of water will asako bnno enough to cover the beef. c it h i "io nr. c i' For the Republican. Bkccaku Township, Nov. IMS. Mes.srt. Editors: ltave you ot any "sour-visaged," dry-lippcil, and peevish otj maids, "tout" in your portion of the country? If you have, and they nre not too ueful, send them, post-haite, to Jleccaria. We have a pair of excellent clowns, who perform bnd piny outside of the "arena," without tlio use of canvas and "center-poles and braces." They act behind the curtin, (lutllo! that's mis spelled,) however, but admittance is, I think, grali", and their dramatic perform ances are so grotecquo and indescribably laughable, thut, naturally humorous gents nnd ladies, would sink under theirexceed ingly exhileraling effects. Those clown's dramatic "piecos" uro bo pool teal, that if given in too large "doses" would melt the jolly and gay to a liquid, instanter. We do n't wish to have those "brilliant ac tions" which are attracting the attention of to many of our lovers of "un" dispensed with, hence our application lor hearers. Their principal plays are " Woodward'a gone up 'Bait River'" in the steamboat "glory" (they forgot that part of the dramatic piece,) "Curtin haa 'klim' the polo," and ho is higher up the "pole" than Wood ward is up Salt lliver. If ho would full ofr he would break his precious neck it's long enough to tie, though " Hail to the draft; or Copperheads beware" and " Ilootor Jiiip your wings nnd crow!" yes, crow ! let your charming notes chime in vith the crowing of Niggerheads; do your beat, Shanghai's ; roll it out Nigger- head, ti-um-tilly-lilly ; oh what a melody ; j whoop-de-doodle-doo; give us some tuoro; ring in your sweetest strains " IJirilJ of a feather all flock together;" then your symphony it's so charming : yea it enrnptures our inmost feeling, and sends our blood tingling to our fingers' ends, and down our legs to our toes ; it sends a thrill of sweet felicity into our brains; the nerves c.irries it into every nook end coiner of our bodies; it stimu lates every organ, and each performs it functions with vigor, and if tickles us all over -he I he! he! When thoso famous actors heard Curlin's election, they " growed 'hiq,' " one j lid. The Democrat who says nothing, was even compelled, by his sudden di.t,,,,.' but waiu patiently to see who is coming , 1 . , . lout ahead. s.on. to get a new suit of daddy a trousers, , 3J ,fhe r,Palocrftl who fl)p a cw do. and tL-irtcras; and the other one was lars in greenbacks will accept some paltry luppily, the possessor ot a suit ot " 7m- i,m" f.liiPs-lncUv dor he's .ot nn nd.li-' ....... - - - j "n II...1 lll.l. In 1.1. ... l.llnl.l. n..ll. t.oiutl twitch to his ever-tw.tchmfr mouth, ne hub h verj curious iinuir jr. 1'epuiy . .r . . j Provost Marshal Par-Keener ; as a nmrtial ho is vice ; ns a bar keeper, ho w ' par-excel- -lt. (.') he will stand the live long day P" ing into that clap-trap smut machine, ! mUsnamed " Raftsman's Journal." The jother will sit on his new porch und sing songs; Hiding dMte, ho ding ,;. Whilo al)Ov0 him shines the word U-n-i-o-n r. , , . , ,, i figured on tho smooth side of a board, . . and stuck up on a pole, a striking emblem f Purlin fdiml.irur tho " uno " IliA . . i ' b ' fc , need not wonder, then, that it was re- fhrislftifd. hpnen thn nnnenrnnen of the word Union. It was intended for a sign, unit If tlm li.,l Inlla. nna ntlarAil alurlittwl. -r , " would be a sign indeed ! it oul.l then ; renresent what it was. or nuidil to have of he P00?' ftn,dl &l to our Civil una rcngiuus iioeinei. ; nun ii. means Uniox. Even tho whining curs, who are dangling, liko greased and dirty fassals about the tail of Tower, nre committing y crime that their fiendish minds enn . . ,, , . . , conjure up, or their blood-stained bands e engaged in ; and they soy they work in nJ0 cauii0 0f t)ie Union. Vice, corrup- tion, treason, sensuality and tyranny aro all folded up in its enticing greatness. Oh 1 what black and damning deeds of infumy are perpetrated by the baaditfi of demons who stylo themselves loyal, yet they screen all these heinous crimes be hind the word Union voluminous word indeed! What, Loyalty 1 ah real union ists beware 1 these are our country's worst enemies. These are the traitors whom our nation must fearl They dread the name of the Constitution, and loathe the name of liberty. Sons of the devil you need not boast of those high sounding names. The name of Demooracy, or even of Copperheads will live in the memory ot tho people, when your own will bo rotten in dark oblivion. Your names will le breathed only with tho sighs of mothers whose sons you have murdered. Then ceaso your bcasting and ranting ubout! your pretended loyalty. Put enough of tins, there are enough of Pecoari-i's sons who know more of this than I do, and ninny more in Clearfield, yon and tho world is filled with such knowledge. I will now let this pas, and fall back to tho topic I first introduced. Forgive me j cheek of every American must tingle with friends, if this episode, may set hard upon l"ie as ho reads tho silly, Hat, nnd disli any of you Loyalists. I left these clowns i WHlHry utterances of the man who has to or acto18, in Glen Hope, one reading, .nd. the other sitting on the stoop, commun- neither he no- Seward could refrain, even in g tv mi ins own iiiougiits, or, perhaps studying his next play. What will it bt "Como ' buy of my warori ; " or w ill it be : "We'll have a jolly-ficution-oh ! " no, let us have, "Away sail thought, you haunt me ; " and "uiusca road my dojtiny.and rovoul it to my soul." Why, you need not apply to the. muses lor a revelation ol this secret. I can tell you at once, you cunt live forever, that s certain the events of vour lifo will re - veal themselves as they pa.ss ulong : another certainty is, you will live till you die, if you do'nt grow loo fast and thus nd your precious life before your time arrives, and oh! what a thought! our theater would sink in ruii s then. Come, irod-hearted men, if you think your souls cannot be melted to fluid, como out from the darkness of solitude and ! bo reduced to mirth; this world has no plensures if you cannot laugh till your sides nre sore. Come, women, from the dismal regions of taciturnity unto the light of joy. h ! be enraptured to your hearts' content. Come,--theatre open at all times from "parly morn till silent eve," on main Bt., at the corner of woodhousr, alley, sign of tho "Big Omon" oh! beg patdon "Big ' ,1 f .1 . ,, , imoir 1 meant: nnat a t,iundor ox dctHty provost marshal, barkeeper, chief ,. . ,' ' manager and actor. Ktemt, actors .nter. Ub.tJ .M.MUli. Four Kinds of Democrats. The La Crosse (Wisconsin) Democrat ray "there uie four kinds of Democrats in the count ry." 1st. The Democrat who openly and above board lets his voice and pen he heard for ' "ii.VMuirg In ig. tjen. arren was act- tudes is sulllcient to always keep it sup or the ritfht and attaint t the wronii. , ing on den. Meade's stall' in tho capacity plied with a uniform i;iant it v of water. ottice at tlio hands of an Administration which desiuses him and which he dos - . i .l i i . . IIISH, UIIU llll'll l'lllirU(UI9 IUPI1III II 9 in T f biwi villilving and libelling the . ,,u.,y wLticla is more honored by his b- J sence than his presence. 4th. The policy Democrat who hhifts, turns, rolls, wiggles, chances ends and jumps high and wide for the top of what ever piank may como up. If there is a show for Democracy to win tho day, they howl Democracy of the cast iron kind, and go it strong in bitter denunciation of all opposition parties. If there is a chanco to make a few dollars bv somo fac end of niizerisui 'slide into the channel, and go bobbing ( IliO Stream W illi IIIUI 1)111, or "in certain contingencies or "had ditleient," it been or "were tlio cases they might, like mon, stand tip for their faith. They back and fill contradict themselves, blow hot and. then blow cold first praise, and then censure take a .. . . ' . .. , bold stand one day and urn like a seated cat the next We don't like such men. I here is no dependencn to be placed in sue.i men. I hey will netrav and sell their best friends. Selfish at heart and cowardly by nature, eager only for spoils they live and die political "might have ry Jl';d' usy between regulars and volun been's." No matter what a man's creed leers enter into this affair. Warren is a is if he stands up for it bravely we respect him. This is no time for men to follow tho ead ot cowards. Thoso who aro afraid to co ahead- id-to pioneer the political wil- id U'tler tako back wats nn.I ir self-appointetl leadership - deraess, had be I rnimm llto:i mil li, tiimm I All I ii.. i.l liii. Pen man or a mouse. A Democrat or H-pablican. For (lod's sake don't beg i i -i.: .. , . .. . .... 7 1 . , , , .v ... mm i:i-vi, mm ill no and play into l no hands of our enemies. If the cause of tho T)..,nei-e i. i.;,.i.t tiioL- i n if i i c.i'. ...... i .i' n' out if position is what you want Do as l,"")Ul ll ,Va'"fon is made the rankiti;; of- -,n"'1 18 v1 V lernie, ami is owned by tne muu u juml liniMiieu. i wo or mem Judas did, then hang yourselves. ' Become ficfr' Church, which institution holds it for the were, made to the order of railroad tool foraniggerizd Administration, or i ,!,ut ,now 1,10 question arises how 0' exoluivo puqioso of grazing Ad the and imxirnialy a.vaite.l." stand up for a white man. This half-way f011'0 ho t0i' "! Ple.isanton have t'i;k which comes into the i.th.ng olheo T5s js M()l oxm. ,tistrian de-po'-dodging, tntik and water, half-round style, kltke'1 "P- Ihcy promise faithfully to, Mormons are compelled to pay one- . . . worse than that. An i uAilout, If the present is not a tune J i" VJ A I? J!!,'??.,L,:;2 'fT V. L0.'"1"' ,l.,e 77 tlioWo i,0 ncoplo of tho Unite t v.. - j . . a .... " lliiiB L-Vlllli. 131-11 to Inke a position wo would iu In Lnnw lo iaKe a p isiuon, we would ne 10 knovy when the time will come, Finon Cahehon's Attachment Casks Set- back to the 2d of May, when, r.irney al TLtn. In the United States Circuit Court, : ready ranking Pleasa'nlon, the threo will in Baltimore, on Monday last, the cases of have their appropriate position. French, Chcrles Howard, ffiu. A. Gathell and Miijor-Qeneral, who has reasons for not John W. Davis, Police Commissioners of liking Warren, takes sides with Iiirney Baltimore, against the Kit-Secretary of and Pleasnnton, as docs also Sedgwick, War, Simon Cumeron, to recover, several- actuated by honorable motives. Meade, ly. $10,000 damages for the arrest and im-, with the unflinching regular influence at prisonment of the plainttfTs in July, If VI, Washington, stands by Wurrcn. were finally disposed of. The suits were The regulars have hit upon a solution taken from the docket by consent of the! of the controversy that they fancy will plaintiff's counsol, on the Statement in , not lower their dignity They are work open Court by the couel for defendant, ing like beavers to get Birnoy to accept a that ho was authorized by his client to department, hoping thereby to get bim say that the latter (General Cameron) had out of their army, where the quosticn ol no part in thu ariest and imprisonment of , rank will not so materially affect him, the plaintiffs or either of them. and thub quiet him, whon Ploasanton's Washington Corre..ondeiira Chicago Times Till: IMtKsinuvi'.t his HOIIY (.I AHI). . o . , ,31'''" '! J'"''-"" '""B A Solution of the Cuutroveriiy. Your reader will not have failed to ob serve the exceeding bud tuslo which "char acterized tho remarks of the President und Secretary of State at tho dedication of I lu nohliprs' c.tmol ru nt Cuttu.l rrt.n ; " soiemn oecaiion, irom spouting mii u'liuin uiinuiiiiu uoririues. l he readers of The Times ought to know, too, that the valorous rrnsident did not dura to make this little journey to (iettvsbuig without beir; encoi led bv a boilv-inim d nl Bol.iieis. l or the first time in the history ol the oountry, the President of the Unit- ...1.1 I. . . " i . . ... oia.uf, in irineinng tnrougu it part ot ...o ....,, ,,,, i.encciui, even on ft 'ullsi"" ininniiiu, na1 j 10 mi e.scorleit hv a body-guard ofsoldiers. When it is added that his route was through Haltimore and .. .i t i , .i nuu pun oi murviaiin, me recent scene . of such flagrant outrages on the rights of i 1,10 emzens 01 unit Mate, you will readily ' 1 '"uipieiiei u mat it was tear for his own personal safely which led tho Prosident to go escorted as any other military despot , i ,' And this is the tiinn who, not contented with trampling or, tho Constitution of his country, taking away thu liberty of his lellow-cilizens, und abrogating the Monroe doctrine, is no.v ready to sttike hands with tho Lmperot Napoleon for the club- lishmentof h monarchy in Mexico; fur it is said that overtures have been made, to me Administration to tlm tl ! ;r ' 0jr (loveanment will reeojinizti Mtximill- : i" Kmperor ofMexico, then the French armies will vtiihdraw from Mexico. Tha Administration, it is said, has entertained tho propositi 'avorably, and will no doubt agree to the infamous proposition. What eise could no expected from an Adminis- uinent ot their power. The uill'orent ele tration with such antecedents ? ; yations of tho water marks show the grd- 1 teh nulling rtf n t I..I 1 T IT , the Major generals of this army. It U a funny quarrel, illustrative of the blunder- llnr, ll.nl !j ..ni.. It I a.1 .1. Ill , .IT - - . i ' ' " r "u,"lu " ar nice ai I' ,Vusl!in.?ton' lmnj;'Iiiloly aflor the bat- 110 of Clmneellorsvdle, Urig. (.en. Iiirney, -,, ,ore a conspicuous part in that mem- oruDle eniii'-ement, was promoted for his gallantry to the rank of Mujortie.neral, his commission datina May 20. A few davs altcrwnrd (jen 1 leasiinton received a com- 1 miss on of the satno rank, dated June 1, j which was Hkewisn issued for meritorious !slr,V0l's ',.t clllln('(lIotsville, at the battle , , lm'1 1 nl''g'aphical htigiuecr,. Ho '"'' excellent service on that oeea- sion, was wounded in tho discharge of his : duties, and was subsequently recommend- i e'' for !'ro'!iot'n- He was not at the hat- '""""" "l "ul """ "0,v ' or oll'er '"s commission was made out and ante-dated Mav .1(1. iminpili:itr.U nfi.r nnKi-Miiioii ni "r,i i:.. l . p. .,, ,, . .'. . -V tl'ellorsville, ns if it had been won in " , i"e..-.ir t'lvin- mm rani ovor hnll, Itifn.iu ,,,.,1 PI....-...,., 1. I.. both Iiirney and Pleasonton, who not only did win distinction at Lhancellorsville.but have also received honorablo mention in every engagement and movement since, including the battle of Ciettyshurg, in Inch action Iiirney commanded the ,'ld Corps after Sickles was wounded on the first day of the battle, and Pleii-anton commanded the cavalry corps throughout, blendin" with w 1 0 'Variu" wna only acting as a staff of (hey cently llct'r' v''i'' ' l'K''t, has the President 'd eo bobbinc ,,con i""1 appointing the latter to rank ie former' 1 understand that the l'res- ., 1,1.,,, . i,.;. u ,i, ,., i , "-- " ."ii- i; !'1',0 ,, '0,l,,!l'r0rt;(8l.01,l'l!lt,IIS,n- , . ..,.i i.mu uujr steps to correct it. Doubtless it was a blun- vuiiiiiniiuu ,,y iuu unu wiiu was m- siruclPtl to tilt up tljocouimission ; but iu mi hill n uiuiimi nm-M inn, i-hi evu inn om- eers who sutler by it. They have forward " . ..in . u .til? viu- ed a formal piotest against it but even that does nal relieve them. Warren still ranks l hem both. Some of tho elements of tho traditiona- cst,liir- Meade, who recommended him, if a regular. Mai leek, linn1' ,ho .implications tin-ouch whoso for promotions V-"" ' regular. The Adjutant ('cncral s olhce is controlled by and filled w,lh r,Su'i"'t. Pirney is a volunteer ; has never see.i tho inside of West J'oinl ; has iii. . ..." - w'rM"1 "ls ow" wy up from a (Jolonelcy to a Maj.ir General's rank. It would ne t do to nerr.nl him n rnn, , . forgetting in their haste Ploasauton, a ho- cus-pocus was played, und. without anv- bodv knowinL' when hp Uie nr Qi-tl,ir'.T , - . . - - j c mm. ui-itruii m in i en ennui iiiuiiun, un- . ... .'., less the affair is settled before. They ask that their commissions shall be dated cotninisBion will be dated back They IlllVf IJIH'lt'il Jlllll 11 1111:1-1 Mt'l'iU llllt'lll, i but ho didn't si'C it. Then they proposed Kansas, with Jim I.anu and squatter sov- A i stin, L imtb Co., I ereignty, but tho bait was not (;ood. Nevaha Tluuitorv, Oct. '(';). j Then Wushinglon was darkly hinted at ; Our littlo jiartv left Salt Lake City en lut that luiled. At last they come out the '22d of August last, by way of i squnrely and nd'nr hint tho Middle De- overland mail road, which L tl.c " parlment. Iiimey quietly smokes his but by lar the ii'.it dcKolute und linne:. cigar and says, "I'll see about it." Tr.ko'of al! routes l.-tnlin- tn thu Pm itio en. st it all together nnd it makes a very funny I When nbont three hundred mife from S.l quairel, und one that will enter some-j Luke City, we iirsi Inm iimi f t'-o-exrite-wliat into tho wninglings of the Scniito j tiient at the K.-euc Kiver mines, m.d re this winter, to relievo tho monotony of ; solved to try our loituns there. uiseussions on tlio appropriate spuero of American citizens of Africin descent. CHEAT SALT LAKE. Among the great ii'itural curiosities of North America, the great saline bod of water in Utah Territory, known as tiicut Salt Lake, stands in the lirrit older. The lake its. If U not individually so great a I curiosity as when viewed in connection with mrrounding conelative indications, which give us a coml-ination of natural wonders truly astounding. the wntor inarks timer that tho hike is now a mere remnant of what was once of tho mighty witter collections of the earth perhaps of a body of water that spreads itself thro' out the whole Utah basin. Provo Lake, a body ol water, distant perhaps seventy-five mile; from tho great lake, is surrounded by indications of a like character, that di rectly point to an early period when its individuality was lost within the limits of ; it mighty sea that absorbed both it-ell ahd , (ireat Salt Lako. Along tho base of the mountain walls of the valley, if wo may , so term the limits ofthe bisin, lira distinct . water mirks of various elevations. Thev 'are clearly discernaMo at a distance of liven'v-liva miles th. mnm plnmie.l ,W being from seventy-five to one hundred feet above the level of the valley. They tiro almost conclusive evidence that a great sea once e.xi.-ted in Utah Valley, whoso hreakors h ivo left tho marks of tlnir power indented upon lLo roc it y front oftheir mountain confines, ns a nwn- . l . ,. . . J , ofsMuare mil?s, to the present saiinous body of about sixty miles in length an I r . . - I! , 1., lorty or nuv in ureaun. tins presunip- lion ia strengthened by the existence, throughout the entire valley, of acouatile deposits, such as .hells, petrified .U , water-worn rooks, otn. I lima thig i honrv tho ink rence nmy bo drawn that Great Salt Lake is I'r.i.ln.iliv IiminUhin, l,,,i this is not tho case ; it is now reduced to n haM of fixed causes which will give it perpetuity in its present extent." The moisture of the atmosphere of these lati- Tho melting snow of the mountains swells the river in tho spring and summer that empty into it, and when this melting is prevented by the coldness of tho fall and winter, those rivers fall, and by evupora- nou uie iaKe rapiuiy declines the evapo- ration carrying oil' more water t'r in tlie . t i r im,. ,1.,,.:. ii ;., ; ii.:.. ,i. . u ,u.-,v. is ill una WUIIIIIII condition that coarse salt u obtained from tlio neaeii ol the lake in quantities u inin- . v. ,- ., . , iium. Now, so long as tho meteorological system prevails, tho lako must tho same as now. continue No theory is settle I upon by scientific men as to the cause of the salty naturo of the lake. We have an opinion of our own which we believe to bo rational. Tho rv ers emptying into it Canaan. Jordan. Webber, Malado, and numerous smaller stream, head in the mountains, whore they aro supplied by myriads of mountain brooks, some ol which undoubtedly have their source in salt springs. These brooks . ... ' . - iin pi eg ri aio uie gre.u water-carriers ot tno 1','k0 '.,h. 8;'1.t-l:) oswM Hn .xlont- niuuii ii, uc, i urn ii in inn peiccpuuio to the taste and they carry it inlo-the 1 ,ko wultc ii uiuu lorevor reiiiinn au( aoouina - Into, ai evaporution imronses tlio propor - Linn fi riiii, io ihn anini' i in an mi-.w nun i'i r ui. i'j i ie ivnii'i. lull si i in iv I tilt have been carried to the lako over a bun - dred ini.es and u has perhaps beeh accu - niuiating there lor tlinuamis or years ; 1 and thus it must continuo to accumulate through all lime, if the supply should bo inexhaustible. Tho volcanic indications surrounding the lako are peculiarly imi rei-sive, and could well be ma le the subject ol the na- lural philosopher's study. The whole face of the country appears to have pinsed through caloric Influences of thb intenscst c.-iaracter. I.normous rocks fringe its margin, which aro charred as black as cb - . .n... I .i-i . y "" "K "p-"'t'" "u meir , fragmentary condition bespeak tho mighty convu nions which thev passed ihroiie b. , . , -.; "r f'ie l'lle cen,re. . 111010 19 l"He large l-land, upon which these volcanic indications aro o'l'ially cmtiLntic. pi,;, - . MV Ibere must be thousands of head up ' .w I o,l .!,. mc( i,Q h.., ,.r i,.i .... on it. It Is reached by small sailing ves- o( ppanicl do!. Our f.itheiN thott"! sels. So extremely salt is tho water of they had established a country i' Salt Lake that piscatory life is impossible, which tho eoplo owned the (lOVon Its average depth is fifty foot. Portland .ncnt, but Lincoln has turned it t (. On-yon) .W. ! one in which tho Government own, Jk5A Democratic; contemporary complains tlint whenever un Abolition , tnmor conies to ins p.aco to iiinKo rpcccu uu . minauiy uc-niia v iiu.u- tr tho auilieneo that ho . - lias uecn a Democrat Wo supposo tho ncoun - drcl does that to mako it appear that, somo timo in his lilo ho has been in! jrood company. Though ho dies, ho i not destitute of an ambition to Hp- pear respectable. The Silver Eegiors cfNcvp da Territory. Corre.ipnndence of the Ciucinnuli approached tho place on the I Ji!i ol tctnber. weary, rat.""l r.nd hunr . i had walked over fii'leen htttidi'"'! mibs while on the way, part of th tn' shoe less nnd without liiod. Four of us only bad come uloiij; fur hundreds of lidle.-J through tribes of hostile nna.f: We found everything in a stale of ex citement, and every one crazy about tho recently discovered mines. Fubu'.oUi stories weio told cf the wealth of tho country. One man, whilo digging e. po.,i hole, had struck a silvor ledg, ami so! 1 it for sixty thousand dollars. A poor cun grant, stopping for a day, had found a vein, sold it for forty thousand do.-.rs, and gone on his way rejoicing. A thou sand similar stories tire circulated. A glance convinced me that there w.v reali'y about it, although probably not so brilliant as had been pictured. In February last, silver was discovcio l hero, and -the first cabin erected whom now stand tho united towns of Austin and Clifton. They at prosent contain O.OuO inhabitants, nnd tlio inilux co;:lirues at Uie rate of hundreds daily. Hvety lacility that tho country can afford for building; is employed, and houses aro erectd ns if by magic. Several quartz crusiiiug: mills are in operation, l tn v in' aro approaching completion. Kvoryfhing; is bustle und confusion, 'lfee inuuntai .". appear to bo l.teially filled with the pre cious ore, and tons of it are daily ''J... , brought in. All day tho el.nij; of ham mers are heard, nnd the slillniwi of tho night is broken in upon by tho rattle "I stumps and the explosion of mines. No.it spring will biing fifty thous.md rninei'i ' ... J . ... I and emigrants to Austin and the v ''I' ' ble, and there is h iforlnn,. h-rl r ov, '-y i willing worker. Laborers r-"t from live f., I. ... . . six donars per day, anil mciti aiies i. ;.i oight to ten. We have no currency out side of gold nnd silver. (I'reenhieki aro worth but sixty cents on the do'.lar, r, X taken reluctantly at tint. To tho uninitiated, a mining town pre sents a strango appearance, especially where it springs up in ft d.iy. The t-.ii of Austin and Clifton aro situated in a mountain gorge or canon, tho principal street running through tho centre, and extending prolnbly three miles. Tho mountain is .almost pcrpondiuuhr, and for a mile up on cither side covered with houses of pvery description stone, fronts, frame, adobe, log and brush huts, lonts, ilc, and chaotic confusion. Tho main street occupied by stores, restaurants, drinking and gambling saloons is crowd ed at oil hours, The recent discovery of silver in tliis section of Neveda is but tho beginning of the end. Tho enliro country is filled with it. Within ten years tho mountains stretching from tho Pacific to the Platte liiver will lie a continuous mining tow n. Tho mineral wealth of tho country i3 in exhaustible, but enterprise and nrtsrh aro required to duvolop it. Thoso the old States must furnish. Tho Richmond Knyuirer of tho 11th u!t contains tho following ; " Sinco the bombardment cf comiuenciid (on the 17lh of August) up t TIllll'uJ JU t'ltl 1", .riS t ul,r.lu !,.,.! 1 C. : uiiii.vMj iisi, ii,.iii.i sunn iu:i mill i:ici llt it flf whic, p2 :w slruok. li;o ,.,r i rison, twenty-seven have been HHed, and s i. t vii i lie wounded Thofia un'e liino lw bcJn"cul down" dm itnf in' liiir'v -.'un ! litres. Tlio ! ji)0 nouiuN, : vera go weight of she'. b'ine tho weight of iron th;-o.. o iti o.m i i r . i " 1 ''i'-"'" t''"Hmo, "I I l',T ' Jlll'l.i 1 1() c;u., ,nall killed, :j(l,370 pound.? of irop , to each cisuality. If the cliariies of ,. - in: iiiiu dT averaged fifteen pounds, wo have 'i.'i'l, 7 to pounds of powder used, or t',0."7 tbs of powder to oach man killed, and 2, l.i I tfis. of powder to each casuality. .Sunitir in ruins, laughs at hor enemy, who slili fears to pass her battered walls. Chariot; ton will have a valuti! lo iron mino in tho 1 ru;MS 0 Sumter, and even now. when iron is scarce nnd sells bi,.b md.wtru nt liulo risk mighl ra.lU a rOltun0i'. j Jrjjf-Tlio rliiltulclliliia North AmnU ran my : , .Vhcn tho government wants any. ... .... . ,. .. . llilllir it ItlKCS It. 1110 Oilier (.IV it walked into tlic locomol ivo works m" 31. v . liiituwin und toult l'jtif loco- : i T 1 I f I, . t . . i ., , S ntoo siibimt. o it. with tliO D.ltutlC tho people. Jki5"A man should throw ofT n'l () ft1(, op11.0Miv0 tbouft, l,e ))0 uinv ..:u.m 1 ... inn, . ..i i: 1117 Ol ll IIIO M1." . -."ii iiiiii i ,,,,. i;i.n ti, r,,m,i i..,,i,.r I.ia i...... i , ' ' " j.... ... ITjr'lnr. Conslitution and the Union' I place thorn together. If thoy stnd tb,' must stand together; if they fall the must fall frwothcr." Duniil JlV'ifr,