illisfclliintoiis. tfoiinlj Jlltcdorp. RICHARD MOSSOP. 1 Olll'.HiN ASM IMIMI S'I IC (i()OlS hint, II, J 'a. Tuf I-rvuii r nir War No . run' wo .ti"tiliii f Xit!tt,to cc t!if end of tin wnr with thin Admin tuition, Pi" with any hotly of it ,.,,i.,, in,.l Imnu tiT. Tin: "hul'jnuH- io:i" el' million (if jici pic, w illi llic . liiitM iili'in of all tln ir roicily, ami ll li uti'i Hint ion of tlu-m witliiio- ;rurs is im ut j"'1' tli;l1, "l't('H" t-ari:v dow work must W muilo willi U -vory s;ow work and that "j'jb mi.Sl bo n intt lontf one. Tho raoiv ni-r iiioih.v wo inakc, to work ;hojob, the iMDi-o p:iHT money iwtiM. I,o hdkIo to work it nml hi'iico. ni-r.-s must liiluT, and evcrythiiij; fcconi'.' di'ai'iT iind di'ai'i-r. U o have a twenty yi-ars' w:ir bd'orc us njioii the iriuVi"j! of rotro fraternity and oqutility, i-uhIIm i.iioii, and extermina tion. In two years and a half, wo have exterminate! and desolated the vflstern slope of firinia, the border counties in Missouri, a considerable portion of Loiii.-duiisibu', it is eigh teen hi'iidred miles from the i'olouiac to the liio Grande, and the desolation and extermination of fitly miles per "yc ir, for eighteen hundred miles, is a work of thirty-ix years the proba ble duration t the war, under the now Lineoln programme. The war might bo over, and would .oe over, with a oliungo of administra tion, in six months because a new administration would change all this oxi-tin piMiramme. It would nt--te.upt, insist upon, and enforce tho Unity and Indivisibility of the repub lic, and end with nothing short of it; but it would, at the same time, with r.ho sword, carry tho olivo branch, rand so, leaving nothing for tho south o tight for, divide that south, upon the principle of self-government, and, in the end, voluntarily bring back r.his south. Tho conservative policy .toward llicsr.uth would bo such, that, leaving the south nothing to light lor, .uo accession or war party could be iiiaintaiued in that south. TIMl: f'r I"I,MNH col RT. lM Monday III January, I S I M.ndar !n June, 2.1 Monday In March, ih Monday In frp. ( I each J rnr.mid rmilin I') wtika II necessary. ( nl NTY AM) MSIRtCT 0KrtK1S. Vter'l JmtuP ll"n. Samuel I. inn. I!ll'f.nle. A'te Jtidgi-s DR. A. II HILLS I V-lltci In In. , w Alt!, rn IS. I rrr ,i- -',.; , ,j, I Mm 1 hit ifn tt lion. .1 D. Thorn K.n.t'urn ensi I lie. Hun. J iinut I'.ioiitn, l'"ii ' t. Mimfl, Kdward I'l-rk. Prothoiiolary , 1. I'. Klwilor, Meg. ,1 lice, I-iimh ll, llargor, Iii.lri.t All'), Israel 'lost. Treasure., li Slinw, Co. S.meyor. II. II, M'right, CuiiiiuissiuucrsJiuob Kum. 'J liuj. llllllllUlt, Auk" Head, Auditura, Chailcs VVurmll, II Woo.lannl, V. H. t'outerel, Coroner. J W. Puller, County Sup't. C. B. fiwdfor.l, Clrailicld, CUii 1 1 1. l.uthershurg, dr. IIiIIk. Clei.rli.ld. 2t. Wiiah'gtuii Peniiti.ld. I.crniiti'ii Mill Cl.'orfijl.l. Mt'SUN lifl.MNM i tm;i:ns A I . I ' A ' A H lit Hi nt nt Stl ll ion Si'iimi i ion Sciiiilt'n "Sclt'lll il'll I Ires i icct I icon pi lees i lul roccivcil nt MiiSMil'i''. OINiillAM" t SfH"Htini piiii- ,W.-J:.4i, ll.,n , i -V vi'iit id fi .if i.i ol n ;-w - rHffoinnl pltret Nt:W 0 0 01)8! AFir.CH A R H t V A I, Of Sprint' iV Summer U001U AT I II K CM K A r CASIl HTUKR. I ntl rtrrltlrf tnd ofxulnq rrfullj Murk nf Purine Mid Vutnmrr tnudi ol sliMdft cv-ry description, fill NT. T KIN I S (il.DV IS f 1,'AVA IS SMAT1.S r.DNNi-XS I IH.OI1K1) I MUSLINS til n ; Hi ni fit nt id Sen ion Sellout iotl Scnint ion Sl'UMllioll i ices pi ici'H prirw pi ie.i lit MOSSdl'S1 Sriiiilion prii'M Sfii.-utioii SeiiH'ilion price All to ho liud at MOSSOl'S'. LIST OK I'OST OFFICII. 'ml (W, ''inlran.lwi, (IliMi l..K, " in. S. ri-.t, I tiiliville, Tln''l'ir W'M, Hi-)it' X Runil,Siiin'l. lli'Kiirly, Ilowor, W. Al.-L'i-.irluMi, Choi, Tli. A. M illuo. C11.1I1, J. W. Cu'iijibull, O.ich.I, II. L. lie iliirson, Furival, Jkiih'h lllunin, Clonrtii'lil ill'ulfe, J:iiiii;j FurnKt, X, illiunis' Uruvo, Jad. E. WiiiBim, laiiluirslmrg, U. It. Monro, : TrimlvilU', Ciias. M"iy. ! Jpl) I.ino. J'.lm 1'ulnrin, . Curniido, Now WiiabiiiKtuii, Jn. Uullulior, n . c . irv in, , Jack I'.llrhill, j Jlll'ull lluil'O, li. Toior, jr. Win. McU'irvcy, S. A. Fiir'ii'r, M. A. KniiiK, 1'. A. (i.nilia, J. F.IV.Schiliirrit T. W. FU'iuiPL', Tuirnnti !jl liuctfithu, lilnoill, r.riniruril, Uriuly, LINI-N l CKASII nt CTItTAlNU at, I'Al'.LK CLOl'IlS at Sonsat inn Sellout ion SiMCrttiini SiMisul ion St rnl inn priire price prices 'l ii'lW ITiecH ;it. MOSSOl'S'. kkinui: ill I, A1".5! nt Sensation pliers lit )S 1 1 . Li V nt Sensation priem KI I'daiNS ut Sensation prices I liiMMINOS) of all UiiidrfivVnt Sentnlion in any quim ty J Ahvavson hand nt MOSSOlS'. CASS I M KK KS nt n,T h fcmiul tt Mt ofT, im tl. it,w,.K . " in i rinrit tnn i.ty i,..r'.,f Front n M..ln Mroft m til timo, ,..,( '". " nr. t-l tn, l.ln.1 nylet. Alro. hrn Intl.. to.., r-I to tl,o Kr"'? .VrVunri AVM'vrVPIflVy c.iiluiry. July s, T:t.-tf. ' 1K 1 - titlUllfl AM) Otl0b. j lliinnt, HkwIk, I II ii l tint Ctpt, j liootx unil fhoft, t Urgo quantity, , Iltrdware, Qi rcmwiiro, Vrugif ami Mtilicints, Oil unil I'alntK, Cm-pat X Oil ( Intlit, g k o c i: u 1 1: s , Fish, Baron nJ Flour MackiTvl in 1 1 anil k harrolt. j uf tha boat quality, nil nf whirl) will b toij at 1 llio lowi'Kt rash or romly pay imcrt. Ho vmi wish to bo blwoil with nml mlmirrd i lMy u1,1 frienili nnd the publio gonerally, tre for 1'kaiii.v Whitk iiml SoimJ TKKT1I ? l,e ! ronj.entriilly Invited to rail. Dr. Hhi. It. Iluid'a Unrlvnlleil Tooth I fr-ifX. II. All kinds of tfMA'and iippmvod I'mvder. :iriiinlcd fror from add. alksii.or nnr i COC'XTU Y VV-OUUCE Ukou In eicliiiniro ol iiijiirn .il. niliHtimco. rnrc, ij renin pr dot UK. VM. IV JllTltir.S DENTAL REMEDIES THK a hi: Pd'ST IN Til 12 WORLD, I SKI' It I Ml FINE TKKTH AND A SWEKT IiRKATH, AMI ( t'KINU TOOTIl.tCUK AND NEl'RAMIIA. Mt UHIM. At l7 , litre j'lkt rirhr.,1 u,t, Now (Jooda Attlicir oMfitiind in Clcurfi. whirl. Itlry ill, ,11 ,h, ev,, wkirh will b, ,nH ,7" """M.J 0 V T T L F. up , Tu wlii. h ibry inrit Iht ,., ' t,bli... ...ilirarliiK h, bH.,.&f li trnoiit and 1) utter knitfi of tht L,. H tur. " ; A lot of TUtoU uf llm bmi j,,,,, (Ire tun. Al.oa nenernl t.iorilnn;U.', fiirtrid-rrt-nll of which will b, wi.i ,, Tliry continuo to nmmifurtnre all kin li Tin-ware, Brass Kettles, J, ;, l'ipe. ttr whirhcaim.t bt mrP,wil, .J tlon o tim Muto. ' They also have on band PltMiur-h In amonir which aro Stcl Contrn ul '"V Flow CuxtmKK, and many other Ami...!,'' Iiti'incntf, p llinij prii.'es Choat. Hiirn-iili) Pi.ti'bini lilo, F.nM Uidgv, Hard, M.itiarvey, W'estovor, Cleiirlid.l, Fronrhi ilie, Kiirltiitun. rurwentviilo I'lirwennv illr, Doratur SA I TISKT.S rw i:i:ds .II-.ANS v'iNc.s SlIIUTINl.S lit kl III Hi Ml ."etiMit ioii Sviicniion Sens l ion Sensation SeiiMilioii Sfin-rtt ion ttl MOS.SOI'S. CUnrfield, Cm iiigtou, IVnn, Tu il Coal Famine L'skfll JIints The eoal fumiiui li bearing down rnea viij upon tho citizen.-) of Cincin- l'ik. ;nati, l.venuso only .ri,0(n bushels of rnVn tr?o:il arrives tbero by r:iil-rornl luily, Wn.!dwar. and 5j.00O to (!."), Oiili are daily needed i ?'br eonsnm)ti'Hi. In view fil'tlio near-; f-itv nnd bi-h yiriocs, a Cincinnati j Phi lip-liur).'. (.'riitrr rounly, W'ott Doriitur, K. Had liaoli , Osrooln Mills, T. F. Iloaiicli, Marroii, Kd. William-, Little Toby, Ja.. McClrllnn, Loconte'i. "MilU, V. Miii'it. Uiild llill, William t'arr, Shawnvilla, A. II. Minn, (Irulinm'oii, T. II. Korrie, KmitU'a Millt, A. 0. F ix, .Madeira, i'htt. J. 1'iifry, Tyler. David. Tyler, l'emilield, H. W.indwHid, Aiisnvillo, V.W.ii C'lasr , Salt Lii-k, ti . lie. kadorn, New Mi;il-crt, M.O.Plirk, Ky'ertonn, Ja.. I'll ;tnnfn, 4!orrisdalr, J. llirnner, Luinbor City. H. W. Spencer, (Iriiinpian 11 A. C. Monro, Curwelisvillr, T. W, Fleming, lllo.uiii'igvill, Henj. F. Dale, Kekton, I). K. Hi ubakrr, Jeffrie, Jnnies Lorkett, Thi' Font Oflice will do fur Chest township. JW'ill answer f ir Ferguson township. Ferguson, Fox, Uir.ird, (lohon, liraliam, fluoliuh, Iliiaton,, Kar. haul-, Knox, Morris, CLOTH INC Mie.hl US COMlS, funtt, VelH, Under Sliirtii. tit sensation l'liuinel Sli'uit,, Pool, Slifw-K, bits nnd Cup1 Now for salo nt Nttr.-SOI'S'. II A R D W A It K Hew are ol the ordinary cheap Tooth Pow der", which whiten but destroy. Do yon wish to b iriiain that your TsniiATII in pure, sweet, unci agreeable to husband nr wil'o, lnvrr or I'riendi.? l'o I '. I 111 I'd' ('cl.iliiitteil loiilll Uhll. i'rieo 7 rents per botllo. 'l'hia ai-triugcnt wiudi in nlun the best remedy in the world for Canker, Had llruatb, llleviling (iiiinii, Soro .Vi ulh, etc. H bin cured bun. I red. 4. Iio you, or your children fiillrr from TOOTII M Ili:? (iet l)r. Hunt's Mnlc 'lootliurlic Drop. Pi ic 1 j rents per liottlo. Are you nffliele.l with N F.l: K A L(J I A ? (Jet )r. Win. II 1 1 u id's Xouraljrla rinstei'N. 1 The inort efl't ctive and delightful remedy known, ! fir pains in the face, cheat, shoulders, bark, or 1 any part of tho body. rirHu ' lh''y ri"tndhero nor bliater. but soothe nnd ' rliarm pain nwav. Irv them prices liriecii jiriees i'ieen prices prieeti Uoods. Cloarlisld, Jane 20 1S3 WM, F, I It WIN. Ct)ok Stoves, Parlor ni,,! r. Ptovct n general nssortintnt, anil o I term, fr sale nt reatontlile nrirm . I Coal Oil, (oal Oil Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Renoriilu,, (Jlnsa, putty, Nails, Iron nuclCaetinp J1 variety; In fact uluiont every thinj j the public can bo found iu i.eir ewsit and at prices thai cannot be bout. increased bis facilities for manufacturing, hois! rSOW 13 tllC time tO niireW ' now prepared M make to order furniture aeinny'Tro,. (,slr0 ny thin-in their lin. .i bed,s,red. ,n goo! stylo and n, idieap rale, for, " Z Z " N no niosuy naa on hand at his "Fur.ii- . ,. .,,. .. r., .. ' " ns, a varied assortment of Keady-made j Kc;ne,ber. their c.'tnlilishmen, . T ? v d. Fa, whertjOTMbu,J Clicsip 8vuriiitnre ! TfVKSIHKS to inform hit old frionda and eu- XJ t niers that, linvinr enlarged his shun and Cash. iuru lloo turniliiro, among which arj Iiureaus and Side-Boards, WardroU's and llook-Cuses : Centre, Sofa, Parlor Iireakl'ust and i)ining Extension Tallies. Frice, 15 uud a7 Common, French-Post, cottage, Jenny- cents. Mailed on re-endof urice. T.inrl our! nthor -RoHotoorlo Jor sale at all tho best stores thtOHghcmt tho . SOFAS 1 f Ml KXlS. WORK-STANDS MAl-UAUKS, WAMl-STAMJS, &u. Htr-iet, Cleni ileld. 1'a , wliers juo can buTiai to the very best advantage. " jS-Ohl silver, copper, brass, i7teri)jt ., o ! I, I-i l ' . .nay zv, uo.). 1 nu ll ti S:iws, nails I Knives, ) Hinges, J CatiioN. As thero are denlers who take ad I viuitago of our advertisements to liuposo upon V oi k Spikes, at activation ftieos , j Lltil'OKS, sech n Win.', r.rundy, !ti in. W li i.-key. I C n.ic, etc., etc., j j riU'I l'S, such six I i Pi linen, Ii.ii-.iiis, v nt kensatiin ! 1m::s, Filbei ts, Otc. I their customers inferior preparations, it is nrees (it tensnlion price tary to insist upon having whut you call for, nud ' J you w ill get tu K BKtT, thoroughly tosted, and I ; I reptted by an experienced and ecientitio Den-j at MOSSOPS , list, Treasurer of tho New York fctuto Dentist's' I A.snri.nion, and 'ico l'residcnt of the New York I ; city uontnl tooety. I i;;pcr makes the rullowinsiigneslion to coal consumers, which wu rejiro-. rlrice, warning our readers, however, that there U : point w'norc coal cin . lors ccit-ic to have any virtue: ! "Tho ashes or cinders ars not to Lo ihrown away, but dampened to a .k'Aid of mortar, nnd again placed on .the fire. They burn readily, and by so doing there is the economy of hav ing tt hot tiro with into tenth cf tho fuel, besides not being troubled to convey tho ashes to a receptacle. Wo do not know of a stovo that can not raako ashes enough to supply it self, only a I'jw nuggets of coal being 'used. Firt-t make a tiro in tho usual way, and when it begins to burn free ly, place a lump ofecal (tho bcbtjiiear tho stove door or lront of tho grate; then heap on the wet ashes, or cm dors, ar.d pack them down, the vent bolow being unobstructed. Tho pro cess is simple, and a fe.v trials will satisfy the unbelievers. Dust coal Till! "li Kl'UIJLlCAN." I l l HIS III UI)SC-Il)(lllll. If pai l In advance, orwiihin three months, $1 !5 tf unid any time within the year, - - - 15" If paid after the expiration of tho year, - 2 On OITRK ON UAilKRT STItr.KT, ( l.i: A 11 Fl HI', I'KNM'A. u. u. n.iiii.i.ANnr.i:, .1 Co Publishers, Terms of Adtcrtlslng- AdvertirOintiits aro inserted In the Hcpnbliean tt tho folioiving rates : 1 Insertion. Ouo square, (U lines,) $ iU Two squares, (,) 1 Ihreo snuures, (4i lines.) I 50 'i months prices I Hi Mossors-. AlllrefS WM. I!. HVRP X CO., Tribnue Buildiugs iew Yoik. Jan. 21, ISfi.l. C.IKK.T-UIK.S, say !' lour, II n :n s, Shoulders, Suar, MuliissBs, Cotl'e.i, 'feu, C r a e k p rs, Spices, Caudles, t 'oul Oil, etc., etc. I fit snisH'.i in prices BLACKING KUIT.S rtJWDKU slluT I.I'AI) CAPS Alway? nt MOSSOPS'. nt nl nt Hi :.t at eiisHtiun knisiit ion hensiition afllMilion scnssition Hen-t inn prices prices I price ;' prices i pi ice 1 juices 1 One S.iuare, TwosquurcE, : : Three squares, Four tiuris, : Mall a column, One column, $2 60 4 Oil : i 00 00 : 8 00 14 00 2 do. J lb I 50 2 fl uio's. 4 (HI 6 no 8 Oft 10 00 12 00 20 00 S do. J 1 00 2 on 2 it'j 12 im. i $7 00 j 10 00 12 00 14 001 18 00 j 85 00 1 At the Moio of IlICMi A Ul MOSSOP. MOfcSOP ! Always beeps on bund a lull i n?oitHienl of nil kinds of j'rioils rcjuii cl lor the ticconunod il icu o( the pnlilic. ; Nov. 12, I52. gii:atp:st i rm- $ 11.3 I'.AI TLI on i;p:coud: Hocking ami Arm Chairs, fj'riug Seat, Cane-liottoiu and Parlor Clmira and Coiuuiuii ami oilier I'h.iirs. . O O KIX G - ( I. A ns i:s Of every description on hard; iiikI new Rhnses for old frame?, tibich will bo net In on ve- ry reasonable terms on short notice, j Ho alsnkeepa on ban.', or furnishes to or ! dcr, Hair, turn-Husk, Maim id I couon top Jtuttrocs. i I COFFINS, of every kiml, i Made to o-der, and funerals Hite.ii'cd with R ' , lleurso, -vhenevtr dos'rc'. ' Also, House Painting do 10 i.ior.'er. ; Th aul tvriber iUo tuuuufiuia v.:. t ..t has ' constantly en hand, j Clement's Patent Wasliinj Ma i'V; t The bojt now hi uae. Thoso u-In . hi mrchi io never need be without clean cVuhc- ' I'e M. ooin ' JOllX L. ClJ'ITf, : ' Attorney at Law nnd Itenl I'.stn'e A"cl, I CI.KAKI1I-.IJ). r, ..,' . Djtiftnn Mmhelnl. 0(',).,f l,,e -i'-'J E.riX.'i IM.Y o lei-i ','- s .i-'ces i i veil. i.'S nnd l.uvi.".- I.i'n' i i i 'ea, e'.' rV i ' I AMiLY 1 lilcl: ' Dark III ft, I.iyhl Ulut, t ftitvh litllr Vlttnl ipi, : Itn.-k .o.ra, A.. ltnnrni ' ShhjT ttrotcil, ( .'.ijioo, ; lliu !.- J,,,1., I .'.'.. I hull, I Ihu (lrr, i L ''tui tin tit. i F"r dveiuT Silk. dye toi.ox lr jn'iitPjf i'iiiI'i'k ,i ; ii'Mi tt twenty (vt..' 4 it a vnv he c.iu rt'piltr sjitV". v, O t f C I' , ' IUOO I....-, of .ii. I li . t)et .it.i'- 'iiv. " !ti, C'!e; i l i 'ea, : i " rxjie 'i vi.", H... .-v., ! oi. Ait.! f o i' S a 1 r .?. i' .''e'', ..." io f r n 1 1 tl ' mil v. JAWKS T. I K0AHI. 1 WM. A. WALLACE. I). A. n.UKT. A. C. PIJNKT. may be used in the same way, and wo aro assured that many cellars have minea of wealth in the refuse, ol former years. Whilo coal in h.) scarce and so costly, should not economy prompt a trial of the plan pointed out, which is attended with so lit I lo trouble and a 6Tring of labor ?" fcyTho Carlislo Volunteer is jubi lant because the counties of Pennsyl vania invaded by the rebels gave a Democratic train of 1 ,881 for Wood ward over Tout A-'s vote of 1SC.0. It might have turned a little farther south, where tho rebel army is on hand all the time,and found still more decisive Democratic triumphs to con-1 solo it for its overthrow iu Pcniinyl vania. Chamlersburg Repository Wo can see little point and no sense in the above. Had wo "turned a lit tlo farther South" the day before our bo called election, we might have wit nessed I he repulse cf -Meade and the defeat of Iio'orans, on account of thoir officers nnd troops having been taken from them to attend the elec tions. The men who foil on that day were murJiri, and their blood is up on tho hands of the officials who tie pnved them of their comrades in arms. These were not "Dcmceralio triumphs," but Lincoln triumphs tri umphs for the .Ncrlhcrii traitors who had declared that they "would prefer to see our armies cut to pieces rather than see Woodward elected (Jovcr nor." Carlisle Volunteer. Over three weeks and than throe months 25 cents per enuare for e.h insertion. llusirjest notices not eiojeding Slinoa arc in ssrted for t2 a yenr, AdverlisjiBiiits m t mir'eJ whittle number of nsertions desired, w;ll be cntinaei until forbid and charge! accordir g to thso Urins. 7VERY man that ha rend nny tlnnir of the past history ol this ll'.li must finally come to the eonelii.-ion Hint the le i.ovtrn mcnt would he broken down. It was only a q . i -lion of tiino. Hut now we have 'ho above lilorl ouf soul-stirring news to choer u. up ; nrd the only draw-back to our jy nnd plorificntion is the t dan(.'.r of tho Contrabands coining North to ''oat out nibtancc," n-d to wear out our siloes! Hut of one thing the pc pie of C'-ear-i. I I eoiiutv mav be assured, und (hat is, that II. W. SMITH X CO. I-KAXK SHOUT for short called Slwrt-e j. MI'.IU'll.WTs. and dealers in liy (selling Hoi.isi .v t-liots as cheap n- i.h.t other i:r..i ..ries. Hardware. Oiieeiiswnro. and 1 mun in tlio countv : an 1 ll ' oil don I heliovn it even tiling usually key t by the Irade. Store on just give him n call on court-week, ornt nny SKt'OM) Mieet, below Ju li;o Leonard k, oppo- i tunc, and joe. for yourselves, lie would jn V A LT H li B A UU KTT, Attoiiiey at law. HAVIMi resijrnid his connnission in the ar my, and resumed the practice of Law, inny be consulted on professional business at his oflice on t-econd str v '. Clearfield, 1'a. All business promptly atlcu.lN. to. Feb. ll,'6:t. I5,"M Killed :ind Woiiiidcd, aud i 30,,M,,) taken Priwiiirrs! Wi l li fMMP Kl H'lPAfJK AND 70,000 Contrabands freed from the Sflnilhiim (CoIIcdioit Mff BONOS 0F1LAVERY ! ! I s.ii, uo'. h.:.-," , luvato.l t ie. i , ,-l,i !! ll ! 'JO!,.! iu ro o, iir t r I ill Cell ii. ' ' " ' i w.uec oi t'i'i ' J' 'Li-,'. I !."!; re es !c . ,;o '..( . o .o or crol .i rt'e, Li'i.iii.'e lot I'.iri , 11.110 ill I'i. I'l.n.o ,0., i :.-,, 'I"; 'X'.'e.'Ci'.d WHi...o,eei ... aud.-i. ' ,. (3 : 1 :.r . io l Pi ll r'l nber h in' ...e o.i i- e ! the o '.- 0;c . I ,. I'o n' ';.. v. or LEONARD, FINNEY & Co. C L K A II F I E L D. cu:.nhin.i voilxtv r.. iiii.i.' or r.i,-a.n(ii!,viiKUti nmrTs mhcoi nrr.r i)i,.Piin iu.ri:i lii), Col'ostinnx made ami vroteJ. prompt? remitted l'.xcliaiic on llic Cities coimtaiitly on hand. jjr-Woff.f, on PecenJ St., nearly opposite the Ct'l'l.T IltlUSK. UulklnvV l'ntent. r,, otiil; 'u""Vr VrkA b Superhealfd Slram. d jnt M- 'P'"'' "i dcrcned respectfully informs the pc... T Co.d ! Coal! liec'li'l'v ni"ioe,i-es Io the ii'.--. H i. I'".V of e, .e-' 11 supply I'll ft '., i(" i'y :''o Ve , o.'ce. 'i e the l;.' :ve c' "MIK b-'I'm li'oe C iire o (' I norf piep.neit .0 it'OAl, n. .bo o i 1 1. ue. ' ;'ieo tote lie -ii ..e , I will ulw.iyx bo '. fin i oni'd, j i'l'.l' K . I-'it.i J ce it- To' I .W-For Ihe p iil'e eo ve ! I oal will be give.! ui, K r.ii 'c-'s .n. j km in ili:m:y. Clearfield, iril S, I5ii:!. (.i. Valuab'c Ti.i-her Lnnd ami SAWMILL Pr.0PEr.TY ' e O tiers for , oole.i and M'ltl s. oiiawis, r-carls, Dresses, i;ii.i'ot fi, Uotmets, Hats, Feathers, Kid filn C'lild.en'a Clolhi'is, and til kinii of Wenrinu Apparel, ;t fa For 2 j cents jou enn color as ntnj J v oul l otherwise cost ti'e lieirs ;li.ii Vi'i-ioLt shades can bo produced from I've. The process i simple, mdanrin ii'e the U; e with p.rfe. f.iesrss. Hircciions in liivli-h, 1 li ant 0 iu side of eae'i paehiij;... For further information in Dvri tlj. n pci lVet l;noivled;;e of what eelora lire iipteil !u .tyc o,or olher', (with ianj lec'pi'-), pio-rh.iM' II, .wo .1 St,.vcnj' I...,,, DyeiiiK n.i.l C..lrinj. S-nt I y mail n in' I li.c 10 ceil it. .Miinuf.iii:ril k. II ill r. .! sttm: ; 2titl, ISri. i.iviy, Bs 1 ' :lurs:iio I.? JMijfsistt and Dealeriiinh Scplei.i a'r 2".i. ISl!.'!. NIV FIRM. liAiil-SUlCK & HCSl DRUG3M JIAUKF.T A.,K'.KAi:i-IELD.1 I hKKl enlist, iiili en i,;i(jir ill"-. '' '"ll selce: ,1 ,f,VA oi i PAL. ';V OtLS AA'j) iV. VI'UFfMK.t:- A Toi LET AHTKJ! lla:"K5, rooKs a:;q staticm Ton a ceo & sEdi A.w) :t general jiswuiit'iif ofU ATI KS ami 1'ancy AlVUffi sue the I'leslivtcrian Church, Clearfield I'a. Dec. 1. IMll. L2i L .1 J? tt 1 .' K ii mind the public that his shop is now on .Market street, in Mi aw s How where vu w ill liifl t.i;n M' repectlully iuvi'.t "I t Ii it t we can tppplv f.Ti.lw' . ... e l call, frf ei the wiuu " to iheir n. . i s , i. i . ii a r- " ick l Hl.v! tf - ... . . r .. . , ... " . . . . o'-'l. pi.' icaru.'iu an I the mli.unim' nmiiin.. -k 'iit . . n - n.'. ui PHt.1.3 ... uini ii.-s .no n.Tei cv o io n hovn l'i...,l n,l f Jill IS hue property is situeti in (iirard town I si'in, t'l.i.r.lold county, IV., and coutains Clcarucld April 27lh K". ,m Ann: l.!n(l, Irict and parts of tracts N'us. 5.'!fi.' nod ,o. o-'iiiii .I.. ino i juf t ns .v.orf as usual n not a iiuio tnonrr oi . .nii.iiii lands tre yet i'envi'v IIM i.Klt t, , a ou.iu 't . , ' ".'O I'I.iKBSfI IS j (J IV Ol a A' j i) : .1 l ; H i Ar y. c New Washing-ton, Clt infield County, Ju'v 1st l863.-tf IL TU t h .5 IP E 1. u 2" P 2i C tt 1 1 , Ll'TIIKKSlTl RU, fl F.AKKIKLI) COUNTV, 1'A. Cash than ho would like to I.e. All kindi of work on lunula nnd mudo to order on short notice, and ns well made, und ni pood tits as can be "skeerod" up here or clsowliere. ilDon't forget tho shopon Market street, in Miaw'a How, directly opposite Hcv, 11. II. Swoope's ul'.ice. " F. ;iI(lKT. j Clearbeld, June 11, !So2. PIXE, OAK in.l HEMLOCK. A ST HAM SAW-MILL urmi-rer, finiflics better, I easier on tools, and knownld.;; ,, eh n,: : '-ni '.-l''' -.In ..oiir. .nan many Hiontna under ! me oin s.vsioni u-iii'' i no some amount of fuel i GREAT ATTRAtl Not Dcicatti LBjrjtti?, Shoes !:S D WILLIAM SrilWEM, Proprietor May lil, ISM. ly. cvRKXirs iiowe. JCSTICK Ol- THK I'eace. For UKCATt n Township will promptly attend to all luisineas entruttod tot wait upon those who n ay bit care. F. O. Address, l'hilipsburg I'a. .custom. Aug. list IS61 1 He will (juariiiiteo bis work to l,o na well exe- - - -. .. - ... .. , outed hi car. be made elsewhore, nud nt quite as MI. M. WOt))S, ' reasonable prion. He it bound to win the pood IJIlACTlCIXli Physician, nnd K.xamiiiinj .Sur- ovinion of all who walk in ahoe-loather whether icon f.r I'cnsioiis. Olfiee Southw.t curner 1 Bia'o or ftmule nud al. benska it a fair trial. Second ami Cherry ttieets. ClearSeld. I'a. I Clearfield, July 8, l6;i J AMI; I. COXXEUA' lRt leave to inform hit friends, nnd the citizens of Clearfield i and rininity cnral!y, that he has taken the shop lately Ofoupied by (Jcore Xewson, in Miaw'a How, where he intend to be ready at all turn s to furor Lii nt with their l-'ft't of Itun.ih nerarniiin : M,u-1crlncr ".'"S r"!"rntu " . with all tho neec-ary roads, rail'oin'.s. -f c. for I now openin- ip en oi putting stock to the mill , one l.-rgo Jinn;i,m " """t caremlly teleced Asorui.. I House, tix tcnaut hoi tcs, store house, School I F A I Ri WIMTFRCOIV House. Ihr.e bams, a bh.cU.niiluhop, ti-.l all , r nL1- WW nccossary;ra nro rptn the property. over olTereil to the i;ooil peop'e (f Cr"' There nro about 7 st rci cleared land, I'nder iimi its vicinity, pnil which lie till & ' good fence, anJ a Plank Hoed toward the river lvtet than any house ia Ihe coi'nlj. lor ceiling luniucr tu iiinrket, J Thit valuif; le property is tituute upon Sandy I Creek, about 4J miles from the rivor, und is pop j ularly known as the per Jay Hint a eoomnion kiln consumes. The cer lillealet of ft nuiiiber of residont inechiinics, well known in this community, i. n:nply suflieient to eonvirce the most skeptical of its practical utility. Persons desirou? of piucliasing rights ill a. Idrest JOHN L. CUTTLE, July 1, 1SC3. Clearfield, Pn. r, o.i t i im i l , Frenchville Steam -MU1 Property, C oaeliinnkiriK nnd Blacksmithnhop,' .d u nnw oftWea at l-HIVATC SALE upon toother the necessary water power for taw- reasonable terny. All kinds of sawed lumber Thl 'k K con'1"";''. f"f "! t a bargain. 1 can bo safely and economically tikcn to market I (IO llhnvo hsir.r V I tllilnl,ll n , . r .1 . . " . ,, .,, . ui. TOimnn iro.n me point m.lic.1 led. 0 ( urwetisville, and possesses all the advanta'oa ?-t-Application can be ,.7.,i7 ,-,.uu,uotf eacu 01 mo akova uodcra cned reiidin,. . CLOTHING AT IIKPUCI'D K!' Suj.r from 12 to le.iSvrno tt57t'r'ri And ull oil.rr rroerrii'S nt ihttt1 I DR. J. W. POTTER Ih 1.1 ... ...! t... , loti; f .: ,u7 .r, .r:r:" up. -ureiy r. l.i. .....r ; i . .t . subtttntial in every rartioular. For fa'o at a ,; .. """ ' 1 :"V"m ' "u . bArpain. C. I. DABKETT. ftx) lho.V 1 . Aetcs liiquiroM, where A:.t P,.; i.,.f i i.. .1 .. . ...v..wau. ,., UIT1VO 1110 pOW- M KltC II t K ... .!.! j I f. 0 or to order tho en It fitment of negro shves in Maryhml, whieli is now pro-i-.Kti'iieil to lie ri Iovh! State? Wlierw ,oe lift fret tho nnthorilv to nav tlm l.Ul.lrofl'.loIIars, for cacii Cllli.sled tsluv, 'r'M'X A WATSON, Uealer. in Titiihor, ; I oijtof tLu pul-lic funds? Moreover, ;((UM;teo: wnu in umcu null Willi llio llirni io Auir. 19. I8fi:t branches of business with tuperior faoilitici. ror lnrther mfoiroalion apply to JlEMtY KEHNS CurwensTille, Aug. 10, '63-tf. New Goods ! mado to either of the Cleartlcld, Cleurlielil eounty, !'., either peraonnlly or by letter. .I'iniii.rt' 91 -JfffC. SPRIVP.-WA- r?KEF). WSMVKTI On A : .1 1 ..... ! ' Are just open ing a tplendid lot of the most carefully selected m.,,8. p. a,.,:,,, .1. V. K HAT. K Ii, MPItc; II W T, and dealer in Hoards and PhingUs; lirnin and Produce. FKON'T Street above tho Academy Clearfie.U Pa., Dec. i, 8P. ! JAS. E. M'ATaOM, I . nfttt. t. j. vVri.i.our.u. HUSH .t M'CULI.OUCJn, Collection Oflice, Clearfield, Ta. ItIn GtiAnAn'g Hiw IUildino. Feb. 5. '02. ever broughito tho place-which they offer Io their customers, and the public generally, at Ihe very lowest figuro the markets will afford. Juno 10, le.6.1- I.I.I AM A. WALLACK. JOHN (7. BALI tO decide who is or who in not loyal? Ja. Mi-Murray Congress not even that Congress nun ii una ou n ivacu tu i-ii.u i wi.ii, hit) unconstitutional decrees should bo tho law of the lurid delegnled to him no such power. Tho broad, conven ient plea of military necessity covers theso great outrages, ns it has done others before. Truly, Mr. Lincoln is mightier than tho Czar. MntL. Iril... ir..i.r us IN Dry Goods, (Jroeeries Lumber, Sw.t - Luinsidc, I'a , Deo. 14, 1SC2. & HALL, miorneys ai Law, HEl.n, pa. CLF.AK1 j Wool and Flax Spinnino; Wliccls, I AT 7" Aim ANTI'.II, Manufactured nnd kept on i IT bunds by tho undersigned, who invites the people of Clearlield cuuuty to ciul.raeo tho oppor tunity now offered Io secure ono of theso tuperior j Machinei. They will be sold cheap Cimt not rtund. Cull at the Old Shop in Curwensvillo. i WM. J. CUAMUKHS. May ,iSC3. 7 Boots, SIkjcs nnd Shoe ft ot'nll kmMJlEA '- thoulil call and tho ajsortm"1 Tt i . 7,- Ly , " "h" they will find the very Ut iew Jersey Lands lor bale, ,trot rnshioniibiepiemsof also, ' rOi'LANS, 'cilEUES, lTiirflon ir Firafit Fiirnas, -Rva oiiS'&iS &zr$r2r?? Jp-! & S,or,r:vi.tH.r2rra , D TH0s inK pricct for the present, vii : 2(1 acres for $2110, 1 r . .,, c , ,' i 1S63. 10 acres for $11", 5 aerca for $60, 2J acres IW 1 J'wcinville, beptcinber, -J. i50 $40, 1 acre for $20. Payable by on. dollar per ,,c. s,ui13 Wi Also, good Cranberry lands, and village lots in WWO etl Journejiiicn r,lBC' CllCTll'iiAll q; I 1 An ... .. . a . I . .V .. . ; A . tllf c . ..ut vi., uj mi. iei, at iu eueh, ruyn,- J. t f ny ttie unicrsi(;.i". , ,11,1 bio by one dollar a week. The above land and occupied by Jacob Shunvwihr. i . larraa are anua ea at iDetwnod, Washington wlioin steady eiuilovrneti hiu " tewnthip, llurlington county, New Jersey. For be given. Apply to , ,i. further iuforrnalion, apply, with a p. 0. Stamp, , JAV,t'S for a circular, to ClearOcl,!, Sept, 'J, IS6.-..-H B. FRANKLIN CLARK. I ...m'l.ft No. 90 Cedar itreet, New York. N Y TIIOM S J. M'C't Jan. 21, 1S03. ly. ! ltThis is a hard world. Every roie has its thorn, but not one thorn in a hundred hno iu rtt-c. H'. W. 8 II AW, " PHYSICIAN A, blHuKOX, HAS pcriiinnciitly located at hhawsvlllo, Pa., where be respectfully solicits a share of public patronage May 27, lHM.-y J. CRAV!,. WA1.TF.R HARItLT. CJLVNS and BAKJiLT, Attui niys nt May 8, '(53. Ci.fCAnnKi.n, rA. Shavlu? and Hair-Dressing. New Watch and Jewelry Store CJ I.Al'CIIMN, having purchased the ! TBREMIAIIXORniS resr.ectlullv .'"LT ? lH partner, it now going it U to his friends of ClearDold and vicinity that W hem oi, C.U f P. """T '"ulii h; has returned Jo his old stand, and i. well ft.! "B.,,0,,,,."et hm ho " Pf"P"i nnred Io rcr.i nr Oin o.,..i ri.. :r.....! ,. . -r. r.w"u s a com net workman ojui.ingaii worK entruated to him on s hurt no- ill! UUU f"r lki 1 '""! ,u manner, ana on ttie most rea- :n k- WM. l CUI l.tll (ill, ATTOIINKT AT . Law, Clera I, Pa, Ofliee with L. J. trans, J,sq,, on iSecon treet March 2tl, 1802, tf. pared to render tho most perfect aaiisf..,.ti,.n ... .11 "',"! complete worn man who mav dosiro hia nrofe..i.,r,l 7 "' "'". entruated to Dim on a-1 ti i 1 .. 1 v)""ruoiu. April , T7. on,.!,.,. ...,, DANIEL GOODLANDER. J..v.oi .... 1 n 1 . r. ' A?T3aSlET AT LAW I f 1. A A ObD j fl fXchsnCO for Luthersburi. C enrflo d Co. Pa.. J.V Clearflold. Ti.. Offlo. in ..... n nnnna! eaoutne tor promptly to all business entrusted! it thejlournal oSe. " : JOHV r rmunnn I March 28, J89. iy, ft. ' d. 1, ' CnrwVaif irb, Ptpt, rs( J rAiut ni -: .1 i,w r)rvi., ti,. .11 u' "Z. v9 wiiii,.,...-.. --- t "a uo , t. ......... at L Omeeailj'.ining tne nans Vi's J 1J. McXually, Ks.., .Market tr P. Will .ti..n,l rroaintly t V . v.: ..... I . - DM. " of Land, Ao. oo i " "-t 1 Bt "A" I J P. IWAWltal) A larse lot 0.'. cieamoid, M,,y 13, i. . . . VIA t c t.- T t : . . --.... UVwn uu, .,,r wmgu ui T UK B 1 (1 W A T : it i -tr rvm rr.rn AT. Justict ot JT. B Tbo Cash wiU b poiitirely expeeted Li thersburg. Clearfitld eewtTf f w whei the work ii delivered '9. I,. I pmptly Io all bntinesl Clrt'rf Mn , lgrtj. J Inttrtnbarfi ipr ) rill attend to in