Mow th l-i IlrMlnn flftujr : 'i n 'it ! ' m i ,i I., i-'.in liitviii a I hiiutll, or Hunks nil " t he i . it r ,,...d n I h" il lee. t ... ma n,l j..... e . mi- FolII'.liiJi'j n 1 Ot;l I iru "Ill's .""', Id. .1 ) el S' tlr, ni I i ii , n t i t ,r,..SStift1 1 nt!nrMMtHil -I rn Mt,M ly , ,p, 1,1 I'll", I - I T I 'I I'll! 'I 1 (III Mill ll....... I. I -I. -I- ... -I.I. - - ' i in irnnu WilAf Vt Loua. JTm limhk in I 'mi' ('('!. II i'iiii h Mi in ai il tn Inn )iclili 'l to vi" y ili innnl m.i'l i"u liim ' John Hull, be al the snnm time, """'!! til" A i in 1 1 Idinlii n, ah'l I ct ri 1 1 1 .i d i I 1 1 1 ' i r l m ii- i n 1 1 in fnvor i I iiwn iii i A which the ni.rt. Il In . I i'1'H il I nun i- mi I I .... ............... i , . . .. . i iimii-i in (.irrm iu mo numh'.M Hint ,,.,nn, Ih" tadnsls wilinnv i hum llio i Hi" tghls i'i ir intci .1 tn him I v popular cmitit ma. mm nl iln-ir p.. cy. Il lu c. n-t it n I ion inn! hits n hi, , iv. ""' tbcelore. I x. led ihtl (he pro- . . . I t f . I . . t . M.i .... I I I . . 1 I ..... t. H, I . , , i',i hiuiui iiuhi'-ii him 1 1 1 1 I M I i M ' t n 1 1 1 1 ell lit iiiiti,! iu in i , i.t- n ' . . To -I IOW ri.K.i;i n.1.1', pa. Wednesday Koni nig. Nov. 18th. 1863. 1 1' M il 11 1 V : i" T. II t) I t I 'll illuk' n m tt p nl A Ik. " hllld," WO Il.'l ll llOl ,, ,r (,, p, . 1 1 - - ' ,,1,,,,,,, ,.Xtl ,,, ,,.,, i j, ,,.(,v,.p, of l.ecinhe r Im'.iIiI.iiI, irmililr' lin n tn tin I' it r iml, Iml lliut iiii ) ilie (lcimt. I.remii. wuiil.l ImnMilcl in mMv il.tyn, . ! ',, ' lll"i!:.v -i-n riMitol .y dm ,ii'i'ii', win iiimv mnl luniiiliir I I'll II II MI'l III Itllll'll 111 II V I'hl'lU.I lid CU.nH trim.', but to mmu olli.'f I k t of M'ki , ....i;..,,, ,.,i ... ', , ','... "i ,i , ni" .Mi.. ;..k Imtliliiiy. I , I m ,.i ?1,!.v'i I,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ',;'t'l!i'M,iy il. I.'h,-,,"11! 1 ' Mi-Mi. ik.. r,;,, Hi'lMri,,,; , !,r ,,.,,. ,. i l,. ,,,MK, l'1 .-itri'itM-i Uu ,, ' enrly. fii.ltli,....,v. l, lliuu-lit I Ii .1 1 ... l,i ,1. .i,,,..,.. , ..... 1 1 . - .1 ci-n in M. I.oi,L . ' ,d The Consrrirtion Law Declared to be Unconstitutional. Unit, il the ml "I folU.wn W'c lii.vo i fu ;i s .ii.: Conrt"-". .is l In-CiHiM'i ijitiun Law, wnh (,u'.!-liluliuii(il, (ir il' il ivim nnl in plain v '.olitlii.ii ol' I lull -! fii t r df A hh-i u-iin liUorty. thiit tiii'ii in llnil rmo, !l our prcvi.nis'y c.ili' cix oil ni'liuiia iiilil iiii'ic t tbo r.'luiii'tt jhjw.'Is "fraiittil" r.ful " i'i' ei it'ii" tiuiu. lo. mnl l.y llio iVui'lr. llin iinl 'lif Ki'.-i:il I iuvf i nnii ti'., () h1ioui wri'ii ; tliul lliat net illior'iil ivul. our - s t.-ni l cthtr U'lvprr.iiieiit, f !m. ivh wore entirely i- noi'Tint to tlit? Uiu I cf Im.v.'i iiui. iU, un ler which wo livml ; that il il i t'otis-l it u tio.iul, llifii all our iili'at utmut .StBle Siv ercinty, Slates' Kijjiln, uuii l'cnnylvaniu beina u pu'it, ov..rt'i;ii i tidoj einleii t CotuinonHf:ilth, luitliol icl tn form M.ul rcguliite lir ilouif-tio iutiiir.ion in Ii.t own wav, ivith u mi i-.u loJ power to noi. troi her ow n miliiia, wero not only mi. gouiHl. hut Sr'k'' 1''l'lg Such '.vi. our cjiinion from the lepin Ding, and we tiiil not lit dilate so l e.v pi ess it. " the touiuloiB of our (love rnnu-nl eslMt'llli-'l u Ileluihlic a JiipnsciiUitiic Government ukicu lliey thtiulveii lo licveJ tbov hail, unii (or whioh the whole Mil HI. V A 111' Tn Mli. AI'AIS. " I ?:i'AHTiiir rir Srr. AH I (1TO N( NoVHIIlh.M' 10, i MiU. J i i "In ciri".!il'h' cti'i 11 tvt'eiit tlaU'v ft'1! iiiii'lH-tiiiPlit ul ' hlavft, lli.i hV.Mcin ill' lii 1-i'J lie vtioto to Mr. A'iiiiiK. in .n I'l.iaiy Hiiests, thu Ciiri)iiin, the Mini.tcr at tl.o L'mn l nf KnKlaiiil. u "; ": i'n ol the ooi, nuiy now juvKMLiuntii 'in . n ii i ne mnciiiiiei V iv whii-li this (inicniimuit is li hp cnl.iiuct- ' iiii'.l we w uit tfjhi'.ir of hu t h.-r ii-mhii-liiuii. ul alisnl.H" I'owi'i , .I.'ijiinl t... tran-.-iijriu thu i.'i'i'.ihlif into a Uii latorliii.. Ii i" imt in thi' i i.i I ii r.- nl nu'ii hut' tif-l- " In thi .oun try (!. 1 1 v, il is .1 hi. hit "l w ill, impunity nf , r, Mrn fnt't, tn li no t mil v fill n ely 1'uin'sit'iit with the Con -; ny tin ,i m 'pe. iu-1 t h" lu tiji y of ,iH::linii. st il ut ion. I.nt even i' ntml lo il Hahiiiiy, V Ini i.-v. i nsuv ptimn a poplc wi!! pi'r- 10 r;,A th ii lHi,:.s'),iiii' nt mil (line .'.w.'n tint, I lieu j nh'r.i will t cl. hi'sil.-i; to pi a; il.V IHMIMT ANI HI. I'A K A I K IH.MI Til I. l.l'N- lli'i-. linj lic 'I'-.s'lll 11 '11 1 ,j ! iol) ,,s lh, jus'il- 11 INT M-Cl.t'. oml Id r,ii tl,r ;,-."'ic,iiiv.t liar m.-lir, ,'l to :.v;iil iln-.l ofdll ihc sip-.-f'.f nif vuih'iut tic tlit'HiiU fiii,if'hi('i to the in;: Uniii'M to uullr'l itv .in, uImI II m v- er;i.ii!v h cr i.s hi.m a pu ul a l.un- I am your fPivan! . ; eit, apir-H nlw a tn a-i-uJ. Two wnn- Wii.i.iiw II. Skm itir.. itlerlul examples luvtt I'luonu -- in fini7, h'rannit Adams, tfv." ;ui.iveisal lusiory of m.'ii w he , m i.e.l from This is u eon eft view an.l him l.een t he ' t lit "llmement-i invilin,; ih.-n, iu p.mer. I ....... l.v ""il th.'K -ulippf; Uinn a lust: n to tlit ii t)"t .Ion., il. nr Wis .'-peenilly ill lnuii,, i , then, was .lispeise,.M'i),h"l lue, i.lnl mii I I was i'lle nn I h ul n it work.-1. I mini In 1 ; "In. ralh'il urn n liar' I foil my H'l'il. liso iiiilii.anlly a'nin-t thi, ami s.aii.iin preci i li'hl tier sin. iiiou i, never . , ... vi.s hell kln-e In .1.. ,,.,. l ,),. ;,11H l"1'.' 1 W" r'J k..,l vmir ; ilrn uml (hue im mute n iez- II",,I.V itdmininUTs .,,.. "1 clooshun veiefer us hat tie l.nwer n ti"lli-i lixcellelicy. t, p t " n , ... hrevn.t ile zlehi ash un nv Zmnl I'.aliik'n lay. I'e liY'lmh pnv zed lis hut dim von ;.i. . ;., ,. .1 ...... i n . l...... .i i .. , . . ' . . ...... . ,., .ppi inj: .ue noin i,i Hem (iraneis, uml ze.l i.. nt mvener thin well as liiiinhli.. X()W . ""V . ... I IWIM .1 me u.Mi.i I iv.ilLu I fil,. I.... ... .... i..:.i .... CIUI II.) tin ll'llllit tH to tlm . ' t . " " "' Hi"." '"VS. I'll 1 1 lll lll'is OI lis VH1 in i' i , . . "'nUI'i,,, n-enter il iioniore. I had iml a cent in ernest. hul us tmlv male tie . emlnoihun f" ,,Ul ,"' "-'' ul.'ftioii vit.i,l(... . my poekei when stepped out inlu the m make us I... pier mil de heel l. Molti-h vcllH M,-l,l,;vo' '" ''''liaiiui! nf J .' ' win!.!. I met h enuntryman with a team: ! p,.rs, like d. rulllesnaik, fommensi lo r"'" A 'I tni ration a if I H' him holdly and earnesily, mid . vai n us; da dei-lare.l .lat iv us perite f( tlm Cuppol liejuls, m jf. olli'ii d Indi in-llie leailei, if he would on- in i.ur rt'.olooshun day vnml nv i;n thus heel) throwti ly lake me on. lie al me with ui- velnwhip us; u,',i 0t l.eloefd ; rU.stV old iron where h . pnse, hut lid he did in.l tliink I'd hn o! . us Iol di kood not e drillen vroni our zo- l, .,.,, ,14 ,. , ., i- ' 'H'Up any uo I, him. "O yes I will,' said I, M iely ; uud lo kI.ow our nhpunk p.-um to ' , ' , - ".S luri ,' . . . i J lien ileliei. ,n.i.t ,n I. . ' . aim in, cm ni'. down w-tiel. your hoism, and do hlash plaek stone krial vuteron dareSiiii- m in v 1 1 1 'ni;. fur il' v on w ill tui I v lei me try ' lie no longer nhjceieil. I jiol on lh'. hoi'kes, h-i:k. 1 1 iv .is hurl liavilnif;. fur I lie ruads 'verj d ""p nnd ivu cjuld only gel on ihe rate ni'ive iml.- a day. 1'iiis was 1 h.i.v, ver, i n v hhirtni pninl I went ii- , l.nii l a.'i "! 1 1 to l)i in ;ts I'm- ti.ii,i lav-'i'.-lo-mep'.ie kli.lli.K. lie Irish iip.n.i ...... i.h n to shhish ; tie Inelish like de koppei heln od citizens Hut we ' .'l sed. de Irish Imv not yet tnt on us; jre.t rid nf liiiit, for Im iH IU)t deiefnre let us not pite put kmnpronme. hIiowd liini-clf uiitil lor tl0 r- hi ini for ropes : iJtlt, has a lit) wcil himself i.".' i Diu.i;s now dnik a zri,)in darn: us :., , ,nK, ,,,;,.,...!,! " niiiuiN llini mnl' i'w (.in'ni' Kd i l...t . ..mi- .i .A.i.e.iean SlHiesm..!. inc ihe adoplit.n , j,i,1(M.M or,.,;. ,..u.;tv. H..: of the Constitution. Ahnnmni Lincoln is .where is the ''iiirmnuliu of ..ur dav, ami noi the " ttuvernmeiit," hut a inure agent ' where the Vii!.hinmn Let cirrum like hi, iue.leees.sois. 'tiince hi ll a eiown wilh'ii the resell nl Us pit In show the render what a I'lialiJH him Mi. Lineoln, and th'Mieh, liko Cn- ar. h may thiiee irl'uc il, he sure thai, like Cm- . i . ... ... .... "i in ;."-'i mi. v.iii.e iii!iiin.kA . An indep lent spun, rood ave l .i;ly tied. z"lehrate nat I'al- . . , , . i , .. , ."'"faai ,aud st.-. Iv, honest cond.iol. anh what nek', lay mil vuur hearts content; hut " " "-"' i;aiiii,t fnv,, 1 ;, ., . ; . i i... , .... i... i ;., ' r ." i . .. . . i . i . ( )n I i:it llCCOlllit he h-is ....... i .ui in ni- ...-.. ii.o- . .! ... -1 - us vere in rail tiai an ie oeeiues in rie . ww.,. mi v .... ,i ,..,, i , ,n ..i-Hi . i a i,i n n our nsuianen ..nil us n "e, n n.r 1 n c-i i m u mini mh ur.., i line and having no Iriee.ds. fry, and try mil n.imhei ed de Irish lore lo wun iVsmk"! tliou,rli it is liot'tn I j a,-.,.! oue.,.,c... your ; i( em t. oSe ,.Usl,!g ,le u, voo 1 i ,Int' U',is in.jT.Miation i n Llt y.i.i live, so please i.n I I knov ii'i a trow,, do,,, ; but like raitWake to ! , "'11"'u " IH I'ialiMi hail time h.r some (,'yu. Y.ui ofien are haf refen.-o on u. d. vvoo.l ,li . i),..',.,i, COiilcnilt. l.ut cnongh aljotit i . Willl.M . k 111 1 . anu 1 .n . in-has einr't'd liiu su ece? j fully worll ood lali ai us vor inking town . vie ted ly the J.cnplu, liko Gjn' ihrnuu'li the ivnrld. rroin our pssishuu. l) Inglish pnvs But liow" inlei;no the inilii'n;4 l)u.'l l.e dnivu hearl.i I al In-iu . d.i.ti q ,nln in our nsiilanen uml us to "eu,ll.r ' t his man eiin ur.., .....V lietm nroiijl.i ir. tue or Mr. NewmM .,.,ri , ,,Ve w:M fuMen on it. ns il he Ion during the .ast two yenrs w hile in the ed lo wear il, an I only the ret i il i live Kioi selinol of ilespolisin, we ruf-r him lo a ' "' March would hold ii Ii om Ii.k l.row s. speeeh made hy him nl his home, iu An- T,,e ' "0,'l" l", '""''I " '",'!," I' '' ,4.n .' ....'.,, , , '''"' iuu' they have bowed heiort! il hum, N. ., thu .lay Mom the election ,lm peimiited their own vniet-. In he in that Sinie. Hear iiini upon the .si.ine as the ronlirmul inn nf their vns'dla(ic. Bubjeit. ; fhi fueled, iy his, they lost an iippertutiity " You w ill H.ieeeed. mv fi iends. lo-mor-, of disi'iithrallmoni , and allowed the inli i- world has viven them immorta' credit for row, ! know you will sueeeed hy siL-ns ; gue, power and latroiiHL'e oft he ndminisli a- c . . . . . . " .-. . , IK .. . I. I 1 ...... 1 T . Ll : doina-if '.he Slabs eiu-h possess a " repuh- ,""' ' "o " l"'1' -"xeite .ur omi'"" .u.x i-ei..,.,, x,.:., ,M.e, Uu. . .,, .. - . . , . ., . .. hopes .,f .-iieee.s. The c.uiilrv is in dull- l'1 two ereal Ileluma Ue Mates, Ihe) &1U.U1 ui in ui uu. vi ...i.t7.)i i ii. m iv c Km :,;..,i i I .. e 1 ei -It l lo ,e resfiie.l hy Ihe l.overu- duly ofCongre-H to " guarantee. " them ,,,( y,,,. s;ifc.ied, heeause you such) how preposterous thu iiica that the vole for the Hove rntnent in voting lo "uii.iti.i " ul mch StaUt Ihe most cs-en- sustain ihe A din inisi rat inn. Your oppn- C(Jij. .. ents eoinii'it ('" httui trrnr tufiui-tin jj'mt ('' ' .'.II iln'li me A'tumi'S yi(ii" irmn "i. huiiL'iy or net with rain and .now. ami il ov tl.t pa-in wore nn.Minmouly sleep, '"'' "I've ni oun in in tlay l.y going iu tlem-elves, enod pull 1 ., , i-.rjou. i..u inisi in Lurisl. apout fore ov us mil d.nn ; dls day time.! . ? t m.f LE.-rijj t Keep a pui o A grate number vere trowned on , ill sites ; j journals arc cnntiimulfp .' dett rimne 1 In make your and u vat e'i,pe l, h: l our nice va'ches, 'sen tine; to llieir delmloit p'a Im f ' tut v In earn and he n licarl, and 1 oai, way hones, ly nnd truly, thro'.h the our viae k lone and spend n,. tnnnev. all ' iu'ti in rv n ,w. as u Vm.-l' " i . . ... . ... ' . ' ". . - ----- -j ur,. U.Hhl. Al 1 Hi,l. I ItM-l It ir vim l.,u 1114.. i ... i i r . . i . i , , , , . , j , " "iun. 'ii 1 1 1 j; i iii h i id i in fil '.aoiu-u 'r in as hv Llliu I I i-rtti id. H n ti'...a !..:. I . . , e ' . i.!j.y u , nal ,, ereiit mil t hanks uml de store !e, iri-eal cluing is: Ii d I ..ess vein. ' ,u " , , mi'i ue More 'in.. ,im,oi, are iri.inu in i lr. i kenpers : d iv p xiro us b eniv of si.eiid-: .. . -i 1 r . T.i V1"? .' . 1 . . .. ' . . I . ' is 1. )( eiu'lidei.t li he mi ..... mg mo lev hat us t-i.lendii klolhes and i :, ' ' . . . ."""Mm Jiif-Tl'C mu-kr.'iU in Minnepota have ' rsu mm va'diei-m begin to dink dal , . iu l1"" u'1'"' 'notiks, (, louble-lined their nesls, and ihe trout n1 i't du.i i'oot i.isnes, afier !l mnill de,1 ''iltlers, Ac, llultiiilol'e is roiircsm have il ready left th mnall creeks for deep " beriil s.ild our Liddies In. use and home. :J''st "'V to In: in ;i S1 ale of iicm,, I.. . . ...'..i:i.ii.. . . ..! .. . .. .6J hn!e sure indicAiinns, says the Si. Paul ; Ie I ri-h laddies hal no kiem so day did j wliilo ejiialiiv and tratiTiiismw JWs.of a severea wmtor as that of KIT, J ""l rH.i in dvt; dei sons vel lo Ne.linitz jand if we eoul.l credit thein J when the aui4 oceunencj was nberved . a':,l abwcing mstohes mil dere workini; ;,.. ,.i,rlw" 1 1, ..., i' I. . , , , , ,, ,, , , , m . CM l"UlUS llll'ltl HOW I 111 I I.S I 1 kta o which the lircensbnrj; Dsiitocrat says ! k.oz. Div I .,t no l int, o ler furniture, , .. i i Ihe Government ratsand Treasury corm,-mil de Sohenir tu " 1,101 0 tl,cy "-''h'.''" Mk tial element of kovvreignly he - . . . ,1 . . . i . . . '. 'i. ecripiea inio ine reuerai M-rviee: I ue (;,wnnn-it idea is ridiculous ar.d if wo have tiio (In- "iw." v have gnen tyiauny r.j invitation, and to (heir cost il will he ne -epio ). L ok l.encefrwuid not ciily for the d..Roia!:..iH n war, but for ihe dt-it rucl inn nf tate liirrhlK. Ihe c ntnlialion of p. ..ver, the and nnnv of inn larger sharks are eroding i neti'. s mil e'rv pi-ness mil his plowing All tliia U delusion tl.o o)i ( v innuions t,i niw mimi iiijcriy n nl lia.eal- rnnls have also dnuble-liiied their nets. I'.iy ploiviu-.' ml ler ish such a surp . In .ihe Almiie iva'.rs -mo indications uid fni;rt Mr- f"it- nnd discard ready been perpe '.ri.led and not rebuked, stnriu ul' n . u- ualure. and that, claiming their jus' itical mi. in a : How ll.u and palpable the contra. 1 ict ion. popular ver. hi t, v. ill Is, lepea'ed till the In another porlion of h is speech, be utlers ' riUl( l' be.-ome familiar with iheir r ,, . ,. eiislnTOi.ini I, oi muni; al last to i,hi . n-v. tne li.l.owiiie .-enl linen l : ' , ... . ,, .. , e , ',, . . - n appeal trmn the n.ncKerv ofa bait t box In ihe loyal reioni there is not a ' 0 r.-vi-iluiiou. plea borrowed from ewiy ty rant 1 hat Slil"-. 1 ""l l1"'"'-'''''. i";r eitien Wo are deslinod to wade on through . ..I im- T.i.. hl.ioil tmvar.t tin A noil I ion goal. Ills In the fvr nf these assertions, bunk- determined that the war piocerd until .1 .CI. ... I . . . riii.l nssneiul ..i.4 ..... r.M-...:..,.. i.. o , ,l , I " 0 r pi 1 11 Ol nil I e. f 01 nai izci I l.v inel.iein- good fortune ever lo have a restored country, those who now In. Id this mon alrous doctrine, ol Cenirali.alion will hide their heads in very shame. The miserable has evt r disgraced God's tootton of nuYt- fary nccrxiity, will onl mid lo I heir cuufu- i.i:i ii.i; l'mnl riiiup-iiu'itc. He is t'lifvus !se cant p ire t -en r living j 1'"' creature nappy. UPM-lzes run hi mil his poisntinu. frog h lures ii, it iu his fangs mil f,.Ue and the writers nl'it y. Ia armU'i love he mes-; it well. Hut take Sclieiik ut.J djj, u. i rie-, den R.iiVieate, iiitv I'mm Ua'.ii more, and i t u nou, -I me. I'e unsu-iKHMi,; Lj-1(.((,n nmj,,.,. ol- (.,,IV,S J all our lending cities ..ini getting signers The rjucfclinn of tbo ('ui.stilutioiinlity of this law came before the .Supreme t.V'iirt of I'l-imsy lvania, ul 1'itUburg, last week, on an appeal of three ciiicna of Philadel phia who had been conscripted, ' hief Justice Lowiie, and Jtinliccs Wnnilwuiil and Tbonip6i'i, being a majority id' the. j Court, united in the opinion the Ian la unroiiblflutional. .lusliee-i Strong and Iiead delivered udverse t.piuiona. It ia tjUpj.ooed th rpifslion will now go before ihe .Supreme Court of the United State, which is the tribunal of limil lesort. Until this is done, how stand those who are, or may he, uU'ecied by the .'otsrrip- .: ..!..... 11': 1 1 . 1 i . i .v.. Lai . .. i.i ii trv ne imv iiiiner lii- l , .ii- . it , 11 More an intelligent assembly and to! tempt to enforce it in Pennsylvania? lh.m llinl ,(.y llU. getting M,,,ng. rich vcnaiuiy inn, lor inn; wcuia ..e rri(.'i.uN m y ol i n nil merit ile Put! te lu-hls, shall htiiiu its mipi'iietinlile homo wi;hin the Snmh- " l ' - ...... , j.,. -i. ,.,. iH-iirt, atnt t u l nl, nnl .mly lor agetieiai bankrupt net. jthe 1'ninn of Ihe sections, but ib. ir good 'I htiennelu'ii.n is inesistal.le. thxt Win. ' "dl a indeit"ident i,m.-is. It ib li xt .1 ss caul ..!..,....! .1 .. I'',r tlic Ili'i'uWioan. In onuses ; le I (. i n he tle-lroys became , , , ... . ' """I 1 I ! stale. Ihe in .he i ,. ... , Li una... Nofemberdird. Wo. j "' K v P''' 11 gia-i'is -In Hearts ,,i' - ".' .' "'.-;" XT,-. ;,, , ....s you hat eipJe shiid"-:01 11 ':'-"'" ca-t .town mil v.rr. w. . - ; '".- "'"".' nun mend -...ul to biiblisi. my former b'tder,!lx ,n" '"""o'f"' coiiccrn-.. -"I nj, r(. I will .. si.t.i.Iigm... asit.Vi.o ycu aimdor.! i'"-'le" '" ' 'l'r" IniUinl luteinlid lobe ihiau. ! (Mir gr.,.b,. bus da hat 'dele t"e-e-is:"T A,:l"1 n"' K' "' ""V -dn greeved ! I'he ijllllibilit V of IvpuMirani ' i tdu.kii.c-. and Hooibullens, wrr da" dold , 1 ",' ; he go--and pvi-u .do. bm to vioU-,. ; Sl,.,, to umullU toadiitB. ofte a...'d.-r de Indenh I linos, such as!'1- w' as I'll I 1 1 wn ford'.,.;i.4 mrtn,t,lu( ,,id T,,.'V 1,0 d lil.l.l Z t ii ,i. ..I' e ,!i,. i l .InnL- ,,,, ,'.,, en k uuvt ... ii nev il ne vi run ' n ,. . .. ., ,. ' 1 n us ni e in. i I'l iliiiK In' ... . . thus., s nrii.s li,,ni I) . . . vim .i.tie (I'm ini'i inn' c in irn i iict ,; ,, B mil sntr-iw mid vn . I ave to vep te.-i--, -'''' t't' c:ins1 ;it;, asiviile, t 1 ; In.w nu n n v y r dsn ;.i..,i iveev in a riav ; ' Ini un. 11. Seward, having ocupiod the position nf ( 'hiel Teacher in the School of lle-pot- . .''..l. i r. . o,, , lor Ihe pus. I tto .run kh either lui neil loot or lipid man. I bus while '( ard A ('..., have r mortgage of three thousand million cf dollms upon that contractors shall grow rich mid Ihe count! v shall grow pour; that demngouues shall l.tisk in politili.v.l sunliine. and the j.crM.lit i,-j or .... -.. llio f. .., ,,f Hulll.'li- ly, and crouch hetoio military despots. Well, to il s; Perhaps an all-seeing Providence has so ordainet as the uiei and swiftest me.sns of our n-ilionai redein- how ni d'T sl.orl u'' lis set. W 1 1 ! ... 1 1 1 i . I. civ iiii'iim cut-iv y. Katuind kood'n,u ,!a''' '.Vs. I p. ali.-r ye.M he a de : Mvitpuis. just as i,,..y ft ,.in in a week. Our im.odeis da hat der'"n' WL'V0 n brosl-rous nasann ; he mil Iniicc thai, a luunlay nl'tlitve c ,i guildei, frolu... appl.-bildder poilings, iy ''"""'"s beiswades ,b-ui to dran-res 7,",(.iO,) npu, wouKI end tln civt iiiid-i !.... id der boes. aed-;'" ' ' '"KH"?-' -"grau on ., .Moses ,j aj ti,.,t we , ,1 l.a il .1.1 . I.t . ii i. i:.,i. .. r. ... . - . 1 1 T'ln u i-.i. e-. .1 ii 'ji .in n uuii uurr viiiiiii'i. i."iT in oder blazes a'' ma nti-r v or Oe licet lien, n ni Mono llie real estme ol tut: .N.uil.ernMaies.Hn.rtio,,. Pot haps t ho sway of error wiil be hold the life of erery ttble I odie.l mule shortened by its own excee'. Peihups citien between Ihe are nf twetih-cne me iree rein I liar n til nnw no given to n,n- w er 1 1, ild i ..ii ting t.uri ies, .laiiMiii,' p.nN. u nd de hingiin; ; skool. I', viiiiiicij n.'iT in oder blaes nv m i si 't r .i, (..... .. ni.ii :-.r. i ..... .evetal .limes Lie tern lei a.sny cip-j ''"i "" u - vai aave nnw tif and vnniliv dev akalinred t .It fnivie!) llieir fluids. I'l uhi ! Ki ir Kniii ) i i inri ii ii mi .Kiim u.'.nvita 1 1'rntn Ihc Potomac l , (he Kin (in lies, wei da nel! won aim ler bout der pi amihu, uml der drips to de Niu' ra. I's in flfes nf -ci..' and IW.v-live years of age in the hollvw .,v": h"" y ' '." "'C ju and ..." , , I mm h it to aniiiuil ttion. i he time must ol their hands, the leading conspirator of rollll. j,j inovil.-ble- when ihe nation- llii blind, has ihe impudence In stand tip al dclhiim, now t itaaiuie, shall decline. The j'l liTiuent of ihe peoj.'e will then ui vail cgains-t 1 1 tit ini'lnes of ihe hour, ,n,i i.. ..... t ... !,.. ,,r ll,.-. If. ,,,,,l,li.. I... l)r I,;,t)..i !. !ii ..:i .. ii s- 1 ' . , I lescued Ironi I h" i uin ofits in ii. i ih crea'.- Uur highest .lud.oisl tribunal has pro- e geneiat.on ol political v., .era l,ow do ,lcSi), ei l!ie coad b-drive i deep; lei uN- UOunced ll to be nr, inr. This tlecroe is in. ye expect to nM-pe the Muftuhleriiig wrath urpi.l inns multiply ; let passion, violence binding upon tlm Executive as it is upon ofa deceived mid an oulrnjre.l .eople. ' mid fun;ti:ism hold their carnival. Lei the humblest citizen ; and until it is car-' ... , "--; ' iai inc. blo.xishe.l and in. endiarism den- . .1 r i . . s: . I iik 1'l.taoMi KiiDiN... I he long talk late homes of Ihe Sou I h, ami the iron n ricl betore Ihe I etieral Supieme (our, ,,, ,.,,,.;..,.,,,, s,,, ,,., r , t . . , u i . . .. i nt iii'.i i i ie tn .'senaloi toi inei IV lint el not ) lyratinv be vuMeil about the prostrale imd there revesed, nl- S,.rf,eo. of Maud, lo MUh Rate fm rn ni Northern libcriy. If we must lerupt to execute the Conscript ion Law in t'hiise, dauj.'hiei of Hon. . P Cha-t-, 'bet- puss that orde.d, boiler endure '.he wor.-l rcnnsylvania. sbou!d be, and must be. ler kimwn as i,ietiihnck ( luie. I wa-sol- st once, and 'ei isli in l ho li ial or pass on eninize.u w in pomp aim eeui ni v. ash- tr, nilvaiinn. Should the adniinisti ti;.!i. Inr, on I hiils.hiy evemni.'. A telcKrain of iiiM.imed hv 'be result, .if I l.e finer ir.,,- that date iiilorined us that less tiu.n one duo I hit .it h of outrage I hut would tpiiel, huiidied guests were bi.ldr-n In the cere- en the popular apprehension nod ;.roue inmiy, among w honi were already present t. instinct of sell-t rcteiiation nninainlic several ol' the Nei.alnrVli ieuds from ".it- ,n isse the .hd'euls in IVnrsi l 'i.ii i il tie l.'l.ndy." Mayor Opdyke nnd wile, Sen- Ohio will ,..,ve ptoven 'he nr.vl. uses of nlor Anthony nnd .en. Cameron ind adversity ; and out of ti e eloud w ill hive tiaughler. There must have been r.nine '0n t lie blessed ra;n th' t brings f.-h w l.oie.-om.? Ii int. .Vw 1 ") A' .Nni-s. II i lutai ' I'llipslmrg hah a grader in.ietlooshur. den ,H'1 s ov lJl' S'ohe, and rentlerea! a py-j "Jolin Jlruwu's soul man-las' On," dem. It is dish I .Ur ish v,,n ,u l.r.. ; " o'1 and repi ouch to all bceples. Z-'reral . wliero thia I'.hrht nf s,.uls is in 'bv.lenaim lUri. '..w .!' n,.i years ago he crn-scd de A t !..' ir and I' und ! :,) .. !,, I,,,,.;,.. ... ,1... our y.mmm has gn! lo do vc, der ish enny " '' ' e,.e m de w. , , ; : .!,. . SoyonM,. , I..,llbi(.an,t,f,ti si.arkengoinonish to ..tediop. den go und , i-deeth mil r.i;e aid set hunsill ..l,:,,... ,1 ,'.,, -,. bore it in th. errs oh Mr. Ib'iev, ui.dhe ",",t ,l"'':'"' v',w " ael-...,i,bli-h on, U0 a; ""lt.1 , - imp wn.,i,rt vill but il in ale.dcr. und ,.:.J , loder ,ui"' K"Hl- '"' I ''''''' a de . orcdulotH linvv! i ,hr.) and iM ' t 'onsliooshun in.'.'iH l.v tii-r-s ish not 'is lliis re'iiblivan ullibil'tv nv.i- 1 . I . J.J resisted as any other unlaw tul atlrtiipt lo interfere with the rights of the citizen. Tue Niw York May-Hook, The editor f . u v... it f- , , - sj. im- .. . . ;iii:psiiirc o.a'ii cin i ( ni i.i. speaking of the above paper, mivs: "it i sound lo Ihe coie, and is almost the it'frii'ti x AV.erii. nuH :iv ii. )ri..t,l Mr I h'oyey hah been kirn. Yen von l"'c 11 lc!t de Suites ,ake audi nabor w Kited anader he hash id ii advur- r.'gul iiiui.s in reg.irl to nuking ,fc black 1 list inidout von sent t.y b:y. "mn ciilliva.e cnttnn. sblnjctr. ami Inline Yen de Y .ri.ees gif mils' da bio ndrnm- c"' ''''v v"- ' vorendets I pel, but veil us gil a ..le ov pied to a so- v'or 0tH' bal l) . get as mennr niggeis to id's vife, i.djr a eT.irler tn irmn. coum into de vn-o Si'.t.-s, and run inio ted sojer, Lee Pnvey hat it hriined in de Canada, tn freeze nnl starve as day cood ;t lioozhiipers. .nr ,ii-h ish abet nv d aiishent I.I in Mil it. olllv ,i I,.,., ,,i,v I nut m de .s... ind nv !. it, i ,,. moni'i v.r him, and lav u om in btnt. - al 1 1 ul i nai nnd vmn ule bf iiellens nv do Y iriees bud nnrs i.i. He got nur sheef high In i si lo declare PIT, lil ted W bell t lie act VilS t'ipsi'.- tiisii et ton i ry onl not exist ktf slate, , . o I iwser. unbiased by l.arlv 11 .' , 1 l , ' l r. . I . . I ' . . Xhk'.ii'i i. Act Voiu -Ti Supreme Court of I'ennsj Ivaniaii oviiu-cd its I'eai less inlcgriiy and a iln'utod tl.o ri.'hl.i of IViinst ivit and viniM :.. a vile end a .aluabl won ! n,,u IM" I'1'' I""- " --'"n'A. a car;.-, nf shocks lo Cub-r, -Wl JHllcdcf:il ConsCIMI .1 lull .Vt I f. only p.iper in the country that deals mistake ah.u.i the lalter : wo saw Gen. I. rightly and Hemocialic illy with Ihe negro ''' "''e Ihrough i.nvn inwards tlusk thai question. IF the Dtmrmtie ,wf.,. !.( PV('.""o-': 1 ,'v 1 tUe hundred guests were ..-,,..,., k i, l .i .'...' "iv'ted to Ihc leceptioit. which took place AGeimaa Vie,vof 'he War. The SI, Louis A neier, a German org.m in Si. Louis, notices a atateincnt in the Scientili. American, that thi.-: country is g.'uwiiig iioh aud prospetoua under the hoirors of civil war, and sava : So this war makes tut rich, does it ? Oh, .s'- " ' v "v ll.l.l.eiii.sie v til:.-.' t ,i. . i ...-. .... ... this paper on th4 ncjro und Ah:ditinn questions, lonned, and oeeui.ied from '.I to 12 o'clock oni stuck f it, like true, men, we harr should V- A.we had Mm war, and the country te,-d,v, v...., '"'he ceremony was pt-rforme I in )rc l. . ence of li.o President and la.iy, the head, ave been prosperous and t,wpv. I he mucker -r n : .... : V . .... .. - ' iei',.. iiinnis, lortlll'l 1 1 1 Is l e I . ,tC 1 lie .1 ... , .. they accept, his position, and act earnestly bridesmanl were Miss IW, Mi.. Spin- y ""we ' U "ry niu upon it, tb quicker we shall have peace -r, niece o. the Secretao . and Miss N ch- rn'mlmr'lCvr' anu a re-tore. Union, and we may add. - - - - ' ' Vorkalone, one r.eier tt,i any ether y.v,. w.niui t.-ii l vcrefer .1,- i,,rnr' vinds itsviv nnd vet lily us h tsh nur r.-inrt. Lee liiiye'.s (elder nv de 9th Oklober wash a I. kter on snaiks ! Now I tmh our odcrw ise lamed korivspoiident dush not i;un.!crsi'hlint tie sunljcol rile ; nt Icshl hediliiic. v.,ll expl.iiu iluh suubject u dal de ' b ni led ' Kle. llicld. i.s-e.vcept U' lces. :,l .Olllcis"--koud ully uundei schh.ut. li-la id. vat be vnnl. d In k u til at: ib, I der V.v.e drew lei s n heebies in our bin!, each I opi e.euled by a .sarpint, namely do koppei hcl. J,. rat tic.-n.iik, und ie . lowing iit.ier. J)e kO;';'cihet ish a snnik vol i.h aimless iv let uiuno. It sez. itud baf liee; l.e dold I li Diiaier lo (.'l'ld llliboilvlbl l lcurhil i:i'irti over : ; . iii act Ichler on in.tkini; tie 11 i ',,,.(, ... ,, , . , l I'.IUI 1 1 1 1-1 l. (Ill .1 'iwili'l l.j.ll nil. v Atricun Vit-e nut Luiiranl Ado .' ts'eiies. , . , , , .,, . ,- , ,r t. K-nption wu a tvrannica san ? I .-cini one into l ci'-:nnv in;l Sho.n 1 , 1 ,. , , . ,, . 1 lirnvsn a teb,ef. Pish shrond ,H , i ''V :i nn .lit -lie and ib'spn a!nc h' ; t put Sose-huu mil in tie heads vmi d.i mi n vulvar at ignorant politiual Kiiei" , vnn tit. .nuth ; and got d. in to make win j degrading; and iliseTaciir' the W , on Suml.t-r. den our u.irty vinds out dal j Ii.itpred hanic ol" tho ( 'otigivsi1 o! ' f de conn aeki it.g bines bon furs t rate ; .United Slates. J so .lat it makes all de blunders il ban so . ,..,,:.. . i . ., i.',l,.,, -t Mt i.i n. in: snii . .ii'.nti v. ''- .,u ('.rjc desirable res'itlt un nd." The. eroonisnifii wero ilainr II. t.i . ttin. t.f . ... . . ,' , . . i' . .i i- . .. , iiuinireii iinn n:iy iv.nuesKie licuses are sis, Captain Haven of . . ... - , - , . . .. , ,, ' ' , . , 1 1 pointed out, the ownon of which haiebe- (.eneral 1 Mowi' uMi , urn luiit. Ives ' .u . i ..t.v. , .. ,, . .. . I i ts, iiidlioiiuires through the war. and t-a .tain ol I'otomac 1 ui U. .... n . . e un- . l-v ri. ... i.i n luxury SUCH as I II C .I .i .1.. .. ,.l l..j( .1.. .s,,... V,,,. .11 . ..1.1 i'adilei from de'blo'vin AddeV made ourC,M01 C,,,"i;n- w!'" I"',,I"'M' Mieams ltd mil blud ; our vallies full of , 1'ovcrenrv tor juuicia! antlioritj, . bones; di abed our f uniiics mil mornine ; olo his ilutv, or xvliellier. ro.'J'-'" koll nv.- ash mennv aid i. nines !. w..t ni'd made our tn esides a blace nut .vetb-1 ol t he oath id nllicc, he wul !-, bleic z.iy ash mon ah yoo gan yoo'vill i"i; "l,x gadderers he made as blenty our people to be turn Imm tlieirl. i tiive me into mine la..c - -zs v da! lino un- u ne 1-okusls von l.gipl. jnn,j tamilies nnd tlniircJ tJ unutufi wordy loglaim lo be villumplv . lc LlOv, :-.g Aduer. a ship vroui de o!e(r.u K,Ve,'in b,,r.-i,,le niiuilalii' 1 ftipmil lo all dese i,l,H; ,,ut venio., 'l'"-k. P.. de c.ooemplem vrom uur .oral, , ( , j . , . f on ii.,. ...'..i.. u;ii ..... ..,i i.- loyal'o: l.inor. Abraham Lincnon. .' . 'J ' 1 " . . ,j -- . ...ii....-rn . i- - r. - r-n i,i" -i,.L- ni .1 .I....,,,. i l.,.. i ..;n .. 1 icinr ''i:it :c Party. In.oUr Lee K. vp" .v..... , . ,. .liiuii: ll , r- . - - ., . i . . mark mi yoor name iu indellvable Hi de rides in his ledder dat cc Jve-pnei hotb (i '.'t. ron sol cm Kane for nmi lei ini' Ai.el nieanirg le oot war men .vl Vi.-.d to Pish ish de cinplein ov tie burly tlut ynl- edernid infamy ; and der sehildren v.ood riirlit and law. li' .-tinnrilan 1 if Tiik Lkom. Tkmh.ii Oii-"' iptair The bridal .res u.ts me said to exceed ... ..... .......... ...... ........ r. . ... . , , . . .1., i.u.i-i c h.-i-ii, lues., rjcii- those ot anv model i. i nto in I ns eoiiiiti.e .. .. ,. . " b ' .. . j...... ...... . nemen, tn course wouai nut make anv tils c.e are I'ortv-two Sovereiins in V,,. WThere used ,o be ,A,Wy millk,nt in -d to be.worth nearly 100,..,,. W,,h & lh ;ftir;ap w cJn tm m t:: ni .n comurv ; nut iney tiave all been swallowed up by a lean, lank, lone-shank- A", ti . ... ..v.- lows- such men s Shalta.n. Purke, nd do w l,,m fl"' '"'""JS vatlpined. as do' J "J tmi ) ommi.n A d sh K . ii'e leiiai icnuer uesuuii, - - till Mi n ll All t ll t tliA vmime noniiL .mu I... Will-..;-.. i .i :. It i ai.'io oniroot lli.ti biiBiiitM i Lnsk in the Centro of fommuree, trade nnl B1 Sitrtt'V-tplUir Frnn l' iha a W 1 l n . i . . . ; .s- ..v . ..v.u til-iiwia. U I U If I O nf in lid in in UJ.I ( and narnni rt.s ' - . " T ilUoo,, get liredofhi. meal, and be abieot e,s in ,,,odo Island. ifZlZ COmnelle.l in rlr .1... 1 Wile tlierelore. Will neear I. In m.L'. .. 1 1 . .j.t..npi , . .... uic ninii (.HI Willi , - . ...... Jo..h dresscsotit of a "skimn nattt.rr.." " benevolent friend at our elhovr hub- il . .. uept that it W'ould have been f-ir LetiAp if, . are they lo make riches by the wur ? Per hups hy the c'estruelion of cilies and vil- us from Pisyoonun, Devai-iashuii. und "ooshun tlen iHtriisi nun Tnriii itrmujw n i in n,. s . i ,i rtTKR.sos' f.r..v.w- ... i"n lliat il woul.1 have been far betler to ....: 1 r . V , - uiw in ro-: )...;.. ti., sjino min .u i onus nun sinning oorn nein-; navo wc, ceipt of this gen, of Magazines for 1 lecem-i kZ tjXu l... !.. TtZ ' l-'-i- . e . rich here in M iasouri. . 1 . . .t 1 . . i-.,. i.i.' r .1.,. ..l. ndiM' (Irniiot in .: 1'n.l. l!rin,nn. . .. . wote tie oil lc innei nt io vav vanted tc shtop de Lev loosbonary var mit Bs ,'ro n'' "ame ish iJeiiriek Kxline. j derstam!, has liccn carried by W. I a kfiiiiprnnii; und Kla, vol gif up hish villa be vea Slmksbeer ish vorgoilep ; error to tile '.I'.M .".nc Court 011 darlin bolitee-do brodektif Daiifl lo owl tie riling ov Leo Koyev ish found i.r United States at Vas.liii)"lon. t-i" shtop blul-letting in de lant ; und Krillen- nmroggo. and tie beeplea but dem on larlhj(l.,.jnr, t10 nmero-is conflict'" ilcn, vol vanted lo ..ave de guntree from , a?M' vor J"ks ; ven Abe Linggon ; ,,:.,.,...., State jo' var, l.y Ins tii)ni.romi.e : und l uL'las nntl V",H 1)0 ganen a grader klnwn tlen Pan , . , f .li.i ti." vat yeel.l upderupj.ermostidee-!!i-! '""" Ibosident be gounted a rK"f,',t H hi' ioirtUe VM hoj.ular lovrinily-ver de y.ako ov come ! HadcMnan ; ven it vib be vnund out dat de course ahoulii have been taken I in mit Grit tendon ; und. az da sed. lo save Sneekawgo r,hiivnrni ish a herlder (ic.noti- only means o( obtaining a nnai tor. 11 IS " a lOVO Ol a number r.. .. i-n r,r. .!.... . ri i -- ....... ii.. 'i..,.. n, r.M-ei.L nmnnv . i . . i- . lftr?w Ehnnhl Cn!..;iia n.. . I U.nta t ..i;ui t " irw t , , nver ft hu n-Irtul ni ;les, nnlitarv A hum ioan j a a ifl n, iiPnil (10 vv.irnni Wl'ntll. ll If iff 1 11 ( ' K 1 1 ( T P J I L , - , pros,,ectU, in Ctmn.n 0t0KorkandeetupyourclUbsforl8.',4. Ul'M 'J-Jj J-wn. )ingrich ,v lhe fAl,t .hat onemillionof j First Tas Sam: or Lam.s in lxsrahra - Hlvo" laboring men r.irry uiuskot, iiibtead sj?The sicgo of Charleston ba now i T,C'NARV 1'istricts. The first sale of lands 0l ll-'cir tools of agriculture, piofession, art been progressing for one hundred nnd ' . . nrt lor collection ofdirect,?r '!'UUt:; -' tiie c.ouuiry enriched by Itooin I mcen, do men vot aej lo tie .uuth -Icrf t,onr hants err de 1'tenwu und de Jtiik, in.r us t'uY (n rite mit tmt, "put veil de vun made by Malison 'mination of the noint in fontrovf; and hish combecrs; ven it vill be reggoned The ticxt term of I he court wilM1" uai tie vrenen .ignais vasn pener ns, . . , ,,.;, i, ......i.. art (J ( 7a ver-and t o Merikan k ritcnmicks nl, v. -"I"1-" ' . .."ui i, .Miv, urn hi. vni .i" thc mu yoo, put veil ynet ; ...-..( na huh nitrntl which, for fr.ron de h'tiifetomtun und d'e luus vt nil mie " !,(),t xvn ie grinian and zivilizt worli . . ... . ' ' i. :ll 1 ..... . ... V:. 1. . . 1 P.. rattlesnake piles pefoie il ish tret on ;!vi11 ,,v,k j'"ro n,lt 'korn pckatisc itf-Tlic 7 7i,p, in alliuHng to I il will lake nun. lie vnsl. pan,st.e.i vrom n Koman Senet South , sava of the war : forty days. But the' last news from Washington, is that Charleston and that taxes in insurrectionary districts will take IRV'nt! '" youth killed oil' in the battle puico under Ihe superintendence t.f lhe ''e'''s. "v having lost alrasdy, by sword, tax commissioner of South Carolina. bullets and sickness, five hundred iLous- op- ult to "pile of ruini" Fort Sumter, must go J'l'n'cnty-five tracts on Hilton Head Island, "n'1 producers this country ho thinly under h ilm C.r.i f., Valued at $9,"),fMKl, and a larpn nnmUM ulated at Ihe best? Is it not real insul nouses n.i.i tim.1 iois in jieiiurort, will be "ullna common sensa anil Humanity that s3"Tho firsl "snow snnnir nf It... per. i0'1,1 Bl V?Tl K-V.ftl 0n tte 1',tr'f December, H0.tno person want to assure the thousands . i "0W squall of be sea- or from day to day thereafter until the,0' Por ...Idiers. widows and orphans, son paia our town a visit on Sunday last, nronertv is sold. , of this country. tht th but on Monday morning, snow was as This will be a good chance for :,,,,n,1( 0,r!u,i0J3 hecnu in 'ork' the streets, a, enlis,.,, Noya! number ofloyal-leaguers to procure a good &d-S .ur farm in 1)1 I n.l.n.. ,,.. i palaces enough 1 it cifs no apuse. and cn it isu iireiteneit it gits a vamtng mil its ratdle. unrl da Fecund dime it vill pite bowet tul ly. Yen apused.txlcr blaged, vor do zake ov revensh, it vill shtrike it boi S'ji.ouh fangs into its pody und deshtroy itself. Pish aarpint represents do Seeesh unisls. I vill illustrate de analogy mil an annekdole : Yen I vas a poy in Skool kill koimty my fader he liv in do nabor hool ov von pig pason vce do stone koal vatcrrun ; my kumrads vere Inglish, lnh uml Tuc! poya. Us Tucli vellers vere hi spirited ; l de patlalyuns und shootin malches us u.nd to bolt out on tie efils von lolebrating Zaint Batrick's lay j us zed ii vash our tooly to shtop de Irish vrom vel ehratini; dich Uy, or it bat tlemora is ine etfekt on danaborhoot. Iv Inglish pol (.a.ltllc) ti.s witliadi' vor bleediliL' vor tin Liber! ins ne .In K.... .,! . ' .' . ' J . .. c , . I'l" . , ( I. l..,o and a namuen vor going to shale rudder. ... V , , 1J1(.uth i,... ..u. .l.iiii ..i t... j , VI .1 ii: bretid Iro n the llieuw ..... ..... ...... r....ii..n nitisni uiu ; ana , , . . . u r,r tatis Punyau, .ekausa, dat he zuflered dwelve "Vt'i'V laboring; mini s "Ha h . yerrs lrniinsonment on ackount dat do. ations, and fend millions mn'rV oder breiieherh enml i " m i pie, urn. i. mt nts and Bonabartc, pekause he vash : Wliv hir if no A bolitioni.-! konlint mil in do Hand von Helena, for ll. i .... if beintr bem i nimnn l, ni.ul,. 1.1 i . -" "i.i i'w..., v - vit,-.-iiri.L.n eierjpouy; , unrl Vulln.,lir,l ... . . , IIS after hi ererrnodVT . . . . . . .- i n-s'ii.nitH and Fallantingham on ackount dat de ,,aa """"'"f ;n ,r uoveramcnt vound it nesse.ary to egsile '"" " v ' " h.d thu i.:... a- t....l . . e.r., ,.!..;., 1.1,011 I.I never liu inn. .uu uw .uinn, pexausa not vun man -".p.""'.) mit our Parly cood sbeek mit him. and war. ven it vill l.e riten in history dat do 7ZlZv, ihoiatc W uninou States Covernment wash horn in iih.a.ial.ia, " vti 'Jendukee. tie between lintK ana jv)hi. " Your Zuperior Royal Demograt, , fought, niciuia liirrr of JV'' "- PETRICK EX LINE. ' our poor aoldiera Jottna n