: T Fr ai fit lb (foimljj Jirfcloru ..nl Holly (ct. J.) Ilt-rnl J. CM II. fsTHIIT.. I ; Fiictiii, ; Prolhnnolary, Iteg. 4 Hoc. I District Att'y, Treasurer, 1 Co. Surveyor, Auditors, Coroner, County Sup't I'll, pitiless, pitiless, plllleaa war, picric silrlt of angiil.ih and nin, M'fill the (toinoti milt till the lat red ilmp II n watered tli earth In vain ? 1 here, where, ii lliltiK nn, 0 Knllier ? Ilae down mi the pitiless strife , peak (o the hillowt of wild unrest, Oh, merciful rplrlt of life. llnra by a loveless and desolate hearth, A fond mother yearns fer her Im.t Her Inst cherished idnl the star of her life, llr blessing, her pride and her Joy j How oft have her lips prossed tlinl beautiful brow In Ilia wlldcring tiinr.e of her dreams. lli bearing how n'lllnnt h in beauty how fair, At tlio light on hia uniform glenaia. .Mil 'twae but yesterday, gallant and gay, Ho wrote hr thut letter of lore j Now the strife ia begun, 'tie the heut of the fray, Ob pitying lather above. A timii, rvporl, an the siuoko clears away, '1 he beautiful form of the dead ' tlleams forth in the sim.ight in buttle ami', And tho hopes uf a loue bvnrt huth fled. j .-'hull the blossoming earth drink forever 0 Uod, : The blood or the noblo ami bravo rs'cct angel o! mercy to earth plume thy wings, Compassionate, pity, and save, la the heart of humanity silonced. lor aye Ii it dead to earth's sorrow ana woe? Ah ! the prnyer Homing up from lono desolate Tho all merciful only may know hearts, 'nwurd. still on rolls the pitiless strife, still floats the aud wail ot despair, 1 lie noble, the brave and the beautiful full, Yet merciless tyrants beware. Not forever exulteth the demon of ill JSut forever the merciless atrife ; Truth, right and humanity wuit but the call, Of the beautiful spirit of life. lather, our hearts breathe one passionate prayer, From the throno of the merciless power; I Decatur, i.aie down ou the conflict, the tumult, the atrife, ' speed onward the merciful hour When tbe angel, the beautiful augel of love Shall bid the tierce tumult cease, And over the world float the musical thrill. Of the glorious authetns of pouce. - - TIMK OP rlOI.MNil ftH'ltT. M Monday In .limitary, I ,1d Monday !n June, 'lit Monday In March, 41 h Monday In Pert. ! Of each yrar.and continue two weeks If nercaary. COVNTV AM) UIHTMCT OrTICMS. Prea'l JihIk Hon. flnmucl Linn, llellefonte. RICnARD HOSSOP, I'OllKK J N A n it 1 )( M I'.ST I (7 (()() 1 H llr,ni,ll, I'd. DR. A. M. HILLS - V V - I H If ."V f VVt'j' ' f"rm M" VVVll tjf V rn ll.at prof,.. --x(-M ZJib.Lf ft" Mislnr ri 1 As'le Judges Hun. J. I). Thomt son.Ciirwenavllle. lion. Jsmra lljooin,Korritt, MUSLIN DKLAINK-S COHUlUi.S ALPACAS tat Hi nt KiiMilin S'lidiiioii t'liKitlinn ldward Perks, CleaiReld, 1. F. Ktiwcller, " Isaiah (1. Ilarger, " Israel Teat, ' Joseph Mlaw, " II. II. Wright, Ulen Hope. ComiulssiuiicrsJncob Kunti, I.nthera burg, Tbos. Dougherty, Or. Hills. Amna Head, Clearfield. Charles Worrell, N.Wnsh'g ton II. Woodward, Penntield. V. Cnuteret, Leeontoe. Mill J. W. 1'oltt.r, C. !). Sniiilford, Clearfield. I rit'Ps) i prici'a ' 'i ii'i-ai lificoa I -' jniNUHAMS jl'II 1 NTZ triUNTS CUAVAI'S I SHAWLS HON N K'l'S 'COI.OKKD I i ii m . i t ' n r I .f tint rt'eoivpcl nt MOSSOl'S'. nl til nl nt nt nt at nt Sonhalion Sctianlion Senxalion SenHlipn Nenwiiion jinrps prioca pi won prirea price nl MOSSDI'S' Sftisnlion prices j Sensation price i Sentition In In- fat. . 1 I ... A . L 1 . av is TJTiJtiJjj i j. Hip tirnf. titu! hn will aeeuslomed places "' ' " i Ibis iummeri but may be found at his office on tbe anutbweat cor-m-r of Front and Main atrceta at nil timea. except when notice appears In the town pnpiratothe contrary. July t, 'C3. tf. I)U. WM. Ii. IIUHD'S DENTAL REMEDIES llecsaria, Hell, Illooin, Hogga, llradl'ord, Hrady, .... . . .. ( 1,1 ai LIST OF rrjST OFFICES. CKASH nt oil Often, l;tm-t,ri, ICUKTAlNo lit Ulen Hope, Win. 8. Wrigl.t, FAME CLOTHS nt All tol.e !md nt MOSSOPS', prices, TME pl,ST IN TUE WOULD, Ltahville, Theodore Weld, llcgurty'i X Koada.Ssm'l. Ilegarty, Kower, Chest, Cusli, 0. slcnd, Forreat, Cleiirfivld ilridge, V. illiuina' Grove, 1. uthersliurg, Trouivillo, .lerTcraon Line, W. McCrnekoti, t . i-rr Th. A. M'llh..A. ''- r' J. W. Campbell, 1 IIOSIKRY ll.L.He .dorson, : lil lU'.d.NS Jamca llloom, Jamca Forrest, Jaa, E. Watson, H. ll.Moaro, Chas. Sloppy, John I'ebcr in, Ut nt Ut at Sensation Senniioii Sensation SenHHlion Sorautinn price prices ; prices prices prices I nt MOSSOPS'. Sensntion Sensation Sensation 'I HI MM I X (IS of all kinds nt Sensnlion in nny nunu'ty Always on hand at MltoOl S lliirnride, New Washington, Jna Uallnher, Cheat, i Clearfield, Covington, Ilurnaide, I'atrhinvillc, Kaxt Hidge, Hard, McUarvey, Westovtr, Clearfield, Frenchville, Kurtlmua, Curwenaville Curwensvillo, l'lu lipsburg, Ferguson, Kot, tiirard, THE CONSCRIPTION. : Ooaben, Hrahnm, ! Ouelich, Knox, Morris, i IV"D' 1 I'ike, ' .i t'nion, A Bad Tale of Official Cruelty-The ' Death of the Victim. ' From tho liungor (Ve.) Democrat. I Jordan, JOSt'lill 11. CrOlllllKlt, Ol" hlltldd, in Kar.haua, count', ncd '1 years, was drnft e ljn this district last August, lie was ii poorj! a boring man witli a wife and t wo little children. Ifo appeard ho ;rc tho examining Board in this city, ;md there presented a cirti licit te from Lis physician, Dr. C. P. Hubbard, of . Woodward, . . ',. J . ' ' I Thi Po j.urnngton, stating that no was an unsound man and unfit for military! !uty. Ho had boon sick for five years, i and during all that time had been un- able to do a full hard day's work. Tho xamining surgeon totsed the ccrtiti-; rate aside with a slurring remark, nud ' Mr. Croniniett was promjitly pronoun-' ced an able bodied man. llo obtained , a furlough for fifteen days, and return cd homo. Ho was unable West Decatur, Oaceola Mills, Marron, I.ittt Toby, l.etonte'a MilU, Huld Hills, Hbawsville, (iraliinn'oii. Hmith'i Mills, Miiduira, Tyler. l'ennficld, Ansonville, Salt I.ick, New Mi'lport, Kyb'rtown, Morrisdale, Lumber City, Urninpi.in II Ha, Curwennville, Illoomingville, lUcktun, Jeflriea, This Post Olfieo will do for Chest townahip, Will answer fir Ferguson towuhip. W. C. Irvin, Jack Patcbin, Jacob Hoice, 0. Torer, jr. Win. MclJiirvey, 8. A. I'arher, M. A. Frank, I'. A. (laulin. J.F.W.Sohnarra T. W. Fleming, Centre county, 8. Hadubucb , T. F. Hoalich, Ed. Williams, Jas. Mcl'lullan, C. Mignot,' Willium Carr, A. II. Shaw, T. ll.Forcce, A. U. Fvix. Chaa. J. l'usey, David Tyler. II. Woodward, Klia Chase, (i. Ileckadorn, M.O.Stirk, Jas. Thuinpon, J, C. Hremier, II. W. Speucor, A. C. Moore, T. W, Fleming, llenj. F. Dale, 1). E. Hiubukcr, James Lockett, CASSIMKHES nt SATTf NETS at 1TWKEDS al .(FANS at VF.STIXOS ut S1IIUTINGS t Sensation SiiHution Seiisatinn Sensatioti Sensation Sensation INHtTniMl FINE TEETH AND A SWEET BREATH, CUK1N0 T0OT1IACIIK AND NtCRAUJIA. Do you wish to bo blessed with and admired for 1'KARi.r Wbit and Sound TEKTII f t'se Dr. Whi. II. nurd's Unrivalled Tooth IVuvder, wurruntcd freo from acid, nlkail.or nny injurious substance. Price, 2 j cents per box. JT-tf-liewnre o( the ordinary cheap Tooth Pow ders, which whiton but destroy. Do you wish to be certain that your BHEATII is pure, sweet, and ngrevahle to husband or wife, lover or friends? I so Dr. Ilnrd's ( clobrated Mnutll 'hll. Price 37 cents per bottle. prices This astringent wash Is also the best remedy in prices the world for Canker, Had llrentli, Illeeding in ices Hume, bore iUoutu, etc. ' . ti,, Ni:V (SOUDHt i A FRESH AnniVAL OF Spring & Summer Unnrfs AT TIIKCIIKAP CASH STDKP.. Tarn Jual receiving and opening a carefully selected aloek of Spring and ffummnr goods ol (almost everv (lcscrii)tion. n iieaiinliil aaaorimen' goods, of the newest and great variety of useful no DKY-tiOODS AND NOTJONS. Ilonnela, Sliauls, Hats and Caps, ! Hoots and Shoes, a large quantity, j Hardware, Qi.eenaware, ! Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Painta, i Carpel A Oil Clothe, I G It O C K RIES, i Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel in J 1 and i barrels, of the best quality, all of which will he sold at the loweat cash or ready pay prices. My old friendi nnd the publie generally, are respectfully invited to call. X4ry. II. All kinds offfMA'and approred MKinuxi, At nifjjjy llftrcjiKl ri e-ln Urpat ""'itlrtRhi f,i T prices prices prices prices 1 for.vnt ) Ooods. Clenrfiold, Jane 28 1863 .... ... .... .l.ll.l an... r I'lklt'll DTlee1 1 Tl ui " J "ur riomrFii rwiiT-i iii.iii A.win- 1 1(111'' I... I lr. Ilnrrt'u Mnflr Tn.it Imrlw. iriees ut MOSSUl'S', CI.OTIILNO audi na c'o.'iiH, Punti, Vesta, Under Shirt", ut aensnlion Flunnel Shirts, Pools, Shoes, lints and Cups, Now lor snle nt MOiSOPS' II A R I) W A II HI aueli ns Siiws.nnils I . , , .. ,, , .. . nt sensation r o r k a, lvnives, Sj.ikcH, Hinges, jincos l QUO US, such as Wine, llniiuly, l i n, W h iskcy, Cniiriao, etc., etc., J Millie, kucIi Ha Pruiies, Km Fits. Filberts nt MOSSOPS' nl sensation prices - - j ucli Ha I Itniain, V nt 'tis, ilc, j sensation priecs nt MOSSOPS'. Droll. Prion 15 cents per bottle. Arc you afflicted with N ECU ALd 1 A ? Oct Dr. u. II llurd'M Nrurallxi lMuntern. The most clfectivo and delightful remedy known, ' for pains in the face, chest, abouldori, back, or ar.y part uf the body. iney uo ootadbere nor buster, out aoothe and charm pain away. Try them. Price, 15 and 37 cents. Mailod on receipt of price. Fur sale at nil tho best stores throughout tho country. Caitio.i. As there are dealers who tnke ad vantage of our advertisements to impose upon their cuatomera inferior preparations, it is neces sary to insist upon having what you call for, and you will ur.i inn kkst, thoroughly tested, and prepared by an experienced and scientifie Den tist, Treasurer of the New York State Dentit'f Association, and Vico President of the New York City Dental Society. Address WM. 1!. 11URD k CO., Tribune Buildings ew York. Jan. 21, 1863. DESIRES to inform his old friends and cui-t- mere that, having enlarged his shop and It has cured hundreds. 1 "'creased his facilities for manufacturing, he Is now prepared to make to order furniture as may be desired, in good style aud at cheap rates for CbnIi. Ha mostly has on bund nt hia "Furni ture Kooms," a varied assortment of Keady-made Furniture, among which ar Bureaus and Side-Boards, ; Wardrobes and Uook-Cnscs: Centre, Sofa, Parlor Hrenkfast and Jining Extenaion Tables. Common, French Post, cottage, Jenny Lind and other Bedstead. ; SOFAS (.dill KINDS. WOHK-STAN'DS JIAT-KACKS, WASH-STANDS, 4c. locking and Arm Chairs, Spring-Seat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chairs and Common and other Chairs. 0 0 AViY G-OLA A.SES A I tl,r,i. ..1.1 ' i niv.li uiu pi ii ut ) IV I .n. ii. r,rr neen llfniign( )o ""i woiru mej win sen at I is m,.., . TT.if '. ""r lilch will 1 r.'"","W! Var styles. AI,oa( C U T T L R io wiui ii uirv invue me sr.ee 1 ....... public, embracing heavy Kilvs,',,'.;'0' Kpoons and Butter knives of ik. 1. . ' ' lure. A lot of I'lNtol, or th. he,, r, J lire. anus. Also a general as,m '''M cartridges all of which will be sold., ' ble prices, 1 " They continuo to manufacture sJi (t.. Tin-ware, Brass Keltic?, !!... . ,!. ...... t. ' gW iio'n ofuiiateV """--ft They also have on hand PlttKburrt J among which are Steel Centre L.v. u! Plow Castings, and many other Agrict, ptements, i, Cook Stoves, Parlor and 0 Btovos a general assortment, and of H, w' terns, fer fulo at reasonable nricsa Coal Oil, Coal Oil U I'ainta, Uils ant nrnlshes, a gcnernln uinss, puny, nuiu, iron anuiMtinf, ij I'IKODVCE taken In exchange WM, F, IRWIN, ol ( iicjip Fh v n if ii re ! V....T lr,.,r Of every deaeription on hand ; and new glasses i Crimum, variety j in fact almost every thing ,,'' tho publio can bo found in their mu! and at prices that cannot be beat. IT . I . ' i ow is i ne nine to purtL li you uomre any ining in meir lint 0f uivu mewl h i-uii unii vftuuime men iney leoi nssureu inai you can De scctmiJ honiember, their establishment ii M J Gtau, rii.rlialil I'u lin . 1 k-., --v., ..v ...... , ..u...;,lq, to the very best advantage. i-Old silver, copper, brass, pwi,jj eastings will be takea in exchange fwJ Way 20, ISO;!. JIEUUEU i Bisit FAMILY mi: t'OLOlf VnrK lllut, Light lllut, French lie. Clarrt llnneti.' Ihtrk Hroten, Liyht Hrotett, Tilt "KKrUliLlCAN.'' UKOCKKIKS, sny " F I o n r, II a rr. s, SliouUIeM, Sufiar, Molnsii, Coll'ee, at sensation I en, LrackCH, Spices, 'Jh miles '.'oiil Oil, ete., etc. price AIwhv? at MOSSOPS', NEW FIRM. IIAKISUICK & HUSTON DRUGGISTS. MAWKKT Stm t CLEAUFIKLD PA. Terms ut Mutiscriptiun. If paid in advance, orwithin three months, $1 25 tf paid any time within the yenr, - - - 1 iO tf paid after tho expiratiou of the year, - 2 00 rrict; of M.ink kt rtrkrt, ci.EARriai.n, rrss i. o. ii. lioooi.AMiKH, co L'uHislicrs, was uiuible to raiso . "7TT . ,11,11, . ic rin soi .aiii rriisnii:. ihree hundred (lollars or tO pi-OCliro Advertisements are inserted in the Republican It SUDSIUUIO. 1 116 lllOllgnt 01 ICtlVinr , at the following rates : his (lnnl.it.ntA litt.In fumilv (loneiulnrit ' 1 Insertion. 2 do. nt at it ot :it nt sensation tensulion sensation sc iifitiion BCHKIltion aensntion ,.i,i i ... .raT. ... "i i i una sonare, (14 lines,) ou ..ii mo cum yuan ues m i.io wtirni, ami Two - (281inca,) 1 00 the COnVRtlOn that thO Severity Of Three squares, (42 lines.) 1 50 military dutv must soon terminate. 3 months liis lifb quickened the diseiiHo which ' pTllri was already fastened upon him. ! Thsqiiare., At tho end of his ltirlotih he repor- Four squares, ted himself to the Provost Marshal Half a column, l, r,. .I.... l....l. l ..i One column, ,,vi uy,.aa 1 " " iKU Lea 0vcr three weeks and less than three months 2i man. JlO was RCnt to rottland two ( per square for eaeh insertion. WOnksagO last Wednseday, and tlieiUO : Husinsss notices not cseding Slines are in- lo tho conscripts' camp on Mackic's ,tT!'d (".T, 12 ye,r: t. i.l.v u , T,.ir,1.' .,1 Advertis)inents net martti witi the number of Island. JlCl'O llO beeaniO VCiy Sick, n,6rtions desired, rr'.ll U eontinnel until forbid and a kind hearted fellow conscript and charged according to these terms. seciiifr that he must die. procured a $2 bO 4 oo : 5 00 A 00 : 8 00 14 00 $ 75 1 50 j " (I mo', f4 00 6 00 S 00 10 00 11 00 20 00 BLACK I NO UOPKS POWDER SHOT LEAD (JAPS At the .-tore of RICHARD MOSSOP. mossop ; Always heeps on hand a lull assortment of all kinds of foods required I S do. for the accommodation of the puMic. iz, lri. tl 00 2 00 2 50 12 too $7 00 10 00 12 00 14 00 18 00 S5 00 No prices' KEEP fonstiintli on hand a large prices an, ,,, .,.( .( ;irf(v ftock of prices , ); rC.S' and CHEMICALS I'r PALMS OILS AXD VAllSISll prices I'KKKl MKUY k TO i LET AIITICLK8. BLANK?, BO0K8 AXD STATI0NAKV. TOBACCO &SEGARS. And a general assortment of VARI ATI KS and Fancv ARTICLES. for old frames, which will be put in on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice. IIo alsokeops on han', or furnishes to or dor, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton tup .Mattresses. COFFINS, of every kind. Made to O'der, and funerals attended with a Hearse, 'vhenever desired. Also, House Painting-done toorder. The subscriber also manufactures, and has constantly en hand, Clement'8 Patent Washing Machine, The best now in use. Those using this machine never need be without clean clothes ! He also has telegraphic dispatch to be sent to Han-1 gor, and thence to Enfield, informing his friends of his condition. ; Immediately Mr. Freeman Crnm mctt, his brother, took the wife of tho dying man and proceeded to I'ortland, where he arrived on Monday'cvening. They immediately called on Major Whiting commandant of the post, for apass to the island. Maj. Whiting re fused, a pass that evening. Jle told them tocallat his oflicc tho nexlmorn- ing at 8 o'clock and ho would give them an answer. Longbeforo the hour named the af flicted friends were at theollice door of Major Whiting next morning. Kight: o'clock camo and ho was not there.' An hour passed and still lie did not come. What lo hint was tho grief of tho wife and brother oi the dying con script ? Up had forgotten his prom-' iso. They I hen began to search the city for him. and succeeded in finding himntll o'clock. Tho Major then heartlessly informed them that he could not give them a pass until tho next day that bo intended to use the boat plying between tho city and tho camp himself. j At 8 o'clock that afternoon, Mr. ' Crommcttfonnd an cportunity to send a letter to tho island, informing his brother that ho and his wife were near him and striving to reach his sick bed; but when this letter came, tho eyes for which it had been intended had been closed in deat'.i for hours! W A L T Fi 11 A K It Fi T T, . Attorney at Law. UAVI" resigned bis coiiiuiisaion in the ar my, and resinned tho practice of Law, may be consulted on professional business at his office on Secnnd street, Clearfield, All business promptly attended to. Feb. 11,'8't. II. W SMITlT'.t" coV M Kit CHAM'S, and dealers In I)i Ooods, (iroccries. llurdware, Qucenswaro, aud even thing; usually kcyt by the trade. Store on PECOXD Street, below Judge Lennard's, oppo site the Pre.-bvterinn Church, Clearfield I'a. Dec. I, 1SUI. 5,000 Men, i CLOTH I NO DOTS can bs supplied with FURNISHING GOODS We respectfully invite a call, feeling confi dent tbat wo can supply the wants of all, on terms to their satisfaction. 1IAKTSWICK k nCBTON. Clearfield April 27th 1SS3. tf at RKIZESSTEIX BIOS, i CO., where It TO BE ! Sold at prices tbat will induce all to be ' I By devoted interest to the CLOTHING KSTAB LISHMEXT the universal satisfaction which has been given has Induced tbem to jnlargo their ; STOCK, which in quality and selection, is now , inferior to none i I JAMIS T. LCOSARD. WM, A. WAIXACI. n. a. rianar. A. C. riKXCT. S;tnlunn anb (Collection flirt LEONARD, FINNEY & Co. CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, TA. BILLS OP KXCB A!OI,OT(S A SID DRAFTS DlaCOURTin dkpositm ri:ci:ivi:i), Qilfnlicm made and proett.ds promptly rrmitltd I'.xclianpe on the Cities constantly on Ii and. -(Mr0fBe on Second PL, nearly opposite the COURT HOUSE. IN PENNSYLVANIA. Come, and yeu can bars i:v oi:ji;ic, JOSEPH U. MW1UURAY ;r-vr j rn- t rr j , ; yf gT3 j All kinda and styles of Clothing at nearly one -l Jy i i ii. .1 1 4 r. n i -y ! i .ii r. it New Washington. Clearfield County, Ta Ju!y 1st ir,G3.-tf JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney at Law and Heal I'.state Acent. CLEAUFIKLD, PKXN'A. Ojfirfon. M, irlirt.it. Ofltnitite the Jail, "I) ESTECTFCLLY offera hia s rvices in sell- XV 'ng and buying lands in Clearfield and ad joining counties ; and with an experience of over j twenty years as a Purveyor, flatters bunaelf that he can render satisfaction. And Offers for Sale KMX) acrea of coal and timber Land, situatt in Decatur townahip, CloarGeld county, in lots to auit purchasers,, located near the Tyroni sad Clearfield Railroad. StOOO acres of first rate farm and timber land in Hell township, Clearfield county, situate on the waters of Curry's Hun. lO'J acres in two lots, one of 11 2 and the oth er of 511 acres, suitable for Farming purposes, sit uate in Highland townrbip, Klk county. .General warrantee deeds for all the above ands. Keb. IS. '6.1. v. " Coal! Coal! 'pilE subscriber respectfully announces to the X citiiena of Clearfield and vicinity that he ia now prepared to aupply the very beat quality of COALnt the shortest notice. The (.rrangement is designed to be permanent, and a full supply will alaays be kept on hand. PRICEJS rtnts st the Bank. 7 rents delivered. JfFor the p.blie convenience, Orders for Coal will be given nt Krntier's store. JOHN FKENEY. Clearfield, April 8, 1S6.1 Bin. j Jhtrlc limb, i l.iijht Jlrnh, Ihtrk ft teen, Light (teen, F"r dyeing Silk, nuoien and Mini Bhawla, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribboai C, llumieta, Hats, Feuthera, Kid Gl. Children's Clothing, anJa kM of sanng Aiiarel, it, f Ctir A SAVING Or' HO I'ERiJES tor 23 cents you enn color as mmj "uu,.. ,'iiidiiii,. cuhi u-w ii Ming ;ov SBi arious shanes can be produced froa a.. I'ye. the process is simple, and any use the Dye with nerfert success. Directum in Knglish, Freuch ujJ uisiise of each package. For further information ia Pysitif. ui a perfect knowledge of what enlors in J npted to dye over others, (with duo? J reciresj, purchaso Howe A r-teveni' Im, li...: , . . i o . , ., i'tciv); una iiunnng. rem ey mill n 4 T price 10 cents. .Miinufslursd h I10WE SIEVES' Mil, Ilriisilwi;, 1 Tor snle by Druggists and Dealrri fsr, Septeaibcr 2:td, 18C:. OF THE h ui 4 h ir c lb T5i ir 5 Bi 4 a I , LI Til RK8B I'RG, Cl.KAKFIKLD COUNTV, PA- WIUJAM SCIIW'EM, Proprietor -May 19, lSf,:i. ly. CVRKXirs HOWE. JCfSTICF. OF THE PKACE. Prices usually asked at other Stores. Clothing good enongh to ea it tbe GOVEHNOlt, Or any other man. -VIJ I .L- -1 iwnmu For DariTCR Township, T"'"r X r '' a aw i .in. iiiiimih in i ii nmiia . will promptly attend to all husiness entrusted tu ', his care. P. O. Address, l'hilipsburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1S1 I)U. M. WOODS, inn.nnd Examining Sur geon for Pensions. Office Southwest comer rice on d and Cherry streets, Clearfield, Pa. January 21, 1 8fi J. ly. f JTIACTICIXG Physl, DR. J. W. POTTER. . Physlrlan and Surgeon, has permanently located at Frenchvillc, Covington township, off crs his nrofessionRl uri'l,... i il, .,,pn..n.i:M- li,,,,!.!. It... I..:..f ..I. . a . 1 ' " ' . ' ' nit-' unci i;iie oi oiiiciai crn- """"" .Mays, lsei. city. In the first instance it dcj.rivcl! , V KiA'Fi' M innocent-litlle Children of their feeble1 MEIICIUST, and dealer ia itoard. and but -et Jirotcctlllg shioli; and ill the Pnin81(,: 'lrin Dd Produce. FRONT Street second it denied to an eil'eetionato wife RbDl,ec Ac,1,,,uy llwfis.d Pa., and a dear brother the poor boon of 4' 'S '" - - - receiving; the last tender words, and : ?,,,Il.'.,,.?sov' JAS- r- wtsos. Rnd ft brother. (ClearDold Ilridge P. 0.,) Clearfield county. Pa. Sublime" Sixceritv. "Amelia, for ! - Aug. 19, mn. thfo vcs. at thv command. I'd tear """ T,CT,u-ray. MaU. ,rvln. KKIZKNSTKIN BROS, k CO. Clearfield, April 8, 186:t, 3m. GREATEST BA'ITLE OX RECORD! 15,000 Killed a"i7cfVoundcl, and 30,o() taken P risoncrs ! WITH CAMP EyUirAGE AXD 70,000 Contrabands freed from tho BONDS OF SLAVERY!! P.ulkloy's Patent. Lumber Dried by Superheated Steam. fpiIE undersigned respectfully informs the peo. J. pla of Clearfiuld nnd the adioininir eonnties tbal be has the agency of the above Patent, and I win sell Individual, County and Township rights for its use. The Lumber dried by this process is stronger, finishes better, I easier on tools, and I equ ires less time ia drying than any other pro eesi known and drying 1 inch lumber perfectly in 38 hours, and better than many months under j the old syatera using the same amount of fuel j per day that a cooiuinon kiln consumes. The cer- tifieates of a number of resident mechanics, well I known ia this community, ia amply sufficient to ; convirce the most skeptical of its practical utility. ! Persons desirous of purchasing rights will address ! JOHN L. CUTTLE, July 1, 1S63. Clearfield, IV For Sale. I Coachitiakinc and Blacksnsithshon, together with tbe necessary water power for saw ing. all in good condition, for sale at a bargain. The above property is situated in the borough of Curwensville, and possesses all the advantages necessary for conducting each of the above branches of business with tuperior facilities. For further iafermation apply to I1ENKT KERNS. CurwensriU. Aug. 19, '3-tf. New Goods ! REED, "WEAVER & Co., Are just open ing a splendid lot of the most carefully selected ever brought to the place which they ofTer to their customers, and the public generally, at th very lowest flgura the markets will afford. June 10, 18S3- 17VERT man that has read any thing of the J pi"' history ol this WAR must finally corns ! to tne conclusion tnnt the Confederate Govern-' , . . ,ir. , ment would be broken down. It wae only a rpres- I WOOl find T la.T Spinning Wheels, tion of time. Hut now we have th above filori- I ITTARK ANTItn. M.n..r.ein,. .nrf k.etnn out aoul-stirring news to cheer as up ; and the V hands by the undereierned. who invites tie Valiuible Timber Land and SAW-MILL PROPERTY FOIS SAL3S!. j flHI3 fine property is situate in Oirard town JL snip, Clearfield county, Pa., and contains about I.KXi acres of Land, tract No. MOO, and parts of tracts Nos. &:65 and 63fi7. These I lands are yet heavily TIM II ERE '), with a quun I tity of PINE, OAKnd JsEMLOCK. 1 A STEAM SAW-MILIi In coniplete running order, capable of cutting Three .Million Ict ol' lioards per annum, with all tho necessary roads, railroads, a-f fur putting stork to the mill; one large Mansion House, six tenant houses, store house, School House, three barns, a blacksmitbshop, and oil necessary outbuildings are upon the property. Tbere are about 7( acrea cleared land, under good fence, and a Plank Hoad toward tbe river for getting lumber to market. This raluaUe property is situate upon Sandy Creek, about 4 miles from the river, and is pop ularly known as the Prenchville Steam-Mill Property, and is now offered at PRIVATE SALE upon reasonable terms. All kinds of sawed lumber can We safely and economically t ken to market from the point indioated. Application can be mado to cither of the nnders gued residing at Clearfield, Clearfield county, Pa., either poreonally or by letter. JAS. T. LEONARD, Sept. 9, 188.1. AVM. A. WALLACE, New Jersey Lands for Sale, il.SO, jiarilan ffiir Firuit Faiirms, SUITABLE for Grapes, Peaches, Pears, Rasp, berries, Strawberries, blackberries, Currants, etc, of 1, 24, 4. 10 er 20 seres each, at the follow ing priecs for the present, vis : 20 acres fur $'200, 10 acres for tllo, & sores for f SO, 2J seres for U0, 1 acre for $20. payable by on dollar per week. Also, good Cranberry lands, and village lots in CHETWOOD, Ji by 100 faet. at $10 each, paya ble by one dollar a week. The above land and farms are situs ed at Chetwood, Washington townanip, Burlington eounty, New Jeraey. For further information, apply, with a P. 0. Ktanp, GREAT ATTRA1 Not Del'caW rjHE subscriber having retnintifM JI is just now opening operesl and most carefully selected Afsortmtn FALL & WINTER ever offered to the good people t( d and its viciuitj, and which he will ; rates than nry house in tho eounlj. CLOTHING AT K EDUCED B' 13 to lie'' thiseternrtl firmament inn thoiiKnnd fragments , I'd gather tho stars one by ; one, as they tumbled from regions of i ctherinl spneo, nnd put them in my ! trousers pocket; Id pluck tho turn, that Oriental God of day, that tra verses tho bluo urch ot heaven in ma bEALF.RS IV Dry Goods, Grocer ies Lumber, Jtc, lJuinuide, Pa Dee. 14. 1S62. only drnw-back to our joy and glorification is the people of Clearfield county to embrace ths oppor- , for a circular, to ......... vu, w..v. un vonirananna ooming wiuiiy now onered to secure one or these superior b iiivrnv rinv ' """i uiu ui w, , ninmiN, i ney win ne sola cneip (,'irs woi v. on r.j., oi. t-.-i. u v Hat ol on thing the people of Clear- ' vtutd. Call kt tht Old Shop In Curwensville. i Jan. 21 1863 , " "', WM. P. CHAMBERS. May6,i83.-y New Watch and Jewlry Store. jostic pplendor, I'd tear him from rublie patronage. tho sky and quench his bright cfl'ul- ftenoo in tho fountain of my eternal ove for thee !" "Don't,Uarry, it would be so dark." W. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN A 8UROKOH. HAS permanently Iseated at tihawaville, Pa., Ju Short as usual if not a little where he respectfully solicits a share of c" than he would like to be. North to ur shoes J ncld county may be assured, aud that is, that riiAAk hllUItr ror short csllcd A'orl- is selling liuotsj & nhoes as cheap as any other man in the eounty ; and if you don't believe it, just give him a call no court-week, or at any other time, and see for yourselves. He wonld jnst ra mind the publio that his shop is now on Market wi, in onaw s now where you will nna mm saorter ot May 27. 1868,-y DANIEL GOODLANDER, JUHTICKof the peace Lutheriburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to re. a tin March SS, 18A0 ly, pd. Shaving and Halr Dre ssinf . JEREMIAH N0RR1S respectlully announces to bis friends of Clearfield and vicinity tbat ha has returned to his old stand, and is well pre pared to render the most perfect satisfaction to all who may desire his professional services. Cleurfield. April 9, 6J. SH. LALCHMN, having purchased the e interest of his late partner, is now going it All kinds of work on honria mnA maJa til order on abort notieo, and as well made, and as good Bts as can be "akeered" np here or elsewhere. i Don t forget the shon on Market street.1 in bhaw's Row. diraetl nr;,. u u R nnntta . .u. rt. o. . m .esn I ' Ewoope's olEee, Clearteld, June 11, 1, on his own hoo in the ahnn f by them on Second stream, where be is prepared to keep up his reputation as a complete workman by doing all work entrusted to him oo short no tice, in the best manner, and on the most reae onable terms. Dervinr ih ,mt sti h. "T7"ANTED A lare Int nf ' fair "'' I,d "ontinoalion of the patron FLAT PFTt t heretofore eitended. Look out for the sign ot Tl" ol " . " . "r I UH UIU WA ' Oil. ( N. B The Cosh will $e positively exiwscted r,uvKi. john D. THOMftTOK. , v-urweas viiia, ejeff, in, lasii. I when the work is delivered. ' , r earlelaUlsHrsh t,lq, f Uf. L. ! Puear from ItesL Krrnn at 87 And all other groceries at the a Iinnta Slmr5 nnd ofallkinds,C77,-f Ladies who wish to make a HV should call and examine the sorts( where they will find tbe very ! I troat fnahlonable patterns oi rOPLANS, CH ELI ES, BEES LAWNS, Ac, c i... r...n Fiih. flu1'1 J ' vnin, - , . sold at tbe lowest prices for csi ror Country produce. Curwensvillo, Peptember, 23, "ialncksmYtiis Want rnWO good Journeymen B'0'' J. ted by the undcreigned, at ' occupied by Jacob fhunkwilcr. ' i -hi .....i. .mnlnvmcat and Hm be givon. Apply to jAyK$ I ' Clearfield, f ert. , 1963. pd TIIOMtS J. WCVtU ... .t l.str. A1UIIUC, - 1 Office adjoining ths Bank, fw'MjJjj 3 J B. Men.lly,Esq..Mrk.t3 Pa Will aUena promp" - nt T.anris. Ac. - Wool-W.JJ 50,000 l2S& jirioe 'will be paid by. . jBi Clearfield, May 1J, saw. ,,Li if LEVER FLEOAL.J"i t , thersburg, Clearfield eoaD promptly to all onaines. Lutberslrwf. Apf i9n'