m i mm mm mm MMMMitMMiM wmmmw The l.lettloti In Htllltimie, j 1 be pitmen, of 't urn" I etty 'i in 1 ('i l'n no better iiinlrt' At"lill.'ii r ti I n M'li.tiiii'in 1 1 I t-, lien In ! ii iinr jmim jwlirn ci iil ii'ili 'l I )- lli1 " 1'1'ig fillies" and " Itip l!n s," under tl x lend of llml : arch demur ogiln llenly Winter Davis. Tifc WAtl mws.. 'I h ii"ifiir flulem, fimii (.'In! i it. .ii, r- I)rtnnrtlo Triumtih. tlisl I Im Slntf. of I i til,)l(inii l.n l..(.n , JvV'C' 4--'H'lft ' The vole polled In llml city in Ir-i'iO, hal puipoiH to bo Iit n. , l.v ll a nr- r iSXy :,m;;,ih the vote . ,he State rU-n,,,,, "'' Vork. et-y,,A. ; ' Wediioeday i"". 10,IT., a Law (ur..ler was i.m taken on the 4tli. the! ' :,.r r.i.t'Tc vos,. jti... i.ouiw,?u....t huh continued. ToU c trcvv:-:r- : r r-.:r..rj:.. Ill I Tin leader Would llllllll'H llr luppose! The ndvh os hrm the in my of iho Cum- let.nsvlv CLKAUl'IKbD, I'A. itl.Hl I he iuhiuiiou policy t ! t by our Wri" " ,,f"'(' ,'"v""',le n'prd, " I Tim fnttMLtn and l.tiyulf Hied a, PUlad.dphi, n 7 h. ,.,..,. ,,,, by f,e. at ... elect.,,,,. M the ,. ,! ,, R rTeon .1 ,.lh.rM,1,,.tlltt,lii.. .h( ,n.l....M. .W,l,e an-, l, figure, Mi.u.lonnlhlln.nV'Z' , t ,"j .he!,, ml ,. fl..HU..)r l-i I'fovn Ii, An-I Ib.y.sy figure, wont h has been n-lvoinlinK Uh, dUti'ln ... ... , ...... i. ".i........ .... . , ,. i, icifiii ii.i ,Di I no pcmncrnitu ticket, lili vi'iml wipim'ii i riirp.MTN'iiit re gnnen . rut I im iinnil it ol voir rn-l In I be what purports, to ! liT iicur, by t l.o ii r- l.iU of Hill) fur (love, nor, were llllH n llllll.IT III per I'l'lll. natural liieieuii?, Ac. pui ( l) iii (.'oIiiiiiIiiimiiii Nrpti'inbrr 2lnt, J. T. KRA17EH in. iV M ill!. Ml K - : 1 . Wctlnr sday Mornmpr. Nov. Uth. 1803 iuii,jM p , " rroacription " applied to U.lliinor.', I.y nWinf, Hip city t hir Hy. I lio linpi ioii, lmiver, w l.k h A whole column of iho h.-l nij-pni heail iih c..liir lor tlm .iirp.... of vol i., ' f-''inilly picvniU, that iho tM were r.rc.i. UiKViii.i.-J hyom-ofiu ,-istiinU ! In.t thU f.Min-l lo U iinpo,sil,(, ' lr:oi from llitir I-niliin on I.ookont 1 ' I. l ...... I ..! .. ..!.... w.' . I. . . I . I... i ..i i.ii ii i ii i ii i.ii i mi -.u mi., ii urrtiunuui. , crv ol limii'liilii! uif cu'c'Loni fio ui'i.i in ,vw lorn, .m-iv .h-rHpy, mi.! oilu-r Slni.'- on T.ulny );mt. 1 no!' 1111 11,11 ''""H'lice. Thin tor.k (ill Iho noltivii tint ccnl'M...' I-nrnii.lo Mill otvupitu Knowille, Lut U Hpare.l I'riini II..) tinny of llm IVloiun.', ' '' hivo I'.iHcn lVj.ii u!l hi In iIih " klop-thii.l guilt ol'ciirryinn " politics into religion, in to liuoinerx, and into l lie socinl cii clc." up on DiiMOciaU. Tho cditom of llm ViY- a;.T are uin-nlv clmrL'od w illi uJvocul-1 iimi llioy oonl.l nut l.'lurn lo Mary Imv I ' 1(,n ol' '" l"jil1- i,,.. U,i.iiieH.iiiii.Kl.-Kiiiiiblei.oli.Tff "pro-! in limo to vot.i on Wu.ln..lnv, lu n. f ' Af" 1 ' " "uhviiumHh Imvu iijiuin ooinnii'ii- ticiip'ioii for opinior.'i sukf." liy whoni? PiV a innsi wlm, we venture (h Mssri'lion, luu not only tuknu tlut ouih kiimt-lf. but Ink uiluiiniftcieil it to othcrx in ninny h the policy of th. A(.linini-.lrtion was channel Im- m I'iiliinioit! wm cuiKerii- .-.1. onlf r foil in i lii Army of Iho I'otoniuf, us will Hppc..r fi'va Iho lollowin ollicitil ilispaicU ilftl. niliia ln M-nl n il... f.,.1,1 Hhnlll L'.'l'J.IMHI volllil..r, A, of I ! . . t mi iiumiior wo fiippo, ut U-iint Olio Imlf li.uc I,..,.n killnl. woun-Kvl in hoepiiul,, iiml in tho army. .U, which it ih duci mI from (ho voi, Thfl vrttn or 18C3 nhoulJ not r x rvvil Of I hi. iiumlinr Iho Kimocrnlio piilly polled for Jiiilo WooJ warJ l.civina th aotu.il Abolition vota for Iiisic.'iil of whir.Ii tliryiWrn7to liMVe polled .. .. . -J'Jl, 4 rj.G'x; i"o cnuino hi vkhn.li be tittered k J M tliiND in.lilii und Mifiidtlo RentimontB' rurnniiii. hinii...'. 'Ul. . L.i ; '' .2C,0 ' ' I , vo ut M..I by tho iiuot.le. ninl I rloU; iMh, T i;::rv;' ,,u,n ; 1 " wsiir tend ti Miwid y tny (iovornmcnt; fit. cli.r., i,,,,, t'l ""... ,kront and my .(lovi-rninciit is the (iovern- n.niiM, rM., j.,!.,. !'S.r'? m i riU...n., . J ' MENS' Wad i F i ololln, cuMluiprf, Miio-ff , r ' Iho ruvdiiH ol'ollico, hi id ilmt in n()t'!1"" r,"',k' Min Bi: inniUd tin. pontile; mid wliuti tho ntcplc ifi.vtrn no longer, then como 1 Surh M ok Kinj;s, and i rnwiin, ami HcejitreH, ndn , t''l. rii llio ntveiiK ol'ollice. mid Hint in luir11""1'' rllf niy tiuvenunent, iind I .hall never I, ',"2 '' .0 it nll.iniiou never! Treinen- ','.n"'. .inrlit,, overall,"''"" dons eliooring. I'BII When it cuuitiM tliaft I. . ".7'l,ir,J'" b"M' H 'iV' " till, tifciitl-.. hIimII i,.u- C, I... I I i"'?' ic- (Of tins j.eoplo when the hour eoinesl Jf Jv JqUv'1LjD QCCifMt 25J.17litl.ut the Constitution bhull be laid u-r'i rn.r!""- " c,m.i- K'f wny when the hour conic that you I broom., bruin,,, hl"X. ..u,hW' ,n; .. ... 'ean no lonirer reau tuo first ine ot t ho: , owi. wvi. nt ..."i 1'J' Constitution, nayin.' that this poonlo l!.,g",.wlu" P');" crT.t chain, euitv ', ""M Pi die irk. work I...1,. ., i " 7. ' v"w Muitr. 1 fiilu roliet, trunks, cnrpH bag',, 01,1 .f I hut lioloi ioiif. Jicohin, (jun. know nothinj deu, obli(!Htin hinuell to iSchei.rk, to prevent iho eiii.pin from the most wicked, heart leu and cuuseleim voting ul id!. Tim AdminiMruiion Inn Kxciki of frnuduliint volci ,. ' iimne this iioverntneiit when that . hour comes, I want no other Govern- Mualcnl innruinoutt.. viii. ,f,.' .."' ;r country to rosido in. c' 1,u'!,WBrer nef ir, gi,,', "APai KK.801 ; tuent, no other " prokcripfuu'.,"of men, not for poliiicn only, but for their religious opinions mIio. But these acousalioin areloooiileniplil.le to require notice; nd thry nreonly ir.oilej now tHt ablinlii'il :i double policy lor curry ing election through h "niililnry necen sily." They neiut toldierx inlo the north ern Slat? to vnio direct, wliilo in tho now, when their miorable author difcov- bor. lor .SimIok Miuy hind, Kentucky, Min or that Democrat ink no favor ut Iheii j ouri, and U ci Vngini. they uo tl.n haodn -when they iind tht Ieniocrat Uoldier to cl.'ler and prevent the citizen requite as ready lo accept the challenge, from voting, which nenis to be na potent and lu depend upon each other for their! ny "f currying flection us the former. Provost MuifhuH'it utticu uiilil the d.iy religious. busineH and mcitd intercourse, a ttiote who throw down '.lie gauntlet. l'rotcription ii no recent idea with, or " new plank " in the pulilicul platform of tho Abolitionists. The doe'rine wa bold ly advocated, and carefully prnciibed inciter the eleciion, when ihcy nere agaiii the "Helper lionk," which had the en-' released, without informing them or the: dorsement of "ixty-ix " Ilepublicun Congressmen. No man could approach the Abolition avuagoifue with hope of a favorable recepi ion that could not ihow j tratfd upon 11M he m-c rid time, that he was a faithful disciple of a doctrine j that even barbarian, dcspii. ' N S'"-'Vt ''' "' Here wa an in.l.ince of it practice bv ash.nglon correspondent ol i . echo.', agreatpartv. Wo oould fill our paper j01-1""' "", "".K. Ui.U the next Con wi.h individual instance. The cau o( ,Tl11 ,,H paired t, n.:re,.s0 the Francises, referred to by thi Asu-Utant , 'ali,, f,f "1'"'"' l I Abe." This .same I vi tier inloi'iiiH tne puiilic llml l lie pr ico of living i.i Washington, hns incrivisoil t-o Thukoldiera there were u.-e.l bv the lr,," .'leai.e : I i lull' Hill uu I I) VI I in' fin. I'.irn u i 1 1 1 November 7. lNli.'i - Jv.;;0 l. M. (i ' liu K"'- to ahuw that the State of i -'Xt'i'.t t hat Mleilt place, to which wo cineit, ft . . . , , , , ' . ,. . . . . ' II 1..... .... : I ... I .11 . II I v :, . . . .Ti..i.(nvi. . .iiii(ccH, it, ii. iii (.a.. : rennayivaniik Inn l.eeii ca.-riod by the """""'S. u,"i "noro mi win Mitjor lien. .Sedgwick advanced 'lo the K-mociatio. party iii a lair vole by ''t last Mo down to ea)0 our ncliing railroad crossing, whore ho drove the cue- 1 . , , , t,,.,. , ' hearts " ,ny to riversau.uid and captured J.. . ' 'Vhencver and wherever, in tho ten ted. ut. U with tlm arlillery onllinl , ,, . , ... A i.i.nwi, '"'" Hide, and taking a number of prisoner, i . ,"',otant Mtuicu. mi:otcv A Lin-wule oriustory, ll man m found Mtij. (ien. I'rencli advanced to Kelly ' leU,r $.: "A great dueovery is - have arisen who was afraid to Ford, driving tho enomy in small force I u"1 n? '"-RKl"8 ho attention ot the trust tho people, that miin was made across iho river, and captured aereral hun-i""10" ' a,,li ,netlli:nl "inM- w Kn-1 to be the t vrant of his dav Wber. died pri-oner. at tho ford. ! glih name, are more familinr to Ame.i-Lvcr ,.,. Vind a tnnn to rf.,'v r I,. L (Siined) UTO G ME A 1)1" I" ,hlU1 llln' of " '"'n Chapman 7 J . . , - that is ' g 1 Major Uete,al Sniindin,. ' !T publi.h.r of 'ffi ! 'ff -Oi.rco ofatttlior- n.oNu t.EM-ATcii. I h'Jkv now editor of the Westminster, andj '-5 ' U' roilt ''ver of sovereignty, M.ij.den. II. H". Haltr; den. in Vhirf ; "ay devotee of eince and medicine. ll'"ln tho hands of tho many of the (ien. Sedgwick reports rapturing, this I "u '". wcl1 ")l'n'ed with many ncienliric i powerful many to tho low at Wash morning, in his operations, 4 Colonel, 2 ''terarr American j and many of them, i ingtoiJ, that man is a traitor. TCries M...ii..i....i r..i......ij ...liu.. nii:..BH. i anionifMi other Mr. Km-liuul 'II. ;u li '.. .c i... . .. i .i -. r...L . . ,. , j u... ,,n-ltt , , r " i.iini,n n.., jinn eneers. mm in iiir Luiiiin, ai i rni ru niiu con u nun ill i no ami over rw moil lOrtluer W III! I OUT Dal- ' "w. i... icui. riiKii'i'ii in 1 1 I lo Hags. :-.u.ii.- ouu fxH'nmenis conecled (ien. French captured over 400 prisoners ,her n'rv,," vstni alone, with sucli ntlicer and men. , i'ij-u, i-ipjuru ami uiauije isemard : v J 4 jonu.-o mc en- inn Hk-nedl (iKOHGi: G. MKADK. xan. r or urn al year he has been 1 "aenineiiison Hie riy-htsand liberties Timt of .,...,., r,; v. . liulilio nf I Ii A hi rf I I, oil' i rnuil . l . '. I' 1'- I TO V I II 1! B 1 1 e lllell I Ion 1 1 i.i'nv or t .,,,. I,, I ( 1 1' I ll I. I w . I il .. viii..wu.l i ., .. .1 , v. ,.i,ij,ii..ii, umuj; I , 1 -- -'i'.w, n,, ftIrtBiiiiiir iii.rpiiii 1 ram lonves .u'wnr4 JOIiifS Tho history of American character is a Ns.vik .Nov. li A dispatch from ! '.' '. turo ' P'PVi una in my ilisease J rpirit Of tyrnuny, toll that man, who I 'l"-'' 1rin arrive. wr.stHrd J4,p' lie.if.he,e.hingarea!l,.wed,obeperpe- i , . !3V ..2' 'the external ant, icln n o ice ur. . " " Ut 'thU the ! n,uKh w.T.ar, ena.ta,T - (in. .mi v a i. if j iiiiiiyin tnr- , . ,. n In Hall inn. re county, the miliiary au thorilies had the ludepelidenl auididaies for Sherill", li-tiict Attorney, and Clerk War. Orni.il1.jAa jlr..n. i . sn . cineii, fli.nr, bacon. tiili.'.li. I'.'!!'''' v",1' " .Nails anil rpiken, eluw anil iu,ii It f lulmcoo. tegan, uuuiIIhh, tpioe,' pjS ,al lead, friuiUluncK, rnfuan rnpe, carrul' '' ' ' miiiK. liu tindingn, tehoul txiuki T1 0 of which will b iuld on lh on'B'vi7 torms, and the higheit mrktt price a?" ,h all kindi of country prudueg. KVb b. runt ft., abov the AcaJcmy, cu.m At 1 UOJ- 1 fun 1 II I If.l'llmi. a .. . .v.i: iiiiimttu jIlA H. MilERMti),, " riMIW Rrcitlinc trverS-. thrV-ir '" iNortliwestern euuntici of Pti...i. " Nliiiha hcr Ihu cily of Uric, on Lake trie. " br ixoni Jl liua bocn leasi'd bv Ilia '......;.. 'ou ronJ Company, and undor thrir luip. KEI ing rapidly opened throughout in enia. ' r, It it now in n r.r !'.... j "V Ml in i .1... i ii- . f. . -: ...... V . . ".f -.- i i uimi m niiin. ana i snail denounce , """" iroin Ji'imiibnrj; to t.:f-rimi ' ; hi.j,. Whenever you find a parasite 1 intn1' n'l ,h "Ur.? Vlti,ion' 11,1,1 l... , . i . . . i hhcniiild to hue, (7 mi en) t ik llfir(J (that comes to you and justifies the en-1 Division. "" iu k ally has gone homo to recruit. It was al f '. lnaia r'lblier hags, at various parts so rumored llml the 1st Maine cavalry ill ' t''e ,I,'nil oord. acting thus upon the no Kent homo tor tbe dime purpoe- i.".iiruu nerve, ami iiiroui;li it upon A rebel rendezvous ha been diiooverd tl,e ."UHl i,,1l)0'''t d vna) icgiou of al Lie house of one Petit, and nine g'Jtr- , ., rillas were eanlured in iL. I ".'I"V eminent phynicinn have arcnm I he Kmlroad between Wnrrenlon June-;1" !' ' "''v"pniun loseetno marvels tion and Healton Slaiien has been neirly ' , h T'-(,ur.'ht upon palienti who i .. i . '11. i . . i . I had Ion at, i ili.M hm i t'.t ..r I. ..u 1 1 1. c... A Is one to the point. I.) withdrew hi. pa-r,,,r' .'" " I'ueop--- - ".. ,-, , ., ocm.i , nir tlier Dr VV ikin.on ... r livii... ii V i.ir...i,.., i,n- i,,,.r... ....I I ud the troops are ready to n.i form there 'I'V' ." . '10I1J' "iners lr. vv llkimon, tronag.) troin trio Johnstot, ihrnoirat. " - jduty (Itioucli a homicpalhist.) have o recOjj- VVhvr Because, a he lid. " it wat a Ji orin.isly that -Ji.0O0 will Imidly run ' - - , nizod the in.porianco of the discove.y as hud ,heet." ... a. jomocrat.o ur per. Was Kiichon .l-i-arunent at tho While'; HW did he get a Country. ; to commit inl.r. Chapman'- earo ,n,ne . , . . . ... ,, ,. House I lhe .l'l'lonililo nifntiiation of the muthern of their patients. Cases are attested thn"pro8ciitionT Was Mr. lranciou. ircb.l wi rn eni.rbJ; edutminn, bi,',iCrr ,,, (,,ri,, ,Mr, mJ ,irpB fiu mean enough to tak$ moan from Democrat-: " "r" ,"B nl i-'epari-1 nao.i. o. me n .ppOS,i mtcreit. may lure ( ,.,..,.1P) .lilv. aeirl who had two ie country merchants, when he refused lo a"" ,":r eiorks are airo moving I jj how liiall we ai.oount lor tho aortuoin ryiu" ' uV I'1 "'"T? l lv,n"'e'1. patronize country printera iaij M-y were j man. Ol-b Tim km. Tho on thine truiim belwceu I'll i lM.iilihia tM L H..ven. and between Paltiaiure and Lull? I.l. gaiit Sleeping Cars aceoiupanv th, rain both wyr between Willinmeporl ajL ion., end WillimDort anil Phl!a.lrli.l,;. Kor infnnniitinn refpcciinir PaMix-aor bui ' pply at the S. K. Cor. 1 lib and J,,( . ' this nintler, and will at-k Congress to pathiier. nbo in ipite of tke ihousunu inorsl and 1 navl 1,oen 'nl,r''ly ewl by ico. Just as .1 i i . . . . 1 ..... t 1 - .... 1 ; i. l i i. . . i I tt'Ali I.AI fn I hnL KriAii I ! a f . . t -i . .i.i rii I mi i ii r 1 r w h t,''k w t ttioMiinir. 411,1 i '""'nioi ues Huicu nuiu iiiin io nia counirv.' wJrM nt- tuni m imiaiv i.etuocrat.r in tins instance, tnere.ore, - c build, hi. hop,, upon h. country, uiirlortune.- .is. Many of I he wor.t and most inver- it is very clear that " proscription " com-. enipiojeu a number ol ci ibblerg tohowi'an .ccount f..r him uu!o upon the ' terate I'eiinU dneases have yielded to the uienced with Mr. Franri;eus, a violent Ab-,bal1 iUk l,ul'lie upon this point, in order i theory of lotol depravity ? Kortun.tcly it can-! new cure. The treatment is as simple as Oli.ionist. Wilheeanget a nibble. We think ! Any on. who U troubled by VI- -o " l- n..i. I tnal lio liat heen too t, ow in this lunt Ier. 1 be popular crime, from whatever mot in., it m.T , r'""' " i 'n mo oraui will v. v u-i ii'is I iv at a u u n ui'ii iv I . i - , i . . . . ... inriiiv and a h.l.ii. . ... n,.-fr. t...i i . i. no slioultl nave not, ie lo Mm ast t on- - a o. mm mri iioi w a! v iitf "l-1" V lUni ' r ' nor did we uttompt to "explain away " ; Krp" have made a sure thing of it. We! The above is n pretty fair anvlhinir wn had said. ' take a.-tt n.-..t"re alisfied that no body of men ns cor- I'ulch elemehl in the Abol ' o - - ; thing we said on either occasion, and iruPl s lhc , Congies. will ever amem pOiir man. to 1 " cn.mpaiiv ttnl,. "Z .trifle the groans of hunger, taken a "Z .jw. ...I-, iiwiiu iii mc. uecerHiii'ies 1 of life, ami an intidli'runt inrv ulil, PI -i. i ... i And for Freiiflit buaint-i of iv. ori .ue.msu,.,; u nuunwmy, conb,K,m AK,,u. S. . Ki.iKnon, jr.,C. r. liuX him to tho damp vaporso a dunoon ; . l'hiind.iphi ; tho knave, undor the garb cf a "loyal" j patriot and the "soldier's friend,"' steals thoiieandn, and is not only safe, j but is honored. Tho triumphant vil-1 linn is tho Ion! ':oneHy in a "disloyal '1 and vulgar weaKncss, and virtuo the. i MKl'it ATiutv NOTHT.-fc. themo of ribald j..st. Kohespierrc ' ' hajchr Kiven, thm r.ttr-r, of Admicir' a I has risen and reitms ,,.;,iin. and his T1 ;f,.1.,v.'1' m:wi": . ' ,v..ipiiir. u p.r r q ri.nnl ri.... Wl . - - ..v, .m J W. R.-vnolds- Kris : ' V: AK"n' X- f- R. Haiti.,,,'. ' ll. M. tlorsTos. Hen'! Kr.i..,i -'. m,' UB. 4 f l.Kie b. Hi fT, Meal Ticket a't W;l ' 'ac Jos. ll. I'lilT., liru'l .Mnnuirer. Willi.,..J, ,et "iiuver. Willi.,, Jan. 21. Isil' I find that by holding a big of ice on lhc pcijiui.-u nonia vu jaeooirs scon l ailinavuiK been Krant-d to llm und-nigmd. F law and mock a Ioiit Miifferini' peoplo : f""' t-aiH ete ar reqU.nia"B ' 1 .... P I I ! iimardiul ii.tm.i.i .n.l .!.. . k nA. in tneir nour o mronv ntu onniror. .' i... J 7, ' ""'H - i , . , , ' '- , fi'it the mine wi'l pnsint ihem iluliui i" 1 rnderv has taken tho place of mod-: tica-wl for recioment. -o in their hour of aony nnd danger.- esty, br.'igyailocia of bravery, and money of respectability. There is no dod hut .Mammon, and Shoddy is his 1 .H P V I A H SMI'.M,. I VAf.hXTlXK PI.K!Hh,iJit October Sh, !.;. pd. : whilst no are free to expren curgratifioa-1 ,,!e Washington again, hence the strike tion on hearing that our friend Galer had 01 ,'ln(v,i" A Uv, is too Into , and (hey will and hii cnTrier in become American f.v. which will ero long be ranked by the no hand in this infamous insult lo hi,' compelled lo "run the machine" in ; citizen., and despite Ihe etlorts of Mas- side of that of.Jennej. Seven honpiiaU Democratic fellow citizen, we also inform i t,m p" Pal -ticu'.ar as they found it. Who r,,,"el,a: wno oe now, are a.rekoy unner ur .iiapnian s prac.ice, Caul Siaras. nape oi ine neca lor ten minutes, an eiju.v prophet. ili()il(iy liristocraev flOUl'lah- V.." 1 !,,""LU10 tripmit on tlii fi illustralicn of hi How of blood can be secured. 'I hose . oth liko n in-uen bnv ur, r,w.., of ,h '"uf r'il"' A ridin u Ps ilion tanks. I who are IroubUd with hubilual cold mar i lv .l..li,rl.V.'IK. ... .i. ' u ' t0,T"!'h P-, ""iiMy. Penaojlrwu. i Mr. Lincoln'.' find relief by applying ice to the stnillo'f u- """;,",.' l" K'" ni.in:R r n.o.i ne , ..in or -vtober, Twa oxn,. v .:-7- liheiheekin i,Ji ,r,,w T." , ('"- (' help us ail. May the na- brin '! -hji and tl...,tWnj a rnon tail, lje owner is Phis man is a Genwral in armies, and writes his lett whose magnanimous people enabled him 1 lo estimate the importance of this dUcov- tion see its dan.'or and do its whole duty, lest suddenly its "fear cometh as a dcisolation and its destruction asj a whirlwind." rrnufitril Iim fui ward, prove oropertv. diiv ch.rifn uJ tb them awy , or they will be .old si- the li.d.ns KK'UARD DAN Vtl Oct. 2S, isfl.:. Mn.itoY Not to iik Coinr .Mau- (tialkd. Tho President announces that "no eourt-ninrlial is necessarr" in the case of (Jen. Milroy, whoit will bo rctnoinbcred, last summer a bandoned his urtilcry, Mtoros and mti- C1 AL TIOX. The public are hereby ruts. against purchiminic a rertain Dote firn n-e to John McCalm of Keriuion tueiufcip.j ilj, dstud 2th September, S.1, M f bin I ctired na value for the Mine nd nutpijl unless compelled by duo course of lew. DAXIEL KOOSE Oct. 2 lSG.I-pd. t iriiTi. t ,r ,m-t- In h,,l). n a h k t M. ami OC t-l HA nra .l.i, I... . . .. J ... the Aw-i.uni that weare ready lo" repeat l.wd of a internment' on alBp0 a party sprung up in Massachusetts instance of failure," the dose" at often as opportunity oilers-tnke lor higher wages ! j which sought lo exclude all foreign born! not in a proscriptivo sense, but to vivo fair, VV kn,ln w,'!1 l,"'t 01.1 Abe and people from becoming eilir.en. ll swept i .p." "-,'rrTis. Al the present writing notice that Democrat, are, eady.o r-oni cormorants, though they all were !'" .rth like a whiilwind, and i - r c i-. I i ' ' X " V1 " 1 L! , ' " V'? r , ,,, , hr j , ,, .. ; the Potomac with the porl and bearing f, coni.pirBt.va again st lieo government and intuit., let them coir.e from whaievtr!"""1 'M mect and defend the C mmi- , . bu u )Unl ; white men 's righl. have borne down the Quarter tbev tiiHT. ,tution, have entirely forgotten ihat old' at the bead of th i friends of coiistuutional liberlv in I'eiin- The Ass-istanl ssyslhatwe " knew " j doc-.imrnt, h-nce w rail their attention ! racy of the ( lid Dominion, giH j.b.l with ! ' ux , 1 1 "e P'JV,''' ol the greenbacks nitions ol war, to Un' Confederates nt 1 TU V, UXITTD ST ITFS 1I0T3 thatnotuoh meeting a. our " Crooked Article 2, Section 4. bearing upon the l" Knosr-Nolhln jtiBitt and not only ' ' J5,""'!;?."'' ,rtl,1 'he; Winrliesler, and. as the whole countrv ! HAIUHSBUEO, Pi. Kun" correspondent refened to bad been laiy ipie.ion. which ,ay.: . Seeard oY' " 1 onhlS:!, H ' C0 PRI V I nFTcT, P held. In this we plainly tell him he tells1 'The Pre-idont l,al. al stated lime., ' If Virginia bad given way, not bing ' hv PP' ftly J.roved loo slront; for t tie ! ' we, It-llan hhvob -aiifal j it UL it lltst), lisfAfl. what is not true. We did not only not know ' receive fo- his f..rvi,-os a cotiipi n-ai ion ' could have wit betood the Kudw-Nothing ' ,P"jl1 "f liberty and the right. TI.e friend, . '' 'T"H("1- ', at .Shiloh, : rpnrs Hotel so well kno.n to th. tti.ia that it was not true; bul from ceitain 'T!'i',,, H.,,!'11 n,,ll"'r ,,,, '"'Me.-ed or dimin-' party for many year to coine. and Mensr.. ?'.d,'sP0''"11 and neCro e.piality now turns disaster into victory, "and hurUj.l public of i.'!e.rfuj cuntx, U n in hi,,r. tlniii ,n,,,m,i, , ,.: ""r" ii'iiii.. imp iiein.-! ior wnicn. ne V an .scnurz, liietKer. Jleaglier, torcoraii, , .....-. .n.i iney nave wrnuglil and I'lagj. t n'tons out ol IVenttrcki to I eoord tne mojt exrelli-nt iifotLaMt wniapera, cenaiu in jvenitnia, ami cerwvi hl have been elerled, and he luill not ' ftnd numerous other "notable." w,n I the CI lnies I hey have consummate,! So! bo ennrl m m-i d Tl,.,. : either lor the tran.-icnt eucei or lh( mn publications, we had good reason to believe receive itliin lliat m-riud nnv ml,., r ..i....!. li,.. i. ,, si..l ..U ...o i. was their reioicini in .ludo,. i ' i . n . i'i- . ,ll.border. i ..-... v ... w. i.i,i' uut i ini, "vuii-iiiifMLci i'niii! ' m "iii ii nui nr- b nru ir-iiinnr uiiiinat-a a t . . -i ... that there was at least " more truth than union! from tho United States, or any of,cides," for having been toughed off from nier w is crucified, ft was Judas who : m, I ' P i," ,' , ".,"t-b tV ' ienco! of ' tmolru" in it And .l,v nnl ? Ifll.. 'llietll. tent here by the Prtsidenl'. do,, is to be W'e hope that r.o " military necessity" believed ar.d from the manner in which will arise to compel him to also violate he wus honored and feasted while here, it is ' this c'ause which only relates to hitnrelf. fair to preeumo that our Abolition friends ! - - will have lull faith in hi statements I 1 Kkxtckv Ki.n;iio.. The i itizein there is good reason why they should not of 'l,u' ll8VP s lengthy address associate " with Democrat.. If they em-' " lo Congiess and the people of the I'niled brace all the " . . 'Arii.A ...:t-s .i i . as this correspondent eays they do, how . l"" '""""rJ eir nue election. Can they b expected fo " associate" wiih! The r.ddreta i drawn up with much the Democrats, who, according to this 'CHro M"J '" r!"1 k!"?1 h prevents us from lame correspondent are ' lUrnrd in r,,fnUn,l 'vi"l? il bt'fore n,,r 'eaders. ft hm, )0 ignerancit" ludeed, we " A'-neif " no such that which they had been born in, they j hetrayed II im, and soldier's spear that would linvu htifl no -rmiii 1 1 v tn mnriUi1 i pierced His breast. They said llml. !f has now nil timi ) ri.n v n",? , ' , , 'Toy is not susiMH-ted to possess any of. . . 'nT CLASS UOfEL, MiW..ehusct.,.!ereatedi;ih.l.cl,;mol -esurrecled in three day, ; j ' pities; but hois h radical, rrrrU::::::: negro lnrv "'"' a smne to the floor or the!"''" ul 1111 exterminating Stamp. orthe guests. The patronage of the tri'nsj 7. 1 mill bK ro nti.l .l.,...l . .... J . 1 ! i I rr ...... i .. C .. . I '. .. . . . . . . ... 11 ; ntiklin i. ........ f. . 1 1 II :. .. i ;i I l, . ' r " ..... t-.. a gu:ii nrounu 11 a ciu -in v or tun ty pil'fCS 01 lirilll- r-""" ""r''11"11 buuchcu. y i, Hetthe Argel Lord came, and the stone cry, thousands of prisoners and a' IVV 7" "rT". was rolleil away, and too Ked comer h-.k ,r,-r,..i ,,r . i 11211 C II il. II EI III I I, j Ibis miserable creature, whom Vircinial resurrected. - i U-in.bo-i,. Mil...... ...... :' ' MAIXK STKEK7. Cl'ltWKNSVII.LI, H, ir.,i,.rn,l r - .l..- rrirms ol c.-intt im n.,.l l;l.... r ., ....v. ...... ,.-. m i,n- ........uiiur.. ii.'iii . nuitn njm ii uin.rii, is t ........ muni, i'i one ol the hrl of her tools to accomplish ' lru"' ' "15111 : who hnve to nobly t. , ... . . 1 1 r.... 1. 1 ii.. 1 1 . 1 J iould have had no count: v to murder. ruie me country, gets t.t freedom parly, and combining! Ihe northern Stales againM Ihe South, boldly usurps the Conlederate government, and nmnd. Hut Mr. Lincoln decides that riiuis lonV tvdih .n.l ;r,iuli:...,.. " States." in lefcrrnee lo the interfpreura bo. i.rl, nr . i. 1 J ifojffbL tba oood fi.ilii l,,,i .... -I HO Olio is to blamo. nnd ho the pom. X TK1 sit .. v ... r.... i.i.v,i,.iiv, , "... w. . ,., H,lll.r( I1D I 1,3 llll CUII Ceil" ' C ' -...uv uu.. fl'V DlllJI, , , .j !c.i.. .. .. . . . ... . . .1. ;.. 1 . . .. ... .. . . .,,.., 1 :.. ..1.:. .? . bun hocn reinm 1,1 , ... ,.rcH ,n.rH WM. A. MASON, Proprietor IS lonj estahlijlied and well ksi' TKb, situnted in ths weet end of on -nH . r . .. ic . . r . i : a (mm irmnth ,.ni ... t.. i .:.i. .i . .. to-lnrlnr.in... hi.,l . . , . 'i rrii-euKrnmt'Dt, or ot ine princi- e ou x' "i. me snir t mvi. t..i i;m iyc. ,,.., . ,,c .. i... dMinvolvym.hhin.MUorViU; BfJ iT H 'JlX'SfS l.utif he should be taketiprisonerby Gen. ;0B',,L,10,p.dtol,JV,u,10n,hHl now hesl Oairraar -Pied on th. 2ih of Oct. at the he i, aow , -reared to accoir.modale .ll'i' Wise, we should like to know how ha t'.nipled in the dust, anil upon and bleed- home of in. foster parents. C.eoree nnd .Mnnrsret furor him with a rail. would behave himself when thus con-' ,nf nom l',e tbofthn contriiclor and : Howerox, Linv LAsaroat). 7 months, ai d 22 Ample, safe ana eouifurtnVile slahlinfi thing. No, no. Democrats are in favor of the largest latitude in Ibis respect. A Hue .Democrat looks upon hia neighbor, "as a brother, no matter how widely they may m Iho hands ol every American oiC.en who has any rcppcl for tho ballot, i We have lead and heard much in lefer ence In Ihe inteiference in Iho late elec tions, by the Jacobins at Washington, but the half is not l.-ld yet. The Kentucky So turo at days. differ either in religion or politics. ,lU;PPl "elate facia Hint must ahum tn true Democrat,!! should alto be renieiii.',ne,np!,t M,rHl' of ,,,e Adminisiraiion. bered, must never fail to reienl an intuft. iTho,,e desiring n copy of this exposition Have tbev been insulted f Whul is tho'01" g,!t il ''' "entii"g ix cents in poslajee weaning of Traitor Stcetsiontitimpathiz.'11"?' '"fihcr with their address, to tr with Treason, de if c ? Are these term I Vsn Kvrie' "orion Co., New York. fronting the man who made him a riti.nn 'he corrupt ionist of the day. and cave him a countrv. des nil a M-'0o,l reigneth, error's strongest eistlni (huselts, who would have denied them ' milnl 'ftv l,ie (,usr. ami trutli about in j both. A'. '. Day Hook. ; triumph over iis ruins. Liberty must bo .' - .resurrected! Though fanaticism howls i W nr.PK pip TliK Votk Com K FROM. i ynA r100' "n'1 K'gg'es about you in its cra The whole vote polled in this .Stato ty rvings, trust in truth, in tho right, in' last year was 434,7o0. This year it lod ,! 'f"1 ,Srnl 1 Show yourselves, was ;')":? 11(17 makino- an in,,,;,,,:, . . wort hy to be champions of the noblest iiiptX .Ml over the cwuntry thero wcro land. Carb-m Democrat. , chanL'es in favor of ih llnmniini . party. This chanffo made an inoponao' Xs A.r""iNo Sune -Aii oflicerof the .17,. Ii . army reiaiea io tne editor oft he I'nri.. death l i 1 1 1 TK i .I" ' 1 3!,r' n.oulh(y..) Old Dominion, an incidentof tre.t.i theli.tle motherle Applied lo Democrats without any ollens-j ''he whole address is published i.i the ive meaning! Is thero no initio-meant by ' -v F"ok (,f tlie "ll1 Nov- lis worth to them f And when a member of llie Cabi-' "0 roai'er is incalculable, because the in set, .peaking for tho Administration r...' format ion obtained from n pru.al of this " the Goveiiiment,' us these AbobiioniMs a,ldr(,s- heded. will yet save the e-'"SK' wliiirh camo over to the Demo-; f creing manner-and and lor coniend-call the Democrats, to the num- ' ubli' fr0111 the hands of the decoder i --rntic side, and tho imported voto )",''C VCa", ' "ol d,e r, ..,.,..-.. .. . n....i ,., 1 IwftnU r..mii. i Ol? iu., on iHiiier i A small najghter accoi oer oi oi,ouu, loes, is tucre no msult """"l" i mo .Mtministration seen, io -.......,,..,,. ,..., On to thy reel, my child, Oo to thy ilrt-aniles. bed, Gentle and undeflled. With hliinu o 'hy head. Frcih roien in thy hand, Puds on thy pillow Inid ; Hsfte from tlii. fearful land, M'here flowers to quickly fade. Bernuee thy imile was fair, Thy lip ud eye so bright j Kecaues thy cradle care H'ne ttich a nnd drlujht. Mr. Bowervox look this infant to rai.e sfier ol its mother. The whole f.milv tarhcil to tho premises, nd trnty .t""1 .ill . 1 . .. . 1. . ... 1 1 n ,..!. t j "... r iv uu u.uu. VUi.ip;,'. in,.." i Hoots! V.,1. 19 ISilr -.- rT r1 Slam l Tbia vntn u no re . . ..... v . viu voiiiinion. an inciuent Ot vrcnioa me nuio motherlcfs habe with the utmost - .,. . a ui i;uuiu lie rni.iiiiei o m,Ar.t ii i fc:i . l:i i.:j .. .... tabon frvm H.a l...kl! :.l. m. ... " . . . ""'" MM .T.mifln e.ue. ino men. aingniariy expiessive of devoted Mli- all their care. I . 1.1,11 111 1P.1 11 lll.....,u.. l... . .1 kl l.itl, m .. . . 11 1 ... ,...M.,nv mrsi yearn . .urn i. j Muau coy came to - - . 1 vote was ;..1,M2. Add to thi tho Lieul-HoUrt., and apt.roachinc him with Kli-Pr'a Patent f'ln.m looking up A niperior art'cle. A family usinr this Thur'n reward thein richly fur i. a. n. i seem to in that f , have learned a Usson fiom the Border Well, weareglad to see that theso vani-, Itu"'"ns"in Kan.as.for manufacluring tebl pire, who have been preaching and prac-,0'11'"' 'he assumption of rei-ul aulhor- li.ing procription " to lh utmost cf "f r'very military officer from a Second their power, are beginning lo diFcover 'ieun,,n "P eems to have emulated that it is a game that "two can play al,". Bur"sidc, in issuing orders and test oaths, and that their boasted possession of all the'n ''e'r respective localiiieii, arul uie TQ "wealth and intelligence " is not exactly ult is tl,nt in n Sute wher the names of true. Perhapi it will help to mend their j 182,000 mn,es over tenty-one year, of sianneri. i Be nre registered on the poll list, bui ,84,000 are nlle.ved to vole, and 08,000 are W'Wer Democrat" moans ono cxcluded-by no law of the State, but Wko aat8 offioa and gre.ubacks. by the Jacobin, at Washington. "rA'Trr. rriwui.i.v i,M(. toiif K 1) his friendf, slid the citircoi of Cl1' wj and vicinity generally, tht he has UKeti"s ii. lately occupied by Oeorpe Newtoa, is A How, where he Intends to he ready u".,i"?I n wan upon those who any fsfi-r sits " . , custom. ' t Jltf will guarantee his work to be sf'',' 1 . -t. 1- . I ..l..k. .nJUMlK ' "i,. r.i. uq uii'ir rii "n.i,"" , i j rensoaahle prices. He i. bound to win uW "M opinion of all who w!k in rlme-l 'Slber-sb n mule or fninala .nit . I! lip iu.ks il s fair tnw- o ner6eM.July!lfi fi CRA-vl. WAlTtS CI.AN.S am. EAIUibl, Atturiiev at Law, May 3. '(IS. CMirm . hi jr-HK 0. I 'J1 I.. J. for my never need be without butter ' About 30- il . Til i," R " ccompaniel an uu .we ma ninny other articles are fur- 00l Of this wa im.inrleil from VV-J - . "7,".. " ... "",l.n " V1Sll.l T or "ebaBRea I r...- imin, i -ui iiik ino conieietire io n . ' " i-ounirj uroouce. unerrv M. . tngton and tho army, but whore did gi' l clambered upon the kneee of the Gen- W"' l,awood nd other Lumber suitnblsfor wiu.iak a. waliaci. ino rein.'llUlllL' ;j.(HU como frnm? erai, ana rultinc un herswe.t i1i..n,..r.i -""" .u in encnange ior lurniture. ! . l 'j-- t K'lriitJinpiiinisr rim siirtn i. . . 57 tt j Attorneys at law'i b CLEARFIELD, TA. 1 lid they vote twice or thro timc9 .. W rne.t patho. that aMXUVjZ. did they import votes from other en' 10 b" ?lll 'Sae ny fher, Btors." J011.V GUI -States 7-Eauton .'Sentinel. r?u M0"7 ,?h,old VPltr" ti be- Nor. 26, uk.-, Old Jew ! GULICH. i D. O. Bl'SH. I. J. neath the pathetio entreaty of guileless Command of THE Ar.mt or THE 1cl,,'(Jnoolfl rnotion overcame him, and; T km n ks e k . Tiy direction of the Pres-i r .'. hearl 100 fu!1 for "t"ee. idont Major Gen. Win. T. Sherman is M lh,, moUrn h reason why Gen. j appointed to the command of the do-' Fo,'r h" been "P"ceeded by .W Partment and army of tho Tennesoe, i B"t;rf boadauartofH in Ik. rtl.t l r.:.. r-... r, . .. , , . . . 1 General John A. kZY .T:, . tb'WW T M. MtU. umc, Anmm 110BK, Hndofeflaeenth.rrw;.'''!;:':" Dee" COmn', "EL . V:': a with L. J. , XV Clearfield, m v t. LiWLun. . . T If 14 I S1L";!?- -tor Sulc. , Ci.iaefii.d, Pa lrlfi Grahak'. Niw Buldi.vq. Feb. 5. '62. heiiw f , entirely new, well ri"ld l4 6ni UntiaHn every narticuUr. f"Li G0N substantial in every narucuiar. bsrgaia. C. L. flaa"' aearfiekl, Pa. April li, tf. WALLACI, A"T Pi-Clfies ia Bss oi lh JVrornsi efius. j , dec. 1, if"