i ffju Cltaifi J Nov.-4tli iMKJ . WiiUlHiAt, i:::;::::: I ... t. . ii...... ,ut f'oiirt now In essoin here 1 I. for il.. dujltal ,U,W "''' 11 ' A Novtt K.vTim r.ijt. Some thirty odd cf ih uioxt suosianuai tanners oi ine " tiiimir end of Litwrcnce and l'ike town- ' u". ru " fc; 'ur" ,,.o of tU grl in.,1 fromdeo. li. Logan, j-oyir.g ror il. Who ih IllnllT?-" Ltroi'' anva Mr . r;n1nr ' took down tlie "!cath to Copperhead" tanner himself. Hide, who claims t!.o honor of putting il tip, says ha look il down himself. We know it is a mntter of no inipoi iuiicu ; tut (lien, "willing viineaaca" ahould ahtfiya tgree in tbeir .. . lsiemcnt I Brio. Okx. Ja, R. Stkaiuian, of the r-' tilV of the Cumttrrluilil. arrived itl town1:. i ... , , , . . Oil eiinesilny last, lie IS Ino gUMl Ot I J.ii reliie. Judge Iimtrr, and i in the. of health. Oen. S., prforni(ft a trillianl jmrt in tho HHnguir.my Uttlc of Chrcimatipa, aa will be aeon by rcf rence Xa t1i frcooutit of that Imllle which wu jiuMished Isnt week. '" Cold Comfort. A few of our intensely " loyal" ciiuenu, as if fcariug that a deui- trnbt ration alike creditable lo our town and iU guet would ba gotten up. iu irhick fall parties ciuld unite, concluded to sere- in.Jn Gen. Salman on their own hook-M i , . . . i i- a ; no doubt cxiicoiuis to linar hiru dunounco i.. , ii Ann i , ,D,n,oenv.. g-nrr.lly and ' O.j.pnha.d.' .arnculaily. Accordir.gly the fif and Jrumi wero called into requisition, j -II. J ! . a . ... ..! !ic vast crowd, eiubramnc at least a'lK u-ileoR which we do not cxnect I..b,'- ,! a!,..ail,.mi,l.f;,.. .... ..v. - , - . . . . .w . . . .... Jutlge i'.ARLrr and called for the General, ahull relinquish its present poliey and ho Rooti made his appearance. Kui in- designs, and adopt the sounder views atead of saying any tiling fluttering to the 'of tliosn whom it now o'enounces as disciples or Abolitionism, he delivered urebelsympathizcrBaiid traitors. liar abort sj.eech, full of good senao, and just risburg lnotjnd Union. uch a speech as a true Union soldier j From the Cincinnati Enquirer. eu.-ul to make. A ProI-iikcy MrC'hahi:. In a pri- f ! i-Hla hill'r. ueil ton th ntlwe iluv. Important Law Suit. ! ., , , , . ... . ...I ( the defendant in the following suit is j iefonally known to most 01 our lutnbei- hi inscll merry over my exile and de oien in Clearfield aul nijoiniiig counties. ! feat. Well, that is all right too. t 'ne firm in our county has bceu supplying j Hut I remember w hen, a lew years lira wiiu ihe grater portion of hi. limber "go, he name of Salmon I'. 'Chase for the last fifteen years, and they would j wis tho synonym of everything odi- lear testimony totheMOBir:iieasandhon-;l'u,.a,1,vV0' li fiy of Mr. Kipley ; ond now thtt a Court i of i'uUic Record has decided in favor of i his integrity, and would oUer hi in our sin- cere cwngratnlutions. R. W., t Co- JfeiTTho tuit of A ndiew il. Frink and ' others, agaiiint David Ripley, whii'.h has Iwen long fiendinf on llm L'niteJ .Suia Circuit Court in Connecticut, was tried this week tit New Uaveu beloro Judge : U. W ald., acting oa referee. The platiititls ; weio partners iu this city ftom 1847 to i iS7. 'l'l:o null and busiueis were then jj f oougtlt nut, uy axr. mpieji, nuu mi iwj- i HllletV' 1 fcrtyoflhe firm divnU'J. Although t(,piirhi " olher iiartntrsi received in nett proutai. n , . - ,i .. . ..OOU. they claimed that about J45.0O0 ! P,lri'lf I'non, and ianng; .1, ,.r . i.u.-l i.uun Hi.i,,m.ii 1 sumptuously ovcry day, while 1 am IM'IVll V viaaj H" J - v a ' w of bv Mr. Rii.'lev lor his own use, and af ter wailing several years they a'.lached a eati of luaiber belonging to him in C011-la-ctit'ul. and couipellod h i ill to answer their cUiru iu Unit Slate. He removed tho ca.se to Ihe U. H. Circuit Court, and , the triul begun ou Monday lost. The book of the firm for tho wholo ten years hud been thoroughly examined oyct Wie tent book-keepers 011 each side, after stir era! nuinths labor, and the entire irsiirse-! turns of Mr. Ripley weie investigated be- .fjnpe Abo's vulgar jests'. I may t,re the referoo. ,, have to 'watch and wait' for the time, Alih.ndofll and I shall then be und before Ihe defendant hud cluvl l I . .. '. t.i- 1 testimony, the counsel for the p'.aint.il !P'!nC f"? ,U ,ll0IU)1'' ,,Lut lllm aiul a.imilltd that their claim had been ilio. ii .his" friends laugh now. to be enlirely without foundation, and 'T" vi 1 abandon the eaae ; tv1i.tnmxn a dec.ee. ! A N our. lo I tiacuiM .-Edimind was entered in favor of th defe-nlant ith 1 1-" ws certainly no enemy cf regular cosU. This result and .is, ..cinlly tlieman-lve-nment, and just a little was he , it r.ni...,i ..ill .a t.rv sensible to the influence excited by the cralifying to Mr. K;nley and hi friir.d, but will surprise no one in this cotnniuni ly where his character f-.r integrity is so well known. The won ler i t'.ittt men could be found who would rik so large: nn outlay in an attempt lo prow bim jtu thy of frauJulan I conduct. The case was li it-d by Mr. Crump of .Now Lond in, and Judj;" Buellof New Haven, for theplan.lifl1 and and by I. S. II each of Ne Ilaveu and A. J. Keasboy of this city for deD-ndaut.--Scurark Mercury. ASolim OniBioa- A soldier, writing (roai Catvp Tvler ' .. r , t!allifflore,4n ij,-.:. n-' 1 ,ngs n they nowfppear to him. ears: "It seems irjpsibie lur tin to fain a fight at Hull ilu. Lot ; tittlo diller- cnr, forour victi.ri'je , f n use to tm, nor our defeats -.uv advantugo to Ihe my. Lee drove vi f.um C'.at. oelloraville to Gettysburg, wl.ero v. joined a victory ; tV.: Wonllis, aud am i,. a driven within the fortificaiiom nf Wnn.irgton. McClel- lan drove the rt.V" "iimtign icrKtown and ilhiiinsliu. et.i Riol,.;,..i 1 ; and thev drovo Banks an. i V.e in'o Maryland. Mollellan again i1 tuo thetn from South Mountain an 1 i;' -'n In the Kanna. fcanoock, and in atteui M to cross ihat i pj!uinniy river, the 4n. t.f Bnrnsida vas foreeet buried, f i V" ee that vic tories and defeats arc rM,ko iii'acivau.i.ge oui to all sides, to;., sor eoiut'. lo..k tor thingi to eo until we get o ehsrjre (."' ol Jcy and new adroiuisi,ralioii. Obi give as hark ourcautf, ;Lo tau Al when the war began, ,And we'll drirs Ihe foe fru nf'iy fist Possessed by lode rjnm. Then Ricbmond, Cbsrlcs'. c. asd U bile, Will yield that motley baa i Which led ths Sontheri SU-. s ast t.j From tbeir own fatberlaDd, 1 Brag(, Lee, and Beeurstrsrd, w!!leea.s To battle for tbe wrona;, And eur land again will isom with peaoe, And peace will be cr sorg Each others' throats we'il Un But eut, ot drowa la Bokhara r.iuJ Those fratm.n wbo diaoiaioi U glut Tbsir bskis la fresmeai' b.." Tin Nauru Truiii. Jmlgo Pork-' er, in a ripcech recently delivered by I.:' i. f. 1 v.'. v " , nl Tvl "'sutuic, Yoik, said : "Wo complain that th war it not prosecuted to ft speedy termination. V complain that its object mid pur poses uro perverted to partisan emu. A wur waged t or the single purpose of Hiiiiprchrii hi; tho rein-Hun and ro .1... 1 I I I I .1 . ' '"K u,u """-' ''""' iuii ir uuo. a wur ior mo extel'lll 1 H;l- lion of slavery will bo intoi'minublo." Kvcry worJ thm iH ,lC) MllJ tk, nerves the serious consideration of the Itontilo. If WO udoiit the Abolition platform that tho seceded States ure foreign, and must bo treated as bitch that they must take such laws and adopt such customs as we choosu to prescribe for them that they aio to be mi l.ju galea uiul eoeicud into tho 'udotitiuii of tho creed of New Kii"land I . t . . " .. tllHtlCH, 1111(1 IliauO 10 ConlOrill to i ailkOO Ideas and lialltS, WO may as well Ill4ke up our llllllds that tho war . i i. ..;.,.....,;.,., i. ,..... is i uu..,iv...,...,.u,r) ,v, .uuuiiy 1U ow living, perhapa iiot U child born within tho present 'year, will live to sec tho end of it. This is not (life Ppecillatioil, bllt Molid truth, wbith eCCi'V iuteligt'tlt, cleai'-lllinded mail , ( ,mwi i,er.:ve il' K,. will ...., 1IIUML 111 v " !" but the miglltfcit attention tO tho HUb- ioct. The administration Of Abraham . .. I- I i. ...nil. n itliniit u r- m Mire oi nouev. UI.IVU.I., ...v..uv .... j " - I JJ cannot ternu::ato this war anc save tho Union. It ia imposnibl uiid t"se itopuoiicans w no renuy ucmre 1 l,n,d L'lllo" ivm aiJ ,"a3'' ll,,d H00l c;r 0.r ,tt.t0.r lhlL ll't lC "! I but ono way of obtaining lliem, and i , . . , .J . . , .' . that is by joining tho Democratic iar- uf)( uu8lljew instead of . ' ,ld ..l.arJatank. in i.oe. er. . . 1 I I I . I I . 1 . ' .. . ' . Until this (shall be dono tho war will' ' . m...i: I...:..;. mv. .luuiu.vii uui.ii.i...i...vi.'u vi .. V..tl. , ! - "' - i'""S,'ul,MJ' . n ohecrve that Mr Chase is making: "u of the leaierti of a party not number ing iu tho wholn United .States one- tenth fcart as many us the Voles Which 1 received iu Ohio, lit the lalO electiwll, j having boen grauted to the unJersiaod, all per aild litsir and humble eilOUL'h to be 1 """ indebted to said estate arc requested to make 1 , . , . , , i . n 1 immediate payment, and those bavin g douiands content with the crumb which fell j allin,. ,,,,,,,,,. nrt..tn. ,!,., ,iiv .uiben. from tho colored people's tablo at the haker r-treet chai.el. My friend, Mr. lrooss, reuieinnei s, niso, wnen ne i rescued Mr. Chase from the violence! of a moli at Dayton, and led him, all . . . . .1 1 ' 1 . . I . .1 u irt'u ij Lr. ov L ie arm to u inaco or i St "j via piutu ui -Now. .Salmon P. Clliise IS.' l.i. ill ill ui-.. ill li nrwl ..n.ilion , 1..II....1 ar V r the Kuhjcct of his scoffs as an exile. I5ut I ahr.M live to see tho time when Mr. Chase will bo rent to pieces by tho whirlwind whwii he has contribu ted ho much tJ raise, and made the victim of the very mob before which ho now triumphs ami exults, 11s did HelsliiiZ7.Hr at lit's feast, and when 'Uncle Abo's pardon' will be of as littlo value to save him as one of I reverend clergy, out lie li ia lelt o. reo oid the expression of an opinion to the 'effect that neither the Church nor State is likely to be the gainer by such a confu sion of ideas as always ensues from the eonibiiiHtion of politicsl and clerical la bors. He said: "PoUtit's i.l ti,e yuljAt arc terms that wave little agreement. No found oughi to la? heard in tho church but the healing oice nf Christian charity. The cause nf ii-ivi lUerty an, civit fforernment gnins us liltle as that of rcluwn by this confusion of du ties. Those who quit their proper char- ,ft,,pr to assume what tloes nnt belong to .It. n... .. f.. w it. a ..n.x.tAn l.Ll-f l.M.n.unl ,tllUIII,fl,l" - nVJ Ql.v.i.il l-niv .v.. .. . both or the character they leave nnd the 'character they assume. Ylioliy unacpiain- ted with the world iu whiei they aieso fond of meddling, and inexperienced in 1 H l affairs, on which they pronounce eno-,"'!11 nillcl confidenoe, thry have nulhiny of prditiet Ut the yntskm th--y uritr." "-' - Hcta Slibtrlistnunts. . 1"' S THAI' STKlill Camo to pretniscicf the iir.eiiber In Lawrence townshin. on orabout the 1st of Sentsruber last, a Willi K and Khli, STEER, sunnnsed to bs about 21 yeara old The owner is required to come and prove proptrty, pay charges, Ao., or hs will bs disposed of aa the law directs. JCIIN f HAW, jr. Nuyember 4, IPCS. pd. CHEAP STOVES. fTMlK auhril..r In A.t. In. I X eitliena of Curwensvllle, and the public generally, has just received a lot of COOK, AND PARLOU STOVES, for wood or eal, which be will dispose of very cheap for rash or produce. JOHN D. TnOMPPOX. Nov. 4, 18G3-tf. 1 l)! : is hereby given, that Lelters of administra. tioa os tjieestatsor Jacot L. Sacra, late of Hell 'township, Clearfield oounly, deceased, having beea granted to tbs undersigned, all persons in- dehtod to said estate are raqeired to make imme- i dials payment, and those having claims agaiast due same will present then daly aathenticated lor aeiuemsDi. it t-tearneid, Fu, Cfijee in tasw's Row,. op PEIKR M. SMITH. ' osite tk Journal olUe. - - -Sill tewarblf, Nov. 4, 'W. fa I dso, 1. le$.-tf J. P. jut open ; 1 1 1 1 1 . .. ' Jlavju-t opened n large in-url ineiit of Faff (nt(f Winter PGR LADIES, Surh at fa-liini ri t, tncr.ii'.s, h i rl ) n i ii n , plaids, pnt u.vlln, 1j rl i i t u u t , poplins, nlpica, dchcrges, prints, silks, iltittciciuh, j;u:((li:iun, nniikcn, lihuii lure, ! n ' '-K tilvet trimming, t ullvrvttp, liritiil, btilr. dn-M bullniit, ho-'irry, vfilfi, nnlp, ourm In, collam, honiU, nuln.n. nmrft, li" ip r k i rtn . ImliuurHlK, mRiiUc.'i, riinU, aliuwU, fiira. imtluli, liunnnu, but, nlibiMi, (wtf, liunc, Ac. MENS' WARE Such aa elolln, ciiuii'ra, latinvtl, flannel, joann, tweed, cotiiioa'lo, munlin, ituliin clnih, volvel, , luh, check, ticking, licnimj, ilril.n,-, lim n, cnuli, nre, canvas, gjadilihg, liimcy vcHtiiiK', ftHUitfn tijinnel, ooats. punu, ve.its, o'orcuu, elinw Is, buy'i jarketf, uvrralli drawem, oyer rlnitH, un;KrihirU, boott and tboci, bin and rni. ,lc, la. pu"l rpet, oilcloib, blind, eurtaim, taoii, clocks, laokimr vlamiflN. Iiimuit. churna. tubs, buck- (tl hroolos bru.hea, ba.keU. waabboarda, wood- en bonN, moves, Hut lroni.culloo mills, bedrorda, ug. P"Pr, carpet chain, coiton yarn ill it aMf'L- utiirlt haiiWattu lunrttrtiii ii in lirnl In i die arick, work baskets, lanterns, umlirolhia, buf. fnlu robe, trunk, carpel baKs, axes, nncer. iMusicnl iiutrument. violini, llutej, fife, UriiiL', ie- Hardware, queonawari), i?1"" ware, ton ware. Uroceriea, drug, omilectinnerr, uiedi. Naila and apikes, pla nud putty, oil, vinegar! cine, flour, baoun, fish, aull, Kruin, dried fruit. tobacco, aegars, .cundlua, apiece, powder, allot, J lead, frindstone. rafting rope, cnrriupe trim- ;.w.. -l i l i. - . n f which will be aold ou tho most reasonable torms, and the highest market price paid for M.I tin,). e.t ,i.,trv l,r,lii.. Oct. 28, 1863. J. P. KRATZER. Front fl., above the Academy, Clearfield, Pa. ,1803." U)C,3. I 'LJ ILAUKLTIII A J. KUIK KAILKOAD. fPHl? great liue travers s the Northern and X North Hftern rnimtiea of l'ennsylvuhia to the city of Krio, on bake lirio. It ban bcn luast'd by tho 'eiiiivy'ioiii'i i'oi'(- ron.f Oinipaatj, 11 nd under their luhpice ia be , injf rapidly opened throughout its entire length. fines, from It i now in use lor J'iiarengcr anil freiglit tiu llarribnrs to y.".ii;mr..i. ('Jd Fork, on Ul ta,,ll-,ru V""10"' ,ri"" i H'emeld to Lne, (. unleej .a tlie Cftcrn : uiiler) , Dn ifioii. Division j Time uf rttanrjtr Train til Exprea Traill leave eas'wurd Expreiiii Traiu urriveti westward Kmjiorittm. II 00 P. M. 12 40 P. M. I Cnra run'lhrough withoi t tbasgp, both ways . on theso trains between Philudulpbia mid Lock I Haven, and betnecu Baltimore aud Lock Haven, i Elegant Sleeping Ors accompany the Ivxprea i Train both ways between YVilliaiuepnrt and liulti .luore, and Williams port and Philadelphia. For itiloruiatuin rcfpecling Paeuger bunncsa apply at the S. K. Cor. lltli and Market at, And for Freight buaincaa of the Company'i Agents, 8. Ii. Kii.g.-ton, jr., Cor. nth and Market (Is., Philadelphia ; J. W. Reynolds' Erie; J. M. Urill, Agent N. C. R. R. Baliirairo ; II. II. llot'HTos, tieu'l Freight Ag't, Phila.; I.hh is L. Hoi'iT, tlen'l Ticket Ag't, Philu. j Jus. V. I'oit, Oeu'I Manager, Williiiinsport. Jan. 21, lSoJ. A' DMIMSTIt ATOKS' J.OTICK-.-Nolice is hereby given, that Letters of Administra Monia township, Clearfield county, deceaied tion on tbe etato of DAN II) l l.l.OAI., late ot ' f r.. .....l . ticated for fettioment. v-aVEv MIAII ?MEAI ) Adui'r. TINE F LEGAL, f October lStiS. fid. O TK A K.-CaiuS trBSspaiiic on the prcui- kj ie of the i ndcrpignod, ret-iding in Penn ......t,:., r-i.c,..i.t township, Clvarlield county, rennsvivania, on or about the W'tb of October, TWO OX KN, one briudle with ahife legs, and the other red wilh . .l,ri 1..1I T.i onr I reuurattJ lo coaie forward, nrove property, pay charges and take ! them away, or they arid be sold as the Inwdireeta. KlLIIAllO UA.V VEK . Cot. 2. IS4.1. t AL'TIOX, The public are hereby cautioned agajnst imrchiising a certain rote given by j ine to Jobn McCaba ol Frtir riis(,ip, for ! Jfl, ilated tlh September, lb.i. a 1 have re- ceivea no value for tbe tntnt ami wll not pay u unless compelled by as. course '' '; . .. UAAliH.klH.lt.I-.lt. uoi. i-i, ino-pa. TUP T1VIT1.M1 STITK; HlTrVT, IJlh U111I) hlAJ h UOlhL.,1 HARRISBURO, Pa- C0 ERI.Y Ji II U I'CH ISON, rmprklorr. rpiIIS Hotel, so well known to the traveling X public of ClcttrfklJ county, is now iu a cor -dition to allord tbe most excellent nccomiuodatiun either for the transient guest or tbs permanent bo.nder. The "United Slates" bus now all tbe conven iences of A FIL'ST CLASS HOTEL, snd ths Proprietors are determined to spare neith er expense, time nor labor to ensure the comfort ol llio guests, toe pamnage oi ine irnvciiug public is respectfully solicited. jly I, 'fafl, y. iXalioital Hotel, MAINE STREET, CURWEXSVILI.E, PA., WM. A. MASON. Proprietor. t pillS long established and well known 110- : X TEL, situated ia ths west end nf the town, j has been remuddlcd, enlarged and improved, and ' the proprietor respet tfully announces to hisnu-j inerous fricudv, and to the travelling public, that' lis is bow prepared to accommodate all mho may j furor him with a call. i Ample, safe nnc comfortable stabling is at-J tached to the premises, jnd trusty attendants will always be on band. Charge moderate. I Feb. 12, 1H6-2.G. 1 Shoes! & Hoots' DANIEL CONNELLY begs leave to inform bia friends, and the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity generally, that be has takeu ths shop lately occupied by George Newaon, in Shaw's Row, where he intend to be ready stall tunes to wait upon those who any faror him with their custom lie will custantce bis work to be sa well exc- euted as ear. be made elsewhere, and at quite aa reasonable prices, lie is bound to win the goud opinion of all who walk in f hoe-l.-ather whether male or female and ali heasks is a fair trial. neaj-ficld.jJalyijrJL. I I.. J. CRV- I ; ' WAI.Tri I1IKIT, I CKAN3 an n. MARKET, Attorneys at J.avt, May 3, '03. Ci.einriKLn, ra. W1LI.UK a. WALLiCL JOHM 0. HU ' WALLACE & HALL, Attorneys ai Law. CLEARFIELD. PA. For Salc--- 1 GON. entirely new, well painted snd Bnlshed.snd sol. aUnual in every j.articular. For sale st a bargain. C. t. BARRETT, Clearlleld, Pa. April H, tf. u , 0BERI J. WALLACE, ArrsaseT at Liw ni m i' son i-.-n. Bo.,,, .,f n.ii.f ,. lU r.ihhlk i.l f I . -! . a .1.4 . v ... v ix r iit i a, wtn ntfM Hint (',ll.-i'.-nW.,w,,,, ,IHf.. d,,r. iui.iihi.,4 m,j, No,c,bcr, ln. i II. .aril have lirMH tUt all npw raina in.." n "-luro i'i Huarii ami pr i'n.. lli.'ir rworii alat.-mctil il.'iailiir ruie of nli" r.-)tli"'iit rDniiianr: lcn in.i' '.it I the niitii'n'rnf . '.lliir.-n, ,thRe a., i f in h i Ilic ..iul.ip In whd'li llioy i..lrl it the lime f ftiliefniMii. and ihcir prewnt reaidnnce and ihat rl.i' ii willinul lb meant nf ruppurt fin berrt.'.f, and rhildrt'ii, who aro dfpendrnt upon ber. Two "iini-aaeiof nredibilitr. from lownJ.ii. m wbnh aho ruaidei, nnmt alao be produeed. 'Hhi.ae ..iTlilicalo, (norn to beforn tho bourd, lliu.t mt fnrlh that the a,. llcint Ii the peraon he M-p. re-i nla heracirta bu j that the itateir.ment of the ) I iiimiber and age of bi.r taiuiljr it true ; Hint rhe ia In doftit.ite cireuinatHiioet and her fmailv in i n.'liml wunti and lhalall the fa-.t? lit lurth In her UiVl WUI- .. . . . ' ' ' ' " '"I"".1"""" um., ...r o.lB .,, ,,ie iii.iir.i ..I K.:M,.. iien upplicntion ia made and the withe. i.M'iir. K V, ('lie. WM. S. DIUUi October 2Sth, 1.S03. Fnrrn for Sale. mllR fuliacriher re-Uing in Covinirton (own- ahip, now oflnra bis valuable farm lor aula on reasonable lurroa. It is located rn the Clcarileld rend, and containi s, ncren of land : 711 of hicb ia olfftred, whh n two story hoiuc, sniiable for a hotrl, waKonraaker shop, and other out buildinRS, a young hearing orchard, and a well of excellent water at the door. A Coat. JWik is opened n the farm with n vein of conl 6 feet thick. r-0"Fnr ierms and pnrtlculnis, nddreja the I nnderaiRiicd at Frcnehville I". 0. Clcarfleld co. I Oct. 2S, I8R:!. L. URVN V Eh h A IIMIMSTH ATOH!' NOTir 1". Notice 1 hereby given, That Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of Jacob Armstrong, lain of l'ike townxhip, Clearfield county, decejwd, hav ing been granted to the undersigned, nil persons indebted to said estate nre required to make im mediate payment, and th e having demands agninat the same will pretrnt them duly authen ticated for settlement. I.AZARCS ARMSTRONG, ) DARN A HAS A .l.M STRONG j Oe'uber III. 1 16:'.. Adtu'a To School Teachers. ONI": FIRST-CLASS TEACHER iswanted to In teni.li llie Tear Wn.bilietnn Rchoi 1. Wilcr. :i0i)(, ,,..,.,,,., i, Aimlicanta will uftilv soon. lly o der of tha Hoard. JAC011 A. URET1I. Xca Wai-hingtun, Oct., 1 1, Sec. STKA the iTHAV III' I.I Came to the premises of undersigned, in Pike township, Clear- I field county, Pa., on or nbotit the I at of June last, I A ULACK HULL, supposed to be about 21 yo:ir old. The owner ia hereby required to oome land prove property, pny charges, nnd take him 'away, or he will be sold a enrding to law. RICH A HI) FREEMAN. Oct. 19, '6.1-pd. 1)KHKOXAI.. Tho pcr-on who took a sett of Iireast Chains from a wiig.in standing in Iront of Mrs. Lanich'a Hotel, on tho night of Tuefday (lie 2!,th nit., will do well to return thcui nud fill' fxtrth'r rsjnitc, Oct. l , lNf.:i. Mrs. LANIC1I. School TcachtTs Wnutcil. IOI'K School Teachers "anted to lake charge of tho Knox towmhip School. Persons wishing to apply nre requested In meet the Board j of Directors on Saturday the 7t li November text I in New Millport. !v order uf the Hoard, I LEWIS EH1IAKH, Scc'y. , October 19, 1RS3. I C1 tlTTION'. Af. parsi.us are lureby cautkn- ed against purchahing cr in nny way med dling with the following property, now in the poaseasion of Jacob (jcarbarl of tirahai:; town hip, via : Two Ilrown Marcs, twa set Harness., mi. i one Timber .Sled and Chain, us tho same has been purchased by inc. and is left with said (iearhart on loan, and subjeet to mv order. Graham tp., Ocr. IV. JOilX HOLT. AIIIM!TKAT)K KOVIli;- Notice is hereby given, That Letters of Adtuinis- " ' ' ' nuu.upu i.iir, line oi U"RR 'nhip, tlcarlicld county, deed, hav- !nK t" " unacrsignej, an persons "'' requirea to mnk.) nn- r"J ..:ii i.i i-iuiiiimiK.iiisi lheaatne will prctcnt them duly au'hcnticaled furl scttdcuient. JAMES WHIG LEY', Adm'r October in, n. p4. . x aTM rUt'l SO Tlf -V. Notice f . ,:,,.,,,, Le t A.ilniniHlrH. . ' - . J.. ,.,..,., . f ,!ri, ! fra town.bip, Clearfield county, deceased, having thtfm j to Uie undoni,.,",,.,! l ,,er!tnns in. debted to aaid ertate r desired to make imme. dial payUKtit, and those having claims against "ho benefits he believes himsiilf to have rweived u(Jm;wi1 ljrcscIlt dulynuthenii.atodfor: fm any aiuiple preparation, in the hope ihatbs i duly i .ccttlemcct. WM. GRAHAM, jr., J1.11V. 1 ?C,.1. Go-hcn, Oct I DMIMoTUATOIffsi XOTICI'. Notice 2lL is hereby given, thai Letters of A. Iininisira liun on the csiat.i of Hartley Kan, lale of Knrt haus tuwosbip, Cieurtield county, deceu'ed, hav ing been grutita.d to the underaigned; and a!l perrons interested in said eslnto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having un scttled claim w ill present then du ly authenti cated far settlement. MARY KAG AN, Sept. 30, lMiS pd. Adininistralrix. Strav Cow and Calf. 1 (VMr.tu the premise of the subscriber in J Hoggs township, about tbe lt of September Mast, a black COW if CALF. Tho owner will come forward, pay chnrgrs, 4 c , othcrwi?.e abb I will I mi ilspored of according to law. October 7, ISti.1 pd. A. UARTMAN. i - - - - - T M 1j foir OI-' Jl KOItH lor Special 1 Pl'iti ruiiiuiciu in fov. Itstid. , pii'.st w r.r.k. Iieccaria Jos. R. GUI. Se1l -Win. Couusmuti, Jut. Fullmer. Hlooui Algeru Uolden. liradfjrd George Albert, Jobu Cowder, John Kline. Erady Daniel (ioodlander, Lewis Kunli, Samuel Eisbel, Jobu IS. Seller. P.urnside John Fry. Cbett Armstrong Curry, Wiu. Wood, Autiu Curry. Clearfield Jas. T. Leonard. I'ecutur Richard Hughes. Jot. MoClarreu. F'crgusun A. G, Jamison. Girard Jscub Shupe Go.-hen Robert Haumgardner. Graham Edmon M. Jones. Gulich -David liinter, Jacob Ginter. IlusUin Oatar Allva. Jitdan K. C. JuLi.stmi, I'eter Hloom. Lawrence Jas. Dougherty, sr., Mark Kyler, Abrnm Lilt, jr. Morris Ab am Ilrown. Penn Thomas llvover. Pike Hransou Lavis, I). D. Hitter, Eli Bloom, Andrew Toter. scrosn wr.it. F.ercaria fi, W. Caldwell. Hell Henry Rreth, Jr., Christian Miller Iiloom Havid Chilson. Erady Iioiijanilo Carton, Hatbsw Clark, John Mulhalland. Pumsidc Isaac Eesnett. William Irwin, jr. Cheat Tarlton Dunbar, Benjamin Kl.Dger. Covington Patrick Ilegerty. Clearfield Geo.B. (Ioodlander, John Met'lellan. Curwenavllle G. W. Hnrley. Decatur Jobs Thompson. Ferguson David F -x. Urabani laae Kyler. Girard Neal Green. Jordan Robert Lidule, H. F Ekoening. Kartbaus Oliver Moore. Knox David Erhard. - Linn her City Joseph Hagerty, John JKeDevitt, Washington Kellsy. - Moms Geo. Job naon, sr, Daniel LiUls. ' New Washington Utniy Xff, sr. Penn I'atn.k Daloy. I Tike R. B. Curry.'joka Morgan, Jam HUe, 1 B. B. Drsuker, Amos Bloom. Culoa Nathan Linei. wot a nuxs 33Jw?ji, A lltilll.V (."ONCKNTHATMi VcKf'tiilih; rMiiicf, TtUTVIU.IUUnH Til V. AFri.lCTKP, ,1 Xot Make Drunkards. Dr. IlOOa ( Ms T , n . J Ul Illtlll J11 lUl S. 1 A ' PKEPAUEI I1V DR. C. M. JACKSON, ' IMIILADIOMMII , Pa, .Will Effectnallv and Mot Cflrtainlv n 1111 1' a II ixioi, a VUUli I LL UliSLA aLD AKlSIXd FROM A DISORDERED LIVER. STOMACH e KIDNEYS. IIOO VI. A V r)? ( V l f 4 T V ITTma Atrn " ' Will CUrC CVOrV tftSO Ot Chrnnle or Nervnn Pebilily. biaeaae of tho Kid- licya, and Iliseasea ariin from a l)ia- (rdered Stmnach. OBSKItVK T1IK KOM.OWINU SYM V- tenia reaultlni; from Disonlnu of tbe Xij2ali ve Orgaui : Coniti- pa'lon, in ward Pilos, F u 1 1 n e sa cr lllond to the Head, Acidity cf the totuaoh, Nnuoa Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or VV sight in tle Stomach, S.mr Eruo tations, Sinking or Fluttering nt the Pitof the Stomach, swim tuiug of tbe Iloail, Harried and bitlicult Jlreathitiga Flultering at Heart, Choking or suffocating Sensa aationa when in a lying posture, Jliuiuesa of Vision, Iiols or Webs bofore the Sin'it. Fever and dull pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of Skill anil Eyes, Pain in thu aide, Rack. Chest, Limbs, d o.. Sudden Flush es of Ileal, Ilurning iu tho Flesh, Cuuslant, Imaginings of Evil and great D p r cssitn of Spirits. ' PARTICULAR NOTICE. Fur those who do sire and will have a Liquor Hitters, we publisk the following receipt : Got one bottle Hoofland' German Hitter and mix ii Three Oa.irfe of tsuott Intuitu or Wliiil.ru, and tho result will be a j reparation that will fur exert in iiiediciuai vir- utc nun true fri ciiei.ee any o (lie numerous Liqn.ir Hitter in the market, a .d will co.r muh It. You will have all the virtue of lnniinntFi title f i n connection with n ijiuA article of Liquor, at a much les price than these inferior prvpuia lions will cost vou. IIOO V Ij N 1 S Ci K U.M N HI IT : US Wll.L filVI-, Yor A G O () 1) A V V E T IT E , Will give vou .STRONG H KA I I'll Y NL'.RVKS, Will givn vou brisk ANI KNi:i;ii:ri(i feelings. Will enable vua to S I. !: E l' VV ELL. Ard will positively prevent YELLOW FEVER, LILLl'olS FEVER, Ac. Ihore sufleriug from liroken Down and Deli cate Constitutions, from whatever cause, either iu Male or Female, will find iu Hoofland a German Hitters, a Remedy that will restore them to their usual health. Such hn.s I ecu tho ease iu thous ands of instances, nnd a fair trial is l).,t reovired .to prove ine asscrn-.a. Remember thnt theso Fitters are NOT Ah-Uo holic, nnd NOT intended as a Revirajje. The lirotiriaror haro tin usacds ol. pilar frmn n10 fll,jm.nt Clergymen, Lawyers, Phyi- ' . cians and Citizens Testifying if their own per sonal knowledge, to tlie bi-acfieial effect and , medical virtue of these ltin..r ' from Iter. J. Xetetmt Itrotot, O. ) f.'ilitof ut th KucucUtpeJU, of tot!,,!,,,,, A' itowlril';r. I Although not disposed to favor .r recommend I Pt" .Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and eflects, I yet know ol oo 'ufiii-ient reasons why a mau may not testily to may thus contribute to the benefit of other.t. I do this the more readily in regard to iloof land'a German Hitter.', prepired by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this oit,', because I was pr. judicsd agiinst them for many years, under 'lie iiuprej ion that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted lo my friend Robert Shoemaker, Kq , lor tho removal uf this prejudice by pn.p.-r te.-ts. and for tncouragemcut to try them, when suftering from ceat nnd long fontiuued debility. j'he use of tlirec bolt' ! these ililters, at the beginning of lim pree:.t ytar, wu folioweu by evident rcli ;f, and restoration to .l..;-eif I... I ily and mental vigor wl ii!, I l:.i; n .t f.,r six months before, nn.l bad alinnst dipi.-.r.'. i.'r jtiining. 1 therefore thank tx. 1 atl i:v ftieid lor li'u vctiiig ne to ihe us of lhc:i. .!. NEWTON PU.nVK. Philadelphia, June 2.'1. lMil. Distase of Kidneys ami liladde'. in Younjnr Aged, Male or Ft-tualc, a.s speedily reim ved, aud speedily rertorvd to bealtli. Delicate Children those sufleriug from Maras mus, wasting away, with scarcely any flesh ou tbeir bones, are cured in a lory short time; one bottle iu such caaes, will have a loa surprising effect. I Parents ha 'ng sulleriag children aa abi ve, and wUhitig to raise Iheiu, will never rt-grut the Say they com", iced with these Hitters. Lit-t-ary men, etudents, and those working bard w ith their brains, should always keep a bot tle of II .nf land's Hitters near lliem, ai lhy will find much benefit from il u.-e, lo both iniud aud body, invigorating and not depr.-ssin. J t ia not a Liquor stimulant, and leave no pros tralion. : attj:ntiox, soldi i:us, And the friends of Soldier??. i We rail Ihe attention f all having r-lati u or friends In ll.e army lo the fact that '-Hoofland' ' German Hitter ' will cure nine tenth-of tho d.a easea inducid by exposures and privation I nui-j dent tn camp life. Iu the lists, published almost daily in the new, papers, on the arrival of ths kk, it will be noticed that a very larjre proportion are suflering fiom debility. Flvcry case ol thai kind can be readily cured by lloofiand's Gensan Bitters. Wu bave no he-itation in stallos ihat, ; if these Hitter were freely nsed einotig o;r sol- dirrs, hundreds el lives might be raved that oth er ise would re lot. The proprieto are dai'y raceivint thankful ' letters from suflirers in lbs army and hospitals,' wbo have been res tared to health by tho it of , these Hilttrs, teul to them by their friends. 1 DEWAHE VF COUNTEUFEITSJ See that tbe signature if "C. M. JACK?0N" is i on tbe WKArrra uf each Bottle. I'rlre per ituttle IS rents, Or ball' dozen fur a I. j Fkeuld your nearest druggist not have Uiearti ele, do out he put off by auy of the intoxicating preparation that may be ofteied in its piece, bat end to us, and wo will forward, secure y peeked, by express. Principal OOiee and Manufactory, No. 3l Aroh street, Philadelphia. JONES k EVANS, (Saeeeseors to C. M. Jacksok Co.,) Proprietor. pe-Tor sals at UarUwiek 1 Huston's Drug store, Cleeraeld, Ta. joly 1 tl-j i ci,.,,.:!!1,. s:,nc i nIH'lllLS HillCVS. V MHTI K of mini'? rli tf.i .,'. ri'ni, li"id ( i f llii rniiif i'1 '' in "n I'lrai 1 1 l uaniPbl rtuui'', ai"l Im in n : I.... kLII L A I.. Iil-l'l tl I' ... .1.. r..rt (..... i !.. h..r,uh M C,..,. ci.l,'.,,', V. . tirl'kv lb I Kb il. ) ul ?''Vi r l. r Ii, v, ,t I U tllll'l, I', ill., UK lUilOHIT'l' .Til J l.r.il U late, lo ntl : J All iha rtrtiiln two trmii. r n . I lltuate in (,'Uarrlelil cuinljr I (.1 in ur.nai ic t,l a oi irnnt laiimil , . !i ' Hnrr, daie.l the lllih di.y . i M iv a. 1). 1 TV! ; L : t mli i ii T at a put, tin n-e by Nn:!i,..'. a u( I ton III ,S) dej.rcka hivt '.'I'M im.'Ii-h lo u 't, thence by Ini.'l ..f N ;i 1 1, n n . .1 . ( . , cli'Hti'ca tnt 2 -U prii'l.i'a t.i a p. lli . m by , vaomit land ni-rtli ' V d-p.rpj i n.-l Sim j i, ' to injt, and thr-rct) by ( !.i ' i.ii liiliiii,.-,i ,.nl T.i,40defrrpl.. 1..i?.i,l,,1e.t.ii,e of keKiniii,K. romamiiK W m-!. II i.tirl'.cs and allowance. U the i,i.,ru or ..-J i:ic lU'iio l'f Iho oilier, mrvtysd oa a uaiiunt ....1.1 ! Nathaniel I'uiiuIU, dutcd the ICtli duy of V.i, A. I). 1 713 bcfjitiiiin at a pu,t, thoiico by .s'i -i i.Iiud'i aurvcy anulli .i'J dcgieea v ot '.'''.0 i .tc! c to a puat, thi'lico l.y land of Joiin Jti in ,iiu; -r aouth 40 di'urei'f ' a-t ?SU perol.rt ' 'ip'i't. Ii. !) by vacant hind nurili ' 'J de,;i.i;.. ca.-t Culi'MnV. k to a piwt, and tbenco by Im da 1. 1 Ji'l.n T' norib 4U deiiroea west 20 rvrt'ltca to tii uf liirlnn:nr. contain.!!., (.'Dl nrrm. II i.c'. - "''d H'iwn'-f, bo tho auilie in fo cr l-s. Pid tukon in oicottior, ni 1 to hi . iJJ ) , tho property tf I.enia Jn.u.io.i, and l.ncu A t-""r'ii. I J V vlituu of a writ of t'ini Win, itmi.'d out I'lt tuu of a writ of h it 1 1 ' Ibe same ciurt, anil to J t of llio same curt, and in tne Uiroot..., lb will be expos, d to l'CIU.IC H K LK. at t'n v,r.ti I nous, in inn ii-T"iigu,oi i iflaruo.u, ou tout . l Ithii 12tli din of NoM.'iutwr no it, tlie luliorti. I described Rnl EIhI,Io nit: The tulliiwing pioiiti uf liii.l with all 'i n im- i proveuirnl tl.erjon eivetud, aittinln In w . ; township, Clearfluld county, Suite c) V.un'a, being a p:rt f No. I y 1 T, wnir.tiit-.il to li ibe.: Morris A Walter Stowird, aud Ivseiiii.'d as i'ul lowsi begioiiiog ut a a to nil pi ch pine, b.. '. A. Livorgnod, jr'a., comer, thi'iuii! iw ih on line of laiger sori.iy MS peruiitn lo ail old bis- 4 . Iintuloek corner, thence eaat 0U ptr.h.-j lo u p.xl, thunoo aouili 142 perch to st .us oot ut v on of P. A. Live:god, theoceaoulh fcO ilo-.Tti Ki A t.J pcrolio to pilch pine, ihd place of begiuni'i),', rontainisg '' ari'rs and ailmvaiicc, having erected tiioreoti a phuik house uud utbor nut. buildings, with nhoiit 40 acrea aloid. Sailed, taken in exeoution, aud to bs told aa (be property of Jleurv 1 1 i lo. KliWAKD PERKS, Sh,rif. Saaairr's OrrcK, t'istni'iRi n, Oct. 1,'3. Orj)lians' Court .Sale. ' 1)Y virtue of an order of the Orphan Court : li C Clearfield county, tbe undersigned will im pose to Publie Pale at Lumber City, on Salt rday the 2lt day of November. A. I). 1HH, nt 1 o'clock p. iu., tho following deeerlbod real estate, late of Tbntnaa Owens, die'd , to wit: All that certain tot of ground situate in thu burou&ili of Lumber Citv. Clearfield county, l'a on the north aide of the Turnpike, and hcur.dod on the wst by lands of Joseph Hui'eitr a:. Samuel Moore, containing I acre sini 157 perrhea, having there.in erected A FLAN. 'I TV'0-STORV TAYLRN HOL'SE, 40 by 4i' 11. with a good FRAME STA1IL':. ?.-if" Ikrms one-third St the eoaEroi.Miuu of sale, and tho rcuuaiudcr iu ono and Ino Je.ni thereafter wilh iutorcjt lo Li) teourcd by jod luent upon the picniisu. 1. ML LINE OWENS, ) .IdVr., ANTHONY IIILE, Ai,nU.. Ott. H, vf Thvmv OwtHH, died. I. BOYNTON.:: ::::jSEPn snovvLRa Mi l, I, i Til E nKI'LU.I'J.N BROKEN GUI IN NLY secuon :: A Wnr of Kxterininaiioii is to bo waged against HIGH PRICES ! a m:v rntM i BOYNTON &, SHOWERS The btiliscribots lioving tiur.:iiHiH'd ail the iu tcrest of the late firm oIGraunin, liiyuion A C., and having u:ado lare additions lo their (lock, now nnnouuee to thw publk generally that tu '.v nro ready to supply theia with any and avcry nr licic usually found in a eilv store. Cousis'.i.ii of . c Ct,w.V- nf IW flnmh A felipCI IOf MOCk Ol Uf) UOOtlfl. Hats and Caps. loots & Shoes. muslins, rru.NTS, cass nn: hs Their stock of Hardware i very rr they will s"U cheaper Oar. in elinapsst. Pullrv Blocks. Suiotbif fu laTiiii tr.d building purposes. Tney leiire especially to rail liic attention of tb e pMblic to their stock of Q u c v n s w ti r e Which (hey f-itt.-r lliemclvn bo be.-1, in ll.is tec ion. ( ail and our st'K-k, wti.ober voup rcbsse ..r -.nn. jrtr-nKMEMliER THE p'LACE w.r ket street, nearly oppotita Ihe Manaiou House, Sept. inker 2.1d, If. FVr Sale or ISttil9 flHH Subscriber, residing in Fergnson tovn X (hip, I learfleld couuly, now otter his ex cellent rAUM for sale or rent on Vf-ry rejsjua b'e tenna. The Farm is situated on til" publ'l road leading from Lumber city to Ne t W'ashi-tr-t..u, ub.iut f..iir mil-- from Ihe former piaeo, an 1 contain il'ZO acrea, 170 uf which is clwired snd in good condition, and la well la'euhteit for e lli ei grain it grata. The improvement sru TwO DWELLING-HOUSES, an .villain BARN, two OaCHARDS, aud the usual nu'huii d.ng thereo l. Possession givoa on the bral of 'April next. ' Title iudisputabl. JOHN CAMPJKLL. Sept. 30, l3.-tf. fV !( IIOOI, TnACIIEKS-Twalyemale M. T. a. lirr are wanted to lake chargo of tbe Lawrence scb-mls for the term olFOL" R MONTHS. School to commence about the 1st November nuxt. Teachers wishing to apply will plea, meet Ihe Superintendent and Directors ou exara ' inatiou ilnv (21st Scpituiher,) at Clearfield. Lib ; rral wages will be given to competent teachers. liy order of Ihe Hojrd, AARON C. TATE, Lawrence tp. Kept. 2d, tf. SecreUry. ! C " It K W A It Is. Th puhlio are hereby . cautioned egniut harboring aa lidividual by Ihe ume ol Isaac S. Gibbony, alia Loga ., a journiyman Shoemaker, bavins; stolen a lot of ' tools from the subscriber on the night of tbe 1.1th ! inUuL The above reward will he paid fir bit capture end return lo the and. rigoed at dear fleM, Ps. ISAAC J011NJ0.V. Sept 2.1, lf.:l. SIlAVINOand II AIHI)KllG-The citir.cna of Clearfield and vioinity will inks notice that the undersigned baa opened rt .v . ing Saloon in Graham a Row, where the Tjnjiul I branches of hi Profession will be enilu'"to in a style equal t) th heat cltyahop. lie n soe'ul-, ly soiiciti a trial of bis skill. GEORGE FRIEND. 1 Oearneld, July 29, 1863 si nnjwii-'fr"