' mi wm it mniH DENTAL REMEDIES AMR Tin; m;ht in the would, it iiiu I1M-. 1 LIU II AM' A filVKKT MtKATII, AMI ( I IllMI TiM.IIIAi'llR AM NKI R AMllA. ;,. ; mi iilflii l hlei'sed and admired i .r l'KAiti.v W iutK and Svmnd TKKTIl f I ..r. Vim. H. Iliiril'n I nrU nllt il Timlli t'HHili r, nammlcd fre from mill, alkeii.or any njurinus suhftanre. Price, 2b cents per bm. TlT Ilcware n the ordinary cIi hi Tooth l'uw. l.'ts, which whiten hut destrey. lo uu wUh la be certain lluil your BREATH pure, sweet, and njrrviil)lo to husband or aife( ' ..vcr or friends ? l'snlr. Hurd's CHobi atcd lnutli vVunIi. Price 37 cnt pr buttle. Ibis iu,tr!iigciit wash 1 11,40 thoboft roiuedv In flie wurlU fr Canker, Had Urea tb, Bleeding ilnuif, 8-r Mouth, etu. It hit cured hundred. Do vun. or vour elnldron suller from ivuih Nl'.W (J 0 0 I) HI A F H K 8 II A R RIVAL O F mi: 'u;njiii.icAN.M luni lit AliNri ffliim. Ill lvne, orwilhln Ihri V., . . A' )MIMiln Y.. irrIII .lvnei,,rw,lhlMl,Ht. 7'"A' '-'""" If polder tli..o,lit.ln the ytur, . AT THE (II HAP (AH II STORK. tftJi.Uftot the iteration f ihjts- M 11 f . I ID I am Just receiving mid opening a inrofully orKo JAn .t .f, n.SAari.-r r. '.t selected stock of Kpring and Hummer goods o! nlmost every description, A litiiiiiiliil assortment of Print and Dry goods, of the newest and latest stylos. Also a grent vnriety nf useful notions. DUY-GOODS AM) MOTIONS. Bonnets, Shan Is, Hate and Caps, Boots and Shoos, a large quantity, Hardware, (ji.onntware, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Faints, Carpet I Oil Cloths, G KOCEKIES, Fish, Baoon and Flour, Maakerel In J i and i barrels, - . - . , i miQHFrBi id 7 t nnu uarreia, ACIlKr Het Dr. lluriPn Mofjie ofth, u.t quality, all of whieh will b. iold at isrisnt. rriw IS cents per bottle. .! the lowest cash or reedy pay prlee. Are yua affii-tjd w.th tLKAL.mr t My old frlendi and the public generally, are :r. i... 11 ll.ir.IV. , .'""'U1 "t"1" ro.pictfully Invited t call. rheu.o.t eff.dveai.ddMiKhtf.11 remedy known, N n.AH kind, of Oi.V and approred w-v.., , , .fWAmi'KOfltX' taken r.y pnrt of the body. . 1 (loodn. ihev no uiHUiiiiere nor uiisut, uui wuit n (i. n. (iti in i, a. NDr.it, o I'libliBlnii'. Trnne f Adrrtllni. AdrertUementi arelnierted In the Hfpuhllean at the following rateti 1 1 In.ertloa. I do. ,One iiuare,(14llni,) 61) It 1 1 00 iTwo nuare, (inline,) 100 I II i M ' Three iquarm, (4J llnei.) 1 60 J I 3 minlhi I tno't. 1' m0 One Square, t t l ti 40 4 1)0 96 Twoiquarei, t l I t I 4 00 t 00 10 0 Three squarei i t I I ft 00 I 00 IS 00 Four iquarcl, I t t l 8 00 10 00 14 00 'lalf aeoluma," t t t t 8 00 11 00 18 00 One column, t t t t 14 00 JO 00 ti 00 H)ver three weeki and loin than three mohthi ti cent per square for each tniortion. lluniaeii setleel not etcteding t linen are In serted fur II a year. AdrertiasmenU not marked with the number of oiertlonedeaired, will he continued until forbid and charged aeeordlcg to theae terms. . I'uriu paiu uway. Try them, l'rloe, 14 and 37 . outs. Wiii'.jd u re:oiit of price. Fur sale ut all iho bett ft')ro thioiigliout tho i juntry. Caitiun. As there are doulern wtiu taKo aa Mintage of our advertise inenUi to impoae upon li.'ir customers iuUiiur prvparutiuna, it is necea try tu iasiiit upon liMviujr. what, you cull fur, and ju will ugt tub UfckT, tliurouglily loeteel, and I Tvr-nrt.nl by an experieui'ud and fitintillo Dtiu :st, Xreaaurer of the New York Slate Dentin's tfocialion,uiid Vice i'reuideut of the New York i'ity Deatnl Kociety. Addrevs WM. li. HL'KD t CO., Tribune Uuildtnga 3ew York. Jan.'!.'l, m. 1863. 18G3. ),HILAIELPIIIA & KHIE H AILUOAD. rpilIS great line travera's the Northern and J Nurthwesteru couuties of frnusylvahia to t ..e cily of Krio, on Luke Krio. It has bei'U leiuiod by the Peniuyhania Kail- iul Cumpuni, and under their auvpices ia be ,;.g rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It it now in uce for Puabunger and Freight bu- uesa from Harrisburg to Driftwood (2d tfork, 77uii'.es) on the Kuatern Division, and from .-lieflield to lirie, (78 miles) a the Western i-'iviaion. Time of Patttnijtr 7u hit at iJriflioood. I'.xpress Train leaves eas'.ward 4 20 P. M. i..press Train arrives westward 12 00 M. Curs run through wiTuotT cuancb both ways n these trail! 3 between 1'hiluUclpbia and Lock iluveu, and between lialtiinure and Lock lluven. Klejcant Sleeping Cars accompany the Kxpross Truiu both wayr between Willianntport and lialti niore, and Williauiport and Philadelphia. Fur infuriuauuu respecting Pasaenger business j.jiply at the 6. E. Cor. 1 1th and Market sts. And for Freight burners of the Compnny's Agents. 8. B. Kiugttou, jr., Cor. 1.3th and Market Philadelphia ; J. W. Hevuolds' Eri; J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. K. R. Bultimorej II. H. HorsTOM, Uuu'l Freight Ag't, Pbila.j Lewis L. IIotipt, Oen'l Ticket Ag't, Phila.; Jos. D. Potti, (ieu'l Manager, WilliamsporL Jan. 21, 1S63. In exchange of WM. F, IIUVIN, Clenrfleld, Jane 26 18(13 Cheap !' limit lire; 1SSIRKS to inform his old frionds and eua- tuners that, having enlarged his shep and increased his facilities fur inmiufHcturiug, he is now prepared to make to order furniture as may he desired, in good style and at cheap rates lor I bhIi. llrt mostly has on band at his "Furni ture KoomH," a varied assortment of Heady-made Furniture, among which art Bureaus and Side-Boards, Wardrobes and liook-Casos : Centre, Sofa, Parlor lireakfnst and Dining Extension Tables. Common. French-Post cottage. Jenny Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS r.f all KINDS, WORK-STANDS JIAT-KACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. Hocking and Arm Chairs, Spring-6ent, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chairs and Common and other Chairs. ZOO KIX G-GLA SSK.S Of every description on hand ; and new glasses for old frames, which will he put in on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice, lie nlsokecps on hani'.orfurnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, of every kind, Made to o'der, and fuuorals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirod. Also, House Painting1 done toordcr. The subscriber also manufactures, and has constantly en hand, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, The best now in use. Those using this machine never need be without clean clothea ! He also has New Jf tfvy FifitiiN for Hair, tr, st'lTAntV fnr !,.p. Ten ,e -. Vs.., lu-p- berrjc i. t'tfiiwherfirs, l!lnr!ih,.rri", Cnrrarl", v c, of 1. i. i, 1 r !!' ft rmf, at ilif f"lln. log p. Ices for (lis tefal, vi t 20 erf fnr IJDtt, tllacreafVir 1 1 i st f-r fon, I arres for t in, 1 acre for ( 20. I'ayablo by one dollar per week. Also, good Cranberry lands, and rlllnge lota In CIIKTWOOD. Ji by 100 feet, at 1 10 each, paya ble by one dollar week. Tho abeve land and farms are aitua ed at Cbetwnnd, Washington township, Purlin gton rounty, New Jstsey. For further information, apply, with a P. O. f lamp, for a circular, to II. r lv A Mi LI?i CLARK, No. 00 Cedar street, New York, N. Y. Jan. 31, 1883. 1y. RICHMID II0S80F, tonnioN ami ijom hfrit!ii(Ki, DKIj.M N ES Cdl'.UIUiS ALPACAS m fll hi HeiiAntton Sonantion Snintinti Hrnsntiort t35 00 PAYS the entire oost lor TUITION la the most popular and aueeesaful COMM KRCIAL SCHOOL ill the country, upwards or iwai.va Ili'miRKn vounir men, from Twaarr-KiGHT differ ent Status, liuve been eduuated for busiuess here within the past throe years, some of whom have beon employed as 1IOOK-KEKPEHS at salaries f $2000 00 immediately rpon graduating, who know nothing of accounts when they entered tho College. Minister's aona half price. Students entor at any time, and review when they please, without extra charge. For Catalogues, Specimens of Penmanship, and View of the C'OLLEUK, enclose five letter stamps to JENKINS i, SMITH, May li, 81. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. Valuable Timber Land and SAW-MILL PROPERTY T Teacher's Institute. The Teachers of c'leurbold county are rcspect- . .. . . .l t.. lx il :n juiiy rcquesioa 10 meet ui mo j.onu uun, m , --- r -- ., . " """ . , .'learfield.on Monday the 4th day of October! lands are yet heavily TIMBERED, with a quan- 1 11 IS fine property is situate in Qirard town- slnn, Clearfield county, Pa., and contains about l.KMI acres of Land, tract No. i.'tofl, and parts of tracts' Nos. 5.565 and 6:107. These rest, at 10 o clcock A. M., for the purpose ol iganiiingaTsACHKRS' I.vamcTR, to continue in Mjssiou one week. The object of this meeting is, I'jr the attainment of greater proficiency in the Ufferent branches uf study i in the art of teach ing, and for the discussion of such topics as re to the advancement and interest of the com .uon schools. Teachers are requested to prepare t-dsayg, or short addressos on practical subjects connected with the theory and art of teaching, so thai tho exercises may be as interesting and attractive a possible. It is earnestly hoped that all teachers who wish to qualify themselves more thoroughly, and who desire to keep r.p with their profession, will avail themselves of the advantages which this Institute will afford. Other citiiens, ladies as well as gentlemen, are invited to attend all the oxerswa of the meeting. Lectures ou educational subjects may be ex pected ut ths evening seasinns. An examination will be held at the close of the Institute, and per maiiciit certificates will be awarded to desorving candidates. C. 15. SANDFOltD, Clearfield, Aug. 12 Co.Sup't- ToiiN "lTcuttlTk, Attorney at Law and Heal I'.ntatc Agent, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Oh'ccfn Market st. Opposite the Jail, RESPECTFULLY offers his s rrices in sell ing and buying lands in Clearfield and ad joining counties ; and with an experience of over twenty years as a Eurvoyor, flatters himself that he can render satisfaction. And O f fe r s for Sale lOOO acres of eoal and timber Laod, situati in Decatur township, Clenrfleld county, in lots to sal. purchasers, located near the Tyrone and Clearfield Kailroad. t(MH) acres of first rate farm and timber land in Bell towuship, Clearfield county, situate on tho waters of Curry'a Run. Itl'ii acres in two lots, one of 112, and the oth er of 60 acres, suitable for Farming purposes, sit uate, in Highland township, Elk county. &U-Genural warrantee deeds for alt the above ands. Feb. 18. ':!. v. IL Hoots! Shoes! Shoos.! DANIEL CONNELLY begs loave to Inform his friends, and the cititena of Clearfield and vicinity generally, that he has taken the shop latoly occupied by Ueorge Newson, in Shaw's Row, where he Intends to be ready at all times to wait upon those who xcay favor him with their custom. He will gunrnntoa his work to be as well exe cuted as can be made elsewhere, and at quite as reasonable prices. He is bound to win the good opinion of all who walk in shoe-leather whether male or female and al! heaska la a fair trial. Clearfield, July 8, 1863 y Attention, Farmers. tity of PINE, OAK and HEMLOCK A STEAM SAW-MILX Incomplete running order, capable of cutting Three Million Feet of Hoards per annum, with all the necessary roads, railroads, rfc, for putting stock to the mill; one large Mansion House, six tenant bouses, store homo, School House, three barns, a blarksmithsbop, and all necessary onthuiluings are upon the property. There are about 7 acre oloared land, under good fence, and a Plank Road toward the river for getting iumber to market. This valunl.le property is litnate upon Sandy Creek, about II miles from the river, and is pop ularly known as the Frenchville Steam-Mill Property, and ia now offerod at PRIVATE SALE upon reaaonable terma. All kinds of sawed lumber can be safely and economically tiken to market from the point indicated. T-rf Application can be made to either of the undersicned residinir at Clearfield, Clearfield couutv. Pa., eithor personally or by letter. JAS. T. LEONARD, Sept 9, 1863. WM. A. WALLACE, "GREAT REDUCTION! New Goods at Reduced Prices. rphe dd stock to be sold al a reduction to cor X respond with the new goods. J- P. KRATZER JUa just received a general aaaortment of DRY GOODS nt rmlucwl price DHY GOODS at reduced pricee DRY GOODS ni reduced price DRY GOODS at reduced prices Bonnets and Shawls Bonnets and Shawls Bonnets and Shawls Bonnets and Shawls CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING Hardware, Quecnawore, Tinware, Notions Hardware, Quecnsware, Tinware, Notions Hardware, (jueonsware, Tinware, Notions Hardware, (juccnuware, Tinware, Notiot irajssirflffls snail Brags. Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Sugar, Salt, Candles, Rice, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Tobieco, Crackers, Vinegas, Oils, Varnish, EIOTOJSJM1LB 0OOBS- Carpets, Oil Cloth, Drugget, Looking WATCH & JEWELRY rpHE undersigned respectfully J Informs his customers and the publio generally, that he haa just received from the East, and o en, edathia establishment in UKAIIAM'S HOW Clearfield, Pa., a fine aaaortment of Clocks, Watch?, andjKwr.uiY of different qunlities, from a single piece to a full sett, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash, or in exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on hand, nttke milt reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry tarefully repaired and H'oirontft. A continuance of patronage Is solicited, Sept. 10, 1800. H. F.NAUOLE. Flyer's Patent Churn, A superior art'.cle. A family using this Churn never need be without butter! All the above and many other articlea are fur nished to customers cheap for Cab or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Maple, I Poplur, I.lnwood and other Lumber suitable for I Cabinetwork, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on Market street, Clenrfiold, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Stors." JOHJi UULIC11. Nor. 20, 1862. y D, O. Ill' 8 II. T. i. Ji't l l.LOLGU. BUSH .V M'CULLOUGH, Collection Office, Clearfield, Fa. JeyJ.N Graham's New Building. Feb. 5, 'G2. WALTER BAIUIETT, Attorney at Law. I A VINO resigned bia commission in the ar II inv. and resumed the practice of Law, may be consulted on professional business at his office on Second street, Clearfield, I'a. All nusinesa promptly attended to. Feb. 11, '63. New Watch and Jewelry Store. S1I. I.Al'Cslf.lN, having purchased the interest of his late partner, is now going it; on bis own hook In the shop formerly .occupied by Iheui on Second atroot, where he ia prepared to keep up bis reputation as a complete workman by doing all work eutrusted to him on short no tioe, In the best manner, and on the most reas onable terms. Defying the eounty, all he asks la a fair trial, and a continuation of the patron age heretofore extended. Look out for the rigu of TH 15 111 WATCH. N. B The Cash will be positively expected wbeu the work is delivered. S. 11. L. Clearfield, March 4, 18C3. y GINGHAMS CHINTZ PRINTS O LOVES CRAVATS SHAWLS HON NETS COLORED) MUSLINS J J us I roccWed at M at at at at at nt nt Sencalion Sensntion Sunsatiuti Sensation Sensation rbM pricea prin n pries ossoivs', prices price piloi prices price nt MOSSOPS' nsuiion price Sensation pncei enation prices LINEN at CRASH nt CURTAINS nt l'A RLE CLOTHS nl All to Le'indal MOSSOrS'. FRING E nt Senantion Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prtcos prices r. .-ill. fl . i I a .... i ) wise! in erdisae, f , jj l,fUUts te aide walka In llraillsM. On motion II as erdsrsd, & y. sf an Ordla.nee of (th of Aprtl, '"V sldl-wslks. and ths suhntantami il P.-pteinber, ISlS.ks, and Iheseni ar,l!!lS lends.1 to the construction uH untO walks on the east side ef Reeonl abli11 northern boundary lint ef the hrtJ!r h In testimony that ths forss th. ordinance .f vh April, IsSn.Vi.,'?!? mnm iuictuui mi ioid September Iim ,T hereunto set ray hand this 18ih 1 tlis lis uiniir.is MATES llfiTt. nt MOSSOPS". Coal! Coal! fllHR subscriber respectfully announces to the X. cltisens of Clearfield and vicinity that be is now prepared to eupply the very best quality of COAL al the shortest notice. The arrangement is designed to be permanent, and a full supply will alwavs be kept on hand. PRICK l rttiita at the Hank. T cents delivered. JtWYoT the p iblie convenience, Orders fur Coal will be given at Kratier'a storo. JOHN FEENKY. Clearfield, April 8, 1863. fim. rpilIS long .1 TEI lational Hotel, MAINK STRHKT, C'URWKNSVILLK, PA., WM. A. MASON, Proprietor. established and well Known liu- TKL, situated in ths west end of the town, has beenremoddled, enlarged and improved, and the proprietor respectfully announces to bis nu merous friends, and to the travelling public, that he is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. Ample, safo and comfortable stabling is at tached to the premises, and trusty attendants will always be on band. Charges moderate. Feb. 12, 186-2.1J. LACE nt Sensation prices HOSIERY nt Sensation prices IMP. RONS nt Sensation prices TRIMMINGS of nil kinds it nt in nny quan'ly I Always on hand nt MOSSOPS'. Sensation prices C A SKI MERES K ATT I NETS TWEEDS . IRAN'S VEST1NGS SHIRTINGS at Sensation at Sfiisation al . Sensat ion at SeiiHation at Sensation at sensation pne nt Motors'. prices prices prices prices price ices A. D., 1863 Attkst t J. O. HALL, Seo'y Keptember 23d, 18P3, 3t. THE HARRISBUEQ, p. GOV ERLY i HUTCHISON, JV millS Hotel, ao wall known to tb, ! I publie of Clearflold countv. ! n- i? "N dition to afford the most excellent aceeBiil 1 eithor for the transient guest or ths tn! boarder. '"1 The "Unltod States" baa now all the n. iencet of i A FIRST CLASS HOTEL and. the Proprietors are determined to inJlyll 1 or expense, lime nor labor to insure the so2 I of the guests. The patronage of ths tJ? publio il respectfully solicited. jlj L I School Teachers Wanted 1 rpiIE School Roard of Jordan townibkj w I X employ Four School Teachers, ferffnj montha commencing in November wit tjl wagoawtll be given. Application Hn i,! ' to IlAVtn u, ..."i .. . n, nihil it SsMftheBwaj I g i JAMES T. LEONARD. WM, A. WALLACE. A. FIKHET. C rissir CLOTHING such as Coats, Punts, Vests, Under Sliirls, Flannel Shirts, Roots, Slioes, Hats nd Capi, Now for sale at MOSSOPS', H A R D W A R K kucIi aa Sa-s,nails Forks, Knives, Spikes, Hinges, LIQUORS, sad, as Wine, Brandy, G i n, W h ikey, Cognac, etc., etc., FRUITS, such ns Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Filberts, Ac, GROCERIES, sny flour, II a tu , Shoulders, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea, C r a c k e rs, Spices, Candles, Coal Oil, etc., etc. nt sensation prices nt sensation ptices nt MOSSOPS'. t at sniisalion prices at sensation prices nt MOSSOPS'. tit sensation prices Jordan tp., Sept. 16. pd For Sale. Conchmakiiif.' and LlacksmiuW together with the necessarv water nnwi-. ' ing, all in good condition, for sale at i ban. The above property is situated In the of Curwensville, and possesses all ths sdtMiS necessary for conducting each of tb, JJ branches of business with superior facilitin For further information apply to HENRY KEMS CurwensvilU, Aug. 19, '63-tf. WANTED A "largTior. ' ' FLAX SEED in exel GOODS at the Cheap Store of JOHN D. THOMKm"" "ITT ANTED an active, Intelligent boy, b, : li yeara old, to learn th. Btorki-. Business. Apply to JAMES E. WATSOS, Ang. l'6:t-3t. Wllliamnpors, h BLACKING ROPS rOWDER SHOT LEAD CAPS Always at MOSSOPS'. nt sensation prices nt sensation prices nt sensation priaes ni scnsifion prices nt Bcnsit i.rni prices at sensation price At tli Mora of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSOP Always heeps on hand a lull nssoilment of all kinds of poods required lor the accommodation ot the puMic. Nov. It, 1862. 5,000 Men, II. W. SMITU A CO. MERCHANTS, and dealers In lry Goods, Oroeeri.s, Hardware, Qaeensware, and everything usually k.yt by the trade. Btore on SKCOND Street, below Judge Leonard's, oppo site the Presbyterian Church, Clearfield Pa. Dee. 4, 1861. JOSEPH R. M'MURRAY AND DEALER IN L UMBER New Washington, Clearfield County, Pa July 1st 1863.-tf Luttl!affBlbmirgIBit!4il LCTH ERSrTl RG, CLKARF1ELD COVNTY. TA. IVtnlunn anb Collection W or LE0NAEI), FINNEY & Co. CLF.ARFIE11), CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. bill or axoiAKOi.aoTKS awn PRArrs niacocRTEn IEIOSlT4 RECEIVED, Colletiont made and prnrrrdi promptly remitted exchange on tne uities constantly oh hand. .'Office on Second SL, nearly opposite the COUKT HOUSE. TOtIHS and CLOTHING & BOYS can be supplied with FURNISHING GOODS WILLIAM SCJIWXX, Proprietor May H. 1863. ly. cyrenh78 howe. Justice of the Peace. For DicATfn Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to bis care. P. O. Addresa, Pbilipsburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1861 dOF WOODS, PRACTICING Physician, and Examining Sur geon for Pensions. Office Southwest corner Second and Cherry streets, Clearfield, Pa. January 21, 1863. Ty. DR. J. W. POTTER. Physician and Surgeon, baa permanently locaUd at Frenchville, Covington township, off ers bis professional services to the surrounding community. iiiayg, JSfil .1. P. KRATZER. MERCHANT, and dealer in Boards and Olasses,' Ehineles; Grain and Produce. FRONT Street Clocks, Churns, Wash-boards, Tubs, Buckets, flat above the Academy Clearfield Pa., Irons, Pans, Window-blinds, Wall-paper, Coal 1 Dec. 4, 1861. Oil Lsmns, Umbrellas. Bed-eords. Knives and I "" Fr.rki. Rnm.n.. Crlt. K... KI..I.U- All f 8. W. TIIOM PSOH. JAS. X. WATSON. milE EXCKLSIOR WIND-MILL.-One of : which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. ' FflHOMPSON A WATSON, Dealers In Timber, ana me nignest market price paid for Grain, 1 - "-",,a, " buiu, warysTine, Wool, Shipping Furs and all kinda of country (Clearfield Bridge P. O.,) Clearfield eounty, Pa. produce. J. P. KRATZER. UB- Front street, above the Acadomy, Clearfield, Pa June 3, 18C3. I the best Windmills over invented Is now be log offered to the citizens of Clearfield eounty. The undersigned Agont is now in this place for the purpose of supplying every farmer with an article of the first class. He only nska a fair trial to secure ita successful introduction. Farmora are particularly Invited to call and examine them before purchasing any other pattern. W. HANCOCK, Clear fl eld, July 1, 1863. Agent, S HAVING and 11 AIIU)KrIN(;.--The citizens of Clearfield and vicinity will take notice that the undersigned haa opened a Shav ing Saloon In Grnhnin a Row, where the various branches of bia Profession will be conducted in a style equal to the best city shops. He respectful ly solicits a trial of his skill. GE0RQE FRIEND. Clearfield, July 2D, 1863 6m L. 1 CHANS. ' WALTER BARRET CKANS and BARKET, Attorneys at Law, May 3. '63. CLEAnriEt.n, pa. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. WALLACE & HALL, Attorneyt at Law, CLEARFIELD, PA. DR. A. M. HILLS -,- lAESlRKS to In- Si.,'vrA .i v...!-.:. w.. ?to4 him to his office all r. 'tthe time, and be will 533f" therefore be unable -JT tTVV?W' ,0 mke Professional V -.yi-i,. oe. Vi,,u 10 7 of his ivHii''-' customed places this summer; but may be found at bia office on the southwest cor ner of Front and Main streets at all timea. except when notice appears In the town papers to the contrary. ..'-. July 8, '63. tf. ; MARRIAGE&DEARHOKN KORSAi7e JOHN O. BALI . J ibe subscriber offers to sell, on very r.ason I able term., a TWO HORSE CARRIAGE, ana also i a LIGHT DEARBORN WA00N.--narr new- Matt. Irvln. Jaa. McMurray. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries Lumbor, Ac, Btnnsido, Pa Deo. 24, 1862. W. W. SHAW, PHTSICIAN A SURGEON. HAS permanently located at Shawaville, Pa., where he respectfully solicits a share of publio patronage. May 27, 1863.-y DANIEL GOODLANDER, TUSTICE of the peace J Luthcraburg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will attend promptly te all business entrusted to re.ea siq March 28, I860. ly. pd. . and both In good rttining order. Aug. 6, '63. J. B. 0RAHAV. M'CUI LOUGH. Attornet at . Clearfij I. 1 nffin with L. J. trana, Eaq., on S.eoml treet. March IS, 1862, tf. ' ' T EVER FLEQAT.. Jn.tin- Ari.. r r. JLi theraburg. Clearfield eounty Pa,, will attend ww Diningn eniruet4 to bl rare ImUiertbnrg, April t, 1861. Rulklcy's Patent. Limber Pried by Superhfated Steam. rilUE undersigned respectfully informs the peo X pis of Clearfield and the adjoining counties that he has the agency of the above Patent, and will sell Individual, County and Township rights for its use. The Lumber dried by this process is stronger, finishes better, i easier on tools, and requires less time in drying than nny ether pro cess known and drying 1 inch lumber perfectly in SB hours, and better than many montha under the old system using the same amount of fuel per day that a eoommon kiln consumes. The cer tificates of a number of resident mechanics, well known in this community, is amply sufficient to eonvirce the most skeptical of its practical utility. Persons desirous ol purchasing rights will address JOHN L. CUTTLE, July 1, 1863. Clearfield, Pa. New Goods ! HEED, WEAVER & Co., Are just open ing a splendid lot of the most carefully selected ever brought to the plane which they offor to their customers, and the public gonerally, at the very lowest figure the markets will afford, June 10, 1863- New Goods KllATZER'S. at REIZKNSTEIN BROS. A CO., where it TO BE Sold at prices that will Induce all to be By devoted intereat to the CLOTHING ESTAB LISHMENT the universal satisfaction which haa been given has induced them to enlarge their STOCK, which In quality and selection, la now inferior to none IN PENNSYLVANIA. Come, and y.u can bare BY OlahI Lt, AH kinda and atyles of Clothing at ball early one RATIOS AL COMMERCIAL COLLlOll LOCATED 111 PHILADELPHIA, ? S. E. cor. 7th and Chestnut Street, T New York city, Brooklyn, Albany, Im ; jtsunaio, Detroit. Cleveland, Chicago and St- Lonii. BOOK-KEEPING, Pehmahship, Cnum s AniTHMKnc, CoaneKcui, Lw, Foait,0 kkspokdekcr, Ac, practfcally taught. i tyese Colleges being under the isns pin aad local manngWeat, and uniting Iseitli advantages of all, offer greater fmcilitie far ia f parting iastxuetion than any other similars v lution in the counts. A Scholarship issued by nny out Is fool'si h frf ap unlimited time. i f Tbe Philadelphia College bat beta mil. ; enlarged and CTuraishcTI in a superior mna and is now the largest and molt f roiperom C ' llryaat A Strattan'a srieaof Telt Bki j bracing Book-keeping, Commsrcisl Arithuc 1 i . :i i t i. j . : im vviyuiri;!! 1,11., ior mic, anil ku, uj m. tar Jmtl purheulart tend jtr t tinm Octilier 8. 186J.-y. OF THE Prices usually asked at other Stores. Clothing good enough to stitth GOVERNOH, Or any other man. .Mr-Remember the plaoe, in the MANSION HOUSE, opposite the Bank. KE1ZENSTEIN BROS. A CO. Clearfield, April 8, 1863, 3m. GRMATEST BATTLE ON RECORD 15,000 Killed anTWounded, an; 30,000 taken Prisoners! WITH CAMP EQUIPAGE AND 70.000 Contrabands freed from ti BONDS OF SMVERY! I7VERY man that has read wj thingi't! li past hiatory of thia WAR mustfinalljiw to the conclusion that the Confederate So-1 ment would be broken down. It w onljias tion of time. But now we have th aborete oui soul-stirring news to cheer as ap ; in only draw-back to our Joy and gloriCutioii 'j imminent danger of the Contraband! em , North to "eat out our substance," andtswws ? urslioesl Butofone thing the people otCa 4eld county may be assured, and that a FRANK SHORT for short called Sort ). selling Hoots & allocs as cheap si as; man in the county : and if ou don't Wits'. just give bira a call on court-week, oral uj time, aad see tor yourselves, jiawesuji" mind the publio that his shep is now m M r street, in Shaw's Row where yon willW just as Short as usual if not a little Cash than he would like to be. 1 All kinda of work on hands and made on short notiec, and as well'made, and ai P"' as can be "sheered" un here or elsewhsrt. 1 i i.Don't forget the shop a MsrkIJ I In Shaw's Row, directly opposite B. ' s I Swoops' office. F.eDOU f Clearfield, June 11, 1862. ; Wool and Flax Spinning Wheels, iuahhas I Kll, Manufactured and kept on T T hands by the undersigned, who invitea the people of Clearfield eoun ty to embrace the oppor tunity now offered to secure one of these superior Machine. They will he sold cheap Cath not refuted. Call at the 01t Shop In Curwenm-ilto, WM. P. CHAMBERS. May 8,1863. y Sharing and llair-Dressing. TEREMIAH N0UR1S respectfully announce fj to his friends of Clearfiold and vicinity that n nas returned to bis old stand, and is well pre pared to render the moat perfe satisfaction to all Who may desire his professional services. Clearfield, April 9, '(. Wool W ra nnn ousd 0r woo DUsUUU for which the high 'Ill k- J. P. KRATZER. Clearfield, May 13, 1863. O O 1 . 00L wanted est market MUNSON has RYE, CORN and good FAMILY FLOUR, for sale at Philim. bSTg. Also, RYE and COBS ax Avra'a JWilL $500 msayiiiiCD 2 The Commissioner of Clearfield county, Penn sylvania, offer the above reward for the arrest and conviction of JAMES CURLEY, the sup. posed murderer of Hartley Pagan, of Karthaus township, who was found dead on the evening of the 1st day if August, in the publie high-way in said township, or 260, will be paid fnr the arrest and delivery of the said James Curley, in the jail of Clearfield eounty. The said Curley, is sbout i feet 11 inch in height, of erect figure, light complexion, blu eyes, roanan nose, sandy whiskers, and light hair a car on the lower lip, caused by a piece being bitten out in a fight, SAM'L C. THOMPSON, JACOB KUTZ, tComtnr'. THO'S DOUGHERTY, 1 Comm'rs Orncc, 1 Clearfield, Pa, Ang. S963. J for the iahing To School Teachers. IIVE TEACH ERS w waited . Penn township 6ehoola. Persons w apply for them will please meet the Director on the third Saturday in October, in Pennvllle. erhP' "" or four Females will be employed. By order of the Board, Aug. 12, 1863. JQHX FLEQAL, Sec'y. For Snip A lig"t 60N, entirely new, well painted and fimfhed,and substantial In every particular. For sal. at a "W1: - . - .l:baeeti( asarfi.H, Pa.Aprni,tf. NEW FIRM. HARTSVV1CK & HUSKf DRUGGISTS. MARKET Street CLEARFIELD KEEP constantly on hand tin: and find irrll xderteA stock of DR UGS and C11EMICA U TAINTS OILS AND PERFUMERY Toil.ET ARTICLB- BLANKS. BOOKS AND 6TATI0KA8T TOIUCCO & SEGARS a YV And a trcncral assortment of;'1' ATIES and Fancy ARTICLE W. Minectfnllv Invite a ealL feeling dent that we can aupply the wants f"i terms to their aatlifaction. HARTSWICK 4 . Clearfield April 27th 1863. tf Til n7tsmif fts VanTco IT1W0 good Journeymen Blskiti" JL , ted by th undersigned, i " iji occupied by Jacob Shunkwiler. in W"8";, whom steady employmc 1). given. Apply to HUSK t and liberal JAMES I. lAV Clearfield, f.pt ,1863.-pd "THOMAS J. M CtXLOU Attoruey ' .J Office adjoining the Bank, formerly 'J J.B. MoEnally, Esq, Market Pa Will atton4 rrompOy jtt ef Lnls, V.