Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 07, 1863, Image 1

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    0 J xlLjl
A t
D. W. MOORE. liMitnr.
0. B. GOODLANDER, Edltori-
1 ?,G3.
MERVOUS WOMEN. .several yean, despairing of making a
A writer for Life Illustrated recently fur- comfortable living at home resolved upon
hished that paper with a short article en- '""i?,'llnJ? y l "here lie possessed a
titled " Nervous Women," which whs cop- ""V- V 4, "e ucco'-ingly Bluit
first by tlio IHspatch, un J sine by many , eu- uu 11 '"'"" a
oilier impel. 1 bo author has chosen lor
licr model (lie generally course and occu
TERMS-$1 25 per Annum, if j nid in utlvRiite.
Ni:v,sr.ini:.s-voL. iv.-
-NO 12.
Vth&t to do With a ' Green Back."
There in, just now, a way for usino
one of Undo Sninuel'8 paper dollar
ho Ha to get back tlio worth of many
oytlell 8
house, or rather a cnb
in, and returned Tor bis wile, who gave up gold dollars in a Hiiiido rear
" uMimris oi a ri'UUCU so- UOUV IlIlS board of Sell. 11
mini V (ifuiinu " S in n " Hut " laairiiii iimi iiig u mi UU ni. 1(1 n-m.. C.,1 I
whilst she m are happy io any) doe not -o,uo tbe cenpnnion of Indium, and ' ' 11 7' . ro,M
tqm.1 Fanny in coarUuaaa, neilber, Tje nearest village wua .even lailerj
regret to add, does she approach her '. ,r'',n llir,n; n,, the ''"""'J consisted onjy 'V 118 "" "1 '"tf hen s eggs,
in originality. , Indeed bor sketch hasof,,er husband, herself an infant and a lam",H g"d art tlioy aro large. Deal
neither piquancy nor force, and is I lltll colored girl, brought by them from , C,'H we niter it, offering um high as
only worthy of comment from being a j ,ler n.alive State. Her husband, during 83000 for tlio plants to speculate tipon
faiut echo of the many loud cries con-! ll,e hrst year or tw0 of tbeir sojourn, was j but wo nro glad to know tliat the en'
Unlly being made by people of more obliged to aiake frequent journeys from j ton-rising l'uhlislior of tho American
common sense who, strong themselves in . llu'0 ! and during one of those beiices Agriculturist trot the start of the,,,
... ..j-on HUB h nrwl .In. in.. I n I . : I ' I : MIH H HH li WUkMllfll HI BP hi ilniniil .... ' - - .......
I'uw.. - uv.u.u nvi.n.wu.i) , . - - "V
Micve all of dolicale nerves and iiwnul- no,e ','oal ,,er '"die, which seemed like
Ihal of HlranguUlion, .She hastily picked
it up, took it to the lire, mid saw thai it
was apparently choking to doatb. She
had nv r witnessed a case of the croup ;
but the little black girl, who remembered
have it. at once t.ronou need it lo 1, ih.i!10 0 ,e- 11S .UC can testl0' li;iv,l,S
ilivsicul health and devoid or sensibilitv.
fcivo teiuperamunlt tubjecU for ridicule or
1'be writer -r tLo article alluded to, no
doubt congratulated herself heartily that
her nerves are not easily irritated nor her
1 sensibilities readily wouadud. She ini
f plores and beseeches her readers not to
wake tbenisblves disngreeable and troublc
; some by iKissenaion of fiucli things as
nerves. A good constitution, firm nerves
and a complete self-control, add largely
to ones comfort, and are gifts to be most
grateful for, but are not such ai to en
f tide tbeir possessor to regard with con
! tempt oiheis of a more delicate and sen
i skive organization. It is noticed that
persons of quick intelligence, acute per-
reptions, and refined tastes, are those
i among whom nervous disorders mostly
uliound. Women of earnest and self-sac-1
litieing natures, warm attentions, and
t vmull Holf-ebteem, are generally nervous
women; and those, too, are they aLoiu
neither fatigue, cold nor hunger can iutim-
i'lute when engnged in a work of mercy,
i and to whom pestilence and death brini!
j no terror when encountered for an object
5 'Moved. Show me a woman who prides
herself upon her strong nerves and great
; sclf-possotsion, and I will show you one
ana bought up all ,tbe plants, and h
multiplying them in order to yiveihm
away to his subscribers: Thin U in
cll'oct aa,; yit to tho Public for tho
Ayriculturibt, costing onlv a dollar
a year, is of itself wo.lli many dollars
utterly incapable of womanly thoughtful
ijoss or womanly feeling.
j A very ccle'jratea surgeon was once
; heard to remark, "1 have iieifurmod many
hunJreJj of operations, but never could
autieipaU; one without a shudder, and
' rou Id never look upon a wound without
I horror; und nothing is more nbborrerit
? to me in a sick room than a woman, uu-
1 -lot.?, indued, she be a piofessed nutoe,
j nho can witness tho one unmoved, or bind
J 'U the oilier without emotion. I never
would, iT avoidable, entrust a patient to a
nurse "who boasted upon being n stranger
to nerves." And he was quile right, loo.
I A sudden glare, a cold draught, a disa-
recabid whibering, a creaky step, does
f i.o iticoiivenience to persons of strong
nurves, who regard weak oues as aflecta
! tiona or livpocricies. H is only the ner
i voiis wouiito that ieels the pain of the
tJJn glare, the chtfl 'of (he cold
I iliaught, the agony of Ibe hissing wbisjer
nJ creuking vIiik'I. These things are to
'tier real, tangible causes of puttering, and
are very carefully guarded sgnnst for her
patient. It is true, she may not be skill
I f u I in administering medicines, or so ex
j iett in dressing wounds, or strong in lift
i mg. as a culoier and less inipulnive, less
' loving peraor.i Would be; but oh-! tdre 'is
infinitely more ter.Aer in soothing aud
iilt.ivihlinir Rl'fipv Bliitr mntl linnwa hnn
' much less nauseous a bilter dose becomes ; sl,e wtt8 UP reading, nn 1 instantly lie to
; when administered by the gentle hands ,l,e room ,,'1,r,, tho children slept, to see
i of those who love him, tremulous !,liat a" "s "ale there, .she lound the
with anx etv and hone, than when ottered , suioae oursung ioi in, nui m-ii hit way m
i by the most practical and experienced
disease. The lady had not provided any
remedy in view of this complaint, so prev
alent among children, and could only heal
some warm water for a bath, as directed by
her little handmaiden. The child crew
worse. 1 1 all wild witu terror lest it should
die for want of medical aid, eho madly
asked herself what could be done? ile'r
husband bad taken their only horse she
bad no one to send alter a physician she
must go herself. Hastily and warmly
wrapping up her little one, she started
upon her sad and fearful journey. The
season was Oetolier ; the night cold. though
ikiI lark ; and alone, listening but to the
struggling breuth'Of Ile'r infant, und fear
irg only lest the aid she sought 'might be
found too late, she hurried through lores!
nnd over ftrange roads, and reached the
hamlet in time to save her darling, A
more self-possessed and less impulsive wo
man would have been likely to have rea
soned upon the propriety of the journey,'
the possibility that the child would die on
the roiid, the probability that the doctor
might be from home, or lliiit ('eople miuhl
declare hercrnzy ; but the omau of heart
and impulse, though in ordinary times,
timid, neryous and weak, could, Btrength-i
eneu by her altection, bocome utterly
indifferent or oblivious lo the perils that
bes-el a journey through a gloomy wilder
noss and an unknown country.
We know personally a lady in Delaware,
w hoj-e father was Sheriff of the county in
which he resided. His flweHing was at
lached to the jau. un one occasion, an
man who had been committed for horse'
stealing, eel fire to tba prUon, Calculating
that the doors ol his ceil would be opened,
and in the confusion he Yi.'ig'i.'l escape.
The flames spread rapidly. They reached
the .Slieritl's apartments, and. the inumtee
bad barely time to 'escaiie themselves.
without thinking of i Ire prisoners. All at it was discoveied that the keys were
in tho burning building, and that the
prisoners cduld TiOt te released without
them, when Miss Celia It resolute
ly made her way thr.mgh tho Biuuke and
(lames, found the keys, and set free all
who were in dange.
Many years alietwfn,n rue same lady
was on a visit to her brother, when his
house was set on lire by a servant girl. -
It was night when the alarm wss given.
ourselves lonir been a reader of it
To those unacquainted with it, wc
would say that tho Agriculturist i-j a
largo journal, ot 4z
t!, ir i-HUspended
It seems tho nIininkif iiiM.. ;
I l . " . rillllC 11111 II . .'..iwii in III ilVvIV
has been outlawed, and our judicial struc- "ployed in manumitting slaves in Marv-
jre i oi sweep ol the rresidenliid pen ",n"' W"? lorH I hey Hike (torn loyal"
has been demolished- Wo live hereafter mi,z,,,s hundred dollars per head,
under martial )aw. Any one wearing tho n'"1 ,lom disloyal nothing at nil.
I't-derHl unilorm can arrest a citizen for il,u ,0"wi''l-' extract from thu Baltimoro
any cllerce nj.-ninst tJH nnliiai y," and the ""''", an administiation paper, tells the
.iui.j i.i uhv Hjiui nv no power to in- -
.ii,-.-ii.t. me once iree und indepen
ilent tlntes now form one vast uiihuiry
camp, I'jid all that remains of a Hepubli-
I Ve V tt ,u,''-i"iy and a namo
i lie i nbuilt:, announcing upon
-mi mis inieniion ol d
liod luess him t
its bul-
iespoiirn. savs:
Aliiaham Lincoln.
iMiwnrrow, proclaiming tl,(. of Ishnuel,
wrote "Glijiy to Uod and iIr. Emnress."
lhe impet ial prostiiuie whose name he
thus inked with Divinity, was lhe lo
pioach of lhe ape she lived in, and the
curse ol her country. Tho Tribune's im
ploration goes fur nothing, if not lor sao
nlegu, when associated with this violation
ol the inoi t sucre d right of American citi
zenship. We loo say, Uod bless Abraham
-L.ineo.ii! llless him wub more wisdom,
patriotism and humanity than his pro
clamation evinces as his attributes. Dless
bun with u eoneeoiion of tl e misfortune
fie lias wrought, und the wronj that he
is contemplating. Jik-ss him with endow
ment of reverence fur the institutions of
his country, and with appreciation nf his
umy lino me obligations or his ollicial
oath. Hut assuredly, unle.-s repentance
and atonement interpose between him and
retribution, j JiL.u i,;eS!smpi llig jlfir.
lion will be Uio imprecations of his coun
trymen to lhe last generation.
V hat mean., u suspension of the huheis
corpus upon the eve of tho momentous
.Mate elections? The Federal arms are
every iv hero in tl,0 ascendant. Tho Ad
ministi.itif.n has passed seatbele, except
jol mural injury, the ordeal of e.mcripiion
- lhe lnost oilioiu, thus tar, of its meas
,uifs Jhu Nojth is inolleiisivu in the
I face of provoeaticin ; sullen, perhaps, but
I subniiisive and dejn cealory of Inrlhor in
jjuMice and insult, fhe people aie willingl
ana anxinus to submit their cause to the
The executions in lhe Army ol the i o-
tninne linvn irw,.,..i 1.. 1.....
w,,,j, .,-,,. ,, -ri t,luiu
otis, in some cases right and t.-n ben,
executed at the same time. Theo sad
exhibitions are now of ulnio-t daily ucicr-
' rence in every corps, and are often utieii
(ld with ciicumbtunces
I late letter born tilff ,u my uoln-v the
i ... . nil inn in ... ' . .
ne irnrn Unit II, o .Scerotnry of Wnr linn (le- ; , uivision ot Ino substi-
cuIimI to pay oil lovnl owners rfKlnvo in Mry- '. UlU' ,w 1,0 descrtiil. Their uamcN
lunJ, e eliaitula iu, ,,irB , enist in ,10 were l.dward Klliot, aued tweniv-one bo
militury of tlio K"vernineut the nuui of three him-' longing to Connecticut, und ChiiMrn
died dollars for iil.lo l.o.tied ninn. A com- j man, aged tltcnly-lhree 'm-,.'r , ,
minion, we lenru, will bo orgnniied in Wsnliinjf. I Maino fhev convers. ' l' (W "i i '
ton in a low ,ivs t lieur uml . i i n . I u t ,,n ,i y i"neised ireely before
Hsi,. that ,.v to ,,r,"n"'l. Z tttowiSj ' ' ? "T" '."",ni,l!"-J he,r lault, ui,J
riirnrnih I'rmn tho .Vm.' Uigkt., prubnkly h ' ,tly "ln "lf,'-t' lhat must result ut
noiuo Ituriiitc on thi docision : i home Ironi I heir sad late, 'l he a,-t scono
It i miiil that Thnuins Chiiiiiliers, who is ro- i ' "lt! execution is thus described
oruilintf negro troop in this counlv, hits boon I " The h'ev. Mr. Stevens knoll ' dniv ,
ordered to muke out und report lo the eomiuaiidiT Inking each o the men by i'ia b n
iiiev hiiu mo jtev. Mr. Miir,.),..
of the regiiiieut a list of tho sluroliohlers in tho
oounry, una to mark such as ho roj;iirds dirt
loyal.' "
U'h do not know where Seeretnio SMn.
ton finds any sanction in tL ; ." B j.nspner a eyes. WUott sat back
wholesale Imlliickimr in able-b , ' ' 7f " . W.'.n,n ""an k"'1 Vmt.
- V I Ml lllll',. U'llW II I I . I 1 . .. I . , .
l.t'.l i ... , . 1"'.' iMJ:ik
" nun niiu joineu in leivent l.ivnr
Captain Fields now eauie up and bandal
geu uie prisoner ryes. Flliott
slaves; but then lie is not a man to bo
deterred from any project by such a sorry j
p(i''en in everv
number, is beautifully got up, mul is
illustrated with niaiiv uleasino- imd
instructive engravings, which aro a
lono worth tho whole cost. Tho pa
ges are literally tilled with good things
plain, practicable, reliable informa
tion upon everything connected with
the work of tho household, tho garden
itnd the farm including a very pleas
ing and instructive department for
children and youth that is hardlv sur
passed by any of the professcdly'Clril
dren'H Magazine. The thousands of
useful hints and suggestions in the
Agriculturist, all prepared by practic
al working men and women who
know what they arc talking about
can not fail to to worth lnanv dol
lars to eVery reader, whether residing
in city, village or country There
are special reasons for subscribiii"
now : 1st. The rule for distribuliii" Z
"first come firstficrved," and 2d, everv 1 Z X
new" subscriber fur Ihn I :. . '
vol....... fil...t !- f -II , ' , I ""v"k,'IU,r """ the people, want to light for the negro, must pay for
. . --...,.-. iivi ino-t i.w in get I wiMim avoio ; is it because Ibe masses : tlio freedom of some " ....h.i.l r,r,
..i uiec ns auaiblo above tho c bek . i.l
sound of the guns as thr Wtr i,nul(l
Hille as a law or the wunt of , u L 1 "... J'1" 1" " livi.-
clear that this enlisting of negroes is noil i." ' "x hwk entJr wI
sp much to fill our armies as3 m $0?d"L
emancipation in Maryland by rendering ;L
slave property insecure, , , ' ""ipucnou. lhe re-
Ast'hei'e his been !, appropriation by I Zr &
Con.-tes to enable Mr. Si. , . n ;.' .. . : ! 11,1 l'lu,' h:.u ls be-
- . - - ,J ....v ,,... rVCB If! 1.II..T lull I
. uir u
ti.... ...,r.....i . :. ! 1 1 . . , . ,
m.ko imue, it ioiiows mat ine money
collected from the three hundred dollar
exemption fees under the Conscription
1'iw must be used ur tins numose. H is
true Ihal law provided thut.snlii.iiii.i
should be procured with the fees exacted
from the conscripts ; bul thuie is no war
rant for the aibiirmy seizuie of able-boj-ieil
male slaves for the military service,
and the tendering of this particular sum
in payment without regard to tho market
What do you think of this method of
npning of your money '.' Wont it be
delightful (o be enlKd upon shortly lo.
"ioi k over" the pine of another negro,
if Mr. Fry's intei nretulion of the law.
I . in;
- ..linn., iui iiiiicnce oi vio- iiihi it noes not oxeiont lor thrro vents
enco in. naie the ceneral nnose. Whv. should nrevail ? -SneU- ,.r" ni., , '
su-iiensinn of tim w rit? Is i Everv sound ni in nf v,n. -. I.. .,.1
I 11, .'I.. . it. ,i ni-i iui.-e uie masses : me neeuoni oi some
the reinaininir numbers of ibis vi-m- are too obed ier. t nnil bonilile i.ihI l.v, 1
ritKK. Take our ad vice ttien, and send ' (u!'11 propriety thwart the intentions of
a dollar at once to the publisher ' ) 1,u ",ul ll,ve no pretext lor oppress
(OllANttK JCId,
Aft icu." Fulton Daiinaat.
s linpilai
that ever
ible, such umv be,
j tenderness so welcome lo the sick aud
i despondent they are proverbially hard.
! kill Ciimes both from slrorg nerves and
I li 0111 strong affections too, but that which
ernes hem the ctlection is best.
ibe bed nf the little ones.
child on the lloor half
She found one
sullocatcd, and
.iiirnoil n m.ut-i.titinn
self-possessed,' re- ' ,K,,, ,lim to a jdace ol eatety, unaielurneu
but they luck lhe ' 'or '',e ot''ei . This, too, she carried out,
uuiiiiniiiuj oi uio unco iriau iuf:iiig n-
round her. nce again shesturled back
to rescue a little blaok boy who she be
lieved was sleeping alone. This time,
overcome by tte heal, she fell with her
faco lo the floor, and w lieu aid come was
iilnin nf hirAnrA i I. tl. I riffili. IuIa-
It... 1 . l.itiitA incnncilila Itnt I, llk l.ilron .lied
j iy on n visii 10 tins country, remarkea in i"""
the heoring of the writer lhat to none did and her life for a time was despaired ol ;
i the determination i f l' at lady lo devi le 1,1,1 uo 81,11 '' hearing upon her lace
h. r life to the care of the sunVrir.g and und arms traces of danger bravely rncoun-
i wounded, biing more surprise than to her ,c,,kI- andsiiHering patiently borne most
H.imi'.y, sensible, as they were, thai sho , precious and honorable mementos of cour-
i whs nn nervous woman. Ner- gp. devotion and self-ncrifice.
dl J'aik 7?,,ve Y V
City,) und secure iho minor, and tb.i
extrA numbers, and also an early
place in the great Strawberry list.
If the plants are to come to you by
mail, as they can safety do, send an
extra five cents to pay the Inallitig.
those desiring to see tho Aonict.ux'
hist, before subscribing, can get a
post-paid copy, by sending u u'iine lo
tlio putflishcr, -as above.
The Ji'k.makkai.i.k Mk
NoitTH. Durinir tho lust vears.
:..n. . 11 iv . '. ' .
i.iiiy 111 tuo ciuos, ponueui triiiinpli
and advancement have been purchas
ed as regularly as other luxuries of tho
land Tho majority is said to rule. It
has been to solten a majority of rich
ton. JMes tie despot chnfo al the eo.vl
naliiiMar.(l forbearance of his subjects?
a L'oad to nonnlar re-
or the
11 cel. Uiii i.iieU as .nn, mo piociiimation teems so
strangely opportune.
Perhaps, like Ocssl i'f s en n it rnnviri
1 but a challenge to startle tho Tells of the
I Republic bom their apathy, that they
, may bo marked and dealt with. If it
menrs anything it must surely mean dan
ger to the Elective franchise. " Hend,
slaves, to (iessler's can I " if von will, but
4cli.,g to your i:icetio franchise. New
i"ik, I'einylvania and Ohio, are more
iifli 1, U iinui Maine lo be moulded by
fenat ieisnr Hence the proclamation.
j H hut will Uovernor Seymour do to ward
off tills la k t blow at State sovereignly nnn
judicial independence ? He bus piomised
; much, what will he ,,, His words are
excellent; (hoy How like 1 re prn'. p
rogues and rascals, who havo fonient-' , nml P1,,a'e ,,,e 0l,T like ""do-
od divisions, scatterd bribes, and at 7 ' 1 , rir , KUI ,f-cy w,u not ulM tue
time, resorted to intimidation. Care- ' .n .! I! I'iT I!!0" a"'i
r..ii,. u...i fi!i i.rtiit- t t,...i i .i .i ' v '".ao
hov. i..tki,.iuj A ... n. icai neu Llio
lessons of parly polities and to under
stand the character of )oliticiant. I
had known Mr.Seward from my youth,
an it Bciiciiinig, tiiuc-sei nig, asjunng,
unscrupulous lawyer, full of gilded
words und so-called princinlcH-ihoimh
when r.ill ii be done? Ar. 1'. A'
" Wounuku ami Killed. "-Jt lakes but
little sp: ce in the columns of tho daily
papers, but, oh ! what long household sto
ries nod biographies are everyone of these
strange names we read over and forget !
Killed and wounded! Some eves :i.U
these last wore always such as he was lljo same, to whom it is as dear as hl'e.acd
. . . . .... i ... i . i .
' vius phe was, aud weak in lorm, but a
f strong sense of sympathy u ilh suffering
j took possession of her, and her grand
heart urged her to the work; and her
great humanity, have become a theme for
I homage and gratitude the world over.
1 Hundreds of ffomcn might lie named
! who, physically weak, with nerves all un
strung and frames all powerless, inspired
iby all'eclion, have taken upon themselves
'new duiies, encountered dangers end fa
tigues almost incredible, to succor or sus
Uui those in distress. Few persons there
This lady was, and is, of a most excita
ble and nervous temperament. The sound
of a door swinging or. its binges would be
to her nn insullerable annoyance, the
long continued tapping ofafooton the
floor would cause not only nn imploring
look, but probnhly exton a cry of annoy
ance, Tin Boi.txtiER MiRDKR. The Dayton
Journal rays lhe jury acquitted Henry M.
Hrown of the charge of murdering J. F.
Bollnteyer, formerly editor of the Dayton
convinced would prone a profitable in
vestment For such principle he
was willing to mako sacrifices, and
become tho paid or unpaid advocate.
1 knew Abraham Lincoln as a weak
odslinatc man oi'"good nature" and
good intention, with the jokes and
manners of a down. He was fitted by
his honesty to be the tool, rather than
the instrument, of hit party. What
.ii ., -.. .
coma no expected ot liim but t':c
want of nil wise statesmanship which
he lias uniformly shown f I knew well
the real governing power in the dom
inant parly of liid. Tho press and
tho pulpit were tho power behind the
throno. Horace Greely represented
mo one, and uenry Ward
for the
' He was my pret ty boy
ire who cannot number among their own ! Ai. ti)mirronf. the other. Mr. tireely is -tv kind eon-
friends some warm heart who lias battled A most ir.iquitons judicial fnrce has now . scicntious man. with"a ulentiinl lack"
j.guinni. Y. .UI, nuiiering, peiliapj stlttiue, "eeu coiisuuunnieu, unit m t""iy '" OI COmprCllCllSlOll Ot facts Or
m , .j,i. .Mm courase inat miitut be i ut:c" luriitu iw, mu. mo ui m M
C..lll,i U'ltltlerfiil u.,..n.. ... - I An.l ABtin-alila nldvan Ur!..U.I .
- - bii iuiiv Bl lull IT Ml I'M. ,',V7ltllllV 11. 1. .11111.. I'll' I . I uv. . , " i V
Tho Abolitionist pub
1 Slllunil slrontf men
Not long since, the writer told rr .
lady whose- left side had far many months
lieen rendered nearly useless by neuralgia
who. when her dwelling took lire, and she
Was Kiing carri.yl out by her neighlmrs,
Sud leuly recollected that in the cellar
there was deposited a quantity of powder,
V hich, if it should explode, would probs
1 ly cause loss of life, and certainly great
lots of property. Immediately she re
iuen(ed 10 be srt on her feel, this lieinir
!!one,she turned at once into the burning , nd have met, it appears, with success.
uilding without saying a word to any T'1 lr"d was had ln the abolition county
On 1 . ' . 1 -1 .' I -. 1 I Of Wftriffn nml O inru ,u. I .. . 1 .
i nun fwu Hoiieaieu viariMOK in uer - .j.i, UM unrii iuuiiii to ..," l i,..u ... i
r"uisakeg,ahieiUl.e bore to a slream I!' wJicl which virtually oun,wJ tin es to go and shut th.ntgate ! said a
iear. and oast it in. thus averting a great every democrat in principle, and puts his,uUcr 10 a luUr 'ear old- A,uI llftv
Jlaniity. Strong nerved people will say 'ife at the mercy of anv abolition mis-' on'l I told you threo timos I would
h wi nn imt.noer ih.i hor illns. . i creant who rosy choose to take it. W n't do it f roil must, be sluniil "
iieciation. I'll, CCKKl friends, equally mieauy roainni n irnriui sinie oi SO- i
y'ti.out hrart and without nerves, you I c,e,J WD(,n ,,ch trials as those or Brown1
uld never undenland this illness or this loecur. and when politu-al feeling issue-
. !i !.. il . II 1 .1 .
are familiar with this case. Mr. Bollmey- U'(I ''' JIlnr3' Wnl (' I'eoclier, brother
er wa the able and fearless editor of the ot the author of"Unele Toiu'm Cabin "
Daton Jimpirf, and was shot down, in lie is an Atnerica"inan of mark," who
cold blood, in the streets of Dayton, with- will use Scripture or Sharp' rides
out provocation, by this man Brown. Mr. against slavery, or any other argument
m .ffir.7,,ai 'uoc;a,.nliBror"rn ,"T , that would fill his church, incrolse his
an abolitionist, but such was the fiendish - a, . , n i
hate of IWImeyer's ,Klitical enemies that ""fll,e,H0' 0r "" the topmost
tuey immeuiately attempte l toshield and 1 v Ul 1 vl l" lu nigucst
rcreen the perpetrator of the foul deed, ! p'uee in the cliurcli and the world.
trazer s(Lny(ina ), Magazine.
fejT'Iy son haveu't I told you three
somo heart is struck or broken l.v it...
blow made by the name among tho lists.
U is our Henry, or our James, or our
Timings, dial lies with bis poor broken
limbs in h,. hospital, or dead still, and
wiih ghastly fare on lhe baLtle-fleld.
Alas, tor the eves thrt road ! Alas
hearts that feel !
. i. ... i
mm i sung io sleep s many times in my
arms ! " says the poor mother, bowing in
anguish that can:ml I.e. i.ii. ied. " He was
my brave, noble I, l lie father of my
litde o: plum ,.I,i;,I:,. ; s,,i,s uie ,0art
sinrken wife. He was my dat ling broth
er that 1 loved so; thnt I was proud of 1 "
iiiunuurs liiu sister, amid tears; and so
the tcrrib'm stroko f.Il-on the homes
throughout lh land. "Wounded and
killed!" Kveiy name in that list is a
lilih'riinu stroke to some bean, and breaks
liKe t li under over some home, and falls a ,
long black shadow upon some hearthstone.
11. Hucher Swoope, Ksp, the Abolition
"Goddess of Liberty" in Clearfield county,
! 'while ;.ddros!ng lhe Abolition meeLiiu'in
this phiee on Tuesday evenicgoflastweek,
in lhe course ol Ins reniarksndtinlted that
tlio government intends to buy Maryland
negroes at $.di a head, in lieu of drafted
men who have paid their commutation
ujoney ; inasmuch as My (tho negroes
in the opinion of tho "loyal "(?) gen
tleman mao hotter eoldies than the
VtH BciLEa. According to a Washing
ton dispatch, tho administration has civ
en out intimations, thai after the capture
of Charleston, Ben Bullor will be placed
in command of that department. If you
have a fraction of bruins or heart left
Abraham Lincoln, you will not do this
tiling. Wo aro in favor, if tbe military so
win it, oi raising Charleston to the ground
ot ploughing it up and sowing it with
salt, and leaving it to l a desolation ever
. i
more, iui we iveuiu protest ag.imst nn
net which would be crneler, more insult
ing, more malignant than all this, and
that is the nppomlmonr. of lien Butler to
be milittiy despot of what wai once
II it be desirable to invite the South lo
pour out the bitter cup of resistance lo
lhe very dregs ; if it is best to tpil upon
the vanquished foe, und goard him with
intolerable insults t,n firrlit, even while be
grovels; if there is no Union to be restor
ed, or peace lobe hoped for, then let
P.en Butler bo the tyrant of Charleston.
But we cannot believe that M', L'ticoln
contemplates any such infatuated pro
ceeding ns this, 'fhe wisdom and moder
ation of P.,ioks hive not yet undone half
the mischiH' which Butler did in New
Uileans. Plunderer, popinjay and tyrant,
it were bf tt.rr he were kept to make ab
olition stump speeches at ine North for
I t'ue rorr.ninder of his life, at a million dul
; lars per annum, than that ho should again
bo eu I to any other point of tfie South
than the Drv Tortugas.
Republican Testimony Against Curtin
i;i:a n : uea d : : head : : :
A fioiniN Tiionnu. I never found!
pride in a noble natme, nor humility in I "GOV. CUhTIN CANNOT SK
an unworthy mind. Of all tho trees, I ob-' CI ' It K Til K Sl'f'l'OK T K HI f II Kl HIS
seive ihal Uod hm chosen the vine a I OWN PAKl'V Oil HIS UFFlCK llol.D
low plant lhat creeps upon the wall ; of i KK.S." .S.cci of Attxaltr Vummitvii heforr
all be.istn, the soft patient lamb ; of all the It -pubdcan iilaU tuni-mlUm, An.. 5. IsOJ.
niwis, uie un. I arid uent o dove. When
ANV l'AKTV IN 'I'll IS M'ATC'I'o C'.I-
i, i : .i. .
'fins men airain missn, tl., i. . .'
Iial durniL' t us. m i.i..i,.u ..,,!!. ..i .....
revolver uml hot him t J i .
bead ; l.e also fired another ball tl.routh
Llliurt s head. After ti e in o unioi tuu.uo
men weio pronounced lifeless, the troops
weie inarched by tho cot pses."
A letter from Thibodeuuxville, Ln (a
the Piov1;eiue JW,.s, rehi'.oj thuciioJm
stances of the consolidation of the 2nd
Ijhodo Island mid 1st Louisiana Cavahy
Ueimcntb. Some of the men pi .,u ..tdd
and hesitated when t,r,,u,i iof;,ll itlo
line, whereupon tho Lieutenant Colonel
who was in command, tin eatoir. d t- shoot
any man who did not obey piomptl;. TLo
letter then goes on ;
" That this was no idle throal, w. found
out afterward. Tho meu nowly t.,11 ;,,to
line: the two last, Kahaid Smith, Jiart
Morphy, Ironi IJoslon, Mae.chu-eit a
harness maker, and William Davis, were
taken, their hands were Ccd behind tii.M,
and thru led over to a Jield in fr. i-t of it,
camp. They Ihen marched us over there
and the men of tho 1st Louisiana formed
on our right and left, at riidit n'lr w,t-,
u- thus lormir.g fTsrpiRio open on the side
where the two prisoners stood guarded by
two squads of men. Their eves were ban
daged with rod handkerchiefs, and eveiy
preparation made for their execution
Although we could not relieve at the time
thai they would shout these men for hav
ing simply dared (o show that they were
not satisfied with being thus transferred
from Khodo Island lo Louisiana, aud
thought that they would bo reprieved at
the last moment, yei the boeno was so ter
rible that then, was not one whno heart
did not beat audibly on semng, theso prep
arations for the death of two men who
were generally liked in the regiment. A
squad of men were placed opposite and
at ten pas from each prisoner ; the ad
jutant ioke to them for some time and
asking. I supiioHH, tho iiamesof their fam
ilies. V hen ho had finished, lhe ig1)nI
the sabie stroke for the first platoon to
fire, was given, and Davis fell ovi.e l.,.,
ward, as it seemed to us, killed inslai.ll
A t tho tepclitkm of the signal the second
platoon bred, and Snmh, who had stood
iminoveallo, although he l.e.i.,1 i,i. .
iido fall, fell, shot throiiih tin. l.,. l n
bodies could now bo seen to tiiove.although
we had thought Davis dead. Tl.m. u,..r
liiiishod by thu adjutant and tho orderly
sergeant of company F, lH Louisiana, a...
proach:ng (hem and firin,' n,n ,.t L
of their revolvers inio t hem."
Qi-!tions loa a Wise Do Villi rtinnMjii-
what your feelings were immodiatelv af
ter you had spoken the first unkind JnrA
to your husband ? Did von not font
ed and grieved, and yet loo proud to ad
mit it? That was, is, and over hlmll lu.
yourevil genius. It is the temper which
incessantly to destroe vm.r ..o..,
Inch clients you with tho d
jour husband deserved your anger, when
ho really most required vour love This
is tho cancer which f, e,D on H,",h.
peukable emotions you lelt on tho fii.t
pies-ui o of bis baud and lin. v,.. r...
get the manner in which the duties ,.r ,.
wife can alone he fultillmj. If your hus-
i ... .,ny, y,,Ur example o! patience
will elude as wei !l3 teac, jm your yj
olonce may alienate bis heart, and your
neglect impel him to dosperstion. Vour
soothing W,U redeem him-vour softness
subdue htm ; and the good-natured twink
le of those eyes, now filling beautifully
wub priceless (ears, will make him all
your own.
ttX.Among the many blessings the peo
le owe tho Abolition party are civil
conscription, and taxation. The freeinon
ol lhe Noilh conn suffer in patience nil
nn j. i. . .
v, . -"s"M,r ot a senator troin a neign-
oonnc State a.m
"i-.oiiieiy rejiicu, anu oi a
001 organization, married a poor
profeasM,,! man, who, after an effort of
their deserved punishment.
M)r What do we often drop yet wo
never stoop to pick it up? A hint.
MrThere are one hundred and seventy-four
divorce cases on the docket
of tho Supreme Court in Suffolk coun
ty, Mas.
mrTho young lady who" took he
gentleman "d fancy has returned it with
i .o. appeared to Moses it was not in the
lofty cedar, not in the spreading balin,
but in a bu-h as if He would, by ihese
r v vv i.' -t v ... uie lunun trri rw iiirHTiiTM , . , i
of man. Nothing p-oduces love Lie hu-' ,u UlHS KI KV 'SLCII A NOM IN EH AS , . ov,,s iigl,l upon llieni by the wuk
mility, nothing halo like pride. ,CUUTlN.-7W,vry l,,alcU, Ji.-jMeju. I?1 ,llPn 1,1 P0,er, if tho latter were Ubor-
-"- . I nig for a ree instruction of lhe Uniou and
How is this? The Southern soldiers! ra5r""l"s N't i.M I N ATI WoCLD PK the restoration ol tho Cunstliution. Hut
and Secesmor.isis say tbey will never come1 "1SU I! ACKFl L ft) Til K PA HTV, AND. the bold avowal lhat the war is for negro
(w:i tl' 1! iot''.Vna.
bscK Hill lie inion; and lhe Abolilion
uts trtcir they woul have tho Union as it
was. How can it In possible, then, that
tho one class can bo any belter Union
men than the other.
4Vj" J-or rui.
ij)-The commutation money ;,ajd ,v
those dialled will aruounf, it ii supposed.
to so:ue H" it t uity millions
throu.diout the country.
iBtVt.'onorally the ofliee-,cokor who
irels nothing gets what is good for
him, and exactly what he i gooj r-r.
rqiialil v and cmanctpat ion, has roused t ho
masses toa proper sense ol thedanger that
ii.. .,.i ;n ,i ...
.. , , - r ii r i . .u .. is .... ...... i,ii.. ....nn . ' . " . I J III
-'oli.l ufiirt ifuiicil tt, mil ,i..., .. ,...!,,, ,.r.,.;.. " ... .1 -
C ' fT ,,.-,, , , ' " ' . ' ' .11 Wl. Villi' 1 I. ... , I. , I. 1. 1)1,1
nluJ.r-hhbl ht 1 , 1 ,n,in"t roust nf t r ln,!loi-box, and ovei whelm thoiu with
c'jiitttiu iiuy l ttg r in cijii in 'ti"ii will destruction.
(ituit'iii.-ir . t,i. , tin -.. , t' it-1
d r Imi iiiii n -or iitiititi n rf the oihr,' ('t '
of dollars, Att rnnj tirmrnf." S. A. I''s
&.j"The finny
i-et'cntlv cat'titrf.
of l he l'oloinac has
J lour III lie pow.s1k h
and sent them to the guard house
Lnf-" Jti'lfr 'ohrirtl i n citizen nf t2rTwvv arc
vnimpeoehnttlc vrirettr tiwl public enir- in the hospitals
,7. ter." I'hil Jnj , KVpublicati j.apcr. but will s..on all be removed
still 1, USD wounded
. . e ii. i
:tt ' nut vsruirg. ra..