Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 30, 1863, Image 2

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    . ,.-. ... a -. I
i. '
1 Mil i i hii i in i ' ,
... . i.i
i i, 1 in .1. ii- l r.f.-i i' iihi mm"
. nil! f It ll I 'l III"! I II'", ' ' M M I' ! I'. I II 'I
' ii.nli. '"I know wli'lLi. liny li'nn
i ii H inn' in il ihi'I l- "H. k 'ifim ('I iK'i
:i,l fnl'l I'll of tin W.1I nr-i I'ihuumI-,
I f,ii no oi i I i' n"ti tliiy livn iii'Mitnl
liolllllll'l lf ill'! filf'l i"M wli" I'- if
nii'l ll M - f vol ion to I ln liri'ln ! In tlif
' lute Leg flutiMP, Hi llio redcial t.'imgt 'i'",
i our f k ' ' niiti'i wi re iii .viivi
iiiiiliilnined by 1,'epi escii'til non o llio
I loinoei.ti y of I't-It uy 1 v :i 1 1 1 : t HI i t - tin-
tplos wu call wake im Mule. ml, t hi .'in
thmitntivu hi Iti plutlm in. Wn -1 1 'J to
you from ll the I illoH nig n -.oluti'Mis ;
" Jin 'fid, llml llio mMiiTH ffHiil'ii'iirr
our armies merit tho Wiinnerl I h oik-o;
the iihIioii. 'I heir country tailed, and
iioblv dill tlii'V If.-Iiond. Llvilii!. t 111 V
. , . . 1 1
-hull know nnolun siTttldudu; wounded,
nnlino'si'lir.,! ,,.,d dv i , U...U slmll libn d
" - '. ' C' J i
,n our incinor.o, mid uionuiiioiitb bliull
. . I i i i i .i
tie riu("l in fi'iicn iObtoi'iiy to lionor tlio
i.tttrlots mid hrior-nvliooHm.'dtl.firlivi
.t tliolr counlry's ullur. Tlii'ir widow.- iiml,
.rplmnlndl Lo adopt,,! Ly U.o nutiun,
I o wiiti'l.od ovi-r and Ciucl lor as ol. . h
oris truly worthy a nation's j'.iai dianship.
;,'..,,... 'II, mi ll,. . D..111,. fii, v. if IV on-
.vlvania over has Lt'.-n trim to tho oau-f
of tho Union. !l was in the
or the M.ko of the Union, thut our party .
was tn.ido ; Unit wo donouneu tin: loiibt
intimation that tho lVmooratic Ift:'ly l''-1
tovtains now, or ever has cntei tainod, or I
( ver can enttil tain, tho bliirlitont sympathy
with tho present gigantic rebellion, or
vith traitors in anus against tho Govern-,
:nont, or would ever content to peace up-;
onany lenn. iinolvi..a o Uwmeia'H'rn.uut ,
of the Ln ton, as utterly unjust ; and in
riiiL.Miti.ruu, Sept. 10, ISO!'
Li tflnriiclb rpublitan.
Wednesday Morning, Sept. 30, 1863.
For Uocernor,
Of Luzerne county.
For Jut!ic of the Supreme Court,
Of Allcyluny county.
T. J. BOYER, of Clearfield county,
A. M. BENTON, of .McKean county.
KRATZtU of Cleaifiold.
AMOS EAI), of Lawieiuo twp.
F. F. COUTE1JHT of Covin tit on twp. i
' ! r, I;
, - . . - -- i
In consequence of the de;Uli of,
Isaac Kmsk, tl.e Democratic (.audi-1
.I.,-r.,.rv T....o... i',,KT,,.i
riiFB (BATO'li. (... icon li :.,:
on the ticket in his btcad. 77 is- r?u't
tS m stria accordance, ir (in Uit: . ucs or ,
. . . -...I T i . ..
, r r i- o !, 1 11 el OS 11. in our mntais id 110 11. " uu, kith 11 uihsoiuuit w u,o w 11 oti i-ui hi .
the contr.bul.on to the war in M.llor, Bo---; M. I-orcec, li.mllord ; 11.. . .... . .. L,ropnbm,Us i To the necotid, we reply that wo do not
bbod end tro'isure heretofore an.1 now lioai,,nniU.r I5nldy . relor lu,.h, riurn- " Khou"J ronbm ' (irJ noillillljOI1 I,,' u , ,siblo con-
being made by the hundreds of thou.and,,. Gllb0.t Tozor CLest. F. Coudnet, I Aa.n: 1 he Journal m an cuitonM of tho ti,t V( j ,e faco of f uel. a record a-
uU'ihstTn v tohe'reJeuo of U?o Uniotf Covington ; Joshua liaker. Curwensrille ; i rvlous, inform, u. Hut in audition wo ,mVo furnished. In the absence of
the hist to Hy to the lebcueol llio L 1110.. b ' ..,.. Wm At, ' lo tbo sums wo Iinvo nlludou to above, tho these stutcmer.ts it mijld have happened,
unil upf. their lives in Is do 0 ice. 1 L. 1. I ftirt lulnuor. IJccatur : Win. JMc-i' ' . ., . , .. , ' ' ...
f.rnoi ri Lins. w (3 ooin v un '-'Auiuiin .ii il. , ------- , . . . . . j ...... .1 1. ; r .. 1 ; . ,, :. , ... , 1... .... , .. 1 r,
the Democratic party of ClcaiJnU roun-,ls this method they sold them to Lincoln
ty. There were but two candidates, A Co., al a hundsome piice, and Charles -
for the nomination Mu. Ku.nk and j ton haibor was blockaded.
Af r.,r,r. M Tvr.N-F veieivin'r1 Ir. the late attack on Charleston several
MR. Mil. Kb.NL i UK: ....... .
BOino sixty odd votes more than Mr. 0 r VC5al! 0 h'n luc OHUom tJ
xt T- ,i i having run afoul of the stone blockaders,
jvitAMi. -in. avn.vw.r u .. , j
fore, clearly and unmislakeably the
second choice of tho Democracy of!
, . , . ., Jn
the county as expressed at the In-
mary Election, and without any other j
au tion under the melancholy cir-
fiiawtanccs should bo oonsideieJ as 1
. , , . i . , . . i i ,
mi i ly HOici'iou ;i! n no uuu oecn nuiu
ii..iteu uu .1., i, i
But, in order to ascertain whether I
thero woro nny Democrats opposed to :
Mr. Kit.vT.Kii as our candidate in place
of Mr. K link., tho question wai pre-
11 i
-lilted in i1,a m,ii.,lin p,. .:,,,,
neuuu to 1110 ouiiKiin uoinnuute,
ami received their unanimous cn-
doi-iotncnt ; and afterwards to tho
assembWo of the county Democ-i
racy on last evening, with tho tamc
Mr Kiumu a r 1 1 a
. . iu uiiv V'l UIU VlUt nu
most rcspoetublo and deservin; citi
zensand always an active, intelli
A 1 1.!-. - T,
gent, .inn xv o. King democrat.
iv.r,.c. i,.m,v.., 1 I - -- - State in this dark hour of the nation's
An txtLi.LENT ArroiMiiiNT. e learn 1 Exer.Miv.-The Union frenzy the Abo- peril.
by thelVookvilleiiVnicvi that Doctor lition Union sliders lately seem to have Kaohrd, That the past career of the
lleichold, of that town.hasboeu appointed for the Union They have " Uuion " Iort Waller JI- Lowrio warrants us in
surgeon to a regiment of "American citi-conventions. "Union" meetings, and the I J!ievinR ,Lal do bis duty without
aens of African descent." This is tru!y a' " War for the Union n.;. ,'?r ,r , . .
f - 16 1 n,on- 1 heir conversion! Jlcmlved, ILat our County Convention
proper aptoo:ntment-nn npromtmont fit has been sudden and miraculous, and wo in presenting CyruB T. Alexander, the
to bo made. The Doctor has now been fear partnkea of the young bumble-bee champion ol Liberty, for Anseuibly.made
assigned to a lowly duty, and will be able ' sly le biggest when first hatched. ,a Be,cl'9,, that Centre county may well
to administer to his most intimate and de- Their motto used to be " No Union with1 p'01;"1 J'tu . r .
c, , . ,ln licudved. That our County nominees,
urable friends-, nnd will bo in his proper Slaveholders." Pcrhnps they begin to each and every one. were nelecteil on ao
clcment. We would riot be surprised if ( think that slavery is about " crushed out." icount of their fitness for the several posts
he sends the first wounded nigger in his - F;;. -,7 r- , ' "signed them, and we will on the Second
r,trnaatr, Suart ForthoRepuhhcanstogetsome l'uosday of October, roll up for them and
regiment to play deputy Postmaster for perjo t(j throw , the whoo Pf.mocr(llio guch . major.
him, and turn out the " white trash that org( anj ijanje it on the Democrats. Dem-i " as will make tbe enemies of liberty
now dischargo that duty for him. j ocrats despise such conduct. stand aghast.
Bullv for the Doctor But if tha darkeir . . " . '. On'-Ot'oni Jleo!ved that the Clearfield
cunyiortne Doctor lint I tno uarhey WjJAT DeMoctic Ldim don't vo-Hrn Jit-publican aud Democraiio Watchman of
will taste om advice, he wi!l retain bis -snake-liko-when passing Doaj.cralic'Bellefonte, be requested to publish the
health as Jong as p9ihle. residences in a political procession. proceedias of this meeting.
--- --
tt rmtMlltoli-j OtltloiUI Ill3 (if til tV'.l'le.
- -
llf tiio-l (iiiiirl nn I iii, M. 'leiiirii
Minti"ii that ever luoli .nif in I lini liilil
( nllllly O'ltll" oil I Hi III gilt H fll'IM'tlO
limn for pal li''iihu . I'.'.it in tiriuiiiln In
(ii i i i'l evetybi.dy. At nn early hour,
tho tlimlv unit of ('Yntlield Logan lo
juiiir in, funning n o ivnleii'lt' of huutlreds
of wiigmis ii n I i-li etching fur miles und 1
('iiiii'o.i;il almost exclusively of ink-Hi-.
gci.t voters, fi'niii ll.o old iiiim of eighty i
wintot'd ilun to thoro wh'j ir.o about
lo cie-t their lirst vote. I
.i i. - r 1 1...1: i
lllH WUH II1C U'MIIU "I our i ui'lllivn
, . ... r ,. 1
I I O IU C 1 1 1 3 cliallgllljf I III II' l.llif of llldllllllg
... , . ,,, , I
Iron. Weunebdi.y lo I ia-0;iy cvL'iim.L' u
, . .i ii. i
muii'i'iivro nlniosi without n I'lti.tlUI it.
... r... vr
. .. , . ., ,. . .
hvft itl lt. l'otnoci i.U
iv hold i inootin, on m.v.Ao of tho
court no.xt preoediiif; thi eh.-ction : and
, -.. . . . i '. .1.1..
llio opposition almost iik iiivii' i,uuv un
. - Whv this -h'im.-o was undo !
" ' ' h
co be , Kessod. J u-, to ;,vro,
of their purty, who might bo m ttttond-
ailee nt Court, from hcnrlj IkmocrMic aru-
ll.o meeting came to order by .ppo.nt-1
ing the following ofheers : I
A. K. W'KKJHT, President. i
ThoiuM Wur1i1)U,.t1i r.uccarill . i. T.I
..,. , , 1t !
iCraeken, Ferguson ; Justin A Pee, Gi
' t ai d ; Jai'ob riegal, Goshen ; Jacob Wil
; heiii), Grahaui ; P. liovener, Hus'.on; It.
! Johnson, Jordan ; George llockendorn, J
! Kiirtliaus : Conrad liaker. Knox: A. II.!
.Hl,..v .nisi-M.K.A An.n lio. .Mniieri"'" f"""
City ; Wm. Wate, Moiris ; Jacob A. Ureth,
New Washington ; T. ltaflerty, Penn ;
A l'Vr, 1;l,o . 11..i, 1 U'ollu I'lMnn.
. ,' , ' , ... ., .'cngo our body nndBoul, to raise fSOO.OO to
G. W . bhofl, Woadward ; v ico Presidents. -
, , . 1.1. . ... ,
h. V. Irwin, J. A. l aust, W. .S. Sat.key, !
Most able, eloquent, and argumentative
addresses were delivered by Messrs.,
I Yiiiitii uno i nil Hi-en iviv. of ri.ilndelnhin:
..,.., r ii.,n,.fni V.,,i,.r nflvicinity held u large
. ,1 ,, ,'i , i i 1 1
Clearfield eliciting tho most unbounded,
'Plm I,ol.I (,r.lne tirovultnil nnt U' i I lmt nnd
,,i i- r i ' i ii . .i,
mg the huiling of missiles nt the dpealt-
, . , , .1
ers stand, born some dark corner across
the w;.y, and notwithstanding the discour
tesy of our opponents in marching past
oni itand with their music, whilst Mr.
Northrop was speaking.
But we hove no room for particulars.
ja:id can only add that it wa3 the most
i'nn,,in.) 'iitivt 'lemon"!'"' io rer
1 made in ll.o eou'ity tho speeches the
i best- the order, under the circumstances,
j the most perfect and the decorations
i thanks to the ladies ihe best rte ever
saw; to say nothing of the innumerable
lings, banners, transparencies, etc., con
sisting of live coans, chained dogs, shod-
,'dy regimentals, and goodness knows what
elso, for they were entirely too numerous
j to particularize.
t'omtE l'.sv. Our readers will recollect!
.. .... . . .1
ih nt I lio lieu'inmn? ot llio war J.ineo.n
i Co., attempted to blockade Charleston
""Licr-1-' prociamaiion ; out mis uiu
not Sf,om lo a n,uch It did'ntray.
Tho Urati-io idea of filling the harbor
.;il, t.n.lm, j,n. Ii. u,,i l,m,il .ni.i
.. . . . . .'
gestcd by the agent of an Abolition ship-
'iiiiv.firm in ! Vis ton. This firm liad n
iarP number of old vessels on hand, and
o '
and h is believed that this is the reason
liy tie ,.j(1Q 0f Charleston has been aban -
a0nod bv the iron clads
" , ' ,
1 he loyal Abol. Hon firm made $100.000
profit by selling their old hulks to Lin-
coin I Co., and now they are to receive
?230,()00 for removing them.
But this is not all
'Jkeseold boats
hftVP (IpfpnlPi mil' fi-irnAQ at f Minrlnotrtn
t Charleston and
have cost (ho nation thousands oflives
ftnJ lii;nionj pf dollaM. Xhis i8 firsU;laM
Abolition K.yBliy, because it pays both
. ,, ",
A Irnri-rT 1' 1771. p.. I lip A lioln ion (Ism.
j.ineriv wrien siung i.y ine recession nai- "r.c '" ii'" v.iuiiig, nUU,u
onstrHtion !lRt night was a eomi.lcte ti.zle, Ulesnake or Abolition Adder. ,loave us no party to cpjarrel about."
Compared with that of the great outpour-J IlesolecJ, That tho soldiers who do picket' The following is an extract from an,
; ing of the I'emoeraey. They will not be! duty and face the utorm of shot and ,fchell Article that appoared in tho same paper or
' " : rAtt I l.n r!l ,rnl mint rf ILirlnnn .Inlln ro a 1 1 4
likely to change their time of meeting tojmnnth ,Lprv . r,i,11(i anii ,i,nt it.
tlj0 niiljt appointed by the Democrats ve-
;rysoon again. Beta w ere ft eely offered
i.nai mo AbJiiiionisls could not turn out
150 voters in their procession-while they
, , 1 , , . '
wore as freely oflei ed that the Democrats
had over fit 111. and thnt IIuta
I -
lhreo timo9 numl)fir in .,t(,nrj,ni!,
ii.v. t'Mflin lat n--k m1 a ., l-wnima
,,,i,, llm rni,. rtnt,n .,( ,Vi. Il.,nl,rl
rml our 7 .' ,.'.tl llui'il"' " " " ' ' ' '
Ivnifl mi ("'!' 'i( h 'v "iil llm I n t 1 1 C Him lill'hll'g in J"l"l null, "I It
d.,i,t. I I l Ii truly a (!' tif) nig r. ult," nK,4lnl Judge Low a r, a I iom.h.o II, i
Il llm- appear- Unit our n.ggi f bend M,il(lf ,,, ,,,, .,,,., w lU ,,, 0,,j, t if
m xlil" r in mui-li -.ul nt nlmi Im .ioJui,B , M)ipj f ,.
n ti'iliiction of llm " J'l.Mi.: ilt-1,1." Vitliorily In rlioii. ti tlic iiii.ii,l i;n
Wo mo M.ny llml wo lire loinprll.'! toi rioWTnor (. uilui.
,ilurl. (nirALoliiionriinuU r.'llocl-i TiJ u ,.n,i1B Almlilion
ing mi Ihii " truly j-'rutilyirn renull," but , rnn ih wicrn lVmirj Ivnnin, mi.l ol
n rc'iira jit ikitm ih'uiiiikh nun w iuuuni
f . i i . i . .. -i i.i
in mi. ..,,.. i
Lor. II l.o k,.o no U-lt-r be .l.oul.l re-
mnin silent. Jf ollierivino. lio nl.oulil tell
, !,l, -
the whole truth, nn J noi attemiit (0 dowivO
' (
llll'l l.llllt'ltu lliu in A-llliy l H, lliuinu' "j
; ,i t
'ouniiuist sloops to suoh Liiisenotis, no uo-
r,, tbo contein.t t.t cmy hoiut man. I
U hen (ir.v. t'urtin rnloifd upon h:- i-
lioial duties our, SUto dehtwas l.h thnn
.tS.t-UOn.,,,. (n ll.o first of 1,,,-oniber ;
lahl. ll v:is l(l,OIHI. UtMI. It H tlitmsoon
11,1,1 ,ao ' 'flrs f,f Abolition rulo increased
t1(, Suu U,o ttJ a h.ilf milti-, ftl-
nm bouiod Bum of leu than a null. on
of dollart. ho lias, in this ini-nn tin.o, Inul
llio State lax tWrvW about '.OO.OtHl, and
. ...
1 """ , , , ,
U 0 woul J llko lo 800 11,6 'n,llv'Ju"1
that couldn't pay nlnetu cents, if fornebody
Governor has in " one icar i.icrei-ed the
... ,. ' i ri'in
reoeuitu from ordtnaru sourea f 1 ,(i,.0,l 1 0.
1 I ...
Thus t,howing that Governor Curl.n has
received mor"i nioiey from ordinary sources
our year, than ho has paid on the State
1 ,ii,i :.. ;,...
If we would financier niter Curtin's
method, we would have to onfi-calo tho
wholo erf the Jlepubliean office, and inort-
i y our iiooriy iroui uiu njv ninn n c
' . , , .
come 10 00 ura nun.
The democrats of Philippburg and
held u larue and enthtisiestie
meeting nt the Exchange Hotel, on Thurs-
' h . .
j day evening the 24th iust.
j Tho meeting was organized by the up-
pointtnent of W. Piddles Iso., ns rresi-
I ' '
dent, assisted hv the following ico PreM-
wl"l j . b
dents: Messrs. Samuel 1 hempson, L. hi
ICadwallader, John K. Howe and Dr. C. It.
I Foster; Secretaries, George Cunningham,
and John C. Richards.
The meeting was addressed by Hon.
Wm. A. Wallace, in his usual clear and
logical style. lie wns succeeded by Israel
Test, Esq., in a brier but pointed addt t-ss ,
after which, the following resolutions
were adopted by acclamation :
Whereas, The so-called Republican par
ty, under the pretence that it was the
champion of a free press, and free speech,
foisted itself into power, and as soon as it
iusumed the reins of government, turned
its power lo crush both with an energy
worthy of a better cause, warrants us in
believing that its design was the over
throw of our hburties previous to tho
election of Mr. Lincoin.
uiEatroiiE the administration jn its
nd'.ir I a I r him, rort 1,a niv i I It. u. i.i.' mill.
, " " ' v " " J
lore riAU' ol- uihat-a lliA eruifli 1 i a iiA
i re ct ils rflfu8Bi of ,ria by iurv t0
civilians, ils claim that tho President is
hiuher authoritv than the Constitution.
its disregard for Law, nnd its denial of the
....i. r.r l...k. ,, fnront i a ;JEi,. ,.,-
' .. . . 1
,SY(lr,r., therefore be it
us, jyfiiocrary or .,iour. uweny or
iVW.W. Bv ihe Democrats and Conser -
. T 1.1 -.. f 111. I 1
I vnuve Jiepun.icans 01 uiupsnurg nnu
i .a . i.. r - .1 .
, - !. . I . a it.. T A . i.. . 1 .
; ?1 LAupoll wllich rests tLe temple of
: Liberty, and upon its mccess depends the
Ilifeor the Nation.
lttJvcd. That the Secessionists and Ab-
lolitionists are alike responsible for the
: blood that has been poured out by our
lgons brothers, and neighbors and friends,
and for the waste of treasure which will
' be wrung from the hard earnings of the
I reol,le for hundred of years to come.
i,VW.T,, That while our gallant soldiers
1 are l)UUin own .j Kebels it is our
duty bv ballots to put down the Abolition-
'", or 'in the language of Henry LTay,
j ney win jnn ine union autcn.
Tir'trJ. r.l Tl.ui i iailio iniicinn nf llm
T)PIUOC, ftti'c nriy to restore the Union
and perpetuate tho Free Institutions fo
posterity, as they were handed doirn to us party obligations can couipelus to support :
by our fathers. a candidate w hom we believe to bo dis-
lltsoleed, That the Constitution is tho honest, and no valuable service can be
"brazen serpent" (or Copperhead) which rendered to any purty by doing it. .Suc
was lifted up l y Madison and his com- cess itself would be the surest way to ruin.
Deers. for the healinc of tho Goddess of Another term of such a man as Cirtin.
-. . . . .... .
is the lottnden duty of the nation lo in-
crease their pay protect the widows and
1 11.....1,... .in,... ..u. r.n
i""i' t ..' '
f''T' . w . ,r1,ttcuau'e1
I acterof Judge Woodward, his penetrating
saaci(y as a statesman, and his unrivaled
r 1 I rt-i . , i . t 11 l
, t ft , , . . 1 j 1
side over Iho destinies of the Keystone
i i . i . 1 1 i .i
i;ouro must to noml iiuthonly w Ik n
niK'iikinj? of It-own I'liiiiiin Ifioli'is, In
Ju Uul it
( . iinry i)i()ri .)y ni
, .. , r, ;.,,i"(!.,u
Ulllll !
,, , , , ,j(
Hi lif ,t I i't (l! t ' II tw J 11'1,'f n.' 'i
" Wolicnrltn ocnitionnl rornplmnt from
i.miI. nl'll n Sl..ll'. of till' fl'I'I'd'OII
v. ;t, hicli wo Imvo loon 'Lidinj,' with
the liovo.noi. 1 ho oLj.vl.oil is l.of Hint
facts M,,d by ..-are not ..uo but .hut i
. ' . ,. , ,. f
ih'ciiumi nn i a iiopuoinau nun uinii i ,i
lllul) .v,.t.o.A'y. 1.lmimo iL is ut h uL a ).os.u
,, ru.v, thai ll.o (...nv.uilioii uhoul to iui-
,1 horo, ,ni,hl prosont bin. h a
di Into lor rp-elociion.
To e firhl o lht.B0 ol.jert iimi. we nn-,
KW0.i til(ll u Itliouh elxitod ly the pnrly, !
wo Ly no moans su.o lhal, lookiiiL' lo 1
,lilt ,us, l(M, .urioun.UrjfH, thut if we imi I
jtl onu. a0 i rofponsible lor his eleeii..n, ;
it. only imposes uiion u-the duty of ina-
king a.nonds hy an hone.t conle.ssion, and ,
ondoavorini.' to Mevont Ihe locui k nee of.
a-mo ciso kihikis now, 11 couio mil, wiu.-
out supposing in the Convention an absc-
, . . , 1 ..
jlJto (VHut 0( conscience, and nn otter
recklessness of results.
There are nolitioiann, wo know, who
would laugh nt our simplicity in tuking it
ri r..,,,,rl ll... ..,.,. nr,n.i,L.linn.
for granted that innral considerat ions
wouiu 00 Illioweu in nave any weigui in
t i . r . . . i i ..i'
an assen.blaire of that kind, instructed,
perhaps, in advance, in favor of a i.articu -
lar individual, or engaged b, 'the l - v.o
inlerests of its members, to lavor his pre-
tensions under all c.icuiiistanees.
We are ;i'eed that the tone of political
morality is not always ns elevated as it
ought to bo in such assemblages, and that
they are but too often made up, to n large
extent, of men whose perceptions of right
and wrong are as piin fully obtuse ns those
of tho unfortunates of Iha feebler sex, who
live bv i rostitution
... . . ... ...
V lukn il. Inr irrnntoil. however, t lal
they will desire success, and to insuro
. ii i ..... ,i , ;'.
thut.endeavor, as far as possible, to deserve !(( th(ir mn or The ilafromen., ure Wf,uM otheri;e on.Ml. e time, -.bat" amoL
it. To accomplish that, howevere, it is to TWO bWELLlMJ-11 0 U S K S, an eicell.-m Various shades can he produced from the ua
be remembered that they have to deal j UARS, two OKCUARUS, and the usual outl.uil- l)ve. -j ,e prorees i simple, und any omni
with ft constituency whoso moral sense lit
ol a higher crade, nnd cannot be safely
either outraged or ignored however it
may bo with theirown. It is n great tnis-
. . . . . . i. ...
take to eiiiuioso Hint tno vep'c aro s in-
ditlerent as tl.e pnliticiani, to the character)
of their public servants. A reputation, '
at least, for honest v, i- always un essential
element of success. No parly is strong
, . j. , . , . .
enough to disregard .1 will, impunity.-
Kepuohcan Government wi. I be confessed -
ly a failure, when .his shall come to be
considered us immaterial. " Look at yout
n n (irivci nnr .'iud I.f oisbitiiro." was the
bitter taunt of a Southern Senator to a
i, i ,i" i
Ponns lvan.a go. tleinan. a month orlw
alter the repeal ol tl.e tonnage Jax, and
tell me what is to be the end ol your fiee
instulior.s, und universal sullrago ?"
We hope to succeed al the next elec-
lion nndu iV with the exercise cf even
tolerable prudence in the selecl.on of
ncwlid...1 I. i. cn n,..M, annlion
, , ,, , , i ', ,i application are iu-1 antl true,
whom wo shall lake, a- whom we shall nof "ronDS C0Iltttimng ,,,, requi.iiioni cat, he ob
take. We can elect almost any body but tained at the office of the Hoard of Relief, wheu
the present incumbent. Lpon the record
1 "e have shown, it would bo tempting fate
I and courting defeat, to lake any risks on
i im. It i not necessary that wo should,
' to lone ns there nro men enrii-Kl, nf irroot
ii . . - .
, - j 1 1'""'' l"-"1"
sonal character, are abovo exception, nor
i 'o e tenU t hat it slia.l be done, it
nn 1, .ll rt . t VV n .. , 1 I i..l 1 .r. ... 1 1 ....
. -r v. -..i wmpcieu
t r innL'a tin icuiia mmn ina w.-i.-....! -
r maL'A tin icuiia mmn Ina ILA...I Y4'
! must decline tho battle upon his integrity
as n Public Adminb-trator. We waai'thel
i decks cleared for a fair light, upon llir
; grout ciuc-vtion or tho day m wlixh we
cannot aflord to bo defeated. With any
other candidate, we can go into it full of,
heart and hope. With him, wo should
only have an assured defeat, in the way
of com pen su lion for a violated conscience. I
i Wo have, as already remarked, no partial-
it'os to indulge, no resentments to gratify;
and no candidate to -erve. We are con-
tent to leave the choice to oilier-,
the single reservation that they shall have ,
rum- ,cp,n,i n.i ,.u, luum, i,uiu,,
and not tisk us to d ishoiior ou rselves 1, v '
advocating the election of a man who has
aheady so far abused our conridei
l;i. ii.., ...i.:..u :.. . 1: .. 1 1
-Sth July last
It maybe, and perhaps is, tl.e fault Of
complexion nnd temperament. WEAK1
1 f. I. ATI l t la bo ltns piii boon if ivnnb
I, b in, i,, lo 'I'D KIVI) 1 M I V W I'l')
FITTED for a c.isis like this, which really
"tries men's souls." We have already
suflered enough from men of that kind,
whose very virtues have been turned into
delaulls by it whoso mis-plaeed tender-
ness has been real cruelty to innocence
and whose timidity has had worse conse -
quences than treuson itself. It is only
the W,m ct tenaran propositi r!n-n"-tbe
just, honest, firm, constant, brave and
inflexible man who is suited to times
like tl.eso and not tbe nervous creature,
who pales at a shadow, and starts convul
sively, like the frightened fawn, at the
rustling of every lfaf. In order to inspire
a just coLbdence in the people, wo want
a man to meet our enomy on the border,
and not one who will retreat to tbe Capi
tol, full of exaggerated fears with terror
and confusion in his train only to dis
mantle it, and prepve for anoijer hrgira
in the direction of tbe Delaware."
flr. u... tl. u.t:'i
Martial Band and all bully Democrats.
I ll-- KnAtn llm utr-tltf u 1'iin
Ot'tnojl of tli o Clrm fli . I iIih'iii lmK t
iioinlrmli'il lr, 'I Lo- J. ll. in, - lin n
i iifiliilull Ii -r n M ml i t. I'r Ilfinn
1. ( il nil. i , 'hit niji i In- Lit "i - .f I it i..;,if)
iiLi.l tin' Iti ii i ililif l'i iiimi t hi c
I mi v, in iif otruiv o i ii iti.. ii llml a
id 'I Main ml uiii'tiiii it'll I luri iimUl
I i ihrf I'l Li iii 'I In' I'itif ii'l ill no! only
liluin Ii i in Vv nn oviiwlii lining iimii.rily;
-. . . .' '
Mil imvw (HHlwnril, l.ortl'ii1, mill ll.i' Ion-
. ... , . .1 . -ii
MMiitiom.1 iionM.nT- mo llminill tmmi
tlnili ini'i't llm X'( (' mnl
Ni.liol, .-- W.;t lirnnrk t, r.'.
. . . . . -
f A li It 1 1 ll On I l,c Kill Ii.m.,., F II. H.lmii
I ilit', Ml. I In luui 'l ul l ii to Miri MmgnritJ.
Hi m, nl l'.'r ;iiMii lcnliii.
On llio 17th ii"t., ly W in, A. lllocni, Mr.
A I r n tt ii in . lHi.,.111, i. .Ionian ,.iidIu), In
Min Mnignrrt Kul.n, of Knox tnnnrhil', I'n. I
. , mn n i
liiiiit n.. C.I....I.. il... iii, u.t it:-- r- l
,.,;, dllllKltl,r r ,nr nn,i ,!., a. KUdmi
H....II ...I I, ;,,,...,. I 'Httr Bli.l If 1 tint
WtJnMiluy uihl, T.kl inft., Frederick Hit- !
' -, ..... of ih. munU p,.rBnl, n.l 2
o;:;'Vr ,C 2-ttl, in.Unt. K.ineJ
full.criif Urn chililroii Ubcire mrneil, gf,l t.1
ji'iir-. 1 i.i"lii."i imn v unji.
Win- ,),l uurl.'.-U in n'rrow (low,
tVlii-n il,,(l refill liU ohii,
Ami liiJ.i . hen. lot. re i norKl of nod,
l-'ur uu iiuii.oitul cruw.i.
I not uYi. iti'iitli a ?nin to tl,"
Wliuac life lo (Soil kii (j'"!'"?
lilm'ly lo eiirili their oyv tlicy rloce
Tu upi'U Ilium in Huuvuk.
Tluur toils urc pat ; their trork it dune;
And they aro fully lilent ;
They foiipht the tiht llio victory un
A net entered into rest.
Then let our mrrnw eene to Dow )
(iud h h h reenlled his own ;
But let our liesils iu every woe
Still suv "Thv will he dune."
Jlclu bbfdiscnunts.
ii hereby civrn, lliat Letters of AiiniiiiiUrii
tun. 0.) the I'piutn ot llurtley Kupnn, lato of Kurt
, i,,,,,, (..wn.i.,, riearfi.ld Jouniy, deeeued, hav -
1 ..J l. ..-.: 1. n.. .1 ..ll
, ing Leon grunted lo tho undersigned ; and all
pemoua iiio reRie.i in 1111,1 esiuio uro ri'ijueiiea
i, - : -,l :....... .......... ...1 .1...... l.
"llll8 immediate pnyment, and Ihoso having un
ltl'1, H""",!' wl" I'"'1"-'''' , f1'" d" ' UB ntl
- ; jlLfni.tratri,
Fjijrn eff 20 Acre-a
For Sale or Kent,
riAUF. SuWrihor, recidine in Fereuion town -
I thin. ( Icftrfloht eoiintv. uuw otlerf hi- ex-
, r client i A KM f.,r sale or rent on very remona-
1 lie terms. The Farm is lituatcd on the public
road leading from Luiu'-er city lo New IVusliing-
-i r r ... l.A r.....,n. ..lunA .n,l
. "'. '""( " " " i
eontains 2'fO acres, I7( of which is cleared
i ...! 4:.:,.-. -. ,1 ; . nni,i.. f,.
; aings tl.ereon. given on ruo ursi o.
April next. Title indisputable.
Sept. 30, 1SC3. tf.
KI.II'.I' OTK'l--The Uordof Relief
, for the county of Clearfield, will meet iitt'.ie
Commissioners' otheo, on Wednesday and Thurs-
;.ay, u- istanu jj.i ,. uc;oocr, .sc.
The lioard have directed that al new apPl..
' canU must appear before the Hoard and produce
j thoir ,worn ,Vleulellt name, of,
(re(,il,Ilt ani ccn,panT; wheu cn.i-ted;the
nuaiberof children, with age and sex of eiu h ;
tho township in which they resided at t'te time of
enlistment, and their present residence : and that
,uo " wlluuut "IB i "i,!",n i"1 i"";'
and children, who are dependent upon her.
. o Ki,otofcr,JMlytUotl ,h, t)wnkllip
,n w)ljch fhe rc,i(u, must also be produced,
nofe certificate, iworu to Lcfure the board, nittbt
mi forth thut the applicant is the person she rep.
resents herself to be ; that the staten:ineiil of llm
number mid ago of her family is true ; that she
destitute circumstjinee. and her fau.i'y in
: actual want ; and .hat all the fa.ts ,et forth in her
-,.-:-!.,. ...' . r... i.
'application is made and the witnesses appear.
j W.M. S, URAlLEV, CVi.
September 3uth, 1S03.
', .
. r- " I'V A It II.
The public are herchy
. JJ cautioned aeain
cautioned against harboring An individual
by the name of lwac S. Uibbonv. alins Loci. . I
journivinnn Shoemaker, bavins stolen a lot ol'
we tools from the mbteril er uu the nicbt of the l.'.Ji
I TL. L .... - ... - A , l. .. - 1 .1 , . .
ui.lHu .-. n, uo ,,,r ,
sn tlnr.t an. I rntn
nut. urn o n.i reinrn rn inn ii 11 n .rti i iwt r t:iar.
b''l't' :' 1863"
yn . ,
bVUI ......... - V
A. V. ni.AIH. Iroprictor.
(Late of the " Surf House," Atlantic City.)
Sept. 2, 1853.-1 y.
A Wnr of K.xtermination is to he
waged against
; .
The subscribe having purchased all the in-
teres! of the late firm ofti-raham, Iinynton 4 Co.,
and h.-ivinir made Inrire ail. litions to their slo.-k .
now announce to the public generally that they
- re ra,,T 10 ,lrPl.v thpin with any and every ar-
:11" ,'ui4,,jr ,oun" 10 -5"
'A Superior StOCK Ol Dry Goods,
' ---- , -i
XI U IS lUKl Vai)S.
"1 j jTIl
i 1() OlS iV OllOCS.
Their atock of Hardware ii rery large, which
they will sell cheaper thin the cheapest.
Pulley Blocks,
itable for mafting and building pnrpoies.
Suitable for maftiog and building purpoaei.
They desire especially to call the alien!'. j .: :"
e publio to their stock of
the public to their itock of
Queens w a r e ,
Which they flatter themstlrei eannit IsbeaiT.
in this eection.
fall atid a .nr alntr wballinl. -""v -
eraot. earKEMEMBER THK PLAt E, Yar
ket street, nearly opposlve tbe Jdasriea House.
Peptetnker 214, tf
'I'l I"
1 til. an,'
'I '",.
1 ' ', O ' ' A
I ', oil.. .l
nti ii "ti !t
i f ! II' 'itml'
Hr (! ,
In llf I,,,
- I'L 'll. llilll ii,. .
"I t'lli . f t II. !
, ""ll
' ll,.,
I" ill , I h
'l't''H"Hl lS.rrn
ri p. tiil.o , v.
I' li'li .I I.i llm
. I'-. i"l ih'
Itr I....1 ' i , H f.,r,i,i .,' '
llni nil llm (( (,n lif !4rrn. Hr,,i .
ti'hrm k'.mi.lhi.T linn i.f u,e iurn,lth ' 1
,1 ln.1,1,,,.,, ll.a r.. .
... , H
,, . V v , . ' ' "t I'"ii.
"i" ""l.iiini.e if llih Ari', iiV-l, mil il,. a 1
.,,., f o, h fpt...,,!,,? , u, Vt
l rrU,,i Mt ,. h,M 0m Iih ilav'or f:.! . '
A. 1.. l-.ll. ' '
A. !., I"ii t.
Am t ;
J. (I. II ALL, Sc -j.
l-i'l l. ii.l)(.r 2,1,1, bf,;l, M.
Not Dclbatod!
i ' I ' .. , "-v" u irua n,,t;t,
'" J'"1' "P''''"K "P n of ih, i,('
"' mwl rweftily wlfeua AwoitaMhrf
oueroa io ine Kuoa people ir Curim,,,
ur tivihhj, now .mill uo will le.l il
I 1 .1 ...
tdijir rum 12 i 15 ecnli j,Mn,
HojI Pyrey t 87 onli fx,,,),
And til etlur grn-iei l Die mnt rtei,
Boots, Shoes and Shoe Kindm
rnii Li.wia miv av rtttrih
Ul (111 IlllliOf, 1IJ11J1 J Allulli,
badies who wifh to make a cnod liivestaiu
nboiild rail 1111J c xinoi no ll.o ushortmont of
where they will find the very latest, kentuj
trost fimhioniihle patterns of
LAWNS, Ac,, ic.
Y"Byo, Oats, I.Vrn, Fish, Uaoon,,
sold at the lowont prices for cash, or exobangM
for Couuliy produce.
J. n. J IIU.M1'U.
i PFenSvilIe. Pentemher. 2a. 136S.
' ' ""'
jii rouR,
10 ,,.( ,,,
.''. " . .'
I'retuh Hhu
ItvyulVtrfi, I
l.ijht Jlivtrn,
Snuff Jirotcn,
Ihirk i)rttbf
1. itf ht Jtrnbt
'.'.( rltl,
SI 'ii It,
Snlfr rint,
Viol, i,
) tlloir,
Vurfc (ceil,
1 L'Hhi 0rc n'
-r dveioe Fun. woolen mid Mixed Gai.S,
1 r-hanls, S:ail, Drefses, Ril'hons, (ilmw, '
I Donnuts, Hats, Fentheri', Kid lilor,
, C'liil iien's Clcthinj,', nnd all kinds
..I U'...:... A ... .a I A
"""'I' "1 1-'-''" '
r;A SA 1 M ! Ol
t-. t .
u.- the Hvo with ,cr;.'i. sueeers.
ll ii i ctious in Dii;li-li, French and Geraic,
in t-ide of each package.
Fur further inl'.iru.uticn in Ilyeing, anditij
a perfect knowledge of what color are bwtid
nptcd lo dye over olheri, (with uiuny vilmbli
recijies). puioiiae Hun a & Stevens' TreUiien
liveirifr und I'olering. Sent ly mail on mtipl
of price 10 cents. Waiiufulurd bv
Jf.ll, Rroadwny, Busten.
For sole Ly Pnnjjists and i'l.len genendly.
Septumher 2:t.. IStl.t.
("AITTIO V. All per' ns are hereby eauti
J eil neninst pereUasing or in any way ei
i. : . u u ...I I : .. .. ............ i.
''b hu i"- ... ,.
p"oMon of M. H. C in .wnt if Covinctoa W'-
it, i . v,. : One llrown M,re, .ne Sorrel
one liay Hor.-o, and oi:e Voice of Ked Oiii.m
tho sn.i.e Im la-en purchased by us, tudbin
oi.Iy been left with laid Conoivjy on loa,id
are tubjoct tj our order,
i .10I1V KRIKL
Frenchville, Sept. 18, IS'i.1. pd.
rpO SCHOOL TF.ACHI:K.-! Twelvemils
A Teach, rs aie minted to u,ke elisrce "fAl
ban reHce rchoc's fir the term oiFoLIl MOJfTHS.
Schools t' commence iib'.ut Ihe l Novs-Wi
next, Tcnchem wishing In nj.ply will l"
mevt the Superintendent and Ilireeiors on
i.intion day (21st So pi ember,) at Clearfie'.A lis
cml wnj;e will be given lo coiupcUm icaii.
Jly old. 'i "I Hie uui'i.
a i vov c TSTE.
. c. . m tr
' ' '
r-l'KAl OX. Came trefpafiineen tiiepmi
- 1
ot of llio sul.sei iber rcridinf i (iirsrs-
towiifbip. about the li'.thof Anr"t U't lrg
' I'.K!i ()., horns very wi le, nn-J to ; dwitHwM
kwnb. Thj owner is heretjy'J t'lf"1!
forward, prove roperty, ray rhar?,'l,i(e., was
.will be disposed of according l' t'ov.
j Sei.tembcr 1 (. 1 S6.1. .
l'lacksiuitlis Wauled.
"W0 good Juuriiev men lilncksiniO- tire u
occupied bv Jacob Shuiikw i'.er, in I'ltarSeM, a
"horn steady cinploymeKt and libcrnl wnjei 'li
' 1 be given. Apply to
Clearfield, pt. 9, lS'KI. pd
AY COW. Stravcd fiuin tl.e uhsen-r
Clenrfild, in o. siLont the 2d instssta
large black COW, with n stur in tor forchesJ-
Any person giving iufor.antion a to the wbcre
bouts ol said Cow, or returning her to thesis
senber, shall bo libera! v r."vrde 1.
Clearfield, S t P, 1st .i.
CI ACTION. The public lire hereby cunt"
I ncainst hurboring or trusting n-.J sot J
FiI'.Eo a minor who left bis home
in Hay last without any just cause, as IsJl'J
no more debts of Lis confactin;.
JAC'Ull L-1--AMA.V
Ksrthaus tp., Sept. 9, pd.
i WTiOV--Tne public, u 1 e-pe-,l.;
cliants, ar aemby cautioned ag.iKM
nny portvun gcoJf, or any otlier ir': r.t, z i
"vm neU"'r wUb ur w,tCOU,' ..'u'Ve.
! ' T
Sept. 16, 'Jli-pd.
1 1 FACTION All petsons arc L-rrhy r:
pec. "!
u i s .
.ir l.i.rb'.rini:
I 1
. ,
I 11 '
wagtswiii o p "'
, : i ; ' K
. ',
.r.3, 1
k I -!
t:r d,
1 1
v nr '
. .HIT i'L?
1 tw Aie'1