c i ! nit u A i j 1 1 1 ! t ,1 n . ; t i if I it, I "in vim k uii i nr. 1I Hi t walti;.. H LOWHIK, M.MOt KATIC lilVritlCT IK hi T. ASSKMBLY, T. J. liOYKK, of Clearfield county. A. M. IlKNTON, of McKoan county. I.riHOCHATIC I'Ol'NTY TICKET. f V t'fi . ( I I I. I l I u. i .. .1 It, at I, is ; "'M i r (it ,( i !,o 1 ' in ii. m '(' .1 lf r pllll-l ,i Id n'lf f til) . Mr Ii I r ,.i ll,M i i 1 fc A I! I ! t. " t hi H r . f l I, ! I iiln I' ' lu h r In .'i !, I ' I i I n 1 1 i.l i "i 1 .fiiiii-t 11 j t (if ,, f y Mffi .fi I hi I ,i,le . . 1 Ml" t Hit Vlttl it I.' I t l f iH H'lc'l f'r ly I 1 .1 It, kid,,! iiln1 i ' , ' " . .ill Mf.nlfl fit I iif f.,,,,fj ri I . n I. L i 11.M1 i,.l In liib fcttiii.Mwlfiil - . . . . ii' ,,-,, , , r., r . , fur III I, i ) 1 ll S'tl'W" ' . ,f tt"1. iii itr.-d -'l"fl f hilt., r-t'S. j..,.,. ifOtH) t i ll MP 1 t fU rviM'h! .tl t f fr" fn .M.ri liM I' I l'H.f-1 tli- 'lir'Ulinit "'"'" "1".,,,-, .... ,..,,,, ,,.. ,,., ftt.ri Mil MUM. K , ft, M, ..,, )IM, rw.r If" ' '4 1 "( , ., . i , i i .i...., ... .1 i.ih, nvc ("' iMiiipnl"! ilni n(f tl,o Innt nt n nil n ill I I ')'! lotiitiii()iilitn'i ,r4 " ' v F, 1 hi 1 1 N lh,,f,...!.,..n,,.,.-nMM--tM-"!. -I lm ' 1 , Inim, n.nMH.t to tl.lr- l' cf t I L fl'M ,..n, V. ,Vh Vl HnlKiS flVt"ly l-MHt.M II,., I.....,,,,, M.I t-ntn '..''f,f I!,,. .M-n . f millions. nl Uhuv r.l till. H-Murt llounn, in Itif buionth of l'tr t'.V. tVl,'t ll'l -' .i.ili.rn- JhV In lliii Of rrttft, Mr. I miM i., ,,, v nnU n"t.i ,,,,, w j ,0 to cmty on Hie -',T. fl' "n ,h" MwUf Kf u I4 .h. t ?', .!i V ,.)' .rrr., n tiy-f. fil iilli.l,i' I l.tit A..'litin rtt-.linift, .,. l.tit AMI- orMnmt until IliO How tfPMnry liol.cn itit.l,.', l'H, for wn!rtntion m ,t: tt.4 niury .. th Mi4 inn'S !AI.'.l..i.m r. Mr. Lk-.s i, r,.,l l H -n .,,,, mI .1,1, I. Mr notice In H. ,o H-ndj for iu- Tl.o ,-ul,h ;"y,";,n (.,.m)nt cf j,mM Wh, ,hVbVUtt'r;'.4.r:a, , u ' Fnv. 1 1 " Ii. '' ""I"' n I' I 1. II lil'Fil- Minn f I 'i 'ii ' ' "i i I nil I linn li "I ' .iriii ii... ii ni ii'it I iu'1 I IIP I'M HI ll' r I nn inn I, imi ii ilniiulrHlrir nl fe II lid Ihtfillnr Hi a ."r"', , nfnrr, iiiiii ii,i.. l U, e'tiiiorictici.uSm'irioi.w. Noimni county wlnt liitvc Ia It t it h tifm thnt Uhlicd ftl nl einont licyond lh? nmouiit, lut tlm fouili cniri.t t ho iliHliinn ul ff.-- their ruMont Ii no lonprr ilculrod l titnt. f livo twenty loinlri ifmui.'d Sub- Uioiiism furtlwr ilmn lie." U in ft culled i It U lime tl.ii npirlt of Lioiiml jToncrip- Kcriilioin to the live tw cut ion liming !uron bv lhn('lmlrnnr the IWomtlo' tion it hp -l)rd out. unrl th only y .,,p l'"t week flmonnted to nearly Isime t'e.tlrul Committee, to know if lie ' to rcl.uke nuch littU oute, pnlrlot. ii fu,,r tnlllio1"' Ii onrreolly report"!, lie (very Mrnngoly through their poekoU, for n centlemnn of cumlor, at we alwityi TKEAKURKH, ISAAC KLINK, of Bradford twp. COMMISSIONER, AMOS KKAl), of liawrenoo twp. ai;iitor. F. F. COUTERET, of Covington twp Standing Committee Meeting. lb Democruti County Meeting wilt mot tat ih oflie of the Cbirmn. in Clear6eld, on Mon day evening, Pi'pt. 2&. Ai buaiueia of import ance will l,e bofuro them it la doeirablo (but there (houlrl bo full in altendanfe aa fnreible. 6ept.l. ISRAEL TEST, CU'n. GRAND MASS MEETING. There will be a (Jrand Slum ilet ting of the DemocracT of Clearfield county, in Clearfield, on die evening of TUESDAY KEPT. 20. Tbe rea pootiva tntinahip Club art invited to join Ha in making tbia worthy ilemoDslration in favor of Law, Liberty, and an unbroken Union. The lion. Critra L. PsnaHmo J. II. Onvia, Esq and ether rpeakera, will adilreaa the meeting, luru out, follow. citizona, jmd let ui hare a mouetor. Kept. 18, ISKAEL TEST, Ch'n. Wiuttuc War m ion. The AlUuiij HAM 'I, C. TllOMr-KOt JAt'OB KI T 7., 11I0H lJOlOllkliTv n i ' . 1 . ictiii t'rru a, Clrarflel.l, I'a. Ang. 29, '(CI, j Ca linilV Mllll M 'V,f lwV iiwaae w ; IV... J... lit- U . 1 ' . ( A7.r Inrii.it.sa:. -Abe Lincoln andhn ..,.,' :,, nin, . i n. rebellion enileil, llw Southern Htutea iritfil 111 Mia hi-"". I'f'll nn.l.. ,nl,.,l chaHel.,.,!... and credit. Zl O which rrnof Willmni Aililleiimn, jr., bitten bat in a rbl. '',,J Lin r.fit.B lurti'li nfPllcu itltlmriilltilv, HI ll'l n a-it... A el CI-bi field, anil Htate of .'eim) Irania, oeceaieil. 2. The pHrtial account of Win. Kina and lni'ii l OoioiHii, A'liiiinintiaton of all l,(l Unuti'iir, the gooi.1 and chattel., I A;TI()...aiI perroni are ht'r k H iii'lits ami cieilil. which aeieof John VJ 'd apnioat burint or la .... J.J e,l Kmie. lata of llunmide twp., Clcarfi.'1'l tl; following pmporty now ig ljH cotui.y. I'enn.ylv.nia. . ! I'Vkk ' o m "' i , :..! .1 l.,J, t... I ''hh " hTAtlS, ai Ilia lam i-i... " u,li u. i no iiimi .v..u., ui t n. , j , f, . . . , .--"" U Alin'.illim fHiintina. not anluflnil will, vt .2 i ..i'i. i f written copy oi in. M'Cn-wii,cii iiiiiKoa ..... . , , . . ..,it,(l i,,!,, tho Ijnion a. no.ticli allocation exoe,t ly the moat re- fof h( 0, rerU 1() e. it wna. undnr the Constitution a. it i..-j mote ;,.,'! Mntin.M inference-firat ,ni, enrullinj, th0uelvca. in which 1 ''I"00 " ' "f" t WJU "lJ lpl.nB o ..capo pub c n.,um am to ( () "V;, that .lav,;; tmi.t il- Tl.. account of A M. 0,11, Buardi- di.mwa the .uhject, l.ynUerving that "'A. ....., . ,.,. ,,un lntk 'i i,f,. ,t,n ,!.r.llioiia SmiP. an of the minor heirsofMimuel Hairier, cunrdiiin ot llcnnolU Kineal, tumor oil, Id of Jaoob .Smnnl. deccied. rtivirta of the tprti hrs rt' tirrred on that oefation are oft ieusty inrompft lt', and not intituled to he full or liter'a!." We are sorry for you, Mr. Drow n. Why not have .aid, in .o mtiny word., thai you were "the public, libeller of no man ?' It appears that Mr. Hroh n' objection, to .Tutlgo Woodh ari) ore founded upon of milking war again.t Krnnoo and Kng- could le re-arttnillml. .ot an Aiontion t ... , ntll.VII, JA'IJ'IH I !. 1 J (ffcfici . T.inl nii.l llin Ilnllinflnt in fMlrlir 1 V v ' Thi. would be quite a variety indeed. Hut we would auvite thone lunatics to fin i.h the " ninety days' "job they hava been engaged at for nearly two yenri and a half, make sale of the elephant they havo on hand., before they buy two orlhreo more, t 11 senumenu utte-cu oy ...... . .... cnme ovelocked. ,ii i i)uc'enueiic rijuu, , n um i.tin io DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. There wrll be maea meetings of the Democrucy -and all nonaervative men u fullowa : At New Washington, Sept. 18th, (evening.) At The Cherry Tree, Eept. 19th, (afternoon,) At Mutaonburg, (ufternoon A evening) Sept 21ft. At Kylertown, (evening,) Sept. 22d. At Williauia Grove, (eveding,) Sept. 23d. At I'uiltpnlxirg, (evvning.) Sept. 24th. TTbit meeting in intended an . grand rally of the Democrat and Conservative men of Cambria, Indiana and Clearfield eonveriont to The Chorry Tree, tbe party in each county having united in tbe call, Good Speaker will be prevent at theao meet ing to preaent plain fact to tbe people in a plain aaoner, and it ia earns it ly requested that all lover of their eountry and it time-honored in ititutiooe. (hould come and hear. 6ept. IB. ISRAEL TEST, Ch'n. WOODWARD and three yean ; OR CURTIN and this draft only. The certificate given to conscripts pay-1 tog their for exemption, by the Board of Enrollment for this district at Waterford, does not exempt a man for Ar year., but only for the " draft of the 27th of August, 181)3." Such are the word, of the certificate the opinion of Tuaddeuti Stevens to the conteary not rihtjnding. The question, therefore, to whether! the $300 in to exempt a conscript fcr three years, or for this .ingle draft, (ami hi. name to go back into tho box and run the risk of the next turo of the wheel,) I. still an open one to be decided by the Jacobin power, at Washington. Of course they will be guided and controlled by cir cumstances, and as all the " war pover" of the Government U potea.ed by them, whatevtrr " miliLuy necessity" may dictate will be adopted, ft is fair to presume that the result of the forth coming election in thi. StatVe will have a very controlling influence with them. Tho question is no doubt kept open for a purpose. What that purpoae is, i. not hard to divine. Should Curtin be ic electud these gentlemen can be called upon for three hundred dollar moro without acy fear of the consoquenaes ; hut .hould Woodward .ucceed as he most certainly will it may not be deemed just .o pru dent to defy the plain and obvious mean ing of the law. To the $300 men the is ue is therefore a plain ono: Woodward and three years j or Ct.Kn.v and this dr.ft ouly. JeyVoters remember that every vote cast for Andrew ii. C'urtin, for Governor, will be construed by the Abolition party, to be in favor of a continuation of the war, with all it. evil concomitant., tho Draft will be " vigorously" enforced, taxes will be increased, ai d everything we consume will double in prices in the event of hi. election and a few men will become wealthy nabobs, at the expense of the many, ana tue present wuite owners oi property in common with the less for tuoato of their race will he reduced to perpetual slavery. Theoofeatof Judge Woodward would bo hailed by the Jacobins with unbounded joy, and a demand would at once bo made for " tho last man and the last dollar." A half million of new made graves, hun dredsof widows, and thousand, of orphan children, will be the legacy left to the American people, if the Democracy fail to carry th great central State.. On the other hand the .ucces. of the Abolition party, will tian.fer the drama of tho French Revolution to our shores, 1 and we all must drink the bitter cup. j "Toe Soldieb's Friend." The people! are asked to re-elect Gov. Curtin becauoj he is the "soldier', friend." Go ask the! war worn teteran of the Pennsylvania' Reserve, who is the "soldier's friend," and he will tell you thai his recollections of the thtkldv uniforms furnished at Camp Curtin, which exposed them to tho in clemencies ot Ilia weather, ana to tno jeer, of the .oldier. of other Stales nrej too vivid for him to forget w ho i. not the " .oidier. friend." That .peculation fill-, ed the pocket, of a large number of thoddy ; patriots and many grave, with betrayed , oldier.. The " .oldier'. friend" indeed ! ' cember, 1860, (which address wan publish ed in tho Republican a few week, ago,) when the whole country whs appealing to Congress for the adoption of I'eace moiia- uros. IHd Mr. Jtniicn condemn tho'e smtk mails then f He did not. On the contrary, he expressed himself to tho writer of these lines in the most extravagant terms of euloium of Judge Woodward for that wry effort. It they were right then, why aro they a.Ton.7 now? No, no, Mr. Prown, Judge Woodward is now just what he wa in 1800, when you endorsed hi. every position. If thre i any difhere no be tween you, you and not he, i. to blame for it. Saif Forney the President's dog said, a abort time ago, that the Conscription Law was approved by the people that it was a popular measure, and would Iw sanctioned by the popular voice, tc, c. It. popularity i. just now being tested. In Rhode Island, where the "job" ha.ct.nt tylo. " By their fruit. yo shall know tttSIoo. any individual in hi. .obor .ense. believe that ao long a. the people of tho North and the South contintre to elect, and be ruled by war advocates, and war partisans, that we shall ever see peace within our border, and tho Union restored again ? Not a man beliove. it. If we con tinue to elect a majority of war partizani to our public office., the preent genera tion will not .urvive the " irrepressible conflict." Then why, fellow-citizen., vote for such men ? A Sicx. We observe by the Armstrong Democrat that the Republican parly at their late Ma.. Meeting in Kiltanning, ful ly adopted the doctrine of amalgamation, by making a practical demonstration A mon the several delegation, that arriv ed from the different towiiahips, wm one of " American citizen, of African deacent,'" headed by a black nigger dressed in a U. S. uniform, flourishing a .ivord In mfigniG- A 1'oskh. Thi. is tho best tbin(f we hnve seen : A preacher said to a Imo- crat: "How can you vote for a triad and convicted traitor?" The gentleman qui-, etly and most severely, yet reverently, , retiliod: "How, ir, can vou serve the J IMvine Master whom you profes. to follow, and who was tried, convicted, and execu ted for .edition and treu.onf" We .op pose the Parson wa. able to see the why in both cases. Ijogan Qacctc. Joy"l. your master up?" asked an early visitor of a roblman' valet. "Yes ir," rejoined tho valet, with great inno cence ; "the butler and I earned him up about three o'clock." been finished, " a inetecn " soldier, were obtained less than ono in a hundred. Thus fur in Pennsylvania the yield is about the same. Hut it affords a splendid har vest of " Greenbacks "-and with what degree of approval the poor man who ha to mortgage hi. homestead to raise the them" " Ukcoxditiokal Uniox M..v."Those creatures who have with Wendell Phillip., " labored for nineteen years to break up tho Union," and whose .teteotyred motto was " No Union with slaveholder.," and are constantly denouncing those ai " trai- glonous three hi.uired and save his life to tor$ ttn,i rehel .ytnpathizers," who d- l.t. family, will view tin. popular meat ,ocate tm, doctrines of Washington and ure," the polls on the seconu luetoay ot j8ffer,on(ha rouder of the Union. October will probably tell. World. The ..feat Government in the Thi. old boast of our., is being Suoddvites. There are to be found among this class of creatures a few men te8tod bv .. 0i xbJ-. 4l Washington. wlio call tiiemseives war Democrats. , Th(J ., tiovrriril(.nt" ride, in a two- who in common with the Abolitionists, horge conch from t!ie white lleitse to the advocate a continuation of the war until the last man and the last dollar" are used up. i t course sucli men can t see any thing except "Greenbacks," and will nat urally vote for Curtin for Governor. These men ought to know that they havo Soldier's Homo, under a heavy Cavalry escort, in a genuine Napoleonic! stylo As Greo'y would exclaim : "All hail the flaunting lie." QrtRf. If Providence call, an individ- ... .., .f -r ft . just a. much interest in the election of "al l"w "l'""' Judtfe Woodward as have Democrats, as it Marshal, to enter tlie, army to assist, in ' .... .i ,i- -j I : secures all who are not puiltv of crime! " crusinng inis leoeuic.i, ana navwig against illegal arrests and i.nprisonmoi.U, ! another call on hanj moie ploa.ant and an.l will restore us all to our rrimitive'nl;l'eR,, can he send a .ut.titute, and lilorty and freedom ag.in. thereby satisfy the last cr.ll ? TtTKEOrD CooN.-In tho dav. of tfA gloriou opportunity is now the Revolution, there were, a. now, but off-r t0 1,11 ,I,e "1o,bI" x-ter. in our :.. i. ,L!. n. i rnninmnilr who have ber n telected in a in u tics in tuio wunti j a. rtwn'ta ituu i Loyalists. Washincton beinc a recouni zed leader of the former, and George the:r,ny nn(l III, and hi. stamp and tax gatherer, were the leader, of the lat tor. Who ate the boasted loyalist, in this country to-day? " Abo" Lincoln and his JayTliry tell of a Cuban lady at a ball in Sartago last week, whose dress and dia mond, were valued at ?, 0,KH) ! article to confiscate 1 late of llradfonl to., Clearfield county. decHriNud, The final account of Joseph McClarren, administrator of all and singular, the guo'U and chattel, right, and credits, which were of Jacob Hugliinan. lute of Decitur tp , Cleai tield county, Pennsyl vania, deceaseu. Tho final account of Win. A. Wallace, guardian of I'Jh. I. Hoover, minor .on of David Hoover, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield coucty, Penn.ylva dece.sed, 7. The account of John Flvnn, adminis trator of all and singular, the good, and chattel., right, and credit, which were of Jeremiah Flynn, late ol'Penn twp., Cleat field county, Pennsylvania, deo'd 8. The final account oi Ilenry tiosa, one of the executor, of the last will and testament of Jacob Goss, late of Decatur twp., Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, are ioiv wun nira on loan ......... Bi lt llrady twp. 6epU J.'03-pd. LOBOCcit TStlHM)LTl;ACIIlHS.Tir; Teacher are wanted to take eW,. Lawrence ohooUfortlieterinoiPnra K" School to commence about th. i.i v a Teacher wishing in '.."an next. a.v,,.. wnning m apply will,, meet the Superintendent and Directon lh 1 1. linn J.u 191.1 U .. . I . . UQ llu deennsed What an 9. j',e final account of Lever Flegal, ad ministrator of all an .insular, the good, and chattel., rights and credit, which were of lienjuniin ltnnsall, late of Brady townahiu. Clearfield county. Pennsvl- IS ,.. .I.'.' pritotl from at. entiiely new plate, and U( T. . : , Ar .! .n Akothrr CofNTERtr.iT. A new spurious ?2 bill on the Farmere' Bank of Lancas ter, i'a., is in circulation. The nole does not resemble tbe genuine. fsMililary button, are very attractive to a woman, especially if they are also batchelor'. button.. MAItltll.n-On Hie 10th Init.. by Rev. Wm. T. Richer, Mr. Jfiebelaa T. Wilson to Mis Margaret It. Hoover, all of Kradford township. IMKI In Lawrence townihip, on the 7th intt. Harry, and on the 1 1 th. Miles, both children of James S. and Joanna Norris, aged retpec tively 4 year 5 months and 18 day, and 2 yeara 5 month and 8 itays. Dtto Subrriistmrnts. KlizabHh Joeing, Administrator of all and singular, the good, and chattels, . i ightn and credits which were of Elias Lines, late of Brady tp., Clearfield coun ty. Pa., deceased. 11. The account of John B. Kyler, admin . isirntor of all and singular, the goods and chattels, right, and credit, which w ere of Jacob Keiicliner, late of Morris tp., Cleaifield county, Pa. . ISA! A II G. BARGER, Clearfield, Aug. 2ft, Jifyisttr. I ACTJO.V Toe nublie, and eitiecially raer V; chants, are beraby cautioned againit selling j nation one week any person goods, or any other article, on my credit, whether with or without order. JOHN 0WSM3. Pikejtwp., fiopt. t, '3-pd. C- AlTK!.Whercai, my ion KDWAKD, having left hi home without just cant or provocation, the fublic are hereby cautioned agalust harboring or trusting him on my aceount, as I will pay no debt of his contracting after tbia dato. RUDOLPH SWATSWOKXH. Lawrence twp, Sept., 17, pd. " AUTION' All person are hereby warned 1 Vy agaiost trailing ar naruor.ng eunur oi my two sons, AL'OUSTL'S and JOSEPH, aged res pectively, 20 and 18 years, a 1 am determined to ray no debts of tbeir contracting after thi date. JOHN 1J Ml'LSON. PrencUvillo, Sept. 9, "63. Teacher's Institute. The Teachers of Clearfield county are respect fully reuneated to meet at th Town Hall, in I'lrarfield, on Monday tbe 5th day of October next, at 10 o'clcock A. M. for the purpose of organuinea Xcacher. I.stitutc, to continue in the object of this meeting is, for the attainment or greater pronciency in the different branches of study ; in the art of teaoli ing, and for th. discussion ofiurh topics a re- Is to to the advancement and intereat of the com mon schools, Teacher are requested to prepare essays, or short addresses oo practical subjects connected with tbe theory and art of teaching, so that the exercises may be .1 interesting and attractive a possible. It ia earnestly hoped that all teacher, whe wish to qu.Vifv rttemswlvet more thoroughly, asd who desire to keep up" with their profVii, will avail themselves of the advantngea which this Institute will afford. Other citiiPns, ladie as wrll as gentlemen, are invited to attend alfthe exercises of tbe meeting. Lectures on educational subjects may be ex- ....., - Druiomuor. at f'U..C.I. era! wages will be given to eo.np,t,t teacL Uy order of the Hoard lr c oeoreUn Lawrence tp., Sept, Id, tf. SHERIFF'S SALES BY yirtu of sundry writs of renrf,f; r was, Issued out of the Court of Cob i 'ti i vmnruiiiu eouniy, ana to me dir there will be exposed to PUBLIC SALB iu Court bouse in tbe borough of Clearfi.u .1 .. day the 28th day of September next,t i o'oW p. tn., tbe following described Ileal Eilate ?i A certain tract of land situate lrtChm! kin rir.M k..J.J wt .r, . . . . Jt vuuuuea as r0n. la wit; ItApinnlnir al a ivabI ,n... .u. 86 degree west 150 perohes to a post, th,.,.? Ian 201 perches to a post, thence along u,j of Aaron Pierce to a white pine, thenoebjluu laaao Kirk to place of beginnine, contain!-. n, acres, more or loss, being part of a larver ,L ik. r rj..nA m ""f .u m ubui usmKi irar, wun tetls' Log House, lilacksmithshop, and Leg btntm ted thereon, with about 75 acres cleared... young bearing Orchard. Seiied and UUni... ecution and to be sold as tho property f Hud McPheran. Also A cortain tract of land situate tn VA son township, Clearfield county, bonnded avl.J of William Read, Joseph Moore, William Uiw, Alexander and John Ferguson and Thomai U ry, containing 2MI acres, more or less, about. acres or waicb are cleared, and . large Bank t erected thereon. Seized and taken in extern. and to be sold as tile property of lionlamio II,. born, and of Thomas Henry as AduiiniftrttoJ Thomas McCracken, doceased. Also A certain tract of land situateiinJ township, Clearfield eounty, bounded by uMiij Simon Koraoougn, Anurew ana caluionj. Jw ana muits .ate oi .uuses 1'ierce anil othsn m ! ft . . . . ,m tsiaiDE c-- ncrua, arjuui i acre oi wnicb uiL. el. Seized aid taken ia execottiin and to bemi as the property of Aaron Pierce nnd Austin Cn, Also two certain lots 9f ground, .iuutsii West Liberty, Clearfield eounty, and bouadW i the west by lot No. 19, on the north by the In, turnpiKe, on tue ea.t iiy an alley, sodin., south by binds of Jacob Holioiiinz, beine SfL in front and running back 1-0 fvt-t, knono ii j, of said town as Noa. lit and li, wili, a two.ie Fratne Hon.-e erected thereon. &itei andtife in execution sua to be sola at a procrt)gJ, sepn msnei. BV virtue of a writ of Fieri Futiu,; sued out of tbe satao court, nnd to mi da; ted, there will be exposed to PUBLIC SALEn the same time and plnce, the following detciat Rent Estate, to wit : Two certain tract of land silual ia En townihip, Cloarfieli) eounry, PnnsjiioU, oi beginning at a I.inu corner, ihence xltodiini improvement of Levi Dale south 16 degrwtu j peicncs t a post, tuenco nlonj the tarspa, road so. th fi6 degrees west ICO perches totfu, thence north one degree west 72 and seveotiii "Providential manner," to enter the crush out" thi. "ninety dav'." rebellion. JIow many willcoj We'll .ee. Military IIorsk Tnievts in Maryland. We learn, on the authority of reputable army of stamp and tax gatherers. Over'j nlnn residing on the Sottthen. bor- J a , l . UCI M VUia j,.vtt.i aj iMiiuuiiq fifty thousand of tht. class of cormorants MaryiBntif in ,ha countie. adjoining are feasting and fattening on the .uh- Pennsylvania, indulge largely in the lux- stance and liberties of our people. What ury of horse stealing. Several case, have a wtmeness of men and conduct. ! hn slled . " heir patriotic con- ... i duct in this line oi auty. in one case, lirijrThose who desire to have the L'ov- they took from a man a blooded horse f einuiont ndministerod without an army of five hundred thousand men with muskets, atid disncneo with the amnll w hich he valued at five thousand dollar., giving hint an order on Sclie.nck for one hundred dollars. Ia another instance, (key stopped a army of asw.sor. and tax gatherers, and man on the highway, in Harford county, are in favorof carryingon lliecovernmcnt'and informed hiia that they must have without a draft every ix months, will of , ft- tw0, &e wch dri 1 Iia tmtAalAii L-lifn t)iv viriiiiairirvri In. course vote for George W. Woodward for ' kin. ,liem from tlMS w8erH. . jroupon Governor; an-1 those who wish to continue he showed fight. They took hi. horse the present mode or administering the;nd took him to a Baltimore prison, atlairs of State-taxation, Drafts, and Pro- hT, ' Ji ?ftfi?d 1 ",".priS , , , . .,, ' oned him for "disloyal practice.." It was vost Marshal and .pies, will of course tr,otlttbie t0 fight for hi. property! vote for Andrew 3. Curtin. j These agent, of Sohenck put their own . .. " ; , ,., , ! valuation upon the horse, ther capture, ,,-Ihepre.er.tJacoii.nr.jler.atVVas Rnd pay for thera with order, on that he- ington are condemned with more foeling'ra, who, n hen the order, are presented nnd bitterness by returned .oldier. than by !to uitti t,llg ,ue victtma that they should any other men.Tl.ey nre the beat qualified "LPP' en?rl Lee for payment,-tbe , , , ., .. . . thieve, having previously charged the to judge, ir.uch.re the sentiment, of ovrner$of tho hoMie, wj.n "disloyalty." - those who return, what may we presume Thi. charge i. sufficient to justify them to be the .entiment. of those who arecom- i Schenck'a opinion, for any villainy pelled to remain ? And when complaints i1'1 mRV c?mmit-. Wht Sehenck doe. , . . I with these hor.e. i. not known. Perhaps .o unresisting, come from .uch a quarter. hu agenll UeR, io on- COunty-nd .ell in tuuuiu uiviiiuna me mi tiers anil .ot her and ahare the nrofit. with ther School Teachers Wanted. r"1HE School Board of Jordan township wish to employ Four School Teachers, for FOUR month commencing in November next. Uood wages will begircn. Application can bo made to DAVID W. WISE, Sea. of tbe Board. Jordan tp., Sept. I. pd "l ACTIO V. All par sens are hereby caution J ed against purchasing or ia any way med dling wita the following property, bow ia the possession of M. 11, Cinoway oil Covington town ship, vis : On Brown Mare, rne Sorrel Horse' one Bay Horso, and one Yoke of Had Oxeo, as the same ha been purchased by us, and bave only been left with laid Conoway on loan, and are subject to ur order. J. W. POTTER, JOHN URIEL. Freachville, Sept 1(1, 18.3. pd. will be held at tbe close ot the Institate, and por. mancnt certificates will be awarded to deserving candidates. C. 15. SAXDK0HD, Clearfield, Aug. 12. Co.Sup't. STRAY 0, Came trespassing on the prem ises of tho subscriber residing in Girard township, about tbe I Gih of August last, a large Kt!l OX, horns very wide, sad tipped with brasi knobs. Ths owner it hereby notified to com forward, prove property, ray charges, tts., or he will be disposed ol according to law. September 1(1, 186.1. why brothers of these soldiers hesitate to burl master. We have heard of .everal initan- them from the place, of trust they have 'ce8 of tneir ins? bore obtained in so shamefully abused ? i this forcible manner .Evening Journal. teTThe shoddy patriots have been com-! . rR Pleeoino KAViAt. The Abolition Mn . ... , , I , ., . itt. are trying to kill otT the Democrat, in pelled to esabhsh a new daily paper in, Kansas-murdering in cold blood. Tbe t Utsburg, called the Commercial, to advo- mode or operating is, to chase a democrat cate the election of the " twin relics" or Tarmer from hi. home into the wood, and war and negro equality-Curtin and A-1 then cal1 nim "huh "hacker" a. a pre- WANTED A large lot of ' ' FLAX SE ft D in exchange Tor GOODS at the Cheap Store of JOHN V. THOMPSON. Curwensvilln, Sept 16, 1863. PROPOSAL. Proposals will be received bv the Commissioner of Clearfield county, until ThmnJnif tk lt day of October next, for building a ItitlDGIO acros the Susquehanna river at the place known as McMurray - trvins' mil, in Burnsido township. Said bridge to be about 105 feet long, 16 feet wide, to be covered with joint shingles, planked with ! inch plank, and the abutments tn be of .tine 11 feet above low water mark, Ac, Ac Plat land specification! can be seen at any time by calling at the Commissioners Office, by order of the Beard, WM. 8. BRADLEY, CTk. ClearfioM, Sept 9, 18S3. Blacksmiths Wanted. fW0 good Jonrneymen Blacksmith are waa X ted by the undersigned, at the shop lately occupied by Jacob Sbunkwiler. in Clearfield, to whom ateady employment and liberal wages will b. given. Apply to JAMES L. LEAVT. Clearfield, Fept. 9, 1863. pd To School Teachers. IVE TEACH CR .r wanted for the Penn township School. Persons wishinr ) to .pply for them will please meet tb. Directors on tn inirrj oeturday in October, ia Penaville. Perhaps three or four Female will be employed. By order of the Board, Aug. 1J, 1868. JOHN FLEOAL'Seo'y. pectcd at the ovening sessions. An examination J perches to a post, tbetice north 89 degiMtM 124 and Dve-tenta perches to ths end of beginning, centaining 51 acres and 41 ptl es, being part of a larger tract of land sorTj.ru en warrant to Henry WvkofT, about 10 acre which are cleared, with atwo-storv I'm H' 32 by 32 ft., and Log Stable erected thereon, ik. alt defctidant'i interest in a cortain tract oflif. situate in the township, county acd State ofn said, being alntment No. 5 of tract So. 3U. Imr ded on the south by th o above ointd tratta the west by lands of . K. Lobougb, oa the norU by Long, and on tho east by McGarr'i heirs. c tnining 81 acres, more or less, about liocmcf which are cleared, with s two-story plunk ft:im Mouse erected thereon. .Seired and taken in i ecutiun and to be sold as the frtiftrvj of toftrr Dale, Also all that certain tract of land situate k Uurnside township, Clearfield coontj, Ps. k ginning at a maple corner ; thenee ly laoii: Wm Brothers, west one hundred und liiij seven perches to a maple; thence north tftt-l" degrees west thirty-six perches to a white al thence by land cf John Patch in, north liitte degrees east two hundred and sixty. two perttii to a post ; thence by land of lloraue Pair1.; north forty-two degrees east one hundred a: ciehtv rierchea lo a white nine ! thsnea Ink of Jacol Tingling and others, south four huoli and nine perches to the place of beginmsg SCHOOL DIRECTORS AND TEACH VM S-T h e County Superinten den I hereby give notice that be wi'l ueet tbe loaf hers, Directors and friends of education gen erally, at tbe following named placerand dates, .it t o'clock, a. m., of each day : Huston and Fox, at Hickory Kingdom, on Friday September IS, Clearfield and Lawrenco, at Clearfield, on Mon day, September 21. Jt-ff Positively no private examination will be held, except at the written request of three Di rectors of tbe District in which the applicant in tends to toach or to fill vacancies. C. B. 8ANDFORD, Co. Sup't. Clearfield, July 29, 1863. COURT PROCLAMATION. tlfHEHEAS, Hon. SAMUEL LINN, Pres- T T ident Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the twenty, fifth Judicial District, composed of the counties of Cluarfield .Centre and Clinton and th Eon. JAMKS BLOOM and Hon. JNO. V. TH0M PSON, Associate Jundges of Clearfield co. ; bave issued their precept, to me directed, for the boldtnr of a Court nf Pnnimitn Pleas. Orohan's Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer! tnining 30 seres more or loss, surveyed tiii and Terminer, end Court of General Jail Delivery, i dny cf October, A. D., 1834, on warrant dated lb at the Court House at Clearfield, in and for the , December, 1793, granted to Samuel Bartley.vii connty of Clearfield, on the lo8 bouso, log barn and saw-mill erected tin Fourth AfondaV,tAe2thdoofScptcmbcr, 1803.1",' with abuut 5) cro cleared. Seised N0TICK 18. therefore herebv .iv.n. to the u.kn !n e""tlon. nl to be M tht P Coroner, Justices of the Peaae. and Constables, i V'titw8 rS' dt;ceft0!- n and for said county of Clearfiold, to appear in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Remem brances, to do those things which to their office, and in their behalf, pertain to be done. GIVEN under my band at Clearfield, thi 18th day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thou sand eight huudred and sixty-three. EDWARD PERKS, Sheriff. B Y VIRTUE of sundry writs ot Ltmrik etas, Issued out of the courts ol Cosr Pleas of Clearfield ecuntios, and to n t rected, there will be exposed to Pl'flli SALE, at the curt bouse in the borough of C field, on Monday the 2Sth day of September at 1 o'clock, P. M., tbe following describe! Estate, to wit : All those 3 several tract, of land situate. in Decatur township, Clearfield county, ! F SHAVING and H AIRnRIXSlMl.The , ly extend ng into Centre county, origiosllt eitisens of Clearfield and vicinitv will take vevml tin nti warntnlj. rlnt. i 1 lit Jul v. KH notice tbat tb undorsicned ha l opened a Shav necttrelv c ranted to Einunuo 1 Flotcher. Eliak ing Salooa In Graham I Row, where the various ' Harrison and John Harrison, adjoining lanl' branches of bis Profession will be eonduotel in a veyed to Joseph Harrison, Thomas Clllingws style equal U the best city shopi. He respectful- ! Francis Lathron. and others, and patented Apr ly solicits a trial of hi skill. , 1850, to the anid Henry Billington, cim'i GEORGE FRIEND, i In?. In the iirr.re.rnin. 1 IHT acres and 22 W Clearfield. Jul 20. IKM fim lnnflnnH .1,1, ,h. .Itn.nn eTeeotinl Ul" O TRAY COWStrayed from th. subscriber ' Mt"t.he.refrom t," .n ti O io Clearfield, co o. .boat th. 2d instant a S1 ' g . av.1" r. t Li bVtVaa Url.i..iirnw .i,i..i..i.w fnt....i Jobn Oon .nil Abraham Goss, their neiri" bug. black COW, wtth a .tar ia her iign,( Bnd lh, 0thpr in the 'po.sessioB f Aaf person f inng informatio. ..to th. wh.rea- . , , ' P . sbV.ias.r 10 i1.r'D;ba:rR sas - - "f JZ4 perebe -thu. exoepted from the onj vitig 832 .cres and 61 percbei, A IlXIf I ' Th. miKlin ttm harebv Attilinn. traflta. and lnaviniy J .gainst harboring or trusting my .on AN- the ollowanoe now oonveyed, be tb. same CREW a minor who left bia bom sometime or less, together with all and I'ngular the 'h in May last without any just cause, as I will pay su more debt, of his contracting. JACOltBISAMAN. Kartbau tp., Sept. S, 1868. pd, Dissolution of PartnerahirJ pHE Co-partnership heretofore exisUag be- A Tin Orphan.' - tween tbe undersigned, trading under the X Y. and for sad v. ... j .vgvvi.o. ' i . .. i. . . - -a . . . . w.Un rUliia. lihertlel. priviwp and Improvcmeiit. Seised nd Uken i tion and to be .old as the property of " ! r. ri C.-Ilrt Jnhn M. lifliau" 1 ,n l. Also all that certain I wo-otorj " . "' j .:i ... . -l. . i.:. r Wom"" Estate of Thomas 0. Snyder, deo'd. CLEARFIELD COUNTY, ES t Court hM at rtaarAalJ in - - - " - -y -- . . . li f in county, at June term, A. V , road leading from Alexander i'"s ' 4- the ipsnurg, in the village ar raseyvini - Building, situate in th. township of "'?od.,?rJ ..4 .... - n .u int nn snath lis"" uu uuuui J vivniuvui) v. "-- dli, I i.j;1 iV..W. rordingt""" . . . . i - i -a.. ta ...i a nnumit Dano oi Mj WaUlXuOMo r BOiNS. bUftRii da ' iboj, iq ioe mhimt or tbe appraisement of the lpsourg. in ine Tiuago r r""T aait-J new. There were three " loyal" paper, in lJj. Zl vet will never cewe to -olww by matu.l consent. ! good, and chattel., right, and credit, which were tb we.t by lot owned by Henry Pewrs, m W that city, but neither having had a direct I bleed while thrfoulapirit or" the aholU 1 J' w HTTCOMS,' ' :.fThoma.O Snydcr, l.t.ofMorri. town.hip, AI.aae.Wr, "ld interest in the ahoddv interest. IW .1. I KnnaTi, h -rint f lhe thoU . h?'' !f.'. fcP Court Lf J""1?lX ouriuago apiurieunui..s! ----- -jj -.fw and Uken in execution and to be oi interest in the shoddy interest, they all tion party has it. way .i...i u ii .aU:..i. r.: j t ..iu - nuTOliincu i.in dviuiqi a iiioiiu, ill tabu - , , firw oviutv duiihvh ,uaari.ayuiej will oe uuim. waudiuii era distasteful manner lo .ait the "unJ ..T-??..d',l?, XU Cni?.n W" .UB0.d.ttb..'d .Und under th. title, at "A. 1 a7 of next term, - - Ll . IIHIKJI. I II H I mmnnr. I ll ...IN IVtABVBV r. I w.uuu. vv, ' 1 -J . II W " v. to restore it is to give them the victory. , conditionally loyal. Jun 1. 1863. ABA WHITCOHB. low.: "Jon. 17. 1863. acaroved Ki. Si., and r saajTha abova business ImereanUlel will ha nnlss .xcenliona am filed nn or hefbra tha firat ed and will be eonflrin.4 abaolnUly." projerty oi ueorg. n. miiee. B. WHITC0MB. ' By th. Court I. G. BARGER, KDWAKD 1 1 B"VT ' . . . I . m , .. .... . . . I 0 L . tW . - f 1 S -1 ..II I . 1 U w - wooaw.ra, juiy 2a, is.;.. juij 22, i.oa. vi a wphani teurt. oiwm vui vnimwi A C.