Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 09, 1863, Image 2

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    ' t I I AI M I I I' ! N
WroVsilajf Moiiiiii(. Ppt.
6. 18G3
Ill MIX h tilt MAll: in Ki t.
,i.uin: w
V tl.
In. I ( I
I linilpll It
It ihi .Inc.
er ( ' ''' S.piemr ' '"it '
WALTr.i? ii j owinr,,
I if A ", jn in C i. ;!.
m.MOtH.UIC HinnillT 1KKI.T.
T. J.
A. M.
il r ii, mi In P tl." ii V! ii A
"ti,.' of the 'lit in j." fili'l il' it'i'S "f
i lino Audi' 'ntlm, " I r
'J Vi'iii' ri'f IVnivsNntoa.
I 'ill ' I'! I'tH I 'I'll lllln" "I,
tun A.liiilni-iiftiii'ii l Wii'li-
ihglnn In Hmw his Mill')' i din Ii, fiem
l,p I ien-i.i el I'i'i Ivuni. In- I'M I"
fUl I ffl I Otllt.g Illll t llO Stl III iht tool
(1f Ihe irr U ' ii'RMrr ftl Wn-liirpl-'H
' '! I ,e n I ( Mini' r-Vrlce siejn't nr try-
Ii g to .rVO llml Jlldpe Woodwind hold"
to I hr infamous doctrine of defunct
i in nml in though their shoddy
li-nndiilnle in nnmnwn
iMn''iHn Merlins; at
,r ,rlm u i f.( Ml.
nt Up
1 i.
i i nl ii
J !
f .. lb ' nM csh "
M'. I iiit., j
A ii . - permit hi", llit-.tipli
In'if ." ' i', i) nvMiitit l!i ipfnlinir . t .
j:i' w itli one ol li iii"l ili.gim pful n ni pi '
knew n In nut iMtnn history.
tin tl.p I 'Jili nf Ahi-itl Inal. iwnol Ale
.Lincoln's minions, went ins tl Lmliio if
tin Mini mil of Samuel SlinftniT, lliP Pies- I'tovosl, innde a innstillv (It m cut tipoti
hli'l t III I dinted Cnpl. M (l,.,),.n. Joseph ;m1ori,,l,i,r,.H IIP w il. ol a mM
Owens, IiikI .tolil) M.nw, jr , to ilritfl rf"-
Monnt Jnjr .
tut ft " Hl'.t' I
' rlmiil lion, i n tl.P 'J- ,,f A IH', i
III tilt f'll I ("! if f.lMmri ft I IrtllO-
I Iii'i 111 tni-f !r,if n (i talblto
I i fti I'liinlirtf? V.'lllinm Wallacr,
I i'ii n llm ii, i . "
it (rpn r itiiini.. i, i . .... i
M, I 'f ft
n in i
l.-iit. nn'1 ft. Mmw, Sen' liny.
II . fi p p m. 1 1 , n. f
fji in,Hi II r H"T rifrfl f
t. 'I tl n
(i-inpiwiriiH T.d'V l-f, Pf km i hi,,.
tit".l, l,'i (Mild Hi ail IV ,ni.
SH.MI LV, i-nnJi'lnlfl in noninion iwi mh-hip.
1 . . t . I . . t ' .....
liOYKK. I' CU-iirliflil nmiity.'nrvrr l.rl.l. nr tvorai.Hi. nun iui.-lU-'NTON,
McKoan couniy. i N'otlilug d-tuiioii.
! We hern jiii-m-nt our ipiiihts h uu iiic
, fir4t net of ilio iliuinu.
' 'rl. it.. tl., .ivn In ilitrtrnnr Aiutirv G. (Air-
I ., A. M Ac ii iin ike tlnrk lnnUm ur
Iin7 IiRuKLL.
lutiniik iXirt'M-io o( (,p di-ti'P of IliC
uipptinj;. A(iir thp rominitlpp roturno.l,
nirl lnnlr'.l in llii'ir rpnlulmn, lliry wpto
reml 1 y IIip Si-ciPtiiiy, nml nnnniinuly
ndnplofi. Aftor whirli, on nintion of Win.
WhIIupp, Siumicl Slinllnpr wn tilpoteil
Trpsi'li'iit, nrnl J. n. Shttw, Ciiireioniliop
Secrcliirjr of I lie C'lul
li'fird ilpMilrr in Kol ii low ii'liii.. nml iil-
Irr iitP"in)f in of Iii'i lieililinrx lo nit
In IIip IliUinnin nrt, nnnltpil mi'l frnri Ii
ci I lio linup, Inking put I ii'iilur inim to
ppflli'll fur Inilk ill Ihe i'ii'liMiri. Our,
ninr cro(l In in I'm my tlmn lli other,
(known hh ilrunkrn .lop Millri). iilioiu
Iwo nuts "iliol," iin'cocl mI (lip ptnir to
romi'lel tho ppurch, nml linilmj; noiliin
uj'on Aliich 1 " roi-ui" ron Id I it U o. vin
L'l'iiiiiM hut n mililiirv ovriwimt, dir-iv n
Jirvolvrr, whirh Iip IihiI rrckrd in hl
1-i.ti.n if jAMtn ur,i ti
it.tirnf ".'v I "ir", pf kmih.t,!
I, l" (Mllll Hi ail ' IVp .nln.
f II In ,ti if Al' til II 9 f.,l,p H,,
Ill ii il I, Pint In, if ?f n, , ..I I f
ttm mill Hi llpit ( f (lie Mid Jinn. I Curtrjr, R
tin. jull hi ( I, fttl flil n imi.
1lii fil'l t nrlr, iii i I r ul I rVM r,lt,
In liplctil, nf rtn l f riirp, lipM rnii lr.,n, l,un
i)f, r.'imin I pp, tniiilv lilikfK, Knrt li((lil liiiir,
nr i n llm ,,.ir lii,' rnim il by ft ir llng
I'illi n i ut In ntlit. -
J At (HI MU, I Coin lull
TIKI'S lioVU II KIITV, J'iiii Oiiur, )
l'lirli"li, I'ii. Auk JH.'il.L )
I'm ,n
, H '4,
I i ph p ti,inp, ,, .
. .... .
ni i rnnftin in n m ti p.. i,,
f-'f llm ln"' li m "! In ,i. I, .....
ur, ftl) oilipn in nit (((
thp l,miit ll'i.-n, pi Hi" l.ii on of i
m-i'i, ri'inini nr h nn Hie lilj ph
fA..pii,hp, li.J,, ,.f Oi'iirunill
ftllllH Hill'.' .'
I. Til lilliil lirrnuiit I'f .lulu,.,
rumiiiiiinn ir oi nil Hml
i ml tll l,p iiiniP'l In l'ip (),, , 1
l"'Mlll l flmifpia i'.ii,iv, t . U i' ,')''
ll, I .... . II . . ... ,1.. V I" lf( w
l'oii.Ik ftti.l i'linil,,! i ... I , i ... , tlt
r . . ' I'liu
u l i. I. ,.r v .: . , ,.
lnlP r.f llu. lun'.. r,fP.. "'J',
r- mi uu rim.,
rri'lrntti. l.l, unci Huipol l'ennvl,'r
iiTi"iri. " ni,
. il'O rnrlial mcous l of W
AMOS KKAD, t' Lawniico
F. F.COf TKIiKT.ofCovintun twji.
''Some Faiis." The r.ig.'i;ihcail oruun
ol last week iittpmj.ts, with ciiaracteiihtic
lameness, to rt-fute our expOHiiro of the in
equality of tlio enrollmont in this ('oni'i-'is-lioiml
district, nml depend wholly upon
"gome fuels" furi'ishixl by a "reliable
pentlemfln." And what nre IhefueU?
Why just ns ve Plated them so fur a
Wurron couniy in concerned but not n
single word alout Erie Will UU
"roliablo gentleman" come up to the
work and thow us how it coams that !!",
000 of a population in Clearfield, McKean,
nmi'ssary tor tin' l'eiuorratn In evry
iiiMiihiiip in iim mini? to orpni!z im'iii-
fclveH into elul'S, no tlift l hey tuny the
tnie ciu'ivisfully nihdnp Aholilionirii
Mini Seren-ioii i.Mii, nnd muinliiiii nml up-
hold the r,.ion ami the (Ami 'lit nt ion. iml
1. 1- ,: il., ....i
ill'" 1 1 1 1- Willi".' I . J. ' . i llll'l 'imi'lj.-'
In the presence of Almighty Uod nml nai.llltl.1.,1 to n ,.jti.en Un(,.r ,ie Con-
, Wiinesse I do ftolemnly prom.-e , :,,.;.
and st-veai- thnt J will never bo I ray nny or , W1KKKAS 1)l0 ttemo,.rMt- of Mount Joy,
ihem-creH ot Ihiorioly iioreoiiimunieato lm.o nf)t hprelprn.(. s ,,,np ( .. tlut ,
them even to the ,.rnper randKluleH, cx- h.l(, J)( I(.ni.0 j( i,it-i,' i hey roulti
oepl within n lawful cOiuieil or the order; C(mvonjt.,My UHseniblo for Hint purpotm,
that I will never permit any ot the secrrls nn, no, )Prnlls0 ti,y w,.lv not deeply ton-
of this Hociety lo bo vritten, oriimny oin- Ri(jve 0r ltl0 fl(lgrnnt invaiior.s of their
er m ir.ner to be made lej:ili except for j-aresl light by tbe pnrly in power, and
the pnrposa of olliuin! iimiruet.oiu Uiul 1 0f (ie necessity of vigorous action in the ,
will not vote, nor jrivo my influence lor ,..,,,,, oI i l ioiil campaign.' us the only'
-in. :.. .I.a the 1 . r .1 , - I il - I..
uny man, tor nnv ouu;d .. r- lomeiiy lor ineir wronjji ami ;ue oniy
people. unles by an Ameriean bom i;:li- lop(. 0f jhr nniion, now
zen in favor of Amerioim ruling Amerle.i. I Tiii.hkfiirk, seizinf (he enrlioit opporlu-
nor if he be a Komiin t.'atholio; that J it h
will in nil political matter-, poliir as tlniti y,.,.,,,,.,, 'nt jt always has been, is
order is ooiicimimhI comply with the will jv.j, ,vin i,c oul. ,.,ief ui, Q
of the majority though 't may cochin lsllpport domoeratie ptineifiles as undor
ivith my personal preleicnee. 'stood and advocated by .lell'erson and
econi HEiiKht.. . . .lu.-kson.
WiiiHtAS. il has boooine expedient t"l . llin,, ( for the pc-rpi-iiuiinn of ome dm k
deed ol inlaiiiy nml enme) nml hied, pul
lint a hole throii!li the cutl' ot the,
ft 11 1 fi'ilioiieiiinj: a hi'lplesf woman arid
children out ol their reason. In phow a
cort'aroly ilrunkuid's vnlor.
Now, Messrs. Editors, lliese are the
class of men the nut Imrit ies at Washington
employ lo en lon e I he Kmannipntion I'm.
clnnintiriu and eompel citizens to
act in the drama of catching hipoi'M.
The.-e are the representative of the
present a iiniiiistia'ion, and Mould mnko
bet ler occupants of a Slide Trison than to
disgrace a civil coiiimtiqitjr ! better speci
mens of liorne-thievRs, or sheep-thieves,
than J'rovovl MihaU. J. A. W.
(1 A I "I ION,-. All "T'.n trn horclr ranlii-n-J
et sj?nlnf Imylpp nr In sny wny moilillltiR '
will, thr filluniiiji niirr(y now iu Ilio pn.cpliin
iifTi'iil Wlllijiiiif, ef Ilniily tn nkliip, viiO.NH
OKK 01' rT.Mi, in llip riiina liplniuri lo iup.
iiihI nre luft with Mm pii limn only, rul.ioi-i to my "'
rl.r. , H. K. bnHOL'Ull. ,
UriiOy twi. Hept, '1, '(iu p,l. j
fV riHM)l. TI'.A(!
1 Teclnr nr wanted In tuku elinii) uflhaj
bnwri-Hi n m liuiiU fur tlietoriu olKOI.'K MONTHS.
ph'iiilg to commonm iiliont Ilio lit November
nut. Ti'sclirr wiglilni; t" ftpply will Jili'iue ,
ini't the Siiiprintiindi)iit hikI ireutrs pd cxiiiii
insllon (lny (2Ut Si-i,(omlior,) st t-'l.-nrfiolil. Lib.'
oral WHrjiii will bo Riven to waiiMnt Ipiirhort.
Ily orJm of l Ii u lloirJ,
AA1!0. C. TATK,
l.nwri'nrn li., Kept, 2d, If. Hi'crotary.
it i, .
Ui-nlol Oormnn. A-lmmkirmo,. ,H.
nml kiiiL-uiiii. the .... i , k'l
r --, ....-..n It,, V 'U;(Hfil
rifhtR ami credits whirh wrro of i?
Kim. Isle of l'.,,r.1,i,l , J"l
r ' : r-. vie
ronniy, reiiiisv'.vnnia.
Hie filial ncenuut o Jar.,,1., pe
L'llsrdian uf llunriellu V, ...... I ,
,ll,lnf I I. s,,.7.,t .1, . . " . '
I I, l',l . r i .r .- ..
. u ....... niA.tiuin in a. ;u. ij ni. euardu
an of the minor heirsof Samupl Ik..:
Into of Hrad ford tp Clearfield coUa'
I nf m freo will and accord, nil .. i , (;P,niv helieie tlmt Ihe war
Elk, Cameron and Forest counties ure ie-l)ie Illesfln0(. of Alinif-'l"y Jod and these Leinj, con,iucle(i i,y t)0 prosunt admin
istration, not lor tne restoration oi me
quired to furnish 1040 conscripts, while witnesses do solemnly and siiueroiy swenr
J;e ;.0,CKM) of a population in Erie countv that I will not, under any circumstances.
. . r ;i i , i-i-o w i disclose in any manner, r.or buller it to be to hut lo,J? AN a I . . ' if ,v l0wer lo , event
111 4I IV JUMl , j(
there an " oil excitement
also, in 1800?
Rut this Bloiy of the " oil excitement "
wont auswer for " facts." The total vole
rolled at the ''onirrescinnal elections foi
18r.0-l02, in Warren county
fallowing result :
Total vote 1W0 - - - 3240
do do 1802 " .... 3180
UniOU and tho preservation uf the Consti-
lution but lor the perpetuation of its
. -i-i;.: - . i i ii..
power, the B'lpniion oi murery aim uie
destruction of ?ho Union. The war can
onlv be restored Id Its legitimate object,
Spring Election.
I 1 ho Jji-Kisiature raised an act l-tst win
ter, chanini; the time of holding the
Township elections in thi county.
Wu jiretume from a rnftual residing of
th act that tho wrynj'i election will be
held as heretofore, as the act seems to ho
entirely silent on this point. Below we
Hive, the act in full.
ri .
J o t nun i no 1 1 nit, ol im
the name, mjmi, juiss worus, or
f ilils deL'iee. except in
ih,, i
lor all political oSces, member ol this or-. ij freedom of speech, freedom ol ; by of the same
der in I'lefe.-ened lo other persons ; iuai tJ,0 ,,re!1g nnJ f:-eedoin of action Within I '1 hat the lime for lirMini; the elections
the limits of the law nnd coiistuuiionai ; mr township oiticeis m tho
iLcil for the pui pososf instruction; llci peace an J hnrmonv be s -.hicvod thro'
t I wll support in all political matters. lho t of democratic principles.
Section 1st, Fc it enaclod by the Senate
and House ol Representatives of the Com
monwealth of IVnnsvlvaniA in General
Assembly met, nnd it U hereby ena;tej
virtui of sundry wrila of 'eni!t!,ini A'j-o-1
ik.., muea oni ni mc i ourt or Iniumon
rlt-tia f Cltmrfield cnunrv, and to me directed. '
tlisre will be exposed to ITDLIC .SALK, t the ;
(.'(inrl hmio in the hurmizh of Clearfield, on Mon
day tlie2stli ilny of Scjiteniher next, nt I o'clock,
p. in , the following doscnlied lunl Ksiiite, vit:
A certain tract of land situate in Cheat t.jwn-1
! ...I I .......... I ...... . . -. I
p ii i p. i.irHinv.1 cuiiij , "i.iiuueu ai UnluiTll, ' H
io wii : ut-Kinnins; ai a pon rnrner, li'hni:tiorth
t5 Ui jren west ljtl perchca to s pi-..u, (lienoi by
haul of Anthony MctJiirvey and. Lawrence. Kill
ian 201 perches to mint, thencn nlnnr. il, Una
t.l ; ,. I "f Anrnn I'ierco to a whits piae, thence by bind of, deceased.
. ii ,.., ,,ftc Klrl l,ln"0 01 "egiTinii.ff, eoutiiiiiiiij; Itl U. I he final account of Lever Floral til
mmistrator o! all an singular, the poodJ
ml chutle.U, rights and credits whud
. t l, : T, t . ... 1 1
Ud tl.rd, witk Blmut 7.V acre. ol,rod, with .1 '"""'."T 01 hrlf
. The ti nul account or Joseph MoClarrer
administrator of nil and singular tT
goods and chattels, rights ami credi '
which were of Jacob H iuchman Ut. j
II,.... .... ... f !..!.. 1.1 . ..' ""'51
in,. ip,, vii-niun'j ounty, letinivl.
vania, deceased. " 1
. 1 he final account ol Vm. A. Wall,
guardian of Ellis I. Hoover, iV.nor
of David Hoover. Ute of Uwr,Z
township, Clearfield, county, PenBs!,!
deceased. '
.' The accouv.t of John Fl) nn, Jminll.
trator of all and singular, the good, Z
iiui rimitu t y ii (j into Ul X flU
icariieiu county, ivncsyp-ama, jJ-i
i;.. .1 . .. .... ... IT r.
. int.- mini iiL-njiiiii oi j enrr bim gg
of the executors of the vt will ,A
testament of Jacob (Joss, Into of Iecst'ir
twp., Uleai field county, l'ennsylvm..
. i
v..i.v..., .. ... ."" --iam(i mrc r buhlIf piirt (lf a I((rgor aryey
r.lllt.IIVIil3 I . ttaV WUUlll j Vl V- I Vi l "in
ine name w Ueoriro Alusser. wilh twn ,..n
! Low 1I..HHA' Tll.l. :,i..l.nH r t
" r - - .iiiii.i.hil,i,iii, ...ju w itiirn prro
Total vole for
county in 1HG0
W2 -
Congress in
Here we seo that Warren county
but 69 vo'es lees in 102 than she
1W0; while Clem field polled
1862 than she did in 18C.0 Will this " re
liable gentleninn " please try again.
shows the ' j hen elected or appointed to any
olliciall station conferring on me tne pow
er to do so, remove an roBiiujin, um
or Roman Catholics Irom ollice or place,
and that I will in no case appoint such
to nnv office in my gift. I do also promise
and swear that this nnd all other obliga
tions which I have previously taken in
this order jsW e'er be hpt thrwyh life, t
rrl nnA inrlJutc. All thisl promise and
decline ns an to sustain and a-
bide by, without any hesitation or mental
reservation whatever, so help mo God'."
did in j Tho intense hate herein expressed,
less in ngaitt foreign-born citizens and Cat holies,
has no parallel in this country, and yet
Andiew (i. Cut tin nnd his shoddy patriots,
Cleai field
- 3794
- - ".402
I after Mvcmiiig ivv. ny what little Christian
As Clear as Mm The last niggerhead '. j(ial..v ,,, ,.0sNf.r., now attempt to
organ, in one article, berates Judge oou- , j lKi,.u Woodw ard ii as much
, r .... ... ,, .....
ward lor aeciaing that soioiers, away
from their respective election districts,
have no riuht to vote for civil officers un-
iiroi iui r hi it n. ,i uvi in,.,, iiuin.j.i.i, .v. ...v, w . .
dertho Constitution of I'enrihvlvania ; I , ; ,. t,,i .. im. :nn has nppointe.t a coumusnon ol lorty duick
poiHi'. ians iu eupei inieii'i w.e riet.nui.a in
! prove
cf an ingi nte as themselves.
several dis-
liberty. are anions llm most sacred i.iiiht j Iricts in Clearti: ild county, shall be and
of freemen l ights which we will mninlain j the s: me is hereby fixed upon tho last
by the ballot-box while we can by 'Friday in Iecemher, in each year; and
force, when we must. ,th, fijne for making the settlements with
4th, That we most cordially endoisej tho township officer in sai-1 county, shall
and approve the nominations of Hon. (ieo.jhcand the eame is hereby fixed upou tho
W. Woodwaid for Governor, Htid Hon. last Monday. in Januaiy,. in each year:
Halter II. Lowrie, for Jcdge of the Su-'and all laws inconsistent herewith aid
prcme Court. j hereby repealed; l'rovulni That lliis net
6th, That we nre highly gialilied nt the 'shall not interfere wilh the election and
ic-nominntioii of )r. 'I'. J. Iloyer and sultlement this yoir ; but thej shall be
A. M. I'enton for tire I.egiilature, and held as though this act had not been
wili give 'hem our h early support. 'pushed. Approved 18th Maich, 1SG3.
Oth, TliHt our county ticket metis our (Signed) A. ti. Cut ri..
ah l ', .... f, r,i,i-nt iii I inn i ml u n w ill im Vll nuc.h I - - - - .
a vote lor the entire ticket-Slate. Leiiis-; tTAn esteemed friend in Covington
7th, Tt.nt these proceedings be publish
ed in tho Clearfield Jtfjmb'lin. bearing Orchard. reiKud and taken in tx
ejution nnd tu bo sold us tho ptoporly of KoUvrl
Mcl hernn.
Ai..o A cerlnin trtict of lun l situate in Furfju
,in tonnKhip, riearfield county, bounded by lands
of Willimn Kend, Joseph Mooro, William Moore,
Alexander and John Ferjjusim ami Thomas Hen
ry, copli.ining 'HHt a re.ioi.m or lens, about 1(1
ncre of n bit h nre cleared, and a lnrjjo Uant llari)
erected ll.ereon. Seized and t iken ia exoculion !
and lo be mid as lllo property pf Uenjumin Uurts
buru, auil of Tboinns Henry ki Adiuiiiintriitor of
Tbmiii.s McCnicken, ducenud.
Also A certain tract of Innd aitnnte In Cl;et
tewniihip, Clearfield county, bounded by lands of
Simon Kornbouph, Andrew and r nlmon J. Toter land lute of Muxes l'iercn and ethers, on
biiniui; t acres, nboiit I acre of wbieb is deni
ed. .Seised a id taken in eXecuti'in and to be sold
as the property of Aaron I'iorce and Autin Curry.
township, Clearfield county, Tenmjl.
raniu, (leceussu.
10. '1 lie final account of Jesse Lines ;jl
IJizabi'tli, Administralnr of if
and bingiilar, tho goods and chatti;, I
.:..i... i .,...!;. ... I.;.. i. .r,. I
l..ll nun i.iL-iin. ttijicii r.e 01.i
Line", late of Hmdy tp., Clenrheld cm
tv, I n., uencn-ed.
K. The account of John 15. Kyle- sdniitl
- islratorof all and singulnr.lbe g.oil
nnd cnatteis, rictus niui credit blot I
wi re of J ueiU Keirchner, late f Morritl
Ip , Cleiirt.el'i countv, J'a.
ISA! All (1. BAKf.EU,
Clearfield, Aug. 20. Keijka.
Oin AY STF.tRHCnm to thennlenimJ I
1 in Lawrence towusbiii, oa or about tlikl
of Juno Lint, A RKD STJbKK, vilh a itaritu.1 certain lots of ground, eitimto in i frt.bend, fnuie while on the back and hiniu'
L ..I Lihurlv l-ti.arr.Alil .l.nnlu knJ W,..n.l..l I . . . . , , , 11
Wpst Liberty, Clearfield count, and hounded on I
the west by lot No. V), on the north by the lirie
turnpike, on th ea.-t b an alley, and on the
south by hind of Jacob IIcleliiij, being fill feet
iCll, u,er,,,,,v-,,. .-,, . , . (, - , in front and running back 120 feet, known in l"t
e and County-as w.ll send Abolition- township, informs us that .he practical I f raiJ t()W0 B1 xt. l and ti, wiih atwo M.ry
" how ling to its d.n. koi kings of the draft has caused consider. I l'ranie House erected thereon. Seized and taken
and in another article, in the same i.suu,
: "Bully for Grant."
But we mti't linlen along. V, e here , 1 he Iowa Legislature passed a uw ai
'. . ..i m..,i;,; ,,it,,..ii.- f,ir i l.A 1 lowitic soldiers to vote, and the Governor
purpose of showing in what
,'able dissatisfaction and excitement in that
locality. The chief object of complaint
seems lo be, the manner in which the en-
( intin wa he a one moniu nao uv ouo u. , ,.,.,,,., ,,,,.., u
the people are urged to sup,H)rt the pro-,.. ,. . , ciL-ans. and we have not cious offoil ulav. the
in execution and lobe sold as the property of J
seph nifhel.
HY virtue of a writ of t'irri . Pacini, U
rued out of the mine court, and to lue direct
L.l il,rA .ill I.. Bin..,DJ ,.. linn re cut' .
rollmeut vas made to operate unjustly 'ftme time and plnce, tbe followinc deni ribed
K"nl K.-t:.te, to wit :
Tna cerlnin tract of
posed amendment to the Constitution," so
as to give all who may be absent from the
rState, engaged as soldiers in. '.he armies of
tho National Government, Iho righ'. to
Here, then, our jackassicul neighbor
admits that an amendment of the Consti
tution is necessary before the soldier has a
right to vole, and at the Fiime time con
demns Judce Woodwsru and nil his col
leagues-Democrats and Republicans jlmve been placed under
suiiie' i ...ii i.vv.iv.-
Rcisonably ni-pi-
Democratic State
against the members of the democratic
party, and made at ran don:, the enrolling;
oflicer having went lo but two or threo
houses, where he obtained nil bis in lor
heard of his conversion since that time. .Committee proi.ose to send a Commit- nation, necessarily creating confusion in
-nt l isun
l'.amniiwii fratith xi'on the. UoirrrinuilM.e. , i nroiier name, nnd a wrong cl:i.sificntion
, : ,, ' , T, .'names o: wns nominviiion ; nu a a i.u-i ... ,
' .! lh,Uu" wfi-7roii.i. ,""','.Vfiminniy .ten Ihev addressed a le'.lcr toiof aues, and placing the names of 1,,
j Miaans- tnan arre. : Gen. Grant, asking whether a free dec-1 or 20 persons more on tho rolls tLaii
llARKtsiit Kfi. .luiy oo. oiisHiera.nerx ( .,on would be held, and whether their
citement hits been created by the Uiscov- (omlit ICC -.vouhl bo allowed pmptr t.rivi-
for deciding that they
Theie is no mistaking the
of this "question " and we assure those
interested thntwe totally exonerate each
and all of the "assistants" from any par
ticipation in it. Il is emphsl ically otigi
nal. The ' question " will not be "submit
to the people" this fall. If it is sanction
ed by the next Legislature, it w ill then op
submitted to the people but not before.
ery of enormous frauds upon the govern-'
tnent during the recent army movement :
in this region, consequent upon the rebel .
raid. The amounts uro stated at millions ,
..r l.-.lh.i.. A number of .SViifV l.olitioinns 1
arrest, and t he
most searching'
leces and facilities in Iho ma tier
which Gen. Grant replied as follows :
"In reply, 1 will slate. Hint loyal citi
zens of Northern States will be a'.lowed lo
visit the troops from their State, nt any I
time. Electioneering, or any courtc cal- j
ciliated to arouse discord. ml feelinc, w ill ,
side in the township.
Our frieti Is will liavn lo enbniit
while Ion
misrule, until I lie people in a const il'Jtioi
way, have an opportunity io displacn the
present Jacobin Club from position and
po CT
land situate in lirudv
tpwmbip, Clearfield county, PjiinsyUnniii, one
b-eghininj; at a Linn corner, ibenae extending by
iu.pruveu.cEt of Levi I'ule south lli liereee west
sb peicbes to a post, tlienr-e alonj tbe turnpiko
i-i.ail noutli SB degreea west 100 perches to a po.-t.
thence north one dereo wet 72 nnd Siivcn tetith
perelie-. to n post, thence north P9 dejrVees earn
124 and live-tenth perches to the linn and place
of beginning, contuinin nl acres and II perch
es, beinir part of a lureer tract of lund surveyed
on warrant tu Henry Wykolf, ubout IO acres of I wii. de-tire to keep up with their pcofeMui. '
the ri'-l.t burn broken off ; supposed to betkt I
two years old. The owner is hereby risjunM I
come an,l prore property, pay chnrj;es, and aid
him away, er ho w-.II te sow a the Inw dirwti.
Auj(. 2fi, f'3 -pd.
Teacher's Institute.
The Teachers of Clearfield county are nmtt.l
folly requested to meet at ths Towa Hiijl
Claarfleld.on Monday the alh dsy ef Oct, I
next, at 10 o clcock A. M., for thepurpoml
organ ixin a Tr.Acnr.NH Isstitcti:, to ontui:
session one week. The object of this mer-titf ,
for tbe attainment of preuler pnieienry in u.1
different branches of study ; in the art of to,-.
Ing, nnd for the diseursion of ?mh topici u.-l
late to the advancement and interest uf ut nl
nion schools, Teuebera are ((iif led k.sna.
es;ays, or short addresses on practical m.f l
connected with the theory nnd art nt tsictud
in Hint tbe exercises inn be a interestiof I
attractive as poesiblo.
ft Is earnestly hoped that all teichtniil
wish tt iiiia'iiV tbeinTelres more tbornushlr, u I
invest je'ition bv the War Department.
., , ! The most corrupt practices have prevail
nuihors.iip' d jn ,,orse contracts, and in clothing ynd
; subsistence supplies. J hey throw the
shoddy" operations nt Hsrrisburg, in Kfrom rvf,Li (he. ticket of their
Ilio slimmer oi l ?t. i , entirely .n uie suaue.
Many of the stane parties ; implicated,
nnd the cangs who have infested ll.c
.S'.ifV Capital in the winter have leaped k'
rich summer lmrvet. ltisusad ceiiimn-'
laiy tint while ihoiisinds of brave men
i. i n.. i.n ,l..i'..l il.,, s;t,i, fi-,1,.1 1
IIISII-'ll IV.- II. "I. r" itruin. .. ,-. . .
and nl.ile the t;,.rer:r wns tick-! ') .lU!"ll:u
laTAro Abohtionits nwuro that, ns of
ten as.lhey assert that Judgo WoonwMtn
had decided that the "soldier bad no r'ght
to vote" that he was "disfranchised"
that he is denied the glorious privileges of
a freeman" Ac, Ac, they just ns often ttain
their souls with a b'.ack and d.itiininp
falsehood ! 1
Judgo Woor.,VARi, we ipp(.l, (iei.i'-d
no such thing, lie only decided that no
elector of Pennsylvania, whether soldier
or citizen, could legally vole anywhere
except nt his own election district, as pro
vided by tho election laws of retnis Iva
Ti in. And in this decision the C.-urt was
unanimous, John M. Read, whom the
. liej'ulliciins placed on the Den h, includ
ed. .
How bncciy insulting to the people, for
these Abolition Wanderers lo attempt thus
to impose upon their presumed ignorance.
RonniRs AnofT. Mine host of the
Clearfield House, in this place, was relicv.
cd of sonic 490, tho beginning of last
week, mostly in green backs, taken from
a trunk in his sleeping-room.
lin; them with honeyed words, hi 4 min
ions mul ftil'ovf'-t vert permitted, like har'iif,
fa d.priee M'e cl und It emu) el them (
m,i.r 7 tvid x' r'irif tnireh-f. v ith'xit r.'.'i
tie p"oe ti(.n'-' crnekrrr nnd po-k. It is a
matter of record I w hile these contrac
tors were receivinir enormous sums, the
pslhnt I'll ihrielpl, in soldiers were plncei
on an fillcwnnce of a cracker a day for
several daj s togol her, think fa (he nepleet
(Did rnij.Hon ij the J-'.r ten live I lej'artment of
the S'itr rf' I'eiviyteiniiii, Philadelphia luij ,
.;,-, isr.::. "
We lake the following cxti act from a
sj eech made by Gov. Cur tin, in Pelleionte,
ir. 1jsi'.0. a few days nfter the election.
Hear him :
(Tlirohiliited. Tim volunteer soldiers of
this army will bo allowed to hold au elec
tion, if the law gives them the right lo
vole , and nn pcrer on eurth shall prevent them
Ihat is fair and just, and all Democrats
ask. " Bully for Grant," we say, who is
the only commanding General that has
the courage or the disposition to net in
dependently, and to square his conduct
the Constitution, ia such
wLiuh are cleared, with a two-story 1'rniiie Holme
er, IO llinorance, fanaticism and '- "J - ""B ereeien niereou. Also,
I Ul. llC.t -11,11. 1. 1 ' IIILII..I 111 n CVI1.II.J illLVL "1 I.U.U
n'isitiltri in tbe township, connlv anil StAti. nfur,'.
said, being alutment No. 5 of trai t No. ."61, boun
I ded on the south by tbe above atoned tract, en
: Im w.ul l.v lt.n.U nf S II. l.fkltimel, 1,11 Dm nr.rll.
ri-i ? . . .. -
j lie ignorance anu malice Ol me by Long, and oa the east ly Mc(arr's heirs, con
avail themselves of Ilia aJvaatnirrs nhirltiJ
institute will nllorJ. Utlier citizens, hiss i
well as s;sullemen, nre inritod f attend all '.H
eercici of the uicetim.
Lecture' on educational suje, t? ma bt'J
peered at the eveuhic sessions. An cxn;nin:i
will be hold at tho close el t.'ie Institute, audf !
maticut eeltiacate.' will he annrJe.l to ilesrrl
I 1 .1 11 1 1 fi.,.". I !.. ltn.l.-t . r .,,,, .11,'r,..,r,M tuininir Hi acres, more or less, about 12 ncres of i candidate:
.,, . i , ., . C, , i which ure cleared, with a two-slorv plank frame
will cost Loth th Government and people tl,p er(,rt,, , boron. Seized nnd taken in ex
thom.icds of dollars. , eeutinn and to be sold as the property of Tolbert
The VeriP.Ont Election. Also 11 tlial certain tract of land situate iii
'fit. v... .i i.urusmo luwnsui e, Liearuem rouniv, ni, ne
IhH Male has coiio not exiicllv ns i . . ; .... . .,
in u iiiui-it- , .,iivi , iiiuiiL-c u muu V
A Bogus Democratic Paper.
The Chicago 1'ost says it has a 'special
love for tbe Sluto Register." No has not
the State Register for the Chicago Post.
We have neither love nor respect for V
journal which lifter selling itself, soul avid
t'Otty, to (lie Aiuiiiiion or wnai is one
I nnd the sumo the Administration's ptr
IV, still make a profession of adherence
to the Democracy. As well might Judas
claim iipostleship after betraying Christ,
as such journals as the Chicngi Post as
sume tu bo " Democratic," when they
have basely betrayed Democracy. The
1 Post is "joined lo its idols ;" l-t it go,
like Judas, to its "place" among tho
Ben. Butlers, llm Dickinsons and others,
who like it. have forsaken lha Dmiincrat-
httee :t" i"i r no feel, 1 vill tight ixnt fur io party al d given in their adhesion to
(hat y.-,M, and the odds frill he m my tide." 1 it ancient and irreconcilable enemies.
This truthful prophecy has been fully
The Democracy liuvo nothing in common
.. :,i. . i . i ; . s.i i . i. f
, , i i i .. ,i , r n i sua ui-sencis iiuiu iia luiua lueiy ier
ienlicd lv i he tax-ixivers of I ennsvlva- . . . .i . 1 ,
1 ' i nothing Irom their enmity ; hope nothing
ma. e have been under the Governor' from tbeir support. The Post ahonW
"feet" nnd the ' tight" has progressed should have bocn warned by the fate of
r ...;. t - I j . .f , .
Isvoraldy, lUt it has not )t been ddinitc- mruier iranorL-nsinsjii i u. ) jveefisicr.
ly settled on whose "side the odds vt ili TneGiiteit ire7 The Greek firo was
I." The iiles of Oclolet will finnllv set- invented about thousand vears aco in
tie (hut question.
usual but, nevertheless, as usual in giv-.
ing a largo Alf-lilion majority, Vermont 1
has been an Abolition Slale now twenty
five years, iiiiri is unciinngat.ln. Kenr
Canada in u. cold climnte, iho peop,.
know nothing of negroes, and are there
fore, ardent tubout them.
Tho Aluslicioii mnjority, however, is fi-.r
short this yrtir from what it was last year,
nnd the year before. Three Abolition M.
C.'s nr ulei ted the tiovernor, tbe whohi
Senate, soil ihe Democrats have a small
reprosecution in the House.
Clearfield, An?. 12.
rn o ci
1 rt.ui
1'.. faXDVOHA
( ...Shr t
Hon. c. l. vallant ingham's
s; , in. i ii ' al u ample corusr ; lv lull
Win Ilrotlier.-', c.-t one hiiur'red and sixty-
seven pen-lies to a un.ple ; thence north fifty-five
depress west thirty -six perches to a white oak :
thence by land i f John I'atcliin, north sixteen
decrees enst ntn hundred and sixty-two perches
to a post j thence by hind of Horace I'atcliin.
north f .rly-tnu degrees cast one hundred and
idghty perches lo a while pine; thenco by land
of Jacob Yinlin;; and othors, soulb four hundred
nnd nine perches to the place of beginning : eon
tniniiiK 3(111 seres m re or less, surveyed the 3d
day tf October. A. I)., lUSI.on warrant dated IStb
Keceuiber, KIT',, grauied to t-auiutl Bartley, with
log bouse, loir burn and saw-mill erected tliero-
uu, nidi uboat 5( aerea cleared. Seized and,
taken in execution and to be sold as the property j
"f llenjainin Ylnglin;, deceased.
1)Y VIUTI E i'f sundry writs ot Lentrt Fa-'
) riiia, issued out of the courts ol Common
l'leas of Clearfield cr unties, and to me di
rected, there will I. exposed to VLliLK'
t-ALE, at the eourt house in tbe borough of Clear
field, on Monday the 2Sth day of September next,
at 1 o'clock, P. .M., the following describe I Heal
Estate, to wit :
' mi mose 3 several tracts i.I Inn, I sminto rarilv . t.
h. Decatur township. Clearfield county, nnd pari-1 ."! 'it!ea rei -
; ii ' mi'MIUI tUC MJirillVl 1U WUH'"V i r
u iiooi. iii it I-, t runs k
tll'.l!?. The Countv 'iipcrii:
dent hereby gives notice tuat be wi 1 nnt
Teachers, l)iroclors and friends ol eduoaum ft
cidlly, at ihe following umutd j Ucesaiidu;-
at 1 o'clock, a. in., of each day :
Krady, llloom nnd Union, at I.iitliersborj
Monday, August 31.
Ferguon, Lumber city nnd Inn, it Lumlm'
on Tuesday, September 1.
Dell, ut liower, on Wednesday, !-epteuilrl
lluriiside, Chest aud New YVailiingfwi,
Washington, Septombcr S.
JorJ.ia and Knox, at Ansonvilie, Septembtn
Curwentville and 1'ike, at CurwcnsTilit.s
ay, 5.
I?ogg and Lradfont, at V'illiiini-' Grove, Hi:'
tSentomber 7.
Graham and Morris, at Kylertowri, Sipliak
Decatur and w oodward. at Centre. Sertem
lleccnria and Gulich, at Glen Hope, FridsJ.H
teuiber 1 1.
Girnrd and Goshen, at Surveyor Run, J
September 14.
Covii.gU.u and Karthsus, a'. Miilsnntol '
tember 15,
Hustoa and Fox, at fli,ckory Kingdon,"''''
September 1 s".
Clearfield uud LiiwreDCO, al Ch'5'',
1 day, f'cpts'.iiVr 21.
PdT Po-itlvelv ns privntc Miminatiow"'
i ly extend tig into Centre county, originally nr-
:eyeuupon warranis uate i lat July, Ks. n-s
St srit tot s. Our readers will reccollect
Aliout Ihn same tin, e our vouni' (i iniwl.. .. .
... . , . ' e "'ft Go tstenmer Kuth, lecently burned
Lumber city, both met with a similar mis
fortunethe former losing some 700 or
jinny i-ai.i nu loon newcomer, at ,u mi:,,,,; ,,,,, ,
- nt uu uoni a acre n nj -
masters, and about ?2,5OO,000 for Gen.
Grants army. The boat was totally con
sumed, and nearly all the crew were either
burned or drowned : but stratum m .
.. . . - p- -j i
-Every Abolition loyalist insists thut f,x m,t ot ll,e Bven r)'mtera escaped.
"A. Lincoln "is the Government. Suppose' U " strongly inspected that the boat
we admit this fallacy for argument's sake. ' 'as fired to cover UP granite robbery.
f 800, in paper money, nnd the latter a less
sum in gold.
the Last, and was employed in the cru
sades acaiunt Ilio Christians, to whom it
was a source of the utmost tenor and cob-.
fusion. It is composed of what is known
as " arsenical alcohol," and is chiefly tnado
of pitch, naplha nnd bitumen, aud readily
bums on and underwater. It was orig
inally projected on arrows and javelins,
around which flax was twisted, saturated
with tho compound. It emits a most of
fensive odor in its discharge, and is very
destructive in its etl'ects. i he secret of
tho -composition of Ibis fire was lost until
the commencement of our civil war when
it was discovered or re-invented singular
I.Mtli'mimi 4 i ' rectivelv irrantcd lo Kmiintipl FImI,,),, VtiK,..k
Harrison and John Harrison, adjoining Inndt eon-1
veyed to Jescph J'arrijon, Thomas ftillintnn. '
frnncts Lutlirop, and others, and pteuted April,
, Ic'OO, to the said Henry Lilllngton. eon-ain-1
ing, in the aggregate, 1 1MT aciei and i'Z perch
es ef land, wilh the allowance, excepting there ,
ott and Iberefmm two lots, one of SOU acres, and
allowance, arieed lo bs sold and conveyed to
John lior and Abraham Goss, their heirs and
assigns, and the other ia tbe po-session of the
heirs of Abraham Goss, now deocased, and con
taining lit seres and 164 perchos, according to
a certain survey ly Iboiua Host of Clearfield
This work contains full and official copies of
the four principal Acts of the last Congress,
which will fnroverfix a stigtua upou that body :
I. THE TAX RILL, bv wind mil the rrorerty
ana resources of the poople are mortgaged to I county, Surveyor being together 3il seres and
...n.l-. In .....1. ... . - r.ll ...,. ..rtl.i
o una II. ivau u Ul IW u., ' ..iiviv-..
C. B. SASDF0HD,O.frr
Clearfield, July 2!, lst',1.
ft i r t p r n r I M 1 T 1 1 1
(1T1II.KIMIS. lion. SA.MIL1. LLNN.'
ident Judge of the Court of Comm'
of tho twenty fifth Judicial Pistrict, "
.... .n,,r,;., .r nu..r,ni.i r.nir. and Clin1'
and the lion. JA.MLS I; LOOM and H
TU0.MPS0N. Associate Junilaesol w--
the present Administration.
2. THE F1XJ.NCK BILL, which plaees all the
currency or the country in tbe bands of tfce
Heoretary of the Tresury.
3. TnE (.ONSCMPTION BILL, by which all
the bodies of poor men, who are not worth
- $100, are placed ia tbe bands of the Adminis
tration. 4. TUB INDEMNITY ACT, (6tting climax,)
whio'a presumes to indemnify lbs President for
all ttii w rongs be has committed in the put,
1 or mj commit in the future.
Tew W.Vi ever attaoted more attention thaa
hi fregoing.
man, woman and ehild wbe ia in favor
f LIBERTY aud LAW, should buv and tead
these books.
If A. Lincoln ia the government will he MrUn. "Government" and Maslor tVo ywr; J
not have to psy the enormous debt that Bob " Govornmenl," are now rusticating our Govern.-nonl, and tried to procure a ,,lLlBK
ia now ralrliinoir,,. 11.. ,,,,l. I ,.,rl ll,n i ., 1 1 a W I, Il o f r, I u! .. . I I t. Dal en t for it. Pacliaa h u .r. In Wacli. tb'te blK
peopU therefore, if payment alio- how soon th. Scotch P. and miUtar, juff
8 c.oak, wilUollaw. hearing from th Goyeraroent offirish. I Jan. lata, im
124 perches thus rxcei.tcd Irom tbe orminul
tracts, and leaving g:!2 acres and il perches, with
the allowance now conveyed, be Ihe surue mors
or less, together with ell and a'npnlar tho ways,
waters, water-courses, rifflils, liberties, privileges
and improvements. f?eiid and taken in exeen
lion and lo he sold as the property of 1'avid I.
Pruner, Andw. tl. Curtln, John .M. lisle and J. J.
Liugle. , ; ,.. '
Also all that certain Two-Story House, ot
Building, situate in the township of Woodward,
and county ir Clearfield, on lot oo south tide of
road leading from Alexander's Fording to Phil
ipsburg, in the village of Puseyeille, bounded an
tbe west by lot owned by Henry Peters, east by
land of Robert Alexander, laid House being in
site 16 by 20 feet, and th lot or piece of ground
or curtilage appurtenant to suid building. Seis
ed and taken iu execution and to be Sold as th
property of George W.. Miles.
PhsrifTs Office, Clearfield, Aug. H, 1M. - j
1 Li
have issued tbeir nrerept. to me nireeies.
.bol.liog ufa Court "f Coinrnnn ricas, WT
Court, Court of Quarter Ses.-ii'ii. f'?1"',
nnd Terminer, and Court of General Ji' l'"
at the Court Honso at Clearfield, in tnl
county of Clearfield, on the .
i th Mmdmi, tu 2S. daint'-SeptC''
NOTICE IS, therefore heiehy f"-
". Ui I'llCI i UUI'll V'X vs Hie w
in and frr said county of Clearfield, t
their nroncr persons, with their KjH'.
Inquisitions, Eliminations, and (""vju
brances, to do those things wuica
and in their behalf, pertain to be doM
; GIVEN under my hand at Clear6l.
da of Juue. in the year of ourl-era,'
land eight buudrcd and sixty-three-
'iiivivr. ...ri ii amiRr?el'i(;-l
W1...1 ...... .H" - . ----- .
. . . . . - ,. J .l. n r V'1 1
ICJ ltuM ul viearupm anu "-- '.,
notice that the undersigned has openss
ing Saloon in Grabain Kow, when
brancbei of bit Profesaioo wiU Us W
ityle equal t the best cily shop'- a' "
ly sx.ucus.lnal cl n.s E0RoI nil
ae.rfield, July 29,