.. . t. or If?..... I - I m. , , Cir TLmo t Tjtotf. train rn f"l"" wT':,, trimst. P.ltimnre Uf"" tl A H l I'J r Jl A. . 6 SO I-. M. Vail Train .-.Wall Tr.in 2 J A. trough Acmininoautlot ia 4 a. m. . . lhalrlnll ft till I llNr III UIIIM II -' - ..... - I. . T;,oD. for II H8. .1 . Triioi m tU Uai.d Iivui.i Vallit rmJlfirt 7;r fur r!lrf..til at 4i A. TJmLAV Mnn'rt ; with tj) tin DKMOC'KA IIC ClXn. Tht followlne r th ramol uf th officera Ilia Central lJuiocrtic Club uf ClenrflcM eoun. tj all rtfiiliug in or uar tbil placo : A. M. IIiixi, 1'rtaidrcL Joh McfueaaoH, I Vic, pre,iJ.Du. AXDUKW AliLiLCXi', j T. J. McCii.i.oi oh, Reconl!n) Soeratarj. W. V. I!itt, Cnrrtfpondlnj S'oeroUry. IaAAC Joiimhun, Tifaiuror. 3TAU euiflraunicationi ahould b addreaaad to tba Correrpuodiug fiecretarjr. Nonce -The time for the meelinaj of .fUU commutation by a dialled man: notice, iueuuicii lUUimart A',., tbo Toaohera' IiUtituteLm he uhungeiM - i,, T7 iw, rromthe September" ,o ,b. 6,h Dear Sir T', , f '' October next. i i it : te3". are compelled, jor waul or ' apsce, to defer the proeeding of the Ntitnocratic meeting at Mount Joy, and Severn t communication. They will ap pear in our next iaiue. jtaTDr. A Hiils, would inforu hit patrons that he will be absent from Lis office the second and third weeks of Sep tember. jtay-The "popular will" with which the abolitionists cay the couscription act is ' gieeted in all parts, is not visible in this place. A 1t Dat. Several of our jovial country friends, who aere brought to town on Monday last through an anxiety ; to hear something about the draft, to seo tba circus, ko , were heard tu remark that that wa the dryat dny they over mtr in ' Clearfield. The authorities having stop ; ped the suloof liquor, it mipposeil to bare suggeited the i'L' 1. No IftLr yog jt. U'e are torry to in form our correspondent 011 the Tyrone and 1 ;New Wa.shing'.on mail route, who coni f 'plains o bu lly and no doubt juMly j I of the failure and irregului ity tf mail I j mutter, that ivc know of uo immediate I remedy. Those who are now inist-ruling I the countty aro totnlly deaf to the coiu- '. iilabts of tho people, whether those com-' ; pbints uro well or ill founded ; and th. I only hope of relief is by turning them out jof office aud putting honest men in thro' i the sovereign influence of the ballot a ; woik in wlncii we are sure our corr.apon- 1 dent will cheerfully unite with us in try-' I. , I j in to accotrpllbh. , . ,"" , , , , Net DkaI. I bote who had been led ' to bnliere tbnt the Republican-abolition i party of this county was a dend institu ' tion, would have lound thcmlves terri bly deceived had they been in cur town' lust Thuriuay at the greut Republican-1 abolition County Convention. After j reguur stenuing call lor weeks, not more than one half of the districts, and certain ly not half their j ui ty vote, iti the 03un- ' ty, were repre:eiited 1 ,,, r:,.i n r,t i.t. . 1 . . ... 1 may be louna at nia omce on me eouinwest cor l.obe.t Mitchell, of th.. pluce, was 1,0m- . - . ... . liBMI.eept inateil lor treasurer; Jnmcs Glenn, of ; l'ike, for Cotnmitkionvr; and John Iiua - sol, of Tenn, for Auditor. I'KAKEWoiunv.-I.eV. Mr.Glldi tr. who , 1 n ..... , : has Uf n decidedly warned in some of 1. tat na...trt..n . 1 , 1. . s 1. . 11 .1. ' "-"".''nli,e- Sen," not of Israel, but of " 01' Dabe'i army at Waterford the other day, an-' tiounced fiom his pulpit last Sunday hi! intention of obeying the "call," andad-j Vised all others to do likewise, and be glad. Thit is piaiseworthy. W. always i admhea man whose practice accords with' Lis preaching. j . ! i Ii is " Idiotic Linco!" Tho Palladium thinks the following, from some Wtttern I paper it "idiot lingo." Perhaps it is, but it is i rjn as th first chantei of I Genesis: "Garrison's Libaalnr begat lb. New York jTriiunr; and the New York Tribune begat tho Impressible Confl'xt; and the ' irrepressible Conflict beeat tin Helper Wv and the Helper took begat lh; . aid of John lirvien; and the raid of John I Bron begnt the Chicago Platform. . To which the New Haven Register adds: j that the whole begat the " present cruel war," together with death, a national j debt, and destruction generally. "A fool can make nior. mischief in a day. than wiss. man can remedy in yewrs" and' that ia just tba atat. nr .1. .! the present time. The fools have had j their day wise men will toon hav. their - va IWV WUUtl j tt years. Tm ADmsisTtAT'.oni'a Wsjtr. WT. tak.i the following from the Boston Journal: ' "The Government has decided not tr.1 retain any officer in the army r. bote views n ia war pouey 11 not ut mnaonsnra ft.,,...:.. - r.- . .... . . 7nn, , A , a- C0BI,U , reported for dismissal for the Use of what termed disloyalty or treasonable lan- Buage, Thus doe. the Administration .nap it.';.' "ipP'n Tan m "khatT?7 bip at the manhood of its officers. cert. It -aitnucb worse than the whip of the' lh..t.Y. orer''.Pr M lh rnar.bood 0 mn it oeirier man the body Of nf il -gr0, If lhere 1e n thing ahead l" iu ti,e refinement of derpotiim w. nno 1 conceive of it. U is enough t0 ILutt 1Ctt,hJrobuk- U KiT n ballot box.-7nr.ans Prmter. .4a .1 1 . t . v.u. A uiwpucn from lortrm Mohro .mr,. ,,...., ,. To,, Sumter and I Wagner W.r. both In t,fW,0i..n of the LniotWoroet-ihat Ih. whole f Morri. wuuiu poon i occupied, wttn Fort Moulin, would b. .educed and lb. fall of Charleston would toon folio. Nothing Important from the Army of the Potomac. One or two) bud bom. tm " 1 - - I k w u reUU on the K.np.b.nno.-k. A report potne la hand, by way of Wilmington, N. Croliu, ih.t Jff Dvi had i.-ued p v,OB caUin oul 50-000 -' - uo are 10 receive tbeir freedom and 50 jncroi of land at the end of Iho war. Whiit f will our Aboliiionialaany now? If their object is to fiea the rpgrot, they muH iuj.poi l Jtir, iw thngreaie.t tfmancipalion iat that ever wai. Ax Opinio thou ilos Timduiui t5r.. TIN. OH TU. Covrii.Tinl f ' " "t" ,bfe- caater Kxpieea publiehea Iho following op.nion of Iho Hon. Thaddeua Stav-n. i - " iiq ainii regard to the cHccl of the payment of iho ! Jiry opinion u that the payment of the fJOU commutation and the fumiah till? a aubttitula bnye pracieely the same t-HVct l--,ll, ,-xf il..., 9 .. .1 . I r.. j r - fivuvt vi iucui ncva uraiieu ulna iruLu further draft for three years lie ia in T . . . i . . .m eBect in service, either by htmielf or an- iun uni.mukoi ajwu IIIUKei me government his agent to procure a aubnti- tute. The government has conaentetl to act as such agent. The law says he inuy "on or betore the day fixed for hi appear anoe furnish an acceptable substitute, or pay auch sum not exceeding $300 for the i.Mini.0i:nnl..Ai..,,i .:.T. . 1,1 j,.v,v- .uuu.uuaw.uif, ..... V,c" - upon the person furnishing the substitute, orpaying tht money, shall be tfisoharj-ed from further liability under that draft." Mo one doubta that furnishie substitute ex - . a cuaea for three-years. To sivej a difierent eti'ect to th. payment of the commutation iiniup iu uig iiiriie loee uibq mi ausuruuv. it is a very miscnierous misconstruction, which if need be, 1 have uo doubt, Con gress trill correct, TllADDIUS StIVI.NS. MAURI ED 0b the 234 of Aajcaat last., by B. v, jiaii, a-aq., in r. gamer n ireina. to jura. MArftret White, all of Karthaoa towaabip. DIL.D la Goshen townabip, on the 25th of August leal, Louis J., sen of John A. L. and Margaret J. Flcgal, aged 7 years. " This lortly bud to fresh and fair, (ydl'd henet by early doom Jnit raut to all w bow aweet a flower la 1'aredieo could bloom." M. August 1st, Xannit, agtd 8 montha and II daya. Ou the 1 9th August, Frances, aged 2 years, 3 months and 7 days. Also, on the 2'Jtb Augnat, Martha A. aged 19 years, months and H days all of dyeentrv, and all daughters of James and Catharine Thorn; sue, of CurwenarUlt. S8r"With the erideoce of her aeceptanee with tbe Savior, Martha left tbt thoret of time. Her d'ing appeal to all wbo witntaaed her triumphal depai tura was, "prepare to meet me ia Uearea." ; ieie t.l if is fo dit in (As Xro?. II. J). T. I 0a August lith, at the residene of Jaa. Thomp son. Martha ITeDbnrn. acad 74 ssvi. ...... . . , , . On the 2i th August. Richard, son of Ileury and Martha Ana McKiin, of Curwentville, aged 8 years, i months and 11 days. BaanaHMaaMaHSKsaMMOTa DR. A. M. HILLS rm lAKSlKHS to in- ilw- -L' form biI plt- VySaWjt tons that profession- fawCCVi4 ''? buaintrs tontines UZ2l&-Jk. the time, and be wilt f&WftfmitZl' lUrrefore) L unable accustomed placet this a u miner ; but when notice appears in tbt town papers to tut July S, 63. tf. 'T1 A DM I MMTKATOH"! V)T1CK. Letters ; of Administration baring bten granted this 1 day to tht undersigned on tht estate of KKEDKK KINti, late of Burnside township, deceased, all persons iudeUei to esid estato art requested U .... 1 .a. 1 ...; a. aa net manf a K A tiinasta K V i r ! olaiiui araitutthe Miue will rreat tUem duly r-r.-7, Vi." ""i .,2 ...tl..l.:....aUl ., ..tlldtn.nt MIHVHMBU t"S lv-t a A Ti-ttrv uivr f JOHN MANIOC. .j. " OTHELLO SMEED, j Burnside tp.. July 15, 13C3 ,'d. AcLu'rs. GREAT REDUCTION! New Goods at Reduced Prices. Tbt t Id stock to bt told at a reduction to cor respond with tht new goods. J- P. KRATZER Hat jut received a gena.-ad assortment cf DRY GOODS at reduced pricas DRY GOODS at reduced prices DRY GOODS at reduced prices DRY GOODS at reduced prices Bonnets and Shawls Bonnets and Shawls Bonnets and Shawls Bonnets and Shawls CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING iirimiiru uarillC OI'KU CUlllUl'I'iJ ill Kit'i 1. UOIU.I'ft.. Bali al I' MMUI.I u..j n T, vfts;ntl.Uive lhti a call and examine their stock, and r""" 1 vi. :::,'tbey feela..or.d thatyoo can be iiaraware, yuMntKirt, usswwrw, hohous Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Notions ,I,,n,wre Q'.ware, Tinware, Notiou- Tea, Cotfee, Molasses, Sugar, Salt, Candles, Riot, Floor, Bacon, Firh , Tobicco, Crackers, Vinegas, Oils, Varnish. HOUSEHOLD (30D2- Carpets, Oil Clotb, Drugget, Looking U lasses. Clocka. rbnraa U' .K -Vu.a rA m Tnka. nneketa. flat . 1. . . . ' ... .. U . irons, ran a, n lodow-Dlinaa. wtu-raner, vi. Oil Lamps, CB.br.11 B.d-ordt, Knivt. and Forks, Spoons, Crocks, Blovt bltcking. AH of which will bt told on tbt moat raaonablt terna. j and tbt highest market priet paid for Grain, 1 tM . " Front etrt-t. abtrt tbt Academy, Clearfield, Pa. Jbb.9, 186J. CARRIAGE DEARBORN TOR SALE tj lhtanb.cn ber offert So ttll.wTtry ruHS-l abltUrma,. TWO HORSS CARRIAOK, an. alt. LIOHT DEARBORN WAOON-Btarly atw both r. got-raln, -.r. B!ri.M Apply to JAM.8K.WAT80N7 A ir3-t WUIi.sitr.vt, Ft. , IUr r Ihl ituu Kl ti..u ii . . ... ! ,:",: r. i i'or nhi Jr:-; J' . ,0 "ll ""' d-sired In matt Imtt. miX ' j''a !"." Auguel 19, 1863.-pd ' ' r" Estate of Moiei Boggs, deo'd. 1 .n f.r-itian'a Pnttkt ft.. It,. . . ... . . ' " ' ' " I Ull III I II V. 1 McKn.liy, Auumry, da., 1 1. I11 ',.Hule: rfV6'1 I? "' t,ir" of M(,"M UufK; i W.ra: Baxtor, Elixabcth. aifa uf John v,-r'..i,.. i thaJan, wifu uf Henry L. iunluy, Wilbor F. Kogg: llaury A. Buga, AUry, wir8(,f Wll'ium I CUaudlur, auj Kolaud C. Uog', and all other ! peraona luteraited, or cluimin,' to ba ownorj of aaideatate, to be and appear before ilia honora ' ble the Judaea of the aaid Court, at a Ceurt to be j held at Clearfleld, on he SISth day of September, A. I)., It0:t, then and there to nfoxnt nr r,.i,..n ! 1,1 ? "": "tt0 of ,aiJ ,d,:Jont. "ppniisad I 'tton put upon t by the Inquest duly return- eu. I ii llAlUJEH, tl k 0. C Aujruat 12, 1863. Cu ... u.... 7 Jj' u'9' ''P"" "! aj0,a 0,l III IM '09 J ld 0 iDOfMna aj eauooii mnoi t,.a ..Jtomn,, dosjoJ A"uy N M i '"sKvaT'l KHOf zJ H !!."! "., pom B.Jj40 -i'lunoj ;o tid Au u i p.jnou iAaeqn af StuH3 ei pun II! I ) Xiunoo pagjno3 jo aueiiip giii uijojui pgnou 'Xiuoqini J.doid ei i eui o pjHBjS uq Uui avq iuoionv a eauooii v puu 'iiuvA.Cauue,r . J I" J--!VA ;w-n MIDI w,l i I juaiimy eqi oi uojiuondde epaui oXIAvAJ jo ooi3tp3 qig eqi ju joisoKty RK1.I1:K NOTICIi. The Board of Relief for the county of Clearfleld, will meet at the Cotntnisaioners' office, on Wedneaday aud Thurs day, tte i'lJ anaztth days or Sopteiuber, lSCJ. The Board hare directed that all new appll- . oante loust apprar ooiore ine uoaru anil produce 1 their sworn slatement duUilinK name of soldier, jregimeot ad compmr; when en. is ted; the number of children, with age and sex of each ; ' th township in which ther resided at t'ie time of ' enlistment, uud their present residence; and that: I t. : : . 1. .... a. a l. aC . . r 1 . - ' eh ia without the means of support for herself aad children, wbo are dependent upon her. Two wilneaaea of credibility, from the township to which ahe resides, must alro be produced, whose certificate, aworn to before-the board, must set forth that the applicant ia the person sho rep resents bcraelf ta be; that the statemioent of the number and age of ber family is true ; that she it in destitute circumstances and her family in actual want ; and that all the fate set forth in her application art just and true. i'orma containing theae requisitions can be ob tained at tht office of the Buurd of Relief, when application it made aud the witnesses appear. WM. S. BKADL.EV, (Vi. August 12th, 1883. To School Tcachcrs. IIVK TEACIIEK are wanted for the . Penn township Schools. Persona wiahinj to apply for them will please meet the Direct"" on the third Saturday in October, in lVuniille. Perhape three or four Femalea will be employed. i!y order of tht mrd, Aug. 12, lSttt. J0UX FLEOAL, Sec'y. Tor Sale --A L1Gf,T GOJJ, entirety sew, well painted and Snisbed.and eubatiatial in tvery particular. Fur sale at a bargain. C. L. BARKETT. Clearfield, Pa. April 15, tf. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HAERISBURO, Fa. CO ERLY & HUrCUISON, Proprietors. TIIHIS Ilotol, to well known to the traveling I public of Clearfiild county, is now in a cor. -duiou to alord the most excellent airi-oirinoduti m either for tht transient guest or the permanent boarder. Tbt "United States" bet now all tht conven iences of A FIRST CLASS HOTEL. and tbt Proprietors art determined to spare neith er expenet, time nor labor to ensure tho comfurt of the guests. The patronage of the trnrrlinz Visits to any of niaP"bli " re-pectfully solicited. jly I, 03, y. MLKHELL & BIG LEU Have just opened a large and splendid assortment of New Goods At their old stand ia Clearfield. TIIEY bavt the best tafortment fT Hardware that hat ever been brought to this county, which ttrT will sell at the most reasonable tiri ctf among which will bt found a splendid lot o C V T T L E 11. Y, To which they Invite the special tttentioa of the j 'eW v :rzt:::i:tch.-piousl ,i 11. n,.. ififft unit Ciimi'd-iirt. I A lot of Pistols of tht btst pattern, and other nre-arme. Alao a general aseurtment of pistol .,i,;H,r...ll f wLi.h will bt sold at reasoua- hi. nruii They continue to manuf tore nil kinds of 'l'in-or ItrMBQ kVftlfS. StOVP. Pipe, etc., which caenct bt surpassed in tL is sec tion of tba Ctate. Tbty also bavt on bind IMUsburch Plows, among which art Steel Centre Lever Plows. Also, 1'low Casings, and many other Agricultural Im ptemenls. ' Cook tioves, I'arlor and Coal Stores a general assortment, and of tbt bes. pat terns, fr talt at reasonable prices. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, a general assortment. Glass, putty, Nails, Iron anlCastins of great (variety ; in fact almost every thing wanted by ;thtpublio caa bt found ia their est ibliiUiuent, and at prices that cannot bt beat. j Now is the time to purchase, I . . j v ft. laoaiiv mjj iuiii, .w .uci , , - . " they fetl aaaured that yua can be accommodated. lLt-oember, their establishment ia ot Second Street, Clearfield, I'a , where yon can buy goods to tht very beat advantage. fr-Old ailver, copper, brass, pewter and old callings will be taken in exchange for goods. May 20, 1SGJ. MERKELL A BlliLUK. DissolDtion of Partnership- rllC Co-Partntrahip beretofort existing be twten tht andersignrd, trading andt-r the .1.1 wnTTf'nV It RflN." Iiui liiis dav ssn. v. . h.B disaolred by mutual eooaent. J. WHITCOMB. i A. C. WHITCOMB, , Jnnal.l88S. ASA WHITCOMB. 1 - W...;sasM vmaatn i l1 will hfl I t I n. UUT W VHtjiui'oe I ----- oovTun-tdat th. old ...nd under th. title, of "A. j . C. S. WH1".001 Woodwari. July 29, ms. wilUAI A-waUACI IOB a. BALI Attorneys at Law. C LIAR FIELD. PA. t. W. TBOBftOW. JAS. I. WATSOM. THOMPSON A WATSON, Dealers ia Timber, rtw-Lft, Boardt tnd hbinglea, Maryarlilt, (Cltssrttla Bnagt P. O.,) Cltarttld tounW. Pt, Aug. 19, 1M3. TIIIRn AHMAI. I AIR (u i? i AttTl COUNTY 1 a r t nr I I ii hI C . . I . i .. lobehcdin tht ir Grinds, n,r tf,i h. cu ,h rf ( U .. n riiM.,,.. UY.Vs.ry. y.r,;..v andlrid.w, the atA, 21., 22m ,.., V Oc...rW, Domini, 1SC3. JOSIAII n. iIeeh rXKCUTlVE COMMtTTKE. ttvy1 J,)(- D-Thompson. Milium lato, JUchordShftw, Jr Jos. A. Citldwell. SKCIIKTAKV, r. F. KTZWKILKK. TUKASlRKn, JAMES WJUfJLEY. Cl l.Su-efpstaktt, open to all lirudt unj Competitors. Beet Bull 94 2d Beat Bull 91 Jii.cm John Owens, (I'ike,) John Shaw, jr.. Hobert Thompson, (Jordan ) All breeds coma together in thiaelaaa and com pete with each other, to be juilired he th.ir ! poiot, eyminetry of frame, ability to fatten, and i the atock they will produce (', r.r.,.l, .. r0fLc!w" is oet ,L J . J ct heilTor under 3 y 3 --ScoVJ, ia ueat uow J I Beat Calf under 8 uo. 2 Guulicb. Wm. K. Wri- ley, VV. V. Worrell. Class 3. 0.rivi. Boat Yoke of Oxen f 5 00 2d beat do VailJ't Cattle Doctor & 2 00 Junnss Wm. Schwetu, J. Jl. Kyler, Samuel Brown, (Lawrence.) Clasb 4. Fat Cattle. Bert fat bullock,oow or heiffor over 2 yra. 91 00 2d beat do Vadd t Vnttlt Doctor A 1 00 Ji'does Matthew Forcee, John Mc Pherson, George Kettlebarger. Clash b. Tltorovcjk bred 1 Lists, open to all. Best Stallion 910 I 2d beat Bullion $j Best Maro and Colt 8 2d be:t Mare & Colt 4, JuDues Thomas II. Forceo, John A. L. Flepul, David Whitman. Tho preiniutna in this class are intended onlr for homes whose pedigree render them worthy. TU ... .1. . , . . The. aociety wish to encourage the ruisiog of h k( .1 ,.. t. ........ j blooded h'jrsea. 1211 j Class 0 Hiding, Draft and Farm Horses. Best Saddle horst 3 00 Best matched carriage horses, Yuaatt on A orse, and Best single family horse in harness Best spun of draught hcrses, or marcs, Best spun of farm horses, or mares, Bost golding, or mare, for work, over 4 yra old, 'oaai. on tht font and Best colt uudor 2 years old, I'ouull 011 the. Horn and Tht bur so that move, the heaviest load on stone, bout without s hip, YouiK on the Horte. and 4,00 Jinyts I.ever I-'lecal, Joseph Brenner. Alexander Murray. Cl ass 7. Trotting Hursts, open to all. Best timo 3 in 5, trolling in tingle har ness, Youatt on the Hunt, au 1 975 00 JiuoF.s H. F. Naugle, Doct. Foster, Doct. Buyer. No premium will be paid unless five entries aie made, fcnch horse to trot against time. n trunct fee f 5. Class 8. Trotting Horses owned and raised in tlit county. Best 2 in .1 ou time in harness 920 00 Best trotting horse, or mare, under saddle, rutin., on the Hornt. Bert trotting horse, or mare, in single har ness, Joualt on tht Ilorte. Beet pair trotting horses, or mares, in bar- . De"'. Youatt on the Horet. Best pacing horse, or mare, Joiioff 01 the tone. i namiu; uurae, or mure, - Jl-dc;ls-C)I. E. A. lrvin, Ramsey Mc - Murray, Kdward Mcbarvey. No premium will be paid in this class unlosa there tro ten entries. Entrance fee 91. Class V'. Sheep and Wool. Best liuck.cny breed. Allen t Farm Book A $2 Or) Best Ewe, any breed, do do do 2 0U Best sheep fattened for mutton Bost lamb Best specimen tf wool Jidi;ks Robert Wrigley, I 00 I 0) Dip. Robert Mo-1 Naul, Sn.-nuel 1'. Wilson. Class 10. AWi.it;, open to all. B'st Boar, any breed, ouny Far. Man' I i- 00 Best llrseding sow, dj Far. d: Gardner A 2 00 l!e-t bog do do 2 00 Best pig under six months 1 00 JtLiLiO Siiinucl Clyde, Moses Wise, Andrew Cl0s. Class 11. Foultiy. Best cocp spring chickens not less thau six 1 00 Best and he.tuust turkey. SO ' Lest display of chicken. 1 00 Jror.KSu. it. Barrett, Rev. Galloway, ; i.ev. uaian. r. Class 12. Phwi.ig. It. uwner hi team ana plow Hint plows green award the beat, Youna Far, Man't f 3 00: Own?r of team and plow lhat plows atnbble the best, -4?fei's Furai Hook Jr 3 00 i Jl-ui:es Kos.s Reed. Urier Bell. Dnvid Best plow for stubble or award 2 Best tubsoil plow, lorry's Fruit (Vurdia A 1 Best ciod ciu.her and roller combined, 1 00 I Best craln drill, Alien t Farm book A 1 00 Best aide-hill plow 91 H"1 treMg ? Best reaper A mower i Best cultivator 1 Best corn-planter I Best barrow Best borst rukt 1 Lest luuuinK iniil 2 Ll ox'voke A bow. 1 Leatox-yoketboa. I Beat hay pitchiog mach ne, iesl stoek and straw-cutter Lift hur-e-Tower fur gouerul purposes 2 00 2 00 Best original invention of sgricul. implements 0U JlPt.ts dauies luompson, Jacob r 1c gal, Adum Geui hart. All articles enumerated in this class not made in the county, but produced i.pon exhibitiuu, if worthy of it, will be awarded a Diploma. Cl.u'-s H. Miscellaneous Farming Implement. List Dee liirt 91 Best 1 dei.band-rakesl Best potato diggor 50 Best stump nulirr Z 00 ; Best grain cradit 1 Best lot gard. tools I Best set farming utensils owned by farmer 3 00 Ji'bocs EU Liooiu, John M.Gummings, B. I). Hull. All articles enumerated in this class subject tu samt rulea aa class 13. Class 15. ll'Afuf, Rye. Barley, Corn, Oats, d-c-, fc Beat acre of winter wheat, Amer. AyricuCittd- 3 00 Beat acre spring wheat do do t I 00 Best field of whaet I or 10 acres do it A 3 00 Beat ten of ryt do do at 2 00 List tcre of corn do do A 2 00 Bost field of barley not lest than 3 acres do A 2 00 Beat acre of oats do do A 2 00 Al 00 i A 1 00 Best bushel of eora ears do Best 3 seres of buckwheat do do do do do do do do Best bushel of winter wbest do Best bushel of spring wheat do Best . ten of polatuet do Beat 1 acre of beam do Pest acre of clover aeed do Beat 1 acre broom corn Beat 1 acre torghum Beat i acre peat Best I acre rutabagas Btst i barbel timothy tetd Be t trTt of ctrr.lt Rust acrt of turnips A 1 00 Al 00 A 2 0 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00. Best I bushel nf turnips American Af rtcwtmr.'sL Jiros William Smith, (Pike,) Daniel Ay ei s, John Larrimer, Crops being tqual preference will bt given tt those that yield tbt largest net profit, Statements to bt furnished by th. aihib ilor a. They must be measured, or ws.lgl.td, and a ttmplt furaubed at tbt fair. I A..lnnl fur romlnma tnnM fnml.li the d m mle (.lit, .n,..,nnt yy tieiiil-, ttnH,r a y-A, ef ter.rlit, nl t, nint.i r ef jreln tai..(l on tJ)e groimd ,nti rrd f, r a i.rrn.lum, and rno.t itele e..,rtly aa be ran lha kmd eM e-n-dUt-.n ot the ,ri, ,rr,, the.ldndq,.n. t ty of nl man, and the li.ue atd mode o( . lira; It la t!r (tnnmj ' IVione eiiierltiK flflj , r,,r exhibition, or Inton.luiK to dc l ., mny ,W, i,., tu , Kxoru lue Cuiuunlie. at T tnue, and have the field lueeauied and (Aauiined by a committee while grow iit;. C.a4 IZ.IirtaJ and Certal FvoJ. Heat loaf of t,hrat bread blplmna. I'eat loaf of rya bread iiaat loaf of corn bread Iii, j Beat pound cake l'lp ' Beat fruit oake IMp ' Heat cotToe oak l)ip Best batchelor eake I Beet pr'e'rt'e A jelly" Beat iponx nake Beat jelly eake Beat ludva' rake Boat eake Beat jelly Beat pie, any kind Beat lot cream Hip Dip Dip Dip Dip Iip Dip neat ciaplay or jel ly d proaorvea Dip Judgm Mr. Josiuh W. Thompson, Mr.. U. D. Goodfellow, Mrs. Duvid Drees- lor. Class 17. Butter aiul ehteit. Beat 5 noundi or mora of buii..r i nn Best 10 lbs., or more, of ferkin batter made la .May or June 1 Best cheese 1 Jvotirs Mrs. Wm. S. Head, Mrs. Hartshorn, Mrs. Mane Fulton. Class 18 Flour. Best t0 lbs. flour 92 Best SO tbt. rye 8our 91 Best 50 Iba. cm meal 1 Best 60 lbs. buck wheat flour 1 Best 60 lbs. apriuj whoat fiour 1 Junoss S. B. Jjrdan. Wra. Ililes, Chas. Sloan. Class 19. Domestic Artidct, Brat box or Jar of honey 9100 Beat 10 Iba. maple sugar Dip. or SO Best peaches put up air tight Dip. or 6) Best touiatos put up air-tiirht Dip or SC Best blackberries put up air-tight Dip. or SO Best currants put. up air-tight Dip. or SO Best fancy jar of pickets Dip. or SO Beat grllou syrup or sorghum, cr tacb, Dip. or 50 Best cured ham (cooked) with mode of curing, do. Dip. or SO Best dried beef, with mode of curing, Dip. or SO JuDufs Mrs. Wm. C. Foley. Mrs. So phronitt Hartshorn, (Curwensville.) Mrs. itacy W. Thompson. Class 20, Domestic Manvfacturu. Best 10 yards Flannel Best 10 yards snttinet Best 15 yards woolou carpet West IS yards rag carpet, wool chain Best 10 yards ololh Best pair woolen blaukets Best woolen coverlet Best woolen fringed uitts Best pair woolen knit stockings Bost specimen of knotting, kniiting or aee dle woi k by miss under 12 years old Best pound linen sewiug-thread Best pound stocking yarn Best fuot-mat Ke.'t tidy mat Jf i.uiti Mrs. Wul. Caldwell, (Tikf,) Mrs. John Nonin, Mrs. Nancy tSliiiey. Class 2.Need'.t. Shell, WaxWork.de. Best specimen of needle work Dip or SO Best specimen needle work on machine Dip or 50 Best specimen flowers in worsted Dip or SO Best epecimon embroidery do ' ly or 60 Best epci-iincn smbroidcry la laoe p or CO Best apeciinou embroidery in muslin JjljsT 40 Best setimen of leather work Dip or SO Best specimen of wax flowers Dip or SO Best specimen of feather work Dip or 50 Best specimen of on.amenLil work Did or SO j Beat s lirt made by mi.s under 12 years Dip or 50 Best patching and mending Dip or 59 j Ji'iiuKs Mrs. Uichard Shaw, jr., Mis. I A. M. Smith, Mrs. Jacob Faust. ! Pi iu " Mill;,,-,, nr...,,!;.,.. ' Best millinery 91 Best dress making 91 JrDiir.s Mrs. Samuel Arnold, Mrs. C. Mc.Oilloutjll. Mies MajtK'e l'mnn. , Clvss 23. Artistic Work. ; pjiu,.. jn 0j :,;,,, iuli 1 Boat cattle painting . Boet paiuting iu watcr-coiors ' Lest ornumenLil naintinir of anr kind Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip Ed- Beit Dujuerreotypea taken on the ground Best auibrotypt taken on tht ground lie.-t pliotoiapiis tfttken oil tht ground Lett landscape painting Best penaiauiLip Best arehilccturul draniiig J i Di.r.s Mrs. Eliza lrvin, Mrs. mund Jones, Mrs. F. K. Arnold. I Class 'Jl. Designs. Best designs for farm house, burn, carriag ! 00 ' hour.e aud .liable j Rent design f'T dairy house 1 00 Bost design for bridge with plan, span But ) . ! less than .'50 leet J j J ici. :s Hugh Leach, Robert Dough- 1 ci ty, Milo Hoy t. Ci.As iltUlic Fabrics and Machinery. Best cooking-stove, wood or coal, 3 00 2d bost do do Uo 2 Ot) Be.r;:rktov. ?2B..rev..f....9 I'd best do 1 2d best do do Dip Bost specimen or lot of tin-ware 2d best do do do Lost specimen blauksuiithing Best sperimun guusiuitbiug Best specimen iron -turning 2 uu Dip A 1 00 ' 2 0j' 2 1 vv Lest plate castings I 10 i 1 Bo.-t .hower-bntii 1 UU Best original invention in county 5 00 Best display ut table aud pocket outtlery, I j,. American manufacture j r 00 ' Best display of e Jge tools Dip 00 Bjst display of furu-iug anJ field tools Dip ' J I'Di.Ls John L. Guttle, Ileury Kerns, j David Tyler. T,n i.linv.t iireiiiiiiin sin nfVured for r ticles Uiuuulacturcd in the countr. I Uiplofua tuny be awarded for any o'f the F J exhibition without re - 1 above articles on exhibition without re- ' gurd to theii place of manulaciure. ; Cla-. 20. Vehicles c all kii.ds. j (test family carriage Best timber sled Lest horse curt Best wheelbarrow 92 I 1 - 1 Best buggy 4 Best far.u wagon 4 ueei sieiga JlbCils- hiimuel IvirK, JaCOD . ami J , , , , , bell, James Forrest. Class i.7. CnLinct-ware in county. Bestdressiug ImreautI I Best sofa 92 Best extt'i. table 2 Boat lour.ge cU. 50 llftnL wash stand ola. SO Lest look'glass frame SO office chair SO Boat set purl, fnrn'e 91 Beit act i h airs 2 Best conlre table 1 , jiest variety of cbairs$2 i Best bed.Uad 1 Best di.pUy of cabinet-ware Dip 2 Jt riots James H.Fleminp, Christopher KiaUer, Joseph Irwin, (Lawrence.) Class 1M. Coopering and carpentering. Best pint wart tubs, stands, Ac, Ac, Dip A 1 Best specimen sash 9 1 I Beit lot buckets 1 Best window-blinds 1 1 Best lot baskets 1 Best psnel-door 1 Best s t grain meai'rs 1 JlDties Abr. Moore, Uirain Leach, Win. Robi.on. (Boi;gs.) j Clam 29. Routs and Garden Vegetables. I Best 1 bub.carrult SOo Beat t ds ruUtbagsoOc Beat 0 b'ds cabbage 50e Best 2 do cauliflow. Dip Lustqt- Windsor bnsouj lie. t vari. melons SOo Best i do ta. pulal O0c Best i do Limatta ifia Best i do ta. be?ts SI'c Best vari. squashea Ida Best 4 stulkt celery Dip Best i do tw't pota 50c Jfpars Thomas Mills, Hon. John Pat- ton, David Adams, Sr. All vegetables must be shown to have been raised by tee exhibitor. Class 30.- -CWc., Saddlers it Shoemakers. Boat gents' boots and shoes . iest isdyt'boots and shoes Beat display of boots aud shoos Best Isilys' riding saddle Beat riding brid.e and martingale Beat aidt bnitbtd harness leather 92 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 50 1 00 Heat robt madt oy exbibit-r Beat tug harness la Beat carriae)btrBtu $3 Best eingis harness 3 BtttUivtl.rj ttiX I Beat tents' ttddlt 2 j Bttt dlsplty itddltry 1 fl e4f tkln M I f?n tide .! .tn. M Bl ' kp tenth. ) I He lfct up- 4i ue J iHira Jnctib ruilit, lanao fwuilew, Jaim-a Sii'Wutt. tna 31. ''jii'.wi' ii7 f ;Ao(ri, Work. flot 'iiit of et'ithee rmdahy baud 1 Od Hit foal rnn.i by a lady I Od Ht pnt and rati tnaile by a la ly I 00 Ueat hunk maltrnea l I Bet atraw iaatU)a 1 Cl) llit bair luiiliret j Jiimilj-William th, Wni- Teltle, SmiiubI Shntlncr. 1 Cum Z'i. I'rintinri in tvurri. llj.l l... ,11,111 M. I 11... ui.. ,. JJctcrJ lip W Be-anener Ulo "P- Bet orunuicatal Driutiiiir lim Jldoe William Iligler, II. i. Swoop., Wui. ii, MoCuljough. C'Ltsi 'i'i.Stonneari. Tht bent drain tile l'lp or 60 The bealbraokata Inn d; iO me oeai pottery llin MP &D The beat tire brick Dip The beat brick Dip I , " u ,K, 1-,-UOOl1iiow.iJ'"wl rau.t, amuo,,I,e"-1 . , J , CtAgJ4. Uitmicaii and chemical actio In L eou"ty- 1 lie beat available manure at moderate tost 91 00 Tue best do do for farm products 1 00 The bept material for glue SO SO 50 50 60 60 LiU, int best tallow candles The bost vinegar The beat linseed uil The best speeimen uf soap The ttatwriting-ink Jcdues Doct. Caldwell Doot. Fetzer. Doot. ' Class 35. 'Wood and Stone. Best dre.sed slouu 91 ilost mill slonn 91 do grind stun a 1 do shingles Dip or 50o do floor bonrJs I . . worked f ' do weather bds I do butter boul Dipa.SOa do turned article SOo do wush'g machine 91 do split or aba- 1 n, ved hoops " do butter l.dlt Din worked j 91 JuiiOLs Josiuh W. ThomDsoii. Jesse Appleton, John Moore, (Ferguson.) Discreliuiiary premiums wili be ..warded for all articles of merit exhibited by me chanics in all tho various tranches, and it is hoped a genoral exhibition will be made. For all improvements useful to the farmer, aud having valuable proper ties, discretionarty premiums muy bo re commended by the judges and awa.ded by the Executive Committee. Class Xatural Minerals. Best auit of useful minerals of Clear&oli including ooal 9.' 00 do cabinet of minerals of Clearfield and) adjoining eountiea, to bt the prop- trty of tht society I S 00 , SOo $1 do lisua atone SOo Beat potters' clay , do fire clay SOo do burnt lime do aolleo. of fossils $1 do coal Jldcjes Doct. Geo. Wilson, Doct J. troucli, Doct. Kline, Class 37. Fruit. Best display and greatest variety of graf- ) ted apples, summer and winter fruit, V 93 00 named and arranged I a,. .1 ; . 1 . .. 1 . ... . : , . t . uu uiriiu.r aim icmdbl ini.o.jr v. pvam, r . numod and arranged do display and greatest variety of peach. I s, named and arranged do collection of pluuus, do collection of cherries do oolleotion of quinces I do specimen of applet, one peok ao iptciuieu 01 loreiga grapta do specimen of American grapes, do seedliug grapes raised in county and I worthy of oultart J do slomestio wine, A mode of manufaoturt 1 do currants SO I Best blackberries do Uooaeberries 50 Judges Thomas Henderson, Henry Ililes, Jonathan Spuckman, (Girard.) Class 38. Horsemanship. To the lady wbo manages bcr boree best) and s'.ts moat gracefully J To the gentleman who manages his horst be. i ,.4 ... - .... f 11 r Beat display of borsomaiisbip, not lata I than firt couple J do driving in tho course by a lady do company of oavalry do " " infantry do bund with brass instruments do martial band Dip I best ton singers Sip Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip Jcdces li. 0. Bowman, Hiram Wood' ward, John Carlisle. Class 39. Nurscriet. Bost nursery containing the greatest vart I ety of fruits und shrubs, cultivate 1 I ia the most approved uiauner, (tbo I applicant to furnish written dua- oription, with tht variety and I mode of culture) 93 00 '2d bent do do do do ftirry'i Fruit Garden. JttrtiEs Daniel Bowman, John Han cock, James Thompson, (Morris.) , Class -10. Ucneral l.ut. I Best dixplay and greatest variety of Dowers do do do do plants j do do of Horn! ornaments ! do basket bouquot, with handle. Dip Dip Dip Dip I do band bouquet Dip- i Helen Gu ttle, Min Sophia Radeliaucb. For Sale. uu; Coach making and Dlacksmithshop, together with the necessary wutor power for aaw- iuj, all in good condition, for sale at a bargain. Xhe above property is situated iu the borough uf Curwensville, and possesses all the advantages 1 n0Cesary for conducting each of the abort , branches of business with suuerior facilities. . pur further information applv to HENRY KERS3. Curwensville. Auit. 19. 'C:i-tf. QTKA V OX. strayed Iroio the subscriber in - Itll townsbin. on or ah.mt tha 3d of July A' last. ONE OX or hTAO, of a light briudle color. star in tbo l.ot tnd white on Hit flauk, , V.'?" hor!"e: i'0"' old, the point cut ou" the left ear and slit, Any j person taking niui up, aud tending word to tne subscriber will bo oell rewards J for their trouble Bell tp., Aug., 10 6u JOS. A. PASSJIOBK. VrOllCU CAUTIOXi Notice ii hereby FN given that my wife KLV1NA, left my bed IIUV WWI A uud board on the Ml duy of Aug , 1363, without - jut r,us0, Cuution ia therefore, hereby given. to til persons nt to harbor or trust her on my aceomit, as I am determined to pay uo mortdeblt of ber contracting. WILLIAM EC .HUK. Smith's Mills, Aug. 13, (i-pd. NEW GOODS! AFRESH Alt RIVAL OF Spring & Summer Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. lam just receiving and open'ng a carefully selected atock of Spring and Summer goods ol almost every description. A beuuiilu. uxuitmi'nt of i'rluta sna urj goods, of tho now a t and lstsat stylea. Also a gre it variety of njoful notions. ' LKY-GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shan Is, , . Hats and Cups, ilouu aud tiaoss, a large quantity, ilaidwart, Qnetuswtre, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Paints, , Carpet A Oil Cloths, GROCERIES, Fitli, aota aad Flour, Mackerel to i and barrels of tbt beat quality, a.) of whiek will bt aeld al the luwtst cash or ready pty prices. Jly old friends and tht public generally, art rtfpeetfnlly invited l call. yrN. B. All kinds of 7i?4.Vaa4 sppr.TtJ fOC'.Vrur FUQDVCH ttkta In excbsogt n Gooia. CleaxijU, Jtaj Jl mi Wit, t, IRWir. 1 D. 00 60 50 50 50 50 50 60 to 00 60