Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 02, 1863, Image 2

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    gjit (flmfiilb ytpttbliian.
Wedaeiday Morning. Sept. t, 1803.
For Governor,
Of Luterrti county.
For Jwij of the Huprrmt Court.
Of Allegheny county.
T. J. BOYER. of Clearfield county.
A. M. BENTON, of McKean county.
ISAAC KLINE, of Bradford twp.
AMOS BEAD, of Lawrence twp.
F. F. COUTEUET, of Covington twp.
Democratic State Central Committee.
, TU following li Id list of Cnnirlli In th
several districts ef CIssrfMd ninlr, at draw
at VTalerford on On Jflti nil.. and fur which
trt Indebted It Pep. Frotosl Marshal MrKitn
1 . Th rrovosi Marshal requires til conscript
from ttila county to appear at Wattrford on or '
If for th 30th Instant I I
Sun District No. 50 IWcsria township,
Number in Box 79. Drawn 29. I
i John Beam Psmti! Bowers
1 A II Wearing, Adm Wilder
Wot HroointtgH II V Klin
M irhii'l llnsa Ww Moor
John It Kline Harry, Brown
Matthias Walker
Sub District 61 Ferguson tw'p. Num
ber in bo 67. Drawn 17.
Jeremiah Caskey
Harrison Green
8 M Dickermim
W 1 Bready
Morrlii Davis
A S Dickinson
Sam'l Hogeily
A S Curry
John Gallagher
Tho Lightner
Frank Rnss
Solomon Fegan
Oeo W Dillen
John D Hoovsr
A D Byer
Sib District 51 Bell township,
ber in box 70. Drawn 23.
John Smith
Chas Hi phem
John Fieter
(loo M StHtily
J m M Cree
Henry A Wright
It V Fool,
Wm W Hull
Thorns Fliok
Samuel Kirk
John Shea
John W Davis
Willim Mel
Dennis Uillard
Cbritlian Straw
A mot Tubbt
HK.n'l llollilion
Barney Armstrong
David McCincken
Jan. Straw
Jus. W. Ron
Fctcr Biehop
Tims Robinson
.John Campbell
George Snyder
Andrew B. Barrett
Knooli Sweajy
Samuel Rom
Alex. Road
Henry D Straw
Foster Davis
Hid l)iTBicT C2 Fox township. Num
ber in box 30. Drawn a.
. II. Matterson Denuia Butt
i Sydney Matteraon Jacob Livenabigler
'l Wm. McLaughlin David Heath
.Ji. Cxler Jehn McLaughlin
Sou Dutrict 03 Oirard township. Num
ber in box 37. Drawn 11.
JlMrt WfwVll
llefcry PiUf
Henry Hummel
John Dtrlrr
Frank McUrlde
Jami Clowr
Adam Kig'.e
lli.iirv Went
'John Cleaver
Sl'B District 77 Woodward tw'p.
ber In box 45. Drawn 14,
Chtinry JarVtor)
Ab nl Rhellenberger
John Bailey
lretu Luthr
Wm Thompaon
F.lias Donny
Michael Hubert
Ianler Denning
' James Camon
I Win Kline
Jtobcrt Slutl
Henry A Shinitnel
Francea V Campbell
rlward K Turner
.Tesae Winer
Thonin R Smeal
Th following Is tbs Rtat Central Committee
at appointed by Hon. FINDLAY PATTEKSON,
of Washington county, who, ai President of the
lata Demecralid Convention, was authorised by a
resolution of the body to announee the Commit
tee. It consists of a Chairmen aad Represent,
tlvei ef the sereral Senatorial District s into
whlofc the State is divided : Jam! Meae
Hon. CHAttLESJ.' unairmaa. . ry.n,nll. Meaast
trif: Mar,?:VTuVnr
" John I). Evans, Chester eounty.
" Wm. II. Witte, Montgomery oounty.
" Wm. T. Ri geri. Buck! county.
" Thos. IJeckman, Northampton oounty.
" Ilirstor Clymer, Berks county.
" William Randall, Schuylkill county
Asa Packer, Carbon county.
" Michael Mylert, Sullwin county.
" 8. S. Winchester, Luierne county. ,
Mortimer F. Elliot, Tioga county.
" John li. Humes, Lycoming eounty.
" Wm. Elliot, Northumberland county.
8. Hepburn, Cumberland county.
" Wm. M. Breslin, Lebanon oounty.
" Geo. Sanderson, J. Patterson, Lane. eo.
" John F. Spanglor, York eounty.
" Henry Smith, Fulton county.
J. Simpson Africa, Huntingdon oonuty.
Wm. Higler, Clearfield county.
Hugh Weir, Indiana county.
T. li. Seuright, Fayette county.
W. II. T. Pauley, Greene county.
0. W. Cans, J. P. Barr, Allegheny eo.
Jsmes Campbell, Butler county.
David S. Morris, Larjuce county,
T W. Grayson, Crawford county.
Kennedy L. Blood, Jefferson county.
John Halhurit
Daniel Snyder
John Katighman
Wm Koonanian
Wm W Klder
H S Realty
A II Sunderlin
Adam Hreth
Samuel Snyder
Jacob Elder
Kuniuol Meichlly
Sd "
th "
th "
7 th
12ib "
13th "
15th "
leth -
17th "
18th "
20th "
list "
22d -23d
I4th "
24th -26th
I7th "
Oeorg Snyder
Jamei MaOee
Henry MaG
O W Campbell
Solomon I'earce, jr
Wm Hepburn
Jacob Snyder
O Wr II) ara
W T Cnropbelt
Henderaon Foreheo
Kenneily Ruport
Thoe Sunderlin 1
Scb Diirict52 Bogga towiuhip, Number
in box 53. Drawn lrt.
John Wiaer
Levi Ilaney
Zenai Leonard
August MuUon
John Remilly
Israel Ililletl
Forty Reynard
Frances IDiKer
Si'B DteTRicr 61 -Ooshen townahip
bar in box 35. Drawn 11.
Nicholas Logan
David Sunlli
Richard Kyler
Alexander Irwin
Henry Martel
Kobl F Kin t.-r
Jokeph Kmcul
John Iliemart
David O Hansel
John Mather
John A Shot!
Fied K Short"
W Hockenberry
.laoob riiiltpa
Thomna Mitthera
Jaruet Dunn
Sun District 78 Oulich lawnihip. Num- j
ber in box 51. Dra vn 10.
Jttto bttlistmtnls.
Ttit Comtiiistinnerl f l' eonntf. In.
' lylvania, offer the ahove reward fur Ui arrest
n conviction of J AIM KS t'VKLET, the mp.
I oeed mnrdrrer of llnnlrf Fngnn, of Karlhiiai
township, wh ws found dead n the evening
.of the Istday f August, In iherublle blgh-wey
In eaid townnliip, or IjO, will l m lor Ui
arrest and rli livery of tha said James Curlet, In
th Jail of Clrartrld eounty.
The said Curley, Is abont I feet 11 Incliei
in bright, of erect figure, light completion, blue
eyes, rjman rose, sandy whiskers, and light bair,
a tear on tha lower lip, caused by a piece being
bitten out In a tibt.
tttkiieten'! tsATina w ..
Kr.u inira o iwuvn n wir h K
by fl that tha followtrnj
have lei n eatninif"! lu I pa.fe,j ,f
nd remain lilod tf redird in t,it J
for the Inepeetlon of hi Ira, legai., A
tora, tkd all othert In any way lnte'r,)
and will be prentd 10 tha riaxt Uri,b I
- - - 1 .w ve ueiill
tlietnvirt Huune, in tho boioolmf tjJ
September, IhOI, for oonnnation ,
allow ano ;
Danial Spangle
Win Riddle
David Steven
Jijhti Beyer
Daniel M llijley
J W Hamuierly
Waller Vtiddox
J W Miller
Henry Meagerty.jr
Whi Troxell
Weitlev Nivling
Wm Bi'rg
I lleugerty
Isuao (iua
Uuau Ntfwnher
aiuei MI
Coaa'at.Orrica, I
Clearfield, Pa. Aug. IdeJ. (
CAUTION All persons ara horeby caution- ,
ad against buying or la any way meddling
with the following property now in the possession
1 mm Iinal amount, nr nr
Bilminiatrator of all and Inuular i
....r.1 ..,.1 ..I. I- .!.!.. . tl
v"ni"i-,o)(iin 'il cred
which were of Willinm Adilh......
Ut of the twn'p. ori'.k. in tie cJ
i f Clt ai field, and Stale ol F nnnvl.. 1
Tho parlial ancotintof Wn. Kine.,
Duuiol Uoimnn, Admitiistratori of'
ami, tue good and chatu"
rtuhti ami credit which were of u
Vi.. Ii- f l : i- . ""1
county, Peniieylvania. ''
I Will, fcliv lUI.VniMg "W" IM n,w ;wNr.iuu ft .
I of Paul Williams, of Brady township, vit: ONE 3. 1 he until account of Jacob rent.,
i YOKE OK STAG, as the same belongs to we, j guardian of Henrietta Smeal, n,j, '
jand are left with bin on loan only, subject to my 1 child of Jacob Smenl, deceased.'
RnWort L Wilson
Scott Flegal
James Morrison
'George Wilson
j Marl in Flepnl
Martin Catherman
Htm District 65 Grahau tw'p.
Abrahtm Luiier
John W Wilson
John Rote
Wilson Wallace
Aaron Shirey
N amber
Henry Bennehoof
Levi Bennehoof
Abm I lea
West lev Leonard
Robt Welsh
Samuel Stott
SfB District 53 Bradford tr'p, numWer
in Box 100. Drawn 30.
Oeo Wilson
John Harrier
Wm Livingston
Alex sioult
Elliot Sulfridge
Francis Graham
Jai Wataon
John Loder
Samuel Cowdar
Joshua Giaffua
Robt Shaw
Ely Soult
David Askey
Wealle" Graham
Thomna Linlo
HenryE Williami
Iewi I.itz
Thos Riley
Geo Potter (colored)
Ellis Mainea
WiUon Williami
Ilnry Albert
Edward Wrigley
David Hitching
Isnac Wilson
Wm T Ritchie
Thomas Waple
Abfolem 1'iorce. jr
A M Ho(ver
KM is Fierce
in box CO
Dnvid Crowoll
Murlin V French
Charles Dowsel
Henrr II an
Thos H Forcee
Jaa Stewart
John McDowell
Samuel Spangle
Cornelius Crowell
Win It Creen
Thomas Holt
Sub District GG Huston townRhip.
ber in box 51. Drawn 15,
Drawn 21.
David Frazer
Henry Kyler
Huston Brownie
John Albert
B Frank Wilhelm
Wm M IJirge
Israel Crowell
Joseph Olewine
Irvin Kirge
Samuel Allbright
order. S. R. L0110VUH
Brady twp. Sept. S, '83-pd
i i i a i m SCHOOL TEACIIKKS. Twe rtns
KBrLach nt ice served on a drafted T T..eher. .r. wanted to uk. .h.rg, ,.f the'
man will HtAte tllO d.ty Oil Of befot'O ' Lawrence schools fur tho term o I FOUR .MONTH 5
which ho inUHt report, or bo deemed a!8ou'jola ln eoninsenre about the 1st November j
1 . .... T..j.l.. 1 .1. 1 ... .nnl will i
I , ..! i t.. ji,,. ,.. .. next, leacners wisuinr i appiv win picase
ucNon.v , aunjc r, hciiu ijr u SuPerintend.ntand Directors on exam.
Bcribed by tho rules and articlen of
A requ'mtion will bo found on each
notice, which upon being presented to
the ftouroht railway station will pro
euro transportation for tho portion
named to tho District Head Quartern.
Each drafted porson roporting for
dut1 or (or exemption, will bo fur
nished with lodging and subsistence
whilo necessarily detained, and if ex
empted, with transportation return-
ins to his home
Provost Marshal, .
19th District, Pu.
Atvin Bliss
Wm II Long
Martin Tyler
Willi Bli
Henry 0burn
Abm Venderniark
Joel Woodward
Joseph Birkey
Peter Evans
Sydney Farley
George Bliss
Joseph Washburn
,!co Peterman
.1 G Uundv
SfB District 07 Jordan township. Num
in box 50. Drawn 15.
A full list of th conscripts of this
oounty will be found in (he subsequent
eoluoini, ! is believed to le correct.
Whilst we condemed the law, nd de
nounce the whole series of acta and pro
ceeding! of our National Admit islration,
including the infamous Jacobin Congrets
that expired on the 4th ot March last
immediately tfter enacting this law as
totally subversive of State sovereignty and
individual rights, wo are pleased to fay,
Sub District 54 Brhdy township.
ler in Ik 110. Drawn 33,
Georg Korb Samuel Green
Henry Wingert Adam Rishel
Godfrey ZimmermanChas Sloppy
Eiins Smiley
Miles Beams
Duvid Lyn
Henry Hand
. Elias Lyon
j Arch Dunlnp
Henry UtJt'ncer
Jonathan Khaffer
John I'amUon
Thoi Lyoni
Adam Mil
Adam Yoas
Henry Aurant
Philip Arnold
A R W eaver
Joseph Smith
John Lines
Chris Resincer
Jacob Schwem
Samuel Miller
T J Booth
John Ovenlorf
Harrison Pasemoro
George Hoover
John Ileigea
David Eihonfelter
William Straw
James MoGeeiian,
George Patterson
I F Bloom
John WiUon
Hezekiah Patterson
Peter ratteron
Divid Johnston
Robert Gilligan
Martin Smith
Wm D Jordan
H F Schoening
Thomas Rohi
John II Hunter
Wni Robison
Sud District G8 Karlhaui tw'p. Number
in box 52. Drawn It.
John Harshbarser Christian Hertlins
llenry Lutvy
Thomas Myers
John Warren
G W St Clair
J'jkttis Billott
John Michnoli
James Collins
John Everspacher
Henry Yother
Sib Distrit 09 Knox township,
ber in box 71. Drawn 21.
Hartley Ean
George Games
W SOilliland
N J Coleburn
Thomas White
(hat we find l.M cause to complain or.KM-Burn.ld. tw'u.
the manner in which the law has teen, ber in box 118. Drawn 35.
carried out in thi district than we had Lysansler Smead Robert Raney
anticipated. We have heretofore pointed ; " m Mercy
out the manifest aiiproportion of con-; fl'1' i''' , .
n ... . 'Jackson Patchin
scripts called from the Republican portion j n0Dl Fulton
of the district as compared witb that of : Thomas Yout g
the Democratic portion. j Wilson King
Tbii may be fair, but it boh uspiciooi! J ,Roe. .
. Ciawlord Sebr;ng
to say the least of it. Ramuel w ,n
In looking over our own county we see j David Smith, jr
many inequalitiei all of which, we have: Lewii Roiabaugh
not a doubt, are attribulable to theblun-!w!n ny(l,er
. . . . li Jahu Crenly
dencg manner in which the enrollment , Rng,fl KoraWlgh
have been made. In the township of,patrick McLosty
Ferguson, Jordan, Knox and Fenn, the; James Snyder
conscript are almost exclusively'Jams Lnngdon
. . .. t . i t,u Scb District 56 Cbeit township,
ned to the Democrat! ; and if the same, . . . , ,,
Enoch Boioe
Jeremiah Brickley
John Byeri
Jacob McKee
J Morgan
Matthew Irvin
Win Gooderharn
Win King
Robt Smith
Joseph llutten
John A Alliaou
Simeon Fulton
David MehafJey
Abner Kisohover
Martin B Ri-maly
Benjamin Yingling
Isaac Rev
Saml Snyder
John Dunlap
Bigler Dunlap
Thomas I unlep
Thllip Sloppy
John Moss
Price May
Rarnot: McPharon
Henry Wit hero
James Smith
Si b Distkict 70 Lawrence tw'p.
ber in tox 119. Drawn 3fl.
John Hickock
Wra Withero
Jonathan Bowman
Alfred Wiso
Henry Sugar!
Enoch Eberhnrt
J Res Dunlap
George Mays
Aaron Carticart
Saml Rjwles
Reed Foster
William Hunter
Gile Tucker
William Roland
James Woods
Sub District 57 Clearfield boro,
in box 89. Drawn 27,
Newton Shaw
ratio held good throughout the county, I Aadrew Tozer
there would be just cause for complaint I Samuel Straw
Jordan, we believe, U called upon for an John Pentico
unmixed Democratic delegation. But g eore 0 Jh eU
when we take Clearfield borough, Law- William Ho ford
rence, Decatur and Union townships, kc, 1 Lawrence Killian
all Bueh imnressiona are removed. The John Ful'.erten
number enrolled and drafted in Knox
township, is also out of proportion, aa
compared with most other districts.
Knox polled but 89 votei at the Election
last October, and ia now called upon for
21 conscripts. Jordan polled 112, Pcnn
108, and Guelich 101 votes each. Jordan Jaoob Moore
is required to furnish only 15, and Gue- Kratier
lichand Penn each 1G conacripti. But' A, I.,BJ'Bt0,n
l . " . t j i ., i II t Naugle
when we contrast Brady and Burnside Walter Barrett
the former thoroughly Democratic, and Thomaa Snyder
the latter thoroughly Republican, the; Wm s Taylor
suspicion of nolitical unfairness ia remnv. M Bradley
ed. Brady township polled 311 votes Inst
fall, and is called upon for only 33 con
script! ; Butnside polled but 193 votes,
and is required to furnish 35 conscripts.
There are doubtlets other discrepancies,
but we have not space to refer t them
We hear of many, very many cases of
extreme hardship. But this is not the time
to attempt to oUer word of consolation.
Joshua Wood
Philander iiruith
Joseph B Wornll
EG Miles
John U Worrall
Judah Labortie
Wyatt Kitchen
Silas Westover
Joseph R Ames
John Sally
Jehu Wood
Gilbert Tozer
Solomon Roland
Geo II Mu'.lin
John Toote
James Nymnu
Z L Ogden
John D Wright
Daniel Welch
Robert Wallace
Wra S Daniel
James Dougherty
C R Macumber
John Mitchell
i Joseph Larrimer
'John Whaling
Matthew Head
A I Cline
Zachariuh Ogden
Kufus Thompson
Alex Antes
A ft Watson
A J McBrido
Thomas Tate
Richard Carr
Miles McCoy
Chas Bust
Z Fulton
Abrm Hoyt
Miles Reed
Jos Lansrerry
T II Fulton
John Mclaughlin
D K Rjwle
E J Carter
F B Irwin
Jas McLaughlin
Robert Diniol
J G Schrrver
Sib District 71 Lumber city borough.
Number in box 25. Drawn 7.
William Spencer J II Ferguson
Henry T Robison John McDtvitt
Atkinson Kelly David A Fetzer
II W Spencer
Son District 72 Morris township. Num
ber in box 92. Drawn 28.
B K Shops
James Galloway
Reuben Met herson
Thos J McCullough
Charles Holes
George W Rheem
Edward Passmore
R B 1) lor
John Culler
Clement Smith
G M Passtnoie
Jamei Thompson
John W Bigler
John Ferry
I David Holt
James MafGt
Michael Brown
Geo Cramer
jjohn Bordrough
Newton Amis
j A James Isleman
m fllorrot
Wm Uallebach
Samuel Cramer
Abel Daugherty
Jesse Beams
Adam Knapp
llenrv F. Williams
W E B Jones
E'.lie Beals
Howard Miily
Representative Convention.
The Conferee! ol the counties of Clear
field, Elk, -Jetlerson and McKean, met in
Convention on the L'Otli int. in the court
house in Ridgwav, Elk county, Pa., for
the purpose ol selecting two candidadie
to repicsenl thi district in the next Leg
On motion, Dr. C. K. Early was chosen
President, snd B. T. Hasting and P. W.
Barrett, Secretaries. The diD'erent coun
ties presented their ctedentiala uud the
following prrsons were admitted to seals,
to wit
Clearfield-Walter Barrett, Wm. T. Gil
bert and Jnmei R. Caldweil.
Elk P. W- Barrett, Goorge Messenger,
and Dr. C. R. Early.
Jefferson Wm. T. Bell. B. T. Hastings
and John Conrad.
McKean Wm. Wilkins, Selh A. Back
us and C. R. Burdick.
On motion of Seth A. Backus tho Con
vention proceeded to nominate, candidates
B. T. Hastings nominated J. B. Hutchi
son of Jetfrrsoti county.
H. A. Backus nominalod A. M. Benton
of McKean county.
James it. Caldell nominated T. J. Boy
er of Clearfield county.
On motion T. J. Boyer waa nominated
by acclamation.
A. M. Benton recteved 7 votei.
J. B. Hutchison received 5 votes.
On motiou the nomination of A. M Ben
ton was declared unanimous.
A committee was appointed consisting
of the following person to draft resolu
lions expressive of the sense of this Con
vention, to wit : Selh A. Backus. B. 1,
Hasting, Walter Barrett, George Mes
senger and John Oonrau.
After a short absence the committee
returned with the following resolutions,
to w:t :
Resolved, That in the nomination of
Hon. Geo. W. Woodward and Waller H.
Lowry, we have candidates true and tried,
anu in every way wormy or the support
oi mo voier or rennsyivania, ana will ha I
with pleasure their triumphant election.
Resolved, That the candidatea tbi day
nominated, haio been tried and not foand
wanting, and that we will us all honora
ble means to secure their election.
Rcsolted, Thul wo accept the resolutions
passed by the late Slate Convention, as
expressive of o'ir principle..
Resolved, That we juslly view with
alarm the recent interference in elections
in Kentucky by the military authority,
and that we will everatand by the freedom
and purity of the ballot box a one of the
; inestible privileges bequeathed to ui by
j the sires of the revolution
I Resolved, That the nroceedinps of thi
! convention be signed by the officers and
Published in tha Democratic papers of
the diitiict.
No Drat im
Frederick BluWell
' J B Pen ott
1 Charle Partow
, C L Bartuoy
I Dr J W Totter
! t tit t
Omo.-Lasl Spring tho f,er r"'Del
Anthony Mark
John reeney
Reuben Spackman
O B Merrell
Charles Hemphill
Sea District 68 Covingtan tw'p. Num
ber in box 72. Drawn 22.
Nicholas Vallemnnt John Roily
Arnold Schnarrs
Emll Mignot
John Callihan
Peter Bronoell
Eruil BuHepont
Charles Weavet
Republican Abolition papers assured u; Florentine Mienot
that the Conscription Law was a popular
P A Coudiiet
Frances Kolly
T F Volldmnnl
John Reese
E Conaway
John Hugoot
measure, and would meet (he approbation
ofthe people everywhere In the loyal
States. Now, so fearful are they cf the ef
fects of the Conscription in Ohio, that,
through the influence of the nreannt imv.
. Elisha BSmail James A Irvin
... ... j r. . . , .Leonard M Gardner Samuel Tobias
..w. ij, iuv ur. uss oeeu suspeuueu Ed B faUon jj Rirn
uone in the hope or Sub District 60 Decatur t'svn. KunW
Sub District 59 Curwensville borough
Number in box 40. Drawn 12.
i Frampton Bloom Amos Hiles
Wm lrvin.jr Henry H lies, jr
iienry iower tamuei Keea
Stephen HendervholElwoad De Haven
Johnsmr. Williams lames Irwin
David Wagner George Waring
AJ Ames EL Fowler
John Taylor S P Swartz
Sen District 73 New Washington boro'
Number in box 22. Drawn 7.
J R Mc Murray
Russell Rasa
Henry Nerl
Execution of Deserters.
The firt execution for desertion that
ha yet taken place inthe Twelfth Corp,
and are think the firit'ih the arinv at th .
Potomac, took place near Leesburg, Vir-j p"' J"
:ginia, on rriday, June 1;'. On the day
j of the execution, a little after noon, the
t Corps was formed in three sides of a
I square, with the fourth aide occupied by
j three graves, and three empty coffins,
seated upon which, bound hand and foot,
and blindfolded, were the three unfortu
Ination day (21st September,) at Clearfield. Lib
eral wages will be given to competent teacliers.
By order of the Board,
Lawrence tp , Bept, 2d, tf. Seoretary.
BY virtu of sundry writs of Venditioni Expo.
was, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Clearfield eountv, and to me directed,
there will be exposod to PUBLIC SALK.attb
Court home ia the borough of Clearfield, on Mon
day tb 28th day of September next, at 1 o'clock,
p. m , th following described Renl Estate, vix:
A certain tract of land situate in Chest town
ship, Clenrfiell eounty, bounded as follows,
to wit : Beginning at a post corner, theooe north
Ri degrees west 150 perches to post, tbeno by
lanJ of Anthony MoUarvey and Lawrence Kill
ian 204 perches to a post, thence along the line
of Aaron Pierce to a while pine, thence ly land of
laaao Kirk to place of beginning, containing 1TI
acres, more or less, being part of a larger survey
in the nam of George Musser, with two small
Log Houses. Blnckunithshop, and L g Barn erec
ted thereon, with about 25 acres cleared, witb a
young bearing Orchard. Seized and taken in ex
ecution and to be sold as th property of Robert
Also A certain tract of land situate In Fergn.
son township, Clearfield eounty. bounded by lands
of William Read, Joseph Moore, William Moore,
Alexander and John Ferguson and Thomas Hen
ry, containing 200 acres, more or less, about ItO
acres of which are cleared, and a large Bank Barn
erected thereon. Soiled and taken in exeoutiun
and to be sold a th property of Benjamin Harts
horn, and of Thomas Henry as Administrator of
Thomas McCracken, deceased.
Also A certain tract of land situate In Chest
towni-hip, Clearfield county, bounded by lands of
Simon Korabough, Andrew and salmon J. Toser
and lands late of Moses Pierce and others, con
taining 82 acres, about 1 acre of which is olear
e 1. Seized aid taken in execution und to be seld
as the property of Aarou Pierce and Austin Curry.
Also two certain lots of ground, situate in
West Liberty, Clearfield county, and bounded on
the' west by lot No. 19, on the north by th Erie
turnpike, on the eatt by an alley, and on the
south by lands of Jacob llebeiling, being SO feet
in front and running back 120 feet, known in plot
of snid town as No.s. 1.1 and 1j, with a two-story
Frame House erected threon. Seized and takes
in execution and to be sold as the property of Jo
seph l'ihhl.
BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Pad: is
sued out of the same court, and to me direct
ted, there will be eipostd to PUBLIC SALE, at
the same limo and place, the following described
Real Eitutf, to wit :
Two certain tracts of land situate in Bradv
township, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, one
beginnin; at a Linn corner, thence extending by
improvement of Levi Pal south 16 dogroes wost
Sj peicbes to a post, thence along th turnpike
road soma so degrees west 1U0 perulie, to a post.
luence norm one degree west li an 4 seven-tenth
perchot to a pott, thence north k'J degrees enst
124 and five-tenth perches to the Hun and place
of beirinning, containing 51 acres and SI perch
es, being part of a larger tract of land survived
on warrant to Henry WykoiT, about 40 acres of
which are cleared, with a two-story Frame House
32 by 32 ft., and Log btablo erected thereon. Also,
all defendant's interest in a certain trict of land
situate in the township, county and State afore
said, being alotintnt No. 5 of tract No. 3J4, boun
ded on the south by the above osmed tract, on
the west by lands of 8. R. Lubo'igb, on th north
by Long, and os tb east by McCiarr's heirs, con
taining 01 acres, more or less, about 12 sores of
which are cleared, with a two-story plank frame
House erected thereon. aSoiied and token in ex
ecution aad to be sold at the property of Tolbert
Also all that eerlaia tract of land situate In
Burnside township, Clearfield county. Pa. bt
g inning at a maple corner; thenee by land of
Wm Brothers, west one hunered and tixty
seven perches to a maple ; thence north lifry.five
tlegroee west thirty-six perches to a white oak ;
thence by land cf John 1'atchiu, north sixteen
degrees eatt two bandred and ixty-two perches
to a post; thence by land of Horace Patchin,
north forty -two degrees east one hundred and
eigbty percbe to a whit pin; thence by bind
of Jacob Yingling and others, south four hundred
and sine perches le th place of becinninc con
taining 3UU acres mar or loss, surveyed th 3d
day cf October, A. D., 13 1 , on warrant dated 18th
December, 17V3, granted to Samuel Bartlcy, with
log boute, log barn and! eroded there
on, with about SO acre a cleared. Seisod and
taken in execution and to be told a th property
of Benjamin Yingling, deceased.
BY VIRTUE or tundry writ of Lttari Fa
etas, issued oat of tb court oi Common
Plea of Clearfield ecuaties. and to me ili-
ill be exnoied to
BALE, at tb exmrt home in the borourh of
fieM, on Monday th 28th day of September next,
at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following deicribed Real
Estate, to wit:
All those 3 teveral tract of land tituat partly
. The final account of A. M.Gill
an of the minor heirs of Samuel UMri '
late of Bradford tp., Clearfield couV
TKn mi 1 Afeniinf nf JB..U tr.r
auiniiustraior oi an ami singular n,.
S"1 vintner, ngiii ana credit,
Decatur tp., Clearfield Pem,,,'
vania, deceased.
0. 1 lie final account of Wm. A Wall...
gunrdinn of Ellis I. Hoover, minor u
r n:,i tru-. -e , r Kr
ion lie u i (j, vicui uciu cuuciy, tVinsyln
7. The account of Joun Flrnn, ,;,
iraior oi an unu ainguiar, me goods
i ul. .i.i.i. ,...i i:. . .i .
viiii.Lciifiiion unu UIUUII WlllCtl WSfi
oi tiereiuiiiu riy nil, iai oi cunn lnn
Clearfield county, Pent'..-ylvanis, ij'ii
8. The final account oi Henry Gost,
ui uie e.xecuiors oi ine I ml viMj
testament of Jacob Goss, lnte of Decv..
twp., Olaarfield county, Pcninyhinit
9. The fioal account of Lever Flecal
ministrator of all an singular, the gooi
ana cnniteis, rignts ami credits wbit
were ot liepjamln tionsall, late of Bni
township, Clearfield county, 1'ennit
vania, deceased.
irt ni l- i i r r .
iv. ino in.ui account oi ,esse Lines r,
Elizabeth Long, Administrator of
and singular, the goods and chattel)
rights and credits which were of
Lines, lute of Brsdy tp., Clearfield cout
fy. Pa., deceased.
II. Th account of John B. Kyle tidniir
istr-.ior of all and singular, tho mod
und chattels, rights and credits tvb.ich
were of Jacob Keirchner, late of Morrii
tp., Clearfield eountv, Pa.
Clearfield, Aug. 0. J'rr.
Ql KAV 4TI'.i:it-Cam tothouodeni;!.
17 in i.awrence iowur.ip, on or about tie lr
of June lax', A It hi) bit hit, ith a iL-.rijil
forehead, tome white on tho back a-d bifi',,:
the rigbt horn broken off j supposed to bitsbot'
two yean old. 1 he owner it hereby requetMi
come nnd prove property, pay charges, and uk,
biui away, or be will be sold as the law JiwK,
Aug. 2d, 'B3-pd.
Teacher's Institute.
Th Teachers of Cleurfield eounty are rew
fully reijuested to meet at the Ti, If ill, t
(.'learCel i, o:i Mouday the ith day ol OcWk
next, at 10 o'clceck A. M.. for tliopurpwn
organizing a texciians listitutr, to contnim
ter.'ion una weok. The object of this Dieelinci
for tho att.iinnv.'nt of grcator proGcieney in it
different branches of ttu ly ; in the art of tet
ing, and for the dijcinxiou of turn, topics ut.
late to the advancement and interna of tin cm
mon tchools, Tcachert are ri nucatod to prtiw
etjajs, or abort addrussos on subjr
couaected witb the theory and art of tekiaj
so tnut tne exerciios may be an lnterejtm; u
atiracure at po.s.iiblo.
It is earnestly hoped that all teacberi tr
wish to qua'ify themselves more tburublj,it
who desire to Beep up with thoir prufettict, tiii
avail ineuiFCives ot the advantages nbiMUi
Institute wilt affrd. Utlwr citijeus, him n
wen as geoiiciueu, are invito. 1 ti atendailtt
earroieea oi too meeting,
Lectures on educational eubjeWs raav b
peeled at the evening sessions. Aa exuminaut
will he hold at tho close-fit Ui Institute, antler
manent certibcates will be awurdea to ile.eitu;
candidates. C. B. eANiil'oKU,
Clearfield, Aug. 12. Co.StpX
rp o stiid o i. i) in i:c tors ai
JL Ti:.tC!l liltS The County Snrerisle
dmit hereby Kives notice that be wi'l mcttUi
Teachers, Director! ind friends of edueatios cs
ernlly, at the following nau--cd fi'actt anl W
atv o clock, n. in., ol each day :
Erady, Bloom and Union, ut Luthersbur;, a
Monday, August 31.
Fergutou, Lumber city and Pcnn, at Lumbirn;'
on Tuesday. September 1.
Bell, at Bower, on Wednesday, September J.
Burnside, Cbest and Now Waslnugton, II Jc
Washington, Scptembor 3.
Jordan and Knox, nt Ansonvillo, Septembsrt
vurwenivine and I'iHe, at lurwentvillt, sw
iy, September i.
Boggt and Bradford, at Williamt' Gro'e, llo.a;
September 7.
Uraham and Morri-, at Kylertown, Septenkr!
Decatur and Woodward, at Centre, September
Beccaria and Gulich, at Glen Hope, Friday, Sf
tember 11.
Oirard and Goshen, nt Surveyor F-un, Jlsmbj
September 14.
Covington and Kartheus, at Jlul"obur,S
tember 15.
HuttoB and Fox, at Hickory Kingdom, oeM."
September IS.
Clearfield and Lnwrcnco, at Clearfield, on Ha
day, teptruer
'Saml McEwen
1 Jacob NelF.jr
Gideon Neil
James Bis
Scb District 74 Penn township,
ber in box 54. Drawn 16.
f-tr-I'oaitivelT nn nriv.t. Tt.minationt Vl
on luoia several tracis oi land situate narl . T. . . ' . . .lbi.
ia Decatur township. Clearfield eountv. an, n.r. nelu' ""P1 ?l,D9 written re. inert oi wrw-
ly extend ng int. C.ntr. .ounty. origin.lI,7ur- "ITto tl.XTn, "-
veyedupoa warranU dat.i lat julv 1781 i l0Dd' t0 l"chJ-?fil VManc'8'- .
:.r. : - : i t.ciiv.iv rented m k.u..i fi..,i,:; nt.: i . b. basdfokb, to.
uaie uiPii wuw wrrsj tu auuer tun penal IV 1 i, . , , . . , riearneld Julv ., taut
of violated military law. The condemned I JJ-- J?V?'1
William McKee ind William Grow, o t, IZt ?dV .r. "T""; T R T PR0CLAMA T I li
the Fortv-ixth Tennsvlvania . isifl ,K.r '..-.a b1 "wiiiT . - I lir"liHA. Hon. SAMUEL UW
Win T Jordan
W G Derrick,
Ed Flegal
Thomas Hoover
Q 1, Fullorton
John Flinn
Wm P Beck
Pat McMahon
Theo Stevens
J F Johnson
R B Derrick
Abrm My tier
K W Brooks
Jonathan Kirk
David Lee
W E Hoover
a a .
mere, ibis is
defeating Vallatidigham. But it will not
succeed. The people have made up their
' minds to elect him, just as they have to
elect woodward in Pennsylvania ; and
thi miserable subterfuge cf suspending
the draft until after the election, will
avail them aothing but defeat and dis
co mature
in box 98.
W A Ream i
Henry Poole
Elijah Reese
Andrew Dixon
David Scott
Andrew Walker
Alem B Antes
M V Kepbart
Ww Uarner
Drawn 29.
John T Bailey
Philip Reese
Asa Sturdevaul
Jo G Custard
Franklin Uileton
Nathan Kephart
Franklin SiVby
Charles Dolph
A J Surts
in box 81
Jacob A asp ach
Lorenzo I) Price
Peter Pipher
F T Bloom
Geo McDowell
Isaac Haney
Wra R Curry
Jas Norris
Philip A Iong
I Jacob Armstrong
isaao Bloem
Drawn 24.
John J Bloom
Jaoob F Ritter
Jas R Caldwell
Martin Owens
John Cowplet
John F Holders
Levi Cleaver
Robert Woods
John Starr
Ethan A Hoover
Jobson Holdeu
'and Christopher Krumbar. of th Thirl ' ing, in tbs serrerate. HHT acres and 22 rrh. I ? ideal Judge of the Court of Cotniaot'
" "r "" a'lvioiois -, nuu i no painiui . . . . : . ,j , , ana the I;..n. JAMES BLOOM o
dutvof conducting th ih-,-. allowance, agreed, to bt sold and conveyed to . TIIOM lvn v a.I.. . '
I fore devolved 1 upon Capt. M. P Whitney, rind'Tb. .tb.rT. ..LVo. W - pI'o
of the Fifth Connecticut Volunteers, the heirs of Abraham Oo.t, now d.c.a.d. and eo" 'K'Uortr Common P lea., OjW
Provost Marshal of the Division, to whom uining 144 acr. and 1S4 perch... according to ' 't.' Q"",",be'T""' ffir?U
!..! nr.;.. U..., r.. .k ...i iMrtMhaim, , Thnmu Rni rri...Aij lld l"Biner, and Court of Oeueral Jail W''
iolVmuHwmX b"'. hsV-WTW T - '4
I -a- i -e C. " : " ' . . 124 oerehet that excenUd from tb. ri.i.i "J ' vienrnoiu, on me , ....
traeu, and leaving 832 acres and 64 perches with ! tour,h J'oary, the 2.SM dayofirptcmot',
tb allowance now conveyed, b tb tame more ' NOTICE IS, therefore hereby givo. "
or lets, together with alt and a'ngnlar th way. CorDr. Justice, of the Peace, and lo
water., water-courses, right., liberties, privilege
and improvement. Seized and taken io execo
tion and to be (old a. th property of David I.
Pruoer, Andw. (i. Curlio, John M. Hal and J. J.
LllQglO. 9
Also all that oertaln Two-Story Hons, or
Bnildtog, situau la tb township of Woodward,
j and eounty f Clearflld, en lot on south tide of
t, , vi- i lro' iaaing from Alexander' Fording to Phil-
(irTiinri n DisocilTl.n a hew as. in.i i.T. ,. . n . . .
, ; r , l..n, in viuage or rnseyvuie, oounaed on
,ofl'. A squad of eight men were placed
'Bi a a stance oi innui inra MrimH unn
Kcb District 75-Fiketownhip. Number 0f the condemned, and a reserve wa in
readiness, should the first fire not prove
Joseph DunklebercerWm M Prioe
Sib District 76 Union and Bloom tw'pa.
Number io box 65. Drawn 30.
Samuel Bailey Edward Hammond
fatal, but at the single volley the whole
three dropped at once lifeless upon their
coffins, into which the bodies were then
placed, and after the Corps had been
marched in column past them, buried
on the spot. Harpers' rVee-iy, Aug. 8
in and fcr aaid county of Clearfield, 10
their proper persons, witb their Rolls,
brances, to do those things which to their o
and in their behalf, pertain to be done. ,a
flll'L'u i i j . 1 fi . M th ll '
a r i r . 1 r.rA. aDt f "
aana eignt nuuarea ana siiit-imivo. .
ry day accounts of the abuse of Democrats th weai by lot owned by Hnry Peurs, east by
in our ouuuij "ui aiuiuiii aicaan US. nooert Aiexanaer, aata House being in
We see aocount of similar outrages in our ' 18 V 20 feet, and th lot or piece of ground
exchanges. Thar ia tarriku ui.a... or curtig apaartenadt to said bnildine. Saii-
' tlon awaiting the sooundral who ara vio- "d. tok, iB "T11"11. 'Bd ke said as tha
flatlngth.Jr.on.1 righU cf taoKriS , P W Idwaud 7 IRKS, Sk'f -
citizens of Clearfield and vicinity '
notice that tb undersigned has opened SJ.
ing balooa in Graham t Row, wher th
I I r l: li -r : :M k. ..n.lllRtt 1".
tyl equal U th bett city shops. He resp''
)y MlieiU a tnJ of hit skilL ' t-vn
GEORGE rRlt'0,
riearfltld, Jury 1862-fiai