6 etr.:..- .-.--r-r-T---- ' ann el Aro ,?Ctb ir. Car TJmt Tyrone. On t.fl .-"" fata ef April, W PasMnge, tt.ll l f.'- I'.ltinere Hl1 ft! til Train tiero. SI A. M. to r. . tT't. 21 A. M 1 It r. N. tirrnAtn, rrf Trslo. " u.ll Trsln IS A. M. , Trirciig AccMrwoo'stinf: 10 4 a. v. ' Trains on theTrsoat and C it Ani i Hianrh j Irsrt Tjror fur Psmty RIJj at 8 3S a. m. and I 1 f. Trin lb Bai t K.tat.a YAtLrr road leav j Tyroa. for ILlisfutil l H 4i A. M. t Tbe trains on the: Ulur roads run to connect I with Exprri train ard Mail Irnin wot. Iil.MOCRAHC CI. LIU ) Tht following art lb ntmtt of the officers of i tbi Central Drrooratio Club of CI nrftatt conn 1 1 nil residing in or nesrthis place i 1 A. M. IfitLS, President. John IcPmrhih, S ASDRKW AbUI.KHAM, T. J. .McCui locum, Recording Secretary W. W. litTTM, Corresponding Soerelary. laAAC Jmissu. Tieaeurr. . -.Ml communications should lie addrassod ami penerou iraitt of chiiractf r. to tb lurrespondiiig Searotnr.v. 'converted about SIX week ' I 'I 1 ! DtKD-On tha 14th lnst-t,r,r (l.tonlo JotM h and Nanr Jtn'n I in h- field, gA'l i.l tear and 2 mould. 3?'lhi )outh, railed inny so cm Iy in hi manhood, a sacrifice In the po"d imi'n of his country, became a toltmti i r n Id'pf in Company K, 1 t'.'tli lb-gnni'tii, 1'. V., about )eat before his drat h. I'uting tire lediont month lie lul'ered tinder disease in Hie ramp and tli hospi , lal. He was then brought lo hi fathcr'a i house, where lio Imgeted about seven wecka longer, be then passed away, we lrut to a Letter home. Hi salvation through the merit of the In the name nf Ueoritn Muaur, wlili to atniill , Lot i JpU, the only Kedcoraer. PlipaeoU W lluuaoa, Wckiniillibop, an J I,. Bru eroj. mueliofhUearnamand i-raverful tlleo- i.i -re,,n. w.in ..ou. I''i ..,,, , f i joiinic lr lie Orchard, henod tnd taken inn- Hon in (he lt few WMikr of hm life ; ai.J Jruhn snJ olJ uf Kul,ert not only lnl he tfroiue roconci.nl to Mcl'beran. OPHlh. but, an Ilia event drew ne.ir. he j Amo-A nvrtaia trurt of land illuato in l'ru Xirtel art nnxiely In go Bnd le with ! anntunnnhij). rirnirdtld county, boundi"! by Innda Christ, lotlu yuulhrul rriend and no- of V illiatn Head, Jonopli Monro, w iinnin .Mora, rtuainlnnres of Hie deparlod. Hod tay, I Aluan-lor and John Perguaon and Thoin u Ilan- Ii vrt aU reudv." roiiMLNICATtn. I V nt.iinii.5 !iM arre., more or Vna, about inp.tiirFi thin lf'ti of tiiadt "fila of Ymliitnii t. rpi. ii. tuM out of ln onrt of I "wn. n I leal i.f CIr(lM annnti.ati'l to fv- (l'r''l, ll,if to M to I I ;l.li; hAl.K.attlm I nitl l Din iu lha bi ri iiih n I l''1"l'l, ' n M '0 dny tint J'h dor of ' ti oil.iT natt. at I o'i Imi k, p. in , thd f'lllnnir j( rt - r i 1 . . I Il .nl l.'',r, vii j A rn '.i n ti "ft if lon l p;l';! i !-) Itn lli, ttiirBfll r .nn'J, lini-.l'il h. f IIi.i.k, In ft. (fintliru at a ' t i urm r, ll.i'ru r iionli Hi ili jtroaa i.'itl ,otvhra 1 1 "at, Ihono by luml of Anlliun.T Mctlarvty and Luarturn Kill lan liUt (ion hua to a i"t, thenoa aloti( the lino of Aarun I'ierca to a ahilo pine, tlirnct hy Uud f 1-ano Kirk to placo nf licniiinliif;, contaluinj "I at rrn. tiiur or lri, tiolnf part ol a inrgr iiirTny j ( 1 v I I 'AS NKW HOOKS!' GREAT REDUCTION! 3V ' r." . ..... t. " i . 1 1 i a I ' i ' HI! Pill,' f;- '.V II ( .Hi .(;, a r vi. i 'if. m 'ivu, v THAf'I'IMIi, M.W W A I! Pit II UK, ' rj'lti'nt t'liK.I in f, fV. 1 lrwi, .'"1 K-litrh.i,. f, f lM,llf , , Ih uillllt M aif 1'rrltn TIIK PAVILION b lirn ii fi'iiif' tul.!,., t r. r,.n I .i I" ll..rl iM ri,m. f.-n to iht 4lr-a of U. k.,i.l,li,k. ' rnrot. THK &TUI3 OF HOR&FC A.M li.NH i ; ;h cI.iui pirti.'iil.- aiiiKiinn. a. , ihff .it .ni'.iiir tin- i,rnt i1ih..IhI, , ,J .ihmj. i .,!,. i. I)., worl.t. t'rnmmcpl airmni liom .inud. th i Orent Tnlninr; Horae VASMINQTON, READ I REM) t IKlN. fl. t . VAt.t as: imiham'h 1 Vira I'rcaidaa'.a. The deceafed waa n ntnn of mnny noVilr j JItt hii , I and lUUibut.'. DAN ami Dicnc, iri i.f wtiifti nm ptnr.til mil It UrirO ItltnW lAm ! wlin will l.n lii,vn.lra.l l.v In I awrence township, Cleat field coutity, cr-ni tht-rcon. Seized and Mkon in axocutiuu i la. "'1i""r;l,i,,. " M.Mfnd I'enn'ti., of ('(iimimplion, on Iho 19th ; and to bo mid hi llto properly of Iicnjumin Hart. I cV.'ii'ir'!1 i'iA kit, 'Vnnra, juuiur. ittat , (.ir.oatiK Mll.I.EN, aged "U J'Cnia, nnrn, and urThnmna lli-nry aj Aduimtmraior 01 ml 7 mniilha iTbomat MoCrackm, doci'a.inl. aliii a oAi'iam tract in tnnd lituuts in inc-i i pil0 Educated Mnles townanip, (.iparnein county, b.iun lO'l by litmia oi Simon Horabuuch, Andrew and filmiin .1. Toxer (1LO , al'lOtf . i i.-j. of Mn.el I'ir.io .J .... una- I wilt kn i.-lroJuir.l I,t t).u U.nlnr. then he haa heen IhiMiIuI to leltgiim. in j taiuini; tt cre, iibnut 1 are of whiili is oloar I, !( i li Ilia friptifia liava aimtHineil an'ul. Soiiml an.l tnti.n In ii.. ,.. k, m.t.1 dale, occupied hy I. W. Ilo't, wf.t entire- irrepnrahlo h. A man, he waa nrnin- aa the property of Aiir.,,, pierce and Austin Curry. THE C:W?'NY OF fESFO KEPS Iv Jnl rove.l b fir on Witdiieadiv niffht "I generous and npreeahle. As ft friend,.. A Lao two certain laid of ground, .itu.uo in i t'oirin.. th lar.u.t ."d t.t that ly aeatrojeit Dy uro on ednetan.t num. h ...... i 'wt Liberty. -i..hi..i.i .,. ..J t uni" ""'I''' '' i.M" At a Chris-I Wf ' 0,1 1 nHrln ".v 'I10 'r,a 1 r-'lr. andinlm.tlojirnta ..ul hi un "la ett'1 " " "'y. unu on mo i jjokt circuf Eatevtainmont mm J( i....,K l... i i r i l. ir..i.. i...: i.i r.. . . . ... . i , . .. , . .. i . . i . . . , 'j iiimis ui aioiiu umiui nils, uenij uu u-ci i iia ha. arr heen wilna.hi in uim iAIIr-ort, and all of tho kitchen furniture, dying teatininny waa l-wi clear ta douhl : in ri.D(al,A ,! bock ViO feet, known in nlot 1 o"i'r. l o.-k . ti. Firs. The old Intern teUm t Morris- ruty ol " . V !he wat atlect innate and kind. valuable, tlio f ersonal euecla ol Mr.'jlr, jie vtn ardent and faithful Tin; Prisoner of Stale. n V D. A. MAtlONy, Y) t Of low. I DESPOTISM ; i INFO UK A C TK Thia work cnntaini full and official cupioa of ; the four priii-,.l Ao4a of lb Iwt Voiifrco, i which will lorovarflx a ttl(cm upon thai body : . 1. Til K TAX HILL, by whici all Ilia prop.rty and reanurcea nf tho poopla art mortgaged to ' th ptraont Adininii.tration. 2. Till: 1INANCK bILI., whioh pUeoa all tin, rurraney of tho country la tho hnnda of Iba j SacroUirv of the Trury. ; 3. T1IK COXSCUII'TION HILL, by which all ; tha bodiea of poor men, who ar not worth j $I0, arc plonod in tho htnili uf the Adtniuia- j trutinn. , 4. Til Ft INDEMNITY ACT, (flttins climax,) which preautnea to iiidenuii Ty Hit I'reaident fur all tho y ronga be haa coiiiinitlid in the paat, ' i or inuy couiiuit in the future. Now f Jooh nt llotlncril Viii c." h t Id ' k to U ai.l-l al a "!' ! n tu a -r r-pnad with th tie H'". !'. J-P.KHATZKU li:i. J'it n .t. i a Rrnr.al ar.or'mrnt tf DHY . I ," at t dure l f ricct . IKY f It H IS al reduced j iien IMtY GOODS at rrdum tl j.ricet DKY CiO.IS al reduced priees Honii(;t.- and SliawU IJoimctf and Shawls Ijuiinoh mill Shawls linnncts nnd ShawU CLOTH CL()THlX(r CLOTHIXd CLOTJUNCi Inrdn-e, Qitenttware, Tinwitre, Notions Ilai'dwate, (jiieennware, Tinware, .Nuti.'in llatdwat'f, (jtii'oiiSM'trr, Tinw.tre, Nottonn II irdw'rc, Queennwarf., Tinwuir, Xotiot.- Tea, f ntTef , Moluaaoa, Sur, Sail, Candlea, Uice, Flour, Uacoo. Finh, Tiibicco, C'raekera, Vi in. Oila, Vaml.b. nar try rrv m i e-: i n r tt . im rr.t .tt, .rh i n & .. . V i ' V VV" 1V Vtf U VjJ V' was de!"troj ed I lur citizens were amused hy tbe cry of .'firo about lao o'clock laat Monday morn vir.g. Tho llamea proceeded front a amall Luilulng oecupiivJ hy C. Hiiutai a laper lieer naloou, aitualed on Market utroet, ippoile the Il u entirely eon- fumed, nnd nas no d'til.t the woikof nn incenditry. 1jd:-.vii:.--A grand dinner i got u( ' nt Pine Grove School House in Lawrence' . - -i.:.. c . . i.... i . . ... ... ... iitviiiiii un .-iniuniiiy i lib a, uy mo cill nenii of tlie uiatrict, for the eapeeial bene fit of the children under the instruction of Mi. Magcis A. Ukad, The table was iipread with nn abundance, of llie beat edihlea iho couti'ry market nfTords ; of ti'hicli all present feuated to their entire latisfiiction. The children were biahly pleased with the cntertninir.cn'., and all expressed a deaire that Misa K. who in a lady much etefcue'i may long live lo etjoy the enviable reputation hUe hn earned for herself in this orniimutii:y. . Mr. Vallandighai-A Libel Nailed, i The following nlaiir.l pHrNtrraph latdy pppnred in tho I'ufTido CuMturrci.i! ; VaI.I.aNI)IUIIM Tl'RNEli fH'T IOOR. We l.iiirii that th pioprieti'ira of the Oliftoiii Jiotise, Oiindn, recently gave Mr. Vidhtii-1 iiyliatu noti.ie to iptit circunita'nce hav-j in i rendered I lie apaeo ootujpierl by that j tiotruiouj indi vi.lunl (itrferable to- hi i I'oiupany. The "murlyr," il i aaid, hax. j for nne moment in acceptance with Hod. t taA twn tts v3. 13 nnd lj. with a two .lory I okeat aktistks, Well m.lV it be id of him, " that re)iio'i ; Frame Hounc f rcctoil thereon. Reined and tnkon ; an4 Ju lta for j.our.rlrf.1 which he had to lately before poatpsiLtA'tia ! in exueution nnd tobo auM a tho proporty of Jo-1 j,ir. Richard llemmiuga, a writ of fieri finin., la-, of the some ennrt, nnd tu me direct ' BOII1E 1, I ,,, IM II! TP Stl.R. ml homo to glory," Hi suitlnn and nnliinP- , the'aamo timo nnd placo, the following described j iy end t ueepiy moiarriPd t.y un nileattoti- ; lteul l'stntn, to wit : sufficient to futtain him inadyin hour.""'"" Ri,l'ch His lau word were-after pivin Ihetu RY Tirl"! ',! all an alTectionate farewell-T" J-..T aoine l,V ,'Zt Z . hf.' UJ Court of Clearfield coutity, to beheld at the Court Houne, in the borough of Clear field, commencing on the 4th Monday of September, Wi, for confirmation and allow ance : i. 1. The fiinil account of Jantca Wriijley, r.Uui in iil tutor of nil and singular, the e i U and flint tela, rights and credit) which were of Willimn Addlemnn, jr., lute, of iho twn'p. of I'ike, in l.'io county nf Clt ni field, and Stale of Temisylvania, 'ieceised. Tlie artial ancoiuit of Wm. Kimr and lciel lioitnan, Adminiatrutori of all and ki'inniar, the pnod and chattels, rtathta and credit which were of Jnl:n King, late of Iturnsido twp., Clear.'ield C'i n 1 1 1 y , I'e n n ay ! v a n i a . Tho fin:il acnoutit of Jacob IVarcu. t:iken his abn le ith Sol. Davis, the keen-; ,IHr.linii of llenriutl.i Stneal. minor rr of the museu.u. where, afler bci liM ,:lnld of JikIi Smeal deoraae.l. Vrnp( 1 1 y hibelled, ho will be place.! nmongf po f,nH aocount of A. M. Hill, euardt- alo wife to two children ,d help tho widow In her ijrief, The children in their woo ; That band alone can give relief That inensnrod out the Mow." S. . . . . 1 1 . 1 i i JUhj Sbbtrfisfmcnfs. 11 PRTSTER'S NOTICE. Notice ia hrre IV by given that tho followm nccounl '"'K Part of a lar?or tract uf land i have been examined and pa.sed by inc. "1 .,'b"ui. . and remain tilod of reoord in Ihia ollico for the iusperi ion of lieira, lejraleea, credi. j,n .(..fpndnnt'a iitifrent in a certain tract of land f""UUK torn, niid all othem in any way lntTfted, uitunte in tho township, county nnd Stole afore and will he tiresonlpd lo tho next Oriihan'a tnid. bcliu ulolnn-nt No. i of tract Xo. Mai, boun- I Two cortniu tracta of land mtua e In I'ra.ly i townahip, Clvurtlold county, P.-nnavlyania, ono IbiKinninj at a I,inn eornar, thence extoudiiig by iinprovcinoEt of be id ln!e aoulh Ili de;rroes weft j Si paiehoi to a post, thenro ulon; the turnpike . 'road toulh SB deree west 100 parches to a post, I thenoe north ono degree wuat 72 and aevon tentb I perches to a po.t, thence north S9 degre ei. I . 1 2-1 ard fiee tejitli perches to iho linn nnd plum 1 of beriiuiitic. containing SI acron and II perch- lunU Hirv.'Kil aore of 'which aro cleared, with atno-alury Pramo 11 ouac i:i2bf .12 ft . and hu Stnblo erected lliereon. Alfo, Hip oilier I'lll Kisit ICS The liutlidn (Jouritr rfutet U. at f.illiuvs : " Tlio above piece of fcuriillity wat uni vorsnlly pronounced, yesterday, to be false on ils i'uee. Itseurcel) I. ceded tlu ful InwitiK refutation, which wai received by telegraph lat evening ! . ; Cl-ltTOS lloi sic. AllaJUst 1. : "' F.ilih'r Courier he etaletneol in lo-i liililit' Commercial Advertiser, relating to '(j Wr. YaM:ind:Khnm nnd the Clifton Hoiiae) In a dowrright fulselinml out of the whole i fcloth. S. VA1.I.ANMC1IAM" j " We trust the Comiwl! .sill vindictle lis fairlv tuslained chaiac'.cf . for decencv - by making the necessary ,rinWr hinnrMr." j I'kliahc of Stais I'KitoNKRi. On the) Clh ingt, tien. Hanks visited Fort Jackson nl Fort St. Phillip, below New Or leant, ; fcnd liberated tome of the StnKi prineui Who hud been confined their liy order ol lien. Iiutler. On tbopri'd) record uguitisl Ihoir nnraeiJ wat found the enlry, "cnuse Unknown'' General Hanks liberated tweti-Iv-one on thi occaninn -cijibiteen at Kurt Jiickson, i lid three (tho lint iviraining Ouea) al St. 1'liillip. ( rhousatuU of olhert h:tte been cruel) and illegally aeized nnd imprisoned by tint despotic Abolition niiminiitraMon with ihe tamo entry, "route ttn-i aiinsl llieir liamet 1 an of the minor heir of .Samuel llmrier, lale of I'l'iidford ti., Cieui field county, deceaned. 'I he fin ii I account of Joseph McClurren, udminiatrator of all and singular, the jronds tnd chatteU, righls and Credit a. whioli were of Jacob lVttighmnn. late of J)ec:tur tp, Clearfield county, Peiiiityl' van in, deceased. ; , The final account of Wm. A.Wallace, gunrdiiiti of Kllis I, Hoover, minor son of David Hoover, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield county Tenntylva dereased. The nccounl of John Klviin, adminis trator of all and (lingular, the ponds nnd chattels, rights and credit which wero of Jeremiah Flynn, bile ol'Penn twp., Cleaitield county, renraylvania, deed The final account ot tha ri..it Amrrlr.il llornian, and lujlil Ko llmi. tr. Il will n.r .1 .rli Ijili-rlni'iniMit in m Kra.t v.ii. iy nf li is ikrlllliif l' rfonn.ncta, KAM UAKDNER. thlMJ mil F.V'.rni' Cli.wn. A. a ,'.,uH l !.. n i.ii. n'-'.arjr tua Cirrii. I.IT.rl I. Ill l.n.klK.-l, lll'l UUbllC 1,-ay r;oi(r.il.il:iili I M, inwtl lipnn M-cin lli-i hii-)' tun ol .Mjiuu. al a..cli -iil.irlii.ntuei.L Tim Ult'i I .ry cf iLa ... Miss Eliza Gaidntv. l ceiliiilllv tin. K, 1. 1 n I ; rqi-ia- Uil i: i 'i 'i .1.'' Mi' ...rule, tlia :r'it l itMm.l ii'lll rlssiilc ni"tlon, com-;,i.i-! v. ill, d.rn..: I.ri..iii.', "l.-iidid I'i.iniii.., c... ufw Ui" l'ek of her .pirlt"'! ti'r..', hi;rl lull lui'li'ili, r,..i.-lii'li ir v i;h lr .l.lma "i ol l.l'.M'i.Nl. 'llllilllt.il i; lUil'Oli, BikjiU'V Wambold, the a.trMur.lirry t'unloitiuiii.t .'.ill wonJrrli,! l'..u,.lf- niaji ; In. ri'f- Obl Hi' Mn lo oc nanav.ii. Jubn Fobter, III. IVefli-'. .Iralr en. of lha liit onaiual i"l UuI..SI. Hiiwm It .1 af r trill, rtil a ring. The Polish Brothers. Tlti-tv a.UiiiiKljuu; liimnmli will ar pear in a v.ir;ity of tlirirrla-alcjtaiid wonderlull f. .1. George II. DeLowis, v ill apptar in hi. irl'onnanrr. rn tile Hi.riTi.titiii II. r, and ifitrmlitn- lha IKAI.Sa.ll IKiii JH.VNV 1.1MI, in ii.r Amu.iiia' ami l.iiterlaii.iiia' 'l'ri(,K. I.flhir with Mmo Camille, l!ie Ilelltifut K'llinsl.ienne. La Petite Camille, Few hooks ever oitaotod n ore atlontluu llian the foregoing. Kvery limn, woman and child who ia in fnvor of hlllKHTV and LAW, thould buy nnd lead these buoks. They at-e all ki pt fur aalo at the lrug More of C. 1. Wtttt'iii, on Hcfund afreet, ncnrly opposate the Curt llcni.f. Juno loth, so:. Cariiett, Oil Cloib, Driiiiget, Looking (iiaaea. Clocka, Churns, W'tali-hoarda, Tub, liorkcU, tlnV I Irona, l'uns, Window-bliuds, Wli-.aix'r, Coal Oil batupa, I mbrollsa, Hod-c ordw, Knives nnd Forks, Spoona, Crock, iSlove blocking. Al! of which will bo auld on the moat reasnnuble In ml, and the highest niurkot price paid fur tiruin. Wool, Shipping Furs and all kinds of country produce. J. F. KHATZFJ', Front a'.re t, above tho Acndomy, Clcarlieid, . June .1, 1S63. ded on the aimth by tho nlmve named trnci, on , Ihe welt by lunila of ii. I.obo'igli, ou tb north j by bong, and or. the eiistby Jleliarr'a hcirr', cjo taining Hi acre., more or lea, about I'i terra of which aro cleared, with a two-atjry plank frmin House erected theroon. Kei'.ed and t.ikou In ex- ecuflou and to be sold ns tho property of Tolbart Dnle. BY VIRTUli of sundry writs of Lev,t, i '- j eiui, i.tucd' out of tho courla ol Common j 1'leui of Clcarlieid crutitier, and to me di reoteJ, there ' will lie cxpmod to I'lil!LI0 K A I.R at tlie et .tin tioti.e io tlifl bornurh nf ClaAr- ' fielit. on Monday the Jlh day of September next, j l""'"" nnoi-.e. it 1 o'clock. P. M., tho following deecribod Kcul ' Young Sam, Eelnte, to wit : i ,'"cl", (-'1;' All thoie 3 aevcnil tracts of land aitunte partly j UEKU MAIITIX in Peeator townahip, Clcarlieid county, and part- , W. IHI.I-, ly extend ng into Centre county, originally tur- . UKOlilil K1MJ, veyed iipuH wiirrniila dnlc latJ ily, 17M,rea- HFNItY l'KTtKhO.V, pectively granted to Iimunuel Fletcher, Klir.abetii I S1GNOK HAI.liWlN. llarriaon and John Harrison, adjoining landi eon- i aud ii,e nrrli.ni Cnmi.a'17 ho fill roved to Jaaenh J'arrilon, Thoinaa Jlillineton. I .l ti.nr a ni' Amphi. t-.'...:. I .. I .n.l ...l.nl.,1 A nril ! ttir.lre, I aoVI.hia, l.i;l..l)-, lur H.Nti. .. " "' " I'" - I ,rigd Of t ilt I..UM , IJO, in I lie lain llt'lir uiiiiuloii, ui,u..tll- 1 lag, in the a'ggrcgnto, llf1 acrei and S'i porch- ea of .anil, with the tllowmire, excepting there ' ott and therefrom two lots, one of 200 acres, nn J 1 allowance, agreed to bi fold and convoyed to I John lion and Abraham (loss, their heirs and aaiigna, and the other in the po-eoasion of tho heir of Abraham Ours, now deoeascd, and con- j tainiDg 151 aeree and 154 perches, according tu . ... rii.ii. ..uri'iic bv Thomas Kims of Cloarfielii t3 1.-:..- tii ...... ! am. r li.v n .1,1.1:1 .'a l-lf A . .M., dur. cnuniy, our.eyur ..e.ua ...Ku...i.. . .. ... hi, u ,. , ,vll di.roua 121 pcrchea thua excepted Irom Iho original I , ,,.,t 1., (u .,: u( .. tracts, and leaving 8-2 aercaaud 51 perches, with j t ,v mn OK.MAM'i: ra.li Haj. tbe allowance now conveyed, bo the same more ' i,i,a...i uinri.M. or leis. toirether with all and s'ngulur tho waya. .. .. - ..( r i sr. Per. i waters, water-ooursca, rigliti, liberties, privilege.) f. riiijuci 01 eui.uni t half an hour am) IrrproveinenU. eeiied and taken in exeeu- "' tion and to bo aold is the property of David 1. 1 Adnii'tdon, 25 CentB. Am VI ) M I M MT It A T( ) K N N't 111 (.' I:. Notice is herd iv given, tli ill Letters of Adiiiinislra t i 011 on ihe estate of livid lilnoiu, lale of 1'iko township, Clearliclil euimly. deecaaed, having been grantel to the uiidornigneil. Jill persona in debted to raid e.'lato are di sirrd to tuuke itnrr.c d: 1 tc ia v me nt, nnd those, hnvinj rlnims eiiint j tli. snn:e . v i ' ! 1 resent them duly authenticated for . r .1 dement. .SAUAH UhOOM, JJm'rj-. ' JO II V A. V.KAD, Aiin r. I August 10, 1SC3. d I j , Estate cf Moses Boggs, dee'd ' ' j 1 4 X ! Orphan's Court for tho Conuty oTCietr-1 I iv Hold, Fa., lull nt OlearCaU, ou ll.t 17tU 1 tin y of June, A. It., lSfiu, in the mutter of tbe ea j title of Moi.'t lioggs, deueused, on nintioo of J It. McKnelly, Esi., Attorney, da., the Court grant I el a ivu'.L, directed In the heirt of Muses hu?f, I to wit : lo W illiam ling,-, or hit lutsal represen I latins, Uobert Iioggd, Margery liaxter, wife of A. I Baxter, Lli.alieth, wifo ol John Mi Conkey, Msr- tha Jane, wife of Henry b. Honsley, U'llber F. I 'bigg', Henry A. Hoggs. Mary, wife of vVM'iatn ' Cluit.Jlir, and ltoland C. Hoggs, and all otli.-r I persons intorektcd, or claiming to be owners of i said e.-tuto, to bo aud appear beloro till lnuior i- , I bio tbe Judges of tho said Court, at s Court to be ' I held at Clearfield, 0:1 the 2 Jl!i day of September, I A. I)., IsO.I, then and ihore In accept or refuse I the reiiVests t" of anid decedent, at the appraised i valuation put upon it by the iuqimst dulv return- ! 'eJ. I 1. II Alio Kit, Cl'k 0. C. j , August 12, isr.n. f.t. ! M Kit HELL 5e UKsLER Have just piened a larjjo and aplemii't ufsortmnnt of . New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield. 1 Th vntrflAininvnt will ctinuure with (hi ZOUAVE IiALT. 'I'lia I'erforMinre ill . in.ri.. vry vafirly ol Trifle Ki.'inrf, Van. Iliitiiw. Tuiehloat. t;in.lif Ks. I'l.uu, r'. .11 1S.111T liarM, llnlin He , 4.C., itli iViwi,- I r llm H.iiil. !t w 'ol' r iho imeimljale direction of ia." siAhli;i:K. Th- 1K IMI I'lUIt IMIl.X k.U IIKY hare tho bet t assortment of Hardware that bna ever been broneht to thia county. wliieli they will sell at tbe most reasonable pri ces, auiorg which will bo found a splendid lot C II T T LE R Ir, To wbirli they invite the special attontion of the public, tinbuiciiig heavy r-ilver-pluted Folks, Vonhs uud Iiuttrr knives of the best maaufao tur. . A lot nf Pistol of the best pattern, and other liio-ar.w . Also a grncrnl assortment of pistol esi'triiiiM nil of wl.'eli nil! be sild at reasona ble pri "i s, 1 hey continue to iniinufHCturo all kinds of Tin-waro, Urass Kottle?, Stove Pipe, etc., which ratin-t lo surpnss-d in tl.it sea tiott of the Plate. They !i!o have on Imtnl I'iltsliurgh Plow, am .1 g abiiii are Stol Cn,tro bevr r I'iowt. Also, l'lins Castings, and lutry other Agricultural Iai ptoioenls, Ciok Stovrs, l'arlor and Coal Stoves a gneral taaortuient, and of the bet, pat t-rns, for anlii at reasonable price s. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, a gcnersl atsortoienL (Hum, tiutty, Nails, Iron andCating of great variety ; in f.ict almost every thing wanted by the public cun be found in their establishment, and at prices (but cannot be beat. Now is the time to purchase, Tf you desire any thing in llioirlliie cf business. Oil 1' them a on II and exaniino their stock, and they feel assured that yon can be accommodated. lit member, their piitublishiacnt Is ot .Sscent Street, Clearfield, Pa, whfra you can buygoijtli to tin. icry bet ndvantngo. Jip'Olil silver, copper, brass, pewter and old caatings will be token in exchange for goods. iiaviil, ISf.:i. MKUIirbL 4 FIObElt. Fruner, Andw. U. Curtin, Jobn M. Halo aud J. J. Liugle . Also all that certain Two-Story House, or llnilding, situate iu tho tewnihip of Woodward, ami couuty 0!' Clcarflel J, on lot 011 aoiuh aide of . . . f .1 1.' 1 :.. t .. 1,1. it . ir. r. . I loan loa'11112 troin Aiexanoor a ruruui;i 10 1 uu- iionrj wusa, one , . ,.,.. r pus.vv;,.. boundod on of the executor of (he list will and ;,ho we;; hy lut uweJ h Henry Vttttrti , by testament of Jacob (lost, late of Decalnr I ,n( 0f p.bort Alexnnder, said House being in twp., 1 .'leurfirld COUIity, Pennsylvania, site lit by 20 feet, an I the lot or piece of ground deiieasp.l. ' or cartilage appurtenant to t.iii building. Suit- The final account of Lever Flegal, ad-j n'i lken in "'""' - bo M h r.11 ... .l. 1 . 1 nri.iiiirtv of llcoriro Miles. mi ilMiiii-i in ... aiiyosr, iiepsni. r w . ;rjWAUD PEUK.S. W. nun eii.i.iri.. uiih.k i..... t,iunua i.it.i. JJ-rThis ia what (1 o Tribune taid if the fnolit Ihiil attacked the Democratic nows jiuper ell'tcea at Ihe beginning, of ibe war. "The ti(lileoutinilijnaunn nj (h jtenpte at (he treason of the Northern presses which have been for months stimulating tin; tlave-holdera to rebel against the Union, was very strongly manileiel in pnrtaof ti e counliy yesterday." . a ere of Benjamin Boti.all, late of Bradv township, Cleat field ' county, f'ennsyl vanin, defeased. ' ' ' ' In. The fit.nl account of Jesse Lines and Kliwili"tii l.;ing, Administrator of all and aingular, the goods and chattel. 1 iphts and credit which were of Elios Lines, Into nf Brady tp., Clearfield coun ty, Pa., dccecd. ISA? AH G. BAKCKR. Clearfield, Aug. 2(3. Jttgitler. OIRAY sTi;i'H.-.Cnia to the undersigned O in !Uerifr's Ofliec, Clearfield, Aug. la, 1S6.1 DR. A. H. HILLS 1 AKSIltba to in JJ form Mb pat rons that pmfefrion 11 1 business confines ir-iTJV, 4 lilm lo nit otnee nn -ipt. Ibe time, and he will i.T'sjH- therefore be unnwo (s in make Professional . -vr-v-LV -s .. 'Kvs&'--&Ji' Visit to any of nis '. :'v'V''i' accustomed places this s u in in e r ! but 1 Sas-.'sT?.'?! Vyt.'i oiniv). oqi Suicpiu aao.Jad H satnJp 'mtj i)i osanp mo.in nj pjnjn(ns oq i n.iU W '011$ jo A"i u.ii o) i.i.ifunv si eiiin.ii V nni)pa sups t,8utpi3 Uosiod Hay 'P M j iia'JJ'in ji--i:'.isi Ti -any I PIVTHH 1 XHOf ssojppv -onuo ; pom sjJfri,) 'Lunoj i( jo ituj iua ul p.iiisap 1 jiAOOaq sopis ..'uilis,, 01 pumiO 1 V'lJ Aiunoo p."1()Jiii1D jo jjj1.i eql uuojii) ipn.u 'Al!Joiinu jjJ'UiI aqi in 001 01 puti,1 oajq Xtii -Ain j.'.)Uo:.inv euwj'l V pun 'i:iuv..v.uua, piiUsi(I unjjpj mm .11(1 ju jos.iy "T"f 1 )iit':Hsi,' oip 01 uoiiuj;pii opuin yxi.wJlJ. 1101111113 pill? OOjlOSJ 1 lil.l l iK MI I'IOT.. --The Hoard of Itelief, a, for tbe county of ClearfklJ, lll meet at lb Comniisaioiiers" nlTIre, on Wednesday so l Tbuii-: day, ti e 2(ilh ntid T'di days nf Auitli-t, 1 Sfl.1. J Tlie Il.mr.l h ive directed that n'l new upptl- j cants most appear bofore tho Ilounl and pnniuoe their sworn statement detailing 11 k 1110 of sol. in r, regiment and ciiupnnv; when cnlUted ; tho' number of rhildren, with ugo and sex of eaeli ; ' tbe township in which they resided nt the time of frl,1!C subscriber having returned from tlio elty enlistment, snd their present residence ; mid that ' I is just now opening lip one cf tha Largest she ia without the menus of support for lieiscll' ud most caiofully selected Assortments of and children, who are dependent upon her. J "I "t Two witnesses of credibility; from tha townalip' 111H1H (31 TOOCiS in which alio resid'S, must also be produced. whose certificate, swum to beloio the bum d, must " mTered to llie good peoplo f Curwensville set !or:h that the applicant is the parson she rep- ""d its vicinity, ti d which he will sell at lowcl resenis herself tu be : that the st.it etnient of the rates than hi.J house in the county, ,,i,,,il,.r ,.n,l ,!. t.f 1. . C. .nil., I. ..... . !... 1..! uu.iiui... .... i.q, '. ll.i.lllj ln , tlll.b.l'Cj is ill destitute circumstances aud her family In UCtlliil U.'llit mill thill nil Ihn fi,'-t .Ml f,,rlh i., Ii. r II (I I' R T P R 0 C L ill A T I (I ! M-l licntion are iust nnd true. 1 fTT"lir.;lti;AS, Hon. SASII KK l.IXX, Pros-1 loriu eoiitaii.ing these requisition.- can be ol- 1 ident JuJgo of the Cmirl of I om non Pleas ; tained at the office of the poind of I'elief, when ' of the twenty fifth Judicial Iistriet, composed of I application is 111.1 le and tho witnesses appear. 11 Al, P. I.IVSl'l.I, 1, LU Au,'ii-t litis. l.'O". Si4 IT.H K. .Stiff rtr Them I NO MISTAKE NOW. 18G3. WILL EXHIBIT In Clearfield, Monday, Aug. 31, " Luihersburg:, sat. Aug;. ' thilipsburg, Tue. Sept. 1st. W. JI. (iAHDXKIv, .l:;(';f. CLOTHING AT ULDITKI) rUICES, I tbe counties of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton and th lion. JAMKS IlhOO.M nnd Hon. .).'. I. iw, ....... . . . . , ..ri !...nnM.. I I llU.tl I'JU.V, Assoeinie juuuges ' s..-. m-m . . , Lawrence township, na or about tbs 1st ,. f-,,.j .1 ofl'iea on the southwest cor- varioutlof June lest. A RED STF.KR, .Uh a star iu the Mr'of Front (nd .treetset all times, except ; forehand, some white on the back aid hips, and '.. .,,:.. .nn..r. 1. il,. town ner.i rs to the ' It did not olj, ct to calling the mob the I l right hor broken off s auppn.ed to be about contItry- . , July 1 '63. tf. twu jrnit viui tut uniivi 11 uon-ny 1 vijusrv 1 cm ' POOrt Inen. , . ... ... 1 m n iir nam l.l it I V. TOItM AM) .. s. ... nma ifiii nrnra nntitMriT'. nir rnnriri. nnn hi.n rjsjiw rt. mw'rmt ' - - nreely, it teems, thinks the wolf it an ...... h. . l.' i,i'.,h. u-dirt,. I 1 TKAl'IIKKMThe County a s 1 t Ugly tieast wlien lie t Heading towtros, bun, but that be is a charming nnd useful j animal alien employed in running down people be dont like. Won eunVr. j i away, or be will be sold the las directs. MA1U SPACKMAiV Aug. 20, T3-pd. , faJrAl a Loyal League ovation in Juni ata couniv there was a banner carried bear ing the inscription "The soldiert should sslect their own leaders." This it like Superinten dent hereby irives notice thai be wi'l meet the ITeschers, Directors and friends of education gen erally, nt the following named placet and dates, ' all o'cluek, a. m., ofeaeh day: ; Rrady, bloom aud I'nion, at LuthersWg, ou Monday, August .11 bavo issued their precept, to me ilireetcd, for the holding of Court of Common 1'ieas. urjiiinn s Court, Court of Wjartor Ses.-ions, Court of l,vor ond Terminer, and Court of lieocral Jail Delivery, at the Court House at Clcarlieid, in and for tbe county of Cleariield, on Ihe ! mnili Mun.Un, (u-2siliiiivnf.-f,li-inlicr,6yi. NOTICK IS, therefore hereby (tivsn, lo the Coronor, J ueticos of llie Peace, und Constables, in aud Ic r said county of Clearfield, to appear in their lrii,.,r r.ersons. with their ltolls. hcC-'rd., Inuuititioiis. Kxaininntiotis, ntnl other llemciu-i CLEAKFIKbD COI'.NTV, SS brsnecs, to do those things which lo their olticcs, nnd in their behalf, pertain lo bo done. GIVEN under my bund at Clearfield, this l-ili dsy of June, in'thc year of our Lord, une thou sand tight hundred an 1 sixty-three. KDWAlin PKKKS, Shrr ! Teacher'! Institute. I Tbt Teachers of Clearfield county are respect fully requested to meet at the Town Mall, in ClesrflnlU.on Mnndnf the S'tb day of September , Ferguson, Lumber ei.y and Penn, al Lumber city next, at 10 eeleock A. SI., for tho purpose of j ou Tuesday. September 1. organising s TtAcnssa' IxsTititr, to continue In Ueil, st Bower, ou Wednesday, September 2. sossion one week. Tba object of this meeting is , liurnside. Chest and New W'asliilii'oo, al New their banners of "free prest" "free speech" for th attainment of greater proficiency in the Wtuhington, Scptemhnr 3. "good ti men" if-c. Ilia a deception and different branches nf study ; in tho art of teach- : Jordan and Knox, at Ansonville. Septenibr I. lying inscription If the soldier could ing, snd for the disoussion or sush topics as ro- Curwensville and Pike, at Ourwonrville, Patu. - elect their own leader thev would soon late to tbe advsneemeni niid intewst c.f the com-: 4ay, September . iu "rf j . men tchool. Teachcrt ar rrqutsttd to prepare w, end Uradford, nt Williams- tiroe, M. day lect McClellan. I he administration n f.T,. or ,hort .ddresse. on practical .ubjecU ,,tem..r 7. power have deliett lh wtahea or the sol- tnneeUM with th theory and art of latching, Urah.m and Morris, al KyleiUwn, September P. dier is repards their leaders. TAr A'ortA- , that tbt exeroites may be at Interesting and Decatur and Woodward, at Centre, Sepuraher V. umbrrtind Icmcrn.', attractive as possible. Beccarla snd Oulicb, st (Hen Hope, Friday, Sop- It is earnestly hoped that all teachers wno i tembor II Estata of Thomas 0. Snyder, dee'd AKFIKLD COI'.NTV, SS : I T an Orphans Court lu lu at Gli al n. ld in j and for ss id county, lit June ter.n, A. 1) , isti:t, in the matter of the appraisement of tbe poodp nnd chattels, rights and credits which wero I j of Tboinas i. Snyder, luto of Morris township, 1 deeased, whereupon the Court decreed ns fol jlows: "Juno 17, lsr.:l, approved AY. .SV., and ' unless exi ep'iona are likd on or before tJ'.o lirst ' rlav of next term, will bo confirmed absolutely." ' ', ' Bv the Court, I. U. BA101FI'.. i CoilC'liliiilkilli! and IilafUsinltilshop, I July 5!. m. CI-,: Hrfk ' Conrf. togother with the neeesrary water power for saw- Sugar fr.'iu 12 lo li cents per lb. Pest riyriin nt S7 cents per gsl. I And all olhir gtocciiot at the same rotes. j Moots, Allocs and Shoe Finding? f vf all kind.C-; CIIKAl i Ladies who wish to Bink.i a good investment IIVP. i llAC IIKHH ro wanted for the . ",l"u1'1 " u'"1 '"anno Ihe assortment of . rem, township Schools. Persons wishing i ZTZSlie 3DtSS3 SS&S, lo apply for them will pK nse meet Ihe Directors, .,, . . ,, , , . . ' . on.heiliinl .turJnv in October, in IVnr v ili. "rhH,rf l1 fiu,J lU v.ery UU,i bMtM Perhaps three or four Females wil! be einplove.l. ' rta-hl.anr.lsl. patterns of i;.v order of the Hoard. , TO PLANS, CHF. LIES, BEREQL5, Aug. 12, 1 ri. JOHN I'LIiO AL, fVc'y . LAW.NS, ftc ic .r''Re, Oala, Corn, Fish, Bacon, Ao, f., To School Teachers. iff. For Sale . . , j , ii'g. s'l in pood condition, tor sale at a bargain . 1 Ei'i , ) .aaaaa' The nboio properly is aitunte I in tli" 'eiroiisIC' V' I '.IMIl .sp sold at the lowest prices for cash, or exchanged fur Countty prodnc. J. I). TIIOMPWN. Cufwersville, May 20, 1SP1. Jlulkloy's Patent. Lumber Dried by Siipfrbealfd StMm rPHK urdersipned respectfully inlurm the poo pi? of Clearfi ild and tbe s..ijoin!ng eonnties that he hr.s the a-'noey of the above Patent, tnd will sell India idnal, County and Township right' f-.r i'.s tiM.. Tbo Lumber dried by thia process I.' nnisncs better, I ' Jlll'l IIMCAN loa I'lsiMON. Rev. O. A. wish to qua'ily themselves more thoroughly, ttd ' Girard tnd fioshen, at gurveyor F un, Monday. 0ld, the point cut orl the left eiir snd slit. Any Jtrownson, was a Republican candidate for wko desir t keep np tritH their professiau, will : September 14. person taking him up, and semling word to tbo Concras In New Jersey last fall, and he ril themielves of th advantages which this Covington and Kartbtus, at Mnl.nlurg, Kcp ,ubseriler will be well rewarded for theirirouhlo nucht to l toott authority in regard to ata will afTurd. - Other eitittn. Mitt at tembor 14. . i Hell tp-, Aug., H 6u J0S..A. PASSMuRE tiruircr. finishet better. I easier un tools, am) Ll( s IT "-'I'me less time in diinz limn any other pre . d'KlNCi W .uii.ii nn. ..ijiug a uieu isinitivr periooil1 of Curwensville. and posses.s all ! siO.V, ontiroly new, ,..1 , ainted and a ui.h.d.nnd um'uj ,b. YiZlZZ 'J Z . ,, .. . , .. . , l..irgain. e. n. uai'hj.w, t flentes of a nuinboT of resideut mecharies. wel For further infiirinaiun slip y 1 ii,,s,t,i p Anrlll', tf ,i ... . ! . . HKNKV KFRXS. : lessiBm, I a. April i j, ii. kuuwn in this community, is amply suCloient v. . .... , ' 1 --. - - ! conviroe the most skeptical of its practical utilitt Curwcnmilc, Aug. 13, 03-if. r 1 1 10 UNITED STATES HOTEL ' Persons dosirout of pirchasing right, will. ddrti. S Tit AY t) Strayed from the subscriber in ' HARFJSBURG, Pa. I JOHN L. CCTTLK, Hell towuahip, on or about the 3d of July ; July 1, WZ. Clenrfiehl. Pa. laat, ONE OX or cTAO, uf a light brindle color, small slur in tbo face end while on the flank, rboil stubby horns, between six and seven y.ars CO I.IILY i HUTCHISON, iVfl-.rjVorjr. j rpillS Hotel, so well known to tb traveling I JL public of Clearfield county, is now in a cot- " t . e. F . wall a. .nll.n.... ... I..2..A .,I...J .11 Ik. Republican view ami purpose, in a into .iVJ.V. ;,UnV. issue of tit Am ' he taya i It ia nn v Uctur 0B ,tfucatiuBI ,uUj,oU my u tt. cret now that llie leader Of the Kepuolf peeudst tbt evoning nations. An examination can party were prepared II they coui.t re- will be held tt tbt close ot th Institute, and per tain the border Slave .Mates, to let sou in Carolina and the Gulf Stale go, and form, W they choose, an independent Confederacy.'" Masi Mketisio fha IVmocrhtio Slate antic that th uudersirtied hit onaii.il a Kh.v. Central Committee, At their recent meet- ing Saloon in Graham s Row, where the various llu.ioa and Fox. al Siekorv Kinadoiu, on Friday C. 1... 1 H , ,5 Clearfield and Lawrence, at Clearfield, on Mon dtr, (septstnroT 21. s?V" Positively nn nrivat exirninatluiit w manent eertifir.tas will be awarded todoterring held, except at tb written rt4Usl uf three Ii eandidalet. C. II. nANDFOKD, reoturs of th District iu which th applicant iu CUarneld, Aug. 13. Co.Sup't. ' tends to to.cb or to fill vacancies. CHVINC. and II AIRDHI.-SSilvi; Th. C. B. SANDF0RD, Co, Eup't. O clliiens of Clearfield and vicinity willuk. Clearfield, July t, 183. Attention, Farmers. rpiIK FXOF.LSI0R WIND-MILL. On I tin' or,l 'juiji.uli. erer iii.-eutr i is no bs dition to afford tbe moat exoollent accommodation : uUfr,!a n ol Llearaeia eoi.ny.- cither for tb transient gueat nr th permanent lh wnder.ignod Agent is now in this la fw j,srjer - the purpisse of run; lying every farmer win : jas. I. wat.-OS.i The "l uit.d Bustei"- l.ss now all tb eonven- arueieoi tne nisi ia.s. ji oniy .aw in. ........... . , , In l.cur. ita aueees.lul iutriHiuctlorl. t timer TIIUMrena HAlSU.s, tseii ere in jiiuuer, leacea oi ; . n j . . . S.w.I-s.lIord..naShina-le..Mary.vill,: .4 FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ? . -re p.rt.oul.rl, mv.ted to call tud x...b. U. , m be (Ciearfioia Bridge P. 0.,) Clcarlieid county, Pa. , ,ni ,n. Proprietors ar. detenninl to spar utid-j U"ore I'ur'!ilM'uP 0' ;V H ANCOCIf. . - aj, ii, nun, , er expeme, lime nor laoor to ensur in coniiori , rn...e..i.i l un imai .. rri. . r.u- . l! visj. v TOTI C IS V AlTlua. .-Mitio is atreoy W. TllOai-SON. The patronage uf tho traveling . j given that my wife ELVINA, left my bed publiu it rosptotlnliy tolioiteiL Jly I, '03, y. aod board on in ou ay m auj i umii wnuuui just cause. Caution tt Iderei.we, aereoy given, Dissolatioo of Partnership- "g in PLilndolpUia, designated fix placet in the State to bold monster mast meeting, on the 17t b of September, tho an Bivenary of the adoption of the Federal Centtiitition. The placet selected are Philadelphia. Lancaster, -Wiiliamnpoi t, flciajilen, Mcadvilla and Uuiontown. branches or bit t'rotetsion win ns eonducte . In a ityl equal U the best city shops, lit respectful. Iy solicit a trial or bis skill. GE0RUE FRIEND. Clearfield, July 29, 18oS-6t LEV Ell FL EG AL. i ! 'Justice of the peace . ti barl.nr Ar Iriifl har mi me . 11 II It Pn. Pail tid x i ft ti .rah a fnM fl V D f rUirflaM O. It. 1 klad . a-'f Af ' aL' t W till I'' r"l M 1J " wa w 'w a anj . ..u vw s bm.v0i,iw (vsi-svaseiv " r hj SS I III I 7vhi , vriai uvm V . I K, v I DMIMSTXATIIK StlllCI:.. Letters , , detstroiined to pay no in or debit 1 tween th nndersiirned, trading ander ;h nttrni promptly to all business entrusted to bl . X. of Administration having been r"7.d''''' f here,,ntrcting. n..n. of "J WHITCOM II ra S0NS,-bs this day J : April. day to the undersigned ea th estat ol REfcUtR WILLIAM CU '.GE. been dissolved bv mutual o-Misent. I - lat or Uurnnd towosaip, aeoeatea, an i.i,.. Mill. Ana. 13. 'ai-oil. . J. WliITCOMn, person Indebted to (aid eilat ar rtqaested to "llTAiTlill tn acllv, lotolligeut boy, 14 or authenticated for settlement Tf li yean old, to learn tb ritorekeerunf . Mi... iiuiiicaiaia pal mens, ano mar. u.i..n Wll.lJAII A. nabii.ii, ' .1.1... .-.I... . 1 ' , I . . I. A..m .j.iu.i me same win proseoi savin uu. jobn o. hal! Rusiuets. Apply to A(. 1 ss-el JAMKS E. WAISONf Wlllitta'grjvt, Rt. tnnv .tiK'T s vvu.s awis, i KTUKLLO 8MEEP,;,A1n,r" Dsrnsiit ty., July It, lSsoi. .WALLJ5.CHB-& HALL, AttoTntjt at Law, CLEA"PFIELD, PA. a. c. wwrcoMB, Juntl.l83. ASAWllHCOMD. " 3SrThe abo Wwsiaest fircBtil1 will l b. eontinned at Ihe oW stand nader tb till, of A. C. C. b. WHITOOMB- MTnodnard, Jul f 23, ttiZ. CAKHI tnRADHAKnORNKfSR MALI . i he mli-eriSer oferi U Mil, no very reason terms, a TWO H0P.8B CAHKIAUK, ana also . LI i) II T DKAP.IIUKN WAU0N, nearly ncw and both ia good running order. 4.B. 05AR1V. Aug. .s, 'J.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers