hot a jmw "V'1',1 A jlinilfA HN'I MIUII 1' a inti: iomc 1IIAT W I I.I- MUM V TIIK Arrl.K Ti l", A AW )Af.r I) milliards, 1(1 II Jill. IT AN." It mil Hi fciinn I Iptioti, or rdin fit' i Br l.tns, I I If l.'ii I In daa tf pntd anr lurl nithin lb J" if, . If nl I l"t Dm n b iniii n of the fmr, .itiKHfiv m a it k i r Mut, u tdrn i.n. 0. Il .StMil'UM'l.ri, u I'dl-lit. mi dm w m. ii lining F.NTAL 11F.MEDII.S MvSI' IN 1 1 1 K WnfitD, H" I lii III 111 AMI A MVm iPI;A1lt, RICHARD HOSSOr, IT 01 H)lil,K .s "! f V. ' KM A Mi I M I.M 1 (' (11 Ml ),", A Nutiotml ) mrf tmir NswipapeV, To tr I )lil '.n'ly fi. I IIV, I ',,,,,,, f y V II I M Is 1 1, M J1 IM, It!. IT.. Kr,t!ii 1 . A . U lUt.,ll.. ,. y pi i . n f h ii ' - . ip. i- I , !f ( W , DR. HOLFLAND 3 Gonnuu Killers. i Kiai(i;j nv I)U. C. M. JA( KSON, iiiii. ii:i rin I, ru. Will Effectually and Most Certainly C Villi A LL DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED LIVER. STOMACH or KIDNEYS. 1 Mine nl Ail wi Using. AilvxrtlxMiif nln arelm.'Med In the Republican at tin following tatcs I 1 Tn'orlbB. IJ. fn a.tirtr, (1 llltic.) ! t T Two f .iai., Inline,) 1 I'll I Ml Tlit. o squares, (42 linn,) I ! 2 j) uimiln 6 mo's. 4 (10 f 00 . s , i J 00 8 on , i r) no ' in oo j i i t 8 oo n oo i u 00 20 on Over throe wooks ami less than thru months 25 cents per i.(Uti fr orh insertion. llmineis oetice not exssouing Dimes in serted for f 2 jour. I Advertisement net marked with tTia number of eio.-tlons desired, will bs continue! until lorLiu Mt I I NS I'l.l.UNI ( niruiis alpacas One Squnro, T w i K.) u ii ron , : : Tlirvo f(UHro, Knur niuitrci, : 'liilf oiluinn, One onltiinn, X rl . 11 0 7 til) i b't 12 in. i 7 (10 III 00 12 on II 00 1H 00 35 00 ri lllMI Infill! Will". AVtl MF.1'I1A1.(IIA. Tin ynn to lo M""r J ttlth nml .lmlroil fi.rrrAhir Mitr nl Hi ni.l Tll'fll t I'-o lr. Ml. IU lliinr I III l llrd Timth lnW'li r, wnrrenti'il Tr.'i" frntn nci.l, IKll.'ir en ilij.nU.iu ml rtiw. ': ri'iiln p-f h 4 CI- I i .hi 1. 1 tl.e utiliniirr rlii' Tnntli I'nif. iIim. .lllb hili'n lint Ji-ilri-v. 1),. yott wi h t lie iTtmln Unit jmir 11 ft K Al' II j in .uri', prrl, mi.) j;ril.lii In Inlnml r wif", 'Mil AW I.S J..v.r i r Iriui.ili.? l e lr. Iliirifn t-liibl d i !',( )M ; ', Mouthwash. I'ricn 87 ernt por buttle. ! ( '( ) I ( I H ! 1 1 1 'J bin if.tritioiit wHsh l lo the beft remoilf In i i i; J i t f ov.irl.l for fniiker, Hd Hreth, Hli-nlin(r ; lu u i,,1 ) hi it I nl tit ''fcti-itll'iti Siii'.itiit) Mineftt ,ntl Of Ni ill A MS HINT l'UNTS iM.uv i:s i.'KAVATS tin I rrti'ivcil tit M(NS( l MM I in n t iii .rifr A. .1. Ill.l iSlllII.NNI It A. I'd. 1.1 'iMnhftiirit- I. nnrdri -m ii. rt an fit nt ni al nt nt at nt "Till-: A(!l; " "ill K'lviireln tli Mlirli.Kr.ii mlli ol Hie Ir iiirirmlic lertt, enil will, tlirn- I. ire ne.'MiniiriiT inmr me f't'Tnii'ii e ih t nl n II am, eml il'fi ml lli I i.ntlttilion of ll.e t'nl- ti ll Melut, Rtil that o! thll I'nintniiriaMi.ih. It mil firelr nml ferny Airrnn all lifillml nlijirln of newrpeper iinini.iil , inelu'lltiK, uf cnumc, nml preni.ji.rnll it thi4iine, nil qu. nt MDSSIII'S' Horn roniie'tixl aim tl.o I'Ai'ting unlinjir jr 11 " ,0n fTIi , r,.lirp, ,.ril. lM.liep1i1,li,Mi. ..fpuli. .rff-fvf ion j.firi'H ftr,tut,i ,,) ,,.r,., n,e 1, kbI nml ei-riMllu- Scimul inn ri ii o . rU!M, imnvi.iini ritueni n Ii .1 ol iuer. Sriimtlinii Hi iifnlinii iSviiHBtii'ti N-iatioii ifU'f .ricc .H'f .rir.i' i-H:o IIOOFTiAND'S GKKMAX I5ITTKKS anil charged nooorditg to thse trin. Will cure every ease of i t'bronlo or NrrvotH Dehilily, Ii.eso .f tho Kid-! nt'vi., Biid IlincnKee iirinlnt; froin a lii- ! i r.lrred Ptiunnch. OHSK11VK TIIK FOLI.OWINl) SYM1'- toniH ri'sulline frutii LMnordurn uf lha I Digvelive Orguns : tonmi - pntii.ii.iii- ward 1'ilee, V tt 1 1 n u or Klnd to the lit u.l, Aoi.iity of the Siouiaoli, N.iu-e.i Ifeiirtliurn, IiMgtinL fur Kood, Kulnofs or Wiiifht in ti e Stomach, Sour liruc tations, Sinking or Klutiiirint; lit llie I'll of thetitouincu, rnviiu iniiiK of (lie lloml, Hurried nod Dillicult Hrealhings t'lutterin! at lleurt, Choking or ruft'opnting yoiisa eatioiis aboo in a lying pnnturu, liiinnens of Vision, Dote or Webs before the flight, Fever mid dull puin in the Head, Iluliuiency of 1'eripiriilioii, Yellow-none of Skin un.i Kyus, J'aiu in the lido, ISuek, (Jht,, ,fc, Siiddun Flttali m of lout, Uuruing in the Fleh, Couatant I iu a g i ii i n gs of Kvil a n tl groat Depr cnhien of S i r 1 1 . $35 00 entire eont lor TUITION in the PARTICULAR NOTICH. For tbone who it eire nnd will have a Liquor Bitters, we pitblioh (he following receipt : 0t one bottle ifoofhind'e German Biltora and mix with Thrte. Quarlt of Hood 1J randy or Whiikrt, and the result will be a preparation that will fur rxcrl in luedicinnl vir tuee and true oxvelieuce nny of the numerous Li.Dor Ititivre in the market, nad will eot mmh Un. You will bnvo all the virluo.H of Jlwiiliiml'i Bitten in connection with a ijnn l nrticlo of Liquor, at a itiurh less price, than thco inferior prepara tions will cunt you. HOOFLAN D'S CiEUMAN BITTEIJS AVI LI. GIVE YOU A GOOD AIM' E T I V K , Will give yon STRONG HEALTHY NERVKS, Will give you BRISK AND EXEKOKTK3 1'EELING.S. Will enable you to S L K I i I' W E L L , And will positively prevent YKLLOW FEVKK, BILLloUS FtVER, Ae. 11AYS the I JL niont popular and successful COM M t.'RCI A L M'HOOL in tho country. I' of Twki.vk llt'Miitr.n young men, from twk.ntv-kiiiht dilFor I ent States, nuvo been educated fur business hero will. in ilni t.nst three veam. eonio of whom have been employed al WOOK-KEEI'IiUS at salaries $2000 00 iiHinediately cpon graduating, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered the College yWMinicter'p sons hulf price. Students cnlcr at any time, and royiuw when they please, without extra charge. For Catalogues, Specimens of 1'enmnn.Oiip, and View of the COLLEOK, enclose fivo letter stamps JENKINS A SMITH, Pittsburgh, l'a. WATCH & JEWELRY rilHE nndersignod respectfully I informs his customers and the publie generally, that he has juhI renoived from tho East, and o en, edathii establishment in GRAHAM'S HOW Clearfield, l'a., a fine assortment of Clocks), Watchus, and Jkwklrv of different qualitios, from a single piece to a full sett, which he will soil it the most reasonable prices for cash, or in oxchange for old gold and silver, CLUCKS of every variety on hand, at the mi it reasonable prices. A LI. kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repnirod and H'orm-Mfco1. A continuance of patronage is solicited, Sept. l, 18110. II. F. NAUOLE. Flyer's Patent Churn, A superior art cle. A family using thU Churn 1 never need be without butler ! All tho above and many other articles are fur-) niohi'd to customers cheap for Ca,h or exchongod for approved country produce. Cherry, Maplo, I'oplar, Liiiwood and other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken in vxebungo for furniture. jptf-Hetni-u.her tho shop ie on Market street, Clearfield, l'a.. and nearly opponito the "Old Jew Stora." JOHN GULICII. Nov. 2fi, ISf.2. y to JIny 15, (SI. ly the Uums. Knro Jiotilh. eto. It hat cured hundreds lio von, r your children luffcr from TOOTH ACHE? (lot lr. lluid'H Millie Tootliarlic I)miim. Trice 15 rents' per bottle. Are vou i.tllicled with NEl'RALOTA? Oct Dr. m. II llurd'a XetiiiilKla IMastera. Tho most etfective and delightful remedy known, for pains in the face, chest, shoulders, back, or ar.y part of tho body. They do nut adhere nor blister, tutt sootno nnu charm pain away. Try them. Trice, 15 and Ii" coot. Alailcd on rooeintof price. Fur tale ut all the best tturci throughout the country. CAt Tio .As thore are dealers who tako ad vantage of our advertisements to impose upon their custoinors inferior preparations, it is neees i snry to iusist upon having what you call for, and ' J mi will (;et tiik ikst, thoroughly tested, and prepared bv an experienced and eeinutilio Don- list, Treasurer of Hie New York Ht.ito Dentist's Association. an.) Vice- Trcsident of tho New York City ivntul Society, Adilrons WM. n. IH'HD t CO., Tribune Buildings Xew York. Jan.JI, 18(13. Ill E DAILY EVEN 1 N(i J 0 U I N A L ami the Wl'-EKLY DEMOCRATIC LEADER. These Democratic papers, lately published by Albert D. Iioilcau, (whoso connection thorowiih has entirely ceased,) are now published nnd edi ted by CliailcH . fine and AU'tcil I'.. Lew In, and will, herouit r, bo cendacted fourlessly. aj crgans of the great Democratio Tarty. Thoy will defend the principles of the ConstitutioE, rights of tho States, and the liberties of tho peo ple. Hie Evening Journal is published ovory after noon, (Sundays excepted,) at $0 per annum, er $:i for six months,' payable iu advance, It con tains spirited articles on the political questions of the day, with all the current news, Market and Stuck reports, and all such matter as is usually found in a Daily Newspaper. The Weekly Democratic Loader, la a largo double sheet paper, containing eight page, forty-eight columns of reading matter, and is fur nished at the following rates: Single Copies, one year, Two " " pllicn LIN K.N at CRASH nt CURTAINS nt I'ABI.K CLOTHS at All to I.o IiikI nl MOSSOI'S'. FRINGE nl LACS nt HOSIERY ut RIBliONS nl TRIMMINGS I of nil kind" .t ut id ny qtinn ty ) S.'lisiition Sonant inn Soiihtilion SriiMitioti Sorsulioii ut Mussors', Sf iiHiition St)iiHuti(it) SmiHitlioii , eign Sliiles, ng iinst iismulli from snv (iniirler. It will seek to awaken I lie minds of the people jiririM iriro, linens jirirus rux'H rum I' i n I it errf i'ri, Mf (, tid Itrnrly e.'iia , F f(tiri, V'i , H ir l. Irit.tii, (n ! f 'nlilnr-t n, h It ( In I', t j e, llln lorird a rum,, lb liiniM..., an4 antki s) M t j I fit tram, r.eld rsnjli,. , , , j. sis, lis him.. l( lUt ),, j Islaclii n to ll.oi. who may ft ', C, in. Ilvt! Imalcd in ri...,'l bs soil, ill a tbaro of atn.ngt ,U(, 1 be bis nblirl In make to otd,.r J I tit t In rti t ii r -in h sa Trench Bcktendi nil. I Cmiinioti n n t Eri-ticli I'okIs C' ltngo, .Jen l.y I.nnl, il? ull oilier kiiul (if HE D ST E A IS. to a proper sense of the a.luul condition of the Republic- to present to (hem, truthfully, tho fearful perils iu which we as a iia(ioii--to Mvt.iliil lliu (uitimilinl., of tlin littft, that 1 l.Ar..r tbeiii, If they would check our dowu ward roress J"'1 Tiekneri .n,l,.;,,, il. uiih j fas'enings and tiou to tiik tiKHKiir for our i.ulinm.l ills. , nfr'i TatentSprin? Iled l nr ,,,, Q . . . 7 ii . t . Ntifiil 111 KKAI M .fTbu Iiliccs ' in oriel, it win, in an inings, aim lo t tlie "inoisj .ir,,K failbful ctpolient of Do.noeratio principle., and V" '1' T.".! j"'".o . "''""'"I'l, a J I ' . i ..,l.r,. i i,n .... , ..p ,t, 1 HO A It DS. Wnrdrobes.l rti,... .1 Jinrt's,,, , ., .....i,,. .i o,,,,,!,., ,' Hook-cases, Tarlor amlMorder for er neat . rjiBrfl to Oflle ii'R c; difr. kiiii( co nj .t 'JTHKf Talent i i,iiii (iard- iln or.Ur IU Si'fi.-i(ilini) CAS.S1MKRKS SATTINKTS T WEEDS JKANH VEST1NGS SIllRTlNf.S Alwnysun linntl tit MOS.S(.ir. Deuioi ralio parlV, under alio.o atisi. ices our ' !."".: . 1 Br".r """order for I country prospcied so long and o woT. Tho ' . " . ' "nnrt o! J let s j federation of that purly tho party of the Con- smniuN n ml the I MoN-lo power, in the lugn- itt U. hi nt nt Ht StMi.siiti'in Sf iiKation Sijiisation Sensntioti Sori"itt ion Scnsiition I. ilim ami i.xecutivu governiueutal branchen of Jil lcCS Mill's Hint ol (lie I nion, wo believe to lio no lil ices i co-tfo r.v to avert iniiirchy, and tho utter ruin of. ' .j the Hi'public. To contribute to tho! restoration ' . I will be our hiirl est aim. ' I I" his 'Jlio Nows, Literary, Coininereinl, and olhe fust and Dining tublei j.taali, or j and tho latest improved approved 1 Extension Tables. Hat j .luce, fi J racks, Was i etands'oi-l plice,,, n let and Work stands, ltd lofurni) and every other kind (itVatthi furniture in his lino. Ilrntei, I TS-Maplo, Cherry, Poplar, Pins , I UW "vna, ail I VI III f , V IPIU III V f VI II I. n II U Ul CM" ' .. , , , 'HW! j department, will receive duo ntlentiun, and will ! " other suitable lumber, w,U b. prici'v at Mox-sonr, Thoso tufToiing from liroken Down and Deli cuto Constitutions, from whatever cause, oithor in Malo or Female, will find in Houllund's Uurman Dittors, a Houiedy that will restoro them to their usual health. Such has teen tho caso in thous ands of instances, and a fair trial is but required to provo the assertion. 1 Remember that thoso Bit'.ers are NOT Alcho-' holic, uj NOT iutended as a Coverage. , a. IllKH. T. J. M Lt l.LOUCIl. BUSJ1 k M'CULLOUGII, Collection (Jllice, Cl.KAI'.Kir.l.D, Ta. CrSylN GrtAllA.M'ij X'ttV li.'ILDING. 1-VU 5. T,2. WALT Ett I'.AltJiETT, Attotniy nt Law. I AVIKfl resigned his commission in the ar. The propricrnrs have thcusaiids o.'Letlors from tl.A mn.l uniinnnf f 'lurffvoton l.fiu'vurs. I'livui. cians and Citizens, TestiYying if their own per- ! nT u1 rumoJ the practice of Law, may eonal knowledee. to tho beneficial effects and ronsulU-d on prufewional business at his oftico medical virtues of theso Hitters. from Jlec. J. Acirtoa Uroi'n, I), v., Ltlilm- J the Lncijcl-ipfflm "J JtlnjunH A hoici. ity. on SecoD.l street, Clearfield, To. All business, Feb. II, 'C:j. Although not disposed to fnvor or roeomraond Tatent Medicines in general, tl.ronj.'h distrust if their ingrodienu and clfects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not toftify to tho benefits ho bcliovos himself to have received from any t iniple preparation, In the hope that ho may thus contribute, to tho benefit ol others. I do this the more readily iu regard to Iloof land's German Bitter?, prepared' by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under (ho impress ion that they wero ch icily au alcoholic uiixlurc. I nm indebted to my friend T.obert Shoemaker, Esij., for tho removal of this prejudice by proper tests, in.! for r ncoiiragement to try them, w hen faltering from great nnd long continued debility. promptly attcudod to. H. W. "SMITH & CO. M KIM II A NTS, nntl dealers In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, tiueensware, and even thin usually koyt by tho trnd.i. Storo on SECOND Street, below Judge Leonard's, oppo site tho Tro.bvlvriaQ Church, Clcitrfield Ta. Dec. 4, ISfil. JOSKHI R. Al'MURRAY A A l) It K A L K li I X L UM li E .11. New Washington, Clenrfield County, Tn. July 1st 18C3.-tf The iso of three bottlos of those Bitters, at tho ' Ifj m Ja (J) ff JJ lb U IT f? lui U 4 2 E 1 .. .1.- . i ...... .'..I I ..u....l 1... . . -- ' $2 00 3 50 Three- " " 5 00 Five goo Twenty " " 30 00 Thirty " " 42 00 Fifly u " Ti 00 Tho Democrats of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delawaro, and New Jersey, it is hoped will exert tiieoisWves to give the Leader a large circulation. Address TINB 4 LEWIS, No. HI Seuth Third St., Tbiladolphia, B. Write for rauiplo number; which will be promptly printed, gratis. May 6, ISO 1803. 1803. rHlLADELrilf A k, ERIK RAILROAD, rilllls. great line travers'S the Northern and X Noi'lhweMeni counties of Tennsylvahia to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Penmylrnnut Hail mint (oH.jniii, and under their auspices is be ing rapidly opened thrnnghout its entire length. It it now j" use fur Tassenger and Freight ba sinet from Hiirrisburg to Driftwood (2d Fork, 177 tni'.es) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (7 miles) ea the Western Division. 77i "f Pnn'cnyer Train) nt IMUmod, j Express Tram leaves eastward 4 20 P. M. l.xpress train arrives westward 1. U0 M. Cars run through wiTtiorr ciiavgr Loth ways on (heso trains belwoou Thiladelphia and Lock llnv.1.. and l.elneon llaltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cats accompany tho Express Train both ways between Willianisport nnd Balti more, nnd Willinmsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Tassenger business apply at the S. E. Cor. 1 lilt and Market ill. And for Freight businets of tho Company's Agents, S. H. Kingston, jr., Cor. LHli and Market sis., Philadelphia ; J. V. Reynolds' Erie ; .1. M. Drill, Agent N. C. It. II. Baltimore; II. II. HurKTox, Oen'l Freight Ag't, Phila.; Lkwis L. Houtt, Gon'l Tickot Ag t, Tbila. ; Jos. D. Totts, Gcn'l Manager, Williamsport. Jan. 21, 1863. beginning of the preteut year, w as followed by evident reltof, ard restoration to a degreo ot boil- j ily and mental vigor which 1 had not felt for nix months before, un. I had almost despaired of re-i gaining. I therefore thank Ood and my friond lor directing me lo the use of them. J. NEWTON Ell OWN. , Philadelphia, Juno 2:), 1861. , l i i ii i: ltsii in;, CLEAKEJKLD COUNTY, TA. WILLIAM 8C1IWEM, Pmprktor. May 13, 1813. ly. Diseases of Kidneys and Madder, in Young or Aged, Mule or Feunilc, are speedily removed, and speedily restored to health. Delicate Children those sufloring from Maras iuuj, wasting away, with nearcely any flesh on their bones, are cured in a very ehort tune ; ono bottle in suuh cases, will have a most surprising elTect. Tatents hat lug suffering children as above, nnd wijhing to raise them, will never regret the day tbey commenced with these Litters. I Literary mon, Students, and those working . hard with their brains, should always keep a bol-j tie el lionlllnnd's Hitlers near them, us they will CYREXIl'S HOWE. Justice ok the 1'eace. For Dkcati'R Township, will promptly nttend to all business ontnutod to bis care. T. O. Address, Thilipsburg Ta. Aug. 21st lbfil " DU. ii WOODS, IjKACTIC'INd Physician, and Examining Sur ceon for Tensions. Otiico Southwest corner Second and Cherry streets, Clearfield, Tn, January 21, lSl'io. ly. DR. J. W. POTTER. riiyhlclan and Surgeon, has prrmnnontly locatt d at Frenehvillo, Covington township, off rs his professional services to the surrounding Mays, IS lit. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney nt Law and Ktnl Kstatc Agcnf, CLEAUFIELD, TEN.N'A. Oftft.on Marhetsl. Opposite the. Jail, 1") EsrECTFULLY tiffors his s rvicea in soil V ing an d buying lands in Clearfield and ad joining counties ; and with an experience of over tweuty years as a Surveyor, flatlets himself (hat he can render satisfaction. And Offers for Sale IOOO acres of coal and timber Land, nitu&tt in Decatur township, Cloarfield couuty, in lots to suit purchasers, located nonr tho Tyrone nnd Clearfield lUilroud. '.IOOO acres of first rule farm and timber land in Hell township, Clearfield county, situate on the waters of Curry's Kun. Kl'iJ acres in tno lots, ono of 1 12 and tho oth er of 5D acres, tuitallo for Farming purposes, sit uato in Highland township, Elk county. llcneral wnrranteo deeds for all tho above anils. Feb. 18, 'ft:'. v. CLOTHING such' ns ooiits. runts. Vwsls, Under Shirts, ul .seiisalion Flannel Shirts, Boots, Slioes, Hats titi'l (.'Hi', Now for sulo ut MOSSOI'S' HA RDWAKKl Htifh its SatA's.nailn Korkc, Knives, Siiikcs, ilinsos, LIQUORS, such "I ns Wine, Hntndy, G in, Wh iekny, ( Co,imo, etc-, etc., j fllU 1 IS, huc-h ns 1'i'uncR, Raisina, Figs, Filberts, &c, GROCERIES, Bay Flour, Hams, ShouldHM, Su'ar, Molassw, (JoH'eo, Tea, C r a c k o rs, Spices, Candlet-, Coal Oil, etc., lc. lit Rt'lli-atiull J.l'it es at MOSSOI'S". at at icn.iatiun juices jinces ut MOSSOI'S'. at sensation prices BLACKING ROTES row PER SHOT LEAD CAl'S Always at MOSSOI'S', at nt nt at :t at ierisiition sensation eensution sensation sensation f-ensHtibii prices prices prices prices price prices At the. floro of RICHARD MOSSOP, MOSSOP Always Jiecps on liiaid u lull nnsoi Intent of all kinds of goods reiiuiietl for the accommodation o( the (tuhlic. Nov. 12, 1SR2. 5,000 Men, OUTIVS azd HOYS can bj ?upplied with CLOTH I SO & FURNISHING GOODS at HEIZENSTEIN HItW. i CO., where It TO BE Sold at prtrea that will Induce all to be T.y devoted interest to tho CLOTHING ESTAII- LISII.MENT the universal satisfaction which has been given bus iuduccd them to jnlargo their STOCK, which in quality and selection, it now inferior to nono IN PENNSYLVANIA. Come, and you can have j All kindi and styles of Clothing at nearly one half be so conducted al to niuku "Tub Aok" worthy of the support of tho general reader. &.The muny difi'uullies tiotv surrounding an enlerprise of tho of that in which the undersigned are engaged, require them to appeal lu tho public for a generous support, nnd to ask fur "'Jiik Aua" a libera! patronage and extonded circulation. Tho present Malo of the preparatory arrange ments warrants the expectation, that the first number nf the Daily will appear before the close oftho present mouth, (February, lbC3.) The Weekly will be issuod soon thereafter, DAILY. Tor uiiiiuiii, $6 00 Six Months, 3 00 Three Montos. 1 50 Copies delivered at tho counter and to Agents i, Carriers 2ets I i;iois. WEEKLY. Per unuuiu, $2 00 Six months, 1 00 Three .Mouths, 60 10 copies ono ad's 17 50 20 " " 32 00 30 " ' 45 00 JHTaymeiit required invariably in advance, Address, A. J. ULOSPUKENN ER A CO. Fob. 2, 1863. 430 Chestnut st. Tbiladolphia, Cheap Fiii'iiitnre ! DESIRES to inform his old friends and cus t' mors that, having cnlnrired his shun and increased bis facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order furniture as may bo desired, in good style nnd at cheap rates for t'atli. He mostly has on hand at his "Furni turo Rooms," a varied assortment of Rcady-mado rumittiro, among wuicnars Bureaus and Side-Boards, Wardrobes and Hook-Cases; Centre, Fofa, Tarlor Urcokfast and Dining Extension Tables. Common. French-Post, cottage, Jenny Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS t.f nil KINDS, WORK-STANDS HAT-RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. Hocking and Ann Chairs, Spring-Seat, Cane-Bottom nnd Tarlor Chairs and Common and other Chnirs. LOOKING. a LA SS KS Of every description on hand : and now jrlusses r ..i.l r i .... i. , . . w .vr oiu uuiuus, nuitu win do pin in on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice, lie also keeps on bunr", or furnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, of every kind. Made to O'der, and fuuerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desired. Also, llotixe Paintlntr done toorder. The subscriber also manufactures, and has constantly en nana, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, The best now in use. Those using this mnchine never need be without clean clothes ! He also has VALUABLE TIM 15 Ell LANDS For Sale. find much benefit from its use, to both mind ami riody, invigorating and not deprasniii;. It is not a Liquor stimulant, and leaves no pros- community tration; - ; , ' " .... . ' . .. rflllE .ifpntmn nt no rami iluairf iib nf nnrphiiJi tllC !riCnd8 Of Soldiers.' '"f; rn'Tr. Mr0Cl -1 -hle Timber Lands i, invited . o, he We call the alttution ef all Laving relations or i )vo4 1861 following tracts of land situutod in keaUng town friends in the army to the fact that "Hooflund's! ' ' -' !"'P. Clinton e.uiniy, Tenusylvania, known as German Hitters" will cure nine-tenths of tho dis- n"l SAI.K A Carriage suitable for one or tho LORAIN LANDa, vu eases indueod by exposures and privations inoi-' . two horses in good ooudltton for dent to oamp life. In the lists, publishod almost cheap lor VAMt, by daily in the nowsnnpers, on the arrival of the sick. R. V. WILSON, iioarnoiit, June .), ioi. And GREATEST BATTLE OX RECORD! 15,000 Kind aVuT Wounded, and 30,"uo taken Prisoners ! WITH CAMr EQUITAGE AND 70,000 Contrabands freed from the BONDS OFJLAVERY ! ! IVERY man that has read any thing of the J past history of this WAR must finally eome U tho conclusion that the Confederate Govern ment would bo broken down. It was only a ques tion of lime. But now we have the above Glori out soul-stirring news to chocr us up j and the only draw-back to our joy and glorification is the imminent danger of the Contrabands coming North to "eat out our substance," and to wear out our shoes I But of one thing the people of Ciear "jelil county may be assured, and that ii. that FRANK SHOUT for short called Sknrt-i. selling Hoots A shoes as cheap as any other man in tho county: and if vou don't believe iL just givo him a call on court-week, or at auy other lime, nnd see for yourselves, lie wanld iust ra- in i nil the public that his shon is now on Market r-Reninmber the place, in the MANSION """"'i 'n Minw s How where you will find him onon as usual ii not a little thurter of ! vAsii man he would like to be. All kinds of work on hands and mado to order j on short notice, and as well mado, and as good fits j as can be "ckeorod" up here or elsewhere. i-ii, Don't forget the shop on Market ilreel, in cnaws Jlow, directly opposite Rev. H. B, umrou b oiuce, n t JliUtt 1, Clcarfiold, June II, 1S62. OF THE Prices uttially asked nt other Stores. Clothing good enough to saitthe GOVEKNOlt, Or nny other man. . . it will bo noticed that a very largo proportion are suflcring from dobility. Evory easo of that kind can bo readily cured by Hoofland's Gormau Bittors. We have no hesitation in stating that, if those Bittors were freely used among our sol diora, hundreds of lives might be saved that oth erwise would be lost The proprietors are daily recoiving thankful letters from sufforera in the army and hospitals. who have been restored to health by the use of these Bitters, sent to them by their friends. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! See that the signature of "C. M. JACKSON" is on the WRAN'KR of each lioltlo. Price per Bottle 75 tents, Or Half dozen fortl. Should your nearest druggist not have the arti cle, do not be put of! by auy of tho intoxicating preparations that way be offered in its place, but send to us, and we will forward, lecuroly picked, by express. Trinoipal Office and Manufactory, No. 631 Arch troeU Tbiladelpbia. JONES Jb EVANS, (Successors to C. M. JaCKion A Co.,) Proprietors. fFor salt at Hartiwlck 4 Huston's Drug tore, Cleare,! p4 jly 1 SZ-j I Jas. McMimay. Matt. Iivin. D BALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries Lumber, liui nbide, l'a Dee. 21, 1882. W. W. 811 AW, PHYSICIAN i. SURGEON, HAS permanently located at Shnwsville, Pa., where he reipectfully solicits a shore of publifl patronage. May 27, 1863.-y DANIEL GOODLANDER, i JUSTICE of the peace j Lnthersburg, Clearfield Co, Ta.,! will attend promptly to all businoii entrusted tn nq Maroh 28, 1800. 'y. pd. I M. M'CUI l,OtIC;ll, ArToRNRr at ' sale' A certain tract, being N. 3469, warranted in the name of Thomas Willing, containing about I KM) acres, situate on Hirer. Island Kun, at the distance of 3J miles from the river, being woll timbered with Pine and Oak. Also, another smaller tract of land, situate at the mouth of Birch Islanr. Kun, on the west side rf the river, containing 731 urres and allowance, j and having a good rafting beach thereon, 'tS-4-For terms apply to Q. L. REED, ), JAS. B. GRAHAM, J Clearfield, July 30, 1862. . ll6u.SK, opposite the ltank. HEIZENSTEIN BROS. & CO. Clearfield. April 8, 1863, 3m. NEW pRM- 1IARTSU1CK & HUSTON DRUGGISTS. MARKET Street CLEAUFIELD PA. KEEP eonstanth on hand a large, and and well selected flock of PIl tins and CUEMICA LS VALXTS OILS AXD VARNISH TERFl'MERY A ToiLET ARTICLES. JAMES T. I.ROKAItn. WM, A. WALLACE. 0. A. A. C. rtsitav x rinsEf I 'gnnliiim anb fiolltction (Ditt or W .Law, Cleard. t, Pa. Cram. Esq., on Seoon treet. March 26, 1862, tf. Office with L. J. LEVER FLEUAL, Justioe of the Teaee, Lu thersburg, Clearfield county Ta., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to hit tare. Lutheraburg, April 4, 1681. LEONARD, FINNEY & Co. CLEARFIELD. CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. BILLS or EICH Aft8l,H0TRI ADD DR ATTS OlSCOCHTr.n DEPOSITS RF.CEIVEB, BLANKS, BOOKS AND STATIONARY. TOBACCO & SEGARS. And a general rtsnortment of VARI ETIES and Fancy ARTICLES. I We respectfully invite a sail, feeling oonfi I dent that we ean supply the wants of all, oo tormi to tneir sattiractton. i. HAHTSWICK A HUBT0N. Clearfield April 27th 186S. tf I -v 3 i t .i . . .'i.-j wHintiu... tui.r mm iirvcaeus yrompuy lematw. Attorney at 1.I.W v . u w a i a v. a , u " t .. . j THOM AS J. M CULLOUGU, ' Attorney at Lw. j OfSoe adjoining tha Bank, formerly occupied by J B. MoKnally, Esq., Market street, Clearfield, collections, Si Dee. 17, '62. on hand. .fOmct on Second St., noarty oprn' P Will attend promptly to Collections Sale' miTTlT HflllSP A. A.. r... ,1 NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. LOCATF.n IX nilLADELrHIA. S. E. cor. 7th and Chestnut Streets, New York city, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy. Buffalo, Detroit. Cleveland, Chicago and St. Louis. T00K-KEEPE!0, Tknmawsiiip, CommEROIAl ) AaiTBiiETic, CoMMnnciAL Law, Forms, Cok REsroRDaitcR, Ao., practically taught. These Collsges being under the same genoral and local mauegemeut, and uniting in each the .ut...u.Kob oi an. oner greater facilities for im ' Ptmg instruction than any other similar insti ' tution In the country. ecnolarsuip issued by any oo ii good in all nu uiinmiicii time. The Tbiladolphia Collego has been recently enlarged and rofurnished in a superior munnor, and is now tho largest and most prosperous Com mercial Institution in the State. Bryaat A Stratton's series of Toxt Books, ein. braoing Book-keeping, Commercial Arithmetic and Commercial Law, for sale, and lent by mail. p&"Fnr fuU particular nf far a ciVcmVir. October 8, 1862. j. I change for funuturo, Cash nilh ood Lumber' U, i N. 11. Coffins of (lie latest stylt on short notice. Funerals alltni desirable. CieiirfieUt, l'a. New Jersey Lands lj ALSO, Turtfl-sm get Fraili CiUlTADLE for Grapes, Teach,, berries, Strawberries, l(lnckl,oj rfc, of 1, 2, 5, 10 or 20 acres eaebj ing prices for the present, vis : lijj 10 acres for $110, 6 acres for J1 $0, I acre for $20. Payable lj week. i Also, good Cranberry land., ans; CHETWOOD, 2j hy 1UU led, al bio by one dollnr a week. The farms are situa e.i at ChetwooJ township, Iiiirlington cmiiity, .N'tj further information, apply, witli for a circular, to D. l'llAJl.1.1 No. DO Cedar street, .Nm Jan. 21,1X83. ly 'N"-g'i T' t ' 1 New Watch aod Jewj O II. I.At t III IN, bavil KJ interest ol bis late partn on his own hook in tho shop by tbein on Socond street, li to keep up his reputation at a by doing all work entrusted to tice, in the host manner, sal onablo terms. Defying the is a fair trial, nnd a continostit age heretofore extonded. LnoUi T HE BIO H. V N. I! The Cash will be y when tho work is delivorad. ; Clearfiel.l, March 4, 1SI53. J " Coal ! C fnilE subscriber respectful! ... j I citizens of Clearfield and now prepared to supply tho COAL nt the shortest notice is designed to be permanent, will always be kept on hand. TKl(JE-r rents i.a 7 cents !tj SO-For the public conv Coal will be given at Kratri-i JO Clcitrfield, April 8, 1S63.- iatioiiiil MAINE STREET, (M'ltU' WM. A. MASON, rtlHIS long established arl JL TfcL,, situaiea in tne ti has been retnoddlod, enliirf e tho proprietor respoctfully merouB friends, and to tho t he is now prepared to uccoi favor ti t in with a call. Ample, safe and comf rl taehed to the premises, n will always be on hand. Ch i c,,;f "fTTAHR ATKM, Manj IT hands by the uni!er-H people of Clearfield coun ly I tunity now offered to secure! Machine!. They will be sf reiised. Call at tho Old AoJ WJtj May fi.lSo.L y J Shaving and Hall JEREMIAH N'OKKIS rel to bis friends of Clearut hj has returned to his old si pared to render tho most p.'li who may desiro his profe.-.-J - U' Wool A 50,000 BH rsrina '.lit V. a r,a',A Kv. 1 Clearfield, May 13, IStUj L. J. CRAVH. CHANS and Atlornrys i May 3, '63. ri iirx"!(rv hn r FAMILY FL0CR, K,.r Alo RYE and COi Thilipsburg, MayJl 1 OBEKT J. WALLACI XV Clearfield, Ft., omce oiite the Journal ones.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers