fV tfhifiilb Jltri'blican. TA Wtdneiday Morning. Aug 26th. 1863. IU MO KUIC UTAH'. TITKI'.T. For Governor, 6 FORGE W. WOODWARD, Of Lvserne enunty. for Juilti tof the Supreme Court. WALTER If. LOWKIE, (V Allegheny county, PEMOL'KATIC OI3TRICT TICK I T. ASSEMBLY, T. J. BOYER, of Clearfield county. A. 31. BLMOX, of MtKean county. I'Mt 1 W M '. 1 li UlUtillrttl ff Mil ISS'left t railed In lhe trnuiiil of the Inhuman itesimtnl ltfl i-i fti ft nul tnnn ! the l'rpil Mnrlinl al I Hubiug, m printed on our iutl l(, 'lh i(oin l Is tnkn from a tr uMirnn spet, living tlx tlntem'tit rftlm 1'rotiM Matslial himself, and till (ifJlifM-m that Ihrte run l ln charge nf "eo pe rhradistu " about II. Hn'J iiii'li treatment Win ad tninistired to a M gin what a howl would go up from rvei) Abolition throat. Hut lie was on's. i irhitc ruin and In- deelcd it til. What was hit crime? le.ttvg the Uovtrnmtnt t Yt-a, he was cheating llie Government oaf of Aw services, and peilmps one or (wo hundred dollars, But had lie, like many ethers, Helen his hundreds of thouaacde, instead of being whipped like a brute, ho might li v keen flourishing among the nabobs of the lurid. Art tJOt.Y 1WC0IID. ih ,h.iHH..n I tt I'l I fi.f- Jik nf SMitttrmt t mil t In I Slur nf '(('' The t'nliiil'irt (Vni-i ..io-tty M"m llie crime of Judg Agnew, lhe ic'tnl Republican candidal for Judga of Hi" Kuptcni court, liiKl a member nf th Reform Convention In 138, mi tlifl qiw-j tiou of negro tuflmge. let Id cr nrn 'n llmt Convention n rviilrniiied k iin ll'l of iludte Wo?dwrd, who w Jnfi metntjcr of tlmt body. It wm lo lh Wtllinni Tnt, rlloil of Judge Woodwind end bU len l'oii:iri collcnguei tlmt tho right of nif ifrngfl In I' nnnylvtnin ith limited ind confined lo " while freemen ;" and hid imj: A II K t li I, l CO UN I Y n r t c tt 1 1 u r a t oiitli?. To If Ar' ii tht t'i'r 1h Hs,h ll I ' n 11 (t"'ti"il n-e.f i i r-liim. ivt niii't ii il r.irr-ily 1 t r llf ( ln4 n4 'iil!orii)i lh rHn rmji m trt M a-ia. 1 It; of anl lb II . n4 i fM. I. MAI- thi Mf, .. ... ..I,,,.,.. i.httnv Vufiv, lA S "',i;iiM".'n iim liMtimllie it ar ". K M and 237 iry nf (Xtt'hn; A 'wiii, , bimhh. anil f enailtt fc 'iiiiil hll UmBlrir. I.':aM I ri t'.re 1, o f . i ( Judge Agnew, whom tho Abnlitinnlst" I'H I.HIMLNT, JOHIAH Jt. JJKKI). rxrrijTiVE i iimmiti r.. Mcfinuilii'y, Jno. l. Tlioinpion, Kiclmrd Shaw. Jr. Jm. A. Ciildnoll. MOHfTARV, l KTZWIilLKR. TUPAstut.n. JAM KS WRKJI.KV. I'. ' iUr Itinf i f I et I imI I I'nl lif ef tit l.tri'l j I'.ott l"f nf corn ifiu llo.t (Miunil fHki I'ip ! I: ml I'ruil chI I i p i llnl poU-k ekf lHj I llpt butphulor nk I llert prVr A JfM;" j lint !liljr of j It a ,rnervt Mp 1 DCMOCKAT1C COUNTY TICKET. TREASURER, ISAAC KLINE, of Bradford tP COMMISSIONER, AMOS READ, of Lawrence twp. AUDITOR, F. F. COTJTERET, of Covington twp. tho scamp Fvnuy, an Uteaa iStiO, extolled lo the kkiej. Ho is now, ik Forney, (Irccly, 1 had. .Stuveat A Co., lubuiing to prevent a reatornttou ol llie Union ; end the power which they niot fear and dread, in the democracy of the North. 'If Mr. Lincoln cau only prevent the elec tion of Woodward in Ponnitylvuniu, and Vallandig'uam in Ohio, these Sonthern zz: - cpgsi0l, disunioiiista will le almokt wil- JJemocratio BtateCentral Committee. )ing (0 ,. down and wn.khip him u u Tli follow ing ia the Btat Centrnl rnmmltie tho best scvicu he can do them, and the u rPoinlod by UuB- FIXDLAY PATTEkSOX, ,uccehS 0f these men will be r aoverer blow of Washington county, who, Prbnident of the I .... lt Hemocratio Convcntijn. nil autborued by a lo their grand schemes of dmunion thnn rtiolution of the body to announce the Commit-1 would the taking of a dozen Vicksburg?. tee. It eonrlstt of a Cbuirmon aud Hcprcsenta-' Head it ! Read it! and then say who ore tives tif the wvi ral Seunloriul District iuto ( j)e f.jetlct9 rjf treason. which the S'ate is dividod : , , nU.n-CThAtt.LESr Lf,?i,rH aD,. n ' " W Go'l fro" (,-l'tl' of our 1st Dllt.-lhoo4orCuyler, KobortJ. Hemphill, . . . ,, . . .,.,,,,.,- ivhin.i John Fullertou, Jr , Ieaae Leeib, , "" . , " , would now pliice upen the Hench of the (j,.AM 1, -.vri.t'.iif.s, oytn t ) all limit aid ir. Supreme Court, had his way negroes ' ( vmpelttfis. would have the right to vole nt. and in The Case Squarely Presented. Under this head Meb.mr's Clliio Crw presents the following remurkible article from the Mobile Register, a paper edited bv II ill i .Ioiik KdHSVTH. nun of tlm ublfit m..nof th Smith itn.l il. mm. inn ivluini ' in t,,at ol'()ov' -'"'l'n. Ho was tt mem- niit bniffer under .1 y 3 lloit Culf under mo tlm 1 lt.yt An 9 v 9 :t) Uj I Ul III" V'-'l lVIMI"ll "IIU II M - w , " J - - . ... . . 1 V I i-l ! II' It' Constitution of Ifw; ami Ins course in f .1 leriri jncon uueitcn, v w. u. ng that body on I he question ol negro sut- ley litt "' ir Hot jolly rtk llrnl In'l) ' (aks lint enke lu.l Jelly lift pie, any klud Ilutt ire crtem Jcoiir.s - Mm. Joinh W. Thinpon, Mrs. (I, 1. (loodfellow, Mrs. David l)is- JmnM Il 1,111,1 I..T . - ' ' 1 nmn a. Jm-s Hleeitl. ' I t4 II -7'-'.m ,tl ftljM, tw s-it ef fl .lhS titn-tS Si put enai tn 1. 1 a I I v I HH belt in.itt. Jl IteiSS- Wlliam 1 1 ft til , rMniiial Misnnrr. f.l hahHI.ill tlln I ll..a 1.1. -i " i,i..i. .... . ' : "'" i'ip. 11. l ntntinrnliil itrfnlmv 1. ... .. u .11 it: i .. . i "if " immiiii pigier, M. It Si l ill. M. Mv. III lillh. Cli 3,1. - .V'oiif 1ft t The bol dmin lilt . T.e b,..tbr..k.n Mr Mp Mp Mp Mp I'ip Dip I Tpn Ilrit chuiKB .IfDurs Mr. Wm. H. Ti.-nd, lliutshoin, Mrs. Moe Fulton. Class IS-7..ur. Mrv Class 17. ((irr ami (Wv, Deft Hull S 2,1 Ut Hull ft ltrtl & pouniW or more f butler fl .1 rfwiy.Tnlin Oii-ona I PiL, i .Tolut II... i In II. a . r nmrn. uf fnrkin butter mnde sonio instancH, of controlling the elec- ..,. itni.nrt Thoini'.nmi. fJor.Un.i iu May ur June 1 'j-n--- - - i ' tioni in IVrnsylvanirX, trul vftt tlic H AlHtroedi eom t'-Rt't!ii.r In tMn c1ki- m,l o-mi-publicans ay theyjnenot AboUtionists. ; i;;'.. . ' the utock lliey will prolines. " The Jt.publicuns have been as nnfor Ci.s 2.-Ora!e Cattle, r-W in tunh,. tunate in the nomination of Judge Agnew i j,,,,, C )W $S I !d Het Cow f I Philadelphia. 14 " John D. Kraus, Choitor county. fd " Wm. H. M'itte, .Montgomery oouoty. 4tb " Wm. T. R gvre. Buck cuuuty. 6th " Tbos. lleckman, Northampton eounty. 6th " lliU)r Clyeser, lierks eounty. 7th ' William Kandtll, Schuylkill eounty. 8th " Aa Pucker, Carbon ootinty. 9th " Michael Mykjrt, Sullivan county. 10th " 6. S. Winchester, Luzerne eounty. lltb " Mortimer F. Elliot, Tioga county. 12th " John II. llirmev, l.ycimiinK county. lSth - Wm. Elliot, Northumberland county. 14tb " 6. Ilt'plMirn, CuinberUad county. 15ih " Wm. M. Bretlin, I.-'liuon county. 1 Ath " Geo. nnilcraon, J. Patterson, Lane. eo. I7th " John F. Spangler, York eounty. 18th" licnry Suiilh. Kultinouuty. 19th " J. 8iir.po AiHrs, Uuntindoo county. 20lh ' Wm. IVittler, Olcarfolit county. 2 1 at " Hugh Weir, Indiana county. J2d " T. li. Borij;lit, Fayotle eounty. J3d W. H. T. Pauley. Onene county. 14(h " G. W. Cats, J. P. Barr, Alleuhony eo. Ibth ' Jtmes Cnmpboll, Butler oounty. 2th " Pavid 8. Morrit, tairrnnne county, 27ih " T W. Grayion, Crawford county. !Slh " Kennedy L. blood, Jefl'ercon county. her of the Convention which framed tbe Uest do do J y J j0 ib ( W. W. Wcrrell. 1'iaL'e was such as will not very strongly Class 3. Oxen. commend him to the favor of white men. Beti Yoke of Oxen f 5 60 " It is know n that under llie Oonitlitu- 2d J'ent -do iWT Pnn.ir J 1)0 tion of 17W it was a mooted question Jidcm Wm. Snhwein, .1. It. Kylor, whether colored men wcro eniitlcd to Samuel Brown, ( Lawrence ) vote. In some parts of tho State they Clam 4. Tu.' Caiut. .vete allowed to exercise the light, and iu " bullnek.eerhelirer ever 1 yr. f I 00 others it was denied them. In tho Con- 2(1 d" JM "'.r 1 1 00 vention of 1838. called to amend the ton- T).'tn.;M-Mlthew Jorcoc, John Mc- alttitiinn it tlt lil't-timstMi In DUt t li 1 M rltlAH- ' ... A i :. .... , ... class 5 ' v llt Htallioil 310 I 21 beit Stnllinn t iiuiiioih w "ill..: ... . .. .. . .... ..... Dvfi Mart ,,, CoU 1 ,j b-,t JUr A C(t view Mr. M.vuii o: niiiaiMpiiia, on me 'JUd of June. 1831.1, oll'eifd the following proviso to the 3d article; " J'rvvitieil, ulsn, That too l ight or an for horcei whose peiliree render thoin worthv elector bhall in no case extend to others j Tho society wish to encourage the raiting of high than free w hite male citizens." j blooded horses. this proviso the vens and nays l La o Indmg, Ibrojt and ,im Ilorxra. 3 00 Beat SO lui. flour Beit .'" lbs. eprlnj wheat flour 1 Beat .'i0 Hit. rye flour $1 Boat W lln. font inoal I Bnt JO lb, buck wheat fl mr 1 J cooks S. It. Jjidaii, Wra. ililcs, Chas. Sloan. Cl.vs.S Vi.lhmetic ArUeU. Thorough brtd llorse, (ipen to all. Beat kit or Jsr of honey f 1 00 Beat 10 Ihi. maple sugar Mp. or SO Heat pesetei put up air-tight Dip. or t Uoit tomslnt put up air-ti nl t Ilip or SC ; Beat blackberries put up sir-tljM lip. or 40 Best curranti put up alr.tljht Pip. or SO Bent fancy Jar of pickets Iip. or SO Best gallon svrnp or serjrhum, cr e;eh, lip. or 40 Bo't cured hum (cookoitj with inodo of euriiiR, An. Iiip. or SO Bv'it dried beef, with inodo of curing, Pip. or SO JcriORt Mm. Win. C. Foley, Mr. .Sf- 'Un were called, and Judge Agnew voted ! !,aaa' lor , , ag'iinsl it, and Judge Woodward, lhoBw,,t nafV ra" jR uu""", present Democratic cfndidat for Cover-i ,'D'gU tZuyl 0 harness nor, who was also a member or the Con..,,,,, ,pR of draught hrea, or marea, vention, votcl tor it. 'I he piovito was Heat apnn of farm horaea, or raaroa, : HeiiL ililtne;. nr mare, for work, uver t trd I ..1.1 v......,, .... il. II... .. .n,l snubbed Vice Tresident .Stephens, in his late attempt lo confer with them ou in ternational attain, without form or core monr. It has long been known here that this gentleman thought, if he could get to whisper into the ears of some men about Washington, the result might be terms of peace on some sort of union or reeomtruetion. Ho seemed to lorgel that Douglas, with whom In used to serve, is dead, and notwithstanding his mantlo has (alien, bv div'ding it into four pieces, up on Kict.ar.isoi, unci vornees. xaiiandig- vote WM uken 0n tho motion, by yeas ham and l'ugh.aiill the Democratic party allll tie word whiie' wasinser- is not in power now. and we mav thank toJ in he lhird ar:lt.ieof the Constitution, God for it. The proi-pect looked gloomy , jUiu x ,now volil)t: ngftinil i,, all 1 Judge lo the no 1'iesidenl, whose infirmity of i v,iul for it ilii,. ml 10 i,, a I t .... I " - " , - l-M" lost. (Debates, vol. 3, page 91.) "On the 17th of Jnntinrv. lS.IR. Mr Martiu renewed his clVort, by moving to Bcl fbl1 UD'"r J ' " tk insert the word ' white' among the oual-Lv. ";' "h" ,., h,Ul. ,.,, on atrne boat without uip, Yoooii ? 00 ? 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 itications for voters. Upon this motion a long and able debate ensued, Judge ooilwarU taking an active and leading part in favor of the motion and against i Alexander Murray. negro sullrage. tin the .Ulii nt January on ih Uortt, and IfixiEs Level Flegal, Joseph llrenner, body, no doubt, casts a shadow over his '(pints, and he xaid that one of two things I must be done; either home terms uiut 100.) i dial n alliance oropos.nl with foreign now !crs. I'lei-idi-nt D.ivi g.tva hi:n'' poiccrs itotrciit an honvabtt terms, and ti led him . . - lot- t (he Kingdom nf bi,iinttn. But r i A otTOHg Team. I Father Abmham u.ld him there was an We learn that the Conferees represent-i HllKa68ab!H golf Uu.-on the..., and the uig this Legislative distvict, who met t )Vico I'rcsidenl had to team back to Ridgway on Thursday last, (lOtli) nom-J Richmond, a litilo top fallen. Wo hope inated Dr. T.J. Bona, of Clearfield, anc" j lhis " l1 Put a .Iwvr to aomc croakers , ... r. ., , about here, who intimate that there are A.U.UNion.ofMrKi-Aii. Tins we pr.!pwp,0 frifmly ,0 fiuulh iu lhe nounce a strong team. No efforts the K'rth, to rehioro the Union as it was. aholitionized RepuHivins can make will ' And we also hope the government at Itich be sufficient even to mako the contest ) mon1 wil1 not huoiil-.a'le itself any more, in,...i, f. t. . j j but from this time will look only to the nleresi.ng. Mr. Be , ton served during ;pne pnJ o( lkai lln(i mbi(anAd Uptndenee. lhe sesnsofl of hO. along with Mr. Oor- i he North is not lew set on a pui pose of don, (repub.) and was one of lhe laost final separation than we are. The He attor.ive and industrious raetiibcw of the P"bl'r'n party are not fighting to restore jjoum this Union any more than the old Ito- mans lougiu 10 eaianimn trie inuepeiiuence Class 7. Tro'.lwj Hones, open to all. Brrt time .1 in S, troltuig In single bar- neaa, )"afl un 0t llor&t, sn 1 $75 00 Jcuoks H. F. Naugle, Doct. Foster, loct. Bnyer. Ni proinium will le paid unless (Ire entries are made. Fach borif n trot against tluie. IJn trnnes feo $'. Ct aks 8. TVc'ffm Iftrirs oicne.1 and tuiW in f.ii! rounty. in R nn titne In liarneffl f?0 00 I I'eHnsylvania. i h,,,, trottini Imree, or mar, under aa.l Jle, I "Ah attempt was sub?cnuentlv mane to I l'ouni on iht Worae. iContinue the rijilit of sulTrngo to lliOfe Heat trotting korso, or uiare, in iuj;lo hr- negioes who had heTore cxercisrtl it ; ami '"" " li'fcl pair iiitii.u0 nvi.-. i., v. ... hi ..... To that motion, thus carried auainit the ! nitnn, i I i.t, r.f 1.1li.A A nniiu, fua llm , i.e nuae. or me w no.e in.iu.a ot tne loo-;,,., tl)lU npgr0ea are not to-day rotors in ' - . 1 r,.flArfiiv hiiiI In full.til o;lt Ht.ilnn immn. I.. . 1 oev 1 00 1 00 Jll 60 SO 60 60 SO 60 Appropriate, The Republicans of our county have been unusually thoughtful in tho selection of the day for holding I heir County Convention To nvorror is lhe day on which the great National ?300 Lottery comes off at Waterfoal, and we cannot help admiring the "spunk" and patriotism of our Republican friends in commemorating the event '.y lidding their Convention. The day will be sug gestive of patriotic sentiment which w uf the countries then invaHed. The lie publicans aro fighting for conquest and rV minitn, we for liberty and independence . "There is only one party in tho North who want this Union restored, but they have no nmie power legislative, execu tive or judicial than the paper we write on. It is true they make a show of Union and strength, but thry have no voice of authority. We know that the Vallandig liani school wants the Union restored, lor he told us so when here in exile, parta king tif such hospitality ns we extended (o for this Judge Agnew voted, on lhe iirin ciple that " hall a loaf ia better than no bread." Judge Woodward voted ajiaiiift it. "This is the man tor whom white men are aked lo vole. Had he succeeded in milking negro voters, his chances of elec tion would be Hetty fair; but si white men are, through the ell'orts of oion liko, Judue Woodward, ulonn invested with: the invaluable right of eutlrage, it is not likely that Judge Agnew wil( ever reach the Supreme Bench. ' We cannoi refrain from giving tho concluding paragiaph of a powerful spoech made in tho Convention ly Judge Woodward on this question of negro suf frage: "I am sure the sober souse of our cit izens would Im? outraged by n decUirui i hat negroes are lo vole, and this will bo decided if you reject the amendment. At no stage of our history have our people bee a willing tn give them this right, and now let us not ntiend ngainal naturn, and do violence to the general feeling, by say ing that in all lime lo come they tliail possess il. Lei us not redece the inesti mable right of suffrage lo lhis degrada tion, lest the people spurn it from them, as unworthy any longer of their allections, but let us prsservo and bequeath it us we have inherited it, and then posterity w ill ! have no reproaches for our memories.' M JrbiiEs Thomas H. I'orcee, John A. i.. phronia Harlshorn, (Uurwensville.) Mrs. Flegal, David Whitman. I laey W. Thompson. Tho premiums in this cla; are it,iond),l only ' Ci.ah "(I. Vivnettio Miinvacturtt. Best 10 yardt FUnnel Beat 10 yardi saltinet Beat IS yarda wunlon carpet Celt IS yartti ra carpet, Wool chain Beit 10 yards cloth Beat pair wooleu blankets Best woolen eoverlet Hwt woolen friDKed mils Beat pair woolen knit atockiujri Best specimen of knotting, knitting or aeo Ule woik by uiiaa under 12 years old Best pound linen sewing-thread Beat pound slocking yarn Best fooi-mat Beat tidy mat Jiwias-Mrs. Win. Caldwell, (Bike,) 4.00lMrs. John Nmrw, Mrs. Nancy Khirey. Class 21. Xeed.r, .Shell, Wax UorA.d c. Btat specimen uf needle work Pip or SO Best apecimon needle work on machine I'ip or SO B"st specimen flowers iu wonteJ Pip or SO Beat specimen embroider du Pip or SH Beat specimen -iiibroidory in lnn Pip or 50 Best speeiins i embroidery in niasliii Pip er SO Btat speiiiiie uf luulbor work Ilett speciincii uf , llow.tr Btat aporiiUMii ol I'eaiber work Heat tiiecimeu of or. .sinont.il wmk litst s lirt uut.le by mirs undor 13 years Pip or S Best pstcbiog and luendiu Pip r SO JcnaKs-Mrs. K'chard Shaw, jr., filrs. A. M. .Smith, Mrs. Jacob Faust. Clas 'J2. Millinery and bre-smaking. Rest millinery $1 Hint dresa making f I J 1'Uor.s Mrs. Samuel Arnold, Mm. C. Z. McCullough. Misa Maggie llartman. Class 2V i4rfisis! Work. Best painting In nil Best portrait painting Best emtio painting Host painting in water colors Best ornamental painting of any kiud Peat Psguerreotypes takon on the groan 1 Best ambrolypet takon on the ground Best photographs taksn on the ground Best landscape painting Best ponaian.-bip Beat architectural drawing J rnuF.s Mrs. Fliz.i levin, Mrs rntitid Jones, Mrs. F. K. Arnold. Cuss 'H. lirtignM. Beet designs fur farm house, barn, earring ( houxo and jtnble j Beat design f"r dairv bouse I IWt. ,, V(onf. "t mill slone do ban,, i,owl ij-J flo I......1 . .. . "1 - anieis . l waah'g ini,ia,i o split or sua-1 d koi.i,, s An k.i.i-. i ,t I """""" l(ll k The beet seUerr J Ths best Dps brtek Mp Te U ,fi,i ' ) JtlWM-O. l.tioo.rellowl),1Ml,ip it . lt , i, ii i 'inei r.u. nuniiiei lieu. Class 31. CAemiru mid chrmieul tcU eimnty. Tho bei-t svallable luanart at modern... . Thsbe.i do d.. f-irfarmptedati' l Tka bell material fi.r .1... f'SCtt I The best tallnw raudlit I he beat vinegar The best linseed oil The beet specimen oftoap The teatwriting-lok JtoiiEs Doct. Caldwell, Doct. Felzer. '..'lass ou, Wood and nest dressed stone fl do grind stone 1 do shingles Pip nr 60c do floor boards I " werked J l do weather bdt I worked J ft Jt'lMIKS JOS. Illl W Appleton, John Moore, (Ferguson' Disc-ettoiiary premiums will be awaidt f.p nil Arlinla if mneil Avl.il.iil i ,v . . ...u..v . .ihuiin ... . chanics in all tho various LrawW ., I :. :.. I...,l . 1 :.. ' lfl1 ii ia in'"i gtrnrini rxuuminn nfl mane, ror an iinprovementi usctal t the farmer, and having valuable pr, lies, discrelionarty premium nvir bt coiiiuiended by the judges ainl anthj. by the hxecut.vo louiumiee. Cni 3li. Xaturul MaicruU, Beit suit of useful minerals uf CUarEiU Including coal do cabinet of minerals uf ClenrGeld sod adjoining counties, tn be the prop erty of tho society do lime stone SOc I Boat potters' cla do Sre clay iOo I du burnt lime do coltoe. offussi s f I do coal JuDtigs Dixit, fieo. Wilson, Duct 0. Crouch, Doct. Kline, Class 37. I'rvit. so si uiapiay unu grcaiett variety ol (rat-1 ted apples, imnmerand winter Iruit, , named aa.l arrangeil J do li-plnr and greateat variety ofpna,! If Pip or SO Hip or .i0 lHh or o0 Pip or JO reBS, oiMirr on tn nam. Dje?t pneing hor.to, or uaare, Touuif on the Hum. Ben walking bora, or mam, ' " Jciiur.s Cd. K. A. lrrin, Itamsey Mc Murray, I'd ward McU.irvey. Xo reinium ill be psid in Oils class unless there arc ton entries. Entrant foe f I. Class 'J. Sheep and W'vol. Best Hook, any breed, A 1 1 isn't farm Honk A f 2 OS do Robert 2 00 1 on 1 oo Pip. Mo- Heit Ewe, anv breed, do do Bert sheep fattened for mutton Best In lull Best specimen sf wo.il Ji'Iioes Rolierl Wnglev, Nanl, S.i.iiiibI T. Wilson. Class 10. Swine, open t all. Heat Boar, any breed, Vounj far, M.m'l f 3 no Heat Hraeding sow, do "car, t Oitrdner A 2 00 Best bnc dn di 2 00 Heat pi under six uioutha JrnoEs Samuel Civile, Moses nuaifl and arranged do dia lav ax 1 greito't variety orpesch.l a, naincJ and arranged j do collection of plmii.1, do oollri'tiiii of cherries do ciitiucliiiu of quincts do speeiiiu n of apple, one peck do pt ain of loreiga grapsa do apeciinnu of Aiuorican grapes, do seedling grapes raiicd in couu.y soli woKtby of eultaro j do doinci.air wiiu, A mode of m.ninfaeiurt I do currsuH 00 j Ikst blatkberriti do tloostrbi-rriea 0 J k'iik:s Ihiiiiiai Henderson, H Ililas, Jon:illii'i Sp:ickiii!.n, (iiiard.j I'.v-s ob Uvretitanrkip. To the lady who sun i.uee her bor.c l.titl. and ('.Is mtrt graeefully j' To the gentleman whu manages hit hri, best and sits most ;,raclully lieil display of l.urseiLsi.thip, nut lot. . than live couple I ' do driving iu the courao by a lady I do company of c.ivalry j' do " " infantry , , do band with brass instruments I1 do martial ban ! Pip I bent tou aiaxen JroiiKs B. C. liuwti.an, HirainWVjJ ward, John Carl ia.l. Ctss 3'J. Xunerict. Best nursery containing the greatea: vari-) cty of truits and shrubs, cultivated j it.. ....... ... ........ i tm tuw u..'i ui'i.fvi uia.iiivi, ,u i 1 annii.ni . r .:.!. ..i,... ,i... J eription, with the vaiiety and nc, modo uf eulture) 3d bast ilo do do do Uirrj t Fi mt il"- Pip Pip ISip Pip Pip Pip Pip Pip Pip i thp Mp F.d- 00 li'UiiE Daniel Buwinan, ''olin li sa iirfriiim In lias a4 sat I m sT.ata adiiaaaliAii may expect to see reflected in resolutions 'MnMlt!d ln oyr lCti by anther enemy, who lAnniiuri n a as fri,fat- a ml I .....:..n e..: I . -" iinii.wuiLui, ie jii uiu ii'Hi, y ruurti our 11 imius mail n. all conscripts who do not willingly accept j And tf V alUndigham should by accident j Wep-ro Biavorv the glorious prize offered them by the late or other cauc, become aovernor of Ohio, ; . . " , , i,.v,;r. . v .1 r we hope Lincoln will eep his i.erveste, Another Adnnnislration bubble has been Jacobin Congress Nor must they forget j,llo l(r'oper ,,,niioni ,n(, u(t llow hlm l0'pretlv e,rtetually pricked. Reports whirl. to reaffirm their Ridgway resolution that jenter the confines oflhe.Stato. His Ad-, were'given to the country with official " lhis farce cf a Government ia at an ond." ' ininist ration would do more to reatote the sunctinn represented the valor of the tlack TTTT?-WT?Ti7c l-"n'ou than any other power in Ohio rgiments at Port Hudson as unparalleled. . . T WEWS. icould do, and therelore we pray that he und the Committee of lhe League assured AavicesrromUiarlestoti are to the lSllij may be defeated- Should a strong Union their colored dupes that they neod not inst. The bombardment of Forts Sumter, party spring up in Ohio, the third State fear as to the increase of pay, as the char Wagner and Gregg was kept up lor six ' lle or,n l'0''1'0"' importance, il ges of I heir brethren upon the rebel for bours on the 17th. doin much Rp11im,J '"'C1'1 nda faint response in some Stiutb- t.ficationa would carry the next Congress jomo u , o ' 6 . ' Vein Slate, and give us trouble. But as by storm. For some weeki white men aamage. rort feumter appeared lohavejh.ng as tho Republicans hold power they were completely at a discount, and the suffered much returning the fire of the j will think ol conquest and dominion on- credulous ones who think it a sin to crit-iron-clada only at long intervals. T(i6 ly. and we, ou the other hand, will come icise the Administration or to question guns of Forts Wanner aud Greci? were i. r' '" "ol"1 colutnn ,or 'el' "hi nle- its statements, actually believed tlmt race , ou Best design for bridgs with plan, sPan not oOicsoclc. J.nnei riio.npson, (M.irrN.) i Wise,! . e than 0 h.i ,,,...,). Class 40.-(W IM. ) Jt-jHiM-lhigh Leach, Robert Dough- , J 1 mli aH' Pi'mi ,'.. n r...i,. : erly. Milo lloyt Beat coop epring chicken, not les, than alt 1 00 ' (-Ls8 2j-- Mtta'K tnhn: .ehincry. Best and hoavleal turkey, f.0 ' Hst cooking itorc, wood or coal, 3 00 Be?t display ofclilekens 1 00 : 2J Lc" u" Jo J" 2011 Jit.ofM-d. R. Barrett, Rev (iaHoway,1?,'"'1"'1 ,J" , . J" , . . .. ,,:., ' Beet parlor-stove $2 I llestusst-iron fence $3 .ill.... j. I I ! k... .1.. .1.. ... mti uvj uw siit : Cl-sss 12.- Phwing. Owner of team au l plow that plows green award the best, Younj Far, Mun'l if 3 Owner of learn and plow that plows tlnbble 00 I Beat specimen or lot of tin-ware I '1.1 I.... .In .1.. .In Bent specimen blackimithing ' UvM spurimeu gunsiuiihiug 3 Pip A 1 2 tne Best, -K.ch a urrn Hoot rf-.1 00 Bost ,,,aciion iron turning tirDois llowi Reod, Orier hell, David Host tiimn castinira . . iVelty Class 13. iWas, Rt.Uert and orilU, llar- rau t and Cultivator. Beat plow for stubble or sward 2 00 BeH subsoil plow, furry'e AVai'l O.irden A 1 00 Bet clod cruaher and roller combined, 1 00 Best grain drill, AUrn'i f'nrm Hook A 1 00 Best side-hill plow f I I Brat respor A mower f i Best treah'g machine 3 I Boat culiivalor 1 Best corn-planler 1 Boat burrow l Best horse rake I I Best corq-lieller l Best fanning mill 2 BeaSox-ynke A bows 1 Best bay pitching inach:ne, l Best stock and eh-aw cutler J 00 Best hore-yower for general purposes 2 00 Best original invention of agrieul. implement S 00 Jrnor.Si James Thoinpson, Jacob Fle gal, Adyn (tearharl. All articles enumerated in this class not made in the county, bat produced upon exhibition, if worthy or it, will be awarded a Ihploms nv i 00 j Ojl 00) do do tto in v'iu" do do of floral ornaiaontt do basket bouquet, with handle, do hand bououet Jt !(. M as S. M. Thonimon, Xi Helen Cu tile, Miss Sophia Iiailebstifli NEW GOODS! 1.3 V P;p Ile.l shower butli Best original invention in e .iintr Best diapliiy of table snd mrkoi cuitlerv, Anuricau mauufactuiu i Best ditip'sy of e Ige tools Pip tint display of faru.ing and Culd Uuls Mp Jcimis John L. Cutlle, Henry Kerns, David Tyler. Tho above premiums aro offered for ar ticle manufactured in the county. A Diploma may be awarded for any of the above articles on exhibition without re gard to t licit place of manufacture. Class ;Ij. i ehicles of all SVoiaj, Best timber sled Best horse carl Beat wheelbarrow l ...l.:.. I. ...ill 1 . ...... i . . v. . w ...i.... ported lohave been silenced and the XZ"; . . .V': ' " lu.e"??, 91 : - r 'fn - - t.t'tf rtr ii aui'n sub ainnen n. tu'a ti.au m.i n .1 ii..i 1 1. a , ..tin,. ... .1... ... .. a. niArlm lvl. ..lt... li t . .--j iiiiiiiiiid, aim urn. iuiiaii, vmsca Ol lies! lies Dtte 1 wnuiiueu ia j.iay upon them now (alter lhe retuaal ol tho annnglon Louisiana were vastly belter soldiers than Best di.hanJ-raketl to prevent repairs. Fleet-Cantnin P.oenr. ! Cabinet to confer) cofidently expect, be- their own kinsmen. At last iha irmh B"tirrain crsdlo I commanding the monitor Catakill, and Paymaster Walerbury, were both killed by a shot from Wagner penetrating the pilot house. Bolh Iheir heads were split open. No other casualties are reported. From rebol sources It is evident that they contemplate the abandonment of the Forts. All non-combatants are nrdorsul tJ Best set forming uteurila owned by farmer 3 00 fore the Democrats of the North get in has been confessed. The losses of the n em power again, and coma whimpering in our gro regiments were but nominal, as they ears, "Union, reconstruction, Constitu- ran away almost at the first fire. So ends lion, concession, and guarantees," Away that romance. with nil auch stufl'l We wnnt reparation. ! One fact alone justifies nllusion to it, Oive us rather men like Thaddeus Ste- and that is, that it is so thoroughly char vens and Charles Sumner. They cur-ze the acteristio of tho Administration. From old Inion and despise it, and to do u e. And the 4th day of March, 1861, iU favorite now we promise these gentlemen that, as device has beon falsehood. Having abso Iheyhate tho Union and the "accuraed I oIa nnntrrtl nf Iha tirema it l.u. nav.t leave Charloston, and they promise to ,e.iCo'litulio." let them keep down Val- scrupled to "create public opirion" just fnnrl I Ha ' landicham and his natty in tho North? ' ' ""u" "I then thev ahull iievnf I.a I rn.,K1,l l, .' . i ' " Best aors of oate do with such u.,,,o, .W,l ,h. rr... i7..-' " s':1' Z ' Best bushel uf corn ear. do ... . , . ...... iu.iuii rreiai inn inuu.-utw ui um nine oi evi- i n... a .Pr f hurkwkaat An and I .on as they are sending up." dence which i. always accumulated w4,en L.h.l .J Tin or wheat do an object is to be accompliahed. Best stump. puller 3 Best lut gard. tools 1 Bestfnmily carringe $S Best buggy 4 Best farm wngnu 4 li... -l..:l. n jest aiviuo I Jt'DGEs--Samuel Kirk, Jacob W.Camp bell, James Forrest. Class 27. i,ahinet-vare ia county. Beat dressing buresuf 2 I Best sofa f2 Best e&le'i. table 2 Best lounge ets. SO Best wash stand ets. 60 j Best look'glaas frame SO Bret office cbsir 60 I Bet set pari. furn'S f I .Ii iif.rs Fit Bloom. John M Cum min itf. Beet variety of chairtt2 i Beat set chairs 2 - M U... I . I t,.. ... ...tl vrwh vounceu i I iter. ivnu. inuio bouse. Dales f:oin the Army of tho Potomac ore to the lst. Nothing important had taken place, and it was thought that Lee'i army was moving towards Richmond. The armies of the Southwest under Burnaide and Rosecrana were moving the former toward Choltanooga, and the latter towards Knoxville. On the 20th io(ant, 600 rebels under Quantrell suddenly entered Lawrence, Kansas, and commenced sacking the tores, to , and afterwards sol fire lo the city, which at (lie last dales was all aflame. Such it the suUtancs of a dispatch dated JetaSTtr.woriQ, august il B. I). Hall. All articles enumerated in Ibis class subject to tame rules at clnai 13. C'LAhs 15. H'divc, Jtye, barley, tbrn, Oats, if tf-, d-c. Beet acre of winter wheat, Amtr, Agrieul'itt.t 3 00 Best acre epriug wheat do do k 00 Beet field of wbaet I or 10 acres du it A 3 00 Best scrt of rys do io t 2 00 Best sere of corn do do A3 00 Best Geld of barley not less Ibau 1 aerea do A 3 00 Those Beet bushel of spring wheat do Best sere of olover seed Best I sera broom com Best I aors sorghum Bstt i sero peat do da do do do do do do da do do A 2 00 A 1 00 A 1 00 A 1 41 A2 2 3 1 ,. T8: toward could .natch B vho do not "wish lo be deceived" are! Beet acre nf potatoes imio lime irom his public dutios. and borne down, as well as those who do. and Be"i " hs wotilil employ it in stating his present for the time we accept any myth the impressions of relations of the "liichor Washington authorities prepare for us. It law" to tho Dro?ress nfevents ir. 4V,:- has taken a long while for us to admit to oonntrr. hn vnnlH ourselves how utterly unprincii.led'and , Best i scrs rutabatra mqnv iinonlo What 8 untruthful our authorities really are; but Best i bushel timothy seed many poop o. W hat we would eapec- nfm .h.ra ,. not on- of ' mhL ta B..t r. of eamu laliy like to know is whether tho high- distrust them as thoroughly as he abould. Bt aor. of turnips 1 oo or law is higher than "military no- Pitt once ..id that ' confident waa a,8" bo,h,1w Jf' PV Z'v t'Tli"'""; Cessity." Both are "highor than the plt of ery alow growth." Had he lived . Juoors-. William Smith, (P.ke,) Dan.ol constitution," but we desire to be. in. ".. h.v. added that it i.S S t"!Tl . formed a to which is tho hicrher of S!.B!C" m,in7. deceit and d.s-,ho,lh,,,i;,dl4l ' ln,t fiL Bitem.nt. 1 oo l oo 1 00 tho two. We await Mr. Seward ploas- J lire. Chicago limes. I tSrlloir-tho weather lust week. to be furnubed by the exhibitors. They mast bt ineeturexi, or wtignei, toi a tampls farslshed si 1 iht Fur. 1 Bettdisplty nf eablnet-ware Pip 2. Jfpr.Es J.im.'s II. Fleming, Christophr ; Kratzer. JoMph Irwin, (Lawrence ) (.;l.4s 28. ( 'ooperini and carpentering. i Best pint ware Inha, standa, Ac, Ac., Pip A I , Beat specimen task f I I Beit lot burkttt 1 Beit window-blinds 1 Best let bsskets 1 Best psuol-door 1 Beat set grain meas'rs 1 Judges Abr. Monre, lliraiu Wm. Kobi.on, (Boggt.) Class 29. Roots and harden Vegetables. A'FRESH ARRIVAL 01 lllprino- Si, Summer Govt Cd i AT Til E CM EAT CASH iSlt.UU. tn! Iain just receding and upciiing s rari selected sIuca of spring and Euiniaer H oi almost every description A beautilul assurttnflni of Prima Slid goodf, of the newest and latest styles As great variety nf useful notions. Bonnets, Shawls, lists and Cai s, Boots and Kboe. a large quail ! i Hardware, (Ji eenars, PrugK and .Mtdiciae', Oil aud Paints, Carpet A Oil Clothe, GROCERIES, Fish, Sacon si f'i Mackerel in Usui i k"1 of the best quality, all of which will ' the lowest cath or ready pay prices. My old friends and tho public generally rosnectfullv inrited ta call. ptrn. It. All kinds of tfN.V toting COUXTH V PHOUUCK taken in iieaf. Goods. ClearBeld, Jane 2 18113. i 1 WM, t. E5oo(s! IB' I T ANIEL CON.VKLI.Y bees leave to '0. Leach, J his friend?, snd the citirens of CM j and vicinity generally, that be has Uo i"'l laiij occupiea oy .foorc -Vaw k. lt, I. ,, he readv stall wait noon those who a ay fiver hiia i!t custom. He will guarantee hia work to l si cuted as cau be made elsewiiere, a reasonable prices. He Is bound to wio opinion of all who walk In ihoc-ltettier- Best 6 h'dj oabbage 60e Best 2 docauliflow Pip Bestqt- Windsor bnsSOo Best vari. melons 60c Best vari. anuashei &0e Best 4 sulks celery Pin reasonable prices judges i nomas Mills, lion. John ral ton. David Adams, Hr. Beit 4 busb.etrrots SOa Best i do ruubsgsSOc Beit i do ta. polat 60o Beit do tow atos SOc Best i do ts. be.'ts S0e Best J do sw't pota 60o it 'iu5 . ... j t.U ... I.. all liAHa-kl II I,r U ! . at .lit VlriliU, SJUIJ ' s- J All vegetablci inu&t h hhown Mohave A.A - T.-u,Acrrv.m been raised by the exhibitor. 1,11, ' tLL.AKrir.UH tUlJUi 'J- , a.M M A T an Orphans' Court held si iie.i" i Pi ... in . r,.,'. v.. .. . vi i. mb" wv. i-uiiiCTt, wmup . fi ..lwcmijarra. a i an wrniians (.uuriuciu Beit genu' boots and shoes fl 00 for laid county at June term, a-'i ..., miij. mmii suu idopi i uu iu ISO manor oi lue ai1 nlpi" . . l m4 n... J:..i ii . i . . ... . ... .I...I..I. wbicB w"1 aidsv uiffiiuy ui ouota anil iqooi i su anacrenue, goons aim i;u , i Best ladyi' riding taddra 2 1)0 Henry Hockenberry, deceased, Jre.fV-j Bolt riding bridle and martingale I 00 Court decreed ai follows ' "June J oust sids nnisfcod barness leather 60 proved t .Vi and nnieas eji-ip" , y nest enn innfiji avkii.ii.iv l nm r.r . h . nr.i dnT di nr.. pi Beit tug harness f 2 Beit genii saddle 3 Best diapley saddler? 1 Best eiin-iage harneai f 1 flruied abstlotoly.' Beit single harness Best Uarslleg sniok 1, July 22, 1W. I. u. CT'k Orpksai aB to r .ai r. b pit ct ion i a i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers