Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 19, 1863, Image 2

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    J ;
WndnMtkr M oi nt n r. tig lih 1 3.
' V , i ml. :m m I I Mill
,i It; I .) .. .! -, I t I'll in
j,,,' in in I .i Ids )l iiii 1 IM'il tlii'll
. t n in : that I I'U'I imp!") '1 Mh hi
Hi' lit v' i'i!"d Mm li'iil I Id I"
td.ti I '
lull I "
i(t r..i" i t j i .
I til, HI' l I ' ' i !t I
A 1' I' It I.SH
i'l.'i, :M't
iil. II "
' ?' 1 1 huh
I' l U It (
i'hui iM 1
l il lisi. th In : M. il In-In I h i n. vi d DKMOCflAlIC STATE tl NTHAL
Hi.Moi MilK fsrvii; IK Ki r.
iWWWiV. W W)0I)V.RI,
' i' L": i ' '' n ' v
l or i.A'i' '-I' Auy.r. ir t'niul
waiiti: n i.owimi:.
()' .lV. "' r.".,".
l I MO( It I If" ( OI n I II KI I.
''. .1. liOYKl!, of lirady townsl.i..
ISAAC KLINH, cf Jirn.if.-Kl twp.
m hill, iii It ti li il ;v I by Mm I'i
w i on,;, i i'iln' l tin' 'I p- iMirv .'I'
iniiiiv tti ill dm el 'mm ii v ns the
'inii'ii.i.'ii "f I hit nppinvnl, In) hm! lit'
kfii n n iiri'i'ini'lit t'if tin" St nli', 1 I -1 m
he iilixti'.'icti'.l. inn! secretly snrrc'ii.lcr
Til to tin- purlieu, who llllll JMVOH it
nii'l Mint w lit 1 1 iiiti'rri'pili'il by the
Li jritlutiiri'. In' i ni!i"-sc i Mi.' liiet, and
(illiTi'il a his iiK'l"!'y, a ri'!i-iti whit1:
is shown In li'iri- 'urii utdnte.
To III is w m iy ml'l tli" remark nl Mu lii Sims
.. i,r I'iilcliiiili. in H iM'f,li iniiijii in I'lii In. lil
'i.hin time llm The Ji
CUM M11T1 F.
An inii'iii unit el. i'i i. hi it nl l iiirl, nut'
tin- illi't iiHuUi 1 in il tuny IijiW flu, III
) our .n iniM iiII'MiIikii. Tin- lulu tit tnr
Inn ln'i'ii robed hark from our hordei ' :
ninl with llnilik In I I.kI, mihI nl ilinlt' I"
Vrif ' i fci-h I r... - i ii
(1 I-.M ll th, t I i,l'l"'l' I"
A ' !' t ''i'i f !' 'f""
' I" l till ." ll t'l't
1 l(. r, , l I ll I, t ll' I I lit t-Mli tl '.i I it If. t 1 el ll H."
I'll !' ti'iti l)d V-1'.it t, nt Ii, tl, r ir .'.j;
li'i. .if tti liniilwihn, tin) it i ir i'i li-miH,
li"in fi li'.t i I t. I III lt in n n'H' t nl"i
nf rn Mil h-'tlilif) I" t ll a ' i .ii'ili II
lh l.lmVt liitnlti"! I lii.i'tri'iiiiitit pinion."
I I.'l'.i.ft
r hi i n1
'1 K
it. i. ii ft i c, n ( f a i i ,j ;t i' i . n it f I" .it f
I ' Ml) l ll.M I'll . t . II I' 1 l I' (' "I "I I I ll'- ll. i, '
I I. t.l t.l ilf t.'nitt l Mtd V I i. .! m ill tw.l f . tit I i k
lnlif,l'(l' llf "I "It lit'1 ll.f.K I ll Vlli'il Hi Ml " HlM ''iU'lt-,',!' i
j ,,.ii ...( i. ill)' tti'.l-l f'tt-k , l" mi, ll it On t...l,.' Itxl ,a ,rr,, '
1 1 'M i' y. Iii 'f,i" '' t i it I" i n il mi v 1 1 , mi l U 1 ii p Itw k"?ii it t ' ti.
f'ili-l'il 'J t I'V tint t rtii I nl, 'lit' I'V t "Mil (lllort S
l, mi' tint Iii 'i irl t'ltil rm iv :ih lli" J I " it "ii ii "f il,.-.i. )
t ill l :.. . i , . i I . it. n IlK '
hiilihilif riw mri iiiwn in iiinn hi ..n i .Kin iiii-ir mi uriiuiv l i.
f fun-. Mi. ill tli"if til t
11 Wn till. 1 1 litfitlh i.r lil Ali'iliti Miiilt sii'tt ' f"U'' l-IHi'lf Tin' """ nMi:ir it 'vm m.l ii 11 ii,it 'I l. i.
., i. . .' i .. . , r. ..4 i -...;.. ..r m. i. i. ..i ... .. . Mll,t
OViT HI" t'l ni'M'l fl' inn i iiii'rrinini't n llii' j''itiiiiii'hi "i n" """ " "'-, i i mu u jimii u
llii Nnilli. llml ci'i uiri.1 r lik.- h to si,i,.," Y. l I'V I'i-" I r'u lninniiiin nf t Ii" imi 'y in turn , r.
tl.e ktii-'i t lie t'nii n nu n i'i Hi-i nl.ff 'Jlili. I""''-. I'" nttiniii'il to nit' rmlii'Mlly luNr, mi, ,.,,
thf S.iihIi. I lio ,.i,li riiil it, lilc m i. k i nil i .'iiit'im iiin.'i'niilo ( iniliUirv
in h h iiHi'lii'iil e ioii.ii ii hi ..I lint il.ii'tiuif ouiri. . Hit lint t j. ,l'il i'il iIih irri'itl iiin,'i
tli skill piulviilDr wliifli, tiy lii fnV"r, ,,( . i it p r I l rmlli"l." J'Iip fxnlln- lo nl tri i' "ri ntinlit. mi wliioli W n-li'
nnli'lPVPil llm irt.lliit tlulivi'mnrn of 'U;' imn iifpr iln innir.i nl;iiv nirrrm. Ilin Inin. inili,n i'i ilnlili'l ill lln nl' "I" Ml'' Iti'Vull'
ll . V"
' ""II lifn,,
, """l Ii,
II U I IM. I lillttll llll.h I I . ' I
of imturtt. Tin ir iHiu.,.,a... i '.
iii Hip it.'tffii it: IIih i.lni n (.f .
rnn , (,iii(. tit Innt of i,n
..I '.
ill nili'il fillllllimiltl'illll, unmn'limtl'ilO ... .. ,,., ll, I,..!,,!.' I. , I I ....... u ..I I... I li ....I t ... I l-n 11 1 1 , n I f IS I 1 1 n I'llMlT'l HI I III' I III ill f u,,.l r .
our Ruloinii LfiitiiU'iMlinnj to llii' I'm."'-!' t,y tl.o Almli' i"iil , in to trim n I'l-n- j,iin'i li nl' ' In' "ill ."I'liinil ion nf llu' niil-. it's ; tlifir " litlln h,v ''I
ii., i ',.,11.1 I.. I.i in iiu ... I ill, in i ....... : r v .... i ....... r. ..1 ... .. 1 ' u i 1 1... ..... .1 t.. ... ..c . I l.n nrol iil A ili-liiiiii 'l') .. K a
lull hi.... "u,iii;iii u. in j, sn,i ,,n.i....i' )ll 'l iH it I I ll 1 i lllllij. 4.i"!i I I . I 1 i'i i.n i- n i , ... . - , m 11 1 1 n .'lt
ii couilllV nliflo nitilHlni. uiiitcil ulHl fct .t ,i Mi-ii"i li.i. llm I'tn'.l i lit onlilnt ion- In Mil nun l:nl l:i , wnn
cuif. 1 1 m limv the Kct tie itl g jriewl pivu n ji c,v i-i.'ii I' i I lir I . I hi ti f luit h r
tt nr, lirttvppii Ninipn tlint (nip y nimipi'P1 Tin HiIm' .ptpiii'. ilmt s'iiwij m
to t'ut li oilnri ii-0"i'i 1 1 y hi ft l iiioii
.1. 1 1... n,1f. V our ft-inirt lim "Ci,.., C... ,
I i.r it nt ii n"t iipff nil .n iiipmIi'Ihtu .iii'icu itu-ir nuiTcsst, til it i,,,, i, (
. t . . i n . -i . . . i ' .. . , ... ... : i . i .... . .i .i . . . . " " nu.
HUM III til" 1 IWV 'II (lH JIMli't' I IIHMIII.'III ill li tt in .1 i i'vi'1 ll l lim UlH l.i.u
.....,,.1; ,. Ili li.nilnni.i m Iw. n mi liinl iliclmul ii'n.l l,:i I lillS ft Pi i 1I. ill nonip nf l!rlii'l nl in tti bt" I lit (if ri m I. t...
ii ...i tu i.'-- . ..... T- . .. . ... -i v.
I "AnioilL' In.' I'lll'IH' MH'ii "I .tutin- ..ull( ... ut. i .... r,mimiiii unoil. It wu i.n ilm itn in vt hii- i it MMt. Inn t lit" SI at r. Him I UP I ri'i'iln n ol I In1 InilhH- inj!inn, I no nil ly Wii lfiiihil,..! ... . 1
n . .- . . , .. .. .- u hi
x. T liPhC niP ii" oiTiH'in 1 1 bcis, ii.ino juiiiiii-iii niin tiinro i nrrpsy of om '
I . - ! I ..... .1 I '..... w.... : . ..I ! I ... I I1).":
li!V U', it n Ill, IT lunui aiifu ; uui n urn .' '".. i "hum-, ih n Is Mic Onli k
i . . I t I . . . I .. I'. . ... 1.... . i i ' 1 .. . . i I. . .i ... - j- i . ..
I'lV I WHS lllllliiMl 11 1 ill .in tti i. in iv 1 1' ivi t it in l.. ll lull inui feiivu tiit'lii i net ut noiiii: incn iicu nun nii'niiit hi roinnni nrnm mu
. . . . . ' i . . i t mm i . ..... i i.. .'i .. ij .... i. ............. . ! . . i
Hi liOV. y lift 111. . U n it I t'Sit'v;i iiiiro.iu. t ni'y gnpfu in i i'i-- (in njrillni'l hiivitj in t ni- .-nii i nvi u ?iaii-i.
Ttiic ni p not oci' ts'n
"ll lliir,rii
AMOS 1?KAI dl' Lawrence twp.
a i' i) t ion,
F. F. (.OVTKURT, of Covington twp.
. 1 1 i. i - it. : . .. : i i . . . .t. . -..t... it i.l . ... i ...... ,.t m t tttt i tiiil in 1.1 1 n ilncn aY of i n inn niiUiti if i ,ti n. .....i . ; U1
N,r, if i .trim imi tin ".c ui. r um.j l)y j re,j,i(t on- (,iletj i HolpPr s iK'.'k," loimiilly fnv tliBi vi'lmiioil timi mtluUi-tipd .y Hie p.'O- (zoo.1 vtill on t-aiili ,,., ' JCt
nn.i.iiK me . .mi- ...v..." - '.- -1O0 waincil oil the ini'iiHid of lMiiojif (loim.J nnil rrcomnipii'li-il liy the leml.-rt .1.. Unit in U'K'fii cnui.i 1101 iiowiiki, in n o.Minr i.ovtTitmi'nt. th,
riomi mnjiiriTjr "i ipii ui'-mi-mhi'i i"i .....v.. .
Itt,l), lure iliiou lio fXifi'l Hi T"t'' to cotno
I'niin lliut lire to elect Iii mi 1
Tun I Mi a rT. llniiflMllt "in iiosleil un
iintiouiuMiu' tliitt llm ilral't this county
is to b! niinle on lli, i llTili i ikhtuii l , nl U ii-
tetl'nnl, mid t In t l lio wholo to be
dinftou la f wliotn SW nre I'Hlit i" to
Into l)..incriitii' I'niiviiili.Hi, tim iiulliorineil lit n ( ,,i u,,t,t inn,., or i,..i- S;!00.
rctoltitiun ol'tlie liortr lo iinnonncB Hie t'nmmll- . . ....
livtm nf lli" f.'vernl Soiinlnriiil Diflricts inin , f ( I i sit ti i 1 i t V , ulnl )tl tin pnyiwnt of
1st Dint. Tlioniliiro Ctivlcr, Uulu-rt J. Ilemiiliill, follO'Vinil IitrsotiR :
.t.ilinFiilliM-ti.ii, Jr, Is.iiio 1.p-Ii, , 'J'liti only Hull liillilo to mil i tai'V , '"I I"-"'!-1, Hiul cxil inlcd coiiiliiT il inn
riiilmli'lpliiii. . . J , ' , ..... i i. !,iiil... Hut un ait cause o' diiaen-
r..l,n 1) Kviinn. Clii.tlnr .l.inntv. ( tl V ( t 11 WliIO W CIC )C I1UIMI I Oil II IS i.l- I . ..... , ... ., ., . , .
li'O i in ' li. wis .'i J IHIII'i'l' I Iiu'iiii". .1 j-.., . ,' I 1 ' 1 ' " tV.
Iiiim Iiu wlmltf AtiiiTiiT.ii u.nitinont. 0 )ie inn ly Hint wtisi iiIkiiI to n-Hiimc ll.e lip coul.l, tvn Mr. S.-w mil it Imii't to I In- in o novprcipn, liinl tin noiin, ,,n!ie t
Nn.v, Frinice oarvPH out o! it uu tii).iie, Ailmiiiistnnion ot " Hit? Ki'drtml timem- Ut iti'li Minintft. The " tiillitniy tivri'sH " j wholu community cnrrpctn, nt lh
mid shij a Imilt in Kiigl.iml jiliinilt-r our niPiH lpitdcr it-lift i-pcnly ii-ciilctitctl t.C M r Sinnion rtcfivcil ilio ' lie.trly pom-, llm orroi t ol iu.htici.1 iiirtii'.
,-niiiiiieii!! on evcrv si ;i. A l-rrut tmblic ,.ni.,m,i for tin Ciihstitu i)n.' ponicmnt ' in in ti:i ion " ol'tlin Cunvcnlion Hint r. olc oflVunKyUftain Imve neeti. win,.. 1
Democratic State Central Committee.
Tlio fiilliin ing In tilt' Stntii (Vittrnl rnmniittce
mi nfipiiinlod by Hun. KIN HI. AY I'ATTKK.-'OX,
of n nrhiiigtuii ixiuiity, w Iiu, k 1'mi.nli'iil l tnu
1 1 1 1 1 . 1
,'ni,iiniMi'i. mi t'l'l'i' si :i. A lTfUl liUOlic ,.n,..mi,i Tur I in I nlist I II li .n. PunlClilT.t inpli.lll'ion HI tint v I'livrnuiui umirn. un- .i i i-uui-, j, lmVe een. w il, . ' 1
Ji'bl and n coiifci i.noii bunUm t lie peos '. for Ul( Stii.ipme (.'out t, ami ' I'rtil'c.'.Mfd to n.-niinnicil (Jovcvnor Curl in ; unci I .lefl.; tbe unconsHiiutioiml nimt of i, ki j
pic. TlifiBiiciifjth inui kvfiilth tl Ibu iiU' iow h hiihor law." ' 'I liua llitt Ibimo t-il him tmd liit pn: ty to " licnrtj cn-opptu-1 tioiiHtu Hiibtlilnted for llio origiuBt
i lion nro turtict.' Irnm protlucliri luuiibtiy, f involution ut South was kmdlpil ti-m " in kupIi hci-i ui hip rtumini'irniioii
jninl consiimi'd in tlio Upitruotive inU of',,,,,! fed witlr tucl funi'diPd tiy the Aboil- in futurn. Su. h i thdi'.'Hi.linj! pUtform
I imi' t ur victories luil to 'i" pence. Hon inin. ll ni;ht 1 mcpin uiipi lltioiis to on which cmidnlnlH fl- t'liicf Magihtrto
lliiougliout ilia iiino. in .'iimty ionr n,tVet imw to tv Imi is pn-.t mill irrevnpitblo, .t rpnniylvntiia uttindi ticioro hf r peopi,
I'licroiipht's upon civil liberty
wt r. ihcy liHvkPcn n-iiv. ..
n u t ion inuny enlluui. tolilimof iL.j ''
driven from ils fcrvicp, Ivaiute th U
not liotved down to the AbtJitiim ;il
(.'( it not tliHt it ik iiyniiifl tliemnm men 'ITiPte preKiiioi)8 to aibilrniy power pivej'I'hcy will sec wiili horror tLe w 1
of ll.
couiitl What 1ms mought iho. dialrous )snj the t-iiino inllueiiops. siill dominnnt m ominous (.lcuificrtiicp tonlnto chnnpe in . tmclud in order to suuuro tha tritm, 1
f-jtiij Jchungn? No imtuinl cmjp rmhioiled ; , counciln of the AdiniuiMraiion, tlmt our niilitiii v P(u!'li-Kmint. The lime- pnrly phitroriH, or, at Mr.'j.
'.' ' ; ihe North und South. Their inteichunfu- npptnl U no.v (o bo insde to tlio iii'.cl. 1 hororcd Am.'iican f-jslpm of culling on aid, "to snvo Iho U.'publicati 11,1,.
,l!itblu I'l-odu. ti und comiiiodiiiiis, und va-1 lij-eiiceor the pcoiilo. ' Tho Abolitionisis 1 the SliitcN fur drafts Yithii their rnililinduis ruptoro.'' The time u novvnuJ,,,'
lions institution!, ivercsourci's oficcipro
dei'iTcate thcf-p allusions to tlio pust. To been ri'iilnccd by n Federal oi)F(riptioron
cover un their own truck'. Mipv invite us 1 the model of Kiimt'enn desnotiMns. Y
.1 ..'-.. r . i i .,, , 'nur
tint v.inue in iuu iieopic will be tnx
mi uiiiiiiiini i,i ui" .iiiiiiir.oniMi.i
...11. ... 1 ... . ll! I . ''
2d "
a.l "
4lli "
Mh "
0th "
Ttli "
Nth "
lih "
loth "
1 1th
I'hh "
llth "
i;.th "
imii "
17(b "
If th
tilth "
21st "
22.1 "
2:iJ "
?ith '
2iilh "
JTth "
Tbth "
Win. II. Witto, .Miiiilj;.'iii'ry rountv. b()f lor MllV)OI't.
y'-'l'-r'f"''Y,'',n- , i o. Tlio oiilvson of iio-cl or inlirin
1 hull, I lecKiiiiiu, Not-tliniiitilmi I'niiiitv. " i-it i
IiiefiiT fiyiniT, Hoiks I'liunty. ' parents dependent on lui labor lor
Williiini It h ii dull , Silin.vlliill ruunly. sil)i0:'t.
j ;i. Where there are two Rons of i
cretl or in linn pn rents, tin father, or.
tion was lound in the poiiinn ot ihe
Afiiciin I'iicc ; and the icendenty in the
to spend nil our indignation upon the' would not minister - to the excitement, j polls And the to estaLlislimcnt of
" Southern triiilor : " hut truth couipcls which il cmt-Pii among men of all : tutiorul principles at the North ii
ui to add, lliut in the race of tretson, the ; p'il ties. Its eoe.stiluliot ality will be test. first, the indispensable tttep towrii;'
Atn l'ui'krr, Cartian ri.iiinv.
Micluu'l Myk'tt, Pu!li,:in cimtity.
H. IS. Wini'lifstcr, I.tirnrrio eminty.
Morliinvr F. Flint', Tiojrit I'ounty.
.lulni ll. lliiinof, I.yc.uiiiij; ooiiuty.
Wtu, !illiut, Nun liiiiiiliurl:iiil ruunly.
fr. lli'l'bini), Ciiuibi'iliiiiit duunly.
Win. .M. ltrewliu, l.i'luiii'jn fnuiiy.
Geo. StnnK.ri'..,n, .1. lu t loi'tnti, l.uiic. Po
.fi.liii V. tiiiiil.-r, York i-i.iiniy.
Henry Hinith. Fulti'ii enmity.
J. Si ii. 'Hun Allien, lluii'.inilua ciiintv
Wiu. li i (4 lo r, Clviitliuiil c lunlj'.
Iliih Weir, imliiiua cnumy.
T, II. Senrilit, Fiivetto county.
Vi. II. T. l'uulvy, tini'iii) county,
n. W. Caim, J. V. Il;irr, Alle-lieoy oo.
Jmncn riiinihell, Hutlir ouiity.
Dttviil S. Morris, l.iinr.Mici) rimnlT,
't' W. Umymni, t i iwl'ur.l county.
Kvuneily L. l.luuu, Jcllertuu Colony.
- i i .. . i . . .. i ..... i
;ll lie l.n (lean, mo niwt.n., '"'!;., ,, .,., ; ,...,.. ,,
wlii. li one shall he exempt, l (llMj on pn,.,,,., ,,f involutional)' hn-iiU
! 4. T'io only brut lier ol elul'ireii nn-;j, y tl) n1(. t'onniiution and the Iu.vh. The
i,er 12 vear nf ae, liavin,,.,,;,.. 0 ., j,n,-iy iV(;re pledged to a
j father "nor niolher, ilv e 1 1 tion t on lii , conllicl with l ights teco;ni.ed and khel
t.t... c i, t'lcd 1 iv thi! Constitution. They eidled
" ii
mu ionnl councils of men pleue.i to an '',-, t,rni truitors to the hud ed before Iho lonrl. If ndi'id'-ed lo bo resloral ion ol Ihe Union and llm
a'j-ressivc and unnuosiit utional Abcliiioii (,., 'i,ey ttJ UH (iat 8HVery was 'within the power of the Coupe's, the peo- tion of civil liberty. To this gicalwi.
pt.iiey, niw uoufii.t, our .'iiui. tu .""'.the pa.nte oftUewttr; thei ehrc, the l ni
coliilition ot "tin lioit-e (liv.iie.l iijjau.fcl ; is t0 , rp.,arci ,v ,v ,,; ,. ,,.,
I. 'PI... .1 il... 1 ni.. I......... . c- rr c
iiseii. in ii.iuj-et im ii.w .).. v.. -t-Mn" 'kin very. llt w uol
wliero statesmen nan mi eseen a; ii oe.Bun ; i , . K,.nSe that an v
'.n 'le will decide on the propriety of a stretch i to hi.i eountiy eaeii tdtixon .-nay comril
st 'of nower on whieh the IVitish l'arliament I by his vote. Thus the peola of Ihe Kr
t true ; or only true ! si) led oniniiotent ha-i never ventur- j may themstilvea , extemr the Coimitu
v institution, civil or pit. tn Ibis vou will par.- ut the iiolls, iin'l i to the pooplo of the South, ll tvuv
tcliijiDns, may be a p'oe-e of war. if war is the next (Viieiefs will nut be deaf to the he a specious oiler of politicians, to lx
made, upon it. Nor is it u jut conclusion voice of 1 lie pt ople. For a 1 1 political evils, i served wiih no heller fniih llinn theJ
thai if vou tak from vour neiihl or his ! a const itut ional lemedv vet remain, in I !in ions of Jul v, 'C 1 . ll would he i hi
" tiitin servant or his maid, or a nythin" lb" Imllol box. Yo will not entertaiii a 1 to the national policy of the bwier J
that is his," you will thus establish hitr-' fear ihat il is nol snfi: in the "inirdianship or Hie Kepublio, tlilough tun mlcllipl
i.w.i.i. .1 .,u.n .Yin .!r.,.,..i ... it ' nf ,. r,.a.A,i,,ln ll'im.ri i.i nlVii'fl . lull . I A) o f I 1 .' O l.i' Pll 1 i l' Il t ITll ll til. oy;..l
' ' . . , , T HI..UI j.'i,. .... i,i ,i.l-l ID I 111 i, i',.. . . ..... ... ... r I ."ll ,ni
'I.i n . , ' . . .1 ............. . . I I 1' l ..Ml 11 1 1; l 1.1 IHli-liliV, ll vi i.i:ii .,,.,, ,, I u ..l ..ft' ..!.,. I ... ... ' u..., .- In I ... I I , U 1011. Iii.IVA.i 'iV U" ltl in 11 l II V , 1 1 ' I I S I ri'Ill' 11 I'll I MR I I I) Vl'VltHft I
.) 1 ilC lilt KM' til IIKM.IICI if-t Vll.envii . . . .,i '""" f,.i j "t iiii: -i,r ..... ... , r .......
. Ir.'r.t' iiiih liiir V u I ll M-lllllli'll tit :lt ill-k I. I. . .' I. i . . . .1 I . I I .. . . i . . i 1 r i I ..f 1 i l. i I a oAi,.'l,l,,l r..iii't 11 .iin.nniniit I. ...
under 1 veil's of 11 "0 iletH'lldellL Oil . , ', J- , , . , . , . 1 1'ie l" eii .(int ttean cuiniiy aim 111! fill li'i'i'i un; pvopin ui i Ti.,..'yiy.i,im u,-i : v.,...., y . ,-t
I. ; i.. I .,.i. ', . i. un i ii ., 1 1 i
j III.' Ill ""I 1"! " 'j ' " v '
ll. here there are
what another U delcrinined lo deUtnl, a tv ith the 'itieslion within their own of siitVnme if the servants of tho people when e.xereisiii'' with vig-ir its Imii;,.
coninci can iiiitup u iii.tuu inr uruM' s . ,1 i,m. . v liere ill c initiorlntii). slioulU reliel n Jtnitsi netr uiAMl r on mum powers, linn is vpiik wiino u sets
. . li .......... iitiiits. iiiiete inin mi jurtaiicc '"oo iu i r.ii-i n.niiv i ui-.i n,("v i innn.
ii lattice ami ,'.,' They counted on an easy triumph ! i,o,i t n i( tnon i i..l,l..,l tn i.inr,.i ' will test the tesiionsibilit of an attempt
sons in the same family l.r lionscli'ld.i through the aid of insut ijent slavei, acd, nu,l econoinieal considPiitlion, lenviujj j at revulutioii, of A hieb no man e.m foreee
and I wo of them are in th" military ,111 this reliance, were careless how foon ti,,. t1,.gro ir. a position of social and ro j lh ciinseipjences or the end. lint in now
...... .i..,.,.f il.., riiitcd St:tleH as lion- tlie.V provoked a coMi.inn. l.'euiociatif , .,ical siihotdinalion no where more clear ' aihll essinti you upon the political issued of
commisM.M.ed ollieers, musiciaiis ori"1."1 Conservatives .trove 10 avert the con-!y
mucked than in the (.onstiiutinn and jib'- timts, we iissutnn th.iilho iostiiuliomi
The Prospect Brightens.
The abolitionists have opened their
batteries of detraction and abuse upon!
Judge WojinvAki), in mo.'-t rand .style. j
Nothing could be more cheering to the
hopes of the henioeracy. It is proof pos
iiivo that they arieady see lhat their fate
is tealed, and tliat they know it. Judye
Woodwako has uo v been in public life
for more than a ipuirter of a etnlury ;
ytt his can only find tu 1 errors
that ho has committed am! neither of
which are faults, because ho is (.'uilty of
neither of them.
The first is, that ho pouyhl the tlisfnw
rhitcm,iil of naturalised cili.ens when a
member of tho Reform Convention in 'IIS.
This charge wan clearly and triumph
antly refuted vhen Judjio Woodward was
elected to theSuptemo liench. Ticre was
not a word of truth ii it. No man i morei
just and liberal in h: views on this sub
ject than Judgy V. and none know llits!
fact better than our foruigusbot n citizens
Tlio second churie is, that he, as 0110
Judges of the Supremo Coutt of I'cnnsjN
vania, decided ajjaiubt the (Jonslit'ii ions
ality of the soldiers' vote, and is therefore
in favor of tho ''disranrfosi mi nt the iol.
dkr." Thit too, is false. The. Court did
decide, thai there being no Constitutional
provision for any vote to be cast lor I't'iin-
sylvania civil ollieers outside of the limits
, 11 r. i v l iiv . .. 1 . . h h 1 H 1 ir 1
privates, the residue ot kuH. tarnily .- int,.esto oI-tht.ircountty. m,ily
and household, not exceeding two, kUkm1 i,v tie KrP:lt i,0h. rd Union, Ihe
shall l'O exomjit. ICont'titulion of the United Slates. They
7. Anyiierson furnisliin an noep- j were content to leave debatable (uesuons
tablo substitute, or paying 8:100 to, under it to tho high tribunal Iranxd to
John W. Dt:ii";liiss, Collector of Inter-decide them; they preferred il to the
. .,1 , 1, 1 ,,i., I '..i'siiiis , 01 u as nil iiiimei uami-rn sue .Times
1111 1 11 1 111 11. 1 lit u,iiii,v,.,. . . ..." ....
The strife began of our country are destined to endure
where it was an !Tie approachin election derive fi
la-vs of IVtin Ivania.
when people, in States where it was an lie approaclim election nerives lur.
i,iima.'i.ri,il oneslion iinderioolt to hip- tlipr importance from the iiillu.'tice it will
pctibe ihe course of duty upon it to Mates exeicise ujion iho p dicy of tho Oovei n
iu which it was a question of great impor-1 men t. 'I he aim of mun not blinded by
tance and diftioully. Tho iutei feienee : fanaticism and parly spirit would bo .to
liomunn mni'O ,la ll ..eirilis itlio'l a ! tenl 1 .1 rtttll I lit best llllll ll'Ottl lllfl
itere uvula to use ihe nower o'.' t be tletier. ! achieved by our eallant armies the be't twelfth resolution
i . - .. I .. . : :. .1 .... .... .
Hiui.if ni ruviiiuiioii"! v v n.'i''.j.'. t,y j.,,
din tho rights ol the people. Our
eiplct and our candidate! are kroiti
you. The n-nliilioin of the lute Cori,,
tion at ll.irnshnr;! were, with somei'
lions, the same that h id been inlopip,,
Ihe 1 lemocracy in several State tm
the (ieueriil As"libly ol rentnivlviin'
Th.-y declare mil horitatively t he in
pies of tho I 'eiiioeral i? ptrty. It j.
it hat always 'jeeti for iho IJ n ion aii'l
victories 'otislitiiiioii iiL'aiitst all opnoierj. '
leclnivs tlnit i
. 1 . .. I 1 ... .......Il iI.m .ill. ... I . . . ' . ... . i .' .1 . ,. . ' ,'.... : . I. J 1 .. ....7. I I I ... I I.... ..(' I I l.lw S m.psl ,.rr IM I.! V ,.Mwl,,ii.ta. .. 1
. .. I .. ,,,:.(, U.,i:tltlltlW Itllllitl J ri.'.v ... w. ...... ..... ...... ........ p 1 f , l' 1 IJll'M I , 1 IIS I 1 ll ll". I IM llll" HI" III-Ml -..". v.- - . - M,,y
inlciiumir to un iiisii m iis inus mM, ibt-ir ppiKinents jiavo thein in scorn-thejoraiithe State, M the injurv and pro- the Uniou. Sucli is not tlio aim of the nounces the fiti.ts ol 'he AflminM,,
iivp written ?:otK'C to tho Hoard ot hii-;i(0 f)f Unioii'suvnM." We will not at ,,...;, ,on nf Hip inlorcs-s of some of the ! tat tv now in power, nominated ly its innd ""e unci Jachnenls llm ,U,k
rollmciit, slat ni"; tiicir name, ae, ii ., . ,.n. rehearse llteir eltot ts. In the 1 hir sttites. it was not men Iv a dancer lo the most bigoted members, it urges a war foi , it-i, it due., nl.-o, rti"st thur-uh'y t.
mstitutinn of sliivcrv. but to our whole the nepvo and not for tho t.Mnon. It ilcmn an I tlennince -lie In y0f(.J
political t-ystPtu. in whirlt M-piirate anil avows the dejign to prolract the wartill sum as unwarranted by the Owfituti
distinct colonies became, by Ihe I ec,ira- slavery thall be abbolished in the South-jand deli'uciivn aliku of IIib stt-uriti ,
lion oflnde eiidetice, ' ircc and imleppti- em Suite. ; in the language- or one of f.s ! ierpitnitv of tho I ioverniiieul omlol:
ilni.iStntes " mid lt..iu:irds eshil.lislipd a naniphloteers. "tnw can ii man. hopin.' i peara and liberty of ihe nit'!
and at what lime tlicv intcinl to pi'.)-, ly-sixth Oinare..) tlio Kei publican leader
duce them. refused iheir assent lo ilia CriltenJen
r. ,. . i .i ... ......i.i -.. . Vompromisp. On (Ids point the testis
11 men i tmi , i,i;iui-i r.iD,,, him vi - . , . ... ... ,.
I 1' rf Mi. I lout lis Wll kiillice. lip
mustered into the service, will be allowed
4.'! cents (or every U miles travelled, and
10 cents per day (or subsistence while on
the way to and from the rendezvous
, raid :
1 Inline this tu he a fnir Litris of iiinii-iilil
mljiistini tit. If you i f tho Hi'(itiblicaa aro
not nillinj tu iircipt thif, nor llio ,riipn.iti,m of
. the Sfimtor from hi ntiiiky ( Sir. Iritieinlen ) rny
Federal Union under tli (' institution of j and praying the destruction of slavery. does hereby ni'i.i soleiimly tledara !
theUnitcd States. I hat itislitinieiit, with desire that the war shall be a uliort one ?" .the people ol tliis State in,, nniliert
set upulout cure, .liscriin mutes the powers! Mr. Thaddeiis Stevens, the Kepublican opp'jved lo any di vision ot the I'nini, ,;
. . 1 . . . 1 i - i i .it n : I 1 1 .......I i I., ll,.!. ..L.I.. :.;
.i. , i.. l. ..
c,il.;,.,. .Mini, llm i.o.tiilA nii-'hl In have : ' 1 ' . .,
J'v I !- ---c-- -- "
but the foregoing embraces thai which is
moil essential and whieh we publish
without charge. We believe the Aboli
tion pnpeis aro puid by tho Cloverntnciit,
under this no-party Administration, for
publishing Mich information ; neverlhe
ltci.uliliciins alone, for the . from tliOe reserved
renstin th ut. in fi' Comtniiti-e Thirtrm, , , ir pcetivcly, orto the people." Am
i.iu .,.;.. ii'jrii nirmljc-rum ihr. South, iiirtmt in;i . nntn.l that ill sti.'n k i 11 f,f iho
. .. .. in ... ,i . r t -
fe inr roiooi '"'" I ,0 (Jt,l,.,Mt 0, 1 , n,et ve'l, w t! reler to no
Tnu ,;,,.). i .ri.ifKnt thnr runinn to lu'ct't't the' , . - . i
,, f i r.. .... i - , vapup (hie l ines or to eU ntnitis, nil lo
proiiofiiion o I in v vtniiiililtf frien't lroni Kcu-1 ' . . .
lucky, Mr. t i iiu ul.-'ii, m n filial fcttleineut of j ''i" clear prove i"i,s id Ihe wrtlien inMru
the controversy, if Uinl. nil uml fusiiiimJ by the. Uent it toll il : the duty oi every cltle'i,
lii'puliliciin ml'iiioers. nov the o rupouii- and especially of every pub lie fmicti.inai y,
Mint nf vur tlnjrer,iiHt, nmt the nnlij ttijiii-utii (o respect and maintain. The proteeliutl
... .i. ,.....,..'....;,. ..J...... .-.;,...' r . . .. '
. . .. 1.1 I, IK "'..", ..... m, nimtt'tnnll . nuiu n.tuitti, l i a tinHAi, . , ,
less n cine determined Unit tlm Democrat- ,.,.,.,.,; ',, ."Jan. ii, I -.til. ... t-:.. 3 . . , .'
,! ic. portion of he people thall haio light
of 1 , .
upon tlu sunp'ct.
As soon as wo Can obtain a list of those
drafted in tins lounly-, it shall he publish
ed. Is it ? The a; pit tiuiimcpt of
three of the counties composing this (.'on
gletsioiial district, at slalid by ihu Tlo
vosl Marshal logerlher will) lint i.oi.ula-
of Pennsylvania, and beyond the influence ii0I, s census of k-OU - is as follcws :
of her laws, lhat therefoie soldiers outside , 1'i.pulation, IsijO.
of lint limit could not vole. P.V lhat (1c (. leai tleld - ls.7o'd s.
cision, bo it rcmemered, n liemoeratic Jcllcrson- - - Is, -70 170
Sheriff of Philadelphia ws, turned out of, Warren- - J '.1,1 'JO VX
..i.l ,, IJu,..,)li,.n Kl.wiif mil. in oin. n- 1 1 is ihus seen that Iho difference in
Hut ' it is a laxe falsehood to fay that Judge
to the States rev declared, " I he Union shall never with my letic.o ii l power, under llio umsllli,!
ml let it I consent, be MMored tinder the Consulu to nvrntalu and delund if.
powers tion as il is, wiiii slavery to be protected Yu liavo renominated Chief Ji!,:
IjV ll. llio saino spirit nppeais in itl r. Lowriu lor the U-iicli vvlncli he tcluri!
Lincoln's late answer to cili.ens ot Louis- (jur candidate for (ioreinof, Ju'L") W.J
iana who desired llm return ol that Male ward, in his public and privalo tuari
utiiter iia pv..-iit f.'tinstitution. Mr. l,in j albjrds the best assurance tlml lie A
co,n postponed lliein till thi.t Lotistitulioii ; briiiu; honesty, capaeily, linuiu'si .
shall be amended. The Aboliiiuuists tie pui Holism lo the diteotioti el tliealLti.
siro Ihe war to last till freedom is secured tho Comnnntveal'.h. Lun;,' wiilidra
to all the fl.ives. Ilonles of politicians. 1 1 i ii,, rniwiioiw fnmi lis mWii
J ne 1 once ( ongc-s was unoilitr mentis s,-lei i,y (1( fr,lliu.r, of tin- Const itul ion. j and eenlraclors-, and purveyors, who fal ;ntcin, he did n:it withVM UU
tiy n icit i ne uui ne., xiiuir i.j inn i j t illinium, tue most indulL'erit o Ihefti li ten on I lie war, desire H lo last lorever. voice it inn consurva'iie iiioniiw. ciui
llio impending strife. JIow the Kepubh- Kedcial pone-, says : "It may be safely When tho dave aro nil emancipated by together upon the dangius lliut men
can leaders i hen cons ited against he received as un axiom in otn' poliliral vys' , llm Federal arms, a constant military in- m, cotiuhy. His speech ul the t
peace of their country may be seen in a tem.thnt the Stale iovcrnmeni.t w ill, in "all ; vention will be needed lo keep them abovo 'meeting at f hilade'.phia in U:c.r..
letter fiom Senator Chandler, of Michigan, , ,SM,0 , otil:ugpneiet, air'., id oomplclP j or eipial v ith the while race in the South-j lsiin, has been vindicated by ub.i
to the (iovenior of that S'.nto : j eurity :g,iinst imasions nf public linerly I ci n Stales. Peace has no place, in their J events &i a signal exhibition oT il.tteii:..
" Tn Itif tUriUmrii, Jwtiw Hbur: i by the national an ' hori ty ." Who can be I phi, form. 1 1 pi oclainH confiscation and like sagacity,
tion rnor liinghsm nnJ myself feleraphed . hiin l to the cmsroueiifes tliAt linve fol-i al.olil ion as the oLiects of the war, and the Under his administration wo tiny i.
.1 . i i . . . i. 1 .l r tl il
Sncthern emler calclies up tne ivonis 10 tiuil i ounsyivania, wuu uu.i t uitr.,
siimiil tie his follower to light- to tho last, ' will resume her place as " tho Key '.i
it is nol ihe interest of Pennsylvania tliat of tne Federal arch.
i, . ..i s....... ,i i.i 1,..,., . .... i . I. .1,,,,.. .! foil ndat inn of Ihe struct n i n ri.uie.l I.i imp
. - ,. IM''ll..lll II :i .Uliw n,,m r.n. . ..i..-, - .-- ... ..u.
v. Olisci i,is. t,U( ttiev are beio ami cannot get nwny. Obi.., ; foi efat iiert. In I ennsyivania, the partv
I uiltiinu unj Klmilo Ishind aro envm? in. ami , on whose nets you will pass nt the b;dlos
I here is danger of Illinois ; and now ihcy m j box has trampled noon the givitt rights
f,,r t;.r4 M.k0 tn com- to their rescue anil rare ( f)f p,.,,,,, jj,,,., ,;. ,'let.(nl
the Heriub iciiii pnrty from lntilure. I Imp yon ,, ' , . , ,
ii . '. i , . ,. ti... ,.i...i ot the press, m hu h every man u Im
t . iiiMoevjv.i I nits inu ituii ivtivt. in mil fCHU I'liiiitti nun in tiouv. & j i w u i . .
., .i .- , . 'it. .., .,,i..n ..i,,st mv iiulrinent and can read may find asserted
popu i.i tm in ineae in ree cou ones was uui " , " .r f. ,t. .,.i ,i.,
' 1 v ... ..n.l u , nrt.l ,n lion iinnkn. S.t ill I hiiTio i 1 . 0 11 S I '. t tl 1 ll . n O I t OH Sl MIC ft 11(1 UtO t on.H 1
in lite
WoonwAni) decided tliat " SAJitrt mu'd a fitle in I Slid. We know of no teuton ,lf B tin'itter of courtesy to -oum of our crriu
r,H vol,:." or that they were". liHtr,MV "'iy this relative should have brethren that you ivill f.nd ths (lol.iti-s.
J ... 1 ru Tour f t ien .J.
. . . i i . ; i ..... ...... .! i .... i -..
lilOSC lllllllgin sioeu. icillilllll ineiu llli oeei,
anJ none know this beticr than
wl.t make the charge. Soldiers can vote no extraordinary ipciease of population
just as other men. They have no special in Clearfield. Whether such has been the
privileges, nor do they ask any. We are case in eillier of the others
only sorry that it is not otherwise, for il
ihe Pennsylvania heroes now in liiu ser
vice could have the opportunity of speak,
ing through tbe ballot box, abolitionism
would receive such a rebuke as no paity
ever yet received.
A Formidable Indictment.
prepared to say ; but when we consider
the fact that a railroad has been oper.ed
lo Warit u.tiud the oil trade haa increased
lo a business of lust importance in lhat
i tution of the United Stales. The dignity
of our Comtiionw eitllli has been Insulted
I in the outrage perpetrated upon horeiti-
.ens. At Philadelphia and at Unnisburg
proprietors ol newspnpeis have been seize I
at midnight liiid hnri ied otl to military
.prisons liiyor.dtho limit; of Ihe State.
A gainst nets like the-e-, perpetrated be.
lore the eyes of the municipal and Stale
! authentic, there i neither protection not
i red) ess. ' The seltite ot a journal al Wesl
a t'.iMMi it-ul fiction shall pervert and proi
trad the war, for ruinous, perhaps unat
(rouble ends. lYhat llio ioi th needs is the
return of the South, iis territory, its
slaf.les, I.i complete Ilia integrity of our
coin moil country. This, und not more de
vastation and social confusion, would bo
Shock i mi Tuaukhy lluHtn
Xeitrly un Entire luomlij. A tori
tiondeiit of tho Ht Louia hemita
. .i ..ii i , i . j.
Abolition policy promises us nothing bet
ler than a Sotitern Poland, ruled by a Nor.
them despotism. But history is full of
examples how wise riilem have assuaged
civil discord by moderation nd justice,
while bigots atid despots, relying solely on
force, have heel battled by feeble oppo
nents, 'l h it ii temperate constitutional
policy will fail, in our case, lo reap the
Z. Cll ANDLF.R."
" 1'. S. .Suue of the iiikiiufucturinj, Blalca
thick that i ii li K ti t would bo awful. Without a
little bloodliilini; this I'uion will out, in my
we are not t-ftiinktinn, bo worth a ruih."
" VVsaisuToM, Feb. II, l?r,I."
In Pciiiiblvatiia, too, the sanio fpitit
prevailed. 1". was not seen how necessa
rily her position united her in in' ii e-'.
with the holder States. She has learned Chesti-i' was t.ficrwufds t he subject of a suit
coun.y we iiinv take it loi gianted lhat H s,iii e, liom contending armies luiuio-, lor (inmates in me Miprcrnc onurt 01
, i ' . i i ....I ..I.,-,. it ling out her harvests and deluging her ' Pennsylvania. It c.tmo to trial before
.the has at least kept up Ler r, 10. lie UooiL (;ovelnor ctillb gnt ' chief Jus. ice Lnwri... Kehtaesinc Ihe
lhal as il may, llm lact that t'learlield (0 thn Peace Congress .Mr, Wilmot and ancient principles of Knglish and A neri-
...,,..., ,. ,il. ., . ,...,,!,.l,,.t a!' III ,.. r II . . 1 ' . 1. r i ik i 1,1. Ita rii.n.Lmrin.l 1 1. B,ilo nf ll.
For fesr that our Abolition Iriends in (hit re- ; ' ' "" " l'""'""' " ....... .nr. wercuiui. '
gio,, in.yUdccoivnJitita disbelief that the ro- ' '""1 upo '"' ilr- Wil'J: ?'"' "' from the , 1 cderal ofheers a, violations o ,ho .aw
14 , , J -..I. . connection of his name with the attempt that binds alike the private citizen and
nmmnslioa of Ouretnor tttvt.ii the res., It of conscripts, at least suggests aijuest.ol, ,,, cniljroil ,,- country bv iho " '.Vilaiot the public f'.ir.otinnary. Ho said "All
n c.r.tiui iin.T.:ii1i!iK m opinion, unit n -eeuniii j ol lairness. 1 1 1 no em oil men t in tho sev- i',()ViM(i" bullied by patriotic statesman- public functionaries in lint land are under' an humble depundenco upon Kutopean I . . i ' ovcl. t, head i
millions .om nu. i no nanus eu'it it.n, cdiinties was burly male, how comes ship, in which Clay and Webster joined tlie law, ami none, lroni tlic litgliest to the! powers. And I mm many parts ot the .. , (U
p..,.,lei.unco. Miere,, .i t'lei,,,. we. J0 Ui ? n cn.inol bu said that with Ihe Domocrni ic leaders ; just us Clay lowest are above it." Impatient ut any South and ncros, the picket lines, and ''" ' ' f t 7o ,MI aior BcA
praiii tat loiiuwmg unci exuauts liotu a long ... ,. ... . -. .- Jackfon Had joined In I lie 1 anil I. otil I sti ami. i: -otti law, pitriihiin ninjoniy in iro n t ne pri-oners mm t " w .luiuieu, J .-iuiw vi i .. --.i
hillof iu.lutii.nit iu th., l'iii-bura ti,.:t,.. il. Uoi" '31" H"','a,' ul'on 'ormer des . ,, t r. Meredith bad nub- CntiiiresS Iia-tened to Pass an actio take ! emue the proof of a desire omoi.e I ho l.eo-1 am! the VOliniTPs't; child huYO bi'(
ntifvlvs. Nl(' ll!nifu I'erquo.a eveiy Jisbed his belief Unit the mutteriiigs of firm the Slate courts lo the United States 1 pie of tho South to relurii tn tlonst iiulion- fovcnt.1. Many of our pa's1-1 i
. Mime. We inut,l look tlamvliere forlhoil, l Uintr stotie. wete what he called courts, nil suits or prosecutions " for i al relation with tlie'veol'le of the North. ' m.,1 i.n-u,. If t.-isnt lo thp house tinu
.l-.-i iu , - .. ., ... ...; .1 :...! i... .-... i.. :.. .i .i.:".i. : i ,..... ..on,. "v .......
trust that etndulous cries, un wormy oi me siigiu- i nsi'iis.sis i,r i-oii--i none m com in men uy i r.m ly in mo 1:1111 if m, un' ncsno wiu known t,cm Fortunately two 01 me
, ..ill i."'"t attention. virtue or under color of any authority do.j in North Carolina, one of the old thirteen 1 !o , ', . ' .;,, p(.l0 un
rgowillbe. -,. ii.. . ... :-. '.i.,.,! r.n,., . .j p...,.; I ....,-t ...;,i, p...,.,., i.,.. .i ol Criiluri'll W ei c on ai s ov. ,
..i. i ... . .i .-.. . .. i j.i .v..i...v.., ...v -.- .... . . .. .. : . ... . . .. , .
jnej aicu io cApiaiu mis uiuercnce to tne; if.f',0, the power to tave or destroy tho dent ol Hie I initcij States; and sucnau-
enliro tatisltiction of the public. Union was in 1 lio hands of his party ; and tborily was declared to bo a full defence
Hut let us pursue this subject a step no adjustment w.n possible with men who for the wrongdoer in any action, civil cr
, ,J 1 reiect'ed the iudement of the Supremo criminal' The American Kxecutive is, as
ur her: Li e counly . per last ceiuus, KLCTcl the word imports, the errcutar of the duly
had a population of 4'J,4J2. Sho is now prornisC( nn,i wh0 looked to a " little enacted laws. Yet the pretension is made
called upon lor a conscription of 1379. j bloodletting" to cement the American that his will can take the place of the
l ,1.-111. ,"11 1." I'I C',l.,., ..'I.IU.IU.., ....Ml.. ' . . , .
lh-aim of patriots and statesmen. The; relates tho IoIIowiiit horrible n
' yjfl ine tin ma., vijiieun aegui
.liors, lullv ni'incil, enmo from
enmpon Island No.lo toUomproiJ
Tonii., und wont to the honso oi i
Hockliiim, on the river, uti'l monla
him, acd forty years, hm old M
(Major lJeniiim.n Hct-kliam, ig
i .. , i '-1 i. .. 1. vnl.V
Alia lour oniiurcn oi .ur
ease, to reap tne , nnu nyui tuouiin v '-- i
I'mil of success iu arms, cannot bo known ' I, ultra. ll.'OU 1 1, lklltc lind 1 1',
till it is tried. The limes aro critical. jno 7( und Iliihurd 2 years. ' 11
Fiance, tinder powerful ar.U ambilious j ,jrat cau f,t ,. p Ji,cUara H"
monarch, is eniering on the scene, willing rf f f j mmUlti
again to pl.iv an imi'Oitniil purl in an Asi . ' ... , , J
i.Verican .evolution.1 The Knglish Corernsl to tliO edgo of the l-fink 0 the
. . i ... ,. i . It!..-. onrl utnKlin.l them, and H
tnetii is not ne to us ; it nns got an ll wani nni. " " v , - rj
n.l l ... ,l,.J,i. 1 .. ,11 I I. : I I tint .. Iwirliaa into llm "U liter. U
TT" I ,,U,,1 il.'l'll ll1 '.J, UK. I 11 III lill.U ,1V,.,I1 i fcll.ll W.MU..O ll. . , . - ...
more todo with it. The secession leaders, then threw little Jicli into river,
and i ho presses under their con'.rol, o" j tho t WO VOUnucat "iris tOiTi'tfitT,
pose leiMiioti, prelrring, perhaps, even tt.em- :n. -lnon fnrceii th" ol1,
.. A .. . , i j
lcadinj; Alwliliml ornn hi Wester
ni.. 1 1. mi.h.i.i-ii1 in th i.sue of
the morning of tlio day ui which tho Coiivcntiou : dilloreiifco, and wo sincerely
net Iu that city :
a PAit riNo mm i) to the con vknito.v.
Tho delegates to tho Slate Coiiven
tiori art now Hmotist ira. Before
the' proceed to do their duty, we
have a word to nay to them.
We had reason to ht'liove tliat (iov
crner Clktin, notivithstandinif: bin os
tensible witlidrawul, wast a candidate
for re-nomination, and confident that
he would be succeHsfiil.
Wo tclt tiHsured that ho cult not he
elected. We knew that he oxtijht not.
It bocuaie. our duty, therefore, lo
sound the. ularm, und endeavor to
"five the parly, if prasililu,.
I those having this matter in chai
, . i : 1 .1 , ...
..r t, i...: i i,... . ,. " Iiu, her and O l 3 CI IIU l'n
ni Jievoiuiiuiiiirv nisioiy. I.LIV lll Ilia (If. - , i:..,,t ilf
r ... i.i...... ..i .. . liinl 1111 lo Owel.sbulO. lVl"'u
I.J ill luuri-.'l lllll.iu II11SIV ill SHOW mill 1 S'l.v ii. v- . ' . .,
Aboliiion, ot reunion, was their aim. In . with us tn our last trip- ''
niomert of deprciision, on Ihe'JUd of Jo- were murdered.
ly, lHf.I, being ihe day after lha baitlo of Twtlvc 0f ti1() Uyrois were C
Bull Run, they allowed Ihe i.asiaiie of a , 1 w l" C ,Z , ei.ult
' r.i..i; ,.ii., i u f. f.. j.r:.. dv our cnvairy nun i.i .,
Clearfield, Elk, McKean, Forest and t'n ion. Till Ibis time, the Union men of laivs. The liberty, the character of evpry a policy for
i. by Criuemlen, defining o" WlVHlry ui- '
or the reMoralio.t ofihe Union, at Island o. Ul. Nxartji
. ,i-i i -! 1.,. . . . Tu. i;.,i.. motive tor v"r
I'l.lWII l.iw. ' ' .......... j,-- i .j..-(i(...i....,.M....ii?; UIIHIlt. , , iV,
.1 I. . . . il l -.1 I... I. :f . ....... . In. n. Al...f nl r..... D... . -.ll'l tf-'l l.l. . . ' 1 1 U . .. ...... .1 .. ill. Wlf ll I V 111
p....... ..... 1(11 ennsus had imn. ' me ftouill Had controlled, Willi nine uui c.i.-, .u . n," .;i. j . !,ir nut nicy snnit raiiien anu nnetl llie siatuie iiiu iiiiini.ii'i" . .
ly ettimateher population, which we do ' Mpecially the Blavehold
i.u' out iiifv nifi' i ni Hiiinu n ea inBK ntuiH tn i i..,.... ...w..-- ,
. . ..!.. ,1.. .11 1.... ...a..., .t.,. .n,nMi (tniinrips rnllfd 41 nrovnqt mnrshiil. fl S1a tsixnlu u,:i 1. .ni. ..i it ..... ... t i : . : ..... it,i...V,t in l.e the faf't tuai.
, (.nijoi.s .1 in -it 1 1 y , unj sniitii ou. rcsiieor cm." nii,"i g , ..... , mi., ri i.i.,, ii-vni,i,ii, nun, n 11111, ii i no lit? u u i " .' .,i
ed Population Of -4.4JI. Cameron lit il,. u,t...u.: I. .,. ...:l,i,. .rol .renmtion Fmlnro iIipsa nilinial. Inlr.. ..,1 u. . . . i. i.i ... i. .... il,.i aer HI'11
i u.cui mu. ursueu n Bfjuimitr imnoimw j . ' - '- ; ............. . n,,.. n,..n,n.,,i,i ,, n.i.iBi too iciiioii, X0Clv limit ltl(lk up
been organized since 18G0, and we can on 'The substantial interents of the South, tho place of open hcorirg before a lawful tranco nf eminent jurists and conservative 1 a uohvq irirl ns in
diolding intorest, wero ningtstrata ann no writ or haOfat corpxt nien of all parlies. Mr. Lincoln,, too, i j rr nA
tin) river w
,i-hose me
at 1,500-making a total for the fivn ! ''rapvnpluclra;(ly inl. ec'on
' m F. I'. Blair, of Missouri, an eminen
sat Jslu.'J-M
ien. may inquire me cause 01 tne arrest, 1 0 yielding, lie said, "to e-wure," put 1ii ; " , , t...r()re elide
Re. illPL'al arrests have been added llm mock. i,ro,.l'..otir,. l. t,ld r.r t rv....iii.ii;t.t 1 1 B .nfCnioH nan
counties of 2.",'J;if, or 2.1,'r)01 lets than publican, said very truly, in the Uil Con- cry of a trial of private cili;.en for his and tho law 1. Thus evert intnre.t And to (steal the gill j0' ,D" .'
Liie. Thosu counties are icquired lo fur- gres; political opinions befoio h court. martial, tcuiiiaenlof tho Southern people wero eo. ha' 'r0v'8 l'iem " v .