Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 29, 1863, Image 3

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I !
f Iff I Utlrtf,
": " llli: Ml IMl Ol IMI.M.
Wtary ati'l wt.f I" skeleton f"fm
II lay "' h of !'
And bit wl-hri at eien, Mi K"yrf at "mm,
Witt to hli home (In.
II lalttd of tl mother fr away,
Aad he talked nf til) lonely wile,
tt hta the feter frrntieil hii burning heed
AnJ loosvd his liultl of life.
lie talked of kit hum. I lit fair free land,
The home ill kit t hiltlhood't piny,
ITr talked (if his babe, and Ihe large trail fell
And rolled Irutu liit chcrkt away.
fl i told Llm In rt'l might never again
Walk ivor bit unfits tint.
But ere long tin 7 thnuld mail the golden ttrecU
At home In the city of Hod.
And we ml J though kil rjct would never behold ,
I lie forma of bit rartb't deep lovo.
He should uil lm them time b) the life river fair,
Id the garden of boauty above.
Cut he writ and talked of bis burial lone I
to a i
Vit. im! I 'hi Spinning Wlifiln,
tl ' 1n I ) 1 1'M, Manor, lured hd V ot f Ml
tinn.l' by llm trndrHftinl, who hivltel lbs
.tnt.T of t'linVIl rutin tj to en.l.ta't lb nf pf
tnnlly now nfWH te serare owe i.f thru) aoperlnf
Maehinrl. They Will be tnli rhttp I Vi.t (
i ',!, I. (.'all at (be A"' In Ciiretiilli.
W.M I'. t'M A Ml! Km.
Mil? 6, i Ml.-j
filial line ami lair Pmslnft.
JKHKMIAII -NOKItH retperllully enaouncrl
to kit friends of t'lonrfti'Iil and vlelnlly thai
lit lint niturnpil to lilt old ttiind, anil li well pre
pored t" rnoliT lite iiiok! perfect taiifiM lloa to all
li oiiiii diMre hit prufeltMial services,
i Cleii.-fleld. April V,
I rtranrrr'a unnoticed bed,
That no rote by aflrrtion's hand would be trained . -
iv wave our Li-gmve wbtu avail
w ooi -Wool.
ril I'OIIMI of WOOL wanted
Jvf.V'VV for which the highest market
price 'will be raid by.
J. T. KltATZEIl.
Clearfield, May 13, 1801.
Attornt'jN at Law,
Ma? .1, '83., ri.
im w.itm.ican."
. . ...
I lerme nl nhn tiptlnn.
' V fall Id dn, ir within 11. re (nohldt, ft iJ
. If juld atif lime wltMa the, ... I Ml
joiin . ii;n.,n,
Alloiti) l I ainl Ural lxf
n.Kmnai, I'liiN A.
i)K,-t nn ,V'li'f . " 7i.e ff li7,
a t eri'Tir I t I T 1. 1, a t.l.-m la tell
I ( ln and bntlni land. In ritatKebl onil d , If tal l adr tht itlratlon nf the ttaf. . I II
I'.iolt'i eonnllti I nd with an ? r etli-nre of n't I
Iweni? jenr. at rrrpyiir, tautn aimtrii in m. . r..,., urmnrin, rriia.
he ran rtnd.r tlirn-tlon. And (I. fl. tMM'lit, A M'KH, I to I'uli! if liOfS
Olfcrs lor .Sain .
MMKI arret of foal and timber t.and. iltoaHlnl ., T -.rrll.lna;.
Derafur town.lilp, Clrarflelil eounl?, InloMlol Ad?ertW.menH art In.ert.d la tht He fublUan
...ii ....1 I.....I..I n... i . T.rnni ainil louowina rairt I
..... .............. - ,
Oarllfld llailroail. I n . ...............
!IMMI a.T. i ofllr.trale furin und timber land I 1.(M ,) I 0
1. I!. II l... ..kin IM... II.. 1.1 enunty. tuata on thai w a'lnaret, l iniinet, I wn
C'lir up t in nhiiK)
ff MUW 0 IT K. II fi lit
nr.S'lflMli Infirm hit ol-l ftWaanl en.
tmtrtthiit, bavlni tnlat.d Mi ihp an l
innreati-4 h:. faeillile fo manarrtntlnj(, halt'
do .rtpr'l In Wink to or !n furriliuf n at mat 1
b d tirrd, In ( .o.l tljleand at rate, for
I ah. lie motl hat en hand at hit "r ami
(ur tloomt," a tarlrd artortment of lead? made
F'jrnltare, among thlrh art .
Hurcnus niul Sidc-Ilonrd.1",
i.. i.
We tolj biiu llint God would mark tbe tpot
Where all of bit children lay.
And not out of bit loved inei be forgot
Ou lb reiurrecliin day.
Cut be litjbrd uud whitpered "io long, to long,
Fo many lung weary yean.
And my lon.'ly wife and little one
Ali no in a valu of leurt."
We told liiui the ord of (iod bad one forth
lu tiulb and holinett,
A' the J-'rund of the widow'e leucly life,
lhc Uuldc of tbo fatlierlete.
When drutb bad Ktilled that loving heart,
Kind hands with penile c.tre
llud tnved for her, that lonely wife,
One trrn of lottj;, btighl bair.
Then Ibry wrapt the worn out toldier's clotltra
Xund the martyred hero's brart,
And in hie rude uuvarnii-hoi bed
Laid bim audly away lo reft.
lift a hymn wat tuop, not a prayer wus raitrd,
Kot a word of couusol tnid,
Kut tbe birulin(' rude uncareful hands
Piled tht) dump mould o'er Inn bond.
NoIIalf-Way IIoi'sk. Tlie l'anji:
Echo published at Nta, Caliluntiii,
aj: '"Tlic iolitiinl liulf-way house
taui gcrno in, died tint, met with its
grave, and now lieu burk-d with the
past One must now be cithern lUm
ucrtit or Abolitionist ; either lor white
man or for ncro all over ; either Tor
intellect, mind, education, civilization ;
or for wool, n black nkin, and igno
rance. Thero i no uhc denying lhc
fact for it is hn plain as the noon-day
sun. The Abolitionists, under the
names of Kepublican and Union, have
got possession of your national and
State administrations ; and w'lat arc
(1 MI'NSOX bin RY I'., TORN and fjood
J, FAMILY FLOl K, for khIo ul I'hilipt
burg. Also, KYK and COKN ut Ayrv't Mill.
I'hiliptburg, Miiy 17,
t1 AIHXI:T-MAKI:K Would reepertfully
; announi'O to lite public that ho hut lilted up
a SHOP on I'berry street, near tbe Kpitcopul
Church, mid nearly oppotite Ibe reeiJrnce of C.
KrttUor, K.'., wbtre he intends to curry on tht
fubiait tunkii))! bu.'ineta in ila dift'erunt branch
et. llitving rerved a regular npprcntice.hi lo
tbe buiucaf, uud worked ut Jourticyinun over
ti yenrj, betiilct carrying t n n (hop lor Ihre
vciiit, be flattem biiun'lf thut bo cuu render nut
inluclioii to tboe who may lnvor him with thci
cunl i ui. lluving locuted in Cleiirlicld borouyh,
be tolioitt a fhiire ofputronage, uud it eiiull evir
be his objoit to tuuke to order nent ami fub.-tiin-tii
furniture ruch at
French Bedsteads, He will always be
ami Common and
French i'osts
Cjttnge, Jen
ny l.iml, t'
all otlicr
kind ot
1) STE A 1S,
prcpureu to lurnish
to older ltock
ing ('hairs of
He will ulfo furnieh
to order Hnir, lliifk, and
1 1 ut r mtil Cotton JI AT
TltESSKS. The ubove
rnauied, and muny other
liOAKl)!?. Wnrdrobeii.1 artivlvt, will be made to
rtook-ctiKof, l'ltrlor hdiI order for customer, on
Centre Tablvi, Hrouk-j thort notieo, cheap for
funt nod lliuing tablet l ush, or exchuugod for
and tbe lutett improvol approved country pro
Extennion Tablet. Ifut-i duce. Don't forget the
rackt, Wat ttundt.Toi-j place, at I am detormin
let and Work tund,i,ed to furnieh ull article
and every other kind of ! at the most reasonable
luruilure in hie line. i.ratea.
with Tccknor't Pit tent
fatteninga and tinrd
ner't Pitli nt Spring Uod
nteadt. Ill KKA18 of
dittci onl kind, bl DK
they doing ? Creating laws constantly , J" h,.r r-r"'' 'T; "T
J " '.every other suitable lumber, will bo Uikcp tn ex-
for theadvanccmcnt ol the negro, and , rh.n.. i.,r furniture, cv.h will be miid for
good Lumber U. K. SI10PK.
K. II. Coflint of the latest style uuide to order
on short notice. Funerals attended whenever
desirable. CttnrfiM, 'n., Feb. II, '(13.
the hanging of millstones about the
necks of w hite men."
Senator Richardson, of Illinois in a
lato spocch at Chicago, thus alludes to
hi cotemporaries in Congress:
"I thank Heaven that no such body
of men as the last Congress can meet
again until the trumpet of the Arch
angel shall summon all the hold, hail
men nil the friend of despotism, aid
ers of tyranny and enemies of liberty
that have- polluted the face of the
earth wild their presence, to answer
before an allwiscaudjust God for their
black crimes, and receive the punish
ttnt due their guUt."
Tub Crime or Silknck. The Trcs.
ident,in his letter tc the Albany com
mittee, says:
" Tbe nan who stiiods by and tuyt nothing
when tbe peril of tbirgovci tnenl U discussed, can
not be misunderstood."
The New York 'World asks, "was
anything ho extraordinary ever before
Uttered by the Chief Magistrate of aj
free country ? Men are torn from their j
homes and immured in baslilesfor thcj
shocking crime of stj.knck ! Citizens
of the model Republic of the world nre
not only punished for speaking thcirj
opinions, Ditt arc plunged into dun-j
geonsforholdinijtheir tongues! when
before, in the annals of tyranny, was
silenco ever pui.ishcd as a crime!',
Citizens who disapprove of the acts ol
tho Adtninii tration tire denied even
the. refuge of a digniied silence, and, on
a, malicious and partisan conjectures!
of the motives of such silence, I hey are'
deprived of their liberty . Few among !
us ever expected to live to see such
things done; and nobody, wc are sure, '
to see them bo unbIushinglyeo j
ft ,) The parly in power have a pol-j
icy to put down rebellion and restore!
the Union. Many good men are sat
isfied that the whole prcgamnie is
wrong, not adapted to the piuposo ;
that it will ruin the cause instead of
promoting it. If they say so, and de
clare they w ill not aid such a pro
gramme nf ruin, then they are set
down by these inl'alliblcs as traitors.
We must look on ana sec the destrue
watert of Curry'i Hon.
Itl'l acrei lo two Inti, one of 1121 and the oth
er of ill arm, tuluble fur Farming purposea, tit
uale In HighlaMl township, KIk county.
VU'ticavral warrantee deedt for all the aboy
andt. leb. IS. 'O.I. .
Three aqnaroi, (42 llm-i, ) I tt
3 mantht
On Square, t I I f 1 60
Twoaitiaret, : : t I t 4 00
Three tquaret, t t i i I CO
I Four mtiaret, t t t t A 00
I Mai f a column, i : I I S 00
One column, i t : i 14 00
Over three weeka and lett than throe tnoatha 2b
i ! v v ,cenia per iquare ror earn intertion.
$;ui!nni) nno (Lolltttioii vmt ,X$XYi"LVt'""la'txl'l"mia',
or ' A JvcrtlniBDntt nit markti wltk tie number of
Jir.!t T. I KOKARn.
A. risitiy
t. rwm'
t 10
j a-
A mo I.
14 00
0 00
8 00
10 00
II 00
20 00
tl 00
Wardrobea and liook t'atei i Centre, Hofa, Parlor
llrenkfut and Itining Rttention Tablet.
I J Common, French Tost, cottnge. Jenny-!
' 00 T Init J .Ik.. 1rf.t.4. i
Miuu nun vtiita iiuuDiunut. 1
J! H Hocking and Arm Clinirs,
IS 00 Fprlng Beat, Cane-IMloin and Parlor Chain
B nil and Common and al ter Chain.
. O O A" I A tl. i: 1. A X.V v I
CUHIiINU A H'HNlsnit,,,)
at PtltlSftKIM Mug. ft, M
to m:
Fold at prices tktt will i.j.n,
By deeoted Interest to tbe CL0TUIa ,1
UJI1MEXT lh.U0lv,r..luu.fMtU 7
been given hat Induced them to TulH
STOCK, which la quality ,nd a.u..r"y
Inferior lo Done
New Jersey Lands for Sale,
SUITABLE for firrfpee. Peaches, rears, Rasp
berries, f truwberries, lilaekberries, Currants,
rfe., of I, 2 J, i, 10 er 20 acrct each, at the follow. .
lug prices for the present, viz : 20 acres for $2i, '
10 acres for $11". & acres for 60, 2 acret for ;
$10, 1 aero fur $20. Payable by one dollar per j
week. , '
Also, good Cranberry lundM, and village lots in I
CHK1 WOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at $10 each, r.aya- j
bio by one dollar a week. The above land and
farms are situa ed at Chotwood, Washington!
Uwnship, lltirlingtoo county, New Jersey. For;
further information, apply, with a P. 0. .Stump, ,
for a circulur, to 1
No. 90 Ccdnr street, New York, N. Y. i
Jim. 21.1 S3. ly.
0 L K A I! F I i; L D,
Cullctittoiit made and prtirenU promptly remitted
Exrhaii'eon lie Cities cuiiNtuiitly
on hand. !
j:J0ffice on Soeood St., nearly opposite the 1
For Sailc. ,
rilll E attention of persons doitinus of puruhits
X. ing desirable Timber Lands is invited to the
foliowiug trauteof ltiud situated in Keating town
ihip, Clinton eounty, Pentisylfaiiiii, kuown us
the LOUA1N LA MS, yi :
A certain tract, being N. 3IG9, warranted in
the mime of Thomas Willing, conttiiuing ubont
I KM) acres., sit un U) on llireli Island Hun, at the
distance of .'IJ tniics from the river, being well
timbered with Pine and Ouk.
Also, another siniillor tract of land, situute at
the mouth of Birch Ialauu Kuu, on the west lido
i f the river, containing 1'& arrea and ulluwanvc,
and having a good ratling beach thereon.
For tc-run apply to
(). L. KEKD, 1 .
Clearfield, July 'i0, 1862.
lG3. ' ' HJG3.
fP II IS great line travers s the Northern and
X Northwestern counties of Pennsylvuhia to
the city of Erie, on Lako Erie.
It has been leased by the '.nii'y'rnii Unit
road (Vimyxiny, and under their luspiees is be
ing rapidly opened throughout its entire length.
It ii now in use for I'usreiiKer aud Freight bu
siness from Jlurrisbttrg to Driftwood (2il Fork,
177 ini'cs) on the Enstorn Division, unci from
Sheffield to Eric, (78 miles) ta tho Western
Time o J'anxeii'jer Train at th'tftumwl.
Express Train leaves ens' ward 4 20 P. M.
Lxpress Train arrives westward 12 00 M.
Cnrs run through w itdoi t i haxck both ways
on these trains betweeu Philadelphia and Lock
Haven, and between Baltimore and Lock Haven.
Elegitnt .Sleeping Cats accompany the Express
Truin both ways between Williamsport and Balti
more, and Williamsport and Philadelphia.
For information respecting Passenger business
apply at tbe S. E. Cor. 11th and Market sts.
And for Freight business of the Company's
Agents, S. B. Kingstou, jr., Cur. I.'ltb and Market
In., Philadelphia ;
J. W. Iteyuolds1 Erie;
J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. B. It. Baliiincre;
It. II. II..11.T0.1, Uen'l Freight g't, Phila.;
l.t.wis L. IIoui-t, Oen'l Ticket Ak'I, Phi la,;
Jos. D. Potts, Uen'l Manager, Williumsport.
Jan. 21, 1803.
DR. WM. H. IlUltD'S
: t i n i no TooriiAt in; ano nkukamha.
i Doyouwih to tie blessed with and adualred
, for I't: tin.v WniTK and Sound TKKT1I 1 Use
jlr. Hm. II. llnrd'a Llilivalled Tooth
I'owiIct, wstrraiited free from neid, alkaii.orany
: ii.jurintis subsliuiee. Price, 25 cents per box
Uewure ol the ordinary cheap Tooth Pow
'ders, which whiten but deatrey.
j Do you wish to be certain that your BREATH
j is pure, sweet, and agrecuble to husband or wife,
lover or friends? Use Dr. llurd'a t'elobrated
. Mouth Wash. Price 37 rents per bottle,
Diortlonsdoairod, will bt continue! until forbid
Ld charged according to thete terms.
Time orjloldlng Court.
Second -Monday 12tliof January,
Third Mondiiy liith of March, i
Third Monday litlij of June, '
Fourth Monday 28thj oV September,
In each year, and continuo two weoki if ne
County Officers.
Pres't Judge, Hun. Sniniiol Linn. Bellefontc.
As'te fudges, Hon J. D. Thompson, Curwensvilla
Hon. James Bloom, Forest.
Sheriff, Edward Porks, Clearfield
Prothnnotury, Dairid Kttwilrr "
Itegirtcr k Recorder, I. U. larger, Clctrfield.
District Att'y Isriiel Test, "
Treasurer, Joseph Shaw, "
C. Surveyor, II, B, Wright, tilen Hope
Comm'rs, S. C, Thompson, Morrisdalo
Jacob Kunti, Luthersbttrg
Thos. Dauglicrly, (Jrampinn Hills.
Auditors, B. C. Bowman, Philipsburg
t:. S. Worrell, N. Washington
II. J. Woodward, Pennfield,
Coroner, J. W. Potter, Lcconte.s Mills
Co. Supt. C'liiu. B. Saodford Clcurfiuld.
I-lst of Pout Offices.
Toieifhipt, .Yitwet of P. O. .Voiiie. of P.
Biociria, H len Hope, Wm. S. Wright
" Iadeira, C. J. Pusey.
" L'tahville, Thoo. Welti.
" Hezarty X Roads ISain'l Heirartv.
re. i, uower,
' Chest,
" Cueh,
" Ostend,
Eoggs, Clearfield Bridge,
Brudford, Williams' drove,
Brady, Lutborsliurg,
" Jefferson Line,
Bloom, Forest,
Borniiile, New Washington
" Burnside,
" East Ridge,
Cbost, JIurd,
" McOarvcy
" Westover
Clearfield, CleurGeld,
Covington, Froncbville,
Curwensville, i.urweniville,
Of every tlcicripllon on hand; and hew glasses, whieh will be put In on v- I V
Come, and you caa ltM
BV OHI)i:i,
All kiuJs and styles of Clothing at ,
half M "i
ry reasonable terms on short notice.
He also keeps on bain', or famishes to or- j
der, Hair. Corn-Husk, Hair and '
Cotton top .Mattresses. j
COFFINS, of evfry kind,
Made to order, and funerals attended with a
Hearse, whenever dosired.
Alio, House Painting done toorder.
The subscriber also manufactures, aud hat i
constantly en hand,
Lifmeni s ratent wasftme Mashine,
The bejt now in use. Those using this machine '
never need be without clean clothes ! He also bat , i"' a,utUJ kJ ' ot"t Storw.
" West Decatur,
" Osceola Mills,
Ferguson, Marron,
Fix, Helon Post Office,
Uirard, Leeotinto'a Mills,
Bald Hills,
Goshen, Sbawsvillo,
(Inihaiu, (Jrahamton,
Oulich Smiths Mills,
Huston, Tyler,
" Pcnnlleld,
Jordan, Ansonille,
Kartlmus, Salt Lick,
Knox, New Millport,
Lawrence, Brcckeuridge,
Morris, Kylertown,
" Morrisdalo,
Penn, Lumber t'ity.f
" Orampiun Hills,
Pike, Curwensville,
" Bloomingville,
Union, Kockton,
Woodward, Jeffries,
t This Post Ofliee will da fur Ck.t LnwnsUip
Will answer tor Ferguson township.
. JlcCrm ken
T. A. M llheel
J. W.Caffix.Wl
U.L llendirson
P. B. Miller
J. E Watson.
R, II. Moore.
C- J. Sloppy,
John Heberiing
Jas- Bloom
Wm. Feath.
Jas McMurray
J. Patchin
Jacob Boico.
tl. S. Toier
W. JIcGarvey.
S. A. Farber.
M. A. Frank.
P. A. Oaulin.
K. W. Schnarr
T. II. Fleming.
Centre county
Misa Kadebacb
T. F. Boalirh
Kdm. Williumt
Elk eounty, Pa.
C. Mignot
Will in in Carr
A. B, Shaw
T. II. Forcee. Fox.
David Tyler
II. Woodward
Klita Cbase
H. Heckadorn
M. 0. Stirk.
J, W. Tbomps'n
Jas. Thompson
J. C Brenner,
II. W. Spencer,
A. C. Moore,
T. W. Fleming.
B. I . Dale
D. Bru baker.
Jos. Lotkelt.
15,000 Killed and" Wounded, and
30,000 taken Prisoners !
70,000 Contrabands freed from the
T7YERT man that has read any thing of the
Aj pt
past history of this tt'All must finally come
to the conclusion tunt the Coufedcrnto Govern
ment wouldbe broken down. It wm only a ques
tion or time. JJut now wt havo tho above Olori
ouf soul-stirring news to cheer us up arid the !
only draw-bnck to our joy and glorification is Ihe I MUSLINS
imminent dangor of the Contrabands coming I UKIINES
North to "eat out our substance," and to wenrout - iliV'lf'
.unshoes! Butofone tbinc theneonle of Ciear- I . . . .....
ield county may be assured, .ml il,.i i. ti.,.t , A LI AlAb
FRANK SHORT for abort called Short ee is
Clothing good nnj,(,
Or any other man.
aRemember the place, in (a iiil
HOl'SE, oppissite the Bank. 4
Clearfield, April 8, lS6a, 3m.
selling llmita di thocs as cheap ns any other ,C I NG H A MS
Just roceivetl al MOSf-
man in the county; and if ou don't believe it.
just give him a call on court-week, orat any other
nine, a ad tee lor yourselves, lit would just r- U; OVbX
mind Ihn l.ul.lm Hint ,; iKnn 1. vi..i... ' VJ L,KJ
I " --- " , .a im w.iact
street, in Shaw's Row where you will find him
just as Short as usual if not a little tlurlir of
Cash than be would like to be.
All kinds of work on bands and made to order
on short notiec, and as well'mnde, and ns good fits
at can be "skeered" up here or elsewhere.
&fc.Don't forget the shop on Market street,
in bliaw't Row, directly opposite Kev. II. B.
Swoope'e office. p, SHORT.
Clearfield, June 11, 1862.
$35 00
ar.y part of the body.
They do not adhere nor blister, but soothe and
charm pain away. Try them. Price, li and 37
cents. Mailed on rercipt of price.
For sale at all the best stores throughout tbe
CAfTtos. As there are dealers who take ad
vantage of our advertisements to impose upon
their customers inferior preparations, it is neces
sary to insist upon having what you call for, and
you will get tiik iikst, thoroughly tested, and
l.r.'narAil hv an at n.rini.o.,1 anil Mi-iMnlifl.. Tlnn .
interest ot his lato partner, is now going it t,,.,, r ,t v v.,,1, ,.,. n-,.
ou ins own iiook id me suop lormeriy oceupiei. Associttlion, and Vice President of tbo New York
by litem ou Second street, where he is prepared (jj,y pentj4 guciety.
nee. Ui lite I (.-I'ui.iituii ic u i,uiiimi-iu kui.iu.ii AUdreSS
by doing all work entrusted to him on short no- WM. B. HURD A CO
ticc, in the best manner, and on the most reas- ' j,fw yr.
ouable 'tortus. Defying the county, all ha a.-ks Jan. 21 18fi3.
is a luir inui, anu a coiiiiiiuaiiuu oi hid pniruH'
This astripgent wash is also the best remedy in DAYS tbe entire cost lor TUITION in the
the world for Canker, Bod Breath, Bleeding X most impulur and successful COMMKRCIAL
(turns, Sore Mouth, etc. It has cured hundreds. , SCHOOL in the country. Vpwards of Tu t: n it
Do you, or your children suffer from TOOTH- Ilf.snttK.D young men, from twesty-ekiht differ
ACI1K? Oet Dr. Ilurd's Magic Toothaclie cnt States, have been educated for business here
Drops. Price IS cents per bottle. within the past three years, some of whom have
Are you afllicted with NKl'KALliIA? tiet been employed at BOOR-K.EKPERS at salaries
Dr. M in. II llurd'a Neuralgia Plaster, of
The most effective and delightful remedy known,! $2000 00 pains in the face, chest, shoulders, back, or immediately t pon graduating, who knew nothing
St Et cor. Tib and (hesluut Streets,
New York city. Brooklyn, Albany, Troy,
Buffalo, Detroit. Cleveland,
Chicago and St. Louis.
BOOK-KEEPlxa, PK.-MA.f.-Hir, Commem-iai,
Arithmetic, Comvkiihal Law, Forms, Con-
KCTi'onr.Ncr., c, practically tnught.
These Colleges being undor the same general
and local inuuiigement, and uniting in each the
advantages ol ull, otter greater facilities for im
parting instruction than any other similar insti
tution in the country.
A Scholarship issued by any one it good in all
lor an unlimited time.
The Philadelphia College baa been recently
cnlnrg and rifumished in a superior manner,
and is now the largest and most prosperous Com
mercial Institution in tho State.
Bryaat 1 Stratton's series of Text Books, em.
bracing Book-keeping, Commercial Arithmetic.-
in louiuierciui i.uw, ior sate, anil sent by mail
JL-if far fall pnrtieulur 'rnj fur i ciimlar,
October 8, 1862. y.
M il0S.
All to be WI at MO.SScf'
Ser nation
at M)SS. r
St'osftlkii J
Sensation tl
.Seouliou J
of all kinds i I at
in ar.y qu.m'ty
Aiwayaon liana at MOSSOF
.St-n5lio M
Oil 111 1 1..MI3
New Watch and Jewelry Store.
II. I.AIJCIII.IN, having purchased Ihe
kj int
Tribune Buildings
of accounts when tbey entered tbe College
V Minister tons bull price.
Students enter at any time, and review when
tbey pleaae, without extra charge.
For Catalogues, Specimens of Penmnnsliip, and
View of the COLLEGE, enclose five letter stamps
Pittsburgh, Pa.
rpiIE undersigned respectfully
1 informs his customers and the
public generally, that he has just
received from the East, and oi en,
establishment in 0' R A HAM'S ROW
May 15, ll. ly
ed nt hit
uiasx T r. ,T'-CJ fl
A National Democratic Newspaper,
To be pvllished Dady and Wcrdy in tic City
of Philadelphia, by
A. J. CLossBHEVnr.R r. J. cnt.xri w n. wllsr
al M0H,
at sensation
as Coats, Tants,
Under Shirt",
Flannel Shirts,
Boots, Shoes,
Hats and Cap.
Now for sale al MOSOIl,
n1H.Sftr,"'liU U"nlion
r orks, Knives, j
Spikes. Hincea. I
al MOSSl'i
"THE AGE" will advocate the principles and
policy of tbe Democratic party, aud will, there
fore necessarily favor the restoration of the I'nion
aa Itwts, and defend tbe Constitution of tbo Uni
ted States, and that of this Commonwealth.
It w ill freely and fairly discuss all Ictitimste
subjects of newspnper comment, including, of
course, and pre-eminently at tbn time, all quca
tiont connected w ith tho existing unhappy con
dition of our country.
It will fearlessly criticise Ihe public nets of pub
lic ser-'tnts, and defend the legal and constitu
tional rights of individual citizens and of sover
eign States, against assaults from any quarter.
It will seek lo awaken the minds of the people
to a proper tense of the actual condition of the
Ripublie to present to them, truthfully, Iho
fearful perils in which we stand as a nation to
a.Kil.ll 1 1, a ,.,..,Tiili..ln rC 1 1. n . . 1, . I. I I. I. .. f
Clearfield, Pa,, a fine assortment of Clocks, ' them, if Ihev would rberk nor ri.nrd ..n....
Watcbks, and Jewelry of different qualities, an,i tu inspire them with patriotic, tletcruiiua-
. - .1 . . r rTILltll II V l'VlVI-t1fllll' I I . . . ..."
age nerelotore extcnoen. l.ook out ior me sign oi juriLi.iiiii r, r.' irom a tingle piece 10 a tun sett, wnicn. na win ' (q apply the remeiiv for our national ilia
I II 1. Ulti W A ' II. I AMtTiiK sou ai me most reasonable prices lor cash, or in In brif. it will. In .11 ibinM. i b-.1..
.. ....... . .. n.r ,.i,n.r,Al,l ;l... I ..... . ' ; ' I ' " "w
Albert D. Boiloau
has entirely ceased
tniti rif'tli ttt 11 11 .r l. 1V...C. 1
.... o'"r"""j N. B The Cash will be positively expected
uici(Ia meaMircs ntttl .nictiteH an.l whtn ,he worW delivered. S. 11. L.
HilV noillin. yc, C mtlsil tllU ItlCIll, Clearfield, jlarch 4, 1883. y
or be britiulcd an t'lioiuk s of the iouii-1 "T "i f 11
(TV. IIOWO IKll'llKlllslv I'l'OMl llfl 'M-OUII ; ! .tffll ' I .'till I
llio fbllv nnd wit Kodin s'j ftft li linitf ' ' ted by I harlca N. Pine and Alfred II. Lew-
inr 101 13 una WICIvCUIH OI UlC llOlir. riMlE subscriber respectfully announces to the la. and will, hereafl.r. bo ceml.M..! f.,arl.l.
alley ojtint citizens of Clearfield and vicinity that he is as irKitna of the great Democratic Party. They
s-Mr I it, r... I. ,'V iu'..:"l 1 . 1 w prepared to supply tho very best quality of will derond the principles of the Constitution,
Star .nr. unicorn ,ll is saul, when lie COAL at tho shortest notice. The irrangemont rights or the Stales, and the liberties of the peo
Iieanl the IICVBortlii'C'ullli.'dei'a(t) ruitl is designed to be permanent, -and a full supply pie.
into IYnna., wns ill hit) room Htll0. '!' al.v be kept on hnnd. ( The Kvoning Journal Is published every after-
It in o- his aro-n- S.,wn-l i.ntrr..rl ni..l rBK'E-A rtnts tt the Bank. noon, (Sunduyt excepted,) at $6 per annum, er
kintf his segj I . rso w ant niter d nn 7 rellts uoiivortd. $3 furix mlh b;; io ailvitJncei u con.
iviiv 111111 vi'v im tr 1 1 V4 iiivil LUIIIVU
and 4isked him if hohudunothcrm'gar.
it'll XJ IJWI" O lV ft III. II UV1VI U IV 'iV(
cxcrionge .tor old goia ana silver. faithful exponent of Detuocratio Minoinle.. and
CLUCKS ofevery variety on hand, at them, it;, 0 render itself worthy to bean orean of the
rtM r . 1 . . 1 .. 1 t icnnuuiiuiB uivoi. ( 1 lntm tfira t it nartv im... ...,hA..
- i iupub I'wiutKTiiiic pnper?. latoiy numtfnea oy , ut r 1 t i-i r'vi nrri uUI
in tv n - .." ..I nM nillUD VI VHii 'H'IICB IUU tJCWClIT A,..inri r.yiitiiata.1 tn Int.. - 1 1
..r..n- :...i ...1 V 1 ' i'-""!-"- '
(whose connection therewith C(irefuI,j. rcpnire(1 anJ Varrau,cd.
1 are now puunsnou unu eai- . ,..,.. .,, r :. .ii:,j
Sept. 19, 1860. U. F. nauole:
Flyer's Patent Churn,
uncommonly grave was lit up with 11
Clearfield, April 8, 1863. 6m.
LdmHtl v smile, a; ho taid. "I urn koitv ISIIIOIISII lEOtCl.
I haven't another, Bill, but you can MAINE street, ccrwknsville, PA.,
porno bohiud mo und help pull, if you VnuHioL luff froprwtor.
,., ,. ,. . . . ,. 4 ',. j J 1, 'I'UtSlong eatuhllshed and woll known U0-
liko, lor this w tarnaliorf hard to draw. 1 tel. .itue.ted in ths w..t end of the town,
This jokJ is Official, and can be relied bas bccnremoddled, cnlaried and improved, and
UDOn- proprietor respectfully announces to his nn-
' ' merous friends, and to the travelling publie, that
Gen. Mojib, tho now leader of tne;r "nn.odate all who may ;
.irmy OI inc foiomac, IS ;no grantmon Ample, safe and comfortable itabling Is at-
Jl-iT For the pjblic convenience, Orders for taint spirited articles on tbe political questions
Coal will be given at Krntror'i storo. ' uf tbe day, with all the current news.Markct and
I Stock reports, and ull such matter as is usually
fonnd in a Daily Newspaper.
1 Tbe Weekly Democratic Leader, is a large
double iheot paper, containing eight pages, for
ty -eight columns ol reading matter, and is fur
nished at the following rates :
Single Copies, one year, (2 00
Two ' " 3 50
Three " S 00
Five " " 8 00
Twenty " 30 00
Thirty 42 OU
Fifty " " Ti 00
The Democrats of Fennsylravia, Maryland,
of Goorir Meildc. OlThiladelphijl, ftn Uched to the premises, and trusty attendants Delaware, and New Jersey, It if hoped will exert
.minfnt Irish . Amnriryin mfrcl-!iiit ' wUl alwayt be oa hand. Charget moderate. ,thmaelvet to give tbe Leader a large circulation.
tmioeni insn American mertrjaut.i ' Feb. 12, lsa-j.u. Addrete pinkalkwis.
wuubc urni vucuiiw a, r itsHimjuons ) :
contributed in 178J, S10.000 to a fund i 1) obert J. wai
fot the relief of the famishing army of, iVth"
Gtceral 'fthiuxtOD
OBERT J. WALLACE, Attdhit t Law
CIBoe in ektw't Hew, op
dec. 1, 1848.-1
No. ION South Third St.,
4uWriU for sample numbers, which will be
promptly printed, gratis.
May 0, 188 .
as Wine, IlranJy,
(i in, V h iskey,
Cognac, etc., etc., j
MlCl IS, sucli as
Prunes, Raisin
Figs, Filberts
at sentation
h as I
sins, V al
Flour, II a-m s,
ShouIdtn, Sufrar,
Molasses, CnHee,
Tea, C r a c k e rs,
Spioes, Candles,
Coal Oil, etc., etc
at SI0S
at sensation
Always X0.
BLACK I SO at icntation
HOPES at sentalioa
POWDER at sedation
SHOT at sensation
LEAD ut sensation
CATS at sensation
Al lh store of RICHARD M'fr
Alvravs lieepion
assoitment of all kinds of go"'"'0
ior 1 ne accommodation 01 iini'"':,.
Kot. u.
restoration of that party tbe party of the Coj-
rtitutio!! and the Lsioj to power, in tbe legis
lative and executive governmental branches of
the States and of the Union, we believe to be ne
cessary to avert anarchy, and the utter ruin of
A superior art cle. A family usine this Churn . tl,e Republic. To contribute to thai restoration
never need be without butter ! wl" be ,,,r higlest aim.
All the above and many other articles are fur- I Tbe Jiew" Literary, Commercial, and othe
niched to customers cbeup for Cash or exchanged departments, will receive due attention, and will
for approved country produce. Cherry, Msplo, , be o conducted as to make "Th Ace" worthy
Poplar, I inwood and other Lumber suitable for olh9 'TPort of the general reader.
Cabinet work, taken in exrhanira for fnrnitiim. ! 4-SuTbe many diSiculties now surrounding an
jTrfr-Remember the shop is on Market street, , enterprise of tbe magnitudb of that in which the I
Clearfield, Po-.and nearly opposite the "Old Jew , unaorsignea are engaged, require them to appeal
Store." JOHN UULICII. 1 18 the ruolio tnt a generous support, and to ask
Noy. 26, l.S(!2. y t for "T"" Aos" a liberal patronage and extended
- , circulation.
Ml".' MP ii i a x K 1a T. ?' E, Ru i x 1 Th.e rrMCnl "tal? of tU Pr"P"try arrange.
in rM 1 II A a T, end In Boards and went warranti tbe expectation, that tbe first
Shingles; Grain and Produce. FRONT Street number of the Daily will appear before tbe olose
above tbe Academy Clearfie.d Pa., of the present month, (February. 1883 ) The
Deej, ,1881. Weekly will be issued toon thVrfafJer.
7VR tALE A Carriage, saltable for one Of I
JL a two horses in good condition for sale
cheap for CASH, by
Clearfield, June 3, 1863.
cyrenius howe.
Justice of the Teace.
For Dsiirca Townihip,
will promptly attend to all business entrusted to
hit eare. P. O. Address. Philipsbara: Pa.
Aug. 31tt 1161
Per annum, $2 00
Fix months, 1 00
Three Months. &0
1 10 copies one ad's 17 60
ZO 32 00
' . .ant
KEEP constantly on .fl(lar.
and and well selected stock of J
I) RUC1S flii leso
And ayencral assortment jL
AT1ES and Faxct AKHVbu,
We respectfully inrlte a sail, '""7 w
dent that we ean supply w
.3. I
terms to their tatliiaeiion. oil-'T
IIARTSWlua oe ,
Clearfield April 27tb 186 jV
TIIOM AH J. M'Ca-ld"-
Per annum, $6 00
Six Months, 3 00
Three Montns, I &0
Copies delivered at
the counter and to
.Air.tnt. ir.rn.Mt.i. I 5ft ai a nn' . .. Of.m-ir
.Zr, . 1 , ... vw, OBce adjoining tne iisna, lot--' ca,
rrayment required invariably io advance, I j B. Mcinally, Esq., Market "'',' h
v S':.';, A' J' SBKENNER A CO. ' J. will at'.od frot Crf Jl
Feb. 2, 1883. 430 Cbeitnut St. Philadelphia, ' olLandi, kt . M PPn
' ' id el
Attorney at
law So