Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 15, 1863, Image 4

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f to
'(, !
t l)t
it O fmrfrtb Mfftillui'it,
. . . -. . . i i.i '
Wft.NfJ'I'AV, !V '''
Cm 1 li'ix lit OTi-nu
( M .1 nf -I '.la? !''
lV, I'i-
. iijj.
11 I a II II I. I ''
trr r. tti i"t,
, r. : I . 'i 'I . x.
i itf I ii. f' I .
I'I t I'll.
1 all .' I r,,
yt.,r In-" ;:J '
It.t.Mnl -.' MA,.
) i,rou,)i A ' """"""""' 'H M'
' 'f mint ell 1,H 1 1 ' " 1 1 r.ani IM ll mpri
mip Ti"n I' '
will llid,e til V .. . ii
'JTaina i n llin l!i ii K.wn.c Vam.kt p. ml leave I
5 in n lor bull'l'dilo Hi S l.i A. m.
i Tl i Imiiiiii I'll 1 1 1 . is lull, r romla inn in , iiimoct
. iili .x lira I it i n mill ,Mn I Iniiii Mel.
i DI'.MOC IIA'I IC ti l (I.
f ll, fi.llllWih ftl'0 tllO lilllll, .,f t. (,, ,.r, i,f
I!, ( unliul Iirmurriilic (iin'i nf ('IculirM cuuii
I; nil runiiliiiij in r ncur tlua I'lncij :
A. M. jiii.i.r, I'remili nt.
J ( ii Mi l'iiriiJ'ix, I ...
Am.ii..- Ai.iii.kmai. "'d 1 l""'"";''
'I. J. .MoL'i l.L'ii (ill, llucoriliiii; Siuirnlaiy.
)l. J. U' K, (Ion uaiiiiiilin Hmircttry.
1aai: JijiNnof, Tiruaiiriir.
PI-Att cimiiMiiiiiuuti'.iia ahntlld lm inlilrfi-inil
to llio ( uri i' i-piin . in i( heiTalnry,
FxARi-b't Tai l ami Lu kv lim ti'K,-At .Mr.
iionrxo Tlioru, liuilJor, nf ihla (iliirn, ami ait or
ai-vnii ol I, in l.nmlx wrr j working al a new Imilil-
iu l.i Curffcnvi!lo nil Wpiliu tiLy lul, (ho amif
I Ming ii on U lljey wore xtan ii njr au l.lun
lypavo wny, .rr.(i.llBtiiitt tint nlmlo purly scv
4 n in nil amne pli'litcon or I venty fuel, tu tin..
niiiii'l. Tiny en) nil ninro or vrr Iruin'i!, I m t
nno fuliilly Injured. Sir. Thorn wplvoil n ie
Ji'iro ( lit in llio biirk .urt of the liil ,y n hut. li-
iuiiii) nun iioi sniuo ono nt tlio Juitty ; iuwl
!:iri n iilaii iTuuiii'd u cut in il,. ImnJ j n Mi.
J' tlllitll
i A.rtr
i if'irt wis uiiioli bi uUpil ; J. 11. Kiu'ii;r nn I
irtor PMPiiie l with t!iu IcM injury, nn I u
'Mr. I.iuvi:r lni'l nn unkle Sir.iinuJ. Ti.i'ir oK'U)..
( ' in mors tcriouii injuiy it rpriuinly roumrkiiblr.
Dciaocratic Vigilance Corniaittces.
I'ly! following iior.-oiH rfunpo o llic
rnwif ;-atii: Viiiunco CoiiimitU'e in t lit
vri'ul jJiiioiihs und townsliijij oT Clear
I'M eounty, ior Ihu nmuiiig year.
j Tlio riinai y (.'ieclion will lie heM on
I iluiday, th lit tiny cf Au'tinL next.
;, rui Tolm Light tier, Samuel Iliml
tiian, i iii. S. Jiipkey.
i ndl- KolnMl Kliler, William Moliafly,
lam l!rt!i.
y'.)'- JnriKis Mclntvie Tobias Sliaflei',
V tn. Hrnrv.
' i,.w-lli3niy Tumor, C'luulo-i Klu.ui,
f'.imwi.I Cro1-".
.Vrt..W-N. S. U'iUou, J. II. (ie.irlrirl.
l.owry fJill.
. fv C i r or ato. C. Kill, f.niiucl PuitU
I Ii writ A moH 1'nn t :i 1 1 .
PurnttJ.: Joliii Kiri', Tliotnus
f.umiel Willinmti.
; '. ''n'jilii )oroiih l, L. zrnsl : ti , A.
.'. !!oor'o 'i'hoin.
I c'--t - John Wot roll, I. ai r;
jAiMtin Cutry.
; ( v."ii!.,'ii rrnnci-i Coii(!i it.t,
ii'iieiiot, Thoniaj Maui-cr.
i ' m 'i i a. iift' Itiin,vgh lo-Iit.a
John l
akcr, II
Jr. Th' riU'mi, I oi les r.lootn.
' ;'',) Paviil fiemliait, l.rvi
'h.'s. M. Cn.hvallailer.
I i -.')! Jimios Straw, P.uiii ICoi'r
'A mi. I.. Moor.
! j (ieoi ii.' . liimoH. J
its. .VI l.tjlla;,.
M. J'rix'li '.vay.
I 'i'i, , Ihmiol Kiiso, John Jury, Clin.
j (,',, --,Koliovt K. lTogal, E. K. Shiruy,
! Win. (irahnm, jr.
j CrahuA Thou. II. Foieey, Win. Wiil-
l.i lm, lnviil Holt,
; i;, oVt Jo.-fVih l-'iy, Thoa. I-'liuk, John
t Jordan.
r'lisoa T.e'vis llurdell, llirum Wooil
: warl, O. IT. l.amni.
A-r.-j.H C'orl" I'fll, John Slr.TT, '!io..
h'.rihmi- Coorpo I leekon Jorn, William
i Hiimki'i', Lorenz I lart line.
! A' Isaac liunlni-, I). L,
IMor May..
; .,,,,,.,.. Join, Shaw, jr. I,i.'vi F. Imiti,
J-Jain Mel-niiu'tilin.
I I.'.mL.r ( V'v .)ofih lf.igcrty, SattMie!
I M -Ciaeken, Amos liilrt.
I John '. Allpott, Jackuon Hoo-
j vt-r. l.eotiar-J Kyler.
I AVie H'lwiiii'""-Jfltiiesj Fealh, ltouheii
,f, J.nuet l'o.".
, y.-oi-S'iitnuioifi-liI l-!e-;.'J, ralrick JL."
I Mtlion, Wm. V. John'oii.
' I'V-J.-is. K. CuhhTell, Uco. MoDowi 11,
j l.inn Hoover.
' I i'.ii-l.eyi Dre-iier, Williiira Welly,
' John Totter, Sr.
ll'...'.ii-'iri( Auhtin Klino, C. J. .c-liofi,
IV Alexnnalcr.
Tlio July of thp Cninmitlcft will 1
"t'gnnir.y Democratic Cluhi in their res
jiojtivt; low ntli i jt, io rtwihe nrmnf ements
lor having tny n:rrtinj:s that tuny he
ilfcc.-iary, einl to give pollen o(
irinterid Iho htddinsr of the Primary
Flection.- I1tia!:i. Tt-T, C'lut'i nian,
leni.,c:ntii; C'ouriiy Coiun itlec
Cli iirllelil, July -I, 1G3.
Jjast Night's Mail
UtinMlM 11111(1102 llOIU Mil) lino Of the
Fotomne. Leo h now to bo entrench
inc. timl r.ot retreating.
Flit tve liave HCCOUlili of a frrihle riot
I in NlW Xotk on Monrlry Inst. Tho fit St
lisj.ftl:li slnjes that a laruo rnoli collected
nt the Coti-ei iition otTice on Third nvonuo
to prevent the draft heing mndo. They
ilrcve rny the coT'crifition ollicet, fct
lite iuiltiinr-s on lira, iho mob fofusin to
1 . . .l C-Tl'. ll ... s
lev uie rue iH'im rinr or the lirenien In
net. nn.l d octroy oil till the tolegrnph wires1 ai.-i.t".
in the vicinity. , l!ill iliscounipd -
At two o'clock the riot Lad nasumcd ''''tm.-ylvnnia State Stock
vast proportions. It was (tinted tlmt To- Vfr'lf -
lice Supfrintcndent Kennedy, with fifteen .'u,frs-ra ' hV "n' , "
i: . r. I .) u:iij j bunk iotes ol otlier Knnka -
policemen, hut. hn kdled, nnd rnany Ler-nl ten ler A demand r.otci,
wouuded. A tqunil of ome o!t wl liei$ ( LupVi, lirifta, Ac. -vvcro
ordered to fire on Iho riolen, hut Over drafts, -their
L'tina were taken from them, nn.l Turnim
liif.v were. J ealen nnd disrorped.
Tho foil owing in the latest dippntoh
which we irivo ntiie:
Jr.iati Citt, July 13, 11 r. nr. Tho ri"tor
have thiiiga pretty much their awn way. Many
t nildinga aacked ind burned, riot Hill guin-on,
n J, if anylhitiK, inereaainj. It la PipePted to-
Eiht will be ono conlinuoui apene ef riot, robbc-
ry ana burniniJ. Jiegroej dire not ahow their
faeci in the atreeta, nlready apvcral ate reported
killed and many wounded. We eloaed tho tele-
r-'raj h otTiee in New Ymk are operating from
Jersey City, tih t bundrt i police are luurding
'ho 7Vt'i one office. SuDerinlendr nt ot l'olico.
Kene W, w aa TerT aoriouill hurL and It ia renor.
'ed that he haa since died. Tot colored Orphan
lom burst.
j V1.!? lll!m
','1H' lif It (I'm Min A,.,
aoo, r' -f I to eon tin, n A 1,1 4 n , ,
n , l.notMi' t-, n I, , . n n run Ij ,, .. r
"' ''' ""'i' ' ll.j. I) Id. .!,.,, hf
ilni ii iiimTiiii" i . n r . J ii mi :i 'r,:;.
' I., -
'Mi; nr.i tii Hi ir!.-! I-. announce M .
' f H'rciice b w ri'hip, at a rnndi l il. I, r
V Crumb ini,i.r, 'object In 1,,. , ii,,,, ,,f
Iho I louiorrnf ie J'U't, Jim Tit.
j We llf Tlllli"rii tn ftiinollliri. tin
Angna M. liill, . Lnidloid Inwr-hip,
name i.f
in n I'n'i'li
I In llio Me
dium In,
I iii' lur ' uiitiiv l I'liiiiii.'.niiiii r, nul'jii
linii of llio J c iu a : 1 1 i l: parly.
trn Mill,' iriv I I, niui'iniKn ili, iininenf
Klini', if 1 " . t .1 1 . .1 I t ivii !i i n. Ki h ,... Ii.
lulo f ir County TrmsiiriT, milijoit tu il.u u.ii' u
il llio Jii'iiiiN'Mtii. piii'ly. Juin' ID
nrp tiiiili"ri."l lo :innnun,'P tlio ii'tnic of
I'r. 1. J. MnyiT, ol townliip, ni a fundi- I
'Ini" lur l.i K'-liiliii.', aiilji'ct In tin. pctii.n of llio i
J'l'iiiocrnliii ji'iriy. ,I,1M0 1 7 n, p f,'l.
We mo antlioiiiKil 10 iin,-,niiiip, tho linino of
I I ri' lni ii k Slmil, nf liinviu ia lnivnliip, i,h 11 (:nn '
f d dii'P l'..r C.iiitiiioiioiir, riilijppl Ij tliP netiuii of
tliu Hi iiin-iiiiii piny. June I7lli. V. I
M'p ni'p millioriit'il tu iinnniinm tlio iiaiiiu of
('lirU.'ii-.r KrntM-r. nt' Cli-nrfii-M Imnmli, as 11
1'uinli'liil.. li.r 'J'rpiiMi,-nr, fiil'ii'i'l t iho ,.timi nf
t iu Jii iiiuiuiic iiiily,
Jiiuo ITlli, 'lit.
WV. nro nulliiiri.'i'il to :i 11 iMninco tin. lmino of 1
I". I'. ( (J I'TltIK i', of (.'uvhiuliin tuwtiabin. t.
I run. I i. lulo lor A I Oil OH, lulijuct In tho m-tiun '
in 1110 l'"iii,iirntio iny. July 1st, 'CI
W'V. 11 iinllmri ,'..,1 In nnlinunco ('liar!'.." HlnnH,
K...., nt !i.;.. t'.wmliip, n pnmlidn'o for tho
"'"' "f ly ('.'inaiifiiiiniT, .iiilijci-t tn tho ac
tion f 'In; I euiLi.-i nr id mrty. July S.
I. nro in':ioi'i.l 10 nunoniiitp Jimr.; n linu v,
of I.mvri'i oi ton ii-lilp, a- a Pinnhd.ilc for tlio of
Ii" 1. 1 Comity t'.int,it!onir - .-'uljn ( to Hie ao
ti'.n of llio lii niiM tatii- pnrly. Jalv S.
Vi I.' lire nnll.nrizrd In nnii'iunrn .T .1 in Mc
I'lPlhu nf Hi,. boioii.:li of I'limrtiokl. Ilorincrly of
M'ir: i. 1111. 1 Cimrd ln iit-bip..., ) a, h cmiitiduto lor
County Coiiiriiiaaiiiiirr-.-ruliiiirt tn lllf 111Mi1.11 of
llio ltMii.i i-jMc jmriy 1 f Cli'inlii ld county.
J nly 1 .1,
M Vlt rtH-'.l)On 1I1P nib int., nt the rtioil.-ii,-..
of tli Mdoa' fntlipr, in I'itii) towilship, i,v
M Ul. A. lilonni, K.., j., Mi. liobl'lt llii'li', o'l
l'i.'i'i;u'oii town-hi), tu VA.-it Mai-niL't E Jilumii,
nil of lliin cminfy.
On tlio ,'Mlth ol.Iiiiu tho r,v, I'dl.t, Mr.
A. I. !'. IJuynl.iii, oftlity 1 it . In Kiiiina
Ulniwor.., nf Newbury, I.yomi";,' Poniily, l'n.
On tho ?.'tli Jutip last, by Hpv. J. II. Ilrnlton,
Mr. Jnhn Urof.dor to Mr.-. K.-ihor M. .Slinffur,
In. Ih of I'nion loivti.liiji.
On tiip S:h ins'.., by llm anmo, Mr. Faiiinol Tobia
In Mirs V,ii;i Krbnrd of Kimx timntliip.
l)i I'.ll (in Kriilny llio "11!, ul' J,,,,,. j,,,,, lii-i
rt'.-i'l'.'Mr,' in T'lirn- i'lo t v nslii ., l;..,..lpr Kin;;,
n;;" i 71 f'"ii, L" ni' :af2 ,ia iiiii.. ol I lie
cii'lie.-t fi'illei-.i in llnit j ;nt nf our imi,iii
UTH.Vl t) C VI.J.. l.'auie f,
misns of the fiib.-ci iber, ill I'.rady tiiwiisliip,
I il" ni! llio L'mIi .lane In-t, a COW ami CAl.T.
i I bp Cnn iv about :i yiars old, v illi n w hitn Taec
and wliio- ,-;,.,i oi, ,..r b.i'.k.. The Cnlf is nbnut
I 2 v"''-1'' "hi. 'lb oner u Ma,!) :t 1 to coma
j forward and .r.. iro;,rrtT) ,.v ebaro. Xo.,
nlliemifo tiiey mil be ib alt wiib ibe Inn ,1..
! '''-''" ilKXIiV WiMIAIUJ
Urady in.-. .i.;v.,. July Ii, l-tit. ,1,
A n-'AiMrn.v-roifs xot u r:.- i.,mi. h
t.f Adniinittratioii Ittviaj hern irrinleil this
i lev I,, ii,,. 'iiidersis nud no the us late ol It K I- 1 1 li R
-vI.Mi, lit'o ol i -in').-i.i , tnnnsliiii, deceased, till
pi r. nus iudcbiod tn sari elalo to
I1'.-IC,I til
I lm. Ui" iinnicliatii raMnent,
nnd those bavin.;
pren-nt them duly
e i. i i ins ni:iin .t the snnio nil
aiillienliciied lor settlement
0TI!I:L1,u H.MKKIi. t
IUirnside l... July l.i, 1 Miil ,'d.
Orfhn ii-s' Court S'llc-
V virtue of nn order of Ihe Orphan's Court of
iirtieh! e iuntv iho undersigned will ex ,
J.'i.-o tu l'L I'.i.lC .SAI.l'i at
Ciii vveiin, iUc, mi Nuliii'di'v the I'ill) ilrj of
Aiunsi, lrti,;t.
All those ccrle in premie'i la'e iho properly of
1-iliis Aslo-y, d-.-eased, .nn.-i-i in of nil that e.'i -tain
triiei ol laud situate in I'iko lown.-iiip, Cb'ar
I'.eld pi niily, bounded by lands of Juliu MeCtou,
ll iber; Al -N ni', Lin-iiii, nnd olbprs,
cnt enin ; 14 H) acres. ii.,r or ea. Willi :i 1'itn
Slor.v I.oii IIOI'SE . a LOU H A i(., and a mini
ber of bruit Tiees thereon, n ith nbout I j acres
eii'iir al.
TMIlMS One tenlh Cn-h at the nle, nud iho
balance ut tho eiiiitii nialinii of Ihe sale.
J0SIAI1 KVA.NS, A tm'r.
Cur.von..-. ille, July I j, I - il. It (
rp;. iin.5
Court Sole.
of nn order of the Orphan's
fold coittitv, (he imd'
!l i Colli l of Cie
will expose to Public -lab at llio Cn;:it lloii.e ia
the !"r. ,ucji of t.'lcirliel-l, on
Sftlunlay the 8-h of Augfiift next.
The f'jllouini; descilnd liKAI, I'TATK, fittl
ato iu the tountdiip of (Jo-I on, in ibe ponntT of
late tho j'io,eit; of John Ise lfriilj-e,
I deceased :
j A certain tract i f land hnundod nml dej 'tibid
; t fullowa : Iii j;ii.uing at an old hi siloek, (dov n.)
;l.cin the soothwest, corner of tract No. 1','la,
thence rust i'52 j-prcbea alorp Ihe wnrrnntco line
lo nn obi locust,, (down ) thence don u Ihe liver
U5 pi relics tn n po.-t corner, theneo norlh El d -reca
west 1-2 perchea tu ll po.-t Punier, tbclice
wi-t l.i" pereliea lo a v.hi'.e pine corner, ibenee
south lul '"relies lo a whilo oak, theneo westllO
jieri bos tn itont-f, thence ontli l.'S jierchea to
jnace of bpiiininr, cnrlninin;
S26 Acres. ' 1
nnd laeuaunl nllmrnnrp, hnviar-rjbr ut
clnorod, with a final! TANLKN IIOI'SE and
,'! U'"N"' '"''f , ' l
tlprpllll. OL-ether Wl h a llilini' ln.-irill" I roltn-,
I ltcrvioL . nc -es f..IJ end emeu ,i i.. rn,...'.
Selfii'li". lr deed escruttd by ,l,,h,'i Selfridp.
l,;llnet nt the oiuilinnnti-n if tt.o aim.
Ir. Hair- : viie-Tentli I nan nt aale. and Hie
. ,; ' V,'M, L. M1AW,
Adin'r of J. Slfriile. tice'd.
(ioshen, July 1 a, I Sriil.
O TATI-'.M KM' of the COI N
IO TY LANK', for the mouth eniliiiK June
$!ii.3i0 IS
47.01 J II
i,2J4 21
- ri.cos in
l.i, ins on
3 1. -.'IO CH
2.MC. 4.-.
29S 47
315 PI
7C4 Ti
21 II
"f ITtiea. ,f e,
I". S. r.pvpu'ue Stamna
Lo.-a iind Kapi-naea,
23 S
' LUBtt.mi.a.
Capital Stock j.nid in - t.'an. 000
Notei in eireubition - 2.27S
Iut lej aitora - 110.702 (t
Due on ceriif of Drpoait, lH,li 21
Due Coininouwealtb, - 1ST .'.0
Iuo L'uite.1 State.-, - f2 .'.0
Due other Hanks, . 17,913 il
luierest utid J-xchng, 1,989 311
( leaineld, July 15, 1S1.
Auditor i Nnit:'.'i
I If K M H I HI of 0 a mI i.f th- li. nl la
Ie, .1 ! ill J H. K in v. 1,1 l'i I'mi.I ,nn
If III t of '.i",rf; .l f t y .
in, I ''! nr I An Ipr.r :i p'.'M.- I in im fnitr, I"
il t itii it the roanat a r'. In, Ii an ,i'o ...
'"I. 'l, Hill riltin.t.i . ilnti. t'f I i Hi. i ,.l.f
ln"rif , nl tl.t nflVt i,f .1. II. M. II v. In t h Ii , r -imrh
"f I I. mf I'M. m Kri ni lii 2 I'h i f Jit
It. I HI.:, nf I" n i l m Ii A. M. i.f iH ilny, Iii ii
iniil wIiiti' (ill p'T" m in..ri.l. "I hut "I'en.l mij
l' h-Kt. ,1. . H l.KulIU, ,l,,.(.
.Inlv , I "tl.
ll-cr.-On tlio I'lli i.f Juno. Int. I.Mwir'ti
llir. hiiniiieli uf Cli trll'ilil iin.l A. II. HIhw'j
null, In I.inTrMiro tintnnliip. n I'IM'KKT IiimfT,
iMiritnliilnn nr hUtt, nn .1 Nunr n .o rn. Tho
I'm. Inr nlll l.o lllirrully rownrili'il liV li.vliir llio
f. line nt ililn nfVo. .Inly I,!"!',:).
STUW (t,-C.iiiio ii.nn llm pri.tni.-o. ,f
tin nilieiibfr in lllnoni lnvnliii, m tbp t'th
,liiy ol Juno In.'t, n Hrm lie Con. nbnut (I vp.irn
old. nip. limn nti with it bell fntPno'l by 1 atrr
ami ini., Tlio oiiopr ia r- 1 11 - It. I In eoinp mid
pay rlinrci'!", and Inko bor nwiiy, or lv will bo
dii.u(.il of ns the law li r---t -.
July S, 'i.-i.-inl. 1.KVI MIArCKKIt.
KS1KK.S to in.
loriu hia put-
riin.'i tlint jTofoiiiiioii-
eti oumihi-s ooiintii's
1" Mil' l I' 'I
1 ' 5r-' -lyji '--'ho limp, ou t ho will
i-j "ir M tlii.l nti.rn In. iiiinbl..
i to liuiki I'rnft'HMiinnl
Viila In nny of bis
fn'eu-Monied p I n ee
tbiii ti 111 m e r ; but
may bo found at his nflier on the tnuthno.-.l cor
ner of Krunl and Main i-ln'els nt nil linn .-, cvee)il
lion notice ujipeirn 111 tlio Inryn m.rr tu the
July S, '(;.t. tf.
" f
AMlil, f d.N'NKI.l.Y bi;..i lonvp In inform
bis fiieii'lJ. mid the Piliion." of tTonrlicld
nod vicinity ccnorally, lie bns taken tin shop
I lately 'ciifiii'd by (rior Nin-son, in Shnw'a
' How, iihi'io l.o iutend.s to be reudy nt nil tune? tn
t unit upon ihoso wlm 11 ay Inror him with their
1 lie will '.tinninteo his work to be n. well e.xo
' cutcd ns ciin be nindo el.-owlu ro, 11 ml nt ouilp a.
rensuitiiblo jiriee. lie ia bound to win the piod
opinion of all who atiik in idioe bather whether
liiulo or feuiiile-
and ali lie asks ia a lair trial.
CleiHlield, July X, lSil;;y
RIOMW T'I !- Tim lion rj of lUlief
for the contily of Clenrfiebl, will moot lit tho
Coniiiiissiniiei's' oiy,ep. no Weduosday and Thurs
day, tl.o -Mill andiloih days of J.tly, lSi..
The lioord have diiecled taut ail new nj pli I
c.'.nis must nj j'i'ar the Hoard and pioduco j
their awuru aliitnuent dilailin'; name nf eoldier,,
ie.';inient nnd eaiopaay ; when cnlisled ; tlio!
linuiberof (ihiluren, willing. i nnd H" ol eueli i ;
the low ii.'nii in r. li'u h lliey lesMm! at t'to tune ol j
nlis'.r.m.t, mid their J-re.-etH i esi U'nce ; and Ilia!
tU i-i n i boa' the nii'i.i.a i l .u port for hoiae't'
nr.. I tbildr 'ii, w'..o nro di -pendent ujiiin l er. j
t 'J'-. i il aeaH-nl ei e-l ;bi!ily, froia Iho lown. Iiipl
in wliich she re-ides, inu,-t ..n be jirodueeil.
uho-e eertiliente, sworn to before tho board, inu.-t I
f t for'li that the applicant is the person -ho rep
reseiils lier--..ll t j be ; that the slatenanent nf ihe
tiiiuibor nnd no of her family is trim : that. -he,
: is in ib s'iint" i ir -uiTi-ilunees nnd her family in I
: actual want ; nn.l Unit nil the fnvi.i eet forili iu her !
"J'l'li.aiioii me ju-t at I true.
. ronns eon'niuin these reoui-iiinns can be ob-
laincil nt Ihe ni'iee cf the Hoard of llclief, when
iiflilicatiim is made nod the wi toe-ses iipjiciir.
V, M. S. I,!tAIiKV, fit:
Ju!v , lis i'..".
rfv.v -S.'-. ii
1.N ll.i ! ihc -nln of the Heal l-Mato
of John llu. -i.l. of 1'eiin township by the
ShpifT of Cleaif'-ld coimlv: 'The undersi'.'uod
nppiinlod in c,. Du't'it nu Auditor In diotribule
n. alter "I
the -ale of
tlio proceeds I'iciiuij -aie. tu iho.-o leully entilled
lo ihe mine, wiil nl -end to the duties of Ins ni
I l'oiutineiit at his ofhco iu the liormiuh of Clear
j held on Wednesday tho 2.1 day of July. lsil;:.
I nt io o eiocs, a. m , oi sum nay. wnen nun wnere
nil periont, may attona nun no uoaru.
TU. .1. a t I LLuL fi II, .ltWil'ir.
.My 1. ISM. !
, V.' ' " I
Auditor s .Notice. j
IX the mutter of the anlu of the llcul E-late of,
I'nvid Mil liiicls. of Chet toVn-hii, by the
theri.'!' "f ITcarfiold county: The tinderiined ai-1
j uinU'd an Andilcr, in ojieu ecnrt to dislribule Iho 1
l rue, -em oi .-aii saie inni iu in. nanus ul III
ChorilV, wiil atiein! tn llio
th. ties of bis npuint-
.'b of Cb-i rlield
f'liday ti e 17lli day ol July. I '.'..!. l o'cie.-k
a . v., w hen nii'l w beio uioro inteicstcd uiny altend
and bo heard.
t j:o. j. MeCi LLoroii, .i.ii.ior.
July 1, IM'
Auditor's Notice.
I'.p matter of Ihc s.iV of the Heal h-tnte of
I Cbnrlca J. x Jo-epli I'i
i'.li I'usoy. by the hpri!l'of
llnrtieM cnnnly : Ihe un'lcrs:ijne'l. heinr; ap-
ointeil in o.en couit no Auditor tn distribute
the j.r.-eeo.I s cf mid . ,i!o to those loyally entitled
tu th'.- same, will attend to tho dulies of his nji-
'joinlmPnt, nl hi.- i Ihce iu iho bnrr-nch cf Clear
fill, on .Monday Iho Itlih day of July, 1 ut 10
lO'iluck, fi. in., of mid day, when nud wlieroall
1 ..-rfi-na inicrc-IPil miiv uttciel nnd bo liein-d.
1110.-'. J. M.CL'Ll.C'LUII, .In i.
Jalv 1. 1V00.
i)IIM.'rK.TOI( XOTKI'.-.Xi'tii'e;1" sr,"r0 " Mieces-ful nil room !i. u. l-.n i.ici,
A is hereby piver. that Letter, of Adiniuistr.i - , J1' 1"" liculiirly invited to call and exain-'ic t'.t o,
it.n have been prantod to ibo sub-criher on the j ht I'rt lia hi-l' any othir piiCera.
e tiitn of II, 11. iVenver, late of Curweu ville, j '
(",",, i fi.d.l eonnly, dec',1. All jausnns indebted to I J 'oarfield, July I, l.-C .. .;ei,t.
suet pttate, aro requesien io niane iiniucoiine ,
laMiatil, anil inoso linviriir, ciainia ntmiin inn
e.nno wiil jresoiit t.'n-iii amy outiienncate.i ior
U. H. LYTLE, A.lin'r.
July 1, l?r,1.r 1
I inilMMritATtli'S' MITICI',. olict ;
X i. br rebv LiTon. that Lellers of Adminislni.
lion on tho e-tato of Thomas iVor .1. bite of Ch est ,
tnwrl:ir. n;ar!ielJ county dect,.fed,hvi,,-: been 1
O.t, In tl noil. rlrne,l nil r,e,-.,.n. I,,,l..l.,a
... i .i.t. , r.'M.i,,.! i.,,.t.. ';.,.,i:,,J
j nvinent. and thnae having ihiuaniU Arnint the
mime, will l.reseiit tbrni ilnlv nulhentientc t for
attt'cnient. ,' OS. II. l'I'.KTII, Arf.n-r.
Now Wnchirpjlnn, July l,lSfi:i. p i
Auditor's Notice.
1 X IhPinntl.T of Ihe rale of the Ufa I Estate, Ac,
I of Kllis r.. Livcrirnf'.t oi (tosben Inviisliin.
'", j.y tho Sheiiff of Clcni field county : The utnlcr
fij;iieil Auditor appointed in opin court todistrib-
til j the in cu ys ;insin(r from Ihe snic by Ihe f-'her
iff At above tinted, w iil attend tn the duties of hia
Appointment nt hia of"e in tii a lioroueh nf (dear
field on Saturday the 1-Uli day of July, ISO."., at
10 o'clock, A. M , when nnd where those interested
niav attend if thev ee proper.
TII'.). J. M'-'Cl'LLOt'filt, A,i.i;ir,
July 1. IM'i.T.
nn indentured Ajiprcntb to the Jarmirii
buatnef , bavin; run away, l therelore caution
all peraons against harboring or trusting him on
my account. Tho ftid boy ia II ycura of age,
and when bo left, wore a black wool hat, black -
i and grey ftript i roundabout, nnd blue panla.
j .10IIV V1I.0X.
, Jordan tmrnahip, July 1, IS03. pd
' 4 llVIIVIS'llll'Sfiri'r..T.llr.nrA,l.
2. ministration on Ihe estate of Philip Erhnrt,of
Knoi townihip, have been granted to the under
lined on said estate. All pereoaa indebted In
anid eatate ara reniiettnd tn innlra imtnrlia l
rynent, and thne baring rlanna againat the
" . ii ineeeni, ipem mr aemaiiicrjl.
i June 1 th, in tiii, tit. pd. . Adniinisttator. i
Hlll')l)V J'ilfMlf, i
l iimhrr lt led t) thrntnl Mram.
fPlir wihl!n...ft,i,(.,:l Ini' . il
1. I'll- I.f I
II ii In- tin
'I nrni l ip i' ii iMi' I'.'Uirn t
' i v of tin. .nr I ,.1, i I. nn I
will i ll lii'livl.lii.,1, I , ,,!.,. ,,,) T, ,.,.!,,, i, ,
. I'H Uif. I n l.linil.rr til i.'il I.T l
H"i p. r, fiiil'lii I., it.. i, .,, r ,
I i" .
i n I." '
my i II'. r
i I i . i fi
in r ''m hi
f.lll. MX IIIIIP III llll Ii,.,,,
Imi'.wii nti'l ilrj ii.'. ;, , j,
in . 1 hi.ui. ni.'l I l. r tlmn n ,
ti;c I'M
i. 'in- iiiti ; (, . , ,,, .,,,( f ft
iiit 'in
lint ii ('(..iininMi, ,ii , ,,,., i i,,, r,.r
tifl.-iti. fn iuiii. I'ur i.f n-.i. In)' ,), i,,' ., !
l.ii',wii in thi- cniiiiiiinii ( j., ntuj iv ..iii!; i-",t I..
rmiTlrri" till' in""t nl ..f ii. ,,,,, i,...,
IVr. il' 'U i:-'iu nl i urr I i-ii,' n -1,1- iv ,i:,i'l,
.I'Hi.v ;.. rrrn.r.
i. I-'-'- : '.u,...:.i, i-
KstillC (l JllS. 'l'litJim -r:i. (IccM.
, '
1 I J i 'I I M III .11 I. A I s In I I t ( I 1 1 ,
M C Ttmtl. IM!MH,, .T.,,) I.miii
tins of .In ie- Thompson, Ini,.. nl'C,,.,i i,.ii'liip.
Cleiii lii'l l i i'Uiily, ilecenai d, nil! ,.. .,. 1,
by public outcry nt tho bornii';h of New Wi,.:.
inton, on
Friday the 31st day of July. 13 C,
nt .'! o'clock, ji. m., of r.iid day, tho folloiyin.; ,,. :
cribe 1 Ir-icts of Inod.
Niiinliei' I. l it aorot nnd OH pen b,-, ueii,
bc).'inniiii! nl post in Imp of .Innnlh'in We-lnver's
bind north K2 dpRrcoi we-t I .t.,.ii.s tn tihim
oak noulli s ili'eri'ci wr-l .'I'.l porebe-i t., cborrv,
norlh "I di..Tr'cs west 1 ti peri-lip In ost, ,.si lis
jierchcH In a in i.lp, n.iinli iiil (lei-ree.- cii.H IS o.r.
dies to pol, foiiih list Oversea i-nt I.'il perelies tn
inni.lp. norlh deirocs en-t .'i7 pp-clipi In lino
on bnnk nf Cheat free k. north l.;reps on ! 711
jierchps lo post on J. WvsfoTpr'a line llnMienby
siinio imrlh J dcirren piift Its jieielii"! In bcin -nine,
aitiuile in Chi'i-t town.-hiji, Cbnrliebl ponu '
ty, I'a.
Nimiticr I it acre.s and I M pf-rchoi, '!',
bcinninf' nt a jiost. II, 1 nee snulli tf. dr'rri'r.s en-'
lllperchpt to iniiplo, aoulli I'.' ile-r. ps ,.:i-: f.7
perenps tn linn, norlh Ml decree? pihI 70 perches
to past. Hnuth 1 div'reo west 7i perebes t ),,,v
bv while Ol, k . Knillll MS' n,.t 1 S'l . ...
by S, 1'ry In a rock oak, north 17 (leftreoa
IJiorchcs by Aiimsl ry to pnsi, tbci.. e I Itninmi s
I laud north 7. dtn;rev nesl 1 I ,"r,.;K. I .. 1; -n,
Ininp, aiumto in Clio.U tuwnahip, ("lenrtiebl cuun
I '.v. I'a.
j Nmitlim- nriea and v p ,.iies. n tt,
beciniiiti'. ul pun, thence non'n 'J .!e ;i,m e.isi
"2 J.pi'elii a to jkim, lliiaii'D by Jolni aijers on. in
I t-'J degree- nest Ju.S j.erche.- In j.i.:. 'tlimico by
bmd of tJiiodiliiiin ruuth 2iIitii i taa.-t Ti pcr.di-
in pn.c ii-nni,..-. iicri'i's Me ' u '-i. ,es in
'V"sl' ll,K'"'e hy a' fc(,"lh u ,i'-''-'t
I w-
l I'll I
poiones in p. st, llienee nv jit'ery
,.,1 nth, I -
n-.i '. nun -
soulh Hit il.::rci's e.i.-t 1,'iil ierciea to I
-.itiuito in ,-u. ; a iian'm I ).Mi.-;,ip, Cain
IV, l'n.
'I'liM !. One. third eu.-li -i. alamo
and two ;.enrs, wilii into n -i, 'i , he no
judgment bond, or jiprmniil secuiio .
WM. FKA'I'll. )
.US. .V.-t H.N, j
July 1, I'-n;:.
' ' Si ill at
I ( in !
"11K fubseriber liaviiiN- relurr
JL i-jii-t lo.iv oja'inn nj. in
Ii 1 iiiu-t carefuilv s.-lceted As.-.,
i ll I L I
rtuii iit.-
SuiuiniT Goods
ever offered to the ...nod j.eoj Ie if Cunv
and ils vicinil v. and which be w ill sell
latcs than niv liou.e in iho poonlv.
en- ill..
1 1 lot i-
(T.d'llilN; AT
Fn:;nr from
I'm fyMip
to 15 cents por lb.
at 87 eeu's jier gnl.
I . ---- e...v.... . .. ln,ea.
j IiOOl ii, SilOOaJ illltl StlOO ImIhImI"'-:
I r . . . - . . , '-1
j Ol llll Ul!lClS,f. JILAI' C ,'!'.
inn an oiiltr "loeern
nt tee anuio rnles.
laidior) who wib tn inako t (food iini'.-tmriu
houbl onll and exaniino tho nstnrtineiil of
j l.,- Illl.T'K'i JT
'' n"i!v rp -'
. i. jj Vl w o..., 3
w ,,,,.,, tli v W'H
fill! t'l
very latest, be.-1 ai.,1
i .,., Cnhionnble l atterns of
,,, n , ...,,,., ., .,. .
For LANS, ( IIKIJFS, 1', J! El i KS,
: LAWNS, ,., Ac.
.f.r.yo, ou. Com, r.-i,, ,,,, i,-, ,
sold at tliotoweat pi ices for cash, or exciiai.
for Country produeo.
J, I), TI lO.M l'S( 1 V
Curwcnsv ilie. M.,y 2", 1 -ii.;.
Auditoi's Xoiico.
i a . ir - nijiirrr ,, in i. r , ir , .
j,,n ;;k,tl, ,, , Uu.k, ,,'. ,: ,
In ,,i il.,,,,.-, aa ,,.,,, ai . .. i , ,
or, n''ointed iu oiicii "ourl, lo di-in'ou:.. the
coeds id -aid sale lo tho.-:. legally inlitle.i . ':
sumo, will attend to ih, lioKi-- of i',i . ,. ,
nl hi- clhee in the lofai-.;, ..ft lull !'., i.!. .n Tl.o
day the 23,1 Jay of July. 1st.;:, ; t Io o'ciocu, ,i. n
1 I
l .
: t
ol .-'ful day, w hen nnd w e ul. iht-'Ii - h,
ted may loleiid if thev
j r-u i r.
TWOS. J. Mi.Ol LM.UTi!!, 1,
July 1. ISHo.
Attention, Furniers.
tiio lipst M'iinluii!!- ever iuvtnii-d i-
mi; oll'ered to tl o i -li,-'-:.- ,-f I leail.eM c i
I The undei sirred A-t i:' i , imw in ll.i- pi
I the I'ltrpnse ol suju h ir ; eve: V fai n,,
; urticle of Ihe f.r.:t !.its. He only ti.-ks :i I ,i- ti i.ii
; ...
I ""ll v-n tuown w
-L l'''lic of CUarfiiM county, is
ri"tTITt3 TI.....1 ll !.... .
Ibo tru i-Iino;
ii" in a ct'L-
. " " 1 -voillent
2 "' "'' ."
The 'Tniioil Ftntc,
bos now nil tho. e niv en-
i ieneea of
: .i 7,,st class nnrni.,
and Ihe lVprietoraaie didern.iiici in span :.,.:ih
j it expense, nine nor inbor to en-ore Ihe cm! o t
I of the cue-la. The f Vruna-M of llm tvav. !,,,.;
public it rcsj.ectfolly ,o'ieifd. Jly I, ''.':., v.
llniiso mid l.ot far Sale.
rpill. subseriber .b .-ire- In nt j .ictc .,..,
I l a nn oi uri.iuiii, -mito n. the boro.ijb ,. I.imti
bor City, with n too stury linine liuuip iher-uii
erected, well finished. A ainM and well of pond
wnler are nn the Iliis is a vcrv
able property far a j riv ato reaid nice. J ,,r fur
ther information addrcas JyS. I.. CI HliV.
June lath, lSfio-.'d j d. Lumber lily, l'a .
Auditor's Notice
Iter of the Mil. ,,f ihe It,
J, J. Lingle, ly ti e fi.etiff of Clcarf eld emm
ty : The underaicned, ar iionced in open court an
, "
1 '
Auditor to distribute the proceed.- ot said anle tu
oae legally nitit'.-d to tbo nine, will attend to
dutiea of hia appointment, at his ofbee in the
borough of Cleurtiebl, on Turn-day the 2Iat div
ei Jiny, i-o., ai m o cinch, n. in., ol snnl day.
when and w here all perrona intci
, ,
' U,"J '"I' iiu
if they aee proper.
THO?. J.MeCrLLOl-Gn, Au,t.
Jnly 1, ISM
For 8ale.-!W."
- ' ..-'. . r ,1,
flON, entirely new, well painuad ai d l
suoai inuai in every particular. 1 nf at 'o at :v
ignm. ( . L. HAItKKt T..
'Tearlield, l'a. AJ ril 1 U.
i ! -K it ii . ' i
IIMill.N iM'.' i - 'i r 1 1 1 1
viAvtiv i li iti l,
ii ki: io.nh:
Hi u hi, I it n v. tiii: ami M i n a
Aof t(hr Ihnnhm ils.
mx. iwL'ri.AinVii
1 i:':i'.i;::ii .;
W. ('. Al. JA(.Ksr;,
run t- i iifii , i .
Will Ftl'tclpa'ly and Host Cuiamiv
ci. im: a i, i, in ska sr.s
A I' I. -I. Mi I !( 'M A
ii(Mii'i,AM)s iT: i:i.n I'm K:
ill euro o cry t asc ni'
hi'iiicor Nervi-U" li-bi:n t . I i-ii'n, , of t la U ii
ll'J i, IW"I I'isi n-'S nn-in . iioni :', I :.
i i ll red fi.oin a n.
t i'.l
mi i'i
llll. IcI.I.uvvim; sv.vii-.
IliOL' film, IllM.idel' nf Ihc
li;;".l,VO C'r.j.ins :
Onn i-t i .
Jntl ion, in .
-. if. I I'il".,
Full II 0 : I I
I.I I lo Ih"
Jlciil. A 'i.lilv ol
ti i l-tniiinrli, .',.-e.'i
lien I liin. n. Ilisi.-iisl Ini
I "" I . I' liill.'-fc or "it'll I
i.i li e -loui ,nb, f ,ur Krui'
I '' ' i . ;-iii!,i ir; nr riuil-i inn
M I II'' I'il of 1 1." " so l 'I.
. n. ii:.' of I In-, lilld
liillicitii 'i .'utiiuiifa Re. tie i nit. i,i
lie. lit, Cbi ai.- i, i- -lif,'o''iilii, ('. ",, ;,.
lll'iun- wlidll Mil' IVtl..' pu'ille, I.,,.
of irinu, Hois or Webs befm e I lie
fib'!,!, . and dull nain in ii,.,
lI'Mio. ty u ; i , leopv nl l'i I'lpirau ii ,
el oi.i.. , ,, M,-, i ,,, .:,..,,
J'il!:i in t:ie side, i'lo k, I'bisl,
tlli'll I ill: h
. I
1- i r i I s
I'AhTicr i.Ait :-.
i '- and h iil n e a
. ; f .',!.. o i n i re i' i; i
i rut in lii'lei un.l
I : Ii,
-l'..r ii,
b.i ,-.
I, , 1 .1 1 it
I'. '-'.,-
S I il
I rue
li A
i, I v
in-! h
!l"t '
. Vo
' , ''ill HO'
a,y of II,
:. a ,d oi-
il 111--- o,
.11':.-' in Hie
I Will ),-.,. ;.
"ja.i'-i-i ' ".i -'l
! prb-e t
I i- i-l j oil.
LA.M)'S (
'"' 'ii
i nt a mil.
I on- ;'
' IK 'Oi'
a c
I I.
A - I'll 1 i'.ll
w I 1.1
0 () I)
,'mm; ii
AND I '.
t ll
A 1'
V( 'I'
i' j:t i i' i;
i.i iii'
K I .
T.KI I Nli-s
, :,i,r . w u i
: i' w i : i
A nl n i
Mil lire! I'M
i,u'"Vs ki-: mi;
i- Kl.b'.'W
Sliffrl i.i'.
l'n,!,. n I. o n
ii ha .- a , aa.--I
ill !!...'!,,,,.
i' r-l.." I'.,
I Pen l!.e e.'- I
ll-, c
I r-.i'i
iii I.i
I'i u al.- .
l.o.-. II li. !.:.- '..
..I I: ..nit!,, ."'u - !, I
I. of ir.-ii.M'i--. an
; ti-;
lo .
i o the a--i'i l ' l
lenib. r Ihnl llio
a-i 0T n i. '.
i t'.i
, i
Tin- j'tcj rii-r.ii
" ll-o-1 ruiiri1.
!'.- a nd C:. l
,ial 1 i:o. .!uii;
'ili"al i ii i ie- i
.. , ,'. , . V
i: i. ;
At:! ir.'.
1. 1 t v i: ;
! .,
o il
tn -I--'
:l r-a-
'II nt
Lo I..
.-ia any -iti'.:..
i -, : !, -as cm, on
I on tin il.o i
I I ,' (..LIU i.l ,
: 0. (-:' Ir-
.-I.I I li.. II. . I
nih t : ' , v " ,
-nl nil.
ni, i
i . !'
I 1. 1
' oil 111, O. It
1 il of I i
1 1 1 . ' u
n ;.u.l
i l.o U e". ul I e.
I . i.L'l l c ji i . ai io:
.1. .N h a I i
!.:- a-1 ,
c li..
,1.1 liin
'loll, I
A -, I, M.ilo ni
ii nd . pecili! y i ,
I'. no: (' In
d :o iio.t:
i'i'.-, o a i i;rj ;i - ;
t'-'-ir liobca. m o i
b II,,- ill tii,-.i ,- :-
red in
' 1 1 -
I'm 'it - ). r. 'n.; ii,.-,
w i.-h in:; to r.- j.e ibem , i
thev riiaiTi ih'i'I l.-i'h 'he-
l,il--nry ic'ti, Snivel, i..
bflid w Ith ihcir hr.i'n-. sl'oi
lie o 11... 'Hand's I'M'-r- in
r I
, cu.
, III. I ll'.--
Id al w;.y. i
It I..,.
v ail
ar tiiein, a- il,."
- 'n liotll lll:l.
lilld I. b I.i ce' l In in il-, ini iroi iiinnr n id ii' t
It it n..t a I, i. jni.r .loiiifia
I olid
' i i r. I ! . i . i ' s ' i " j.
A'i Ti:.TPv)X, SOLDI KKs,
'I' S-ildi-M's.
I the i:'',
fr'i 'in.- ill I :." aii,
(i.i in,', n Hlner-"
. ' induced ny
d,.,f to n:i j: lit'o.
daily ill t',0 ll.-Art
f I.',,
I .O.l - :
1 UI
I 1 --
In ii
a! ' I -s.
n ll..-
I ii
'P p
It will b. ri i ti.., ti,
are suf.i i f.-..i.i ,;,
a ilol call be 1 eiidily c
Litiois. c have I.
if tlu.-o lliiieia
iliei", liaii.iiO'i.-, o' ii .
i' n vci v ;
oiillv. Iii
"f Ilia
ir ol by llnol' iiol - l, "ro. an
i ll, -ilHlo ll in'i iin.l,
Irieiy used u mi' i, i; n..r k,I.
(s loio ho saved ihi l ola-
ci w i,-e w oold be lor:.
Tlio iiopriet., , me d.ily rc'eiviin t lm i, k Tn 1
I'ttci-- from ,-nl'iiiia iu tho ininy and bo-piial-,
nhuhme bei n restore, I i-. I. .-ah I, bv the t,..e of
the-e Liners, seni to thim by their fi 'en.l-.
I'iLwaki; uf ci hn i i;i;i ki ts:
See that the siinhire ( f "C. M. JACKSON" ir
on tl.o wmi-i'i ii nf each Loltio.
1'rlce per ll.iUii J,i cents,
Or half doen d.r t!l.
Slwmt.l , .... . a... .,
HUM .-, ',!.'LI-1 l inni' 's
riti , ( ,,,, ril, (l)i
by any ( I the loioTicn'ma
prepaialicna Hint, inuy be olleied in nsj lnee, hut
send Ions, mid wow;!! b. r t d, vcure y jisckml.
by express.
I'rine ..'i! OlTa e and Mantihictory. No. (I'll Arch
cet. riiil.-ideljiliin.
Su-rc-tors t" C. M. Ja'-v A f .'.
".aj.l'or Sal hv Prnc-vji-1. turl l,f..lei t iun
rv town it the I'nitrd Miittv jny 1 '"J- y
' 1 M
i'-t (tilOlIt 't ll'T'li'Ti Plil
M " I "... I 'o'l- '.'I.I 11 I JH' HI . 'I
I i l . I a .", " n. B y ,
lb, t j n u i.".i'jra J
a 1' ' ' . 1 1 ' '. ! ' f
I't'Y (ii'uili ,,i ,,, i 1 i i I, - j
I 'I.' V ''"Ill's Ml . I I, ...I ',:0. H
I'h i (,( '(Me- it. ro huvil ,i .,,.s
1'1'V i, mills' i.i ri"lii...i .ri,.es
J iniilicls iiml S!; w l-i
I!'ii'ii.'t- ;iru! S'linvl-t
It'iiuicls nml S!i,Th
l!(H,iiia)s ami bliiitvl.i
. !,( 1 1 mini;
I i'i IIINi,
1 1 ' ' 'ill'" IllrWUII., 'I'i I IK -lie, N'oliotll
II 'I'I ' !'', i.ioci li'i'.i ,il r, Tiiiuari, Nolions
ll.ii .1 -a arc, I ,'in-i'l,s'.V :.i e, Tu: nit, Nolioun
: 11 riiiv.ifi., l,iiii ( iiaivnre, Tiiinviii'c Nolioi.
" j " i.
v ",' r :.-:,. 3;r-".g a..
Til, CoTee, Molasacs, ,-uill', Suit,
tod ..I i'.'.i. I!.-,,., u, l'l.-h,
'1 1 1 ' co, 1'iaekois, iit.-.'iif, yiia, Vtrnuh.
" ,' .', ',;' ' --y-sr.ri.-'Y ffrn ,,r y
i i: W vi.ij!.iv.'J ij-' y , JJJ
I'. !( .'-. I'll (T..ih, Hioc-ei, l.a..l,ii iili.rara,
do, ,. ., .'.nu.. V. a -ii b.. i.i., ..,, 1 ookols, Cat,
Ir.uis. I'aii,, Wlnooiv-'oiii,,!..., , ,l , ,,,,
Oil I.lnil.s, I u orel: -i"l cwi.i-., 1 linen and
I', i k-, ,"-",. i, -, Co in, .- l.hickia. AW ul
1 ii 1, n u v. li! I o .-o,n on ils.. iust icii'-onii (erms
, ii d ib, I '. he-t n..ii!.,l pi paid . r tirain,
U ."Ti'.i;iii:- bins an, ! nil k-in-1- . '. eiumiry
' ' bee J. i' Kb ri'.u.
I I till : .1 0 '. a bill e iho A ''a 'it' tn V , Cieal lo'i'l, l'n
I .lu. .", 1"' '.
I Ml- IJI.KMa cv i u7 ; f J ii"
, I fuvo jii'-t i-'i'Mii-'l n hn ef ci,'! i.'i mlivl
,'iS .Oi l lIl'Mlt ol
At their old bfjiru! i Clt -i- (:!!.
fllllbV lii.vciii,. I,':, i, .s-imci.t of I ,rdw nro
, -I iu it. has c .1 I.e. ii j . ,us.:,t tn ; i, ,. cnunty,
ol nh liny itii! ,,il i '. t'h,. )..,,.,,,, ,, pi,.
':'! ("nud a
T "
lid I d '
C U T T I. K R
, I " 'il i 'l, ihe-. h.vii.. the 'rep' a! ottetit:. a of Iho
iniiii.. fintiriii'n-' heiivy rilvoi ilniod Porks, .
- nuns and l! olli i b'lii fo ol to... best imuiulao
, tin '.
A lot of I'Mols of ll , L--t pattern, nud olboi
Ino -in iu-. A;.-', a ; ,iiciii i,,--oi ii,i,'iit o pistol
cu t : ld;e-,- -a II ol H Iii' o i.l i , rolilnt ren-niia,
bic pi :,
They I 'llt'l'll" to ln:ii,l,f: .'line III! l.iml-!'
Tin-unir, iJrjtss Kct I les, Siovo
IV'',''., llhl:l:i','l!...l".':,,V'i iu tii.' s,
ti-.ii : th.. j-i
'I ! ..!. I... .il i'i' Ivliint; !i IMtiify,
n iii 'h .ue S-.-i ! ( e.iiio Ll! li Hutts. All ,
I'I. -.. i'a .ii. ! i,: i y .tin r A-Amllnml im
o.i'I'.CMI .
Ctiok Sf')vt,, I'iii'lor and Coal
': '- n :i -i.ii a- . .r::ii..".i, an I o! the n. j..i''
i' 'ns. i-1'...iii' nt r-.i. Ti lisi- pri
Co ;i i Oil, Coal (),! L-mijhs
I'airl-. 'Iu.. n.l ataish'st. a eiicril assoi tmelil.
lilii.-.-, pi;: -.-. .X:'-. 1 1 on lin l.'asT'v.s ol irri.-at
i i'i'i : i'i i'" i' ' aloiiisL c i v tlnu -.i-aulcl ijy
Hi.' t' can lie 1 .a,I 'ti tirflr . I b'i -Ulniult,
rni'.l lit J I i i e. .Mlll't ,
Now is 1 1 it"! time to purchaso,
If ys'll ib'sivo any tiling in ti eit line of bir-ino.-s.
liivo f li ei.. o.ii in d n..iiuiini' lii.'ii .tools, and
the, fee! i.., i that -hi . nu he so oiun.od.ited.
I:eti!.:ii ,-r, th, ir ,.-ii,i.': Inn.ojt Is o i . ..I
'lic.;. ' :t at li. ' I. I'i., a ' -jo y "I c iti h'-yes)')'b
1" III" vu r I'"- 1 : ', a il : ;e.
it"? '-'M -ill.-!. c.y.l. bras ., . outer H u 1 old
ci I ii, -.-' -.. i'i L' Ink,": in "i i,'i"i;,i f .;- li.ii I-.
-da; 2, I" .! ','tIilT.l, a 1; KH.I-; );.
M'.nMsi'tHToics Mint i:.N.,Uei,
j i- I '-,-''.. ;: -. 1. i.T , f, .-. .! , ; : -. "l.
i'"-l ' " in- '. '.! ii-l .-' 'fi. 1: , I:,1 ol ii .h
i ii lo-i o hi;:, t hot! IH'"! coil'isv. ...ji ... I, lii.vili
:;r,i.,ie i i i i.,,. iiiijetsi; ne l. u ! 1 persons lit
i ! - ' '! si-i.i'..- ai v n. -.:-.". I In .....I." an.i.j.
i' i ' j ..;;! c. ,1,1 I hi".- a Ii .via.,- - !-,; ii, a ;a iii ,i
il... -a ui' nit' iio cut I hem dul- niti inn. licit''"! lor
'in c i '. U M. I.. SHAW.
, . !..n -. I pi .t.v.
i;i ti iims' Miiiti:,. N..ti-.. i ii..r
I , i.y- .i 'i ti. .1 belt..,- i e-i.ii.ii i.i.iry on tl.n
'.':. .. - 1 ' a- '.!. Me 1 i. lo .i ii Iii p.
' ".' 'I ii '-I e. olll v. .!: -. :, i, ,, hiillli; I u ; r llll
i I ... :h in, b r.-i .:ii. d. p"i- .as ii.,d.t.4 In
. ... i -'at- ... pi---ic'l ',, cih.' i rum -1 1 tt ' ,. pay.
"I-"', a 1 l :-: ii.i-. lit.; o'i...ti. .s .1 ;ii . 1 1 s l Iho
-i... v-i pi .it I' - - i .!t iv aiit'i. iiiieitttd loi
.. tt.. .. - ,i .
I-: i.i . . i.ii i ii n i;.-n.. Vaicui'ji.
.1 I i.l - A. 11 Kl'li, l-.M- i.lor.
I'r.d;- :;. :-.:.
a thniai -U a tor's Jintioe.
." Ml i. . i., 111. I l.-Oel'r id Ad-
if, i i-..:-- - ,. I-.- . mi - fMo-o- .N.,r.
I.. , r . i '-. ,i ', ,1 i it l oan
i . 'lec i i i, i, a ,c ' , i "i ii-i, o: "d lo 'I,'' ' 1 1"! "r-1 .-ti
. -i. A.! p : -'-ii- not'lit.',: i , t . nt." ic
one-' '. . - ': a.." i o .11 dial ; p.i,oeiil lOfitllosn
li... . i.i . ,'.,:,. i . .. ; ,i;, .1 I,,, ,, w.j; o, . -elH ill mil
'I'll ' iltMiii I It'-;, I ol f-r -,' 'i.une',1.
JA.H..S V, IMiil.KV,
J-! ' '.1,1 o .- it. A-iurci :r.i.r.
11 (Ml-; AM) -Iii 11 I i: fh ., t.-'-idicrh
o. - re ail i.'i- .1, i a -. it,,- . :,:--1 i i o i a ..coii ii la
Bit', ti,. II, i l..',-i!.ll Willi l,. l'''-'.!l'l: 1 I'll.-1
io- -. ' . .-.iii . in -. I : '- ni-i'ott inni,. i .i.dny.
i i - 1" .' p"i I. ii I a li.itti :; ip-'icctPdViit n-.lieo
Ion.-. J. J). I lIu.Mf"N,
J S. TliOMr,i'.,
Curo ni l TI", M iy 27. I -" :.
N. U The I'.n-lues'. w ill be emitimir l ns bero
I. lore :.l ill, id 1 fteml. .1. J. & J.T.
Wool ainl ',u Sjiiiiiiin-jt Wheels,
T '0: Ullill. V.,,,,,.:. ."'tie 1 am i i'l on '
i I -i'i i ; i..e on a.o si .-1.-.1, ii , nn ,. : ilio
I I'i" "! 1 a atli'TI .- , m ty (.. i.i 1 . r:i .-i i,.. ..,,.,r
'i.iii'y icn of, i cd lo -e .nt : "i... ..: tlie-s lorinr
M.i' oi' ''- li wili i a I cbe'ip . i ,a.,f
' '' ' ' nt ll- 'HI -.t ii, .-, ,11c.
u m. p. i.tia m i.:;;i-'..
Ma. .. i :. - y
Shaiiiiff .ilni ISatr liriissin!'
I I Ml". Ml Ul "::l r t ,,'iy .'.ironi,
t i ! .- I: 0 I "i i burden! nii't ui'itntv th
ii-' '.a-- i' I n I I " Ins obi ai.iii.l. ..i.l i, w.'ll ;,r"
I '"'' i-i.dcr th.- ni.isi p. il., i s:iii:f,i..ti,,i, in all
lib'-!' iy '' ' ' r 1 h -, ; j t ol.-s. i no a I s.'rvicAu.
l'!."-li.'!.. April , (.'.
W o (i I Wool.
"(itdin ''oi-'mw it u on l i,ts-d-
fJf.yrlF :.,.;, if . t, i... -1 m.irki
-i :i--.' i. ii: b- pari I.',-.
j. p. Kit r.rr.r..
CI. a, ticld, M.iy ii, l-i-..
b. J. i Kf.s. nam K li.taji.irv
tt( -rnrj at l.a tv.
May ", ''" ".. Ci r ini lam, r .
ll;. !. AVOlUfi,
IjKA( TKINTi I'hy-icii'ii, inni tiniaiiitu f?ur
peon f-.r I'ei-'ioi. . i.'iiii-i- ?'Mii!aiivt eoiiivr
,-ct' O'l and ' berry a ;, t'learl. Id, 1'n,
.'iii.i.'.rv I'I, i-ri.',. ly.
IiR. J'--, VV. rOTTEii. '
rtivsii Tju anid iii 4ii, i. ' nn; n.iiln
1 - d tt I'r-'iichville, ivirgioa ti.wn.h'y.. off
4 hia profe-sionul nervitt." iniiii niruun'lrn"
t ...uniuniiy. . Mi; ', t.f, .
: i