-"t "" f " " . . i ItAtTIUL HAttAD. . re, , I I wln'rfl r.'rM. ' As lb ind blew r,t" '' ' Tth-ri .Van ram aeolcriri I., t.. with lif 1 ill si e i tui to her in f i'hr t d" f , 'Oh rut-.". ilrfn'r'." ' 'tlrl, lome .b e-n nnd "p" ''""'i Or th child in m aim Kill perlh and ! Uy the iudi iLal Mow across lb wild moiif. ill! "in vvm:u: Ittm fit "(! ri1n. M, t f H In I ,'. "Mi , mwilU, If f all n l'f Hilhin "i "' it ti l sf'rr th ( n'inti o! th n r , effitlen . ff, CIUIUHH m'a 0. D 00.l'l.A.tl.n, 1 f.o I'lll'lliliUM, wntfu.T r.Mi'oniUM . iiiKiMiiirnnmiwiijufjiAt. fyOOO Motl'i wrr r.i.T I'F.ko' -it at r; i.fa i m. .T ,.,.iu VICTIM 4 Ht ...,. t.M A ' 't l I i t,i. i n. 1 'I n 0 Klh . Iii i In r1 r '. I nf f r I ' !' i mm i.'hhi it. ,m ifi ' n I i nr " ('III I' ll ,s ,,. f" up 1 i a HI'i' '.1 I h'irjr ('raat, ,( i a f piaa. ( l ll .ifil-, i.'l ftr?'; '-H 'll th fa. I I. li' I.I C. mtrrf, ' . 'i'i" hi Inter rla In rnrry an lb ( il.li. I ink ln( but inn m lit d ft.-r. n I mi" h- . Having l-nad a r i ii ' r i.r n lr f l I f to 1 1-1 tn I Ail, ftllllif. jib lii'lin.n, nd .tkf.in ,l,,i,rni-tirari i tt m nt arlnrtd lelhRr.yblirn )""' tr-ld' """jlng in shop I"f thri ' I. I - . . . . . a ' . i . i . . !j, an, i.r BH.'t-ra i, ii.kmi ma, rlfl run tenner I'lncil'ti t tlii.i liu n.y ...,f I.iiii xiih tlil 1 1 (jO cul . ni. Ilmli-u l"'i-d In ll..nt(i. .i li.rcu((h, t mi hi .Hi III ltil n'f'ti.yi, Hi, J It llikll t 2 i,n b liln i l.j. i l lo tiinki' lu ut j.r iirut ILiI ubllil II in., MhI hitnit'ii" h A it r t I (hi fullul. fltfl 1 tniartion, I'm iiinri-, ( 1 1 Hum,) f SO Oh li di I I ri lhlMlnf ir"l, ' ri. )imir,(2sij1,1i.,) 1 Oil MbiM onif I L''T 'l ThfKf i-luurM, (4S lir.M.I t JH t . ,i i.. r,...i... nit 1..11I rusniii or Doim-, unirn Au'l oo nni to Uk jiitr on mi'." One fiqiuti, I t t The o!1 itmn win iliif t bur fii. . ; Tn.Uari. t I i I Nut f'.ii id nf I'" rcn-li"'! li !' ! ThrtD ii'ri-, i : : llui ik mti'h di.i did bowl, miJ th illiR4 kill fuur fiiunrrf, ! ! ! M.llid, Atd III l!."JMii icr""! illoioor. rttl, 1. 1 I lutilro N. I'll. $2 (0 4 Oil : i "0 : PO It 00 J d i. I 7 I bl 1 1 ilia I. t4 nil 6 no no 10 CO 11 on 20 I'd ',M ah. t 01 ll 1l tllltll I . I IK. I, und ill, l.i'l f, Id l..lmiii fnl""l, II i f.iin 0 f II. K'- i Ivnil.Tn'id Vnrlf iti'J ill d l' lid tb rinr. l'l i f (hi .i iiitull jt, r'lil (jfllil h'al'l, mi I II. libnili'l uf III (') Ihf lr.lnK Jiiumiil ! full l.l ff (u r ti.rtjn, ( Suiiilny aci.ril,) It f.1 l ni.uni, e.r f .1 f. f iix in..iitli, Ail.l. In .lvnf. It cn tnilil ( iut'd nrlit-lf i on Mil 'lilinl qimit oni nl lb liny, villi ill tli curiam lit m. M irkcl unil Sli ck t'.(irl, n d I'll ui h mutler t Ui-uull ; ii rench Uousttadj ille will always bs fii in i.'.iiy NinMiil.t 10 00! 12 00 II 00 1 00 a oo; Hut how mtift tL old man l.Rv? Ml V. ben t ciiuie I" tli d"r lu tb mrn Tocr linry ci dciid, I nt tl chii'l "M H Cloi pi ctd in Iti dend iiiotlicr'i ftrioi j Hlf friintic lit t'-r hi gruy Imir, And tb tl doKD bin ehifkj ibrjr did pour, Fiviug, "thi cold uintir night lb uriibid uJ diid I5j th wind that blew aoro.i lb wild uiO'.r." Tbn old mnn In priof inid nwsy, Th rbild tu ill mother wnt tnun, .pi uo one, thy my, ba' iived thnreto ihii dv, And tho cottng lo ruin bs pmc ; Xho villn;rii point out the ipol, Wbr thoillow droopi over th door, 6jina! tber Mry died, ouc a guy vilUj briJo liy lh wind thitl blown iktosii llio "il l ntjr, ' A ruljjit Habit. X Corroi)oncJt'nt is holding up n fow pictareti, triio to life, i'or the notice of his clerical IVu'iiiIh as may have need of them, liop.ng the reflection will do no harm. Ho ssiys: "I notice in sumo cases a handkerchief habit in the pulpit, whi.h has led. me to inquire il the uko of that very lie ccssnjy article ia n part of theological training. 1 notice boiiib minister! tuke it out of their pockets ns they do heir etu'inons, and lay it on the pul pit. Some ppread it out lengthwise through the middle of the bible; Bomu nuake it every few momenta over their heads; Rome clench it in their hand;, an if they were going to throw it at the au dience; and some keep crowding it into their pockets and pulling it out again with a nervous movement, kh it they did not know what to do with their hands. I wenX once to hear a popular young preacher, and asnuch as half of his sermon w.is made up cl pocket-handkerchief ; and most of .the other half gold watch ami efberap poetry. Mall it column, : : On (v-l'imii, : I I Ori-r t'i'o wo.'kii mid lci tlmu thru mm tin 2i Icxnti per 'U.-o f..r Inacrtion. UiMiniM not. vi nit e-ihni( tCiii tr in- (rtc.i fur Ji ft voir. A lvrrliniE3i.il n't niiriiJ wilktlie numbr of DJirtloni dt siroit, will ki rcatinaii until forbid and charged ai-cnrditK to tbwii tinni. COUNTY dTrKCTORY. Time of llnlillii Court, (round Mon l.iy J 1 2tli of Jauuirr, Third Moiidujr lOOil nl' March, TUii I Monday liili of Jim, Fourth Monduy 2HtbJ u' Soptoiuber, lu inch your, and contiuuo two neoki If HI- conary. County Olllccria l'roa't Judira.IInn. Sninunl Linn. Unllofont. Aa'U fudges, llou .1. 1). !li'iiiii''n,l'urwiiYlll Hun. Juinri llluom, Furil. Slivr.ff, Kilwnrd I'erk', CUarfiolJ Pri.tliiti'.tiirY, IiuiviJ liuwiJer " Hoa-'i'tor i Herurder, I. U. 1'nrfcr, ClirGlJ. liiftri.-t Att'v I.-mul Tut, " Truaturer, Jnirph Shaw, " ft. Hurrcyor, H, U, Wright, Olen Hop Comiu'ri, 8. C, Thouipiun, Morriodal Jacob Kunli, Lutbrnbur Thoi. lU);hrlT, Urainpina HiU. Auditor, II. C. Knwman, I'bilipiburg I'. Worrell, N. Waibinton 11 J. Woodward, Pinnfleld, Cori ner, J. W. Tultrr, Lrconto,! Mi 111 Co. Suj.l. I'lini. II landlord ClearCeld. List of I'oitomce. JV'whAijji. aViim'i of P, O. Xitmtt of P. Uifirin, (lien Hope, Wui. H. Wright " Madeira, C. J. Pmoy. " I'uhvil!, Tneo. Weld. llt?arty A Koadi Muu I Hegarly, ninl ('"innmii ninl rirnch I'oMs C'-lt!'r, Jfii. py Lit. it, if' nil i-iIkt Kitu! of USD T K ADS, ith Tci tii-i I'aN nii ful'l-llinaT'Hnd ll.ia-1 tier'l l'ati'iil Spring lied j ( nr. 1 !: lurniali f In f.dl.r WnrU in( t'liiiiri f.f (I i ffc rout J Kiiid nr. (I f mi mon 01 11 t:u CHAIRS III' Kill al'aO funliH I o nnlnr lliiir, llmk. and ' 1 1 : i r mill Cottnn MAI- The Wpi kl liriiioiimia Lender, l ft lnrc d iul.la M.ei-t paper, ci.ul.iinliiK eiajlit pnee. fi r-ly-tiaiht riMuiiiin ol n Hdiiig iiuilir, i.(l Ii lur- iii'lie'l l ti i"iiou r.u.'i : i i.nriitNfi HMts-i'smtxo toot!. at f.tlft.VMr.15 tf. ?. A tO, ubir It TO HE I Hold at pr'u-r tba! wi'l Indoca all tl ! liy der.H inl-feil lo M e rLOTllINtl KSTAB I I.If IIMIiNT (' i' ingle L'upii.p.nni year, I'm lbre " " " " Twenty ' " Tbirly " ' 1 iliy The lf muriiti f : no 3 1.0 4 00 5 fiO so oo 4 J 00 7i 00 f IVntiFylvnnia, Marylnnd, ! Ml tin vi f r f J'.I.f fM'l, ef r'aLV A al I n i ; 1 1 1 l! I. N N r tl a. I. L-"tM,-. I te-ti ' ' "IIIK AOt ' wi'dal tali tt. ) t'-lir of ll.i p.. in-oratl ji,r. fur niceiairl'7 ln(,r th tHmiti- .a '!1' ai It .ia, aa4 defend lh, f r,ttltr,n7 U tl led and thatef ,1,1, (V..' i cour.i.aod t. ,,.l,,H lly it ll 'l 11,1., ' ' i-tii.ltkl diimn nf i.nr rni'iilrj'. Hf m 'llio!. the ri,l,-i, ,,u.,( .-find n.r l.v .i .. j" "lum ci-i,y, ,UJ U'fMilllfrom . univi iiMl phtinfarlii.n which hl! Il will li.iirle.ily teen (iivcil I- it unmeou in i , n iiihi asn i in- ar' I Ti la, a I 'I u kTllfl'. tahl.-. In uultt .ml .U.r.l'ioll. 1 Dot : ' tit of lli.il-. Iiluul Kill...'. . . c' ...... nun Minoa. in, ...i... n.icn ir in i.-'tie e . -- -i ir,m tn. it wm f.cK to a. iiken (U luna. J ,1,"" IN PENNS YL VA NIA . i Zt ir..ri, ,,-mj .11 WUU U . Mlind II ... '' leuili. Ill KKAl S iiflTUKSSKS. 'llnnl.ove diflcienl k ii f-1 LiK pii.uiim, nii.l many other HOAHIiS. Wardrobe.. iulii l,., will he unde to llni k iiiM", rV.rlur iiihI .nl.r fur cn-toiiier", on ' Cemrii Tub!.", lireiik . -In-rl t..,:'u'.', clmiplur fast niid Iiiniiv tabl. I tnli, i r i Mbiinf.-.' .i iV.r uod the late.-t iu.prni oil u iniv.'il country jn- KlItMlnillll '1 albll'l. Illll-i lllli-e. 1) lll't tura,Clllie. rmki, Was Muinls.Toi- plm-e, at I am dett-nuia-, hit and Woik MhihIh, e. I., lurni-h uli ortioln and erory oilier kind vfnt ihe mini rennbl turuitur in hii linn, lirnlu. i j9-Mipl, t'biirry. Toplnr, lln, I.lnwood and , every other luituble lumbur, will Im tulien in ex-1 i hni'ge fir furniture, Cnh will a'.o be pnid for , jood Lumber- 1!. K. Sllol'lv. I N. II. I'oiriniof tho lnle-t lyl iimdo to order; on hurt uotice. FuimrMl attiinlod whenever ilia-ruble. I'UarjUUl, Pa., Fib. 11, '03. IVh.waie, and Now Joiy, it ia hoped will exort themarlrra tQ give the Leader a larie circiilution. Adilre-s I'INK A LI'.WIS. So. IiS Kiiulh 'lhird Kr.. 1'hlUdelphia. Writ lor fnuipl nuuiben, Vthich will I. .tuii:j.i;y i rinUd, piaii. May ii, till . Ooin.i, and you can bar a.hib't lb niaKniludn of th ,; 7 Ih.in, if they would ch.rk our dow,1,Jrt,, -and toinepir them with patriot,. aJ.S ipt.ly tni niittr for our b.ii,,. .-.t 1803. 18G3. i rie.iniel.1 I Covin jtor Old Maips. There is very little to bo said in behalf of an old bachelor, he is generally heaitlots or hogUh but "old maids" are generally the choicest ol their sex l)r. Hullin his Journal of Health, outs in tho follow- Deeur, ing plea in their behalf: "Being an old maid implies deci-' jrKllIB, sion of character; neither sham, nor'Fi, shows, nor courtly manner, nor spleu-jr",,,Rrd' did persons have won them over; nor ,0'jiMli promises, nor shallow tears. They jtjrahnu, looitea oeyonu the manner and the ''uU f,HA..n ' :...!... - . .. I ' - , uitao, uuu uiiuiii no cncerillfe ;r;ci;ci. llower, Clielt, Cuih, Oitend, Clearfield Urligre, Williami' Urom, Lot hribut, Troutvillc, Jcfit-riou Lin , Fore?!, New W aibineton L'urniida, Patcliinville, K?t Hi lf-'. llunl, .VcOiuvey f'eitover Clearfield, 1'rencbvill, Karlhiiui, C'urweiuvll , i urw navi',1, rbilip- burg, M'ett Decalur, Ovi-aola Milli, Marrnn, Hiinilord, lira dy, nioi.111, Eirniiiie, Cheat, M'. Mi I riickun T. A. M'Ohi-e J. W.C;:.r.l.-i-II. L JU'iid. nui V. II. Milkr J. E V'ttmn. K. 11. Moore. C- J. Sloppy, Johu lieoeruiig Jhi- jiliiotn Wiu. FHib. Jus M C.Murray .T. Tatchin Jaeob Bnu-e. O. 8. Torer M'. Meliarviy. S. A. 1-iirbcr. M. A. Frank. 1'. A. Onulin. F. W. Scbnarf T. 11. F!-n.in;t. Centro eounly Min Kadebuch T. F. HoulicU Kdin. Williiiuin I'llILADKLPHIA .i ERIK RAILROAD. rilll.S ,.'rit line trari-i the Xorlliorn and X NiTlliweatorn countiei of Pennsj Ivabia to tbo oily of Kriii, on Luke Krie. It Im been leafed by the Penntiitmnin Unit i.m.i I'ltmpnuji, nnd under thoir nujpicei it he iiid rapidly opened thrnufjhoiit its entire length. It ii now in uso for l'onienRer nnd Freight on liiief, from Iliirrisburg to Driftwood (id i-'ork, 177 ini) on the Lualeni Divinion, and from KhelliiM to trie, (7S aiile?) oh tho Wetti-rn Division. Hmt ! Put'iwjfr Tia.ni at IMjluood. Kxprtci Tr.iin lenves ea!wiiid 4 ?0 P. M. Lxpris Trniii arrives wiatwari 12 00 M. (.'nrs run llirouch withoI t c imnoi both way i n tlu.-e tniii. I ; w ". n l'liiliiilolpbiu mid Lock llnveii. nnd l...wcu Lultiinore ami Lo"k llnven. Lleciint Sleeping C.n aci-iunpiuiy the Kpress Trniu boih wnvr between Williuiiicport und llulii- .....i u.ri .., i......,,i..i,,l,, i 11 c. 1 uuu. oy '" .' ' ". !-' Kr inl'oruiiilio,, rospeeling FuKsenfer buainoia l.u by one duller a week Ihe above land and , ftt le s ,,. VJ , ,h 4nJ Ml,rkt,t JU fnriin are iitua ed at tbntwno.l, W ufiitnptnn ! At. f,.r i-r;,.,,f i,,,.;,,..., r ,i (,.,,,,'. . i i,...i:.. v.. T , V..m i h -. j - l a II.I1IL-, l.lll II.IKI.'.. I I I J , .'1 n .ii-;, a v. New Jersey Lands for Sale, SSa.iftfljbSi air JirU IFsxz, CilHTALLK for br.ipe. J'eacbe. 1 tun, ltiip O berries, Ftrnwberriei, l)lnckherr, Ciirriint, i tf-., of 1, !, 5,10 or 10 ucie eiii'b, at the follow-1 ing price for the piemat, fix : '.'0 ncreii for $200, 1 10 acre for $110, i acre fur tf,0, I'J norcs fur ! $40, 1 acre fur I-U. Payable by one dollar per j week. AUo, (rood Cranberry lunrt, and villujr Iota in All klndi and iylr. of Clothing at nearly on half OF THE Prict-i uiually aknl at other Etorei. tlon to apply Til a hkmrdt I Jo brief . r..t.i.r..l ............ . a- n 1 j i.i. tui ii, aa iKinvin wi uemoer.,,. . In r..aiila)i i,anlr ... Z f ""OlPif . . ii, u an orin.r I Hernocratio party, under whm ,,(, --. -- r -a, 1IU 10 aBll .1 te.toration of that prty-ih p,rtv of ,k" , jiriTCTloN nndth fnion to p,,w ( . , iaiir. and xeutiv r.vrnm,nui hn I th Statu and of th Union, w, UliJv? eciMry n avert anarchy, and lb u't.a to Hepnblic. To contnUteioih.,' T , willb. our biirleM aim. lh'Ntn Clothing good enough to lt the ' Tbe New, Literary, Coroairn-i,! hj ' dfLartmeiiti, will receive due atiamu. be i cond icted ai to t&iik "Int Aax" j of the iniiport of tho Eentrul ! 1 ho many Uiu.culiici now a,,... , fDtrriir'e of tbe niUL-niiudb of ihmt. fM undt to the public for 'iBf Aat" I , circulation. I Tbeprcrnttatof th rrfrmtarj I menu warranti th xpectauuu. u,.i ,i ..' nmnli.r of lh. n,.ilo .ill i . " ... ...v ... ,.,r.r oeior M,f(; oftb preient, niohlh, (February, UJ; p Wiekly will t lamed oon thraflir. ' further information, apply, with a P. O. aia'Tp, I for a circular, to I n. F1IAXKLIN CLAraK, I No. 90 Cidur eirett, Now York, N. V. j Jan. 2I,163. ly- I Wiitclio?, Jewelry iy silver-Wure. friHL underif;neil would reapecltully Invite J- Voiir attention to hii well elei ted t"ck of Fine" (.eld nnd Silver .W ATC1I F.S, F . Uuld .ILWFLIiY, of every kind nnd variety of ttylei J pom rininp all of tho Mxwrsi nnd inot tcAt'Tt- -rt'L iiF.si ux. Also, HI'LID SILVER WAP.i: , ,o.io fo Coin ami tbe best ninker f Silver P Intel ll'ire. Lath j artlile l wirrnult-t to a rpreent? 1. I jtr-TT-W ult'bea and Jewelry carefully npuircd and rjtvtfuntion guar antee i. .1AI.HH HARLKY. (iVur.v.'.'or to ,SV"tT tf' llurfi, ) No. 622 MarUt Street, Philadelphia. March ), 180.1. :im. pd. btu-inecs of the Coin Agonl. fj. II. Kii.gton, jr., Cor. lUth and Market ntH., I' I'lliidfipliin ; J. W. lleviiulds' Lrie : J. M. Dri'll, Aifc.it N. C. II. II. Ealiiinnre; II. li. Hoi SToN, UeuT Freight A't, Pbila.J Lkwi L. Uul l T, llen'l Tiel.et At' t, Phila. j Jul. 1). I'oit.1, Oeu'l Manager, Williamapnrt. Jan. Zl, lKtI3. GOVERNOR, ' Or any other man. Remember thr plae, In the MANSION HOl'sE, oppoilth Hank. If EIZ K.N STEIN PROS, it CO. CloarfielJ, April 8, IPC:!. Sin. RICHARD HOSSOP, FOREIGN and UO.MKST1C GOODS, Clearfield, 1'a. niagnitndb of thatl.i,:. T1 t rfignod are engnged, require then ia.n he public for a eenerou aunnon. .,j:.w1 libera! patronage ftud eiUlJ MUSLINS DELAINES Ci.'KUKUS ALPACAS nt Hi At fit .Sanation Seiiaalion Sensation pncp pricew piiceii price Jiut receivnJ Bt MU-SSOl'S'. i ii tion of depth of mind and stei ling prin ciples' they gavo up tho spacious pres- a more solid fu- ent for the chance of ture, and detcruiincJ in hope and pn-lji, nunto ami resignauon lo fiuo their time.'" Loss of l ritizE Accounts from Nassau annoiaiee the arrival there of tho steamer Wargaretand Jessie. This vessel was chiisod' on the 1st of Mav by tho U. S. steamer Rhode Island, the ollicers of which thought she wn set on Cre and run ashore The wreck ers reported that she. was destroyed, and she was not examined or evo i boarded from the Rhode Island. When tho Rhode Island reached Capo Hay tien intelligence was received that the Margaret and Jessio had been raided and towed into Nassau. The escape of this prize must bo very mortifving to those who onco had hor within their casygruRp. Heavy Flllcks. Mr. John Pierce, ofOgden, Monroe, county, N. Y., has atwoyear oldbu k that sheared twen-ty-ono pounds of wool at (en month and twenty day8 growth. He also has a ewe thatistenycarsold that sheared nine pounds and has a fine lamb by ber side. J Helen Po'. Office, Elk county, Pa Leeounte'i Mill, ('. Mignot liald 11 ills, William Larr Shansvil'ie, A. P.. Shaw Urahaioton, T. V. l'..im.. Slllllh! I'.Ta, A.r, l-'ox. iyler, Darid iyier ' Pciiniield, II. Woodaard .Tor.lii., Anioneillc, f.liia Clinic Ktrthaui, Suit Lik, O. lleckadurii Knox, New Millnorl, M. O. Sik- Lawrence, Ilreckeiirid.-e. J, W. Thoinpi'i rri, Kylrriofrn, Jni. Thompson Morrimlale, Ja L Urannor, Penn, Lumber City.f 11. W. Spencer, " Grainpiau Hill, A. C. .Moore, Pike, Curwenirillo, 7', W. Firming. " Bloomingville, II. t. Duie I'nion, Pockton, D Brubuker. Woodward, Jeffrici, Jul. I-oikeft. Hii Putt Otliee n ill do f..r Cheat towut'.ip Will nntwtr lor Ferguion toirnthip. DR. WM. Ii. IIURD'S DENTAL REMEDIES ARC THE fcEST IN Til E WuKLD, iM-cittyo FINE TELTII AND A J!VEET EREATII, AND TOOTIIA' IIK AND NLCRAl.OIA. 1 GINGHAMS 'CHIN I L PRINTS (i LOVES CRAVATS cert l no po you Mi lo be b!e'f for Pkiiilv Whitf. tin I S Dr. XSm. V.. aiiiKl'i with and admired "ti.'. J'KKTII ? rf I m i. .ilitd 'lnoili SHAWLS HON NETS COLORED MUSLINS at nl Hi nt til ft! at nt Sen nation Sjenaut ion Sfiisniion SunKatifn Stinsulion JTIITf price j.i ice price pr.ee i M(H;iiin Sonfiition prir'e:. Sensuiiou prices Scrnation price All to Lc had ut MOSSOI'S'. LINEN ut CRASH at CURTAIN" ai I AHLE CLOTHS at FRINGE at Sensation St'iisaiion .Son.' nt ion Sensation S.'fMiiion price prices pr'.ct $8 CO DAILY". Per annum, Six Month, 3 00 Tl.reo Mourns, l Copiei delivered at tbe counter and to A-'ent A Carrier 2ot WEEKLY. rer aiitua, S:t niunihi. Tlire Moiitl.1. lOcppk-i OQ kd'l 1' iO 30 I .ii , jt-v ruj mem required invariably lo a.lvu! A 1 T 111 ilJ 'liriikia..' Feb. 2, 1S03. ,30 Chentnut at. kMUi,iva'u ot Mossors'. $35 00 PAYS the entire coat lor TV1TI0N lu the most popular and ucrrful CO.M M I' CI AL c-CIIOOL lu tb country. L'pwardt of Twmvi lltM.asn yuuiije men, from iwim-nciit diflei ent State, have been educated for busine here within the pait three venrf, tome of whom hav been einpl -yed ai HOOK-KttPEKS at lalariri Uf $2000 00 iiHinrdlntely rpnn pro luoiiiig, who knew ni.Uiiijfi of ace-lints when they ntered ite College. jir-rMiiiiter' aon half price, Stuilont enter at any time, and review when they plea, without extra charge. For Catalogues Specimen! of 1'etimaiuhip, and View of tho COLLEliE, riicloa five letter tanip n JENKINS i SMITH, May IS, 61. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. WATCH & JEWELRY fpiIE undc ri)rned renpeetftilly A Fine Tugugjit. A French wri ter has 6Hi-d that 'to dream glorious, you must act irlori wake, und to bring angle-, kwn. 1 COnverso H-rlih y.(iun your eleei, yOD received from the Fat, and o, rn, must laoor in the -cause of virtuo dur-' " h" "a"i"hUtnt m ouajam s i:o ing tilO day ' ClarnIJ, Pa.,. fine assortment of Clocks, J ' j WAU'iim, and Jiwilbt of different qualitie, sT, rTT I, . j from a tino piec to a full lelt, which hi will VIIK.F.S. lt)C OIllClU 1 report i e'l at the tnot reasonable pricra for caab, or ia blnl,,n a 1. .. a .1. . ,1.11 . .t 7 rmivo mm int.. UOliectOr, fell rvey Or I cxr"r, eioroi u on nu n rrer. and Naval Agent of this l.ort have.' CLOCKS of every variety on ha ..i-; . i ... " ' 1 . re.nonnl.la rricri. r..-..Mn..l.t.. .i I I II u, llti"i viiuusunn uonars per an nuiucach. No wonder these oilicials hand, at tbe unit e..l,.,.u .,..! . ... . ... ,reaonai,lo price """"V'"u j-iNwues amounting to' ALL kind, of Clod,. Watitu and Jewelry earefully repaired and H'orrnnfcrf. A rontimianra of patronage i lolieited, Dm Mtl-nl c WUr. .,..,1.1 k. .a! "'." . i sou. Jl. I-. A L OLt. . i iiumn nub l.V HI - - - . t..at pric-yvwj. yu Vlltcut ch -nu b-IT,, f) . 1 t , A "'I cnor art cle. A family uiDc thin Clmrn l-rg Hon. (.Im ties J. linldle, Chair-,l1:Ver "Vo'l without butter! man of the Democratic State Commit-' 'V1!1' u""vc ttnl 1D"' ot,,er "tiele are fur. tee, succeeded in raising over siv hun.lI.!r .eLcl,i,0,,,07ehe'pJf',r c" or'"H-cd j , ; . A "un-, for approved country produce. berry. Manic dred recruits m Thiladoljilna i., twtn-l P'", l iood .,,d other Lumber uVu,bi. ior' ty-lour hours, pretty good Work for atul"","Vur't. tlcn in exebango for fi-niture. L ovurr tCtl't ' - ",b ""'P i on Jiumet 1 I'iKt lll l', v.iirnlit': Ir. ir -. -.c. , Price, 1'S cenl- tl iK'ifi. jr ai ;. -r box st at at Sr.ti.'.iitioii Sen' ;ii ton Sfns:ilir!i ; : ice.-I'iii'i--prices Going-it Alone! r1i:()l.ll XHWMIX hayini? ronmenecd 1 the manufacture nf lifiOTS and SIIOKS would refprctfully solicit a hare of public pa' ronnge. Without making a great funs, or any rath proiiiica, it thall and will tc hi eteiiu-) en draw to fe'ect Tfce v. rv be of Ptr.i-k. Make the very best of work, And (at leant hope f. r) The very beet of ciiatont. (If thii aiutpoa-fry it look very like it but it U the fi-ntA, which i better. So, "wado in" ml j;rt Flit. Shaw'i Koa door next HepuhlimnotUct Gr.o. Nfwco. ClearfielJ, July 9,SC2. y . New Watch and Jewelry Store. Q II. I. U Clll.IN, lisvinir purchase 1 the .1 i, .. l.ui Jn'o') . Do j'.ii v. i -h to li ccrii''... '.'i l j.,ur MtFATll i pure, in -cl. nml nsrveiibl to hu.-bntid or wile, lover ir friends? t'sc "r' Hu rd'a t't'lolii ated iMotilli V, asli. Price eenrer bottle. Thie iiiiiinnent w mil i nlii' ' ,bL't remedy in th world for 'linker, L'l .-ath, bleedintr Gum, Sore J 'uth. ele. It h ..' t,ind hun Jreds. Do y. u. or your children iifier from T'.'OTII ACIIL? U.M lr. Iliutl's Malc ToiilhaeUe I'TiipSa Trie.' I.'' rents per b' ttle. Are y..u nfllicted with NEL'HALGIA? Col Dr. Va'ui. It Hurd'a Neuralgia riavtcis The nioft eflrclive un 1 d. licblful remedy known, for pain in the fare, cbet, ihouldcr.', buck, or ar.y part of the body. 1 bey do not adhere rr r tliytcr, tut i"othe and chirm r..iin nwuy. Try them. Price, 15 and i)7 'cen'. Mailed n ro riptof price. ' For ile al all !b be-t iturci tbioaghoat the ,' country. j Cai tio A" tbere are deuler who take ad- 'Vat.timcof hit niivei lisonit'r.t. to imp. i upon ! their eti.-loiuors inlei iur pr. porfltiom, ii ia necf iry to inai-t upon ":i " iin.- vilmt y.ii call fir, and I i; or will ct'T the bi -t, thoroiifrbiy tr-ted, and 1 1 rcprrr I by an experienced niid n-innlilio Don i tiat, Trranurer i f the New Y'jrk Stiite Dentist' ! .'. n.-ueiiiiion. nid Vice 1'iL.idmt of the New Y ork Ci'v Dental Sucety, Addn-.-'S V. il. l;. UL HD tl CO., Tribune H.ii'.dingi New York. Ja. 21, 1 -oo. lltJSIEKY ' ! K1LPONS -! 1 lilMMINGs I nl ull k ni-la k V fa i Sensation in tiny rjLiwti ly J A '.whys on hand nt MOS.Oi'S' pi im- CAS-IMEUES nt SATTINE1S a'. I'WEEDS st .1 F A Ns Rt VESITNGS at SHIK'IINGS at Sensation iSviisution Sensation Spiisntion SeiitRlion Sensution iiices pi iees price priori ut MOSSOl'tT. AUKS T. taOSAHD. )1. A, W At LACK. I), a. ri.tritT a. c. risaar CLOTHING fiiclO nu Co ti), Punt Vc-ts, Under Sliirti. at Ei;ti.,tion Flaritifl Shins, Pi KiI, Slioe, ' 11 at mid Ciiii' N.nv lor snip at MO 'SOI'S' H A II b WAKE eilt;li li Sn f .nulla I . Pork a. Knivrs, fl""'tion pnee Spike, iliny. J at aVO-SSOP.S'. LIQUOH?. si'rh ) lib U uo Hniiuiy, I . 'Sin, Vliishe1ffcl"t'n,al,on CVyiKic, etc., etc., J r KU 1 I S, tiiiel) as Cheni) Furniture: DF.SIRES to iuform Li, old fried. Kit timeritbt, having; oiilured lii ,j. iui;:eu.-d his facilities tor mantifacturlti I now proiinred to make to urd-r furniture V br d-eirtd, ia gwi styU and at cbfop ran. Cash. lie moitly hi oo hand at Lii "f '.' lute I'.oodi," a variud aiurtnnnt of Kiidt-t, (uruiinre, among bichari Bureaus and Side-Board!, Wardrobe and Look-Catei: Centre, i:tt, h tre.ikf. atd )iL:nb- Kxtranoa 'ullu ConiiBfTi, French 1'oi.t. cottira, Ja- I.iud end other Beihttdi. .fiiTAS of',,; KIND:. UO K-'.Tav' HAT-itCr, WASlI-STANlW.it' Mocking cid Arm theirs, Sp rinx-fe'tiut, Cane-Loitrui nnj Tul Hi.: and Cou.uK.n ru.i ctlier Cbi-. I O OKI XG-G LASSES Of every deeriptiou en Lird; and r. row fur old I'raiuei-', whloh will b pn'. in ut i. ry riasoiiablc, ternn on abort uauc. lie uk. keop on lmn(',orfurrrtibitoci. tier, lUir. Corn-llufk, ilairasl Cotton top ilallm.joi. 1 CCrriXS. of every k!2d, Made to o-der, and funeral at'endad iii Hearse, wbenevar dfiiw!, Aleo, House ralntltigdur.e toorJir. Tl.a aulcriber aio B;nafa,ct3r.i, wii rontanily an hai.d, Ch-meut's Fateut VasiiiUa: Ih-tl The bejt now in ue. Th: '-s;: r.ever need be without chan c!o;l! lie t.' I i a Zlaoaal2aaU'I. .S jV'j?'Ja, GliEATEST DAfTIE ON LMCOrJ pricra I Truiies Eui-iii. Figa, FilLf rts, ic. !5'00 Killed nnd Woundcttr taken Prisoner.! ; WITH CAMP EQU I PA GE-A.fi pncM. 70,000 Contrabands frtod from I at .MOSsOI'iS', ul icnaatioti GIiOCEIHES, anv jJtVanliiniranb Collection vOct::;".: Miilasba, CVtfee, C." Tf.i, Crack era, pict's, Cuiidlt'., : coal Oil, etc., etc lntcret of hi late partner, i now train: it on hi own hook in the hop formerly occupied by tbrm on Second street, where b I prepared i lo keep up hi rrputittion a a complete workman by doing all work entrusted to him on short no tice, iu the best manner, and r.n tbe mot reti- 1.1. a rv.a-: I . ... . 1 1 I. . . , . I uuu, .ic irrinr. art-,B.,ii luc rnu;:i, pii up B.-lta a la r! ,rl,.l . annlinn.ll... .V a., agr heretofore extended. Look out for tLeiicn of T H K 15 10 U'AT.ju. N. B IL Cafh will he poitively expected when the work ia delivered. S. II. L. Clearfield, March 4, ISM. y LEONaVrjV FINNEY &Co C L E A H F I I. l, tLEAHl'lELb CO L'XTl', PA. I KILLS 01. EXCH A (0 C, OTLS A n DRAFTS BISCOt'UTE i) i'osits nnci:iVEii, tlulirtiion inaJe and in.cft.Zs promptly remitted TOW DEK is.citnii5ciii me title coiiHtatitij sjio on hand. ' i.F.AD JZJ0fiict on Seeiad St., nearly oppoiito the CATS UIL1.T HOUSE. BONDS OF SLAVERY at sensation price BLACKING HOPES Alwayt at MOSSOPS'. prices jii-icea prices jiiices Coal! Coal! fpiIE lubjcriber respectfully aniiniinoe lo the JL ahip, Clinton county, Penntylvauia, known as ' the I.OKAIN LANDS, viz : I . A crrtiiin tract, beinfr No. 3I(!9, warranted in the I. ii ino of Thomas Willing, continuing about IKK) acres, filiate on Birch Id.iud Run, atths distance of S luiici from tha river, being well timbered with Pino nnd Ouk. Also, another siuallor tract of land, iltuate at . NEW FIRM. HARTSW1CK & HUSTOX MGSISTS. now prepared to mpply tha very best quality of ' 'f the river, containing 73 acres and ullowance, XIVflCFT ftp, iff riliPTfrh im COAL at the sherte-t notice. The trraneemrnt ; and having a good railing beach thereon. - ,'"'Iwvr'1 onffr ILtiAKl'lhLU 1 A. j KEEP constancy on hand a large and and well elected stock of "INVERT man that ha read any lhitij J J aaak ui.uij w, aula dual BUai-7 I to tha conclusion that tha Confederal! H4 trotit wouldbi broken down. It wu oalyif lion ot time, nut now wt liav bs alxiril out roul-itirring new lo cher osapjn only draw-back to our joy and gloriucauot iinininenl danger of the Contraband! ti North to "at out our ub tan"," at,d to ur shoes 1 But of one thir.gthrpoplifi irl I county nay be assured, anj tliat ii FRANK SHORT for ihort cal'.id i'arc ptieea telling Ilaiota h ahors as cheap ai ut price, man in trie county: and if you oval txiaj jmt give him a rail on court-week, oral atrj time, oad ar. fif y0M:;eI, ..ulifl minil ,Vi. -. l .l.. I , . J ai... a , , a, fUiMIO lllll Ul Ol'p 11 D0w B W -iiirsjs j:.eps en l.anu a lull street, in Sbaw's Row-wber ita Cl a 1 r r . .I.ia All kinds of work on hands and Bads a on rhort notice, and ai wall made, and ai ft as can tie "akeered" up here jr eiievbtri, I 4-iuDon't forgot the hop oj MaiWl in febaw 'a RUW( dinctly ijpoii; HcJ Swoope'i oflice. P. flit Clearfield, June 11, 1S62. at Rt ft lit :.t at ientinn (-eiisiiiion aensaiioit sulfation aenaution aenpation At the Horn of IUCIIAUD M0SS0P. iaMOSSOP YALUA11LE TI.MME11 LANDS lafal a.fllf . ,WL, av.....l r .11 I l.'r I. -..a J . ' ... a.-- t.,. tu mm.-. THE attention of person, dair..w of purclias- ' ! V- " Poous qu"ei J as mal-if not aUtt'.l 1 inir desirable Timber La.,,1 i. Inviud loth. ,'r tliC nccomtnodaliotl 0 the puhlic Cam than be yrould l.k to be. j follcwing tracts of land situate. I in Keating town iN'pv. 12, 1SR2. citiiene of Claarfu-ld and vieioiiy that be i the mouth of Ilirch Islam. Run, on the west aide ftaf" Are you not afraid your wife ill tot married airain when you die?" "Ihopo she may, s there will be ono Clearfield, Pa.. and nearly opposite th "Old Jew i Ptor." Nov. 21, lPf,2. y JOHN OCLICH. a.r.,. ' ?- KRATZER. MERCHANT .nrf J. a man in the world who Will kllOW iOW "hinglea; drain and Prodnca. FRONT Street 10 pity me. " " "r"u"ny v-learae.d Pa., Doc. i, Ibltt LoYALTV' Cheatini til COVerU- 1?! SLK-A Carriage, faiubl for " . jl iwu norsea in gooa oondltion fo CUarBeld, June 3, 1863. rnent, stealinf from the soldiers, shav- cheap for cash, by "Z greenoacKs ana lying on tho De-; luocrucy. Aimed. Tho steamers running be-1 iween io8ton and lJortIand have been cne or for sale R. V. WILSON. CV REN I US II OWE, JCHTICK OF THE PEACE. For DacATta Township, Strongly armed and manned Ao-ninnf promptly attend to all businesi ntru.ted to anv attr.tr V,t,r..j a...b- . v t-moara. F.O. Ad Addrm, Philipiburg Ta. COAL at the sherte.t notice. The arrangement is designed to be permanent, and a full supply will always he kept on hnniJ. I'llICE S rti;ts at the Rnk. ? rents delivered. JT.JT'l'or the p.blie ennvrnirnee, Order for Coal will be given at Kratzor'a atom. .John feeney. Clearfield, April 8, ML 6in. i iisin !l I oFe I. MAINK KTREE1, Cl'ltWKNSVILLE, PA., WM. A. MASON. Proprietor. riiniS lung eitahlis'hed and well known H0 X TEL, ituatod in ths wet end of (he town, bus beenretuoddleil, ftilmped and improved, and the proprietor re'perlfully announces to bia nu merous friendf, and to tha travelling public, that he is wow prepared to aoenmrnodal all who may fuvor him with a call. Ample, af and ootnfortable (tabling ii at tached to the premises, and trusty atlendaol will alwaya b on baud. Charges moderate. lab, 12, 116 -2.t;. 1 OBERT J. WALLACE77riiTrlT Law J.V Clearfield, Pa., Cfte in bkaw'a Row. ej o,t thu Jonrr.; j?.o. deo. 1, lt.- if and having a good railing beach thereon. i ft, fur term apply to . L. REED, I , JAS. B. GRAHAM, J Bxrl- Clearfield, July 20, 1862. DRUGS and CHEMICALS r.HXTS OILS AXD VAIiXISll PEfll-CMLRY TOILET ARTICLES. BLANKS, BOGUS AND STATIONARY. TOBACCO A: SEGARS. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney at Law and Ileal l:late Agcot, CLEARFIELD. PENN'A. fffir,; on Mnriel t. Opposite the Jail, "II Efl'ECTFl'LLY oflrri bis a rricos in lell JA ing and buying land in Clearfield and ad joining counties ; and with an experience of over ta.a.,1 1, arms a ai ciirfe yur, natter oimeu IDBl a ho can render eatisfaction. And A1SD a general assortment Of VARI Offers for Sale 'AT1ES and Tancy ARTICLES. We reepaotfnlly Invite a all, feeling conB dent that we ,an supply the wanu of all, o a term to their satUf.oiion. HARTtsHICK A BtiuOX. nea.field April 27th D.03. tf IKK acre of eoal and timber Land, aituatt In Decatur township, Clearfield county, in lots to uit purchasers, located Dear tbe Tyrone and Clenrfield Railroad. 2400 acre of first rate farm and timber laud in Boll township, Clearfield county, situate on tba waters of Cnrrj' Run. Iti-H acre in two i,ih, e- 112i an-l thaoth-' erot uaie thom a. m rm.ovun ' Mirufy at l.evv. AM Tl OS A I COMMERCIAL COLLI LOCATED 1ST nilLA DELrHIA. 8. E. cor. 7lb and (hestoot K Vn Vai-U :a n 1.1 al1Va.- vw .un ciiy. xrouK.iynxviuai-ji Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago and St- Lotus, TOOK-KEEPINO, Pt5Ai..irtr, t X) AaiTBuanc, CoxdtaciiL L, ; Rtaponncacc. ao.. tirctica!l tj...iiL Thai ColDee beinc uod r tha itM and local management, ar.d uoii ti 1 aaanugs ol all. otter gr -,fcr fa1! partiDg initruotioa than anjt'aT "i iwnun tu tue country. A (icbolnrabip isauei, by . Mi cSl'' for an unlimited time. ' Tbo Phii .delphia f eulareed and ra'ur ; ,.j f, .aurr i and . now the la gf ti aMt"u1 tneroial lns'ituli oo jo the Sun., Iiryaat A f iV T,x; bracing oof .t.. , mCrcial audrn.rci:;-f-(0,,.?d. 8U7 attack by thw Coo Wratecruieri. VVim iai O1.Sal I, H