'IV in M , ri to' "f K'HT'i ot I'luf't jss i f IK' c ''' I 'Isatll.ld e i Ml.', to tr , . ii,.r'p,l, llifM l.i If '" '' '" MI'LIC P A I K, St tli e art lions. In lbe ben ogh of Cleat fi-M, in V'-n ih lih dsv if June tint, il 1 ..V.trk. 1. M., Ik fu,!iitt dismUd Heal ) Mi t. lo Il i All Hunt tf tracts ir plerci of lnml silnati In I'miflihl rnuiity. ftfnl Pennsylvania boon dxd Kid ilrM'rl(riJ V )i.)l : 1 !. 1 hf nn thert of, called "PlaitfieM," sitimle In Picraila town I learficld fi uiitv, end buimdt 'I and descri bed s follows. t wli : Perinninf Hi p-.s itnJ - - . .- i . . - I I.. . .1- ,,t -II I ill . .,.,..., a. ..ill, . A II IIUI1 g I V III' 'i- "I ii'.iin, v - J( un tO uVgieis west V" pt-ubis I" s post, ll'i'nrw ''V t,,u , lands of Mrrmiin ImIihit soiitn v ucgr.e. fn 42 per 1 r In a pott, thence b,v lands ul Thomas liilliligtm M'tlh 40 degrees went 212 perches tu h hemlock Irrc, thenee by lit next described tract north !)U degrees pint V.'IO , rrchcs I" o dog wood, mill thence bv land formerly of- Adntu Kuhn called "Belmont" nai'h 4i degieoi east 220 peiehei tu tic placi "f tegiiiBinj?. contain ing i3l tern nnil Ml perches Hnd allowance. 2d. Ami her thereof, railed "Greenland," lit rte in llrcrnrin township, OnrflrtKI county aforesaid, bounded and described i follows, lu nil : Beginning at aforesaid dogwood ami exten ding by tbe Irucl nbuve described South -0U de gree! west v'.'M perclieii to a hemlock, thence by lands of Thomas Martlu north 40 dgrf went 320 perchea lu a pott, thenc. by land uf Jacob CfltntFFB BAIM VITTtt 'f tiridre t't if w(f i tif Wd Ir wrisVl i lb ini 1r, eltsrfil IKmi' n, ftvitf n.nnn , JWWl MHinir in f,.MM..itif. inixMMtion tih.l la l M tl i r i" I.UIH ll('ll y .,l ,f .t. lh ijn u r,f J MV i.l Mir,(.fl. I ' ' " ' im tni i r"n lennnf in m fl IB lb! it- .. I. Ma 1 t '""'' ""i "j im mil n ., m ..i. ;.. .. i.ri I i i.. r't...-V.f Mh P H.'..nrrlH. Al.n.nn.ll h A '" f . . . r ",,M,,,n lUdi-lpnl.til'i Intirr.i In k rfitn .,ft tid I1''1""' low HMii, l I r 1 Ti 1 I romii v rni. i'ui In knrtliitu lonM), ( IrntT. H rimnly, ii'l'r! nl'filll 0 H''H', llioif nr i , l.f ing loun'Ul y lun-li if I'. A. Knttbu, (Inn. Kiiin- Jmit ut i ln''i r tinct of Imvl Mnniinlnl in )i Tu t' ti A Irtln. nnd lb Puiirliiinti rlt r, lir IMfiie ot (i'nc Muslim, mil! iIumih- ffiiiiiiiii(b..Bi 315 nirri, mnrf li"i, -t.' t, nvrntr ri Ix iIiok oii ricrlfil. Iicinit tdc itliifl irrtiiiiti'i lev it'll on uinlcl fi. la. N, , A, 4i.i i t. i. ! t. e. itir iifKbiib ir c!ra-(l, Villi tinnll hou flpitd thrrrt'ii, nd i II writ. "nltt nnd Inkpn In -ruiinn mid lo bt luld ti llm propi rly uf Juff b P. Mul"n. A Mj llinl fc itdih tilct of bind silunlo in I'ul ntii-l,i', ( linilii'ld r u n I y , bnumli'il ami dixrri- Idl 1 w at : ruiiitiieiiiihir nt lii-iiilurk the 'I oitiiit tf mirriii't No. 4;'. IH, llii'ire imrth 6 1 (li'uriij rnt 1M j'ftrlun iimri ur li'ss tu I 'ol, tbi'iirt r t ti .'14 .nn fi i'i t ,'!) fi rth f tn it (-(-ft, Ibi'iu n wi-kI '7 i r br', li.nie ui lem, t'i buiili trfc, thiTi-d tmilli 104 ! t-ii. ituro it Iru.tu lilin' i'f bi'ciiiiiiiiL', cuMniniiiK -I'JJ itiT. m irv or vn, bi in irt uf niirrmit Nu. lit III, nnd OH, Mm cli lot in, W2. Hi i., ,J ',1(i inkon in pxpi'iitmn h nil lo l,e n!i hi, 1 1 o iro'r It of I'llHC MilH'V. Ai.m, it cerlnitt trnct of Ian 1 ;tnnlo in I'.raily lonliii, CIcHt'fifKI oi.uiily, I'rnn i-vKiiiim, lityiiitiing m ;( coint'r, tliriiri" Null II ('111' lIl'K'.' fllvt lt,,-jf lunii nf M Mmlli r iill'l I.li lie 117 it'ii liit tn 1'iiH, Zt, I I .tV''' ""'lM '" M.-IIMKNT il......,h..r.-'l r;1.iifH-ll..n .lii-l. hut W . Kl'VllnliN lihll f. Diiril.n, I'M , ,.,c. lo i ,.. ,., l,i,lii,....l Hiiki. hi inlirn tliuir tni'iicf nnnri t HEIZKNCl KIN 1IIOH. & CO., lirr tl to iu: Hull nt 'rlci' IIihI will Inilurv nil lo bit ;ii;in!iiiiij anb tfollcrtion 0H(t ' tEONAun, Finney &co. c 1. 1. a K r 1 1. 1, i f I.KAHFIUh vovxtv, rA. iilL oi, ut ha ton, nT ah i'rt nuroi kti l lol r Ml.r l;l l:l, hi A Ntionl Hi rticciitic KnM f iv.iw,,;;,,,.; '(' A. J. UI.OSM'.UI NNKH 4 (;0 k. i. ii.nmiMiKn r. t einm-w f..ri 1,1.,'.irilj l.vr Hie t,M..ri.B uf .Vi r , Il .., nnd di-fen.1 lb I hm'ImiH,,. ...! .,!' known m Jnnesville rbiirrb nnd m-buol bouse hiMiod nnd tnkfn in exooution and to be sold us It. lion 1-11 nonh 40 durum rod 2uu iiDn hei lo ,i,. .,.,, , ..u . ...... , . , - . .. v- ., I w I"" u truriiii ii jj nuiiiiiiliu WPi" pot! tbence by Unii. now t.r Ihi. ul Mtb.t ml Hnd j ' , BulljiB' oommi. kcbardon south 40 dtreM m.i 30 roroh... lo A Mrpni, ,n tb. Pl.c.f licgiDUiait. Bonuming 4d3 Here, jjeocri and Jordan toitnibip.. Claarllald euun- Aid 153 Pfrch und allowanca Vi fUuw, . ,Jt A 0rtllin trft(!, of ,Hni, ,itu. 3d. Another ibf rsof. aiiuiita on thtt wntori or , uoocari i t..nbip t'.irp.Hid. bpginnins nt Cle.rfiM creek, in the loirnship of Jordan. In ,,rj ,.xn(lin(f by Uudi of 'i hmnm liill th county of Clcaifluld f.jwaid, culled "rrrd- i,KU.n flUtb 40 demo. wost 00 pm-hei to a erica," buundfd and docnbd as f.illuws.lo wit: ,, thenoe by Unl of lli-raiiin Wiim.r sontb PpginniiiR at n mnplo tbonci. by bind-or Ibouias hV degrs went 4:1 parches to a post, tbini! by riilungti.u south SO dogn-e w.it 2S8 p-i-chm to a ,,.,, f TuolUilj billiti(ton nor:h 40 decrees chestnut, thtnea by lands uf lsuno H auipolu wel :m v.Tc)ien t0 t p,)(ti thence north 40 do north 41) denreii west 320 perches to a post, gTeft me,t 207 perches to a dogwood, and tl.enoe l hi nee by lands o- I'oterKuhn unrth 50 decrees i,y l,in,la of Adam Kuhn, called "Bell.nont." south fan 230 penhei lo a bench tree, thence by Uud. 4l ervvt cns, a n perches to place of bej-inning, of I,aac Wnmpul south 40 degree! fast 820 per- retaining -M! acres nul liifi perchee, f nd al cbes to place uf beginning, containing ! J.l acres iw,lllce( nm having nhoiit 20 f cres cleared land, ud 153 perches, wi'hullowu ce. with a Imus ', barn, and other uutbuildiags erect. iu. aiiuuihi iiiripni, vwrit imni ..,, flj thereuu. nnte in Jorduo township ufiireeaiil, buiimled nnd destriboil as follows, to wit: lleginuing ut a iiearh thence l y In mis i f treile-ick liutcs south 50 degree wept 230 pirehes lo a pot, ibeneo by lands of LhenvMr HretilmtL no:ili 40 degrees wot 310 prcbea to n -tigsr tree, thence by luiidn or John hmger north iu degree. nut i.iu pereu inst on .ii 'ruriuiikc. l,in a i.nrl ,,f 1M I k p..,....l 1 1 L inff.l,..r. uil .1 . . . I . . . . . . -' 1 . - i. 1 .i. . .. . i i c" ttrgri-f li'oi'' llini'IK t J 'T. xv,X lo none trd Mnlrs Land I onion nv, tliitetl ov. 2:i, 150.l : i .1 i.t .1 . . .1 i. relied and .uken in exe. u.ion and to be sold as ,HlJ !'' ' ' ll 2 the property of II. 8. Davenport, administrator of t,,'Pl ftt'f' neft "'"lk-'J"t or John liiovrr 100 Jun Wednwurili, deceased. tojiosl, norlli i5 Jt'greoa eiiit 1:10 let; I Also, a eerinin tract uf land situate in (iulich to post, son t li 12 lt'j.rft pan l,rn) I'cfl to a tew n.-liip, Clearfield county, containing on acre, ' iiifct on ciiiJ turnfiike Iht'ifabout nil id more or less buving a budding thereon erected . turnpike, norlli 75 dt'tfrt'ea mt-.t 120 U't-X lo pent anu earner ot lot ol .loljn lleliiti linp. tlipiico idi iIi 12 ilt'gi t-'t's wt'.tl nlon naid lot 100 lepl lo iot, ilipficii north 75 def:. PHt uloiif! iid lots ol said Uoteling nnd hli Ky 75 jierclips to coiner of hli Fye, nnutli 12 degrees ensi nlons lot of V.W Fye IGU feet tn corner of lot of Kli Fye at the turnpike, thenee north i5 tlearces en.-t uloni.' Hid Itirupike l.'iti l')r I lo post, thence norlli 75 depreen t'dst 0') feet to tilnce of beginning, coniuining 116 acre more or em, about IU ucieii cleuied mid utidur cul tivation. Also, the undivided half part of a cer tnin Tannery, situate in l'enu township, with nliout onp quarter of an ucie of "round thereto belonging, and boundod ni follo'va: on ther.oith by turnpike, on the went iiiul poiitli by l"t of John Kusu-ll, on the piist by lot of Klisha Fttnlon. A 1,-0. a ct'1'lH.in Inlnl'iale in l'pnn town- iship. bmiiKit-d on the north bv lurnfiike. , -rilR Allr.- lll dv.-,t,ih, .u... r-ollrttwn m,u'r nutlrwn ft prmnpthi rfmtik'l n"rJ ol !'" 'traiio partv, lf llr'' l'.t liBiie on the l ltli s roiisluiilly Oil IINIItl Xc"0iTli' i n Feond ht OIUM' IKH7.SK. suMccli of newshanpp ' Py d,v,...,i Intercut lo the CI.OTHISfl KSTA1I- ' '' U K N I T U U K R O O .M S '''" "" H. exlt.i. g uub. ' It will fearlessly erilielje ik. ri,i; He ser'inia. end ileleiul tli u..,.i .. . "' f . " V'.,l,. , ' 1, .1 , tel MMtff, nnd that t. tl,t ((.mm...,.w ll r viy oppi-u. ii.. , freel ,tlll M ZX: r-. . btl1 I,,...,. I..... ..... 1'IIDf, 2J. A c rlu in tract of lnml in the same town pi.ip and county nloiesaid. beginning at the nf.ire said dofwuud, ai,,l extending by the Irai-t ubovH uesenbed suulh SO tiejrt'en went "Hi porches tu a h.... k 1 1. -ri . M ......1. 111 ...rv. luutiD VI luiiiin f iitiiti.is .iiiuii ,iv, 1 il -i' , , ., . . degrees we.t perches to a potl, th.-m-e north V" V e . ' ' ' ;,o i ixit ..,,l, 1,. . 1,,.. 1 !,. l.v land of hliz.l Jiunvfll. linn on the enKt bv psto a pin., thence by Imids or Jolin UuuwuoUy ttUllrl ,l( a,i,nni. lUcliardson south 41 degree. ; lannoiy lot nnd lot of iliphu Fciilon.coii- eouth 40 degrrea phpI 3:0 perches to the rgin- eat 'lh perches to place 6f beginning, contain- I ti'iing uhnut ''lie fourth of mi neie with ning.contnining I33acre.and lo3 perches and lug 2(1! n,.r K:id ,., petchr Bnd Oi,owan(:e ,jH two;loly 1,-um.o houto uud frame Muble ullowance .. bring p.ut d liact called "Ure'i Land." il,or,.m. .eeioil th. And the other thereof, called 'KHhOrove g(.,.ai1i tract of land situate on Iht ? ", , . . , , p .1...... :. i... i .i.i., .rr,,..i,i i.ohiwI.h ... ... , A i.o. u eel an ioi ailuile in I enn tewn- '""" - - wai'-rs ui me i.i"ari.eu creen. in .luraan i,,w -i ... , . ... .. mi'ciivi! ship .foresaid, called "l rederica," bounded as , h,"l'. Oniinae.l souill by 11,0 turnpiKP, esM J i oi. i?o follows: Le- oniiig at a ui .ph, thenee by lands I ''V an alley, north by nil MMtty, west by lot J . ,Vi'p i of Thomas llilhuL-iuii suulh i0 dei-reos weal 210 i of Janiea .onnelley .coutuiiiin uboul one- L'l Uil. KON perclieg i, lietuloi-k, tucnoo by land ut Isaac Hum STOCK, which in quality nnd selection, l now inferior lo none IN PENNSYLVANIA. Come, and you can have i;v oi.ii;&:, All kinds and stylet of Clothing at aearly one half OF THE i ! Prices Usually asked at olhrT Stores. i Clothing good enough to tail the GOVEUNOIl, Or any other man. BENNER & BARRETT Itpppei-llully nnnouneo ti tlin pnlinu Jlmt ihey have completed and are now e'i upying Iboirnnw liirmliirH ware-roouis, Ironting Lot and n.arly opposite the Court t aoinet innkiiig will lie rarrl per story of II, s suiiie IiiiiIiIiuk , IUFF K II K N T II I a N C II K S. All kinds if furnitnre will be kept constantly on hands and sold chenp fur cash or exchange for country rroduce, or Lumber to suit tn. bum ness 1 It, .mil rights of individual clllnen. MJ sign r-'liucs, nguliul asr,iiili.froil, Rry It will peeli lo awr.krn Ilic mind, of iL . nnd to inspire them with i airioiin a... v II' J tirit-t, it win, in ul liuu to ai iili lint i.KMiriiv i,,r , ... .'" . . 1 l"" uiiiiift ii. ibiniri, im . i. CHAIRS. PARLOH, nOCKINK, AND A KM CIIAin.S, SPJUNd SEATS. CAIN BOTTOMS, ic, PAJiLUJi NUFA, VILSTJiE, ( A il), DINISH, EXTESSIOX t- bliF.AUFAST TA 111. ES. Ifyy-Uemeuibor the place, in the MANSION IIOl'SE, ojiposile the Hank. I.KIZK.NSTFIN I5KO.S.&CO. Clearfield. April 8, lffi:i. am. RICHARD MOSSOF, FOKKIUN anu DOMESTIC GOODS, Uearridi, Pa. and described Je follows, to wil : lleginning at a beach tree thence by lands of Isaac Wainpole tout!) 10 dertces west 2.1!l perches to a beach, thence bv lards of Peter Kuhn north 40 degrees -weft 2n perches to a pine, thence by lands of .,,, (rlil 4j ,P::r(.ei wc,t 3J;t percheg to post, T V i - -.1. Ml .1 ......... ...... O'-ll . 1.. ' . . 1 1 OOO'l'llHll .IVIIPS Oil: III ui (li"e i-,iri rii-u ;s to a p'.pt, thence by lands of illmni liunter south 40 de green en el oL'Uperchra lo the place of beginning, c mtnii ing aires and 153 per ches and ulb.wnnce. KiTtd and t.ikiniutxe uticn ii- d to be si iu in iLe r j ir'y of Joseph Jusey sin! rjinilcs H. I'ticy. Also, a ceriniti tract , i piece "f ground men ticnednni d. -crtbed in a certain mortgage. Ml naie in Pi, est" township, ( leniliild couiily.be ginnifg nt a p"t in tna William Yurd a nvey thence extending ulong lunds of Alexin, lei Stone south 12 prri'bes lo a pit, tiience ub ng lands of William 1m ii. east K'ri pe,eii. to a post, th- noe ni r'h ll (I perches in a pun. and ibeuce along the ."ld Willimn VarJ urcy wvtt 14d perches more or less to the p'ace i f brginuing, coutaiuiiig lHI acrtsend 13 perches and allowance. K-iZcd smd '.t i.i'n in t-xtctiticn und lo be tuld as the pru I erty of t-auiuel Puwcll. Alio, a certain lot of uroond iiul in Kyler rown, Murns township. Cleaifield eoutiiy, suppu ecd to cbbUiiti sbuut ill an i, wiib a lure Sliir.si 'tl lli upf Slid btable erected tbireoti ei.d bounded on Ihewitlbj p ad, on :lie Lorh and 'h'. bv lard if .1 :c t. r. :i'- , il. u.. ..it p.iu.u by an alley, l. n the iaina lot uf r i-o'inl p:ir r'uarcd f .terph I'ultiT. Seize! nnd Ulier. in exei ulii n ai d te be euid tie ircjn.nr of O. ?. Wik'er, liicos-eil. 1 V ir'i-o of sundry ssriti of Vert Fnriio. is ) sued cut of the fcarae couit. and to roe dir,c ted, there will be eipused to Pl'BLIC SALE, at the same :iinc and pluic, the fjilowitig doscri'jed lie il Krt i'e, lo wit : Two certain lots of ground situate in the bor Tcuch of Ntw Wasb'ncton, Clearfield couutv of Jiiniea .onnelley fnui tli of an ucie, with no improvement I hereon. Seized and taken in execution nnd lo be sold aa the jtfoperly of John KuSHC.il. EDWARD I'ERKfi.Sh'ff. Pherifl"! OBice, Clearfield, May 20, 1863. Tilt' "UtPUIJLlCAN." Ihence i;..rili 00 degrees eiu-t 2(0 perches to a beech, tln nce bv land of Israc Wninpole south 40 degrees eal '.'ti'.i perches to the place of begin ning, curtaining utros and CI perches. 4 b. Al.- i, a ecu. i;i t x.-t uf iaod eituate in Jord n ti.n-niji, cminly aluresaid, beginning at a post, thi'ti ."'it'll .0 degrees west 215 and fi(.bt tenth peii In s tn port, ti e c by lani'.s of i lirnnbain north 40 tlegiee west 3.18 perches to post orP',-,r tree, .bcrce by land ofJubn Finger I Te,',n" "Tiptloii. Iiurth it) U. L - ra.-t I'li and eight tenth perch ; If paid in advance, or w ithin three months, $1 23 e to post, iltei.ee M.utb 4'J Jfgrees ca--t r.J per- I If paid any tiuie w ilbiu the year, - . - 1 50 chi t o place ol bey inning, coi.urning I3l acres i if paid after tho expiration of the year, - 2 00 Mid h.iiii; prt ol lergir ir.ict luiiU i-Hlled j ' Liiitgicii," purie,J iu the uarno of Peter Terms of Ailertltiill. Kul.n. A.lvertisBiueiitF are in.-crted in the Republican iih. A No, nil tbnt i,i?ee uf ground situate on I at the following rates : the nurili eidv of tbe public mad frmn Alexin-1 1 Insertion, der'p li.rdint: to (he village ol lilen Hope, in the One square, (1 1 lines,) $ 50 Uwxrbip o tieccariu, comuicnciiig at a jiuiutL'lil j Two s'unrc, (2'ilinep,) 1 00 feet fr a eione on ibe we.-t bunk of Clearfield I Three squares, (42 lines.) 1 50 crtvk, tbiiice south ti.i degrees west IZ'4 feet, 3 n enths Ititiire 22 degrees wept ; 74 leel, theree outh j co Square, . . : $2 jo (Icy res e.i-i 1'k fjel, thfice north ;iSd'-trries iiv"(urcs, : : : : : 4 HO ., 'ii , I't'TMBi:!! "'! dtr. enn 2Uleet Throe squares, : : : : S Oil lu the ,i!ace ut U-gitining, hoitnded 9nsl by prop I Fear squares, : : : : 00 ei:y of. iiitiies Hi gurry, suulh by the s.-ml public 'lalf a column, : : : : 8 110 r,,u I, wept by a .12 I: et kirett, and nrth by o:her , One cdaior., : : : : 14 fl j ALPACAS at ut nt nt StneMion Seus.'ition .Sensation Sens' nt ion pricpg prieea piicea pi icek Just rrctivetl nt MOSSOl'S'. GIXCHAMS CHINTZ I'KIXTS ULO'l? C1UVATS SHAWLS l;uNNl.TS CI II.UKKD MUSLINS j at al' at at at, at ut nt Sensation Sensation SetiHiitioti Senfutien Setietalion prires prices pi ice prices price at Mossors Senntttion jpfiees Sfiif-alion ;ir;ces Sens'ttion prices SOFAS- OF ALL K1NIS. VAKIKTIKS AND PATTERNS. IIL'HKAUS, SIDK-IIUAKD-i. BOOKCASEH WARDROtlCS, 4C. BJDsriiADS JKNXY JJXJ), IIIO II-' US T COTTAGE, HiLWCil POMS, A. All to be !iud at MOSSOl'S'. LINKS at CliASlI at CUHTA1NS at l Al'.LL CLOTHS at FKlNGi: 2 do. do. i ( 75 (1 CO 1 50 2 CO ; 1 2 50 ''A' bo's. lSn-o HMSIERY 4 no $7 00 IMUI'.UNS at at nt at Senjution Sensal ion Seiikiil ion Sensation Ser sal ion prices price? prices pi ices price? at MOSSOl'S' CO fi 00 10 00 12 00 20 lift io oo. I KIMM1NGM Ll ..II L ,r..l A- I j in any ijuan 12 OOlol all kinds i l l oo IS oo S.s hoi .ti"1 Srnkntion Sensation Sen's sit ion Seiifatirn pi IC"1- j i ices !-i.P prices Alwiivaon hand at MUSSopS', illATTlU'SS'-.'S llnir, Hair top, Cotton lop, and Corn Husk, of the best material. LCOKIXU-OLAS.srS of all sorts and sites, Also. Olass.'s fur old r'ruinea. Also, Tea poys. What-nots, W ash-stands, Work-atunds, Hut-rucks, dc, COFFINS. Made to order on short notice, arid bearse lurnisbed. Poplar, Cherry, and Linwood Lumber, aoum in exchnnge for work. Clearfield. October 23, . ly. faithful evnnhenl uf llpmi,,,.,;. . . "w ilo render itself worthy to be k (Dfinucrstio puny, tindtr Use iu,i;ic I lenllrilrv fiPnul,,., ...I .. Ii.i.k ..j ' 1 . j , .. n nun ,o v.u . restoration ill thut puny the pif. 0f J" iriTviiuN anu iiic t kiok 10 'i',ii, ,1,, j liiliveainl executive g .vernmeniit hntuV ' J the r-lalea and of the I'niuii, we btliMti.!"1 ...i... ..nc.J w ,tll-,, UU UI0 U.t, (j, . i the Republic. To comribuie pj that ri,., 1 , ..III K. ..... i,ii .i '"wnti t j 'lbe News, Literary, Comuicr. . .', tti ur..iiiuD,i,e, ..in VI I D uuu U I It 111,,, ( f uf the puimort of the ceneml TjuThe many ditticullies now (urrousiinE enierpnso 01 me magnirudii ot that in wliicl, undersigned are fngageJ, reqmre them totij lo the public for a generous support, autl ijj frtv.'Tiit An"a I, l.u.,,1 - , . . . - ....... u. .u.iuiiiie .uu etit circulatiun. The present state of the preparatory srr.r meats warrants the expectation, thai the number of the Daily will appear before ih; c 01 in e present inontu, (leorunry, li1!,;.) Weekly will be isucd soon theriulier. ti:h,is. WEtKir. Per annum, .eix niunilu. 1 hree Mcaihs, 10 copies one ad i'O -;;o DAILV. Pcrsnnniii, frt 00 8ix .Months, ,1 ui) Three Wnnlns, 1 50 Copies delivered at the counter and to Agents A Carriers 2cts Z-ff Payment required iuvarial.lv in a AJdre.s. A.J ULOSSliUlCNNKR 1 (, Tub. i', IbO 4110 Chestnut nt. Pliilale'i J 1)11. WM. li. IIURD'S DENTAL REMEDIES eperty sold Dy sid Itegtiny to enid Pun-.,aud (i.,.r three weeks endless ttllln ,hre u.oith 25 I . T.. . oaunir ihereon a hou-e mid pUl.le. i eenta ner ne-e for eufh :n,, Tii.,e i S. I I I !N . I A 6ih. Also, tract of laud in the seme township, j llusisess rot.eas not if cseding 8!ine are in- TWLT.lVS cooijuniing al a maple on the wet s.de of tbe j sjrtel f.ir t2 a J .. I.IIAN Clearfield creek, (this line is hounded by lr.itd ot Advertisjmnta net icxrif 1 witlitlie nnmber of! VF.STINfiS W illitiiu Alexander.) thence souib ns .legreea west f :!6rtions de.ired, f:.l bj cntin-ei until forbid 8 perches to stones, thenee south degrees east j n(i charred accordirz to tb.oe terma .......I - . ...Lr.l t nu pieieiica to stones, Nno tin nco nurin 11.7 uegrecs e:t.t 9 Tieti-b, s lu 1, luce uf Leciuninir. ccntuiiiinff : One iut bouuJed oa Hi. enH by slreet, on Bd Lounded on the' eoulli t v the last the south by street, on the we I by lot of desci ibi d premisep, nod having erecie'd ihereon i Iteul en IC itiiiiin, and norib by lot l.eluognig to e.hool biuse, wiihatwo Hory l'raine Dwelling House, w i!h tt'i't roi'tn, and I r.un hlaMe there cn elected. Tbe other lot boiu. le l 011 the p juiIi by lot of Jleifcudist parsoioige, on lite west by Mrcct, on tbe north by lot of 11. Keath, nbd on Ibe east by iinds of Josii h McMurruy, dcecoM-J, with a two slcry 1 rainc liwelhng ir,.e ted thereuii. ist-i7ed and taken in emcuiinu nnd to be told ns the ropiily cl .'an, is DuHJcr und Jacob 0 Ake. A Lsii, al. ibrtt rertnin tract of Irt n ,1 situate in Co.-iien lowitsbiji, t'lciulii Id ci 11 nly, loiiudelas fullow?: liecinuing nt a chtstnui otik, being 70 , piri hos west ftuni the old while oak down, ibe somhi-cst corner uf warrant No. 1S4, 1'ieiice norlh 54 perchts to while ouk corner, 20 j en hes being on warrnnt No. I Id I f , iheuee north 0.1 ,1c- jrets we:-l 1.0 pereltee to a wn.ie rme, lU11.ee o,j,. ABU, , lfail uf lard Ivmc nu the bank of norlh Ii7 perches lo a tlouh.e beiuloi k collier, ' ( le.rliel d rreek. beiwi-en the said creek and tbe thence west t7 pcrcl.es to a white oak corner. , ,buve ,, ntj.-j road lead ng Irom Alexander's i Auditors tbeuce aoiith I j5 and l.air tenth pen-he. tu a firji,, tu Jjrlcina. t xieudmg bO -Vet along the I ' etone turner. Iheuee east l.ili p.riht.s to a chest- ,,llIlks of cr,.ck Ai) u.vl dwtl ,1, ,H1rt ,l, cut oak anu place 01 beginning, cou'aiumg n ,,tUi ,,, CUI11U ul,ic dll , ,.. e ee'cj bv Charles ' acres und 6 . pen-bis and allow-nee. be thesnme j hli j ,,ipU j.u,,,v ulJ 4U fl.t.t p therefrom, i mere or li ne, and bung pru of warrants Ns. j lulh. AUia ,be right as com eved by deed 1V15 and ISM. but tng a email Orcbaid ni Log of w Ul u AUx ,,.r ,nJ mffi recrd -d in Book ! ileusc aid Log Horn then-on. ct-uid and laken , ,, , ,h ,. lin ,1, hi. ind hr i in exfintion and to be sold as tht) piopcrly ol ,UiildutlJ. .j.j .Ull Xnka execution and ; Bsctsria, hllia ll. Lutrgood. to l( , lLe jr,.rUv f cbarls J. Pusey. i " Al.s.o. nil Uiat ceilain tract of l.ind mil- i 1. sret isn, ir.ct of Isnd sinmte in , " aio inJcrtJiiniowPkhip, Cieaiheld fouiny, ; pike township, Cleeifield county, Ltgitisj kouthwcbl corner ol, uslavua lii-lil nuch, y l.ind now o! Atn anaiu Mivcler I u Suw-.Mill with one .aw, aud water power up purievaut. 7 tii . Also.all the right as conveyed bv ''eel of Jan. is Iligariy mid wife, rcc -icied in B 1 k S. page I 01, u iuic the well r ou all his 1: n 1 by a U-iil duui Mb. Also, a',1 that piece of land situa e in Vt,,tlw j.rd t-'iuisljip. county alores ai.d di s riiiieU us follows, to wit : lo'gittnii.g at a stui.c on 1 L eusi tide of Cleaifletd eieck.5 feet there from, llince norlh !o ( egries east 0j feel lua Hone, tl.cuco s ulh 14 degrees t .-t H'.'i feet to a t ne. Ihuice south ti ilegicis wst 10 foil o a ptol.c, tl.ct Co north 44 degrees west to the place of beginning', cuiilainifig one iourth of anuere, boi.li, led north, cast and south by binds of Wil li.. 111 AltxamUr, w iih a (irist-.Mill thereon erect td with two run ol'bers und water imiwc". COUNTY DIRECTORY. Time ol' Holding; Court. Cecond Monday !12ihof January, Third M ot.iln.v li,'h! of Third Jlot-dw- 1 1. tl,l of U-b'i Manh, .1 iint, ccpleniber, 'T11KTING.S at at al ut at Siiisation S?n."ation SensHliiiii Seiisiitioii Sensation Sensation prices pt ices. prices pi ici-i pi ice ARE THE PLST IN THE WORLD. INSURING FINi: TLET1I AND A SV.'EEr BREATH, AND ( L'lilNO TOOTIIACL'E AND NEURALGIA. Do you wVn (o be blessed with and ad:riireJ for TcAm v W niTE and Sound IKK I'll? Lse lr. Va . Hurtl's I lirivallpd Tooth I'oU'tlcr, warranted free from acid, aiktd.or uny ii jiit'o os sul siancc. Price, 25 cunts per box Tllewi.re ul the ordinary cheap luuth Pow der', which whiten but ilestr. v. Do iou wish to lu certuiu thut your DI'.ETlli is pure, sweet, and agreeable to husband or wife.! Cheap i (irs.iCSK 7 EIHi:S to ir,ir-n his old friend, a- 1 7 t mers that, bavii.g enlarged hi.- l. ., increueci ins Mcniucs t.,( umnufaetu-itig. uow prepared to make to oidir tu'nitnre b desired, in good style and at cheap rs t aH. He inustly has on hand at I. .1 lure Roouis." a varied assortment of Jtoa.I, furuidtre, among sh,,-har liire;m.s nnd Su'c-Kdm-Hs Wardrvboi nod I 01 k-Ca.-es C ntrs, ftnfa. l;reiikf..et and , lining I xtcn-ios Ji. Coaimrn. Fieuoh ?o:'t eo'tse. LiLd ana other Icuiles S'-FA". KiN I'.--. iOHK-.sT: 11A I'-KalK.-, H AM!-MM).s llockiiig and Ann ( 'li;iir Spring Pent, Cine-Lol!o:u and P.wi ,r fj and Coinuion and uihcr Chairs. L OOKI. (J- ? LAS.SF.t Of every decripti'.n on !,rl; -,m t new fil in 1 1 pi ices 1 lover or frien.U? Pse Or. Hurd'a C'clobi ated j al aensation , a'ld coi.tir ue t v 0 Keeks if Iu each year "est arv. t oii'.ly Olllrtik. Pres't Judge, llun. ..iiriiiel Linn. Dellefonfe. As'te lodges, lion J. D.T'.iou j.f'.n.Curwensville Hon. Jaois lllouui. Forest. Slier, IT, Edward Perks, Clearfield I'rolhhtn'tary, Da i id I.uwilrr " Register .t "llecider. 1. (i. larger, CleirCe 1. Dislrirt Atl'y Israel Test, " Treasurer, Joseph SI aw, " C. t-urvevor, 14, D. right, Glen Hol e I ate iiLtciuiin lowPMiip, v.ieiuneiu couiny, plke township, Cleeifiel Uinc puij-art D, in theprtK'evdiiigH in the ninj. al a fruj.-Hr, the utu ;-tt.imn 'f tli lusty Imula in aid "iiu-;(.Utw-y in niue of (iusi y, and consiMinc ol 10 tract or paiisol 1 ju.not. ,y l.-tnd now o( Uoium'rt, Coroner, Co. Supu Toirnihipt Bill, P. C. Thompson, Murrisdale Jaedi Kuntr, Luthersbarg Thoe. Daugherty, Grampian Hills. II. C. Hotnnan, Philipsburg C. S. Worrell, N. Washington IT. J. Woodward, Pennfield, J. W. I'j'.ter, Leeuote.a Mills 1'has. II Sandford Clearfield. Hat of losttfiicci. A'nmri of P. 0. A ' of P. Olen Hope, Madeira, llkhville. CLOTHING duchl as Cents, Pants, Vesls. I'll tier Shirts, Flannel Shirta, H,oli, Shoes, ILns si'd Cars. V. .. I ... .,.!., .1 f t -C-itii" ' ' it a 1: D w a nr.) .IK'll fl.S'l'.l'l 1,'llls i . . . .altensBlion t 01 tv k, I 11 n esj, r Spikes, Ilii'g'isj, J at MOSSOPS' LIQUORS, a-rl. as H'ine. P.iandy G i n, V h i-kev, ( Cogn.ii. etc., etc., J r UU I IS, kiieh aa Prunes, liui.iins. Figs, Filbn ti, Ac. nt Mf i Wfil'X' .limit ll ahli. True .17 cents i.er buttle. ibis a-tringeni w.i.u is ais.i me Deal rcrue.lv in the world for Canker, Bad Lreiitb, Dividing tiums. Sore i )Utb, elc. It lias cured hundreds. 1 no vuu, or your ciiioiren suuer irum jt'uin prices ACI1L ? (let Dr. lluid'a Magic Toothache I Iiropsi. Pr'ce U cents per b-'lile. ( .ire vou amicieii who ,ir.iioo,'iiir uei 1 Ilr. Vn. II llurd'a Niuralgrla Piasters , The most eCVctive anl delightful remedy known, j far pains in the face, chen, shoulders, back, or 1 nry part of the body. ! They do rot adhere nor blister, but soothe and ehar'n piin imsy. Try them. Price, 15 aud 37 cents. .Mailed on re"eipl of p-iee. ! For sale at all tho betd stores throughout the country. I Cactio. As there are dealers who teke ad rrices vantage of our advertisements Ii impose upon their customers inferior preparations, it is neces fury to insit upon having what you call for, aud 'you will grt thk wT, thoroughly tested, and at aelisation prices prepared by an experienced and stteuufic Den .- T .,-.1. x- V...I. ....... ft....: f. r 0! 1 lruii.es, wl;i.-h w ill I.. ry iea-oiia Ic terms on s!i,i mih ile emukeep. uu ban. .oriuii. sh 5 n I der, llutr. l,rn-II isk, lUirud Cu.tou t p .1 ittreue.'. to; F1S, f every kind. Made to o-dr, and funeral' a'leinlcd lleuree, whenever desired, Aisn, ll iuse I'ainllii'r dune toor l The subscriber also manuiuclures. j constantly eu hand, Clf menfj Patent Trashing: Jfa lbe best now in use. Those u.'.r.e,V never ned be wiiliuul clean eli.bes'. b price? nt sensation GROCERIES, say Flour, 1 1 a re a, Shouldcrt, Sugar, Molars. Collee, Tea, C r a c k e rs, Spices, Candlep, Wm. ri. Wright :(ial Oil, etc., etc. C. J. Pusey. Iheo. Weld. IP.riCKIVr. ot MOSSOPS', at sensation prices AJuavf at MOSSOPS'. liegarty X Roads SauTI Ilegartv, j fi i(l- c ' W l .... , ' ! ii". r- tiacts h fnIloWM : One purl oontainiiig 80 acres and o'2 perches and a11oivaiice.be iiiiiiug al an thl beech (doM ti) and coin er of . I oh 11 Iijutvooily, Pen r Kiilni Hnd I'rcdei ick. IVales, thence soul h M rlegieea wct -to nrd Iwo It-lit h pi ii lie. lo a post, tlier.ee by put put t li ikh iD 40 th grees veect ooh ppiohek to a post, thence Hurt h 50 degrees eu-t 10 anl twott-nih pcichek tc,.ptet,i.ncebV Ji.hnDunivooilykoiill, , Hon.-r nod Pain 40 deprees r-a-t SdS pe.cl.ea l thej lace j01, ,n(i nl,ut 45 east 11.1 and m.e-ientii peichea to post, tlitiice by residue of GiiMuvus Rislit.Hiigh eoulh HO peichea lo post, thence still by ra-ne west 1'Jl iit.d o:.clenih jie'ches lo J ns l on irm-t l:iie, llieiit-e by liintl of L'ex noitli 1411 peichek lo nigaf nnd bf;iMiilij.', t-i.niaiiiiiig 100 :itre nnd hIIhw. in.ee, iK-ing pail of liHt-1 111 imtiif of Gi.klatna liishs Imiipli llip kuld l'Jil ncres haviiij! a hum Hoggs, Dradlurd, Krady, Dlo.m, Luruside. I-ml oilier ouibuiliU , Cheat, ings theleoii. acies of cltai'ed lai ti Sei.eJ and taken in execution cf begir.nirir. liciiiL pari of Unci airan . , . . , , .... iu.-i.-in.. oii,eu t.nu mr.eu 111 t-.ei:ui umi - .u clher pHrl t-onlaininr; 292 re and al r 1 1 1 Cotington, lo a ance, hounded n ti llnwrp; lie Bower, Chest, Cubh, Ostcnd, Clearfield P.ridfS, Williams' Grove, LuihershuT-g, Troutvillc, JeDerson Lius, Ei-est, New Washington Ii urn side. I'ttlebiM ille, K.st liidgc, llurd, A cliarvey est ,ver Clearfield, Erenchviile, hartbnvt. Philio burg, West Decaiur, Osceola Mills, Marron, , t-ui-rv us. i.'iii.wrp: iietintuii2 1 , . .; .n J V ''- " " "erc.i tjitekt t wrikliip, Clemfielu con m v. cm i Decatur, dotvn) lher.ee hy le.er Kuhn Mtib -10 lHilllf58 aclf uL,ul 40 ace. cleared, i " eptes vvPkioo? perches to ro,t. .hence 01Kl ..J on ,e n,rlll by A. ,, J by Jol-u loner 1.0. h 40 accs east IVnrct. on the east by Pennington onlhe "S-"'0. .udfite.en'h perches to a pt, lhei.ee ulll by WiRLnn Wood and .1. xVo...la ? . hy purpart C routh 40 degree, rast 0:i8 lhk 'U,IW Plec.ec. t,,,.pnn I0 b 4 i4, peiches to a post, thence by Lane , ,. , ur)j L pmln Uiclial1. ueii h pole soul). 50 detreea wesl 1 40 and live and take., in execution n,,J lo be o. as Orab..., :ct-tli jt-ifhesto pUcool beginning, being ,, ,,roj.eru of David Michaels, Homer : C.ulich. riit ot tract wairanted m the name of W. M011 .ml A k T,r IHustsn. Also, a certain tract of land situate in W T. A J. Vf.CtF-.d.' II. L Henderson P. P. Miller J. E V ateou. R. H. Moore. C- J. Sloppy, John heoerltng Jas- lilootn W to. Keiilh. Jas McMurray J. 1'atebin Jacob L'uice. O. S. Toier W'. McUarvev. A. Earbt-r. Ersnk. A. tiaulio. W. Mhntrr II. Fleming. HOT LEAD CAPS at at at at :t at icn-ation sensation sen.-aiion bt nsai ion sensation wensalion At the nore of RICHARD MOSSOP, MObSOP Al"avs 1 eeps on hand a lull .iksortmenl of all kinds of poods requiied 1 lor the account. o.Luic 11 ol ibe public. : "ov. 12. lSf.2. list. Treasurer of the New 1 ork Stale Ucnti-l. Associaiion anJ Vice President of the Him York City Dental Society. Address WM. D. IIVRD A CO., Tribune Buildings ew York. Jan. 21, Ih6.1. Flyer's Patent Churn, A superior art cle. A family using tbia Churn never reed bo ithout butler ! All the above and many other articles are fur. nihod to customers cbenp for Cash or exchnnged for approved country produce. Cherry, Maple, Popiir, l inwood and other Lumber suitable lor prices Cabinet worh, taken in exchange for fu nilure. ptice TO-Remeuiber the shop is on Market street, prices Clearfield, Pa.. and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Mori. jun. UIL1CU. Nov. 26, 1SP2. y I dices prices prices NEW FIRM. IIARTSWICK & HUSTON IRUG3ISTS. rfiit re counlT I M.ss K.debaeLl , MA UK F.T St ml CLE A KFIELD TA. T. F. Iloalich Edru. Williams e Jai 4t hli iA 1 GREATEST - VTSA, . l.b h . . BATTLE ON I'.hi 15,000 Kind nn( Woun.l Oi . fi'ln . 1 1 ov.vw inKeri l'nsoiicri WITH CAMP L'QUirA'.E- 70,000 CoLtralands freed BONDS OF SLAVS y be KPPUred, "11 1 ln 1 T lor sbo-t called fi A. allocs as cheap 1 1 tiiy : and if um don't 1 call on court-wee':, nrnt M. E. T. WATCH & JEWELRY riUE undersigned respectfully 1 informs his customers and the public generally, that be bas just received from tho E.st. and 0. en. en at his establishment in O HA HA MS HO 11 , Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks, jWatciiKs, and Jewelry of diflerent qualities, j from a single piece tn a full sell, which he will ;se!l at the most reasonable price! for cash, or in ,eicbar;e f,,r o'd gold nd silver, CL'""KS 'ifrvt-i variety oi, hand, at the in, tl reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Wafhet and Jewelry I VERY n-.tin that has read any J past history A mis H'.IK must f r.i u the eoncluien that it.e Cuni'eder incnt would be broken down. It w is , lion ot time. Bui now w. I t-te 'he t -! out soul-stirring news ! clteer us u only draw-bick to our y y . gli,Mr . iinminent danger of the C :' ifi i North to "e.t out our substance," i..d t kur nines; nut oi one ll.ngli.e, -,, n, l I roontv may be assured, nul lud FRANK SIIORf selling H.iola fe man in tbe county just give hnn a call on court wee time, and see for vo'jrc Ives. Pevl mind the public that bie'saop is r street, in Shaw's Row where ycu just as NWt as usual if not a lit'.l Cash than be wou'd like to be. All kinds of work on haii lt -r. r4 on pbe.it nutiee, and a well uiadc, .' aa can be'Skeered" up bereur i-l.c' tUh,Dun t lorget tbe shop e: in Shaw's Row, directly jj psi.i Swoopt 's i.fhce, " 1 . Cler6eld, June 11, lf,. Helen Post Office, Elk county, Pa. KEEP constantly en hand a large TuV'?. T,rirt,i n uarrtrd. lohn Dunvtooily. 'J'henhi.leof lite tract akrn ir. executirn enntainin 371! acres ,nd Z'2 j er l:e. Seized end taken in tx trillion and lobes-old aa the pr jsfily of .Vi',! ,ii,n P'lspy. BT VI. lua of sundry w rit! of VrnJlliuttl Eu-fxt-1,1 ... iwiied out of ibe Court of Common 1 mi uf t'lvortield 'ounty. ar.d to me directed. b. re will be exposed lo Pl'l'LIC tALL, .t the U.., sRr; ir.ee.,. I, ir i 'U., fi.l ..... Jordan, laming uboul Tl.ree foui tits ol" an acre, ' K, "'. wiih w two eloiy Frame Tavern House Lawrenoe, and Stable thereon ere-cled. Itounded Jby , Morris, ' lai.ii. ol IkiHO iiickel on lb t.orlh, and " latida of Georte Dillen arid others on ihe.i10'. South nnd w.ei. S rpd and taken in ex. tfjurt house in tbe borough of Clia. field, on M-m- cution and lo I sold Lh proji ty of ...y lbe 15th tliy of June next, at I o clock, v m ,tbe folluvtiiig denrribed R.al Estate, vis. : Tworert.ln traets of lard snuale in Coriagton 'twr.bip, Cie.rfield county, tbe on bounded culib l Ihf iabl-.c road leading from Kaiihaus to Cl.aifeld, on the w.,t by the public Mad lead it f to Jolo L.imov's, and on be snub and east John Ricke'sar.d Isaac luck eta, UtireteD atiH. Also, a certain (met of land situate in Chest township, Hraifield county, con laininir 53 ers", more ( r lei-, bounded by land lti r f A t 1 P;src, V.'ui. Wood, Lccounle's Mills, Paid Hills, fchawaville, (rahamton, Hiniths Mills, Tyler. Penntield, Ansxnville, K.lt Lick, New Millport, lireckenridge, Kylcrtown, Horridsl, Lumber City.t Grampian IliJa, Curwensville, bloomingville, 44 ork too, JeRries. J Thia Poet Ofl.ce will do for Chest township Will answer lor Ferguson township. ' and and tall ste-ted Mock of J)Tl UGS and C11EM1CA LS PAIXTH OILS AXD VAIIXISH PIRFIMEKY TtiiLKT ARTICLES. Pike, Vnioit, Wood C. Mignut William Carr A. C. Shaw T. II. Eorcee. A.C.. F. David Tyler 11. Woodward Eliia Cbiu.. d. Heckadorn M. 0. Flirk. T U' TW..n, .,'. Jas. Thompson And a general assortment of VARI j. c Dre.mer, AT1ES and Fanct ARTICLES, 11. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, : w, respectfully Invite a eaJL feelinr fond T. W.ritnnng. ' j..t that wa ran eurntv the tun ,.r ti . ! terms to their aaitt faction. BLANKS, BOOKS AND STATIONARY. TOBACCO & SEGARS. rd. B. F. D.le D.Brubaker. Jos. La.tkctt. HARTtsWlCK A HUSTON. Cloarfijil April 27th I So 3. tf 1) 4bU ot Leon ( ou riet.wi'h i two story frame and others, with a iwrt story Platik II OUe, iiitt oj . leet, and frame i'.!e vteroon lop r-Hm. and atvut V) acre, tnoreor. T1IOM tS J. M t IM.OUGH, Attorney at Law. ROBERT J. WALLACE, ATTjaair AT Law OEc adjoining the Bank, formerly occupied by Clearfield, Fa ClLoe iu fcksw's Bow, op J B. McKcaUy, Esq., Market street. Clearfield. ait the JcuirtJ clEoe. , Ta Will attend promptly to Collections, Sale de. I, tfr tf efLaada. " (toe. IT. '82. X ATOX AL C0M3ir.l:CIAL LuCATCD lit rn 1 1 a i 'Km iii a. K. F. rnr. Till and I K.i sliui?. CLEUFIELD STOMi WIRE PlJTTERj. I- v ' " , Tbtokful fur rMt far nr and nHnifiaMa nf fs. AewxorKcity JBrccKirn.jj A continuance of patronage is fuliciied. Sept. 19. 1850. II. F.NAl.LS. lure patronage. I would respectfully aunounce that 1 have on hand again, aod wi'l constantly keep at tbe Pottery in thi. b.ough, on the cur- T)f- PernlA Tlatr-iif .- Chinaco and St Lo: OOK-KhKI'lMi. Prii i'i.' ner a short distance east of the Methodist Church. -D ARirnaaiic. CnMVKnrMl. L a large stock of Crockery . such as Cream crocks, sroanr?irr., 4c.. piactii;' iuflj milk pans, ".burns. Jugs, Jars, More pipe casing 1 oese loll ges being uofrr I d o. (f e.: and also in extensive assortment ol and i..1 ntsiingeiiiki t, and ui.imd different aiaei and pattern! of bracket! and advanugei ,, all. off-r grier l.c rosette, fur cornice ou h u.M, and other moul. psrting in-uu. n.,n 'i.rn. any utber dingi. Any noutdinga aat oo band will be irsde to older on short aotioe. Alio fire brick made and kept for isle. JVK liberal redaction oo prices mid. . wholesale dealers. F. LEITZIXO'tK. Clearfield, may 23, 1S81. ly. A. PATTr.rtStO, Attorney at Law, Cur veneeilla, Pa., will attend to all business saimsu ta bii ear.. Offioa oipo.iu tbe New Uewsf M Cbarwb. r.b. , ! lotion in the e' lintr y A S-holHr,hip is-ukd by any "Be fi an amiuitted tune. The lbilkd,''pl.ia College has enlarged and ilu-i,isl,ed in a si aid i. tt-.w il.e la'gest a:id most y ir.trcial lutiiiuti n i the f-xt . Brya.l i pii.tli.n'r s -nr "f T bracing Book keeping. I'mimer., aod Cirinereiul Law. fir ssle. aif UrA'ne irf,r..n f'JjA Ocwksr . I it 7 B o: