Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 10, 1863, Image 2

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    CT;f C'ff.iifiillD 'Vtffiiblicin.
A 1.. 1
a . i. ,,., i ii i I ...
'jLi.: ..Via.
l J i in. . . i ii
l'-tl. Ai'lH-f A ti""f thraihanie
f. i- it. a I I ,inih4 I 1 1, h . . . .
1 1
irii rnr li' tri mi Mnnliy
ru-:. i-a
Wednesday Mornine. June 10. 1803.
i " ' ' " iimr t iifif
nil" i Uif mm, in !lriii Img In p I mil
!. f . i . . . . . . . .
M me n if'Hi, i ii w ,t in lentil o ir,
II ai lew hVa ilnijt stnre, . (. lit 't'iHllld,
tin- liiinl w lift I (using over his body
I'lini-Mimlly, and crushing the lurk pait'ol
lilii fck ull. He ui li.kcn immediately into
tlio drug Horn, but ditiil in u few minute.
I'rom nil accounts, lip hut been with the
1 i...... I'..... .....L . A I... i... ,
ij-ni.T .'...J l If.. niTr-.. I IT'liri HF
I n m! mi Ilia j'rmn, pin polling to huvo
I'i'i ii written I'V his wife, signed "Kusnn
null Smith, " living in New York, ami
from il, it would appear that he had u
family of children.
An iii'imi't was hell over the body by
"Ho who .rciU(s up wurir u Bt (bn.lain f.r
th dfriiV' Htirnrr .lnnn.
We until acknowledge tftnt we were jjystico .Shugei t, after which il was decent,
completely sold on Sunday hid. We, u I y hui icd, some of the member ol' the
usual on that day, went to one of the company generously paying the expense-.
"Temple creeled ami dedicnted to the j """
d, lor the purpose of hearini, . , . .
. , , i Lnyui Leaguers, Simula turnisli themselves
who preoohed peace i ... ,
wiiii u new name nguiu, aim ui me eunie
living l.iu
.iitnux-irmcs oi mm wno preoolica peace
rn rarth and good nil! to men. Hut to
our Mixfuriune f c wero compelled to listen
to h stump wur speeeh, delivered hy it
oiruy individunl nhoiu we did uo know.
The breaker had an open Hille before him.
and lu bored with n zonl worthy ol a belter
mate, to prove from it. (hut Christ did
not enmu lo bring peiuv, but a Bword, and
thnt the people of thin country muft obey
their rulern, ' beemme they are orduined of
This in precisely the doctrine preached
"by IhesatrapH of George the III, during
tho revolution, and in coneUnlly proclaims
d by the hireling clergy of every despot
ic government on earth. The clergy of
Orcat Iiritiiin take enpecial pain to eri
jgrafi these views upon the mind of their
The peiikir very exuhingly excluiincd,
that;tbew if(oui of our onestroke
of the pen.budlibeiated4,000l000 of human
lehifcH through a "military necessity."
The speech was ably endorsed by the
""preacher in charge."
The speaker very boastfully exclaimed
hat be was tin j.olitical preucher. We
mever met one of I hat clusj who was hon-.
t enough to cofesi bin railing 'n.o1
. w K . J
lime by way of deriiion, call democruts
"CopperhemU." liut whim the Internes
eept ibe title and wear thin old budge of
biberty, they at onco construed it into
"disloyal practices." We undertainl that
the iimt ructions to the I'rovost Marshall
is to tear them from the bosom of any
I who ure found wearing them.
The word lilmty i no doubt a terror toi
1n tir'.n-.M Wmuh"-A "I'.ntiMlt Ni inlt treint fo lmt I i.nti fundi
r -In ntip i f lln (rM in t mihh - i i - i, rrtin, ,i ;,. ,i .. ....
. .i I. ...I ...;..... ... . .i. .. .
' i i .i'i-" iiiin ,i, rule r-inin riiimio,
cli'i H rer"M Kin di. mi,. I, nt I'ip 'in
Miirt rind'r. f,f t , j, ,n (e- Him m pi-'giinniiig
pnbbrnnn. tinn of whom tn tlm To tri Mjf finn all alinrk by itobtittim in
I'lerk, ut ie bittrr i,K,,i,t Hnviinor S.-y; n.oiear; whilst lb ndvi, e ib-Bi'idi thrt
....... . , ,,,, , ., ., ,., tiM fi
uni i "uin, in. I liui; IIIUI llll till! Ill HTlir
ll Hit
patch"! b H nliiiigliin frjtftenl .rtv
fivornbly, wiMiout
HOOKS ! ,s
Hire! I rprrm nl cVMytliinp lnvnr
of tlio plmi of Iho rrbrllioii, which wim ,,'"1it f heir Mdo-lhnl Ihe niegc ol Mi k
that the pimple of I In Smith khould got' lur bin beentumed by Grnnt falling hack i
ern H,eirelve, lndcp..n,...illy of th o , in0 ,r iho lilnck river, .vhereho
.North. 'Mell, sun) a Dciimci nl , ' do vou .,.,,,. i . . .
oppono nentimciil! of that kindT"
... ...i-.. ,,i , hi ii inf.- niiuint 11' T III llll a IIIHt
e . i . i - . , i i ,
.In " nl;,l iVi T.- i !. .1. ... iiiigui l.o uiuiio i.y ,ioiinloii. ,
. . t-. . , i -...ii v ii'ih -iutiiirr.As 'l'i. I
cept a traitor will uile, .e.iliments of that , ' 6 ",,V',,M rr"",
New I 'i Irani are to
lmrncier." "bet ine rend tlwin bure. ,1,p -Jl1' A M-veie bnltln hud been
word for word ; when correctly reported, j fought at l'ort IltuNon. It it represented
you may not feel .o bitterly hostile to the , (hat the pine, naa .ompl.-tely invented bv
! Ibe fi)rcen under lien. ItankH. Thebaltlo
flnl. t'. t.. V .Ml. A M I IVIMAM'm
Prisoner ol'Slule.
It l. A. MAIKiNV, V.Hil , or luWi.
IN CI.IMM II .Mini, -J'
v t IKII I
111 HUM I, if fin nr,,
f I tn ftp 1. 1 lllir; mi I ri,,
mli-rii :Mift tl' pt.r.. ,, J',,;,,
v nun iin".. in Hit i,i,r. ,j. , ...
15lh Day tfJun ! &'ll
AIIHml .'.ililti l,.. .,ni,. , t '
t... CUninolil r, '. l,,un,,,';,'1,V :
wokN uttered ; they are ai follows :"
'A 11V llPllll'.P llll VIA' I
and having the power, have the right to ! commenced at 1 und lusted until 5 p. til.,'
rUv up and tlutkt of tht tx'utwg gownment .on iho 117th, tho. lines extending for a diss
and fin rn a new out that suits ihnn butter. ! tanco of over four miles. Our forces were 1
IT., :. (..:...
the prenetit ev,l'doe.S,a,Hi tins word Laving ! Thft De(no(;tal !aU;,hpj.nlld ri,liplIy hM
uukii icianvt'u noiii nit) new tent coin.iue
ii),irh:i!lj ure instructed (o
baluncc of the old coin and thereby re
move the word liberty from their view
This is in strict keeping with that class of
Politicians who for Iho past twenty years
have been preaching tlio doctrine of
"free speech" and a "free press," bul
now engage in aneMing persons for
cisirg :he former, and mobbing the latter
r,t, 9
ih. , .
i n 'Mas may
v , i . i . I " " in in n ui vim mini iuii Dim iwiildi vilJll'B Ui -flTii i
Nor n iu ml' it van -i ..ii.. i .! . . . . . . . . J 1 . 11 ' M. r
fmed to raisin which the peoide of an 1 ' ew 1 rK Bri" 4ew '"' rrmcpM apu or the i,t uonKre, nut,, yy
existing government m:iv choose I to eior-1 Kn?Inl,', "'P. w ' regiments will f-rver tlx tium mP m that body i i
cise it. Af portion of suoh people that , from the est but the whule number is Tllr. TA. Lll.L, by whlpii nil tin properly
can, may roVolulionizeand mnv make their I not slated : while Ihe number n! rM...tK i. ! V"? ' thVi'"vl' "rc "'r,K,'8t,l
.r . . t p i . , j t ' me nrnponi AuiuiiUKtrniiuu.
own of bo iiuicli of tho territory u M.;v .;,! 0i t(1 1..,.. -.y,.,!! miiin v,.,. 2. the kixaxck hii.i.. i,i.h i..u .!,
ingis .aid., to the rebellows, but ours is' Zlr Z "
represented as heavy one account pi. 3. TIIKCONSCKIPTION JJILL, by wliloh the
cing it at least 4,(100. The 3d regiment of bodies jf poor men, who nr nt worth t-Wti,
, . . . , , K sre plseed in th hands uf the AdniiqinlriitioD.
LouiMuna .Native (mirds (Negroet) is sa d 4. THJi iNDEJlXITi' ACT. (fiuinK t'limaj.)
to have lost neatly (100. Uur loss in oftV ! whieh prcmms to intli-iunify the I'reaident for;
ni.n .,.,. .11.. ii l.i I a" the wroiis he ban committed iu lue naL or
cers is e-,u.ill severe. Ung. Gen. She.s Blliy eommit In lb. futur..
man is mnotig the severely wounded; '
I'.nn v., -I ii. .i:..t.,i ii ... Few books evor attracted more iilteiition ihun I
v " "u 'J?"'y wououc.i ; v.010- , their rnsto.nem, ami the nnhli. ,.
nel (.'owles and i'ayne, killcnl. The tlis. , Kverv nmn, noinan und child who i in. fuvor ' "rv "Wt 8rre the umrkeu ,sj 11
palch iMdnledat New Orleans on tho2!Hh, 'f LIi)icKkrV "d LAV' U"M l"y ttnar,,lll,' .J"n,.-,'. '' 'd'oft'
and says, "ihe light was wilheut doubt lh:! kept fur sale ut tho Drug S lore of! A Voiicg;.,. p
renoweu yesteruay at ctay-l-reak. and the viutsin,ou ecouu street, nearly opposite , , ' i , ""' ir1,vi,tt
uin vouri iiouru. .la he, 101U 1.0.1.
tnMOU. JMoi'A tliau tlnn, amnjonty of any
portion of such people may revolutionize,
putting down a minority intermingled
with or near about them, who may oppose
their movements."
"It is rank treason." aaid ono of the
Republicans- "It is Tom. Seytuore cops
porheadisin," said another, "and the man
who uttered those deteMablo word ought
to be confined in l'ort I.ufuyette, and bo
foil on bread and water during the war.
Gentlemen, AURA HAM LINCOLN', tht
remove tho 1 J'raUnit of the United Slates vttercl thou
ing in favor of peace,
The massstneet
that was held in
New York last week, was, from all ac
counts, the most .'ermidu'jle demotistra.
tion thut ever took place in that city.
Fernando Wood, former Mayor of the city,
and now member of Congress, has the
credit of instigating this movement. The
..laouiauurrr oi counterleit coin would be Unceches and resolutions take the cround
about as likely lo advtrii.-c his business that peace and re-union bv tho sword is a
i 1 .1 . 1 i i -
uiruugn me pt,i,ij pM,,i..,. i the bajy .demonstrated failure, and that as sensiWe
louse fr.Hpienter to proclaim himself such 'people, we should how demand a cessa-
on the street corners, bh for a second-rate tion of hostilities. That this sentiment
jolit:cul clergyman to honestly tell his
congregation that he was lecruiting an
-army for tho infernal regions.
If tlio confines of hell ever reverberated
-with laughter, it must be over the admis.
ion of n first class hypoeritesa man who
takes a commission from tho Frinco of
I'eace, to preach the gospel as revealed in
he Itible, and then spends hi time in the
service of the devil.
Tho only way to reach this class of
creatures is to stop their pay, and stay away
from these gatherings, and allow the Abo
llttonirts to make up their quarterage
-Short pay is the soion affliction you can.
visit upon an abolition clergyman. It robs
him of his conscience and his commission
to commit evil under guise of aGodly garb
nd ronders him a fit subject for an. army
4'hapluin, ora reviler of iho christian rc
iigion, in both of which capacities he can
"be properly avoided and thus rendered in
competent to commit wrong under the
cloak of religion.
Would lo God that four or five regis
monts of these boasted patrioto(?) would
shoulder a musket, or buckle on a subrc,
and march down South and help to "crush
ont" this rebellion. Their jooni in socie
ty could be easier filled than that of any
olber class of citizens. 1'ublic harmony
ould eoon be restored, no matter which
iscrushed out-therebdlion or themselves
This class of men havo been the fotucnters,
nd d.jstroyers of our public peace liut
they are not yet amisfied with the sacrifice
nd denth ofw hundred thousand better
iiien than themselves upon the Abolition
altar, to approve their unholy appetites.
All the eoneomilanls and admixtures of
war, and unholy men, for a short season
"sixly or ninety" days -does not seem to
have blunted their patent christianity(?)
They are still whetting Iheir appetites for
tho work of their puritan fathers -cutting
out lbs longus, and cropping ofT tho ears
f men and women for "treasonable peae
tices" and hanging the latter for witches.
We cm tell these defamers of religion,
bnt it is impossible for them to sgnin i n
smguiate the palmy flays of Cotton
Jdulhor. in this country without falling
into the ditch which they have dug for
others, and that they hud better preach
the gospel, umi thus become tho promo
ers, inttcad of dislurbers, of tlm public
peace, and risking their own safetv.
Lope they will yet barn tint fanaticism
is not religion.
A Si bstitctk.-TIib New York evening
i'ost, in descanting over the probable efTect
of the war upon slavery, very safely comes
nu t a hearty response in the popular
heart wos demonstrated, not only by the
manifestations of approbation with which
they were received, but also by the sober
seriotisness of toco in which they are
treated by the war press of New York.
They "evidently see the hand writing on the
to the conclusion that it may still survivo'.cuit Court, for treason
ETJL.A Washington correspondent of a
New York paper, repot ts Mr, Lincoln as
saying, 'that ho knows that alonjwar
will greatly tax the patience of the people.'
So far an we are personally concerned,
we will not object very much if Lincoln
& Co. will be satisfied in taxing our pa
tience only ; but to tax our little property
to tho full amount of its value, is a little
more than wo like to submit to, and that
of practicing the sublime folly of trying to
make a white man out of a negro.
Gc.v. IIallei k Coming North. This in
dividual in shoulder "traps, in a letter to
shoddy-contractor's meeting in New York,
in w hich he sign himself as "General in
Chief." said :
"Our armies are still advancing, aNd, if
sustained by the voices of the patriotic
millions at home, they will ore long crush
the rebellion in the South, AND I'UKN
place their heeU upon the heaJs of the sneaking
traitors at the .Yor(i."
"It'jft lie Tom 'seymour is the traitor!''
exeluimed the Republican-
"No I gentlemen," cooly replied tho
Pemnerat. "Abraham Linculn is the au
thor of these words you now pronounce
as- traitorous language, lie uttered them
in a speech delivered in Hie House of
Representatives, in Washington, on the
I tli day of January, IS-18, on a question
of a reference of certain portions of the
President's Message. The speech is re
ported, officially, in the 'Congressional
Globe,' and you may find it on Ihe 94th
page of the Appendix, among, the debates
of the first session of the SOili Congress."
The Republicans denied it, and a bet of
ton dollars was finally made that the voids
were not so reported in the Globe, in ono
of President Lincoln's speeches. Tho bet
was decided in favor of Ihe Democrat on
the 21st inst., on an inspection of the
bom d volume of the (Hole, in the Klate
Library at Hartford, contaiiune the speech
! ... t : I I i f
oi .resilient'iin aim mo worus we i
havo quoted.
hat n commentary upon the senseless
pfli rolscry of "traitor," tittered by fanatics
who are generally quite ignorant of the
moaning and bearing of the epithets they
so frequently use. Jl ml ford Timet.
'A Peace Parti-." "The Democratic!
In.rt h a.... 11. I... . i I . ..
I " I"'' mil, ,
nurtli-fM i.ii.r..n.ik.
I wurrimti.d In nsme t, .! ,,h . npMi,
IKIIMd-nne-tiiin,, hUd-M-.
I nnnosl paym-ntn why, tPr,,. ! x"k of
I annul K tinm! .1 ID
' nwiK'ijre nn th, U g
May IT, I.sC3.
IKVIN hi. (UNI aaJ.. t ntd
diil Aifforttnnt of 1 ti,-
at hit old stand on Market ilivt, m(n XJ)
resd, to wait upon hii old eMrt'ou-rJ! DRNl
Mny new ono.-,. wmu ,0 n, '- O0V
June !(, 'Cw'nj
I1KED. WKAVRI' .1 rv do
vu -ne
inj; a plendiJ lot of the mimt dir-fu'w"' '
ever lironclit to tho nlnee -whiph n... lral
Mic Goods; 1
most perfect confidence was felt that tho .
rebel stronghold would succumb, to tho ' V" iir
Union forces," and that Gen. Weitzel had
captured a portion of the line of defence, ;
and held one of ll.eirl.eaviostbatteries. ! D(J V(JU WANT i0 y Fu(;R 0F
&,Ti rfeent victoiy Over the milita. iTUK LATKST SONGS AS SUNG i. THE
ry despots by the people or Chicago, is , LA TK CIRCUS?
pro! ably the most humiliating defeat that l miCE, Ten Cents a Meet, at the Jiepubli.
trie ''irrepressible conflict" udvnpntna linen'.,.. tm: ri... i - .
... ..... j , i ui, . 'iii u j rkidc iit.,111 ui' (iMiir. ..jiiiifj fltunii
t.imi Iiiivm Ln.ili irrn.itjwl I.. ,1... ...I....'i
mtrilo of Willi (liii (iiilninHii. lm.. ,.t ii lie
1 I I Centre county, dee'd. All pvrouiu i0i. -u"l'ctC
( 1 C Tinaid estate, are ruquosted to inaka it Shir
v-r K7 !,..,.,, j ,h.. i. i ..l- t
.wjww,,,, mur tin, iii i llillll!! hf " UU X Tt
eiune will present them duly uullicniii 'carft
settlement. - n
o.m. voa-M.
Lcllefotite, Pa., May i, JSW.
5 do
ri(HIU AMI SKTTI.I. Th. .. uker
y des
lOMIl A Mil SKTTI.K.-,
sire all iisrsuns huvini unveitlnl ''ars
since the rebellion brokn !.;., " .a, "mu. " c' nt0P ,on w.,l,uue.
, :,, , . , ' i "' j'-' "" "ji en n.,i.M.y jr.i k. rm j . ness, lo can onu seiuo williout further
. 1. . . - m ....... .v t ...c.i vy curl.,'
umi nun, ido, w.tnout tio atini' nnv or in. t, .,,. n. '., l.t. , , i ....
. , , , , o J 1 i ...... , ..r i L.o"'r. . .it, in u, u "U uillll I J,f mi
cip e o either law or onkr. I nn X. 7'J." Cknrtie'ti 1' !-,.
The forces the peoplo -that compelled !
the President tosuspenil tho infamous nr- I
nenil the lnfumons nr. i DMI MSTIt ATOM'S MlTlf-l.- v,i-.
der of Gt-neral liurnsido sunnressine tho ,' 1 hereby Riven, thai Letters of Adminiatrn-
Chicngo lmes, wield a more powerful in ' tio 011 tll e,utc -,f Jull Kll'ridi;o, late of (josh
lltiencefor the future good and happiness ' fD- 'OWDS'"I,i Cleiirlield oounty , Ueceased, having
of their coun'rv Ibnn all Lbn Mmhine,l . ceB t?r"utu l lu ,uu undermgned, all persons in
.,1., til a ' l1"1 R" Uie (oml"ni debted to mid oslate aro desired to make imire-
! ? .hp repillilio. ,llUte (,iiymont( nnil iUw0 having ch,n Saint
tins indicates that our political star has the tauie will present thorn ( r,i.
arisen in mo west; aint we hope it will
continue to shine brighter and britrhter
until n, illuminates tlm whole Continent
settlement. WM. L. SUAW,
Ooshen, June 2, 111)3. pd Ailnt'r,
V D.1H MSTK ATOTI ! ( ITI t Ii Xotie
ii hereby given, that Letters of Adiuinirtra
tion on the estittn of Thomas Wood, late of t.'hes'
township, Clearfield county, doeeasod, have been
grunted to tho undersigned, all persons indebted
'4riin;ui) (iMfdion,
AVK are authorised to iinuonuce Amos Read.
sen., of Lanrcneo township, as a caadidnte for
County Commissioner,
the Detuocralio party.
June 3, 'il
party is for peace. It will hail with salis- ioU1, sl,l,ui 01 vv M. f. IRWIN, Clearfield,
faction the ending of the war, whenever lo 06 sola ul eleaU' reiiueed puces.
tliatcan be done upon tr basis of a res toration
of the Union, liut it will not
consent to a sepaintion of the States.
Upon this platform it stands, prepared lo
resist every assault and to advocate pence
with a restored Union." A'. Y, Weekly
. 1 ri7..
The above principles are those of the
Democratic parly throughout the country.
I hey constitute the platform on which il
must stand or fall, and with which we ex
pect lofcWfepthe present Administration
from power. We claim Ihe privilege ol
opposing the Administration and of ad
hering to the prfncsples of tho Democrat
ic parly without being either conspirators
or traitors to our country. We are deter,
mined to exercise tho rights guaranteed lo
us by theCoiiMiitulion- and to act as free
men in submitting to Ihe majority at the
ballot liox.' Hut the ballot-box must be
kept free. We want no mock elections,
but shall cheerfully submit to the honest,
unirammeled expression of the popular
will. We are for law, order, the Constitu
tion, and the restoration of the Union on
terms honorable lo the North and the
South Philadelphia Age.
and especially the minds of Iho "twin
relics" of anarchy and despotism Abe
Lincoln and Jeff Davis, and their "shod
dy" followers who are now encased in a
crusade against the liberties of the people'1" c,"' urB rcuested tonwike immediate
of this country ! payment, und tbofs having demands ngninst tho
same, will present them ituly authenticated fvr
sett'ement. T1I0.S. WOOD.jr. i , , .
A. H. EDDY. j A,lmr'
Chest, Juno 3, 1HC3.,,H
Splendid Goods-
They beg pardon for baring negleeteil t!
" '",' J. 1. TH0.Vi.7i23
JAS. T1I0.M1 j ,
Curwonsville, May 27, I sfl.i. do.
X. 1! The liusinese will bo centiDue.! 1 do
tofore at the old stund. J. 1) . ;
IOST.0n Saturday the KHti in .i"'"
J public mud between Curwensvills "'I
field. A DKE1), belong to tho snbutriber f Mg'd
for 21 acres of land. Any person lii: Fluted
oniue nnu ouineriiij; n ni inn oiliee will Ibfjitot
uiy reniiruou.
limy 20, 1801.
ii mi iiiiiouiee mil iHjfTllnt.,
J c:u
I. 11 T II V. K S II I fi c iattioGa
IL n t h ir s
ci.KAKrii mi coi'.nr,
Just arriving at the t'Tim.K Hessian Knaverv. The
I'.y "tneaking traitors" he of course means Journal of last week abounded in little
all who do not support tliia Abolition Ad-'squibs thrown out with the intention to
ministration in its crusade against slavery. injure the character of individuals. But
When Gen. llalleck comes North od he most dastardly nnd cowardly of any
that errand we would advise him to was the one in relation lo a wedding
put a few duplicate heads among his ar- which took place between respectable
my baggage, as he might need them be-, parties in Curwonsville ; but because they
fore he gets through w ith his job. were Democrats, and wore the emblem of
Such threats and. menaces we despise, their freedom upon their persons, they
and the free American cilizen who would must be drugged through the filthy col-
meekly submit to them i a dog and a umns of the Journal. Such a piece of
slave, and should be compelled to wear a flunkej ism, by a man pretending to be a i
vnlfe ilnrinff lii,i nutnrul lilatimo ' nanll&inan nl.m.1.1 m-:.. il.n '
j ........g .......... .... e"-'' .... i, oiivuiu i ititvi i v me iniiMt'm im.
' ., . tion of all good citizens of both ponies.
V AU.A.VDKiH.iM. e ask fpecial alten i .. ,i - ,, ., . , , .
....... . ,, i Woseeby the Ilarrmburg 'lrlegraph that
tion to the short speech ofGov. BiiiLER at r.,i ., . , , . . ., . r ,,
,, , . . ' ., , . , . tho fouI-moutbeJ. lying Hessian, Berg-
the late meeting in Phi adelphta protests ,. ... . ,
. . ., b. , . ' , , nnr' copies the same article This showi
ing against the illegal arrest, trial ami , . , , . . ,
. ., . ,, , ,, ,. , conclusively what we have long suspected,
1 nnieltntnnf rt linn I I. ttllaniHifTlinr! D '
'. ' : . . ' 6 ' that Ihe
winch will be touml on our first pa::e
C AUTIO.V. All persons are lierel notified
not to purchase, or lake, an of j
either of two noto? of hand given by rr.e to tleorjjo
Hortoti, of ISiirnside township, dated Hie ltli
Perenilier, 1850, end railing fur $130 00 inch, '
payiibla .May S(1 and ISftj, ai I have not reeei-
subject 'lo lb, action fi "d value for the aino and shall refuse to pay
WE nrn authoriseJ to aunounco Matthew S.
Ogden, of Lawrence township, as n candidate for
County Commissioner, subject to tho action of
the Democratic party. June 3, 'fll.
v are aulhoriied to announce the miue of
Angus M. (Jill, of Dradford township, as a candi
date for County Commissioner, subject to the ac
tion of the Democratic party. Jano 10.
We are anthorizod to announoe the name of
Isaac Kline, of Bradford towiuhin. as a randi.
date for County Treasurer, subject to the action
oi ine uemoeratic party. June, 10
MAItRIKD On Tuesday, lln 2nd instant, by
Cyrenius Howt, Kn., Mr. Isaiah 0. ltarger to
Jlisi Lavina l.'ronell.
.T-frOur faithful Register A Hecorder seems to
have abandoned hie duties toward the public for
a short time, and gone into "registering his will"
and "recording hie deeds" on his own hook.
On the JiSth instant, at the residence of the brido's
father, by the Kov. (Jnrdner, Mr. KoliL Elder,
of Hower, l'a , to Miis Nettie, daughter of Is
aac lltoom. fnrwensvilln
On the 31st of May, by Isaac. Lemon, Ksq., Mr.
ueorgo Mctracken. te Miss Agnes Jlollihan,
all of Ferguson twp
0u the "111 instant, by Levi Spiece, Ksq., Mr.
Ooorge F. Miller to Mary Jane McMuHen, both
of Pike township.
l)IUIIn Cloarfield, on Friday the 5th of June,
Kate, daughtor ofj. M. Kettlebarger, aged
five years.
In this place, last evening, Mrs. June, wife of
Jacoo Miunkweiier, aged about 29 years.
iltto Sibtrlistmtnts.
i:i il l
., , ,i , i ln Gier and more plain terms, that the iif
tlio speeches on that occasion some half ... , , i
, e-"- -"' i'i'"'" i"i i.Miiier, oniuuei, is n
01 ,l. l...-r.i.-. i. . . '
ilozen in ull breathes the same tone
When thirtv thousand
NO l lC'i: At the last meeting
of the board of lielief for the county of
Clearfield it wail resolved as follows :
Itrtnlrrd, That all old as well as new appU-
cants for relief must ni pear in their proper per-
I bis shows ' on Def"ro ,ne Board on Wednesday or Thursday,
I wv ir, ui aimi uiiji ui iuijr, ioii.
I Notice I hereby given to those persons who
y are 'bilds of the same rci :' or. !tl"ve "eeivJ relief by sending the usual cortifi-
lbiiiuu..! nl'lnj iu jris.'ii iii uiun iu uuutiu re
lief. II order of Ibe Bi.nnl.
I ui a tin i ii I I.-v rri.
...... .-. fa..i-'4..,.(ai.
patriotic resolve.
Square there
tbosfi bn nnn Km v. k.,1 K Senator elect from New
- - - - j - . v i uuvi j i. v ' 'J a u i J
they aro light.
descendant of that class of men who drove ' fl1".!0:"3.".
irsunr. . lien iiunv uiuusniiu i p ,.. . , , niTixa.' an
,. , ibeef to the Iiritish durini; the Revolution. 1Aln,0'--AI' pe'
thus assemble in Judependenee " . ( j od not to purchase
lieremust be a caute for it and. ' T'x (io) Morgan, United States control! of a certain e
EfesVThe Dei ks cuunty "conspiracy" case
came to a close fot the preset.t at Thila.
delph.a mstant, by holding lhe sl Mp co,,,,. oblnino(1 for ,,im j lho
four oflliA pniiiiniriilsi.j" Ir. t ...
said Governor. Such men never sine
lour ol llie "conspirators" to bail for
their appearance at the United Stales Cir.
irrepressible conflct" which Lincoln
&, Co, aro waging against the "turn of alj
i i.lainics." and smv
illainics," and says:
"If slavery is to li continued in this
country, we want the Irish Cmholies to
take the place of lhe aegroes, and let the
more intelligent and more virtuous blacki
be libeiutod."
The Post has always boon a great advo
cate of tho doctrine that "all men are
Hulsor, the leader, was hold in y.lOOO,
lhilbert ami Oxeniider wri
-All persons are hereby caution
er in any manner have
note given bv me to one
lins tun-. Jonnainan i nsso, uated April, zist, 18(1,1, Tor the
iian pui- . . ... ... . . .
lased a private residence in WashlUgton compelled by law, not having received value
city, for which he nava $1)3.01)0. . therefor. I- Kh.ul.HICK LITCHFIELD
This amount Is just the onesthird that
his brother made in swentte.i davs out of C!
11 iia.siv, lor ine niouiu cnuing iiiar ov,
June 10, 1863-pd.
themvnloss oompellcd by law.
Hurntide, June ,,, I'-'OZ. p i j
1Xr.Cl?TOHS MITICP.. N'otieeis hor.-'
J by given that L.-tterr Testamenlnry on the 1
estnle of Thomas Carson, late of Ilrady township, !
Clearfield county, deceased, having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons'l.u.l to I
said estate are riiiefted to iinuiediaie pay- '
in cut, and thisu having demnnd' sjgaiust the j
same will present them duly authenticated for
settlement. !
JULIAS A. TEKPE, Executot. !
Tlrad tp., Juno 3, 1S6.1.
ill Pint
May 1,, lst.:r. do i
Wll.l.IAM A. WALL ('B. Jen . j
Attorneys at Lair, Srald
- kiti
ii. w. sin t ii co. do
MI.KCII.W TS, and dualrrs u,; 1)- p
tjnods, (iroceries. Hardware, Ijai-eusta.-'. .
ever.' tiling umiiiMv kevt bv the trmls. j',7
SKCUND Street, tiel.iw Judge U.n.rl'''
site the l'retbvterian l'hiiri-h, ClrartiJd "a
Dec. I, l-t.'l. elo
i Zejjoy:
i. n. blHI. ' T. s. n'cc, tJ,A
HUSH k il'CULl.Ol'a
(."oiled Ion Ofliff,
Ci.s tsru .
Cyl.v Graiiah's Nro- f!
Feb. 5. '02.
ntid a'f i
bo fiiuud
1 Justice of llm iH'nrt? c
i DII N'ISTI! ATOR'M MITICI:.. Letters j . , '
I. of Administration hr.vinS been Kranted this . Lnthcrsrurg, C. lu
lay to the undersigned on the estate of T. K.'."l"!"u i'fu"'l"'J Beans.
Mills, Into of Hoggs township, deceased, all
persons indebted to said estate ifre requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against tho pame will present them duly
authenticated for settlement
June 3d, I S63 -fit. Administrator.
Administrator's Notice.
"jV'OTR'E is hereby given, that Letters of Ad
ministration on the estate of Moses Nor
ris late of 1'ike township, Clearfield coun
ty, deceased, have been granted to the undersign
ed. All persons indebted to said estate aro re
quested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
June 3d,lSfi3-6t Administrator.
...',! I
Shaving and llalr-llrcii q....
JKREMIA'H.;OKR13 respocull I
to his frieuds of Cieirtield and iii CCfltS.
hj has returned to his old stund, aD'l II jj S'
pared to render the most perfect sa'arfaT
who may desire his professional eniy
Clearfield, Ajri OiC
W , W. SUA , OUt
rilYSICtAN A 8 1.' H u K 0X fifimLM
HkS permaucntly locatvl at ShsJ T W
where be respectfully f ' i AvVUO
publio patronage.
Jan. Mr.Murray.
I Irv ("ioods. (Jrocories I.iitii1)
I r.uiiisi.l.i, 'a
i Dee. 21. ISA.
ti" , , 'Wool mid Flax Spinning
KedUCed Price?. TrARRA'Tl;l).Um.f,ic."'l
niie t Id slock to be sold at a reduriion to cor
respond with the new goods.
New Goods
Has just receired
a general assortment tf
1)UY UOOUS at reduced prices
DRY GOODS at reduced prices
MPV niiiHK t ...i.
LHii UUUDSat reduced prices i OU UUU
a '.nil.. ..
Vf A R R . W T I I ) , M mi f ie t ii n'
Y T nnnas by the uniiersigneil, n
peoplo of ClearHeld county to cnibrn
tunitv now offered to secure one of tl.
Maehines. They will be s ilil cl.
rrwtii. Cull at the Old Shri, In ( hi
May fl, 1 863. t
"When this cruel war it over."
Bills discounted
( Pennsylvania State Stock
(specie ...
Tlun rrnni ntttAr TlunVa
Our dates from the Rappahannock are Bank Notes of other Ranks
l.i0 each for attending the meeting, lhe 5th inst- A l,orlic,n ot - ,Iook- che'klTaX ''A"1 onder d7and JJ'0Ir
mm inig was nem in ?l,i)UU lor actintri " "'-v uosscu mo river a :iuri. Overdrafts,
t. . e I rl ;t i . i.i v i i-..rn;....
as ."Secretary.
Owners okU.npatemf.u Lands The act
of Assembly in relation lo the graduating
and valuation of unpatented lands by the
Commissioners of the several counties of
created ccjtial, but in this instance the( Pennsylvania, will expire, by its own lim.
Irish Catholics seem lo be .JiwarJed. jitalion, on the 1st day of August, 13C3
This bedlamite journnl has raved against, Those interested bad better take idvan
tho inmituiion for the past fifteen years.llage or it in time, and have thoir lands
and now turns around and slanders every 'appraised by the Commisiioneri and pt
"r hita man mho is not a negro at heart. ' euled. lfoia the date abova montioned.
distance below Fredericksburg, meetinir Furniture
with no very formidable resistance; and v g RenJ, smp,
one account represents that the rebels Loss and Expenses,
still hold acd occupy the city, under,
ijongsireei: und another, that the rlacei
(82.734 42
47,4411 11
5,424 bt
21.S44 30
9,V50 (10
205 78
315 71
764 7$
ISO 80
2.10 00
lv2,4!7 49
was deserted, and that our fotcci had uns f."Pu,1 B,fck Pld in
... -..j . T . . , jsoioi in circoiauon .
molested possession. In connection with d Depsltors.
th is information, there aro unm-stakesblo Due on certif of Deposit,
signs that an attack upon Al.drl4,i & S:!?1?' . '
ashinglou, 4c., is aporeliondel by our Due other Ranks,
authorities. ' 'o'erest and Exolurj.
We have nothing new from Vicksburg.
95,057 67
13,670 2
157 60
12 50
- 4,549 14
l,3jg 40
ft a 1 Ol I
Domieis ana onawis pnee
Bonnets and Shawls
Bonnets and Shawls
Bonnets and Shawls
Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Notions,
Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Notions!
o o 0 0 1
for which 'be Vim
will bt naid bv. I
J. i fare,
ClearOeld, May 13, 1S03. fare,
-rltKTifK ..r th
" Luthersburft, Cle'
iWillatrend promptly to ell bosinesj
!lo r.j i March 2S, I3B0.-J?
: L. J. CRAWS. wu1i
Attorneys at Law,
M.I est pen
ii'd Slmttl
d Shrv in 1 mi t
Haidwaro, (iueensware, Tinware, Notions May 3, 'en. ClsaJ
Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Notior. iVn t TrTnv
m -1 iJli. 31. WUUl'"
vjiircsrasoss aimui JU'irs. !-jracticixo rhysioian.and
vuiiue, moiasses, eugnr, Bait, M. geon lor roniioni. uim-e ojh s
Candles, Rice, Flour, Hacon, Fish, j Second and Cherry streets, ClearfidJi
xonacoo, crackers, Vinegus, Oils, Varnish. .innnary i'
MUUJMUM OOjrjS- dr. j. w. POTTEI?
Carpets, Oil Cloth, Dnijjuet, Lookinif Glasses, I'hyslrlan and furffeoli, h'
Clocks, Churns. Wash-boards, Tuba, buckots, flat locattd at Frenchville, Covingtoa l
Irons. Pans. Window. Llln,!. M-.ii n..i ars his nrofnssioual services U t"J
, - -. -" aii-jinjiur, voai ' w J
Oil I.Binns. TTmKf...tlai . ...1. i enmmnnl I v. ''I
.a-...,..-, tiDu vuiup, ivuires ana , .
Vnrlrs. Kniuini. Prnaika, Ulna.. 1.1 . nl. : .. 111 -
which will be sold on tho most reasonable terms. J. V, KRATZa'
and the highest market price paid far Grain,! MKHCHANT, and dealer to
Wool. Shinoinf Furs and all klnrl. of . Kbin!o- am) Prol"iu-e. l"i
produce. J. P. KRATZHR, ; above the Academy P
Front strat,abva the Academy, ClearBeld, Pa. i Deo, 4, 1861.
VUalQ tf, 11,1,4. - J
. mm niiiwi rarr ere. "i
Mr!05l has RYE, CORN and eood jV a two hones In good
FAMILY FLOUR, for tale at
-im,497 49 burz. Also, RVK and CORN at Ayrs'l Mill.
Philip- cheap for CiliY, by
1!. V.
'i,h' ,A
klnir Ghw
L, BuckcU, .
11-pa par. -
,, Knives
kinf. AH
LiiHble tr
i fer Ort-a
of enfltlT
, formsr'T "
ads fr '
sr warr
. 1 Ullip-n
urg, .May J7, 19M u
ClsarS-14. June 3,