11 It It I til (lil.l I1H1 lf, tl 1"", h" 1 Hht ' u ,. I t. II. B-.ll, ' .. 1 1". 'in I'- ' .. ' S I'L ! iii"ii, if n ns lit... n, ' W. .Mm... n A. M ' r 1K lit. . W. liisdv, 'I 1.. Ileiid.i..n, ' I'.n Ti' N mf li ji, ' I r M in rn y A 1 rvin 'ulohiii A Hun, i.iliffi Mi.). I, l Pal.'blii, din Snyder, 'V til. l.UIIIBlIUe, "'. Albert 4 Hns. Matthew Vurciy, .mes E Waii'.u, '' K Arnold, iiiiiii'I Arnold, !I II Moore, l (1 nod lander, Montgomery, Aim Id A Terpc, r t'srlile .1- Co., ' iu Jlmil.ir, ' Hues Curry, li .. in I . ,11, ii - t , nf.-. ti liirni..li tup, tV. V.v,-..;; ' ii,f (ui((l,!iil.iliic! ilnion i .i . i it i,i - " v, rlii;,lisi i a I in lip. i.iiii.I) in ri:ss i,v.m.! 1 IIH HM. I 1 M m It Mir I u rn fl lM Kit AT 1 1ll: f l:. I l HOVLIiNMF.N r ! Toily-foiir Columns nf l!rnlini Mutter J 'luh Wee k ! A V i II K l.t'W 1IIHK uriiM', 1 1 1 1 . 1 . A II AM' FIFTY ( HNi x WIIFN SlliMUlHF.il OH IN I'M IIS OK li'if It ''' I II A N 1(1 nirns Done Ai'Mti.ss : II ,7 i" II 7li' ii r " II Tit II 7 i' i I I 7 i't II 7 1 1' S i' 'I I I 7 I'M It 7 i ii I I V i.ii I i III mi I I 7 imi It 7 I (I 1 1 7 I'll 11 7 OD u hn in Iiogtts I'. 'f "7 lIH.l'.tlJ I w Jl. It " " 14 " ' 14 llrH'ly tup. 1 4 " " 14 " " 14 " " 14 " " 14 " ' 14 Chest tup II " " Grocery in 11,,'utun i:hlltflM bor. ,2 ... j 'vm F Irwin, ' " 14 P K ratter, ' " 14 I eiienstein Uri. " " II -oil. Weaver A I'... " 12 ' W A !!W imiih. " " II ''srrell .1 liiv'lcr. ' " 14 l-icbBrdWi.iiin.il, " 14 tUisentbaler A I Leopold, j ' '. Haupt, U llurtmicl. ' D Watson, I eonard, Finney .1 Co. Hunker. I llrukcr, . 1) Thompson Curneniivilliibiir.i l Hrtmr A IhBlillur 10 " " 10 Patent Medicines, 1 r. on -r v. have p.ee compelled tc ha ie 7 (Hi the club Biibi.ciipli.in .i i.o lo i.ihi il.'lUr 7 110 and fifty cents in order to save ourselves from 7 00 actual iu.s. Paper liim rlen, including tuxes, 7 III) about twenty five per rem., mid In still rising ; 7 HO and whea wo toll our Democrutia friends, candid 7 00 It, that we cun no longer afford to sell the "Weck 7 00 ly Patriot if I'ninn" Bt ono dollar a yonr, and 7 00 must mid fifty cents or slop tlio publication, wo 7 00 triift tboy will appreciate our position, mid, in- 7 00 uteml of withlraw'ng their luhscriptions, goto 7 00 Ttorli with n will to iin'reano our list in every 7 00 county in tlio Mate. Wo hnvo endouvorod, und .fl ulinll continuo our ctToitK. to iniiko tlio pupor uso- " ful n n a pnrty orgnn, nnd nolonine an a tiow 7 00 uu'Psvngor in every fmnily. Wo flutter ournolvvi 7 00 tlnit it linn not been without kimiio in ihionco in 7 00 rrmlucine tlio glnnou r.-volution in the politics 12 ;'.H of tlio btiite achieved nt the lute election ; ami if 7 t'O lViirleH-nesn in tho dischnr'O of duty, tidclity to 7 HO the principles of tho party, and so anxiouii daiiro 1 i 00 ' to pnitn.ite its Intercut, with soiuo experionco . nft I and n moderate ilcuroo nf ability, can bo nmdo I ncrviceiihle berenltor, tlio "Wockly Patriot a-id S 00 Union'' will not be lens useful to tho party or 5 00 lei-n woleomo to the tiimily circle in tho future S 00 1 than iu the punt. Wo confidently look for increna- mi ' in rrin.K an." I OHM Y IMIM.croUV. 1 1 mi r i. llnldltia; (unit f; . n 1 M"fi'lny l?'lii.f .Im.iimr, 11, i l M n, In; jtdil. i f Mm.li,' Iblt l Moiidny 1 1 I r.r .lnn, loiilth M.iti.lnj f iff t 1 of r'.ptemlii r, In en. b j"r, mid e.mtlnuf two nei ki if rrnit) , rmititv Olllri'in, Pren'l Jtidfe,ll.in. fiiiiiiu-1 l.inn. Hcllrf.mtfl. Au to fudge, l! li J. li.llii.iiipn.in.CtiraelifTlllf ll.in. Jin lllooiii, r'oret. t'her.lT, Kdwnr l l'.rk, Clearfield rrothmi ilaiy, linivid Ktilrr " lliMer A Ili'ci.rHer, I. U. larger, Cletrfleld. Iiintriet All'; tw Tent, " Troinurnr, .Imipb HIihw, " t'. riiirveyor, II, II, "riRht, Olon Ilp lull , A . i ' l too. t. t Jt. i . riMt j .in hi iin aiii) tf ollalion (Mat I, L A ll M I. i, ! ( i.i:,h ii in vnryrr, v.. 1 jntt.i.i otartimir,aotriri!idArTtiii i.iiiti I) IVMITH ftl.( I II, lltfl WmV fi t t'urBMitin Ajftit II Alll I li'.H I I'l'MiAt, III MMtit 'I Hi: (iUllA'PlU I'.U.MON IN VNI'I I I' Ml'A'l J i ll';lif tltiim A Pn.ittmM lmi pert Hicn'-'l the lu in Niin t.fi of a iiirokln llinl t nl Hit (.real Hi In lllmi In Urn I nl- (m'i.if..f mmlf anil vrnrn.lt promptly remittal It d ti The ..ik . kern f.r tunny in.. nth Yy cut, i r A Jfnilniiil mof-tntio r, To liii,t,.A,-7 t .'v Viii A. J. IIUml'.llr.flRn i. I i,..iittini t. I nr I Ixrliaiipr till the ( Itlra roiia(nlitl) nil band. J!fTCIHce on Pnc n.l Ht., nearly 1'ppoi.ile Iht tori.T lioirsi-:. F U HNITUU K ROO MS by writer eiy nay "TIIH AtlF." lll a.H,n i, p..l"7 nl tbn Im.ier'i patty, rf line neeritarlly fanr lli tmtnrmJ i It an, ami lUr-nd the ( onailtuij ip.i piniri, ann mat nt ll.li Lommd u win itaeiy ami inirlv d rn.. 2 A 00 I'ipple A 1'nunt, ' .Montgomery, i F Irvin, ''illiaiu Irvin, l, Goodwin, epben Gruff, 13 II " 13 II " Couloctionor " Confectioner 1 mncU Coudrict, Covington twp, 14 i' T Hegarty, " " 14 i'oler (Jurner. " " It ' laudeua HaroioT " " 14 al. Jloffuian, Coufoctioner A Oroeer, i.awnbe, White, I n , , , . Par,on.A Ca, Pwtw twp. 14 ' iu McCracken, ' I'ergueon twp. I) if tiller 10 00 o BlDwart, tmard turn., urocery. a vv 00 00 00 00 00 7 00 6 00 7 00 iiKimttn Lecoiitc, " 1 1 7 t'O B Pbaw Ooshen twp. II 7 00 din Holt, Uraham tp. 14 7 00 . Iioinas II Forcey, " " 14 7 00 'oorjfo llogarty," Oulicb twp. 14 7 00 1 A UoHrtv, " " 14 7 00 . Klliot A .Miller, " " 13 10 00 Sneeriiiger A Co., " " 14 7 00 tl Tox, " " 1 4 7 0(1 , I Woodward, Huston tap. II 7 00 l illiam llrady, " ' II 7 00 'ivid NoKeeghcn Jordan twp. 14 7 00 i'enry Swan " " 14 7 00 1 (mirk, Knox twp. II 7 00 V f Simkey, Karthnuii twp. 14 7 00 W llrimltor, " " 14 7 00 . aac .McCloiky, " " 14 7 00 'linee i'orrest, Lawrence " 17 7 00 '.isopb Degarty, Lumber City, 14 7 00 ' hn Ferguson, " " 14 7 00 . 0 Uronner, MotrU twp. 14 7 00 Leonard Kylor, " " . 14 7 00 : C llrennor, " " 14 7 00 i R McMurrar, Kew Wnehington It 7 00 W illiam Feath, " ' 14 7 00 ;icob Xeff, " DintillerlO 5 00 W W Andenon, Ponn twp. Grocer, 5 00 l 'aniel Brubaker, Union twp. 14 7 00 a Wbitcoinb 4 Bon, Woodward twp. It 7 00 JTCrTbe Appeal will bo bold at tho County 'ounniejioneriT OHice, on Tuesday the IKth of lay, Ibft.H, between the houra of 10 o'clock, A. . and 4 o'clock, p. m. F. F. COl'TKnF.T, May 6. 18C3, Mercantile Appraiser. m wiiTBTnuRirs DENTAL REMEDIES IRE THE I'-LST IN THE WORLD, i.Nscmyn FINE TEETH AND A SWEET EREATH, AND CURING TOOTIIAtnE AND NEIRALOIA. Do yon wish to bo blepsed with and admired ".r Pkarly Whiti and Sound TF.KTH ? Vta Dr. tVm. It. Ilurd'a InrlvalleU Tuutli I'owdiT, warranted free from acid, alkaii.or any Injurious substance. Prico, 25 cent per box. afUowarc ol tbo ordinary cheap Tooth I'ow Jor5, which whiten but destrey. Do you wish to b certain that your IIREATII li pure, sweet, and agreeable to husband or wife, i.-ver or friends ? Use Ir Ilurd's Celnlirated .Mouth Wash. Price 37 cents per bottle. This astringent wah is alo Uiebent remedy in tho world for Canker, Bud Ureath, lilccding limns, 8oro i5outli, etc. It has cured bun Iredn. Do ou, or your children suffer from TOOTH ACHE f Get Dr. Hurd'g Mafflc Tootliachc Drops. Price 15 cents per bottle. Are you afllicted witlj NEURALGIA Got Dr. Win. II Ilurd's Xeuralgla IMantcrs. Thetoost effective and delightful remedy known, 'or pains in the faco, chest, shoulders, back, r nr.y part of the body. They do not adhere nor Mister, but sontho nnd barm fain away. Try thein. Price, 15 and 37 . ents. .Mailed on receipt of price. For sale at all the beai stores thiouut the '.ouotry. Caition. As there are dealers who tako ad vantago of onr advertisements to impose upon their customers inferior preparations, it is necea tary to insist upon having what you call for, and jou will get tm bkpt, thoroughly tested, and prepared by an experienced and scinutilio Den list, Treasurer of the New York Plate Dentist's Association, and Vice President of the Nsw York -'ity Itental Society. Address WM. B. Ht'RD A CO., Tribune Baildings ew York. J4tc.2lt im. ed encoiirngement in this great entorpnse, and appeal to every infl.ientiul Democrat in tho Stale 00 : to lend us tits aid in running onr stioacriuiion list 00 up to twenty or thirty thousand. The expense to 00 each individual is trilling, tho benefit to the par Oil I ty niav be great. Believing that tho Deiaoorucy of the b'tuto feol tho necessity of sustaining a fearless central organ, we tuuke this appeal to them with the fullest confidence of success. Tho samo rontons which induce us to raise tho prico of tho Weekly, operate in regard to tlio Daily paper, which has uNo increased. The ad fiitii nal cost to each subscriber will bo but trilling ami, while we cannot persuade ourselves that the change necessarily made will result in any diminution of our daily ciiculution, yet, were wo t erli.in that such would be tho consequence, wo should still be compelled U make it, or suffer a ruinous loss. Under these circumstances we must throw ourselves upon tho generosity, or, rather the justice ot the public, and abide their verdict, whi'tevcr it may be. The period f..r w hich many of our subscribers have paid fur their paper boing oa the eve of expiring, we tako tho libcrly of issuing this no tice, reminding them of the same, in order tuut they may RENEW Til El 11 CLUES. Wo shall also take it af an especial favor if our prcscn t subscribers will uigo upon their neighbors tho fact that ths "I'utriot f; Uiiinn'' is the only Democratic paper published in llarris burg, und considering the large amount nf rend ing mutter, embracing all the current BQW3 of the day, nnd Telegraphic Dispatches From everywhere up to the moment tho paper goes to press, political, miscellaneous, general and local news, market reports, is decidedly the Cheapest Newspaper Published in the Slate ! Thero is teareely n village or town iu the State in which a club cannot I.o raised if the proper exertion be made, and surely there are few places iu which one or moro energetic men cannot bo foui d who are in favor of tho dissemination of sou nd Democratic doctrine, who woald be wil ling to uiako the effort to raise a club. TERMS: DAILY PATKIOT AND UNION'. Single copies for ono year, in advance $5,00 dv do during scss. of Leg're ... 2,00 Copies supplied to ngenti at the rato of $1,50 per Hundred, WEEKLY PATRIOT AND UNION, Pitllhliol every Thursday. Singlo copy ono year, in advance - - $2,00 Ten copies to ono address ..... 15,00 Subsrriptintii niav commence at any titce'AY ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Wo are obliged to ninko this imperative, in every instance tho cash must accojupany the Mibscription. Any person sending us a elub of twenty subscribers t. tho Weekly will be entitled to a copy for his services The priee even nt tbo advanced rato, is so low that we rannot offer greater iniuccments than this. Additions may be mido at any time to a club of subscribers by remitting ono dollar and fifty couts fr each additional nnmo. It is not uecessary to send us tbo names of thoso constitu ting a club, as we cannot undertake to address each paper lo club subscribers separately. Speo iuien copies of the Weekly will be sent to all who desire it. O. BARRETT A CO., March 18, 1363. Hnrrisburg, Pa. AT Coal! Coal! flMIE subscriber respectfully announces to the L citiiens of Clearfield and vicinity that he is now prepared to eupply the Very best quality of OOAL at the shortest notice. The irrangeinent is dosigned to be permanent, and a full supply will always be kept on hand. PKICK. ctiiita at the Bank. 1 cenU delivered. RjJ'For the pjblio convenience, Orders for Coal will be given at Kratser's stern. JOHN FEENKY. Clearfield, April 8, 1 -G3. 0m. Flyer's Patent Churn, j A superior article. A family using this Churn never need be without butter I j All the above and many other articles are fur-1 i.ished to customers cheap for Cash or exchanged j for approved country produce. Cherry, Maple,, Poplar, I. inwood and other Lumber suitable for ' Cabinet work, taken in exchange for furnituro. j Remember the shop is on Market street,' Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew ! More." JOHN UULICH. Nov. 2, 1902. j DANIEL GOODLANDEK, JL'!TI tn of the peaco l.uthvrsburg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to re. eiq March 2S, 1S60. ly. pd. KltATZElt'S. cyrexiu3 howe. Justice of the Peace. For DacATun Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to bis cure. P. 0. Address, Philipsburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1S61 H. W. SMITff &. CO. MKRCIIAVIS, and dealers lit Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Quoonswarc, and everything usually keyt by the trade. Store on SECOND titroet, below Jutlgo Leonard's, oppo site tho Presbyterian Cburcb, Clearfiold Pa. Deo. 4, IdCl. D. O. lil'SH. T. J. M'tTM.OCGII. BUSH & M'CULLOUGII, Collection Office, Cl.EAEFlELD, Pa. duTl-v Graham' New Uvilding. Ffb. 5, 'C2. dr7j7 wrpoTTEii7 " rhyalcUti and aurcon, has permanently located at Frenchville, Covington township, off ers bis professional services to the surrounding community. May 8, 1801. )L w t h jt b lb rn. ir ISi u i o j LCTHKKSDIRG, CLEAKF1ELI) COUNTY, PA. HENRY EVANS, Proprietor. March 19, 186.2 ly. TIIOM S J. Mm.luUGH7 I Attorney at Law. I Office adjoining the Bank, formerly occupied by I J 1!. McKnally, Esq., Market e'reet, Clearfield, Pa Will attend promptly to Collections, 8al ofLands, 4c. - Dee. 17, '62. (.'.mini 'rs, Auditors, Coroner, Co. Supl. TWiisi ipt U loctria, H. C, Tkoinpson, Morris.lale Jacob Kunt;., Luthershurif Thus. Daiigherly, flrainpiun Hills. II. C. llowiniin, Philipsburg C. 8. Worrell, N. Washington II. J. Woodward, PciinlielJ, J. W. Potior, Lecoiite.s Mills Jesse Uroomall, Cuawsnsvillo. l.Ut of Tost OHiccs. A'unifs off, O. flume of P. Glen liope, Madeira, Bower, Client, Cush, Ostein!, Clearfield BrUge, Williams' drove, I.uthorsburg, Troutville, Jollerson Line, Forest, New Washington llurnsido, 1'atchinvillo, Herd, Clearfiold, Fronchvillc, Karthuus, C'urwensville, curwemville, Docatcr, Bill, Hoggs, llradlord, Nrady, llloain, Etrnside, Chest, Clearfield, Covington, Philips burg, West Decatur, Murron, Helen Post Office, Lecounto's Mills, Bald Hills, Shawsville, Orahiimton, Pmiths Mills, Tyler, Petinliold, Ausonville, Salt Lick, New Millport, llreckenridgc, Kylertuwn, Morrisdiilo, Lumber City.f (irampinn Hills, Curwensvillo, Bloomingville, Kockton, Jefirios. This Post Oflico will do for Chest townsl.!) Will answer lor Ferguson township. CABINET EMPORIUM Forguson, Fix, Uirurd, Goshon, (Jrnhaiu, (iulich, Huston, ti Jordan, Karthuus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, l'enn, n Pike, . Union, Woodward, Win. H. Wright C. J. Pusey. W. Mct'ruekeD T. A. M'Oliee J. W.CiFt' H.L llendarson 1. II. Miller .1. K Watson. K. JL Moore. C: J. riloppy, John liebcrling Jua. llloom Win. Fevth. Jas McMurray J. I'atchin (1. S. Toier M. A. Frank. P. A. tlaulin. K. W. Schnarr T. II. Fleming. Centre county Miss I'.u.lehach Film. Williams Klk county, Pa. C. Mignot William Curr A. If. Shaw T. II. Furcee. A.O. Fox. David Tyler H. Woodward L'lizn Chaso ft. Ileckadorn M. O. Stirk. J, W. Thomps'n Jas, Thompson J. C Brenner, H. W. Spencer, A. C. Mooro, T, W. Fleming. II, i' . Dale D. Biubsker. Jos. Loskett. 'benner & barrett; Iles.ectlul1y aiiuouneo to tho public that they hare completed ntul nro now occupying tl I furiiitiite ware-rooms, Irontinir on the Lot and nvarly opposite tho Court House Cabinet making will be carried on In tho up per story of the samo building in all its 1) I F F E ll E N T B I a N C 11 E S. All kinds of furnitnro will bo kept constantly on hands and sold cheap for cash or encbango for country produce, or Lumber to euit tue bui- CHAIRS. PARLOR, JJOfJKING, AND A H If CIIAIIJS, Sl'KING SEATS. CAIN BOTTOMS, '&c, He public to j.restnt to them, fearful perils la which we stand exhibit ths nisnaitido of the tmk them, If they would cheek our dowJ : and to inspire them with patrioj tioa to apply th a nutetiT f..r oar I In brief, U will, in all things, luitlilul exponenc et xiemoeratic c AltlMiT-5IAKr.lt Would respectfully nnnouncc to the public that he has fitted uti a SHOP on Cherry street, near the Episcopal Church, nnd nearly opposite the residence nf C. Kratzcr, E.-q., where he intends to carry on thf Cnbinet-tr.uking business in its ditl'cront briiiic'u cs. Having served a regular nppreiiticethip to the business, and worked as a Journeyman over six years, betides earn ing c n a ih..p for line years, ho flatters himself thut be can render nit if faction to thoso who may fi.vor him with thii custom. Having located in Clearfield borough, he solicits a share of patronage, and it shall over bo his object to make to order neat and substan tial furniture such ns French Bedsteads, He will always te and Common and prepared to f'urriiah French 1'osts I to onlcr Hoek- PAliLOH ,SUFA, VES'UIH, (AM), DINIXif, VXTEXSJON (' r.nEAKl'AST 'I A 1JLE.S. S OlA S- OF A I-1 1 KINDS. VA FJETI A N I ' I'ATTEIi N . BUKLViUS, SIDU-i;tUKD, BOOKCASt'S WAi;l'K01!K.S, A'.-. JEXSY JJNJh n i ; n. r o .v r ro T ta ( j:, J'EEXCU ro.W, In I'.ur'O of pM,niali..o iimliriii r..r the lii'k. Die Isiin.iriii..a r .nlahis a rlrnr and sue rli.rt account of the formation of tho ColiUdern ry nf lbs Sliilos j the. formation and adoption of sui.jn'is oi reppr romiiitnt the Constilution of the I iiit. d States, and the ei-', enirfe, and prr tminrntly at tlili lablishinent of the National II.. eminent ; the or-' tlens eonnerted with the exittin a In. d.'teloiiuictit and iirnaresi of the doctrine dition of our country. of Nullification mid Scesi.ion, and the various ' It will fearlessly criticise ths pu i, bases which thev assume. utilil their final cut- lie servants, and defend the ltv. uiinatlon In tho O'rc.il llrhtllinn. tionil rights of Individaal ttison The HlaTonr comi.risos a lull arc-mint, drawn fig" States, agnltijt assuults from I I.. ..r ..11 .... V ... I ll will In i.nl.. ,1.- .7 I. . in. Ill in' in or i i. m i. .in. u rn 1 1 .-ri, i mi uiu r.r ruin ' " ..p iu in in a. M rkel ,,f 1,10 Wttr ' ,,lft ""triKUie tf the Sontbein lenders to proper eense of the actual cl ai Home lili.l iiur un , inu ra.iuai ui'iecuon Ol ono lection i tbo great Uprising of the People for the iiiainteniinue of National Lite an, I l'.xintenre) (he rapid creation of an iin mensc Army and N'uvy and tho Buttles by land und sea. The Ii.LfsTHATioNS comprise- Portraits of all thuso who have borne a prominent part in tho struEitlo : Maps of the dillerent localities ; Pluns 01 tno leauing aeiions ; tionsoi every scene in 1 m fcn.mr iiu wwiin to Dead interest, and of tho most important Hauler'. These - Domotratie yasly, under Rhosd Illustrations are mostly from druwitiL-s taken on , country prospered so lone and the spot by artUls deputed fur thut purpose to no- , restoration of that party the paJ company every division or our Army ami -Navy. ( stiti tioji nnu tin i mom ta po hvery lacility at the eomuiaud ol tbo puulistiers lallve b i, exeouuve tYtnin( I has been employed in the preparation mid exncu-, t bt MskT nnd of tne union, we , tioa of this work ; aud they confidently believo eessnry to a-sejt saarehy, and thl that it will form the most trustworthy und valua- the Itepublic. Tn contribute to l.le history whi Ii can bo prepared of the Great will be our highest a.uj. The News, Literary, Commerd departments, will receive due attl be so conducted ai to msko "Til of the support of the gsneral rea W ..llie many dilhtnlties aow j enterprise ol the mngj.itiHb of thl Hiuleirigne.l art tiigaged, require to tho public for a genuruua supn for "The Aub" a liberal putrouuj circuiauon. itic prcseni statu ot tho prepnl meiits warrants the eipocUtiLd nuuilior ol the Datlv will nppcur of tho present month, (Fubiuad eekly will be issued soon thsrc top. r, uocj ing Chairs of (1 i f f e r o nt kinds and conimon OTUFHCIIAIHS llo will also furnish 'to order Hair, Husk, und Hair and Cotton MAT- Cottage, Jen ny Find, all other kind of BEDSTEADS, with Tccknor's Tatent fastenings and Gard ner's Patent Spring Bod steads. BUKKACS of, THESES. The ubovc dilfvient kinds. SI DE-snained, and many olhor BOABDS. Wardrobes,' articles, will be made to Hook-cases, Parlor ami, order for customers, on Centre Tables, Break-i short notice, cheap lor fast and Dining tablvj ! (,'asll. cr exchanged fur and tho latest improved approved country pro-Exlou.-ion Tables. Hiit-i'duce. Don't forget tho racks, Was i stands.T'oi-j place, ns I am determiu let and Work stands.j cd to furnish ull articles and every other kind of;1 at the most reasonable furniture iu his lino. IJ rules. jT-i;' M-iplo, Cherry, Poplar, Pine, Linwood and every other suitable lumber, will bo taken iu ex chango for furnituro, Cash will also be paid for good Lumber- B. K, 6 HOPE. N B. Coffins of the latest style mado to order on short notice. Funerals attended whenever desirable. CUurjhld, J'tt., Feb. II, '63. Iluir, Hair top, Cotton and Corn lluivk, of the best material LUOKlMi-OLASSLS of all sorts aud site!, Also, t lassos lor ol. I 1 rnuit s. Also, Tea poys, What-nctf, Wash-.-tunil Work-stands, Ilat-rucks, if-e, COFFINS. Made to order on short notice, and l.earso lurnishcd. i ..piar, i.nerrv, ana L.mw..o j Luu.i.or in exchange for work. Clearfield, October 23, 18(11. ly THE M.UUC TIMK t'HSFRVKJt, 'llic l'crfurtiiui of Merliuninm. 1EI0 a Hr.NTisu ANuOrrt Fact, on Ladv's ) or (Iksti.kman's Watch Comui isd. tno of tho prettiest, mo.-t convenient, and de cidedly the best und cheapest timepieco for gen crul and reliable use, ever offered. It has with 'in i; and connected with its uiachineri, its own w in. ling attachment, rendering u key entirely unneeossiiry. The cases of this M'atcb are coin posed of two met. lis, the eutor one being fiuo 1C carat gold. It has the improved ruby uetion le ver movement, aud is warranted un accurate timepiece. Prico, supuibly cugraTed.per cao of a half dozen, $2U4 1)0. Sample Watelies,in neat morocco boxes, for those proposing to buy at wholesale, $Ji, sent by express, with bill paya ble on delivery. Soldiers must remit paymont in advance, as we cannot collect from thoso in the Army. Address HL'BBAKIJ BROS. A CO., Soi.k Ihpoiitebi. Cor. Nassau A John Sts.,.'ew York. Jan. 21, Lita 6w. National Hotel. MAINE STItEUT, CUHWENSVILLE, PA., WM. A. MASON, Proprietor. riAIUSlong established and well known H0 J. TEL, situated ia ths west end of tho town, has been romod.lled, enlarped and improved, and tho proprietor respectfully announce! to his nu merous friends, and to the travelling public, that ho is bow prepared to uccomniodato all who may favor him with a call, Ample, safe nnd comfortable stabling Is at tached to the premises, and trusty attendants will always bo on hand. Charge! moderate. Feb. 12, lS62.-tf. Watches, Jewelry $ Silver-Ware. 3, WATCH & JEWELRY rpilE undersigned rospoetfully I informs bis customers und the public generally, that he bus just reeeiv.cd from tho East, and ni.cn. ednl hiil rftt.'itli.thm..nl in .' Ii A II i f w' ViwV rpHE undersigned would respectfully invito Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks, J. yonr attention to his well ee ected stock of Watches, and Jewelry of dillerent qualities t wm v '? 6llv"yTCHEb,F.ne Gold ; from tt fi ,e icc0 to a full Pott, wl.U h he will , JEW LLUi, of every kind und variety of styles- soll ttt tbe mo8t rcaitonillllo ,,riceH for C(lsh in eorai rising all of the ewkst and most bkauti- ' cnHn)?0 for ol(, golJ unJ I n AIMOLID 6ILVER WARE , t,p,ol to Coin-! tm! prices"7 VUrU"y U" UU" and the beet make of Silver I'lntrd Ware. Each I ait i,!.i. fra.i, v , i j t i , article 1. nrmuM to be a, represented. Je) d 31 7r.Y VVtt nhu nn.l nA un ....."., .-J t " v.- v-sf muu tcni'ti t inill UliT r runircu 1 n - , f , 4, Mode and Terms of Publication. Th work will be issued in Numbers, each con sisting of Twonty-four Fugei of the sio of "Ilar per't Weekly," printed from clear type, upon lino paper, and will probably bo completed iu ubout Twenty Numbers. The numbers will be issued at interv als, if pos sib'e, of about three or four weeks. The Price of each Number, which contains matter equivalent loan ordinary Volume, will be 1 wenty hvo Cent.i. The Illustration! in each Number uro alone worth the prico aiked. Men out of cnipluyme..!, especially .SVt'A" Oil lilSAIUED SOLDIERS, can find no othtr work so sure of ready sale and good profits. For further particulars apply lo tho Publisborf, IIAKPEIt .t il HOT HE 111:', Franklin Souure, New York, Hi, 17, 78C3. a NEW GOODS! AFtlESII ARRIVAL OF Spring-& Summer Goods AT TllE CHEAP CASH STOItB. lain just receiving nnd opening a. carefully selected stock of Spring nnd Cummer goods ol almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Print and Drt goods, of the newest and latest stylos. Also great variety of useful notions. iOIty.fJOODS A XI) .NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Cups, Boots and Shoes, a latge iUnnt':S, Hardware, Qi cert, iwiro, Drugs and Msdicintr, Oil aud PiL'nts, Carpet A Oil Cloths. G R O C E II j i: s , Fish, 2aenn ant,' FV'.ur, Mackerel in 1 1 anif A burrcls, of the best quality, all of which will bo sold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and the aubiic generally, ure respectfully invited to call. -N. fi. All kinds of (,'A'I .V and apj ro.'od COVSrWY I'WUDL'CE taken in excbait.-o vf DAILT. Perasnum, $0 Hlx Months, 8 Three Montnx. 1 Copies delivered a! tho counter and to Agents A Curriers 2cts ij-Povuient required invarin Addrem, A. J. (iLOSSBKEN M Feb. 2, 18(13. 43U Chestnut st. I VI 6 9 I Tor ami 00 Six n 40 Tarse. 110 cop id 20 " Cheap Till' ni Goods. Clearfield Jane 26 ISfll. WM, F. IRWIV. I VJ J fjr ) 1 WiStf? rrpni anu sausiacuon guaranieeil. JACOB HAKLEY, Successor tn Slavfcr if- JJarlrt,,) No. 622 Market Piroot, Philadelphia. March 4, 1863. 3m. pd. A continuance of uatronnee is solicited. Sept. 1!), lSGO. II. F. NALOLE. Going- it Alone ! G f.oiu;i: Mivso the manufacture of BOOT CLEARFIELD STONE WARE I'lllTERy.. Thankful fur past favors and solicitious of fu. rture patronage. I would respoctfully announce j that I have on hand again, and will constantly l keep nttho Pottery iu this borough, on the cor ner a short distance east of the Methodist Church, !a largo stock of Crockery, such as I'reani orocks. . . 1 milk Pins. Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove tdpii casing OOTrTnoKS and also aextensive assortment o $35 00 1)AYS tho entire cost (or TUITION in the most popular aud successful COMMERCIAL hCIIOOL in the country, t'pwurds of Twelvb llusnnun young men, from twfnty-kioiit differ ent States, Have been educated for business here within the past three years, some of whom bavt been employed as liOOK-KEEPERS at salaries of $2000 00 immediately rpon graduating, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered tbo College. !rMinister'!ions half price. Student! enter at any tiino, and royiew when they please, without extra charge. For Catalogues, Specimens of Penmanship, and View of the COLLEGE, encloe five letter stamps to JENKINS A SMITH, May 15, fil. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. VALUABLE TIMBER LANDS For Sale. rilUE attention of persons desircui of purchas I ing dcsirablo Timber Lands is invited to tin following traots of land situated in Keating town ship, Clinton county, Pennsylvania, known as the LOKAIN LANDS, vii : A certain tract, being Na. 3469, warranted in the name of Thomas Willing, containing about I KM) arret, situate on Birch Island Hun, at the distance of 3J miics from the river, being well timbered with Pine and Oak. DESIRES to inform his old tcmeri that, having enlai: increased his incihtios lorutuJ now prepared to make to order I be desired, in good style and at t at.li. He mostly has oa hiui J rure Rooms," a varied asaortmeiil furniture, among which ur) Bureaus and Side- Wardrobcsand Look-Eases ; Ceii jireaaiun ana joining i.xten Common, Freach lost, cod lind and other Bedl ?OFAS f,f r.n KIN1S, WV HAT-RACKS, WASII-S locking antl Ami Spring Seat, Cano-Bottom and and Counr.oa and other Of every descripliou on hand ; for old fruuios, which will be ry rf aionable terms on sli llo also keeps on ham1, orfuri dcr, lliiir, Corn-Husk, II Cotton top Mattresi COFFISS, of every Jlu Jt to oidor, and fuuerals uti Hsarie, whenever di Also, House fainting d I le subscriber also muiiufa eon wnlly en bald, C'k ment's Patent Washiri The bo.-t now in use. Those us? uever ne.'d be without clenn clotl an ti JLIia.UiSEivEOZia GHEATEhT HATTLE 15,000 KUletl nnd Wo! 30,000 taken PrisrJ WITH CAMP KQUII'i 70,000 Contrabands fici BONDS OF SLA "INVERT man that has read nJ JLli past history of this HM tJ the conclusion that the Cni.fl uient would bo broken down. It tion of time. Hut now we have tl I out soul-itirrtng news to cheer i only draw-back to our joy and gll imminent annger or tho Cin.tr Xorth to "eat out our suh.-tance," .-'ir shoes ! But of one timg;! . Hold county may b" assured, i.i FRANK SHORT tor short call idling limit Si hTini-H as cbi mun iu i ne county; una it vou would resi.ectfullv solicit a l.rn ,.f l.ii ..ni. i u""" oul- "u" ol brackets and ronogo. Without making a great fuss, or "any Jincs cornice on houses, and other moul Tho very best of Stock. j older on short notice. Also firebrick made ... . ' untt KAr.f In un n ir-A liberal reduction Also, another smaller tract of land, situate at ! J"" ' " " " " eo ii.. ..i. r ii-.- .i. r.i,. .i. . 1 time, aid see for yourselves, ll IUC U1UULU U Jllt,U ASillMU ttllll, HII UIU HVPl T1UU j . i , .1 . , . , I of the river, containing 73 urre.i and allowance, ' J. h,B J' '1 n l. lti-rn l l C"" lh8n he W0U'J liko to Im. ! jas. n. ;kaiiam, j Bx'"- CIoarGeld, July 30, 1802. Make tho very best, 61 work. And (at least hope for) Tbe very best of custom. (If thii aint ;oe(ry it looks very liko it but it ii the trurA, which is better. So, "wade, in" and get Fit: Fhaw'i Row door noxt lltpuhliean office Geo. Newbos. Clearfield, July 9, 1862. y wholosalo dealers Clearfield, may 23, on prices msde U F. LEITZIXGER. 1861. ly. Dissolution of Partnership. r II II Co-Partnership heretofore existing be .J. tween the undersignod in tho conchniuking business in the borough of Curwcnsville, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The book! and accounts are desired to be closed with aa lit tle delny as possiblo of whi.'h all persona Lav ing unsettled accounts will t.tke notice. Cu.wonsvillo, Feb. 23d, 1 II. KERNS, 1S63, 6L paid. h. M, LAPORTE. " W A L"TE R"irA lliriTfT Attorney at Law. nAVIJ.0 resigned his commisilon in the ar my, aud resumed the practice of Law, may be consulted on professional business at hi! oftice Pa. All businea 11, '63. VflLMlM A. WAI.LACI. J"UN O. UALL WALLACE HAILL, Attorneys an Law, CLEARFIELD, PA. Tor Sale -A light GON", entirely new, well paintodond linished.and in Bo" township, Cloarfield county, lituateon the suhstsntial in every particular. For sale at ii w,", of Curry 'i Run. barain. C. L. BARRETT. I '"' nel two loti, one of 112 and the oth- Clearfield, Pa. April 15, tf. I tT0 0 rei, luitable for Farming purpose!, lit- - .m ...jmnuu wwnsuip, j'.iK county. ffl.-.General warrantee deeds for all the above andg- Feb. 18. '63. j. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney at I. aw and Ileal I '.stale Agent,' CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. (Ijficeon Murhettl. Opposite the Jail, RESPECTFULLY often his I rvicei in sell, ing and buying lands In Clearfield and ad. joining counties ; and with an experience of over twenty yean as a Surveyor, flatter! himiolf that be can render satisfaction. And Offers for Sale KHK) acrei of c.fcl and timber Land, lituati in Decatur township, Clearfiold county, in lot! to suit purchasers, located near the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad. XM acres of first rato farm nnd timber land ah Kinus nt worn on Lands iirj en short nottec, and as woll'madc,1 ai can be "skeercd" up hero or ell fc-fo-Don't forget tbo shop ol id cnaw i now, directly oppm rwoope s omce. Clearfield, June 11, 1962, .Halt. Irvin. , on beoopd itrcot, Clearfield, promptly attoudod to. Feb. Sharing and Hair Dressing. TEREMIAH N0RR1S respoctlully announce! J to his friends of Clearfield and vicinity that ,1. V K U A T 7. V I? AtTADIirV If hi llU TAl.imn In tiia nil ...n,t .nJ ti wait nr.. llt'lli II I W . . . Law, Cleard.. , Pa. Oflict with. L. J. Pired to rendor the mot perfect'iaiisfaction to all Sliinelei: flrain and Pm?! runw? c. trfet- ' 'ho may desire bit professional lorviees. abort th Academy Clear fi d Pa, I Cloorfield, April 9, 'C2. I Dec. 4, 1861. ' M. M'CUI l.OUfill, Ctani, Esq.. on Secon March 26, 1862, tf. XA TIOSAL COUHEUCIAL LOCATED It! rniLAPKmn 8. E. cor. Till and ThesM New York city, Brooklyn, 1 jaunaio, uetroic, ui Ckicag-o and St. T)00K-KEEP1NU, Pknmau- A) AniTHMKTio, Cou:i:ttriAt. I.J Risronnasici. Ae.. practically tal These Colltgei being under lb and local management, and un advantage! of all, offer greater I parting instruction than any othl tution in tbe eountry. A Scholarship issued by any of lor an unlimited tune. The Philadelphia College bd enlarged and refurnished In t a and ii now tht largest and most merolal Institution in the State. J. PATTF.KSON. Attorn...! I..- n iretdjtowait unon his old !..,... a Rryaat A Stratton'i iTieaof wensfille. Pa., will attftirf .11 kL: ! m.n. ..... . . . . . . . bracing Book-keeping, Cominerd nu-ustW to hi! care. OlSct orpoiirt tht Ktm.nnA. "u and Commercial Law, fi,r lale, a! MtlkaR-.fl,B,nt,. ,Fi7L ...5w, I0?."' Mr" For Ml ttartieulari iewl Jaa. McMurray. DEALERS IN Dry Goodw, Groceries Lumber, ic, JjtnriHido, Ta Deo. 24, 1862. IJOUERU. AVALLACE, ATroaRcrAT Law JLV Clearfitld, Pa., Cflioe ia Shaw'i Row, op osite the Journal office. dec. 1, 1858. tf A.J Goods ! Goods ! WM. F. IRVIN has juit received a iplen did assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS at hii old lUnd on Market itrttt, where he ii retdy to wait upon hii old euetomari and at ' ". ! Xtl. 17, UoJ. I ' ' October I