(I '. A T r I viJ Ml. t I i, I1".: Ml tilll lJ, A UK.! I It II t u' I 'II 1(1' fr Mil !' ' -V-r' i-?, ' JL v A T 1 il ill IV- I ' :. ilniii ii ; it 1 1 1 1 1 ' i . mi Yi 11. pli' il i ,b ".l. Ii Mil . A il be : l.i : the Irl'i r t r . 1 III IM t Oli'V I. 'l l i ill I 1 '.1 1 1 Kll lllllOll . M rl.LAKrTF.I.I. !'A Wednf dny Morning, May 20th, 1803. i louml guilty iiml .ii I in tr nl. 'in i. ' 10 Ihi) Ii y Tni lupm - :m I Sou I !i' i ii cua-it of IToiid.i ll ll.nl In' w ii til luo Villi' dand cm ill' - tt IiR'Ii t,e 1 1 I vl'. i J Ml H"' I'. .1 .( M . ' . lot ! : "iiilKHi'i .' in'i'ii' . '', May I ' Li'titd" lit- Jin. k ui . - (.Mineral I Itiivo I yum null, informing me ibnt t nil nrc W. till le i. 1 .annul i-Kpn-) my regit t n'. the W" cuilcncc. Could I Im. iJii-ctl !.! event I should huvo ehotscn, lor tlio g md of tlio .., ., ,. .. ...... ..... mi,;, ,; I... .nn.i ,1.... country. 10 uuvv ucvu iiku.i.i hi j ing iwmi (ii inn piaum norm oi me nip. .....-,-,.- b,0ttlli I cunri'.ilulalo yon upon the Vic pahannock. There In no prospect of an- grunt outrage yet committed by tlio mis- j,,,. w)iu;I in due to your skill nml cm.r. nthor udvanee. Tul'lio (iiiiniiclics tell us! gunicl men now in authority, upon um gy. Mott truly yours. (.-.muiaJ ) (lie men Hi t! in good "pints, mid tmxious i iibot y "t peeeli. Mr. rvll.iu 'lignum wan THE SITUATION. toneo, report hivh, has he. n miiigati'd Ly , . . , , . The in my of Hi.) Potomac is now rest- 1 rcsijcnt to bo.iumg nun id uienjuiu. 1 1' I, i i mi' iiii'' ' iiii'M ' 1 in 'i t ' c ii ii. i n i li'ii hi lilU.. i.l. i f I.. I. St Kill . t 1 1-., ol :'!!. )lO'lllll , I Wi'l !-..'t jlll'l lni'ii m ' not. rlu: II I'lnil t di I I'i'.o. 'I I ill)! MIDI ) I "HI' tClUrl t'lmi'-uiid ':iiilliiT i. :i f. li.l, '.i i I, . in I I it I VI 'l ' ' W I I ' III ' I II. r : .,.,-i , "I ! l" it, nl. il I t -I I .V ' i i 1 1 1 1 (' i . , ! i . ,. i In ii- t i i mid I : I I' I' I'Mit ' I y ', on t lilt , ' i .n i l.t 1 1 o ni r r 'it It t ll'l I I ! t I -I ,! il tint l,.:v of , mi tt ,' inni cd II ' .lit'lls Clilllll HTi ,1111' llli'l li'itlnn lilli' II I tliii.l; I Inivr ii New (oo(ls At 1 1 i r l! 1 S I utit il,,. I lii 'I I" -r I' I ,i d i iii f .: i i 1 1 li - II 1 r , ,1 . ' I." ! NCW HUM. 1 1 Alt ISW U I,' IM s j limit iists. (; f 7 7' l i: n ) . I.. ii ii, tur" Mil. liny lutiln II,' ' ir, I II lil in ili I.l I't t Hi- :, ml I' l.tH i I. nit tr I 'I. I' - !)! V ( I V ,111 u . a i. l i.r I'l'tnt" i f tin- i.tet i nniTn, .in, I n'lif,- fnp -m ruif. A! n it riii-inl nryiiiliii' i,t i,f ) Imn! r:ittriile- nil i,f ttliii h ttiil It cuM ut rni".'ii , l.li' in'. , 'liny runtinuo to niiimifiicliiri' Itll kitt'l" nf "VI'llllM. It l"IU 11 II II'.-'.... I. r , . , ri, f,., , f, - ii jilouyii or u great deal ; I in-" air, J.rass KctllcH, Move-1 A 1 1 h; iid Fancy AliUCM ulroii;; iii'I'vh Imi it i iiide inn rmui li liUe it eowitrd. I I'ickt d up coo llnil lull irlico totu: it did nt, luiint. il loro up tl'f priiuiul lil.e Wtll'MO !.. OILS I, yAl(jl ' n , v.,'v t T( f AUT(,M i'.i.A.M, TOOK 3 ASD STATION J K . i viNrr a Koneriii asortniMit ,.r v. t : .... 1 "1, to lo nj?uin led to tlio eor.tt-.tt. Hut pi-ii vnto let torn toll it very difVi't enl btory It. K. Li;i;. iiftii'iid. but ciilicUinjiMf , ol our public ft- . yitviiy.vo v,r y ,e ,in,o, .v,rw.v, . 1 ... rutin. Muv U. ISO.!. Uoneral Ordi'is, o, vunlH.ima utmost every hunter.co 01 tins Ui.viih tb-ep re.-rel. Hit-Coni1nHndi-.i1' tlmt the men luivc no coiifitlence in tln ir v,M'y si'tecti vnn livid wnli tlio Very ci(joneial annuunoe to ilio uriiiy ilnidmUli oIlieorH.Rii.l feel as if thoM waj Kounal.in;- !"'' ' j it i-ii.t i, m and heartfelt duvotiou jof Liouienant.Uenoial T. .1. Juclw.m, win) im ill .i i ! I., ll.,. ( V.n. I, ml , .l,n lTi.inn .in.l 1 OXIilfOtl OH HlO 1 Jt ll llintuilt, lit J:tJ 1 . W. wron;?. 1 hev wo uld 1 1 mnrn thin h', . to (lie Lons titutiuij it.h 1110 union ,utnt, i . , ' ,. ,, Anilines rr Mr. IICWKI'llpCI' JHIIillHl i man beinjs if lliiji t.iro not tb ciise. pi't (hit W treitfon. Liito iu:i:ount!.--lhiou;li i-cln l h,hi i ,( - Appliciimi tvi, nuub t" the I.'. M. "ir ri,rmrut tlmt a .or i ion of ilir- r.u ; u i, -' en i t Coiiri f.ir I ut!i rn li.-tri:-t of t; lor (.Sen. i iitika were tltc'eiti'd in a lull-:)'". f'"'" vrit of cn-y.ii ;, nhu-U i j engagement iier Alexaml! i.i , l.a. j Lei ii r.'lu i d. Tiio i.-xt ijue.uion it. " :il Tho fifoioifOtl (iooomi atla'k of I bo lion ! ih" j-.lo of Ohio mi!. mil to such i:iv:i-i-luds upon tho l'orls at C'lnti leston lii.ljsi -n ofthfii iimliei.ullo i '.t:.-.' not take plueo on tint .'Id init..iw pr.nni.te.l ! W. are j;lnd to nee liiat this ae.l isoj.en at leRst wo Intro no ucojunt of such i ly denounc '."11 v sui.h i:.!!;:i ;it:;d I;, iii;!, event. ib.-ai. j.aperi the 2'av Yi.-il; J.r-J.-j (ion. (irunt, at last .ireoifits, tvnn advuii' I '"''' oing i'rom Grand (iulf, on tho Mi-MSi.iipi liver towards Jackson, tho Capitol of Mis sissippi, so as to cut oil' communications witb'Vieksburg, -10 miles distant. A Lai tlo KM reported to have tukeii )dace at (dinton, iv short tlihtaneo from JaekHou, 'osulling I avorahh) to ih't Union forces !'iit later nceoitiitd nay no light has yot la. ken plnce, though one is expeote-l at en .inly day. Tlio army of Uoseconn is f till innetivu in tlio vicinity of Jtiii'fift.ilioroi.'gh, Tenn. 'Ml ' . ! . I . . . . I . . i ii is is auoui iw tiuii.iicn oi our m i ; i-,nn .,. , iu.,vs 0f !:i:i1i,r, v '.ary operations close uj on tho nppiv-neh 'i--m Tore the mle t.iu-co! my llf.hlllO. Our miller cm imi,',, nm ten! I ' i IM PI i"l I Ml -11 1 . I am 'I ll.'OVl" l r..:...i ! ' . f . 'clitul'ini. for law vtutjan uuit otii no; nuv n't'i, i.l ui cull-, ... i ,i 11 , I on v '!- i" mv etdv "cvmi". ptenng un honorable pcio by the sivmn i ,v,.. ,i.,.i tt t i c- eor. ilns Bummer. f,,,- no t-i"l:t,; biELT. C. II. i'owr.Ks KiLu-i.. Amon? " tlie - ",!! n tV I f i ll in i' I,' "f ',,-; ''"uivhi i, ; Ni.rti: ,.::'t;'is I P,,l ll.n Lonu,,.. 1 it.,,. ...I. I r .... 1 1 I., vr,o ' tiull ol tllll i? til I.l , i . . i . . .i ; Tli"v uIh. I.itvi- mi liniiil l'ittslur:;li Plnn ttt prosenl adto let you know that .In Nno w liU1 an Stli,, u,tr h,.vt)t ,,,IV?- A1, Hflor.lOiI IH a good opportunity of liehold ,,,w ,,,,, and tunny ..tlitr Atrriiiillnnillm illjj the plliek t'f tho liel'O. V llC-'l ttliiiniiti4. ollieer wanted hm horse brnuijil Iim lilac.: ' waner waa anions itie n i i-i ii ir. uur i' tor wan over at i he battery, and nil tl W rpf,f.-.ili itrit. n call, fTOli ilt'iit tniit rtn fuufl v tho , ." - - . ai I termc ! P.-eir M'mfupt.itn' I IIAKTWICK 4 ClearfioM Ai.ril 27Ut lHOil. t 't he dai ii.2, skill and enorny ol luis 'real ut.d jjnod soldier, by thoderroo of an 'it'.Nwi.in i .o i li-'iu.o, aro ntw lost to u. '..a 'vliil,. n o iii nii n hik death, mi feel th.u !i: ' yoirii fill Pvc.i, 'tinl will inspire j ,jlU I!. i! tviiuio ui n: V Willi iim liitloiniiaiiH' coin. I::- ami uii-hakon eunlMence in God i.s i ui' liopu ;u:d : li t n;'; h. i I.i.t iiii mime be a w atehttord to hi-, o.ps. fho iiavc folloiicd bim to victory tt:. maw l.i l'I.i. I.et t.'.iloi'l IH.d riohilfl'i. ci:i :o hi.-, int ii .ii! le d. It nonunion to no oll'iccrs liavo blaek waiters, but when the ithelln cui.ie howlin; immud, they acic hallowitifi where is he? wheroishe? I'.ul tho nipem thoimlit thn nlmlls Welti dan serous and nk' tlmidled for the woods, O, I uiH l no oiiav: s r.'eie anei y. (liir Puiliir (Hiiotni ) t-aid i' lo-i Ii :i .troni drmorrat out, t'l him. And v.l.y not .' when the only one that this war ;-i to benefit will run and leave t heir po..t a., iheni'silo. 1 think it hijm timo to Mop nil Abolition everything 1:1 tteiensi: i.l cur belovo-l conn try. (SiL-nod.) K. Ih I. IX, V.M t- , f r I . : I : . -1 . The the !,!l!,e in;.- addrc-, , issued by Mr. 'a!l 'ndi;'b,rn t i the tle mocrney ol'Ol.io bi'!oie tho e nnmeiu'i s mant r.t his trial. It di lines hi t p"li!i(-.l I'osi I ion at I lie iiv. hi'ii t en-is : j .),,,.;. V.- (f. (.-.'..'. :;. May .1, Y.3. I Tti the 1 moeraey of I '.:' : I 1V1 here 1 in tho mihtiry l.s-ii!e '.'"f no otiier "lio.ii'i I than my pr litieai cp'iii'ne, nml the do. ; f,'P-'i oi tin m. fi.'.d of the ri.ht' of t!i" I people, in.'! of .' oar eoii-titiition .1 bbrr ilies. Siieeehei ni'ldc ill the il i'0 ".: 1. : r of tliiva-ftiii's i.j' t on in d i-. 11 ci. i ! ;on ! ii-ui'i' ation.-; of power, ii !V let i"i.s Gen'l Gumtn'jr. irut.A:;i. r h IS the f i-illu'.V- iTr.Kii.rt I'a Tin? Ci;al'h ilor. C ,i. ;a'..h : Vo..'o,'.'.'", !, -May 1 h GoV. Letcher to. ct i'. i-d :i div Mitch I liis a! lerunoii milieu nc no li.o death of Genera! T.nmias , Jn.ck con, at Iltii'wi, i.l. I'. i.L. II, ; died from c s of Iii- woundi and an a. Iiii bo ly will be to nnii ii .v by ! pecial :? th" f the and 1:1, f.r I. iiiili -ni he killed ut tlio lato Little near l ie!, ickobii r;.j, wo loei'cl lo 1'ecrid the narr.e bioiit. C'haileii II. l'o'iver.i, conipany 105th regiment. The d .'.easod was v and,fuvont'niy known hcio. Anion" Iho wounded in the tamo r. rn 0:1 of law ; -y.upa:!.y ,0 "re l.il'u l.'iiee, but . a-' well 1 .:;i;n .li re !'! 1 - ,1: mi Lii ut. .Sam forlilclly 1 in t piivatc lo 10'.. a I meiit wo notice tho name of Uol Mellunry, comjiauy K, Pra-ly township, severely ; Ghaa. C. Weuver, of Il u ii in aide, budly ; Mid John Hiady township, arm. ALMofT a KlIlK, The mill of M.issih. Spii' l.m 'n this place, was discovert;.! to bo 0:1 lire on Sunduy lnt-1 about 3 o'clock i". M. Had it not fortunately Lceii olticiVi d in time it would liavo nndoubtedly dcblioycd a great portion of that section of our town; us the wind was blowing if :..)i l- Hi ie.ini piamr.g i'liU'hii.l 1 in 1,01101 if the V to fi'i'," priii ! . ih I'nioi A - f"r :.-.t s. i: !. ami t' ill iri'pri-'iiimeiil. 11:11. 11 aie 1 ' i.-el ir:' 1 ion whicii 1 have t'v u tiered or ii.aiii!'iin."l Iroi.i the ! To you, t i the pt-oph', t 1 lime, appeal. Stand firm ! Fnl in" '1 tint ! C. L. Va:.i.n; tut; iv oi! pril for no word. w'.'.h '.lie im is".t''.o:i ar.d ,':o in obedience 's the deir nol Uni' -f 1 i 4s and 1 1 is P-d iv ; b-.it ,-t- all thin :s even '." a r 1! i o! ( :,io, of I h ! :at-;. le lilo' 1 lei, to tlio (v, ),.-.! un i ail v, iii y: t b 1 .aiii 'l'C to i.ve; !;.. e:H, t!ir..n i ' ;i.'li'. 1". err t.i" eoinb; ' altae'v of ppciim a I ru: J..t lo thi, c':i; t;..;n. ; i:mv in: iirci.:vi:n .mi mii'Mi, 1 Tin; ivil'eoi'tieii. Jai'iifc 'il ii !io in I; h' mou 1. Sljtt ha-, been informed by tt lei, tor of the mehmcholy t:;reum:-.t.i;ee.i u ti tle r v. hit h the ;:eut tal recivcJ hi- wounds. At midmeht on .Satu; day nmiit, his men l.em ilrawn up in lino of halt!", a tody ol tr o;ii wee seen a tdiort d:st.t;:i:. in a lt ai.ee of cur line. It bi ii doubtful shine about no; ro li "li 1 i ti j;, it hen tin v run at i nch a timo as this. 1 have a pun opinion of tho tili tin : nudities of : he Negro, and ail t I.e. I ha.-, been said in their j favor is hut eammoti and not to bit relied i on. I once had a In tier opinio 1 of them ' thin I have me.v. They must 'o ahead.1 in danger bel'on I 1,111 think them ivoi lliv i of mv hi, o I, ami ii I 1 .ivc my.-eif I will do it you inav d, , ml. I'.ul it "i-, hmd ! to umt out of a phtof Ilio- (hi.. t ith lib- and honor both. '1 in; r.M-.-n that I desire to i live a whilo t. t. is because I think 1 may be needed to li-hf iliorcnl enemii.:-; of freedom. Youf, Ae., J',. I". ('aiiu. ' Cook Stoves, Parlor and Coal Slnvt'fi 11 Ki'ia i'd asrnrtinunt, niel of tlio l'i'. 'iil tcrii, fr miIo nl rcimoiiiilile irii'i'. Coal Oil, C'oal Oil Iunj)?, I'ui'iK f i 1 f itml Viirni-lifn, n nt'in r d nisiirtiiu nt. (oiiki, inlty, Nail.', Inn nnetC.i -r in i,f great nrietjr; iii fint aliii'ift ffiy tiling winiloil by tlie jiiil.'.ic ran Itmn.l in llieir csiabliiilimoul, itml in prii'i'i. tliitt t'lttiniiC bo bout. Now is t he timo to purchase, If you wwiia nny thii'f in lliir Inn of btMini'fs. (lit i til I'M II rl! UI,d HXTllllillK tSl'ir Htlfl., Hllll ; tin v feel iiskuroil lliat vim run lie m .i,'i,iin.'!ati '1. i ;einiiti.LiT. tlii'ii o:i'Ji!ili.-liiui nl t en t-t"enii.t ; .Sin-el, I'li iti tji lil. l' , tihoio yi'i 1 ill l.tiy $tn,i ; in i Ik 1 vy In it n.lviii,ii'. 1 r OM til-.vr. rr'-r. I.r.i.-i. j.i'i. ( r tt"l '.lit ' 1 ioi iie; ' will in iuio.li 111 c..-liiir,.;,' (' s . .May I'D, l-tt;t. -MKP.KKl.l. .tt i'.Ji.l.KI'.. 1 0,000 MvXU -youinri sr.il iiovs c,,0 i, nn,Viti , CT.UITIINU A I-fl.'NlSUpva 0K at UKIZCNSTKIN Hit iS. A CO., wUt L TO HE ru: 1 lit prii sat will ;i,,i.i.x. un b ,t. l int.Ti "; in SHU at 7 'inn ! wmm mi. I .Iiil iiii.N T lh; i.i.iv 1 fit f ilia hie' la li .'."I f " ' i. , l. iiltil in in r -1 i ,r t'i a u. j tl..' I'liulilil; i:;- uni. In; ;in ;.t ! 1'. 'V.'. t) ..iii.-j 1!'. : M 1 i c.li.-.;vr. t rjfilli, s 1; tiser 1 Per luiviii.; lap: rtn 11 1 rem 11 o cit 1 N.i'i-t a itv (iji-'nin;; up tun' 1 f lie i.i.rvt mi l in , ,-t curt-fully .-eli.it4;t A-sMirliw;-!.' i.f of wilctliei' th h Gen. J.tehiM cerium. ic;-, i' i''.. mi'.'.- V w .I' ll d : . mini 1 ,1'rod i.r enemies, fi'i v ni"l to as . s in,' !'i. I in .1 pi,'!', ma 1 " imi ii..: . 1. :ai: an in 11 a a . fc..Wo ob.-ei'vo by tint news from the arm, of the. Poloinrie, that th.) Abolition )..i,.,i,n. or M'oni.(!,n,-ir:il t'.ir! Selnir.'. he- a Sti't'iolini' Imvod iii an culraeous manner dirobey , , iiii; oi'dors and refusitm to fmht in t-liort toward ,h e c d:l l.o tva- em: p. i ' l.l"ll. b ine i; 11. i-m. and !i. : 1 " z 1 1 "oi; .; Gen. ,) tc. 1 One bu'liet, 1 : al's rii;ht lir.mi.e. i i.o.v, and. r ;. : 1 ' i : 1 1 1 ne 1; in .i' 1 1.0 1 1 .-.;.; !.!! to the .fan:.-!. Un b:-o: Iier-m-l. w, Kho w-.n v.!:li him, .laid U.r.vn I.e.-i.. him lo aieer:-i:n the 1 char.'.' ! a- of liis tvu'iH'h. In 11 tu'einmi tin urknown tr -ops m f.-oiit, wh 1 1 'ovod to be liit imi.- nv, tidvariee I a'vl ("ip'ored two other sta'.l o:l'e rs wiio tyore tiit''ing over ti;'" ."" tieial, without iiotieiii!; hir'V ."s.Kin alter four ot our men plaenl J 1 1 ; , 1 on 1 . . . . l'oonnoitcr'. v o! hi move--'.a.l tor enu 1 tin a in.-t.mti , an I s veicly ! .'.is;. Gi uteh- tiiit'iiiih tbe i. t f-uy-i. -r .struck jp-.vard.m vltere.l Ut. 1 !' i.nmedi- MAltlOl.lJ.-Onllii. 1(1(1, in,t.,liy Win. Ah-K.'i", Ki'., .Mr. Jt.lin :... tn ih.-' iirub Ann .-'niiili, nil of lin, ix tu'v.i-liii. tUc-a". . . ; M-jb.v:ifcivi!--'i I ) f 11 i--0n tlo Pill, iiii.int, in -'w Mitliort, Cliris'.iun Iiiii.ii.1. in (Im .'. Illi year uf li ts uu. Jlclu Sibtrlisf limits. i'eicber mid wore In .MJTIO.Ali piTjiais nro lioii'liy caution- 1 Pit npaiiint nii",linj; in liny war w illi nut.. IIED nn. LtUlilXU. fft r.'f IIAKXKS.S fur twu Lorm, nml 11 l"t nl HOOKS. ii!ir in tlio u-o of J. 1', Diilo, of J.iioly limn.'lop. 113 tlio sumo bo longii to nn1, nml i.- in Ids p jfsuaetun n lonn only. Ur.idy tp., May ?n, 'f 'i. WM. HLA0K. T. On I-Mtii rdiiv tlio lfith inet., on ti 1 o put, lie mini liotwoi'D Co rwoun v i llo nail Clitiir- licl 1, A I'bliL). lig'.i.iiK to tho Huliaoribur, i-ftiliii).' fjr 01! i Ht'ois of liin.l. Any person finding I lie s'liino mi 1 ilolivei inj; it nt tlii nflti'O will bo an i ta lly rownr.lel. fiAMI Kh NEH'COMEK. may 2. s(i:i. ICj m ft h m it o h tut h" fj 1L n 4 a H , MI T II BUS BE RC, CI.KARFII'.bl) COUNTY, l'A. over c I! . re ii In tin, ncml . 'ojilu f ('iirivcn.-vi nml it vi'iiiiiy. Mill tv li i li ho vvill i-v!! at i,.', nilis tl.it i . ni.y h o i: .-. o in the c. iinty. Omni, nml yen can linve c V f.i-.v.:i it y.ii.uiii , Ait l.ia.U auH u!) i 'f Ciuitdii at near'; UI! CLO TH I N't i AT Piit:iir from lie l Syrup And all other p'oecri 1 r.i)uci:i) rincbs. tu l.i noit-i ir Ik nt S7 e, lits pi.r p, lit the nun ii riitea. t'.-i-v J put WILLIAM fiCUWEH, Proprutor. May 19, ISM. ly. () rim tho buildings upou the opposite bide of j tho street. Tbo only damage done, was; tho burning oil' of a Bill, pome plank andj weathcr-boardini; of tho building; and tho compiession ot a considerable amount of Crinolino thero assembled, watching for tho fire, and fearful for their homes. skedaddled. This demagogue Schutv, in the individu al who was hired by the ltopubltean Com mittee in li-iiil), to make speeches for them .during the Presidential election, in some of which ho denounced Washington, Jef ferson, Adams anl Franklin, as "artful pettifoggers," "humbuggers'' and "hypo crites," and tbo Declaration of Indepen dence was nothing but "a mean Yankee trick." We exposed this Abolition renegade at that timo, warning our readers agtinst the CliM'S KI'.W AltD. ltnnawny from llm niibacribvr, residinc in l.invronce township. on oi about tin. 2lt'i ot Ap.it hist, un in,liiiliiri"l i:.. A I ..I... .1 ....... ri.. ... , , tl t i n'i ; i..' I'l . ll L.c iii.ii.u , .i ll., u 11.13 ii'i il oiai, rear, when they irero all shot oown. 1 he tttd t0 ,,e ,b,.ut in0 vouvs f ,,avil,K ii.i injury to Ins rndit hand is severe, one nt I cr lorcd hnir, 4o. All persons nn c.iutii.n.i 1 n i the bones having been silOl ft'.vav. I to harbor or truft said hov en uiv acinnnt, n I will pny no dents of his ciinlrneiinr; nfii-r this him to tho i Hoot?, Shoes .Hid Shoo Findings! ofiillkiMls,(.7-M' VIIEAIW I.adiei. tt ho i-li tn niake n gnn.l iavoslincnt rhnuld en!! and cxiiniino thu assortment of f - r- 'iz 5 if JO :r 2 s Q 5 .2 i: 3 , tthero t'l.'.v will find tho vnry htteft. he?t mid tr oft fdsliii.iiiil.lii piitterna of rorLANs, niKLiKs, r.Kiu-GKs, LAWNS, ,U. Ac. Tl Ityo, (mts, Corn, Fish, iliieon, Ac, if,;., H'1'1 nt the initest piicett for CKsh, or oxclinnKed for Country produce. I. 1). THOMPSON. Curwenfvillo, M.iy Jti, f?,. OF THE ustii.TI y a-;Red ut other f.'or' .'. Clothing gt'od cnou,i!i U r. GOVEHNOIt, Or nr.j other ntr;. ..-l:et7itinVr .hr tl.nr, in tho MAS? K0l fjipotite tlx Itiinlt. i(EtF.NS'J 'KIN P,K03.tO C'lrt-irfrHil, Apil 8, Jftf i. hi. Ri-;;isti-:k xotici:. -Noti. , by given Unit the f. .Unit in we- Goods J KKEI), WKAVEIi & Co., I Artjiini j in n tplonditl lot of lh mi.t raiffailj in e, Is bore- i CK"X-)IjD ants h:ivo L,. iTTTr.rrriZrt .1... reniien i . ' . ., ' , ! men . U.-IUII: i-rr , mill lull liei.r .'"n'Ti.l.I, I very lntv. t t jru ro tlio iimrkftr Ki!l.ttr rj. .Nov. 1.', I 11;:'. data. M II.T0X MtBKlUlh I.wrcnci! tp., 31 ty 20, 1 bii3. tSjirlt used to bo given out in tho lat itude of Boston the source of all our ovils that uoinAii could be a Christian wiili. out being an Abolitionist; but we learn that the same docirine is now openly ad vocatcd in this locality by some ol il.e!very stato of things that now exist. The bigots, who no doubt think God that they ! jourml defended tho red-moulhed diwi are not ns other men, extortioners, 4c. nionist very earnestly in 1600, for de Ono of two things wo do know, and UOuncing the hero of '76, and for assist that is, that wo have nioro Abolitionists jng to :,-,uugaralo tho "Irrepressible Con- tuan Lnrisliain among us, hut wiiy tiiy . fliot." reu ain irotn necoming iim laiirr wo can not deline. 1 Wo presume that Ihe-e co-lahorcrs in ! t'.io cau.-;e of disunion v. iil stick to each rosTAim. - Wo undersliiiid that the P. other until their job is complete, and that M. General has issued orders to the Post- the Jvum-.d will .-.tick to its friomN in time musters throughout the country to collect' of need. in umi tiUccr Coin, all postage duo on unpaid loiters received from foreign countries. This arrangement went inla effect on tho li-t imtant, in accordance with an act of Conf ess approved March 3d, 1863. This is tbo first stop taken to shun tho "Ingul tender" greenbacks, and is in fact a repudiation by the Adminiilration, of their cwn 1 anihng. rjT-T'imro aro a number r,f persons in this as well as other noiiihborhriOiU who seem to take prest dePphi in nffirmingj C0TJET TR0CL AMATION. that they aro 'loyal,' and tako ospoolal WiU';lA'(II,',n- 'A,1U'a Vn J . 1 IT 1'reeid-jiit Judge (if tho ( oiul of Common pains to advertise thom?eivrs prodigiously ! IMoaa of tlio t.veaty-lifili .Indicinl Ui.-trirt, coin- in this particular upon tbe street rorncr l of '";";;'' r nearfielil, Centro ,.d , ' ' , ' Clinton an1 llm Hon. .IAS. lil.oOM nml Hon. and elsewhere, and at tho nmn time de. J. D. 1 HOUNDS, Associate Jiidss of Clenrfnid nounee thoir neighbors as Irailora, rebel'. Irouoty j havo ismied their prei opt, to mo direct- mi mo llullllu ui it, vyuuri oi v Minmou i loftf, Ac. I (Ji phitn'a Court, Cn irt of ii urter .Son'ions, Court r.3.Wo do n t csaotlv under bmd the movements r.nd the dosiiins of tlm Loya'l Liagiieis, ns some of their practices ore certainly of a quostionablo chara clcr. In t:e-." lis, 1 cr.rCfmc ,T nlli i-,-iilr.t" n Tl i-,n 111,-, ' news of th- defeat of on: rrmv iir.'lerGem Purnside, at Fi t. 101 icksinr. e, last TJccem ler, those new liht Unioriets e.-.vc vent lo thoir feeling- by music, eheerin; and "cnetal rnioiciui.' : and I ho rnuiO Pl'O- tST It is said that one of tho objects or gramme was re-enacted r.fler our lato de tho "Union I.enguors" is the collection of feat under "tiehting Jr,c" -somc r f their money lopurehns? the exemption of the loading epii its publiclv botisting in our Abobt.onisUintheeve.il of a draft, so Mrwlll thal ... wo gr, vicll,rifl!, llH,, jus, that ,f any IiPiiguor happens to bo tlrmvn ,(0cn Iiclli(,vt,(i , . tllQ rcSl,,lt At!linis, out of "Old Abo's" ballot box bo will be ration." .'ildo to sock ifiiOO and obtain Abraham's What would be thonebt of nun nf otir !'' Oyer uud Terininer, and Court of U en era I Jail i. , i .., Delivery, at Clenrliebl, in nnd for tho county of lending business men, if they woulal thuf. Clearfield, on the bo heard constantly boastinpofthelr lion- Third Muivhiy hi June, 180.'!, ut tic esty, and charging their neighbors with i ( ourt Hons,: being dishonest, robbers, .lo. T Or of a fo-! cZi ' .V' M?ri' p,5 " ' !, i"10 r 1 , tunlitr, Jupuo. ol Iho I prop, nnd Con!tiii'lnjt, rafv.A plnnting liersoH upon tho Btrcoi j n 1 cuuuty nf Clcarfu'IJ.to nrfLnr in corners, nnd proela-ming that herol f nnd i 'h Zl'r"T. lTn"'' ,l,eir, Ku,1,1'' f1' ' e liiipiisitains, hxiuui nations and oilier Itoineiu- few others were tho only virtuous Indies brunoon, to do those iliiuga tthich to thoir ..tfieera, (!) in the town ? Wo allow the render to an1 ,t,hir ,,,''h",f' irr,ai,n u 'lo"- , , ,. . ll lt-N under mv hiind at Clriirfii'ld,lhis l:;lh make tho apr liontion. day ur.M.iy, in thn year of our Lord, ..no thoiis- - - I und eight luinilicd and sixty -three. rrn..T!ioro nr now fiv or r!x rerriments! . . KDWAKD PKltK.-s, Xhrif. of nbto months' nn in C.-.ntn furtin. nl Ct I.SH-AN Mi ll, Si ATP.M I'.NT f the Ir : , . . r. ,, f tO Clia-fii'ld rounty Punk, .May I, lSCl. ..i, '.,,.. ,,1,111.. oyi i in -1 . j ,i . , e .llillj OI them l aving coon there for n week past, riot'. Cui'tin visited those soldiers during ainrrvi, ami on nn return n imrr!.'.,irlT 5s he inf-irtnoil the nnblio tb.it l.o hnl rni.. ! -s , , ., . ... Tbls bi'ir',' Iho rientc.-t snaded thrm I-curly all to re-enbet for (lit- nm't ainee l,tstslnt.nent. rinr; the war. T'no Governor poems to Tetnl Huhiiitiea this dny, havo fallen into the Rime error that (he '".''"K iho griaU'i,! uui"init siueo regime at Washington lias-exaggeration !a, t ntutniieat. ami decent ion. " :: '' l'l"'j , f i. vi r, hSi j " lVr.-'itial prupejlf, TukSIiIi Kr.m.MF.sr. Tho riticnlion of Ke.-.l list.ue, 11. n r.Ui. is ,l,rnsls,l ( ) 1, 1 ., I I f Tl. l- do l.'lk en fur d.-ht. ... v. - oi,- .en. 11 oi "' ,;,',, (li,c.nlll $;0,l'l. 91 Hoop, r.rigade S'irgoon, on our tbst, pr.go. J, undt-rpro. l.Ota 00 Tho lo:--3 in his bt ii'ado thows that it must I'uu. i per cent, loan. 1 t ,i ' t . . si. ,ii rr yuluu $01,(111 9.t $ 17,043 1 1 havo boon in tho hottoU of that nwful ' j ' hnttlo. Dm far-famed 81th, it will bo I'm from Lu'k? I hn'lirs, 10,2438:: Xol, s el other Lauks, lO.lss Oft noeii Miiaiiit',i niel pur.'.'ii l,y rue, at. tiled ot record in tin- olliee tor the nifp.-dinn i.f heir., legatees, cre'iit'irt.iind nil i ,.l,(';,i in nnyl olln-r w iy inlerosted, r.nd iii bo ure-.ti.te.l n, , til" next I lije-.K it's Court ft Ch-.n .Ud.l c, iiaiv, to r..r , i"t bo hei.i at tu conn ji-.iVMC.iii tn... 1 1 r'iti;th , W ool and rlax bpninu in ( le.-iril. 1,1, c-.ii.rn. neii.n' on iho J! ,iid.iy't.f Uf AUK A X U-llt, Jtuuufac Inn .1 i tr. .hue', 1 -i',:i, fur e.-.. fii-ai-t ion n ,,d uli-.tt mee : hni'iU hv tho undersigned, wlioiuritt 1 alio lav, I .Veoiint of William V. Juhinjn, ' p.'uplo of Clenrtield onua ty to iii-Vrt.ee tin c Ailiiiiierii-.itur f t:- i-ont nf Cjnnpl e!l, i tnniiy now oRlTcd to soeuro m," . f '.:.:'' wt' lalo of t ni' a t ''.viehij., CirHi-f. .id n.nmy, tl. j M:i,-l'.inf9. '1 liey will lie so! 1 c'nr-.p ('.- '' i"l. i n fuu .f. Clill tt the (.'. ,S '" a r-rfWti i he I'iii.'.l A, c,,',: t ef Aniis lleiii.iii, A In. hi.) " WM. ''. t'.iAJiUh.v istrnlor id nil :e. I . i j'li.o- ti e Doili ii'nl eliat .Vey C, iSO;!. y te.s, iir its an! eri-a.t- tt.'oci w.-ro ol Itialiea sis nn ! ,;rr. Iiom.cH, hi! i.S bo; y t w i.h i Cle.u riekt 3. Tho I in 1 1 A . ""Hit .f Wdiium 1'cntb, Adiaiu istntt'tr "I nil tad s , il ,r ll.e j-n-nl, nnd chat tel", rights .-iii.l ere ii;, vt hieli wore of Aaron i'e.'irei., hoe of CLssl to.t nsliip, CbarKold eoua ty. derms-ed. 4. 'Jhe Ae i.iint of William K-iith, Trustee of the estnte of ll,ii,i.;i!i Vouir, l.ite of JJnrn.-ido township, Clenrlii-ld eeiiiOy. dei-oif i d. ". The Ki nut Aeeount of Mnria IC. Ilillhurn and .Matilda Mnpee, Adiiiinistiiitrixea of the estittt' of Mary Jinnee, late of tho borough of Clear lield, deie.i.ied. I. G. UAKCICU, Chnifield, May II, 'C2. Ksister. f A-k.iii 1.1 t'npital Stock 1 n id ill, Coloi in eiroiilniion, ) ll)a $ 4.770 1 5s I ?.r.,10 ( I I AUll.lllKS. $00,01)0 00 C7,!LV! 00 rilHl AI- LIST liu- .Mine term, lcdj.l. A flUST H'A'A'A", Fry ,t Carson vs. John Leor.ard MeNntihtnn A Camon r. John l.eonurd Wm. S. Siinkey vs. John Uriel J. Cami bell v- K. Williania j It Wallaco vc .Swarrs A Kooz.t .adinell's llelrd ve. Dinspo k'eriiti vs. IC McGarvey " P 1 1 it yg. Loiiimrd Ji- Cmuvs Jnhnrton vs. Ile-,.1 Heed vs. ?hnw t 0;,b ;i l.ennar l vs. DiTen Jk' Psvi.s I'll' ois vs. 1. until . nl. I.cniiii.r.1 vs. Si-yier Cntheurt f r ti.-e s, J'ua W',: i io .M I'll, .11,11 vs. II," !..!!'.., TV I Mi-riieri'ti rn. Koliis tl 'I nl. j Leo .1 Cnnipbell vs. l'litehi-! ,- n'. W'-litl'l-i.l,) v,t. Wt.lt.-M.lo j thively tn- Weld i Wilson vs. (jojil'ander 4 D.vtiMstiKAToi'. 'rt JC- J v is liereby piven tlmt I.r;..:. tie ll hnve l.sei rnl!td to ll: . estnto of William .;.:.;:. -l , li t Centio county, dee'd. AH ( t- s ::.'.' mid estate, are reiuest.'d to ir le: pnymcut, nud thoso having i-hmns s.-iine will present theia da'y a...'. oa'.uy.;. ttleuicnt. 0. M. V.U t.M, tk teUtforrte, I'n., May 5, 1 'tti. It, iCC. .-'l 'IH.l! '.. i.l nil in Auditor'! IN the matter of tho ICstaP Into of Kncx toT-nMiip, t ' eeaieil ; The underuigned Ai" report distribuiioB nl the u n' (iourjjo Kihnrdt, Adraiiiirt'..; r lioiied Kstnto. will attor.d t,i .'. poiiiunei t ut his offteo in too fitld on Friday iho nth day o elo.-l;, A. M . v.hen .Me. t, !, .- .: tr .--tnnv I'tter.d if th. v He :; ". TIP'. J. :.! .e.-t'U r'.II, .t'i''''' May 13, IMit. tu) in: 1 1 U fu" : n v( i ..' I'-'T ; f , .i,h Coli -.332 Ml 3ii 21 liniiil none 2.102,'.ll Foon, lir.q ngain boon doeimatcd in rn ex- , An overwroi.L'ht zoal in our n, i Union ie...-...i;.t.... .'..,..... rn.. v r. . . . , , , t, - - i ,,,.,, j v.. u,, . v . .'i.iotiijy 11, u - V li Mtaranco cm, am, remain ol Homo lo converts, has no doubt h d the,,, to com-imerlvC.pt. OgdcnV.from this phco-lost, vote, am assist to Mill fuithcr plunder . Iuil thoso acts of indi.celion. Thty as staled bv Dr. II., 31. lledoos not state .eoi i"hou1;1 1 0 cllom, Ion they lo sm p. clod tbo number Lefore tho battle, but a letter CrJX-Tlio Abolitionists hud. better Liro f imitating tho clergymen of tho lute I from Wm. fair, just received, ulates thtit Gen. Sehurz to make raids through tho etv York Con ferenco.w ho gave "glory to! but two menihojs woro leit. northern Slites, in the enpw ity of kit! ,,oa ,,,r our hrst defeat at Pull Pun ! and for our (-eooriil defeat at Pull Hun ! !" :.l tea ler ,''deinnud uoto.-lfi,60H 00 Iil'iriin I'otttr l'riiin lioop Kni.l ,t Co. l'atnliin l'orcey .v.tcjn i) nv; ; A". Vf. V?. vs, VH. vs. vs. napper, to nrroat civilians and women who nro guilty of "disloyal practfees."--This kind of warfaro is not so dangerous as that in w bich tho other Fide uses guns. The general would probably prefer that mode of fighting, it being less hazardous, and not so damaging to his bide. PDuThe Administration changed rrSi.Tho public mind has The Vau.amiioiiam Fi.eli.n.s. Tlio Anti Abolition State bights Association, Theo. . br.ilttj, if c., T. P. revelmo 1 1 o e k Over ilrn ft a, Cost ( f plates, (e., Duo Dt'P'iiloni, J)ue on i" rtif. of doposite, Duo J'.ni liii, Ciiuiii.einvijiilth m on div., Uniled .-lutes do do Iiitcrt -I and Eichaajj cc't niniiility or Uircotor.1 an 2,013 23 10 48S 4 7f4 75 T.riiii.it.it . .Mia nn long been I I,Iartip'. 'b; in the chair, in th. ir month. As ea..,r ers. 14.41R 66 111 , ly lui'i'imi;, ill .m lorn, lusseu mnie i.nn iiiivo rsioeKnoiuern lien in suspe,,,, n refotenco to the move-; 9Tonit resolutions and rernonstianoos rrii, -D,2s,2oo on nmn'.s ol "lighting Joe." belief is nt j against this wicked prro.it. The pronounc length furnished to tho devoni-inc news.iCd the nrros! an orien dolianoo of tlo Con stitution and laws of tint United States . "It i tho rmht (cnys one ol the resolu tions) ofihn eitizdn to T.rctf el himcelf As end serii, 9,000 AS Iln id'nd di olnr'd thin day i f J per cent. $1,700 lT. P. 4 . -tuii' lax, 210 $171,201 19$m,20l 19 N N rabini T'no above ftaleniunt ii oorrvct, to tho best of morgers by an act wlneli we nremtue muv w j bo designated by its title as Predericks' lls burc tradeedv 2so. Z. and ho penm safe on 1 ni-ainst tl baso of operations wock be ft re last in tho thU tide, of the Ranttahannoelc. wlate lesal romo'ies nr denied, with air kuovtlvdze nnd belief. weBt, and initde a most suoccs.tful raid to . whatever foroo (io.l and nature mv have JAME8 B. GRAHAM, Cashier. i ayion .ti,.,, eaptur.ng tho Hon. C. L. . , . , , ! piovi.led him with, rememberimr always T i ,1 . (7 im1"1' V.ill.indu:li, notoven meeting with tin ' ie "uo " canul flrou H' l,ml that 'resistance to tyrants is ohedielmt. to '''Ne'J3- .iiuI ujuulnw, 1 '.lod and two "bout mkshurg havo cobt tho Govern- (iod'-'ihat the price of liberty is eternal Awl p'.r WOUU'... i.' I1H,llt x,Uy ?.VMI.l,IMHI. i Vigilance.'" " Clearfi!, May 20. ?8M. Filch, lioyuton '. o. v. I.r :n horn I'atehin Jnin P.. flrahiim 1 I.. ICioom ( iisebo'r Kulrolf Will iaui McKeo 74,i'.ti0 04 I Kinghmu i, Hood 1 2. 1 r.9 is Irvin 6.409 OR I Trtiner io7 f.O limner l2 60 Kratier & 8urvr S09 51 j Kratz.r 4 Sarver t Mays ' MeKarland A Co. I'.ornbaugh Itoice Hartuhorn Oainej Ley fen l at. j It II A K Kphrt Krincr'a Adiu'rs Jnpial' W Smith TJ. VS. TS. VS. VS. VI. V. VC. V5. Vl. V. TJ. VJ. VS. VS. vs. vr. VI. vs. vs. vs. T. VS. vs. Shofi-. Illauelinrd nl. ft f ton Hay horn Albert 4, lirotlicrs bin, ii, urn Autus A Cos.-, sell. I'ntehin Thornpson M'illheiin Jordan'a Adm'rJ JJuvok el ul. 1. Weld Tin units Doers I. A W,,l Dl.mehnrd llout. .MeKenn A Kyle Fa;n Th urn ton Caufield it- .'oodor Kollin Co mini n'i Leonard A Itodky Ten Ejelt Qainei Kratzer A Co. Whitcoiu A Son liairil A Uners Hurvey Miore AIore A Tuuley i) lu tl." Curt of Cl-j U'leirnl ClenrfKlic-! J ) No. 124.Jaii.i'':n1'-'f I lN the i.,iitt." of ihe ICsu.te A ui ih, lute of l'l iia (inMisli ;i CI i ty. lii-eoat-eJ: 'il.e Ui..ltis:,,ud Oeet'"' i, itt.l t i re iau,:.:o ;.u r.-,. rt t.-.";t:" , M ill lilt lnl to li:0 tlu.'e-S if 1',- '--'','" ''" j bin olhee in the l orea,:!i if Ck -r.r". '. I ca "''" tilt) fall .lay of Jni.o,' I .-.". ul 10 '-'"';J-i t'heii nnd ttheio llioso iiitere.-'a J S-'J ''' ; Ihey tea j roper. I TH. J. A'cCl'LLOVOiU'' j Jiuy 1.1. 1. Ot. I Auditor's Notice, ! Tim,,.. !,,..,n I T il ,. C, iirt cf Cl- I VF" Wiliiam Levis, V, ii. E.r. No. 00 June "" L rfrsons will hereby tako none i ndorsixn. d Aiuiiti-r ut.j .inlwd w ' t) tll.Lriliiition of tint iiinie'V ansir, Irian1 ,1 of Kent Kstnto by C- :' Till ' m the wilt ntiend to the date's of bin ni'P'"'' 1 liis . O ee in the l.ftr.iu;.. ot I. i -'-'''" 1 " , day tho 4tb day of June t ext. nt 2 o'cltel when nnd Ttbere those inter"fied umj and ho heaid. . . THO. J. KcCVLLOVGHi J"' Miy 13, I' ll.'!. ('I.MS. HJiWAItll. Lseni'ii'l pff inic of the nibsrril urin lairt"1'' i hin. on tho 3d instant, without ju u" gimtut Cornmi , an indentured apvrenl' -nltout 1 5 yearn, mid having on hU weili: ! The publiearo cautioned agnita-t 1I'M. Irustinft him on my account, as I 'u r . .. "..I ... .. r. ... .1.1. .t oouu oi nic eoiiiraeung aner i m- pQf EL Lowronco townuhir, May 13 1MJ. I VLL ur c I.KVKU I LKGAli Luthiirnt.m-e. CloarCel1 Cs. ' attend promptly to all bnsincni ftW' j.f earo. "I"1 1 - WoolWool. M i v f X I. timiw iiritn. . . '. WA I.TZ 1 Fl I I II II I "-''- oi nuuii wanica l. t. t ititin. , tili.UVJVJ for which tho hiBhost market' CJiANS AND 13AMtbl J. T. KRATZER. , price will be paid hj. ' ClearSeM, May 13, 1863. May 3, '03. iiiumi at Law,