1 A a , m t -ipM 0. t. MUM" - A.. ..A. I linel him c. A Jtftr,.l I'fftinrtnflo Nrwtper.f'r, It iirmW b.i'y ni-r 51.!'t tn M Ct'.v iif 'V-i '( ' i, a ! oi o. nut . s.n m co, J I I WI-ovIS-MmM-. . fltP- t. 7 IT t Aitl' !llti'iti tk nttftfi!M plliy f l lh I'tiii.nsh arty, snd mil, tnr Vi. i.e-MrMt frf ,r,t,.r.tii n cf th. T' n l ll i, n .1 ,, ft nl tl lot tiittiilon of tlx Inl iiil datei. oi.'l , i, il t Cumim tiwe.lih. ll will fruly mul fi'ily 4truii ill Iti-limal mlJtrU of r.. per commi nt , Including, of tr, and ft. m inrntty at this tltn., all quel-' 'Ions e I n.rtsd with tb. lining unhappy ron dun n i f i or Country. I ll w 111 fitrlrstly rriilrifi th. public (Oil (if pub. ' i i . , ' ,''n,l,,u ru" 01 m""iua "" nu oi tovtr- "A. "'"I""" "uii.irura mi quarter. i. -,u ve. to ...urn iu. minut oi in people t Hf,"'" " " "f T"1 r0,Ul ' "?, "f 'I' publl- , pwct! them, truthfully, ll.. u..' w V V r , i 7 V t alibi th. magnitude of tl,. .a.k (ht I. before them, llhe won rl .heck nnp rtnwnWArtt I riHrrefl. and lolfiPiilr. ttfm wilh latnolio duturuuii.. ti to oft'lj t ll r .khrdt fur cur national lilt. In brief, it will, iu all thing, aim to b. the ra.miui ro,,rm utnwrnu pnncipi... ana to rndr Itmlf norlby to b. an ori-Hii of the Femccriuo purl, unnrr nuoro autplcra our onntry prnrpered 10 hag and to The leftorailnu of thut pnrty the rnrty of the t'oii .nn'TUMi ocri tl . I'mom tn power, In the lcfjiii l.llve and .jocutixe RLVtriHncnlal hrnuoheM of ib. t-tatki end of the 1'i.lou, t believe to be no- .. .... n. T'V t0. "rt naro,,Jr', nJ tb V"T ruln "f ibe Kepublie. To contribute to that re.toration lll b..urhlg "taiui. L Ihe cwl Literary, Commercial, and olhei J.H...I. -ill . .1... ..r.,.,u.H,r, iv.viiv.iuv .iioiiuuu, auu wu to contfBcLd a to tnuka "Thb Aoi" worthy t the tupport of the general reader. t&,Tbe many ditbcultici now urrminding an rnlrrpri.o of the maoitudb of that in which tbe odi-ri-igned are euiged, require them to appeal In the ublio for geueroua eupport. and to auk for "Ihi Aoi" a liberal patronage and extended .trrulotion. 'J b. pteii-Dt Hate of the preparatory nrrango .tnt warrnnte the expectation, that the first .umber of the Doily will appear before tbe clone flhe proeent mouth, (February, 1863.) The Tetklj will be lued aoon thereafter. TEH MS. DAILT. trt annum, fix iloulllf, Three Muntn. WEEKLT. tl 00 PP Per annum, 00 ! Six m ntbe, 1 00 Three Mojtbi, eO I 1 iO opi.i delivered at b. eonnter and to 10 oopit'i onead'l 17 SO 20 ' ' 32 00 Agent. It Carriers 2cte 31) 4i 00 Payment roi)uired iiivarinbly In advance. Aanreie. a. j. WhUSslJKKXSER & CO. Teh. 3, lit3. 430 Chctnut t. I'hiladclphia, Cheap Furniture ! DtBIRES to Inform hi. old friend, and eui tcmera that, having enlarged bit (Imp and recreated hii fucilitie. fgr manufacturing, he in Sow prepared to tuuke to ordtr furniture as may desired, in gaud style and at cuenp rates for Ctfch. lie mostly ba. on bund at hit "Furni sr. Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready-mado f nraitiire, among tbich are Bureaus and Side-Boa rdu, Wardrobettnd Look-Casce ; Centre, Sofa, Parlor hrtukfni't and Dining Extension Table. Common, French Post, cottage. Jenny- land and other Bedsteads. SOFA8,fII KINDS, WORK-STANDS HAT-RACKS, WASH-STANDS, io. Uocking and Arm Chairs, ! Spring r?cat, Cano-Bwttoa n;,d Fir'.or Chain udCjinmon and othor Chairs. X O 0 A'.V G - O LASSES f tvery dcicription on hand ; and new glusfe. for old frame', nhich will be put in on v. ry reasoiiuMe terms on .hurt nntie.. Bo o'sokeeps on bant, or furnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-Husk, llulrand Cotton top Mattress. COFFINS, of every klud, Jin-U to o-dur, and fuuerale attended with Hearse, whenever desired. Alto, llouse Fainting don. toorder. it. subscriber alto manufactures, and bai .ntuntiy n band, Clemenfa Patent Washing Ma-liinc it tett new in nse. Those ucing tbit machiue. Mr need b. withtut clian clothes I 11. alto has CEIATKT BATTLE ON RECORD I unnn vi i r , i , of "iww iviucu uuu v ounueu, ana; iHJjOOO takCIl Prisoners ! WITH TAMP rnTMP 4T ivr WUU tAMf LQL IPAGE--AND TO.00O Contrabands freed from the' ..... .,.. MllNlIX IIP QT flllVH V f f iiUllJjJ 111 UliaiLUl I7VERT mm that hat read any thing of tbe U past history of this WAR must finally com. t th. conclusion that th. Confederate Govern ment nuld be broken down. It was only a ques tion of time. Put now we hnve tho above r.lnri. ou otiI-?iirring rewi tt chr us un : and lh only d-jw-bnek to our joy and glorification it th. imminent danger of the Contrabands coming North to "eat out eur substance," and to wear out ur .horn I But of on. thingthepeople of C'ear-elde- .j:ty may be assured, and that is, that FRANK MJOlt Tfor .hurl ..II...1 vi. telling Hoots 6i .liort. at cheap at any other' man in the county t and if ou dou't believe it Just gii e bim a call on court-we.k, oral any other j lime, pyi toe for yourselvet. H would jutt r- mrud th. public that hit ship is now on .Market tr.et, in rhnw'. Row where you will find him Iw.t nt .s'w as uru.l if not a little thorter of. v Aia tt..n b. would like to bo. i All kii tli of work on handt and made to order' n to art r-ttee, and iui well made, and as good Els ! at cua he "-.keered" up here or elsewhere. j fc-ft.r-i.irt forget th. shop on M.iket ttreet, In thaw's Row, d",ict!y oppotit. Rev. II, B fwoopeV ffice. jr. SUorj. Clear2e!.l, Jon. 11, 1S62. H ATI OS Al COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. LOCATED III rillLADELPITIA, 6. C. cor. Tib aud Chestnut Streets, KewTork city. Brooklyn, Albany, Troy, Buffalo. Detroit, Cleveland, f'l. , . a , AnI Cf T..i. uiumiu tun ut. A.UU1B- --aap oernrt n ' uua-asui i KSSiSrlllP, I...I1MERC1AL 171 ..... i i . JD A air.M.T.0, Co.aBnctAL Law, Fomb, Cor- i er" 60 acr" . lib ta ft rp ' 'J1 "nd ,h lh" .tsro.ip.iici, Ae., practically Uught :. , m'l'S t.l Fv,?"Dg PurP'e. 'it Ikes. Ccll.ge. being under th.am. general M.ral PA T" and local mimtgementT and uniting in each the ,," ""Tante. deed, for all th. above advantages of all. offer greater focilitiet for im-j ' 18. '63. t. parting iurtruction than any oth.r similar insti-i ll T-n. " - vutlon in th. country. iTOOfl ' l-rHnrlc f A Scholarship issued by any on. It good iDBll! uwu VA UUtlO i tor on nniunited time. The Philadelphia Collego bat been r.eentlv enlarged and refurnished In a tuperior manner, and it now tb. largest and molt prosperous Com mercial Institution In tb. State. Bryaat A Strntton's sri.tor Text Books, .a bracing Book-kseplng, Commercial Arithmetic, ..i cirntion s series oi Text Hooks, e-: bracing Book-kseplng, Commercial Arithmetic, tad Commercial Law, r-r sal., and sent by mail , .. th. flit WrtH fnf ('wrlTltie Antl I HI? t'M IKI UTA'Ifcj. l "nl lli.rr A htiitM hn.t r. Inri i M (lie In In Vmtilr of a .iinu'lrl T uir "irii urnr linn In Hi. HI. tinwifir.. lh. ntk hat lr.n In rmir. "f prrpat.iliin , 17 flitr ttny nj ((iialiniil f r lb. l-. lb I tnul'K Tr, rntilalni a rUt khd tnr clnct arrr.unt nt lb. furro.tlnn of Hi. Coiifodiira. ry of lb. Ftnloi lh. fi.rin.tl-.n and ad..pllnn of inr lonimuuim in in. I nltod Mat., and th. ri taMlthmriit of lh National tlinfmim.nl; th. or g In, dpv.lnpmtDt and .riKri'(ii nf th. dci-trln.f i f Nullifltation and ti.c.Miun. and th. v.riuui r''' "''l''l Ih'J "'"l until th.lr Anal cut- B1nMinn Id the Urtnt UcbtlUmn. ! Th. Huto.T enmpri.ei . full account, drawn ,roln ,,, authontio .oiiroet, of all lh KrrnU of ,h w" I IntriRUc.of the Southern l.ader. ; nm. j .brold .,. tr,llui, dl,rrcl,on r MC,III,I we great Uprising or the People fur the ; nmin.c..anc. of N,liutl. ift Kxi.'tenr. , h. : : l .1 . - , . . .ntt th. IuiiIa. t !....) .n ' 7 Tb. iLLrtTRATiom coiupnii Tortriin or all Ih.R. who bar. borne a iirominont oait in ih ,nKsl., Map. of the diflcrent locali ioi t Plan, i r !, l..i;.,. .mi... . vi.. .., " ' . , . " ititer.nt, ana ui the iuot uiiportiint Battler. Theae Illaiitraliona are numtly from drnninira i.k.n the pol by nrtiiU deputed for that purpoae to ne eiimpany every divinion of our Army and Nary. Every facility at the owjtnand of the publi.heri has been employed in tbo preparation and execn- . Hon of tt.ii. work , and they coiifldontly beli.r, lhut it win furm ,h, mo,t truitworthy and ralu. hie history wbi h can b. prepare of lite tirett 1 tttriiirirle fur th. AmnLi. :... . Mode and Terms of Publication. Th. work will b. irtued in Number.', each eon sifting of Twenty four I'age. of tbe liie of "Har ;er'i W ttkly," printed from clear type, upon fine paper, and will probably be eumpletod la about Twenty Number.. The uumbert will be issuod at interval!, If pot tib'e, of about three or four weekt. The Prioe of each Number, which contains matter equivalent to an ordinary Tuluuie, will be Twenty-five Conts. The Iliustrationt in each Number are alone worth th. price otk.d. Men out of employment, specially SlOK OR DISABLED SOLOIEKS, ean find ao othtr work to tun of ready aula and good profitt. For further particulars apply to the Publisher!, JiAUPKK f- ilUOTUEIlri, Franklin Square, New Turk. Is. 17, 7803. .'t NE WGO O D Si A PEESH ARRIVAL OP Spring Sc Summer Goods AT THE CHEArCASII STOKE. Iam just receiving and nnenln i.r.r,.ll. selected stock of Kiirlnc and n,.r,r j. oi almost every description, A beautiTu! .sortment of Printi and Dre good.", of the newest and latest ttj lei. Also great variety of meful notioni. DKV-UOODS AND .NOTIONS. Bonnet!, Shawls, liats and Caps, Boott and Shots, a large quantity, Hardware, Qieensware, Drug! and Mtdioin.t, Oil tad Paints, Carpet A Oil Clotht. GROCERIES, Fi.h, lacon and Flaur, ... Mkerl iu J and barrel., of the best quality, all of which will be told at tbo lowest cusb or ready pay price.. My old frteodt and the public generally, are respectfully invited to call. N. S All kinds of ORAl.V uni approved COlSTRr riiODVCE ttkeu in exchange ol Uoodi. Clearfield, Jan. 28 1S81. WM. F, IRWIN. 835 00 1)AT8 th. entir. eo.t for TUITION in th. most popular and successful COMMERCIAL i 8CII00L iu tb. country. Upwards of Twxlvi llritMiiD young men, from twkxtt-eiobt differ I ent States, nave been educated for bntineii here i withio the past tbre. yean, tome or whom have been employed a. BOOhl-lCEEPERS at aalarie. 82000 00 :imedi.Uly rpon graduBting, who knew nothing u """i" "en mey enterea tti. fotleg.. Minister', ton. half price. ts,udont nrtBny time, and review when tbey P'eaee, without extrBcharre. Catalogue., Specimens of I'enmanihip, and View or the COLLEGE, enclose five letter stamps May IS, 61. ly. PitUhurgh, Pa. VALUABLE TI IIBEr" LAX DS For Salt T attention of persons dMrtas of purehas- X ingdecirable Timber Lands it invited to the following tract of land situated in Keating twn hip, Clinton county, Pennsylvania, known as the LORAIN LANDS, vii : A certain tract, being N.. 3-169, warranted in the name of Thomas Willing, containing about frcti. situate on Hircb Islnnd Run, atth. dis,ancer 8 mi'ieg from the river, being well tlIun""a w'tn !' nl Oak. Ale0' ,Ilt,tner 'mailer tr.ct of land, tituate at mc-udi or Hirch Itl.no Run, on the west tide rf the river, containing 13 acre, and allowance, having a good rafting beach thereon. sSt. r or term! apply to " L- KEEn, JAS. B. GRAHAM Hx'rs. Clearfield, July SO, 16G2. JOnX L. CUTTLE, Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent, CLEARFIELD. PENN'A. OJKcfon Marhrtst. Ovymite the JdiL ..-itvnibLi oner, bis a rvicet in iH ingand buying land, in Clearfield and ad g counties ; and with an exn.rienea nf n..r twenty years at a Surveyor, flatten himself that u. can reno.tr eau.laction. And Offers for Sale JOOO acres of coal and timber Land, titnatt in Decutur towninip. Clearfield county, in lot. to n" rnh8-,"' I0"14 Mw th TJrt" Lliarheld Railroad. i i!Mm cr7.of Bwt frm and timber land in Hell township, Clearfield county, tituate on the tiKr. ri',..n.. D waiert oi vurrv t Knn. TXfM- IRTIS bas just received I T did assortment or a iplen- SEASONABLE GOODS at bis old stand on Market street, where be la ,,-,. ... ... . , , md 10 WaI1 "P08 hi eld M oet-. w.at to et tbe vary bert of i Tit. XI, HIT AMv llMH , A, IM' Vin!iiii) mi)) t! oKfilion O'lut r r tFONAnn. UNNF.YACo. : I. Ann I. . (tJ:.r;HH,h nnyjy, m, Mit t i oi. r otai,rart.in-ot ti l l0llj HI ( , villi, I .rh.infon lU (-mr, roh.Ui.lly ll'l ll at ii rl !tv0ffl' mi P.v nd ft., nmrtt pp,i.iu lha COIM'.T MOC'Nj;, - ' . ., V V U NJT U H K K () O MS BENNEB & BARRETT H.spectfully aiinnuneo t lh. pulilie that tbey have oompl.ted ami are nov. pee upylng their new furniture wiire-roums, Ironllog the Market Lot and nearly opposite tbe Cout H"se. Cabinet making will be carried O up" per tlory of the same building In nil its' All kind, of furnltnre will be kept eomt.''nt,J on handt and told cheap for cash or exehan ior country rroUuce, or Lumber to suit IU. bus! nits CHAIRS. PAHLOR, noCKINU, AND ARM CHAIRS, SPRING SKATH. CAIN BOTTOMS, Ac, paulo it sofa, ces tui:, CARD, DINIXG, EXTRUSION it- BREAKFAST T A BLEU. s oTa g. OF ALL KINDS, VARIETIES AND PATTERNS. BUREAUS, SIDE-HOAKD-t, BOOKCA8F.B WAHDKOHKS, AC. BEDSTEADS JENNY LIN I), BIQII.l'OST COTTAGE, fltEiXCU POSTS, ie. Hair, Hair top, Cotton lop, and Corn Husk, or the best material. LUU1UNU. GLASSES of all sort! and tiles, Also, uiai-sos lor old rrames. AWo, Tea-poyt, What-nott, Wash-stands, Work-stands, Hut-racks, rfe, COFFINS. Matle to order on short notice, .nit nenrse furnished. Poplar, Cherry, and Linwood Lumber, uajre In exchange fur work. Clearfield, October 23, 1311. ly. THE MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, The I'crfcrtion of Mechauiain. BEING a IIi'XTixo and OritH I'icn, ob Lidt'i OR UKKTLEMAN't WATCU CoMtl I ED. One f tbe prettiest, must convenient, and de cidedly the bc.t and cboape.t tiincpiece for gen rtl and reliahl. nse, ever oflered. It has with in it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, reudering a key entirely unnecessary. The cases of this Watch are com posed or two meUlii, tbo utr on. being fine 16 carat gold. It hat the improved ruby action lo ver movement, and it warrauted an accurate timeplfee. Price, tupuibly engraved.per ee of b nail docen, f ivi vt). r-nmple natches.in neat uioroveo botes, fur those proposing to bny at wholesale, 'Ji, tent by express, with bill paya ble on delivery Soldi ers must remit oavrccnt in advance, at we cannot collect from those in tbe Army. Address HUBBARD BROS, t CO., Solb InroiiTaai. Cor. Nanftu t John Sts., New York. Jan. 21, 1563. 6w. National Hold, MAINE 6TREET, CURWENSVILLE, PA., WM. A. MASON. Prormetor. WIIIS long eetablithed and well known HO- 1 TEL, situated in the west end of the town. lias been remoddled, enlarged and improved, and the proprietor respectfully aanouncea to bit nu merout friends, and to the travelling public, that ne it now prepared to accommodate alt who may ruvor him with a call. Ample, afe and comforUMe stabling in at tached to tbe premises, and trusty attendants will alwayt be on band. Charges moderate. Feb. 12, 1862. -If. WATCH & JEWELEY rpnE undersigned respectfully JL informs hi. customers and the pubMe generally, that be bat just a received from the i:.at. and oi en. I ed.tbi. esubiishmentin uRAHAus iiuw Clear6eld, Pa., a fine assortment or Clocks, : Watche., andJiweLRV of different qualitiet, from a tingle piece to a full eett. which h. will I eell at the mott reasonable pricet Tor cash, or in j exchange ror old gold tnd silver. CLOCKS orevery variety on hand, at the mi.it reasonablo pricei. j carefully repaired and irarranrrif. . .. V' " "u "r" Bna Jeweiry , A continuance or patronage is tolicited, Sept. 19, i860. U. F.NAUOLE. CLEARFIELD ST0XE WIRE POTTEEy.." Thankful tor past favors and tolicitious of fu ture patronage. I would respectfully anrjounc. that I have on band again, and will constantly keep at the Pottery in this borough, on tb. cor ner a ihort distance east of tbe MetUodist Church, a large stock of Crockerv. such i.e.... .....v. milk pans, Churn., Jugs, Jars, Stove pip. casing .. v. ..v., .uu .i.o d exteosiva assortment of different sue. and patterns or brackets and ros.ttes Tor cornice on bouses, and othor tuoul dings. Any mouldings, not on band will be made to wider on short ootioe. Also fir. brick made and kept for sale. TA liberal reduction on prices mda U wholesale dealers. F. LEITZINGER. Clearfield, may 23, 1861 ly. WILLIAM A. WALLACI. JOHN O. BALL WALLACE & HALL, Attorneys at Law, CLEARFIELD, PA. For Snlr A LIGfIT J- UI KJUfls, SFRING-WA-GON, entirely new, will painted nd finiibed, and tubitantial in every particular. For tale at a bargain. C. L. BARRETT, Clearfield, Pa. April 15, If. Jae. Mc Murray. MatU Irvln. DEALFRS IN Dry Goods, Groceries Lumber, Ao., Buinsido, Pa Dee. II, 1862. ROBERT J. WALLACE, Attoi.et at Law Clearfield, Pa., Cffioa la thaw'. Row. op t oute tbe Journal office. . t. irsj.-u a j PATTEHSQV A,, .i 7T A L.Iti,J!'MV'Fw' , dec 1. 1J8. tf oifosite the Unbetl.' Ofaareb. mi: "Hi rt ri tcAN," t oi'M min i I nit v 1 1 ni til lliililluu I Mil I ff'tll VMt tl,Mlijlf ,1 , 1 1 . Mil , t T III M, ,,,,,, I,,. ,1 f Vnf.'l. Ihltl NHfi.U; ;.il, f ,).,, f'l.ntlh Mnnda ( 2 1 1 li nf Pi lili inl ur, tn ii h Jf.f, and fnntinn. I. i n-k If n I niinlv tilllrrn. , A,'t. ndK, Hon J. l'. I ho,,..,.t,,r. nm Mill II, .n .1 rhi-r.ir, K.ln.td IVrto, I'lrarArld I'riilh.nnliirt, linlvld Klmllrr " Hi((lrl r A il.fi.idiT, 1. U. l'nrgrr, C1.ktB.ld. l : ' . aj ir ii u .i -i . , it Cuinm'rs, p. t, riiuiinnun, .Morri.dnla .lacub Kuliti, Lutliersbiirg Thus. Dnughcrty, (Iraiiipii.n Hills. h. C. Iliiwuian, I'hilipsburg ('. H, Worrell, N. Washington M. J. Woodward, I'ennlield, J. W. Potter, Lcoonto,t Mills Jense llroomall, Ciuwensville. I.IhI of I'oHt Olucea. Auditors, Coroner, Co. tjupt. Toitnthip$. A'umrt nf P. 0, BlOMria, Glen Hop., " Mad.ira, V!1 llower, Mnmet of P. Wm. S. Wright C. J. Pu.iey. W. MoPracken T. A. M'Uhee J. W. Con,pt.-l) II. I. Ilendumon P. B. Miller Chest, Cush, ii Ostend, Boggt, Clearfield Bridge, Hradtord, Williams' drove, Brady, '.ath.r.burg, " Xr.,u,vill(, ii JcH'ei"l,u Lln Rloem, ICorestr Surnsld., New Wash. "ogton " Kurnside, " Patchinville, Chest, Herd, Clearfiold, Clearfield, Covington, Freuohvillo, Karthaut, J. E Wtson. R. H. Moore. C' J. Sloppy, John Heberling Jas- Bloom Wm. Fenlh. Jas McMurmy J. Patchin O. H. Tor.tr A. Frank. P. A Uaulin. j? Schn.rr T. Jl. FlcLng Contrv coun.'v Curwenrville, curwensvillo, Deeater, Philips burg, West Decatur, Miss BnaVhach Edm. Willi.'ms Elk county, Tk, Ferguson, Marron, Fix, Helen Post Office, Uirard, Leoountu'H Mills, C. Mignut William Carr A. B. Shaw T. II. Forceo. A.O. Fox. David Tyler 11. Woodward Eliza C ho ho 0. Hockudorn M. 0. Stirk. J, W. Tboinpt'n Jas, Thompson J. C. Brenner, II. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, T. W. Fleming. B. F. Dalo D. Brubnker. Jos. l.o.kott. Bald Hills, Ooshen, Sbaweville, Orahain, Uruhumtou, Gulich. Smiths Mills, Huston, Tyler, " Ponnfleld, Jordan, Ausonville, Karthnas, Salt Lick, Knox, New Millport, Lawrence, Breckenridge, Morris, Kylcrtown, " Morrisdale, Pcnn, Lumber City.f " Grampian Hills, Pik., Curwensville, " Blooraingvillo, Union, Rockton, Woodward, Jeffries, ? Tbit Pott Office will do for Chest township Will answer lor Ferguson township. CABINET EMPORIUM. CAIJI XET.IH A Klin Would respectfully announce to the public that be hat fitted up a SHOP on Cherry street, nesr the Episaopul Cburcb, and nearly opposite the residence of C. Kratier, E.-q., where be intends tn carry on tht Cabieet innking business in its different branch es. Having served n regular oppreuticethip to tbe business, and worked e. Journeyman over eix years, besides oarrying in a shop for line years, he flatter, himself that he con render sat .faction tn those who may favor him with tliei cuftun. Having located iu Clearfield borough, be solicits a rharo of patronage, and it shall ever be hit object to make to order neat and eubeun ttat fiirnitiiro auuh . French Bedsteads. (He will always be and Common and i prpt.ared to furnish French I)fts Collage, Jen ny Lind, till other kind of BEDSTEADS, with Teckner'. Patent lo oi.lcr Hock ing Clniira of d i f f 0 re nt kinds nr.d common OTHER CHAIRS He will also furnith fastenings and (inrd ner't Patent Spring Red- to order Hair, Husk, and ll.iir and Cotton MAT TRESSES. The above steads. BUREAUS of difleient kinds. SI DK-en-lined, nn 1 many other HOARDS. Wardrobe! articles, will Le made to Hook-cases, Parlor and order for cu-toiner., on tentre tables, Break-; 'short notice, cheap for fast and Dining tablej : t'nhli, or exchanged for and tbe latest improved ,n proved country pro Extension Tables. Hat j .luce. Don't forget the racks, Was . stands, Toi- 'place, as lam determin let and Work ttandsj ed to furuish all articles and ev.ry other kind off, at the most reasonable furniture in hit line. l;ralos. Tjy-M.ple, Cherry, Poplar, Pine, Linwood and every other tuitablo lumber, will be taken in ex change for furniture, Cash will ao be paid for good Lumber- B. K. SH0PE. N. II, Coffins of tho latest stylo mado to order - . iiuitir, . uii.-ruis .H'-imsu wu.Dt.rer 'H..irnhl.. l -1.1 '.. vl- nn ihnrl nnl... I.'.. 1 ,, 1 l - vicuyiciu, . icu, it, utf.- t e r.-i itr T tllult-fij Jcwciry y auvcr-v are. mHE undersigned would respectfully Invite X your attention to his well selected stock of Fine Gold nnd Silr.CATriiv :. JEWELRY, or every kind and vsrioty of styles eomrrising all or tUe sewEST and mott beach- rrL nr.fir.n. Also, SOLID SILVER WARE, nunl to Coin mo ueii malte ol .Vi.ier J'lnlril H are, fcacji article Is irnrrnwfeo? to be as represented, &vl itches and Jewelry carefully reyoireJ and satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB IIAKLEY, Suecfstor lo StauJ'tr i- Ilarln,,) No. 622 Market Street, Philadelphia. March 4, IS 65. 3m. pd. Going- it Alone ! CiIX)KlJ.. JiEHHOX having commenced 1 tha manufacture oi ROOTS and SHOES would respectfully aolieit a share of publio pat ronage. Without making a great fuss, or any rath promises, it shall and will be his steady en deavor to select Th. very best of Stock, Make th. very beet of work, And (at leait bope for) The very best or custom. (U Ihil aintpoefry it lookt very like it but il it to. inn, whicb it better. i So, "wade in" snd ret fit.. Shaw's Row door next UejtHbllran office Geo. Newiox. Clearfield, July 9, 1862. y Dissolution of Partnership. THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned in the ce.chmaking butinets in tht borough or Curwentviile, it this day dissolved by mutual oonsent. The books and accounts are desired lo be closed with as llt tls delay as possible of which all persons hav ing unsettled accounts will tike noti.e. ' Cuiwensville, Feb. 23d, ) H. KERNS, l63,Jt. paid. J L. M, LAP0RTB, W A L TEIt BAlHrETTj Attorney at Law, HAVINQ resigned his commission in the ar my, and resumed th. practie. of Law, may be eon.ulted on professional business at his office oo Secood street, Clear&.ld, Pa. All busing 2 promptly attended to. Feb. II, '63. KRATZER, it-nv is.-, i, aoi dea.er In Boards anrl inl dea.er In Rl,:..l..- ..A c., . f? 0 "l.I'f"- FR0NI BueeL t boot, we Acsa.aiy ueame.i Fa,, 1 in: i.i- . MT I is II AN v r i ' ruin ; I.M "I ';' l, A -I ! 1 II H CM V 1' ai i in; t ;i i v i I l:f Ml I'H 1 I II IVirlv-fuiir (-idiimiifl of lr;(!iti Mnllrr I'nth Wiik! AY i II K 1, iNV )IUiKHFIsr t"ll t.A H AND 1IHY CI.MTH WHIN M I1M HI IIKU ron in 1'i.riii tF vf o,miAN 10 corn.H iione Ai'i'rttcn lfR HAVK HEKN CO.MITI.I mTC IlAISlt I ii the rluu till. scriutmn price to one ilullnr end fifty cents in order lo snve ouriclves from actual loss. Paper hn. li.icn, Ineln ling tnitl, ' about twenty five per rem., nml is Mill iiitig ; and whea w. tell our l)i monratlt) frivmls, cumliil ly, that we enn no lm ger nlTunl to sell th. "Week ly Pntriot (( Union" at on. dollar a j our, and niut add fifty cents or stop the publication, we ; i trust they will apprecnile our position, and, in-( : tletd of withdraw'ug t In i r sulnu'i ipliom, goto 'work with a will tu incrcuso our lict In every I county in the Hale. We have endonvired, end I shall continue our efloits, to make tlio puper urc 'fullt a psrty orgnu, and uelcnine oi a nrrs messenger in every family. We duller our'lves that it has not been without some iullucnee in producing the glorious revolution In the politics of the tlale achieved at the lute election : and if fenrleHniiefS in Hie discharge of duty, lideli'y to tbe priuciplen of the party, nn 1 nn anxious deite lo promote iu interenti, with tome eipi'rience and a moderate degree of ahil ity, ean be mmlo torvicenble hereafter, the "Woukly Patriot a'ld I'liiou'' will not bo le.s useful to the j.irlv or lext wclcmne to tho family cinl? in the lutuio than in the pat. We confidently look for increas ed encouragement in tins greut enterprise, and appeul to every influential Democrat in tho Stale to lend ua Ins aid in running our subscrihtiun lint up to twenty or thirty thousand. The crinnn to ..r .1... ri .... .r . . . . . nm pi.io lee. uio uoot.uv oi SU;lalninif a ft. vlo.'s central organ, we make this appeal to llieiii the fuileot eoriiolonce ofsnccoss The "i"18 reasons which inilLCO us to rai.-e tho price ol l1"' Weekly, operate ia regard to tho Daily pwper, ."Lieh has al.-v increafvd. The ail fiitional C.'t to i h nbcnb.r will ho but trifling and, whil we cu."1."' persuade mirtelvet that the chauge iieeo-'sari" "'"Ja will rosult in any diminution of our u ily uculutiou, yet, wi re we certain that tueh woU. l be t" const.jiience, we should still be compelled U L"lko it, or sun.r a ruinout lili. Under thes cii ,uintaiici3 ire mutt throw oursolvei upon t.o g. . "lorosity, or, rather the jus tico of tho public, nni a0."'li their verdict, wbrtever it may bo. The period for which nmuy of our ini,scri!, vs have paid fur tlioir paper being on ilig t vou. eapniug, luno .no uui-r.j OI ,aau,n?, ,u,, Ul). , , rf lll(;n)i j , , ,,lr w w!1 , i . ,i r. r. ,, ...in ..uiu ..ciu nivw, uui mrr. We thall also tnke it as an especial favor if' eur prem.i t tubscriliers will urge upon their noighbors the fact that tht "Patriot ifc Union-' is : the only Democratic paper published in Harris ! burg, and considering the large amouut of road- ing multor, i inbracing all tho current nous of ihe day, and ! Telegraphic Diijiatchcs From evorywhe-o up to tho moment the piper goes to pu ts, political, miscellaHOuus, general anu local ntwe, market reports, is d.videdlv th in tl ic feiato There is icarcoly a villago or town in the Stuto in which a oluh cannot bo raited if the proper exertion be made, and surely there ur few places in whish one or more en get'.c men cannot bo fuu. d who are in favor of ilie d! cminatlon of sound Democratic iluctrinoi. who would be wil ling to make tho effort tc raise club. TERMS: DAILY 1AIKIOT AND UNION. Single copies for onoycar, in ndvanco - - $5,00 tlo do during ses-s. of Log'ro ... 2,00 Crpiet (wpplled to ngents at tho rate of $ 1,60 1 per numiren, WEEKI. . TATRIUT AND UNION, TubHsici every nursdai. ing!o copy one ytar, in advarue - . . $2,(10 ' Ten copies to ono address. 15,00 ! Subuciiptioiis may commence at any time PAY AMVAS IN ADVANCE. We are obliged to make this imperative, in every instunco the cash must accompany tho subsrrij lion. Any fcrton sending us n club of twenty subscriber! t the neeKiy will no entitled to a copy tor his services The priee even at the adi atu'e. rnto. is so low i he. , .mm no rt. to nn. no loll w vj t t hot we cannot offer greater inducements than this. Additions may be inido at any time to a elub of subscribers by remitting one dollar and fifty cents f.reach additional name. It is not ucces-ary to seed us tbo names of those constitu ting a club, as we ennnot timlcrtnlo to address each paper to club subscribers separately. Spec imen copies of the Weeklv will be lent to all w ho desire it. O. LAlUtKTT A CO., March 13, 13. Harritburg, Pa. KRATZER'S. cyrenius howe. Justice of tub Peace. For DECATCn Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to hit care. P. O. Address, Philiptburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1S61 If. W. SMITH ci rn. Mr.RCIIANTS, and dealers In l)iy Goods, Groceries, Hardware, (Hcenswnre, and everything usually keyt by the trade. Store on SECOND Street, below Judge Leennrd's, oppo s.te the Tresbytorian Church, Clearfield Pa. Dec. 4, 1SC1. r, a. bush. t. j, m'ci li.ouqii. BUSH & JfCULLOUfiir, Collection Office, L'l.EAEFlELD, Pa. B-aTlN Graham's New Bi'ildino. Feb. 5, 'C2. DRrj."wrp0TTEB7 Physician and furpeoii, has permanently locaUd at French ville, Covington township, off ert bit profestional t.rvicet to the surrounding community. M.y 8, 1861. Lmttlhi&irfllbuirg 13a. tt a LC T II i: R s iT r R G, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. HENRY EVANS, Proprietor. March 19, 186.2 ly. THO.M H J. M'C'L'LLOL'cil Attorney at Law. ftm.. .jii.i .... n" . " , . . ' """J -' s ".in, mrarnj occupied oy i Jan. 21, 1563. I J R. MnKn.llv V.n ' ...... n....u ' A - - - - - j t -- , ...... . v . r.rmii, vipti uriu. I t. U'l., ...... j ., . a .. . - . ' Pa Will attend promrtlv to Collections, Sale ' ofLandi, Ac. Dee. 17. '2. Shaving and Hair-Dressing. -w- mr. . ....... - .in tuen'i rn n uy vu.'i ..ur,.v.. a r.nt.YiiAii ORHIS respeetlully announce! to r..o tin March 2. 160 fj to bis frtendt of Cle.rfield and vicinity that k. v... ....... -j .,j .... , - . - ...tr-t - iDiuiuou w ui. uiu aiano., ana is won pre- lir 1. CI 1. u mi wu. - . pared to render the most n.rfeet t.ti.faoiion to .11 W . I.tw. ri..rd I. Ta. Offiee with H b, m.v sLmIts bis r.rr,f...in,,.i v.;. . . r..i fife ' ' !. i 111.. i t 1 Dr. (. t r K nr. i ti F til 000 h i) ( u . . I n I I.I . Ii'km, Mnlh.it, I h, B 1-t.ll-i.lti. plt., r.,t hu tlftj'1'1 n4 J..i lh.tr Vtil,. i" Tim .tm o llrnilm 'lit, fcli It I li'4 i It , I p J r Aon ...... . ' I 1 ol ..; Pill.. It ,,. !. ,,, Bl , f ! . J Hit! Ill" in( ! W'HTIl HlTOItl'f llllioii. DiKorttcr. nnd Mver rnmn"? Fi : t b used tour I'llli In , iin,,!'!.1 ' (.root I.v ri rr sine. im.i. ii Uli 0I, sn ili.v nr.. Ui. - Mili.rtK' . .m,, n'' k .. .. .. ... " "qll ' 'J.W.I.M ou. v oiK.n lml.il, I Ii..-. M.lw i. i."""'', eo.'e Illv Ui. ,, ,, fr.Um.lljr your., Dy.pnteTV. Rflm. nn.t I'.O tllHir, II .HtHMi. Liv.lo. M.,u J ua. mik: lour run .re tb. piftK,n Tl . v linro .loin my wife mora .ooU Uiu. I Hh.. M IWU SI. k H,l riun .w.y hSt!' ' off to he iIkIoitiI at fr.t es.ne, but MibIj ' then r..nimi.i.vd tnhlnit your Pill., whlrk tuon l.jr cp.lHiy lurpe q.tuutuie. of woraii(Z2,Yi l"ly. Th'.v Hltii wants cured n.r an. cuTu . of l.lm .lydj si nlfry. One of our iwilKbbon i. 'J mv wife ruud him with two do of ourViii others aroimit in paid from Bv. to twtotr it.li...! ' Mils, and but ninch lime, wuli.ut b.ln, nnd von tin n. Sit. h a tiieilirlne m ycurt, wUei i, ''" giiod .oil uonett, will l. prirod here, GKO. J. 01IItM,A(B IndigesrioH nnd Impmlty or v Uw 'i u. , , ,i ... 0HJ riT.rn ict. , . mum, iuw qj Mum Ctarth, B nn li... I l..v. ...ul pin. i. ''" snrreM In my family sn.l anionx thoie I tra uJ7 S In itiHtreM. To ri-anlHi. Hi. oiywus of diUi.nTL? fr tli. LIo.kI tin.) sr. the very hett nn.l, I known, ud 1 can cotifidtnlly rrcoaimw.il 14. n.l. V...1M , . . .. Wab-saw, W roMum Co, X. T.. Oct U u. uaia Bin.- i aai nsuir yonr lathsrtlr l t;iln.,Z uch iudividnal ii trifling, tho benelil to tbe rar-1 "f": "J fl?J t''J" 1" ,0"'"1 P'lriaiirt u Hfc7 . l. . ., . 1 system and purlfr tli. foiinl.lns o( tb. Uisod .in.., j.tni, ciiryiiiK mul uiu nomocracy , JOHN o lirirmu u . Erysippliin, Scrofula, Kin it's Kvll, Teitu rumor., nnd Snlt Hhoum. From a i'lrwmrtnp ittrcJmntqf $.Lnt,y,i, iil lm. Ati : Vmr Pills are th. pnrupjfl nf til a'j Tei.t in uienliiine. Ihey litre curtd mj lliiUdancl M' of uleen.ua sons upon her hands sn.l f,t t!nt htipj,,? Iiinin.l.lt f,.r yi srt. Ilor mothw biid tn lour rrtnw, ly nllli. ted with blntchra snd piinplrs on bar Mir ml , bet hair. A tier our child vu cured, aht else tt nil; I'itN, and tiny lone cined her. ASA BtOHi. lhtr.it. It licuniHtlun, Neuralgia, nnd (.out, F. ovi fie I rr. 2'r. Aitelrs, rtf the .VtiWui Fft Onr IVuiii Horsi:, frtvAMu. U., Jtn.Mm j Tlonoiiii. Sir : I shnul.l 1 ui!grauful for IhtrtM . ; okill l.nt l.n.ntht m. If I did not ri-poit my cut to r A euM f illed in uiy Mnil and hrouglit cu rirtoHoit Tlullnilir rslnt. nhieh alul.il in rl.ri.Mli rli ..u. .Ni lwilii.tai'diiiK 1 had the lft of iliv.l..Ul)-i, ibOiW? crw worse ton wnrw, until, by tr.t 04HI.1. ut jtiui tir Init r.nt In ll.lnu'oit, Pr. Mmkbtioj, 1 u-lwl lew It 'I1...I, .11.-1. ..... ... .... . lice, reminuiug tuern oi tne tame, iu order that ,.T Ciuh.ks, p.r. 5 rotoa, t i., ( IW, ty they may p, A i 1 bm ln uii-.lj um1 .y jmr ')t.4 nrvrw tiipip rrTTuc , niiMtk.tic r.fni .ismow ihi w, . ... , . . . , . .... i .v vuuu J, or yrnra. ' -v f.r. i ruiirij. I'or I1i)'i J'lrlhorii, or kindred tea. plnli,!., i.jj. Iili g mi.i. I'rlbJ tiitiiT lent lellllU). Tor I'oMiveriN" or Ccn.HpHf.'nu.inilii a 1)1 1111c i' 1111, tl ry ja tiri Mrl.lt m i .rri.t I'll, Siippipini, 'prfllis, Inffsaiaf lion, 110J 11.11 llrali.kt.. ..1 TxtUI M'l.i. urn, hsi-j U-tn .uird I ti.e .ItV ltr. ewiiii, ti 1i 1 i Mit of the ro" Iu n-uk't enntnln Vwnry. li4 ttioe-h n vhIiuiIiI. nii'tdy In ttiHel i-nods, It dnt. in 1 11 Ml,-1 'll. hum tbiMlrtadnil criui-jii nn. ii.t , i)it. lit I. f. !'. . tt. l..e.rtl('U4 uf-i. r.-ti.,ln ty tm- cjly cl ;iui;. iul sunslui., wl.&loVHT Chcpcst Xcwspnpcr IMUiiil.cdygjj.g nBRRy pgCTOBll IOP. Till; KAI'IU Cl'ISK OF COffJIlS, COM19, DOAHSl Xl hH, IKl'lf. K2A, i:lt().MIIITIf3, Mitfiornw ootoii. tiiorr, as not a, n. t llIK?T ((I.MII'MP'IIOK, .- ai.d fv.r the rt'iii-f M c.ii"Uir pU. pi.tlmlt h. rJn. .iiirrt if tl-.c ol.eii... T i L td net ti u.k to tl.. rtt'Js rf : iW Tlin-tifchout eveiy town. nl ln..lei.i; l..oi;.,fc AiTo-tK.u M.tet, Its v.i-H.,irui rmrs uf p.'r.ijflr. VMinfs l:ue made It sJr.sd knrwn. fr-. tjt lm. nit., tn siiy cmllr...l c.'Ooti) en ihis r.th p.i tn' oot f. ute .nul i-xpetitncj ot lit .rn u ; n .l 'itwm the r.'.iiuiu.ltiet tt,v wlirr. which I t.f i t nwt tl, sotne li.iiwc trophy of Itt vit lory ever ii.. k.-Lk. trjit irorriis d.M'tw-t of tha Un.-iit .txl lur- v( Jill, it t. it- ini-st pt wntut antidi.l. yet Known to njn U. ft-t. dtl.le and llnriirrous .lisewti of tt.r ooUiiul'trt wrv.tt is .-.Ii... lh. 1 li '.Wlite-il and Mf.st UJlir.l. tl .l ru W a i h.itd fur in.'.nlf sn-.l yeui.g i I .rrnt. ,t."iH time il in store .irnlnet tt ti.ti.llitit ii.'nitlil ujwn Ihem nnpiep.ie-l. u I fcl or .-l.nl pri . t jllete th. C.my i'.tfjioj s.'.s tuor. 1: m l.J tkt suuiptlont It prevent. Ihiia the. Il rsrt Ke r j ;. sod cute vour coids while Ihey r natUK s i U. t them uutll bo bnn.n sl.Ul rtn oiioiiw lit Is-itU canker that, fasten .1 t o ti c; vlie.i. . cur I0 ti All lin. w the dretdful fattlitv of lur. t'l.wlfttrJ u Ih-y Vno too tb. virtue, of thl. remedy, ! aw moie than to t.turt ih.m it Is tilll n wumi mm won H'rieri possii'ie. una inns iui"i.i .i.w. It th. best K"nt whl.-br-ur .kill can ftirniih brlMim PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AHS, Friotical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Urn AHV SOLD Br .jUtV-Snldby C U. Watson, ClearW.IK. Irwin, Curwi nsville : F. Arnold, Lrtheiiri Montgomery sto. New salein ; J. C. BrfiM, Moirisdale ; C. R. Foster, Philipst'iKf : 11 Chase, An(onille ; and by dealers everj whtr. Miy.Tth.lMJ If PK. WM. 1J. HUPtD'S DENTAL REMEDIES ark THE PEST IN TI1K WORLD. FIXE TEET1I AND A SWEET BREATH. AND CURING TOOTHACHE AND NIXR-UGIA Do vou wirh to be blessed with n.l i.ljW for PEArti.r Write and Sound TEETH 1 l Dr. Win. I). Htird'si I'urlvallcd Tooii I'owder, warranted free from acid, alktii,rii: injurious substance. Price, 25 cents per but. If-He ware of tbe ordinary cheap ToUhiV dors, which whiten but destroy. Do you wish to be certain that ynuf is pure, sweet, and ngr.eable to buhao.l '.!, ltiver or friend! ? Use lr. Iliird'tCflobrt' ivluutll a hh. Price 37 cents per bottle. Tbit astringent wash ii also the best remfly the world for Canker, Had Hrei.tii, Rleeditj? tiumt, Sore Mouth, etc. It has cured luoIrA' Do you, or your children suffer from TOOlH-J ACHE? Get Ir. Ilurd'a ilaglc ToothwH Drops. Price 15 centt per bottle. J Are you afflicted with NEUKALOIA. 3 Ilr. Um. It Ilurd'a Neuralgia Plaster. The mott effective and delightful remedy knsi for pains in the Tace, chest, thoulders, b. j ar.y part of the body. J Thev do not .dh choxm pain away. Trv them. Price, 14 J cent.. Mailed on re:eipt of price- For sal. at all the beat stores thto.gbMt country. Cactim .As there are dee'ert wh t vantage or our advertitements to impose eM their customer! inferior preparation, it ll nn io insisi upon naving waar you o.u.".. you will get tue best, thoroughly t6ti,r,t prepared by an experienced and citntt titt, Treasurer of the New York State Desitj A tsocidiion, and Vice President of tbe ' '. City Dontal Soc foly, Address WM. B. HURD A CO., Tribune h'M . W.L DANIEL GOODLANDER, Tt'aTlf'l'. ..rilu. r...n. ej Lulb. : i b irg, Clearfield Co. arfield Co. f i- MM .:i. ... I ...... . II k-.l.nl. j Dm. 4, 195'. i nearfiel l, April 9, '12. , Mar fh 2 162, tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers