Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 13, 1863, Image 2
e tmttu itpiHi(M. , 01 MBA clkakhielo, FA Wednesday Morninc May 13th, 1863. StjyWo learn that some of tlio citizen tliis county, who are entitled to l.oun : et, iciiMon", buck pay, have employ . dattoriioys in Washington, Philadelphia unrl other eastern cities, to miike their olleciiona from the proper lfi'flrtuient. Thin is nil wrong, Wo have a number of :;uu responsible attorneys in our county whom our people bad better employ in-i-fead of the irresponsible parties who are advertising themselves throughout tho cuntry. We Lave no iloubl but that thousands of dollars will be lost by parties placing their claims into the hands of hfifl bushwhackers in Washington and let-where, who aro mere adventurers, and often a myth within tbemselve. The :ublio are not as much to blamo iu this ;.ew mode of plundering the people, as he attorneys who do not advertise their ' ueinc3S through their county paptK, Another Victim. The Uon.C. L. Val asdigham was arretted ul his residence iu i.'ayton, 0-, by a military squad acting juder orders of Gen. Burnsido, and taken 3 Cincitnali The arrest was made bout 2 o'clock iu the morning. This o :er, we presume, was isFued in obedieneo :j the demand of tho Richmond Enquirer uadft sometime ego ! The exsilemeut at Dayton culminated in . riot the next day, when the Dayton Jovr tjl office (an Abolition sheet) was mobbed, uid.togethor with several buildings, burn- d. A military force arrived from Cincin nati and restored order making several .rrests, and among them the editor of the !ayton Empire, tho Democratic paper, impending its publication. Dayton and Montgomery county are under martial '.:.w. Mor Kkiun oj' Tehror. The office of the Philadelphia Aye was menaced by a mob on Friday last, causing some excites ment the Mayor interfering to preserve' the peace. The Democracy of the coun iry will feel a just pride in tho firm, indes pendent and unyielding lone of that pa j'erjandin the fearless conduct of the proprietors in the raidht of this attempt to Intorfero with their rights as citizens. The offico of the Mtntor, a Democratic papr published in Kittanning, was re cently entered in the dead hour of the night, by a set of miscreants, and its of lects mutilated. A 8omcwbat simihr attempt wbb made upon tho office of the Indiana Ikmoerat, last week, but the cournge of tho cowards waa not equal to their desires. Turn Him Out. One of tho Ass istants of the X'tjgcrhcad orpan, after denouncing tho Democrats of Brady township, ns"ig. tioranl Dutchmen, not able to toll when Kx.Gov. I'.igler was elected Goverum-,'' when asked the samo question fixed the dale of said election, first ut "150," and then at "1854." The Koj-aI League should put a t-traight jacket on that fellow, and forbid hit entering theeditoriul pasture. Tut PniLAiELruiA Age. Wo nro very ra ach gratified at the pntronaj o extend ed to this excellent Democratic paper by the Democrats of this place its circula tion here being greater than that of nny other Daily paper- with perhaps a single -exception. The success it has met with hat already been such as to compel its enlargement, and it is now tho size of the largest Philadelphia Dailies. But it is not f ir its sizo, so much as for the chaste jicss and elegance of style, and political orthodoxy of its editorial department that eaimireit. ThAjc a perfect tri umph. Mv.VASistiTr. Among the numerous wholesale charges made against the presi mt Administration, u the ono that they have taxed everything; this is in part not true.ui the following decision lately made by the Commifnioner of Internal Revenue will plainly show -. 'The manure purchased by farmers to maintain their kinds in present productive condition, win lie miowci as repairs, in estimating the income of farmers." We hope the farmers will award due credit to the Administrators for allowing their manure to go untaxed. This shows that the manure pile i still allowed tore oain in the hands of the owners for the. benefit of (heir farms. aflk.Ii) view of the fuel that the term for which a large number of the volun teers is about expiring, a fine opportunity to the especially "loyal" to enlist and fill up the ranks of the army. We have quite a cumber of fighting men in cur midst wbot blood lioa often been up to fover beat during the past two years, and we Lope they will not allow it to congeal in their veins, while so fice an opportunity is offered to let it out. Go "loyal" men, Abraham is inviting you. Th Capital to be Pcrcid. The na-' tlontii capital it to be purged at Inst of the rebuls and rebel sympathizers who infe-it it An ordor will 6oon be issutd sending ontside ofoiir Unci all disloyal persons, both m', and female. AVi 'York Timu,' 1 ! -i r ; THE WAR NEWS. A Retrograde Morcmrnt. rrnin Tlntrsdnj's (tttlonnl Inln1llijKirr.J OMi'ial informntioit receive I tint even ing at the War Department nmhoi ios us Mo slate t lift t (len. Honker, after wnitint! in vain mart linncHlomillonn luenliy lust for a renewal of the Imtlle by tin enemy, rerioed the linpnlmnnoek on tho cven ing of that tiny, inlluciici'd by prudential motive, springing doubtless in part from the great and sudden r,s of the Virginia rivors, in consequence of the recent heavy rains. We do not learn that Gen. Hooker was apprized, before muking this retrorado movement, of (lie success a Inch is alleged I to havo attended the operations of Gen. Stoneman in breaking the enemy's com- niunication with Richmond. II tins fuel had been known to biui.faHsumini! it to be a fact,) it may be doubted whether Gen. Hooker would have deemed it necessary to tuke a tep which must tend to deprive ; him of some at of the advantages re' suiting Irom den. Monemau s cooieru- live expedition. Among events which have not transpir-, ed ofiicially, but of which ilx-re are rumois havinct the anneraiice of tiutii. it niav be stated that Gen. Sedgwick, in endeavoring (having first removed all their guis. on Monday evening last, with the greater , Some fighting occurred Hbove Fredor part of his command, to eiTuct a junction jicksburg, tho jiurticulars of wheh have with (ienerol Hooker's army near Clian- "ot been received, but it is supposed to ccllorHville, encountered llio enemy in! have been an ell'ort to hold tlio rtiiels force and met with serious reverse, tho from moving up to reinforce the tody feu particular of which are not yet known, gaged uiainsl Sedgwick. In this, howev. Ft'RTUER I'ARTICl'LAKS- I'ho New York Tribune Bays: We havo authentic intelligence that Gen. Hooker has sustained u reverse in a battle fought on Tuesday, but has succeed ed in uliicintr his urmv in saietv on this side of of llie Knpnaliannock. Gen. Lee having been heavily reinforced, np pours to '.obliged to give way before the overffhelm havo iound himself in tsullioieut strength 'ing masses of ihe enemy constantly, and torenew his assault onllooker'sexhausted troops, and was so fur successful that it has been deemed prudent to withdraw the army across the river. It is only too evi dent that here, as so often before, the reb els succeeded in concent! aling their forces upon the point ol utiuck, while those which should have strengtbend the na tional army were too far distant or to long withheld to enablo General Hooker to meinlnin the position which ho hud guir.n ed by masterly strategy, and held through two tremendous battles. It must bo pre-, sumed that tho effort to break Lee's corn municalionswith Richmond failed He was able, therefore, to bring up tho whole reb el force from Richmond and points below, and Gen. Hooker is compelled to retire frtm before overwhelming numbers- Tho hard rain Ktorm will swell the, Rappahannock and protect Hooker from i an advance ot 'ien. Lee. i The Star of the 7th inst., further re- j marktf ; By arrivals from the Rappahannock this morning we learn that Hooker com pleted his crossing ut3 o'clock P, M. yes terday and reached Falmouth, bringing all his material away safely from his lat po sition. While tfe were so unfortunate as to lose some artillery, wo have lakeu at least as many pieces as we havo lost. Gen. Hooker, it is understood, esti mates his losses in tlie late battles at about ten thousand men, all told, killed, voiindd and missir.g. It is believed that tlie rebel losses (which their officers admit were terrific) were nearly if not quite double tins amount. The rebel made a futilo attempt or threo times on yesterday to shell camps at Falmouth from the onnosite side of the Rappahannock. They found their j little piece of bravado was costing them powder and shell to no purpose, and fi nally abandoned it. Brig. Gen. Averill has been orderod to report to the Adjutant General of the ar my In Washington, being relieved from command of tho 2d cavalry division, army of tho Potomac. Tho statement that he has been under arrest is an error. Movements of General Sedgwick. We find the folio A-ing letter in the New York World: Washington, May C The capture of Fredericksburg by Gen. Sedgwick was the last principal itcnr of news from that lo caliiy. After obtaining possession of the rebel batteries he marched four miles on the plunk road to Clmncellorsville. where lie mci n large lorce or l ie enemy, aouot less a nan of Lon.- .r.e. '. HivUion .ent in I meet him from SuftMk. It appears that a portion of the rebel army got between Gen. Sedgwick and llie force menacing Gibbons, who held possession of Freder icksburg. Thus Lee was between Sed". wick and Hooker, and Sedgwick in turn between two parts of Lee's army. Gen. Sedgwick had been reinforced by some troops that had before been employed in holding the heights east of Fredericks burg, mid the enemy took possession of a part of these d( sorted works. On Mons day morning Gen. SedgwicK was attacked near Burksford by a largo force of the en em), superior in numbers to his own. Tressed on front and men fought bravely, but were finally compelled to re tire. As this movement was about commen cing the Vermont brigade charged furi ounly and succeeded in driving the Con' federates offtha eround. It was a bloodv diy for both sides, and the Federal com mand had done nobly in maintaining their ground against such numbers. A retirement across tho river was determin ed on, with a view lo recross al United Mates Ford and endeavor to join Hook omios ruru anu enueavor to join hook- er's main army. Accordingly at a little! past miduigiu ho ordered the movement, and as silently as possible the troons took up the line of march over the bridge. The enemy soon discovered Ibis movement, and opene ! a heavy fire on the bridge with artillery, killing and woundinga large number of our men. They did not, minever, succeed in cutting on any por i, .u:' l their principal object. ' U may be that inUead of attempt;nc'an A 1 " 6 y wounded. agMin to join Uen. Hooker, Sedgwick willl (signed) R. E. Lke, return lo the relief of Gibbons, as tho reb-1 General Commanding, els were discovered nn Unn.lL : I Tt, ftnnn;ni. ri;.nai,li ... 1 1, rni. jonly two miles below United States Ford Uu..iv.Uj.uican uoiumenceu sneiiing our nnil,;. t) . 6 . trnina nn I lim twin -f 1 lnnni i How lai pe a force have thus got in the rear of Ilooker s army it is yet impossible toueciuo. Recapture of Fredcricktlurg by Jaehon. ' The morning and evening attacks on Monday by the rebels under Jackson on Gen. Gibbon's force at Fredericksburs nave resulted id tneir gaming possession again of the grcator part of the place. It must not, however, bo regardert as any thiog like a disaster. Fredericksburg no v Is not onetenth as important as Freder h Uliiirft I pfi'ie Gen. Hooker s fir, worn :nnt. (Hirmm'u' are on il H k and rear, and out lirnvv J irrns arro"Mho H rr on Its front. About rvrnln ili-y rn"h ,'nl on our right, and Tor n long t,me the battle wn holly contested, pneli pnrty al litinlivcly piUiiinjj tlie advanlige. H tiallv our force was obliged to rrtiie, and nm in.-r mo nigiu new n t Next morning Col ucfrnave post. . Hall cnssed liis brigade over llio river on tho 1'ilmouth side, and both bridges wero taken up. 11 issuMioeted Hint 1 1. ,.... iinj ,,, toons sutlicient to twsthe rivor. and n ogain to thank Almighty God for a great lively watch is kept up to rrevint raids 7'ctory.' We cannot .furnish particulars, on their start. but the public know the moderation with ti. rtiJ: r t 1 which that great leader expresses himself, llio follow ,g ,s from the New ork.Blfl anS,lsund how much is meant Herald, which has advices up to Tuesday by the laognngo he employs. The intel. morning, 2 o'clock: , ligencti thit Jackon is severely wounded After the struircle of Kundav. General ! Lee detached a lurne bodv nf,i nrs my to go down and meet Gen. Sadcwick. 1 H is also known that Gen. linngatreet was rapidly getting into his rear ut llat time, Early Monday morning large uasses of rebels rppeared on the heights tc theeast 'reuencKsourg, wuicu inul Inen par tially evacuated by our forces inorder to strengthen bedgwick'a column Those remaining made but Lriof resistance.aud 'relinquished the position to the enemv. er, wo wern uiiaupcessiui. nis generally 'undorstood that this force was Long- street's column, just arrived from Suffolk. '. Un Monday Ueu. Sedgwick wus hotly engaged throughout the entire day, the enemv Prusftl"c him at nil points, ana cuitin" him un badly 111 mon were .his discomfiture seemed certain, when the L'allant Vermont brinudo lun.lo noble charge, repulsing the rebels in tine style, and sec j ring the safely of that portion of the army. The slaughter ot the enemy in mis ac tior, which occurred in close proximity to Bunks' Ford, is without a parullel in the history of warfare, considering the nuuibor of rueu engaged. Whole brigades ot tho rebels were wiped out; but their force wjs so many times greater than that at the command of Gen. Sedgwick that it was impossible that he could hold his po sition, und he therefore concluded to ex tricate himself by recrossing the river. this hazaidous expodietit was i tlompl !ed and successfully carried out" beta-een midnight and Iwo o'clock on Tuesday morning. The enemy hold positions with their artillery, raking our bridgoj over whieli Sedawick was uliRPd to move In men, necessarily creating some confusion in our ranks as tho columns moved over, and causing considerable loss oflife. They also prcsiod hotly upon his rear, and bar aBsed him incessantly. But he succeeded in getting his force over as above stated in wonderfully good order. Un Monday morning at daybreak the rebels obtained a position on the hills on the south bank of the Rappahannock, scarcely two miles below the United States ford, and commenced a vigorous slielling of our trains lying on the north sida of tho river, close to the ford. Sever al men were injured by these shells nod one or two killed. Some of the shells entered a hospital on two! the south bank of the liver, killing sever our I al of tho patients. One poor fellow was iust reading a lottcr from home when a elicit explodod close by him, tearing oil' theentire upper portion of his head, kil line him instantly. A panic was immi nent among our teamsters, and would have been general and disastrous but for the stoppage of hostilities by the enemy. The Washington SUr referring to the attack on Sedgwick, says : Our loss was about 4,000 killed, wound ed end missing, making the total bss of Sedgwick's and Gibbons' commands (in cluding those lost on the previous day) about 5,000, cr half the whole loss of Hoo ker's army in the four day's fighting. On that (Monday) night Sedgwick recrossed his own and Gibbons' foreo to the north bank of the Runpahannock. It is evident iiore thai the Confederates played their old gamo of massing their troops in crushing force on our exposed '. ... t" , r ... . points with rapid change of UMltlon, and that after throwing themselves with all their weight on Hooker, they with great celerity moved oft" to repeat the blow up on Sedgwick's detached force ; and this fact explains that mysterious silence in front of Hooker, while they were thut oc cupied with Sedgwick. LATEST NEWS FROM THE SOUTH. Richmond papers a lute as Tuesday contain the following: From the Richmond Whig. Great Victory at Chanccllorsville. An official dispatch from Gen. Lee to tho President, announcing another great victory over the enemy in Northern Vir- ciuia, was received yesterday morning. 1 he Wilderness and Chancellorsville areiwore suppected of having anything to in Spottsvlvania county. Va.. a few miles 'above Fredericksburg. The dispatch is as follows Milford, May 3d, 1863. To President Davis : Yesterday, Gen. Jackson penetrated to the rear of the en emy and drove him from all his positions from the Wilderness to within one mile of Chancellorsville. lie was encaged at - ..t..t ll,e 6nrue umfl in fronl ,;ro of Long, street's divisions. This morning the hot - 1 tie was renowed. He was dislodgod from all his positions around Chancellorsville, bers of Congress for passing !as so une ana driven back towards the Itappahan- qusl in their operation. Fostering the nock over which ho is now retreating. ; aristocracy (and by the party pretending : Many prisoners were taken, and the ene, so much hatred for it.) Look at the mv' loss in killed and wounded is large. ' equality of such a measure : Thousands I We have again to thank Almighty God and thousands of poor widows, depending for a i?reat victorv. I recret to state that j Gen. Jackson was severely and Gens. Helh 'ror was received on Monday morning at tne war i.epartment irom Major uovie, .. . . . r. , J. " "Gordonsville, May 5.-Dr. W. S. Wool-1 folk lefl Chancellorsville at 3 o'clock p.m.: yesterday. II reporU that tho figbt was still going on at Fredericksburg. Goneral ! Jackaon occupies all the fords except Ely's, an tas taken five thousand prisoners.and 1 prisoners were still coming in. Our men ' t a ir -vsv.i Mn).;s r i . are in good condition s- t - I uur loss is nn . All Beems quiet in front, No enemy in Culpepper. j From the Richmond Enquirer. This battle was, from all we can hear, onsr.fll.0 moil hotly rnnleite l of tho war. I lin ulUnlinen nn our nido ten nuniDiMpti tiiem om or our ablest heroes, who vittuof on thin orrixs sion f bone out with tenfold lustre, as they dashed amlilst th storm of shot andthell and theeif d their followers to victory. ! from thl Jiickmnnd H'Aiy nf TvmJdy I Wtory, We lirinu our rrntlon nood tklinL'9 rf ( CT - - great joy this nioriiing. In tho language ot the notilo ana invinciuio, "we have wl" brirlsj t" prayer to millions ot lips that Ins initiry may not be Aiortal, and the Uinl il mny not keel' him lon6 from From the Richmond Sentinel vf Tuesday. The Great Victory at ChancelJoriville. "We have again to thank Almighty God for a great victory," writes General Led to tho President, as appears by his dispatch. i no leiograpn ii'is carried trie newt ant over the Confederacy, and tosday a wholo people are indeed lifting their hearts to Heaven in joyous gratitude that it has again crowned our arms with gloiious success, and sent confusion and disaster ujton our foes. Thank God ! Without needloss repetition of what we have already published, and without at tempting to supply any deficiency iu our presont information with fancies, we will siate that the enemy commenced crossing al Fredericksburg, and skirmishing there, or, Wednesday morning, that it soon bes came perfectly apparent that the strength of looker's attack was invested in n flank movement, designed to turn our left and gain our rear ; that Gen. Lee responded to this new line of approach of the enemy, and met him in the vicinity of Chancel' lorsville, ten miles northwest of Freder icksburg. On Friday evening heavy skirmishinc commenced resulting in driving the enes my back for several miles. On Saturday the battle commenced ear ly. We leirn from Gen. Lee's dispatch mat uen. iiacKsou cn that day manrau vred so as to gain the rear of Hooker, while two of Lonjjslreet's divisions "peg ged away" at him in front. Thus caught betwoen the upper and the nether mill stone, the enemy suflerod very severely, as may well be imagined. Five thousand prisoners are represented a9 having been taken on that day, besides an enormous list of killed and wounded. Hooker's ar my, driven by Jackson, were pressed down from the Wilderness to new Chanccllors ville, four miles, when night brought its truce. The next morning (Sjnday) tho battle nas resumed. Hooker was driven from all his positions, and made for the river by his flank. Here ho was crossing at last accounts, with our victorious army pressing upon his heols. Of the disasters which attended his crossing, under such circumstances, it would be mere specula tion for us to speak. Wo wait for the news. This great victory is, as usual, paid fori with the mood of heroes and the tears of tho Confederacy. The severe wound n ceived by General Jackson will excite uni versal solicitude. Tho manner in which he habitually exposes his person, when guiding the battle, is to well known that the public anxieties are always enlisted. No life is dearer to tho people none is nioie freely hazarded. We learn that the wound he received on Sunday was in the loft arm, and it is asserted that amputa tion has already boon resorted to. If the prayers ot a whole people nviy be ans swered, our dear heru leader, mutilated as he ia. will long live to lead our armies and to defend his country with his rare skill and matchless prowess, from tho fury of her foes. As to Hooker, tho lowest dcplh of hu miliation which has yet overtaken a Yan kee Commander in Chief is his. Read the teitimony which we publish to day, and which he gave before tho committee of Congress, and see how indelicately and ungonerously he acted towards his broth er officers of high rank; hov he always disparaged them, and never failed to mag nify himself. His testimony was a bid for the position which he holds. Ho gained it; but in doing so ho dug for himself, In case of failure, s pit deeper than any had sounded before him. Who is thero to mourn for him now? He has found no strength in his arms ; his own compatriots will show him no mercy in his woe. Mc Clollan and Burneide would scarce be hu man if they did not feel a secret joy at his failure and downfall. For the Repbllicaa. THE PAPER MONEY BUBBLE. MESsns. Editors: I see by jour paper that the uovernment lias opened a loan ollico In.your borough. Surely the Government must be going a begging to establish an office in the Wild Cat District. We never (spare before by our eastern brethren : but lurtber is doing well this eeason, ond if we have anything to spare after supplying the bread institution, the inducement is templing 6 per cent, iu gold, payable evory six months ! Why that is little short of ten per eent. Now this surely se sures to the Government all the money that is to snare, and much more 1 Our -- - , . -- laboring men, mechanics, merchants, ifc, ' cannot pay ten per cent, for money and keep square now here I blame our mem- : upon tho interests of their thirds, rarelv reaching $100 ; The lens of thousands of torpnans wuo are living on tho interests .of I bir sold estates in the hands of exocu- j tors, guardians, Ac ,; the poor laboricg 1 man or mechanic, and many others livinir on the interest ofa scanty pittance, com- ' - - - i roj J ' t heir Sean t v tn a mlnnanon t ,U.IU laws for whirh thelaw. makers ought to bo I honored T Well, perhaps thev deserve' monuments. The legislature of the State of Pennsylvania carried out Ihe same1 principle. It was not made a Political I , I'UIIMWUI I a . - nuostiDD, and our Democrats wwbing o,re w CflPlt0 came very uoar being ee!e 1a itititinA Ia sail at. . ( ksi.1.,1 . ui . sent, This I could not have done. I gcucmiij gvo luoir aN' . a- Hl.T. t - - - 1 1 a. 1 . ,could not hftve rreferr(1 car)itai8t the vrtdow and orphan. But the widow. were ako to blame that did not presont their petition, as they were oyjth more numerous. Frobably they wtutld have nllowu'l tbri (told alto I 1 hot urel)i Imd i-ettei rigni io u.nn inn apuanM!i. inn h .it rmm wm, , i f. inanw linnii'L klilti Slid mtTHl limn i ro- tiounco to be honorable and Hphl-1; question very much the mod the gold, which is in' throuchoul. for it just would relievo us. we woul get relief ( but by this ,t ilm CoimnotiweAlth VV1 V 1.1'W . " - - i privileges and roleasod them from obliga- lions tr wlncn 1 inmK tney were nov enn tied, and lessened tho nieuns of poying their notes held by the poor of our Statu Now let us taKo a view of these bnks,' not politically, but as members of all par1 lies that must meet llie issue ueiore long, Tl. inAn.A t.n..n. Aiiir...i.u ia &(tavlrii. ordinary, and the motalic currency t the' same time decreasing. Now lor the rco Hank rem for AVm.. Ftb'v anJMav.fvr '02. Feb. 4, I8A2, gold tnd silver in th yanks of tha llnnks, Nov. 4, 1862, " " " $10,82:1,088 11,4(7,234 Deornsoin0moi. Penna. Bans, 11,350,764 Feb. 4, 1802, notes in circulation of I the Banks of PennsvlTania, $17,250,433 i';?X'?" . Sov. 4, 1862, " " " 27,flo,OUI ' TnprcV6 of oironlation in 9 months, $10,430,071 M'l.i, .l.n f.,fi ,! S,prftl of the aforementioned bonks, srao 7 or8 are, 1 . ... , ' Salely f ond nanus, wnose goiu onu silver IS not uoumi lor uit im.ruipiuii vi n; i r.. -i . : r of notes ; with one or two banKs started in the fall of 1302, which had not their Issue of notes rut on November 4. Tho list shows 91 tanks in all, many of those have, in the nine months alluded to, doubled, or nearly so, their specie in the v.iults.and lessened their circulation very much; whilst a creat muny have doulled thoir eirenlntirtn nnd decreased in snecie funds. Reference to Che reports will show this, lutmwraivi f" including the Stfety Funu Benks and the new Banks, up to 4th Nov. If62, was $2j,B17,650 Ul luis anieuni wan owuou oj me in- ...mUji,..,u .!""', Leaving the actual ctf;ita) of all the Pennsylvania Hunks, including the Safety Fund Banks, $2,844,C0fr The amount of the Uancral Government lia bility to the Hanks on the 4tl Nor. 1862. in Bends, Treasury notos, Ac, on interest, accord ing to the report, was f27,812,u81 The whole Banking capital of l'erroa., 21,1)41, 05 Balance of the Government's liabili ty over all their capital, $2,7,:76 Add to this stock held by Baid Banks in various companies, such as Kau road, Western lauds, Bridges, Out and Fire couipanios, Bauks butU Njrth and South, lo., cfc. 2,633,222 Making a total of This shows that the banks of Peunsyl vania have taken in loans, hlocks, Ac., over all their capital, over Five uad Ono Half Millions of Dollars, besides, at the pieseut time, or say 4th of May, 1803, af ter paying the interest on tno .Stale debt and other leaks, the specie fund will bo much reduced ai:d llie notes in circuhtsjoti very much increased, and by ihat time wt will havo also 10,01)0,00(1 of demand sioto. These we will need to pay our part of tho debt. Now let us see about how much our part of that would be if our troubles were to cease now, say iwentyshighl llundrod Millions some put it over aud some undor, but I think this a low esti mate. Now the apportionment mude by Congress for the Twenty Millions of Inter nal Keveuue tax, as our guide in tho ap portion men t, Pennsylvania would have to pay over oneseventh and not quite the one-cizhth, but take it at one. seventh aud our part of tho debt would be $100,000, 000 to which add 3,000,000 bounty and relief, and 40,000,000 State debt. Over sixteen times the whole banking capital of Pennsylvania, now can any person study the above and ever ex poet to see a metalic currencj in his day t vVby, sirs, it appears as if we all had taken passage on the fatal train, and the officers hud run her under a full head of eleam uulil we have come to the down grade she is run ning at full speed, and tbe engineer refu ses to reverse (ho action but like Samssn will make a martyr of himself by "lying in the ruins. Now, sirs, if any person will make the foregoing his study for twenty-fo'i r hours, if he is honest, I think ho will be for pence as well as me. I am for Lincoln's motto ''you cannot fight alrrnys, and the question or cause of difference will be to settle.afleryou cense fighting." LAW II EN CK. THE KEWS. We surrender almost our en tiro spaco this week to the details of the stirrinc , , .... event, o, vfoe.K. ana part ot me ween before On the Rappabounock. The ac Anr.i. ,mKrn. 1 1, ,: r it. vvw. leva uitiin.u UIQ UnuuuuaUI illm my of tho Totomao from the 1st I the day following the day set apart by President j Lincoln for fasting and prayer for the sue, cess of our arms) up to the 0th, inclusive ) when Gen. Ilooker hod rtturned to his old position north of that river. We have no definite account of the loss on either side. Our loss is variously estimated at from 10,000 to 15,000. Tho loss among the Pennsylvanians judging from the long lists of names already published seems to have been in excess of any other troops. Whilst this severe fighting was in pro- gresson the Rappahannock, Gen. Stone.' tewnahip, liurliBgt.a county, New Jsw nmn, who uaa oeen 3eDt out several dy . previously at tho head of 12,000 cavalry to I opcrato in the year of the rebel army, and cut ofJ his communication with Kichmond, had been eminently successful, pait of his lorce Laving gone within le than four miles of Richmond, thence following the Pamunky and York rivers to Yorktown destroying many railrond bridges, d'-c. On Monday last news reached us from Tyrone ttat Richmond had been, in the meantime, caplured by our forces under Gen. Teck, at Suffolk. V,y following close upon the heels of Gen. Longstreet when i bo went to rcinlorce Lee on the Ranra- bannoclc Tn,B Dewa although thought to be too rood to bs Lrust. aflnr llir.i. sive effect of the disaster to Ilooker, found i , , .. ' . I . ler8 " capture of the wtici in uur lown. nen ine ruail an . rived, however, it was announced that the capture of Richmond was not confirmed. But it is most positively asserted that Gen, Hooker bad re-crossed the rivar, and ' had reuchsd the late Utile ground, wuh- put finding ll rnrmy , Iriillenla Thl,, 11 '0uld oertainl; i tu-inii; of Uiihmuii'l. r-, operation of (Mlicr stniy corn Vottf, V . I t f . ... f ownrif ii vet isij nn .... , ...v nvimn iJ Ci-arlcston, vl.lch nu to Lave two m if on tho 2d instant. l the Enfccnantcftl,c(Jot,Hriliioni,,55, v -vvh j.u..ii-i.rt. ii ijifl V, r Ltt.J v mAIlt nnrl imvnr aI.aiiI Tft ' These rules and regu'stioni nrs i J M R ,fter.((fPft l0 fJ, . "1 " we Vumo ll.ey will ho fidonc.H tho platform of the Union I...cPr, a 1! ing wie approacning UULaralo,;., ! :n our Stale. Usrkol ProvKKBS. Ho that oLcateth I postage stamps is like hirn timt -i,... J the printer, thev shall ..!.. ..rnie9 u . ,i , ''"Welti ' hoest thou a woman whosnrps.Un. n eeH'in the can, she shall not Leenvie.l J 'erivied.l 1 fiirdetli blessings shall be upon her thai r!r,fll,; ,3 .?Braen,'' , - As a meerschaum in Mia nmmi. . .... , m u nn ing dress to a weman, ihey ... ., . A man that makcth no pull,Ww J 3 II iiwitlCIJ 1 ins uis enins snail L as iVim.J he dippeth np a brook with a enp; bull iiuii unit iiuih use in, nis ricliei VJ cuuih ub uu UTt-i iiun iug line. liotton TrJ euer. 1863. 5J j PHILADELPHIA" I ERIF. KAllROA r i it i great line IrsTers s Utt Kortbtm J Northwestern oounties of VcnBtjIul, the citv f Erie, on Lake tliie. ! It has befD leased by the Wh.'nw 111 rona ivmfnny, aid under tbeir tuipiMi ii) ids; rnpitii'f i)enel urousbeut )W cuure Until It is now in use for Passenger anJ I'mghi 1 mitral irmn uurriHuurg io isrmwuuu ; gt 177 mi!og) on the Km tern I)ivi;l. ni u ho(ntld to i.rte, (,N milts) b the Vt'tiii in vi (ion Ti'su rijr Train nl bi iimd. Express Trim leares eas'ward 4 6 f. Lxjirof e Train arrives westward H (in Cars run through Miraorr chasoi. Uls i on these trains between 1'hiisdelphia u4 L, llavea, aad between Ballioioro aud i.t,ck Ho Klegaut Sleeping Cars areouipsoy the Ki.i train both vsyr oetwecn it lluttaispurl and ts more, and WUtiamsport ond rhi'.eSelpii's. Vol information recpfcling Prsmrior l.n' sj apply at the n. b. tur. 1Kb iiiifl Market iu. ads ior rroigni tusmecs m me i Ageuts, B. B. Kingston, jr., I'ur. IJ'.ii si.ailJ is., riiilauttlpltu j J. W. lte nolda' Krie : J. M. Drill. Agent . C. K. U. Raiim-rt; U. 11. Unrsn.M, (nl Freight Af't, TLils. 1. twiii 1.. llt'i i-T, (irtt'l Ticket Af, I'iii'a: Jos. 1. I'otts. (ioa'l Manager, Willlaun;,; Jnu.21, lie:.. NIW FIRM. HAiMbuicK & nr.s'nvx mmm. M A K K KT Strtri Ch Kl K VI V. ) P KEEP constantly cn hand ok. and and well selected stock of nriUGS and CHEMU'A LK PA I ATS OILS A XI) ni'iYM J'Kltn.MERY t Toil.KT AKTHU.S BLANKS, BOOKS AXU BTAT19NAH TO n A cm ci.y j a ijc And n general nssorimcnt of AT1KS and Fancy ARTICLES, V respectfully invito a enll, f'elinsr en ol dent that we cub eujiply the wntiti of ill, terms to their satiifnrtion. HAKTtiWICK UVSTO): t'lcarCdd April 27th 180.1. tf To llie Presidents aud ."ccrctarlos of is Hoards of Sellout Directors! BY reference to the Feuurylvsnia M Journal for March ncd April, itsges WJ l ltM, It will be pen thut tho Annual Certllrif of Presidents and Secrotnrios are suhjeet Mob i ton cents tax. But by an amendment to thi Id I passed March 3d, lnti, and now just pablifbi I the s'araw reauired is only a five cent oni. i will, therefore, be the duty of the BreiidenU attach tp each CeitiGcato a five rent Qcremics tJtamp. The officers of the different Bnaiil. witl, aei Vy as mny be convenient, send to me the Antt .. Certificates, that the Sehuols "Have been el and , oporation aecor,ing to lm f0 ikU ' my forward it to the leprtment that thi l rant be issued at once lor the Districts iwn the appropriation. i C. B. SANlrFOfiD, Co.?st Clearfield, April 22, 1803. St New Jersey Lands for Sale, Af.SO, SUITABLE for Grapes. Pea?liti, ro'",N berries, Strawberries Bluikberrieii, tVnj c.,a 1, 2J, 51 or I acres eatb, at Ike V ing prices for the prei-eat, vi : W acw for M Iftaeresfor $110, 6 acres for 5i s 40, 1 &er tvi f 2U. 1'ayablt bj ens dor week. Also, govt Craslnrrj lauds, aod villa;!" Ut on doliax a wek. Tho jibor furniA iri uitnia A ut Chelwowt. WmW? , fr ciroular, to n rs s wt TV CLARK' No. 80 Cedar street, Xe Yors.J." Jan. n,lii63. ly. Of reti na tlioul titnnl mtiMl-...., . . i . 5'..... ""Til th, a. ' pasting the larra . . '. . , 1 . . v,r t d, 1 presume,, n,, ersem tJ : they have extend . tltn .ossesaiun ofty Com. r0rii. 1 .a 1