u I Ot PRINCIPLES, not MEN. TEIIM3 f 1 25 rcr Acntirc, if jeid in icb n ni;v SKIUKS VOL! 1 1. NO W, - t f a vttt M'OV.nrs b. uuunJ.a ii villi- r t.-n. t CI.KAHFIKM), i' WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, ICC3. Ok XXXUI.WiiOU'. IvO I7;? 'I" - -i . mm. rBOM THE POTOMAC A I' MY HIGHLY '' ,77;.'G LKTA1L'- The I Vi'4,nt':u; -WlM'V on ' l't tSeveri I igh'.m in l.,it i'r'.lixj 7Al Knemu Ikctwcd ly a feint ,1,1.1 iViot'j Han Ui An FiuHurjfi Let t BrQide. dc. Encounter with I'nJM iho abov. head the New Yoik - romarked ,.j Mtk , caQ Jm ot veslerciaT puhhlie the tjllonmn niaU h,m c0Je out an1 fij,nt rae on py deiaili of now from iLioariny ot'tho I'olo ;own ground." In two hours the assertion rnao. To tho loiters, it will be eeen, are as proved. The enemy miitook our attaclie.1 the camcs of the writer, in purl voluntary retiroment for a check, and , , , , , i lollowed us i Kindly an we fell back. uance of the late order of Major General , g.syke.' division had got in their Hooker : I old position, and pickets thrown out.when Conefi'ondeuoe of tlie X. Y. lia-e. 1 the enemy again appeared in force on Ijie Delaiie Of the Ili:pOitaiit OpcrutiOlii at t'dfi''. at the l.i.n ol which we lay. Our ,u m ,. l., . "-" had mack.-d arm and were at rest. ChancfcJorsvuleou tuy- ,1(, w(i, Mive the uuryeftz0u. iiiii.iit'ARitiiii AuMr of iua 1'u1o.iac, ' ,iVi-, ere Iu ing at. nearly right angles Jn th fte'd nr VhaiueUrwMi, V'. V with i(iero'. The Zouavet were paial rriJi.v iivoiiitij:, Mv 1-iUp. in J jpon id riuin fioai L'niled iiales i'oft th'a ILiOfDinj the tii news tiiul. grcete(i U'j' ,t a tlicOiiuii m al Inlit ai d .lii-'uiiiilat'le ttticer, i-u'.ui. '.-i. McVicar, coiuuiaiidiiif nif miu i'oik Cavalry. It wouitvu lui tn;li, dunug a '..riKisni ai,d daring nciiiiiuiiniicft towuid ,,niivKnni:i (Juuri Uuu.e. i ue auair was the boldeiU aci ul me uukttiiceiuui far. The charge ol It-o-. Imli 'JU ul our meu lipcti Iho whole ot riiMiUgn we i &,.l iu.--nntLii escaiie ul our i..rou wis a tit and stilling " ' i ... . , ipoingof this grand latile. 1 iio stcond army oois came up during the night Slid encamped near tim lelt id "ur position. '1 he lunu corps 1-0' between Bar.kV aud United 6laie furda during the nicUt, aud reached tbo HviiL uuoui ii'.'Cn. We hold (be Gordonsvilie rr.id securely, j i, ... f l i.q iv.. in,, I j ' Fy 6 ... iMiintiy road lead;i,g lo ipoiif) ivani.i , ;iuiibouse : four miles to tlicuar is an other, liieir (hi uk is thus dangerously e posed, fur if they letieal they aie bar imsed by flcnk and rear ; i: they light they iuus' light in an open held, on equal terms, it!) j orhai gi cut adjutages in our f.i" or. Evidences hourly accumulate of the fsct (list iha eiiUiy is totally ftiiprised at our i-iioioiis opeialions, anu in a ,;teii mrai' .11 U ICf. ; ... ..4 ,, .nn,.i ,w ' ,,.1 ia 19 li rvnil' Ue CIWI11V iu:iuiiiiiiiuumj mumu, rervoii is evident from the mauiier in Although this attack was so handsome h:eli he fulli to diggin;- riUe pus in ev ly repuUed. it proved to be only prlimi er? convenient locality. If any further i.u.y to still greater operations. At 4J t. .. i.la of iho fuel were needed. H i i hund i:i thocapturoat this point y enter ii iy ol 4 d. i atch from G,"1!). Lee to an en, t hfre. saying in substanco ht l,,i rs very much surt rised at this 'r.i.vtment, had net anticipated it, and was ui'prej ared to give him insirucuons. This difpntcli was dated Aptll '1'J- One ujcto Met: McVicar captured, in hi.-, , charge int-t niht. a dispatch Iioin Genera! . I.co to Filshuin Lew, ordering his cavalry . 1 rijjuda lo be at Spoiuylvaniu Courthouse en Arril 30. Thus Lee came in on Mo Vi car's rosr, who was also bound toSpott ;Ufcnia. fl'is:iiilics among the pickets were car ried ou Juriug the night with slight loss Watson battery, in Meade 3 front, thus Our lines - - - - loti ttro men and eight horses nn. ,l.i..h-,i.ed List nizht. the troops being massed in proper locations. I be forenoon was mainly occupied by Gen. Hooker his ftaff, and able corps mm-videt; in consultation, and in mate- log disposition, of the columns. At about ,5,,' i. f..i.. u, .,.nt forward ou the left, by the Banks' F.-id V ft iirUL ITfll .H siKS llltllU'ii "Hi w.. w ,road, to make an attack, ant compel the enemy i i. to develop his trotictu on mat Ha moved nrompilv into position, I'll il a. im uioicu i" "... !" j . . ' t'" --' iv ... i'. i'.,.v u ,,,i ii. i,ui. Willi Ill-til P III"" ,Tvaw; .iu.u. rui! mi... r,r.,i hif ihn pn., . VI V, lie Ul.l IIUII ., H. .. . .v ...... 1 1 , v huii i v . - . .. . - J -. mishiiii coininoncea, our men .mimji nig : iiure.i lu.nuic- -' j 'ht field wilh much enthusiasm. The Mi ;episode. Of course theeuemy weresevere VennylvanU Cavalry skirmished in the.ly repulsed, and with heavy loss. Their verv lront for ssme time, and suslained a killed and woanued fell id the timber lei nallinifue from the enemy's infanlry.but in front of our batteries, aud leaves and Shaved tMth great intrepidity. They brushes basing been set on fire by our cborgeda.d recharged upon the infantry, shells, the poor wretches are suffering a rooly tobe in turn diiven back. General doubledeath. vkes then threw forward two companies After this hour there rererio more vig or infant.y, without knapsacks, on the oro-i attempts on the part of the enemy, 'double-quick, who supported the cavafry, For an hour or more a sharp rhelling was , . ' . , J, . :. -r .1.. I..., ni,n.;n.l Aiir arlmllf A t. orCUDII'U and checked the lurtner pursuit . mo rt .,.,,,.. ....w... r ecemv bv Gen' iIea,le- G"n- Couch's force were ' The action now became quite general , deployed early in the afternoon, and ren faotweon the two forces, each seeming to la"'V' be about the same strength. The rebel : centre. General Sickles s column acted as division th's engaced ws that of Ander-i a reierve. , ..on, part rf I.ongureofs old corps, and The centre operations of aay indicate .consoling of ihe brigades of Tasey, Ma-. , that tho enemy was engaged mainly in i ...t wii.,,. b. f,i.i n,a i.ir, 'fAJinn our lines, endavoring to nnd a brigade at Gaines Mill. The rebels con- ' weaK point, ana io a.ceiimu vi-"b... , cimiuin. i u.s uu urtu ouiiciimic.-, m tested the ground vigorously, giving wav of our position and forces, but he was re- it, was supposed that after his column was only when pressed verv hard. Our troop's 1 pulsed at every point, particularly in his !cut. the corps of General Howard (former fought for fully an hour with great opirit. attempt to retake Chancellot ville. and in : ly Gen. Sigel's), with its Bupports, would and drove the en omv frora to successive the in.ane charge upon our battel ies. be sufficient lo resist tbe approach, ana sod slrocg positions'upon ridges of land ' Every thing goes to show that Lee will finding that he was himself assailed in the which run parallel wilh the Ruppahan- open the stuck early this morning. It is rear be would turn about and retreat ta nock. The dif-tanco thui gained v now 3 o'clock, m. May 2. Our troops escape capture. nearly one mile, aud some fifty prisoner, hve been at work all night, and the woods; But to the disgrace of the Eleventh raostlf belonging to Virginia regiments, reouiid,with tbe ring of axes. Both parlies Corps be it said, that the division of Gen. wsre captured. They gave themselves up are busy building earthworks and abattU- Schurz, which was the first assailed, al ariiiv man of t hem manifesting ideas- Certain changes are being; ruadein our most instantly gave way. Threats, en ICAUii;, -" . ,, ,, . .. I .l..ll 1-. r..ll f..r, snv . il.. ..J .J... r r,mn,.i,it.,. mum U. their pOSlllOn. . AUOUl 17 U V.UUI-, imt as Col. Ottoman, commanding a on- side of regulars, had expro-sed adcs.re lo "take anotber ridgo."an order wasreeeiv by Gen. Sykss from Gen. Hookef to kus jsnd tbe attack, and retire nearly to his forratr position. This appeared inexplica ble to toth officers and men. and a the latter came baok slowly aud in good order, lnZ shout h-in,-'on the retreat ain." . nurH imntiml Bat the sequel proved tint there was a mind overl. who directed wUt mu teet for theme" ' ti -. tr' m e:.-.. tit was the ' lii.it Geo. I! iMki-r had received it.for t . ii IP . ii hi U'vlqu.rtrs that llieen v lis! ti.ionn I im (renter j'lirt of til ( o.i r u'. l Ii" mi'c ul tiif t'orlihonU'iiiw ; 1 had re i.'.v i i many ' me guns "' !:liM-: i',J, And I. lured llH'lll III -ill -it n .9 i:,u..' tin ui'i rr end .t :. t.n- ur,g mi iiilelillon u: iimhuig nil u. lie tlieiel'oie su-iended ' lm rn 'I military alUck ul once, which had I :K 01) In en mi ranired hi it prelude to important ! operations eisewnere, ana rignuy surmiHcu t tiuL U Hie enemy did really mean to ai' tack u they would lollow up our retire M wun iie roau. Quick as thought Gen. y kes r.n-ulit ills lix-ti mio line, wie iius i . I i. r aves i n the left half-wiieeling into line of tiHilif like a machine. 1 he rebels paused a moment oa the lop of the ridge, and, to nerve them for the onset, gave one of their scattering, demoniac yells, and then catue dim n on the doublequick shoot ing, CuLtuiing and literally running over our pD.)f pickets, who BcraiuuleU beuiua all noils ot oosirucuons. i,ui 10 an instant more a terrible crash resounded from the Z'jiiive end of the line, and down the coU ..! ... Iliu rtincl dbiifuniniF rnnr nf lum-keiry that in all my war experience has ever met my ears. It did not last.ap parently, l'0 minutes, but its work was tfl.'C.ive. I lie attack was very fierce, and btiugso much neaier than the previous firing had besjii, created considerable cotnmotiou a round the crossroads. It at once brought (i-n. Hooker into the saddle for the first '.: I, ...;.., , I,., qm.1 ihin.ra wp-e I imub uui ... -..j , 0- -- ...jn.liii; i, ut in shane. Ilus onslauizlit i was (or the purpose of retaking this very j muskets. From General Howard's front : i.ninl Thfl first, (hint f.ITIII'....rt . rann.! 1 1, r. 1 I Iio anam v wfl pmrflired llllilL'I im,w I'wi'iv. .w c ' ' iv iw i Iio iiiR-inni! ef artillery near the roads, i and in htteen minutes iwcniy-iwu g'uis wore sendingshell into the voed-, and the roar ol aruueiy uocauio ien inu ;s uiuir deafening than that of the musketry had baen. Tho work was soon done. Tue iniiti lnled three a-jai ters ofanhour, w.,...-. - , Ji wi. uiveu, mu wm,,.; u.,... ers on the piank road, reported the ene my advancing in force and driving in his pickets. He was soon disoovered deploy init lo the riuht, and Gen. Slocutn prompt- v met l lie m ve uj oruumg vj..,j it lliinoton's battery. The at tack j roved to bo only a feeler, however, and iue next thing was a development still further on our right, which was again checkmated by Gen. Williams, who, with three batteries of artillery and his own division, replied very effectively to the 'enemy's fire, which was sometimes brisk, ! but never heavy. Beyond this ho did not I go, except to occasionally shell oar ex I ireme riirht, under Gen. Howard, but his - - . . .. i.i tl 1J troops were very pucid, and me sueusum ! no damage , For a while there was a eessation t in desultory and spasmodic hring whicunaa been going on lor two hours. But at 6J o'clock a desperate charge was made for our batteries commanding the plank road, ; The rebels advanced through the woods at runid naee. and cot within point-blank ...... , - - f t . , canister range of our guns A column, 'also, came up the road wildly, ueary m inem uu gio i .-wiufi... ... 0 a regiment into the road, a oeauiy vunj - ' o - . , , ! w,w nnnred into their advance. At the - I LI ' :imn time knann and Hampton tloubie- . . , L . puoiieii inrir giuio in. ......., - . n . , , - . . UHtw, inn - O linn w uil ratj .v.. euipfencj. Gur losses yetrdy are not yet Known, threw down their arms, and soon stream' We had sbout one hundred killed and ,i down the toad toward headquarters. wounded jn Gen. Sykes' flight early in the The enemy pressed his advantage. Gen. afternoon. Capt. Marsh; of tbe Sevens Uevens's division, duaflectod by Ihe de teenth regulars, wss killed. Capt. 0n moraliiation of the forces in front of him ton. of Sen. Svkes's staff, wm wounded soon followed luii. and the brave General not dangerously ; Lieut. 1.01. walker, a- Dill aril itni ISIll uentj.1. IU un, jOUCD, was wounded by piece 01 shell in the arm-not seriously. ... , The troops acted magnificently Not eue of raiibebsvlor bss oome to my knowledge. They go into battle with en thusiasm. and one idoa seems to animate every one the idea of victory L. L. Crounss. TWO DAYS LATER. 'r ,n Groat Hatt e ot Uianceiiors villP (Correspondence of the New York Timet.) """if CAR ': Headquarters IS TIIE HELD, A EAR CuaNCEH.orsvii.le, Vs., "sunday ilav 3. 18030 r. M. Another blondy day has been added to the calendar of this rebellion. Another terrible battle has been fought, and more fields crimsoned a-itii human blood. A few more such days ai this will find no ars mies left on either side lo fight battles. My last letter brought up the situation lo Saturday morning. It was then cer tainly pjtnected that the enemy would lei n;n ti, iin, ir uu an,-n na it. wiis duv. nnd i our difpositions woro madu accordingly. But the attack aid col oegin. r-vriiin proved that the enemy did design to nt tack, but ho chose to make that attack in a manner and at a point different Irom ; iha am, cliikihIIv anticipated bv us on Saturday morning. Daylight grew broad- er and yet no guus. Finally, about six nignt attack ordered to restore tlio con o'clock, a brass Napoleon, looking down I nection of the linef. Gen. Ward's brigade the plank road in Iront ot the Cnancellor ; Llouse, saw a regiment come into the road , in column and attempt to deploy. One : or two doses of canister caused them to deDlov rather irregularly, aud more like skii'inishers on Hie ietreat. I " " . . ,. i Soonafter. Gen. Hooker ar.il StaB began ; .- .r i . ... I . : i. n, pos .o.i There had been only slight disturbances ,l.,.! ik. n!,,!,! am l.nl Ii I'.ivooa hail hnn umiDg mo t",,,,, lumv with the r axes rather than thoir umin; n , v-,,.. v mu. w..v,.-j -. C 15 Hll nii- ht in cuttins a road nast his picket' linto the riidit. How much attention was paid to the f ictat the tune I do riot know, but subsequent events proved that It waa vri v iikiiiirciiiii. j .,. r. r ,i kf...i- i i UUIIUli.il.irriuriiuiiT ui h.iht, .. htre and there was thero anything moro even than desultory skirmishing and pick- etfirinc A bout 3 o'clock tbe pickets on the riuhl of Gen. Slocum'a front reported that from a certain position wagons bad been seen moving in a westerly direction near- O . il irr,Txr"r 11113 IUIK(ll UO ClH.ui wv " v -j events proved that it was part or an ellair of altogether another nature. To aacer. tain, however, what it really was, Gen. Sickles, who was still in reserve, was ot- deredtomakeareconnois.ance in heavy force in that direction. This was done ,.f, n;i.. ...i u'i,ini with C.pn III WCI13, till nr. HUM ii in ,,,v, .. - ' uariu-.vs uiiguue, .. i u i ..' were pusued oui 10 iuo uuin, uvih.ui a brigade of sharpshooters having the ad- vance, and supporting Randolph's battery Our troops moved rapidly and soon be- came more or loss engaged.especially villi tho artillery and sharpshooters as skirm- ... i i .... . . it.. i , iinM, ishers. lierdan soon sent in some xiy prisoners, belonging to the :Twen.y-third Georgia, including one Major, two Lap - tains and three Lieutenants. Being upon tho ground, I examined these prisoners, and soon found that the "wagon train" which we had seen moving dunngtheday was composoa rcatnty oi orunanee wnguus aud ambulanoes, and that Stonewall Jack- son and staff were at Ihe head ot a coi umn ot iroops wniuii tue wagons luiiow. ed. . Nothing more was needed to convince us that this daring opponent was exeou. ting another of his sudden movements, and it was at onco resolved to checkmate on.and Gen. William's division ofSlocum's -.1 1 - .1 t nA m.t.niA P ! . coiuma wiw uruuruu iu vu'ui'cintv, j-m- nni iiuniitiii nucmi n uu ililiiv iuui (--- with Randolph's battery soon sent to the. rear as prisoners ot war the entire rem nantoftha Twenlydhird Georgia regi ment, numbering over four hundred olii cer and men. The column of the enemy which had been moving up this road was now literally cut in two aud Gen. Wil liams bad commenced a flank movement on the enemy's right.which promised the most suspicious results. But at five o'elock a terrific crash ol musketry on our extreme right, announ ced that Jackson had commenced bis opt : . tl:. ..... i ,,i i..,. b.rni.Cl OIIH VM..o, v. tvm luiuiuLi a 01 no avail, luuumuu'ui iiicsu uunmus was for the second time wounded in the foot, while endeavoring to rally bis men Gen. Howard, with all his daring and res olution and vigor, could not stem tbe lid of tbe retreatinsr and cowardly poltroons. The brigades of Cols. Rushbeck and Me. aij inspection oi our lines, uicu uttupn-u v-..-.bv, j . s , ' . Cull two hours. Every portion was visit, lion or the artillery lost by Howard was ed, and the work of tho night was oloscly gallantly retaken by General Hob.irt inspected. On tho extreme left now lines . Ward. were chosen, aud the engineer officers! This rught attack was the most grand Kion nuukedout the line and character of and terrific thing of the war. Iho moon Hie defences to be ereoted. When the ; shone bright, and an enemy could bo seen inspeotion olosed.theentrenchtuents were at good musKel range. I he air was very pronounced to he of the very best charges still, and tho roar and reverberation o. ier, especially those on tho right, where tho muoketry and arti lery past all con the columns ofSlocumand Howard, wore coption. Malvern Hill was a bkirmisli Lrn onV remairiPil fighting, and main tained tlerrselves noly as long m possi ble. Dii thoy too, gave way, though in goodonhr, boforo vastly superior num ber!". Oen. looker now sent to the aid of Qen. Ilowaralhe choicest division of his army, the creation of hi? own hand the famous Second Division of the Third Corps, com mnndedby Mnjor Gen. Berry. Captain Burt sooi moved his outcries on a ridge runniugacross the road, and after a short but sangiinary contest the further ad, vance of the enemy was stayed. Ofcotrse (hi diaantcr compellod the rnrW .iT ieklea and Slocuui. who had boon pursuing their work w ilh remarka ble vieor (ieneral Williams's division returned onlv to find a portion of their works tilled wilh the enemy. Sickles's division could not communicate with the rent of the army at nil by tbo way they advanced, and only at great risk by any other route This was tho position at dark, and it did , uut iuoh. vuiy Muimiiig. ij-.iv i igetic conimuudtr was more than equal to the emergency. New depositions to rc. pair this disavter were at odco resolveu unou. Communication was at onco Jiad with Gens, Birney and W hippie, apd ft i ot Gen. lSiruey's division, mane ino uuhck at 11 at night, aided by Captain Best's guns, massed on the ndgo in front of tho enemy. Birney s pomtiou was cn the ox tronce left of this new lino ot battle, i,i,i Waid's terrific attack was entirely sue .. , - ..,.i..i ,i cessiui, coramumoU..uU ."' "J- n n p larna in m nv i H , ill ,. tx uui " .oompared wim tins, save iu uie uogicc vi slaughter. 15ut it was successful, tho eUClUV were driven baoK nearly nan u mile, and our lirod men once more slept on their arms, elided. That night work was k' T I C 1 . Now 1 come to burida). It was per- teeny evnter.i, irom pus. uu.. u . ...... on Saturday night, that there must bo a ohango of our lines, which would throw f hn nisinr out of our rear and into Oilf i j - - ... , . . , i -n front acam. It will bo seen by wnai skui rul irpneralsbiD the onemv was fotilit am - , . . checked on front, and Hank, an I resr, wbilo this was being dcue. i Gen. Reynold's First Army Corps arri- ' ved at United States Ford on Saturday afternoon. It was immediately put into josition on our light, which was with, drawn Irom the plank road to tho 1-ly s T.- m. I l.ik.nv. I 1 i . liiwi in I m tilf.i I I ii f it. oin: (;;;;;rr . - All f Meade, the latter s pomiion, en ho left, having been relieved oy General Howard s LlesenlU Corps whioh, notwithstanding its disorg;tni.ed condition was so Dr reor- ganized during tho night as to bo fit for duty again this morniag. I hey were as- smned the position on ttie lelt, where it was probable thero would be little or no , ,. . , . ii , "o "" .7". i.r.... V, f:ro wnr.1 I L iiim u iv utriiii.i u, uviuiwi - - Meade s corps. Our now line now assum- ed the shape of triangle, prolonged at tho apex, tho right of the lino being some- what longer than the left. As the pot. lion of the line on the right was ncw.timo - Carried on villorouslV "dtf'V?fthk , by the Fifth and First army co.ps. ; It was very evident at daylight this morning that the day would bring forth a terrific battle. We knew that the enemy had been rdiuforcing his lmo all night, at ine expense, uuuuuuiu.j.j, u w.o.ucup. of his force on our loft. His inlontion j was, evidently, to ugti mr ino possession ,01 me piana rua-., -muu. V" l""" I fectly apparent he must have as that por- fton or it which we then held, was subject ' to the enemy's assaults 111 front and , both flanks. But the possession of this road was not Umo, at his severest cost, and after one of I a L, MA .4 JAunnm.l, I ni.lil'ni'll n tl 1 1 1 . 1 nm 1 T mo iuum uubi-uoiv, aimt,.uu3 wis vtwi-j luiiiiii.ii. iui 1.0 nnui vava, .... va , whole war. At 5 o'clock A. M. tho rebels could be plainly seen up tho plank road about a mile and a half from the Chancel lor House, which General Uookr still re tained as his headquarters, though a shell had gone through it tho evening before, aad another had cut a treo directly in front of it. Our line of battle was formed with Gen. Barry's gallant division on the right, Gen. Birney next on tho loft, Gen. Whipple and Gen. Williams supporting. At 5J A. M. Ihe advance became engaged in Ihe ravine, just beyond the ridge where Capt. Best's guns had made their terrific on slaught the night before, and where they still frowned upon the enemy and threat ened his destruction. The rattle of musketry soon became a long continued crash, and :n a feiv mo ments, as tatlallion after battalliou be came engaged, the roar surpassed all con' ception, and indicated that the fight would be one of the most leniblo nnturo. Gen. Berry's division, which had checked the enemy's advance the night before, en gaged him again, and if it were possible for them to add more laurels to their fame, then they did it thrice over again. The enemy advanced his infantry in over whelming numbers, sml seemed determin ed to crush our forces. But Ike brave men of Sickles and Slocutn, who fought their columns with desperate gallantry, held the rebels in check, and inflicted dreidful slaughter among them. Gen. French's division was sent in on the right flank of our lice at aboot 7 A. M., and in a ihott lime a horde of Mgj'H, streaming rebels running down the road, indicated .l-. .i . T -r .1 . i: l..l inai liiiai poriiuu ui ino onnn" imu nau been crushed. At 8 o'clock, A. M. Gen. French sent his compliments to Genoral Hooker, with the information that ho had charged tho enemy and was driving him before him. .Sickles maintained the attaok upon his lino with gre. t endurance. The enemy seemed determined to crush him wilh the immensity of bin forces, and, as subse quently shown fiotn ihe statements of piiBOners, hvo whole divisions oi me reoei army were precipitated upon this portion of the line, for from these five divinions we took durinit the day an axuretralo of over two thousand prisonors. The exploit of our gallunt troops in those dark, tant'led. gloomy woods, may never be brought to light; but they would fill :t hundred volumes. It was a deliber ate, desperate hand to hand conflict, and the ciirnnce was perfectly frightful. Cool officers riiv that tho dead and wounded of the enemy covered tho ground in heap0, and that the rebels seemed ul'.eily regard- 1 lefs of their lives, and laterally threw j ! thpmseles upon the mimles of or.r guns. Many desperate charges wero mails duiV ing the fight particularly by Berry's divi- Mutt s brigade made tilteen mis tinot charges and raptured seven stands of colors, the Seventh No v Jersey, Colonel Krrncine, alone captured four a'ands of colors and five hundred prisoners. Gen. Couch's Second Army Corps, ihouph nnlv in iiurt present, didexcollent work. 1 1 1 wa uen rreneli who cnargd ann drove the enemy on tho Hank, and it-vns i tlio indotniiao.o iiuneocit, wiu Li"''"0 w.llt l0 lLe reit.t of ,!l0 Lard puwd - - Sickles. The engfgement lasted without tho slightest intermission from f A. M. to 8.4.1 P. M., whi n there was a temporary cessation on our part, oocaiioned by get ting out of ammunition. We held our position for nearly an hour with the bay onet, and then, being ren upplied an order was given to fall back to the vicinity ol tho Chniieellor House, which wo did in order. Here the contest wag maintained for uri hour or mnre, no' so severely a. be fore, but with great havoo to the enemy, and considerable lo9s to ourselves. The vicinity of tho Ciianocllorsville House was now the theatre of the light, and my visits to that Ipnt brcimo less fiequent. General Hooker maintained his headquarters thero until 10 A. M., when it was set on lire by the enemy's shells, and is now in ruins. Chancellor.-,, villa is no lonuer in existonce.having per- ished with the flame, but Chaneellorsville is in history, never to do eitaee i. Our new line was now so far established as to render it safe lo withdraw all our force on that front, which was accordingly dono, and at 11 A. M., the rauakutry fir ing cea-ed. The encasement had lasted bi.t houis, I but had been the most terrilio of tho war. lour a,t,ii0,7 1... nterany ..au,.tcre.i enemy, and many ot too companies nan lost heaviiy in men themselves, but the guns were all saved. The enemy was now no longer in our rear, but had boon shoved do vn diiectly in our front, and is now directly between . .... -I, ' us and our threes in Fredericksbur,;, and ! rce are again in an entrenched and lui inid- abb fortified position. The euemy has '"a ned some cround, it ;s tr'.ie, but, af. tlio w sacrifice of the tlower of his fcrce, five of his seven divisions having rjencil io pie ces in tho effort, and over two thoutaud of them haye fallen into our Lands. Our riijht wing, under Gens. Reynolds and Meade was not engaged, save the div- 'i8ion ol Ucn- Hun.phreve, which went in- to the woods on tho left flunk, and fought llantIy UU(ler their brilliant leader.unti: icir a,munition waJ oxbau.ste 1. i j)uriu ,jie aflH1 on t10 lMiemy ha. 'n)(tju geveral attempts to force our lines, , .)ftrticu.iriy at ti1P liex 0f our position, i Chancellor HojiO, but Captain I Weed has massed a l irg., quantity of ar. til,L jn guch a portion IU to repulse with I creat loss everything placed within its J The CDJ ;eJ sovenll Ulteries , an,f ,..,,(., at that point at dilleient I during HJQ nfternoon, and they wero nierally dostroved bv the fire of our tcn.ibIo UU8 Nothing cat live within ! their ranco, Our present position is impregnable if fight as they have ) trooiis continue to to clay. Gen. Lee. the prisoners say, has issued an order that our lines must be bro ken at all hazards. Let them uy it again A-ith what they havo left. They can, and ! perhaps will destroy themselves by making attack upon tins position. Our (roups are perfectly cool ard confi dent. They have fought wilh great spirit and enthusiasm and will continue to ii j so. The rebel prisoners report lhat Gen. A. P. II ill was killed th:s forenoon, riuring the sanguinary conflict his division had with Gen. Be rry's division, Gen. Berry was himself killed while gill.intly leading hU brave men. L. L. CB0UN3E. STILL LATER. IlEADn'ai Arkv or tub Fotomac, near ) Falmouth, Sunday Even'g 10 r. m. j r I ; 1 1 f . - - M. 11 1 nave arriveu nere 110111 iiiauceiiurs- .,, , 1 r.t 1 . ville. and learn of the complete success of Gen. Sedgwick s attack upon he strong - hold ot the enemy at t rc.ler.cksburg Uf 111 l. The position was brilliantly carried by storm lo day by Pratt's glorious light divi sion of the Sixth Army crrps, cppturing l.vo whole regiments of tebels (he Six teenth and Eighteenth Mississir pi, one company of tho famous Washington Ar-j tillery of New Orleans, and part of Aler-j andei's Artillery, including iu all fight ( guns and nearly one thousand prisoners, j'bo storming forces were aided by Gen. Gibbon, of the 2nd Army corps, who.wiih a fore, cara9 upon tho flank and resr of the enemy, planlirg tho American flag upou their wcrks bpl'ur they hd actually ceasod filing upon our charging loI.iih ). I lie captures ncro complole, m. 1 ')'ir loss only moderate Geu. Sedgwick ufie. ward engagbd tho enemy and diov b'm bsek. . At 0 P. M , ho had advanced t tho Brick Church, fuur miles and a bait out on a plank road, toward luanceiiura- ville. Here be had a Revere engagement with Early's division, teintorced by troops from Leo, but repulsed thorn, and tent iu an other lot of prisoneis. Tho enemy is now hemmed in between Hooker and Sedgwick, and will, no doubt, fight with depeiale tenacity to extricate himself from his desperate position, ut the advantage seems to rest deoidediy with us. 1. L. C. latest Eeporta from tho Battld-Field-Near tub Battle Fiei.u, 1 Mondxy Night, May Vth. J Heavy firing in the direction of Chan cellorsvillo began at an early hour to uny, Hid has continued ever since. There bus bon a great battle in that i mriiediate vic inity. Large reinlorcoments nna come up for the enemy, apparently from Hichinoud. which seems" to render it probablo that the railroad had not been cut. In rrd to wht.t has been done in this expeduiou to cut th-j railroad, and as to the ivberea bouts ol Gen. Stonoman, all is doubt ar.u uncertainly. Nopositivo advices of Cji success of ttiat expedition have been ! ' reived. We hive only rumors and hope, llnd Gen. Stonemau's force met with di aster, we would have beard ot it from tho enemy's men. But, had i'. cut, we ought to havo heard of it m anottier way, uuu very practically, before thij. I'uubtless this failure iu respect lo limo v;as severe ou tbe plans of Geu, Hooker. Another delay was perhaps not le9 so. General Hooker expected aisisianco from that Sixth corps in tho light cn Sund iy. He expected nt that corps would carry the heights of Fredericksburg by coup j main at or beforo daylight, match immedi ately down the plai.k loudand fall np'm the enemy's rear. Had this lvr. djr.o the Sixth corps wuuld havo assaulted lu rebel rear ut the very t'me the rebels wei temporarily eui-'cewful uguinsl llookei ' right. A carps on iheir rear at such a tiu.a wool 1 havo changed ihe faoo of eliair iiimieiiiily. Butibe Lc.hts weie found to bo a greater obsUcle than they had been thought-nnd it seem-, vtry tttangi that they should havo been under rtuua tcd when the measure of iheir strength wi.s so completely Ikkcn in Deoeuiber last. Kepotts from the field are fuvor.ible.and -( feel every c 'nH C.-rica that Geuoral Hooker will be able to hold Lw positl.Tj in front ct Ely's ford, which, tLui:h hii right is Bwoyed back somewhat, h essen tially as dangemtis a position for t tie ei. cniv as the one he held at Chancellors' ville. BeyorJ question, however, '.lili must depend upon Iho extent t j tvliioh tho enemy has received or will receive reinforcements, They havo the correct idea in this matter. They do nt fear lor tho lots of Richmond if they car: he-it '.looker, and they send forward every man, reckless of eveiy other result. And sometimes a battalliou moro or lesi has changed the face of 11 lat'.Ie. Lai X'J r.-jrut"rri of piiionon h-io l-on sent in, Il is particularly difficult to form an estimate ot the number of piisoners. You s.is them nl.vays in scattered groupi at different times, and yn.i are very apt I j forgot how lsrce the groups were aw,-' ho liiany you had seen. 3j the estimate is as wide as between four and eight tboui aud. There is reason to suppose that General Hooker hus to, day engaged the whole reb el ar:n and fought oue of the greatest baltk's of the wur. Fl rtiier Beactih or the Draft. It is now said that the payment of $300 will clear a man only of iho fiist draft, and that ho is subject to the second and nil subsequent drafts precisely as if ho ha I pot been drafted at all. If there are threo drafts ordered in thme months, you ara liablo to be drifted three times iu that length of time and be compelled to g into the ranks or pay your $300 Ihroo times, or as many more times as a draft may be ordered. This seems to be no tho generally received construction ofthe law. If such is to ho tho operation of the conscript, law, it will prove luoreodhus to the people than it h is yet been supposed it wonld. The same construction, we presume, also applies to tho provision re, spfctinp sultitutes. If a rl-afted shall hire axubstituto it will not exempt air.t from further drafts, and be may bo ciile l upon either to take his place in tho ranks or furnish another substitute or pay an other three hundred dollars a hail' hno times in the course of a year. With this construction of tho laur which the Hi I.r.u's .V;i,,r ia fay is the trun on, and which nobody has yotoontrov rted, jo fir as we have seen its operation upon tlu poorer classes w ill bo onerous and oppres. 111 the extreme. In spite of nil they can do, it will force them to becorno soldier and to leavo llu'ir families n tho col t , .. r , , ., ,., , n;,l .,,.1 rrotect ion oT a most I one osMy blind and r;0 , M t i.-irprisuM , .. ,ft.lfirinirrncnoftheeountr , fiioat ('li8inJ,ioil rRttv, 9luiaU ,,0 holdinc public meeting nnd denouncing this conscript law. gtjrOf the ministers to Kn'in 1 aincu Ihe formation of the government, 5. York has had 5, Maacbusetts, 5 Pennsylvania, 4, Virginia 3, Maryland 2, N'err Jerso;' 1, and South Carolina 1. PnfA coteniporsry insiances agenbiacr. Lake Champlain whotakis h inir ot sk-'e; and writes a four months' bill on the ice with such perfection that in lu.s than ) hour tho .'un Iii'i-laei it to